path: root/Master/texmf-dist/tex/xelatex/langsci/langsci-gb4e.sty
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Diffstat (limited to 'Master/texmf-dist/tex/xelatex/langsci/langsci-gb4e.sty')
1 files changed, 511 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/Master/texmf-dist/tex/xelatex/langsci/langsci-gb4e.sty b/Master/texmf-dist/tex/xelatex/langsci/langsci-gb4e.sty
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+++ b/Master/texmf-dist/tex/xelatex/langsci/langsci-gb4e.sty
@@ -0,0 +1,511 @@
+%% File: langsci-gb4e.sty
+%% Author: Language Science Press (
+%% Date: 2016-01-16 16:47:43 UTC
+%% Purpose: This file contains an adapted version of the gb4e package
+%% for typetting linguistic examples.
+%% Language: LaTeX
+%% Licence:
+% Format of examples: %
+% \begin{exe} or \exbegin
+% <examples> (arab.)
+% \begin{xlist} or \xlist
+% <subexamples> (1st embedding, alph.)
+% \begin{xlisti} or \xlisti
+% <subsubexamples> (2st embedding, rom.)
+% \end{xlisti} or \endxlisti
+% <more examples>
+% \end{xlist} or \endxlist
+% <still more examples>
+% \end{exe} or \exend
+% Other sublist-styles: xlistA (Alph.), xlistI (Rom.), xlistn (arab)
+% \ex (produces Number)
+% \ex <sentence> (numbered example)
+% \ex[jdgmt]{sentence} (numbered example with judgement)
+% \exi{ident} (produces identifier)
+% \exi{ident} <sentence> (example numbered with identifier)
+% \exi{ident}[jdgmt]{sentence} (dito with judgement)
+% (\exr, \exp and \sn are defined in terms of \exi)
+% \exr{label} (produces cross-referenced Num.)
+% \exr{label} <sentence> (cross-referenced example)
+% \exr{label}[jdgmt]{sentence} (cross-referenced example with judgement)
+% \exp{label} (same as
+% \exp{label} <sentence> \exr but
+% \exp{label}[jdgmt]{sentence} with prime)
+% \sn <sentence> (unnumbered example)
+% \sn[jdgmt]{sentence} (unnumbered example with judgement)
+% For my own lazyness (HANDLE WITH CARE---this works only
+% in boringly normal cases.... ):
+% \ea works like \begin{exe}\ex or \begin{xlist}\ex,
+% depending on context
+% \z works like \end{exe} or \end{xlist}, dep on context
+% auxiliary files
+% Font Specifications (Detmar)
+% Define commands for fonts to be used:
+% 1) regular
+% a. example line
+% b. glossing line
+% c. translation font
+\newcommand{\transfont}{\normalsize\upshape} % 08.01.2014 changed small to normalsize (Martin Haspelmath)
+% d. example number
+% 2) in footnote
+% a. example line
+% b. glossing line
+% c. translation font
+% d. example number
+% new user command for specifying translations:
+% make examples in footnotes smaller:
+%\renewcommand{\@@xsi}{\let\@xsi\roman}% set example numbering to roman
+\renewcommand{\eachwordthree}{\glossfont} % same font for both gloss lines
+%% Macros for examples, roughly following Linguistic Inquiry style. %%
+%% From here on best not to tamper, else all the examples and cross- %%
+%% references will come out scrambled! (see also note below) - CT %%
+%% Completely rewritten for more robustness and flexibility. (hpk) %%
+%%%% adapted from latex.tex to get examples in footnotes right
+%% \long\def\@footnotetext#1{%
+%% \@noftnotefalse\setcounter{fnx}{0}%
+%% \insert\footins{\reset@font\footnotesize
+%% \interlinepenalty\interfootnotelinepenalty
+%% \splittopskip\footnotesep
+%% \splitmaxdepth \dp\strutbox \floatingpenalty \@MM
+%% \hsize\columnwidth \@parboxrestore
+%% \edef\@currentlabel{\csname p@footnote\endcsname\@thefnmark}\@makefntext
+%% {\rule{\z@}{\footnotesep}\ignorespaces
+%% #1\strut}}\@noftnotetrue}
+% same effect but more compact
+ \@noftnotefalse\setcounter{fnx}{0}%
+ \oldFootnotetext{#1}\@noftnotetrue}
+% counters %
+\newcount\@xnumdepth \@xnumdepth = 0
+% book
+% {\ifnum \c@chapter>\z@ \thechapter.\fi \@arabic\c@equation}
+\def\xs@default#1{\csname @@xs#1\endcsname}
+% widths %
+%% St. M�. 02.05.2004
+%% St. M�. 02.05.2004
+% set initial sizes of example number and judgement sizes
+\exewidth{\exnrfont (35)}
+% example lists %
+ %\ifnum\value{equation}>9 \exewidth{(23)}\else\fi% inserted by LSP, for large example numbers
+ \ifnum\value{equation}>99 \exewidth{(235)}\else\fi% inserted by LSP, for large example numbers
+ \@ifnextchar [{\@exe}{\@exe[\@exwidth]}}
+\def\@exe[#1]{\ifnum \@xnumdepth >0%
+ \if@xrec\@exrecwarn\fi%
+ \if@noftnote\@exrecwarn\fi%
+ \@xnumdepth0\@listdepth0\@xrectrue%
+ \save@counters%
+ \fi%
+ \advance\@xnumdepth \@ne \@@xsi%
+ \if@noftnote%
+ \begin{list}{(\thexnumi)}%
+ {\usecounter{xnumi}\@subex{#1}{\@gblabelsep}{0em}%
+ \setcounter{xnumi}{\value{equation}}}%
+ \else%
+ \begin{list}{(\roman{xnumi})}%
+ % 1em is the indentation of footnotes in koma-script
+ % if this does not work for everybody, use parameters ...
