path: root/Master/texmf-dist/tex
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'Master/texmf-dist/tex')
1 files changed, 293 insertions, 62 deletions
diff --git a/Master/texmf-dist/tex/latex/smartdiagram/smartdiagram.sty b/Master/texmf-dist/tex/latex/smartdiagram/smartdiagram.sty
index 0efd91a95d9..de6878aedcd 100644
--- a/Master/texmf-dist/tex/latex/smartdiagram/smartdiagram.sty
+++ b/Master/texmf-dist/tex/latex/smartdiagram/smartdiagram.sty
@@ -13,12 +13,21 @@
%% * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *
-\ProvidesPackage{smartdiagram}[2012/10/28 v0.1 Automatic creation of smart diagrams from lists of items.]
+\ProvidesPackage{smartdiagram}[2013/03/09 v0.2 Automatic creation of smart diagrams from lists of items.]
+ calc,
+ fadings,
+ shadows,
+ shapes.arrows,
+ shapes.symbols
\pgfdeclarelayer{smart diagram arrow back}
\pgfsetlayers{background,smart diagram arrow back,main}
@@ -42,6 +51,7 @@
\pgfkeys{/smart diagram/.cd, module minimum width/.initial=2cm,
module minimum height/.initial={1cm},
module y sep/.initial={1.65},
+ module x sep/.initial={2.75},
descriptive items y sep/.initial={1.75},
text width/.initial={1.5cm},
description title width/.initial={1.5cm},
@@ -57,6 +67,7 @@
module shape/.initial={rnd rectangle},
insert decoration/.initial={},
arrow tip/.initial={stealth},
+ arrow color/.initial={gray},
bubble center node size/.initial={4cm},
bubble center node font/.initial={\large},
bubble center node color/.initial={lightgray!60},
@@ -79,16 +90,28 @@
satellite text width/.initial={1.5cm},
distance satellite-connection/.initial={0.075cm},
connection line width/.initial={0.1cm},
+ connection color/.initial={gray},
distance planet-satellite/.initial={3.5cm},
priority arrow width/.initial={1.5cm},
priority arrow head extend/.initial={0.15cm},
priority tick size/.initial={5pt},
priority arrow height advance/.initial={2cm},
+ sequence item height/.initial={1cm},
+ sequence item width/.initial={2cm},
+ sequence item border color/.initial={gray},
+ sequence item border size/.initial={1.75\pgflinewidth},
+ sequence item font size/.initial={\normalfont},
+ sequence item fill opacity/.initial={1},
+ sequence item text opacity/.initial={1},
+ sequence item text width/.initial={1.9cm},
+ sequence item text color/.initial={black},
+ sequence item uniform color/.initial={gray!60!black},
\pgfkeys{/smart diagram/.cd, module minimum width/.get=\modulewidth,
module minimum height/.get=\moduleheight,
module y sep/.get=\moduleysep,
+ module x sep/.get=\modulexsep,
descriptive items y sep/.get=\descriptiveitemsysep,
text width/.get=\moduletextwidth,
description title width/.get=\descriptiontitlewidth,
@@ -104,6 +127,7 @@
module shape/.get=\moduleshape,
insert decoration/.get=\borderdecoration,
arrow tip/.get=\arrowtip,
+ arrow color/.get=\arrowcolor,
bubble center node size/.get=\bubblecenternodesize,
bubble center node font/.get=\bubblecenternodefont,
bubble center node color/.get=\bubblecenternodecolor,
@@ -126,13 +150,25 @@
