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-rw-r--r-- | Master/texmf-dist/tex/latex/smartdiagram/smartdiagram.sty | 652 |
1 files changed, 652 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/Master/texmf-dist/tex/latex/smartdiagram/smartdiagram.sty b/Master/texmf-dist/tex/latex/smartdiagram/smartdiagram.sty new file mode 100644 index 00000000000..0efd91a95d9 --- /dev/null +++ b/Master/texmf-dist/tex/latex/smartdiagram/smartdiagram.sty @@ -0,0 +1,652 @@ +%% +%% This is file `smartdiagram.sty', +%% generated with the docstrip utility. +%% +%% The original source files were: +%% +%% smartdiagram.dtx (with options: `package') +%% * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * +%% smartdiagram --- Automatic creation of smart diagrams from lists of items. +%% E-mail: claudio.fiandrino@gmail.com +%% Released under the LaTeX Project Public License v1.3c or later +%% See http://www.latex-project.org/lppl.txt +%% * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * +%% +\NeedsTeXFormat{LaTeX2e} +\ProvidesPackage{smartdiagram}[2012/10/28 v0.1 Automatic creation of smart diagrams from lists of items.] + +\RequirePackage{tikz} +\RequirePackage{xparse,etoolbox} + +\usetikzlibrary{backgrounds,calc,fadings,shadows,shapes.arrows} +\pgfdeclarelayer{smart diagram arrow back} +\pgfsetlayers{background,smart diagram arrow back,main} +\@namedef{color@1}{red!40} +\@namedef{color@2}{cyan!40} +\@namedef{color@3}{blue!40} +\@namedef{color@4}{green!40} +\@namedef{color@5}{orange!40} +\@namedef{color@6}{yellow!40} +\@namedef{color@7}{magenta!40} +\@namedef{color@8}{brown!40} +\@namedef{color@9}{violet!40} +\@namedef{color@10}{teal!40} +\tikzset{rnd rectangle/.style={rectangle,rounded corners} +} + +\def\CalcHeight(#1,#2)#3{% +\pgfpointdiff{\pgfpointanchor{#1}{south west}}{\pgfpointanchor{#2}{north west}} +\pgfmathsetmacro{\myheight}{veclen(\pgf@x,\pgf@y)} +\global\expandafter\edef\csname #3\endcsname{\myheight} +} +\pgfkeys{/smart diagram/.cd, module minimum width/.initial=2cm, + module minimum height/.initial={1cm}, + module y sep/.initial={1.65}, + descriptive items y sep/.initial={1.75}, + text width/.initial={1.5cm}, + description title width/.initial={1.5cm}, + description text width/.initial={5cm}, + description title text width/.initial={1.25cm}, + description title font/.initial={\small}, + description font/.initial={\small}, + description width/.initial={5.5cm}, + font/.initial={\small}, + border color/.initial={gray}, + circular distance/.initial={2.75cm}, + arrow line width/.initial={0.1cm}, + module shape/.initial={rnd rectangle}, + insert decoration/.initial={}, + arrow tip/.initial={stealth}, + bubble center node size/.initial={4cm}, + bubble center node font/.initial={\large}, + bubble center node color/.initial={lightgray!60}, + distance center/other bubbles/.initial=0.8cm, + distance text center bubble/.initial={0.5cm}, + bubble fill opacity/.initial={0.5}, + bubble node size/.initial={2.5cm}, + bubble text opacity/.initial={0.8}, + bubble node font/.initial={\normalfont}, + planet size/.initial={2.5cm}, + planet color/.initial={lightgray!60}, + planet font/.initial={\large}, + distance planet-connection/.initial={0.1cm}, + distance planet-text/.initial={0.5cm}, + planet text width/.initial={1.75cm}, + satellite size/.initial={1.75cm}, + satellite font/.initial={\normalfont}, + satellite fill opacity/.initial={0.5}, + satellite text opacity/.initial={0.8}, + satellite text width/.initial={1.5cm}, + distance