path: root/Master/texmf-dist/tex
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'Master/texmf-dist/tex')
27 files changed, 0 insertions, 4488 deletions
diff --git a/Master/texmf-dist/tex/latex/calendar/autofilo.sty b/Master/texmf-dist/tex/latex/calendar/autofilo.sty
deleted file mode 100644
index 49f52863ee6..00000000000
--- a/Master/texmf-dist/tex/latex/calendar/autofilo.sty
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,395 +0,0 @@
-%% This is file `autofilo.sty',
-%% generated with the docstrip utility.
-%% The original source files were:
-%% autofilo.dtx (with options: `style')
-%% This file is part of the Calendar package,
-%% Copyright (C) 1996, 1997 Frank Bennett, Jr.
-%% All rights reserved.
-%% ------------------------------------------
-%% You are not allowed to change this file. You may however copy
-%% this file to a file with a different name and then change the
-%% copy if (a) you do not charge for the modified code, (b) you
-%% acknowledge the author of this file in the new file, if it
-%% is distributed to others, and (c) you attach these same
-%% conditions to the new file.
-%% You are not allowed to distribute this file alone. You are not
-%% allowed to take money for the distribution or use of this file
-%% (or a changed version) except for a nominal charge for copying
-%% etc.
-%% You are allowed to distribute this file under the condition that
-%% it is distributed with all of its contents, intact.
-%% For error reports, or offers to help make this a more powerful,
-%% friendlier, and altogether more thrilling package, please contact me on
-%% Better yet, make a contribution to
-%% my pension. Account details available on request.
-%% ------------------------------------------
- [1997/12/05 12:14:08 2.4 Filofax page outlines (Frank Bennett)]
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-%% End of file `autofilo.sty'.
diff --git a/Master/texmf-dist/tex/latex/calendar/calendar.sty b/Master/texmf-dist/tex/latex/calendar/calendar.sty
deleted file mode 100644
index 23274369693..00000000000
--- a/Master/texmf-dist/tex/latex/calendar/calendar.sty
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,741 +0,0 @@
-%% This is file `calendar.sty',
-%% generated with the docstrip utility.
-%% The original source files were:
-%% calendar.dtx (with options: `style')
-%% This file is part of the Calendar package,
-%% Copyright (C) 1996, 1997 Frank Bennett, Jr.
-%% All rights reserved.
-%% ------------------------------------------
-%% You are not allowed to change this file. You may however copy
-%% this file to a file with a different name and then change the
-%% copy if (a) you do not charge for the modified code, (b) you
-%% acknowledge the author of this file in the new file, if it
-%% is distributed to others, and (c) you attach these same
-%% conditions to the new file.
-%% You are not allowed to distribute this file alone. You are not
-%% allowed to take money for the distribution or use of this file
-%% (or a changed version) except for a nominal charge for copying
-%% etc.
-%% You are allowed to distribute this file under the condition that
-%% it is distributed with all of its contents, intact.
-%% For error reports, or offers to help make this a more powerful,
-%% friendlier, and altogether more thrilling package, please contact me on
-%% Better yet, make a contribution to
-%% my pension. Account details available on request.
-%% ------------------------------------------
- [1998/01/17 18:14:52 Calendar engine (Frank Bennett)]
- \def\cal@incr{#1}%
- \def\cal@subgroup@setup{#2}}%
- \expandafter\def\csname cal@#1@bridge\endcsname{%
- \def\cal@output{#2}%
- \def\cal@first@weekday{#3}%
- \def\cal@group@length{#4}%
- \def\cal@subgroup@length{#5}%
- \def\cal@item@sep@real{#6}%
- \cal@parseincrement#7{}%
- \def\cal@header{#8}%
- \def\cal@footer{#9}}%
- \@newcalendar{#1}}
- \expandafter\def\csname#1\endcsname##1##2{%
- #4%
- \gdef\cal@optionslist{##1}%
- \setkeys{opt}{##1}%
- \gdef\cal@files{##2}%
- \dateread{}}%
- \expandafter\def\csname end#1\endcsname{\relax%
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- \dates@subrange@end\dates@date%
- \fi%
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- \cal@range@end\dates@subrange@end%
- #5%
- \dates@range@limit\cal@range@end%
- \csname cal@#1@bridge\endcsname%
- \def\cal@groupbreak{#2}%
- \def\cal@subgroupbreak{#3}%
- \long\def\cal@entry@sep{#6}%
- \def\cal@item@init{#7}%
- \def\cal@entry@init{#8}%
- \long\def\cal@item@text{#9}%
- \@ifundefined{color}%
- {\let\textcolor\@gobble%
- \let\colorbox\@gobble}%
- {}%
- \ifcat$\cal@files$%
- \else%
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- \dates@requiredaytrue%
- \expandafter\cal@input\cal@files,,\end%
- \fi%
- \cal@sorts%
- \global\dates@date\cal@range@start%
- \caldate%
- \cal@top}}%
- \def\dates@arg@a{#1}%
- \def\dates@arg@b{#2}}
- \ifcat$#1$%
- \let\cal@input@next\relax%
- \global\let\cal@files\relax%
- \else%
- \advance\cal@engine by 1%
- \cal@check@colon#1:{}%
- \ifcat$\dates@arg@b$%
- \expandafter\edef\csname cal@\the\cal@engine @color\endcsname{}%
- \xdef\cal@color{}%
- \else%
- \expandafter\dates@strip@colon\dates@arg@b%
- \expandafter\edef%
- \csname cal@\the\cal@engine @color\endcsname{\dates@arg@b}%
- \gdef\cal@color{:\dates@arg@b}%
- \fi%
- \xdef\cal@input@file{\dates@arg@a}%
- \let\cal@input@next\cal@input%
- \xdef\cal@files{#2,,\noexpand\end}%
- \IfFileExists{\cal@input@file.eve}%
- {\PackageWarning{Calendar}%
- {Using freeze file \cal@input@file.eve}%
- \expandafter\ifx\csname\cal@input@file @cal@engine\endcsname%
- \relax%
- \@@input\cal@input@file.eve\relax%
- \fi}%
- {\IfFileExists{\cal@input@file.cld}%
- {\expandafter\ifx%
- \csname\cal@input@file @cal@engine\endcsname%
- \relax%
- \cal@dofreezefalse%
- \gdef\cal@exceptionlist{}%
- \expandafter\cal@read%
- \@@input\cal@input@file.cld\relax{}%
- \ifcal@dofreeze%
- \immediate\closeout\cal@freeze@file%
- \fi%
- \fi}%
- {\@missingfileerror{\cal@input@file}{cld}}}%
- \fi%
- \expandafter\edef%
- \csname\cal@input@file @cal@engine\endcsname{\the\cal@engine}%
- \expandafter\cal@input@next\cal@files}
- \ifcal@holidays%
- \cal@except%
- \else%
- \cal@checkexception%
- \ifcal@useentry%
- \ifcal@noexport%
- \else%
- \ifcal@dofreeze%
- \cal@freeze%
- \fi%
- \fi%
- \ifcal@noload%
- \else%
- \ifnum\dates@date<\cal@range@start%
- \else%
- \ifnum\dates@date>\cal@range@end%
- \else%
- \cal@list@init{events}%
- \cal@list@init{appointments}\relax%
- \ifnum\dates@time@start=0%
- \cal@list@append{events}%
- \else%
- \cal@list@append{appointments}%
- \fi%
- \fi%
- \fi%
- \fi%
- \fi%
- \fi}
- \cal@reg@a=%
- \expandafter\expandafter\expandafter{%
- \csname\the\dates@date @#1\endcsname}%
- \cal@reg@b\expandafter{\theshorttext}%
- \cal@reg@c\expandafter{\thelongtext}%
- \expandafter\edef%
- \csname\the\dates@date @#1\endcsname{%
- \the\cal@reg@a%
- \noexpand\cal@delim%
- {\the\dates@time@start}%
- {\the\dates@time@end}%
- {\ifcal@noexport%
- 0%
- \else%
- \the\cal@engine%
- \fi}%
- {\the\cal@reg@b}%
- {\the\cal@reg@c}}}%
- \expandafter\ifx%
- \csname\the\dates@date @#1\endcsname%
- \relax%
- \expandafter\def%
- \csname\the\dates@date @#1\endcsname%
- {}%
- \fi}
- \dateread{\cal@append}}
- \global\dates@date\cal@range@start%
- \let\cal@@sorts@next\cal@@sorts%
- \cal@@sorts}
- \ifnum\dates@date>\cal@range@end%
- \let\cal@@sorts@next\cal@@sorts@exit%
- \else%
- \expandafter\ifx%
- \csname\the\dates@date @events\endcsname\relax%
- \else%
- \cal@sort{\the\dates@date @events}%
- \fi%
- \expandafter\ifx%
- \csname\the\dates@date @appointments\endcsname\relax%
- \else%
- \cal@sort{\the\dates@date @appointments}%
- \fi%
- \global\advance\dates@date by 1%
- \fi%
- \cal@@sorts@next}
- \global\dates@date\cal@range@start%
- \caldate}
- \cal@sort@A=-1%
- \cal@sort@B=0%
- \cal@sort@C=0%
- \cal@sort@D{}%
- \cal@sort@E{}%
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- \let\cal@sort@list\cal@sort@new%
- \gdef\cal@sort@new{}%
- \cal@sort@passonetrue}
- \expandafter\let\expandafter\cal@sort@list\csname#1\endcsname%
- \cal@sort@init%
- \global\let\cal@delim\cal@@sort%
- \cal@sort@list%
- \expandafter\let\csname#1\endcsname\cal@sort@new}
- \cal@sort@a=#1%
- \cal@sort@b=#2%
- \cal@sort@c=#3%
- \cal@sort@d{#4}%
- \cal@sort@e{#5}%
- \let\cal@@sort@next\relax%
- \ifnum\cal@sort@a=-1\relax%
- \message{.}%
- \cal@appendright%
- \ifcal@nosortchange%
- \else%
- \cal@nosortchangetrue%
- \cal@sort@passonetrue%
- \cal@sort@swap%
- \cal@appendright%
- \let\cal@@sort@next\cal@sort@new%
- \gdef\cal@sort@new{}%
- \fi%
- \else%
- \ifcal@sort@passone%
- \else%
- \ifnum\cal@sort@A>\cal@sort@a\relax%
- \cal@nosortchangefalse%
- \cal@sort@swap%
- \cal@appendright%
- \else%
- \cal@appendright%
- \fi%
- \fi%
- \cal@sort@swap%
- \cal@sort@passonefalse%
- \fi%
- \cal@@sort@next}
- \cal@reg@a\expandafter{\cal@sort@new}%
- \xdef\cal@sort@new{%
- \the\cal@reg@a%
- \noexpand\cal@delim%
- {\the\cal@sort@A}%
- {\the\cal@sort@B}%
- {\the\cal@sort@C}%
- {\the\cal@sort@D}%
- {\the\cal@sort@E}}}
- \cal@count@a\cal@sort@a%
- \cal@sort@a\cal@sort@A%
- \cal@sort@A\cal@count@a%
- \cal@count@a\cal@sort@b%
- \cal@sort@b\cal@sort@B%
- \cal@sort@B\cal@count@a%
- \cal@count@a\cal@sort@c%
- \cal@sort@c\cal@sort@C%
- \cal@sort@C\cal@count@a%
- \cal@reg@a\expandafter{\the\cal@sort@d}%
- \cal@sort@d\expandafter{\the\cal@sort@D}%
- \cal@sort@D\expandafter{\the\cal@reg@a}%
- \cal@reg@a\expandafter{\the\cal@sort@e}%
- \cal@sort@e\expandafter{\the\cal@sort@E}%
- \cal@sort@E\expandafter{\the\cal@reg@a}}
- \ifnum\tracingdates>0%
- \message{^^J\themonth}%
- \fi%
- \let\cal@add@date@item\cal@add@date@item@default%
- \advance\cal@range@end by 1%
- \global\cal@subgroup@count0%
- \global\cal@group@count0%
- \cal@subgroup@len\cal@subgroup@length%
- \advance\cal@subgroup@len by -1\relax%
- \global\cal@group@len\cal@group@length%
- \cal@first@weekd\cal@first@weekday\relax%
- \ifnum\cal@first@weekd=0%
- \cal@last@weekd=6%
- \else%
- \cal@last@weekd\cal@first@weekd%
- \advance\cal@last@weekd by -1%
- \fi%
- \cal@subgroup@setup%
- \cal@output{\cal@header}\cal@begin@subgroup}
- \global\cal@subgroup@count=0%
- \global\def\cal@item@sep{}%
- \ifnum\dates@date<\cal@range@end\relax%
- \ifnum\cal@group@count=\cal@group@len\relax%
- \ifnum\tracingdates>0%
- \message{^^J\themonth}%
- \fi%
- \global\cal@group@count=0%
- \global\cal@group@len\cal@group@length%
- \cal@subgroup@setup%
- \cal@output{\cal@groupbreak}\relax%
- \ifnum\cal@first@weekd<7%
- \let\next\cal@pad@start%
- \else%
- \let\next\cal@add@date@item%
- \fi%
- \else%
- \ifnum\cal@first@weekd<7\relax%
- \let\next\cal@pad@start%
- \else%
- \let\next\cal@add@date@item%
- \fi%
- \fi%
- \else%
- \cal@output{\cal@footer}%
- \let\next\relax%
- \fi%
- \next}
- \ifnum\cal@group@count=\cal@group@len\relax%
- \ifnum\cal@first@weekd<7%
- \let\next\cal@pad@end%
- \else%
- \let\next\cal@begin@subgroup%
- \fi%
- \if\cal@incr G%
- \global\advance\dates@date by 1%
- \caldate%
- \fi%
- \if\cal@incr z%
- \global\advance\dates@date by1%
- \fi%
- \else\relax%
- \ifnum\cal@subgroup@count>\cal@subgroup@len\relax%
- \if\cal@incr z%
- \global\dates@date\cal@date@base%
- \fi%
- \ifnum\dates@date<\cal@range@end%
- \if\cal@incr S%
- \global\advance\dates@date by1%
- \caldate%
- \fi%
- \cal@subgroup@setup%
- \cal@output{\cal@subgroupbreak}%
- \fi%
- \let\next\cal@begin@subgroup%
- \else%
- \cal@output{\cal@item@sep}%
- \global\def\cal@item@sep{\cal@item@sep@real}\relax%
- \ifnum\tracingdates>0%
- \message{\theday}%
- \fi%
- \cal@item@init%
- \cal@output{\cal@item@text}%
- \if\cal@incr I%
- \global\advance\dates@date by 1%
- \caldate%
- \fi%