satellite text width/.get=\satellitetextwidth,
distance satellite-connection/.get=\satelliteoutersep,
connection line width/.get=\connectionlinewidth,
+ connection color/.get=\connectioncolor,
distance planet-satellite/.get=\distanceplanetsatellite,
priority arrow width/.get=\priorityarrowwidth,
priority arrow head extend/.get=\priorityarrowheadextend,
priority tick size/.get=\prioritytick,
priority arrow height advance/.get=\priorityarrowheightadvance,
+ sequence item height/.get=\seqitemheight,
+ sequence item width/.get=\seqitemwidth,
+ sequence item border color/.get=\seqitembordercolor,
+ sequence item border size/.get=\seqlinewidth,
+ sequence item font size/.get=\seqitemfont,
+ sequence item fill opacity/.get=\seqitemfillopacity,
+ sequence item text opacity/.get=\seqitemtextopacity,
+ sequence item text width/.get=\seqitemtextwidth,
+ sequence item text color/.get=\seqitemtextcolor,
+ sequence item uniform color/.get=\seqitemuniformcol,
\pgfkeys{/smart diagram/.cd, set color list/.code={
\foreach \listitem [count=\i] in {#1}{
@@ -154,11 +190,20 @@
+\pgfkeys{/smart diagram/.cd,
+ back arrow disabled/.is if=backarrowdisabled,
+ back arrow disabled=false,
\pgfkeys{/smart diagram/.cd,#1}%
\pgfkeys{/smart diagram/.cd, module minimum width/.get=\modulewidth,
module minimum height/.get=\moduleheight,
module y sep/.get=\moduleysep,
+ module x sep/.get=\modulexsep,
descriptive items y sep/.get=\descriptiveitemsysep,
text width/.get=\moduletextwidth,
description title width/.get=\descriptiontitlewidth,
@@ -174,6 +219,7 @@
module shape/.get=\moduleshape,
insert decoration/.get=\borderdecoration,
arrow tip/.get=\arrowtip,
+ arrow color/.get=\arrowcolor,
bubble center node size/.get=\bubblecenternodesize,
bubble center node font/.get=\bubblecenternodefont,
bubble center node color/.get=\bubblecenternodecolor,
@@ -196,15 +242,33 @@
satellite text width/.get=\satellitetextwidth,
distance satellite-connection/.get=\satelliteoutersep,
connection line width/.get=\connectionlinewidth,
+ connection color/.get=\connectioncolor,
distance planet-satellite/.get=\distanceplanetsatellite,
priority arrow width/.get=\priorityarrowwidth,
priority arrow head extend/.get=\priorityarrowheadextend,
priority tick size/.get=\prioritytick,
priority arrow height advance/.get=\priorityarrowheightadvance,
+ sequence item height/.get=\seqitemheight,
+ sequence item width/.get=\seqitemwidth,
+ sequence item border color/.get=\seqitembordercolor,
+ sequence item border size/.get=\seqlinewidth,
+ sequence item font size/.get=\seqitemfont,
+ sequence item fill opacity/.get=\seqitemfillopacity,
+ sequence item text opacity/.get=\seqitemtextopacity,
+ sequence item text width/.get=\seqitemtextwidth,
+ sequence item text color/.get=\seqitemtextcolor,
+ sequence item uniform color/.get=\seqitemuniformcol,
-\tikzfading[name=priorityarrowfading, bottom color=transparent!5, top color=transparent!80]
-\tikzset{priority arrow fill/.style={fill=gray,path fading=priorityarrowfading}}
