path: root/Master/texmf-dist/tex/luatex/lualibs/lualibs-basic-merged.lua
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'Master/texmf-dist/tex/luatex/lualibs/lualibs-basic-merged.lua')
1 files changed, 0 insertions, 4728 deletions
diff --git a/Master/texmf-dist/tex/luatex/lualibs/lualibs-basic-merged.lua b/Master/texmf-dist/tex/luatex/lualibs/lualibs-basic-merged.lua
deleted file mode 100644
index 9f24f2b1540..00000000000
--- a/Master/texmf-dist/tex/luatex/lualibs/lualibs-basic-merged.lua
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,4728 +0,0 @@
--- merged file : lualibs-basic-merged.lua
--- parent file : lualibs-basic.lua
--- merge date : Mon May 5 07:37:22 2014
-do -- begin closure to overcome local limits and interference
-if not modules then modules={} end modules ['l-lua']={
- version=1.001,
- comment="companion to luat-lib.mkiv",
- author="Hans Hagen, PRAGMA-ADE, Hasselt NL",
- copyright="PRAGMA ADE / ConTeXt Development Team",
- license="see context related readme files"
-local major,minor=string.match(_VERSION,"^[^%d]+(%d+)%.(%d+).*$")
-_MAJORVERSION=tonumber(major) or 5
-_MINORVERSION=tonumber(minor) or 1
-if not lpeg then
- lpeg=require("lpeg")
-if loadstring then
- local loadnormal=load
- function load(first,...)
- if type(first)=="string" then
- return loadstring(first,...)
- else
- return loadnormal(first,...)
- end
- end
- loadstring=load
-if not ipairs then
- local function iterate(a,i)
- i=i+1
- local v=a[i]
- if v~=nil then
- return i,v
- end
- end
- function ipairs(a)
- return iterate,a,0
- end
-if not pairs then
- function pairs(t)
- return next,t
- end
-if not table.unpack then
- table.unpack=_G.unpack
-elseif not unpack then
- _G.unpack=table.unpack
-if not package.loaders then
- package.loaders=package.searchers
-local print,select,tostring=print,select,tostring
-local inspectors={}
-function setinspector(inspector)
- inspectors[#inspectors+1]=inspector
-function inspect(...)
- for s=1,select("#",...) do
- local value=select(s,...)
- local done=false
- for i=1,#inspectors do
- done=inspectors[i](value)
- if done then
- break
- end
- end
- if not done then
- print(tostring(value))
- end
- end
-local dummy=function() end
-function optionalrequire(...)
- local ok,result=xpcall(require,dummy,...)
- if ok then
- return result
- end
-if lua then
- lua.mask=load([[τεχ = 1]]) and "utf" or "ascii"
-end -- closure
-do -- begin closure to overcome local limits and interference
-if not modules then modules={} end modules ['l-package']={
- version=1.001,
- comment="companion to luat-lib.mkiv",
- author="Hans Hagen, PRAGMA-ADE, Hasselt NL",
- copyright="PRAGMA ADE / ConTeXt Development Team",
- license="see context related readme files"
-local type=type
-local gsub,format,find=string.gsub,string.format,string.find
-local P,S,Cs,lpegmatch=lpeg.P,lpeg.S,lpeg.Cs,lpeg.match
-local package=package
-local searchers=package.searchers or package.loaders
-local filejoin=file and file.join or function(path,name) return path.."/" end
-local isreadable=file and file.is_readable or function(name) local if f then f:close() return true end end
-local addsuffix=file and file.addsuffix or function(name,suffix) return name.."."..suffix end
-local function cleanpath(path)
- return path
-local pattern=Cs((((1-S("\\/"))^0*(S("\\/")^1/"/"))^0*(P(".")^1/"/"+P(1))^1)*-1)
-local function lualibfile(name)
- return lpegmatch(pattern,name) or name
-local offset=luarocks and 1 or 0
-local helpers=package.helpers or {
- cleanpath=cleanpath,
- lualibfile=lualibfile,
- trace=false,
- report=function(...) print(format(...)) end,
- builtin={
- ["preload table"]=searchers[1+offset],
- ["path specification"]=searchers[2+offset],
- ["cpath specification"]=searchers[3+offset],
- ["all in one fallback"]=searchers[4+offset],
- },
- methods={},
- sequence={
- "already loaded",
- "preload table",
- "qualified path",
- "lua extra list",
- "lib extra list",
- "path specification",
- "cpath specification",
- "all in one fallback",
- "not loaded",
- }
-local methods=helpers.methods
-local builtin=helpers.builtin
-local extraluapaths={}
-local extralibpaths={}
-local luapaths=nil
-local libpaths=nil
-local oldluapath=nil
-local oldlibpath=nil
-local nofextralua=-1
-local nofextralib=-1
-local nofpathlua=-1
-local nofpathlib=-1
-local function listpaths(what,paths)
- local nofpaths=#paths
- if nofpaths>0 then
- for i=1,nofpaths do
-"using %s path %i: %s",what,i,paths[i])
- end
- else
-"no %s paths defined",what)
- end
- return nofpaths
-local function getextraluapaths()
- if helpers.trace and #extraluapaths~=nofextralua then
- nofextralua=listpaths("extra lua",extraluapaths)
- end
- return extraluapaths
-local function getextralibpaths()
- if helpers.trace and #extralibpaths~=nofextralib then
- nofextralib=listpaths("extra lib",extralibpaths)
- end
- return extralibpaths
-local function getluapaths()
- local luapath=package.path or ""
- if oldluapath~=luapath then
- luapaths=file.splitpath(luapath,";")
- oldluapath=luapath
- nofpathlua=-1
- end
- if helpers.trace and #luapaths~=nofpathlua then
- nofpathlua=listpaths("builtin lua",luapaths)
- end
- return luapaths
-local function getlibpaths()
- local libpath=package.cpath or ""
- if oldlibpath~=libpath then
- libpaths=file.splitpath(libpath,";")
- oldlibpath=libpath
- nofpathlib=-1
- end
- if helpers.trace and #libpaths~=nofpathlib then
- nofpathlib=listpaths("builtin lib",libpaths)
- end
- return libpaths
-local hashes={
- lua={},
- lib={},
-local function registerpath(tag,what,target,...)
- local pathlist={... }
- local cleanpath=helpers.cleanpath
- local trace=helpers.trace
- local
- local hash=hashes[what]
- local function add(path)
- local path=cleanpath(path)
- if not hash[path] then
- target[#target+1]=path
- hash[path]=true
- if trace then
- report("registered %s path %s: %s",tag,#target,path)
- end
- else
- if trace then
- report("duplicate %s path: %s",tag,path)
- end
- end
- end
- for p=1,#pathlist do
- local path=pathlist[p]
- if type(path)=="table" then
- for i=1,#path do
- add(path[i])
- end
- else
- add(path)
- end
- end
- return paths
-function package.extraluapath(...)
- registerpath("extra lua","lua",extraluapaths,...)
-function package.extralibpath(...)
- registerpath("extra lib","lib",extralibpaths,...)
-local function loadedaslib(resolved,rawname)
- local base=gsub(rawname,"%.","_")
- local init="luaopen_"..gsub(base,"%.","_")
- if helpers.trace then
-"calling loadlib with '%s' with init '%s'",resolved,init)
- end
- return package.loadlib(resolved,init)
-local function loadedbypath(name,rawname,paths,islib,what)
- local trace=helpers.trace
- for p=1,#paths do
- local path=paths[p]
- local resolved=filejoin(path,name)
- if trace then
-"%s path, identifying '%s' on '%s'",what,name,path)
- end
- if isreadable(resolved) then
- if trace then
-"%s path, '%s' found on '%s'",what,name,resolved)
- end
- if islib then
- return loadedaslib(resolved,rawname)
- else
- return loadfile(resolved)
- end
- end
- end
-local function loadedbyname(name,rawname)
- if find(name,"^/") or find(name,"^[a-zA-Z]:/") then
- local trace=helpers.trace
- if trace then
-"qualified name, identifying '%s'",what,name)
- end
- if isreadable(name) then
- if trace then
-"qualified name, '%s' found",what,name)
- end
- return loadfile(name)
- end
- end
-methods["already loaded"]=function(name)
- return package.loaded[name]
-methods["preload table"]=function(name)
- return builtin["preload table"](name)
-methods["qualified path"]=function(name)
- return loadedbyname(addsuffix(lualibfile(name),"lua"),name)
-methods["lua extra list"]=function(name)
- return loadedbypath(addsuffix(lualibfile(name),"lua"),name,getextraluapaths(),false,"lua")
-methods["lib extra list"]=function(name)
- return loadedbypath(addsuffix(lualibfile(name),os.libsuffix),name,getextralibpaths(),true,"lib")
-methods["path specification"]=function(name)
- getluapaths()
- return builtin["path specification"](name)
-methods["cpath specification"]=function(name)
- getlibpaths()
- return builtin["cpath specification"](name)
-methods["all in one fallback"]=function(name)
- return builtin["all in one fallback"](name)
-methods["not loaded"]=function(name)
- if helpers.trace then
-"unable to locate '%s'",name or "?")
- end
- return nil
-local level=0
-local used={}
-function helpers.loaded(name)
- local sequence=helpers.sequence
- level=level+1
- for i=1,#sequence do
- local method=sequence[i]
- if helpers.trace then
-"%s, level '%s', method '%s', name '%s'","locating",level,method,name)
- end
- local result,rest=methods[method](name)
- if type(result)=="function" then
- if helpers.trace then
-"%s, level '%s', method '%s', name '%s'","found",level,method,name)
- end
- if helpers.traceused then
- used[#used+1]={ level=level,name=name }
- end
- level=level-1
- return result,rest
- end
- end
- level=level-1
- return nil
-function helpers.showused()
- local n=#used
- if n>0 then
-"%s libraries loaded:",n)
- for i=1,n do
- local u=used[i]
-"%i %a",u.level,
- end
- end
-function helpers.unload(name)
- if helpers.trace then
- if package.loaded[name] then
-"unloading, name '%s', %s",name,"done")
- else
-"unloading, name '%s', %s",name,"not loaded")
- end
- end
- package.loaded[name]=nil
-end -- closure
-do -- begin closure to overcome local limits and interference
-if not modules then modules={} end modules ['l-lpeg']={
- version=1.001,
- comment="companion to luat-lib.mkiv",
- author="Hans Hagen, PRAGMA-ADE, Hasselt NL",
- copyright="PRAGMA ADE / ConTeXt Development Team",
- license="see context related readme files"
-if not lpeg.print then function lpeg.print(...) print(lpeg.pcode(...)) end end
-local type,next,tostring=type,next,tostring
-local byte,char,gmatch,format=string.byte,string.char,string.gmatch,string.format
-local floor=math.floor
-local P,R,S,V,Ct,C,Cs,Cc,Cp,Cmt=lpeg.P,lpeg.R,lpeg.S,lpeg.V,lpeg.Ct,lpeg.C,lpeg.Cs,lpeg.Cc,lpeg.Cp,lpeg.Cmt
-local lpegtype,lpegmatch,lpegprint=lpeg.type,lpeg.match,lpeg.print
-if setinspector then
- setinspector(function(v) if lpegtype(v) then lpegprint(v) return true end end)
-lpeg.patterns=lpeg.patterns or {}
-local patterns=lpeg.patterns
-local anything=P(1)
-local endofstring=P(-1)
-local alwaysmatched=P(true)
-local sign=S('+-')
-local zero=P('0')
-local digit=R('09')
-local octdigit=R("07")
-local lowercase=R("az")
-local uppercase=R("AZ")
-local underscore=P("_")
-local hexdigit=digit+lowercase+uppercase
-local cr,lf,crlf=P("\r"),P("\n"),P("\r\n")
-local newline=crlf+S("\r\n")
-local escaped=P("\\")*anything
-local squote=P("'")
-local dquote=P('"')
-local space=P(" ")
-local period=P(".")
