path: root/Master/texmf-dist/tex/luatex/lualibs/lualibs-extended-merged.lua
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'Master/texmf-dist/tex/luatex/lualibs/lualibs-extended-merged.lua')
1 files changed, 0 insertions, 2950 deletions
diff --git a/Master/texmf-dist/tex/luatex/lualibs/lualibs-extended-merged.lua b/Master/texmf-dist/tex/luatex/lualibs/lualibs-extended-merged.lua
deleted file mode 100644
index 4c90597f272..00000000000
--- a/Master/texmf-dist/tex/luatex/lualibs/lualibs-extended-merged.lua
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,2950 +0,0 @@
--- merged file : lualibs-extended-merged.lua
--- parent file : lualibs-extended.lua
--- merge date : Mon May 5 07:37:22 2014
-do -- begin closure to overcome local limits and interference
-if not modules then modules={} end modules ['util-str']={
- version=1.001,
- comment="companion to luat-lib.mkiv",
- author="Hans Hagen, PRAGMA-ADE, Hasselt NL",
- copyright="PRAGMA ADE / ConTeXt Development Team",
- license="see context related readme files"
-utilities=utilities or {}
-utilities.strings=utilities.strings or {}
-local strings=utilities.strings
-local format,gsub,rep,sub=string.format,string.gsub,string.rep,string.sub
-local load,dump=load,string.dump
-local tonumber,type,tostring=tonumber,type,tostring
-local unpack,concat=table.unpack,table.concat
-local P,V,C,S,R,Ct,Cs,Cp,Carg,Cc=lpeg.P,lpeg.V,lpeg.C,lpeg.S,lpeg.R,lpeg.Ct,lpeg.Cs,lpeg.Cp,lpeg.Carg,lpeg.Cc
-local patterns,lpegmatch=lpeg.patterns,lpeg.match
-local utfchar,utfbyte=utf.char,utf.byte
-local loadstripped=nil
-if _LUAVERSION<5.2 then
- loadstripped=function(str,shortcuts)
- return load(str)
- end
- loadstripped=function(str,shortcuts)
- if shortcuts then
- return load(dump(load(str),true),nil,nil,shortcuts)
- else
- return load(dump(load(str),true))
- end
- end
-if not number then number={} end
-local stripper=patterns.stripzeros
-local function points(n)
- n=tonumber(n)
- return (not n or n==0) and "0pt" or lpegmatch(stripper,format("%.5fpt",n/65536))
-local function basepoints(n)
- n=tonumber(n)
- return (not n or n==0) and "0bp" or lpegmatch(stripper,format("%.5fbp",n*(7200/7227)/65536))
-local rubish=patterns.spaceortab^0*patterns.newline
-local anyrubish=patterns.spaceortab+patterns.newline
-local anything=patterns.anything
-local stripped=(patterns.spaceortab^1/"")*patterns.newline
-local leading=rubish^0/""
-local trailing=(anyrubish^1*patterns.endofstring)/""
-local redundant=rubish^3/"\n"
-local pattern=Cs(leading*(trailing+redundant+stripped+anything)^0)
-function strings.collapsecrlf(str)
- return lpegmatch(pattern,str)
-local repeaters={}
-function strings.newrepeater(str,offset)
- offset=offset or 0
- local s=repeaters[str]
- if not s then
- s={}
- repeaters[str]=s
- end
- local t=s[offset]
- if t then
- return t
- end
- t={}
- setmetatable(t,{ __index=function(t,k)
- if not k then
- return ""
- end
- local n=k+offset
- local s=n>0 and rep(str,n) or ""
- t[k]=s
- return s
- end })
- s[offset]=t
- return t
-local extra,tab,start=0,0,4,0
-local nspaces=strings.newrepeater(" ")
-local pattern=Carg(1)/function(t)
- extra,tab,start=0,t or 7,1
- end*Cs((
- Cp()*
- local current=(position-start+1)+extra
- local spaces=tab-(current-1)%tab
- if spaces>0 then
- extra=extra+spaces-1
- return nspaces[spaces]
- else
- return ""
- end
- end+patterns.newline*Cp()/function(position)
- extra,start=0,position
- end+patterns.anything
- )^1)
-function strings.tabtospace(str,tab)
- return lpegmatch(pattern,str,1,tab or 7)
-local newline=patterns.newline
-local endofstring=patterns.endofstring
-local whitespace=patterns.whitespace
-local spacer=patterns.spacer
-local space=spacer^0
-local nospace=space/""
-local endofline=nospace*newline
-local stripend=(whitespace^1*endofstring)/""
-local normalline=(nospace*((1-space*(newline+endofstring))^1)*nospace)
-local stripempty=endofline^1/""
-local normalempty=endofline^1
-local singleempty=endofline*(endofline^0/"")
-local doubleempty=endofline*endofline^-1*(endofline^0/"")
-local stripstart=stripempty^0
-local p_prune_normal=Cs (stripstart*(stripend+normalline+normalempty )^0 )
-local p_prune_collapse=Cs (stripstart*(stripend+normalline+doubleempty )^0 )
-local p_prune_noempty=Cs (stripstart*(stripend+normalline+singleempty )^0 )
-local p_retain_normal=Cs ((normalline+normalempty )^0 )
-local p_retain_collapse=Cs ((normalline+doubleempty )^0 )
-local p_retain_noempty=Cs ((normalline+singleempty )^0 )
-local striplinepatterns={
- ["prune"]=p_prune_normal,
- ["prune and collapse"]=p_prune_collapse,
- ["prune and no empty"]=p_prune_noempty,
- ["retain"]=p_retain_normal,
- ["retain and collapse"]=p_retain_collapse,
- ["retain and no empty"]=p_retain_noempty,
-function strings.striplines(str,how)
- return str and lpegmatch(how and striplinepatterns[how] or p_prune_collapse,str) or str
-function strings.nice(str)
- str=gsub(str,"[:%-+_]+"," ")
- return str
-local n=0
-local sequenced=table.sequenced
-function string.autodouble(s,sep)
- if s==nil then
- return '""'
- end
- local t=type(s)
- if t=="number" then
- return tostring(s)
- end
- if t=="table" then
- return ('"'..sequenced(s,sep or ",")..'"')
- end
- return ('"'..tostring(s)..'"')
-function string.autosingle(s,sep)
- if s==nil then
- return "''"
- end
- local t=type(s)
- if t=="number" then
- return tostring(s)
- end
- if t=="table" then
- return ("'"..sequenced(s,sep or ",").."'")
- end
- return ("'"..tostring(s).."'")
-local tracedchars={}
-function string.tracedchar(b)
- if type(b)=="number" then
- return tracedchars[b] or (utfchar(b).." (U+"..format('%05X',b)..")")
- else
- local c=utfbyte(b)
- return tracedchars[c] or (b.." (U+"..format('%05X',c)..")")
- end
-function number.signed(i)
- if i>0 then
- return "+",i
- else
- return "-",-i
- end
-local zero=P("0")^1/""
-local plus=P("+")/""
-local minus=P("-")
-local separator=S(".")
-local digit=R("09")
-local trailing=zero^1*#S("eE")
-local exponent=(S("eE")*(plus+Cs((minus*zero^0*P(-1))/"")+minus)*zero^0*(P(-1)*Cc("0")+P(1)^1))
-local pattern_a=Cs(minus^0*digit^1*(separator/""*trailing+separator*(trailing+digit)^0)*exponent)
-local pattern_b=Cs((exponent+P(1))^0)
-function number.sparseexponent(f,n)
- if not n then
- n=f
- f="%e"
- end
- local tn=type(n)
- if tn=="string" then
- local m=tonumber(n)
- if m then
- return lpegmatch((f=="%e" or f=="%E") and pattern_a or pattern_b,format(f,m))
- end
- elseif tn=="number" then
- return lpegmatch((f=="%e" or f=="%E") and pattern_a or pattern_b,format(f,n))
- end
- return tostring(n)
-local template=[[
-return function(%s) return %s end
-local preamble,environment="",{}
-if _LUAVERSION<5.2 then
- preamble=[[
-local lpeg=lpeg
-local type=type
-local tostring=tostring
-local tonumber=tonumber
-local format=string.format
-local concat=table.concat
-local signed=number.signed
-local points=number.points
-local basepoints= number.basepoints
-local utfchar=utf.char
-local utfbyte=utf.byte
-local lpegmatch=lpeg.match
-local nspaces=string.nspaces
-local tracedchar=string.tracedchar
-local autosingle=string.autosingle
-local autodouble=string.autodouble
-local sequenced=table.sequenced
-local formattednumber=number.formatted
-local sparseexponent=number.sparseexponent
- ]]
- environment={
- global=global or _G,
- lpeg=lpeg,
- type=type,
- tostring=tostring,
- tonumber=tonumber,
- format=string.format,
- concat=table.concat,
- signed=number.signed,
- points=number.points,
- basepoints=number.basepoints,
- utfchar=utf.char,
- utfbyte=utf.byte,
- lpegmatch=lpeg.match,
- nspaces=string.nspaces,
- tracedchar=string.tracedchar,
- autosingle=string.autosingle,
- autodouble=string.autodouble,
- sequenced=table.sequenced,
- formattednumber=number.formatted,
- sparseexponent=number.sparseexponent,
- }
-local arguments={ "a1" }
-setmetatable(arguments,{ __index=function(t,k)
- local v=t[k-1]..",a"..k
- t[k]=v
- return v
- end
-local prefix_any=C((S("+- .")+R("09"))^0)
-local prefix_tab=P("{")*C((1-P("}"))^0)*P("}")+C((1-R("az","AZ","09","%%"))^0)
-local format_s=function(f)
- n=n+1
- if f and f~="" then
- return format("format('%%%ss',a%s)",f,n)
- else
- return format("(a%s or '')",n)
- end
-local format_S=function(f)
- n=n+1
- if f and f~="" then
- return format("format('%%%ss',tostring(a%s))",f,n)
- else
- return format("tostring(a%s)",n)
- end
-local format_q=function()
- n=n+1
- return format("(a%s and format('%%q',a%s) or '')",n,n)
-local format_Q=function()
- n=n+1
- return format("format('%%q',tostring(a%s))",n)
-local format_i=function(f)
- n=n+1
- if f and f~="" then
- return format("format('%%%si',a%s)",f,n)
- else
- return format("format('%%i',a%s)",n)
- end
-local format_d=format_i
-local format_I=function(f)
- n=n+1
- return format("format('%%s%%%si',signed(a%s))",f,n)
-local format_f=function(f)
- n=n+1
- return format("format('%%%sf',a%s)",f,n)
-local format_F=function(f)
- n=n+1
- return format("((a%s == 0 and '0') or (a%s == 1 and '1') or format('%%%sf',a%s))",n,n,f,n)
-local format_g=function(f)
- n=n+1
- return format("format('%%%sg',a%s)",f,n)
-local format_G=function(f)
- n=n+1
- return format("format('%%%sG',a%s)",f,n)
-local format_e=function(f)
- n=n+1
- return format("format('%%%se',a%s)",f,n)
-local format_E=function(f)
