path: root/Master/texmf-dist/tex/uptex
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Diffstat (limited to 'Master/texmf-dist/tex/uptex')
5 files changed, 1231 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/Master/texmf-dist/tex/uptex/base/euptex.src b/Master/texmf-dist/tex/uptex/base/euptex.src
new file mode 100644
index 00000000000..6431be942e7
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Master/texmf-dist/tex/uptex/base/euptex.src
@@ -0,0 +1,774 @@
+%% e-upTeX macro
+%% derived from $TEXMF/tex/plain/etex/etex.src, eptex.src
+%% e-upTeX: euptex *euptex.src
+% Assume a purely IniTeX environment and set up a minimal \catcode r\'egime
+\catcode `\{=1
+\catcode `\}=2
+\catcode `\#=6
+\catcode `\^=7
+\catcode `\@=\catcode `\A
+% Define the basic error-reporting and abort mechanisms:
+\def \et@xmsg #1#2%
+ {\begingroup
+ \def \n {^^J}%
+ \def \ { }%
+ \newlinechar=\expandafter `\n
+ \if E#1%
+ \errorcontextlines=0
+ \errmessage {e-TeX error: #2}%
+ \else
+ \message {\n ! e-TeX \if I#1 message%
+ \else \if W#1 warning%
+ \else \if F#1 fatal error%
+ \else
+ \ unknown (#1)%
+ \fi
+ \fi
+ \fi: #2%
+ }%
+ \fi
+ \endgroup
+ }
+% Note: a future version may report errors in the %<fac>-<s>-<code>[, <text>]
+% format, allowing the more verbose <text>s to be read from file rather than
+% stored in the format.
+\def \et@xabort #1%
+ {\et@xmsg {F}{#1}%
+ \batchmode
+ \end
+ }
+% Make sure this file is being read by e-TeX in extended mode;
+% If it is, prepare to check version/revision compatibility, otherwise abort.
+\ifx \undefined \eTeXversion
+ \et@xabort {this file can be processed only in extended mode;\n
+ \ \ did you perhaps forget the asterisk?%
+ }%
+ \begingroup
+ \catcode `\%=12
+ \catcode `\?=14
+ \xdef \et@xfilehdr
+ {\detokenize {%% e-TeX V}\the \eTeXversion \eTeXrevision}?
+ \xdef \et@xlibhdr
+ {\detokenize {%% e-TeXlib V}\the \eTeXversion \eTeXrevision}?
+ \endgroup
+% Assume extended mode, but no additional \catcodes/\defs yet;
+% set up a simple e-TeX condition-reporting system:
+\def \et@xinf #1{\et@xmsg {I}{#1}} %%% not currently used
+\def \et@xwarn #1{\et@xmsg {W}{#1}}
+\def \et@xerr #1#2{{\errhelp={#2}\et@xmsg {E}{#1}}}
+% deactivate the processing of patterns and exceptions; these will be
+% reinstated later, after the \uselanguage mechanism has been defined.
