path: root/Master/texmf-dist/tex/ytex/base/yusage.tex
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+% for yTeX
+\runninghead={How to Use \ytex}
+% small caps font
+% easy indexing of macros described
+\let\+=\relax % commands
+\let\==\relax % parameters
+\let\:=\relax % switches
+% easy verbatim stuff
+\def\"{\hbox{\tt "}}
+\catcode`\"=\active \let"=\verbq
+% macro descriptions
+ \setup \unvpar
+ \advance\parskip by2pt plus1pt
+ \leftskip=\parindent
+ \clubpenalty=10000
+ \def\*{\noindent \hskip-\leftskip\ignorespaces}%
+ \def\\{\linebreak\ignorespaces}%
+ \def\##1{{\tt \char`\{}#1{\tt \char`\}}}%
+ \above \minbreak \pregabpenalty \abovegabskip
+ \below \dobreak \postgabpenalty \belowgabskip \vpar
+ \begin
+ \end \endgraf
+ \endnew
+% names for TeXs
+\def\Plain{{\rm Plain}}
+\def\lisp{L{\smllrm ISP}}
+ \begintitlepage
+\tcenter{\sc The Artificial Intelligence Laboratory\\ Massachusetts
+Institute of Technology}
+\vskip 1pc
+\spread {Working Paper 273}{May 1985}
+\spread {}{Revised, June 1986}
+\vskip 6pc
+\ctitle {How to Use \ytex}
+\vskip 3pc
+\cauthor {Daniel Brotsky\\ June 9, 1986}
+\vskip 3pc
+\ytex---pronounced {\it why}-\tex\ or {\it oops}-\tex---is a
+\tex\ macro package. \ytex\ provides both an easy-to-use
+interface for \tex\ novices and a powerful macro-creation library
+for \tex\ programmers. It is this two-tier structure that makes
+\ytex\ more useful to a diverse \tex\ user community than other
+macro packages such as \plain\ or \latex.
+This paper contains \ytex\ instructions intended for novice
+users. It summarizes the facilities provided in \ytex\ and
+concludes with a table of useful commands.
+The version of \ytex\ documented here is release \fmtversion.
+Work on \ytex\ was supported by a desire to avoid doing real
+work, like research.
+A.I. Laboratory Working Papers are produced for internal
+circulation, and may contain information that is, for example,
+too preliminary or too detailed for formal publication. It is
+not intended that they should be considered papers to which
+reference can be made in the literature.
+ \section {What is \ytex?}
+\ytex---usually pronounced {\it why}-\tex\ but see below---is a
+\tex\ macro package. \ytex\ evolved from the author's experience
+with other \tex\ macro packages, primarily \tbase, \plain,
+\latex, and the \sy{PHW} book macros. This experience showed
+that, on the one hand, packages as complete as \latex\ or \tbase\
+tend to be inflexible while, on the other hand, packages as
+flexible as \plain\ tend to be incomplete. \ytex\ ties both
+hands together by aiming for inflexibility and incompleteness
+Like most \tex-related programs and macro packages, \ytex\ has a
+``cute'' name that attempts a dual-language pun in English and
+pseudo-Greek.\footnote*{The result is about as weak the premise
+suggests.} The letter preceding the \tex\ in \ytex\ is not just a
+`Y' but also an {\it upsilon}---the Greek antecedent for the
+English letters `u' and `y'.\footnote\dag{Experienced \TeX\ math
+hackers may know that \TeX\ makes a version of capital upsilon
+available as $\Upsilon$, and they may wonder why the name \yTeX\
+is not spelled as \lower.5ex\hbox{$\Upsilon$}\kern-.1667em\TeX.
+That's because \TeX's version of $\Upsilon$ is not a Greek
+version (one of which really looked like `Y'---trust the Romans
+to be accurate in their borrowing) but actually the Uncial
+version popular among middle-ages religious circles. Hey, what
+can I say? Trust \TeX\ to be medieval whenever possible.} Thus
+you may pronounce \ytex\ as the expected {\it why}-\tex, the
+erudite {\it upsilon}-\tex, or the shorter {\it oops}-\tex. But
+when you spell it to the computer, you have to spell it
+ \section {About This Document}
+This document contains basic instructions for using \ytex. It
+describes the things you can do using the user interface that
+\ytex\ always provides. It does {\it not} explain how to use the
+\ytex\ library facilities to add to and replace parts of that
+interface. Readers who are interested in such matters should
+look at the \ytex\ sources.
+If you are a complete \tex\ beginner you may find this document
+hard to follow. In fact, almost everyone will find parts of the
+presentation hard to follow. My advice to those who are confused
+is to not worry about it: most of the time you will be confused
+because you are reading about a feature you have no use for and
+thus no experience with. If you need to use something and don't
+understand what is said about it here, just try the examples I
+give in one of your manuscripts and see if you can figure it out
+from there. If that doesn't work, try finding someone who does
+use the feature and ask them. As a last resort, try finding a
+\tex\ wizard and asking them.
+If you wish a quick summary of most of the \ytex\ commands, you
+should turn to the tables of commands, parameters, and switches
+at the very end of this document.
+ \section {Some Notation and Conventions I Use Throughout}
+In what follows, I try to use notation and conventions very
+similar to those Knuth uses in the \tex book. For
+convenience,\footnote*{(and also for those many of us who find
+the \tex book completely confusing)} I summarize most of
+the conventions here.
+\bpar Text set in "typewriter" type is suitable for \ytex\ input.
+\bpar Commands---also called {\it control sequences} or {\it
+macros}---all start with a backslash. {\it Alphabetic commands}
+such as "\section" and "\it" have one or more letters after their
+backslash, while {\it non-alphabetic commands} such as "\'" and
+"\&" have a single non-letter after their backslash. When you
+use an alphabetic command, you must have a space or other
+non-letter right after the command name (as in "{\it italics}"),
+and any spaces after the command are ignored by \tex. When you
+use a non-alphabetic command, you can have anything at all after
+the command name (as in the Spanish "m\'agico"), and spaces you
+put there are {\it not} ignored by \tex.
+\bpar Commands sometimes need {\it arguments}, such as the stuff
+typed in braces in
+\section {This is the Argument.}
+Most commands which use arguments---a process also called {\it
+taking} or {\it reading} arguments---expect their arguments to be
+enclosed in braces (as they were in this example). But there are
+other ways of specifying arguments, and these are detailed in
+what follows.
+\bpar \ytex\ and \tex\ both have the notion of {\it parameters}
+which have {\it values}. For example, the value of the "\hsize"
+parameter is used as the normal length of lines in paragraphs.
+To set a parameter, you give the name of the parameter, an
+optional `"="' sign, and then the desired new value for the
+parameter. For example, to set the normal line length to 5
+inches, you could say either of the following things:
+\hsize 5in
+\bpar There are several kinds of parameters: <integer> parameters
+hold integers (such as 3 or $-1$), <dimen> parameters hold
+distances (such as "2in" or "5pt"), <glue> parameters hold
+variable distances (such as "6pt plus 2pt minus 1pt"), and <toks>
+parameters hold token lists (such as
+"{\bigsize\bf}").\footnote\dag{There are also <muglue>
+parameters, but only math wizards worry about those.} The
+different kinds of parameters are used for different purposes;
+for example, the "\hsize" parameter mentioned above is a <dimen>
+because line length is a distance, and the "\pageno" parameter
+that holds the current page number is---as expected---an
+<integer> parameter. But no matter what their type, you assign
+values to parameters in the manner described above.
+\bpar If you ever want to examine the value of a parameter---for
+example, if you want to know what it is so you can change it
+appropriately---you can get \ytex\ to show you the value by
+putting "\showthe" in front of the parameter name. For example,
+if you said "\showthe\parindent" in your input file, \ytex\ would print
+... \showthe\parindent
+on your terminal screen when it processes your input. It would
+then pause and wait for you to type a carriage return before
+ \section {Format of a \ytex\ Input File}
+\ytex\ input is just normal \tex\ input.\footnote*{Of course,
+this means \tex82! \tbase\ input, for example, will not work in
+\ytex.} It is customary, however, to start \ytex\ input files
+with a comment indicating that \ytex\ is expected to process the
+file. For example, the manuscript file for this document starts
+with the line
+% for yTeX
+so anyone who looks at the file will realize this.