- \if\cal@incr z%
- \global\advance\dates@date by 1%
- \caldate%
- \fi%
- \global\advance\cal@subgroup@count by 1\relax%
- \global\advance\cal@group@count by 1\relax%
- \let\next\cal@add@date@item%
- \fi%
- \fi%
- \next}
- \cal@temp@count\dates@date%
- \bgroup%
- \global\cal@offset=\dates@date%
- \prevday\cal@first@weekd%
- \global\advance\cal@offset by -\dates@date%
- \egroup%
- \global\dates@date\cal@temp@count%
- \cal@pad@@start}
- \ifnum\cal@offset=0\relax%
- \global\def\cal@item@sep{}%
- \let\next\cal@add@date@item%
- \else%
- \global\def\cal@item@sep{\cal@item@sep@real}%
- \cal@output{\cal@item@sep}%
- \global\advance\cal@offset by -1\relax%
- \global\advance\cal@subgroup@count by 1\relax%
- \let\next\cal@pad@@start%
- \fi%
- \next}
- \cal@temp@count\dates@date%
- \bgroup%
- \global\cal@offset=\dates@date\relax%
- \nextday\cal@last@weekd%
- \advance\dates@date by -\cal@offset%
- \global\cal@offset\dates@date\relax%
- \ifnum\cal@offset=6%
- \global\cal@offset=0%
- \else%
- \global\advance\cal@offset by 1%
- \fi%
- \egroup%
- \global\dates@date\cal@temp@count%
- \cal@pad@@end}
- \ifnum\cal@offset=0\relax%
- \let\next\cal@begin@subgroup%
- \else%
- \cal@output{\cal@item@sep}%
- \global\advance\cal@offset by -1%
- \global\advance\cal@subgroup@count by 1\relax%
- \let\next\cal@pad@@end%
- \fi%
- \next}
- \gdef\cal@temp{#1}%
- \expandafter\ifx%
- \csname\the\dates@date @events\endcsname%
- \relax%
- \expandafter\ifx%
- \csname\the\dates@date @appointments\endcsname%
- \relax%
- \gdef\cal@temp{#2}%
- \fi%
- \fi%
- \let\next\cal@temp%
- \next}
- \gdef\calcolor{}%
- \global\let\cal@delim\get@anycolor%
- \csname\the\dates@date @events\endcsname%
- \csname\the\dates@date @appointments\endcsname}
- \ifcat$\calcolor$%
- \expandafter\ifx%
- \csname cal@#3@color\endcsname%
- \relax%
- \else%
- \xdef\calcolor{\csname cal@#3@color\endcsname}%
- \fi%
- \fi}
- \def\theevents{}%
- \gdef\cal@entry@macro{\theevents}%
- \expandafter\let%
- \expandafter\cal@dumplist\csname\the\dates@date @events\endcsname%
- \cal@print@items}
- \gdef\theappointments{}%
- \gdef\cal@entry@macro{\theappointments}%
- \expandafter\let%
- \expandafter\cal@dumplist%
- \csname\the\dates@date @appointments\endcsname%
- \cal@print@items}
- \cal@sort@passonetrue%
- \@ifnextchar[%
- {\cal@@print@items}%
- {\cal@@print@items[-1/-1]}}
- \cal@select@start=#2%
- \cal@select@end=#3%
- \@ifnextchar[%
- {\cal@@@print@items}%
- {\cal@@@print@items[-1]}}
- \cal@engine@limit=#2%
- \global\let\cal@delim\cal@print@format%
- \cal@dumplist}
- \ifcat$#4$%
- \else%
- \def\theshorttext{#4}%
- \ifcat$#5$%
- \let\thelongtext\theshorttext%
- \else%
- \def\thelongtext{#5}%
- \fi%
- \global\dates@time@start#1\relax%
- \global\dates@time@end#2\relax%
- \mod{60}\dates@time@start\cal@minutes@start%
- \cal@hours@start\dates@three%
- \divide\cal@hours@start by60%
- \mod{60}\dates@time@end\cal@minutes@end%
- \cal@hours@end\dates@three%
- \divide\cal@hours@end by60%
- \ifnum\cal@minutes@start<10%
- \xdef\cal@minutes@start@mac{%
- 0\the\cal@minutes@start}%
- \else%
- \xdef\cal@minutes@start@mac{%
- \the\cal@minutes@start}%
- \fi%
- \ifnum\cal@minutes@end<10%
- \xdef\cal@minutes@end@mac{%
- 0\the\cal@minutes@end}%
- \else%
- \xdef\cal@minutes@end@mac{%
- \the\cal@minutes@end}%
- \fi%
- \xdef\cal@appt@start@text{%
- \the\cal@hours@start:\cal@minutes@start@mac}%
- \xdef\cal@appt@end@text{%
- \the\cal@hours@end:\cal@minutes@end@mac}%
- \cal@doeventfalse%
- \cal@doapptfalse\relax%
- \ifnum\cal@engine@limit>-1\relax%
- \ifnum#3=\cal@engine@limit%
- \cal@doeventtrue%
- \fi%
- \else%
- \cal@doeventtrue%
- \fi\relax%
- \ifnum\cal@select@start>-1\relax%
- \ifnum\dates@time@start<\cal@select@end%
- \ifnum\dates@time@end>\cal@select@start%
- \cal@doappttrue%
- \else
- \ifnum\dates@time@end=\cal@select@start%
- \ifnum\dates@time@start=\dates@time@end%
- \cal@doappttrue%
- \fi%
- \fi%
- \fi%
- \fi%
- \else%
- \cal@doappttrue%
- \fi%
- \ifcal@doappt%
- \ifcal@doevent%
- \xdef\calcolor{\csname cal@#3@color\endcsname}%
- \ifcal@sort@passone%
- \cal@reg@a{}%
- \else%
- \cal@reg@a\expandafter{\cal@entry@sep}%
- \fi%
- \cal@times@init%
- \global\let\cal@textcolor\relax%
- \cal@entry@init%
- \global%
- \global\let\cal@textcolor\cal@textcolor@default%
- \cal@reg@b\expandafter{\cal@entry@text}%
- \cal@reg@c%
- \expandafter\expandafter%
- \expandafter{\cal@entry@macro}%
- \expandafter\xdef\cal@entry@macro{%
- \the\cal@reg@c%
- \the\cal@reg@a%
- \the\cal@reg@b}%
- \cal@sort@passonefalse%
- \fi%
- \fi%
- \fi}
- \mod{60}\dates@time@start\dates@one%
- \dates@three\dates@time@start%
- \divide\dates@three by 60%
- \ifnum\dates@one<10\relax%
- \xdef\cal@temp{0\the\dates@one}%
- \else%
- \xdef\cal@temp{\the\dates@one}%
- \fi%
- \xdef\thetimestart{\the\dates@three:\cal@temp}%
- \mod{60}\dates@time@end\dates@one%
- \dates@three\dates@time@end%
- \divide\dates@three by 60%
- \ifnum\dates@one<10\relax%
- \xdef\cal@temp{0\the\dates@one}%
- \else%
- \xdef\cal@temp{\the\dates@one}%
- \fi%
- \xdef\thetimeend{\the\dates@three:\cal@temp}}
- \@ifundefined{color}
- {\ifcat$#1$#2\else\textbf{#2}\fi}
- {\ifcat$#1$#2\else\textcolor{#1}{#2}\fi}}
- \immediate\openout\cal@freeze@file=\cal@input@file.eve\relax
- \cal@dofreezetrue%
- \immediate\write\cal@freeze@file\relax%
- {\string\event%
- {\the\dates@date}%
- {\the\dates@time@start}%
- {\the\dates@time@end}%
- {\theshorttext}%
- {\thelongtext}\cal@percent}}
- \global\dates@date=#1\relax%
- \global\dates@time@start=#2\relax%
- \global\dates@time@end=#3\relax%
- \def\theshorttext{#4}%
- \def\thelongtext{#5}%
- \cal@append}
- \global\let\dates@@@read\cal@@@read@ranmac}%
- \global\let\dates@@@read\dates@@@read@default%
- \@ifoverword\dates@serious@brace%
- {\expandafter\cal@get@range\@gobble}%
- {\cal@get@range}%
- {\message{This can't happen.}}}
- \cal@noexporttrue%
- \expandafter\ifx%
- \csname\@overword @range@loaded\endcsname%
- \relax%
- \expandafter\def%
- \csname\@overword @range@loaded\endcsname{%
- 1}%
- \else%
- \cal@noloadtrue%
- \fi%
- \IfFileExists{\@overword.cld}%
- {\expandafter\cal@get@@range\@overword.cld rAN }%
- {\@missingfileerror{\@overword}{cld}}}
- \expandafter\dates@read\@@input}
- \cal@holidaysfalse%
- \cal@noloadfalse\cal@noexportfalse}
- \cal@holidaystrue%
- \global\let\dates@@@read\cal@@@read@ranmac}%
- \cal@reg@a\expandafter{\cal@exceptionlist}%
- \xdef\cal@exceptionlist{%
- \noexpand\cal@delim{\the\dates@date}\the\cal@reg@a}}
- \cal@useentrytrue%
- \global\let\cal@delim\cal@@checkexception%
- \cal@exceptionlist}
- \ifnum\dates@date=#1\relax\cal@useentryfalse\fi}
- \global\let\dates@@@read\cal@pass@list}
- \def\cal@grabbedlist{#1}}
- \expandafter\cal@grablist\cal@files%
- \global\let\dates@@@read\dates@@@read@default%
- \@ifoverword\dates@serious@brace%
- {\xdef\cal@files{%
- \@overword\cal@color,\cal@grabbedlist\noexpand\end}%
- \expandafter\dates@read\@gobble}%
- {\message{I don't think I'm supposed to do this}%
- \xdef\cal@files{%
- \@overword\cal@color,\cal@grabbedlist\noexpand\end}}%
- {\message{This can't happen}}}
-\expandafter\edef\csname cal@0@color\endcsname{black}
-%% End of file `calendar.sty'.
diff --git a/Master/texmf-dist/tex/latex/calendar/calopts.cfg b/Master/texmf-dist/tex/latex/calendar/calopts.cfg
deleted file mode 100644
index 20da8219d57..00000000000
--- a/Master/texmf-dist/tex/latex/calendar/calopts.cfg
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,67 +0,0 @@
- \DeclareOption{#1}{\PassOptionsToPackage{\CurrentOption}{dates}}}
- \PassOptionsToPackage{\CurrentOption}{color}}%
- \PassOptionsToPackage{\CurrentOption}{color}}%
- \PassOptionsToPackage{\CurrentOption}{color}}%
- \PassOptionsToPackage{\CurrentOption}{color}}%
- \PassOptionsToPackage{\CurrentOption}{color}
- \PassOptionsToPackage{\CurrentOption}{graphics}}%
- \PassOptionsToPackage{\CurrentOption}{color}
- \PassOptionsToPackage{\CurrentOption}{graphics}}%
- \PassOptionsToPackage{\CurrentOption}{color}
- \PassOptionsToPackage{\CurrentOption}{graphics}}%
- \PassOptionsToPackage{\CurrentOption}{color}
- \PassOptionsToPackage{\CurrentOption}{graphics}}%
- \PassOptionsToPackage{\CurrentOption}{color}
- \PassOptionsToPackage{\CurrentOption}{graphics}}%
- \PassOptionsToPackage{\CurrentOption}{color}
- \PassOptionsToPackage{\CurrentOption}{graphics}}%
- \PassOptionsToPackage{\CurrentOption}{color}
- \PassOptionsToPackage{\CurrentOption{graphics}}}%
- \PassOptionsToPackage{\CurrentOption}{color}
- \PassOptionsToPackage{\CurrentOption}{graphics}}%
- \PassOptionsToPackage{\CurrentOption}{color}
- \PassOptionsToPackage{\CurrentOption}{graphics}}%
- \PassOptionsToPackage{\CurrentOption}{color}
- \PassOptionsToPackage{\CurrentOption}{graphics}}%
- \PassOptionsToPackage{\CurrentOption}{color}
- \PassOptionsToPackage{\CurrentOption}{graphics}}%
- \PassOptionsToPackage{\CurrentOption}{color}
- \PassOptionsToPackage{\CurrentOption}{graphics}}%
- \PassOptionsToPackage{\CurrentOption}{color}
- \PassOptionsToPackage{\CurrentOption}{graphics}}%
- \PassOptionsToPackage{\CurrentOption}{color}
- \PassOptionsToPackage{\CurrentOption}{graphics}}%
- \PassOptionsToPackage{\CurrentOption}{color}
- \PassOptionsToPackage{\CurrentOption}{graphics}}%
- \PassOptionsToPackage{\CurrentOption}{color}%
- \PassOptionsToPackage{\CurrentOption}{graphics}}%
diff --git a/Master/texmf-dist/tex/latex/calendar/dates.cfg b/Master/texmf-dist/tex/latex/calendar/dates.cfg
deleted file mode 100644
index a1009adb149..00000000000
--- a/Master/texmf-dist/tex/latex/calendar/dates.cfg
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,13 +0,0 @@
- {{Sunday}{Monday}{Tuesday}{Wednesday}{Thursday}{Friday}{Saturday}}
- {{Sun}{Mon}{Tue}{Wed}{Thu}{Fri}{Sat}}
- {{January}{February}{March}{April}{May}{June}{July}{August}{September}
- {October}{November}{December}}
- {{Jan}{Feb}{Mar}{Apr}{May}{Jun}{Jul}{Aug}{Sep}{Oct}{Nov}{Dec}}
- {{Sonntag}{Montag}{Dienstag}{Mittwoch}{Donnerstag}{Freitag}{Samstag}}
- {{So}{Mo}{Di}{Mi}{Do}{Fr}{Sa}}
- {{Januar}{Februar}{M\"arz}{April}{Mai}{Juni}{Juli}{August}{September}%
- {Oktober}{November}{Dezember}}
- {{Jan}{Feb}{M\"arz}{Apr}{Mai}{Juni}{Juli}{Aug}{Sep}{Okt}{Nov}{Dez}}
diff --git a/Master/texmf-dist/tex/latex/calendar/dates.sty b/Master/texmf-dist/tex/latex/calendar/dates.sty
deleted file mode 100644
index 01b80472098..00000000000
--- a/Master/texmf-dist/tex/latex/calendar/dates.sty
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,780 +0,0 @@
-%% This is file `dates.sty',
-%% generated with the docstrip utility.
-%% The original source files were:
-%% dates.dtx (with options: `style')
-%% This file is part of the Calendar package,
-%% Copyright (C) 1996, 1997 Frank Bennett, Jr.
-%% All rights reserved.
-%% ------------------------------------------
-%% You are not allowed to change this file. You may however copy
-%% this file to a file with a different name and then change the
-%% copy if (a) you do not charge for the modified code, (b) you
-%% acknowledge the author of this file in the new file, if it
-%% is distributed to others, and (c) you attach these same
-%% conditions to the new file.
-%% You are not allowed to distribute this file alone. You are not
-%% allowed to take money for the distribution or use of this file
-%% (or a changed version) except for a nominal charge for copying
-%% etc.
-%% You are allowed to distribute this file under the condition that
-%% it is distributed with all of its contents, intact.
-%% For error reports, or offers to help make this a more powerful,
-%% friendlier, and altogether more thrilling package, please contact me on
-%% Better yet, make a contribution to
-%% my pension. Account details available on request.
