path: root/Master/texmf-dist/tex/plain/fontch
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'Master/texmf-dist/tex/plain/fontch')
4 files changed, 858 insertions, 223 deletions
diff --git a/Master/texmf-dist/tex/plain/fontch/DSmac.tex b/Master/texmf-dist/tex/plain/fontch/DSmac.tex
new file mode 100644
index 00000000000..89231af349e
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Master/texmf-dist/tex/plain/fontch/DSmac.tex
@@ -0,0 +1,5 @@
+%% DSmac.tex This file is part of fontch package V2.0 2007/09/04
+%% This stupid file is for avoiding to define a new family when it is not
+%% necessary, because a \newfam macro cannot be inside an if structure.
diff --git a/Master/texmf-dist/tex/plain/fontch/TS1mac.tex b/Master/texmf-dist/tex/plain/fontch/TS1mac.tex
new file mode 100644
index 00000000000..00cf719ed7c
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Master/texmf-dist/tex/plain/fontch/TS1mac.tex
@@ -0,0 +1,130 @@
+%% TS1mac.tex this file is part of fontch package V2.0 2007/09/04
+%% Support of TS1 fonts
+%% eight points fonts %%
+%% ten points fonts %%
+%% twelve points fonts %%
+%% fourteen points fonts %%
+\font\fourteencrm=ts1-lmr12 scaled 1167
+\font\fourteencbf=ts1-lmbx12 scaled 1167
+\font\fourteencsl=ts1-lmro12 scaled 1167
+\font\fourteenctt=ts1-lmtt12 scaled 1167
+\font\fourteencit=ts1-lmri12 scaled 1167
+\font\fourteencss=ts1-lmss12 scaled 1167
+%% twenty points fonts %%
+\font\twentycrm=ts1-lmr12 scaled 1667
+\font\twentycbf=ts1-lmbx12 scaled 1667
+\font\twentycsl=ts1-lmro12 scaled 1667
+\font\twentyctt=ts1-lmtt12 scaled 1667
+\font\twentycit=ts1-lmri12 scaled 1667
+\font\twentycss=ts1-lmss12 scaled 1667
+%% twentyfour points fonts %%
+\font\twentyfourcrm=ts1-lmr12 scaled 2000
+\font\twentyfourcbf=ts1-lmbx12 scaled 2000
+\font\twentyfourcsl=ts1-lmro12 scaled 2000
+\font\twentyfourctt=ts1-lmtt12 scaled 2000
+\font\twentyfourcit=ts1-lmri12 scaled 2000
+\font\twentyfourcss=ts1-lmss12 scaled 2000
+%% Text companion symbols TS1 %%
+%% Redefinition of tie-accent
+%% TC character
+%% TC symbols
+\def\dag{{\tcchar{"84}}}%% Redefined
+\def\ddag{{\tcchar{"85}}}%% Redefined
+\def\S{{\tcchar{"A7}}}%% Redefined
+\def\P{{\tcchar{"B6}}}%% Redefined
+%% End of LMTSone option %%
diff --git a/Master/texmf-dist/tex/plain/fontch/bsymbols.tex b/Master/texmf-dist/tex/plain/fontch/bsymbols.tex
new file mode 100644
index 00000000000..b44d0818bc7
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Master/texmf-dist/tex/plain/fontch/bsymbols.tex
@@ -0,0 +1,228 @@
+%% bsymbols.tex Macros for bold symbols defined in cmmib and cmbsy
+%% Part of package fontch V2.0 2007/09/4
+%% Rodrigo Medina (IVIC)
+%% Licence: LPPL
+%%%% Description
+%% Defines a macro for the bold version of each symbol that appears in
+%% cmmi and cmsy. The name of the bold symbol is the name of the normal symbol
+%% with the prefix "bf". For example the bold version of \Sigma is \bfSigma.
+%% There are also macros for the bold versions of symbols that have their
+%% own key. For example the bold version of "+" is \bfplus.
+%%%% Requirement
+%% As it is defined in fontch.tex cmmib must be family #8 and cmbsy family #9
+%%%% Usage
+%% You can use bsymbols.tex in two ways:
+%% 1- put \input bsymbols.tex in your document.