+\let \et@xpatterns=\patterns
+\def \patterns
+ {\begingroup
+ \everyeof={\fi \endgroup}%
+ \message {[skipping from \noexpand \patterns to end-of-file...]}%
+ \iffalse
+ }
+% Read "uptex.tex" (\patterns & \hyphenation will be skipped)
+\input uptex
+% restore the catcode of commercial-at (@), which will just have been clobbered
+\catcode `\@=\catcode `\A
+% Assume an extended Plain environment (i.e. there are no longer any
+% restrictions on the coding techniques we can use). First prepare to
+% carry out consistency checks on the file headers and the current e-TeX
+% version/revision levels:
+\newread \et@xinput
+\def \etexhdrchk #1#2%
+ {\openin \et@xinput=#2
+ \ifeof \et@xinput
+ \chardef \etexstatus=0 % V1.0-1
+ \else
+ \begingroup
+ \endlinechar=-1
+ \readline \et@xinput to \et@xbuf
+ \closein \et@xinput
+ \def \p@rtition ##1.##2\endp@rtition {##1}% V2.1%0
+ \xdef \et@xbuf
+ {\expandafter \p@rtition \et@xbuf .\endp@rtition}% V2.1;0
+ \xdef \et@xtmp {\csname et@x#1hdr\endcsname}%
+ \xdef \et@xtmp
+ {\expandafter \p@rtition \et@xtmp .\endp@rtition}% V2.1;0
+ \endgroup
+ \ifx \et@xtmp \et@xbuf
+ \chardef \etexstatus=2 % V1.1;4
+ \else
+ \chardef \etexstatus=1 % V1.1;4
+ \fi
+ \fi
+ }
+% Check the version number of etex.src:
+\def \et@xfmtsrc {etex.src}
+\etexhdrchk {file} {\et@xfmtsrc}
+\ifcase \etexstatus
+ \et@xerr {unable to open format source file "\et@xfmtsrc";}
+ {This should not happen; please ensure that your system
+ allows a file to be opened for reading more than once
+ concurrently.%
+ }%
+ \et@xwarn {format source file "\et@xfmtsrc" has wrong header;\n
+ \ \ expected: "\et@xfilehdr"; found: "\et@xbuf";%
+ }%
+ {You are using a version of e-TeX which may be incompatible
+ with the source for the format file you are trying to
+ compile; please ensure that you have the most recent
+ version of each. I will proceed, but you should treat
+ the results with caution...%
+ }%
+% Module handling now implemented (V1.0-2)
+\def \module #1{\iftrue}
+\let \endmodule=\fi
+\newtoks \et@xtoks
+\def \et@xl@@d #1 #2\endl@ad %%% the "#1 #2" code avoids trailing spaces
+ {\ifcsname module:#1\endcsname
+ \et@xwarn {duplicate module name "#1"}%
+ \else
+ \csname module:#1\endcsname %%% we exploit the side-effect explicitly
+ \et@xtoks=\expandafter
+ {\the \et@xtoks
+ \expandafter \let \csname module:#1\endcsname=\undefined
+ }%
+ \fi
+ }
+\def \et@xl@ad #1#2,#3\endl@ad %%% the #1#2 code avoids spurious leading spaces
+ {\et@xl@@d #1#2 \endl@ad
+ \if *#3*
+ \let \n@xt=\relax
+ \else
+ \def \n@xt {\et@xl@ad #3\endl@ad}%
+ \fi
+ \n@xt
+ }
+\def \et@xload #1 %%% needed because of the embedded \ifs...
+ {\def \module ##1%
+ {\unless
+ \ifcsname module:##1\endcsname
+ \message {Skipping module "##1";}%
+ \else
+ \message {Loading module "##1";}%
+ }%
+ \input #1
+ \def \module ##1{\iftrue}%
+ }
+\def \load #1 from #2 %%% selective module loading from an e-TeX library file
+ {%\etexhdrchk {lib} {#2}%
+ \ifcase \etexstatus
+ \et@xerr {unable to open library file "#2"; load aborted.}
+ {I got an <eof> on trying to open your library file;
+ please make sure it exists, is readable and is not locked.%
+ }%
+ \or
+ \et@xerr {library file "#2" has wrong header;\n
+ \ \ expected: "\et@xlibhdr"; found: "\et@xbuf";\n
+ \ \ load aborted.%
