path: root/Master/texmf-dist/tex/plain
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1 files changed, 1702 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/Master/texmf-dist/tex/plain/pdfextra/pdfextra.opm b/Master/texmf-dist/tex/plain/pdfextra/pdfextra.opm
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+% vim: tw=80
+\_codedecl \RM {Extra PDF features (v\_pdfextra_version)}
+ \_doc
+ \sec Package initialization
+ We are in the \OpTeX/ package namespace. A couple of shortcuts are defined
+ here: \`\.isdefined`, \`\.trycs`, \`\.cs` \`\.slet`, \`\.slet`, \`\.sdef` and
+ \`\.xdef`. They all hard code the package name, because we already have too
+ many levels of indirection.
+ \_cod
+ \_doc
+ \sec Helper macros
+ The macros here are just helpers for the macros to follow. They are not
+ useful generally, but proved useful in the expandable context of writing to
+ PDF files.
+ Already the first one limits the use to \LuaTeX/ (but who needs other engines
+ anyways :). \`\.emptyor`<possibly empty text><text to use when first argument is
+ nonempty> checks whether the first argument is empty, if not it expands the
+ second argument which can use the text from the first argument with
+ \`\.nonempty`. \`\.attrorempty`<attribute name><value> builds upon the first
+ one and is really useful for PDF dictionaries, when we don't want to write an
+ attribute without a value (a default specified by standard will be used instead).
+ \_cod
+ \_immediateassignment\_edef\.nonempty{#1}%
+ \_ifx\.nonempty\_empty\_else #2\_fi
+\_def\.attrorempty#1#2{\.emptyor{#2}{/#1 \.nonempty}}
+ \_doc
+ There is a dillema for handling colors. While typesetting it is possible to
+ use greyscale, CMYK or RGB colors. But there are contexts where it is
+ possible to only use RGB colors. We want to provide the user with two
+ possibilities of specifying colors:
+ \begitems
+ * RGB color using PDF triplet (e.g. `1 0 0`),
+ * \OpTeX/ color using control sequence (e.g. `\Blue`)
+ \enditems
+ Both are handled by \`\.colortorgbdef`<cs><color specification>, which
+ defines <cs> to the corresponding PDF RGB triplet. The indirection with
+ defining a macro is because we want to use the processed color within
+ expansion only contexts where grouping is not possible.
+ \_cod
+ \_def\_setrgbcolor##1{##1}%
+ \_def\_setcmykcolor##1{\_cmyktorgb ##1 ;}%
+ \_def\_setgreycolor##1{##1 ##1 ##1}%
+ \_xdef#1{#2}%
+ \_egroup
+ \_doc
+ \`\.xaddto``\macro`{<text>} is a natural extension of \OpTeX's `\addto` that
+ expands <text> and is global.
+ \_cod
+ \_global\_ea\_addto\_ea#1\_ea{\.tmp}%
+ \_doc
+ This package defines a few commands in the form
+ `\macro[<name>][<optional arguments>]{<text>}`. To make it possible to omit
+ the `[<optional arguments>]` \`\.secondoptdef` is defined.
+ `\.secondoptdef\<macro><parameters>{<body>}`
+ defines `\macro` with first mandatory argument in brackets (saved to
+ \`\.name`). Second optional argument in brackets is scanned using helper
+ macro defined with `\optdef` and is saved to `\_opt` token list). Additional
+ <parameters> can be specified as with `\optdef` (numbered from `#1`).
+ \_cod
+ \_def#1[##1]{\_def\.name{##1}\.cs{sopt:\_string#1}}%
+ \_ea\_optdef\_csname _pdfextra_sopt:\_string#1\_endcsname[]%
+ \_doc
+ When processing comma separated lists sometimes it is needed to ignore the
+ remaining text. For this we use \`\.untilend` macro which ignores everything
+ up to dummy \`\.end`. This is analogous to \OpTeX/'s `\_finbody` used for the
+ same purpose. Sometimes `\.end` is used as sentinel and compared in `\ifx`
+ tests, hence we define it to a unique value.
+ \_cod
+ \_doc
+ For various uses it is necessary to know the number of page where something
+ happens. This has to be handled asynchronously with `\write`. Here we use
+ \OpTeX/ specific `.ref` file and associated macros, but this could be
+ replaced as long as the same interface is exposed.
+ \`\.setpageof`<name> writes \`\.Xpageof`<name> to the `.ref` file. In the next
+ \TeX/ run `\.Xpageof` finds out the page number (`\gpageno`) from \OpTeX/'s
+ `\_currpage` and saves it so that \`\.pageof`<name> can retrieve it. In the
+ first run we can't be sure of the page where the content will end up. As a
+ rough estimate we take the current page~-- this actually works well for
+ slides where page breaks are manual.
+ `\.pageof` is expandable, but we want to let the user know, that the document
+ needs to be processed twice. Therefore we use \LuaTeX's
+ `\immediateassignment` to increment the counter of unresolved references.
+ When `.ref` file is read along with the defintion of `\.Xpageof` this package
+ has not been loaded yet. Hence we can't use namespaced variants of
+ `\.isdefined`, etc.
+ \_cod
+ \_def\.Xpageof#1{\_isdefined{_pdfextra_pageof:#1}\_iffalse
+ \_sxdef{_pdfextra_pageof:#1}{\_ea\_ignoresecond\_currpage}\_fi
+ }%
+\_def\.setpageof#1{\_openref \_ewref\.Xpageof{{#1}}}
+ \.trycs{pageof:#1}{%
+ \_immediateassignment\_incr\_unresolvedrefs
+ \_the\_numexpr\_gpageno+1\_relax % best effort = current page num
+ }%
+ \_doc
+ \label[files]
+ \sec Handling of files
+ Handling of files is a big topic of this package. Files are everywhere~--
+ files containing multimedia, JavaScript script files, attachments, externally
+ referred files\dots Therefore a more sophisticated mechanism for handling
+ files is needed. The mechanism introduced in this section handles all three
+ cases of a {\em file specification}:
+ \begitems
+ * files embedded in the PDF (\"e", embedded file),
+ * files determined by path (\"x", external file),
+ * files determined by URL (\"u", url file).
+ \enditems
+ Although ideally all three would be interchangible this is not always the
+ case, because e.g. some media files must be embedded and linking to external
+ resources does not work with embedded files.
+ In most cases there are two many names and other associated values involved:
+ \begitems
+ * Some kind of a \"friendly" name. This one is sometimes shown by PDF viewers.
+ * The real name of the file. Also shown but in different contexts.
+ * The path or URL used to determine the file.
+ * MIME type of the file.
+ \enditems
+ For example when talking about \OpTeX/'s documentation we might have a
+ friendly name of \"opdoc", file name of \"`optex-doc.pdf`", URL of
+ \"\url{}" and MIME type of
+ \"application/pdf". Different subset of them is required in different
+ contexts, but the user should only have to specify the friendly name (by
+ which they will refer to the file) and the path/URL of the file. The rest
+ will be deduced. The friendly name is used as a handle and {\em is usable}
+ in all places where file specification is required (although it may not
+ produce conforming output, see above).
+ In this two step process~-- definition and (re)use~-- we introduce a command
+ for defining files: \`\filedef``/<type> [<friendly name>]{<path or URL>}`. The
+ macro itself does general definitions and dispatches the type dependant work
+ to other macros in the form `_filedef:<type>`.
+ \_cod
+ \.sxdef{filename:#3}{(\.filename{#4})}%
+ \_edef\.tmp{\.exttomime{\.fileext{#4}}}%
+ \_ifx\.tmp\_empty
+ \_opwarning{MIME type of '#4' unknown, using '\.defaultmimetype'}%
+ \_edef\.tmp{\.defaultmimetype}%
+ \_fi
+ \.sxdef{filemime:#3}{\.tmp}%
+ \.cs{filedef:#1}{#3}{#4}%
+\_nspublic \filedef ;
+ \_doc
+ Types \"e", \"x", \"u" are predefined, anything else would essentialy be a
+ variant of these.
+ External file (\"x") is determined only by path.
+ \_cod
+ \.slet{filespec:#1}{filename:#1}%
+ \_doc
+ URL file (\"u") is determined by URL. Using all sorts of characters is
+ allowed by using `\_detokenize`. This time it is necessary to create full
+ {\em file specification}~-- a dictionary, where the \"file system" is URL.
+ \_cod
+ \.sdef{filespec:#1}{<</FS /URL /F (\_detokenize{#2})>>}%
+ \_doc
+ Embedded files (\"e") are the most interesting ones. For further use (e.g.