-%% ------------------------------------------
- [1998/01/17 17:12:39 3.1 Dates parsing support (Frank Bennett)]
- \advance\dates@two by1\relax%
- \expandafter\edef\csname dates@#1@langnum\endcsname{\the\dates@two}%
- \ifnum\dates@two=1\relax\def\dates@default@language{#1}\fi%
- \DeclareOption{#1}{%
- \expandafter\expandafter\expandafter%
- \dates@langnum\csname dates@#1@langnum\endcsname\relax%
- \dates@buildcase{1}{\theweekday}{\dates@weekd}#2{}%
- \dates@buildcase{1}{\theshortweekday}{\dates@weekd}#3{}%
- \dates@buildcase{0}{\themonth}{\dates@month}#4{}%
- \dates@buildcase{0}{\theshortmonth}{\dates@month}#5{}}}
- \dates@one=#1\relax%
- \dates@reg@c={#3}%
- \gdef\dates@temp@a{#2}%
- \dates@reg@a={}%
- \dates@reg@b={}%
- \def\dates@temp@c{}%
- \dates@@buildcase}
- \ifcat$#1$%
- \let\next\dates@@@buildcase%
- \else%
- \let\next\dates@@buildcase%
- \dates@reg@a={\or#1}%
- \dates@reg@b=\expandafter{\dates@temp@c}%
- \edef\dates@temp@c{\the\dates@reg@b\the\dates@reg@a}
- \fi%
- \next}
- \ifnum\dates@one=0\relax%
- \dates@reg@a=\expandafter{\dates@temp@c}%
- \else%
- \dates@reg@a=\expandafter\expandafter\expandafter%
- {\expandafter\@gobble\dates@temp@c}%
- \fi%
- \expandafter\edef\dates@temp@a{%
- \noexpand\ifcase\the\dates@reg@c%
- \the\dates@reg@a%
- \noexpand\fi}}
- \DeclareCalendarLanguage{english}
- {{Sun}{Mon}{Tue}{Wed}{Thu}{Fri}{Sat}}
- {{Sunday}{Monday}{Tuesday}{Wednesday}{Thursday}{Friday}{Saturday}}
- {{Jan}{Feb}{Mar}{Apr}{May}{Jun}{Jul}{Aug}{Sep}{Oct}{Nov}{Dec}}
- {{January}{February}{March}{April}{May}{June}{July}{August}{September}
- {October}{November}{December}}}
- {}
- \gdef\dates@action{#1}%
- \gdef\dates@subranges{}%
- \dates@subrange@start=0%
- \dates@subrange@end=0%
- \dates@read@default}
- \global\dates@time@start=0%
- \global\dates@time@end=0%
- \setyear{1900}%
- \global\dates@month=0%
- \global\dates@day=0%
- \global\dates@weekd@target=7%
- \gdef\theshorttext{}%
- \gdef\thelongtext{}%
- \global\dates@suppressfalse%
- \global\let\dates@init\relax%
- \global\let\dates@increment\relax%
- \global\let\dates@read=\dates@read@default%
- \global\let\dates@@@read=\dates@@@read@default%
- \global\let\dates@@@@read=\dates@@@@read@default%
- \global\let\dates@read@exit=\dates@read@exit@default%
- \bgroup%
- \@ifnextnparchar\dates@serious@brace%
- {\message{This should never happen}}%
- {\dates@@read}%
- {\egroup}}
- \let\end\relax%
- \xdef\cal@temp{#1 }%
- \egroup%
- \expandafter\dates@@@read\cal@temp}
- \global\let\dates@@@read\dates@@@read@default%
- \@ifoverword\dates@serious@brace%
- {\expandafter\dates@analyze\@overword{}%
- \dates@@@@read}%
- {\expandafter\dates@analyze\@overword{}%
- \dates@@@read}%
- {\expandafter\dates@analyze\@overword{}%
- \ifnum\dates@year>0\relax%
- \let\dates@read\relax%
- \dates@read@exit%
- \fi}}
- \catcode`\[=1
- \global\let\dates@funny@brace=[
- \catcode`\<=1
- \global\let\dates@bent@brace=<
- \global\let\dates@@@@read\dates@@@@read@default%
- \global\let\dates@@@read\dates@@@read@default%
- \dates@textcount1%
- \def\theshorttext{#1}%
- \ifnum\dates@textcount=\dates@langnum\relax%
- \gdef\thelongtext{}%
- \fi%
- \bgroup%
- \catcode`\[=1\catcode`\]=2\relax%
- \catcode`\<=1\catcode`\>=2\relax%
- \@ifnextnparchar\dates@funny@brace%
- {\dates@@@@@read}%
- {\global\let\thelongtext\theshorttext%
- \@ifnextnparchar\dates@bent@brace%
- {\dates@@@@read@bent}%
- {\egroup%
- \dates@read@exit}%
- {\message{This can't happen}}}%
- {\egroup%
- \dates@read@exit}}
- \egroup%
- \ifnum\dates@textcount=1\relax
- \gdef\thelongtext{#1}%
- \else%
- \ifnum\dates@textcount=\dates@langnum\relax%
- \gdef\thelongtext{#1}%
- \fi%
- \fi%
- \bgroup%
- \catcode`\<=1\catcode`\>=2\relax%
- \@ifnextnparchar\dates@bent@brace%
- {\dates@@@@read@bent}%
- {\egroup%
- \dates@read@exit}%
- {\egroup%
- \dates@read@exit}}
- \egroup%
- \advance\dates@textcount by1\relax%
- \ifnum\dates@textcount=\dates@langnum\relax
- \def\theshorttext{#1}%
- \fi%
- \bgroup%
- \catcode`\[=1\catcode`\]=2\relax%
- \catcode`\<=1\catcode`\>=2\relax%
- \@ifnextnparchar\dates@funny@brace%
- {\dates@@@@@read}%
- {\ifnum\dates@textcount=\dates@langnum\relax%
- \gdef\thelongtext{}%
- \fi%
- \@ifnextnparchar\dates@bent@brace%
- {\dates@@@@read@bent}%
- {\egroup%
- \dates@read@exit}%
- {\message{This can't happen}}}%
- {\egroup%
- \dates@read@exit}}
- \dates@verify%
- \dates@fix%
- \dates@lastdate\dates@date%
- \ifdates@suppress@global%
- \else%
- \ifdates@suppress%
- \else%
- \dates@action%
- \fi%
- \fi%
- \dates@read}
- \ifnum\dates@month=0%
- \ifdates@requiremonth%
- \PackageError{dates}{Missing month.}{}%
- \else%
- \global\dates@month=1%
- \fi%
- \fi%
- \ifnum\dates@day=0%
- \ifdates@requireday%
- \PackageError{dates}{Missing day of the month.}{}%
- \else%
- \global\dates@day=1%
- \fi%
- \fi%
- \ifnum\dates@year=0\relax%
- \PackageError{dates}{Missing year in ordinary date.}{}%
- \fi}
- \dates@fix%
- \dates@subrange@end\dates@date%
- \dates@reg@a=\expandafter{\dates@subranges}%
- \xdef\dates@subranges{%
- \the\dates@reg@a%
- \noexpand\delim{\the\dates@subrange@start}%
- {\the\dates@date}}%
- \global\let\dates@read@exit\dates@read@exit@default%
- \dates@read@exit}
- \expandafter\ifcat\expandafter$\dates@subranges$%
- \PackageError{dates}{No range given}%
- {You need to specify a range before %
- recursive entries and formulae}%
- \fi\relax%
- \ifx\dates@init\relax%
- \ifnum\dates@day>0\relax%
- \dates@everymonth@day\dates@day%
- \ifnum\dates@month>0\relax%
- \dates@everyyear@month\dates@month%
- \global\let\dates@init\dates@init@yearly@doy%
- \global\let\dates@increment\dates@increment@yearly@doy%
- \else%
- \global\let\dates@init\dates@init@monthly@dom%
- \global\let\dates@increment\dates@increment@monthly@dom%
- \fi%
- \else%
- \PackageError{dates}{Incomplete recursive entry}%
- {You need to specify a day of the week or a day of %
- the month or something for entries beginning with %
- the word Every.}
- \fi%
- \fi%
- \global\let\delim\dates@read@exit@@recurse%
- \dates@subranges%
- \dates@read}
- \dates@subrange@start#1\relax%
- \dates@subrange@end#2\relax%
- \dates@init%
- \caldate%
- \ifdates@suppress@global%
- \else%
- \ifdates@suppress%
- \else%
- \dates@action%
- \fi%
- \fi%
- \let\next\dates@read@exit@@@recurse%
- \dates@read@exit@@@recurse}
- \dates@increment\relax%
- \ifnum\dates@date>\dates@subrange@end\relax%
- \let\next\relax%
- \else%
- \caldate%
- \ifdates@suppress@global%
- \else%
- \ifdates@suppress%
- \else%
- \dates@action%
- \fi%
- \fi%
- \fi%
- \next}
- \global\advance\dates@date by 1\relax}
- \global\dates@date\dates@subrange@start%
- \mod7\dates@date\dates@weekd%
- \dates@three=\dates@weekd@target\relax%
- \advance\dates@three by -\dates@weekd\relax%
- \ifnum\dates@three<0\relax%
- \advance\dates@three by7%
- \fi%
- \global\advance\dates@date by\dates@three\relax}
- \dates@verify%
- \dates@fix%
- \ifnum\dates@subrange@start>\dates@date%
- \dates@ct@z\dates@subrange@start%
- \advance\dates@ct@z by-\dates@date%
- \mod{14}\dates@ct@z\dates@catch%
- \global\dates@date\dates@subrange@start%
- \global\advance\dates@date by\dates@catch%
- \fi}
- \global\advance\dates@date by7\relax}
- \global\advance\dates@date by14\relax}
- \global\dates@date\dates@subrange@start%
- \dates@init@monthly@@dow}
- \let\dates@init@monthly@dow@recurse\relax%
- \caldate%
- \nextday\dates@weekd@target%
- \caldate%
- \dates@one\dates@day%
- \divide\dates@one by 7\relax%
- \multiply\dates@one by 7\relax%
- \ifnum\dates@modulo>\dates@one\relax%
- \dates@two\dates@modulo%
- \advance\dates@two by -\dates@one%
- \global\advance\dates@date by \dates@two%
- \else%
- \ifnum\dates@modulo<\dates@one\relax%
- \dates@next@month%
- \let\dates@init@monthly@dow@recurse\dates@init@monthly@@dow%
- \fi%
- \fi%
- \global\dates@date\dates@subrange@start%
- \dates@init@monthly@@dom}
- \let\dates@init@monthly@dom@recurse\relax%
- \caldate%
- \ifnum\dates@day>\dates@everymonth@day%
- \dates@next@month%
- \let\dates@init@monthly@dom@recurse\dates\init@monthly@@dom%
- \else%
- \global\dates@day\dates@everymonth@day%
- \dates@fix%
- \fi%
- \dates@init@monthly@dom@recurse}
- \global\dates@date\dates@subrange@start%
- \dates@init@yearly@@doy}
- \let\dates@init@yearly@doy@recurse\relax%
- \caldate%
- \dates@ct@z\dates@day@offset%
- \global\dates@day\dates@everymonth@day%
- \global\dates@month\dates@everyyear@month%
- \dates@fix%
- \ifnum\dates@ct@z>\dates@day@offset%
- \nextyear%
- \dates@fix%
- \let\dates@init@yearly@doy@recurse\dates@init@yearly@@doy%
- \fi%
- \dates@init@yearly@doy@recurse}
- \dates@next@month%
- \dates@init@monthly@@dow}
- \dates@next@month%
- \dates@init@monthly@@dom}
- \nextyear%
- \global\dates@month=\dates@everyyear@month\relax%
- \global\dates@day=\dates@everymonth@day\relax%
- \dates@fix%
- \dates@init@yearly@@doy}
-\long\def\dates@@@read@function #1 #2 {%
- \xdef\dates@init{\csname#1\endcsname}%
- \xdef\dates@increment{\csname#2\endcsname}%
- \@ifnextnparchar\dates@serious@brace%
- {\bgroup%
- \makeatletter%
- \expandafter\dates@@@read@@function}%
- {\PackageError%
- {dates}%
- {Extra text after function names}%
- {The third argument must be in curly braces.}}%
- {\relax}}
- \long\gdef\dates@temp{#1}%
- \egroup%
- \dates@temp%
- \let\dates@temp\relax%
- \dates@@@@read@default}
- \ifcat\noexpand#11%
- \def\dates@zero{0}%
- \expandafter\dates@check@hyphen\@overword-{}%
- \ifx\dates@arg@b\dates@zero%
- \expandafter\dates@check@colon\@overword:{}%
- \ifx\dates@arg@b\dates@zero%
- \expandafter\ifnum\@overword>31%
- \setyear{\dates@arg@a}%
- \else%
- \ifnum\dates@day>0%
- \dates@dayerror%
- \else%
- \global\dates@day=\dates@arg@a%
- \fi%
- \fi%
- \else%
- \expandafter\dates@strip@colon\dates@arg@b%
- \global\dates@time@start=\dates@arg@a%
- \global\multiply\dates@time@start by 60%
- \global\advance\dates@time@start by \dates@arg@b%
- \global\dates@time@end=\dates@time@start%
- \fi%
- \else%
- \expandafter\dates@strip@hyphen\dates@arg@b%
- \let\dates@temp\dates@arg@b%
- \expandafter\dates@check@colon\dates@arg@a:{}%
- \ifx\dates@arg@b\dates@zero%
- \else%
- \expandafter\dates@strip@colon\dates@arg@b%
- \fi%
- \global\dates@time@start=\dates@arg@a\relax%
- \global\multiply\dates@time@start by 60\relax%
- \global\advance\dates@time@start by \dates@arg@b\relax%
- \expandafter\dates@check@colon\dates@temp:{}%
- \ifx\dates@arg@b\dates@zero%
- \else%
- \expandafter\dates@strip@colon\dates@arg@b%
- \fi%
- \global\dates@time@end=\dates@arg@a\relax%
- \global\multiply\dates@time@end by 60\relax%
- \global\advance\dates@time@end by \dates@arg@b%
- \fi%
- \else%
- \dates@execute#1#2XXX{}%
- \fi}
- \ifcat#1\relax%
- \expandafter\csname%
- \string#1#2#3mac\endcsname%
- \else%
- \global\dates@catch=`#1\relax
- \global\advance\dates@catch by-65
- \dates@reg@a=\expandafter{\ifcase\dates@catch
- a\or b\or c\or d\or e\or f\or g\or h\or i\or j\or k\or l\or
- m\or n\or o\or p\or q\or r\or s\or t\or u\or v\or w\or x\or
- y\or z\else #1\fi}
- \csname\the\dates@reg@a#2#3mac\endcsname%
- \fi}%
- \global\let\dates@read@exit=\dates@read@exit@recurse}
- \global\let\dates@init=\dates@init@daily%
- \global\let\dates@increment=\dates@increment@daily}
- \global\dates@date=\dates@subrange@start}
- \global\let\dates@init=\dates@init@semiweekly%
- \global\let\dates@increment=\dates@increment@semiweekly}
- \dates@modulo=0%
- \global\let\dates@init=\dates@init@monthly@dow%
- \global\let\dates@increment=\dates@increment@monthly@dow}%
- \dates@modulo=7%
- \global\let\dates@init=\dates@init@monthly@dow%
- \global\let\dates@increment=\dates@increment@monthly@dow}%
- \dates@modulo=14%
- \global\let\dates@init=\dates@init@monthly@dow%
- \global\let\dates@increment=\dates@increment@monthly@dow}%
- \ifnum\dates@year=0%
- \dates@subrange@start\dates@lastdate%
- \else%
- \dates@fix%
- \dates@subrange@start\dates@date%
- \global\dates@month=0%
- \global\dates@day=0%
- \setyear{1900}%
- \fi%
- \global\let\dates@read@exit\dates@read@exit@range}%
- \global\let\dates@read@exit=\dates@read@exit@recurse%
- \global\let\dates@@@read=\dates@@@read@function}
- \global\dates@suppresstrue}
- \def\monthdata#1#2#3#4#5\end{%
- \expandafter\gdef\csname#2#3#4mac\endcsname{%
- \ifnum\dates@month>0%
- \dates@montherror%
- \else%
- \global\dates@month=#1%
- \fi}%
- \ifcat$#5$\let\next\@gobble\else\let\next\monthdata\fi%
- \next#5\end}%
- \monthdata1jan2feb3mar4apr5may6jun%
- 7jul8aug9sep{10}oct{11}nov{12}dec\end
- \def\weekdata#1#2#3#4#5\end{%
- \expandafter\gdef\csname #2#3#4mac\endcsname{%
- \ifnum\dates@weekd@target<7\relax%
- \dates@weekerror%
- \else%
- \global\dates@weekd@target=#1\relax%
- \ifx\dates@init\relax%
- \global\let\dates@init\dates@init@weekly%
- \fi%
- \ifx\dates@increment\relax%
- \global\let\dates@increment\dates@increment@weekly%
- \fi%
- \fi}%
- \ifcat$#5$\let\next\@gobble\else\let\next\weekdata\fi%
- \next#5\end}
- \weekdata0sun1mon2tue3wed4thu5fri6sat\end
- \PackageError{dates}{Month multiply defined}{%
- You have set the month more than once here.}}
- \PackageError{dates}{Day multiply defined}{%
- You have set the day more than once here.}}
- \PackageError{dates}{Week multiply defined}{%
- You have set the day of the week more than once here.}}
- \def\dates@arg@a{#1}%
- \def\dates@arg@b{0#2}}
- \def\dates@arg@b{#1}}
- \def\dates@arg@a{#1}%
- \def\dates@arg@b{0#2}}
- \def\dates@arg@b{#1}}
- \expandafter\csname%
- \string\relaxXXmac\endcsname{%
- \global\let\dates@@@@read\relax}
- \advance\dates@year by -1900\calculateyearbase}
-\def\nextyear{\advance\dates@year by1%
- \calculateyearbase}
- \ifnum\dates@month=12%
- \advance\dates@year by 1\calculateyearbase%
- \global\dates@month=1%
- \global\dates@day=1%
- \else%
- \global\advance\dates@month by 1%
- \global\dates@day=1%
- \fi%
- \dates@fix}
- \multiply\dates@timezone by 1000%
- \divide\dates@timezone by24}
- \global\dates@yearbase=-1%
- {\dates@ct@z=\dates@year\divide\dates@ct@z by4%
- \multiply\dates@ct@z by4\relax%
- \ifnum\dates@year=\dates@ct@z%
- \global\dates@catch=0%
- \else%
- \global\dates@catch=1%
- \fi}%
- \ifcase\dates@catch \leapyeartrue\or%
- \leapyearfalse\fi%
- {\dates@ct@z=\dates@year\multiply\dates@ct@z%
- by1461\advance\dates@ct@z by3%
- \divide\dates@ct@z by4%
- \global\dates@catch=\dates@ct@z}%
- \global\advance\dates@yearbase by\dates@catch\relax%
- \ifnum\dates@year=0\global\dates@yearbase=0\leapyearfalse\fi}
- 0\or31\or%
- 59\or90\or120\or151\or181\or212\or%
- 243\or273\or304\or334\or365\fi%
- {\ifleapyear\ifnum\dates@month>1%
- \global\advance\dates@catch by1\fi\fi}%
- \global\dates@day@offset=\dates@catch}
- \dates@year@get%
- \dates@monthname@get%
- \ifnum\dates@days<\dates@day%
- \PackageError{dates}{Day of month out of range}{%
- There are only \the\dates@days\space days in %
- \themonth, but you have tried^^J%
- to specify \the\dates@day.}%
- \else%
- \global\dates@date=\dates@day{\advance\dates@month by-1%
- \monthdays%
- \global\advance\dates@date by\dates@day@offset%
- \global\advance\dates@date by\dates@yearbase}%
- \fi%
- \dates@dayname@get}
- \dates@four=\dates@three%
- \divide\dates@three by#1%
- \multiply\dates@three by#1%
-\advance\dates@four by-\dates@three%
- #3=\dates@four}
- \global\dates@year@full\dates@year%
- \global\advance\dates@year@full by 1900\relax}
- \multiply\dates@year by4\divide\dates@year by1461%
- \calculateyearbase%
- {\advance\dates@date by-\dates@yearbase\global\dates@month=0%
- \loop\monthdays\ifnum\dates@day@offset<\dates@date%
- \global\advance\dates@month by1\repeat%
- {\advance\dates@month by-1\monthdays%
- \advance\dates@date by-\dates@day@offset%
- \global\dates@day=\dates@date}}%
- \dates@year@get%
- \dates@monthname@get%
- \dates@dayname@get}
- \ifcase\dates@month%
- \or%
- \global\dates@days=31\relax%
- \or%
- \ifleapyear%
- \global\dates@days=29\relax%
- \else%
- \global\dates@days=28\relax%
- \fi%
- \or%
- \global\dates@days=31\relax%
- \or%
- \global\dates@days=30\relax%
- \or%
- \global\dates@days=31\relax%
- \or%
- \global\dates@days=30\relax%
- \or%
- \global\dates@days=31\relax%
- \or%
- \global\dates@days=31\relax%
- \or%
- \global\dates@days=30\relax%
- \or%
- \global\dates@days=31\relax%
- \or%
- \global\dates@days=30\relax%
- \or%
- \global\dates@days=31\relax%
- \fi}
- \advance\dates@ct@z by-\dates@weekd\relax%
- \ifnum\dates@ct@z<0\advance\dates@ct@z by7\fi%
- \global\advance\dates@date by\dates@ct@z}}
- \global\advance\dates@date by-7}
-\def\snextday#1{\global\advance\dates@date by1%
- \nextday#1}
-\def\sprevday#1{\global\advance\dates@date by-1%
- \prevday#1}
-\def\jdttol{\advance\dates@date by500%
- \advance\dates@date by\dates@timezone%
- \global\divide\dates@date by1000}
-\def\sintable#1{\ifcase #1 0\or100\or199%
- \or296\or389\or479\or565\or644\or717%
- \or783\or841\or891\or932\or964\or985%
- \or997\or1000\or992\or974\or946\or909%
- \or863\or808\or746\or675\or598\or516%
- \or427\or335\or239\or141\or42\or-58%
- \or-158\fi}
-\def\twopimod{\count2 =\count1%
- \divide\count2 by6284 \count3 =1853%
- \count4 =6283\multiply\count3 by\count2%
- \multiply\count4 by\count2%
- \divide\count3 by10000%
- \advance\count3 by\count4%
- \advance\count1 by-\count3}%
- \ifnum\count1<0 \signtrue%
- \count1=-\count1\else \signfalse\fi%
- \loop\ifnum\count1>6284\twopimod\repeat\relax%
- \ifnum\count1>3142%
- \advance\count1 by-3142%
- \ifsign\signfalse\else\signtrue\fi\fi%
- \multiply\count1 by10\count3=\count1%
- \divide\count3 by1000\count2=\count3%
- \multiply\count3 by1000%
- \advance\count3 by-\count1 %
- \count5 =\sintable{\count2 }%
- \count4 =\count5\advance\count2 by1%
- \advance\count4 by -\sintable{\count2}%
- \multiply\count4 by\count3%
- \divide\count4 by1000%
- \advance\count4 by\count5%
- \ifsign\count4 =-\count4\fi}%
-\def\cos{\advance\count1 by-1571%
- \multiply\count1 by-1\sin}%
- \count2=#2\count3=#1%
- \multiply\count1 by\dates@ct@z%
- \multiply\count2 by\dates@ct@z\relax%
- \multiply\count3 by\dates@ct@z%
- \divide\count1 by1000%
- \advance\count1 by\count2%
- \divide\count1 by1000%
- \advance\count1 by\count3%
- \advance\count1 by #4\relax}
-\def\fac#1{\multiply\count4 by #1%
- \advance\count6 by\count4}
-\def\id{\count4=\count1} % Identity
-%% End of file `dates.sty'.