+The first command in every \ytex\ manuscript should be a
+\="\typesize"\= command specifying the desired type size for the
+text of the document. For example, after the comment shown
+above, the manuscript for this document has the line
+As you can see, a "\typesize" command looks like a command for
+setting one of \tex's <dimen> parameters, such as "\parindent".
+However, the dimension that follows the equal sign must be one
+of 10pt, 11pt, or 12pt, since these are the only sizes that
+\ytex\ supports for normal text.
+If you forget to put a "\typesize" command at the beginning of
+your manuscript, \ytex\ will complain with the error message
+! You never gave a \typesize command.
+Don't panic; just type a carriage return and \ytex\ will use
+10~point type. But you should add a "\typesize" command before
+you run the file again.
+You can't give more than one "\typesize" command in a single
+manuscript. This is because \ytex\ implements your desired size
+by magnifying a 10pt document by the right amount, and \tex\ does
+not like to change magnification in the middle of a run. This
+may seem like a drawback, but it's really a feature, because it
+means that the line and page breaks will not change if you run a
+manuscript through \ytex\ a second time using a different
+typesize! So you can proof your document in one size and run it
+off in a different size without worrying about formatting
+ \section {How To Invoke \ytex}
+To invoke \ytex\ on \sy{OZ} you give the command \sy{YTEX} to the
+\sy{EXEC}.\footnote*{The commands \sy{YTEXHE} and \sy{YTEXTR}
+also exist for those who prefer the Helvetica or Times Roman font
+families.} \ytex\ starts up by printing a release number and
+reading in any recent fixes to itself. It then looks for two
+files called \sy{YMATH.TEX} and \sy{YLOCAL.TEX} in your
+connected directory (and on \sy{TEXINPUTS:} if they are not
+found locally). You can customize your \ytex\ by putting
+appropriate commands in these two files.
+The \sy{YMATH.TEX} files are intended for favorite mathematics
+macros while the \sy{YLOCAL.TEX} macros are for macros or
+parameter settings of any kind. Of course, all kinds of \tex\
+commands can be put in either of these files, but keep the
+following in mind: separating math macros from others can make
+the job of merging different authors' manuscripts a lot easier.
+ \section {Where are the Sources}
+The source for \ytex\ lives in the directory \sy{KS:<TEX.YTEX>}
+on \sy{OZ} and is split primarily among the files \sy{YTEX.MAC},
+\sy{YBASE.MAC}, \sy{YFONTS.MAC}, and \sy{YUSER.MAC}. The file
+\sy{YLOG.MAC} contains a log of essentially all the changes made
+to \ytex\ since its early stages; the first few lines of this
+file declare the current version number. The file \sy{YSITE.MAC}
+contains definitions and parameter settings (``site changes'')
+appropriate to the local installation. The file \sy{YUSAGE.TEX}
+contains the source for this document.
+The file \sy{KS:<TEX.YTEX>YFIX.MAC} is where \ytex\ looks for
+revisions made to the macros since the last version was dumped.
+Finally, an archive of correspondence about \ytex\ can be found
+in the file \sy{KS:<TEX.YTEX>YTEX.MAIL} on \sy{OZ}.
+ \section {The \ytex\ View of Documents}
+\ytex\ believes that documents are made up of chunks of text
+called {\it elements} which are laid out on pages. For example,
+each paragraph is an element, as is each chapter or section
+heading, each figure, each footnote, and so on. Many of the
+\ytex\ commands you will use most often serve to tell \ytex\
+which text belongs to which element. For example, the command
+"\footnote" tells \ytex\ that its argument is a footnote
+As \ytex\ encounters elements of various types in its input, it
+first tries to format the content of each element in the desired
+way. For example, when it finishes reading the contents of a
+paragraph, it first tries to break the contents into lines
+according to the rules currently in effect for paragraph
+elements. When \ytex\ finishes reading the text of a table, it
+tries to format that text according to the current rules for
+table elements.
+Once \ytex\ accumulates enough elements to fit on a page, it
+tries to lay those elements out on a page according to the layout
+rules that apply to each element. For example, header elements
+appear as a single line alone at the very top of a page, while
+footnote elements appear tacked onto the bottoms of pages.
+Page layout is the hardest part of \ytex's job. This is because
+the rules for laying out various elements may come into conflict.
+For example, the rules for figures elements that appear in text
+may say that the figure should be separated from the surrounding
+text by one pica.\footnote*{There are six picas to the inch.}
+But a figure may be placed just before a section heading, and the
+rules for section heading elements may say that they should be
+preceded by two picas. In cases like this, \ytex\ does the best
+it can, but it may not do exactly what you want. So if you are
+very picky about the page layout of a particular document, you
+may have to tell \ytex\ exactly what you want at each place a
+conflict like this arises. But don't worry: usually only people
+who are publishing books need to be this picky.
+ \section {The Five Kinds of \ytex\ Commands}
+There are five kinds of \ytex\ commands:
+\bpar {\it Delimiters\/} are commands that demarcate the text of
+particular elements: they do what is commonly known as
+``typemarking.'' For example, "\section" and "\footnote" are
+both delimiters. All delimiters read arguments (in ways
+explained below); it is the contents of these arguments that
+become the contents of the elements they delimit.
+\bpar {\it Parameters\/} are commands that affect the formatting
+and layout rules for particular elements. For example, "\hsize"
+and "\parskip" are parameters that affect the width and layout of
+paragraphs and pages. Parameters don't take arguments; instead,
+they have values which can be assigned in the manner described
+\bpar {\it Switches\/} are commands like parameters that affect
+the formatting and layout of particular elements. For example,
+"\noindent" and "\offheaders" are switches. Switches come in two
+kinds---on/off switches and true/false switches---which are
+described in detail later. Switches never take arguments.
+\bpar {\it Abbreviations\/} are commands that expand into common
+sequences of low-level \tex\ commands. For example, "\padline"
+and "\linebreak" are abbreviations. Some abbreviations have
+arguments, and some don't. Any abbreviations that take arguments
+take them in braces in the normal \tex\ way.
+\bpar {\it Descriptors\/} are commands that create new element
+types with particular formatting and layout rules. For example,
+the commands "\newfloat" and "\newtitle" are descriptors that
+are used to create elements which float to the top of pages or
+which title things. Descriptors take very complex arguments.
+Normally, you use only delimiters, parameters, switches, and
+abbreviations in your manuscripts. Descriptors are for
+compulsive \tex\ hackers who feel the need for new element types,
+or for wizards who are preparing documents with special
+requirements (such as this manual).
+ \section {More About Delimiter Commands}
+Delimiters come in three kinds:
+\bpar {\it Standard\/} delimiters---such as "\section", "\footnote",
+or "\spread"---take their arguments in the standard \tex\ way:
+the arguments are enclosed in braces and appear immediately after
+the command. For example, this is how you give two arguments
+to the "\spread" command:
+\spread {First argument}{Second argument}
+\bpar {\it Paired\/} delimiters---such as
+"\begintext"/\allowbreak"\endtext" and
+"\beginabstract"/\allowbreak"\endabstract"---surround their
+argument. For example, this is how you delimit the text of an
+This is a very short abstract
+used only for expository purposes.
+I wish all my abstracts were this simple.
+\bpar {\it Paragraph\/} delimiters---such as "\bpar" and
+"\ftpar"---are kind of a cross between standard and paired
+delimiters. Their most important argument---the text of the
+paragraph---is delimited by the paragraph delimiter in front and
+the command "\par" (or a blank line) in back. But they may have
+additional arguments (such as tag text) which are given in braces
+immediately following the paragraph delimiter. For example, this
+paragraph starts with
+\bpar {\it Paragraph\/} delimiters---
+and ends with a blank line. But it would look exactly the same
+if it had started with
+\ftpar{$\bullet$} {\it Paragraph\/} delimiters---
+Most paired delimiters are also available in a standard form.