+ for displaying the embedded files as attachments) MIME type is required. It
+ is saved in the stream as a `\Subtype`, encoded as a PDF name (e.g.
+ `/video#2Fmp4`). The embedded file stream must be wrapped in a full {\em file
+ specification}, which has the `/EF` (\"embedded file") entry. Also the
+ friendly name is used for some purpose by PDF viewers, so it set in `/Desc`
+ (description).
+ \_cod
+ \_edef\.tmp{\.cs{filemime:#1}}%
+ \_isfile{#2}\_iffalse
+ \_opwarning{file '#2' not found}%
+ \_fi
+ \_pdfobj stream
+ attr{/Type /EmbeddedFile /Subtype \_ea\.mimetoname\_ea[\.tmp]}
+ file {#2}%
+ \_pdfrefobj\_pdflastobj
+ \.sxdef{filestream:#1}{\_the\_pdflastobj\_space 0 R}%
+ \_pdfobj {<</Type /Filespec
+ /F \.cs{filename:#1}
+ /Desc (#1)
+ /EF << /F \_the\_pdflastobj \_space 0 R >>%
+ >>}%
+ \_pdfrefobj\_pdflastobj
+ \.sxdef{filespec:#1}{\_the\_pdflastobj\_space 0 R}%
+ \_doc
+ Now the less interesting part~-- determining the file names from paths and
+ determining MIME types. The file name is the part after the last \"`/`" (if
+ any). The file extension is the part after last \"`.`" (if any).
+ \_cod
+ \_doc
+ MIME type is determined from file extension (e.g. `mp4` is \"video/mp4"). For
+ mapping of file extensions to MIME types we abuse \TeX/'s hash table which
+ gets populated with \"known MIME types". This necessarily means that the
+ database is incomplete. Users can define their own additional mappings, or
+ they can contribute generally useful ones to this package.
+ The default MIME type (used for unknown file extensions) is
+ \"application/octet-stream"~-- binary data.
+ The uninteresting MIME type database itself is at the very end (\ref[mime]).
+ \_cod
+ \_doc
+ Here we define an \OpTeX/ style \"is-macro" that checks whether the file has
+ already been defined~-- \`\.isfiledefined``{<name>}\iftrue` (or `\iffalse`).
+ The case where the file has not
+ been defined using `\filedef` can be handled in a lot of ways. As a default
+ we interpret <name> as path and try to embed it. Because the path from <name>
+ is used as the \"friendly name" the file will be embedded only once even when
+ requested more times.
+ \_cod
+ \_afterfi{\.fileundefined{#1}}\_fi#2%
+ \_opwarning{file '#1' not found, ignored}\_ea\_unless\_fi
+% strict requirement of preceeding `\filedef` can be set like this:
+%\_def\.fileundefined#1{\_opwarning{file '#1' is not defined, ignored}\_unless}
+ \_doc
+ \label[actions]
+ \sec PDF actions
+ The core of interactivity in PDF are actions. They are all initialy handled
+ by \`\pdfaction``[<action spec>]`. <action spec> is a comma separated list of
+ `<type>:<arguments>`. Leading spaces in the elements of the list are ignored
+ using undelimited-delimited argument pair trick.
+ An invocation could look like this:
+ \begtt
+ \pdfaction[
+ js:{app.alert("Yay JavaScript, going to page 5");},
+ ilink:pg:5,
+ transition:Wipe,
+ ]
+ \endtt
+ This is why we have to be very careful when loading the contents between `[]`
+ to arguments. In particular, we can't split immediatly using `[#1:#2]`,
+ because this would discard the braces guarding the comma in the JavaScript
+ code. However we also need to find out the {\em type} of action which is
+ taken as a type of the first action (`js` in this case).
+ \`\.pdfactiontype``[<action spec>]` does this~-- we don't mind that there the
+ braces are lost.
+ `\pdfaction` processes the list, to create a chain of actions using `/Next`
+ field. The handling of each action type is up to macro
+ `\_pdfextra_<type>action`, which receives `[<type>:<arguments>]`. Because of
+ this a single type handler can handle multiple different actions, as is the
+ case with `\.ilinkaction` which is the fallback for unknown action types.
+ \_cod
+ <<%
+ \.pdfactionB[#1]%
+ % next action
+ \_ifx\.stop#3\_else\_space
+ /Next \_afterfi{\.pdfactionA#2#3\.end} % intentional space
+ \_fi
+ >>
+\_nspublic \pdfaction ;
+ \_doc
+ \label[actions-additional]
+ \secc Additional actions
+ Some PDF objects, like pages and some annotations, can also have \"additional
+ actions". These are actions which will be executed when an event happens~--
+ like page getting opened for `/O` action in page's additonal actions or `/PO`
+ in annotation's additional actions. For constructing these additional actions
+ we define a helper macro \`\.pdfaactions`. The use is as something follows:
+ \begtt \catcode`<=13 \adef|{\csstring<}
+ /AA || \.pdfaactions{ {O} {<action spec 1>} {C} {<action spec 2>} } >>
+ \endtt
+ To produce something this:
+ \begtt \catcode`<=13 \adef|{\csstring<}
+ /AA || /O ||<action 1>>> /C ||<action 2>>> >>
+ \endtt
+ \_cod
+\_def\.pdfaactions#1{<<\.pdfaactionsA #1\.end\.end>>}
+\_def\.pdfaactionsA#1#2{\_ifx\.end#1\_else /#1 \_ea\.pdfaction\_ea[#2]\_ea\.pdfaactionsA\_fi}
+ \_doc
+ \label[actions-link]
+ \secc Link annotations
+ The main use of actions~-- annotations of `/Subtype /Link`.
+ Annotation of this type creates an active rectangular area on the page that
+ executes a PDF action (or chain of them in the general case).
+ \`\hlinkactive``[<action spec>]<text>` is a natural extension of \OpTeX/'s
+ `\linkactive`, that supports the classic \"jump" actions of types `ref`,
+ `bib`, etc. But also other types of actions. No distinction between
+ \"internal" (`\ilink`) and external (`\ulink`) links is made. The mechanism is
+ completely generic.
+ The `\pdfstartlink`/`\pdfendlink` primitives are used to denote the part of
+ the page where <text> appears as active. \LuaTeX/ will then handle even the
+ situations where <text> gets broken across multiple lines (by creating
+ multiple rectangular annotations to cover all `\hbox`es).
+ \_cod
+ \_edef\.type{\.pdfactiontype[#1]}%
+ \_quitvmode\_pdfstartlink \.linkdimens
+ attr{\_pdfborder{\.type}}%
+ user{/Subtype /Link /A \.pdfaction[#1]}\_relax
+ \_localcolor\.linkcolor{\.type}#2\_pdfendlink\_egroup
+ \_doc
+ `\hlinkactive` itself is dormant before `\hyperlinks` occurs. Until then, a
+ dummy \`\hlink` is used. \OpTeX/'s `\hyperlinks` is extended to hook `\hlink`
+ activation. The colors of internal/external links are remembered for
+ compatibility with \OpTeX/.
+ \_cod
+\_nspublic \hlink ;
+ \.oldhyperlinks#1#2
+ \_let\.ilinkcolor=#1%
+ \_let\.elinkcolor=#2%
+ \_let\.hlink=\.hlinkactive
+ \_let\hlink=\.hlink
+\_public \hyperlinks ;
+ \_doc
+ Two customizations of `\hlinks` are possible:
+ \begitems
+ * Dimensions of rectangular areas created by
+ `\pdfstartlink`/`\pdfendlink`. This is done using \`\.linkdimens`
+ (analogous to \OpTeX's `\linkdimens`). Dimensions that are unset are taken
+ from the respective `\hbox`es. \`\lininglinks` sets the dimensions for
+ running text~-- it covers all space of a line using `\baselineskip`.
+ \`\nolininglinks` sets no dimensions, this is useful for buttons, that may
+ have larger height/depth than a line.
+ * The color is determined from the type of link (that is the first action in
+ <action spec>) by checking `\_<type>linkcolor` (compatible with \OpTeX/) or
+ `\_pdfextra_<type>linkcolor`.
+ As a fallback \`\.ilinkcolor` is used (set by `\hyperlinks`).
+ \enditems
+ \_cod
+ \_def\.linkdimens{height.75\_baselineskip depth.25\_baselineskip}%
+\_nspublic \lininglinks \nolininglinks ;
+ \_doc
+ \secc Open action
+ The document itself has one action defined in the document catalog. It is
+ called `/OpenAction`. We allow the user to set it using the familiar
+ <action spec> syntax with the command \`\openaction``[<action spec>]`.