+%% 2- If need only a few bold symbols you may copy in your document
+%% the lines of this file in which the symbols that you need appear.
+%% These have their own key, most are defined in cmr
+%% cmmi symbols
+%% cmsy symbols
+\mathchardef\bfleq="3914 \let\bfle=\bfleq
+\mathchardef\bfgeq="3915 \let\bfge=\bfgeq
+\mathchardef\bfleftarrow="3920 \let\bfgets=\bfleftarrow
+\mathchardef\bfrightarrow="3921 \let\bfto=\bfrightarrow
+\mathchardef\bfneg="093A \let\bflnot=\bfneg
+\mathchardef\bfbot="093F \let\bfperp=\bfbot
+\mathchardef\bfwedge="295E \let\bfland=\bfwedge
+\mathchardef\bfvee="295F \let\bflor=\bfvee
diff --git a/Master/texmf-dist/tex/plain/fontch/fontch.tex b/Master/texmf-dist/tex/plain/fontch/fontch.tex
index ae7394947c2..976d3016844 100644
--- a/Master/texmf-dist/tex/plain/fontch/fontch.tex
+++ b/Master/texmf-dist/tex/plain/fontch/fontch.tex
@@ -1,26 +1,104 @@
%% fontch.tex Macros for easily changing fonts and sizes in plain TeX %%
-%% V1.3 2007/04/22
+%% V2.0 2007/09/04
%% Rodrigo Medina (IVIC)
%% Suggested location: .../texmf/tex/plain/fontch/
%% Licence: LPPL
-%% For using fonts.tex with OT1 fonts (Computer Modern)
-%% put at the beginning of the document:
+%%%%%% Components
+%% The fontch V2.0 package is composed of the following files
+%% README.txt -- Explanation file (has essentially this information)
+%% fontch.tex -- main macros
+%% bsymbols.tex -- macros for boldface symbols
+%% TS1mac.tex -- macros for the TS1 companion symbols
+%% DSmac.tex -- auxiliary file for the DStroke option
+%%%%%% Description
+%% Fontch implements a mechanism for changing type and size of fonts. One
+%% can write text and math at main sizes of 8, 10, 12, 14, 20 and 24 points.
+%% Fonts of sizes 5, 6, 7 and 9 points are used in subscripts and subscripts of %% subscripts of other main sizes.
+%% A single command makes all the changes needed for changing font smoothly.
+%% In addition fontch gives support to:
+%% - boldface math-italic and boldface math symbols,
+%% - T1 Latin Modern fonts,
+%% - TS1 companion symbol fonts.
+%% - AMS fonts for boldface math,
+%% - Double Stroke fonts for blackboard bold symbols
+%%%%%% Usage
+%% For using fontch.tex with the original TeX OT1 fonts (Computer Modern)
+%% just put at the beginning of the document:
%% \input fontch.tex
-%% For activating T1 fonts (Latin Modern)
-%% put before the fontch.tex call:
+%% The file bsymbols.tex provides macro definitions for boldface versions
+%% of math symbols. For using it just input the file where you need it.
+%% The fontch package has four options for handling different kinds of fonts:
+%% - LMTone for Latin Modern T1 fonts.
+%% - LMTSone for the TS1 companion symbol font.
+%% - AMSfont for AMS fonts used for boldface math.
+%% - DStroke for Doublestroke fonts providing blackboard-boldface symbols.
+%% The four options are independent. They are activated by setting the
+%% corresponding variable before calling fontch.tex. For example for
+%% activating all the four options and using the macros for bold math
+%% put at the beginning of the document:
+%% \let\AMSfont\relax
+%% \let\DStroke\relax
%% \let\LMTone\relax
-%% For activating support for the TS1 companion symbol font
-%% put before the fontch.tex call:
%% \let\LMTSone\relax
+%% \input fontch.tex
+%% \input bsymbols.tex
+%%%%%% NOTES:
+%% (1) There is one modification of the standard behavior of plain TeX. Plain
+%% TeX defines for the font #3 the same font (tenex) for text, script and
+%% scriptscript. That is awfull. The fontch package uses sevenex for
+%% script and fiveex for scriptscript, as for the other fonts.
