path: root/Master/texmf-dist/tex/texsis/base/TXSconts.tex
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Diffstat (limited to 'Master/texmf-dist/tex/texsis/base/TXSconts.tex')
1 files changed, 180 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/Master/texmf-dist/tex/texsis/base/TXSconts.tex b/Master/texmf-dist/tex/texsis/base/TXSconts.tex
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+%% file: TXSconts.tex - Table of Contents - TeXsis version 2.18
+%% $Id: TXSconts.tex,v 18.0 1999/07/09 17:26:11 myers Exp $
+% These macros are an easy way to make a table of contents.
+% An entry in the table of contents is created with \addTOC like so:
+% \addTOC{level}{title-text}{page}
+% The level is a number 0, 1, 2, etc for chapters, sections or
+% subsections and is used to control the indentation of the entry.
+% The page number should probably be {\folio}, so that it comes out
+% correctly, but you can use anything else you like.
+% \addTOC writes the table of contents information to a file called
+% \jobname.toc. At the end of the job you simply say \Contents to read
+% in this information and actually create the table of contents.
+% \Contents does not print any heading or change the page numbering --
+% you must take care of that yourself.
+% If you include \TOCcID{chapter-id} in the title-text then the
+% chapter-id will or will not be printed in the title depending on
+% whether you have set \showchaptIDtrue or \showchaptIDfalse at the
+% time you say \Contents. Similarly, \TOCsID{section-id} displays the
+% section-id if \showsectIDtrue. For example, if you say
+% \addTOC{1}{\TOCsID{3.14}Section of $\pi$}{\folio}
+% then the section number 3.14 will or will not be displayed when
+% \Contents is invoked, depending on \ifshowsectID.
+% You can write anything you want to the table of contents file by
+% saying \TOCwrite{stuff}. Use this to insert formatting information
+% or headings.
+% Note that no table of contents information is written if \Contentsfalse
+% is set. This is the default in TeXsis for most document formats
+% except \book and \thesis, so you should explicitly say \Contentstrue
+% to get a table of contents. If this file is \input separately then
+% \Contentstrue is already set.
+% This file is a part of TeXsis, but may be used by itself with Plain TeX.
+% (In that case \TOCcID and \TOCsID always show their arguments.)
+% This file is a part of TeXsis.
+% (C) copyright 1991, 1994, 1997 by Eric Myers and Frank Paige.
+\message{Table of Contents.}
+% I/O and switches, etc:
+\newwrite\TOCout % table of contents temp file
+\newskip\TOCmargin \TOCmargin=3cm % right margin indent for TOC
+\newif\ifContents % do we write out to table of contents?
+\Contentstrue % default is true if loaded by itself
+\def\ContentsSwitchtrue{\Contentstrue} % \@obsolete in 2.18
+\def\ContentsSwitchfalse{\Contentsfalse}% \@obsolete in 2.18
+% Initialization: open the output file
+\def\TOCinit{% open and initialize Table of Contents file
+ \ifContents % is switch on?
+ \immediate\openout\TOCout=\jobname.toc % yes: then open file
+ \immediate\write\TOCout{\@comment Table of Contents for job `\jobname'
+ -- Created at \runtime}%
+ \immediate\write\TOCout{\@comment ====================================}%
+ \gdef\TOCinit{\relax}% % initialize only once!
+ \fi}
+% \TOCwrite lets you write to the Table of Contents file
+% \addTOC#1#2#3 adds a chapter, section, etc. to the table of contents,
+% by writing the arguments to the .toc file in just the way \TOCitem
+% wants to read them. The arguments are:
+% #1 = 0 for chapter, 1 for section, 2 for subsection
+% #2 = title text
+% #3 = page number
+\def\addTOC#1#2#3{% add entry to Table of Contents
+ \ifContents % only if enabled
+ \TOCinit % make sure file is open
+ \write\TOCout{\string\TOCitem{#1}}% % type of entry
+ \edef\@line@{{{#2}}}% % expand title text
+ \write\TOCout\@line@ % write title text to file
+ \write\TOCout{{#3}\@comment}% % write page number to file
+ \fi}
+% \TOCcID and \TOCsID just give their names as a \string, so they
+% can be written to the file. They are re-defined to their active
+% forms later by \Contents.