+For example, you can use the command "\abstract" instead of
+"\beginabstract" and "\endabstract", in which case you would
+enclose the text of the abstract in braces and place it right
+after the command.\footnote*{The only paired delimiters that are
+not available in standard form are those in which the delimited
+text is in ``nofill'' mode, such as "\beginverbatim" and
+"\endverbatim". This has to do with subtle differences between
+the effect of the two forms, differences that you needn't care
+about and which can confuse even \tex\ wizards.} As you may have
+guessed from the example, you get the standard form of paired
+delimiters by removing the "begin" and "end" prefixes.
+Each argument to a standard or paired delimiter is a local group;
+that is, font and other parameter changes inside the element do
+not have any effects outside. So if you want the text of your
+abstract to be in italics, you can just say
+\it This abstract is in italics.
+instead of the (also correct but) tedious
+{\it This abstract is in italics.}
+Similarly, you can just say
+\section {\it An Italic Section Header}
+instead of
+\section {{\it An Italic Section Header}}
+ \section {More About Switches}
+Switches come in two kinds:
+\bpar {\it On/off} switches are usually used to control whether
+things such as headers and footers appear on a page.
+For example, whether headers appear or not is controlled by the
+two commands "\onheaders" and "\offheaders". These two commands
+together are said to control the "\headers" switch.
+\vpar All on/off switches have variations in a {\it yes/no} form.
+For example, the commands "\yesheaders" and "\noheaders" are like
+"\onheaders" and "\offheaders", except that they {\it only}
+control headers on the current page, not on future pages as well.
+The point of having both on/off and yes/no versions of switches
+can be seen from the following: If you want none of the pages of
+a letter numbered, you would put "\offfooters" at the beginning of
+the letter. But if you want numbers on the bottoms of all pages
+except the first, you would put "\nofooters" at the beginning.
+The effect of "\nofooters" is to turn off the "\footers" switch
+for the first page {\it only}.
+\bpar {\it True/false} switches are mostly used by wizards, so I
+won't say much about them here. They are much like off/on
+switches except that they have a different form. For example,
+the "\vpar" switch controls whether the first paragraph after a
+section heading is left-flush or not; the "\vpar" switch is
+turned on with "\vpartrue" and turned off with "\vparfalse". You
+can see the effects of saying "\vpartrue" in this document.
+ \section {A List of the \ytex\ User Macros}
+This section contains descriptions of the most useful \ytex\
+macros. The listing is broken down by subject area; for example,
+all the commands relevant to footnotes can be found in one place,
+and all the commands relevant to sectioning in another. The next
+section gives an alphabetized list of all the commands.
+In the following descriptions, only the "begin" half of paired
+delimiters is mentioned. All the paired delimiters are available
+in standard forms unless the description mentions otherwise.
+Also, only the "on" form of on/off switches is mentioned. Of
+course, the "off", "yes", and "no" forms are also available.
+ \heading {Titling Pages}
+\ytex\ provides two kinds of titling pages: {\it part pages}
+which are delimited by \+"\beginpartpage"\+ and {\it title pages}
+which are delimited by \+"\begintitlepage"\+. The only
+difference between the two is that title pages are always
+numbered 0 while part pages have whatever number they would
+normally be assigned. The contents of titling pages are centered
+by default, and titling pages have no runners unless you ask for
+The following commands are useful both on titling pages and
+\*\+"\begintitle"\+ and \+"\beginctitle"\+\\set their arg as
+titles. "\begintitle" gives a left-flush ragged-right paragraph
+and "\beginctitle" gives a ragged-center paragraph. Inside of
+titles, the commands \+"\\"\+, \+"\cr"\+, and \+"\crcr"\+ force
+line breaks.
+\*\+"\beginauthor"\+ and \+"\begincauthor"\+\\are like
+"\begintitle" and "\beginctitle" but use \="\authorfont"\=
+(default "\regsize\rm") instead of \="\titlefont"\= (default
+\*\+"\beginabstract"\+\\delimits abstract text which is set in
+\="\abstractfont"\= (default "\smlsize\rm") and indented from
+both margins by "\abstractindent" (default "0pt").
+The following command is available only on titling pages:
+\*\+"\beginbottomtext"\+\\delimits text which is set at the
+bottom of the page in \="\bottomtextfont"\= (default
+"\smllsize\rm"). If you use this command, the text of the page
+will no longer be centered. Instead, the delimited material
+appears at the bottom of the page and material above it will
+start at the top of the page.
+ \heading {Chapters and Sections}
+These macros produce titles at the top of chapters, sections, and
+so on. Titles are normally set as left-flush, ragged-right
+paragraphs. Inside of titles, the commands \+"\\"\+, \+"\cr"\+,
+and \+"\crcr"\+ force line breaks.
+\*\+"\beginchapter"\+ <title> "\endchapter"\\starts a new
+chapter. The <title> is set in the \="\chapterfont"\= (default
+"\bigsize\bf") as a left-flush ragged-right paragraph. The title
+is preceded by \="\prechapterpenalty"\= and
+\="\abovechapterskip"\= and followed by \="\postchapterpenalty"\=
+and \="\belowchapterskip"\=. Most people prefer the standard
+form "\chapter"~\#{<title>}.
+\*\+"\beginpchapter"\+\\is like "\beginchapter" but it forces the
+title to the top of a new page and turns off runners for that
+page. In two-sided matter, it forces the title to the top of a
+recto page.
+\*\+"\beginsection"\+\\is like "\beginchapter" but uses smaller
+font and spacing. Neither chapters nor sections do any automatic
+numbering for you. But there are no-op commands \+"\secdef"\+
+and \+"\secref"\+ which, like their figure and table cousins, can
+be used to help keep track of numbering. There are commands
+\+"\beginsubsection"\+ and \+"\beginsubsubsection"\+ but they are
+just aliases for "\section".
+\*\+"\beginheading"\+\\is like "\beginsection" but with smaller
+font and spacing.
+The true/false switch \:"\centerheadingstrue"\: controls whether
+chapter, section, and other titles are set as left-flush or
+centered ragged-margin paragraphs. The default is
+"\centerheadingsfalse"; that is, headings are left-flush as
+mentioned above.
+ \heading {Page Layout}
+Pages have headers and footers, jointly called runners. When
+they are turned on, runners are single lines that appear
+separated from the main text by the distances \="\headerdrop"\=
+and \="\footerdrop"\=.\footnote*{These dimensions are not
+measured baseline-to-baseline; rather, they are the appearing
+space between the runners and the text.} By default, headers are
+turned on and footers are turned off.
+\*\:"\onrunners"\:, \:"\onheaders"\:, and \:"\onfooters"\:\\are
+switches that turn the various runners on. Recall that the
+effects of these commands are permanent; the effects of their
+yes/no counterparts are confined to the current page.
+There are actually two versions of headers and footers---one for
+recto (right-hand or odd-numbered) pages and one for verso
+(left-hand or even-numbered) pages. By default, all pages are
+considered to be recto pages, but you can use the switch
+\:"\twosidedtrue"\: to get two-sided output and "\twosidedfalse"
+to go back to one-sided.
+The contents of headers and footers are the values of the <toks>
+parameters \="\versoleftheader"\=, \="\rectoleftheader"\=, and so
+on. By default, the \="\rectorightheader"\=, the
+"\versoleftheader", and both center footers contain a boldface
+page number (called a {\it folio}); these come out in roman
+numerals if they are negative. (The page number is the parameter
+\="\pageno"\= which you can set.) Also by default, the
+"\rectoleftheader" is the "\firstmark".