diff --git a/Master/texmf-dist/tex/latex/calendar/evntlist.sty b/Master/texmf-dist/tex/latex/calendar/evntlist.sty
deleted file mode 100644
index 7182667647b..00000000000
--- a/Master/texmf-dist/tex/latex/calendar/evntlist.sty
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,109 +0,0 @@
-%% This is file `evntlist.sty',
-%% generated with the docstrip utility.
-%% The original source files were:
-%% evntlist.dtx (with options: `style')
-%% This file is part of the Calendar package,
-%% Copyright (C) 1996, 1997 Frank Bennett, Jr.
-%% All rights reserved.
-%% ------------------------------------------
-%% You are not allowed to change this file. You may however copy
-%% this file to a file with a different name and then change the
-%% copy if (a) you do not charge for the modified code, (b) you
-%% acknowledge the author of this file in the new file, if it
-%% is distributed to others, and (c) you attach these same
-%% conditions to the new file.
-%% You are not allowed to distribute this file alone. You are not
-%% allowed to take money for the distribution or use of this file
-%% (or a changed version) except for a nominal charge for copying
-%% etc.
-%% You are allowed to distribute this file under the condition that
-%% it is distributed with all of its contents, intact.
-%% For error reports, or offers to help make this a more powerful,
-%% friendlier, and altogether more thrilling package, please contact me on
-%% Better yet, make a contribution to
-%% my pension. Account details available on request.
-%% ------------------------------------------
- [1997/11/07 10:44:05 2.2 Event List (Frank Bennett)]
-\input calopts.cfg
- \newif\if@el@noheadyet
- \@el@noheadyettrue
- \def\el@output#1{\protected@write\@el@outputfile{}{#1}}
- \def\el@maybeheader{\if@el@noheadyet%
- \begin{itemize}\item\theday\space\themonth\space\theyear\@el@noheadyetfalse\fi}
- \def\el@maybeitem{\if@el@noheadyet\else\item\theday\space\themonth\space\theyear%
- \fi}
- \caldate%
- \message{^^JStart: \theshortweekday\space%
- \theday\space\theshortmonth\space\theyear}%
- \global\dates@date\cal@range@end%
- \caldate%
- \message{^^JEnd: \theshortweekday\space%
- \theday\space\theshortmonth\space\theyear}%
- \global\dates@date\cal@range@start%
- \caldate}%
- \ifnum\dates@time@start>0\relax%
- \ifnum\dates@time@start=\dates@time@end%
- \protected@edef\cal@entry@text{%
- \thetimestart\space%
- \cal@textcolor{\calcolor}{\thelongtext}}%
- \else%
- \protected@edef\cal@entry@text{%
- \thetimestart--\thetimeend\space%
- \cal@textcolor{\calcolor}{\thelongtext}}%
- \fi%
- \else%
- \protected@edef\cal@entry@text{%
- \cal@textcolor{\calcolor}{\thelongtext}}%
- \fi}%
- \par%
- \theevents%
-%% End of file `evntlist.sty'.
diff --git a/Master/texmf-dist/tex/latex/calendar/filoaddr.cls b/Master/texmf-dist/tex/latex/calendar/filoaddr.cls
deleted file mode 100644
index 398c87292b5..00000000000
--- a/Master/texmf-dist/tex/latex/calendar/filoaddr.cls
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,78 +0,0 @@
- [1998/01/17 18:15:06 Filofax address pages (Frank Bennett)]
- {\PassOptionsToPackage{\CurrentOption}{autofilo}}
-\vskip 2pt
-\vskip 1pt
- \vbox to0pt{%
- \hbox to\linewidth{%
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- \vrule width0.4pt height0pt depth7pt%
- \vrule width\mylinewidth depth0.4pt height0pt%
- \vrule width0.4pt height0pt depth7pt\hskip-2.4pt}%
- \vskip-7pt}}
- \vbox to0pt{%
- \vskip-7pt
- \hbox to\linewidth{%
- \hskip-2.4pt%
- \vrule width0.4pt height7pt depth0pt%
- \vrule width\mylinewidth depth0.4pt height0pt%
- \vrule width0.4pt height7pt depth0pt%
- \hskip-2.4pt}}}
- \settoheight\myparheight{\vbox{%
- \boxmaxdepth0pt%
- \parbox{\myparwidth}{\raggedright #2}}}%
- \settowidth\descwidth{\small\textbf{#1}}%
- \ifnum\descwidth>\myparheight\biggerwidth\descwidth\else%
- \biggerwidth\myparheight\fi%
- \vbox{\vskip3pt%
- \hbox to\linewidth{%
- \hskip3pt%
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- \vfil%
- \hbox to\descheight{%
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- \hfil}%
- \vfil}%
- \hskip2pt%
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- \vfil%
- \hbox to\myparwidth{%
- \parbox{\myparwidth}{\raggedright #2}}%
- \vfil}}}}
- \autofilo{#1}
- \settoheight\descheight{\vbox{\boxmaxdepth0pt{\small\textbf{Yy}}}}
- \myparwidth\linewidth%
- \advance\myparwidth by-\descheight\relax%
- \advance\myparwidth by-5pt\relax%
- \mylinewidth\linewidth
- \advance\mylinewidth by4pt\relax}
diff --git a/Master/texmf-dist/tex/latex/calendar/hlist.sty b/Master/texmf-dist/tex/latex/calendar/hlist.sty
deleted file mode 100644
index 33082c66c18..00000000000
--- a/Master/texmf-dist/tex/latex/calendar/hlist.sty
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,114 +0,0 @@
-%% This is file `hlist.sty',
-%% generated with the docstrip utility.
-%% The original source files were:
-%% htmlstuf.dtx (with options: `htmlevent')
-%% This file is part of the Calendar package,
-%% Copyright (C) 1996, 1997 Frank Bennett, Jr.
-%% All rights reserved.
-%% ------------------------------------------
-%% You are not allowed to change this file. You may however copy
-%% this file to a file with a different name and then change the
-%% copy if (a) you do not charge for the modified code, (b) you
-%% acknowledge the author of this file in the new file, if it
-%% is distributed to others, and (c) you attach these same
-%% conditions to the new file.
-%% You are not allowed to distribute this file alone. You are not
-%% allowed to take money for the distribution or use of this file
-%% (or a changed version) except for a nominal charge for copying
-%% etc.
-%% You are allowed to distribute this file under the condition that
-%% it is distributed with all of its contents, intact.
-%% For error reports, or offers to help make this a more powerful,
-%% friendlier, and altogether more thrilling package, please contact me on
-%% Better yet, make a contribution to
-%% my pension. Account details available on request.
-%% ------------------------------------------
- [1997/11/07 10:44:05 2.2 HTML Event List (Frank Bennett)]
-\input calopts.cfg
- \dates@textnum=#1\relax}
- \@ifundefined{html@outputfile}
- {\newwrite\html@output%
- \gdef\html@outputfile{#1}%
- \immediate\openout\html@output=\html@outputfile}
- {\gdef\el@temp{#1}%
- \ifx\html@outputfile\el@temp%
- \relax%
- \else%
- \immediate\closeout\html@output%
- \gdef\html@outputfile{#1}%
- \immediate\openout\html@output=\html@outputfile\relax%
- \fi}}
-\def\el@item{<LI><A NAME="\the\dates@date">\theday\space\themonth\space\theyear</A>}
- \caldate%
- \message{^^JStart: \theshortweekday\space%
- \theday\space\theshortmonth\space\theyear}%
- \global\dates@date\cal@range@end%
- \caldate%
- \message{^^JEnd: \theshortweekday\space%
- \theday\space\theshortmonth\space\theyear}%
- \global\dates@date\cal@range@start%
- \caldate%
- \def\el@output##1{\ifcat$##1$\else\immediate\write\html@output{##1}\fi}}%
- \ifnum\dates@time@start>0\relax%
- \ifnum\dates@time@start=\dates@time@end%
- \protected@edef\cal@entry@text{%
- ^^J\space\space\space\space<LI>\thetimestart\space%
- \thelongtext}%
- \else%
- \protected@edef\cal@entry@text{%
- ^^J\space\space\space\space<LI>\thetimestart--\thetimeend\space%
- \thelongtext}%
- \fi%
- \else%
- \protected@edef\cal@entry@text{%
- ^^J<BR>\thelongtext}%
- \fi}%
- \theevents%
- ^^J\space\space\space\space<UL>%
- \theappointments%
- ^^J\space\space\space\space</UL>%
-%% End of file `hlist.sty'.
diff --git a/Master/texmf-dist/tex/latex/calendar/hml.sty b/Master/texmf-dist/tex/latex/calendar/hml.sty
deleted file mode 100644
index 35c5506d203..00000000000
--- a/Master/texmf-dist/tex/latex/calendar/hml.sty
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,75 +0,0 @@
-%% This is file `hml.sty',
-%% generated with the docstrip utility.
-%% The original source files were:
-%% htmlstuf.dtx (with options: `htmlmonthevent')
-%% This file is part of the Calendar package,
-%% Copyright (C) 1996, 1997 Frank Bennett, Jr.
-%% All rights reserved.
-%% ------------------------------------------
-%% You are not allowed to change this file. You may however copy
-%% this file to a file with a different name and then change the
-%% copy if (a) you do not charge for the modified code, (b) you
-%% acknowledge the author of this file in the new file, if it
-%% is distributed to others, and (c) you attach these same
-%% conditions to the new file.
-%% You are not allowed to distribute this file alone. You are not
-%% allowed to take money for the distribution or use of this file
-%% (or a changed version) except for a nominal charge for copying
-%% etc.
-%% You are allowed to distribute this file under the condition that
-%% it is distributed with all of its contents, intact.
-%% For error reports, or offers to help make this a more powerful,
-%% friendlier, and altogether more thrilling package, please contact me on
-%% Better yet, make a contribution to
-%% my pension. Account details available on request.
-%% ------------------------------------------
- [1997/11/06 07:33:21 HTML calendar (Frank Bennett)]
- \hml@one={#1}
- \hml@two={#2}
- \dateread{}}
- \ifnum\dates@subrange@start=0%
- \dates@subrange@start\dates@date%
- \dates@subrange@end\dates@date%
- \fi%
- \global\dates@date\dates@subrange@start%
- \global\dates@day=1\relax%
- \dates@fix%
- \cal@range@start\dates@date%
- \global\dates@date\dates@subrange@end%
- \caldate%
- \global\dates@day\dates@days%
- \dates@fix%
- \cal@range@end\dates@date%
- \global\dates@date=\cal@range@start
- \caldate
- \edef\hml@start{\theday\space\themonth\space\theyear\space}
- \global\dates@date=\cal@range@end
- \caldate
- \edef\hml@end{\theday\space\themonth\space\theyear}
- \edef\hml@range{\hml@start to \hml@end\space}
- \edef\hml@htmlmonth{\noexpand\begin{htmlmonth}{\the\hml@one}{\the\hml@two}}
- \edef\hml@htmllist{\noexpand\begin{htmllist}{\the\hml@one}{\the\hml@two}}
- \expandafter\hml@htmlmonth\hml@range\end{htmlmonth}
- \expandafter\hml@htmllist\hml@range\end{htmllist}x}
-%% End of file `hml.sty'.
diff --git a/Master/texmf-dist/tex/latex/calendar/hmonth.sty b/Master/texmf-dist/tex/latex/calendar/hmonth.sty
deleted file mode 100644
index 5578ee44939..00000000000
--- a/Master/texmf-dist/tex/latex/calendar/hmonth.sty
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,180 +0,0 @@
-%% This is file `hmonth.sty',
-%% generated with the docstrip utility.
-%% The original source files were:
-%% htmlstuf.dtx (with options: `htmlmonth')
-%% This file is part of the Calendar package,
-%% Copyright (C) 1996, 1997 Frank Bennett, Jr.
-%% All rights reserved.
-%% ------------------------------------------
-%% You are not allowed to change this file. You may however copy
-%% this file to a file with a different name and then change the
-%% copy if (a) you do not charge for the modified code, (b) you
-%% acknowledge the author of this file in the new file, if it
-%% is distributed to others, and (c) you attach these same
-%% conditions to the new file.
-%% You are not allowed to distribute this file alone. You are not
-%% allowed to take money for the distribution or use of this file
-%% (or a changed version) except for a nominal charge for copying
-%% etc.
-%% You are allowed to distribute this file under the condition that
-%% it is distributed with all of its contents, intact.
-%% For error reports, or offers to help make this a more powerful,
-%% friendlier, and altogether more thrilling package, please contact me on
-%% Better yet, make a contribution to
-%% my pension. Account details available on request.