satellite-connection/.initial={0.075cm}, + connection line width/.initial={0.1cm}, + distance planet-satellite/.initial={3.5cm}, + priority arrow width/.initial={1.5cm}, + priority arrow head extend/.initial={0.15cm}, + priority tick size/.initial={5pt}, + priority arrow height advance/.initial={2cm}, +}% + +\pgfkeys{/smart diagram/.cd, module minimum width/.get=\modulewidth, + module minimum height/.get=\moduleheight, + module y sep/.get=\moduleysep, + descriptive items y sep/.get=\descriptiveitemsysep, + text width/.get=\moduletextwidth, + description title width/.get=\descriptiontitlewidth, + description text width/.get=\descriptiontextwidth, + description title text width/.get=\descriptiontitletextwidth, + description title font/.get=\descriptiontitlefontsize, + description font/.get=\descriptionfontsize, + description width/.get=\descriptionwidth, + font/.get=\modulefontsize, + border color/.get=\bordercolor, + circular distance/.get=\circulardistance, + arrow line width/.get=\arrowlinewidth, + module shape/.get=\moduleshape, + insert decoration/.get=\borderdecoration, + arrow tip/.get=\arrowtip, + bubble center node size/.get=\bubblecenternodesize, + bubble center node font/.get=\bubblecenternodefont, + bubble center node color/.get=\bubblecenternodecolor, + distance center/other bubbles/.get=\distancecenterotherbubbles, + distance text center bubble/.get=\distancetextcenterbubble, + bubble fill opacity/.get=\bubblefillopacity, + bubble node size/.get=\bubblenodesize, + bubble text opacity/.get=\bubbletextopacity, + bubble node font/.get=\bubblenodefont, + planet size/.get=\planetminimumsize, + planet color/.get=\planetcolor, + planet font/.get=\planetfont, + distance planet-connection/.get=\planetoutersep, + distance planet-text/.get=\planetinnersep, + planet text width/.get=\planettextwidth, + satellite size/.get=\satelliteminimumsize, + satellite font/.get=\satellitefont, + satellite fill opacity/.get=\satellitefillopacity, + satellite text opacity/.get=\satellitetextopacity, + satellite text width/.get=\satellitetextwidth, + distance satellite-connection/.get=\satelliteoutersep, + connection line width/.get=\connectionlinewidth, + distance planet-satellite/.get=\distanceplanetsatellite, + priority arrow width/.get=\priorityarrowwidth, + priority arrow head extend/.get=\priorityarrowheadextend, + priority tick size/.get=\prioritytick, + priority arrow height advance/.get=\priorityarrowheightadvance, +}% + +\pgfkeys{/smart diagram/.cd, set color list/.code={ + \foreach \listitem [count=\i] in {#1}{ + \global\@namedef{color@\i\expandafter}\expandafter{\listitem} + } + } +} + +\pgfkeys{/smart diagram/.cd, use predefined color list/.code={ + \@namedef{color@1}{red!30} + \@namedef{color@2}{cyan!30} + \@namedef{color@3}{blue!30} + \@namedef{color@4}{green!30} + \@namedef{color@5}{orange!30} + \@namedef{color@6}{yellow!30} + \@namedef{color@7}{magenta!30} + \@namedef{color@8}{brown!30} + \@namedef{color@9}{violet!30} + \@namedef{color@10}{teal!30} + } +} + +\NewDocumentCommand{\smartdiagramset}{m}{% + \pgfkeys{/smart diagram/.cd,#1}% + \pgfkeys{/smart diagram/.cd, module minimum width/.get=\modulewidth, + module minimum height/.get=\moduleheight, + module y sep/.get=\moduleysep, + descriptive items y sep/.get=\descriptiveitemsysep, + text width/.get=\moduletextwidth, + description title width/.get=\descriptiontitlewidth, + description text width/.get=\descriptiontextwidth, + description title text width/.get=\descriptiontitletextwidth, + description