+%% (2) The use of files il1-t1.tcx or il2-t1.tcx is recommended together
+%% with the LMT1 fonts.
+%% (3) Only the cmcs, cmmib, cmbsy and cmex AMS fonts are supported. These
+%% are used for small caps and for boldface math-italic and boldface
+%% greek symbols. The other AMS fonts like the Euler, Cyrillic and extra
+%% symbols are not supported.
+%% (4) Only the roman Doublestroke font is supported. The sans serif version
+%% is not supported.
+%% (5) There are two main uses of boldface math. One case is the use of
+%% isolated bold characters or symbols inside a formula. For this case
+%% fontch provides bold versions of math synbols and the macro \mb for bold
+%% math-italic characters. The plain TeX macro "\bf" yields roman-bold
+%% characters in math mode. The name of the bold version of a math symbol
+%% is obtained adding the prefix "bf" to the name of the normal symbol. For
+%% example a boldface italic "a" is {\mb a}, a boldface roman "P" is
+%% {\bf P}, a boldface \Sigma is \bfSigma, a boldface \iff is \bfiff.
+%% The other case is when one wants to write a complete formula in
+%% boldface, for example inside a title. For this case fontch has the
+%% macro \setmathbold that changes the font families 1 (cmmi) and 2 (cmsy)
+%% to the bold versions cmmib and cmmbsy. The macro \unsetmathbold resets
+%% the families 1 and 2 to their original values. These macros should be
+%% put before and after the formula.
-%% NOTE: When using T1 fonts it is mandatory to set the type size,
-%% even when one is writing in \tenpoint which is the default size;
-%% this is needed in order to activate the re-definitions of the accents.
+%% (6) Usually the macro \setmathbold does not change the whole formula to
+%% boldface. This is due to the fact that in math mode some symbols
+%% come from family #0 (cmr) or #3 (cmex) such as "+" or \int. Fontch
+%% provides macros for the symbols that come from family #0, For
+%% example the bold version of "(" is \bflparen.
-%% The use of files il1-t1.tcx or il2-t1.tcx is recommended
+%% (7) Math symbols of family #3 (cmex) do not have bold versions. In particular
+%% \int, \sum and \prod. Never the less \smallint is of cmsy and does
+%% a bold version.
-%% General Commands
+%%%%%%%%% Commands of fontch %%%%%%
+%%%%%% General Commands
% \rm -- Roman
% \it -- Italic
% \bf -- Boldface
@@ -29,7 +107,12 @@
% \sc -- Small Caps
% \cal -- Calligraphic
% \mit -- Math Italic
+% \mb -- Math Boldface
+% \bcal -- Boldface calligraphic
% \oldstyle -- Old style digits
+% \boldstyle -- Boldface old style digits
+% \setmathbold -- set families 1 and 2 to cmmib and cmmbsy
+% \unsetmathbold -- reset families 1 and 2 to cmmi and cmmsy
% \eightpoint -- Change to small type
% \tenpoint -- Change to normal type
% \twelvepoint -- Change to large type
@@ -38,6 +121,30 @@
% \twentyfourpoint -- Change to immense type
% \doublespace -- Double Space for ten & twelve points
+%%%%%% Macros of bold symbols
+% Symbols that have a keyword
+% bold_keyword = bf + normal_keyword
+% Symbols that do not have a keyword
+% \bfexcl -- !
+% \bflparen -- (
+% \bfrparen -- )
+% \bfplus -- +
+% \bfcomma -- ,
+% \bfcolon -- :
+% \bfsemicolon -- ;
+% \bfequal -- =
+% \bflbraket -- [
+% \bflt -- <
+% \bfslash -- /
+% \bfgt -- >
+% \bfminus -- -
+% \bfvert -- |
+% \bfVert -- \|
+%%%%%% Command of the DStroke option
+% \ds -- Double Stroke
%%%%%% Commands of the LMT1 option
%% Redefined Plain TeX Commands
% \i , \j , \ae , \AE, \oe , \OE , \o , \O ,
@@ -163,10 +270,25 @@
% \textdiv
+%% Modifications from version 1.3
+%% Version 2.0 is a mayor revision.