+For example, if you want your pages numbered at the bottom, you
+could say
+\offheaders % turn off the header lines
+\onfooters % turn on the footer lines
+because the footers contain page numbers by default. If you want
+each page to have a title and a page number, you can say
+\rectoleftheader={The Title of My Paper}
+Since this is done so often, there is a synonym
+\="\runninghead"\= for "\rectoleftheader" that lets you say
+\runninghead={The Title of My Paper}
+The default font for runners is kept in the <toks> parameter
+\="\runnerfont"\=, which starts out as "\smlsize\rm".
+ \heading {Paragraphs}
+Each paragraph is an element to \ytex. Paragraphs are considered
+to consist of a crown (the first line) and a vest (all the other
+lines). By default, the crown is indented "\parindent" and the
+vest is not. But there are a variety of paragraph delimiters
+that give you paragraph elements that are formatted differently.
+(Recall that paragraph delimiters start paragraphs that are
+ended by "\par" or a blank line.)
+\*\+"\ivpar"\+\\delimits an {\it inverted} paragraph: the crown
+is not indented but the vest is.
+\*\+"\ipar"\+\\delimits an {\it indented} paragraph: both crown
+and vest are indented.
+\*\+"\ftpar"\+ \#{<tag text>}\\delimits a {\it flush-tagged}
+paragraph: both crown and vest are indented and the first
+argument (in braces) to "\ftpar" is set flush on the left margin
+of the crown. For example,
+\ftpar {1.} First line ...\linebreak second line ...\par
+produces a paragraph that looks like this:
+\ftpar{1.}First line \dots\linebreak{}second line \dots
+\*\+"\atpar"\+ \#{<tag text>}\\delimits an {\it adjoint-tagged}
+paragraph: both crown and vest are indented and the first
+argument (in braces) to "\atpar" is set so its right edge is
+\="\partagsep"\= away from the left edge of the crown line.
+(This is like the \plain\ \tex\ "\item" command.) For example,
+\atpar {a)} First line ...\linebreak second line ...\par
+produces a paragraph that looks like this:
+\atpar{a)}First line \dots\linebreak{}second line \dots
+\*\+"\vtpar"\+ \#{<tag text>}\\delimits a {\it variably-tagged}
+paragraph: the crown, vest, and tag are set just like an
+adjoint-tagged paragraph but the width of the indent is not the
+"\parindent" but instead is the width of the tag text. For
+\vtpar {Keywords:} This ...\linebreak and that ...\par
+produces a paragraph that looks like this:
+\vtpar{Keywords:}This \dots\linebreak{}and that \dots
+\*\+"\bpar"\+\\delimits a {\it bullet} paragraph: a flush-tagged
+paragraph whose tag is a bullet symbol.
+If bullet paragraphs appear next to each other, it is good
+practice to put a \+"\beginbullets"\+ before the first one and an
+\+"\endbullets"\+ after the last one. This will add a little
+space before and after so as to visually cluster the paragraphs.
+If you interpose math or a figure or a title between paragraphs,
+it is standard typesetting practice not to indent the paragraph
+immediately following the interposed element. For example,
+the paragraphs which immediately follow section titles
+in this document are not indented, nor are those which follow
+figures or textual displays.
+To follow this practice in your own documents, you could
+use "\noindent" to start the paragraphs which follow interposed
+elements. But \ytex\ does this for you automatically. The
+command \+"\vpar"\+ effectively forces the next paragraph to
+start with "\noindent", and all \ytex\ commands which interpose
+material between paragraphs---such as "\section"---end with
+"\vpar". Thus you will not have to use "\noindent" after
+figures and so on.
+If for some reason you want a particular paragraph that follows
+interposed text to be indented normally, just give the command
+\+"\unvpar"\+ in front of that paragraph. "\unvpar" cancels the
+effect of "\vpar" and allows the paragraph to be indented.
+\*\:"\vpartrue"\: and "\vparfalse"\\allow and disallow the
+effects of "\vpar". If you don't want the first paragraphs of
+sections and so on to be left-flush, say "\vparfalse".
+\*\+"\linebreak"\+\\ends the current line of a paragraph, filling
+out to the right hand margin with blank space.
+\*\:"\onindent"\:\\turns the default indentation of crown lines
+on. If you want your paragraphs to normally have no indentation,
+say "\offindent". But keep in mind that this will break commands
+like "\bpar" which rely on indentation.
+\*\+"\beginquote"\+\\delimits a quote. Quotes are set in the
+\="\quotefont"\= (default "\smlsize\rm") with the left and right
+margins narrowed by "\parindent". Inside of quotes paragraph
+indentation is turned off (with "\offindent").
+ \heading {Fonts and Sizes}
+To change type face in a document, you use the normal \tex\
+commands "\it", "\bf", "\tt", "\sl", and "\rm". To change to
+increasingly bigger sizes of type, you can use the commands
+\+"\bigsize"\+, \+"\biggsize"\+, and \+"\bigggsize"\+. For
+increasingly smaller sizes, you can use \+"\smlsize"\+,
+\+"\smllsize"\+, and \+"\smlllsize"\+. You can switch to the
+regular size with \+"\regsize"\+. The size-changing commands all
+switch to the roman face.
+There are commands \+"\smlrm"\+, \+"\smllrm"\+, and \+"\smltt"\+
+which are like face-changing commands in that the baseline
+spacing does not change, but the ``typeface'' they switch to are
+actually smaller sizes of the indicated face. For example, to
+get the effect of what printers call ``small caps'', you can use
+the "\smllrm" face. To get \lisp, you would say
+If you ever want to set material in the font selected by a font
+parameter such as "\titlefont", you can select that font by
+saying "\the" in front of the parameter name. For example, to
+set three words in the "\captionfont", I could say
+Here are {\the\captionfont three small words}.
+which gives me
+Here are {\the\captionfont{}three small words}.
+The command \+"\singlespace"\+ causes lines to be single spaced,
+and the command \+"\doublespace"\+ causes lines to be double
+spaced. Single spaced lines are the default. These commands
+affect all text, including footnotes and captions, so that if you
+use "\doublespace" you might want to add a "\singlespace" command
+to the font parameters for footnotes, captions, and so on. If
+you don't like the exact spacing values used by "\singlespace" or
+"\doublespace", read what it says below about line spacing for
+wizards and define your own versions of these commands.
+ \heading {Figures}
+You can ask \yTeX\ to lay out your figures in one of four ways:
+{\it stationary}, which means that figures are boxes that appear
+where they are defined; {\it section}, which are like stationary
+except that they are followed by "\vfil" glue which makes them
+suitable for putting all in one section with no intervening text;
+{\it top}, which means all figures float to the top of a page; or
+{\it floating}, which means they appear where they are defined
+unless they can't fit on the page there in which case they float
+to the top of the next page they fit on. The current layout
+discipline (default {\it floating}) can be set with
+\+"\stationaryfigures"\+, \+"\sectionfigures"\+,
+\+"\topfigures"\+, and \+"\floatingfigures"\+.
+\*\+"\figdef"\+ and \+"\figref"\+\\are no-ops which are useful
+for keeping track of figure numbers.
+\*\+"\beginfigure"\+\\delimits a figure definition. You get a
+figure layed out according to the current discipline. Each
+figure is enclosed in a "\vbox" so you don't have to worry about
+\begingroup \figurelinetrue
+\noindent This figure was defined with
+\noindent This figure was defined with ...
+ ...
+Figure~\figdef{1}. A figure which is ...
+... it will float.
+and this was the result.
+Figure~\figdef{1}. A figure which is also an example of how to
+prepare a figure. This figure will appear where it was defined
+unless it can't fit on that page, in which case it will
+\*\+"\beginpagefigure"\+\\delimits a full-page figure definition.
+These figures go on pages by themselves.
+\noindent This full-page figure was defined with
+\noindent This full-page figure was defined with ...
+ ...
+Figure~\figdef{2}. A figure which is ...
+... it will float.
+and this was the result.
+Figure~\figdef{2}. A figure which is also an example of how to
+prepare a figure. This figure will appear where it was defined
+unless it can't fit on that page, in which case it will float.