+ Internally we could directly set it by appending to the catalog
+ using the primitive `\pdfcatalog`, but \LuaTeX/ (pdf\TeX/ really) allows
+ setting the action with special syntax. This has the benefit that it is not
+ allowed to set the action more than once.
+ \_cod
+\_def\.openaction[#1]{\_pdfcatalog{} openaction user{\.pdfaction[#1]}\_relax}
+\_nspublic \openaction ;
+ \_doc
+ \label[actions-jump]
+ \secc Jump actions
+ These are the most typical actions. Even \LuaTeX/ itself handles them,
+ although we don't use the possibility for maintaining generality. There are a
+ few types of jump actions:
+ \begitems
+ * `/GoTo` actions are the classic internal links to named destinations in the
+ PDF file (created by `\pdfdest` primitive or \OpTeX/'s `\dest`). The
+ destination names include also the type of internal link (e.g.
+ `ref:section1`). They are handled by \`\.ilinkaction``[<type>:<name>]`.
+ * `/URI` actions which are in most cases used as \"goto URL" actions. These
+ are not that useful directly, because special characters should be handled
+ before this actions is used (like with `\url`). The low level use is
+ \`\.urlaction``[url:<url>]`.
+ * \"Goto remote" actions, which can jump to a destination in another PDF file~--
+ either determined by name, or by page number. The external files are
+ expected to be defined by `\filedef` (but not the embedded variant). The
+ use is either \`\.extrefaction``[extref:<name>:<named destination>]` for
+ links to named destination or \`\.extpgrefaction``[extpgref:<name>:<page number>]`
+ for page destinations. Customization is possible with \`\.extrefextra`, by
+ default opening in a new windows is requested.
+ \enditems
+ \_cod
+\_def\.ilinkaction[#1:#2]{/S /GoTo /D (#1:#2)}
+\_def\.urlaction[#1:#2]{/S /URI /URI (#2)}
+\_def\.extrefaction[#1:#2:#3]{/S /GoToR
+ /F \.cs{filespec:#2}
+ /D (#3)
+ \.extrefextra
+\_def\.extpgrefaction[#1:#2:#3]{/S /GoToR
+ /F \.cs{filespec:#2}
+ /D [\_the\_numexpr#3-1\_relax\_space /Fit]
+ \.extrefextra
+\_def\.extrefextra{/NewWindow true}
+ \_doc
+ Transition action is not really a jump action in of itself, but is only
+ useful when chained after jump actions, so we define it here. Transitions
+ (as page attributes) are handled more thoroughly in section~\ref[transitions].
+ The use would look something like:\nl
+ \`\.transitionaction`%
+ `[transition:<animation type>:<duration>:<raw PDF attributes>]`, where all fields
+ omitted from right take the default values.
+ \_cod
+\_def\.transitionaction[#1:#2]{/S /Trans \.attrorempty{Trans}{\.maketrans[#2]}}
+ \_doc
+ \secc Named actions
+ User can request arbitrary \"named" action with
+ \`\.namedaction``[named:<name>]`. See user documentation for details.
+ \_cod
+\_def\.namedaction[#1:#2]{/S /Named /N /#2}
+ \_doc
+ \secc JavaScript actions
+ JavaScript actions have two forms, either \`\.jsaction``[js:<name>]` or
+ `\.jsaction``[js:<script>]`. The first variant uses contents of `\filedef`'d
+ <name>, the second one uses <script> directly. There is no special catcode
+ handling.
+ \_cod
+\_def\.jsaction[#1:#2]{/S /JavaScript
+ /JS \_ifcsname _pdfextra_filestream:#2\_endcsname \_lastnamedcs \_else
+ (#2)
+ \_fi
+ \_doc
+ \sec Page attributes
+ PDF represents pages as dictionaries. The dictionaries get generated by \LuaTeX/,
+ which fills in some attributes {\em attributes} (like `/Content` with
+ contents of the page and `/Annots` with array of annotations). We can add
+ more using `\pdfpageattr` primitive token list register. While not that many
+ are generally useful, there are a few interesting ones. For example
+ transitions can be set using page attributes, or we might want to set
+ additional actions (`/AA`) to listen for page events.
+ While the so called \"page objects" are in a tree structure (for fast lookup),
+ only the leaves are real \"pages". PDF allows some attributes to be inherited
+ from parent page objects, but not all of them and certainly not those we are
+ interested in.
+ The mechanism introduced in this section is optional, because it takes
+ complete control over `\pdfpageattr`. It gets activated when
+ \`\initpageattributes` is first used (which happens automatically for some
+ functionality exposed by this package), but may be activated by the user for
+ any other purpose. Only attributes listed in \`\pageattributes` are
+ processed.
+ We set the attributes anew for each page, by hooking into \OpTeX/'s
+ `\_begoutput`. Because `\pdfpageattr` token list doesn't get expanded before
+ written out to PDF, we expand it using the assignment in `\edef` trick. The
+ token list gets expanded, but the assignment is not made until it reaches
+ main processor when the temporary control sequence gets expanded.
+ \_cod
+% pdfpagattr managament (default for all pages vs current page override)
+ % add hook for setting primitive \pdfpageattr
+ \_addto\_begoutput{\_edef\.tmp{\_pdfpageattr={\.pdfpageattributes}}\.tmp}%
+ % no need to do this twice
+ \_let\.initpageattributes=\_relax
+\_nspublic \pageattributes \initpageattributes ;
+ \_doc
+ The user interface we want to expose has two parts:
+ \begitems
+ * setting the page attribute for just this one page (\`\.pdfcurrentpageattr`),
+ * setting the default attribute (used when current page value is not set)
+ (\`\.pdfdefaultpageattr`).
+ \enditems
+ The first one of course brings in the typical \TeX/ problem of knowing the
+ page where something occurs. As always, the page number contained in
+ `\gpageno` during processing of said content may of course not actually be
+ the number of the page where the content ends up! Hence, we need to note the
+ page number with a delayed write, using `\.setpageof` and later `\.pageof`.
+ The different settings of page attributes should have distinct names, we use
+ the \`\.pageattrcount` counter for this.
+ \_cod
+ \_incr\.pageattrcount
+ \.setpageof{pageattr:\_the\.pageattrcount}%
+ \.sxdef{pdfpgattr:\.pageof{pageattr:\_the\.pageattrcount}:#1}{#2}%
+ \.sxdef{pdfpgattr:#1}{#2}%
+ \_doc
+ Finally, the macro \`\pdfpageattributes` takes care of setting generating the
+ contents of `\pdfpageattr`. For each attribute in `\pageattributes` it first
+ checks its current page value, only then the default value. If neither is
+ set, nothing is added.
+ \_cod
+ % use current page override or "default"
+ % don't emit anything if the value is empty
+ \.attrorempty{#1}{%
+ \.trycs{pdfpgattr:\_the\_gpageno:#1}{\.trycs{pdfpgattr:#1}{}}%
+ }%
+ \_ea\.pdfpageattributesA\_fi
+ \_doc
+ Each attributes then has two switches for the respective default and current
+ values. For defining a few of them a helper is introduced:\nl\indent
+ \`\.pdfpageattributesetters`` <attribute> \<default setter> \<current setter> {<value>}`,
+ \nl
+ where <attribute> is name of the attribute without the slash
+ (e.g. `MediaBox`), the two control sequences name the future user setters,
+ which will take single argument in brackets
+ (e.g. `\mediabox` and `\thismediabox`) and the <value> can use the
+ argument.
+ \_cod
+\_def\.pdfpageattributesetters#1 #2#3#4{%
+ \.sdef{\_csstring#2}[##1]{\.pdfdefaultpageattr{#1}{#4}}%
+ \.sdef{\_csstring#3}[##1]{\.pdfcurrentpageattr{#1}{#4}}%
+ \_nspublic #2 #3 ;
+ \_doc
+ Some of the useful attributes are `/Rotate`, which rotates the pages visually
+ (can be set with \`\defaultpagerotate` and \`\pagerotate`), and the additional
+ actions (`/AA`, see section~\ref[actions-additional], set using
+ \`\defaultpageactions` \`\pageactions`).