-local comma=P(",")
-local utfbom_32_be=P('\000\000\254\255')
-local utfbom_32_le=P('\255\254\000\000')
-local utfbom_16_be=P('\254\255')
-local utfbom_16_le=P('\255\254')
-local utfbom_8=P('\239\187\191')
-local utfbom=utfbom_32_be+utfbom_32_le+utfbom_16_be+utfbom_16_le+utfbom_8
-local utftype=utfbom_32_be*Cc("utf-32-be")+utfbom_32_le*Cc("utf-32-le")+utfbom_16_be*Cc("utf-16-be")+utfbom_16_le*Cc("utf-16-le")+utfbom_8*Cc("utf-8")+alwaysmatched*Cc("utf-8")
-local utfstricttype=utfbom_32_be*Cc("utf-32-be")+utfbom_32_le*Cc("utf-32-le")+utfbom_16_be*Cc("utf-16-be")+utfbom_16_le*Cc("utf-16-le")+utfbom_8*Cc("utf-8")
-local utfoffset=utfbom_32_be*Cc(4)+utfbom_32_le*Cc(4)+utfbom_16_be*Cc(2)+utfbom_16_le*Cc(2)+utfbom_8*Cc(3)+Cc(0)
-local utf8next=R("\128\191")
-local utf8char=patterns.utf8one+patterns.utf8two+patterns.utf8three+patterns.utf8four
-local validutf8char=utf8char^0*endofstring*Cc(true)+Cc(false)
-local utf8character=P(1)*R("\128\191")^0
-local eol=S("\n\r")
-local spacer=S(" \t\f\v")
-local whitespace=eol+spacer
-local nonspacer=1-spacer
-local nonwhitespace=1-whitespace
-local stripper=spacer^0*C((spacer^0*nonspacer^1)^0)
-local fullstripper=whitespace^0*C((whitespace^0*nonwhitespace^1)^0)
-local collapser=Cs(spacer^0/""*nonspacer^0*((spacer^0/" "*nonspacer^1)^0))
-patterns.longtostring=Cs(whitespace^0/""*((patterns.quoted+nonwhitespace^1+whitespace^1/""*(P(-1)+Cc(" ")))^0))
-local function anywhere(pattern)
- return P { P(pattern)+1*V(1) }
-function lpeg.instringchecker(p)
- p=anywhere(p)
- return function(str)
- return lpegmatch(p,str) and true or false
- end
-function lpeg.splitter(pattern,action)
- return (((1-P(pattern))^1)/action+1)^0
-function lpeg.tsplitter(pattern,action)
- return Ct((((1-P(pattern))^1)/action+1)^0)
-local splitters_s,splitters_m,splitters_t={},{},{}
-local function splitat(separator,single)
- local splitter=(single and splitters_s[separator]) or splitters_m[separator]
- if not splitter then
- separator=P(separator)
- local other=C((1-separator)^0)
- if single then
- local any=anything
- splitter=other*(separator*C(any^0)+"")
- splitters_s[separator]=splitter
- else
- splitter=other*(separator*other)^0
- splitters_m[separator]=splitter
- end
- end
- return splitter
-local function tsplitat(separator)
- local splitter=splitters_t[separator]
- if not splitter then
- splitter=Ct(splitat(separator))
- splitters_t[separator]=splitter
- end
- return splitter
-function string.splitup(str,separator)
- if not separator then
- separator=","
- end
- return lpegmatch(splitters_m[separator] or splitat(separator),str)
-local cache={}
-function lpeg.split(separator,str)
- local c=cache[separator]
- if not c then
- c=tsplitat(separator)
- cache[separator]=c
- end
- return lpegmatch(c,str)
-function string.split(str,separator)
- if separator then
- local c=cache[separator]
- if not c then
- c=tsplitat(separator)
- cache[separator]=c
- end
- return lpegmatch(c,str)
- else
- return { str }
- end
-local spacing=patterns.spacer^0*newline
-local empty=spacing*Cc("")
-local nonempty=Cs((1-spacing)^1)*spacing^-1
-local content=(empty+nonempty)^1
-local linesplitter=tsplitat(newline)
-function string.splitlines(str)
- return lpegmatch(linesplitter,str)
-local cache={}
-function lpeg.checkedsplit(separator,str)
- local c=cache[separator]
- if not c then
- separator=P(separator)
- local other=C((1-separator)^1)
- c=Ct(separator^0*other*(separator^1*other)^0)
- cache[separator]=c
- end
- return lpegmatch(c,str)
-function string.checkedsplit(str,separator)
- local c=cache[separator]
- if not c then
- separator=P(separator)
- local other=C((1-separator)^1)
- c=Ct(separator^0*other*(separator^1*other)^0)
- cache[separator]=c
- end
- return lpegmatch(c,str)
-local function f2(s) local c1,c2=byte(s,1,2) return c1*64+c2-12416 end
-local function f3(s) local c1,c2,c3=byte(s,1,3) return (c1*64+c2)*64+c3-925824 end
-local function f4(s) local c1,c2,c3,c4=byte(s,1,4) return ((c1*64+c2)*64+c3)*64+c4-63447168 end
-local utf8byte=patterns.utf8one/byte+patterns.utf8two/f2+patterns.utf8three/f3+patterns.utf8four/f4
-local cache={}
-function lpeg.stripper(str)
- if type(str)=="string" then
- local s=cache[str]
- if not s then
- s=Cs(((S(str)^1)/""+1)^0)
- cache[str]=s
- end
- return s
- else
- return Cs(((str^1)/""+1)^0)
- end
-local cache={}
-function lpeg.keeper(str)
- if type(str)=="string" then
- local s=cache[str]
- if not s then
- s=Cs((((1-S(str))^1)/""+1)^0)
- cache[str]=s
- end
- return s
- else
- return Cs((((1-str)^1)/""+1)^0)
- end
-function lpeg.frontstripper(str)
- return (P(str)+P(true))*Cs(anything^0)
-function lpeg.endstripper(str)
- return Cs((1-P(str)*endofstring)^0)
-function lpeg.replacer(one,two,makefunction,isutf)
- local pattern
- local u=isutf and utf8char or 1
- if type(one)=="table" then
- local no=#one
- local p=P(false)
- if no==0 then
- for k,v in next,one do
- p=p+P(k)/v
- end
- pattern=Cs((p+u)^0)
- elseif no==1 then
- local o=one[1]
- one,two=P(o[1]),o[2]
- pattern=Cs((one/two+u)^0)
- else
- for i=1,no do
- local o=one[i]
- p=p+P(o[1])/o[2]
- end
- pattern=Cs((p+u)^0)
- end
- else
- pattern=Cs((P(one)/(two or "")+u)^0)
- end
- if makefunction then
- return function(str)
- return lpegmatch(pattern,str)
- end
- else
- return pattern
- end
-function lpeg.finder(lst,makefunction,isutf)
- local pattern
- if type(lst)=="table" then
- pattern=P(false)
- if #lst==0 then
- for k,v in next,lst do
- pattern=pattern+P(k)
- end
- else
- for i=1,#lst do
- pattern=pattern+P(lst[i])
- end
- end
- else
- pattern=P(lst)
- end
- if isutf then
- pattern=((utf8char or 1)-pattern)^0*pattern
- else
- pattern=(1-pattern)^0*pattern
- end
- if makefunction then
- return function(str)
- return lpegmatch(pattern,str)
- end
- else
- return pattern
- end
-local splitters_f,splitters_s={},{}
-function lpeg.firstofsplit(separator)
- local splitter=splitters_f[separator]
- if not splitter then
- local pattern=P(separator)
- splitter=C((1-pattern)^0)
- splitters_f[separator]=splitter
- end
- return splitter
-function lpeg.secondofsplit(separator)
- local splitter=splitters_s[separator]
- if not splitter then
- local pattern=P(separator)
- splitter=(1-pattern)^0*pattern*C(anything^0)
- splitters_s[separator]=splitter
- end
- return splitter
-local splitters_s,splitters_p={},{}
-function lpeg.beforesuffix(separator)
- local splitter=splitters_s[separator]
- if not splitter then
- local pattern=P(separator)
- splitter=C((1-pattern)^0)*pattern*endofstring
- splitters_s[separator]=splitter
- end
- return splitter
-function lpeg.afterprefix(separator)
- local splitter=splitters_p[separator]
- if not splitter then
- local pattern=P(separator)
- splitter=pattern*C(anything^0)
- splitters_p[separator]=splitter
- end
- return splitter
-function lpeg.balancer(left,right)
- left,right=P(left),P(right)
- return P { left*((1-left-right)+V(1))^0*right }
-local nany=utf8char/""
-function lpeg.counter(pattern)
- pattern=Cs((P(pattern)/" "+nany)^0)
- return function(str)
- return #lpegmatch(pattern,str)
- end
-utf=utf or (unicode and unicode.utf8) or {}
-local utfcharacters=utf and utf.characters or string.utfcharacters
-local utfgmatch=utf and utf.gmatch
-local utfchar=utf and utf.char
-if utfcharacters then
- function lpeg.US(str)
- local p=P(false)
- for uc in utfcharacters(str) do
- p=p+P(uc)
- end
- return p
- end
-elseif utfgmatch then
- function lpeg.US(str)
- local p=P(false)
- for uc in utfgmatch(str,".") do
- p=p+P(uc)
- end
- return p
- end
- function lpeg.US(str)
- local p=P(false)
- local f=function(uc)
- p=p+P(uc)
- end
- lpegmatch((utf8char/f)^0,str)
- return p
- end
-local range=utf8byte*utf8byte+Cc(false)
-function lpeg.UR(str,more)
- local first,last
- if type(str)=="number" then
- first=str
- last=more or first
- else
- first,last=lpegmatch(range,str)
- if not last then
- return P(str)
- end
- end
- if first==last then
- return P(str)
- elseif utfchar and (last-first<8) then
- local p=P(false)
- for i=first,last do
- p=p+P(utfchar(i))
- end
- return p
- else
- local f=function(b)
- return b>=first and b<=last
- end
- return utf8byte/f
- end
-function lpeg.is_lpeg(p)
- return p and lpegtype(p)=="pattern"
-function lpeg.oneof(list,...)
- if type(list)~="table" then
- list={ list,... }
- end
- local p=P(list[1])
- for l=2,#list do
- p=p+P(list[l])
- end
- return p
-local sort=table.sort
-local function copyindexed(old)
- local new={}
- for i=1,#old do
- new[i]=old
- end
- return new
-local function sortedkeys(tab)
- local keys,s={},0
- for key,_ in next,tab do
- s=s+1
- keys[s]=key
- end
- sort(keys)
- return keys
-function lpeg.append(list,pp,delayed,checked)
- local p=pp
- if #list>0 then
- local keys=copyindexed(list)
- sort(keys)
- for i=#keys,1,-1 do
- local k=keys[i]
- if p then
- p=P(k)+p
- else
- p=P(k)
- end
- end
- elseif delayed then
- local keys=sortedkeys(list)
- if p then
- for i=1,#keys,1 do
- local k=keys[i]
- local v=list[k]
- p=P(k)/list+p
- end
- else
- for i=1,#keys do
- local k=keys[i]
- local v=list[k]
- if p then
- p=P(k)+p
- else
- p=P(k)
- end
- end
- if p then
- p=p/list
- end
- end
- elseif checked then
- local keys=sortedkeys(list)
- for i=1,#keys do
- local k=keys[i]
- local v=list[k]
- if p then
- if k==v then
- p=P(k)+p
- else
- p=P(k)/v+p
- end
- else
- if k==v then
- p=P(k)
- else
- p=P(k)/v
- end
- end
- end
- else
- local keys=sortedkeys(list)
- for i=1,#keys do
- local k=keys[i]
- local v=list[k]
- if p then
- p=P(k)/v+p
- else
- p=P(k)/v
- end
- end
- end
- return p
-local function make(t)
- local p
- local keys=sortedkeys(t)
- for i=1,#keys do
- local k=keys[i]
- local v=t[k]
- if not p then
- if next(v) then
- p=P(k)*make(v)
- else
- p=P(k)
- end
- else
- if next(v) then
- p=p+P(k)*make(v)
- else
- p=p+P(k)
- end
- end
- end
- return p
-function lpeg.utfchartabletopattern(list)
- local tree={}
- for i=1,#list do
- local t=tree
- for c in gmatch(list[i],".") do
- if not t[c] then
- t[c]={}
- end
- t=t[c]
- end
- end
- return make(tree)
-local function nextstep(n,step,result)
- local m=n%step
- local d=floor(n/step)
- if d>0 then
- local v=V(tostring(step))
- local s=result.start
- for i=1,d do
- if s then
- s=v*s
- else
- s=v
- end
- end
- result.start=s
- end
- if step>1 and result.start then
- local v=V(tostring(step/2))
- result[tostring(step)]=v*v
- end
- if step>0 then
- return nextstep(m,step/2,result)
- else
- return result
- end
-function lpeg.times(pattern,n)
- return P(nextstep(n,2^16,{ "start",["1"]=pattern }))
-local trailingzeros=zero^0*-digit
-local case_1=period*trailingzeros/""
-local case_2=period*(digit-trailingzeros)^1*(trailingzeros/"")
-local number=digit^1*(case_1+case_2)
-local stripper=Cs((number+1)^0)
-end -- closure
-do -- begin closure to overcome local limits and interference
-if not modules then modules={} end modules ['l-functions']={
- version=1.001,
- comment="companion to luat-lib.mkiv",
- author="Hans Hagen, PRAGMA-ADE, Hasselt NL",
- copyright="PRAGMA ADE / ConTeXt Development Team",
- license="see context related readme files"
-functions=functions or {}
-function functions.dummy() end
-end -- closure
-do -- begin closure to overcome local limits and interference
-if not modules then modules={} end modules ['l-string']={
- version=1.001,
- comment="companion to luat-lib.mkiv",
- author="Hans Hagen, PRAGMA-ADE, Hasselt NL",
- copyright="PRAGMA ADE / ConTeXt Development Team",
- license="see context related readme files"
-local string=string
-local sub,gmatch,format,char,byte,rep,lower=string.sub,string.gmatch,string.format,string.char,string.byte,string.rep,string.lower
-local lpegmatch,patterns=lpeg.match,lpeg.patterns
-local P,S,C,Ct,Cc,Cs=lpeg.P,lpeg.S,lpeg.C,lpeg.Ct,lpeg.Cc,lpeg.Cs
-local unquoted=patterns.squote*C(patterns.nosquote)*patterns.squote+patterns.dquote*C(patterns.nodquote)*patterns.dquote
-function string.unquoted(str)
- return lpegmatch(unquoted,str) or str
-function string.quoted(str)
- return format("%q",str)
-function string.count(str,pattern)
- local n=0
- for _ in gmatch(str,pattern) do
- n=n+1
- end
- return n
-function string.limit(str,n,sentinel)
- if #str>n then
- sentinel=sentinel or "..."