+% \TOCitem processes a Table of Contents entry. The arguments are the
+% same as for \addTOC.
+\def\TOCitem#1#2#3{% process a Table of Contents item
+ \ifcase#1\bigskip % \bigskip for chapters,
+ \or\medskip % \medskip for sections
+ \or\smallskip\fi % \smallskip for subsections
+ \begingroup %
+ \advance\leftskip by #1\parindent % indent sub-items
+ \raggedright\tolerance=1700 % don't justify
+ \advance\rightskip by \TOCmargin % right margin comes in, but
+ \parfillskip=-\TOCmargin % page number at edge of page
+ \hangindent=1.41\parindent\hangafter=1 % hanging indentation
+ \noindent #2\hskip 0pt plus 10pt % the text
+ \leaddots % leaders to edge
+ \hbox to 2em{\hss\linkto{page.#3}{#3}}% % the page number
+ \vskip 0pt % end paragraph
+ \endgroup %
+ }
+% Leaders for dots:
+\def\leaddots{\leaders\hbox to 10pt{\hss.\hss}\hfill}
+% \Contents just reads and prints the table of contents file.
+% \label is disabled since it is not really part of the title.
+\def\Contents{% print out table of contents
+ \immediate\closeout\TOCout % close the .toc file!
+ \immediate\openin\TOCout=\jobname.toc % now open it to read
+ \ifeof\TOCout\closein\TOCout % if EOF just close it
+ \emsg{> \string\Contents: no Table of Contents file \jobname.toc.}%
+ \else\immediate\closein\TOCout % else close it and read in
+ \begingroup % make this local
+ \def\label##1{}\relax % disable \label in .toc file
+ \catcode`@=11\catcode`"=12 % no fancy active characters
+ \catcode`(=12\catcode`)=12 % no active ( or )
+ \catcode`[=12\catcode`]=12 % no active [ or ]
+ \def\TOCcID##1{\ifshowchaptID{##1} \fi}% % activate \TOCcID
+ \def\TOCsID##1{\ifshowsectID{##1} \fi}% % activate \TOCsID
+ \ContentsFormat % customize layout
+ \noindent % supress any \par indent
+ \input \jobname.toc \relax % read in the contents file
+ \endgroup %
+ \fi}
+\let\contents=\Contents % synonym (since 2.14)
+% \ContentsFormat is done before the table of contents and lets
+% you customize the way the table is displayed. For example
+% you could say \def\mib{}\def\n{} to turn off \mib and line breaks.
+\def\ContentsFormat{\relax} % default does nothing
+% Plain TeX compatability: you can use these macros with Plain TeX
+% simply by saying '\input TXSconts.tex ', but to do so we need to
+% make sure that the following macros from other parts of TeXsis are
+% defined or faked:
+\ifx\emsg\undefined % if \emsg is undefined this is not TeXsis
+ \def\emsg#1{\immediate\write16{#1}}% simple version of \emsg
+ {\catcode`\%=11 \gdef\@comment{% }}% \@comment for writing '% ' to file
+ \def\ifshowchaptID#1\fi{#1}\def\ifshowsectID#1\fi{#1}%
+ \def\runtime{\the\year/\the\month/\the\day\space\the\time}%
+ \def\linkto#1#2{\relax}%
+% (OLD TEXSIS 2.13 -- to be removed!)
+% \addsectioncont#1#2#3 adds section number #1, with title #2, and
+% level #3 (0 for chapter, 1 for section, 2 for subsection) to the
+% table of contents page. This is obsolete and replaced by \addTOC
+ \addTOC{#1}{#2}{#3}}
+%>>> EOF TXSconts.tex <<<