title font/.get=\descriptiontitlefontsize, + description font/.get=\descriptionfontsize, + description width/.get=\descriptionwidth, + font/.get=\modulefontsize, + border color/.get=\bordercolor, + circular distance/.get=\circulardistance, + arrow line width/.get=\arrowlinewidth, + module shape/.get=\moduleshape, + insert decoration/.get=\borderdecoration, + arrow tip/.get=\arrowtip, + bubble center node size/.get=\bubblecenternodesize, + bubble center node font/.get=\bubblecenternodefont, + bubble center node color/.get=\bubblecenternodecolor, + distance center/other bubbles/.get=\distancecenterotherbubbles, + distance text center bubble/.get=\distancetextcenterbubble, + bubble fill opacity/.get=\bubblefillopacity, + bubble node size/.get=\bubblenodesize, + bubble text opacity/.get=\bubbletextopacity, + bubble node font/.get=\bubblenodefont, + planet size/.get=\planetminimumsize, + planet color/.get=\planetcolor, + planet font/.get=\planetfont, + distance planet-connection/.get=\planetoutersep, + distance planet-text/.get=\planetinnersep, + planet text width/.get=\planettextwidth, + satellite size/.get=\satelliteminimumsize, + satellite font/.get=\satellitefont, + satellite fill opacity/.get=\satellitefillopacity, + satellite text opacity/.get=\satellitetextopacity, + satellite text width/.get=\satellitetextwidth, + distance satellite-connection/.get=\satelliteoutersep, + connection line width/.get=\connectionlinewidth, + distance planet-satellite/.get=\distanceplanetsatellite, + priority arrow width/.get=\priorityarrowwidth, + priority arrow head extend/.get=\priorityarrowheadextend, + priority tick size/.get=\prioritytick, + priority arrow height advance/.get=\priorityarrowheightadvance, + }% +}% +\tikzfading[name=priorityarrowfading, bottom color=transparent!5, top color=transparent!80] +\tikzset{priority arrow fill/.style={fill=gray,path fading=priorityarrowfading}} + +\tikzset{module/.style={ + \pgfkeysvalueof{/smart diagram/module shape}, + thick, + draw=\bordercolor, + top color=white, + bottom color=\col, + text width=\moduletextwidth, + minimum width=\modulewidth, + minimum height=\moduleheight, + font=\modulefontsize, + \borderdecoration + }, + diagram arrow type/.style={ + >=\arrowtip,line width=\arrowlinewidth,\col, + }, +} +\tikzset{description title/.style={ + circle, + draw=\bordercolor, + minimum width=\descriptiontitlewidth, + anchor=east, + bottom color=\col, + top color=white!80!\col, + font=\descriptiontitlefontsize, + text width=\descriptiontitletextwidth, + \borderdecoration, + }, + description/.style={ + \pgfkeysvalueof{/smart diagram/module shape}, + text width=\descriptiontextwidth, + draw=\bordercolor, + anchor=west, + minimum height=\moduleheight, + minimum width=\descriptionwidth, + bottom color=\col, + top color=white!80!\col, + font=\descriptionfontsize, + \borderdecoration, + } +} +\tikzset{priority arrow/.style={ + draw=\bordercolor, + single arrow, + minimum height=\distancemodules, + minimum width=\priorityarrowwidth, + priority arrow fill, + rotate=90, + single arrow head extend=\priorityarrowheadextend, + anchor=west, + } +} +\tikzset{bubble center node/.style={ + minimum size=\bubblecenternodesize, + circle, + fill=\bubblecenternodecolor, + font=\bubblecenternodefont, + outer sep=\distancecenterotherbubbles, + inner sep=\distancetextcenterbubble, + }, + bubble node/.style={ + minimum size=\bubblenodesize, + circle, + ultra thick, + font=\bubblenodefont, + draw=white, + fill