- return sub(str,1,(n-#sentinel))..sentinel
- else
- return str
- end
-local stripper=patterns.stripper
-local fullstripper=patterns.fullstripper
-local collapser=patterns.collapser
-local longtostring=patterns.longtostring
-function string.strip(str)
- return lpegmatch(stripper,str) or ""
-function string.fullstrip(str)
- return lpegmatch(fullstripper,str) or ""
-function string.collapsespaces(str)
- return lpegmatch(collapser,str) or ""
-function string.longtostring(str)
- return lpegmatch(longtostring,str) or ""
-local pattern=P(" ")^0*P(-1)
-function string.is_empty(str)
- if str=="" then
- return true
- else
- return lpegmatch(pattern,str) and true or false
- end
-local anything=patterns.anything
-local allescapes=Cc("%")*S(".-+%?()[]*")
-local someescapes=Cc("%")*S(".-+%()[]")
-local matchescapes=Cc(".")*S("*?")
-local pattern_a=Cs ((allescapes+anything )^0 )
-local pattern_b=Cs ((someescapes+matchescapes+anything )^0 )
-local pattern_c=Cs (Cc("^")*(someescapes+matchescapes+anything )^0*Cc("$") )
-function string.escapedpattern(str,simple)
- return lpegmatch(simple and pattern_b or pattern_a,str)
-function string.topattern(str,lowercase,strict)
- if str=="" or type(str)~="string" then
- return ".*"
- elseif strict then
- str=lpegmatch(pattern_c,str)
- else
- str=lpegmatch(pattern_b,str)
- end
- if lowercase then
- return lower(str)
- else
- return str
- end
-function string.valid(str,default)
- return (type(str)=="string" and str~="" and str) or default or nil
-string.itself=function(s) return s end
-local pattern=Ct(C(1)^0)
-function string.totable(str)
- return lpegmatch(pattern,str)
-local replacer=lpeg.replacer("@","%%")
-function string.tformat(fmt,...)
- return format(lpegmatch(replacer,fmt),...)
-end -- closure
-do -- begin closure to overcome local limits and interference
-if not modules then modules={} end modules ['l-table']={
- version=1.001,
- comment="companion to luat-lib.mkiv",
- author="Hans Hagen, PRAGMA-ADE, Hasselt NL",
- copyright="PRAGMA ADE / ConTeXt Development Team",
- license="see context related readme files"
-local type,next,tostring,tonumber,ipairs,select=type,next,tostring,tonumber,ipairs,select
-local table,string=table,string
-local concat,sort,insert,remove=table.concat,table.sort,table.insert,table.remove
-local format,lower,dump=string.format,string.lower,string.dump
-local getmetatable,setmetatable=getmetatable,setmetatable
-local getinfo=debug.getinfo
-local lpegmatch,patterns=lpeg.match,lpeg.patterns
-local floor=math.floor
-local stripper=patterns.stripper
-function table.strip(tab)
- local lst,l={},0
- for i=1,#tab do
- local s=lpegmatch(stripper,tab[i]) or ""
- if s=="" then
- else
- l=l+1
- lst[l]=s
- end
- end
- return lst
-function table.keys(t)
- if t then
- local keys,k={},0
- for key,_ in next,t do
- k=k+1
- keys[k]=key
- end
- return keys
- else
- return {}
- end
-local function compare(a,b)
- local ta,tb=type(a),type(b)
- if ta==tb then
- return a<b
- else
- return tostring(a)<tostring(b)
- end
-local function sortedkeys(tab)
- if tab then
- local srt,category,s={},0,0
- for key,_ in next,tab do
- s=s+1
- srt[s]=key
- if category==3 then
- else
- local tkey=type(key)
- if tkey=="string" then
- category=(category==2 and 3) or 1
- elseif tkey=="number" then
- category=(category==1 and 3) or 2
- else
- category=3
- end
- end
- end
- if category==0 or category==3 then
- sort(srt,compare)
- else
- sort(srt)
- end
- return srt
- else
- return {}
- end
-local function sortedhashonly(tab)
- if tab then
- local srt,s={},0
- for key,_ in next,tab do
- if type(key)=="string" then
- s=s+1
- srt[s]=key
- end
- end
- sort(srt)
- return srt
- else
- return {}
- end
-local function sortedindexonly(tab)
- if tab then
- local srt,s={},0
- for key,_ in next,tab do
- if type(key)=="number" then
- s=s+1
- srt[s]=key
- end
- end
- sort(srt)
- return srt
- else
- return {}
- end
-local function sortedhashkeys(tab,cmp)
- if tab then
- local srt,s={},0
- for key,_ in next,tab do
- if key then
- s=s+1
- srt[s]=key
- end
- end
- sort(srt,cmp)
- return srt
- else
- return {}
- end
-function table.allkeys(t)
- local keys={}
- for k,v in next,t do
- for k,v in next,v do
- keys[k]=true
- end
- end
- return sortedkeys(keys)
-local function nothing() end
-local function sortedhash(t,cmp)
- if t then
- local s
- if cmp then
- s=sortedhashkeys(t,function(a,b) return cmp(t,a,b) end)
- else
- s=sortedkeys(t)
- end
- local n=0
- local m=#s
- local function kv(s)
- if n<m then
- n=n+1
- local k=s[n]
- return k,t[k]
- end
- end
- return kv,s
- else
- return nothing
- end
-function table.append(t,list)
- local n=#t
- for i=1,#list do
- n=n+1
- t[n]=list[i]
- end
- return t
-function table.prepend(t,list)
- local nl=#list
- local nt=nl+#t
- for i=#t,1,-1 do
- t[nt]=t[i]
- nt=nt-1
- end
- for i=1,#list do
- t[i]=list[i]
- end
- return t
-function table.merge(t,...)
- t=t or {}
- for i=1,select("#",...) do
- for k,v in next,(select(i,...)) do
- t[k]=v
- end
- end
- return t
-function table.merged(...)
- local t={}
- for i=1,select("#",...) do
- for k,v in next,(select(i,...)) do
- t[k]=v
- end
- end
- return t
-function table.imerge(t,...)
- local nt=#t
- for i=1,select("#",...) do
- local nst=select(i,...)
- for j=1,#nst do
- nt=nt+1
- t[nt]=nst[j]
- end
- end
- return t
-function table.imerged(...)
- local tmp,ntmp={},0
- for i=1,select("#",...) do
- local nst=select(i,...)
- for j=1,#nst do
- ntmp=ntmp+1
- tmp[ntmp]=nst[j]
- end
- end
- return tmp
-local function fastcopy(old,metatabletoo)
- if old then
- local new={}
- for k,v in next,old do
- if type(v)=="table" then
- new[k]=fastcopy(v,metatabletoo)
- else
- new[k]=v
- end
- end
- if metatabletoo then
- local mt=getmetatable(old)
- if mt then
- setmetatable(new,mt)
- end
- end
- return new
- else
- return {}
- end
-local function copy(t,tables)
- tables=tables or {}
- local tcopy={}
- if not tables[t] then
- tables[t]=tcopy
- end
- for i,v in next,t do
- if type(i)=="table" then
- if tables[i] then
- i=tables[i]
- else
- i=copy(i,tables)
- end
- end
- if type(v)~="table" then
- tcopy[i]=v
- elseif tables[v] then
- tcopy[i]=tables[v]
- else
- tcopy[i]=copy(v,tables)
- end
- end
- local mt=getmetatable(t)
- if mt then
- setmetatable(tcopy,mt)
- end
- return tcopy
-function table.derive(parent)
- local child={}
- if parent then
- setmetatable(child,{ __index=parent })
- end
- return child
-function table.tohash(t,value)
- local h={}
- if t then
- if value==nil then value=true end
- for _,v in next,t do
- h[v]=value
- end
- end
- return h
-function table.fromhash(t)
- local hsh,h={},0
- for k,v in next,t do
- if v then
- h=h+1
- hsh[h]=k
- end
- end
- return hsh
-local noquotes,hexify,handle,reduce,compact,inline,functions
-local reserved=table.tohash {
- 'and','break','do','else','elseif','end','false','for','function','if',
- 'in','local','nil','not','or','repeat','return','then','true','until','while',
- 'NaN','goto',
-local function simple_table(t)
- if #t>0 then
- local n=0
- for _,v in next,t do
- n=n+1
- end
- if n==#t then
- local tt,nt={},0
- for i=1,#t do
- local v=t[i]
- local tv=type(v)
- if tv=="number" then
- nt=nt+1
- if hexify then
- tt[nt]=format("0x%04X",v)
- else
- tt[nt]=tostring(v)
- end
- elseif tv=="string" then
- nt=nt+1
- tt[nt]=format("%q",v)
- elseif tv=="boolean" then
- nt=nt+1
- tt[nt]=v and "true" or "false"
- else
- tt=nil
- break
- end
- end
- return tt
- end
- end
- return nil
-local propername=patterns.propername
-local function dummy() end
-local function do_serialize(root,name,depth,level,indexed)
- if level>0 then
- depth=depth.." "
- if indexed then
- handle(format("%s{",depth))
- else
- local tn=type(name)
- if tn=="number" then
- if hexify then
- handle(format("%s[0x%04X]={",depth,name))
- else
- handle(format("%s[%s]={",depth,name))
- end
- elseif tn=="string" then
- if noquotes and not reserved[name] and lpegmatch(propername,name) then
- handle(format("%s%s={",depth,name))
- else
- handle(format("%s[%q]={",depth,name))
- end
- elseif tn=="boolean" then
- handle(format("%s[%s]={",depth,name and "true" or "false"))
- else
- handle(format("%s{",depth))
- end
- end
- end
- if root and next(root) then
- local first,last=nil,0
- if compact then
- last=#root
- for k=1,last do
- if root[k]==nil then
- last=k-1
- break
- end
- end
- if last>0 then
- first=1
- end
- end
- local sk=sortedkeys(root)
- for i=1,#sk do
- local k=sk[i]
- local v=root[k]
- local tv,tk=type(v),type(k)
- if compact and first and tk=="number" and k>=first and k<=last then
- if tv=="number" then
- if hexify then
- handle(format("%s 0x%04X,",depth,v))
- else
- handle(format("%s %s,",depth,v))
- end
- elseif tv=="string" then
- if reduce and tonumber(v) then
- handle(format("%s %s,",depth,v))
- else
- handle(format("%s %q,",depth,v))
- end
- elseif tv=="table" then
- if not next(v) then
- handle(format("%s {},",depth))
- elseif inline then
- local st=simple_table(v)
- if st then
- handle(format("%s { %s },",depth,concat(st,", ")))
- else
- do_serialize(v,k,depth,level+1,true)
- end
- else
- do_serialize(v,k,depth,level+1,true)
- end
- elseif tv=="boolean" then
- handle(format("%s %s,",depth,v and "true" or "false"))
- elseif tv=="function" then
- if functions then
- handle(format('%s load(%q),',depth,dump(v)))
- else
- handle(format('%s "function",',depth))
- end
- else
- handle(format("%s %q,",depth,tostring(v)))
- end
- elseif k=="__p__" then
- if false then
- handle(format("%s __p__=nil,",depth))
- end
- elseif tv=="number" then
- if tk=="number" then
- if hexify then
- handle(format("%s [0x%04X]=0x%04X,",depth,k,v))
- else
- handle(format("%s [%s]=%s,",depth,k,v))
- end
- elseif tk=="boolean" then
- if hexify then
- handle(format("%s [%s]=0x%04X,",depth,k and "true" or "false",v))
- else
- handle(format("%s [%s]=%s,",depth,k and "true" or "false",v))
- end
- elseif noquotes and not reserved[k] and lpegmatch(propername,k) then
- if hexify then
- handle(format("%s %s=0x%04X,",depth,k,v))
- else
- handle(format("%s %s=%s,",depth,k,v))
- end
- else
- if hexify then
- handle(format("%s [%q]=0x%04X,",depth,k,v))
- else
- handle(format("%s [%q]=%s,",depth,k,v))
- end
- end
- elseif tv=="string" then
- if reduce and tonumber(v) then
- if tk=="number" then
- if hexify then
- handle(format("%s [0x%04X]=%s,",depth,k,v))
- else
- handle(format("%s [%s]=%s,",depth,k,v))
- end
- elseif tk=="boolean" then
- handle(format("%s [%s]=%s,",depth,k and "true" or "false",v))
- elseif noquotes and not reserved[k] and lpegmatch(propername,k) then
- handle(format("%s %s=%s,",depth,k,v))
- else
- handle(format("%s [%q]=%s,",depth,k,v))
- end
- else
- if tk=="number" then
- if hexify then
- handle(format("%s [0x%04X]=%q,",depth,k,v))
- else
- handle(format("%s [%s]=%q,",depth,k,v))
- end
- elseif tk=="boolean" then
- handle(format("%s [%s]=%q,",depth,k and "true" or "false",v))
- elseif noquotes and not reserved[k] and lpegmatch(propername,k) then
- handle(format("%s %s=%q,",depth,k,v))
- else
- handle(format("%s [%q]=%q,",depth,k,v))
- end
- end
- elseif tv=="table" then
- if not next(v) then
- if tk=="number" then
- if hexify then
- handle(format("%s [0x%04X]={},",depth,k))
- else
- handle(format("%s [%s]={},",depth,k))
- end
- elseif tk=="boolean" then
- handle(format("%s [%s]={},",depth,k and "true" or "false"))
- elseif noquotes and not reserved[k] and lpegmatch(propername,k) then
- handle(format("%s %s={},",depth,k))
- else
- handle(format("%s [%q]={},",depth,k))
- end
- elseif inline then
- local st=simple_table(v)
- if st then
- if tk=="number" then