-%% ------------------------------------------
- [1998/01/17 18:15:02 HTML calendar (Frank Bennett)]
-\input calopts.cfg
- \def\yrly@title{#1}}
- \@storelabels#1,,{}}
- \yrly@firstday=#1}
- \@ifundefined{html@outputfile}
- {\newwrite\html@output
- \gdef\html@outputfile{#1}%
- \immediate\openout\html@output=\html@outputfile}
- {\gdef\hm@temp{#1}%
- \ifx\html@outputfile\hm@temp%
- \relax%
- \else%
- \immediate\closeout\html@output%
- \gdef\html@outputfile{#1}%
- \immediate\openout\html@output=\html@outputfile\relax
- \fi}}
- \def\yrly@labeltext{}%
- \@@storelabels}
- \ifcat$#1$%
- \yrly@tempreg@a=\expandafter{\yrly@labeltext}%
- \edef\yrly@labeltext{\the\yrly@tempreg@a}%
- \let\next\@gobble%
- \else%
- \let\next\@@storelabels%
- \yrly@tempreg@a=\expandafter{\yrly@labeltext}%
- \protected@edef\yrly@labeltext{\the\yrly@tempreg@a\space#1}%
- \fi%
- \next#2{}}
- \edef\hm@temp{#1}%
- \immediate\write\html@output{\hm@line\hm@temp}%
- \def\hm@line{}}
- \or\space\space\space\space\fi}
- {htmlmonth}
- {\el@output}
- {\yrly@firstday}
- {\dates@days}
- {7}
- {\hm@spaces}
- {I}
- {<pre><B>\themonth</B>^^J\yrly@labeltext^^J}%
- {^^J^^J</pre>}
- {\cal@footer%
- \cal@header}
- {^^J}
- {}
- {\global\dates@day=1%
- \dates@fix%
- \cal@range@start\dates@date%
- \message{^^JStart: \theshortweekday\space%
- \theday\space\theshortmonth\space\theyear}%
- \global\dates@date\cal@range@end%
- \caldate%
- \global\dates@day\dates@days%
- \dates@fix%
- \cal@range@end\dates@date%
- \message{^^JEnd: \theshortweekday\space%
- \theday\space\theshortmonth\space\theyear}%
- \global\dates@date=\cal@range@start%
- \caldate%
- \@ifundefined{yrly@labeltext}{%
- \def\yrly@defaultlabels{}%
- \yrly@tempcount=1%
- \global\advance\dates@date by-\dates@weekd%
- \global\advance\dates@date by\yrly@firstday%
- \caldate%
- \loop%
- \yrly@tempreg@a=\expandafter{\yrly@defaultlabels}%
- \edef\yrly@defaultlabels{\the\yrly@tempreg@a\theshortweekday,}%
- \ifnum\yrly@tempcount<7%
- \global\advance\dates@date by1%
- \caldate%
- \advance\yrly@tempcount by 1\relax%
- \repeat%
- \expandafter\@storelabels\yrly@defaultlabels,,{}%
- \dates@date\cal@range@start%
- \caldate}%
- {}%
- \def\el@output##1{%
- \def\hm@temp{##1}%
- \def\hm@temptwo{\cal@groupbreak}%
- \ifx\hm@temp\hm@temptwo%
- \hm@spacenum=4\relax%
- \fi%
- \ifnum\cal@subgroup@count>6\relax%
- \hm@writeout{##1}%
- \else%
- \def\hm@temptwo{\cal@footer}%
- \ifx\hm@temp\hm@temptwo%
- \hm@writeout{##1}%
- \else%
- \hm@line@a=\expandafter{\hm@line}%
- \edef\hm@line{\the\hm@line@a\hm@temp}%
- \fi%
- \fi}%
- \hm@spacenum=4\relax}%
- {}%
- {\ifnum\dates@day<9\hm@spacenum=3\else\hm@spacenum=2\fi%
- \cal@get@appointments\cal@get@events}%
- {\protected@edef\cal@entry@text{X}}%
- {\ifnum\dates@weekd=\yrly@firstday%
- \hm@spaces%
- \ifnum\theday=9%
- \space\space%
- \fi%
- \else%
- \ifnum\dates@day=1%
- \space\hm@spaces%
- \fi%
- \fi%
- \ifcat$\theappointments\theevents$%
- \else%
- <A HREF="\expandafter\@gobble\string\#\the\dates@date">%
- \fi%
- \theday%
- \ifcat$\theappointments\theevents$%
- \else%
- </A>%
- \fi}
-%% End of file `hmonth.sty'.
diff --git a/Master/texmf-dist/tex/latex/calendar/hpplotsz.sty b/Master/texmf-dist/tex/latex/calendar/hpplotsz.sty
deleted file mode 100644
index cb8e17f5a4a..00000000000
--- a/Master/texmf-dist/tex/latex/calendar/hpplotsz.sty
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,14 +0,0 @@
- [1997/11/07 Custom page sizes with HP 6xx series plotters (Frank Bennett)]
- \ifnum\hsize>\vsize\hps@orientation=3\else\hps@orientation=0\fi
- \immediate\openout\hps@pagesizeheader=./\jobname.hps
- \immediate\write\hps@pagesizeheader{%
- <</PageSize [\hps@strip\paperwidth\space\hps@strip\paperheight] /Orientation \the\hps@orientation>>setpagedevice}
- \immediate\closeout\hps@pagesizeheader}
diff --git a/Master/texmf-dist/tex/latex/calendar/margins.sty b/Master/texmf-dist/tex/latex/calendar/margins.sty
deleted file mode 100644
index 26888f3cd6e..00000000000
--- a/Master/texmf-dist/tex/latex/calendar/margins.sty
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,25 +0,0 @@
- [1997/11/07 Simple margin control (Frank Bennett)]
- \headheight=0pt
- \headsep=0pt
- \topmargin=-1in
- \oddsidemargin=-1in
- \evensidemargin=-1in
- \advance\topmargin by#1
- \advance\oddsidemargin by#1
- \advance\evensidemargin by#1
- \textwidth=\paperwidth
- \advance\textwidth by-#1
- \advance\textwidth by-#1
- \hsize=\textwidth
- \textheight=\paperheight
- \advance\textheight by-#1
- \advance\textheight by-#1
- \vsize=\textheight
- \@colroom=\vsize
- \@colht=\vsize}
diff --git a/Master/texmf-dist/tex/latex/calendar/monthly.sty b/Master/texmf-dist/tex/latex/calendar/monthly.sty
deleted file mode 100644
index 5dfe8d0846b..00000000000
--- a/Master/texmf-dist/tex/latex/calendar/monthly.sty
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,222 +0,0 @@
-%% This is file `monthly.sty',
-%% generated with the docstrip utility.
-%% The original source files were:
-%% monthly.dtx (with options: `class')
-%% This file is part of the Calendar package,
-%% Copyright (C) 1996, 1997 Frank Bennett, Jr.
-%% All rights reserved.
-%% ------------------------------------------
-%% You are not allowed to change this file. You may however copy
-%% this file to a file with a different name and then change the
-%% copy if (a) you do not charge for the modified code, (b) you
-%% acknowledge the author of this file in the new file, if it
-%% is distributed to others, and (c) you attach these same
-%% conditions to the new file.
-%% You are not allowed to distribute this file alone. You are not
-%% allowed to take money for the distribution or use of this file
-%% (or a changed version) except for a nominal charge for copying
-%% etc.
-%% You are allowed to distribute this file under the condition that
-%% it is distributed with all of its contents, intact.
-%% For error reports, or offers to help make this a more powerful,
-%% friendlier, and altogether more thrilling package, please contact me on
-%% Better yet, make a contribution to
-%% my pension. Account details available on request.
-%% ------------------------------------------
- [1998/01/17 18:15:10 Monthly Calendar (Frank Bennett)]
-\input calopts.cfg
- \def\mon@settableheight{%
- \setlength{\mon@vh}{\vsize}%
- \addtolength{\mon@vh}{-0.001pt}}%
- \def\mon@settablewidth{%
- \setlength{\mon@tablewidth}{\hsize}}%
- \def\mon@title{#1}\mon@explicittitletrue}
- \@storelabels#1,,{}}
- \mon@shortdaystrue}
- \mon@firstday=#1}
- \def\mon@labeltext{}%
- \@@storelabels}
- \ifcat$#1$%
- \mon@tempreg@a=\expandafter\expandafter\expandafter{%
- \expandafter\@gobble\mon@labeltext}%
- \protected@edef\mon@labeltext{\the\mon@tempreg@a}%
- \let\next\@gobble%
- \else%
- \let\next\@@storelabels%
- \mon@tempreg@a=\expandafter{\mon@labeltext}%
- \protected@edef\mon@labeltext{\the\mon@tempreg@a&#1}%
- \fi%
- \next#2{}}
- \theweekday\fi}%
- \dates@fix%
- \caldate%
- \cal@range@start\dates@date%
- \message{^^JStart: \theshortweekday\space%
- \theday\space\theshortmonth\space\theyear}%
- \dates@date\cal@range@end%
- \caldate%
- \dates@day\dates@days%
- \dates@fix%
- \caldate%
- \cal@range@end\dates@date%
- \message{^^JEnd: \theshortweekday\space%
- \theday\space\theshortmonth\space\theyear}%
- \dates@date=\cal@range@start%
- \caldate%
- \mon@settablewidth%
- \mon@settableheight%
- \settoheight{\mon@templen}{\vbox{\boxmaxdepth=0pt%
- \begin{tabular}{c}%
- \mon@titletype%
- \the\dates@monthname%
- \end{tabular}}}%
- \setlength{\mon@heightlessboxes}{\mon@templen}%
- \settoheight{\mon@templen}{\vbox{\boxmaxdepth=0pt%
- \begin{tabular}{c}%
- \mon@daynametype%
- Monday%
- \end{tabular}}}%
- \addtolength{\mon@heightlessboxes}{\mon@templen}%
- \addtolength{\mon@heightlessboxes}{10\arrayrulewidth}%
- \addtolength{\mon@heightlessboxes}{\doublerulesep}%
- \addtolength{\mon@heightlessboxes}{\mon@adjustment}%
- \addtolength{\mon@heightlessboxes}{2pt}%
- \addtolength{\mon@vh}{-\mon@heightlessboxes}%
- \divide\mon@vh by6%
- \setlength{\mon@hw}{\mon@tablewidth}%
- \setlength{\mon@widthlessboxes}{8\arrayrulewidth}%
- \addtolength{\mon@hw}{-\mon@widthlessboxes}%
- \addtolength{\mon@hw}{-14\tabcolsep}%
- \divide\mon@hw by7\relax%
- \@ifundefined{mon@labeltext}{%
- \def\mon@defaultlabels{}%
- \mon@tempcount=1%
- \advance\dates@date by-\dates@weekd%
- \advance\dates@date by\mon@firstday%
- \caldate%
- \loop%
- \mon@tempreg@a=\expandafter{\mon@defaultlabels}%
- \edef\mon@defaultlabels{\the\mon@tempreg@a\mon@theweekday,}%
- \ifnum\mon@tempcount<7%
- \advance\dates@date by1%
- \caldate%
- \advance\mon@tempcount by 1\relax%
- \repeat%
- \expandafter\@storelabels\mon@defaultlabels,,{}%
- \dates@date\cal@range@start%
- \caldate}%
- {}%
- \def\mon@settitle{\ifmon@explicittitle\else%
- \def\mon@title{\themonth\space\theyear}\fi}%
- \protected@edef\mon@header{%
- \noexpand\mon@settitle%
- \noexpand\begin{tabular}{|c|c|c|c|c|c|c|}%
- \noexpand\hline%
- \noexpand\multicolumn{7}{|c|}{\mon@titletype%
- \noexpand\mon@title}\noexpand\\%
- \noexpand\hline\noexpand\hline%
- \mon@labeltext\noexpand\\%
- \noexpand\hline}}%
- \ifnum\dates@time@start>0\relax%
- \ifnum\dates@time@start=\dates@time@end%
- \protected@edef\cal@entry@text{%
- \thetimestart\space%
- \cal@textcolor{\calcolor}{\theshorttext}}%
- \else%
- \protected@edef\cal@entry@text{%
- \thetimestart--\thetimeend\space%
- \cal@textcolor{\calcolor}{\theshorttext}}%
- \fi%
- \else%
- \protected@edef\cal@entry@text{%
- \cal@textcolor{\calcolor}{\theshorttext}}%
- \fi}%
-{\vbox to\mon@vh{%
- \vskip\medskipamount%
- \hbox{\parbox{\mon@hw}{\mon@datetype\theday}}%
- \ifcat$\theevents$%
- \else%
- \vskip\smallskipamount%
- \hbox{\parbox{\mon@hw}{\raggedright%
- \mon@texttype\theevents}}%
- \fi%
- \ifcat$\theappointments$%
- \else%
- \vskip\smallskipamount%
- \hbox{\parbox{\mon@hw}{\raggedright%
- \mon@texttype\theappointments}}%
- \fi%
- \vfil}}%
-%% End of file `monthly.sty'.
diff --git a/Master/texmf-dist/tex/latex/calendar/overword.sty b/Master/texmf-dist/tex/latex/calendar/overword.sty
deleted file mode 100644
index 045ed97378b..00000000000
--- a/Master/texmf-dist/tex/latex/calendar/overword.sty
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,91 +0,0 @@
-%% This is file `overword.sty',
-%% generated with the docstrip utility.
-%% The original source files were:
-%% overword.dtx (with options: `style')
-%% This file is part of the Calendar package,
-%% Copyright (C) 1996, 1997 Frank Bennett, Jr.
-%% All rights reserved.
-%% ------------------------------------------
-%% You are not allowed to change this file. You may however copy
-%% this file to a file with a different name and then change the
-%% copy if (a) you do not charge for the modified code, (b) you
-%% acknowledge the author of this file in the new file, if it
-%% is distributed to others, and (c) you attach these same
-%% conditions to the new file.
-%% You are not allowed to distribute this file alone. You are not
-%% allowed to take money for the distribution or use of this file
-%% (or a changed version) except for a nominal charge for copying
-%% etc.
-%% You are allowed to distribute this file under the condition that
-%% it is distributed with all of its contents, intact.
-%% For error reports, or offers to help make this a more powerful,
-%% friendlier, and altogether more thrilling package, please contact me on
-%% Better yet, make a contribution to
-%% my pension. Account details available on request.
-%% ------------------------------------------
- [1998/01/17 18:15:15 Overword parsing support (Frank Bennett)]
- \let\reserved@a=#1%
- \def\reserved@d{#4}\def\reserved@b{#2}\def\reserved@c{#3}%
- \global\let\@overword\relax%
- \futurelet\@let@token\@ifowd}
- \ifx\@let@token\@sptoken%
- \gdef\@preoverwordspace{ }%
- \let\reserved@e\@xifowd%
- \else%
- \ifx\@let@token\end%
- \let\reserved@e\reserved@d%
- \else%
- \ifx\@let@token\par%
- \let\reserved@e\@xifpargobble%
- \else%
- \long\def\reserved@e##1 {\long\gdef\@overword{##1}\@@ifowd}%
- \fi%
- \fi%
- \fi%
- \reserved@e}
-\def\:{\@xifowd} \expandafter\def\: {\futurelet\@let@token\@ifowd}
- \let\reserved@a=#1%
- \def\reserved@b{#2}\def\reserved@c{#3}\def\reserved@d{#4}%
- \futurelet\@let@token\@ifnparnch}
- \ifx\@let@token\@sptoken%
- \let\reserved@e\@xifnparnch%
- \else%
- \ifx\@let@token\end%
- \let\reserved@e\reserved@d%
- \else%
- \ifx\@let@token\par%
- \let\reserved@e\@xifpargobblench%
- \else%
- \ifx\@let@token\reserved@a%
- \let\reserved@e\reserved@b%
- \else%
- \let\reserved@e\reserved@c%
- \fi%
- \fi%
- \fi%
- \fi%
- \reserved@e}
-\expandafter\def\: {\futurelet\@let@token\@ifnparnch}
-%% End of file `overword.sty'.
diff --git a/Master/texmf-dist/tex/latex/calendar/timesht.sty b/Master/texmf-dist/tex/latex/calendar/timesht.sty
deleted file mode 100644
index 88728115d54..00000000000
--- a/Master/texmf-dist/tex/latex/calendar/timesht.sty
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,314 +0,0 @@
-%% This is file `timesht.sty',
-%% generated with the docstrip utility.
-%% The original source files were:
-%% timesht.dtx (with options: `package')
-%% This file is part of the Calendar package,
-%% Copyright (C) 1996, 1997 Frank Bennett, Jr.
-%% All rights reserved.
-%% ------------------------------------------
-%% You are not allowed to change this file. You may however copy
-%% this file to a file with a different name and then change the
-%% copy if (a) you do not charge for the modified code, (b) you
-%% acknowledge the author of this file in the new file, if it
-%% is distributed to others, and (c) you attach these same
-%% conditions to the new file.
-%% You are not allowed to distribute this file alone. You are not
-%% allowed to take money for the distribution or use of this file
-%% (or a changed version) except for a nominal charge for copying
-%% etc.
-%% You are allowed to distribute this file under the condition that
-%% it is distributed with all of its contents, intact.
-%% For error reports, or offers to help make this a more powerful,
-%% friendlier, and altogether more thrilling package, please contact me on
-%% Better yet, make a contribution to
-%% my pension. Account details available on request.