+ \_cod
+\.pdfpageattributesetters Rotate \defaultpagerotate \pagerotate {#1}
+\.pdfpageattributesetters AA \defaultpageactions \pageactions {\.pdfaactions{#1}}
+ \_doc
+ \label[transitions]
+ \secc Transitions, page durations
+ There are predefined types of transitions, like `/Wipe`, `/Box`, `/Split`,
+ etc. Most have other customizible attributes~-- usually directions set in
+ different ways depending on the animation type at hand, but the most
+ important attribute is the duration of the animation. Parsing friendly user
+ notation in the form of
+ `[<animation type>:<duration>:<other raw attributes>]`, where fields from the
+ right may be omitted to produce the default value, is handled by
+ \`\.maketrans`. This macro is also used by transition actions
+ (see~\ref[actions-jump]). The defaults are simply those defined by PDF
+ standard (no transition, 1 second duration and the respective default
+ directions).
+ \_cod
+ \.emptyor{#1}{<</S /\.nonempty \.attrorempty{D}{#2} #3>>}
+ \_doc
+ The attribute setters for transitions (\`\transitions`, \`\transition`) are a
+ simple wrappers. Similiar is the
+ setting of page duration in seconds after which PDF viewer automatically
+ advances to the next page (\`\defaultpageduration`, \`\pageduration`).
+ \_cod
+\.pdfpageattributesetters Trans \transitions \transition {\.maketrans[#1]}
+\.pdfpageattributesetters Dur \defaultpageduration \pageduration {#1}
+ \_doc
+ \sec Attachments and document level JavaScript
+ These don't have any last place to be in, so they are documented separately,
+ here. Attaching files using `/FileAttachment` annotations:
+ \begitems \style n
+ * is intended more towards viewers of the document for extra additions and
+ * doesn't work in the viewers as well as one would like.
+ \enditems
+ That is why instead embed files using normal `\filedef` and then allow them
+ to be added to the document level `/EmbeddedFiles` entry, which means they
+ will be shown in the user interface by PDF viewers. `/EmbeddedFiles` is a
+ document level name tree (contained inside `/Names` entry of `/Catalog`) that
+ maps names of files to their objects. Although we simplify matters by
+ constructing more of an array.
+ What works very similiarly is document level JavaScript. It is a name tree
+ within `/JavaScript` field. It maps names of JavaScript actions to their
+ object numbers. The names aren't very useful, but the actions have their
+ purpose. They are executed in turn after the document is opened. Hence they
+ can be used to predefine JavaScript functions in the global context, to be
+ used later within actions explicitly activated by the user.
+ The user level commands are \`\attach``[<name>]` (to attach a previously
+ `\filedef`'d name with fallback to embedding now if it is a valid path) and
+ \`\dljavascript``[<name>]{<script>}` (adds action that executes <script>
+ after document is opened, <name> is more or less meaningless).
+ Internally both commands construct lists of what ends up in the resulting name
+ array, i.e. pairs {\visiblesp `(<name>) <object number> 0 R `}. Intermediate
+ macros \`\.embeddedfiles` and \`\.dljavascripts` are used for this.
+ In the case of file attachments, nothing happens if file is defined and not
+ found by the fallback.
+ \_cod
+% file attachment
+ \.xaddto\.embeddedfiles{(#1) \.cs{filespec:#1} }\_fi
+\_nspublic \attach ;
+ \_immediate\_pdfobj{<< \.jsaction[js:{#2}] >>}%
+ \.xaddto\.dljavascripts{(#1) \_the\_pdflastobj \_space 0 R }%
+\_nspublic \dljavascript ;
+ \_doc
+ Object creation, which is common to both, is handled by\nl\indent
+ \`\.makenamearray``<name tree name><name tree content>`.\nl
+ It doesn't do anything
+ for empty lists, to not bloat PDF files when this mechanism isn't used.
+ \_cod
+ \_immediate\_pdfobj {<< /Names [ #2 ] >>}%
+ \_pdfnames{/#1 \_the\_pdflastobj \_space 0 R }\_fi
+ \_doc
+ The lists themselves can only be written out to the PDF file at the very end
+ of the run. We use \OpTeX/'s `\_byehook`, which is run in `\_bye`. But `\bye`
+ itself may be predefined by the user, for example when using some of the
+ \OpTeX/ tricks. We just hope that user keeps `\_byehook`.
+ \_cod
+ \.makenamearray{EmbeddedFiles}\.embeddedfiles
+ \.makenamearray{JavaScript}\.dljavascripts
+ \_doc
+ \sec Viewer preferences
+ There are a few customizations of display (and other preferences of PDF
+ viewers) possible in the document catalog or its subdictionary
+ `/ViewerPreferences`. Most are not that useful. The interesting
+ ones are implemented by \`\fullscreen`, \`\showoutlines`, \`\showattached`.
+ They all set the page mode using \`\.setpagemode`. We don't handle respecting
+ the last setting (using \`\_byehook`). To prevent invalid PDF files, we set
+ `\.setpagemode` to `\_relax` after use.
+ \_cod
+\_def\.setpagemode#1{\_pdfcatalog{/PageMode /#1}\_glet\.setpagemode=\_relax}
+\_nspublic \fullscreen \showoutlines \showattached ;
+ \_doc
+ Only the setting of duplex / double sided printing and display is in the
+ nested dictionary. It is handled by \`\duplexdisplay`. The simplistic version
+ does not handle more attributes in `/ViewerPreferences`. We also set the
+ meaning to `\_relax` to prevent more (erroneous) uses.
+ \_cod
+ /PageLayout /TwoPageRight
+ /ViewerPreferences <<
+ /Duplex /DuplexFlipLongEdge
+ >>}%
+ \_glet\.duplexdisplay=\_relax
+ \_doc
+ \sec Multimedia
+ PDF essentially allows insertion of different types of multimedia:
+ \begitems
+ * images,
+ * audio/video,
+ * 3D art.
+ \enditems
+ The first is pretty standard and handled normally by the engine (\LuaTeX).
+ Others are possible, but have to be done manually according to one of the
+ mechanisms specified by PDF standard:
+ \begitems
+ * Sounds (audio only),
+ * Movies (video and/or audio),
+ * Renditions (video and/or audio),
+ * 3D annotations (3D art),
+ * Rich Media (video and/or audio, 3D art)
+ \enditems
+ Sadly all these mechanisms are badly flawed, each in different ways. At least
+ we try to use the one that works in the viewers.
+ For audio/video \"Movies" are the simplest mechanism, but they have been
+ deprecated in PDF 2.0 and no longer work in Acrobat/Foxit (same for
+ \"Sounds").
+ \"Renditions" are complicated, partly dependant on JavaScript, but at least
+ supported by Acrobat, Foxit, Evince and Okular.
+ \"Rich media" annotations were designed for Flash. This use case is no longer possible
+ today, but the obscurities remain. They are unnecessiraly complicated, but can
+ be used without Flash too. Although the result is very plain for audio/video~--
+ no controls can be displayed and there are no associated actions.
+ \"3D annotations" are reasonably simple, but also flawed. They cannot reuse
+ embedded file as a source for 3D data. Hence it is better and more consistent
+ to use Rich Media for 3D annotations. It even has additional benefits, like
+ the possibility of using multiple initialization scripts.
+ In the end, this package exposes two user commands corresponding to two
+ mechanisms~-- first are Renditions (`\render`) for audio/video that works in most
+ browsers and Rich Media (`\RM`) mainly for 3D art, but also for audio/video
+ with limited possibilities.
+ Both mechanisms have an annotation at their core. Annotations is essentially
+ a rectangular area on page. The area corresponds to where the
+ multimedium will show up. After activating the area somehow (by user click,
+ or action) the multimedium will start playing. Before annotations the
+ rectangular area will show something that is called \"normal appearance".
+ This appearance is of type form XObject. Those are really similiar to pages~--
+ they have dimensions, contents made up of PDF graphics operators, \dots,
+ but they are reusable. Not that useful for annotations where we will need the
+ form only once, but nice anyways. pdf\TeX/ has primitives for creating them~--
+ `\pdfxform` and friends. They essentially do the same code like `\shipout`
+ does, but instead of page, they make this reusable object. One can then
+ either use this reusable object in another page/form, but we will indirectly
+ refer to it for the appearance.
+ Important aspect of annotations is that they are really only rectangular
+ areas on the page, but they are not really part of the page. They sort of sit
+ on another level and are not influenced by PDF graphic operators which make
+ the page. In pdf\TeX/ annotations are handled by {\em whatsit} nodes. While
+ most nodes map to known primitive \TeX/ concepts (like typeset characters,
+ boxes, rules, etc.) Whatsits are essentially commands for \TeX/ that are
+ delayed until page is being shipped out (written to PDF file). `\write`,
+ `\special`, and most pdf\TeX/ commands create whatsits. For annotationos this
+ is important, because this means that the engine only stores the information
+ about annotation that we specify, but creates it at due time, when it should
+ be written to PDF.