- n=n+1
- return format("format('%%%sE',a%s)",f,n)
-local format_j=function(f)
- n=n+1
- return format("sparseexponent('%%%se',a%s)",f,n)
-local format_J=function(f)
- n=n+1
- return format("sparseexponent('%%%sE',a%s)",f,n)
-local format_x=function(f)
- n=n+1
- return format("format('%%%sx',a%s)",f,n)
-local format_X=function(f)
- n=n+1
- return format("format('%%%sX',a%s)",f,n)
-local format_o=function(f)
- n=n+1
- return format("format('%%%so',a%s)",f,n)
-local format_c=function()
- n=n+1
- return format("utfchar(a%s)",n)
-local format_C=function()
- n=n+1
- return format("tracedchar(a%s)",n)
-local format_r=function(f)
- n=n+1
- return format("format('%%%s.0f',a%s)",f,n)
-local format_h=function(f)
- n=n+1
- if f=="-" then
- f=sub(f,2)
- return format("format('%%%sx',type(a%s) == 'number' and a%s or utfbyte(a%s))",f=="" and "05" or f,n,n,n)
- else
- return format("format('0x%%%sx',type(a%s) == 'number' and a%s or utfbyte(a%s))",f=="" and "05" or f,n,n,n)
- end
-local format_H=function(f)
- n=n+1
- if f=="-" then
- f=sub(f,2)
- return format("format('%%%sX',type(a%s) == 'number' and a%s or utfbyte(a%s))",f=="" and "05" or f,n,n,n)
- else
- return format("format('0x%%%sX',type(a%s) == 'number' and a%s or utfbyte(a%s))",f=="" and "05" or f,n,n,n)
- end
-local format_u=function(f)
- n=n+1
- if f=="-" then
- f=sub(f,2)
- return format("format('%%%sx',type(a%s) == 'number' and a%s or utfbyte(a%s))",f=="" and "05" or f,n,n,n)
- else
- return format("format('u+%%%sx',type(a%s) == 'number' and a%s or utfbyte(a%s))",f=="" and "05" or f,n,n,n)
- end
-local format_U=function(f)
- n=n+1
- if f=="-" then
- f=sub(f,2)
- return format("format('%%%sX',type(a%s) == 'number' and a%s or utfbyte(a%s))",f=="" and "05" or f,n,n,n)
- else
- return format("format('U+%%%sX',type(a%s) == 'number' and a%s or utfbyte(a%s))",f=="" and "05" or f,n,n,n)
- end
-local format_p=function()
- n=n+1
- return format("points(a%s)",n)
-local format_b=function()
- n=n+1
- return format("basepoints(a%s)",n)
-local format_t=function(f)
- n=n+1
- if f and f~="" then
- return format("concat(a%s,%q)",n,f)
- else
- return format("concat(a%s)",n)
- end
-local format_T=function(f)
- n=n+1
- if f and f~="" then
- return format("sequenced(a%s,%q)",n,f)
- else
- return format("sequenced(a%s)",n)
- end
-local format_l=function()
- n=n+1
- return format("(a%s and 'true' or 'false')",n)
-local format_L=function()
- n=n+1
- return format("(a%s and 'TRUE' or 'FALSE')",n)
-local format_N=function()
- n=n+1
- return format("tostring(tonumber(a%s) or a%s)",n,n)
-local format_a=function(f)
- n=n+1
- if f and f~="" then
- return format("autosingle(a%s,%q)",n,f)
- else
- return format("autosingle(a%s)",n)
- end
-local format_A=function(f)
- n=n+1
- if f and f~="" then
- return format("autodouble(a%s,%q)",n,f)
- else
- return format("autodouble(a%s)",n)
- end
-local format_w=function(f)
- n=n+1
- f=tonumber(f)
- if f then
- return format("nspaces[%s+a%s]",f,n)
- else
- return format("nspaces[a%s]",n)
- end
-local format_W=function(f)
- return format("nspaces[%s]",tonumber(f) or 0)
-local digit=patterns.digit
-local period=patterns.period
-local three=digit*digit*digit
-local splitter=Cs (
- (((1-(three^1*period))^1+C(three))*(Carg(1)*three)^1+C((1-period)^1))*(P(1)/""*Carg(2))*C(2)
-function number.formatted(n,sep1,sep2)
- local s=type(s)=="string" and n or format("%0.2f",n)
- if sep1==true then
- return lpegmatch(splitter,s,1,".",",")
- elseif sep1=="." then
- return lpegmatch(splitter,s,1,sep1,sep2 or ",")
- elseif sep1=="," then
- return lpegmatch(splitter,s,1,sep1,sep2 or ".")
- else
- return lpegmatch(splitter,s,1,sep1 or ",",sep2 or ".")
- end
-local format_m=function(f)
- n=n+1
- if not f or f=="" then
- f=","
- end
- return format([[formattednumber(a%s,%q,".")]],n,f)
-local format_M=function(f)
- n=n+1
- if not f or f=="" then
- f="."
- end
- return format([[formattednumber(a%s,%q,",")]],n,f)
-local format_z=function(f)
- n=n+(tonumber(f) or 1)
- return "''"
-local format_rest=function(s)
- return format("%q",s)
-local format_extension=function(extensions,f,name)
- local extension=extensions[name] or "tostring(%s)"
- local f=tonumber(f) or 1
- if f==0 then
- return extension
- elseif f==1 then
- n=n+1
- local a="a"..n
- return format(extension,a,a)
- elseif f<0 then
- local a="a"..(n+f+1)
- return format(extension,a,a)
- else
- local t={}
- for i=1,f do
- n=n+1
- t[#t+1]="a"..n
- end
- return format(extension,unpack(t))
- end
-local builder=Cs { "start",
- start=(
- (
- P("%")/""*(
- V("!")
- )+V("*")
- )*(P(-1)+Carg(1))
- )^0,
- ["s"]=(prefix_any*P("s"))/format_s,
- ["q"]=(prefix_any*P("q"))/format_q,
- ["i"]=(prefix_any*P("i"))/format_i,
- ["d"]=(prefix_any*P("d"))/format_d,
- ["f"]=(prefix_any*P("f"))/format_f,
- ["F"]=(prefix_any*P("F"))/format_F,
- ["g"]=(prefix_any*P("g"))/format_g,
- ["G"]=(prefix_any*P("G"))/format_G,
- ["e"]=(prefix_any*P("e"))/format_e,
- ["E"]=(prefix_any*P("E"))/format_E,
- ["x"]=(prefix_any*P("x"))/format_x,
- ["X"]=(prefix_any*P("X"))/format_X,
- ["o"]=(prefix_any*P("o"))/format_o,
- ["S"]=(prefix_any*P("S"))/format_S,
- ["Q"]=(prefix_any*P("Q"))/format_S,
- ["N"]=(prefix_any*P("N"))/format_N,
- ["c"]=(prefix_any*P("c"))/format_c,
- ["C"]=(prefix_any*P("C"))/format_C,
- ["r"]=(prefix_any*P("r"))/format_r,
- ["h"]=(prefix_any*P("h"))/format_h,
- ["H"]=(prefix_any*P("H"))/format_H,
- ["u"]=(prefix_any*P("u"))/format_u,
- ["U"]=(prefix_any*P("U"))/format_U,
- ["p"]=(prefix_any*P("p"))/format_p,
- ["b"]=(prefix_any*P("b"))/format_b,
- ["t"]=(prefix_tab*P("t"))/format_t,
- ["T"]=(prefix_tab*P("T"))/format_T,
- ["l"]=(prefix_any*P("l"))/format_l,
- ["L"]=(prefix_any*P("L"))/format_L,
- ["I"]=(prefix_any*P("I"))/format_I,
- ["w"]=(prefix_any*P("w"))/format_w,
- ["W"]=(prefix_any*P("W"))/format_W,
- ["j"]=(prefix_any*P("j"))/format_j,
- ["J"]=(prefix_any*P("J"))/format_J,
- ["m"]=(prefix_tab*P("m"))/format_m,
- ["M"]=(prefix_tab*P("M"))/format_M,
- ["z"]=(prefix_any*P("z"))/format_z,
- ["a"]=(prefix_any*P("a"))/format_a,
- ["A"]=(prefix_any*P("A"))/format_A,
- ["*"]=Cs(((1-P("%"))^1+P("%%")/"%%")^1)/format_rest,
- ["!"]=Carg(2)*prefix_any*P("!")*C((1-P("!"))^1)*P("!")/format_extension,
-local direct=Cs (
- P("%")*(S("+- .")+R("09"))^0*S("sqidfgGeExXo")*P(-1)/[[local format = string.format return function(str) return format("%0",str) end]]
-local function make(t,str)
- local f
- local p
- local p=lpegmatch(direct,str)
- if p then
- f=loadstripped(p)()
- else
- n=0
- p=lpegmatch(builder,str,1,t._connector_,t._extensions_)
- if n>0 then
- p=format(template,preamble,t._preamble_,arguments[n],p)
- f=loadstripped(p,t._environment_)()
- else
- f=function() return str end
- end
- end
- t[str]=f
- return f
-local function use(t,fmt,...)
- return t[fmt](...)
-if _LUAVERSION<5.2 then
- function
- local t={ _type_="formatter",_connector_=noconcat and "," or "..",_extensions_={},_preamble_=preamble,_environment_={} }
- setmetatable(t,{ __index=make,__call=use })
- return t
- end
- function
- local e={}
- for k,v in next,environment do
- e[k]=v
- end
- local t={ _type_="formatter",_connector_=noconcat and "," or "..",_extensions_={},_preamble_="",_environment_=e }
- setmetatable(t,{ __index=make,__call=use })
- return t
- end
-string.formatter=function(str,...) return formatters[str](...) end
-local function add(t,name,template,preamble)
- if type(t)=="table" and t._type_=="formatter" then
- t._extensions_[name]=template or "%s"
- if type(preamble)=="string" then
- t._preamble_=preamble.."\n"..t._preamble_
- elseif type(preamble)=="table" then
- for k,v in next,preamble do
- t._environment_[k]=v
- end
- end
- end
-if _LUAVERSION<5.2 then
- add(formatters,"xml",[[lpegmatch(xmlescape,%s)]],"local xmlescape = lpeg.patterns.xmlescape")
- add(formatters,"tex",[[lpegmatch(texescape,%s)]],"local texescape = lpeg.patterns.texescape")
- add(formatters,"lua",[[lpegmatch(luaescape,%s)]],"local luaescape = lpeg.patterns.luaescape")
- add(formatters,"xml",[[lpegmatch(xmlescape,%s)]],{ xmlescape=lpeg.patterns.xmlescape })
- add(formatters,"tex",[[lpegmatch(texescape,%s)]],{ texescape=lpeg.patterns.texescape })
- add(formatters,"lua",[[lpegmatch(luaescape,%s)]],{ luaescape=lpeg.patterns.luaescape })
-end -- closure
-do -- begin closure to overcome local limits and interference
-if not modules then modules={} end modules ['util-tab']={
- version=1.001,
- comment="companion to luat-lib.mkiv",
- author="Hans Hagen, PRAGMA-ADE, Hasselt NL",
- copyright="PRAGMA ADE / ConTeXt Development Team",
- license="see context related readme files"
-utilities=utilities or {}
-utilities.tables=utilities.tables or {}
-local tables=utilities.tables
-local format,gmatch,gsub,sub=string.format,string.gmatch,string.gsub,string.sub
-local concat,insert,remove=table.concat,table.insert,table.remove
-local setmetatable,getmetatable,tonumber,tostring=setmetatable,getmetatable,tonumber,tostring
-local type,next,rawset,tonumber,tostring,load,select=type,next,rawset,tonumber,tostring,load,select
-local lpegmatch,P,Cs,Cc=lpeg.match,lpeg.P,lpeg.Cs,lpeg.Cc
-local sortedkeys,sortedpairs=table.sortedkeys,table.sortedpairs
-local formatters=string.formatters
-local utftoeight=utf.toeight
-local splitter=lpeg.tsplitat(".")
