path: root/Master/texmf-dist/tex/xelatex
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'Master/texmf-dist/tex/xelatex')
1 files changed, 103 insertions, 398 deletions
diff --git a/Master/texmf-dist/tex/xelatex/na-position/na-position.sty b/Master/texmf-dist/tex/xelatex/na-position/na-position.sty
index cbd37fe509b..4dcf0bb1032 100644
--- a/Master/texmf-dist/tex/xelatex/na-position/na-position.sty
+++ b/Master/texmf-dist/tex/xelatex/na-position/na-position.sty
@@ -4,405 +4,110 @@
%edited by : Walid LAOUIDJI
-\ProvidesPackage{na-position}[2018/06/14 version1.1]
+\ProvidesPackage{na-position}[2020/06/14 version1.2]
+ \def\Nplot{\left(C_f\right)}
- \begin{tikzpicture}
- \tkzTabInit[espcl=4.5,lw=1.1pt]
- {$x$ / 1 ,$\plot(x)-\line$ /1 ,\textarabic{الوضعية}
- /2.5}%
- {$#1$ , $#2$ , $#3$ }
- %
- \tkzTabLine{\myarg[1], \myarg[2] , \myarg[3] , \myarg[4],\myarg[5] }
- \tkzTabLine{\if d\myarg[1]d\else \if z \myarg[1]z
- \fi \fi,
- %
- \hskip -1.3cm
+\tikzset{pos style/.style = {
+ draw = \tkzTabDefaultWritingColor}}
+ \newcommand*{\tkzTabPos}[2][]{%
+ \makeatletter
+ \setkeys[TAB]{TL}{#1}%
+ \setcounter{tkz@cnt@lg}{\thetkz@cnt@line}%
+ \stepcounter{tkz@cnt@line}%
+ \setcounter{tkz@cnt@lgnext}{\thetkz@cnt@line}%
+ \setcounter{tkz@cnt@cl}{1}%
+ \setcounter{tkz@cnt@pair}{1}%
+ \setcounter{tkz@cnt@impair}{1}%
+\foreach \x/\tl in {#2}{
+\path (N\thetkz@cnt@impair\thetkz@cnt@lg) --coordinate[midway](Z\thetkz@cnt@impair\thetkz@cnt@lg)(N\thetkz@cnt@impair\thetkz@cnt@lgnext);
+\draw[line width =\cmdTAB@tbs@lw, pos style ]
+\draw[line width =\cmdTAB@tbs@lw,pos style ]([xshift=01cm]N\thetkz@cnt@impair\thetkz@cnt@lgnext)..controls+(90:0.5)and+(310:1)..
+ $\Nplot$
+ يقطع
+ $\Nline$
+ \\
+ في النقطة
+ \\
+ { \tiny
+} ;
+ }{%
+ \ifthenelse{\equal{\expandafter\stripspaces\expandafter{\x}}{}}{}{
- \if d\myarg[2]d\else \if z \myarg[2]
- \else
- (\Nline)\ \if +\myarg[2]\text{فوق}\else \if -\myarg[2]\text{تحت} \fi\fi \ (\Nplot)
- \fi \fi
- ,
- %
- \if d\myarg[3]d\else \if z \myarg[3]z
- \fi \fi
- ,
- \hskip 1.3cm
- \if d\myarg[4]d\else \if z \myarg[4]z
- \else
- (\Nline)\ \if +\myarg[4]\text{فوق}\else \if -\myarg[4]\text{تحت} \fi\fi \ (\Nplot)
- \fi \fi ,
- \if d\myarg[5]d\else \if z \myarg[5]z
- \fi \fi}
- %
- %%%%%
- \if d\myarg[3]
- d
-\else \if z\myarg[3]
- %%%%%
- \draw[thick] (N22)to[out=200,in=90] ([xshift=.5cm]M13) (N22)to[out=-20,in=90] ([xshift=-.5cm]M23);
- \node[text width=2.5cm,xshift=-0.1cm,align=center,anchor=base] at (Z22){\vskip -1.07cm \small \textarabic{$(\Nplot)$\ يقطع