+ }%
+ {The first line of your library does not start with
+ the correct e-TeX header; you may need to update the
+ file to be compatible with the current version of
+ e-TeX, or you may simply have specified the wrong file.%
+ }%
+ \else
+ \et@xtoks={\et@xtoks={}}%
+ \et@xl@ad #1,\endl@ad
+ \et@xload {#2}
+ \the \et@xtoks
+ \fi
+ }
+\load interactionmodes from eptexdefs.lib %%% \load <foo>[, <bar>...] from <baz>
+\def \@sk #1#2#3%
+ {\ifnum \interactionmode=\interactionmodes {errorstop} %%% V2.0;15
+ \def \pr@mpt {\csname #1 \endcsname}%
+ \edef \pr@mptloop {{\escapechar=-1 \global \readline 16 to \pr@mpt}}%
+ \loop \pr@mptloop
+ \ch@ckforyn \pr@mpt {#2}%
+ \ifb@dresponse
+ \message {Please answer Y[es] or N[o]}%
+ \repeat
+ \else
+ \def \pr@mpt {#3}%
+ \ch@ckforyn \pr@mpt {#2}%
+ \fi
+ }
+\def \ch@ckforyn #1#2% Bernd Raichle's improved version, V1.0-1
+ {\edef \@nswer {#1}%
+ \def \p@rse ##1##2\endp@rse
+ {\lowercase {\if y##1}\b@dresponsefalse \csname #2true\endcsname
+ \else \lowercase {\if n##1}\b@dresponsefalse \csname #2false\endcsname
+ \else
+ \b@dresponsetrue
+ \fi
+ \fi
+ }%
+ \expandafter \p@rse \@nswer \endp@rse
+ }
+\def \usef@llback %%% V1.0-3
+ {\message {Using fallback mode (USenglish)}%
+ \addlanguage {USenglish}{hyphen}{}{2}{3}%
+ }
+% OK, that's all the utilities defined; on with the real work:
+% First, re-instate \patterns:
+\let \patterns=\et@xpatterns
+% Define the language-handling commands
+\def \et@xlang {\csname newlanguage\endcsname}
+\def \uselanguage #1%
+ {\ifcsname lang@#1\endcsname
+ \language=\csname lang@#1\endcsname
+ \lefthyphenmin=\csname lhm@#1\endcsname
+ \righthyphenmin=\csname rhm@#1\endcsname
+ \ifdefined \uselanguage@hook % V1.0-1
+ \uselanguage@hook {#1}% % V1.0-1
+ \fi
+ \else
+ \et@xerr {language #1 undefined.}%
+ {You are trying to use a language which has not previously
+ been defined; remember that any language you want to use
+ will need to have been specified at the time the format
+ was created.%
+ }%
+ \fi
+ }
+\def \addlanguage #1#2#3#4#5% language patterns exceptions lhm rhm
+ {\expandafter \et@xlang \csname lang@#1\endcsname
+ \expandafter \chardef \csname lhm@#1\endcsname=#4 % V1.0-1
+ \expandafter \chardef \csname rhm@#1\endcsname=#5 % V1.0-1
+ \uselanguage {#1}%
+ \input #2
+ \if *#3*\else \input #3 \fi
+ \ifdefined \addlanguage@hook % V1.0-4
+ \addlanguage@hook {#1}% % V1.0-4
+ \fi
+ \edef \fmtversion {\fmtversion/#1}%
+ }
+% Decrement \count 19, because \newlanguage will increment it again
+\advance \count 19 by -1
+% We are about to try to process a user/site-specific file "language.def",
+% which establishes a Babel-like language selection environment. Since
+% there is always a risk of a spurious file of that name being found,
+% we look for an e-TeX header in the first line. If the file can be opened,
+% but doesn't have the right header, we interrogate the user as to whether
+% to use fallback mode; in this mode, we simply establish USenglish as the
+% sole language, with the et@x patterns, exceptions and left- and right-
+% hyphen minima for TeX. If we can't interrogate the user (e.g. not in
+% \errorstopmode), or if the user elects not to use fallback, we abort;
+% if the file can't be found/opened, we use fallback unconditionally.