+ bottom color=transparent!5,
+ top color=transparent!80
+\tikzset{priority arrow fill/.style={
+ fill=gray,
+ path fading=priorityarrowfading
+ }
\pgfkeysvalueof{/smart diagram/module shape},
@@ -219,9 +283,22 @@
diagram arrow type/.style={
- >=\arrowtip,line width=\arrowlinewidth,\col,
+ >=\arrowtip,line width=\arrowlinewidth,\col
+\pgfkeys{/smart diagram/.cd,%
+ uniform arrow color/.is choice,%
+ uniform arrow color/true/.code={%
+ \tikzset{diagram arrow type/.append style={
+ \arrowcolor
+ },
+ }
+ },%
+ uniform arrow color/false/.style={diagram arrow type},%
+ uniform arrow color/.default=false,
\tikzset{description title/.style={
@@ -288,12 +365,12 @@
minimum size=\satelliteminimumsize,
- font=\satellitefont,
- fill opacity=\satellitefillopacity,
- fill=\col,
- text opacity=\satellitetextopacity,
- text width=\satellitetextwidth,
- outer sep=\satelliteoutersep,
+ font=\satellitefont,
+ fill opacity=\satellitefillopacity,
+ fill=\col,
+ text opacity=\satellitetextopacity,
+ text width=\satellitetextwidth,
+ outer sep=\satelliteoutersep,
connection planet satellite/.style={
line width=\connectionlinewidth,
@@ -301,40 +378,106 @@
+\tikzset{sequence item/.style={
+ minimum height=\seqitemheight,
+ minimum width=\seqitemwidth,
+ signal,
+ signal from=west,
+ signal to=east,
+ draw=\seqitembordercolor,
+ line width=\seqlinewidth,
+ font=\seqitemfont,
+ fill opacity=\seqitemfillopacity,
+ fill=\col,
+ text opacity=\seqitemtextopacity,
+ text width=\seqitemtextwidth,
+ text=\seqitemtextcolor,
+ }
+\pgfkeys{/smart diagram/.cd,%
+ uniform sequence color/.is choice,%
+ uniform sequence color/true/.code={%
+ \tikzset{sequence item/.append style={
+ fill=\seqitemuniformcol,
+ },
+ }
+ },%
+ uniform sequence color/false/.style={sequence item},%
+ uniform sequence color/.default=false,
+\pgfkeys{/smart diagram/.cd,%
+ uniform connection color/.is choice,%
+ uniform connection color/true/.code={%
+ \tikzset{connection planet satellite/.append style={
+ \connectioncolor
+ },
+ }
+ },%
+ uniform connection color/false/.style={connection planet satellite},%
+ uniform connection color/.default=false,
\NewDocumentCommand{\smartdiagram}{r[] m}{%
+ \StrCut{#1}{:}\diagramtype\option
\IfNoValueTF{#1}{% true-no value 1
- \PackageError{smartdiagram}{Type of the diagram not inserted. Please insert it}
+ \PackageError{smartdiagram}%
+ {Type of the diagram not inserted. Please insert it}%
{Example: \protect\smartdiagram[flow diagram]}}
{%false-no value 1
- \ifstrequal{#1}{circular diagram}{% true-circular diagram
+ \IfStrEq{\diagramtype}{}{%
+ \PackageError{smartdiagram}{Type of the diagram not inserted. Please insert it}
+ {Example: \protect\smartdiagram[flow diagram]}
+ }{}
+ \IfStrEq{\diagramtype}{circular diagram}{% true-circular diagram
\begin{tikzpicture}[every node/.style={align=center}]
\foreach \smitem [count=\xi] in {#2} {\global\let\maxsmitem\xi}
\foreach \smitem [count=\xi] in {#2}{%
- \pgfmathtruncatemacro{\angle}{360/\maxsmitem*\xi}
+ \IfStrEq{\option}{clockwise}{% true-clockwise-circular diagram