+ Because whatsits are essentially dimensionless and we want it to be a part of
+ normal \TeX/ typesetting material we create the annotation (whatsit) in
+ `\hbox`. This box will be otherwise empty, because the apperance of the
+ rectangular area is determined by the normal appearance field (`/N` in
+ `/AP`). We set the dimensions of the box to the dimensions of normal
+ appearance. Everything will line up nicely, because when processed, the
+ annotation will take dimensions from the box.
+ All of these concepts are implemented in:\nl\indent
+ \`\.boxedannot``[<type>:<name>]{<appearance>}{<special text>}{<annotation attributes>}`\nl
+ <type> is used to determine the annotation border (same principle as with
+ Link annotations, section~\ref[actions-link]), <name> will be used as the
+ annotation name (`/NM`), <special text> is used for influencing the
+ `\pdfannot` primitive, and <annotation attributes> will become the body of
+ the annotation.
+ \_cod
+ \_setbox0=\_hbox{#3}\_setbox2=\_null
+ \_ht2=\_ht0 \_wd2=\_wd0 \_dp2=\_dp0
+ \_immediate\_pdfxform0
+ % box with annotation both stretching to dimensions of appearance
+ \_hbox{\.setpageof{#1:#2}%
+ \_pdfannot #4 {#5
+ /AP <</N \_the\_pdflastxform \_space 0 R>>
+ \_pdfborder{#1}
+ /NM (#2)
+ /Contents (#1 '#2')
+ }%
+ \_copy2
+ }%
+ \_doc
+ There is another weird thing common to both multimedia mechanisms~--
+ the redefinition of `\.name`. It is initially
+ set by `\.secondoptdef` to <name>, but may be redefined by user supplied
+ `name` key-value parameter. This should be used when there are multiple uses
+ of the same content. Otherwise samely named annotations would be
+ indistinguishable both for PDF viewer and our handling of actions (which
+ would all refer only to the first instance).
+ To somewhat overcome this, trying to use the same <name> (within the same
+ type of annotaiton) will use dummy name from \`\.unnamedannotcount` (for
+ uniqueness). This means that <name> will always refer to the first instance.
+ \`\.redefinename` handles this.
+ \_cod
+ \.isdefined{#1:\.name}\_iftrue
+ \_incr\.unnamedannotcount
+ \_edef\.name{\_the\.unnamedannotcount}%
+ \_else
+ \_edef\.name{\_kv{name}}%
+ \_fi
+ \_doc
+ \label[mm-renditions]
+ \secc Renditions (audio/video)
+ There are three main types of PDF objects involved in the Renditions
+ (\"Multimedia") mechanism:
+ \begitems
+ * Screen annotations define the area for playing multimedia.
+ * Rendition objects define the multimedia to play.
+ * Rendition actions associate Rendition objects with Screen annotations.
+ \enditems
+ You can theoretically arbitrarily mix and match rendition objects and screen
+ annotations by invoking different actions. In practice Evince and Okular do
+ really simplistic parsing and don't fully support the actions fully. But by
+ keeping it simple it is possible to make it work almost the same in all
+ viewers that support renditions.
+ Different sources of audio/video should be possible. In fact all three file
+ specifications (embedded files, files specified by URL/path) could work.
+ Again in practice embedded file is the safest bet, that works in all viewers
+ that support renditions.
+ The user facing command is:\nl\indent
+ \`\render``[<name>][<optional key-value paramers>]{<horizontal material>}`\nl\noindent
+ <name> is the friendly name set using `\filedef` or file path if <name> isn't
+ `\filedef`d and is to be embedded. The key-value parameters in brackets
+ can be entirely omitted. They can influence the playback (except for `controls`
+ most are not well supported). Default values are taken from
+ `\.renderdefaults`.
+ `\render` doesn't do anything (except print warning) if file <name> isn't
+ defined and <name> isn't a path to file that can be embedded.
+ The first PDF object it defines is Rendition, which specifies information
+ about the multimedium (name, file specification, MIME type and options from
+ key-value parameters). Some of the fields are in `/BE` (\"best effort")
+ dictionaries. This is due to the very general design of Renditions, which
+ theoretically allows the PDF viewer to choose from multiple Renditions if
+ they know they can't support some of the requested features. But that is not
+ much useful in practice, so we just don't complicate it.
+ Next defined object is Screen annotation, which complicates thing by
+ requiring (`/P`) reference to the page where the annotation is (handled by
+ `\setpageof` and `\pageof` pair). Important field is `/A` which specifies
+ actions that shall be executed when the screen area is clicked. We let the
+ user change the action, but the sensible default of starting to play the
+ multimedium is used (and this is the only thing that works in some viewers
+ anyways). Additional actions `/AA` may be used to react to events like mouse
+ over or page open/close~-- the most probable use case is autoplay on page
+ open, for which shortcut of \`\renditionautoplay` is defined.
+ The code is slightly complicated by the fact, that actions need to reference
+ the Rendition and Screen objects. In the case of the action contained in
+ Screen annotation this essentialy involves a self reference. Hence it is
+ needed to first reserve an object number and later use it for the annotation.
+ Because the object numbers may also be needed by actions defined later, we need
+ to save them to `\_pdfextra_rendition:<name>` and `\_pdfextra_screen:<name>`
+ respectively, but also define aliases with empty names, so users can easily
+ reference the latest rendition.
+ \_cod
+ \_ea\_readkv\_ea{\_ea\.renderdefaults\_ea,\_the\_opt}%
+ \.colortorgbdef\.bgcolor{\_kv{background}}%
+ % rendition object ("media specifaction")
+ \_pdfobj {<</Type /Rendition
+ /S /MR
+ /N \.cs{filename:\.name}
+ /C <<%/Type /MediaClip
+ /S /MCD % subtype MediaClipData
+ /D \.cs{filespec:\.name}
+ /CT (\.cs{filemime:\.name})
+ /P << /TF (TEMPALWAYS) >> % allow creating temporary files
+ >>
+ /P <<%/Type /MediaPlayParams
+ /BE << /C \_kv{controls} /V \_kv{volume} /RC \_kv{repeat} >>
+ >>
+ /SP <<%/Type /MediaScreenParams
+ /BE << /O \_kv{opacity} /B [\.bgcolor] >>
+ >>
+ >>}\_pdfrefobj\_pdflastobj
+ \.redefinename{rendition}%
+ \.sxdef{rendition:\.name}{\_the\_pdflastobj}%
+ % screen annotation ("screen space allocation")
+ \_pdfannot reserveobjnum% "self" reference will be needed inside screen annot.
+ \.sxdef{screen:\.name}{\_the\_pdflastannot}%
+ % aliases to latest rendition/screen with empty name
+ \_global\.slet{rendition:}{rendition:\.name}%
+ \_global\.slet{screen:}{screen:\.name}%
+ \_edef\.action{\_kv{action}}\_edef\.aactions{\_kv{aactions}}%
+ \.boxedannot[rendition:\.name]{#1}{useobjnum\_the\_pdflastannot}{%
+ /Subtype /Screen
+ % reference to page of the rendition (\setpageof done by \.boxedannot)
+ % the spaces are weird, but \pdfpageref eats them
+ /P \_pdfpageref\.pageof{rendition:\.name} \_space 0 R
+ /A \_ea\.pdfaction\_ea[\.action]
+ /AA \_ea\.pdfaactions\_ea{\.aactions}
+ }%
+ \_egroup\_fi
+\_nspublic \render ;
+ \_doc
+ Here are the defaults used for `\render`~-- \`\.renderdefaults`. Users can
+ redefine them all together or override as needed with key-value parameters.
+ The defaults correspond to values specified by PDF standard. Other values may
+ not be respected by all viewers.
+ \_cod
+ name=\.name,
+ controls=false,
+ volume=100,
+ repeat=1,
+ opacity=1.0,
+ background=1 1 1,
+ action=rendition::play,
+ aactions={},
+ \_doc
+ Most probable use of additional actions is to start auto-start playing of the
+ multimedium. For this purpose \`\renditionautoplay` is defined as a shorthand
+ for action to play the lastly defined rendition on page visible event.
+ \_cod
+\_nspublic \renditionautoplay ;
+ \_doc
+ \seccc Rendition actions
+ Rendition actions unfortunately use cryptic symbolic numbers (`0`, `1`, `2`
+ and `3`) for actions that could be called `play`, `stop`, `pause` and
+ `resume` respectively. Except for these predefined actions (that use `/OP`)
+ running of JavaScript is possible using `/JS (<script>)` with potential
+ fallback to `/OP`. This is dangerous teritory, because support of the right
+ API in the viewer is very low. Although it is possible to define such action
+ type by:
+ \begtt
+\.sdef{renditionaction:myaction}{/JS (app.alert("something useful");) /OP 0}
+ \endtt
+ The use of rendition action is:
+ \`\.renditionaction``[rendition:<name>:<action type>]`. Empty name refers to
+ last rendition, so e.g.`\.renditionaction``[rendition::pause]` is possible.