+\newif \ifb@dresponse
+\newif \ifusef@llback
+\def \l@ngdefnfile {language.def}
+\etexhdrchk {file} {\l@ngdefnfile}
+\ifcase \etexstatus
+ \et@xwarn {unable to open file "\l@ngdefnfile";}%
+ \usef@llback % unable to open "language.def"
+ \et@xwarn {file "\l@ngdefnfile" has wrong header;\n
+ \ \ expected: "\et@xfilehdr"; found: "\et@xbuf";%
+ }%
+ \@sk {Use fallback?} {usef@llback} {y}%
+ \ifusef@llback
+ \usef@llback
+ \else
+ \input \l@ngdefnfile % use "language.def" after warning
+ \fi
+ \bgroup
+ \count@=128
+ \loop\ifnum\count@<256\relax
+ \lccode\count@=\count@\advance\count@\@ne
+ \repeat
+ \count@=0
+ \loop\ifnum\count@<32\relax
+ \lccode\count@=\count@\advance\count@\@ne
+ \repeat
+ \input \l@ngdefnfile % "language.def" open & valid
+ \egroup % the above empty line is needed to end the argument of \input
+% All that was just to set up natural language handling...
+% The "real" work of "etex.src", however, is to augment the non-primitives
+% of Plain.TeX to incorporate e-TeX specific features, and to add new
+% non-primitives to simplify access to new e-TeX specific primitives.
+\message {Augmenting the Plain TeX definitions:}
+\message {\string \tracingall;}
+\def \tracingall
+ {\tracingonline=\@ne
+ \tracingcommands=\thr@@ % plain.tex has \tw@
+ \tracingstats=\tw@
+ \tracingpages=\@ne
+ \tracingoutput=\@ne
+ \tracinglostchars=\tw@ % plain.tex has \@ne
+ \tracingmacros=\tw@
+ \tracingparagraphs=\@ne
+ \tracingrestores=\@ne
+ \showboxbreadth=\maxdimen
+ \showboxdepth=\maxdimen
+ \errorstopmode
+ \tracinggroups=\@ne
+ \tracingifs=\@ne
+ \tracingscantokens=\@ne
+ \tracingnesting=\@ne
+ \tracingassigns=\tw@
+ }
+\message {Adding new e-TeX definitions:}
+\message {\string \eTeX, \string \epTeX, \string \eupTeX, }
+\def \eTeX {$\varepsilon$-\TeX} %%% the simple version, not suitable for maths;
+ %%% a more sophisticated one may find its way
+ %%% into "eptexdefs.lib" in due course.
+\def \epTeX {$\varepsilon$-p\TeX}
+\def \eupTeX {$\varepsilon$-up\TeX}
+\message {\string \loggingall,}
+\def \loggingall {\tracingall \tracingonline=\z@}
+\message {\string \tracingnone,}
+\def \tracingnone
+ {\tracingassigns=\z@
+ \tracingnesting=\z@
+ \tracingscantokens=\z@
+ \tracingifs=\z@
+ \tracinggroups=\z@
+ \showboxdepth=\thr@@
+ \showboxbreadth=5
+ \tracingrestores=\z@
+ \tracingparagraphs=\z@
+ \tracingmacros=\z@
+ \tracinglostchars=\@ne
+ \tracingoutput=\z@
+ \tracingpages=\z@
+ \tracingstats=\z@
+ \tracingcommands=\z@
+ \tracingonline=\z@
+ }
+\message {register allocation;}
+\newcount \et@xins % our insertion counter (\insc@unt is used differently)
+% We have to adjust the Plain TeX register allocation counts for our
+% slightly modified book-keeping:
+\advance \count 10 by 1 % \count 10=23 % allocates \count registers 23, 24, ...
+\advance \count 11 by 1 % \count 11=10 % allocates \dimen registers 10, 11, ...
+\advance \count 12 by 1 % \count 12=10 % allocates \skip registers 10, 11, ...
+\advance \count 13 by 1 % \count 13=10 % allocates \muskip registers 10, 11, ...
+\advance \count 14 by 1 % \count 14=10 % allocates \box registers 10, 11, ...
+\advance \count 15 by 1 % \count 15=10 % allocates \toks registers 10, 11, ...
+\advance \count 16 by 1 % \count 16=0 % allocates input streams 0, 1, ...
+\advance \count 17 by 1 % \count 17=0 % allocates output streams 0, 1, ...
+\advance \count 18 by 1 % \count 18=4 % allocates math families 4, 5, ...
+\advance \count 19 by 1 % \count 19=0 % allocates \language codes 0, 1, ...
