path: root/Master/texmf-dist/tex/luatex/luaxml/luaxml-mod-handler.lua
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'Master/texmf-dist/tex/luatex/luaxml/luaxml-mod-handler.lua')
1 files changed, 338 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/Master/texmf-dist/tex/luatex/luaxml/luaxml-mod-handler.lua b/Master/texmf-dist/tex/luatex/luaxml/luaxml-mod-handler.lua
new file mode 100644
index 00000000000..bc4d8ea9120
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Master/texmf-dist/tex/luatex/luaxml/luaxml-mod-handler.lua
@@ -0,0 +1,338 @@
+-- Overview:
+-- =========
+-- Standard XML event handler(s) for XML parser module (xml.lua)
+-- Features:
+-- =========
+-- printHandler - Generate XML event trace
+-- domHandler - Generate DOM-like node tree
+-- simpleTreeHandler - Generate 'simple' node tree
+-- simpleTeXhandler - SAX like handler with support for CSS selectros
+-- API:
+-- ====
+-- Must be called as handler function from xmlParser
+-- and implement XML event callbacks (see xmlParser.lua
+-- for callback API definition)
+-- printHandler:
+-- -------------
+-- printHandler prints event trace for debugging
+-- domHandler:
+-- -----------
+-- domHandler generates a DOM-like node tree structure with
+-- a single ROOT node parent - each node is a table comprising
+-- fields below.
+-- node = { _name = <Element Name>,
+-- _attr = { Node attributes - see callback API },
+-- _parent = <Parent Node>
+-- _children = { List of child nodes - ROOT/NODE only }
+-- }
+-- The dom structure is capable of representing any valid XML document
+-- simpleTreeHandler
+-- -----------------
+-- simpleTreeHandler is a simplified handler which attempts
+-- to generate a more 'natural' table based structure which
+-- supports many common XML formats.
+-- The XML tree structure is mapped directly into a recursive
+-- table structure with node names as keys and child elements
+-- as either a table of values or directly as a string value
+-- for text. Where there is only a single child element this
+-- is inserted as a named key - if there are multiple
+-- elements these are inserted as a vector (in some cases it
+-- may be preferable to always insert elements as a vector
+-- which can be specified on a per element basis in the
+-- options). Attributes are inserted as a child element with
+-- a key of '_attr'.
+-- Only Tag/Text & CDATA elements are processed - all others
+-- are ignored.
+-- This format has some limitations - primarily
+-- * Mixed-Content behaves unpredictably - the relationship
+-- between text elements and embedded tags is lost and
+-- multiple levels of mixed content does not work
+-- * If a leaf element has both a text element and attributes
+-- then the text must be accessed through a vector (to
+-- provide a container for the attribute)
+-- In general however this format is relatively useful.
+-- It is much easier to understand by running some test
+-- data through 'textxml.lua -simpletree' than to read this)
+-- Options
+-- =======
+-- simpleTreeHandler.options.noReduce = { <tag> = bool,.. }
+-- - Nodes not to reduce children vector even if only
+-- one child
+-- domHandler.options.(comment|pi|dtd|decl)Node = bool
+-- - Include/exclude given node types
+-- Usage
+-- =====
+-- Pased as delegate in xmlParser constructor and called
+-- as callback by xmlParser:parse(xml) method.
+-- See textxml.lua for examples
+-- License:
+-- ========
+-- This code is freely distributable under the terms of the Lua license
+-- (<a href=""></a>)
+-- History
+-- =======
+-- $Id: handler.lua,v 2001/11/28 06:11:33 paulc Exp $
+-- $Log: handler.lua,v $
+-- Revision 2001/11/28 06:11:33 paulc
+-- Initial Import
+--@author Paul Chakravarti (<p/>
+---Handler to generate a string prepresentation of a table
+--Convenience function for printHandler (Does not support recursive tables).