+ \pgfmathtruncatemacro{\angle}{180+360/\maxsmitem*\xi}
+ }{% false-clockwise-circular diagram
+ \pgfmathtruncatemacro{\angle}{360/\maxsmitem*\xi}
+ }
- \node[module,drop shadow] (module\xi) at (\angle:\circulardistance) {\smitem };
+ \IfStrEq{\option}{clockwise}{% true-clockwise-circular diagram
+ \node[module,drop shadow] (module\xi)
+ at (-\angle:\circulardistance) {\smitem };
+ }{% false-clockwise-circular diagram
+ \node[module,drop shadow] (module\xi)
+ at (\angle:\circulardistance) {\smitem };
+ }
\foreach \smitem [count=\xi] in {#2}{%
\pgfmathtruncatemacro{\xj}{mod(\xi, \maxsmitem) + 1)}
- \draw[<-,diagram arrow type,shorten <=0.3cm,shorten >=0.3cm]
+ \IfStrEq{\option}{clockwise}{% true-clockwise-circular diagram
+ \draw[<-,diagram arrow type,shorten <=0.3cm,shorten >=0.3cm]
+ (module\xj) to[bend right] (module\xi);
+ }{% false-clockwise-circular diagram
+ \draw[<-,diagram arrow type,shorten <=0.3cm,shorten >=0.3cm]
(module\xj) to[bend left] (module\xi);
+ }
}{}% end-circular diagram
- \ifstrequal{#1}{flow diagram}{% true-flow diagram
+ \IfStrEq{\diagramtype}{flow diagram}{% true-flow diagram
\begin{tikzpicture}[every node/.style={align=center}]
\foreach \smitem [count=\xi] in {#2} {\global\let\maxsmitem\xi}
\foreach \smitem [count=\xi] in {#2}{%
- \path let \n1 = {int(0-\xi)}, \n2={0-\xi*\moduleysep}
- in node[module,drop shadow] (module\xi) at +(0,\n2) {\smitem};
+ \IfStrEq{\option}{horizontal}{% true-horizontal-flow diagram
+ \path let \n1 = {int(0-\xi)}, \n2={0+\xi*\modulexsep} in
+ node[module,drop shadow] (module\xi) at +(\n2,0) {\smitem};
+ }{% false-horizontal-flow diagram
+ \path let \n1 = {int(0-\xi)}, \n2={0-\xi*\moduleysep} in
+ node[module,drop shadow] (module\xi) at +(0,\n2) {\smitem};
+ }
\foreach \smitem [count=\xi] in {#2}{%
@@ -345,15 +488,32 @@
\draw[<-,diagram arrow type] (module\xj) -- (module\xi);
- % last arrow - not display it in background
- \ifnum\xi=\maxsmitem
- \draw[<-,diagram arrow type] (module\xj.east)--
- ($(module\xj.east)+(1,0)$) |- (module\xi);
+ % last arrow - not display it in background - check if disabled
+ \ifbackarrowdisabled
+ \relax
+ \else
+ \ifnum\xi=\maxsmitem
+ \IfStrEq{\option}{horizontal}{% true-horizontal-flow diagram
+ \tikzset{square arrow/.style={
+ to path={-- ++(0,0.5) -| (\tikztotarget)}
+ }
+ }
+ \draw[<-,diagram arrow type, square arrow]
+ (module\xj.north) to (module\xi.north);
+ }{% false-horizontal-flow diagram
+ \tikzset{square arrow/.style={
+ to path={-- ++(0.5,0) |- (\tikztotarget)}
+ }
+ }
+ \draw[<-,diagram arrow type,square arrow]
+ (module\xj.east) to (module\xi);
+ }
+ \fi
}{}% end-flow diagram
- \ifstrequal{#1}{descriptive diagram}{% true-descriptive diagram
+ \IfStrEq{\diagramtype}{descriptive diagram}{% true-descr. diagram
\begin{tikzpicture}[every node/.style={align=center}]
\foreach \smitem [count=\xi] in {#2}{%
@@ -369,8 +529,8 @@
- }{}% end-descriptive diagram
- \ifstrequal{#1}{bubble diagram}{% true-bubble diagram
+ }{}% end-descr. diagram