+\et@xins=\insc@unt % \et@xins=255 % allocates insertions 254, 253, ...
+% We don't change the Plain TeX definitions of \newcount, etc., but the
+% \alloc@ macro doing the actual work is redefined.
+% When the normal register pool for \count, \dimen, \skip, \muskip,
+% \box, or \toks registers is exhausted, we switch to the extended pool.
+\def \alloc@ #1#2#3#4#5%
+ {\ifnum \count 1#1 < #4% make sure there's still room
+ \allocationnumber=\count 1#1
+ \global \advance \count 1#1 by \@ne
+ \global #3#5=\allocationnumber
+ \wlog {\string #5=\string #2\the \allocationnumber}%
+ \else \ifnum #1 < 6
+ \begingroup \escapechar=\m@ne
+ \expandafter \alloc@@ \expandafter {\string #2}#5%
+ \else
+ \errmessage {No room for a new #2}%
+ \fi
+ \fi
+ }
+% The \expandafter construction used here allows the generation of
+% \newcount and \globcount from #1=count. Moreover (and more important)
+% this construction avoids the appearance of \outer macros inside
+% macro definitions or conditionals.
+\def \alloc@@ #1#2%
+ {\endgroup % restore \escapechar
+ \message {Normal \csname#1\endcsname register pool exhausted,
+ switching to extended pool.}%
+ \global \expandafter
+ \let \csname new#1\expandafter \endcsname \csname glob#1\endcsname
+ \csname new#1\endcsname#2%
+ }
+% We do change the Plain TeX definition of \newinsert
+\outer \def \newinsert #1%make sure there's still room for ...
+ {\ch@ck 0 \et@xins \count % ... a \count, ...
+ {\ch@ck 1 \et@xins \dimen % ... \dimen, ...
+ {\ch@ck 2 \et@xins \skip % ... \skip, ...
+ {\ch@ck 4 \et@xins \box % ... and \box register
+ {\global \advance \et@xins by \m@ne
+ \unless
+ \ifnum \insc@unt < \et@xins
+ \global \insc@unt=\et@xins
+ \fi
+ \allocationnumber=\et@xins
+ \global \chardef #1=\allocationnumber
+ \wlog {\string #1=\string \insert \the \allocationnumber}%
+ }%
+ }%
+ }%
+ }%
+ }
+\def \ch@ck #1#2#3#4%
+ {\ifnum \count 1#1 < #2#4\else \errmessage {No room for a new #3}\fi}
+% And we define \reserveinserts, so that you can say \reserveinserts{17}
+% in order to reserve room for up to 17 additional insertion classes that will
+% not be taken away by \newcount, \newdimen, \newskip, or \newbox.
+\outer \def \reserveinserts#1%
+ {\global \insc@unt=\numexpr \et@xins \ifnum #1 > \z@ -#1\fi \relax}
+\message {extended register allocation;}
+% Now, we define \globcount, \globbox, etc., so that you can say
+% \globcount\foo and \foo will be defined (with \countdef) to be the
+% next count register from the vastly larger but somewhat less efficient
+% extended register pool. We also define \loccount, etc., but these
+% register definitions are local to the current group.
+\count 260=277 % globally allocates \count registers 277, 278, ...
+\count 261=\@cclvi % globally allocates \dimen registers 256, 257, ...
+\count 262=\@cclvi % globally allocates \skip registers 256, 257, ...
+\count 263=\@cclvi % globally allocates \muskip registers 256, 257, ...
+\count 264=\@cclvi % globally allocates \box registers 256, 257, ...
+\count 265=\@cclvi % globally allocates \toks registers 256, 257, ...
+\count 266=\@ne % globally allocates \marks classes 1, 2, ...
+\def \et@xmaxregs {32768}
+\count 270=\et@xmaxregs % locally allocates \count registers 32767, 32766, ...