- } };
-\node[text width=2.5cm,align=center,anchor=base] at (Z22){\vskip -0.4cm \small \textarabic{ $(\Nline)$ في النقطة
- } };
-\node[text width=2.5cm,align=center,anchor=base] at (Z22){\vskip 0.2cm \small
-\textarabic{ $#5$} };
- \end{tikzpicture}
+ \draw[line width = \cmdTAB@tbs@lw,t style]
+ (N\thetkz@cnt@impair\thetkz@cnt@lg) -- %
+ (N\thetkz@cnt@impair\thetkz@cnt@lgnext);
+ %
+ \draw[line width =\cmdTAB@tbs@lw,double style]%
+ ([yshift = -\cmdTAB@tbs@lw/2] N\thetkz@cnt@impair\thetkz@cnt@lg)--%
+ ([yshift = \cmdTAB@tbs@lw/2] N\thetkz@cnt@impair\thetkz@cnt@lgnext);
+\path (N\thetkz@cnt@impair\thetkz@cnt@lg)--
+ (N\thetkz@cnt@impair\thetkz@cnt@lgnext);
+ \node at (Z\thetkz@cnt@impair\thetkz@cnt@lg){$\x$};
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ \stepcounter{tkz@cnt@impair}%
+ }{%
+ \path(M\thetkz@cnt@pair\thetkz@cnt@lg)--%
+ coordinate[midway](S\thetkz@cnt@pair\thetkz@cnt@lg)%
+ (M\thetkz@cnt@pair\thetkz@cnt@lgnext);%
+ \ifthenelse{\equal{\expandafter\stripspaces\expandafter{\x}}{h}}{
+ %
+ \setcounter{tkz@cnt@clnext}{\thetkz@cnt@pair}%
+ \stepcounter{tkz@cnt@clnext}%
+ \pgfmathparse{\cmdTAB@TTS@doubledistance/2+\cmdTAB@tbs@lw}
+ \global\let\tkz@deltax\pgfmathresult
+ \fill[h style]([xshift=\tkz@deltax,yshift=-\cmdTAB@tbs@lw/2]%
+ N\thetkz@cnt@pair\thetkz@cnt@lg)
+ rectangle%
+ ([xshift=-\tkz@deltax,yshift=\cmdTAB@tbs@lw/2]%
+ N\thetkz@cnt@clnext\thetkz@cnt@lgnext);
+ \ifthenelse{\equal{\expandafter\stripspaces\expandafter{\x}}{+}}
+ \node[inner sep=0pt,, text width=5em, minimum height = 5em, align = center,font=\scriptsize] at ([yshift=10pt]S\thetkz@cnt@pair\thetkz@cnt@lg) {
+ \vbox to 3em{\vfill
+ $\Nplot$ \\
+ {فوق}
+ \\
+ $\Nline$}};
- \readlist*\myarg{#5}
- \begin{tikzpicture}
- \tkzTabInit[espcl=3.8,lw=1.1pt]
- {$x$ / 1 ,$\plot(x)-\line$ /1 ,\textarabic{الوضعية}
- /2.5}%
- {$#1$ , $#2$ , $#3$ ,$#4$ }%
- %\tkzTabLine{ , \myarg[1] , z , \myarg[2] , d,\myarg[3] }
- \tkzTabLine{ \myarg[1], \myarg[2] , \myarg[3] , \myarg[4] , \myarg[5],\myarg[6],\myarg[7] }
- \tkzTabLine{
-\if d\myarg[1]d\else \if z \myarg[1]z
- \fi \fi,
- %
- \hskip -1.3cm
- \if d\myarg[2]d\else \if z \myarg[2]
- \else
-\genfrac{}{}{0pt}{0}{ \ (\Nplot)}{(\Nline)\ \if +\myarg[2]\text{فوق}\else \if -\myarg[2]\text{تحت} \fi\fi}
- \fi \fi
- ,
- %%%%%%
- %
- \if d\myarg[3]d\else \if z \myarg[3]z
- \fi \fi
- ,
- %*****
- %\vskip -0.6cm
-\if h\myarg[4]h\else
- %-----
- \genfrac{}{}{0pt}{0}{ \ (\Nplot)}{(\Nline)\ \if +\myarg[4]\text{فوق}\else \if -\myarg[4]\text{تحت} \fi\fi}
- %-----
- \fi ,
- %*****
- \if d\myarg[5]d\else \if h \myarg[5]h
- \fi \fi
- ,
- %**
- \hskip 0.5cm
- \if d\myarg[6]d\else \if z \myarg[6]z
- \else
- \genfrac{}{}{0pt}{0}{ \ (\Nplot)}{(\Nline)\ \if +\myarg[6]\text{فوق}\else \if -\myarg[6]\text{تحت} \fi\fi}
- \fi \fi
- ,
- \if d\myarg[7]d\else \if z \myarg[3]z
- \fi \fi }
- \if
-\else \if
- d\myarg[3]
- \draw[thick,blue] (N32)to[out=200,in=90] ([xshift=.8cm]M23) (N32)to[out=-20,in=90] ([xshift=-.8cm]M33);
- \node[text width=2.5cm,align=center,anchor=base,yshift=0.3cm] at (Z32){ \footnotesize \textarabic{$(\Nplot)$\ يقطع
- } };
-\node[text width=2.5cm,align=center,anchor=base] at (Z32){\vskip -0.3cm \footnotesize \textarabic{ $(\Nline)$ في النقطة
- } };
-\node[text width=2.5cm,align=center,anchor=base] at (Z32){\vskip 0.2cm \footnotesize
-\textarabic{ $#6$} };
- %%%%%%%%%%%else
- %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
- \else \if z\myarg[5]
- \draw[thick,red] (N22)to[out=200,in=90] ([xshift=.8cm]M13) (N22)to[out=-20,in=90] ([xshift=-.8cm]M23);
- \node[text width=2.5cm,align=center,anchor=base,yshift=0.3cm] at (Z22){ \footnotesize \textarabic{$(\Nplot)$\ يقطع
- } };
-\node[text width=2.5cm,align=center,anchor=base] at (Z22){\vskip -0.3cm \footnotesize \textarabic{ $(\Nline)$ في النقطة
- } };
-\node[text width=2.5cm,align=center,anchor=base] at (Z22){\vskip 0.2cm \small
-\textarabic{ $#6$} };
-\draw[thick,blue] (N32)to[out=200,in=90] ([xshift=.8cm]M23) (N32)to[out=-20,in=90] ([xshift=-.8cm]M33);
- \node[text width=2.5cm,align=center,anchor=base,yshift=0.3cm] at (Z32){ \footnotesize \textarabic{$(\Nplot)$\ يقطع
- } };
-\node[text width=2.5cm,align=center,anchor=base] at (Z32){\vskip -0.3cm \footnotesize \textarabic{ $(\Nline)$ في النقطة
- } };
-\node[text width=2.5cm,align=center,anchor=base] at (Z32){\vskip 0.2cm \footnotesize
-\textarabic{ $#6$} };
-\else \if d\myarg[5]
- \draw[thick,blue] (N22)to[out=200,in=90] ([xshift=.8cm]M13) (N22)to[out=-20,in=90] ([xshift=-.8cm]M23);
- \node[text width=2.5cm,align=center,anchor=base,yshift=0.3cm] at (Z22){ \footnotesize \textarabic{$(\Nplot)$\ يقطع
- } };
-\node[text width=2.5cm,align=center,anchor=base] at (Z22){\vskip -0.3cm \footnotesize \textarabic{ $(\Nline)$ في النقطة
- } };
-\node[text width=2.5cm,align=center,anchor=base] at (Z22){\vskip 0.2cm \small
-\textarabic{ $#6$} };
-\fi \fi
-\fi \fi
- \end{tikzpicture}
-\def\posba[#1,#2](#3) {
- \begin{tikzpicture}
- \tkzTabInit[espcl=4.5,lw=1.1pt]