+%% There are many improvements such as
+%% -- Proper handling of smallcaps
+%% -- Support for bold-math
+%% -- Support for AMS fonts
+%% -- Support for blackboard boldface
+%% -- Correction of bugs and scaling.
+%% The behavior should be compatible with V1.3 except for
+%% case explained in Note (1).
\wlog{File: fontch.tex
- [v1.3 (2007/04/22) font package for plain TeX]}
+ [v2.0 (2007/09/04) font change package for plain TeX]}
-%% Math fonts, valid for both options
+%% Math fonts, valid for any option
%% five points fonts (defined in plain.tex) %%
%% six points fonts %%
@@ -177,7 +299,6 @@
%% eight points fonts %%
-\font\eightex=cmex10 at 8pt
%% nine points fonts %%
@@ -185,42 +306,57 @@
-%% ten points fonts (defined in plain.tex) %%
+%% ten points fonts %%
%% twelve points fonts %%
-\font\twelvesy=cmsy10 scaled\magstep1
-\font\twelveex=cmex10 scaled\magstep1
+\font\twelvesy=cmsy10 scaled 1200
+\font\twelveex=cmex10 scaled 1200
+\font\twelvemib=cmmib10 scaled 1200
+\font\twelvebsy=cmbsy10 scaled 1200
%% fourteen points fonts %%
-\font\fourteeni=cmmi12 scaled\magstep1
-\font\fourteensy=cmsy10 scaled\magstep2
-\font\fourteenex=cmex10 scaled\magstep2
+\font\fourteeni=cmmi12 scaled 1167
+\font\fourteensy=cmsy10 scaled 1400
+\font\fourteenex=cmex10 scaled 1400
+\font\fourteenmib=cmmib10 scaled 1400
+\font\fourteenbsy=cmbsy10 scaled 1400
%% twenty points fonts %%
-\font\twentyi=cmmi10 scaled 2000
+\font\twentyi=cmmi12 scaled 1667
\font\twentysy=cmsy10 scaled 2000
\font\twentyex=cmex10 scaled 2000
+\font\twentymib=cmmib10 scaled 2000
+\font\twentybsy=cmbsy10 scaled 2000
%% twentyfour points fonts %%
\font\twentyfouri=cmmi12 scaled 2000
\font\twentyfoursy=cmsy10 scaled 2400
\font\twentyfourex=cmex10 scaled 2400
+\font\twentyfourmib=cmmib10 scaled 2400
+\font\twentyfourbsy=cmsy10 scaled 2400
%% big... operators
-%% Initial values for ten points
%% Make @ visible
\def\big#1{{\hbox{$\left#1\vbox to \bigsize{}\right.\n@space$}}}
@@ -228,6 +364,18 @@
\def\bigg#1{{\hbox{$\left#1\vbox to \biggsize{}\right.\n@space$}}}
\def\Bigg#1{{\hbox{$\left#1\vbox to \Biggsize{}\right.\n@space$}}}
@@ -242,26 +390,71 @@
%% Make @ invisible
+%% AMS option activated %%
+\immediate\write16{*** AMS option activated. AMS fonts are used ***}
+%% extension font
+\font\fiveex=cmex7 scaled 714
+\font\sixex=cmex7 scaled 857
+%% math-italic boldface font
+%% boldface symbols fonts
+%% extension font
+\font\fiveex=cmex10 scaled 500
+\font\sixex=cmex10 scaled 600
+\font\sevenex=cmex10 scaled 700
+\font\eightex=cmex10 scaled 800
+\font\nineex=cmex10 scaled 900
+%% math-italic boldface font
+\font\fivemib=cmmib10 scaled 500
+\font\sixmib=cmmib10 scaled 600
+\font\sevenmib=cmmib10 scaled 700
+\font\eightmib=cmmib10 scaled 800
+\font\ninemib=cmmib10 scaled 900