+\*\+"\beginstationaryfigure"\+\\gives a stationary figure no
+matter what the current layout discipline is. The paired
+delimiter "\beginstationarypagefigure" gives a full-page
+stationary figure, and there are similar explicit commands
+provided for all four of the layout disciplines.
+\*\+"\begincaption"\+\\is defined only within figures and
+delimits captions, which are set as unindented paragraphs in
+\="\captionfont"\= with margins narrowed by \="\captionindent"\=.
+Captions are preceded by \="\abovecaptionskip"\=.
+For examples, see figures~\figref{1} and~\figref{2}, which I
+referred to here by saying
+... see figures~\figref{1} and~\figref{2}, ...
+Note, in particular, that figure~\figref{1} is bracketed by
+horizontal lines. \ytex\ will put out such lines if you say
+\:"\figurelinetrue"\: at the front of your document; the default
+is \:"\figurelinefalse"\: (no lines). (The lines themselves are
+put \="\figurelinedrop"\= away from the body of the figure.)
+The easiest way to leave space for a paste-in figure is to define
+a figure whose body consists of a vertical skip command, as in
+\vskip 2 true in
+This will be a 2 inch high pasted in figure.
+Note that the amount to skip was given in {\tt true} inches, not
+just inches. This is because typesizes larger than ten point are
+implemented by magnifying the entire document: if the dimension
+had been given as "2in" and the typesize were given as "11pt",
+\yTeX\ would leave 2.2 inches of space instead of 2. The use of
+"true" in the dimension specification prevents \yTeX\ from
+magnifying the space it leaves for the paste-in
+material.\footnote*{Keep in mind that specifying sizes in true
+dimensions may cause the page breaks to change when the type
+size changes. If you are proofing in a larger typesize and you
+want page breaks to remain consistent, you should specify
+paste-in sizes {\it without} the "true" specification, basing the
+declared size on the magnification which will be used in {\it
+final} output. Then don't worry about the fact that the spaces
+in the proof version are a little large.}
+There is a <toks> parameter \="\topsep"\= whose contents are
+inserted between the floating figures and text on any page where
+floating figures appear. By default, "\topsep" is empty, so only
+the normal below-figure space appears between floating figures
+and text. If you want more space, you can say, for example,
+ \heading {Tables}
+Tables are delimited with \+"\begintable"\+ and "\endtable".
+Right after the "\begintable" command you must have a {\it
+preamble specification} enclosed in brackets ("[" and "]"), such
+as in
+\begintable [l"r|lc]
+Item&& Price&& User& Use\cr
+Widgets&& \$2.50&& D. Brotsky& \TeX\ work\cr
+Grommets&&\$2500.50&& The Pentagon& none\cr
+which produces table~\tabref{1}.
+ \centerline {%
+ \begintable [l"r|lc]
+ \topline
+ Item&& Price&& User& Use\cr
+ \dmidline
+ Widgets&& \$2.50&& D. Brotsky& \TeX\ work\cr
+ \midline
+ Grommets&&\$2500.50&& The Pentagon& none\cr
+ \botline
+ \endtable}}
+Table~\tabdef{1}. This table is produced by the example in the
+text. Well, actually, this table is {\it almost} produced by
+that example; in fact, this one has also been centered on the
+page by putting the entire text of that example into the argument
+of "\centerline".
+Inside of a preamble specification, each character stands for one
+column in the table. The meanings of the characters are:
+\begindisplaytable [cl]
+"l"& left-aligned column\cr
+"L"& left-aligned math column\cr
+"c"& center-aligned column\cr
+"C"& center-aligned math column\cr
+"r"& right-aligned column\cr
+"R"& right-aligned math column\cr
+"|"& single-thickness vertical line\cr
+ \"& double-thickness vertical line\cr
+"&"& repeat specification marker\cr
+Math columns are just like their non-math counterparts except
+that the entries are set in math mode in \="\tablestyle"\=
+(default "\displaystyle"). The "&" specification allows you to
+take advantage of \tex's automatic iteration of column
+specifications: if you have more entries in a line than you have
+columns in the preamble, the preamble columns will repeat from
+wherever the "&" was specified.
+The thickness of a "|" line is the <dimen> parameter
+\="\vbarwidth"\= (default ".4pt") and the thickness of a \" line
+is the <dimen> parameter \="\dvbarwidth"\= (default "1pt"). Keep
+in mind that "|" and \" columns must be delimited by "&" like
+other columns. It's just that normally the contents of these
+columns are empty, so you end up with "&&" in the rows of your
+Inside tables the command "\\" ends rows like "\cr". In
+addition, you get access to a variety of useful commands:
+\*\+"\inline"\+\\puts a horizontal line in the table. Better to
+use are \+"\topline"\+, \+"\midline"\+, and \+"\botline"\+ (which
+you normally use at the top, middle, and bottom of the table)
+because they put padding around the line which looks good.
+\*\+"\dinline"\+, \+"\dtopline"\+, \+"\dmidline"\+, and
+\+"\dbotline"\+\\are the double-width counterparts of the
+commands mentioned above. "\inline"-type lines have thickness
+\="\hbarheight"\=, and "\dinline"-type lines have thickness
+\*\+"\padline"\+ <dimen>\\puts <dimen> extra space between lines
+of the table with the nice feature that vertical bars specified
+in the preamble extend right through the extra space. The
+<dimen> is not an argument: don't put it in braces.
+In addition, you get \+"\tabdef"\+ and \+"\tabref"\+ which, like
+"\figdef" and "\figref", are no-ops useful for keeping track of
+table numbers. Also, there are the following table-affecting
+\*\="\pretabskip"\=, \="\intabskip"\=, and
+\="\posttabskip"\=\\are the glue parameters that "\tabskip" glue
+is set to before the first column, between columns, and after the
+last column of a table. Defaults are "\hfil" glue for
+"\pretabskip" and "\posttabskip", "1em" glue for "\intabskip".
+\*\="\tablewidth"\=\\is settable like a <dimen>, and setting it
+has strong side effects. If you set it positive, all lines in
+tables are set to that width. If you set it to zero, tables have
+their natural width. If you set it negative, tables are expanded
+by the negative of what you set it to. The default is "0pt";
+that is, tables have their natural size.
+Finally, in addition to the "\begintable" command which puts a
+box around its table, there is \+"\beginopentable"\+ which does
+not put a box and there is \+"\begindisplaytable"\+ which centers
+the whole table in a "$$"-style display.
+ \heading {Footnotes}
+\ytex\ gives you a footnote mechanism essentially equivalent to
+\plain's, but footnotes are output as adjoint-tagged paragraphs
+in the \="\footnotefont"\= with an indent of
+\*\+"\footnote"\+\#{<tag>}\#{<footnote text>}\\puts <tag> where
+you call "\footnote" and also gives you a footnote marked with
+<tag>. You use "\footnote" inside paragraphs.
+\*\+"\nfootnote"\+\#{<tag>}\#{<footnote text>}\\is like
+"\footenote" but the <tag> must be a number. The tag is set as a
+\*\+"\vfootnote"\+\#{<tag>}\#{<footnote text>}\\is like
+"\footnote" but it doesn't put the tag where you call it, only on
+the footnote text itself. You use "\vfootnote" between
+\*\+"\beginfootmatter"\+\\gives you a footnote with no marker and
+with no left margin indentation where the marker would go. I'm
+not sure why you would want this.
+The no-ops \+"\footdef"\+ and \+"\footref"\+ are provided to help
+keep track of footnote numbering. There is a <toks> parameter
+\="\botsep"\= whose contents are inserted between the text and
+footnotes on any page where footnotes appear. By default,
+"\botsep" puts in some space and a short line. If you just want
+space, you can say, for example,
+ \heading {Textual Displays}
+These macros give you "$$"-like displays containing text and
+other useful textual blocks. There are no standard forms for any
+of the "begin" and "end" paired delimiters that produce textual
+\*\+"\beginnofill"\+\\delimits text that is not made into filled
+lines, but output in lines as it appears in the input.
+Indentation is turned off.