- if hexify then
- handle(format("%s [0x%04X]={ %s },",depth,k,concat(st,", ")))
- else
- handle(format("%s [%s]={ %s },",depth,k,concat(st,", ")))
- end
- elseif tk=="boolean" then
- handle(format("%s [%s]={ %s },",depth,k and "true" or "false",concat(st,", ")))
- elseif noquotes and not reserved[k] and lpegmatch(propername,k) then
- handle(format("%s %s={ %s },",depth,k,concat(st,", ")))
- else
- handle(format("%s [%q]={ %s },",depth,k,concat(st,", ")))
- end
- else
- do_serialize(v,k,depth,level+1)
- end
- else
- do_serialize(v,k,depth,level+1)
- end
- elseif tv=="boolean" then
- if tk=="number" then
- if hexify then
- handle(format("%s [0x%04X]=%s,",depth,k,v and "true" or "false"))
- else
- handle(format("%s [%s]=%s,",depth,k,v and "true" or "false"))
- end
- elseif tk=="boolean" then
- handle(format("%s [%s]=%s,",depth,tostring(k),v and "true" or "false"))
- elseif noquotes and not reserved[k] and lpegmatch(propername,k) then
- handle(format("%s %s=%s,",depth,k,v and "true" or "false"))
- else
- handle(format("%s [%q]=%s,",depth,k,v and "true" or "false"))
- end
- elseif tv=="function" then
- if functions then
- local f=getinfo(v).what=="C" and dump(dummy) or dump(v)
- if tk=="number" then
- if hexify then
- handle(format("%s [0x%04X]=load(%q),",depth,k,f))
- else
- handle(format("%s [%s]=load(%q),",depth,k,f))
- end
- elseif tk=="boolean" then
- handle(format("%s [%s]=load(%q),",depth,k and "true" or "false",f))
- elseif noquotes and not reserved[k] and lpegmatch(propername,k) then
- handle(format("%s %s=load(%q),",depth,k,f))
- else
- handle(format("%s [%q]=load(%q),",depth,k,f))
- end
- end
- else
- if tk=="number" then
- if hexify then
- handle(format("%s [0x%04X]=%q,",depth,k,tostring(v)))
- else
- handle(format("%s [%s]=%q,",depth,k,tostring(v)))
- end
- elseif tk=="boolean" then
- handle(format("%s [%s]=%q,",depth,k and "true" or "false",tostring(v)))
- elseif noquotes and not reserved[k] and lpegmatch(propername,k) then
- handle(format("%s %s=%q,",depth,k,tostring(v)))
- else
- handle(format("%s [%q]=%q,",depth,k,tostring(v)))
- end
- end
- end
- end
- if level>0 then
- handle(format("%s},",depth))
- end
-local function serialize(_handle,root,name,specification)
- local tname=type(name)
- if type(specification)=="table" then
- noquotes=specification.noquotes
- hexify=specification.hexify
- handle=_handle or specification.handle or print
- reduce=specification.reduce or false
- functions=specification.functions
- compact=specification.compact
- inline=specification.inline and compact
- if functions==nil then
- functions=true
- end
- if compact==nil then
- compact=true
- end
- if inline==nil then
- inline=compact
- end
- else
- noquotes=false
- hexify=false
- handle=_handle or print
- reduce=false
- compact=true
- inline=true
- functions=true
- end
- if tname=="string" then
- if name=="return" then
- handle("return {")
- else
- handle(name.."={")
- end
- elseif tname=="number" then
- if hexify then
- handle(format("[0x%04X]={",name))
- else
- handle("[""]={")
- end
- elseif tname=="boolean" then
- if name then
- handle("return {")
- else
- handle("{")
- end
- else
- handle("t={")
- end
- if root then
- if getmetatable(root) then
- local dummy=root._w_h_a_t_e_v_e_r_
- root._w_h_a_t_e_v_e_r_=nil
- end
- if next(root) then
- do_serialize(root,name,"",0)
- end
- end
- handle("}")
-function table.serialize(root,name,specification)
- local t,n={},0
- local function flush(s)
- n=n+1
- t[n]=s
- end
- serialize(flush,root,name,specification)
- return concat(t,"\n")
-local maxtab=2*1024
-function table.tofile(filename,root,name,specification)
- local,'w')
- if f then
- if maxtab>1 then
- local t,n={},0
- local function flush(s)
- n=n+1
- t[n]=s
- if n>maxtab then
- f:write(concat(t,"\n"),"\n")
- t,n={},0
- end
- end
- serialize(flush,root,name,specification)
- f:write(concat(t,"\n"),"\n")
- else
- local function flush(s)
- f:write(s,"\n")
- end
- serialize(flush,root,name,specification)
- end
- f:close()
- io.flush()
- end
-local function flattened(t,f,depth)
- if f==nil then
- f={}
- depth=0xFFFF
- elseif tonumber(f) then
- depth=f
- f={}
- elseif not depth then
- depth=0xFFFF
- end
- for k,v in next,t do
- if type(k)~="number" then
- if depth>0 and type(v)=="table" then
- flattened(v,f,depth-1)
- else
- f[#f+1]=v
- end
- end
- end
- for k=1,#t do
- local v=t[k]
- if depth>0 and type(v)=="table" then
- flattened(v,f,depth-1)
- else
- f[#f+1]=v
- end
- end
- return f
-local function unnest(t,f)
- if not f then
- f={}
- end
- for i=1,#t do
- local v=t[i]
- if type(v)=="table" then
- if type(v[1])=="table" then
- unnest(v,f)
- else
- f[#f+1]=v
- end
- else
- f[#f+1]=v
- end
- end
- return f
-function table.unnest(t)
- return unnest(t)
-local function are_equal(a,b,n,m)
- if a and b and #a==#b then
- n=n or 1
- m=m or #a
- for i=n,m do
- local ai,bi=a[i],b[i]
- if ai==bi then
- elseif type(ai)=="table" and type(bi)=="table" then
- if not are_equal(ai,bi) then
- return false
- end
- else
- return false
- end
- end
- return true
- else
- return false
- end
-local function identical(a,b)
- for ka,va in next,a do
- local vb=b[ka]
- if va==vb then
- elseif type(va)=="table" and type(vb)=="table" then
- if not identical(va,vb) then
- return false
- end
- else
- return false
- end
- end
- return true
-function table.compact(t)
- if t then
- for k,v in next,t do
- if not next(v) then
- t[k]=nil
- end
- end
- end
-function table.contains(t,v)
- if t then
- for i=1,#t do
- if t[i]==v then
- return i
- end
- end
- end
- return false
-function table.count(t)
- local n=0
- for k,v in next,t do
- n=n+1
- end
- return n
-function table.swapped(t,s)
- local n={}
- if s then
- for k,v in next,s do
- n[k]=v
- end
- end
- for k,v in next,t do
- n[v]=k
- end
- return n
-function table.mirrored(t)
- local n={}
- for k,v in next,t do
- n[v]=k
- n[k]=v
- end
- return n
-function table.reversed(t)
- if t then
- local tt,tn={},#t
- if tn>0 then
- local ttn=0
- for i=tn,1,-1 do
- ttn=ttn+1
- tt[ttn]=t[i]
- end
- end
- return tt
- end
-function table.reverse(t)
- if t then
- local n=#t
- for i=1,floor(n/2) do
- local j=n-i+1
- t[i],t[j]=t[j],t[i]
- end
- return t
- end
-function table.sequenced(t,sep,simple)
- if not t then
- return ""
- end
- local n=#t
- local s={}
- if n>0 then
- for i=1,n do
- s[i]=tostring(t[i])
- end
- else
- n=0
- for k,v in sortedhash(t) do
- if simple then
- if v==true then
- n=n+1
- s[n]=k
- elseif v and v~="" then
- n=n+1
- s[n]=k.."="..tostring(v)
- end
- else
- n=n+1
- s[n]=k.."="..tostring(v)
- end
- end
- end
- return concat(s,sep or " | ")
-function table.print(t,...)
- if type(t)~="table" then
- print(tostring(t))
- else
- serialize(print,t,...)
- end
-if setinspector then
- setinspector(function(v) if type(v)=="table" then serialize(print,v,"table") return true end end)
-function table.sub(t,i,j)
- return { unpack(t,i,j) }
-function table.is_empty(t)
- return not t or not next(t)
-function table.has_one_entry(t)
- return t and not next(t,next(t))
-function table.loweredkeys(t)
- local l={}
- for k,v in next,t do
- l[lower(k)]=v
- end
- return l
-function table.unique(old)
- local hash={}
- local new={}
- local n=0
- for i=1,#old do
- local oi=old[i]
- if not hash[oi] then
- n=n+1
- new[n]=oi
- hash[oi]=true
- end
- end
- return new
-function table.sorted(t,...)
- sort(t,...)
- return t
-function table.values(t,s)
- if t then
- local values,keys,v={},{},0
- for key,value in next,t do
- if not keys[value] then
- v=v+1
- values[v]=value
- keys[k]=key
- end
- end
- if s then
- sort(values)
- end
- return values
- else
- return {}
- end
-end -- closure
-do -- begin closure to overcome local limits and interference
-if not modules then modules={} end modules ['l-boolean']={
- version=1.001,
- comment="companion to luat-lib.mkiv",
- author="Hans Hagen, PRAGMA-ADE, Hasselt NL",
- copyright="PRAGMA ADE / ConTeXt Development Team",
- license="see context related readme files"
-local type,tonumber=type,tonumber
-boolean=boolean or {}
-local boolean=boolean
-function boolean.tonumber(b)
- if b then return 1 else return 0 end
-function toboolean(str,tolerant)
- if str==nil then
- return false
- elseif str==false then
- return false
- elseif str==true then
- return true
- elseif str=="true" then
- return true
- elseif str=="false" then
- return false
- elseif not tolerant then
- return false
- elseif str==0 then
- return false
- elseif (tonumber(str) or 0)>0 then
- return true
- else
- return str=="yes" or str=="on" or str=="t"
- end
-function string.booleanstring(str)
- if str=="0" then
- return false
- elseif str=="1" then
- return true
- elseif str=="" then
- return false
- elseif str=="false" then
- return false
- elseif str=="true" then
- return true
- elseif (tonumber(str) or 0)>0 then
- return true
- else
- return str=="yes" or str=="on" or str=="t"
- end
-function string.is_boolean(str,default)
- if type(str)=="string" then
- if str=="true" or str=="yes" or str=="on" or str=="t" or str=="1" then
- return true
- elseif str=="false" or str=="no" or str=="off" or str=="f" or str=="0" then
- return false
- end
- end
- return default
-end -- closure
-do -- begin closure to overcome local limits and interference
-if not modules then modules={} end modules ['l-number']={
- version=1.001,
- comment="companion to luat-lib.mkiv",
- author="Hans Hagen, PRAGMA-ADE, Hasselt NL",
- copyright="PRAGMA ADE / ConTeXt Development Team",
- license="see context related readme files"
-local tostring,tonumber=tostring,tonumber
-local format,floor,match,rep=string.format,math.floor,string.match,string.rep
-local concat,insert=table.concat,table.insert
-local lpegmatch=lpeg.match
-number=number or {}
-local number=number
-if bit32 then
- local btest,bor=bit32.btest,bit32.bor
- function number.bit(p)
- return 2^(p-1)
- end
- number.hasbit=btest
- number.setbit=bor
- function number.setbit(x,p)
- return btest(x,p) and x or x+p
- end
- function number.clearbit(x,p)
- return btest(x,p) and x-p or x
- end
- function number.bit(p)
- return 2^(p-1)
- end
- function number.hasbit(x,p)
- return x%(p+p)>=p
- end
- function number.setbit(x,p)
- return (x%(p+p)>=p) and x or x+p
- end
- function number.clearbit(x,p)
- return (x%(p+p)>=p) and x-p or x
- end
-if bit32 then
- local bextract=bit32.extract
- local t={
- "0","0","0","0","0","0","0","0",
- "0","0","0","0","0","0","0","0",
- "0","0","0","0","0","0","0","0",
- "0","0","0","0","0","0","0","0",
- }
- function number.tobitstring(b,m)
- local n=32
- for i=0,31 do
- local v=bextract(b,i)
- local k=32-i
- if v==1 then
- n=k
- t[k]="1"
- else
- t[k]="0"
- end
- end
- if m then
- m=33-m*8
- if m<1 then
- m=1
- end
- return concat(t,"",m)
- elseif n<8 then
- return concat(t)
- elseif n<16 then
- return concat(t,"",9)
- elseif n<24 then
- return concat(t,"",17)
- else
- return concat(t,"",25)
- end
- end
- function number.tobitstring(n,m)
- if n>0 then
- local t={}
- while n>0 do
- insert(t,1,n%2>0 and 1 or 0)
- n=floor(n/2)
- end
- local nn=8-#t%8
- if nn>0 and nn<8 then
- for i=1,nn do
- insert(t,1,0)
- end
- end
- if m then
- m=m*8-#t
- if m>0 then
- insert(t,1,rep("0",m))
- end
- end
- return concat(t)
- elseif m then
- rep("00000000",m)
- else
- return "00000000"
- end
- end
-function number.valid(str,default)
- return tonumber(str) or default or nil
-function number.toevenhex(n)
- local s=format("%X",n)
- if #s%2==0 then
- return s
- else
- return "0"..s
- end
-local one=lpeg.C(1-lpeg.S('')/tonumber)^1
-function number.toset(n)
- return lpegmatch(one,tostring(n))
-local function bits(n,i,...)
