path: root/Master/texmf-dist/tex
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Diffstat (limited to 'Master/texmf-dist/tex')
1 files changed, 181 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/Master/texmf-dist/tex/latex/dejavu-otf/dejavu-otf.sty b/Master/texmf-dist/tex/latex/dejavu-otf/dejavu-otf.sty
new file mode 100644
index 00000000000..ee74f437dff
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Master/texmf-dist/tex/latex/dejavu-otf/dejavu-otf.sty
@@ -0,0 +1,181 @@
+%% $Id: dejavu-otf.sty 556 2017-09-18 06:22:29Z herbert $
+%% This file is distributed under the terms of the LaTeX Project Public
+%% License from CTAN archives in directory macros/latex/base/lppl.txt.
+%% Either version 1.3 or, at your option, any later version.
+% Copyright 2017 Herbert Voss
+ 2017/09/29 v. 0.01 (Herbert Voss) Supports DejaVu OpenType for lualatex/xelatex.]
+\RequirePackage{unicode-math} % support opentype math fonts
+ % loads itself fontspec
+\newif\ifDejaVu@usefilenames \DejaVu@usefilenamesfalse
+\newif\ifDejaVu@mono \DejaVu@monotrue
+\newif\ifDejaVu@serif \DejaVu@seriftrue
+\newif\ifDejaVu@sans \DejaVu@sanstrue
+\newif\ifDejaVu@math \DejaVu@mathtrue
+\DeclareOptionX{mono}[true] {\@nameuse{DejaVu@mono#1}}
+\DeclareOptionX{sans}[true] {\@nameuse{DejaVu@sans#1}}
+\DeclareOptionX{math}[true] {\@nameuse{DejaVu@math#1}}
+\providecommand\DejaVuRM@features{Scale=0.92}% Roman
+\providecommand\DejaVuSS@features{Scale=0.92}% SansSerif
+\providecommand\DejaVuTT@features{Scale=MatchLowercase,FakeStretch=0.9}% Typewriter
+\providecommand\DejaVuMM@features{}% Math regular
+\providecommand\DejaVuMMbold@features{}% Math bold
+\defaultfontfeatures{Ligatures=TeX,\DejaVu@DefaultFeatures}% default in fontspec
+ \ifDejaVu@serif
+ \setmainfont{DejaVuSerif}[% main rm
+ \DejaVuRM@features,
+ Extension = .ttf,
+ UprightFont= *,
+ BoldFont = *-Bold,
+ ItalicFont = *-Italic,
+ BoldItalicFont = *-BoldItalic,
+ ]
+ \fi
+ \ifDejaVu@sans
+ \setsansfont{DejaVuSans}[% main sans
+ Extension = .ttf,
+ \DejaVuSS@features,
+ UprightFont= *,
+ BoldFont = *-Bold,
+ ItalicFont= *-Oblique,
+ BoldItalicFont = *-BoldOblique,
+ ]
+ \fi
+ \ifDejaVu@mono
+ \setmonofont{DejaVuSansMono}[% main typewriter
+ UprightFont = *,
+ Extension = .ttf,
+ \DejaVuTT@features,
+ ]
+ \fi
+ % Setting math
+ % First we have to expand the feature macros:
+ \ifDejaVu@math
+ \edef\Set@MathNormal{\noexpand\setmathfont{texgyredejavu-math.otf}[AutoFakeBold=1.6,\DejaVuMM@features,version=normal]}%
+ \Set@MathNormal
+% \ifxetex
+% \edef\Set@MathBold{\noexpand\setmathfont{texgyredejavu-math.otf}[AutoFakeBold=2,\DejaVuMMbold@features,version=bold]}%
+% \Set@MathBold
+% \fi
+ \fi
+ \newfontfamily\DejaVuSerifCondensed{DejaVuSerifCondensed}[%
+ \DejaVuRM@features,
+ Extension = .ttf,
+ UprightFont= *,
+ BoldFont = *-Bold,
+ ItalicFont = *-Italic,
+ BoldItalicFont = *-BoldItalic,
+ ]
+ \newfontfamily\DejaVuSansCondensed{DejaVuSansCondensed}[%
+ Extension = .ttf,
+ \DejaVuSS@features,
+ UprightFont= *,
+ BoldFont = *-Bold,
+ ItalicFont= *-Oblique,
+ BoldItalicFont = *-BoldOblique,
+ ]
+ \newfontfamily\DejaVuSansLight{DejaVuSans-ExtraLight}[%
+ Extension = .ttf,
+ \DejaVuSS@features,
+ ]
+%----------------------------------------- symbolic names ----------------------------
+\typeout {Using symbolic names for the DejaVu font}%
+ \setmainfont{DejaVu Serif}[% main rm
+ \DejaVuRM@features,
+ UprightFont= *,
+ BoldFont = * Bold,
+ ItalicFont = * Italic,
+ BoldItalicFont = * Bold Italic,
+ SmallCapsFont = *, %
+ SmallCapsFeatures={Letters=SmallCaps},
+% UprightFeatures = { SmallCapsFont={ <sc> }},
+% BoldFeatures = { SmallCapsFont={ <bf sc> }},
+% ItalicFeatures = { SmallCapsFont={ <it sc> }},
+% BoldItalicFeatures = { SmallCapsFont={ <bf it sc> }},
+ ]
+ \setsansfont{DejaVu Sans}[% main sans
+ \DejaVuSS@features,
+ UprightFont= *,
+ BoldFont = * Bold,
+ ItalicFont= * Oblique,
+ BoldItalicFont = * Bold Oblique,
+ SmallCapsFont = *, %
+ SmallCapsFeatures={Letters=SmallCaps},
+ ]
+ \setmonofont{DejaVu Sans Mono}[% main typewriter
+ \DejaVuTT@features,
+ ]
+% Setting math
+% First we have to expand the feature macros:
+ \ifxetex
+ \edef\Set@MathNormal{\noexpand\setmathfont{texgyredejavu-math.otf}[AutoFakeBold=1.6,\DejaVuMMbold@features]}%
+ \else
+ \edef\Set@MathNormal{\noexpand\setmathfont{TeXGyreDejaVuMath-Regular}[AutoFakeBold=1.6,\DejaVuMM@features]}%
+ \fi
+ \Set@MathNormal
+ \newfontfamily\DejaVuSerifCondensed{DejaVu Serif Condensed}[%
+ \DejaVuRM@features,
+ UprightFont= *,
+ BoldFont = * Bold,
+ ItalicFont = * Italic,
+ BoldItalicFont = * Bold Italic,
+ ]
+ \newfontfamily\DejaVuSansCondensed{DejaVu Sans Condensed}[%
+ \DejaVuSS@features,
+ UprightFont= *,
+ BoldFont = * Bold,
+ ItalicFont= * Oblique,
+ BoldItalicFont = * Bold Oblique,
+ ]
+ \newfontfamily\DejaVuSansLight{DejaVu Sans ExtraLight}[%
+ \DejaVuSS@features,
+ ]