+\*\+"\begintext"\+\\gives you a "$$"-like display containing the
+nofill material it delimits. The displayed lines have width
+"\displaywidth" and are indented "\parindent" from the normal
+"\displayindent" of the display.
+\*\+"\begintextlines"\+\\is like "\begintext" but the displayed
+lines are the full "\hsize" wide and the normal "\displayindent"
+is ignored.
+\hangindent 2\parindent \hangafter0
+\noindent For example, this is a paragraph which has both its
+crown and vest indented twice the normal paragraph indentation.
+If, inside this paragraph, we produce a display with
+Here is the first line of the display
+Here is the second.
+then the result appears to have a left margin even with the
+indentation of the paragraph, as in:
+Here is the first line of the display
+Here is the second.
+(Each line of the display is indented "\parindent" from the
+margin because each line starts a paragraph.) But if we specify
+the text of the display using the following commands:
+Here is the first line of the display
+Here is the second.
+then the display ignores the indentation of the paragraph,
+producing the following:
+Here is the first line of the display
+Here is the second.
+\*\+"\begincode"\+ and \+"\begincodelines"\+\\are like
+"\begintext" and "\begintextlines" but the material is set in the
+typewriter font.
+\*\+"\verb"\+\\is used as
+and gives you <text> verbatim in the typewriter font. All \tex\
+special characters (such as "\" and "&") are treated as normal
+\*\+"\beginverb"\+ and \+"\beginverblines"\+\\are like
+"\begincode" and "\begincodelines" except the intervening text is
+taken verbatim.
+ \begincs \beginmyverb
+ \readcs \readmyv@rb
+ \endcsname endmyverb%
+ \display
+ \setup \hsize=\displaywidth \advance\leftskip\displayindent \tt
+ \begin
+ \end
+ \endnew
+For example
+\noindent This is some \verbatim \text.
+\centerline {Note that commands are ignored.}
+\noindent This is some \verbatim \text.
+\centerline {Note that commands are ignored.}
+\*\+"\beginlisp"\+ and \+"\beginlisplines"\+\\delimit \lisp\
+programs. Programs are printed in the \="\lispfont"\= (default
+"\regsize\tt") in nofill mode; the \tex\ control characters (such
+as "#") often found in \lisp\ code are turned off; and comments
+are printed in roman. Programs are boxed to prevent breaks; the
+sequence ";\pbrk"\+ at the start of a line makes that line an
+escape into surrounding vertical mode: you can put in breaks and
+glue. If you just specify \+"\pbrk"\+ after the semicolon, with
+nothing else on the line, you get a space suitable for insertion
+between function definitions.
+For example, this input
+;;Good Old Factorial
+(defun fact (n)
+ (cond ((zerop n) 1) ;base case
+ (t (* n (fact (1- n)))))) ;recursive case
+(defun myfact (n)
+ (cond ((> n 0) (fact n)) ;OK if pos
+ (t (- (fact (- n)))))) ;invert if neg
+;\pbrk \medskip
+(fact -5) ;sample usage
+ -125
+produces this output
+;;Good Old Factorial
+(defun fact (n)
+ (cond ((zerop n) 1) ;base case
+ (t (* n (fact (1- n)))))) ;recursive case
+(defun myfact (n)
+ (cond ((> n 0) (fact n)) ;OK if pos
+ (t (- (fact (- n)))))) ;invert if neg
+;\pbrk \medskip
+(fact -5) ;sample usage
+ -125
+ \heading {Two-Column Text}
+The paired delimiter \+"\begintwocolumntext"\+ sets its argument
+material in two columns, with the columns separated by
+\="\columnskip"\=. Top figures and footnotes in this material
+are still set in a single column extending the full width of the
+page. Note that you can not use the floating figure style in
+two-column text because there is no way of knowing in advance
+whether figure material set in this style should be one- or
+two-columns wide. Also, full-page stationary or section figures
+are liable not to work.
+The paired delimiter \+"\begindoublecolumn"\+ sets its argument
+material two columns per page, just as if the "\hsize" had been
+narrowed and the results pasted up. Thus, every page becomes a
+single column, and commands like "\eject" refer to columns, not
+pages. The command \+"\pageeject"\+ will force a true page
+break. {\it Warning}: The "\begindoublecolumn" command will
+throw away everything on the current page, so it is only safe to
+use at the start of a fresh page.
+ \heading {Formatting Small Pieces of Text}
+These commands produce little chunks of text in useful shapes, or
+combine small blocks of text in handy ways.
+\*\+"\spread"\+\\takes two or more arguments and spreads them out
+evenly spaced on a line. For example, the input
+\spread{Piece1}{Piece2}{}{Piece4 (3 was empty)}
+\spread{Piece1}{Piece2}{}{Piece4 (3 was empty)}
+Each piece of text except the leftmost and rightmost are centered
+on their appropriate position. Notice that the empty argument
+took up a position even though it didn't put anything in that
+\*\+"\begintleft"\+, \+"\begintcenter"\+, and
+\+"\begintright"\+\\set their arguments as left-flush, centered,
+and right-flush titles in the current font. Titles are allowed
+to contain more than one paragraph. Inside of titles, the
+commands \+"\\"\+, \+"\cr"\+, and \+"\crcr"\+ force line breaks.
+\*\+"\sy"\+ and \+"\sybox"\+\\set their arguments in a slightly
+smaller typewriter font. They differ only in that "\sybox" also
+puts the argument in an hbox so it can't be broken across lines.
+\*\+"\ucsy"\+ and \+"\ucsybox"\+\\are relatives of "\sy" and
+"\sybox" that put their arguments in upper case.
+\*\+"\ignore"\+\\does just that to its single argument.
+\*\+"\filpage"\+\\fills up the rest of the page with white space
+and does a page break.
+ \heading {The Date}
+\*\="\hour"\= and \="\minute"\=\\are <number> parameters that
+hold the time \ytex\ started in 24-hour format. \+"\daytime"\+
+outputs this in the form \sybox{15:35}.
+\*\+"\monthname"\+ and \+"\monthshortname"\+\\output the name of
+the current month; "\monthshortname" is three letters long.
+\*\+"\shortyear"\+\\names the current year without the first two
+digits, as in 86.
+\*\+"\date"\+, \+"\shortdate"\+, and \+"\slashdate"\+\\output the
+current date as in June~9,~1986; 9~Jun~86; and 6/9/86.
+For example, you can get output like
+Today is day 14 of Aug ({\it{}i.e.} August), %
+and the time is 14:34.
+by saying
+Today is day \number\day\ of \monthshortname
+({\it i.e.} \monthname), and the time is \daytime.
+ \heading {Miscellany}
+\*\+"\ytex"\+, "\yTeX", "\YTEX", "\YTeX", and \+"\oopstex"\+\\all
+give the \ytex\ symbol.
+\*\+"\draft"\+\\adds a line to the bottom of each page that looks
+like this:
+This command also sets the "\overfullrule" to "5pt" instead of
+the default "0pt" and prints the message "{Draft}" on your
+terminal screen.
+Here are the default values of a few parameters not yet
+\hsize=28pc \vsize=44pc
+\abovedisplayskip=3pt plus1pt minus2pt
+\belowdisplayskip=3pt plus1pt minus2pt
+\abovedisplayshortskip=0pt plus1pt
+\belowdisplayshortskip=2pt plus1pt minus1pt
+\parskip=0pt plus1pt
+The default "\typesize" is ten point. Keep in mind that, if you
+make the "\typesize" "11pt" or "12pt", the "\hsize" and "\vsize"
+will be magnified by $1.1$ or $1.2$, so you probably won't need
+to change them. If you have a definite measurement you want used
+for the margins independent of what magnification gets used,
+specify it in ``true'' units (as in "\hsize=6 true in"). The
+output routine will always try to center your output on the
+output page; you can use "\hoffset" and "\voffset" to shift it
+off center any desired amount.
+ \section {For Wizards Only}
+Here are some features that inexperienced \tex nicians should
+probably avoid. Once again they are grouped by topic: some of
+the topics also appeared above.