+ {\usecounter{xnumi}\@subex{(iiv)}{\@gblabelsep}{1.5em}%
+ \setcounter{xnumi}{\value{fnx}}}%
+ \fi}
+% \begin{list}{(\thexnumi)}%
+% {\usecounter{xnumi}\@subex{#1}{1em}%
+% \if@noftnote%
+% \setcounter{xnumi}{\value{equation}}%
+% \else%
+% \setcounter{xnumi}{\value{fnx}}%
+% \fi}}
+ \else\setcounter{fnx}{\value{xnumi}}%
+ \reset@counters\@xrecfalse\fi\end{list}}
+\def\@exrecwarn{\typeout{*** Recursion on "exe"---your
+ example numbering will probably be screwed up!}}
+\def\xlist{\@ifnextchar [{\@xlist{}}{\@xlist{}[iv.]}}
+\def\xlista{\@ifnextchar [{\@xlist{\alph}}{\@xlist{\alph}[m.]}}
+\def\xlistabr{\@ifnextchar [{\@xlist{(\alph)}}{\@xlist{(\alph)}[m.]}}
+\def\xlisti{\@ifnextchar [{\@xlist{\roman}}{\@xlist{\roman}[iv.]}}
+\def\xlistn{\@ifnextchar [{\@xlist{\arabic}}{\@xlist{\arabic}[9.]}}
+\def\xlistA{\@ifnextchar [{\@xlist{\Alph}}{\@xlist{\Alph}[M.]}}
+\def\xlistI{\@ifnextchar [{\@xlist{\Roman}}{\@xlist{\Roman}[IV.]}}
+%%% a generic sublist-styler
+\def\@xlist#1[#2]{\ifnum \@xnumdepth >3 \@toodeep\else%
+ \advance\@xnumdepth \@ne%
+ \edef\@xnumctr{xnum\romannumeral\the\@xnumdepth}%
+ \def\@bla{#1}
+ \ifx\@bla\empty\xs@default{\romannumeral\the\@xnumdepth}\else%
+ \expandafter\let\csname @xs\romannumeral\the\@xnumdepth\endcsname#1\fi
+ \begin{list}{\csname the\@xnumctr\endcsname.}%
+ {\usecounter{\@xnumctr}\@subex{#2}{\@subexsep}{0em}}\fi}
+%% Added third argument to be able to add some more space to leftmargin
+%% for footnotes that have bigger indentation.
+%% St. M�. 07.01.2007
+ \ifnum\the\@xnumdepth=1%
+ \topsep 7\p@ plus2\p@ minus3\p@\itemsep3\p@ plus2\p@\else%
+ \topsep1.5\p@ plus\p@\itemsep1.5\p@ plus\p@\fi%
+ \parsep\p@ plus.5\p@ minus.5\p@%
+ \leftmargin\labelwidth\advance\leftmargin#2\advance\leftmargin#3\relax}
+%%% the example-items
+\def\ex{\@ifnextchar [{\@ex}{\item}}
+\def\@exj[#1]#2{\@exjbg{#1} #2 \end{list}}
+% without understanding anything:
+%-- end
+\def\exi#1{\item[#1]\@ifnextchar [{\@exj}{}}
+\judgewidth{*} % if wider judgements are needed, enlarge within papers
+%%% Lazy abbrevs (HANDLE WITH CARE!)