+ \_cod
+\.sdef{renditionaction:play}{/OP 0}
+\.sdef{renditionaction:stop}{/OP 1}
+\.sdef{renditionaction:pause}{/OP 2}
+\.sdef{renditionaction:resume}{/OP 3}
+\_def\.renditionaction[#1:#2:#3]{/S /Rendition
+ \.cs{renditionaction:#3}
+ /R \.cs{rendition:#2} 0 R
+ /AN \.cs{screen:#2} 0 R%
+ \_doc
+ \secc Rich Media (3D/audio/video)
+ Some principles seen with Renditions (section~\ref[mm-renditions]) apply here
+ too. But additionally we deal with 3D specifics and unfortunate Flash
+ leftovers.
+ Unlike Renditions both page area and multimedium specifaction are handled in
+ a single annotation~-- the Rich Media annotation. The code is unfortunately
+ obscured due to the weird requirements, but this is essentially what we are
+ trying to create with \`\RM`:
+/Type /Annot
+/Subtype /RichMedia
+/RichMediaSettings <<
+ /Activation <<
+ /Condition /PV
+ /Scripts [ 14 0 R ]
+ >>
+ /Deactivation << /Condition /XD >>
+/RichMediaContent <<
+ /Assets << /Names [ (kladka.prc) 2 0 R (wireframe.js) 14 0 R ] >>
+ /Configurations [ <<
+ /Type /RichMediaConfiguration
+ /Subtype /3D
+ /Instances [ <<
+ /Type /RichMediaInstance
+ /Subtype /3D
+ /Asset 2 0 R
+ >> ]
+ >> ]
+ The activation/deactivation will be dealt with later. But we see that to
+ insert a simple 3D file, we have to pack it inside a file specification
+ (indirect reference to object `2 0 R`), then in \"instance", inside a
+ \"configuration" inside \"content". As if it wasn't enough the names
+ (normally contained in the file specification) have to be specified again in
+ `Assets` name tree that uselessly maps names to file specifications. Because
+ this is a 3D Rich Media annotation there are other files at play~--
+ initialization scripts. These are specified in `/Scripts` and are executed in
+ turn when the annotation is activated. Not shown is, that some
+ \"configurations" and \"instances" actually have to be specified indirectly.
+ If it wasn't for Flash we could do with something like:
+/Type /Annot
+/Subtype /RichMedia
+/Activation /PV
+/Scripts [ 14 0 R ]
+/Deactivation /XD
+/Content 2 0 R
+ Which contains equivalent information. But unfortunately here we are\dots
+ \_cod
+ \_edef\.tmp{\.cs{filemime:\.name}}%
+ \_edef\.subtype{\_ea\.mimetormsubtype\_ea[\.tmp]\_space}%
+ \_ifx\.subtype\_space
+ \_opwarning{unknown rich media type for '\.name', ignored}\_else
+ \_bgroup
+ \_ea\_readkv\_ea{\_ea\.RMdefaults\_ea,\_the\_opt}%
+ % Instance that has the media file as an asset
+ \_pdfobj {<</Type /RichMediaInstance
+ /Subtype /\.subtype
+ /Asset \.cs{filespec:\.name}
+ >>}\_pdfrefobj\_pdflastobj
+ % Configuration with one single instance (the above)
+ \_pdfobj {<</Type /RichMediaConfiguration
+ /Subtype /\.subtype
+ /Instances [ \_the\_pdflastobj \_space 0 R ]
+ >>}\_pdfrefobj\_pdflastobj \_edef\.configuration{\_the\_pdflastobj}%
+ \_edef\.names{\.cs{filename:\.name} \.cs{filespec:\.name} }% initial asset
+ \.redefinename{rm}%
+ \_def\.scriptfilespecs{}%
+ \_edef\.views{\_kv{views}}\_edef\.scripts{\_kv{scripts}}%
+ \_ifx\.views\_empty \_edef\.views{\.name}\_fi
+ \_ea\.DDDscripts\_ea{\.scripts}%
+ % annotation in hbox
+ \.boxedannot[rm:\.name]{#1}{}{%
+ /Subtype /RichMedia
+ /RichMediaSettings <<
+ /Activation <<
+ /Condition \.cs{activation:\_kv{activation}}
+ \.emptyor{\.scriptfilespecs}{/Scripts [ \.nonempty ]}
+ /Presentation << /Toolbar \_kv{toolbar} \.RMpresentationextra >>
+ >>
+ /Deactivation << /Condition \.cs{deactivation:\_kv{deactivation}} >>
+ >>
+ /RichMediaContent <<
+ /Assets << /Names [ \.names ] >>
+ /Configurations [ \.configuration \_space 0 R ]
+ \.emptyor{\_ea\.DDDviews\_ea{\.views}}{/Views [ \.nonempty ]}
+ >>
+ }%
+ \.sxdef{rm:\.name}{\_the\_pdflastannot}%
+ \_global\.slet{rm:}{rm:\.name}%
+ \_egroup\_fi\_fi
+\_nspublic \RM ;
+ \_doc
+ The code is similiar to `\render`, but we also ignore everything if we don't
+ recognize the type of media (`Video`, `Sound` or `3D`). For that we use a
+ simple mapping from MIME types with \`\.mimetormsubtype`. This means that
+ although we aim Rich Media mostly for 3D art it may also be used for Video
+ and Sound.
+ \_cod
+ \_doc
+ Then we also need to construct the weird name \"tree" (essentialy an array in
+ our case) and script array. \`\.DDDscripts` and \`\.DDDviews` do this.
+ Name tree is accumulated in `\.names`, and starts with the media file. After
+ that each script is added to \`\.names` and \`\.scriptfilespecs`. The scripts
+ are passed as a comma separated array. Ignoring initial spaces is done using
+ undelimited-delimited argument pair trick.
+ \_cod
+ \.isfiledefined{#1#2}\_iftrue%
+ \_addto\.scriptfilespecs{\.cs{filespec:#1#2} }%
+ \_addto\.names{\.cs{filename:#1#2} \.cs{filespec:#1#2} }%
+ \_fi
+ \_ea\.DDDscriptsA\_fi
+ \_doc
+ For 3D views we need to process yet another comma separated list, this time
+ with \`\.DDDviews`. The result has to be separated by spaces and we also
+ don't want to emit something if the specified view was invalid. Unfortunately
+ this is expansion only context, so we can't issue a warning.
+ As a user convenience, before `\.DDDview` is executed, view with the name of
+ `\.name` is tried instead of empty view array. This means that for simple 3D
+ art with one view, one can create view with the same name as the 3D object
+ and not have to specify anything. We also take the name only after it is
+ redefined from optional key-value parameters~-- this is so we can support
+ even the case of e.g. `screw` 3D model used twice, once with `name=screw1`,
+ another time with `name=screw2` (with the corresponding `screw1` and `screw2`
+ views). This is probably less useful, but\dots
+ \_cod
+ \.isdefined{3dview:#1#2}\_iftrue
+ \_lastnamedcs\_space \_fi
+ \_ea\.DDDviewsA\_fi
+ \_doc
+ The activation/deactivation names are kind of cryptic, so we give them
+ descriptive names. Default is explicit (de)activation. Instead of `/PV` (page
+ visible) and `/PI` (page invisible) it would be possible to use \"page open"
+ and \"page close". These are slightly different in cases when more pages are
+ shown on screen at once, because only one page is \"open", while multiple are
+ \"visible".
+ \_cod
+ \_doc
+ Additional means of customization are here. \`\.RMdefaults` contains the
+ default key-value parameters. \`\.RMpresentationextra` can be used to set
+ more attributes in `/RichMediaPresentation` dictionary (although those are
+ more specific and not generally useful).
+ \_cod
+ name=\.name,
+ activation=explicit,
+ deactivation=explicit,
+ toolbar=true,
+ views=,
+ scripts=,
+ \_doc
+ For scripting using JavaScript actions one needs to access the 3D context of
+ the 3D / Rich Media annotation. This requires the page number. We can't use
+ `this.pageNum` from [TODO], because the script strictly doesn't have to be on
+ the same page. We use `\.pageof` (`\.setpageof` was done in `\.boxedannot`)
+ to retrieve the page number in next run. Also PDF indexes page numbers from
+ 0. \`\DDDannot``{<name>}`. and \`\DDDcontext``{<name>}` allow this.
+ \_cod
+ this.getAnnotRichMedia(\_the\_numexpr\.pageof{rm:#1}-1\_relax, '#1')%
+\_nspublic \DDDannot \DDDcontext ;
+ \_doc
+ \label[mm-3dviews]
+ \secc 3D views
+ This is the interesting part about 3D art. They can have a set of predefined
+ views~-- although a user may start from one, they can interactively change
+ all the aspects by dragging with mouse or messing with the settings shown by
+ right click menu.
+ There are several transformations that have to be done before it is possible
+ to display 3D scene on a computer screen:
+ \begitems \style n
+ * 3D transformation from the coordinate system of 3D artwork (\"model") to the \"world
+ coordinate system".
+ * 3D transformation from the world coordinate system to camera coordinate
+ system.
+ * projection to 2D (3D to 2D transformation).
+ \enditems
+ When talking about PDF, positive $x$ goes to the right, positive $y$ up, and
+ positive $z$ \"away" from us (\"into the page"). This means we are working
+ with a left handed coordinate system. In camera space, the camera sits at
+ $(0, 0, 0)$ facing towards positive $z$ with positive $x$ and $y$ going right
+ and up respectively. Projection (one way or another) discards the $z$
+ coordinate.
+ Although the transformations are not strictly linear, they are essentially
+ done using multiplication by {\em transformation matrices}. The matrix for
+ \"model to world" (or \"model") transformation is part of the 3D art file and can't
+ be changed. However, we can make it up, because we can fully control the
+ second transformation (\"world to camera" or \"view" transformation)~--
+ although we don't specify the \"world to camera" matrix but rather its
+ inverse, the \"camera to world" matrix (`/C2W`). This matrix has the $4 \times 4$
+ form, which also allows {\em linear transformation} and {\em translation}:
+ $$
+ M_{c2w} = \pmatrix{a & d & g & t_x \cr b & e & h & t_y \cr c & f & i & t_z \cr 0 & 0 & 0 & 1}
+ $$
+ Here we use the column major convention, which is also the order how we would
+ write the matrix to PDF file, where it is an array of 12 elements:
+ \begtt \catcode`\$=3
+ /C2W [$a$ $b$ $c$ $d$ $e$ $f$ $g$ $h$ $i$ $t_x$ $t_y$ $t_z$]
+ \endtt
+ In the rendering pipeline everything is transformed from world coordinates to
+ camera space coordinates. We can think about the process also in the other
+ way. Using $M_{c2w}$ we specify camera's position and orientation in the
+ world coordinate system. Due to how transformation using matrix
+ multiplication works, the first column in the $M_{c2w}$ matrix (vector $(a,
+ b, c)^T$) specifies how \"positive $x$ direcetion" (\"right") from camera
+ space ends up in world coordinate system. Similiarly for $(d, e, f)^T$ being
+ the image of positive $y$ (\"up") and $(g, h, i)^T$ being the image of
+ positive $z$ (\"forward"). The last column, $(t_x, t_y, t_z)^T$ represents
+ translation from camera space to world. Translation of origin (camera
+ position) will leave it in the point with coordinates $(t_x, t_y, t_z)$.
+ Because of these associations with the intuitive meanings of $x$,
+ $y$, $z$ in camera space we also sometimes call the vectors in the first
+ three columns of $M_{c2w}$ \"right", \"up" and \"forward" and the last one
+ \"eye":
+ $$
+ \vec{R} = \pmatrix{a \cr b \cr c}\!, \quad
+ \vec{U} = \pmatrix{d \cr e \cr f}\!, \quad
+ \vec{F} = \pmatrix{g \cr h \cr i}\!, \quad
+ \vec{E} = \pmatrix{t_x \cr t_y \cr t_z}\!.
+ $$
+ We usually want $\vec{R}$, $\vec{U}$ and $\vec{F}$ to form an orthonormal set
+ of vectors, i.e. all of unit length and each pair is orthogonal. The
+ orthoganility will come from the way we calculate them, but the normality has
+ to be ensured by normalizing the vectors after computing them, which will not
+ be explicitly written out in the following text. $\vec{E}$ is a positional,
+ not directional, vector and it's length will be preserved.
+ Now we only need a convenient way to calculate all four vectors. A wide spread
+ method is sometimes called \"look at". It essentially involves having two
+ points: \"eye" ($E$, position of the camera) and \"target" ($T$, the point
+ where the camera is pointing at). The camera position is already provided:
+ $$
+ \vec{E} = E
+ $$
+ From these two points alone we can easily calculate the forward vector, which
+ corresponds to the direction of the camera:
+ $$
+ \vec{F} = \overrightarrow{ET} = T - E
+ $$
+ When we now imagine the point $E$ and vector $\vec{F}$ looking towards $T$ we
+ can see that there is a degree of freedom~-- the camera can rotate about the
+ forward vector. There is no other way than to arbitrarily choose
+ either up or right vector. Usually we choose an arbitrary \"global up" vector
+ $U_G$, which will influence the general direction of the final up vector.
+ This is because we use it to calculate the right vector:
+ $$
+ \vec{R} = \vec{U}_G \times \vec{F}
+ $$
+ The cross product makes it so that:
+ \begitems \style n
+ * $\vec{R}$ is perpendicular to $\vec{F}$
+ * it is also perpendicular to global up vector ($\vec{U}_G$) which we used to
+ get rid of remaining degree of freedom.
+ \enditems
+ Now that we have two orthonormal vectors (with the normalization not being
+ explicit) we can calculate the remaining up vector:
+ $$
+ \vec{U} = \vec{F} \times \vec{R}
+ $$
+ The last mysterious part about the calculation are the cross products. They
+ are of course not commutitative, so why e.g. $\vec{U}_G \times \vec{F}$ and
+ not the other way around? This is because we have to preserve the relations
+ these vectors had as directions of positive axes of the original camera
+ space. There we had positive $x$ going right, positive $y$ up and positive
+ $z$ forward in a left handed coordinate system. This means that following
+ holds (according the left hand rule):
+ $$\eqalign{
+ \vec{R} &= \vec{U} \times \vec{F} \cr % j * k = i
+ \vec{U} &= \vec{F} \times \vec{R} \cr % k * i = j
+ \vec{F} &= \vec{R} \times \vec{U} \cr % i * j = k
+ }$$
+ The scheme has one flaw though. When the directions of global up vector
+ $\vec{U}_G$ and forward vector $\vec{F}$ are linearly dependent the computed
+ right vector will be $(0, 0, 0)$. Hence some handling of this special case is
+ needed.
+ The \"look at" method is essentially what is used in Alexander Grahn's
+ package movie15\fnote{\url{}}. Although the
+ input aren't two points, but rather a \"center of orbit" point ($COO$, our
+ \"target"), \"center of orbit to camera vector" ($\overrightarrow{C2C}$,
+ default is $(0, -1, 0)$) and distance of camera from the center of orbit
+ ($ROO$). The value used for the arbitrary \"global up" vector is $(0, 0, 1)$.
+ When forward vector is $(0, 0, z)$, then global up is chosen to be $(0, -1,
+ 0)$ or $(0, 1, 0)$ to handle the \"0 right vector" issue.
+ Because the movie15 method of providing the parameters is used in essentially
+ all packages that handle PDF 3D art (movie15, media9, rmannot, Con\TeX/t) we
+ also follow the suite.
+ \`\DDDview`[<view name>][<key-value parameters>] is the command for defining
+ 3D views. These have to be saved into separate PDF objects anyways, using
+ this interface we allow their reuse. If <view name> is same as <name> of
+ `\RM` argument and no other views are specified <view name> view is
+ automatically used (see `\RM` for details).
+ Key-value parameters are not optional this time, because rarely one suffices
+ with default values~-- different 3D views are about customization. Handling
+ of them is not as straightforward as before. We initially read the key-value
+ parameters only to determine the `method` used for calculating the `/C2W`
+ matrix. Then we reread key-value parameters again, this time with also with
+ the default values for this particular method. Not that the general 3d views
+ details are changed, but the methods themselves have key-value parameters of
+ their own, and we support specifying them in this \"flat" way.
+ Additionally we allow the different methods used to compute `/C2W` to not be
+ expandable. Hence they are executed outside of expansion only context and are
+ fully processed~-- the text they add to 3D view PDF object is temporarily
+ stored in \`\.viewparams`.
+ The rest is simply setting sensible defaults (or user overrides) for
+ internal/external name of the view (`/IN` and `/XN`, one is used for
+ scripting, one is shown by the PDF viewer), background color, rendering mode,
+ and lighting. Cross sections and nodes are currently not supported, although
+ users can hook in their own code using `\.DDDviewextra`,
+ `\.DDDrendermodeextra` or `\.DDDprojectionextra`.
+ We have to be careful about setting rendering mode and lighting scheme,
+ because they normally fall back to the values specified in 3D art file, which
+ we can't access, so better not set them to anything if they are empty.
+ \_cod
+ \_readkv{\.DDDviewdefaults,#2}%
+ \_edef\.tmp{\.DDDviewdefaults,\.cs{3dview:\_kv{method}:defaults}}%
+ \_readkv{\.tmp,#2}%
+ \.colortorgbdef\.bgcolor{\_kv{background}}%
+ \.cs{3dview:\_kv{method}}% sets \.viewparams (/MS, /C2W, /CO)
+ \_pdfobj {<</Type /3DView
+ /XN (#1)
+ /IN (#1)
+ \.viewparams % /MS, /C2W, /CO
+ /P <<
+ \.cs{3dprojection:\_kv{projection}}
+ \.DDDprojectionextra
+ >>
+ /BG <<%/Type /3DBG
+ /Subtype /SC
+ /C [\.bgcolor]
+ >>
+ \.emptyor{\_kv{rendermode}}{%
+ /RM <<%/Type /3DRenderMode
+ /Subtype /\.nonempty
+ \.DDDrendermodeextra >> }%
+ \.emptyor{\_kv{lighting}}{%
+ /LS <<%/Type /3DLightingScheme
+ /Subtype /\.nonempty >> }%
+ >>}%
+ \_pdfrefobj\_pdflastobj
+ \.sxdef{3dview:#1}{\_the\_pdflastobj \_space 0 R}%
+ \_egroup
+\_nspublic \DDDview ;
+ \_doc
+ \`\.DDDviewdefaults` stores default key-value parameters for 3D views. They
+ are mostly the PDF standard defaults or what movie15/media9 uses (for
+ compatibility).\`\.DDDviewextra`, \`\.DDDrendermodeextra` or
+ \`\.DDDprojectionextra` can be used by the users to hook themself into 3D
+ view object creation.
+ \_cod
+ projection=perspective,
+ scale=1,
+ ps=Min,
+ FOV=30,
+ background=1 1 1,
+ rendermode=,
+ lighting=,
+ method=media9,
+ \_doc
+ There are two different projection methods:
+ \begitems
+ * Orthographic: $z$ coordinate is simply thrown away, `scale` is used for scaling
+ the result. For technical parts where we want lines that are parallel stay
+ parallel in the view.
+ * Perspective: is the way human eye sees. `FOV` can be used to set field of
+ view. (`ps` parameter for additonal scaling to fit width/height is also
+ available, but the default is fine for casual users).
+ \enditems
+ \_cod
+\.sdef{3dprojection:ortho}{/Subtype /O /OS \_kv{scale}}
+\.sdef{3dprojection:perspective}{/Subtype /P /FOV \_kv{FOV} /PS /\_kv{ps}}
+ \_doc
+ We offer the possibility of setting`/C2W` matrix and `/CO` (distance from
+ camera to center of orbit) directly using `method=manual`.
+ \_cod
+ matrix=1 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 ,
+ centeroforbit=0,
+ /MS /M
+ /C2W [\_kv{matrix}]
+ /CO \_kv{centeroforbit}
+ \_doc
+ Another simple way of specifying camera position/orientation is to use a
+ named setting of U3D file using a U3D path with `method=u3d`.
+ \_cod
+ u3dpath=,
+ \_pdfunidef\.tmp{\_kv{u3dpath}}%
+ \_edef\.viewparams{
+ /MS /U3D
+ /U3DPath \.tmp \_space
+ \_doc
+ The most advanced method of setting `/C2W` matrix and `/CO` is
+ `method=media9`. It is thoroughly explained above, the few differences are
+ because the input values are not two points. Also for conciseness \"x", \"y"
+ and \"z" are used instead of right, up and forward. The calculations are
+ done in Lua, for simplicity.
+ We expect the user to supply the numbers in the form \"`1 2 3`", but in Lua we
+ need them comma separated (\"1, 2, 3"). \`\.luatriplet` does this. Just in
+ case the code is somehow adapted without ensuring that $x$ and $z$ are
+ orthonormal, we normalize also $y$ after the second cross product.
+ \_cod
+\_def\.luatriplet#1 #2 #3 {#1, #2, #3}
+ roo=0,
+ coo=0 0 0,
+ c2c=0 -1 0,
+ /MS /M
+ /C2W [\_directlua{
+ local function normalize(x, y, z)
+ local len = math.sqrt(x*x + y*y + z*z)
+ if len ~= 0 then return x/len, y/len, z/len else return 0, 0, 0 end
+ end
+ local function cross(ux, uy, uz, vx, vy, vz)
+ return uy*vz - uz*vy, uz*vx - ux*vz, ux*vy - uy*vx
+ end
+ local function printmat(...)
+ local arr = table.pack(...)
+ for k, v in ipairs(arr) do
+ arr[k] = string.format("\_pcent.6f", v)
+ end
+ tex.print(table.concat(arr, " "))
+ end
+ local roo = \_kv{roo}
+ local coo_x, coo_y, coo_z = \_ea\.luatriplet\_expanded{\_kv{coo}}
+ local c2c_x, c2c_y, c2c_z = normalize(\_ea\.luatriplet\_expanded{\_kv{c2c}})
+ local eye_x, eye_y, eye_z = coo_x + c2c_x*roo, coo_y + c2c_y*roo, coo_z + c2c_z*roo
+ local z_x, z_y, z_z = -c2c_x, -c2c_y, -c2c_z
+ local up_x, up_y, up_z = 0, 0, 1
+ if math.abs(z_x) + math.abs(z_y) < 0.0000001 then % z_x == 0 and z_y == 0
+ if z_z < 0.0000001 then % z_z <= 0
+ up_x, up_y, up_z = 0, 1, 0
+ else
+ up_x, up_y, up_z = 0, -1, 0
+ end
+ end
+ local x_x, x_y, x_z = normalize(cross(up_x, up_y, up_z, z_x, z_y, z_z))
+ local y_x, y_y, y_z = normalize(cross(z_x, z_y, z_z, x_x, x_y, x_z))
+ local eye_x, eye_y, eye_z = coo_x - z_x*roo, coo_y - z_y*roo, coo_z - z_z*roo
+ printmat(x_x, x_y, x_z, y_x, y_y, y_z, z_x, z_y, z_z, eye_x, eye_y, eye_z)
+ }]
+ /CO \_kv{roo}
+ \_doc
+ Last, but not least, is an action for setting the 3D view of a 3D/RM annotation
+ using an action. \`\.goto3dviewaction``[goto3dview:<name>:<view>]`. <name> is
+ name of the annotation which will be influenced. <view> is passed directly to
+ PDF. Therefore it can be either an index to the view array (starting at 0) or name
+ of view in parentheses~-- \"`(<view name>)`".
+ \_cod
+\.sdef{goto3dviewaction}[#1:#2:#3]{/S /GoTo3DView
+ /TA \.cs{rm:#2} 0 R
+ /V #3
+ \_doc
+ \label[mime]
+ \sec MIME type database
+ This is the uninteresting MIME type database teased in section~\ref[files].
+ Ideally this would only be a subset of what IANA defines at
+ \url{}.
+ But there are additions like `model/u3d` and `model/prc`, which don't
+ seem to be official, yet. Other \"unofficial" MIME types are taken from
+ Mozilla's \"common" lists:
+ \begitems
+ * \url{}.
+ * \url{}
+ \enditems
+ \`\.mimetype``{<extension>}{<MIME type>}` is a shortcut of mapping
+ <extension> to <MIME type>.
+ \_cod
+This is the technical documentation. It is intended for those who want to know
+how this package works internally. Casual users shouldn't need to read this. But
+if you would like to customize anything or perhaps just use some part of this
+package, feel free to copy paste and use anything you want in \OpTeX/'s spirit.
+This documentation is interleaved within the source itself, both are contained
+in a single file, `pdfextra.opm` (according to \OpTeX/ conventions). The user
+documentation is instead contained in `pdfextra-doc.tex`, which itself
+`\input`'s the documented source file `pdfextra.opm` so that the user and
+technical documentation is available in a single PDF file, `pdfextra-doc.pdf`.