+ \heading {Page Glosses}
+Pages can have {\it glosses} which are special lines that appear
+above the header and below the footer. The <toks> parameters
+\="\topgloss"\= and \="\bottomgloss"\= contain the contents of
+the glosses. You turn glosses off and on just like runners, but
+both glosses default off. The top gloss defaultly contains a
+copyright message like the following:
+\copyrightholder={by the author}%
+while the bottom gloss is defaultly empty. The words ``by the
+author'' are the value of the <toks> parameter
+\*\:"\showcopyrighttrue"\: and "\showcopyrightfalse"\\allow and
+disallow the showing of the top gloss. To actually get the top
+gloss to show on a particular page, you also have to say
+\+"\copyrightpage"\+ somewhere on that page.
+The "\draft" macro described above uses the bottom gloss.
+ \heading {Size Changing}
+There are also explicit size-selection commands such as
+"\twelevepoint", but these pay no attention to the "\typesize",
+so their use is not advised.
+The baseline spacing is set whenever a size change command is
+given by saying
+\normalbaselineskip=\the\baselinefactor em%
+Thus, the value of the <toks> parameter \="\baselinefactor"\=
+(default "{1.3}") can be used to vary the baseline spacing. Note
+that changes in "\baselinefactor" will not take effect until you
+give a size-changing command or say \+"\setnormalbaselines"\+.
+For example, these are the default definitions for "\singlespace"
+and "\doublespace":
+ \heading {Setup Hooks}
+A variety of the default user-level macros---such as figures,
+captions, footnotes, etc.---provide for user-defined set-up
+hooks. For example, every figure macro calls the macro
+"\setupfigure", which in turn calls a macro "\setupfigurehook"
+which the user is free to define. Check the source code for
+details as to which of these hooks exist.
+ \heading {More About Tables}
+There is an escape mechanism whereby arbitrary alignment
+specifications can be put into the preamble of a table. A column
+is normally specified by a letter, but arbitrary material
+enclosed within balanced braces may be used to specify a column
+instead. For example, the preamble specification
+[l{\hfil $\displaystyle #$}c]
+produces the following preamble
+#\hfil & \hfil $\displaystyle #$& \hfil #\hfil
+The material within matching braces can only specify one column
+in the preamble: you must use more than one set of braces to
+specify more than one column. There is no limit on the number of
+columns that can be specified in this way. When a column is
+specified in this way, the entry produced for that column by
+"\padline" will contain an "\omit" so as to produce white space.
+Thus, if the specified material contains a "\vrule"
+specification, that rule will not extend through padding.
+If the material in braces starts with a "\tabskip" specification,
+\ytex\ assumes that it contains only that specification, and it
+merely embeds the specification in the preamble instead of making
+it a column specification. For example, the specification
+[l{\tabskip=2em }lr]
+produces the preamble
+#\hfil & \tabskip=2em #\hfil& \hfil #%
+This mechanism can be used to vary the between-column skip within
+a line. Keep in mind, however, that the "\posttabskip" will
+override such specifications after the last column.
+The interline glue is normally turned off in tables, and struts
+are used to keep the line spacing correct. If all of the
+preamble specifications in a table are given with the "{}" escape
+mechanism instead of \ytex's abbreviations, you should put struts
+in at least one of the columns to force correct line spacing.
+If you specify \hbox{"height" <dimen>} as the contents of a "|"
+or \" column, that will override the natural height of the
+"\vrule". This is the mechanism used by "\padline".
+ \section {A List of Many \ytex\ Commands}
+Here is a list of all the commands, parameters, and switches
+described hereto. It is not a complete list of all the \ytex\
+commands, but it gets most of the useful ones.
+ \heading {The Commands}
+The {\bf type} given in this table is one of {\bf SD} for
+standard delimiter, {\bf PD} for paired delimiter, {\bf Par} for
+paragraph delimiter, and {\bf A} for abbreviation. If a paired
+delimiter has a standard form, it appears in this table in that
+form. Paired delimiters which do not have standard forms ({\it
+i.e.}, those which delimit nofill text) appear in their "begin"
+form alphabetized under "begin".
+ \def\crs{\cr\noalign{\vskip 0pt plus.2pt}}
+ \intabskip=.5em
+ \beginopentable [lcl]%
+ \bf Command& \bf Type& \bf Summary\cr
+ \midline
+ "\\"& A& breaks lines in titles, ends rows in tables\crs
+ "\abstract"& PD& abstract text\crs
+ "\atpar"& Par& adjoint-tagged paragraph\crs
+ "\author"& PD& author's name(s)\crs
+ "\begincode"& PD& typewriter font textual display\crs
+ "\begincodelines"& PD& unindented typewriter font textual display\crs
+ "\beginlisp"& PD& \lisp\ program display\crs
+ "\beginlisplines"& PD& unindented \lisp\ program display\crs
+ "\beginnofill"& PD& unboxed unfilled text\crs
+ "\begintext"& PD& unfilled textual display\crs
+ "\begintextlines"& PD& unindented unfilled textual display\crs
+ "\beginverb"& PD& typewriter font verbatim display\crs
+ "\beginverblines"& PD& unindented typewriter font verbatim display\crs
+ "\bigsize"& A& switch to a larger size of type\crs
+ "\biggsize"& A& switch to an even larger size\crs
+ "\bigggsize"& A& switch to an even larger size still\crs
+ "\botline"& A& horizontal line for bottom of tables\crs
+ "\bottomtext"& PD& text for bottom of title page\crs
+ "\bpar"& Par& bullet paragraph\crs
+ "\bullets"& PD& group of bullet paragraphs\crs
+ "\caption"& PD& caption (figures only)\crs
+ "\cauthor"& PD& centered author's name\crs
+ "\chapter"& PD& chapter title\crs
+ "\copyrightpage"& A& allow copyright message\crs
+ "\cr"& A& breaks lines in titles, ends rows in tables\crs
+ "\crcr"& A& breaks lines in titles, ends rows in tables\crs
+ "\ctitle"& PD& centered title\crs
+ "\date"& A& date as June 9, 1986\crs
+ "\daytime"& A& time of day in 24 hour format\crs
+ "\dbotline"& A& double width line for bottom of table\crs
+ "\dinline"& A& double width unpadded table line\crs
+ "\displaytable"& PD& table display\crs
+ "\dmidline"& A& double width line for middle of table\crs
+ "\doublecolumn"& PD& double-column mode\crs
+ "\doublespace"& A& double space text\crs
+ "\draft"& A& put draft mark on all pages\crs
+ "\dtopline"& A& double width line for top of table\crs
+ "\figdef"& A& no-op for managing figure numbers\crs
+ "\figref"& A& no-op for managing figure numbers\crs
+ "\figure"& PD& figure in current style\crs
+ "\figurebox"& PD& stationary boxed figure\crs