-%% ------------------------------------------
- [1998/01/17 18:15:23 Timesheet (Frank Bennett)]
-\input calopts.cfg
- \tms@leftprop=#1\tms@rightprop=#2}
- \tms@tempcount=#2%
- \multiply\tms@tempcount by60%
- \advance\tms@tempcount by#3%
- \global#1\tms@tempcount}
- \def\@blockstarttext{#1}%
- \def\@blockendtext{#2}}
- \ifcat$#1$%
- \let\next\@gobble%
- \else%
- \let\next\@setblocks%
- \global\advance\tms@blocks by 1%
- \@splitblocks#1{}%
- \expandafter\@settime%
- \expandafter\tms@time@start\@blockstarttext{}%
- \expandafter\@settime%
- \expandafter\tms@time@end\@blockendtext{}%
- \let\tms@tempmac\tms@blocklist%
- \edef\tms@blocklist{%
- \tms@tempmac\the\tms@time@start-\the\tms@time@end,}%
- \fi%
- \next#2{}}
- \global\tms@time@start=#1%
- \global\tms@time@end=#2%
- \gdef\tms@blocklist{#3}}%
- \ifcat$#1$%
- \tms@tempreg@a=\expandafter{\tms@labellist}%
- \edef\tms@label##1{%
- \noexpand\ifcase##1\the\tms@tempreg@a\noexpand\fi}%
- \let\next\@gobble%
- \else%
- \let\next\@extractlabels%
- \let\tms@tempmac\tms@labellist%
- \expandafter\def%
- \expandafter\tms@labellist%
- \expandafter{%
- \tms@tempmac\or #1}%
- \fi%
- \next#2{}}
- \global\tms@groupblockcount=1\relax%
- \\\hline%
- \end{longtable}}%
- \ifnum\tms@groupblockcount<\tms@groupblocks%
- \\*\cline{1-4}%
- \global\advance\tms@groupblockcount by1\relax%
- \else%
- \\\hline%
- \global\tms@groupblockcount=1\relax%
- \fi%
- \tms@timecoltext}
- \setlength{\tms@tablewidth}{\textwidth}
- \def\tms@blocklist{}}
-{\message{^^JStart: \theshortweekday\space%
- \theday\space\theshortmonth\space\theyear}%
- \dates@date\cal@range@end%
- \caldate%
- \message{^^JEnd: \theshortweekday\space%
- \theday\space\theshortmonth\space\theyear}%
- \dates@date\cal@range@start%
- \caldate%
-\advance\tms@blocks by-\tms@start%
-\divide\tms@blocks by\tms@minuteblocks%
- \def\tms@gettimes{%
- \ifcat$\tms@blocklist$%
- \tms@time@start\cal@group@count%
- \multiply\tms@time@start by\tms@minuteblocks%
- \global\advance\tms@time@start by\tms@start%
- \tms@time@end\tms@time@start%
- \global\advance\tms@time@end by\tms@minuteblocks%
- \else%
- \expandafter\tms@chopblock\tms@blocklist-,{}%
- \fi%
- \mod{60}\tms@time@start\tms@minutes@start%
- \tms@hours@start\dates@three%
- \divide\tms@hours@start by60%
- \mod{60}\tms@time@end\tms@minutes@end%
- \tms@hours@end\dates@three%
- \divide\tms@hours@end by60%
- \ifnum\tms@minutes@start<10%
- \edef\tms@minutes@start@mac{0\the\tms@minutes@start}%
- \else%
- \edef\tms@minutes@start@mac{\the\tms@minutes@start}%
- \fi%
- \ifnum\tms@minutes@end<10%
- \edef\tms@minutes@end@mac{0\the\tms@minutes@end}%
- \else%
- \edef\tms@minutes@end@mac{\the\tms@minutes@end}%
- \fi%
- \xdef\tms@timecoltext{%
- \noexpand\tms@timelabeltype{\the\tms@hours@start}&%
- \noexpand\tms@timelabeltype{\tms@minutes@start@mac}&%
- \noexpand\tms@timelabeltype{\the\tms@hours@end}&%
- \noexpand\tms@timelabeltype{\tms@minutes@end@mac}&}}%
-\message{Package Timesheet: %
- setting table \the\tms@tablewidth\space in width.^^J}%
- \setlength{\tms@widthlessboxes}{2\arrayrulewidth}%
- \addtolength{\tms@widthlessboxes}{3\arrayrulewidth}%
- \addtolength{\tms@widthlessboxes}{\doublerulesep}%
- \addtolength{\tms@widthlessboxes}{6\tabcolsep}%
- \settowidth{\tms@numlen}{\tms@timelabeltype{99}}%
- \settowidth{\tms@colonlen}{\tms@timelabeltype{:}}%
- \settowidth{\tms@dashlen}{\tms@timelabeltype{\ --\ }}%
- \addtolength{\tms@widthlessboxes}{4\tms@numlen}%
- \addtolength{\tms@widthlessboxes}{2\tms@colonlen}%
- \addtolength{\tms@widthlessboxes}{\tms@dashlen}%
- \tms@tempcount\tms@leftprop%
- \advance\tms@tempcount by\tms@rightprop%
- \setlength{\tms@templen}{\tms@tablewidth}%
- \addtolength{\tms@templen}{-\tms@widthlessboxes}%
- \tms@leftlen\tms@templen%
- \divide\tms@leftlen by\tms@tempcount%
- \global\multiply\tms@leftlen by\tms@leftprop%
- \tms@rightlen\tms@templen%
- \divide\tms@rightlen by\tms@tempcount%
- \global\multiply\tms@rightlen by\tms@rightprop%
- \tms@tempcount\tms@days%
- \advance\tms@tempcount by1%
- \protected@edef\tms@header{%
- \noexpand\begin{longtable}{%
- |>{\hfill}%
- m{\the\tms@numlen}%
- @{\tms@timelabeltype{:}}%
- m{\the\tms@numlen}%
- @{\tms@timelabeltype{\ --\ }}%
- >{\hfill}%
- m{\the\tms@numlen}%
- @{\tms@timelabeltype{:}}%
- m{\the\tms@numlen}%
- |%
- m{\the\tms@leftlen}||%
- m{\the\tms@rightlen}|}%
- \noexpand\multicolumn{6}{c}%
- {\tms@titletype{\noexpand\tms@title}}%
- \\%
- \noexpand\multicolumn{4}{l}{}%
- &%
- \noexpand\multicolumn{1}{c}{\textbf{Plan}}&%
- \noexpand\multicolumn{1}{c}{\textbf{Action}}%
- \noexpand\\\noexpand\hline%
- \noexpand\endhead%
- \noexpand\tms@timecoltext}%
- \extrarowheight=3pt}
- \ifnum\dates@time@start>0\relax%
- \ifnum\dates@time@start<\tms@time@start%
- \protected@edef\cal@entry@text{%
- \noexpand\parbox{\the\tms@leftlen}{\noexpand\raggedright%
- \noexpand\tms@itemtype{%
- \noexpand$\noexpand<\noexpand$%
- \theshorttext, to \cal@appt@end@text%
- \noexpand$\noexpand>\noexpand$}}}%
- \else%
- \ifnum\dates@time@start<\dates@time@end%
- \protected@edef\cal@entry@text{%
- \noexpand\parbox{\the\tms@leftlen}{\noexpand\raggedright%
- \iftms@usetimes%
- \noexpand\tms@timeitemtype{%
- \cal@appt@start@text%
- --%
- \cal@appt@end@text}%
- \space%
- \fi%
- \noexpand\tms@itemtype{%
- \thelongtext}}}%
- \else%
- \protected@edef\cal@entry@text{%
- \noexpand\parbox{\the\tms@leftlen}{\noexpand\raggedright%
- \iftms@usetimes%
- \noexpand\tms@timeitemtype{%
- \cal@appt@start@text}%
- \space%
- \fi%
- \tms@itemtype{\thelongtext}}}%
- \fi%
- \fi%
- \fi}%
-\message{Done loading style}
-%% End of file `timesht.sty'.
diff --git a/Master/texmf-dist/tex/latex/calendar/timetabl.sty b/Master/texmf-dist/tex/latex/calendar/timetabl.sty
deleted file mode 100644
index eb0de52405a..00000000000
--- a/Master/texmf-dist/tex/latex/calendar/timetabl.sty
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,328 +0,0 @@
-%% This is file `timetabl.sty',
-%% generated with the docstrip utility.
-%% The original source files were:
-%% timetabl.dtx (with options: `package')
-%% This file is part of the Calendar package,
-%% Copyright (C) 1996, 1997 Frank Bennett, Jr.
-%% All rights reserved.
-%% ------------------------------------------
-%% You are not allowed to change this file. You may however copy
-%% this file to a file with a different name and then change the
-%% copy if (a) you do not charge for the modified code, (b) you
-%% acknowledge the author of this file in the new file, if it
-%% is distributed to others, and (c) you attach these same
-%% conditions to the new file.
-%% You are not allowed to distribute this file alone. You are not
-%% allowed to take money for the distribution or use of this file
-%% (or a changed version) except for a nominal charge for copying
-%% etc.
-%% You are allowed to distribute this file under the condition that
-%% it is distributed with all of its contents, intact.
-%% For error reports, or offers to help make this a more powerful,
-%% friendlier, and altogether more thrilling package, please contact me on
-%% Better yet, make a contribution to
-%% my pension. Account details available on request.
-%% ------------------------------------------
- [1998/01/17 18:15:28 Timetable (Frank Bennett)]
-\input calopts.cfg
- \def\ttbl@settablewidth{%
- \setlength{\ttbl@tablewidth}{\hsize}}%
- \ttbl@tempcount=#2%
- \multiply\ttbl@tempcount by60%
- \advance\ttbl@tempcount by#3%
- \global#1\ttbl@tempcount}
- \def\@blockstarttext{#1}%
- \def\@blockendtext{#2}}
- \ifcat$#1$%
- \let\next\@gobble%
- \else%
- \let\next\@setblocks%
- \global\advance\ttbl@blocks by 1%
- \@splitblocks#1{}%
- \expandafter\@settime%
- \expandafter\ttbl@time@start\@blockstarttext{}%
- \expandafter\@settime%
- \expandafter\ttbl@time@end\@blockendtext{}%
- \let\ttbl@tempmac\ttbl@blocklist%
- \edef\ttbl@blocklist{%
- \ttbl@tempmac\the\ttbl@time@start-\the\ttbl@time@end,}%
- \fi%
- \next#2{}}
- \global\ttbl@time@start=#1%
- \global\ttbl@time@end=#2%
- \gdef\ttbl@blocklist{#3}}%
- \ifcat$#1$%
- \ttbl@tempreg@a=\expandafter{\ttbl@labellist}%
- \edef\ttbl@label##1{%
- \noexpand\ifcase##1\the\ttbl@tempreg@a\noexpand\fi}%
- \let\next\@gobble%
- \else%
- \let\next\@extractlabels%
- \let\ttbl@tempmac\ttbl@labellist%
- \expandafter\def%
- \expandafter\ttbl@labellist%
- \expandafter{%
- \ttbl@tempmac\or #1}%
- \fi%
- \next#2{}}
-\def\ttbl@title{Conference Schedule}
-{\message{^^JStart: \theshortweekday\space%
- \theday\space\theshortmonth\space\theyear}%
- \dates@date\cal@range@end%
- \caldate%
- \message{^^JEnd: \theshortweekday\space%
- \theday\space\theshortmonth\space\theyear}%
- \dates@date\cal@range@start%
- \caldate%
- \ttbl@days\cal@range@end%
- \advance\ttbl@days by-\cal@range@start%
- \advance\ttbl@days by1%
- \ttbl@blocks\ttbl@end%
- \advance\ttbl@blocks by-\ttbl@start%
- \divide\ttbl@blocks by\ttbl@minuteblocks%
-\multiply\ttbl@boxes by\ttbl@days%
- \def\ttbl@gettimes{%
- \ifcat$\ttbl@blocklist$%
- \ttbl@time@start\cal@group@count%
- \divide\ttbl@time@start by\ttbl@days%
- \multiply\ttbl@time@start by\ttbl@minuteblocks%
- \global\advance\ttbl@time@start by\ttbl@start%
- \ttbl@time@end\ttbl@time@start%
- \global\advance\ttbl@time@end by\ttbl@minuteblocks%
- \else%
- \expandafter\ttbl@chopblock\ttbl@blocklist-,{}%
- \fi%
- \mod{60}\ttbl@time@start\ttbl@minutes@start%
- \ttbl@hours@start\dates@three%
- \divide\ttbl@hours@start by60%
- \mod{60}\ttbl@time@end\ttbl@minutes@end%
- \ttbl@hours@end\dates@three%
- \divide\ttbl@hours@end by60%
- \ifnum\ttbl@minutes@start<10%
- \edef\ttbl@minutes@start@mac{0\the\ttbl@minutes@start}%
- \else%
- \edef\ttbl@minutes@start@mac{\the\ttbl@minutes@start}%
- \fi%
- \ifnum\ttbl@minutes@end<10%
- \edef\ttbl@minutes@end@mac{0\the\ttbl@minutes@end}%
- \else%
- \edef\ttbl@minutes@end@mac{\the\ttbl@minutes@end}%
- \fi%
- \xdef\ttbl@timecoltext{%
- \noexpand\vbox{\vfil\vskip4pt%
- \noexpand\begin{sideways}%
- \noexpand\ttbl@timelabelface{%
- \the\ttbl@hours@end:\ttbl@minutes@end@mac%
- $\noexpand\leftarrow$%
- \the\ttbl@hours@start:\ttbl@minutes@start@mac}%
- \noexpand\end{sideways}%
- \vfil}
- &}}%
-\message{Package Timetable: %
- setting table \the\ttbl@tablewidth\space in width.^^J}%
- \setlength{\ttbl@widthlessboxes}{2\arrayrulewidth}%
- \addtolength{\ttbl@widthlessboxes}{\ttbl@days\arrayrulewidth}%
- \addtolength{\ttbl@widthlessboxes}{2\tabcolsep}%
- \setlength{\ttbl@templen}{2\tabcolsep}%
- \addtolength{\ttbl@widthlessboxes}{\ttbl@days\ttbl@templen}%
- \settoheight{\ttbl@timetextlen}{\ttbl@timelabelface{99:99--99:99}}%
- \settodepth{\ttbl@templen}{\ttbl@timelabelface{99:99--99:99}}%
- \addtolength{\ttbl@timetextlen}{\ttbl@templen}%
- \addtolength{\ttbl@widthlessboxes}{\ttbl@timetextlen}%
- \setlength{\ttbl@hw}{\ttbl@tablewidth}%
- \addtolength{\ttbl@hw}{-\ttbl@widthlessboxes}%
- \divide\ttbl@hw by\ttbl@days%
- m{\the\ttbl@timetextlen}%
- \noexpand|}%
- m{\the\ttbl@hw}%
- \noexpand|}%
- \edef\ttbl@tempmac{\the\ttbl@tempreg@a\the\ttbl@tempreg@b}%
- \ttbl@tempreg@a=\expandafter{\ttbl@tempmac}%
- \advance\ttbl@tempcount by1%
- \global\settoheight\ttbl@labelstrutbuf{\ttbl@labelface{W}}%
- \global\advance\ttbl@labelstrutbuf by\ttbl@extralabelheight\relax%
- \ifnum\ttbl@labelstrutbuf>\ttbl@labelstrut%
- \global\ttbl@labelstrut\ttbl@labelstrutbuf%
- \fi%
- \def\ttbl@labeltext{}%
- \dates@date=\cal@range@start%
- \caldate%
- \ttbl@tempcount=1%
- \ttbl@tempreg@b={}%
- \loop%
- \protected@edef\ttbl@labeltext{\the\ttbl@tempreg@b&%
- \noexpand\multicolumn{1}{c|}{%
- \noexpand\ttbl@labelface{%
- \ttbl@label{\ttbl@tempcount}}}}%
- \ttbl@tempreg@b=\expandafter{\ttbl@labeltext}%
- \ifnum\dates@date<\cal@range@end%
- \advance\dates@date by1%
- \caldate%
- \advance\ttbl@tempcount by1%
- \repeat%
- \dates@date\cal@range@start%
- \caldate%
- \ttbl@tempcount\ttbl@days%
- \advance\ttbl@tempcount by1%
- \protected@edef\ttbl@header{%
- \noexpand\begin{longtable}{\the\ttbl@tempreg@a}%
- \noexpand\multicolumn{\ttbl@tempcount}{c}%
- {\noexpand\ttbl@titleface{\ttbl@title}}%
- \noexpand\\\noexpand\hline%
- \noexpand\vrule width0pt depth 0pt height\ttbl@labelstrut\relax%
- \the\ttbl@tempreg@b\noexpand\\%
- \noexpand\hline\noexpand\hline\noexpand\endhead%
- \ifcat$\ttbl@foot$\else%
- \noexpand\multicolumn{\ttbl@tempcount}{l}%
- {\noexpand\ttbl@foot}\noexpand\\%
- \noexpand\endfoot%
- \fi%
- \noexpand\ttbl@timecoltext}}%
- \ifnum\dates@time@start>0\relax%
- \ifnum\dates@time@start<\ttbl@time@start%
- \protected@edef\cal@entry@text{%
- \noexpand\cal@textcolor{\calcolor}{%
- \noexpand\ttbl@itemface{%
- \noexpand$\noexpand<\noexpand$%
- \theshorttext\if@ttbl@usetimes, to \cal@appt@end@text\fi%
- \noexpand$\noexpand>\noexpand$}}}%
- \else%
- \ifnum\dates@time@start<\dates@time@end%
- \protected@edef\cal@entry@text{%
- \if@ttbl@usetimes%
- \noexpand\ttbl@timeitemface{%
- \cal@appt@start@text%
- --%
- \cal@appt@end@text}%
- \space%
- \fi%
- \noexpand\cal@textcolor{\calcolor}{%
- \noexpand\ttbl@itemface{%
- \thelongtext}}}%
- \else%
- \protected@edef\cal@entry@text{%
- \if@ttbl@usetimes%
- \noexpand\ttbl@timeitemface{%
- \cal@appt@start@text}%
- \space%
- \fi%
- \noexpand\cal@textcolor{\calcolor}{%
- \noexpand\ttbl@itemface{%
- \thelongtext}}}%
- \fi%
- \fi%
- \fi}%
-%% End of file `timetabl.sty'.
diff --git a/Master/texmf-dist/tex/latex/calendar/weekly.cls b/Master/texmf-dist/tex/latex/calendar/weekly.cls
deleted file mode 100644
index 1ef3f8da57e..00000000000
--- a/Master/texmf-dist/tex/latex/calendar/weekly.cls
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,202 +0,0 @@
-%% This is file `weekly.cls',
-%% generated with the docstrip utility.