+%% boldface symbols fonts
+\font\fivebsy=cmbsy10 scaled 500
+\font\sixbsy=cmbsy10 scaled 600
+\font\sevenbsy=cmbsy10 scaled 700
+\font\eightbsy=cmbsy10 scaled 800
+\font\ninebsy=cmbsy10 scaled 900
+%% End of AMS option
-%% T1 option activated %%
+%% T1 option activated %
\immediate\write16{*** T1 option activated. cork-LM fonts are used ***}
-%% Replace CM text fonts already defined %%
-%% five points fonts %%
-%% seven points fonts %%
+%% Replace CM text fonts %%
%% ten points fonts %%
-%% Non defined textfonts %%
-%% six poi:nts fonts %%
%% eight points fonts %%
@@ -269,11 +462,23 @@
+\font\eightcsc=cork-lmcsc10 at 8pt
+%% five points fonts %%
+\font\fivess=cork-lmss8 scaled 625
+%% six points fonts %%
+\font\sixss=cork-lmss8 scaled 750
+%% seven points fonts %%
+\font\sevenss=cork-lmss8 scaled 875
%% nine points fonts %%
-%% ten points fonts %%
%% twelve points fonts %%
@@ -281,20 +486,23 @@
+\font\twelvecsc=cork-lmcsc10 scaled 1200
%% fourteen points fonts %%
-\font\fourteenrm=cork-lmr12 scaled\magstep1
-\font\fourteenbf=cork-lmbx12 scaled\magstep1
-\font\fourteensl=cork-lmro12 scaled\magstep1
-\font\fourteentt=cork-lmtt12 scaled\magstep1
-\font\fourteenit=cork-lmri12 scaled\magstep1
-\font\fourteenss=cork-lmss12 scaled\magstep1
+\font\fourteenrm=cork-lmr12 scaled 1167
+\font\fourteenbf=cork-lmbx12 scaled 1167
+\font\fourteensl=cork-lmro12 scaled 1167
+\font\fourteentt=cork-lmtt12 scaled 1167
+\font\fourteenit=cork-lmri12 scaled 1167
+\font\fourteenss=cork-lmss12 scaled 1167
+\font\fourteencsc=cork-lmcsc10 scaled 1400
%% twenty points fonts %%
-\font\twentyrm=cork-lmr10 scaled 2000
-\font\twentybf=cork-lmbx10 scaled 2000
-\font\twentysl=cork-lmro10 scaled 2000
-\font\twentytt=cork-lmtt10 scaled 2000
-\font\twentyit=cork-lmri10 scaled 2000
-\font\twentyss=cork-lmss10 scaled 2000
+\font\twentyrm=cork-lmr12 scaled 1667
+\font\twentybf=cork-lmbx12 scaled 1667
+\font\twentysl=cork-lmro12 scaled 1667
+\font\twentytt=cork-lmtt12 scaled 1667
+\font\twentyit=cork-lmri12 scaled 1667
+\font\twentyss=cork-lmss12 scaled 1667
+\font\twentycsc=cork-lmcsc10 scaled 2000
%% twentyfour points fonts %%
\font\twentyfourrm=cork-lmr12 scaled 2000
\font\twentyfourbf=cork-lmbx12 scaled 2000
@@ -302,6 +510,7 @@
\font\twentyfourtt=cork-lmtt12 scaled 2000
\font\twentyfourit=cork-lmri12 scaled 2000
\font\twentyfourss=cork-lmss12 scaled 2000
+\font\twentyfourcsc=cork-lmcsc10 scaled 2400
%% Redefinition of character commands %%
\chardef\i="19 \chardef\j="1A
@@ -499,11 +708,6 @@
%% Other CM fonts
-%% five points fonts (defined in plain TeX)
-%% six points fonts %%
-%% seven points fonts (defined in plain.tex) %%
%% eight points fonts %%
@@ -511,11 +715,21 @@
+%% five points fonts %%
+\font\fivess=cmss8 scaled 625
+%% six points fonts %%
+\font\sixss=cmss8 scaled 750