- {$x$ / 1 ,$\plot(x)-\line$ /1 , الوضعية/1.6}%
- {$#1$ , $#2$}%
- \tkzTabLine{ \myarg[1], \myarg[2],\myarg[3] }
- \tkzTabLine{
- \if d\myarg[1]d\else \if z \myarg[1]z
- \fi \fi,
- %
- %\hskip -1.3cm
- \if d\myarg[2]d\else \if z \myarg[2]z
- \else
- \genfrac{}{}{0pt}{0}{ \ (\Nplot)}{(\Nline)\ \if +\myarg[2]\text{فوق}\else \if -\myarg[2]\text{تحت} \fi\fi}
- \fi \fi
-\if d\myarg[3]d\else \if z \myarg[3]
- \fi \fi
- }
- \end{tikzpicture}
- \readlist*\myarg{#5}
- \begin{tikzpicture}
- \tkzTabInit[espcl=3.8,lw=1.1pt]
- {$x$ / 1 ,$\plot(x)-\line$ /1 ,\textarabic{الوضعية}
- /2.5}%
- {$#1$ , $#2$ , $#3$ ,$#4$ }%
- %\tkzTabLine{ , \myarg[1] , z , \myarg[2] , d,\myarg[3] }
- \tkzTabLine{ \myarg[1], \myarg[2] , \myarg[3] , \myarg[4] , \myarg[5],\myarg[6],\myarg[7] }
- \tkzTabLine{
-\if d\myarg[1]d\else \if z \myarg[1]z
- \fi \fi,
- %
- \hskip -1.3cm
- \if d\myarg[2]d\else \if z \myarg[2]
- \else
-\genfrac{}{}{0pt}{0}{ \ (\Nplot)}{(\Nline)\ \if +\myarg[2]\text{فوق}\else \if -\myarg[2]\text{تحت} \fi\fi}
- \fi \fi
- ,
- %%%%%%
- %
- \if d\myarg[3]d\else \if z \myarg[3]z
- \fi \fi
- ,
- %*****
- %\vskip -0.6cm
-\if h\myarg[4]h\else
- %-----
- \genfrac{}{}{0pt}{0}{ \ (\Nplot)}{(\Nline)\ \if +\myarg[4]\text{فوق}\else \if -\myarg[4]\text{تحت} \fi\fi}
- %-----
- \fi ,
- %*****
- \if d\myarg[5]d\else \if h \myarg[5]h
- \fi \fi
- ,
- %**
- \hskip 0.5cm
- \if d\myarg[6]d\else \if z \myarg[6]z
- \else
- \genfrac{}{}{0pt}{0}{ \ (\Nplot)}{(\Nline)\ \if +\myarg[6]\text{فوق}\else \if -\myarg[6]\text{تحت} \fi\fi}
- \fi \fi
- ,
- \if d\myarg[7]d\else \if z \myarg[3]z
- \fi \fi }
- %
-% \fi \fi %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% end posaa
- \if
-\else \if
- d\myarg[3]
- \draw[thick,blue] (N32)to[out=200,in=90] ([xshift=.8cm]M23) (N32)to[out=-20,in=90] ([xshift=-.8cm]M33);
- \node[text width=2.5cm,align=center,anchor=base,yshift=0.3cm] at (Z32){ \footnotesize \textarabic{$(\Nplot)$\ يقطع
- } };
-\node[text width=2.5cm,align=center,anchor=base] at (Z32){\vskip -0.3cm \footnotesize \textarabic{ $(\Nline)$ في النقطة
- } };
-\node[text width=2.5cm,align=center,anchor=base] at (Z32){\vskip 0.2cm \footnotesize
-\textarabic{ $#7$} };
- %%%%%%%%%%%else
- %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
- \else \if z\myarg[5]
- \draw[thick,red] (N22)to[out=200,in=90] ([xshift=.8cm]M13) (N22)to[out=-20,in=90] ([xshift=-.8cm]M23);
- \node[text width=2.5cm,align=center,anchor=base,yshift=0.3cm] at (Z22){ \footnotesize \textarabic{$(\Nplot)$\ يقطع
- } };