-%% The original source files were:
-%% weekly.dtx (with options: `class')
-%% This file is part of the Calendar package,
-%% Copyright (C) 1996, 1997 Frank Bennett, Jr.
-%% All rights reserved.
-%% ------------------------------------------
-%% You are not allowed to change this file. You may however copy
-%% this file to a file with a different name and then change the
-%% copy if (a) you do not charge for the modified code, (b) you
-%% acknowledge the author of this file in the new file, if it
-%% is distributed to others, and (c) you attach these same
-%% conditions to the new file.
-%% You are not allowed to distribute this file alone. You are not
-%% allowed to take money for the distribution or use of this file
-%% (or a changed version) except for a nominal charge for copying
-%% etc.
-%% You are allowed to distribute this file under the condition that
-%% it is distributed with all of its contents, intact.
-%% For error reports, or offers to help make this a more powerful,
-%% friendlier, and altogether more thrilling package, please contact me on
-%% Better yet, make a contribution to
-%% my pension. Account details available on request.
-%% ------------------------------------------
- [1998/01/17 18:15:32 Weekly Calendar (Frank Bennett)]
-\input calopts.cfg
- \pagestyle{empty}
- \parindent=0pt}
- \wk@firstday=#1}
-\expandafter\newsavebox\csname wk@box\the\wk@tempcount\endcsname
-\loop\advance\wk@tempcount by1\relax
- \expandafter\newsavebox\csname wk@box\the\wk@tempcount\endcsname
- \wk@tempcount=-1\relax%
- \loop\advance\wk@tempcount by1\relax%
- \ifnum\wk@tempcount<3\relax%
- \hbox to\linewidth{%
- \expandafter\usebox\csname wk@box\the\wk@tempcount\endcsname}%
- \repeat%
- \hbox to\linewidth{\vbox to\wk@itemheight{%
- \hrule width\linewidth height0.4pt depth0pt%
- \hbox to\linewidth{\hfil}\vfill}}%
- \wk@tempcount=2\relax%
- \loop\advance\wk@tempcount by1\relax%
- \ifnum\wk@tempcount<7\relax%
- \hbox to\linewidth{%
- \expandafter\usebox\csname wk@box\the\wk@tempcount\endcsname}%
- \repeat}%
- \setlength\wk@itemheight\textheight\relax%
- \addtolength\wk@itemheight{-4pt}%
- \addtolength\wk@itemheight{-5\normallineskip}%
- \divide\wk@itemheight by4\relax}%
- \prevday\wk@firstday%
- \cal@range@start\dates@date%
- \caldate%
- \message{^^JStart: \theshortweekday\space%
- \theday\space\theshortmonth\space\theyear}%
- \global\dates@date\cal@range@end%
- \caldate%
- \advance\wk@firstday by-1%
- \ifnum\wk@firstday=7\wk@firstday=0\fi%
- \nextday\wk@firstday%
- \caldate%
- \cal@range@end\dates@date%
- \message{^^JEnd: \theshortweekday\space%
- \theday\space\theshortmonth\space\theyear}%
- \global\dates@date=\cal@range@start%
- \caldate}%
- \ifnum\dates@time@start>0\relax%
- \ifnum\dates@time@start=\dates@time@end%
- \protected@edef\cal@entry@text{%
- \thetimestart\space%
- \cal@textcolor{\calcolor}{\theshorttext}}%
- \else%
- \protected@edef\cal@entry@text{%
- \thetimestart--\thetimeend\space%
- \cal@textcolor{\calcolor}{\theshorttext}}%
- \fi%
- \else%
- \protected@edef\cal@entry@text{%
- \cal@textcolor{\calcolor}{\theshorttext}}%
- \fi}%
- \expandafter\sbox\csname wk@box\the\cal@subgroup@count\endcsname{%
- \vbox to\wk@itemheight{\hbox{\parbox{\linewidth}{%
-\hrule width\linewidth%
- \textbf{\theweekday\hfill%
- \theday\space\themonth\space\theyear}\par%
- \textbf{\theday\space\themonth\space\theyear\hfill%
- \theweekday}\par%
-\hrule width\linewidth%
- \raggedright\small%
- \ifcat$\theevents$%
- \else%
- \theevents\par%
- \fi%
- \ifcat$\theappointments$%
- \else%
- \theappointments%
- \fi}% parbox
-}% hbox
-\vfill}% vbox
-}% sbox
- \message{Resetting this date in two-columns.}%
-\expandafter\sbox\csname wk@box\the\cal@subgroup@count\endcsname{%
- \vbox to\wk@itemheight{\hbox{\parbox{\linewidth}{%
-\hrule width\linewidth%
- \textbf{\theweekday\hfill%
- \theday\space\themonth\space\theyear}\par%
- \textbf{\theday\space\themonth\space\theyear\hfill%
- \theweekday}\par%
-\hrule width\linewidth%
- \raggedright\small%
- \begin{multicols}{2}%
- \ifcat$\theevents$%
- \else%
- \theevents\par%
- \fi%
- \ifcat$\theappointments$%
- \else%
- \theappointments%
- \fi%
- \end{multicols}%
-}% parbox
-}% hbox
-\vfill}% vbox
-}% sbox
- \advance\wk@tempcount by1\relax%
- \ifnum\wk@tempcount>6\relax%
- \wk@tempcount=0\relax%
- \fi}
-%% End of file `weekly.cls'.
diff --git a/Master/texmf-dist/tex/latex/calendar/yearly.sty b/Master/texmf-dist/tex/latex/calendar/yearly.sty
deleted file mode 100644
index f224e80c0de..00000000000
--- a/Master/texmf-dist/tex/latex/calendar/yearly.sty
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,133 +0,0 @@
-%% This is file `yearly.sty',
-%% generated with the docstrip utility.
-%% The original source files were:
-%% yearly.dtx (with options: `style')
-%% This file is part of the Calendar package,
-%% Copyright (C) 1996, 1997 Frank Bennett, Jr.
-%% All rights reserved.
-%% ------------------------------------------
-%% You are not allowed to change this file. You may however copy
-%% this file to a file with a different name and then change the
-%% copy if (a) you do not charge for the modified code, (b) you
-%% acknowledge the author of this file in the new file, if it
-%% is distributed to others, and (c) you attach these same
-%% conditions to the new file.
-%% You are not allowed to distribute this file alone. You are not
-%% allowed to take money for the distribution or use of this file
-%% (or a changed version) except for a nominal charge for copying
-%% etc.
-%% You are allowed to distribute this file under the condition that
-%% it is distributed with all of its contents, intact.
-%% For error reports, or offers to help make this a more powerful,
-%% friendlier, and altogether more thrilling package, please contact me on
-%% Better yet, make a contribution to
-%% my pension. Account details available on request.
-%% ------------------------------------------
- [1997/11/06 07:33:21 Trivial yearly calendar (Frank Bennett)]
-\input calopts.cfg
- \def\yrly@title{#1}}
- \@storelabels#1,,{}}
- \yrly@firstday=#1}
- \def\yrly@labeltext{}%
- \@@storelabels}
- \ifcat$#1$%
- \yrly@tempreg@a=\expandafter\expandafter\expandafter{%
- \expandafter\@gobble\yrly@labeltext}%
- \edef\yrly@labeltext{\the\yrly@tempreg@a}%
- \let\next\@gobble%
- \else%
- \let\next\@@storelabels%
- \yrly@tempreg@a=\expandafter{\yrly@labeltext}%
- \protected@edef\yrly@labeltext{\the\yrly@tempreg@a&#1}%
- \fi%
- \next#2{}}
- {yearly}
- {\cal@insert}
- {\yrly@firstday}
- {\dates@days}
- {7}
- {&}
- {I}
- {\begin{tabular}[t]{ccccccc}%
- \multicolumn{7}{c}{\textbf{\themonth}}\\\hline%
- \yrly@labeltext\\\hline}%
- {\end{tabular}}
- {\cal@footer%
- \ifodd\thumbnails%
- \\%
- \else%
- \rule{0.25in}{0pt}%
- \fi%
- \advance\thumbnails by 1%
- \cal@header}
- {\\}
- {}
- {\global\dates@month=1%
- \global\dates@day=1%
- \dates@fix%
- \cal@range@start\dates@date%
- \message{^^JStart: \theshortweekday\space%
- \theday\space\theshortmonth\space\theyear}%
- \global\dates@month=12%
- \global\dates@day=31%
- \dates@fix%
- \caldate%
- \cal@range@end\dates@date%
- \message{^^JEnd: \theshortweekday\space%
- \theday\space\theshortmonth\space\theyear}%
- \global\dates@date=\cal@range@start%
- \caldate%
- \addtolength{\tabcolsep}{-0.5\tabcolsep}%
- \newcount\thumbnails%
- \@ifundefined{yrly@labeltext}{%
- \def\yrly@defaultlabels{}%
- \yrly@tempcount=1%
- \global\advance\dates@date by-\dates@weekd%
- \global\advance\dates@date by\yrly@firstday%
- \caldate%
- \loop%
- \yrly@tempreg@a=\expandafter{\yrly@defaultlabels}%
- \edef\yrly@defaultlabels{\the\yrly@tempreg@a\theshortweekday,}%
- \ifnum\yrly@tempcount<7%
- \global\advance\dates@date by1%
- \caldate%
- \advance\yrly@tempcount by 1\relax%
- \repeat%
- \expandafter\@storelabels\yrly@defaultlabels,,{}%
- \dates@date\cal@range@start%
- \caldate}%
- {}%
- \yrly@title\par\bigskip}%
- {}%
- {\getanycolor}%
- {}%
- {\cal@textcolor{\calcolor}{\theday}}
-%% End of file `yearly.sty'.
diff --git a/Master/texmf-dist/tex/plain/calendar/a5.sty b/Master/texmf-dist/tex/plain/calendar/a5.sty
deleted file mode 100644
index 6c09b53428d..00000000000
--- a/Master/texmf-dist/tex/plain/calendar/a5.sty
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,45 +0,0 @@
-%% FILE a5.sty
-\divide\cellheight by7
-\advance\cellheight by-0.4pt
-\font\Rm=cmr10 at 14pt
-\font\Bf=cmbx10 at 14pt
- \else\botmark\hfill\fi}
- \mark{\themonth} % Outside any box
- \setbox2=\vbox\bgroup
- \ifodd\pageno
- \rightskip=3cm plus 1fill
- \else
- \leftskip=3cm plus 1fill\fi\rm}
- \vbox to\cellheight{\vglue2pt
- \setbox0=\hbox to\hsize{%
- \ifodd\pageno
- \hfill{\Rm\theweekday\ \ifholy\Bf\fi\the\Day}
- \else
- {\Rm{\ifholy\Bf\fi\the\Day}\ \theweekday}%
- \hfill\fi}
- \copy0\kern-\ht0\box2\vfill}
- \advance\daysinpage by1
- \ifnum\daysinpage=7 \daysinpage=0
- \newpage\fi}
-% Local: from monday ...
-\Day=1 \Month=9\dayno\nextday1\currentdate=\date
-% Local: ... to sunday.
-{\nextyear\Day=31 \Month=5\dayno\nextday0
- \global\lastdate=\date}
diff --git a/Master/texmf-dist/tex/plain/calendar/a6.sty b/Master/texmf-dist/tex/plain/calendar/a6.sty
deleted file mode 100644
index d6fa4e274b0..00000000000
--- a/Master/texmf-dist/tex/plain/calendar/a6.sty
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,66 +0,0 @@
-%% FILE a6.sty
-\divide\sphsize by2\advance\sphsize by-0.4pt
-\divide\cellheight by3
-\advance\cellheight by-0.4pt\parindent=0pt
- \ifodd\pageno
- \rm\xdef\ftmk{\firstmark}%
- \divide\pageno by2\advance\pageno by1
- Week \#\the\pageno
- \else
- \bf\edef\btmk{\botmark}%
- \ifx\ftmk\btmk\else\ftmk/\fi\btmk
- \fi\hfill}
- \ifcase\daysinpage\or\hrule\or\hrule\or\or
- \hrule\or\hrule\fi
- \mark{\themonth} % Outside any box
- \setbox1=\vbox to\cellheight\bgroup\vglue4pt
- \ifnum\daysinpage>4\hsize=\sphsize\fi
- \setbox3=\vbox\bgroup
- \ifnum\daysinpage>2
- \rightskip=1.45cm plus 1fill
- \else
- \leftskip=1.45cm plus 1fill\fi
- \noindent\small}
- \setbox0=\hbox to\hsize{\rm\ifholy\bf\fi
- \ifnum\daysinpage=6\bf\fi
- \ifnum\daysinpage>2
- \hfill{{\rm\theshortweekday}
- \ \the\Day\hskip0.5em}
- \else
- {\hskip0.5em\the\Day
- \ {\rm\theshortweekday}}\hfill\fi}
- \copy0\kern-\ht0\vskip0pt\box3
- \vfill\egroup
- \advance\daysinpage by1
- \ifcase\daysinpage\or\box1\or\box1\or
- \box1\newpage\or\box1\or\box1\or
- \setbox2=\box1\or
- \hbox{\box2\vrule\box1}\newpage
- \daysinpage=0\fi}
-% Local: from monday ...
-% Local: ... to sunday.
diff --git a/Master/texmf-dist/tex/plain/calendar/block.sty b/Master/texmf-dist/tex/plain/calendar/block.sty
deleted file mode 100644
index 72433136f1b..00000000000
--- a/Master/texmf-dist/tex/plain/calendar/block.sty
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,59 +0,0 @@
-%% FILE block.sty
-\font\bf=cmbx12 at 16pt
-\font\Rm=cmr12 at 48pt
-\font\Bf=cmbx12 at 48pt
- \saveMonth=\Month
- \def\beginday{
- \ifnum\daysinrow=0\setbox1=\hbox{}\fi
- \setbox0=\hbox to1.3em{\hss
- \ifnum\Month=\saveMonth\the\Day\fi}}
- \def\endday{\setbox1=\hbox{\unhbox1\box0}
- \advance\daysinrow by1
- \ifnum\daysinrow=7\box1\daysinrow=0\fi}
-% Local: from sunday ...
- \Day=1\dayno
- \prevday0\currentdate=\date
- \Day=1\advancemonth \dayno
-% Local: ... to saturday.
- \advance\date by-1 \nextday6 \lastdate=\date
- \daysinrow=0
- \baselineskip=9pt\small
- \global\setbox3=\vbox to0.55in{\makeempty\vss}}}
-\def\cstrut{\vrule width0pt depth0.3in}
-\vsize=5in \voffset=-0.2in
-\hsize=4in \hoffset=-0.25in
- \nextyear\Month=1\else
- \advance\Month by1\fi}
- \setbox2=\box3{\advancemonth\card}\fi
- \date=\currentdate\caldate
- \centerline{\bf\uppercase
- \expandafter{\themonth}}
- \setbox0=\vbox\bgroup\noindent\rm}
- \centerline{\cstrut\copy2\quad
- \hbox to1in{\Rm\weekday
-% Local: sundays in bf.