+%% seven points fonts %%
+\font\sevenss=cmss8 scaled 875
%% nine points fonts %%
%% ten points fonts (not defined in plain.tex)%%
%% twelve points fonts %%
@@ -523,20 +737,23 @@
+\font\twelvecsc=cmcsc10 scaled 1200
%% fourteen points fonts %%
-\font\fourteenrm=cmr12 scaled\magstep1
-\font\fourteenbf=cmbx12 scaled\magstep1
-\font\fourteensl=cmsl12 scaled\magstep1
-\font\fourteentt=cmtt12 scaled\magstep1
-\font\fourteenit=cmti12 scaled\magstep1
-\font\fourteenss=cmss12 scaled\magstep1
+\font\fourteenrm=cmr12 scaled 1167
+\font\fourteenbf=cmbx12 scaled 1167
+\font\fourteensl=cmsl12 scaled 1167
+\font\fourteentt=cmtt12 scaled 1167
+\font\fourteenit=cmti12 scaled 1167
+\font\fourteenss=cmss12 scaled 1167
+\font\fourteencsc=cmcsc10 scaled 1400
%% twenty points fonts %%
-\font\twentyrm=cmr10 scaled 2000
-\font\twentybf=cmbx10 scaled 2000
-\font\twentysl=cmsl10 scaled 2000
-\font\twentytt=cmtt10 scaled 2000
-\font\twentyit=cmti10 scaled 2000
-\font\twentyss=cmss10 scaled 2000
+\font\twentyrm=cmr12 scaled 1667
+\font\twentybf=cmbx12 scaled 1667
+\font\twentysl=cmsl12 scaled 1667
+\font\twentytt=cmtt12 scaled 1667
+\font\twentyit=cmti12 scaled 1667
+\font\twentyss=cmss12 scaled 1667
+\font\twentycsc=cmcsc10 scaled 2000
%% twentyfour points fonts %%
\font\twentyfourrm=cmr12 scaled 2000
\font\twentyfourbf=cmbx12 scaled 2000
@@ -544,154 +761,67 @@
\font\twentyfourtt=cmtt12 scaled 2000
\font\twentyfourit=cmti12 scaled 2000
\font\twentyfourss=cmss12 scaled 2000
+\font\twentyfourcsc=cmcsc10 scaled 2400
+%% AMS activated
+%% small caps font
+%% small caps font
+\font\eightcsc=cmcsc10 scaled 800
+%% end of AMS option
+%% end of LMT1 option
%% Support of TS1 fonts
\immediate\write16{*** TS1 option activated. ts1-LM fonts are used ***}
-%% eight points fonts %%
-%% ten points fonts %%
-%% twelve points fonts %%
-%% fourteen points fonts %%
-\font\fourteencrm=ts1-lmr12 scaled\magstep1
-\font\fourteencbf=ts1-lmbx12 scaled\magstep1
-\font\fourteencsl=ts1-lmro12 scaled\magstep1
-\font\fourteenctt=ts1-lmtt12 scaled\magstep1
-\font\fourteencit=ts1-lmri12 scaled\magstep1
-\font\fourteencss=ts1-lmss12 scaled\magstep1
-%% twenty points fonts %%
-\font\twentycrm=ts1-lmr10 scaled 2000
-\font\twentycbf=ts1-lmbx10 scaled 2000
-\font\twentycsl=ts1-lmro10 scaled 2000
-\font\twentyctt=ts1-lmtt10 scaled 2000
-\font\twentycit=ts1-lmri10 scaled 2000
-\font\twentycss=ts1-lmss10 scaled 2000
-%% twentyfour points fonts %%
-\font\twentyfourcrm=ts1-lmr12 scaled 2000
-\font\twentyfourcbf=ts1-lmbx12 scaled 2000
-\font\twentyfourcsl=ts1-lmro12 scaled 2000
-\font\twentyfourctt=ts1-lmtt12 scaled 2000
-\font\twentyfourcit=ts1-lmri12 scaled 2000
-\font\twentyfourcss=ts1-lmss12 scaled 2000
-%% Text companion symbols TS1 %%
-%% Redefinition of tie-accent
-%% TC character
-%% TC symbols