-function utilities.tables.definetable(target,nofirst,nolast)
- local composed,t=nil,{}
- local snippets=lpegmatch(splitter,target)
- for i=1,#snippets-(nolast and 1 or 0) do
- local name=snippets[i]
- if composed then
- composed=composed.."."
- t[#t+1]=formatters["if not %s then %s = { } end"](composed,composed)
- else
- composed=name
- if not nofirst then
- t[#t+1]=formatters["%s = %s or { }"](composed,composed)
- end
- end
- end
- if composed then
- if nolast then
- composed=composed.."."..snippets[#snippets]
- end
- return concat(t,"\n"),composed
- else
- return "",target
- end
-function tables.definedtable(...)
- local t=_G
- for i=1,select("#",...) do
- local li=select(i,...)
- local tl=t[li]
- if not tl then
- tl={}
- t[li]=tl
- end
- t=tl
- end
- return t
-function tables.accesstable(target,root)
- local t=root or _G
- for name in gmatch(target,"([^%.]+)") do
- t=t[name]
- if not t then
- return
- end
- end
- return t
-function tables.migratetable(target,v,root)
- local t=root or _G
- local names=lpegmatch(splitter,target)
- for i=1,#names-1 do
- local name=names[i]
- t[name]=t[name] or {}
- t=t[name]
- if not t then
- return
- end
- end
- t[names[#names]]=v
-function tables.removevalue(t,value)
- if value then
- for i=1,#t do
- if t[i]==value then
- remove(t,i)
- end
- end
- end
-function tables.insertbeforevalue(t,value,extra)
- for i=1,#t do
- if t[i]==extra then
- remove(t,i)
- end
- end
- for i=1,#t do
- if t[i]==value then
- insert(t,i,extra)
- return
- end
- end
- insert(t,1,extra)
-function tables.insertaftervalue(t,value,extra)
- for i=1,#t do
- if t[i]==extra then
- remove(t,i)
- end
- end
- for i=1,#t do
- if t[i]==value then
- insert(t,i+1,extra)
- return
- end
- end
- insert(t,#t+1,extra)
-local escape=Cs(Cc('"')*((P('"')/'""'+P(1))^0)*Cc('"'))
-function table.tocsv(t,specification)
- if t and #t>0 then
- local result={}
- local r={}
- specification=specification or {}
- local fields=specification.fields
- if type(fields)~="string" then
- fields=sortedkeys(t[1])
- end
- local separator=specification.separator or ","
- if specification.preamble==true then
- for f=1,#fields do
- r[f]=lpegmatch(escape,tostring(fields[f]))
- end
- result[1]=concat(r,separator)
- end
- for i=1,#t do
- local ti=t[i]
- for f=1,#fields do
- local field=ti[fields[f]]
- if type(field)=="string" then
- r[f]=lpegmatch(escape,field)
- else
- r[f]=tostring(field)
- end
- end
- result[#result+1]=concat(r,separator)
- end
- return concat(result,"\n")
- else
- return ""
- end
-local nspaces=utilities.strings.newrepeater(" ")
-local function toxml(t,d,result,step)
- for k,v in sortedpairs(t) do
- local s=nspaces[d]
- local tk=type(k)
- local tv=type(v)
- if tv=="table" then
- if tk=="number" then
- result[#result+1]=formatters["%s<entry n='%s'>"](s,k)
- toxml(v,d+step,result,step)
- result[#result+1]=formatters["%s</entry>"](s,k)
- else
- result[#result+1]=formatters["%s<%s>"](s,k)
- toxml(v,d+step,result,step)
- result[#result+1]=formatters["%s</%s>"](s,k)
- end
- elseif tv=="string" then
- if tk=="number" then
- result[#result+1]=formatters["%s<entry n='%s'>%!xml!</entry>"](s,k,v,k)
- else
- result[#result+1]=formatters["%s<%s>%!xml!</%s>"](s,k,v,k)
- end
- elseif tk=="number" then
- result[#result+1]=formatters["%s<entry n='%s'>%S</entry>"](s,k,v,k)
- else
- result[#result+1]=formatters["%s<%s>%S</%s>"](s,k,v,k)
- end
- end
-function table.toxml(t,specification)
- specification=specification or {}
- local
- local noroot=name==false
- local result=(specification.nobanner or noroot) and {} or { "<?xml version='1.0' standalone='yes' ?>" }
- local indent=specification.indent or 0
- local spaces=specification.spaces or 1
- if noroot then
- toxml(t,indent,result,spaces)
- else
- toxml({ [name or "data"]=t },indent,result,spaces)
- end
- return concat(result,"\n")
-function tables.encapsulate(core,capsule,protect)
- if type(capsule)~="table" then
- protect=true
- capsule={}
- end
- for key,value in next,core do
- if capsule[key] then
- print(formatters["\ninvalid %s %a in %a"]("inheritance",key,core))
- os.exit()
- else
- capsule[key]=value
- end
- end
- if protect then
- for key,value in next,core do
- core[key]=nil
- end
- setmetatable(core,{
- __index=capsule,
- __newindex=function(t,key,value)
- if capsule[key] then
- print(formatters["\ninvalid %s %a' in %a"]("overload",key,core))
- os.exit()
- else
- rawset(t,key,value)
- end
- end
- } )
- end
-local f_hashed_string=formatters["[%q]=%q,"]
-local f_hashed_number=formatters["[%q]=%s,"]
-local f_hashed_boolean=formatters["[%q]=%l,"]
-local f_hashed_table=formatters["[%q]="]
-local f_indexed_string=formatters["[%s]=%q,"]
-local f_indexed_number=formatters["[%s]=%s,"]
-local f_indexed_boolean=formatters["[%s]=%l,"]
-local f_indexed_table=formatters["[%s]="]
-local f_ordered_string=formatters["%q,"]
-local f_ordered_number=formatters["%s,"]
-local f_ordered_boolean=formatters["%l,"]
-function table.fastserialize(t,prefix)
- local r={ type(prefix)=="string" and prefix or "return" }
- local m=1
- local function fastserialize(t,outer)
- local n=#t
- m=m+1
- r[m]="{"
- if n>0 then
- for i=0,n do
- local v=t[i]
- local tv=type(v)
- if tv=="string" then
- m=m+1 r[m]=f_ordered_string(v)
- elseif tv=="number" then
- m=m+1 r[m]=f_ordered_number(v)
- elseif tv=="table" then
- fastserialize(v)
- elseif tv=="boolean" then
- m=m+1 r[m]=f_ordered_boolean(v)
- end
- end
- end
- for k,v in next,t do
- local tk=type(k)
- if tk=="number" then
- if k>n or k<0 then
- local tv=type(v)
- if tv=="string" then
- m=m+1 r[m]=f_indexed_string(k,v)
- elseif tv=="number" then
- m=m+1 r[m]=f_indexed_number(k,v)
- elseif tv=="table" then
- m=m+1 r[m]=f_indexed_table(k)
- fastserialize(v)
- elseif tv=="boolean" then
- m=m+1 r[m]=f_indexed_boolean(k,v)
- end
- end
- else
- local tv=type(v)
- if tv=="string" then
- m=m+1 r[m]=f_hashed_string(k,v)
- elseif tv=="number" then
- m=m+1 r[m]=f_hashed_number(k,v)
- elseif tv=="table" then
- m=m+1 r[m]=f_hashed_table(k)
- fastserialize(v)
- elseif tv=="boolean" then
- m=m+1 r[m]=f_hashed_boolean(k,v)
- end
- end
- end
- m=m+1
- if outer then
- r[m]="}"
- else
- r[m]="},"
- end
- return r
- end
- return concat(fastserialize(t,true))
-function table.deserialize(str)
- if not str or str=="" then
- return
- end
- local code=load(str)
- if not code then
- return
- end
- code=code()
- if not code then
- return
- end
- return code
-function table.load(filename,loader)
- if filename then
- local t=(loader or io.loaddata)(filename)
- if t and t~="" then
- local t=utftoeight(t)
- t=load(t)
- if type(t)=="function" then
- t=t()
- if type(t)=="table" then
- return t
- end
- end
- end
- end
- io.savedata(filename,table.serialize(t,n==nil and true or n,...))