- if n>0 then
- local m=n%2
- local n=floor(n/2)
- if m>0 then
- return bits(n,i+1,i,...)
- else
- return bits(n,i+1,...)
- end
- else
- return...
- end
-function number.bits(n)
- return { bits(n,1) }
-end -- closure
-do -- begin closure to overcome local limits and interference
-if not modules then modules={} end modules ['l-math']={
- version=1.001,
- comment="companion to luat-lib.mkiv",
- author="Hans Hagen, PRAGMA-ADE, Hasselt NL",
- copyright="PRAGMA ADE / ConTeXt Development Team",
- license="see context related readme files"
-local floor,sin,cos,tan=math.floor,math.sin,math.cos,math.tan
-if not math.round then
- function math.round(x) return floor(x+0.5) end
-if not math.div then
- function math.div(n,m) return floor(n/m) end
-if not math.mod then
- function math.mod(n,m) return n%m end
-local pipi=2*math.pi/360
-if not math.sind then
- function math.sind(d) return sin(d*pipi) end
- function math.cosd(d) return cos(d*pipi) end
- function math.tand(d) return tan(d*pipi) end
-if not math.odd then
- function math.odd (n) return n%2~=0 end
- function math.even(n) return n%2==0 end
-end -- closure
-do -- begin closure to overcome local limits and interference
-if not modules then modules={} end modules ['l-io']={
- version=1.001,
- comment="companion to luat-lib.mkiv",
- author="Hans Hagen, PRAGMA-ADE, Hasselt NL",
- copyright="PRAGMA ADE / ConTeXt Development Team",
- license="see context related readme files"
-local io=io
-local byte,find,gsub,format=string.byte,string.find,string.gsub,string.format
-local concat=table.concat
-local floor=math.floor
-local type=type
-if string.find(os.getenv("PATH"),";",1,true) then
- io.fileseparator,io.pathseparator="\\",";"
- io.fileseparator,io.pathseparator="/",":"
-local function readall(f)
- return f:read("*all")
-local function readall(f)
- local size=f:seek("end")
- if size==0 then
- return ""
- elseif size<1024*1024 then
- f:seek("set",0)
- return f:read('*all')
- else
- local done=f:seek("set",0)
- local step
- if size<1024*1024 then
- step=1024*1024
- elseif size>16*1024*1024 then
- step=16*1024*1024
- else
- step=floor(size/(1024*1024))*1024*1024/8
- end
- local data={}
- while true do
- local r=f:read(step)
- if not r then
- return concat(data)
- else
- data[#data+1]=r
- end
- end
- end
-function io.loaddata(filename,textmode)
- local,(textmode and 'r') or 'rb')
- if f then
- local data=readall(f)
- f:close()
- if #data>0 then
- return data
- end
- end
-function io.savedata(filename,data,joiner)
- local,"wb")
- if f then
- if type(data)=="table" then
- f:write(concat(data,joiner or ""))
- elseif type(data)=="function" then
- data(f)
- else
- f:write(data or "")
- end
- f:close()
- io.flush()
- return true
- else
- return false
- end
-function io.loadlines(filename,n)
- local,'r')
- if not f then
- elseif n then
- local lines={}
- for i=1,n do
- local line=f:read("*lines")
- if line then
- lines[#lines+1]=line
- else
- break
- end
- end
- f:close()
- lines=concat(lines,"\n")
- if #lines>0 then
- return lines
- end
- else
- local line=f:read("*line") or ""
- f:close()
- if #line>0 then
- return line
- end
- end
-function io.loadchunk(filename,n)
- local,'rb')
- if f then
- local data=f:read(n or 1024)
- f:close()
- if #data>0 then
- return data
- end
- end
-function io.exists(filename)
- local
- if f==nil then
- return false
- else
- f:close()
- return true
- end
-function io.size(filename)
- local
- if f==nil then
- return 0
- else
- local s=f:seek("end")
- f:close()
- return s
- end
-function io.noflines(f)
- if type(f)=="string" then
- local
- if f then
- local n=f and io.noflines(f) or 0
- f:close()
- return n
- else
- return 0
- end
- else
- local n=0
- for _ in f:lines() do
- n=n+1
- end
- f:seek('set',0)
- return n
- end
-local nextchar={
- [ 4]=function(f)
- return f:read(1,1,1,1)
- end,
- [ 2]=function(f)
- return f:read(1,1)
- end,
- [ 1]=function(f)
- return f:read(1)
- end,
- [-2]=function(f)
- local a,b=f:read(1,1)
- return b,a
- end,
- [-4]=function(f)
- local a,b,c,d=f:read(1,1,1,1)
- return d,c,b,a
- end
-function io.characters(f,n)
- if f then
- return nextchar[n or 1],f
- end
-local nextbyte={
- [4]=function(f)
- local a,b,c,d=f:read(1,1,1,1)
- if d then
- return byte(a),byte(b),byte(c),byte(d)
- end
- end,
- [3]=function(f)
- local a,b,c=f:read(1,1,1)
- if b then
- return byte(a),byte(b),byte(c)
- end
- end,
- [2]=function(f)
- local a,b=f:read(1,1)
- if b then
- return byte(a),byte(b)
- end
- end,
- [1]=function (f)
- local a=f:read(1)
- if a then
- return byte(a)
- end
- end,
- [-2]=function (f)
- local a,b=f:read(1,1)
- if b then
- return byte(b),byte(a)
- end
- end,
- [-3]=function(f)
- local a,b,c=f:read(1,1,1)
- if b then
- return byte(c),byte(b),byte(a)
- end
- end,
- [-4]=function(f)
- local a,b,c,d=f:read(1,1,1,1)
- if d then
- return byte(d),byte(c),byte(b),byte(a)
- end
- end
-function io.bytes(f,n)
- if f then
- return nextbyte[n or 1],f
- else
- return nil,nil
- end
-function io.ask(question,default,options)
- while true do
- io.write(question)
- if options then
- io.write(format(" [%s]",concat(options,"|")))
- end
- if default then
- io.write(format(" [%s]",default))
- end
- io.write(format(" "))
- io.flush()
- local
- answer=gsub(answer,"^%s*(.*)%s*$","%1")
- if answer=="" and default then
- return default
- elseif not options then
- return answer
- else
- for k=1,#options do
- if options[k]==answer then
- return answer
- end
- end
- local pattern="^"..answer
- for k=1,#options do
- local v=options[k]
- if find(v,pattern) then
- return v
- end
- end
- end
- end
-local function readnumber(f,n,m)
- if m then
- f:seek("set",n)
- n=m
- end
- if n==1 then
- return byte(f:read(1))
- elseif n==2 then
- local a,b=byte(f:read(2),1,2)
- return 256*a+b
- elseif n==3 then
- local a,b,c=byte(f:read(3),1,3)
- return 256*256*a+256*b+c
- elseif n==4 then
- local a,b,c,d=byte(f:read(4),1,4)
- return 256*256*256*a+256*256*b+256*c+d
- elseif n==8 then
- local a,b=readnumber(f,4),readnumber(f,4)
- return 256*a+b
- elseif n==12 then
- local a,b,c=readnumber(f,4),readnumber(f,4),readnumber(f,4)
- return 256*256*a+256*b+c
- elseif n==-2 then
- local b,a=byte(f:read(2),1,2)
- return 256*a+b
- elseif n==-3 then
- local c,b,a=byte(f:read(3),1,3)
- return 256*256*a+256*b+c
- elseif n==-4 then
- local d,c,b,a=byte(f:read(4),1,4)
- return 256*256*256*a+256*256*b+256*c+d
- elseif n==-8 then
- local h,g,f,e,d,c,b,a=byte(f:read(8),1,8)
- return 256*256*256*256*256*256*256*a+256*256*256*256*256*256*b+256*256*256*256*256*c+256*256*256*256*d+256*256*256*e+256*256*f+256*g+h
- else
- return 0
- end
-function io.readstring(f,n,m)
- if m then
- f:seek("set",n)
- n=m
- end
- local str=gsub(f:read(n),"\000","")
- return str
-if not io.i_limiter then function io.i_limiter() end end
-if not io.o_limiter then function io.o_limiter() end end
-end -- closure
-do -- begin closure to overcome local limits and interference
-if not modules then modules={} end modules ['l-os']={
- version=1.001,
- comment="companion to luat-lib.mkiv",
- author="Hans Hagen, PRAGMA-ADE, Hasselt NL",
- copyright="PRAGMA ADE / ConTeXt Development Team",
- license="see context related readme files"
-local os=os
-local date,,os.time
-local find,format,gsub,upper,gmatch=string.find,string.format,string.gsub,string.upper,string.gmatch
-local concat=table.concat
-local random,ceil,randomseed=math.random,math.ceil,math.randomseed
-local rawget,rawset,type,getmetatable,setmetatable,tonumber,tostring=rawget,rawset,type,getmetatable,setmetatable,tonumber,tostring
-math.initialseed=tonumber(string.sub(string.reverse(tostring(ceil(socket and socket.gettime()*10000 or time()))),1,6))
-if not os.__getenv__ then
- os.__getenv__=os.getenv
- os.__setenv__=os.setenv
- if os.env then
- local osgetenv=os.getenv
- local ossetenv=os.setenv
- local osenv=os.env local _=osenv.PATH
- function os.setenv(k,v)
- if v==nil then
- v=""
- end
- local K=upper(k)
- osenv[K]=v
- if type(v)=="table" then
- v=concat(v,";")
- end
- ossetenv(K,v)
- end
- function os.getenv(k)
- local K=upper(k)
- local v=osenv[K] or osenv[k] or osgetenv(K) or osgetenv(k)
- if v=="" then
- return nil
- else
- return v
- end
- end
- else
- local ossetenv=os.setenv
- local osgetenv=os.getenv
- local osenv={}
- function os.setenv(k,v)
- if v==nil then
- v=""
- end
- local K=upper(k)
- osenv[K]=v
- end
- function os.getenv(k)
- local K=upper(k)
- local v=osenv[K] or osgetenv(K) or osgetenv(k)
- if v=="" then
- return nil
- else
- return v
- end
- end
- local function __index(t,k)
- return os.getenv(k)
- end
- local function __newindex(t,k,v)
- os.setenv(k,v)
- end
- os.env={}
- setmetatable(os.env,{ __index=__index,__newindex=__newindex } )
- end
-local execute,spawn,exec,iopopen,ioflush=os.execute,os.spawn or os.execute,os.exec or os.execute,io.popen,io.flush
-function os.execute(...) ioflush() return execute(...) end
-function os.spawn (...) ioflush() return spawn (...) end
-function os.exec (...) ioflush() return exec (...) end
-function io.popen (...) ioflush() return iopopen(...) end
-function os.resultof(command)
- local handle=io.popen(command,"r")
- if handle then
- local result=handle:read("*all") or ""
- handle:close()
- return result
- else
- return ""
- end
-if not io.fileseparator then
- if find(os.getenv("PATH"),";",1,true) then
- io.fileseparator,io.pathseparator,os.type="\\",";",os.type or "mswin"
- else
- io.fileseparator,io.pathseparator,os.type="/",":",os.type or "unix"
- end
-os.type=os.type or (io.pathseparator==";" and "windows") or "unix" or (os.type=="windows" and "mswin" ) or "linux"
-if os.type=="windows" then
- os.libsuffix,os.binsuffix,os.binsuffixes='dll','exe',{ 'exe','cmd','bat' }
- os.libsuffix,os.binsuffix,os.binsuffixes='so','',{ '' }
-local launchers={
- windows="start %s",
- macosx="open %s",
- unix="$BROWSER %s &> /dev/null &",
-function os.launch(str)
- os.execute(format(launchers[] or launchers.unix,str))
-if not os.times then
- function os.times()
- return {
- utime=os.gettimeofday(),
- stime=0,
- cutime=0,
- cstime=0,
- }
- end
-local gettimeofday=os.gettimeofday or os.clock
-local startuptime=gettimeofday()
-function os.runtime()
- return gettimeofday()-startuptime
-local resolvers=os.resolvers or {}
-setmetatable(os,{ __index=function(t,k)
- local r=resolvers[k]
- return r and r(t,k) or nil
-end })
-local name, or "linux",os.getenv("MTX_PLATFORM") or ""
-local function guess()
- local architecture=os.resultof("uname -m") or ""
- if architecture~="" then
- return architecture
- end
- architecture=os.getenv("HOSTTYPE") or ""
- if architecture~="" then
- return architecture
- end
- return os.resultof("echo $HOSTTYPE") or ""
-if platform~="" then
- os.platform=platform
-elseif os.type=="windows" then
- function resolvers.platform(t,k)
- local platform,architecture="",os.getenv("PROCESSOR_ARCHITECTURE") or ""
- if find(architecture,"AMD64",1,true) then
- platform="win64"
- else
- platform="mswin"
- end
- os.setenv("MTX_PLATFORM",platform)
- os.platform=platform
- return platform
- end
-elseif name=="linux" then
- function resolvers.platform(t,k)
- local platform,architecture="",os.getenv("HOSTTYPE") or os.resultof("uname -m") or ""
- if find(architecture,"x86_64",1,true) then
- platform="linux-64"
- elseif find(architecture,"ppc",1,true) then
- platform="linux-ppc"
- else
- platform="linux"
- end
- os.setenv("MTX_PLATFORM",platform)