opacity=\bubblefillopacity, + fill=\col, + text opacity=\bubbletextopacity, + } +} +\tikzset{planet/.style={ + minimum size=\planetminimumsize, + circle, + fill=\planetcolor, + font=\planetfont, + outer sep=\planetoutersep, + inner sep=\planetinnersep, + text width=\planettextwidth, + }, + satellite/.style={ + minimum size=\satelliteminimumsize, + circle, + font=\satellitefont, + fill opacity=\satellitefillopacity, + fill=\col, + text opacity=\satellitetextopacity, + text width=\satellitetextwidth, + outer sep=\satelliteoutersep, + }, + connection planet satellite/.style={ + line width=\connectionlinewidth, + >=\arrowtip, + \col, + } +} +\NewDocumentCommand{\smartdiagram}{r[] m}{% + \IfNoValueTF{#1}{% true-no value 1 + \PackageError{smartdiagram}{Type of the diagram not inserted. Please insert it} + {Example: \protect\smartdiagram[flow diagram]}} + {%false-no value 1 + \ifstrequal{#1}{circular diagram}{% true-circular diagram + \begin{tikzpicture}[every node/.style={align=center}] + + \foreach \smitem [count=\xi] in {#2} {\global\let\maxsmitem\xi} + + \foreach \smitem [count=\xi] in {#2}{% + \pgfmathtruncatemacro{\angle}{360/\maxsmitem*\xi} + \edef\col{\@nameuse{color@\xi}} + \node[module,drop shadow] (module\xi) at (\angle:\circulardistance) {\smitem }; + }% + + \foreach \smitem [count=\xi] in {#2}{% + \pgfmathtruncatemacro{\xj}{mod(\xi, \maxsmitem) + 1)} + \edef\col{\@nameuse{color@\xj}} + \draw[<-,diagram arrow type,shorten <=0.3cm,shorten >=0.3cm] + (module\xj) to[bend left] (module\xi); + }% + \end{tikzpicture} + }{}% end-circular diagram + \ifstrequal{#1}{flow diagram}{% true-flow diagram + \begin{tikzpicture}[every node/.style={align=center}] + + \foreach \smitem [count=\xi] in {#2} {\global\let\maxsmitem\xi} + + \foreach \smitem [count=\xi] in {#2}{% + \edef\col{\@nameuse{color@\xi}} + \path let \n1 = {int(0-\xi)}, \n2={0-\xi*\moduleysep} + in node[module,drop shadow] (module\xi) at +(0,\n2) {\smitem}; + + }% + + \foreach \smitem [count=\xi] in {#2}{% + \pgfmathtruncatemacro{\xj}{mod(\xi, \maxsmitem) + 1)} + \edef\col{\@nameuse{color@\xj}} + \ifnum\xi<\maxsmitem + \begin{pgfonlayer}{smart diagram arrow back} + \draw[<-,diagram arrow type] (module\xj) -- (module\xi); + \end{pgfonlayer} + \fi + % last arrow - not display it in background + \ifnum\xi=\maxsmitem + \draw[<-,diagram arrow type] (module\xj.east)-- + ($(module\xj.east)+(1,0)$) |- (module\xi); + \fi + }% + \end{tikzpicture} + }{}% end-flow diagram + \ifstrequal{#1}{descriptive diagram}{% true-descriptive diagram + \begin{tikzpicture}[every node/.style={align=center}] + \foreach \smitem [count=\xi] in {#2}{% + \edef\col{\@nameuse{color@\xi}} + \foreach \subitem [count=\xii] in \smitem{% + \ifnumequal{\xii}{1}{% true + \node[description title,drop shadow] + (module-title\xi) at (0,0-\xi*\descriptiveitemsysep) {\subitem}; + }{} + \ifnumequal{\xii}{2}{% true + \node[description,drop shadow](module\xi) + at (0,0-\xi*\descriptiveitemsysep) {\subitem}; + }{} + }% + }% + \end{tikzpicture} + }{}% end-descriptive diagram + \ifstrequal{#1}{bubble diagram}{% true-bubble diagram + \begin{tikzpicture}[every node/.style={align=center}] + \foreach \smitem [count=\xi] in {#2}{\global\let\maxsmitem\xi} + \pgfmathtruncatemacro\actualnumitem{\maxsmitem-1} + \foreach \smitem [count=\xi] in {#2}{% + \ifnumequal{\xi}{1}{ %true + \node[bubble center node](center bubble){\smitem}; + }{%false + \pgfmathtruncatemacro{\xj}{\xi-1} + \pgfmathtruncatemacro{\angle}{360/\actualnumitem*\xj} + \edef\col{\@nameuse{color@\xj}} + \node[bubble node] (module\xi) at (center bubble.