path: root/Master/texmf-dist/tex/xelatex
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'Master/texmf-dist/tex/xelatex')
1 files changed, 633 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/Master/texmf-dist/tex/xelatex/simple-thesis-dissertation/simplethesisdissertation.cls b/Master/texmf-dist/tex/xelatex/simple-thesis-dissertation/simplethesisdissertation.cls
new file mode 100644
index 00000000000..c10a6e53d95
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Master/texmf-dist/tex/xelatex/simple-thesis-dissertation/simplethesisdissertation.cls
@@ -0,0 +1,633 @@
+% !TEX TS-program = xelatex
+% !TEX encoding = UTF-8 Unicode
+% -*- coding: UTF-8; -*-
+% vim: set fenc=utf-8
+%% simplethesisdissertation.cls
+%% <>
+%% This is free and unencumbered software released into the
+%% public domain; see <> for details.
+\ProvidesClass{simplethesisdissertation}[2016/12/25 Simple Thesis Dissertation]
+% Run in non-stop mode.
+% Draft mode.
+% Use report class as the base class.
+% Geometry package for page margins.
+% A4-size (210 mm × 297 mm) single-sided pages
+headsep=6mm, % header separation, above text body
+footskip=6mm] % footer skip, below text body
+%\RequirePackage[none]{hyphenat} % Disable hyphenation.
+\RequirePackage[english]{babel} % For language-specific hyphenation.
+\RequirePackage{cite} % Automatically sort and range citations numbers.
+\RequirePackage{environ} % For easy definition of environments.
+\RequirePackage{rotating} % For rotating objects.
+\RequirePackage{framed} % For framed text.
+% PDF settings and properties.
+\RequirePackage[usenames]{color} % For colors.
+\definecolor{AccentOne}{RGB}{0,68,186} % blue
+%% FONTS.
+\defaultfontfeatures{Mapping=tex-text} % to support TeX conventions like "---".
+\RequirePackage{xunicode} % Unicode support for LaTeX character names (accents, European chars, etc.).
+\RequirePackage{xltxtra} % Extra customizations for XeLaTeX.
+\RequirePackage{lmodern} % For Latin Modern fonts.
+% Font: Main font, \textnormal{}, \normalfont.
+% Font: Roman font, \textrm{}, \rmfamily.
+% Font: Sans-serif font, \textsf{}, \sffamily.
+% Font: Monospace font, \texttt{}, \ttfamily.
+% Symbols.
+\RequirePackage{textcomp} % For symbols.
+\RequirePackage{underscore} % Use underscore symbol without escape sequence.
+% Section heading fonts.
+{0em}% left
+{8em}% vertical space before title
+{4em}% vertical space after title
+[0em]% right
+[display]% shape
+{\sffamily\bfseries\filcenter}% applied to label and text
+{\fontsize{16}{19.2}\selectfont\color{AccentOne}PART~\thepart}% applied to the label only
+{1em}% vertical spacing between label and text
+{\fontsize{32}{38.4}\selectfont{#1}}% applied before the text
+[]% applied after the text
+[display]% shape
+{\sffamily\bfseries\filcenter}% applied to label and text
+{\fontsize{16}{19.2}\selectfont\color{AccentOne}~}% applied to the label only
+{1em}% vertical spacing between label and text
+{\fontsize{32}{38.4}\selectfont{#1}}% applied before the text
+[]% applied after the text
+{0em}% left
+{5em}% vertical space before title
+{2em}% vertical space after title
+[0em]% right
+[display]% shape
+{\sffamily\bfseries\raggedright}% applied to label and text
+{\fontsize{17.5}{21}\selectfont\color{AccentOne}CHAPTER~\thechapter}% applied to the label only
+{0em}% vertical spacing between label and text
+{\fontsize{30}{36}\selectfont{#1}}% applied before the text
+[]% applied after the text
+[display]% shape
+{\sffamily\bfseries\raggedright}% applied to label and text
+{\fontsize{17.5}{21}\selectfont\color{AccentOne}~}% applied to the label only
+{0em}% vertical spacing between label and text
+{\fontsize{30}{36}\selectfont{#1}}% applied before the text
+[]% applied after the text
+[hang]% shape
+{\fontsize{17}{20.4}\selectfont\sffamily\bfseries\raggedright}% applied to label and text
+{\color{AccentOne}\thetitle}% applied to the label only
+{0.5em}% horizontal spacing between label and text
+{#1}% applied before the text
+[]% applied after the text
+[hang]% shape
+{\fontsize{14.5}{17.4}\selectfont\sffamily\bfseries\raggedright}% applied to label and text
+{\color{AccentOne}\thetitle}% applied to the label only
+{0.5em}% horizontal spacing between label and text
+{#1}% applied before the text
+[]% applied after the text
+[hang]% shape
+{\fontsize{13}{15.6}\selectfont\sffamily\bfseries\raggedright}% applied to label and text
+{\color{AccentOne}\thetitle}% applied to the label only
+{0.5em}% horizontal spacing between label and text
+{#1}% applied before the text
+[]% applied after the text
+{\parindent}% left
+{\parskip}% vertical space before title
+{0.5em}% horizontal space after title
+[]% right
+[runin]% shape
+{\sffamily\bfseries}% applied to label and text
+{}% applied to the label only
+{0em}% horizontal spacing between label and text
+{#1.}% applied before the text
+[]% applied after the text
+{2\parindent}% left
+{\parskip}% vertical space before title
+{0.5em}% horizontal space after title
+[]% right
+[runin]% shape
+{\sffamily\bfseries\itshape}% applied to label and text
+{}% applied to the label only
+{0em}% horizontal spacing between label and text
+{#1.}% applied before the text
+[]% applied after the text
+% Section numbering depth.