- os.platform=platform
- return platform
- end
-elseif name=="macosx" then
- function resolvers.platform(t,k)
- local platform,architecture="",os.resultof("echo $HOSTTYPE") or ""
- if architecture=="" then
- platform="osx-intel"
- elseif find(architecture,"i386",1,true) then
- platform="osx-intel"
- elseif find(architecture,"x86_64",1,true) then
- platform="osx-64"
- else
- platform="osx-ppc"
- end
- os.setenv("MTX_PLATFORM",platform)
- os.platform=platform
- return platform
- end
-elseif name=="sunos" then
- function resolvers.platform(t,k)
- local platform,architecture="",os.resultof("uname -m") or ""
- if find(architecture,"sparc",1,true) then
- platform="solaris-sparc"
- else
- platform="solaris-intel"
- end
- os.setenv("MTX_PLATFORM",platform)
- os.platform=platform
- return platform
- end
-elseif name=="freebsd" then
- function resolvers.platform(t,k)
- local platform,architecture="",os.resultof("uname -m") or ""
- if find(architecture,"amd64",1,true) then
- platform="freebsd-amd64"
- else
- platform="freebsd"
- end
- os.setenv("MTX_PLATFORM",platform)
- os.platform=platform
- return platform
- end
-elseif name=="kfreebsd" then
- function resolvers.platform(t,k)
- local platform,architecture="",os.getenv("HOSTTYPE") or os.resultof("uname -m") or ""
- if find(architecture,"x86_64",1,true) then
- platform="kfreebsd-amd64"
- else
- platform="kfreebsd-i386"
- end
- os.setenv("MTX_PLATFORM",platform)
- os.platform=platform
- return platform
- end
- function resolvers.platform(t,k)
- local platform="linux"
- os.setenv("MTX_PLATFORM",platform)
- os.platform=platform
- return platform
- end
-function resolvers.bits(t,k)
- local bits=find(os.platform,"64",1,true) and 64 or 32
- os.bits=bits
- return bits
-local t={ 8,9,"a","b" }
-function os.uuid()
- return format("%04x%04x-4%03x-%s%03x-%04x-%04x%04x%04x",
- random(0xFFFF),random(0xFFFF),
- random(0x0FFF),
- t[ceil(random(4))] or 8,random(0x0FFF),
- random(0xFFFF),
- random(0xFFFF),random(0xFFFF),random(0xFFFF)
- )
-local d
-function os.timezone(delta)
- d=d or tonumber(tonumber(date("%H")-date("!%H")))
- if delta then
- if d>0 then
- return format("+%02i:00",d)
- else
- return format("-%02i:00",-d)
- end
- else
- return 1
- end
-local timeformat=format("%%s%s",os.timezone(true))
-local dateformat="!%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S"
-local lasttime=nil
-local lastdate=nil
-function os.fulltime(t,default)
- t=t and tonumber(t) or 0
- if t>0 then
- elseif default then
- return default
- else
- t=time()
- end
- if t~=lasttime then
- lasttime=t
- lastdate=format(timeformat,date(dateformat))
- end
- return lastdate
-local dateformat="%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S"
-local lasttime=nil
-local lastdate=nil
-function os.localtime(t,default)
- t=t and tonumber(t) or 0
- if t>0 then
- elseif default then
- return default
- else
- t=time()
- end
- if t~=lasttime then
- lasttime=t
- lastdate=date(dateformat,t)
- end
- return lastdate
-function os.converttime(t,default)
- local t=tonumber(t)
- if t and t>0 then
- return date(dateformat,t)
- else
- return default or "-"
- end
-local memory={}
-local function which(filename)
- local fullname=memory[filename]
- if fullname==nil then
- local suffix=file.suffix(filename)
- local suffixes=suffix=="" and os.binsuffixes or { suffix }
- for directory in gmatch(os.getenv("PATH"),"[^""]+") do
- local df=file.join(directory,filename)
- for i=1,#suffixes do
- local dfs=file.addsuffix(df,suffixes[i])
- if io.exists(dfs) then
- fullname=dfs
- break
- end
- end
- end
- if not fullname then
- fullname=false
- end
- memory[filename]=fullname
- end
- return fullname
- return date("!*t")
- return date("!%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S")
-if not os.sleep then
- local socket=socket
- function os.sleep(n)
- if not socket then
- socket=require("socket")
- end
- socket.sleep(n)
- end
-local function isleapyear(year)
- return (year%400==0) or ((year%100~=0) and (year%4==0))
-local days={ 31,28,31,30,31,30,31,31,30,31,30,31 }
-local function nofdays(year,month)
- if not month then
- return isleapyear(year) and 365 or 364
- else
- return month==2 and isleapyear(year) and 29 or days[month]
- end
-function os.weekday(day,month,year)
- return date("%w",time { year=year,month=month,day=day })+1
-function os.validdate(year,month,day)
- if month<1 then
- month=1
- elseif month>12 then
- month=12
- end
- if day<1 then
- day=1
- else
- local max=nofdays(year,month)
- if day>max then
- day=max
- end
- end
- return year,month,day
-end -- closure
-do -- begin closure to overcome local limits and interference
-if not modules then modules={} end modules ['l-file']={
- version=1.001,
- comment="companion to luat-lib.mkiv",
- author="Hans Hagen, PRAGMA-ADE, Hasselt NL",
- copyright="PRAGMA ADE / ConTeXt Development Team",
- license="see context related readme files"
-file=file or {}
-local file=file
-if not lfs then
- lfs=optionalrequire("lfs")
-if not lfs then
- lfs={
- getcurrentdir=function()
- return "."
- end,
- attributes=function()
- return nil
- end,
- isfile=function(name)
- local,'rb')
- if f then
- f:close()
- return true
- end
- end,
- isdir=function(name)
- print("you need to load lfs")
- return false
- end
- }
-elseif not lfs.isfile then
- local attributes=lfs.attributes
- function lfs.isdir(name)
- return attributes(name,"mode")=="directory"
- end
- function lfs.isfile(name)
- return attributes(name,"mode")=="file"
- end
-local insert,concat=table.insert,table.concat
-local match,find,gmatch=string.match,string.find,string.gmatch
-local lpegmatch=lpeg.match
-local getcurrentdir,attributes=lfs.currentdir,lfs.attributes
-local checkedsplit=string.checkedsplit
-local P,R,S,C,Cs,Cp,Cc,Ct=lpeg.P,lpeg.R,lpeg.S,lpeg.C,lpeg.Cs,lpeg.Cp,lpeg.Cc,lpeg.Ct
-local colon=P(":")
-local period=P(".")
-local periods=P("..")
-local fwslash=P("/")
-local bwslash=P("\\")
-local slashes=S("\\/")
-local noperiod=1-period
-local noslashes=1-slashes
-local name=noperiod^1
-local suffix=period/""*(1-period-slashes)^1*-1
-local pattern=C((1-(slashes^1*noslashes^1*-1))^1)*P(1)
-local function pathpart(name,default)
- return name and lpegmatch(pattern,name) or default or ""
-local pattern=(noslashes^0*slashes)^1*C(noslashes^1)*-1
-local function basename(name)
- return name and lpegmatch(pattern,name) or name
-local pattern=(noslashes^0*slashes^1)^0*Cs((1-suffix)^1)*suffix^0
-local function nameonly(name)
- return name and lpegmatch(pattern,name) or name
-local pattern=(noslashes^0*slashes)^0*(noperiod^1*period)^1*C(noperiod^1)*-1
-local function suffixonly(name)
- return name and lpegmatch(pattern,name) or ""
-local pattern=(noslashes^0*slashes)^0*noperiod^1*((period*C(noperiod^1))^1)*-1+Cc("")
-local function suffixesonly(name)
- if name then
- return lpegmatch(pattern,name)
- else
- return ""
- end
-local drive=C(R("az","AZ"))*colon
-local path=C((noslashes^0*slashes)^0)
-local suffix=period*C(P(1-period)^0*P(-1))
-local base=C((1-suffix)^0)
-local rest=C(P(1)^0)
-local pattern_a=drive*path*base*suffix
-local pattern_b=path*base*suffix
-local pattern_c=C(drive*path)*C(base*suffix)
-local pattern_d=path*rest
-function file.splitname(str,splitdrive)
- if not str then
- elseif splitdrive then
- return lpegmatch(pattern_a,str)
- else
- return lpegmatch(pattern_b,str)
- end
-function file.splitbase(str)
- if str then
- return lpegmatch(pattern_d,str)
- else
- return "",str
- end
-function file.nametotable(str,splitdrive)
- if str then
- local path,drive,subpath,name,base,suffix=lpegmatch(pattern_c,str)
- if splitdrive then
- return {
- path=path,
- drive=drive,
- subpath=subpath,
- name=name,
- base=base,
- suffix=suffix,
- }
- else
- return {
- path=path,
- name=name,
- base=base,
- suffix=suffix,
- }
- end
- end
-local pattern=Cs(((period*(1-period-slashes)^1*-1)/""+1)^1)
-function file.removesuffix(name)
- return name and lpegmatch(pattern,name)
-local suffix=period/""*(1-period-slashes)^1*-1
-local pattern=Cs((noslashes^0*slashes^1)^0*((1-suffix)^1))*Cs(suffix)
-function file.addsuffix(filename,suffix,criterium)
- if not filename or not suffix or suffix=="" then
- return filename
- elseif criterium==true then
- return filename.."."..suffix
- elseif not criterium then
- local n,s=lpegmatch(pattern,filename)
- if not s or s=="" then
- return filename.."."..suffix
- else
- return filename
- end
- else
- local n,s=lpegmatch(pattern,filename)
- if s and s~="" then
- local t=type(criterium)
- if t=="table" then
- for i=1,#criterium do
- if s==criterium[i] then
- return filename
- end
- end
- elseif t=="string" then
- if s==criterium then
- return filename
- end
- end
- end
- return (n or filename).."."..suffix
- end
-local suffix=period*(1-period-slashes)^1*-1
-local pattern=Cs((1-suffix)^0)
-function file.replacesuffix(name,suffix)
- if name and suffix and suffix~="" then
- return lpegmatch(pattern,name).."."..suffix
- else
- return name
- end
-local reslasher=lpeg.replacer(P("\\"),"/")
-function file.reslash(str)
- return str and lpegmatch(reslasher,str)
-function file.is_writable(name)
- if not name then
- elseif lfs.isdir(name) then
- name=name.."/m_t_x_t_e_s_t.tmp"
- local,"wb")
- if f then
- f:close()
- os.remove(name)
- return true
- end
- elseif lfs.isfile(name) then
- local,"ab")
- if f then
- f:close()
- return true
- end
- else
- local,"ab")
- if f then
- f:close()
- os.remove(name)
- return true
- end
- end
- return false
-local readable=P("r")*Cc(true)
-function file.is_readable(name)
- if name then
- local a=attributes(name)
- return a and lpegmatch(readable,a.permissions) or false
- else
- return false
- end
-function file.size(name)
- if name then
- local a=attributes(name)
- return a and a.size or 0
- else
- return 0
- end
-function file.splitpath(str,separator)
- return str and checkedsplit(lpegmatch(reslasher,str),separator or io.pathseparator)
-function file.joinpath(tab,separator)
- return tab and concat(tab,separator or io.pathseparator)
-local someslash=S("\\/")
-local stripper=Cs(P(fwslash)^0/""*reslasher)
-local isnetwork=someslash*someslash*(1-someslash)+(1-fwslash-colon)^1*colon
-local isroot=fwslash^1*-1
-local hasroot=fwslash^1
-local reslasher=lpeg.replacer(S("\\/"),"/")
-local deslasher=lpeg.replacer(S("\\/")^1,"/")
-function file.join(...)
- local lst={... }
- local one=lst[1]
- if lpegmatch(isnetwork,one) then
- local one=lpegmatch(reslasher,one)
- local two=lpegmatch(deslasher,concat(lst,"/",2))
- if lpegmatch(hasroot,two) then
- return one..two
- else
- return one.."/"..two
- end
- elseif lpegmatch(isroot,one) then
- local two=lpegmatch(deslasher,concat(lst,"/",2))
- if lpegmatch(hasroot,two) then
- return two
- else
- return "/"..two
- end
- elseif one=="" then
- return lpegmatch(stripper,concat(lst,"/",2))
- else
- return lpegmatch(deslasher,concat(lst,"/"))
- end
-local drivespec=R("az","AZ")^1*colon
-local anchors=fwslash+drivespec
-local untouched=periods+(1-period)^1*P(-1)
-local mswindrive=Cs(drivespec*(bwslash/"/"+fwslash)^0)
-local mswinuncpath=(bwslash+fwslash)*(bwslash+fwslash)*Cc("//")
-local splitstarter=(mswindrive+mswinuncpath+Cc(false))*Ct(lpeg.splitat(S("/\\")^1))
-local absolute=fwslash
-function file.collapsepath(str,anchor)
- if not str then
- return
- end
- if anchor==true and not lpegmatch(anchors,str) then
- str=getcurrentdir().."/"..str
- end
- if str=="" or str=="." then
- return "."
- elseif lpegmatch(untouched,str) then
- return lpegmatch(reslasher,str)
- end
- local starter,oldelements=lpegmatch(splitstarter,str)
- local newelements={}
- local i=#oldelements
- while i>0 do
- local element=oldelements[i]
- if element=='.' then
- elseif element=='..' then
- local n=i-1
- while n>0 do
- local element=oldelements[n]
- if element~='..' and element~='.' then
- oldelements[n]='.'
- break
- else
- n=n-1
- end
- end
- if n<1 then
- insert(newelements,1,'..')
- end
- elseif element~="" then
- insert(newelements,1,element)
- end
- i=i-1
- end
- if #newelements==0 then
- return starter or "."
- elseif starter then
- return starter..concat(newelements,'/')
- elseif lpegmatch(absolute,str) then
- return "/"..concat(newelements,'/')
- else
- newelements=concat(newelements,'/')
- if anchor=="." and find(str,"^%./") then
- return "./"..newelements
- else
- return newelements
- end
- end
-local validchars=R("az","09","AZ","--","..")
-local pattern_a=lpeg.replacer(1-validchars)
-local pattern_a=Cs((validchars+P(1)/"-")^1)
-local whatever=P("-")^0/""
-local pattern_b=Cs(whatever*(1-whatever*-1)^1)
-function file.robustname(str,strict)
- if str then
- str=lpegmatch(pattern_a,str) or str
- if strict then
- return lpegmatch(pattern_b,str) or str
- else
- return str
- end
- end
-function file.copy(oldname,newname)
- if oldname and newname then
- local data=io.loaddata(oldname)
- if data and data~="" then
- file.savedata(newname,data)
- end
- end
-local letter=R("az","AZ")+S("_-+")
-local separator=P("://")
-local qualified=period^0*fwslash+letter*colon+letter^1*separator+letter^1*fwslash
-local rootbased=fwslash+letter*colon
-function file.is_qualified_path(filename)
- return filename and lpegmatch(qualified,filename)~=nil
-function file.is_rootbased_path(filename)
- return filename and lpegmatch(rootbased,filename)~=nil
-function file.strip(name,dir)
- if name then
- local b,a=match(name,"^(.-)"..dir.."(.*)$")
- return a~="" and a or name
- end
-function lfs.mkdirs(path)
- local full=""
- for sub in gmatch(path,"(/*[^\\/]+)") do
- full=full..sub
- lfs.mkdir(full)
- end
-end -- closure
-do -- begin closure to overcome local limits and interference
-if not modules then modules={} end modules ['l-gzip']={
- version=1.001,
- author="Hans Hagen, PRAGMA-ADE, Hasselt NL",
- copyright="PRAGMA ADE / ConTeXt Development Team",
- license="see context related readme files"
-if not gzip then
- return
-local suffix,suffixes=file.suffix,file.suffixes
-function gzip.load(filename)
- local,"rb")
- if not f then
- elseif suffix(filename)=="gz" then
- f:close()
- local,"rb")
- if g then
- local str=g:read("*all")
- g:close()
- return str
- end
- else
- local str=f:read("*all")
- f:close()
- return str
- end
- if suffix(filename)~="gz" then
- filename=filename..".gz"
- end
- local,"wb")
- if f then
- local s=zlib.compress(data or "",9,nil,15+16)
- f:write(s)
- f:close()
- return #s
- end
-function gzip.suffix(filename)
- local suffix,extra=suffixes(filename)
- local gzipped=extra=="gz"
- return suffix,gzipped
-end -- closure
-do -- begin closure to overcome local limits and interference
-if not modules then modules={} end modules ['l-md5']={
- version=1.001,
- author="Hans Hagen, PRAGMA-ADE, Hasselt NL",
- copyright="PRAGMA ADE / ConTeXt Development Team",
- license="see context related readme files"
-if not md5 then
- md5=optionalrequire("md5")
-if not md5 then
- md5={
- sum=function(str) print("error: md5 is not loaded (sum ignored)") return str end,
- sumhexa=function(str) print("error: md5 is not loaded (sumhexa ignored)") return str end,
- }
-local md5,file=md5,file
-local gsub,format,byte=string.gsub,string.format,string.byte
-local md5sum=md5.sum
-local function convert(str,fmt)
- return (gsub(md5sum(str),".",function(chr) return format(fmt,byte(chr)) end))
-if not md5.HEX then function md5.HEX(str) return convert(str,"%02X") end end
-if not md5.hex then function md5.hex(str) return convert(str,"%02x") end end
-if not md5.dec then function md5.dec(str) return convert(str,"%03i") end end
-function file.needsupdating(oldname,newname,threshold)
- local oldtime=lfs.attributes(oldname,"modification")
- if oldtime then
- local newtime=lfs.attributes(newname,"modification")
- if not newtime then
- return true
- elseif newtime>=oldtime then
- return false
- elseif oldtime-newtime<(threshold or 1) then
- return false
- else
- return true
- end
- else
- return false
- end
-function file.syncmtimes(oldname,newname)
- local oldtime=lfs.attributes(oldname,"modification")
- if oldtime and lfs.isfile(newname) then
- lfs.touch(newname,oldtime,oldtime)
- end
-function file.checksum(name)
- if md5 then
- local data=io.loaddata(name)
- if data then
- return md5.HEX(data)
- end
- end
- return nil
-function file.loadchecksum(name)
- if md5 then
- local data=io.loaddata(name..".md5")
- return data and (gsub(data,"%s",""))
- end
- return nil
-function file.savechecksum(name,checksum)
- if not checksum then checksum=file.checksum(name) end
- if checksum then
- io.savedata(name..".md5",checksum)
- return checksum
- end
- return nil
-end -- closure
-do -- begin closure to overcome local limits and interference
-if not modules then modules={} end modules ['l-dir']={
- version=1.001,
- comment="companion to luat-lib.mkiv",
- author="Hans Hagen, PRAGMA-ADE, Hasselt NL",
- copyright="PRAGMA ADE / ConTeXt Development Team",
- license="see context related readme files"
-local type,select=type,select
-local find,gmatch,match,gsub=string.find,string.gmatch,string.match,string.gsub
-local concat,insert,remove,unpack=table.concat,table.insert,table.remove,table.unpack
-local lpegmatch=lpeg.match
-local P,S,R,C,Cc,Cs,Ct,Cv,V=lpeg.P,lpeg.S,lpeg.R,lpeg.C,lpeg.Cc,lpeg.Cs,lpeg.Ct,lpeg.Cv,lpeg.V
-dir=dir or {}
-local dir=dir
-local lfs=lfs
-local attributes=lfs.attributes
-local walkdir=lfs.dir
-local isdir=lfs.isdir
-local isfile=lfs.isfile
-local currentdir=lfs.currentdir
-local chdir=lfs.chdir
-local mkdir=lfs.mkdir
-local onwindows=os.type=="windows" or find(os.getenv("PATH"),";",1,true)
-if not isdir then
- function isdir(name)
- local a=attributes(name)
- return a and a.mode=="directory"
- end
- lfs.isdir=isdir
-if not isfile then
- function isfile(name)
- local a=attributes(name)
- return a and a.mode=="file"
- end
- lfs.isfile=isfile
-function dir.current()
- return (gsub(currentdir(),"\\","/"))
-local lfsisdir=isdir
-local function isdir(path)
- path=gsub(path,"[/\\]+$","")
- return lfsisdir(path)
-local function globpattern(path,patt,recurse,action)
- if path=="/" then
- path=path.."."
- elseif not find(path,"/$") then
- path=path..'/'
- end
- if isdir(path) then
- for name in walkdir(path) do
- local
- local mode=attributes(full,'mode')
- if mode=='file' then
- if find(full,patt) then
- action(full)
- end
- elseif recurse and (mode=="directory") and (name~='.') and (name~="..") then
- globpattern(full,patt,recurse,action)
- end
- end
- end
-local function collectpattern(path,patt,recurse,result)
- local ok,scanner
- result=result or {}
- if path=="/" then
- ok,scanner,first=xpcall(function() return walkdir(path..".") end,function() end)
- else
- ok,scanner,first=xpcall(function() return walkdir(path) end,function() end)
- end
- if ok and type(scanner)=="function" then
- if not find(path,"/$") then path=path..'/' end
- for name in scanner,first do
- local
- local attr=attributes(full)
- local mode=attr.mode
- if mode=='file' then
- if find(full,patt) then
- result[name]=attr
- end
- elseif recurse and (mode=="directory") and (name~='.') and (name~="..") then
- attr.list=collectpattern(full,patt,recurse)
- result[name]=attr
- end
- end
- end
- return result
-local separator
-if onwindows then
- local slash=S("/\\")/"/"
- pattern=Ct {
- [1]=(Cs(P(".")+slash^1)+Cs(R("az","AZ")*P(":")*slash^0)+Cc("./"))*V(2)*V(3),
- [2]=Cs(((1-S("*?/\\"))^0*slash)^0),
- [3]=Cs(P(1)^0)
- }
- pattern=Ct {
- [1]=(C(P(".")+P("/")^1)+Cc("./"))*V(2)*V(3),
- [2]=C(((1-S("*?/"))^0*P("/"))^0),
- [3]=C(P(1)^0)
- }
-local filter=Cs ((
- P("**")/".*"+P("*")/"[^/]*"+P("?")/"[^/]"+P(".")/"%%."+P("+")/"%%+"+P("-")/"%%-"+P(1)
-)^0 )
-local function glob(str,t)
- if type(t)=="function" then
- if type(str)=="table" then
- for s=1,#str do
- glob(str[s],t)
- end
- elseif isfile(str) then
- t(str)
- else
- local split=lpegmatch(pattern,str)
- if split then
- local root,path,base=split[1],split[2],split[3]
- local recurse=find(base,"**",1,true)
- local start=root..path
- local result=lpegmatch(filter,start..base)
- globpattern(start,result,recurse,t)
- end
- end
- else
- if type(str)=="table" then
- local t=t or {}
- for s=1,#str do
- glob(str[s],t)
- end
- return t
- elseif isfile(str) then
- if t then
- t[#t+1]=str
- return t
- else
- return { str }
- end
- else
- local split=lpegmatch(pattern,str)
- if split then
- local t=t or {}
- local action=action or function(name) t[#t+1]=name end
- local root,path,base=split[1],split[2],split[3]
- local recurse=find(base,"**",1,true)
- local start=root..path
- local result=lpegmatch(filter,start..base)
- globpattern(start,result,recurse,action)
- return t
- else
- return {}
- end
- end
- end
-local function globfiles(path,recurse,func,files)
- if type(func)=="string" then
- local s=func
- func=function(name) return find(name,s) end
- end
- files=files or {}
- local noffiles=#files
- for name in walkdir(path) do
- if find(name,"^%.") then
- else
- local mode=attributes(name,'mode')
- if mode=="directory" then
- if recurse then
- globfiles(path.."/",recurse,func,files)
- end
- elseif mode=="file" then
- if not func or func(name) then
- noffiles=noffiles+1
- files[noffiles]=path.."/"
- end
- end
- end
- end
- return files
- return concat(glob(pattern),"\n")
-local make_indeed=true
-if onwindows then
- function dir.mkdirs(...)
- local n=select("#",...)
- local str
- if n==1 then
- str=select(1,...)
- if isdir(str) then
- return str,true
- end
- else
- str=""
- for i=1,n do
- local s=select(i,...)
- if s=="" then
- elseif str=="" then
- str=s
- else
- str=str.."/"..s
- end
- end
- end
- local pth=""
- local drive=false
- local first,middle,last=match(str,"^(//)(//*)(.*)$")
- if first then
- else
- first,last=match(str,"^(//)/*(.-)$")
- if first then
- middle,last=match(str,"([^/]+)/+(.-)$")
- if middle then
- pth="//"..middle
- else
- pth="//"..last
- last=""
- end
- else
- first,middle,last=match(str,"^([a-zA-Z]:)(/*)(.-)$")
- if first then
- pth,drive=first..middle,true
- else
- middle,last=match(str,"^(/*)(.-)$")
- if not middle then
- last=str
- end
- end
- end
- end
- for s in gmatch(last,"[^/]+") do
- if pth=="" then
- pth=s
- elseif drive then
- pth,drive=pth..s,false
- else
- pth=pth.."/"..s
- end
- if make_indeed and not isdir(pth) then
- mkdir(pth)
- end
- end
- return pth,(isdir(pth)==true)
- end
- function dir.mkdirs(...)
- local n=select("#",...)
- local str,pth
- if n==1 then
- str=select(1,...)
- if isdir(str) then
- return str,true
- end
- else
- str=""
- for i=1,n do
- local s=select(i,...)
- if s and s~="" then
- if str~="" then
- str=str.."/"..s
- else
- str=s
- end
- end
- end
- end
- str=gsub(str,"/+","/")
- if find(str,"^/") then
- pth="/"
- for s in gmatch(str,"[^/]+") do
- local first=(pth=="/")
- if first then
- pth=pth..s
- else
- pth=pth.."/"..s
- end
- if make_indeed and not first and not isdir(pth) then
- mkdir(pth)
- end
- end
- else
- pth="."