-\node[text width=2.5cm,align=center,anchor=base] at (Z22){\vskip -0.3cm \footnotesize \textarabic{ $(\Nline)$ في النقطة
- } };
-\node[text width=2.5cm,align=center,anchor=base] at (Z22){\vskip 0.2cm \small
-\textarabic{ $#6$} };
-\draw[thick,blue] (N32)to[out=200,in=90] ([xshift=.8cm]M23) (N32)to[out=-20,in=90] ([xshift=-.8cm]M33);
- \node[text width=2.5cm,align=center,anchor=base,yshift=0.3cm] at (Z32){ \footnotesize \textarabic{$(\Nplot)$\ يقطع
- } };
-\node[text width=2.5cm,align=center,anchor=base] at (Z32){\vskip -0.3cm \footnotesize \textarabic{ $(\Nline)$ في النقطة
- } };
-\node[text width=2.5cm,align=center,anchor=base] at (Z32){\vskip 0.2cm \footnotesize
-\textarabic{ $#7$} };
-\else \if d\myarg[5]
- \draw[thick,blue] (N22)to[out=200,in=90] ([xshift=.8cm]M13) (N22)to[out=-20,in=90] ([xshift=-.8cm]M23);
- \node[text width=2.5cm,align=center,anchor=base,yshift=0.3cm] at (Z22){ \footnotesize \textarabic{$(\Nplot)$\ يقطع
- } };
-\node[text width=2.5cm,align=center,anchor=base] at (Z22){\vskip -0.3cm \footnotesize \textarabic{ $(\Nline)$ في النقطة
- } };
-\node[text width=2.5cm,align=center,anchor=base] at (Z22){\vskip 0.2cm \small
-\textarabic{ $#6$} };
-\fi \fi
-\fi \fi
- \end{tikzpicture}
- \readlist*\myarg{#6}
- \begin{tikzpicture}
- \tkzTabInit[espcl=3.5,lw=1.1pt]
- {$x$ / 1 ,$\plot(x)-\line$ /1 ,\textarabic{الوضعية}
- /2.5}%
- {$#1$ , $#2$ , $#3$ ,$#4$ ,$#5$}%
-% \tkzTabLine{,\myarg[1] ,z , \myarg[2] , d, \myarg[3] ,z, \myarg[4] , }
-\tkzTabLine{\myarg[1],\myarg[2] ,\myarg[3] , \myarg[4] , \myarg[5], \myarg[6] ,\myarg[7], \myarg[8] , \myarg[9]}
-\tkzTabLine{\if d\myarg[1]d\else \if z \myarg[1]z
- \fi \fi,
- \if d\myarg[2]d\else \if z \myarg[2]z
- \else
- \hskip-.3cm
-\genfrac{}{}{0pt}{1}{ \ (\Nplot)}{(\Nline)\ \if +\myarg[2]\text{فوق}\else \if -\myarg[2]\text{تحت} \fi\fi}
- \fi \fi
- ,
-\if d\myarg[3]d\else \if z \myarg[3]z
- \fi \fi
- ,
-\if d\myarg[4]d\else \if z \myarg[4]z
- \else
- \genfrac{}{}{0pt}{1}{ \ (\Nplot)}{(\Nline)\ \if +\myarg[4]\text{فوق}\else \if -\myarg[4]\text{تحت} \fi\fi}
- \fi \fi
- ,
-\if d\myarg[5]d\else \if z \myarg[5]z
- \fi \fi
- ,
-\if d\myarg[6]d\else \if z \myarg[6]z
- \else
- \genfrac{}{}{0pt}{1}{ \ (\Nplot)}{(\Nline)\ \if +\myarg[6]\text{فوق}\else \if -\myarg[6]\text{تحت} \fi\fi}
- \fi \fi
- ,
-\if d\myarg[7]d\else \if z \myarg[7]z
- \fi \fi
- ,
-\if d\myarg[8]d\else \if z \myarg[8]z
- \else
- \genfrac{}{}{0pt}{1}{ \ (\Nplot)}{(\Nline)\ \if +\myarg[8]\text{فوق}\else \if -\myarg[8]\text{تحت} \fi\fi}
- \fi \fi
- ,
- \if d\myarg[9]d\else \if z \myarg[9]z
- \fi \fi
- }
-\if d\myarg[3]
- \draw[thick,blue] (N32)to[out=200,in=90] ([xshift=.5cm]M23) (N32)to[out=-20,in=90] ([xshift=-.5cm]M33);
- \node[text width=2.5cm,align=center,anchor=base,yshift=0.3cm] at (Z32){ \footnotesize \textarabic{$(\Nplot)$\ يقطع
- } };
-\node[text width=2.5cm,align=center,anchor=base] at (Z32){\vskip -0.3cm \footnotesize \textarabic{ $(\Nline)$ في النقطة
- } };
-\node[text width=2.5cm,align=center,anchor=base] at (Z32){\vskip 0.2cm \small
-\textarabic{ $#8$} };
- \draw[thick] (N42)to[out=200,in=90] ([xshift=.5cm]M33) (N42)to[out=-20,in=90] ([xshift=-.5cm]M43);
- \node[text width=2.5cm,align=center,anchor=base,yshift=0.3cm] at (Z42){ \footnotesize \textarabic{$(\Nplot)$\ يقطع
- } };
-\node[text width=2.5cm,align=center,anchor=base] at (Z42){\vskip -0.3cm \footnotesize \textarabic{ $(\Nline)$ في النقطة
- } };
-\node[text width=2.5cm,align=center,anchor=base] at (Z42){\vskip 0.2cm \small
-\textarabic{ $#9$} };
- %
- \else \if d\myarg[5]
- \draw[thick,red] (N22)to[out=200,in=90] ([xshift=.5cm]M13) (N22)to[out=-20,in=90] ([xshift=-.5cm]M23);
-\node[text width=2.5cm,align=center,anchor=base,yshift=0.3cm] at (Z22){ \footnotesize \textarabic{$(\Nplot)$\ يقطع
- } };
-\node[text width=2.5cm,align=center,anchor=base] at (Z22){\vskip -0.3cm \footnotesize \textarabic{ $(\Nline)$ في النقطة
- } };
-\node[text width=2.5cm,align=center,anchor=base] at (Z22){\vskip 0.2cm \small
-\textarabic{ $#7$} };
- \draw[thick] (N42)to[out=200,in=90] ([xshift=.5cm]M33) (N42)to[out=-20,in=90] ([xshift=-.5cm]M43);
- %
- \node[text width=2.5cm,align=center,anchor=base,yshift=0.3cm] at (Z42){ \footnotesize \textarabic{$(\Nplot)$\ يقطع
- } };
-\node[text width=2.5cm,align=center,anchor=base] at (Z42){\vskip -0.3cm \footnotesize \textarabic{ $(\Nline)$ في النقطة
- } };
-\node[text width=2.5cm,align=center,anchor=base] at (Z42){\vskip 0.2cm \small
-\textarabic{ $#9$} };
-\else \if d\myarg[7]
- \draw[thick,red] (N22)to[out=200,in=90] ([xshift=.5cm]M13) (N22)to[out=-20,in=90] ([xshift=-.5cm]M23);
- \node[text width=2.5cm,align=center,anchor=base,yshift=0.3cm] at (Z22){ \footnotesize \textarabic{$(\Nplot)$\ يقطع
- } };
-\node[text width=2.5cm,align=center,anchor=base] at (Z22){\vskip -0.3cm \footnotesize \textarabic{ $(\Nline)$ في النقطة
- } };
-\node[text width=2.5cm,align=center,anchor=base] at (Z22){\vskip 0.2cm \small
-\textarabic{ $#7$} };
- \draw[thick,blue] (N32)to[out=200,in=90] ([xshift=.5cm]M23) (N32)to[out=-20,in=90] ([xshift=-.5cm]M33);