- \ifnum\weekd=0\Bf\fi\ifholy\Bf\fi
- \hss\the\Day\hss}\quad\copy3}
- \centerline{\rm\theweekday}
- \vskip20pt\box0\newpage}
-\leftskip=1em plus1fill\rightskip=1em plus1fill
diff --git a/Master/texmf-dist/tex/plain/calendar/calend0.tex b/Master/texmf-dist/tex/plain/calendar/calend0.tex
deleted file mode 100644
index 854adc3cab6..00000000000
--- a/Master/texmf-dist/tex/plain/calendar/calend0.tex
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,156 +0,0 @@
-%% FILE calend0.tex
-%% Modificat 9/12/92
- \input calend1.tex\relax}
- \advance\Year by-1900\calculateyearbase}
-\def\nextyear{\advance\Year by1
- \calculateyearbase}
- \multiply\timezone by 1000
- \divide\timezone by24}
-% \ifleapyear is set;
-% \yearbase is the number of
-% days passed from 1900, Jan 0
-% to New year's date;
- \yearbase=-1
- {\count0=\Year\divide\count0 by4
- \multiply\count0 by4
- \ifnum\Year=\count0
- \global\@catch=0\else\global\@catch=1\fi}%
- \ifcase\@catch \leapyeartrue\or
- \leapyearfalse\fi
- {\count0=\Year\multiply\count0
- by1461\advance\count0 by3
- \divide\count0 by4
- \global\@catch=\count0}%
- \advance\yearbase by\@catch
- \ifnum\Year=0\yearbase=0\leapyearfalse\fi}
-% Gives the number of days passed
-% at the end of each month.
-% Value returned in \Day
- \@catch=\ifcase\Month 0\or31\or
- 59\or90\or120\or151\or181\or212\or
- 243\or273\or304\or334\or365\fi
- {\ifleapyear\ifnum\Month>1
- \global\advance\@catch by1\fi\fi}%
- \Day=\@catch}
-% Long date of \Month, \Day
-% in the year \Year.
-% Value returned in \date
- \Month by-1\monthdays
- \advance\date by\Day
- \global\advance\date by\yearbase}}
-% Long date MOD 7 gives the week day.
-% Sunday is 0 and Saturday is 6.
- \count1=\count0\divide\count0 by 7
- \multiply\count0 by 7
-\advance\count1 by -\count0
- \global\weekd=\count1}}
-% Name of week day (Local).
- \ifcase\weekd
- Sunday\or Monday\or Tuesday\or
- Wednesday\or Thursday\or Friday\or
- Saturday\fi}
-% (Local)
- \ifcase\weekd Sun\or Mon\or Tue\or
- Wed\or Thu\or Fri\or Sat\fi}
-% Gives the usual calendar date for
-% a long date in counter \date.
-% Returned in \Day, \Month and \Year
- \multiply\Year by4\divide\Year by1461
- \calculateyearbase
- {\advance\date by-\yearbase\Month=0
- \loop\monthdays\ifnum\Day<\date
- \global\advance\Month by1\repeat
- {\advance\Month by-1\monthdays
- \advance\date by-\Day
- \global\Day=\date}}}
-% Name of month \Month. (Local)
- \or January\or February\or March\or
- April\or May\or June\or July\or
- August\or September\or October\or
- November\or December\fi}
-% Find the next (previous) day after
-% (before) \date with \weekday=#1.
- \advance\count0 by-\weekd
- \ifnum\count0<0\advance\count0 by7\fi
- \global\advance\date by\count0}}
- \advance\date by-7}
-\def\snextday#1{\advance\date by1
- \nextday#1}
-\def\sprevday#1{\advance\date by-1
- \prevday#1}
-% \beginevents...\endevents
-% contains control sequences like
-% \event or \evday or sequences
-% generating these commands.
- \immediate\openout
- \evefile=\jobname.eve\relax}
- \evefile\end}
- \Day=#1\Month=#2\dayno
- \evday[\the\evetext]}
- \string\evententry{\the\date}{#1}}}
-% 2nd run commands
- \loop\advance\currentdate by1\relax
- \ifnum\currentdate<\nextdate
- \begin@day\end@day\repeat}
- \ifnum#1>\lastdate\else
- \ifnum\currentdate<#1
- \ifdoing@day\end@day\fi
- \upto{#1}\fi
- \ifnum\currentdate=#1
- \ifdoing@day\else\begin@day\fi
- #2\par\fi\fi}
- \date=\currentdate\caldate
- \message{<\thecaldate}\beginday}
- \global\holyfalse\message{>}}
-\def\makeagenda#1{\input #1.sty\relax
- \begin@day\input\jobname.eve\relax
- \evententry{\the\lastdate}{}\end@day
- \epilog\end}
-% Do not read events
- \evententry{\the\lastdate}{}\end@day}
diff --git a/Master/texmf-dist/tex/plain/calendar/calend1.tex b/Master/texmf-dist/tex/plain/calendar/calend1.tex
deleted file mode 100644
index 7ce74606469..00000000000
--- a/Master/texmf-dist/tex/plain/calendar/calend1.tex
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,85 +0,0 @@
-%% FILE calend1.tex
-% Convert from Julian date and time in
-% \date to long date (in local time)
-\def\JDTtoL{\advance\date by500
- \advance\date by\timezone\divide\date by1000}
-%% Trigonometric functions
-\def\sintable#1{\ifcase #1 0\or100\or199
- \or296\or389\or479\or565\or644\or717
- \or783\or841\or891\or932\or964\or985
- \or997\or1000\or992\or974\or946\or909
- \or863\or808\or746\or675\or598\or516
- \or427\or335\or239\or141\or42\or-58
- \or-158\fi}
-% Reduces modulo 2\pi (requires positive
-% argument theta):
-% theta := theta MOD 2\pi, where
-% theta = count1*10^(-3)
-\def\twopimod{\count2 =\count1
- \divide\count2 by6284 \count3 =1853
- \count4 =6283\multiply\count3 by\count2
- \multiply\count4 by\count2
- \divide\count3 by10000
- \advance\count3 by\count4
- \advance\count1 by-\count3}
-% v := sin(theta), where
-% v = count4*10^(-3);
-% theta = count1*10^(-3)
-% theta is reduced MOD 2\pi to be
-% 0<=theta<2\pi by \TWOPIMOD,
-% then linear interpolation is performed
-% using \SINTABLE.
- \ifnum\count1<0 \signtrue
- \count1=-\count1\else \signfalse\fi
- \loop\ifnum\count1>6284\twopimod\repeat
- \ifnum\count1>3142
- \advance\count1 by-3142
- \ifsign\signfalse\else\signtrue\fi\fi
- \multiply\count1 by10 \count3 =\count1
- \divide\count3 by1000 \count2 =\count3
- \multiply\count3 by1000
- \advance\count3 by-\count1
- \count5 =\sintable{\count2 }
- \count4 =\count5\advance\count2 by1
- \advance\count4 by -\sintable{\count2 }
- \multiply\count4 by\count3
- \divide\count4 by1000
- \advance\count4 by\count5
- \ifsign\count4 =-\count4 \fi}
-% v := cos(theta), where
-% v = count4*10^(-3);
-% theta = count1*10^(-3).
-% \SIN is evaluated on pi/2-theta.
-\def\Cos{\advance\count1 by-1571
- \multiply\count1 by-1\Sin}
-% Linear transformation of T giving
-% theta := a*T+b, where
-% T = count0*10^(-6);
-% theta = count1*10^(-3);
-% a = #1*10^3+#2+#3*10^(-3);
-% b = #4*10^(-3)
-\def\lin#1.#2.#3+#4.{\count1 =#3
- \count2 =#2 \count3 =#1
- \multiply\count1 by\count0
- \multiply\count2 by\count0
- \multiply\count3 by\count0
- \divide\count1 by1000
- \advance\count1 by\count2
- \divide\count1 by1000
- \advance\count1 by\count3
- \advance\count1 by #4}
-% Accumulate value returned by a
-% trigonometric function, scaled by
-% factor f, into count6:
-% ac := ac+f*v, where
-% ac = count6*10^(-7)
-% v = value of SIN or COS =count4*10^(-3)
-% f = #1*10^(-4)
-\def\fac#1{\multiply\count4 by #1
- \advance\count6 by\count4}
-\def\id{\count4=\count1} % Identity
diff --git a/Master/texmf-dist/tex/plain/calendar/feasts.tex b/Master/texmf-dist/tex/plain/calendar/feasts.tex
deleted file mode 100644
index ab5d48976b3..00000000000
--- a/Master/texmf-dist/tex/plain/calendar/feasts.tex
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,32 +0,0 @@
-%% FILE feasts.tex
-% Date of Easter for year \Year.
-% Value returned in \date
- \divide\count0 by19\multiply\count0 by19
- \advance\count1 by-\count0
- \advance\count1 by 1 % Golden number
- \count2=\count1\multiply\count2 by11
- \advance\count2 by18\count0=\count2
- \divide\count0 by30\multiply\count0 by30
- \advance\count2 by-\count0 % Epact
- \ifnum\count2=25\ifnum\count1>11
- \count2=26 \fi\fi
- \ifnum\count2=24 \count2=25\fi
- \advance\count2 by-44
- \multiply\count2 by-1
- \ifnum\count2<21 \advance\count2 by30\fi
- \Month=3\Day=0\dayno\global\advance\date
- by\count2}\snextday0}
-% (local)
- \message{Including feasts}
- \easter\evday[Easter Sunday]
- {\advance\date by49\evday[Whitsun]}
- {\advance\date by-7\evday[Palm Sunday]}
- {\advance\date by-46\evday[Ash Wendsday]
- \advance\date by-3\evday[Carnival]}
- \Month=1\Day=1\dayno\snextday0
- \evday[Epiphany]
- \event 25/12[\holy Christmas]}
diff --git a/Master/texmf-dist/tex/plain/calendar/moon.tex b/Master/texmf-dist/tex/plain/calendar/moon.tex
deleted file mode 100644
index f64c1f10b73..00000000000
--- a/Master/texmf-dist/tex/plain/calendar/moon.tex
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,89 +0,0 @@
-%% FILE moon.tex
- \multiply\moonno by123685
- \divide\moonno by10000
- \multiply\moonno by4\advance\moonno by-1
- \loop\moondate\ifnum\date<\yearbase
- \advance\moonno by1\repeat}
-% Compute date for cycle quarter MOONNO
- \lin 202.126.369+0.\count0=\count1
- \count6=0
- \lin 0.2.319+2907.\Sin\fac{3}
- \divide\count6 by1000
- \lin 365.249.86+7593.\id\fac{1}
- \divide\count6 by10\count7 =\count6
- \ifodd\moonno\quarters
- \else\fullornew\fi\global\date=\count7}
- \JDTtoL\message{\the\date}}
-% Correction for full and new moon
- \lin -393.0.0+0.
- \divide\count1 by100000000
- \advance\count6 by\count1
- \lin 0.628.300+6269.\Sin
- \multiply\count6 by\count4
- \lin -7.-700.-369+ 928.\Sin\fac{ -74}
- \lin 0. 628. 300+ 6269.\Sin\fac{ 1734}
- \lin 1. 256. 600+12539.\Sin\fac{ 21}
- \lin 8. 328. 670+ 5341.\Sin\fac{-4068}
- \lin 8. 538. 220+-4597.\Sin\fac{ 10}
- \lin 8. 956. 970+11610.\Sin\fac{ -51}
- \lin 16. 238. 589+-5526.\Sin\fac{ -4}
- \lin 16. 657. 340+10682.\Sin\fac{ 161}
- \lin 16. 866. 890+ 743.\Sin\fac{ 104}
- \lin 17. 285. 640+16951.\Sin\fac{ 50}
- \lin 17. 495. 190+ 7013.\Sin\fac{ 4}
- \lin 24. 986. 10+16023.\Sin\fac{ -4}
- \lin 25. 195. 560+ 6084.\Sin\fac{ -6}
- \divide\count6 by10000
- \advance\count7 by\count6 }
-% Correction for quarters
-\def\quarters{\lin -393.0.0+0.
- \divide\count1 by100000000
- \count6 =\count1 \lin 0.628.300+6269.
- \Sin\multiply\count6 by\count4
- \lin -16. -29. -40+-4413.\Sin\fac{ 40}
- \lin -7.-700.-369+ 928.\Sin\fac{ -47}
- \lin -7. -72. -69+ 7198.\Sin\fac{ -30}
- \lin 0. 628. 300+ 6270.\Sin\fac{ 1721}
- \lin 1. 256. 600+12539.\Sin\fac{ 21}
- \lin 8. 328. 670+ 5341.\Sin\fac{-6280}
- \lin 8. 538. 220+-4598.\Sin\fac{ 21}
- \lin 8. 956. 970+11611.\Sin\fac{ -119}
- \lin 16. 238. 589+-5526.\Sin\fac{ -4}
- \lin 16. 657. 340+10682.\Sin\fac{ 89}
- \lin 16. 866. 890+ 743.\Sin\fac{ 79}
- \lin 17. 285. 640+16952.\Sin\fac{ 3}
- \lin 17. 495. 190+ 7013.\Sin\fac{ 3}
- \lin 24. 986. 10+16023.\Sin\fac{ -4}
- \lin 25. 195. 560+ 6085.\Sin\fac{ -6}
- \count8=\count6\count6=28000
- \lin 628. 300. 373+ 6270.\Cos\fac{ -4}
- \lin 8. 328. 670+ 5341.\Cos\fac{ 3}
- \count2=\moonno
- \advance\count2 by-1\divide\count2 by2
- \ifodd\count2\multiply\count6 by-1 \fi
- \advance\count6 by\count8
- \divide\count6 by10000
- \advance\count7 by\count6 }
-% Events for phases.
-% Uses PHASE (local).
-\def\includemoons{\message{Including moons}
- {\firstmoon
-\Month=12\Day=31\dayno\advance\date by1
- \count1=\date
- \loop\moondate\phase\ifnum\date<\count1
- \evday[\themoon]\advance\moonno by1
- \repeat}}
- \count1=\moonno
- \divide\count0 by4\multiply\count0 by4
- \advance\count1 by-\count0\relax
- \global\edef\themoon{\ifcase\count1
- New moon\or First quarter\or
- Full Moon\or Last quarter\fi}}}
diff --git a/Master/texmf-dist/tex/plain/calendar/sun.tex b/Master/texmf-dist/tex/plain/calendar/sun.tex
deleted file mode 100644
index 9ec246b1f9a..00000000000
--- a/Master/texmf-dist/tex/plain/calendar/sun.tex
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,15 +0,0 @@
-%% FILE sun.tex
- \multiply\count0 by1000\count1=0
- \lin #1.#2.#3+#4.
- \global\date=\count1}\JDTtoL}
-% (local)
- \message{Including seasons}
- \linY 365.242.365+ 79573.\evday[Spring]
- \linY 365.241.628+172405.\evday[Summer]
- \linY 365.242.045+266014.\evday[Fall]
- \linY 365.242.756+355784.\evday[Winter]}
diff --git a/Master/texmf-dist/tex/plain/calendar/wall.sty b/Master/texmf-dist/tex/plain/calendar/wall.sty
deleted file mode 100644
index 076eb579ba1..00000000000
--- a/Master/texmf-dist/tex/plain/calendar/wall.sty
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,60 +0,0 @@
-%% FILE wall.sty
-\divide\cellwidth by7
-\advance\cellwidth by-0.4pt
-\font\BBf=cmbx12 at 24pt
-\font\Bf=cmbx10 at 20pt
-\font\Rm=cmr10 at 20pt
-\font\rm=cmr12 at 14pt
-\def\hstrut{\hrule height0pt depth0pt
- width\cellwidth}
- \ifnum\daysinrow=0\setbox1=\hbox{\vrule}\fi
- \setbox0=\vbox to\cellheight\bgroup
- \hstrut\hsize=\cellwidth\vskip5pt
- \setbox2=\vbox\bgroup\small}
- \hbox{\hskip0.5em\Rm\ifholy\Bf\fi\the\Day}
- \vskip2pt\box2\vfill\egroup
- \setbox1=\hbox{\unhbox1\box0\vrule}
- \advance\daysinrow by1
- \ifnum\daysinrow=7\box1\hrule\daysinrow=0\fi}
- \nextyear\Month=1\else\advance\Month by1\fi}
-% If no Month is given, take today's date.
-\ifnum\Month=0 \Month=\month
- \ifnum\day>15 \advancemonth\fi\fi
-\vskip40pt minus32pt
-% Local: from sunday ...
- \hbox to\cellwidth{\hss\theweekday\hss}
- \unskip\ifnum\weekd<6\advance\date by1\repeat}
-% Local: ... to saturday.
-\Day=1 \advance\Month by1\dayno
-\advance\date by-1\nextday6\lastdate=\date