+--@param t Table to be parsed
+--@returns Returns a string representation of table
+local stack = require("luaxml-stack")
+function showTable(t)
+ local sep = ''
+ local res = ''
+ if type(t) ~= 'table' then
+ return t
+ end
+ for k,v in pairs(t) do
+ if type(v) == 'table' then
+ v = showTable(v)
+ end
+ res = res .. sep .. string.format("%s=%s",k,v)
+ sep = ','
+ end
+ res = '{'..res..'}'
+ return res
+---Handler to generate a simple event trace
+printHandler = function()
+ local obj = {}
+ obj.starttag = function(self,t,a,s,e)
+ io.write("Start : "..t.."\n")
+ if a then
+ for k,v in pairs(a) do
+ io.write(string.format(" + %s='%s'\n",k,v))
+ end
+ end
+ end
+ obj.endtag = function(self,t,s,e)
+ io.write("End : "..t.."\n")
+ end
+ obj.text = function(self,t,s,e)
+ io.write("Text : "..t.."\n")
+ end
+ obj.cdata = function(self,t,s,e)
+ io.write("CDATA : "..t.."\n")
+ end
+ obj.comment = function(self,t,s,e)
+ io.write("Comment : "..t.."\n")
+ end
+ obj.dtd = function(self,t,a,s,e)
+ io.write("DTD : "..t.."\n")
+ if a then
+ for k,v in pairs(a) do
+ io.write(string.format(" + %s='%s'\n",k,v))
+ end
+ end
+ end
+ obj.pi = function(self,t,a,s,e)
+ io.write("PI : "..t.."\n")
+ if a then
+ for k,v in pairs(a) do
+ io. write(string.format(" + %s='%s'\n",k,v))
+ end
+ end
+ end
+ obj.decl = function(self,t,a,s,e)
+ io.write("XML Decl : "..t.."\n")
+ if a then
+ for k,v in pairs(a) do
+ io.write(string.format(" + %s='%s'\n",k,v))
+ end
+ end
+ end
+ return obj
+---Handler to generate a lua table from a XML content string
+function simpleTreeHandler()
+ local obj = {}
+ obj.root = {}
+ obj.stack = {obj.root;n=1}
+ obj.options = {noreduce = {}}
+ obj.reduce = function(self,node,key,parent)
+ -- Recursively remove redundant vectors for nodes
+ -- with single child elements
+ for k,v in pairs(node) do
+ if type(v) == 'table' then
+ self:reduce(v,k,node)
+ end
+ end
+ if table.getn(node) == 1 and not self.options.noreduce[key] and
+ node._attr == nil then
+ parent[key] = node[1]
+ else
+ node.n = nil
+ end
+ end
+ obj.starttag = function(self,t,a)
+ local node = {}
+ if self.parseAttributes == true then
+ node._attr=a
+ end
+ local current = self.stack[table.getn(self.stack)]
+ if current[t] then
+ table.insert(current[t],node)
+ else
+ current[t] = {node;n=1}
+ end
+ table.insert(self.stack,node)
+ end
+ obj.endtag = function(self,t,s)
+ local current = self.stack[table.getn(self.stack)]
+ local prev = self.stack[table.getn(self.stack)-1]
+ if not prev[t] then
+ error("XML Error - Unmatched Tag ["..s..":"..t.."]\n")
+ end
+ if prev == self.root then
+ -- Once parsing complete recursively reduce tree
+ self:reduce(prev,nil,nil)
+ end
+ table.remove(self.stack)
+ end
+ obj.text = function(self,t)
+ local current = self.stack[table.getn(self.stack)]
+ table.insert(current,t)
+ end
+ obj.cdata = obj.text
+ return obj
+--- domHandler
+function domHandler()
+ local obj = {}
+ obj.options = {commentNode=1,piNode=1,dtdNode=1,declNode=1}
+ obj.root = { _children = {n=0}, _type = "ROOT" }
+ obj.current = obj.root
+ obj.starttag = function(self,t,a)
+ local node = { _type = 'ELEMENT',
+ _name = t,
+ _attr = a,
+ _parent = self.current,
+ _children = {n=0} }
+ table.insert(self.current._children,node)
+ self.current = node
+ end
+ obj.endtag = function(self,t,s)
+ if t ~= self.current._name then
+ error("XML Error - Unmatched Tag ["..s..":"..t.."]\n")
+ end
+ self.current = self.current._parent
+ end
+ obj.text = function(self,t)
+ local node = { _type = "TEXT",
+ _parent = self.current,
+ _text = t }
+ table.insert(self.current._children,node)
+ end
+ obj.comment = function(self,t)
+ if self.options.commentNode then
+ local node = { _type = "COMMENT",
+ _parent = self.current,
+ _text = t }
+ table.insert(self.current._children,node)
+ end
+ end
+ obj.pi = function(self,t,a)
+ if self.options.piNode then
+ local node = { _type = "PI",
+ _name = t,
+ _attr = a,
+ _parent = self.current }
+ table.insert(self.current._children,node)
+ end
+ end
+ obj.decl = function(self,t,a)
+ if self.options.declNode then
+ local node = { _type = "DECL",
+ _name = t,
+ _attr = a,
+ _parent = self.current }
+ table.insert(self.current._children,node)
+ end
+ end
+ obj.dtd = function(self,t,a)
+ if self.options.dtdNode then
+ local node = { _type = "DTD",
+ _name = t,
+ _attr = a,
+ _parent = self.current }
+ table.insert(self.current._children,node)
+ end
+ end
+ obj.cdata = obj.text
+ return obj
+ local obj={}
+ local _stack=stack.Stack:Create()
+ obj.starttag = function(self,t,a,s,e)
+ local tag = {t}
+ local getAtt = function(att)
+ if a[att] then
+ return att.."="..a[att]
+ end
+ return nil
+ end
+ if type(a) == "table" then
+ table.insert(tag,getAtt("id"))
+ table.insert(tag,getAtt("class"))
+ end
+ _stack:push("<"..table.concat(tag," ")..">")
+ io.write(_stack:join("").."\n")
+-- io.write("Start "..t.."\n" )
+ end
+ obj.endtag = function(self,t,s,e)
+ _stack:pop()
+ -- io.write("End : "..t.."\n")
+ end
+ return obj