+ \IfStrEq{\diagramtype}{bubble diagram}{% true-bubble diagram
\begin{tikzpicture}[every node/.style={align=center}]
\foreach \smitem [count=\xi] in {#2}{\global\let\maxsmitem\xi}
@@ -381,12 +541,13 @@
- \node[bubble node] (module\xi) at (center bubble.\angle) {\smitem };
+ \node[bubble node] (module\xi)
+ at (center bubble.\angle) {\smitem };
}{}%end-bubble diagram
- \ifstrequal{#1}{constellation diagram}{% true-constellation diagram
+ \IfStrEq{\diagramtype}{constellation diagram}{% true-const diagram
\begin{tikzpicture}[every node/.style={align=center}]
\foreach \smitem [count=\xi] in {#2}{\global\let\maxsmitem\xi}
@@ -397,13 +558,14 @@
- \node[satellite] (satellite\xi) at (\angle:\distanceplanetsatellite) {\smitem };
+ \node[satellite] (satellite\xi)
+ at (\angle:\distanceplanetsatellite) {\smitem };
\draw[->,connection planet satellite] (planet) -- (satellite\xi);
- }{}%end-constellation diagram
- \ifstrequal{#1}{connected constellation diagram}{% true-connected constellation diagram
+ }{}%end-const diagram
+ \IfStrEq{\diagramtype}{connected constellation diagram}{% true-conn const diagram
\begin{tikzpicture}[every node/.style={align=center}]
\foreach \smitem [count=\xi] in {#2}{\global\let\maxsmitem\xi}
@@ -414,7 +576,8 @@
- \node[satellite] (satellite\xj) at (\angle:\distanceplanetsatellite) {\smitem };
+ \node[satellite] (satellite\xj)
+ at (\angle:\distanceplanetsatellite) {\smitem };
\foreach \smitem [count=\xi] in {#2}{%
@@ -422,12 +585,13 @@
\pgfmathtruncatemacro{\xk}{mod(\xj,\actualnumitem) +1}
- \path[connection planet satellite] (satellite\xj) edge[bend right] (satellite\xk);
+ \path[connection planet satellite]
+ (satellite\xj) edge[bend right] (satellite\xk);
}{}%end-connected constellation diagram
- \ifstrequal{#1}{priority descriptive diagram}{% true-priority descriptive diagram
+ \IfStrEq{\diagramtype}{priority descriptive diagram}{% true-priority descriptive diagram
@@ -437,7 +601,8 @@
\node[description,drop shadow](module\xi)
at (0,0+\xi*\descriptiveitemsysep) {\smitem};
-\draw[line width=\prioritytick,\col] ([xshift=-\arrowtickxshift pt]module\xi.base west)--
+\draw[line width=\prioritytick,\col]
+ ([xshift=-\arrowtickxshift pt]module\xi.base west)--
($([xshift=-\arrowtickxshift pt]module\xi.base west)-(\priorityticksize pt,0)$);
\coordinate (A) at (module1);
@@ -451,6 +616,18 @@
}{}% end-priority descriptive diagram
+ \IfStrEq{\diagramtype}{sequence diagram}{% true-sequence diagram
+ \begin{tikzpicture}[every node/.style={align=center}]
+ \foreach \x[count=\xi, count=\prevx from 0] in {#2}{%
+ \edef\col{\@nameuse{color@\xi}}
+ \node[sequence item] (x-\xi) {\x};
+ \node[sequence item,anchor=west] (x-\xi) at (x-\prevx.east) {\x};
+ }
+ \end{tikzpicture}
+ }{}% end-sequence diagram
}% end-no value 1
}% end-command
@@ -462,45 +639,68 @@
\NewDocumentCommand{\smartdiagramanimated}{r[] m}{%
+ \StrCut{#1}{:}\diagramtype\option
\IfNoValueTF{#1}{% true-no value 1
\PackageError{smartdiagram}{Type of the diagram not inserted. Please insert it}