+ "\filpage"& A& end current page with white space\crs
+ "\floatingfigures"& A& figure style is {\it floating}\crs
+ "\floatingfigure"& PD& define floating figure\crs
+ "\floatingpagefigure"&PD& define floating full-page figure\crs
+ "\footdef"& A& no-op for managing footnote numbers\crs
+ "\footref"& A& no-op for managing footnote numbers\crs
+ "\footnote"& SD& specify footnote while in paragraph\crs
+ "\footmatter"& PD& specify footnote text with no marker\crs
+ "\ftpar"& Par& flush-tagged paragraph\crs
+ "\heading"& PD& left-flush heading\crs
+ "\ignore"& A& ignore argument\crs
+ "\inline"& A& unpadded horizontal line in table\crs
+ "\ipar"& Par& indented paragraph\crs
+ "\ivpar"& Par& inverted paragraph\crs
+ "\linebreak"& A& force line break in paragraph\crs
+ "\midline"& A& horizontal line for middle of table\crs
+ "\monthname"& A& full name of current month\crs
+ "\monthshortname"& A& first three letters of current month\crs
+ "\nfootnote"& SD& specify numbered footnote in paragraph\crs
+ "\oopstex"& A& the \ytex\ symbol\crs
+ "\opentable"& PD& unboxed table\crs
+ "\padline"& A& put padding in table\crs
+ "\pageeject"& A& force a page break in double-column mode\crs
+ "\pagefigure"& PD& full page figure in desired style\crs
+ "\partpage"& PD& titling page with usual page number\crs
+ "\pbrk"& A& escape to vertical mode in \lisp\ programs\crs
+ "\pchapter"& PD& chapter title on new page\crs
+ "\quote"& PD& quotation text\crs
+ "\regsize"& A& switch to the regular size of type\crs
+ "\secdef"& A& no-op for managing section numbers\crs
+ "\secref"& A& no-op for managing section numbers\crs
+ "\section"& PD& section title\crs
+ "\sectionfigures"& A& figure style is {\it section}\crs
+ "\sectionfigure"& PD& define section figure\crs
+ "\sectionpagefigure"&PD& define section full-page figure\crs
+ "\setnormalbaselines"&A& use "\baselinefactor" to set baselines\crs
+ "\shortdate"& A& date as in 9 Jun 86\crs
+ "\shortyear"& A& last two digits of current year\crs
+ "\singlespace"& A& single space text\crs
+ "\slashdate"& A& date as in 6/9/86\crs
+ "\smlsize"& A& switch to a smaller size of type\crs
+ "\smllsize"& A& switch to an even smaller size\crs
+ "\smlllsize"& A& switch to an even smaller size still\crs
+ "\spread"& SD& spread args evenly on line\crs
+ "\stationaryfigures"& A& figure style is {\it stationary}\crs
+ "\stationaryfigure"& PD& define stationary figure\crs
+ "\stationarypagefigure"&PD& define stationary full-page figure\crs
+ "\subsection"& PD& synonym for "\section"\crs
+ "\subsubsection"& PD& synonym for "\section"\crs
+ "\sy"& SD& set arg in smaller typewriter font\crs
+ "\sybox"& SD& hboxed "\sy"\crs
+ "\tabdef"& A& no-op for managing table numbers\crs
+ "\table"& PD& vboxed table\crs
+ "\tabref"& A& no-op for managing table numbers\crs
+ "\tcenter"& PD& centered title\crs
+ "\title"& PD& title\crs
+ "\titlepage"& PD& titling page with page number 0\crs
+ "\tleft"& PD& left-flush title\crs
+ "\topfigures"& A& figure style is {\it top}\crs
+ "\topfigure"& PD& define top figure\crs
+ "\toppagefigure"& PD& define top full-page figure\crs
+ "\topline"& A& horizontal line for top of table\crs
+ "\tright"& PD& right-flush title\crs
+ "\twocolumntext"& PD& two-column text\crs
+ "\ucsy"& SD& uppercase "\sy"\crs
+ "\ucsybox"& SD& uppercase "\sybox"\crs
+ "\unvpar"& A& allow indentation on next paragraph\crs
+ "\verb"& A& verbatim text\crs
+ "\vfootnote"& PD& specify footnote text in vertical mode\crs
+ "\vpar"& A& disallow indentation on next paragraph\crs
+ "\vtpar"& Par& variably-tagged paragraph\crs
+ "\ytex"& A& the \ytex\ symbol\cr
+ \endopentable
+ \heading {Parameters}
+The {\bf type} given in this table is one of {\bf I} for
+<integer>, {\bf D} for <dimen>, {\bf G} for <glue>, and {\bf
+T} for <toks>.
+ \def\crs{\cr\noalign{\vskip 0pt plus.2pt}}
+ \intabskip=.5em
+ \beginopentable [lcl]%
+ \bf Parameter& \bf Type& \bf Default\cr
+ \midline
+ "\abovecaptionskip"& G& "\medskipamount"\crs
+ "\abovechapterskip"& G& "18pt", stretch is 3 times the "\parskip"'s\crs
+ "\abstractfont"& T& "{\smlsize\rm}"\crs
+ "\abstractindent"& D& "0pt"\crs
+ "\authorfont"& T& "{\regsize\rm}"\crs
+ "\baselinefactor"& T& "{1.3}"\crs
+ "\belowchapterskip"& G& "9pt", stretch is 3 times the "\parskip"'s\crs
+ "\bottomgloss"& T& <empty>\crs
+ "\bottomtextfont"& T& "{\smllsize\rm}"\crs
+ "\botsep"& T& "{\vskip\bigskipamount \footnoterule}"\crs
+ "\captionindent"& D& "\parindent"\crs
+ "\captionfont"& T& "{\smlsize\rm}"\crs
+ "\chapterfont"& T& "{\bigsize\bf}"\crs
+ "\columnskip"& D& "2pc"\crs
+ "\copyrightholder"& T& "{by the author}"\crs
+ "\dhbarheight"& D& "1pt"\crs
+ "\dvbarwidth"& D& "1pt"\crs
+ "\figurelinedrop"& D& "4pt"\crs
+ "\footerdrop"& D& "1.25pc"\crs
+ "\footnotefont"& T& "{\smlsize\rm}"\crs
+ "\footnotemarkerwidth"&D& "10pt"\crs
+ "\hbarheight"& D& "0.4pt"\crs
+ "\headerdrop"& D& "1.25pc"\crs
+ "\hour"& I& starting hour of job\crs
+ "\intabskip"& G& "1em"\crs
+ "\lispfont"& T& "{\smlsize\tt}"\crs
+ "\minute"& I& starting minute of job\crs
+ "\pageno"& I& current page number\crs
+ "\partagsep"& D& separation between tag and crown line\crs
+ "\postchapterpenalty"& I& "10000"\crs
+ "\posttabskip"& G& "0pt plus 1fil"\crs
+ "\prechapterpenalty"& I& "-500"\crs
+ "\pretabskip"& G& "0pt plus 1fil"\crs
+ "\quotefont"& T& "{\smlsize\rm}"\crs
+ "\rectoleftheader"& T& "{\firstmark}"\crs
+ "\rectocenterheader"& T& <empty>\crs
+ "\rectorightheader"& T& "{\bf folio}"\crs
+ "\rectoleftfooter"& T& <empty>\crs
+ "\rectocenterfooter"& T& "{\bf folio}"\crs
+ "\rectorightfooter"& T& <empty>\crs
+ "\runnerfont"& T& "{\smlsize\rm}"\crs
+ "\runninghead"& T& <synonym for "\rectoleftheader">\crs
+ "\tablewidth"& D& "0pt" (settable only)\crs
+ "\tablestyle"& T& {"\displaystyle"}\crs
+ "\titlefont"& T& "{\bigsize\bf}"\crs
+ "\topgloss"& T& <empty>\crs
+ "\topsep"& T& <empty>\crs
+ "\typesize"& D& 10pt (settable only)\crs
+ "\vbarwidth"& D& "0.4pt"\crs
+ "\versoleftheader"& T& "{\bf folio}"\crs
+ "\versocenterheader"& T& <empty>\crs
+ "\versorightheader"& T& <empty>\crs
+ "\versoleftfooter"& T& <empty>\crs
+ "\versocenterfooter"& T& "{\bf folio}"\crs
+ "\versorightfooter"& T& <empty>\cr
+ \endopentable
+ \heading {Switches}
+The {\bf type} given in this table is one of {\bf O} for on/off
+and {\bf T} for true/false.
+ \def\crs{\cr\noalign{\vskip 0pt plus.2pt}}
+ \intabskip=.5em
+ \beginopentable [lcl]%
+ \bf Switch& \bf Type& \bf Default\cr
+ \midline
+ "\centerheadings"& T& false\crs
+ "\figureline"& T& false\crs
+ "\footers"& O& off\crs
+ "\headers"& O& on\crs
+ "\indent"& O& on\crs
+ "\runners"& O& on\crs
+ "\showcopyright"& T& false\crs
+ "\twosided"& T& false\crs
+ "\vpar"& T& true\cr
+ \endopentable
+ \bye