\angle) {\smitem }; + }% + }% + \end{tikzpicture} + }{}%end-bubble diagram + \ifstrequal{#1}{constellation diagram}{% true-constellation diagram + \begin{tikzpicture}[every node/.style={align=center}] + \foreach \smitem [count=\xi] in {#2}{\global\let\maxsmitem\xi} + \pgfmathtruncatemacro\actualnumitem{\maxsmitem-1} + \foreach \smitem [count=\xi] in {#2}{% + \ifnumequal{\xi}{1}{ %true + \node[planet](planet){\smitem}; + }{%false + \pgfmathtruncatemacro{\xj}{\xi-1} + \pgfmathtruncatemacro{\angle}{360/\actualnumitem*\xj} + \edef\col{\@nameuse{color@\xj}} + \node[satellite] (satellite\xi) at (\angle:\distanceplanetsatellite) {\smitem }; + \draw[->,connection planet satellite] (planet) -- (satellite\xi); + }% + }% + \end{tikzpicture} + }{}%end-constellation diagram + \ifstrequal{#1}{connected constellation diagram}{% true-connected constellation diagram + \begin{tikzpicture}[every node/.style={align=center}] + \foreach \smitem [count=\xi] in {#2}{\global\let\maxsmitem\xi} + \pgfmathtruncatemacro\actualnumitem{\maxsmitem-1} + \foreach \smitem [count=\xi] in {#2}{% + \ifnumequal{\xi}{1}{ %true + \node[planet](planet){\smitem}; + }{%false + \pgfmathtruncatemacro{\xj}{\xi-1} + \pgfmathtruncatemacro{\angle}{360/\actualnumitem*\xj} + \edef\col{\@nameuse{color@\xj}} + \node[satellite] (satellite\xj) at (\angle:\distanceplanetsatellite) {\smitem }; + }% + }% + \foreach \smitem [count=\xi] in {#2}{% + \ifnumgreater{\xi}{1}{ %true + \pgfmathtruncatemacro{\xj}{\xi-1} + \edef\col{\@nameuse{color@\xj}} + \pgfmathtruncatemacro{\xk}{mod(\xj,\actualnumitem) +1} + \path[connection planet satellite] (satellite\xj) edge[bend right] (satellite\xk); + }{} + }% + \end{tikzpicture} + }{}%end-connected constellation diagram + \ifstrequal{#1}{priority descriptive diagram}{% true-priority descriptive diagram + \pgfmathparse{subtract(\priorityarrowwidth,\priorityarrowheadextend)} + \pgfmathsetmacro\priorityticksize{\pgfmathresult/2} + \pgfmathsetmacro\arrowtickxshift{(\priorityarrowwidth-\priorityticksize)/2} + \begin{tikzpicture}[every node/.style={align=center}] + \foreach \smitem [count=\xi] in {#2}{\global\let\maxsmitem\xi} + \foreach \smitem [count=\xi] in {#2}{% + \edef\col{\@nameuse{color@\xi}} + \node[description,drop shadow](module\xi) + at (0,0+\xi*\descriptiveitemsysep) {\smitem}; +\draw[line width=\prioritytick,\col] ([xshift=-\arrowtickxshift pt]module\xi.base west)-- + ($([xshift=-\arrowtickxshift pt]module\xi.base west)-(\priorityticksize pt,0)$); + }% + \coordinate (A) at (module1); + \coordinate (B) at (module\maxsmitem); + \CalcHeight(A,B){heightmodules} + \pgfmathadd{\heightmodules}{\priorityarrowheightadvance} + \pgfmathsetmacro{\distancemodules}{\pgfmathresult} + \pgfmathsetmacro\arrowxshift{\priorityarrowwidth/2} + \begin{pgfonlayer}{background} + \node[priority arrow] at ([xshift=-\arrowxshift pt]module1.south west){}; + \end{pgfonlayer} + \end{tikzpicture} + }{}% end-priority descriptive diagram +}% end-no value 1 +}% end-command +\tikzset{ + sminvisible/.style={opacity=0,text opacity=0}, + smvisible on/.style={smalt=#1{}{sminvisible}}, + smalt/.code args={<#1>#2#3}{% + \alt<#1>{\pgfkeysalso{#2}}{\pgfkeysalso{#3}} + }, +} + +\NewDocumentCommand{\smartdiagramanimated}{r[] m}{% + \IfNoValueTF{#1}{% true-no value 1 + \PackageError{smartdiagram}{Type of the diagram not inserted. Please insert it} + {Example: \protect\smartdiagram[flow diagram]}} + {%false-no value 1 + \ifstrequal{#1}{circular