-local f_key_value=formatters["%s=%q"]
-local f_add_table=formatters[" {%t},\n"]
-local f_return_table=formatters["return {\n%t}"]
-local function slowdrop(t)
- local r={}
- local l={}
- for i=1,#t do
- local ti=t[i]
- local j=0
- for k,v in next,ti do
- j=j+1
- l[j]=f_key_value(k,v)
- end
- r[i]=f_add_table(l)
- end
- return f_return_table(r)
-local function fastdrop(t)
- local r={ "return {\n" }
- local m=1
- for i=1,#t do
- local ti=t[i]
- m=m+1 r[m]=" {"
- for k,v in next,ti do
- m=m+1 r[m]=f_key_value(k,v)
- end
- m=m+1 r[m]="},\n"
- end
- m=m+1
- r[m]="}"
- return concat(r)
-function table.drop(t,slow)
- if #t==0 then
- return "return { }"
- elseif slow==true then
- return slowdrop(t)
- else
- return fastdrop(t)
- end
-function table.autokey(t,k)
- local v={}
- t[k]=v
- return v
-local selfmapper={ __index=function(t,k) t[k]=k return k end }
-function table.twowaymapper(t)
- if not t then
- t={}
- else
- for i=0,#t do
- local ti=t[i]
- if ti then
- local i=tostring(i)
- t[i]=ti
- t[ti]=i
- end
- end
- t[""]=t[0] or ""
- end
- setmetatable(t,selfmapper)
- return t
-local f_start_key_idx=formatters["%w{"]
-local f_start_key_num=formatters["%w[%s]={"]
-local f_start_key_str=formatters["%w[%q]={"]
-local f_start_key_boo=formatters["%w[%l]={"]
-local f_start_key_nop=formatters["%w{"]
-local f_stop=formatters["%w},"]
-local f_key_num_value_num=formatters["%w[%s]=%s,"]
-local f_key_str_value_num=formatters["%w[%q]=%s,"]
-local f_key_boo_value_num=formatters["%w[%l]=%s,"]
-local f_key_num_value_str=formatters["%w[%s]=%q,"]
-local f_key_str_value_str=formatters["%w[%q]=%q,"]
-local f_key_boo_value_str=formatters["%w[%l]=%q,"]
-local f_key_num_value_boo=formatters["%w[%s]=%l,"]
-local f_key_str_value_boo=formatters["%w[%q]=%l,"]
-local f_key_boo_value_boo=formatters["%w[%l]=%l,"]
-local f_key_num_value_not=formatters["%w[%s]={},"]
-local f_key_str_value_not=formatters["%w[%q]={},"]
-local f_key_boo_value_not=formatters["%w[%l]={},"]
-local f_key_num_value_seq=formatters["%w[%s]={ %, t },"]
-local f_key_str_value_seq=formatters["%w[%q]={ %, t },"]
-local f_key_boo_value_seq=formatters["%w[%l]={ %, t },"]
-local f_val_num=formatters["%w%s,"]
-local f_val_str=formatters["%w%q,"]
-local f_val_boo=formatters["%w%l,"]
-local f_val_not=formatters["%w{},"]
-local f_val_seq=formatters["%w{ %, t },"]
-local f_table_return=formatters["return {"]
-local f_table_name=formatters["%s={"]
-local f_table_direct=formatters["{"]
-local f_table_entry=formatters["[%q]={"]
-local f_table_finish=formatters["}"]
-local spaces=utilities.strings.newrepeater(" ")
-local serialize=table.serialize
-function table.serialize(root,name,specification)
- if type(specification)=="table" then
- return serialize(root,name,specification)
- end
- local t
- local n=1
- local function simple_table(t)
- if #t>0 then
- local n=0
- for _,v in next,t do
- n=n+1
- if type(v)=="table" then
- return nil
- end
- end
- if n==#t then
- local tt={}
- local nt=0
- for i=1,#t do
- local v=t[i]
- local tv=type(v)
- nt=nt+1
- if tv=="number" then
- tt[nt]=v
- elseif tv=="string" then
- tt[nt]=format("%q",v)
- elseif tv=="boolean" then
- tt[nt]=v and "true" or "false"
- else
- return nil
- end
- end
- return tt
- end
- end
- return nil
- end
- local function do_serialize(root,name,depth,level,indexed)
- if level>0 then
- n=n+1
- if indexed then
- t[n]=f_start_key_idx(depth)
- else
- local tn=type(name)
- if tn=="number" then
- t[n]=f_start_key_num(depth,name)
- elseif tn=="string" then
- t[n]=f_start_key_str(depth,name)
- elseif tn=="boolean" then
- t[n]=f_start_key_boo(depth,name)
- else
- t[n]=f_start_key_nop(depth)
- end
- end
- depth=depth+1
- end
- if root and next(root) then
- local first=nil
- local last=0
- last=#root
- for k=1,last do
- if root[k]==nil then
- last=k-1
- break
- end
- end
- if last>0 then
- first=1
- end
- local sk=sortedkeys(root)
- for i=1,#sk do
- local k=sk[i]
- local v=root[k]
- local tv=type(v)
- local tk=type(k)
- if first and tk=="number" and k>=first and k<=last then
- if tv=="number" then
- n=n+1 t[n]=f_val_num(depth,v)
- elseif tv=="string" then
- n=n+1 t[n]=f_val_str(depth,v)
- elseif tv=="table" then
- if not next(v) then
- n=n+1 t[n]=f_val_not(depth)
- else
- local st=simple_table(v)
- if st then
- n=n+1 t[n]=f_val_seq(depth,st)
- else
- do_serialize(v,k,depth,level+1,true)
- end
- end
- elseif tv=="boolean" then
- n=n+1 t[n]=f_val_boo(depth,v)
- end
- elseif tv=="number" then
- if tk=="number" then
- n=n+1 t[n]=f_key_num_value_num(depth,k,v)
- elseif tk=="string" then
- n=n+1 t[n]=f_key_str_value_num(depth,k,v)
- elseif tk=="boolean" then
- n=n+1 t[n]=f_key_boo_value_num(depth,k,v)
- end
- elseif tv=="string" then
- if tk=="number" then
- n=n+1 t[n]=f_key_num_value_str(depth,k,v)
- elseif tk=="string" then
- n=n+1 t[n]=f_key_str_value_str(depth,k,v)
- elseif tk=="boolean" then
- n=n+1 t[n]=f_key_boo_value_str(depth,k,v)
- end
- elseif tv=="table" then
- if not next(v) then
- if tk=="number" then
- n=n+1 t[n]=f_key_num_value_not(depth,k,v)
- elseif tk=="string" then
- n=n+1 t[n]=f_key_str_value_not(depth,k,v)
- elseif tk=="boolean" then
- n=n+1 t[n]=f_key_boo_value_not(depth,k,v)
- end
- else
- local st=simple_table(v)
- if not st then
- do_serialize(v,k,depth,level+1)
- elseif tk=="number" then
- n=n+1 t[n]=f_key_num_value_seq(depth,k,st)
- elseif tk=="string" then
- n=n+1 t[n]=f_key_str_value_seq(depth,k,st)
- elseif tk=="boolean" then
- n=n+1 t[n]=f_key_boo_value_seq(depth,k,st)
- end
- end
- elseif tv=="boolean" then
- if tk=="number" then
- n=n+1 t[n]=f_key_num_value_boo(depth,k,v)
- elseif tk=="string" then
- n=n+1 t[n]=f_key_str_value_boo(depth,k,v)
- elseif tk=="boolean" then
- n=n+1 t[n]=f_key_boo_value_boo(depth,k,v)
- end
- end
- end
- end
- if level>0 then
- n=n+1 t[n]=f_stop(depth-1)
- end
- end
- local tname=type(name)
- if tname=="string" then
- if name=="return" then
- t={ f_table_return() }
- else
- t={ f_table_name(name) }
- end
- elseif tname=="number" then
- t={ f_table_entry(name) }
- elseif tname=="boolean" then
- if name then
- t={ f_table_return() }
- else
- t={ f_table_direct() }
- end
- else
- t={ f_table_name("t") }
- end
- if root then
- if getmetatable(root) then
- local dummy=root._w_h_a_t_e_v_e_r_
- root._w_h_a_t_e_v_e_r_=nil
- end
- if next(root) then
- do_serialize(root,name,1,0)
- end
- end
- n=n+1
- t[n]=f_table_finish()
- return concat(t,"\n")
-end -- closure
-do -- begin closure to overcome local limits and interference
-if not modules then modules={} end modules ['util-sto']={
- version=1.001,
- comment="companion to luat-lib.mkiv",
- author="Hans Hagen, PRAGMA-ADE, Hasselt NL",
- copyright="PRAGMA ADE / ConTeXt Development Team",
- license="see context related readme files"
-local setmetatable,getmetatable,type=setmetatable,getmetatable,type
-utilities=utilities or {} or {}
-function storage.mark(t)
- if not t then
- print("\nfatal error: storage cannot be marked\n")
- os.exit()
- return
- end
- local m=getmetatable(t)
- if not m then
- m={}
- setmetatable(t,m)
- end
- m.__storage__=true
- return t
-function storage.allocate(t)
- t=t or {}
- local m=getmetatable(t)
- if not m then
- m={}
- setmetatable(t,m)
- end
- m.__storage__=true
- return t
-function storage.marked(t)
- local m=getmetatable(t)
- return m and m.__storage__
-function storage.checked(t)
- if not t then
- report("\nfatal error: storage has not been allocated\n")
- os.exit()
- return
- end
- return t
-function storage.setinitializer(data,initialize)
- local m=getmetatable(data) or {}
- m.__index=function(data,k)
- m.__index=nil
- initialize()
- return data[k]
- end
- setmetatable(data,m)
-local keyisvalue={ __index=function(t,k)
- t[k]=k
- return k
-end }
-function storage.sparse(t)
- t=t or {}
- setmetatable(t,keyisvalue)
- return t
-local function f_empty () return "" end
-local function f_self (t,k) t[k]=k return k end
-local function f_table (t,k) local v={} t[k]=v return v end
-local function f_number(t,k) t[k]=0 return 0 end
-local function f_ignore() end
-local f_index={
- ["empty"]=f_empty,
- ["self"]=f_self,
- ["table"]=f_table,
- ["number"]=f_number,
-local t_index={
- ["empty"]={ __index=f_empty },
- ["self"]={ __index=f_self },
- ["table"]={ __index=f_table },
- ["number"]={ __index=f_number },
-function table.setmetatableindex(t,f)
- if type(t)~="table" then
- f,t=t,{}
- end
- local m=getmetatable(t)
- if m then
- m.__index=f_index[f] or f
- else
- setmetatable(t,t_index[f] or { __index=f })
- end
- return t
-local f_index={
- ["ignore"]=f_ignore,
-local t_index={
- ["ignore"]={ __newindex=f_ignore },
-function table.setmetatablenewindex(t,f)
- if type(t)~="table" then
- f,t=t,{}
- end
- local m=getmetatable(t)
- if m then
- m.__newindex=f_index[f] or f
- else
- setmetatable(t,t_index[f] or { __newindex=f })
- end
- return t
-function table.setmetatablecall(t,f)
- if type(t)~="table" then
- f,t=t,{}
- end
- local m=getmetatable(t)
- if m then
- m.__call=f
- else
- setmetatable(t,{ __call=f })
- end
- return t
-function table.setmetatablekey(t,key,value)
- local m=getmetatable(t)
- if not m then
- m={}
- setmetatable(t,m)
- end
- m[key]=value
- return t
-function table.getmetatablekey(t,key,value)
- local m=getmetatable(t)
- return m and m[key]
-end -- closure
-do -- begin closure to overcome local limits and interference
-if not modules then modules={} end modules ['util-prs']={
- version=1.001,
- comment="companion to luat-lib.mkiv",
- author="Hans Hagen, PRAGMA-ADE, Hasselt NL",
- copyright="PRAGMA ADE / ConTeXt Development Team",
- license="see context related readme files"
-local lpeg,table,string=lpeg,table,string
-local P,R,V,S,C,Ct,Cs,Carg,Cc,Cg,Cf,Cp=lpeg.P,lpeg.R,lpeg.V,lpeg.S,lpeg.C,lpeg.Ct,lpeg.Cs,lpeg.Carg,lpeg.Cc,lpeg.Cg,lpeg.Cf,lpeg.Cp
-local lpegmatch,lpegpatterns=lpeg.match,lpeg.patterns
-local concat,gmatch,find=table.concat,string.gmatch,string.find
-local tostring,type,next,rawset=tostring,type,next,rawset
-local mod,div=math.mod,math.div
-utilities=utilities or {}
-local parsers=utilities.parsers or {}
-local patterns=parsers.patterns or {}
-local setmetatableindex=table.setmetatableindex
-local sortedhash=table.sortedhash
-local digit=R("09")
-local space=P(' ')
-local equal=P("=")
-local comma=P(",")
-local lbrace=P("{")
-local rbrace=P("}")
-local lparent=P("(")
-local rparent=P(")")
-local period=S(".")
-local punctuation=S(".,:;")
-local spacer=lpegpatterns.spacer
-local whitespace=lpegpatterns.whitespace
-local newline=lpegpatterns.newline
-local anything=lpegpatterns.anything
-local endofstring=lpegpatterns.endofstring
-local nobrace=1-(lbrace+rbrace )
-local noparent=1-(lparent+rparent)
-local escape,left,right=P("\\"),P('{'),P('}')
-lpegpatterns.balanced=P {
- [1]=((escape*(left+right))+(1-(left+right))+V(2))^0,
- [2]=left*V(1)*right
-local nestedbraces=P { lbrace*(nobrace+V(1))^0*rbrace }
-local nestedparents=P { lparent*(noparent+V(1))^0*rparent }
-local spaces=space^0
-local argument=Cs((lbrace/"")*((nobrace+nestedbraces)^0)*(rbrace/""))
-local content=(1-endofstring)^0
-local value=P(lbrace*C((nobrace+nestedbraces)^0)*rbrace)+C((nestedbraces+(1-comma))^0)
-local key=C((1-equal-comma)^1)
-local pattern_a=(space+comma)^0*(key*equal*value+key*C(""))
-local pattern_c=(space+comma)^0*(key*equal*value)
-local key=C((1-space-equal-comma)^1)
-local pattern_b=spaces*comma^0*spaces*(key*((spaces*equal*spaces*value)+C("")))
-local hash={}
-local function set(key,value)
- hash[key]=value
-local pattern_a_s=(pattern_a/set)^1
-local pattern_b_s=(pattern_b/set)^1
-local pattern_c_s=(pattern_c/set)^1
-function parsers.make_settings_to_hash_pattern(set,how)
- if type(str)=="table" then
- return set
- elseif how=="strict" then
- return (pattern_c/set)^1
- elseif how=="tolerant" then
- return (pattern_b/set)^1
- else
- return (pattern_a/set)^1
- end
-function parsers.settings_to_hash(str,existing)
- if type(str)=="table" then
- if existing then
- for k,v in next,str do
- existing[k]=v
- end
- return exiting
- else
- return str
- end
- elseif str and str~="" then
- hash=existing or {}
- lpegmatch(pattern_a_s,str)
- return hash
- else
- return {}
- end
-function parsers.settings_to_hash_tolerant(str,existing)
- if type(str)=="table" then
- if existing then
- for k,v in next,str do
- existing[k]=v
- end
- return exiting
- else
- return str
- end
- elseif str and str~="" then
- hash=existing or {}
- lpegmatch(pattern_b_s,str)
- return hash
- else
- return {}
- end
-function parsers.settings_to_hash_strict(str,existing)
- if type(str)=="table" then
- if existing then
- for k,v in next,str do
- existing[k]=v
- end
- return exiting
- else
- return str
- end
- elseif str and str~="" then
- hash=existing or {}
- lpegmatch(pattern_c_s,str)
- return next(hash) and hash
- else
- return nil
- end
-local separator=comma*space^0
-local value=P(lbrace*C((nobrace+nestedbraces)^0)*rbrace)+C((nestedbraces+(1-comma))^0)
-local pattern=spaces*Ct(value*(separator*value)^0)
-function parsers.settings_to_array(str,strict)
- if type(str)=="table" then
- return str
- elseif not str or str=="" then
- return {}
- elseif strict then
- if find(str,"{",1,true) then
- return lpegmatch(pattern,str)
- else
- return { str }
- end
- elseif find(str,",",1,true) then
- return lpegmatch(pattern,str)
- else
- return { str }
- end
-local separator=space^0*comma*space^0
-local value=P(lbrace*C((nobrace+nestedbraces)^0)*rbrace)+C((nestedbraces+(1-(space^0*(comma+P(-1)))))^0)
-local withvalue=Carg(1)*value/function(f,s) return f(s) end
-local pattern_a=spaces*Ct(value*(separator*value)^0)
-local pattern_b=spaces*withvalue*(separator*withvalue)^0
-function parsers.stripped_settings_to_array(str)
- if not str or str=="" then
- return {}
- else
- return lpegmatch(pattern_a,str)
- end
-function parsers.process_stripped_settings(str,action)
- if not str or str=="" then
- return {}
- else
- return lpegmatch(pattern_b,str,1,action)
- end
-local function set(t,v)
- t[#t+1]=v
-local value=P(Carg(1)*value)/set
-local pattern=value*(separator*value)^0*Carg(1)
-function parsers.add_settings_to_array(t,str)
- return lpegmatch(pattern,str,nil,t)
-function parsers.hash_to_string(h,separator,yes,no,strict,omit)
- if h then
- local t,tn,s={},0,table.sortedkeys(h)
- omit=omit and table.tohash(omit)
- for i=1,#s do
- local key=s[i]
- if not omit or not omit[key] then
- local value=h[key]
- if type(value)=="boolean" then
- if yes and no then
- if value then
- tn=tn+1
- t[tn]=key..'='..yes
- elseif not strict then
- tn=tn+1
- t[tn]=key..'='
- end
- elseif value or not strict then
- tn=tn+1
- t[tn]=key..'='..tostring(value)
- end
- else
- tn=tn+1
- t[tn]=key..'='..value
- end
- end
- end
- return concat(t,separator or ",")
- else
- return ""
- end
-function parsers.array_to_string(a,separator)
- if a then
- return concat(a,separator or ",")
- else
- return ""
- end
-function parsers.settings_to_set(str,t)
- t=t or {}
- for s in gmatch(str,"[^, ]+") do
- t[s]=true
- end
- return t
-function parsers.simple_hash_to_string(h,separator)
- local t,tn={},0
- for k,v in sortedhash(h) do
- if v then
- tn=tn+1
- t[tn]=k
- end
- end
- return concat(t,separator or ",")
-local str=C((1-whitespace-equal)^1)
-local setting=Cf(Carg(1)*(whitespace^0*Cg(str*whitespace^0*(equal*whitespace^0*str+Cc(""))))^1,rawset)
-local splitter=setting^1
-function utilities.parsers.options_to_hash(str,target)
- return str and lpegmatch(splitter,str,1,target or {}) or {}
-local value=P(lbrace*C((nobrace+nestedbraces)^0)*rbrace)+C(digit^1*lparent*(noparent+nestedparents)^1*rparent)+C((nestedbraces+(1-comma))^1)
-local pattern_a=spaces*Ct(value*(separator*value)^0)
-local function repeater(n,str)
- if not n then
- return str
- else
- local s=lpegmatch(pattern_a,str)
- if n==1 then
- return unpack(s)
- else
- local t,tn={},0
- for i=1,n do
- for j=1,#s do
- tn=tn+1
- t[tn]=s[j]
- end
- end
- return unpack(t)
- end
- end
-local value=P(lbrace*C((nobrace+nestedbraces)^0)*rbrace)+(C(digit^1)/tonumber*lparent*Cs((noparent+nestedparents)^1)*rparent)/repeater+C((nestedbraces+(1-comma))^1)
-local pattern_b=spaces*Ct(value*(separator*value)^0)
-function parsers.settings_to_array_with_repeat(str,expand)
- if expand then
- return lpegmatch(pattern_b,str) or {}
- else
- return lpegmatch(pattern_a,str) or {}
- end
-local value=lbrace*C((nobrace+nestedbraces)^0)*rbrace
-local pattern=Ct((space+value)^0)
-function parsers.arguments_to_table(str)
- return lpegmatch(pattern,str)
-function parsers.getparameters(self,class,parentclass,settings)
- local sc=self[class]
- if not sc then
- sc={}
- self[class]=sc
- if parentclass then
- local sp=self[parentclass]
- if not sp then
- sp={}
- self[parentclass]=sp
- end
- setmetatableindex(sc,sp)
- end
- end
- parsers.settings_to_hash(settings,sc)
-function parsers.listitem(str)
- return gmatch(str,"[^, ]+")
-local pattern=Cs { "start",
- start=V("one")+V("two")+V("three"),
- rest=(Cc(",")*V("thousand"))^0*(P(".")+endofstring)*anything^0,
- thousand=digit*digit*digit,
- one=digit*V("rest"),
- two=digit*digit*V("rest"),
- three=V("thousand")*V("rest"),
-function parsers.splitthousands(str)
- return lpegmatch(pattern,str) or str
-local optionalwhitespace=whitespace^0
-local dquote=P('"')
-local equal=P('=')
-local escape=P('\\')
-local separator=S(' ,')
-local key=C((1-equal)^1)
-local value=dquote*C((1-dquote-escape*dquote)^0)*dquote
-local pattern=Cf(Ct("")*(Cg(key*equal*value)*separator^0)^1,rawset)^0*P(-1)
-function parsers.keq_to_hash(str)
- if str and str~="" then
- return lpegmatch(pattern,str)
- else
- return {}
- end
-local defaultspecification={ separator=",",quote='"' }
-function parsers.csvsplitter(specification)
- specification=specification and table.setmetatableindex(specification,defaultspecification) or defaultspecification
- local separator=specification.separator
- local quotechar=specification.quote
- local separator=S(separator~="" and separator or ",")
- local whatever=C((1-separator-newline)^0)
- if quotechar and quotechar~="" then
- local quotedata=nil
- for chr in gmatch(quotechar,".") do
- local quotechar=P(chr)
- local quoteword=quotechar*C((1-quotechar)^0)*quotechar
- if quotedata then
- quotedata=quotedata+quoteword
- else
- quotedata=quoteword
- end
- end
- whatever=quotedata+whatever
- end
- local parser=Ct((Ct(whatever*(separator*whatever)^0)*S("\n\r")^1)^0 )
- return function(data)
- return lpegmatch(parser,data)
- end
-function parsers.rfc4180splitter(specification)
- specification=specification and table.setmetatableindex(specification,defaultspecification) or defaultspecification
- local separator=specification.separator
- local quotechar=P(specification.quote)
- local dquotechar=quotechar*quotechar
- local separator=S(separator~="" and separator or ",")
- local escaped=quotechar*Cs((dquotechar+(1-quotechar))^0)*quotechar
- local non_escaped=C((1-quotechar-newline-separator)^1)
- local field=escaped+non_escaped+Cc("")
- local record=Ct(field*(separator*field)^1)
- local headerline=record*Cp()
- local wholeblob=Ct((newline^-1*record)^0)
- return function(data,getheader)
- if getheader then
- local header,position=lpegmatch(headerline,data)
- local data=lpegmatch(wholeblob,data,position)
- return data,header
- else
- return lpegmatch(wholeblob,data)
- end
- end
-local function ranger(first,last,n,action)
- if not first then
- elseif last==true then
- for i=first,n or first do
- action(i)
- end
- elseif last then
- for i=first,last do
- action(i)
- end
- else
- action(first)
- end
-local cardinal=lpegpatterns.cardinal/tonumber
-local spacers=lpegpatterns.spacer^0
-local endofstring=lpegpatterns.endofstring
-local stepper=spacers*(C(cardinal)*(spacers*S(":-")*spacers*(C(cardinal)+Cc(true) )+Cc(false) )*Carg(1)*Carg(2)/ranger*S(", ")^0 )^1
-local stepper=spacers*(C(cardinal)*(spacers*S(":-")*spacers*(C(cardinal)+(P("*")+endofstring)*Cc(true) )+Cc(false) )*Carg(1)*Carg(2)/ranger*S(", ")^0 )^1*endofstring