+\count 271=\et@xmaxregs % ditto for \dimen registers
+\count 272=\et@xmaxregs % ditto for \skip registers
+\count 273=\et@xmaxregs % ditto for \muskip registers
+\count 274=\et@xmaxregs % ditto for \box registers
+\count 275=\et@xmaxregs % ditto for \toks registers
+\count 276=\et@xmaxregs % ditto for \marks classes
+% \count registers 256-259 and 267-269 are not (yet) used
+\outer \def \globcount {\et@xglob 0 \count \countdef}
+ \def \loccount {\et@xloc 0 \count \countdef}
+\outer \def \globdimen {\et@xglob 1 \dimen \dimendef}
+ \def \locdimen {\et@xloc 1 \dimen \dimendef}
+\outer \def \globskip {\et@xglob 2 \skip \skipdef}
+ \def \locskip {\et@xloc 2 \skip \skipdef}
+\outer \def \globmuskip {\et@xglob 3 \muskip \muskipdef}
+ \def \locmuskip {\et@xloc 3 \muskip \muskipdef}
+\outer \def \globbox {\et@xglob 4 \box \mathchardef}
+ \def \locbox {\et@xloc 4 \box \mathchardef}
+\outer \def \globtoks {\et@xglob 5 \toks \toksdef}
+ \def \loctoks {\et@xloc 5 \toks \toksdef}
+\outer \def \globmarks {\et@xglob 6 \marks \mathchardef}
+ \def \locmarks {\et@xloc 6 \marks \mathchardef}
+\let\newmark=\globmarks %%% 2.0;14
+\def \et@xglob #1#2#3#4%
+ {\et@xchk #1#2% make sure there's still room
+ {\allocationnumber=\count 26#1
+ \global \advance \count 26#1 by \@ne
+ \global #3#4=\allocationnumber
+ \wlog {\string #4=\string #2\the \allocationnumber}%
+ }%
+ }
+\def \et@xloc#1#2#3#4%
+ {\et@xchk #1#2% make sure there's still room
+ {\advance \count 27#1 by \m@ne
+ \allocationnumber=\count 27#1
+ #3#4=\allocationnumber
+ \wlog {\string #4=\string #2\the \allocationnumber \space (local)}%
+ }%
+ }
+\def \et@xchk #1#2#3%
+ {\ifnum \count 26#1 < \count 27#1
+ #3%
+ \else
+ \errmessage {No room for a new #2}%
+ \fi
+ }
+% Next we define \globcountblk, \loccountblk, etc., so that one can
+% write \globcountblk\foo{17} and \foo will be defined (with \mathchardef)
+% as the first (the zeroth?) of a block of 17 consecutive registers.
+% Thus the user is intended to reference elements <\foo+0> to <\foo+n-1>,
+% where n is the length of the block allocated.
+\outer \def \globcountblk {\et@xgblk 0 \count}
+ \def \loccountblk {\et@xlblk 0 \count}
+\outer \def \globdimenblk {\et@xgblk 1 \dimen}
+ \def \locdimenblk {\et@xlblk 1 \dimen}
+\outer \def \globskipblk {\et@xgblk 2 \skip}
+ \def \locskipblk {\et@xlblk 2 \skip}
+\outer \def \globmuskipblk {\et@xgblk 3 \muskip}
+ \def \locmuskipblk {\et@xlblk 3 \muskip}
+\outer \def \globboxblk {\et@xgblk 4 \box}
+ \def \locboxblk {\et@xlblk 4 \box}
+\outer \def \globtoksblk {\et@xgblk 5 \toks}
+ \def \loctoksblk {\et@xlblk 5 \toks}
+\outer \def \globmarksblk {\et@xgblk 6 \marks}
+ \def \locmarksblk {\et@xlblk 6 \marks}
+% And, both to provide a higher-level interface to the block allocation
+% scheme, and to demonstrate possible applications of the new \...expr
+% primitives, we also define \globcountvector and \loccountvector (etc)
+% which allow the user to access elements with embedded arithmetic, as in