diagram}{% true-circular diagram + \begin{tikzpicture}[every node/.style={align=center}] + + \foreach \smitem [count=\xi] in {#2} {\global\let\maxsmitem\xi} + + \foreach \smitem [count=\xi] in {#2}{% + \pgfmathtruncatemacro{\angle}{360/\maxsmitem*\xi} + \edef\col{\@nameuse{color@\xi}} + \node[module, + drop shadow={smvisible on=<\xi->}, + smvisible on=<\xi->] (module\xi) at (\angle:\circulardistance) {\smitem }; + }% + + \foreach \smitem [count=\xi] in {#2} + {% + \pgfmathtruncatemacro{\xj}{mod(\xi, \maxsmitem) + 1)} + \pgfmathtruncatemacro{\adv}{\xi + 1)} + \edef\col{\@nameuse{color@\xi}} + \draw[<-,diagram arrow type,shorten <=0.3cm,shorten >=0.3cm, + smvisible on=<\adv->] (module\xj) to[bend left] (module\xi); + }% + \end{tikzpicture} + }{}% end-circular diagram + \ifstrequal{#1}{flow diagram}{% true-flow diagram + \begin{tikzpicture}[every node/.style={align=center}] + + \foreach \smitem [count=\xi] in {#2} {\global\let\maxsmitem\xi} + + \foreach \smitem [count=\xi] in {#2}{% + \edef\col{\@nameuse{color@\xi}} + \path let \n1 = {int(0-\xi)}, \n2={0-\xi*\moduleysep} + in node[module, + drop shadow={smvisible on=<\xi->}, + smvisible on=<\xi->] (module\xi) at +(0,\n2) {\smitem}; + + }% + + \foreach \smitem [count=\xi] in {#2}{% + \pgfmathtruncatemacro{\xj}{mod(\xi, \maxsmitem) + 1)} + \edef\col{\@nameuse{color@\xj}} + \ifnum\xi<\maxsmitem + \begin{pgfonlayer}{smart diagram arrow back} + \draw[<-,diagram arrow type,smvisible on=<\xi->] + (module\xj) -- (module\xi); + \end{pgfonlayer} + \fi + % last arrow - not display it in background + \ifnum\xi=\maxsmitem + \draw[<-,diagram arrow type,smvisible on=<\xi->] + (module\xj.east)--($(module\xj.east)+(1,0)$) |- (module\xi); + \fi + }% + \end{tikzpicture} + }{}% end-flow diagram + \ifstrequal{#1}{descriptive diagram}{% true-descriptive diagram + \begin{tikzpicture}[every node/.style={align=center}] + \foreach \smitem [count=\xi] in {#2}{% + \edef\col{\@nameuse{color@\xi}} + + \foreach \subitem [count=\xii] in \smitem{% + \pgfmathtruncatemacro\subitemvisible{\xi} + \ifnumequal{\xii}{1}{% true + \node[description title,drop shadow, smvisible on=<\subitemvisible->] + (module-title\xi) at (0,0-\xi*\descriptiveitemsysep) {\subitem};\pause + }{} + \ifnumequal{\xii}{2}{% true + \node[description,drop shadow,smvisible on=<\subitemvisible->] + (module\xi)at (0,0-\xi*\descriptiveitemsysep) {\subitem};\pause + }{} + }% + }% + \end{tikzpicture} + }{}% end-descriptive diagram + \ifstrequal{#1}{bubble diagram}{% true-bubble diagram + \begin{tikzpicture}[every node/.style={align=center}] + \foreach \smitem [count=\xi] in {#2}{\global\let\maxsmitem\xi} + \pgfmathtruncatemacro\actualnumitem{\maxsmitem-1} + \foreach \smitem [count=\xi] in {#2}{% + \ifnumequal{\xi}{1}{ %true + \node[bubble center node, smvisible on=<\xi->](center bubble){\smitem}; + }{%false + \pgfmathtruncatemacro{\xj}{\xi-1} + \pgfmathtruncatemacro{\angle}{360/\actualnumitem*\xj} + \edef\col{\@nameuse{color@\xj}} + \node[bubble node, smvisible on=<\xi->](module\xi) at (center bubble.