{Example: \protect\smartdiagram[flow diagram]}}
{%false-no value 1
- \ifstrequal{#1}{circular diagram}{% true-circular diagram
+ \IfStrEq{\diagramtype}{}{%
+ \PackageError{smartdiagram}{Type of the diagram not inserted. Please insert it}
+ {Example: \protect\smartdiagram[flow diagram]}
+ }{}
+ \IfStrEq{\diagramtype}{circular diagram}{% true-circular diagram
\begin{tikzpicture}[every node/.style={align=center}]
\foreach \smitem [count=\xi] in {#2} {\global\let\maxsmitem\xi}
\foreach \smitem [count=\xi] in {#2}{%
- \pgfmathtruncatemacro{\angle}{360/\maxsmitem*\xi}
+ \IfStrEq{\option}{clockwise}{% true-clockwise-circular diagram
+ \pgfmathtruncatemacro{\angle}{180+360/\maxsmitem*\xi}
+ }{% false-clockwise-circular diagram
+ \pgfmathtruncatemacro{\angle}{360/\maxsmitem*\xi}
+ }
- \node[module,
+ \IfStrEq{\option}{clockwise}{% true-clockwise-circular diagram
+ \node[module,
drop shadow={smvisible on=<\xi->},
- smvisible on=<\xi->] (module\xi) at (\angle:\circulardistance) {\smitem };
+ smvisible on=<\xi->] (module\xi)
+ at (-\angle:\circulardistance) {\smitem};
+ }{% false-clockwise-circular diagram
+ \node[module,
+ drop shadow={smvisible on=<\xi->},
+ smvisible on=<\xi->] (module\xi)
+ at (\angle:\circulardistance) {\smitem};
+ }
\foreach \smitem [count=\xi] in {#2}
\pgfmathtruncatemacro{\xj}{mod(\xi, \maxsmitem) + 1)}
\pgfmathtruncatemacro{\adv}{\xi + 1)}
- \draw[<-,diagram arrow type,shorten <=0.3cm,shorten >=0.3cm,
+ \IfStrEq{\option}{clockwise}{% true-clockwise-circular diagram
+ \draw[<-,diagram arrow type,shorten <=0.3cm,shorten >=0.3cm,
+ smvisible on=<\adv->] (module\xj) to[bend right] (module\xi);
+ }{% false-clockwise-circular diagram
+ \draw[<-,diagram arrow type,shorten <=0.3cm,shorten >=0.3cm,
smvisible on=<\adv->] (module\xj) to[bend left] (module\xi);
+ }
}{}% end-circular diagram
- \ifstrequal{#1}{flow diagram}{% true-flow diagram
+ \IfStrEq{\diagramtype}{flow diagram}{% true-flow diagram
\begin{tikzpicture}[every node/.style={align=center}]
\foreach \smitem [count=\xi] in {#2} {\global\let\maxsmitem\xi}
\foreach \smitem [count=\xi] in {#2}{%
- \path let \n1 = {int(0-\xi)}, \n2={0-\xi*\moduleysep}
- in node[module,
- drop shadow={smvisible on=<\xi->},
+ \IfStrEq{\option}{horizontal}{% true-horizontal-flow diagram
+ \path let \n1 = {int(0-\xi)}, \n2={0+\xi*\modulexsep}
+ in node[module,drop shadow={smvisible on=<\xi->},
+ smvisible on=<\xi->] (module\xi) at +(\n2,0) {\smitem};
+ }{% false-horizontal-flow diagram
+ \path let \n1 = {int(0-\xi)}, \n2={0-\xi*\moduleysep}
+ in node[module,drop shadow={smvisible on=<\xi->},
smvisible on=<\xi->] (module\xi) at +(0,\n2) {\smitem};
+ }
\foreach \smitem [count=\xi] in {#2}{%
@@ -509,18 +709,35 @@
\begin{pgfonlayer}{smart diagram arrow back}
\draw[<-,diagram arrow type,smvisible on=<\xi->]
- (module\xj) -- (module\xi);
+ (module\xj) -- (module\xi);
- % last arrow - not display it in background
- \ifnum\xi=\maxsmitem
- \draw[<-,diagram arrow type,smvisible on=<\xi->]