+% \globcountvector \foo {12}
+% \foo {\count 0 + 3} = \foo {\count 1 * 2}
+\outer \def \globcountvector {\et@xgvec 0 \count}
+ \def \loccountvector {\et@xlvec 0 \count}
+\outer \def \globdimenvector {\et@xgvec 1 \dimen}
+ \def \locdimenvector {\et@xlvec 1 \dimen}
+\outer \def \globskipvector {\et@xgvec 2 \skip}
+ \def \locskipvector {\et@xlvec 2 \skip}
+\outer \def \globmuskipvector {\et@xgvec 3 \muskip}
+ \def \locmuskipvector {\et@xlvec 3 \muskip}
+\outer \def \globboxvector {\et@xgvec 4 \box}
+ \def \locboxvector {\et@xlvec 4 \box}
+\outer \def \globtoksvector {\et@xgvec 5 \toks}
+ \def \loctoksvector {\et@xlvec 5 \toks}
+\outer \def \globmarksvector {\et@xgvec 6 \marks}
+ \def \locmarksvector {\et@xlvec 6 \marks}
+\def \et@xgblk #1#2#3#4%
+ {\et@xchkblk #1#2{#4}% make sure there's still room
+ {\allocationnumber=\count 26#1
+ \global \advance \count 26#1 by #4%
+ \global \mathchardef #3=\allocationnumber
+ \wlog {\string #3=\string #2blk{\number #4} at \the \allocationnumber}%
+ }%
+ }
+\def \et@xlblk #1#2#3#4%
+ {\et@xchkblk #1#2{#4}% make sure there's still room
+ {\advance \count 27#1 by -#4%
+ \allocationnumber=\count 27#1
+ \mathchardef #3=\allocationnumber
+ \wlog {\string #3=\string #2blk{\number #4}
+ at \the \allocationnumber \space (local)%
+ }%
+ }%
+ }
+\catcode `\# = 12
+\gdef \et@xhash {#}
+\def \et@xgvec #1#2#3#4%
+ {\et@xchkblk #1#2{#4}% make sure there's still room
+ {\allocationnumber=\count 26#1
+ \global \advance \count 26#1 by #4%
+ \ifx #2\box
+ \def \2{}%
+ \else \ifx #2\marks
+ \def \2{}%
+ \else
+ \def \2{\string #2}%
+ \fi
+ \fi
+ \xdef #3##1{\2 \noexpand \numexpr \the \allocationnumber+##1\relax}%
+ \wlog {\string #3 {\et@xhash 1} =
+ \2 {\the \allocationnumber+\et@xhash 1} (global #2 vector)%
+ }%
+ }%
+ }
+\def \et@xlvec #1#2#3#4%
+ {\et@xchkblk #1#2{#4}% make sure there's still room
+ {\advance \count 27#1 by -#4%
+ \allocationnumber=\count27#1
+ \mathchardef #3=\allocationnumber
+ \ifx #2\box
+ \def \2{}%
+ \else \ifx #2\marks
+ \def \2{}%
+ \else
+ \def \2{\string #2}%
+ \fi
+ \fi
+ \edef #3##1{\2 \noexpand \numexpr \the \allocationnumber+##1\relax}%
+ \wlog {\string #3 {\et@xhash 1} =
+ \2 {\the \allocationnumber+\et@xhash 1} (local #2 vector)%
+ }%
+ }%
+ }
+\def \et@xchkblk #1#2#3#4%
+ {\ifnum #3 < \z@
+ \errmessage {Negative register block size \number #3}%
+ \else \ifnum \numexpr \count 26#1+#3 > \count 27#1
+ \errmessage {No room for new #2block of size \number#3}%
+ \else
+ #4%
+ \fi
+ \fi
+ }
+% In an attempt to reduce the overheads of e-TeX, we recycle all possible
+% resources, including (as a penultimate step) the recycler itself...
+% The user can circumvent (or force) this during format creation,
+% by \letting \ifrecycle=\iffalse (or \iftrue, to force it).
+% As this file has grown by accretion, it is possible that we are no
+% longer recycling all the resources we could; this will be investigated.
