path: root/Master/texmf-dist/tex/luatex/luaotfload/fontloader-fonts.tex
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Diffstat (limited to 'Master/texmf-dist/tex/luatex/luaotfload/fontloader-fonts.tex')
1 files changed, 0 insertions, 140 deletions
diff --git a/Master/texmf-dist/tex/luatex/luaotfload/fontloader-fonts.tex b/Master/texmf-dist/tex/luatex/luaotfload/fontloader-fonts.tex
deleted file mode 100644
index 7b457e9b4fc..00000000000
--- a/Master/texmf-dist/tex/luatex/luaotfload/fontloader-fonts.tex
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,140 +0,0 @@
-%D \module
-%D [ file=luatex-fonts,
-%D version=2009.12.01,
-%D title=\LUATEX\ Support Macros,
-%D subtitle=Generic \OPENTYPE\ Font Handler,
-%D author=Hans Hagen,
-%D copyright={PRAGMA ADE \& \CONTEXT\ Development Team}]
-%D \subject{Welcome}
-%D This file is one of a set of basic functionality enhancements
-%D for \LUATEX\ derived from the \CONTEXT\ \MKIV\ code base. Please
-%D don't polute the \type {luatex-*} namespace with code not coming
-%D from the \CONTEXT\ development team as we may add more files.
-%D As this is an experimental setup, it might not always work out as
-%D expected. Around \LUATEX\ version 0.50 we expect the code to be
-%D more or less okay.
-%D This file implements a basic font system for a bare \LUATEX\
-%D system. By default \LUATEX\ only knows about the classic \TFM\
-%D fonts but it can read other font formats and pass them to \LUA.
-%D With some glue code one can then construct a suitable \TFM\
-%D representation that \LUATEX\ can work with. For more advanced font
-%D support a bit more code is needed that needs to be hooked
-%D into the callback mechanism.
-%D This file is currently rather simple: it just loads the \LUA\ file
-%D with the same name. An example of a \type {luatex.tex} file that is
-%D just plain \TEX:
-%D \starttyping
-%D \catcode`\{=1 % left brace is begin-group character
-%D \catcode`\}=2 % right brace is end-group character
-%D \input plain
-%D \everyjob\expandafter{\the\everyjob\input luatex-fonts\relax}
-%D \dump
-%D \stoptyping
-%D We could load the \LUA\ file in \type {\everyjob} but maybe some
-%D day we need more here.
-%D When defining a font you can use two prefixes. A \type {file:}
-%D prefix forced a file search, while a \type {name:} prefix will
-%D result in consulting the names database. Such a database can be
-%D generated with:
-%D \starttyping
-%D mtxrun --usekpse --script fonts --names
-%D \stoptyping
-%D This will generate a file \type {luatex-fonts-names.lua} that has
-%D to be placed in a location where it can be found by \KPSE. Beware:
-%D the \type {--kpseonly} flag is only used outside \CONTEXT\ and
-%D provides very limited functionality, just enough for this task.
-%D The code loaded here does not come out of thin air, but is mostly
-%D shared with \CONTEXT, however, in that macropackage we go beyond
-%D what is provided here. When you use the code packaged here you
-%D need to keep a few things in mind:
-%D \startitemize
-%D \item This subsystem will be extended, improved etc. in about the
-%D same pace as \CONTEXT\ \MKIV. However, because \CONTEXT\ provides a
-%D rather high level of integration not all features will be supported
-%D in the same quality. Use \CONTEXT\ if you want more goodies.
-%D \item There is no official \API\ yet, which means that using
-%D functions implemented here is at your own risk, in the sense that
-%D names and namespaces might change. There will be a minimal \API\
-%D defined once \LUATEX\ version 1.0 is out. Instead of patching the
-%D files it's better to overload functions if needed.
-%D \item The modules are not stripped too much, which makes it
-%D possible to benefit from improvements in the code that take place
-%D in the perspective of \CONTEXT\ development. They might be split a
-%D bit more in due time so the baseline might become smaller.
-%D \item The code is maintained and tested by the \CONTEXT\
-%D development team. As such it might be better suited for this macro
-%D package and integration in other systems might demand some
-%D additional wrapping. Problems can be reported to the team but as we
-%D use \CONTEXT\ \MKIV\ as baseline, you'd better check if the problem
-%D is a general \CONTEXT\ problem too.
-%D \item The more high level support for features that is provided in
-%D \CONTEXT\ is not part of the code loaded here as it makes no sense
-%D elsewhere. Some experimental features are not part of this code
-%D either but some might show up later.
-%D \item Math font support will be added but only in its basic form
-%D once that the Latin Modern and \TEX\ Gyre math fonts are
-%D available.
-%D \item At this moment the more nifty speed-ups are not enabled
-%D because they work in tandem with the alternative file handling
-%D that \CONTEXT\ uses. Maybe around \LUATEX\ 1.0 we will bring some
-%D speedup into this code too (if it pays off at all).
-%D \item The code defines a few global tables. If this code is used
-%D in a larger perspective then you can best make sure that no
-%D conflicts occur. The \CONTEXT\ package expects users to work in
-%D their own namespace (\type {userdata}, \type {thirddata}, \type
-%D {moduledata} or \type {document}. The team takes all freedom to
-%D use any table at the global level but will not use tables that are
-%D named after macro packages. Later the \CONTEXT\ might operate in
-%D a more controlled namespace but it has a low priority.
-%D \item There is some tracing code present but this is not enabled
-%D and not supported outside \CONTEXT\ either as it integrates quite
-%D tightly into \CONTEXT. In case of problems you can use \CONTEXT\
-%D for tracking down problems.
-%D \item Patching the code in distributions is dangerous as it might
-%D fix your problem but introduce new ones for \CONTEXT. So, best keep
-%D the original code as it is.
-%D \item Attributes are (automatically) taken from the range 127-255 so
-%D you'd best not use these yourself.
-%D \stopitemize
-%D If this all sounds a bit tricky, keep in mind that it makes no sense
-%D for us to maintain multiple code bases and we happen to use \CONTEXT.
-%D For more details about how the font subsystem works we refer to
-%D publications in \TEX\ related journals, the \CONTEXT\ documentation,
-%D and the \CONTEXT\ wiki.
-\directlua {
- if not fonts then
- dofile(kpse.find_file("luatex-fonts.lua","tex"))
- end