- (module\xj.east)--($(module\xj.east)+(1,0)$) |- (module\xi);
+ % last arrow - not display it in background - check if disabled
+ \ifbackarrowdisabled
+ \relax
+ \else
+ \ifnum\xi=\maxsmitem
+ \IfStrEq{\option}{horizontal}{% true-horizontal-flow diagram
+ \tikzset{square arrow/.style={
+ to path={-- ++(0,0.5) -| (\tikztotarget)}
+ }
+ }
+ \draw[<-,diagram arrow type, square arrow,smvisible on=<\xi->]
+ (module\xj.north) to (module\xi.north);
+ }{% false-horizontal-flow diagram
+ \tikzset{square arrow/.style={
+ to path={-- ++(0.5,0) |- (\tikztotarget)}
+ }
+ }
+ \draw[<-,diagram arrow type,square arrow,smvisible on=<\xi->]
+ (module\xj.east) to (module\xi);
+ }
+ \fi
}{}% end-flow diagram
- \ifstrequal{#1}{descriptive diagram}{% true-descriptive diagram
+ \IfStrEq{\diagramtype}{descriptive diagram}{% true-descriptive diagram
\begin{tikzpicture}[every node/.style={align=center}]
\foreach \smitem [count=\xi] in {#2}{%
@@ -539,7 +756,7 @@
}{}% end-descriptive diagram
- \ifstrequal{#1}{bubble diagram}{% true-bubble diagram
+ \IfStrEq{\diagramtype}{bubble diagram}{% true-bubble diagram
\begin{tikzpicture}[every node/.style={align=center}]
\foreach \smitem [count=\xi] in {#2}{\global\let\maxsmitem\xi}
@@ -550,12 +767,13 @@
- \node[bubble node, smvisible on=<\xi->](module\xi) at (center bubble.\angle) {\smitem };
+ \node[bubble node, smvisible on=<\xi->](module\xi)
+ at (center bubble.\angle) {\smitem };
}{}%end-bubble diagram
- \ifstrequal{#1}{constellation diagram}{% true-constellation diagram
+ \IfStrEq{\diagramtype}{constellation diagram}{% true-const diagram
\begin{tikzpicture}[every node/.style={align=center}]
\foreach \smitem [count=\xi] in {#2}{\global\let\maxsmitem\xi}
@@ -574,7 +792,7 @@
}{}%end-constellation diagram
- \ifstrequal{#1}{connected constellation diagram}{% true-connected constellation diagram
+ \IfStrEq{\diagramtype}{connected constellation diagram}{% true-conn const diagram
\begin{tikzpicture}[every node/.style={align=center}]
\foreach \smitem [count=\xi] in {#2}{\global\let\maxsmitem\xi}
@@ -601,7 +819,7 @@
}{}%end-connected constellation diagram
- \ifstrequal{#1}{priority descriptive diagram}{% true-priority descriptive diagram
+ \IfStrEq{\diagramtype}{priority descriptive diagram}{% true-priority descriptive diagram
@@ -627,11 +845,24 @@
}{}% end-priority descriptive diagram
+ \IfStrEq{\diagramtype}{sequence diagram}{% true-sequence diagram
+ \begin{tikzpicture}[every node/.style={align=center}]
+ \foreach \x[count=\xi, count=\prevx from 0] in {#2}{%
+ \edef\col{\@nameuse{color@\xi}}
+ \node[sequence item,smvisible on=<\xi->] (x-\xi) {\x};
+ \node[sequence item,anchor=west,smvisible on=<\xi->]
+ (x-\xi) at (x-\prevx.east) {\x};
+ }
+ \end{tikzpicture}
+ }{}% end-sequence diagram
}% end-no value 1
}% end-command
-%% Copyright (C) 2012 by Claudio Fiandrino <>
+%% Copyright (C) 2012-2013 by Claudio Fiandrino <>
%% This work may be distributed and/or modified under the
%% conditions of the LaTeX Project Public License (LPPL), either