+%\def\ea{\ifnum\@xnumdepth=0\begin{exe}[(34)]\else\begin{xlist}[iv.]\fi\raggedright\ex} steht unten noch mal
+\def\ex{\@ifnextchar [{\exnrfont\@ex}{\exnrfont\item\exfont}}
+\def\exi#1{\item[{\exnrfont#1}]\@ifnextchar [{\exnrfont\@exj}{}}
+% copied from here:
+%% As Barbara Beeton has commented, forcing the first paragraph after an equation environment to
+%% indent can be achieved with \aftergroup -- use this command to add a \par after the group
+%% established by the environment.
+%% Forcing the first paragraph after an environment not to indent isn't that straightforward. I came
+%% up with the following:
+%% I defined a new macro \@doendeq that will redefine \everypar so that it a) removes the
+%% indentation from the first paragraph following it b) reverts to its original (empty)
+%% definition. (\@doendeq is an abridged version of LaTeX's \@doendpe which is used after
+%% paragraph-making environments.)
+%% To change every instance of the equation environment to remove indents after it, one could
+%% simply add \aftergroup\@doendeq to the definition of \endequation. As you are looking for a
+%% command to modify only some instances of equation, I used \csappto from the etoolbox package
+%% to locally add\aftergroup\@doendeq to \end<\@currenvir> (\@currenvir being the name of the
+%% current environment).
+%% I suspect that there are more elegant ways to do this.
+%% \newcommand*{\@doendeq}{%
+%% \everypar{{\setbox\z@\lastbox}\everypar{}}%
+%% }
+%% \newcommand*{\eqcntd}{%
+%% \csappto{end\@currenvir}{%
+%% \aftergroup\@doendeq
+%% }%
+%% }
+% completely undocumented code
+% for enforcing samepage we put stuff in a tabular environment
+% %\def\zt{\ifnum\@xnumdepth=1\end{exe}\else\end{xlist}\fi\end{tabular}}
+% % if an example is final in a footnote
+% \def\zlast{\ifnum\@xnumdepth=1\end{exe}\else\end{xlist}\fi\vspace{-\baselineskip}}
+% % St. Mue. 26.02.00
+% \def\eaf#1{\begin{exe}[(iv)]\exi{(#1)}}
+% \def\eal{\begin{exe}[(\theequation)]\ex\begin{xlist}[iv.]}
+% \def\eal{\begin{exe}\ex\begin{xlist}[iv.]\raggedright} steht unten noch mal
+% \def\eafl#1{\begin{exe}[(iv)]\exi{(#1)}\begin{xlist}[iv.]}
+% \def\eaal{\begin{exe}[(\theequation)]\ex\begin{xlist}[iv.]}
+% % if an example is final in a footnote
+% Hey, Sebastian, why did you comment this out? Please tell me, if you do such things. 22.07.2014
+% %%%%%%% \lcomment for breaks in (example-)lists (leaves all counters
+% %%%%%%% as they are) (hpk)
+% \newlength{\lcommentsep}
+% \lcommentsep = 1ex
+% \long\def\lcomment#1%
+% {\vspace{\lcommentsep}
+% \item[]\hspace*{-\leftmargin}%
+% \@tempskipa=\linewidth%
+% \addtolength{\@tempskipa}{\rightmargin}%
+% \addtolength{\@tempskipa}{\leftmargin}%
+% \parbox{\@tempskipa}{#1}%
+% \vspace{\lcommentsep}%
+% }
+% Picture examples
+%%%%%% control the alignment of exampleno. and (picture-)example
+%%%%%% (by Lex Holt <>).
+% \exewidth{\exnrfont (\theequation)}}
+% several examples in one line
+% Bars and other superscripts for projections; specifiers
+\def\obar#1{\ifmmode#1^{0}\else#1$^{0}$\fi} %% FIX
+ \ifmmode\overline{\mathrm{#1}}\else$\overline{\mbox{#1}}$\fi%
+ \else\ifmmode#1^{'}\else#1$^{'}$\fi\fi}
+ \ifmmode\overline{\overline{\mathrm{#1}}}%
+ \else$\overline{\overline{\mbox{#1}}}$\fi%
+ \else #1P\fi}
+\def\spec#1{[Spec,#1]} %Def. of "Specifier of #1"
+% custom markup
+\def\ct#1{{\em #1\/}} %Citation of linguistic material with alternative style:
+\def\tx{\bf} %Introduction of technical terms with alternative style: