path: root/Master/texmf-dist/tex/plain/zztex/zzhyph.tex
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'Master/texmf-dist/tex/plain/zztex/zzhyph.tex')
1 files changed, 128 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/Master/texmf-dist/tex/plain/zztex/zzhyph.tex b/Master/texmf-dist/tex/plain/zztex/zzhyph.tex
new file mode 100644
index 00000000000..1aea8d1cd82
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Master/texmf-dist/tex/plain/zztex/zzhyph.tex
@@ -0,0 +1,128 @@
+% Module: ZzTeX Hyphenation Facilities
+% Synopsis: This module provides the extra facilities for dealing with
+% hyphenation and related matters.
+% Author: Paul C. Anagnostopoulos
+% Created: 6 October 1990
+% Copyright 1989--2020 by Paul C. Anagnostopoulos
+% under The MIT License (
+% Hyphenating Words
+% ----------- -----
+\def \*{%
+ \discretionary{}{}{}}
+\def \hyphen{%
+ \nobreak -\zposthyph{2}}
+\def \slash {/\zposthyph{1}}
+% These macros are used in ZZHMODE to allow special characters to hyphenate.
+\def \zprehyph #1{% {\parameter}
+ \ifcase #1%
+ \relax
+ \or
+ \relax
+ \else
+ \nobreak
+ \fi}
+\def \zposthyph #1{% {\parameter}
+ \ifcase #1%
+ \relax
+ \or
+ \discretionary{}{}{}%
+ \else
+ \penalty \exhyphenpenalty \hskip 0pt\relax
+ \fi}
+% Displaying Hyphens
+% ---------- -------
+\def \showhyphens #1{%
+ \setbox\zboxa = \vbox{%
+ \hsize = \maxdimen
+ \parfillskip = 0pt
+ \pretolerance = -1
+ \tolerance = -1
+ \hbadness = 0pt
+ \showboxdepth = 0
+ \ #1}}
+% Hyphenation Exceptions
+% ----------- ----------
+ acad-e-my a-mi-no anag-no-sto-pou-los
+ an-a-lyse an-a-lysed an-a-lys-es
+ an-a-lys-ing analy-ses analy-sis a-no-ny-mi-ty
+ ap-pen-dix apple ap-pli-ca-tion ar-chive ar-chiv-ing ar-chiv-ist
+ arity aspect assume asyn-chro-nous asyn-chro-nous-ly
+ au-to-mat-ic au-to-ma-tion au-ton-o-mous
+ back-gam-mon berth-ing bio-che-mist bio-che-mists bio-med-i-cine
+ bio-poly-mer bio-poly-mers bit-map book-reader brows-ers
+ buff-er buff-er-ed buff-er-ing
+ cat-a-stroph-ic chi-ca-go ci-gar cig-a-rette cig-a-rettes
+ co-in-cide co-in-cides
+ co-iso-tro-pic col-umns com-pen-dium cor-vette cor-vettes
+ cross-over crypto-sys-tem crypto-sys-tems cur-vi-linear cy-to-cha-la-sin
+ data-base data-bases data-set data-sets date-stamp de-mon-strate de-mon-strates
+ der-i-va-tion dijk-stra di-lem-ma dis-tinc-tive
+ dump-ling dump-lings
+ eco-nom-ic eco-nom-ics econ-o-mies e-con-o-mist e-con-o-mists ec-ua-dor
+ ei-gen-space ei-gen-spaces elec-tro-dif-fu-sion en-gland
+ en-tre-pre-neur en-tre-pre-neurs en-tre-pre-neur-ship
+ e-pis-te-mol-o-gy e-pis-te-mo-log-i-cal
+ fashion fi-bo-nac-ci frame-work
+ geo-graph-ic ge-om-e-try geo-stro-phic graph-ics
+ he-mo-glo-bin hexa-dec-i-mal horse-rad-ish
+ ide-ol-o-gy ide-ol-o-gies ide-ol-o-gize idiom im-ped-ance im-plic-it
+ keynes-ian
+ leaf-lets li-chen life-style light-weight li-quid-i-ty li-thog-ra-phy lon-gi-tu-di-nal
+ look-ahead
+ ma-caque
+ mac-ro-eco-nom-ic mac-ro-eco-nom-ics mac-ro-eco-nom-ist mac-ro-eco-nom-ists
+ mac-ro-mol-e-cule mac-ro-mol-e-cules
+ man-u-script man-u-scripts mar-gin-al mas-sa-chu-setts
+ me-chan-i-cal me-di-um me-di-ter-ra-ne-an meta-bolic me-tab-o-lism
+ meta-lin-guis-tic met-a-phor met-a-phors met-a-phor-ic met-a-phor-i-cal
+ meth-od-ol-o-gy
+ mic-ro-eco-nom-ic mic-ro-eco-nom-ics mic-ro-eco-nom-ist mic-ro-eco-nom-ists
+ mini-tab mne-mon-ic meth-od-o-log-i-cal mol-ecule mol-ecules
+ mono-chrome mono-pole mono-poles mo-nop-o-ly
+ mono-sac-cha-rides mul-ti-pli-ca-tion mul-ti-pli-ca-tive
+ name-space noisi-ness noisy none-the-less not-with-stand-ing
+ often ol-i-gop-o-ly ol-i-gop-o-list-ic olym-pi-ad olym-pi-ads
+ om-e-lette om-e-lettes
+ op-er-and op-er-ands oper-ator over-view
+ paper pa-rab-o-la par-a-digm para-mag-ne-tic pa-ram-e-trized
+ patho-gen patho-gen-ic patho-gens people pe-ri-od per-suad-ed per-suad-ing
+ phoe-nix pho-neme pho-to-graphs pho-to-mi-cro-graph phys-i-co-chem-i-cal
+ phys-ics piano pic-to-graph pic-to-graph pic-to-graph-ic poly-sac-cha-rides
+ Post-Script pov-er-ty pow-er prayer pre-dimmed pref-er-a-ble pref-er-a-bly
+ pri-meval pro-cess pro-ces-sor pro-cure-ment
+ pro-gram-ma-ble prop-o-si-tion py-thag-o-re-an
+ qua-drat-ic qua-lia
+ ra-tional real-ly rec-tan-gu-lar re-pack-age re-pack-aged rep-er-toire
+ re-start re-start-ed re-start-able
+ sa-li-ent sched-ul-ing sche-nec-ta-dy scoun-drel scoun-drels ser-geant ser-geants
+ sha-pir-o small-talk so-lo-ist spec-tros-co-py stag-horn ste-reo-spe-cif-ic
+ sto-chas-tic syn-chro-nous syn-chro-nous-ly
+ table tem-po-rar-ily theo-rem time-stamp time-stamps to-ma-to
+ un-pre-dict-able uti-li-za-tion
+ water wave-guide wave-guides weap-on weap-ons which-ever white-space wild-life
+ woman women woman-kind
+ xe-rog-ra-phy