-function parsers.stepper(str,n,action)
- if type(n)=="function" then
- lpegmatch(stepper,str,1,false,n or print)
- else
- lpegmatch(stepper,str,1,n,action or print)
- end
-local pattern_math=Cs((P("%")/"\\percent "+P("^")*Cc("{")*lpegpatterns.integer*Cc("}")+P(1))^0)
-local pattern_text=Cs((P("%")/"\\percent "+(P("^")/"\\high")*Cc("{")*lpegpatterns.integer*Cc("}")+P(1))^0)
-function parsers.unittotex(str,textmode)
- return lpegmatch(textmode and pattern_text or pattern_math,str)
-local pattern=Cs((P("^")/"<sup>"*lpegpatterns.integer*Cc("</sup>")+P(1))^0)
-function parsers.unittoxml(str)
- return lpegmatch(pattern,str)
-local cache={}
-local dummy=function() end
- local separator=P(k)
- local value=(1-separator)^0
- local pattern=spaces*C(value)*separator^0*Cp()
- t[k]=pattern
- return pattern
-local commalistiterator=cache[","]
-function utilities.parsers.iterator(str,separator)
- local n=#str
- if n==0 then
- return dummy
- else
- local pattern=separator and cache[separator] or commalistiterator
- local p=1
- return function()
- if p<=n then
- local s,e=lpegmatch(pattern,str,p)
- if e then
- p=e
- return s
- end
- end
- end
- end
-local function initialize(t,name)
- local source=t[name]
- if source then
- local result={}
- for k,v in next,t[name] do
- result[k]=v
- end
- return result
- else
- return {}
- end
-local function fetch(t,name)
- return t[name] or {}
-local function process(result,more)
- for k,v in next,more do
- result[k]=v
- end
- return result
-local name=C((1-S(", "))^1)
-local parser=(Carg(1)*name/initialize)*(S(", ")^1*(Carg(1)*name/fetch))^0
-local merge=Cf(parser,process)
-function utilities.parsers.mergehashes(hash,list)
- return lpegmatch(merge,list,1,hash)
-function utilities.parsers.runtime(time)
- if not time then
- time=os.runtime()
- end
- local days=div(time,24*60*60)
- time=mod(time,24*60*60)
- local hours=div(time,60*60)
- time=mod(time,60*60)
- local minutes=div(time,60)
- local seconds=mod(time,60)
- return days,hours,minutes,seconds
-end -- closure
-do -- begin closure to overcome local limits and interference
-if not modules then modules={} end modules ['util-dim']={
- version=1.001,
- comment="support for dimensions",
- author="Hans Hagen, PRAGMA-ADE, Hasselt NL",
- copyright="PRAGMA ADE / ConTeXt Development Team",
- license="see context related readme files"
-local format,match,gsub,type,setmetatable=string.format,string.match,string.gsub,type,setmetatable
-local P,S,R,Cc,C,lpegmatch=lpeg.P,lpeg.S,lpeg.R,lpeg.Cc,lpeg.C,lpeg.match
-local setmetatableindex=table.setmetatableindex
-local formatters=string.formatters
-local texget=tex and tex.get or function() return 65536*10*100 end
-number=number or {}
-local number=number
-number.tonumberf=function(n) return match(format("%.20f",n),"(.-0?)0*$") end
-number.tonumberg=function(n) return format("%.20g",n) end
-local dimenfactors=allocate {
- ["pt"]=1/65536,
- ["in"]=(100/7227)/65536,
- ["cm"]=(254/7227)/65536,
- ["mm"]=(2540/7227)/65536,
- ["sp"]=1,
- ["bp"]=(7200/7227)/65536,
- ["pc"]=(1/12)/65536,
- ["dd"]=(1157/1238)/65536,
- ["cc"]=(1157/14856)/65536,
- ["nd"]=(20320/21681)/65536,
- ["nc"]=(5080/65043)/65536
-local function numbertodimen(n,unit,fmt)
- if type(n)=='string' then
- return n
- else
- unit=unit or 'pt'
- if not fmt then
- fmt="%s%s"
- elseif fmt==true then
- fmt="%0.5f%s"
- end
- return format(fmt,n*dimenfactors[unit],unit)
- end
-function number.topoints (n,fmt) return numbertodimen(n,"pt",fmt) end
-function number.toinches (n,fmt) return numbertodimen(n,"in",fmt) end
-function number.tocentimeters (n,fmt) return numbertodimen(n,"cm",fmt) end
-function number.tomillimeters (n,fmt) return numbertodimen(n,"mm",fmt) end
-function number.toscaledpoints(n,fmt) return numbertodimen(n,"sp",fmt) end
-function number.toscaledpoints(n) return n.."sp" end
-function number.tobasepoints (n,fmt) return numbertodimen(n,"bp",fmt) end
-function number.topicas (n,fmt) return numbertodimen(n "pc",fmt) end
-function number.todidots (n,fmt) return numbertodimen(n,"dd",fmt) end
-function number.tociceros (n,fmt) return numbertodimen(n,"cc",fmt) end
-function number.tonewdidots (n,fmt) return numbertodimen(n,"nd",fmt) end
-function number.tonewciceros (n,fmt) return numbertodimen(n,"nc",fmt) end
-local amount=(S("+-")^0*R("09")^0*P(".")^0*R("09")^0)+Cc("0")
-local unit=R("az")^1+P("%")
-local dimenpair=amount/tonumber*(unit^1/dimenfactors+Cc(1))
-local splitter=amount/tonumber*C(unit^1)
-function number.splitdimen(str)
- return lpegmatch(splitter,str)
- return false
-local stringtodimen
-local amount=S("+-")^0*R("09")^0*S(".,")^0*R("09")^0
-local unit=P("pt")+P("cm")+P("mm")+P("sp")+P("bp")+P("in")+P("pc")+P("dd")+P("cc")+P("nd")+P("nc")
-local validdimen=amount*unit
-local dimensions={}
-function dimensions.__add(a,b)
- local ta,tb=type(a),type(b)
- if ta=="string" then a=stringtodimen(a) elseif ta=="table" then a=a[1] end
- if tb=="string" then b=stringtodimen(b) elseif tb=="table" then b=b[1] end
- return setmetatable({ a+b },dimensions)
-function dimensions.__sub(a,b)
- local ta,tb=type(a),type(b)
- if ta=="string" then a=stringtodimen(a) elseif ta=="table" then a=a[1] end
- if tb=="string" then b=stringtodimen(b) elseif tb=="table" then b=b[1] end
- return setmetatable({ a-b },dimensions)
-function dimensions.__mul(a,b)
- local ta,tb=type(a),type(b)
- if ta=="string" then a=stringtodimen(a) elseif ta=="table" then a=a[1] end
- if tb=="string" then b=stringtodimen(b) elseif tb=="table" then b=b[1] end
- return setmetatable({ a*b },dimensions)
-function dimensions.__div(a,b)
- local ta,tb=type(a),type(b)
- if ta=="string" then a=stringtodimen(a) elseif ta=="table" then a=a[1] end
- if tb=="string" then b=stringtodimen(b) elseif tb=="table" then b=b[1] end
- return setmetatable({ a/b },dimensions)
-function dimensions.__unm(a)
- local ta=type(a)
- if ta=="string" then a=stringtodimen(a) elseif ta=="table" then a=a[1] end
- return setmetatable({-a },dimensions)
-function dimensions.__lt(a,b)
- return a[1]<b[1]
-function dimensions.__eq(a,b)
- return a[1]==b[1]
-function dimensions.__tostring(a)
- return a[1]/65536 .."pt"
-function dimensions.__index(tab,key)
- local d=dimenfactors[key]
- if not d then
- error("illegal property of dimen: "..key)
- d=1
- end
- return 1/d
- dimenfactors["ex"]=4*1/65536
- dimenfactors["em"]=10*1/65536
-local known={} setmetatable(known,{ __mode="v" })
-function dimen(a)
- if a then
- local ta=type(a)
- if ta=="string" then
- local k=known[a]
- if k then
- a=k
- else
- local value,unit=lpegmatch(dimenpair,a)
- if value and unit then
- k=value/unit
- else
- k=0
- end
- known[a]=k
- a=k
- end
- elseif ta=="table" then
- a=a[1]
- end
- return setmetatable({ a },dimensions)
- else
- return setmetatable({ 0 },dimensions)
- end
-function string.todimen(str)
- if type(str)=="number" then
- return str
- else
- local k=known[str]
- if not k then
- local value,unit=lpegmatch(dimenpair,str)
- if value and unit then
- k=value/unit
- else
- k=0
- end
- known[str]=k
- end
- return k
- end
-function number.toscaled(d)
- return format("%0.5f",d/2^16)
-function number.percent(n,d)
- d=d or texget("hsize")
- if type(d)=="string" then
- d=stringtodimen(d)
- end
- return (n/100)*d
-end -- closure
-do -- begin closure to overcome local limits and interference
-if not modules then modules={} end modules ['util-jsn']={
- version=1.001,
- comment="companion to m-json.mkiv",
- author="Hans Hagen, PRAGMA-ADE, Hasselt NL",
- copyright="PRAGMA ADE / ConTeXt Development Team",
- license="see context related readme files"
-local P,V,R,S,C,Cc,Cs,Ct,Cf,Cg=lpeg.P,lpeg.V,lpeg.R,lpeg.S,lpeg.C,lpeg.Cc,lpeg.Cs,lpeg.Ct,lpeg.Cf,lpeg.Cg
-local lpegmatch=lpeg.match
-local format=string.format
-local utfchar=utf.char
-local concat=table.concat
-local tonumber,tostring,rawset,type=tonumber,tostring,rawset,type
-local json=utilities.json or {}
-local lbrace=P("{")
-local rbrace=P("}")
-local lparent=P("[")
-local rparent=P("]")
-local comma=P(",")
-local colon=P(":")
-local dquote=P('"')
-local whitespace=lpeg.patterns.whitespace
-local optionalws=whitespace^0
-local escapes={
- ["b"]="\010",
- ["f"]="\014",
- ["n"]="\n",
- ["r"]="\r",
- ["t"]="\t",
-local escape_un=C(P("\\u")/"0x"*S("09","AF","af"))/function(s) return utfchar(tonumber(s)) end
-local escape_bs=P([[\]])/""*(P(1)/escapes)
-local jstring=dquote*Cs((escape_un+escape_bs+(1-dquote))^0)*dquote
-local jtrue=P("true")*Cc(true)
-local jfalse=P("false")*Cc(false)
-local jnull=P("null")*Cc(nil)
-local jnumber=(1-whitespace-rparent-rbrace-comma)^1/tonumber
-local key=jstring
-local jsonconverter={ "value",
- object=lbrace*Cf(Ct("")*V("pair")*(comma*V("pair"))^0,rawset)*rbrace,
- pair=Cg(optionalws*key*optionalws*colon*V("value")),
- array=Ct(lparent*V("value")*(comma*V("value"))^0*rparent),
- value=optionalws*(jstring+V("object")+V("array")+jtrue+jfalse+jnull+jnumber+#rparent)*optionalws,
-function json.tolua(str)
- return lpegmatch(jsonconverter,str)
-local function tojson(value,t)
- local kind=type(value)
- if kind=="table" then
- local done=false
- local size=#value
- if size==0 then
- for k,v in next,value do
- if done then
- t[#t+1]=","
- else
- t[#t+1]="{"
- done=true
- end
- t[#t+1]=format("%q:",k)
- tojson(v,t)
- end
- if done then
- t[#t+1]="}"
- else
- t[#t+1]="{}"
- end
- elseif size==1 then
- t[#t+1]="["
- tojson(value[1],t)
- t[#t+1]="]"
- else
- for i=1,size do
- if done then
- t[#t+1]=","
- else
- t[#t+1]="["
- done=true
- end
- tojson(value[i],t)
- end
- t[#t+1]="]"
- end
- elseif kind=="string" then
- t[#t+1]=format("%q",value)
- elseif kind=="number" then
- t[#t+1]=value
- elseif kind=="boolean" then
- t[#t+1]=tostring(value)
- end
- return t
-function json.tostring(value)
- local kind=type(value)
- if kind=="table" then
- return concat(tojson(value,{}),"")
- elseif kind=="string" or kind=="number" then
- return value
- else
- return tostring(value)
- end
-end -- closure
-do -- begin closure to overcome local limits and interference
-if not modules then modules={} end modules ['trac-inf']={
- version=1.001,
- comment="companion to trac-inf.mkiv",
- author="Hans Hagen, PRAGMA-ADE, Hasselt NL",
- copyright="PRAGMA ADE / ConTeXt Development Team",
- license="see context related readme files"
-local type,tonumber,select=type,tonumber,select
-local format,lower,find=string.format,string.lower,string.find
-local concat=table.concat
-local clock=os.gettimeofday or os.clock
-local setmetatableindex=table.setmetatableindex
-local serialize=table.serialize
-local formatters=string.formatters
-statistics=statistics or {}
-local statistics=statistics
-local statusinfo,n,registered,timers={},0,{},{}
- local v={ timing=0,loadtime=0 }
- t[k]=v
- return v
-local function hastiming(instance)
- return instance and timers[instance]
-local function resettiming(instance)
- timers[instance or "notimer"]={ timing=0,loadtime=0 }
-local function starttiming(instance)
- local timer=timers[instance or "notimer"]
- local it=timer.timing or 0
- if it==0 then
- timer.starttime=clock()
- if not timer.loadtime then
- timer.loadtime=0
- end
- end
- timer.timing=it+1
-local function stoptiming(instance)
- local timer=timers[instance or "notimer"]
- local it=timer.timing
- if it>1 then
- timer.timing=it-1
- else
- local starttime=timer.starttime
- if starttime then
- local stoptime=clock()
- local loadtime=stoptime-starttime
- timer.stoptime=stoptime
- timer.loadtime=timer.loadtime+loadtime
- timer.timing=0
- return loadtime
- end
- end
- return 0
-local function elapsed(instance)
- if type(instance)=="number" then
- return instance or 0
- else
- local timer=timers[instance or "notimer"]
- return timer and timer.loadtime or 0
- end
-local function elapsedtime(instance)
- return format("%0.3f",elapsed(instance))
-local function elapsedindeed(instance)
- return elapsed(instance)>statistics.threshold
-local function elapsedseconds(instance,rest)
- if elapsedindeed(instance) then
- return format("%0.3f seconds %s",elapsed(instance),rest or "")
- end
-function statistics.register(tag,fnc)
- if statistics.enable and type(fnc)=="function" then
- local rt=registered[tag] or (#statusinfo+1)
- statusinfo[rt]={ tag,fnc }
- registered[tag]=rt
- if #tag>n then n=#tag end
- end
-local report=logs.reporter("mkiv lua stats")
- if statistics.enable then
- local register=statistics.register
- register("used platform",function()
- return format("%s, type: %s, binary subtree: %s",
- os.platform or "unknown",os.type or "unknown",environment.texos or "unknown")
- end)
- register("luatex banner",function()
- return lower(status.banner)
- end)
- register("control sequences",function()
- return format("%s of %s + %s",status.cs_count,status.hash_size,status.hash_extra)
- end)
- register("callbacks",function()
- local total,indirect=status.callbacks or 0,status.indirect_callbacks or 0
- return format("%s direct, %s indirect, %s total",total-indirect,indirect,total)
- end)
- if jit then
- local jitstatus={ jit.status() }
- if jitstatus[1] then
- register("luajit options",concat(jitstatus," ",2))
- end
- end
- register("lua properties",function()
- local list=status.list()
- local hashchar=tonumber(list.luatex_hashchars)
- local mask=lua.mask or "ascii"
- return format("engine: %s, used memory: %s, hash type: %s, hash chars: min(%s,40), symbol mask: %s (%s)",
- jit and "luajit" or "lua",
- statistics.memused(),
- list.luatex_hashtype or "default",
- hashchar and 2^hashchar or "unknown",
- mask,
- mask=="utf" and "τεχ" or "tex")
- end)
- register("runtime",statistics.runtime)
- logs.newline()
- for i=1,#statusinfo do
- local s=statusinfo[i]
- local r=s[2]()
- if r then
- report("%s: %s",s[1],r)
- end
- end
- statistics.enable=false
- end
-function statistics.memused()
- local round=math.round or math.floor
- return format("%s MB (ctx: %s MB)",round(collectgarbage("count")/1000),round(status.luastate_bytes/1000000))
-function statistics.formatruntime(runtime)
- return format("%s seconds",runtime)
-function statistics.runtime()
- stoptiming(statistics)
- return statistics.formatruntime(elapsedtime(statistics))
-local report=logs.reporter("system")
-function statistics.timed(action)
- starttiming("run")
- action()
- stoptiming("run")
- report("total runtime: %s seconds",elapsedtime("run"))
-function statistics.tracefunction(base,tag,...)
- for i=1,select("#",...) do
- local name=select(i,...)
- local stat={}
- local func=base[name]
- setmetatableindex(stat,function(t,k) t[k]=0 return 0 end)
- base[name]=function(n,k,v) stat[k]=stat[k]+1 return func(n,k,v) end
- statistics.register(formatters["%s.%s"](tag,name),function() return serialize(stat,"calls") end)
- end
-commands=commands or {}
-function commands.resettimer(name)
- resettiming(name or "whatever")
- starttiming(name or "whatever")
-function commands.elapsedtime(name)
- stoptiming(name or "whatever")
- context(elapsedtime(name or "whatever"))
-end -- closure
-do -- begin closure to overcome local limits and interference
-if not modules then modules={} end modules ['util-lua']={
- version=1.001,
- comment="companion to luat-lib.mkiv",
- author="Hans Hagen, PRAGMA-ADE, Hasselt NL",
- comment="the strip code is written by Peter Cawley",
- copyright="PRAGMA ADE / ConTeXt Development Team",
- license="see context related readme files"
-local rep,sub,byte,dump,format=string.rep,string.sub,string.byte,string.dump,string.format
-local load,loadfile,type=load,loadfile,type
-utilities=utilities or {}
-utilities.lua=utilities.lua or {}
-local luautilities=utilities.lua
-local report_lua=logs.reporter("system","lua")
-local tracestripping=false
-local forcestupidcompile=true
-local strippedchunks={}
- tma="tma",
- tmc=jit and "tmb" or "tmc",
- lua="lua",
- luc=jit and "lub" or "luc",
- lui="lui",
- luv="luv",
- luj="luj",
- tua="tua",
- tuc="tuc",
-local function register(name)
- if tracestripping then
- report_lua("stripped bytecode from %a",name or "unknown")
- end
- strippedchunks[#strippedchunks+1]=name
- luautilities.nofstrippedchunks=luautilities.nofstrippedchunks+1
-local function stupidcompile(luafile,lucfile,strip)
- local code=io.loaddata(luafile)
- if code and code~="" then
- code=load(code)
- if code then
- code=dump(code,strip and luautilities.stripcode or luautilities.alwaysstripcode)
- if code and code~="" then
- register(name)
- io.savedata(lucfile,code)
- return true,0
- end
- else
- report_lua("fatal error %a in file %a",1,luafile)
- end
- else
- report_lua("fatal error %a in file %a",2,luafile)
- end
- return false,0
-function luautilities.loadedluacode(fullname,forcestrip,name)
- name=name or fullname
- local code,message
- if environment.loadpreprocessedfile then
- code,message=environment.loadpreprocessedfile(fullname)
- else
- code,message=loadfile(fullname)
- end
- if code then
- code()
- else
- report_lua("loading of file %a failed:\n\t%s",fullname,message or "no message")
- end
- if forcestrip and luautilities.stripcode then
- if type(forcestrip)=="function" then
- forcestrip=forcestrip(fullname)
- end
- if forcestrip or luautilities.alwaysstripcode then
- register(name)
- return load(dump(code,true)),0
- else
- return code,0
- end
- elseif luautilities.alwaysstripcode then
- register(name)
- return load(dump(code,true)),0
- else
- return code,0
- end
-function luautilities.strippedloadstring(code,forcestrip,name)
- local code,message=load(code)
- if not code then
- report_lua("loading of file %a failed:\n\t%s",name,message or "no message")
- end
- if forcestrip and luautilities.stripcode or luautilities.alwaysstripcode then
- register(name)
- return load(dump(code,true)),0
- else
- return code,0
- end
-function luautilities.compile(luafile,lucfile,cleanup,strip,fallback)
- report_lua("compiling %a into %a",luafile,lucfile)
- os.remove(lucfile)
- local done=stupidcompile(luafile,lucfile,strip~=false)
- if done then
- report_lua("dumping %a into %a stripped",luafile,lucfile)
- if cleanup==true and lfs.isfile(lucfile) and lfs.isfile(luafile) then
- report_lua("removing %a",luafile)
- os.remove(luafile)
- end
- end
- return done
-function luautilities.loadstripped(...)
- local l=load(...)
- if l then
- return load(dump(l,true))
- end
-end -- closure
-do -- begin closure to overcome local limits and interference
-if not modules then modules={} end modules ['util-deb']={
- version=1.001,
- comment="companion to luat-lib.mkiv",
- author="Hans Hagen, PRAGMA-ADE, Hasselt NL",
- copyright="PRAGMA ADE / ConTeXt Development Team",
- license="see context related readme files"
-local debug=require "debug"
-local getinfo=debug.getinfo
-local type,next,tostring=type,next,tostring
-local format,find=string.format,string.find
-local is_boolean=string.is_boolean
-utilities=utilities or {}
-local debugger=utilities.debugger or {}
-local counters={}
-local names={}
-local report=logs.reporter("debugger")
-local function hook()
- local f=getinfo(2)
- if f then
- local n="unknown"
- if f.what=="C" then
- or '<anonymous>'
- if not names[n] then
- names[n]=format("%42s",n)
- end
- else
- or f.namewhat or f.what
- if not n or n=="" then
- n="?"