+\def \mayber@cycle {\expandafter \ifrecycle}
+\def \forcer@cycle {\expandafter \iftrue}
+\ifdefined \ifrecycle
+ \mayber@cycle
+ \forcer@cycle
+% There's a concealed \if... lurking here, which explains the
+% strange indentation of the code that follows (V1.0-1)
+ \def \r@cycle #1%
+ {\ifdefined #1
+ \message {\string #1,}\let #1=\und@fined
+ \else
+ \message {\string #1 (not defined),}
+ \fi
+ }
+ {\newlinechar=`\! \message {!Recycling:}}
+ \r@cycle \addlanguage
+ \r@cycle \@nswer
+ \r@cycle \@sk
+ \r@cycle \b@dresponsetrue
+ \r@cycle \b@dresponsefalse
+ \r@cycle \ch@ckforyn
+ \r@cycle \mayber@cycle
+ \r@cycle \et@xabort
+ \r@cycle \et@xbuf
+ \r@cycle \et@xfmtsrc
+ \r@cycle \et@xfilehdr
+ \r@cycle \et@xinf
+ \r@cycle \et@xpatterns
+% \r@cycle \ifb@dresponse
+% \r@cycle \ifusef@llback
+ \r@cycle \l@ngdefnfile
+ \r@cycle \n@xt
+ \r@cycle \p@rse
+ \r@cycle \pr@mpt
+ \r@cycle \pr@mptloop
+ \r@cycle \forcer@cycle
+ \r@cycle \usef@llback
+ \r@cycle \usef@llbacktrue
+ \r@cycle \usef@llbackfalse
+% The following are retained, since they may be needed by user code; with a few
+% (regrettable) exceptions, all of these are given the \etex or \et@x prefix,
+% to reduce as far as possible the risk of them clashing with other used-defined
+% names.
+% The e-TeX team are willing to change the names of the remaining, at-risk,
+% control sequences if it is demonstrated that the current names cause problems
+% or difficulties.
+ \def \r@tain #1%
+ {\ifdefined #1
+ \message {\string #1,}
+ \else
+ \message {\string #1 (not defined),}
+ \fi
+ }
+ {\newlinechar=`\! \message {!Retaining:}}
+ \r@tain \et@xerr
+ \r@tain \et@xinput
+ \r@tain \et@xlibhdr
+ \r@tain \et@xmsg
+ \r@tain \et@xtoks
+ \r@tain \et@xwarn
+ \r@tain \et@xl@@d
+ \r@tain \et@xl@ad
+ \r@tain \et@xload
+ \r@tain \et@xlang
+ \r@tain \et@xhash
+ \r@tain \eTeX
+ \r@tain \epTeX
+ \r@tain \eupTeX
+ \r@tain \etexhdrchk
+% \r@tain \endmodule
+ \r@tain \etexstatus
+ \r@tain \module
+ \r@tain \uselanguage
+ \r@cycle \r@tain
+ \r@cycle \r@cycle
+% And finally re-catcode commercial-at
+\catcode `\@=12
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+%% 行頭、行末禁則パラメータ
+%% 1byte characters
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+%% kinsoku JIS X 0208 additional
+%% kinsoku JIS X 0213
+%% kinsoku JIS X 0212
+%% kinsoku 半角片仮名
+%% xspcode
+%% for 8bit Latin
+%% inhibitxspcode
+\inhibitxspcode`—=0% U+2014 EM DASH
+\inhibitxspcode`―=0% U+2015 HORIZONTAL BAR
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+%% inhibitxspcode JIS X 0213
+%% inhibitxspcode JIS X 0212
+%% inhibitxspcode 半角片仮名
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+% This is the upTeX format
+% pTeX format file:
+% (C)copyright ASCII corporation,1987,1995,1997
+% and modified for upTeX
+\input plain
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+\def\footnote#1{\let\@sf\empty % parameter #2 (the text) is read later
+ \ifhmode\edef\@sf{\spacefactor\the\spacefactor}\/\fi
+ \nobreak#1\@sf\vfootnote{#1}}
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+% identifies the current format
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