- %
- \node[text width=2.5cm,align=center,anchor=base,yshift=0.3cm] at (Z32){ \footnotesize \textarabic{$(\Nplot)$\ يقطع
- } };
-\node[text width=2.5cm,align=center,anchor=base] at (Z32){\vskip -0.3cm \footnotesize \textarabic{ $(\Nline)$ في النقطة
- } };
-\node[text width=2.5cm,align=center,anchor=base] at (Z32){\vskip 0.2cm \small
-\textarabic{ $#8$} };
-\else\if z\myarg[5]
- \draw[thick,blue] (N32)to[out=200,in=90] ([xshift=.5cm]M23) (N32)to[out=-20,in=90] ([xshift=-.5cm]M33);
-\node[text width=2.5cm,align=center,anchor=base,yshift=0.3cm] at (Z32){ \footnotesize \textarabic{$(\Nplot)$\ يقطع
- } };
-\node[text width=2.5cm,align=center,anchor=base] at (Z32){\vskip -0.3cm \footnotesize \textarabic{ $(\Nline)$ في النقطة
- } };
-\node[text width=2.5cm,align=center,anchor=base] at (Z32){\vskip 0.2cm \small
-\textarabic{ $#8$} };
- %
- \draw[thick] (N42)to[out=200,in=90] ([xshift=.5cm]M33) (N42)to[out=-20,in=90] ([xshift=-.5cm]M43);
- \node[text width=2.5cm,align=center,anchor=base,yshift=0.3cm] at (Z42){ \footnotesize \textarabic{$(\Nplot)$\ يقطع
- } };
-\node[text width=2.5cm,align=center,anchor=base] at (Z42){\vskip -0.3cm \footnotesize \textarabic{ $(\Nline)$ في النقطة
- } };
-\node[text width=2.5cm,align=center,anchor=base] at (Z42){\vskip 0.2cm \small
-\textarabic{ $#9$} };
- \draw[thick,red] (N22)to[out=200,in=90] ([xshift=.5cm]M13) (N22)to[out=-20,in=90] ([xshift=-.5cm]M23);
-\node[text width=2.5cm,align=center,anchor=base,yshift=0.3cm] at (Z22){ \footnotesize \textarabic{$(\Nplot)$\ يقطع
- } };
-\node[text width=2.5cm,align=center,anchor=base] at (Z22){\vskip -0.3cm \footnotesize \textarabic{ $(\Nline)$ في النقطة
- } };
-\node[text width=2.5cm,align=center,anchor=base] at (Z22){\vskip 0.2cm \small
-\textarabic{ $#7$} };
- %
- %
- \fi\fi\fi\fi
- %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
- \end{tikzpicture}
+ { \ifthenelse{\equal{\expandafter\stripspaces\expandafter{\x}}{-}}
+{\node[inner sep=0pt,, text width=5em, minimum height = 5em, align = center,font=\scriptsize] at ([yshift=10pt]S\thetkz@cnt@pair\thetkz@cnt@lg) {
+ \vbox to 3em{\vfill
+$\Nplot$ \\
+ {تحت}
+ \\ $\Nline$}};}{
+ \node at (S\thetkz@cnt@pair\thetkz@cnt@lg) {$\x$};
+ }}}%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
+ \stepcounter{tkz@cnt@pair}%
+ }%
+ \stepcounter{tkz@cnt@cl}%
+ }
+ }
+ %
+%<-------------------------------The End ------------------------------------>
+\endinput \ No newline at end of file