- end
- if not names[n] then
- names[n]=format("%42s : % 5i : %s",n,f.linedefined or 0,f.short_src or "unknown source")
- end
- end
- counters[n]=(counters[n] or 0)+1
- end
-function debugger.showstats(printer,threshold)
- printer=printer or report
- threshold=threshold or 0
- local total,grandtotal,functions=0,0,0
- local dataset={}
- for name,count in next,counters do
- dataset[#dataset+1]={ name,count }
- end
- table.sort(dataset,function(a,b) return a[2]==b[2] and b[1]>a[1] or a[2]>b[2] end)
- for i=1,#dataset do
- local d=dataset[i]
- local name=d[1]
- local count=d[2]
- if count>threshold and not find(name,"for generator") then
- printer(format("%8i %s\n",count,names[name]))
- total=total+count
- end
- grandtotal=grandtotal+count
- functions=functions+1
- end
- printer("\n")
- printer(format("functions : % 10i\n",functions))
- printer(format("total : % 10i\n",total))
- printer(format("grand total: % 10i\n",grandtotal))
- printer(format("threshold : % 10i\n",threshold))
-function debugger.savestats(filename,threshold)
- local,'w')
- if f then
- debugger.showstats(function(str) f:write(str) end,threshold)
- f:close()
- end
-function debugger.enable()
- debug.sethook(hook,"c")
-function debugger.disable()
- debug.sethook()
-local function showtraceback(rep)
- local level=2
- local reporter=rep or report
- while true do
- local info=getinfo(level,"Sl")
- if not info then
- break
- elseif info.what=="C" then
- reporter("%2i : %s",level-1,"C function")
- else
- reporter("%2i : %s : %s",level-1,info.short_src,info.currentline)
- end
- level=level+1
- end
-end -- closure
-do -- begin closure to overcome local limits and interference
-if not modules then modules={} end modules ['util-tpl']={
- version=1.001,
- comment="companion to luat-lib.mkiv",
- author="Hans Hagen, PRAGMA-ADE, Hasselt NL",
- copyright="PRAGMA ADE / ConTeXt Development Team",
- license="see context related readme files"
-utilities.templates=utilities.templates or {}
-local templates=utilities.templates
-local trace_template=false trackers.register("templates.trace",function(v) trace_template=v end)
-local report_template=logs.reporter("template")
-local tostring=tostring
-local format,sub,byte=string.format,string.sub,string.byte
-local P,C,R,Cs,Cc,Carg,lpegmatch,lpegpatterns=lpeg.P,lpeg.C,lpeg.R,lpeg.Cs,lpeg.Cc,lpeg.Carg,lpeg.match,lpeg.patterns
-local replacer
-local function replacekey(k,t,how,recursive)
- local v=t[k]
- if not v then
- if trace_template then
- report_template("unknown key %a",k)
- end
- return ""
- else
- v=tostring(v)
- if trace_template then
- report_template("setting key %a to value %a",k,v)
- end
- if recursive then
- return lpegmatch(replacer,v,1,t,how,recursive)
- else
- return v
- end
- end
-local sqlescape=lpeg.replacer {
- { "'","''" },
- { "\\","\\\\" },
- { "\r\n","\\n" },
- { "\r","\\n" },
-local sqlquoted=lpeg.Cs(lpeg.Cc("'")*sqlescape*lpeg.Cc("'"))
-local luaescape=lpegpatterns.luaescape
-local escapers={
- lua=function(s)
- return lpegmatch(luaescape,s)
- end,
- sql=function(s)
- return lpegmatch(sqlescape,s)
- end,
-local quotedescapers={
- lua=function(s)
- return format("%q",s)
- end,
- sql=function(s)
- return lpegmatch(sqlquoted,s)
- end,
-local luaescaper=escapers.lua
-local quotedluaescaper=quotedescapers.lua
-local function replacekeyunquoted(s,t,how,recurse)
- local escaper=how and escapers[how] or luaescaper
- return escaper(replacekey(s,t,how,recurse))
-local function replacekeyquoted(s,t,how,recurse)
- local escaper=how and quotedescapers[how] or quotedluaescaper
- return escaper(replacekey(s,t,how,recurse))
-local single=P("%")
-local double=P("%%")
-local lquoted=P("%[")
-local rquoted=P("]%")
-local lquotedq=P("%(")
-local rquotedq=P(")%")
-local escape=double/'%%'
-local nosingle=single/''
-local nodouble=double/''
-local nolquoted=lquoted/''
-local norquoted=rquoted/''
-local nolquotedq=lquotedq/''
-local norquotedq=rquotedq/''
-local key=nosingle*((C((1-nosingle )^1)*Carg(1)*Carg(2)*Carg(3))/replacekey )*nosingle
-local quoted=nolquotedq*((C((1-norquotedq)^1)*Carg(1)*Carg(2)*Carg(3))/replacekeyquoted )*norquotedq
-local unquoted=nolquoted*((C((1-norquoted )^1)*Carg(1)*Carg(2)*Carg(3))/replacekeyunquoted)*norquoted
-local any=P(1)
- replacer=Cs((unquoted+quoted+escape+key+any)^0)
-local function replace(str,mapping,how,recurse)
- if mapping and str then
- return lpegmatch(replacer,str,1,mapping,how or "lua",recurse or false) or str
- else
- return str
- end
-function templates.replacer(str,how,recurse)
- return function(mapping)
- return lpegmatch(replacer,str,1,mapping,how or "lua",recurse or false) or str
- end
-function templates.load(filename,mapping,how,recurse)
- local data=io.loaddata(filename) or ""
- if mapping and next(mapping) then
- return replace(data,mapping,how,recurse)
- else
- return data
- end
-function templates.resolve(t,mapping,how,recurse)
- if not mapping then
- mapping=t
- end
- for k,v in next,t do
- t[k]=replace(v,mapping,how,recurse)
- end
- return t
-end -- closure
-do -- begin closure to overcome local limits and interference
-if not modules then modules={} end modules ['util-sta']={
- version=1.001,
- comment="companion to util-ini.mkiv",
- author="Hans Hagen, PRAGMA-ADE, Hasselt NL",
- copyright="PRAGMA ADE / ConTeXt Development Team",
- license="see context related readme files"
-local insert,remove,fastcopy,concat=table.insert,table.remove,table.fastcopy,table.concat
-local format=string.format
-local select,tostring=select,tostring
-local trace_stacker=false trackers.register("stacker.resolve",function(v) trace_stacker=v end)
-local stacker=stacker or {}
-local function start(s,t,first,last)
- if s.mode=="switch" then
- local n=tostring(t[last])
- if trace_stacker then
-"start: %s",n)
- end
- return n
- else
- local r={}
- for i=first,last do
- r[#r+1]=tostring(t[i])
- end
- local n=concat(r," ")
- if trace_stacker then
-"start: %s",n)
- end
- return n
- end
-local function stop(s,t,first,last)
- if s.mode=="switch" then
- local n=tostring(false)
- if trace_stacker then
-"stop: %s",n)
- end
- return n
- else
- local r={}
- for i=last,first,-1 do
- r[#r+1]=tostring(false)
- end
- local n=concat(r," ")
- if trace_stacker then
-"stop: %s",n)
- end
- return n
- end
-local function change(s,t1,first1,last1,t2,first2,last2)
- if s.mode=="switch" then
- local n=tostring(t2[last2])
- if trace_stacker then
-"change: %s",n)
- end
- return n
- else
- local r={}
- for i=last1,first1,-1 do
- r[#r+1]=tostring(false)
- end
- local n=concat(r," ")
- for i=first2,last2 do
- r[#r+1]=tostring(t2[i])
- end
- if trace_stacker then
-"change: %s",n)
- end
- return n
- end
- local s
- local stack={}
- local list={}
- local ids={}
- local hash={}
- local hashing=true
- local function push(...)
- for i=1,select("#",...) do
- insert(stack,(select(i,...)))
- end
- if hashing then
- local c=concat(stack,"|")
- local n=hash[c]
- if not n then
- n=#list+1
- hash[c]=n
- list[n]=fastcopy(stack)
- end
- insert(ids,n)
- return n
- else
- local n=#list+1
- list[n]=fastcopy(stack)
- insert(ids,n)
- return n
- end
- end
- local function pop()
- remove(stack)
- remove(ids)
- return ids[#ids] or s.unset or -1
- end
- local function clean()
- if #stack==0 then
- if trace_stacker then
-"%s list entries, %s stack entries",#list,#stack)
- end
- end
- end
- local tops={}
- local top,switch
- local function resolve_begin(mode)
- if mode then
- switch=mode=="switch"
- else
- switch=s.mode=="switch"
- end
- top={ switch=switch }
- insert(tops,top)
- end
- local function resolve_step(ti)
- local result=nil
- local noftop=#top
- if ti>0 then
- local current=list[ti]
- if current then
- local noflist=#current
- local nofsame=0
- if noflist>noftop then
- for i=1,noflist do
- if current[i]==top[i] then
- nofsame=i
- else
- break
- end
- end
- else
- for i=1,noflist do
- if current[i]==top[i] then
- nofsame=i
- else
- break
- end
- end
- end
- local plus=nofsame+1
- if plus<=noftop then
- if plus<=noflist then
- if switch then
- result=s.change(s,top,plus,noftop,current,nofsame,noflist)
- else
- result=s.change(s,top,plus,noftop,current,plus,noflist)
- end
- else
- if switch then
- result=s.change(s,top,plus,noftop,current,nofsame,noflist)
- else
- result=s.stop(s,top,plus,noftop)
- end
- end
- elseif plus<=noflist then
- if switch then
- result=s.start(s,current,nofsame,noflist)
- else
- result=s.start(s,current,plus,noflist)
- end
- end
- top=current
- else
- if 1<=noftop then
- result=s.stop(s,top,1,noftop)
- end
- top={}
- end
- return result
- else
- if 1<=noftop then
- result=s.stop(s,top,1,noftop)
- end
- top={}
- return result
- end
- end
- local function resolve_end()
- local noftop=#top
- if noftop>0 then
- local result=s.stop(s,top,1,#top)
- remove(tops)
- top=tops[#tops]
- switch=top and top.switch
- return result
- end
- end
- local function resolve(t)
- resolve_begin()
- for i=1,#t do
- resolve_step(t[i])
- end
- resolve_end()
- end
- local report=logs.reporter("stacker",name or nil)
- s={
- name=name or "unknown",
- unset=-1,
- report=report,
- start=start,
- stop=stop,
- change=change,
- push=push,
- pop=pop,
- clean=clean,
- resolve=resolve,
- resolve_begin=resolve_begin,
- resolve_step=resolve_step,
- resolve_end=resolve_end,
- }
- return s
-end -- closure