\angle) {\smitem }; + }% + }% + \end{tikzpicture} + }{}%end-bubble diagram + \ifstrequal{#1}{constellation diagram}{% true-constellation diagram + \begin{tikzpicture}[every node/.style={align=center}] + \foreach \smitem [count=\xi] in {#2}{\global\let\maxsmitem\xi} + \pgfmathtruncatemacro\actualnumitem{\maxsmitem-1} + \foreach \smitem [count=\xi] in {#2}{% + \ifnumequal{\xi}{1}{ %true + \node[planet, smvisible on=<\xi->](planet){\smitem}; + }{%false + \pgfmathtruncatemacro{\xj}{\xi-1} + \pgfmathtruncatemacro{\angle}{360/\actualnumitem*\xj} + \edef\col{\@nameuse{color@\xj}} + \node[satellite, smvisible on=<\xi->] (satellite\xi) + at (\angle:\distanceplanetsatellite) {\smitem }; + \draw[->,connection planet satellite, smvisible on=<\xi->] + (planet) -- (satellite\xi); + }% + }% + \end{tikzpicture} + }{}%end-constellation diagram + \ifstrequal{#1}{connected constellation diagram}{% true-connected constellation diagram + \begin{tikzpicture}[every node/.style={align=center}] + \foreach \smitem [count=\xi] in {#2}{\global\let\maxsmitem\xi} + \pgfmathtruncatemacro\actualnumitem{\maxsmitem-1} + \foreach \smitem [count=\xi] in {#2}{% + \ifnumequal{\xi}{1}{ %true + \node[planet,smvisible on=<\xi->](planet){\smitem}; + }{%false + \pgfmathtruncatemacro{\xj}{\xi-1} + \pgfmathtruncatemacro{\angle}{360/\actualnumitem*\xj} + \edef\col{\@nameuse{color@\xj}} + \node[satellite,smvisible on=<\xi->] (satellite\xj) + at (\angle:\distanceplanetsatellite) {\smitem }; + }% + }% + \foreach \smitem [count=\xi] in {#2}{% + \ifnumgreater{\xi}{1}{ %true + \pgfmathtruncatemacro{\xj}{\xi-1} + \edef\col{\@nameuse{color@\xj}} + \pgfmathtruncatemacro{\xk}{mod(\xj,\actualnumitem) +1} + \pgfmathtruncatemacro{\smvisible}{\xi+1} + \path[connection planet satellite,smvisible on=<\smvisible->] + (satellite\xj) edge[bend right] (satellite\xk); + }{} + }% + \end{tikzpicture} + }{}%end-connected constellation diagram + \ifstrequal{#1}{priority descriptive diagram}{% true-priority descriptive diagram + \pgfmathparse{subtract(\priorityarrowwidth,\priorityarrowheadextend)} + \pgfmathsetmacro\priorityticksize{\pgfmathresult/2} + \pgfmathsetmacro\arrowtickxshift{(\priorityarrowwidth-\priorityticksize)/2} + \begin{tikzpicture}[every node/.style={align=center}] + \foreach \smitem [count=\xi] in {#2}{\global\let\maxsmitem\xi} + \foreach \smitem [count=\xi] in {#2}{% + \edef\col{\@nameuse{color@\xi}} + \pgfmathtruncatemacro\smvisible{\xi+1} + \node[description,drop shadow={smvisible on=<\smvisible->},smvisible on=<\smvisible->] + (module\xi) at (0,0+\xi*\descriptiveitemsysep) {\smitem}; +\draw[line width=\prioritytick,\col,smvisible on=<\smvisible->] + ([xshift=-\arrowtickxshift pt]module\xi.base west)-- + ($([xshift=-\arrowtickxshift pt]module\xi.base west)-(\priorityticksize pt,0)$); + }% + \coordinate (A) at (module1); + \coordinate (B) at (module\maxsmitem); + \CalcHeight(A,B){heightmodules} + \pgfmathadd{\heightmodules}{\priorityarrowheightadvance} + \pgfmathsetmacro{\distancemodules}{\pgfmathresult} + \pgfmathsetmacro\arrowxshift{\priorityarrowwidth/2} + \begin{pgfonlayer}{background} + \node[priority arrow] at ([xshift=-\arrowxshift pt]module1.south west){}; + \end{pgfonlayer} + \end{tikzpicture} + }{}% end-priority descriptive diagram + }% end-no value 1 +}% end-command + +%% +%% Copyright (C) 2012 by Claudio Fiandrino <claudio.fiandrino@gmail.com> +%% +%% This work may be distributed and/or modified under the +%% conditions of the LaTeX Project Public License (LPPL), either +%% version 1.3c of this license or (at your option) any later +%% version. The latest version of this license is in the file: +%% +%% http://www.latex-project.org/lppl.txt +%% +%% This work is "maintained" (as per LPPL maintenance status) by +%% Claudio Fiandrino. +%% +%% This work consists of the file smartdiagram.dtx +%% and the derived files smartdiagram.ins, +%% smartdiagram.pdf, and +%% smartdiagram.sty. +%% +%% +%% End of file `smartdiagram.sty'. |