-\def\dag{{\tcchar{"84}}}%% Redefined
-\def\ddag{{\tcchar{"85}}}%% Redefined
-\def\S{{\tcchar{"A7}}}%% Redefined
-\def\P{{\tcchar{"B6}}}%% Redefined
+\input TS1mac.tex
%% End of LMTSone option %%
+%% DStroke option %%
+\immediate\write16{*** Doublestroke option activated. DS fonts used ***}
+\font\fiveds=dsrom8 scaled 625
+\font\sixds=dsrom8 scaled 750
+\font\sevends=dsrom8 scaled 875
+\font\nineds=dsrom10 scaled 900
+\font\fourteends=dsrom12 scaled 1167
+\font\twentyds=dsrom12 scaled 1667
+\font\twentyfourds=dsrom12 scaled 2000
+%% End of DStroke option %%
+%% Families defined in plain.tex %%
+%% fam0 rm roman
+%% fam1 i math-italic
+%% fam2 sy symbols
+%% fam3 ex extension fonts
+%% fam4 itfam text-italic
+%% fam5 slfam slanted
+%% fam6 bffam roman boldface
+%% fam7 ttfam teletype
+%% New family math-italic bold. Must be fam8 %%
+%% New family symbols boldface. Must be fam9 %%
%% New family sans serif %%
-%% Initial tenpoint definitions
-\def\rm{\fam0 \tenrm \let\tcfont=\tencrm}
-\def\it{\fam\itfam\tenit \let\tcfont=\tencit}
-\def\sl{\fam\slfam\tensl \let\tcfont=\tencsl}
-\def\tt{\fam\ttfam\tentt \let\tcfont=\tenctt}
-\def\sf{\fam\ssfam\tenss \let\tcfont=\tencss}
-\def\bf{\fam\bffam\tenbf \let\tcfont=\tencbf}
+%% New family small caps %%
+%% New family doublestroke %%
+\input DSmac.tex
%% Change to tenpoint fonts %%
@@ -700,13 +830,26 @@
\def\mit{\fam1 } \def\oldstyle{\fam1 \teni}
\textfont2=\tensy \scriptfont2=\sevensy \scriptscriptfont2=\fivesy
\def\cal{\fam2 }
-\textfont3=\tenex \scriptfont3=\tenex \scriptscriptfont3=\tenex
+\textfont3=\tenex \scriptfont3=\sevenex \scriptscriptfont3=\fiveex
+\scriptfont\ssfam=\sevenss \scriptscriptfont\ssfam=\fivess
\scriptfont\bffam=\sevenbf \scriptscriptfont\bffam=\fivebf
+\scriptfont\mibfam=\sevenmib \scriptscriptfont\bffam=\fivemib
+\scriptfont\bsyfam=\sevenbsy \scriptscriptfont\bffam=\fivebsy
+\scriptfont\dsfam=\sevends \scriptscriptfont\dsfam=\fiveds
\def\rm{\fam0 \tenrm \let\tcfont=\tencrm}
\def\it{\fam\itfam\tenit \let\tcfont=\tencit}
@@ -722,13 +865,23 @@
+\def\mb{\fam\mibfam} \def\boldstyle{\fam\mibfam\tenmib}
+\textfont1=\teni \scriptfont1=\seveni \scriptscriptfont1=\fivei
+\textfont2=\tensy \scriptfont2=\sevensy \scriptscriptfont2=\fivesy
+\def\oldstyle{\fam1 \teni} }
+\textfont1=\tenmib \scriptfont1=\sevenmib \scriptscriptfont1=\fivemib
+\textfont2=\tenbsy \scriptfont2=\sevenbsy \scriptscriptfont2=\fivebsy
+\def\oldstyle{\fam1 \tenmib} }
\normalbaselineskip=12pt minus 1pt
\setbox\strutbox=\hbox{\vrule height8.5pt depth3.5pt width0pt}
%% Change to twelve points fonts %%
@@ -738,13 +891,26 @@
\def\mit{\fam1 } \def\oldstyle{\fam1 \twelvei}
\textfont2=\twelvesy \scriptfont2=\eightsy \scriptscriptfont2=\sixsy
\def\cal{\fam2 }
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