+% Macros to capture section names.
+% References to parts.
+% References to chapters.
+% References to sections.
+% Line spacing.
+%\setstretch{1.40} % custom
+% Paragraph indentation:
+% Indent first line of all paragraphs (including the first),
+% as in IEEE style.
+% Indented blocks.
+% Header and footer font.
+% Footer.
+% Empty style, for title page.
+% Plain style, for chapter pages.
+% Plain style, for chapter pages.
+% Regular style, for regular pages in numbered chapters.
+% Regular style, for regular pages in unnumbered chapters.
+% Blank footnotes.
+%% LISTS.
+% Numbered lists in IEEE style.
+% (Individual lists can be modified by redefining
+% these macros inside the enumerate environment.)
+% 1st level: 1), 2), 3)
+% 2nd level: a), b), c)
+% 3rd level: i), ii), iii)
+% 4th level: A), B), C)
+% Numbered lists: Adjust spacing.
+% Itemized lists: Adjust spacing.
+% Definition items.
+\RequirePackage{graphicx} % To support graphics in EPS format.
+\RequirePackage{longtable} % For multi-page long tables.
+\RequirePackage{multirow} % To support multi-row cells in tables.
+\RequirePackage{booktabs} % For making nice tables.
+\RequirePackage{array} % For better table content alignment.
+% Adjust spacing between table rows.
+% Dashed lines in tables.
+% Captions for figures and tables.
+% References to figures.
+% References to tables.
+\RequirePackage{datetime2} % For dates and times.
+% Timestamp.
+\RequirePackage{amsmath,amsfonts,amsbsy,amssymb,amsthm} % AMS packages.
+% Indicator function "1[.]" symbol.
+% Option 1: Use "\mathbf"
+% Option 2: Use "bbold" package (install "bbold-type1" first)
+% Option 3: Use "dsfont" package
+% Allow line breaks within math blocks.
+% Prevent line breaks within math expressions.
+% Theorems (cf. "amsthm.sty").
+{0.4em}% space above
+{0.4em}% space below
+{\itshape}% body font
+{}% indent amount
+{}% theorem head font
+{}% punctuation after theorem head
+{0.5em}% space after theorem head
+{\sffamily\bfseries{\color{AccentOne}\MakeUppercase{\thmname{#1}\thmnumber{ #2}}}\thmnote{ (#3)}}% custom theorem head spec
+{0.4em}% space above
+{0.4em}% space below
+{}% body font
+{}% indent amount
+{}% theorem head font
+{}% punctuation after theorem head
+{0.5em}% space after theorem head
+{\sffamily\bfseries{\color{AccentOne}\MakeUppercase{\thmname{#1}\thmnumber{ #2}}}\thmnote{ (#3)}}% custom theorem head spec
+% References to theorems, lemmas, corollaries, etc.
+% References to equations.
+% Proof.
+% Resized "align" environment.
+% Resized "align*" environment.
+%% CODE.
+\RequirePackage{algpseudocode} % For algorithms.
+\algnewcommand{\CommentLeft}[1]{\State $\triangleright$\;\textit{#1}}
+\algnewcommand{\CommentRight}[1]{\null\hfill $\triangleright$\;\textit{#1}}
+\algnewcommand{\Goto}{\State \textbf{goto}\,}
+\algnewcommand{\Break}{\State \textbf{break}\,}
+\algnewcommand{\Stateu}{\Statex \hskip\ALG@thistlm}
+% Inline code.
+% Code block.
+\hrule width \textwidth height 0.6pt depth 0pt
+% TOC depth.
+% Suppress entries in the TOC.
+% Hidden text.
+% TODO marker.
+% Sample/blind text.
+% End of class file.