- for s in gmatch(str,"[^/]+") do
- pth=pth.."/"..s
- if make_indeed and not isdir(pth) then
- mkdir(pth)
- end
- end
- end
- return pth,(isdir(pth)==true)
- end
-if onwindows then
- function dir.expandname(str)
- local first,nothing,last=match(str,"^(//)(//*)(.*)$")
- if first then
- first=dir.current().."/"
- end
- if not first then
- first,last=match(str,"^(//)/*(.*)$")
- end
- if not first then
- first,last=match(str,"^([a-zA-Z]:)(.*)$")
- if first and not find(last,"^/") then
- local d=currentdir()
- if chdir(first) then
- first=dir.current()
- end
- chdir(d)
- end
- end
- if not first then
- first,last=dir.current(),str
- end
- last=gsub(last,"//","/")
- last=gsub(last,"/%./","/")
- last=gsub(last,"^/*","")
- first=gsub(first,"/*$","")
- if last=="" or last=="." then
- return first
- else
- return first.."/"..last
- end
- end
- function dir.expandname(str)
- if not find(str,"^/") then
- str=currentdir().."/"..str
- end
- str=gsub(str,"//","/")
- str=gsub(str,"/%./","/")
- str=gsub(str,"(.)/%.$","%1")
- return str
- end
-local stack={}
-function dir.push(newdir)
- insert(stack,currentdir())
- if newdir and newdir~="" then
- chdir(newdir)
- end
-function dir.pop()
- local d=remove(stack)
- if d then
- chdir(d)
- end
- return d
-local function found(...)
- for i=1,select("#",...) do
- local path=select(i,...)
- local kind=type(path)
- if kind=="string" then
- if isdir(path) then
- return path
- end
- elseif kind=="table" then
- local path=found(unpack(path))
- if path then
- return path
- end
- end
- end
-end -- closure
-do -- begin closure to overcome local limits and interference
-if not modules then modules={} end modules ['l-unicode']={
- version=1.001,
- comment="companion to luat-lib.mkiv",
- author="Hans Hagen, PRAGMA-ADE, Hasselt NL",
- copyright="PRAGMA ADE / ConTeXt Development Team",
- license="see context related readme files"
-utf=utf or (unicode and unicode.utf8) or {}
-utf.characters=utf.characters or string.utfcharacters
-utf.values=utf.values or string.utfvalues
-local type=type
-local char,byte,format,sub,gmatch=string.char,string.byte,string.format,string.sub,string.gmatch
-local concat=table.concat
-local P,C,R,Cs,Ct,Cmt,Cc,Carg,Cp=lpeg.P,lpeg.C,lpeg.R,lpeg.Cs,lpeg.Ct,lpeg.Cmt,lpeg.Cc,lpeg.Carg,lpeg.Cp
-local lpegmatch,patterns=lpeg.match,lpeg.patterns
-local bytepairs=string.bytepairs
-local finder=lpeg.finder
-local replacer=lpeg.replacer
-local utfvalues=utf.values
-local utfgmatch=utf.gmatch
-local p_utftype=patterns.utftype
-local p_utfstricttype=patterns.utfstricttype
-local p_utfoffset=patterns.utfoffset
-local p_utf8char=patterns.utf8char
-local p_utf8byte=patterns.utf8byte
-local p_utfbom=patterns.utfbom
-local p_newline=patterns.newline
-local p_whitespace=patterns.whitespace
-if not unicode then
- unicode={ utf=utf }
-if not utf.char then
- local floor,char=math.floor,string.char
- function utf.char(n)
- if n<0x80 then
- return char(n)
- elseif n<0x800 then
- return char(
- 0xC0+floor(n/0x40),
- 0x80+(n%0x40)
- )
- elseif n<0x10000 then
- return char(
- 0xE0+floor(n/0x1000),
- 0x80+(floor(n/0x40)%0x40),
- 0x80+(n%0x40)
- )
- elseif n<0x200000 then
- return char(
- 0xF0+floor(n/0x40000),
- 0x80+(floor(n/0x1000)%0x40),
- 0x80+(floor(n/0x40)%0x40),
- 0x80+(n%0x40)
- )
- else
- return ""
- end
- end
-if not utf.byte then
- local utf8byte=patterns.utf8byte
- function utf.byte(c)
- return lpegmatch(utf8byte,c)
- end
-local utfchar,utfbyte=utf.char,utf.byte
-function utf.filetype(data)
- return data and lpegmatch(p_utftype,data) or "unknown"
-local toentities=Cs (
- (
- patterns.utf8one+(
- patterns.utf8two+patterns.utf8three+patterns.utf8four
- )/function(s) local b=utfbyte(s) if b<127 then return s else return format("&#%X;",b) end end
- )^0
-function utf.toentities(str)
- return lpegmatch(toentities,str)
-local one=P(1)
-local two=C(1)*C(1)
-local four=C(R(utfchar(0xD8),utfchar(0xFF)))*C(1)*C(1)*C(1)
-local pattern=P("\254\255")*Cs((
- four/function(a,b,c,d)
- local ab=0xFF*byte(a)+byte(b)
- local cd=0xFF*byte(c)+byte(d)
- return utfchar((ab-0xD800)*0x400+(cd-0xDC00)+0x10000)
- end+two/function(a,b)
- return utfchar(byte(a)*256+byte(b))
- end+one
- )^1 )+P("\255\254")*Cs((
- four/function(b,a,d,c)
- local ab=0xFF*byte(a)+byte(b)
- local cd=0xFF*byte(c)+byte(d)
- return utfchar((ab-0xD800)*0x400+(cd-0xDC00)+0x10000)
- end+two/function(b,a)
- return utfchar(byte(a)*256+byte(b))
- end+one
- )^1 )
-function string.toutf(s)
- return lpegmatch(pattern,s) or s
-local validatedutf=Cs (
- (
- patterns.utf8one+patterns.utf8two+patterns.utf8three+patterns.utf8four+P(1)/"�"
- )^0
-function utf.is_valid(str)
- return type(str)=="string" and lpegmatch(validatedutf,str) or false
-if not utf.len then
- local n,f=0,1
- local utfcharcounter=patterns.utfbom^-1*Cmt (
- Cc(1)*patterns.utf8one^1+Cc(2)*patterns.utf8two^1+Cc(3)*patterns.utf8three^1+Cc(4)*patterns.utf8four^1,
- function(_,t,d)
- n=n+(t-f)/d
- f=t
- return true
- end
- )^0
- function utf.len(str)
- n,f=0,1
- lpegmatch(utfcharcounter,str or "")
- return n
- end
-if not utf.sub then
- local utflength=utf.length
- local b,e,n,first,last=0,0,0,0,0
- local function slide_zero(s,p)
- n=n+1
- if n>=last then
- e=p-1
- else
- return p
- end
- end
- local function slide_one(s,p)
- n=n+1
- if n==first then
- b=p
- end
- if n>=last then
- e=p-1
- else
- return p
- end
- end
- local function slide_two(s,p)
- n=n+1
- if n==first then
- b=p
- else
- return true
- end
- end
- local pattern_zero=Cmt(p_utf8char,slide_zero)^0
- local pattern_one=Cmt(p_utf8char,slide_one )^0
- local pattern_two=Cmt(p_utf8char,slide_two )^0
- function utf.sub(str,start,stop)
- if not start then
- return str
- end
- if start==0 then
- start=1
- end
- if not stop then
- if start<0 then
- local l=utflength(str)
- start=l+start
- else
- start=start-1
- end
- b,n,first=0,0,start
- lpegmatch(pattern_two,str)
- if n>=first then
- return sub(str,b)
- else
- return ""
- end
- end
- if start<0 or stop<0 then
- local l=utf.length(str)
- if start<0 then
- start=l+start
- if start<=0 then
- start=1
- else
- start=start+1
- end
- end
- if stop<0 then
- stop=l+stop
- if stop==0 then
- stop=1
- else
- stop=stop+1
- end
- end
- end
- if start>stop then
- return ""
- elseif start>1 then
- b,e,n,first,last=0,0,0,start-1,stop
- lpegmatch(pattern_one,str)
- if n>=first and e==0 then
- e=#str
- end
- return sub(str,b,e)
- else
- b,e,n,last=1,0,0,stop
- lpegmatch(pattern_zero,str)
- if e==0 then
- e=#str
- end
- return sub(str,b,e)
- end
- end
-function utf.remapper(mapping)
- local pattern=Cs((p_utf8char/mapping)^0)
- return function(str)
- if not str or str=="" then
- return ""
- else
- return lpegmatch(pattern,str)
- end
- end,pattern
-function utf.replacer(t)
- local r=replacer(t,false,false,true)
- return function(str)
- return lpegmatch(r,str)
- end
-function utf.subtituter(t)
- local f=finder (t)
- local r=replacer(t,false,false,true)
- return function(str)
- local i=lpegmatch(f,str)
- if not i then
- return str
- elseif i>#str then
- return str
- else
- return lpegmatch(r,str)
- end
- end
-local utflinesplitter=p_utfbom^-1*lpeg.tsplitat(p_newline)
-local utfcharsplitter_ows=p_utfbom^-1*Ct(C(p_utf8char)^0)
-local utfcharsplitter_iws=p_utfbom^-1*Ct((p_whitespace^1+C(p_utf8char))^0)
-local utfcharsplitter_raw=Ct(C(p_utf8char)^0)
-function utf.splitlines(str)
- return lpegmatch(utflinesplitter,str or "")
-function utf.split(str,ignorewhitespace)
- if ignorewhitespace then
- return lpegmatch(utfcharsplitter_iws,str or "")
- else
- return lpegmatch(utfcharsplitter_ows,str or "")
- end
-function utf.totable(str)
- return lpegmatch(utfcharsplitter_raw,str)
-function utf.magic(f)
- local str=f:read(4) or ""
- local off=lpegmatch(p_utfoffset,str)
- if off<4 then
- f:seek('set',off)
- end
- return lpegmatch(p_utftype,str)
-local utf16_to_utf8_be,utf16_to_utf8_le
-local utf32_to_utf8_be,utf32_to_utf8_le
-local utf_16_be_linesplitter=patterns.utfbom_16_be^-1*lpeg.tsplitat(patterns.utf_16_be_nl)
-local utf_16_le_linesplitter=patterns.utfbom_16_le^-1*lpeg.tsplitat(patterns.utf_16_le_nl)
-if bytepairs then
- utf16_to_utf8_be=function(t)
- if type(t)=="string" then
- t=lpegmatch(utf_16_be_linesplitter,t)
- end
- local result={}
- for i=1,#t do
- local r,more=0,0
- for left,right in bytepairs(t[i]) do
- if right then
- local now=256*left+right
- if more>0 then
- now=(more-0xD800)*0x400+(now-0xDC00)+0x10000
- more=0
- r=r+1
- result[r]=utfchar(now)
- elseif now>=0xD800 and now<=0xDBFF then
- more=now
- else
- r=r+1
- result[r]=utfchar(now)
- end
- end
- end
- t[i]=concat(result,"",1,r)
- end
- return t
- end
- utf16_to_utf8_le=function(t)
- if type(t)=="string" then
- t=lpegmatch(utf_16_le_linesplitter,t)
- end
- local result={}
- for i=1,#t do
- local r,more=0,0
- for left,right in bytepairs(t[i]) do
- if right then
- local now=256*right+left
- if more>0 then
- now=(more-0xD800)*0x400+(now-0xDC00)+0x10000
- more=0
- r=r+1
- result[r]=utfchar(now)
- elseif now>=0xD800 and now<=0xDBFF then
- more=now
- else
- r=r+1
- result[r]=utfchar(now)
- end
- end
- end
- t[i]=concat(result,"",1,r)
- end
- return t
- end
- utf32_to_utf8_be=function(t)
- if type(t)=="string" then
- t=lpegmatch(utflinesplitter,t)
- end
- local result={}
- for i=1,#t do
- local r,more=0,-1
- for a,b in bytepairs(t[i]) do
- if a and b then
- if more<0 then
- more=256*256*256*a+256*256*b
- else
- r=r+1
- result[t]=utfchar(more+256*a+b)
- more=-1
- end
- else
- break
- end
- end
- t[i]=concat(result,"",1,r)
- end
- return t
- end
- utf32_to_utf8_le=function(t)
- if type(t)=="string" then
- t=lpegmatch(utflinesplitter,t)
- end
- local result={}
- for i=1,#t do
- local r,more=0,-1
- for a,b in bytepairs(t[i]) do
- if a and b then
- if more<0 then
- more=256*b+a
- else
- r=r+1
- result[t]=utfchar(more+256*256*256*b+256*256*a)
- more=-1
- end
- else
- break
- end
- end
- t[i]=concat(result,"",1,r)
- end
- return t
- end
- utf16_to_utf8_be=function(t)
- if type(t)=="string" then
- t=lpegmatch(utf_16_be_linesplitter,t)
- end
- local result={}
- for i=1,#t do
- local r,more=0,0
- for left,right in gmatch(t[i],"(.)(.)") do
- if left=="\000" then
- r=r+1
- result[r]=utfchar(byte(right))
- elseif right then
- local now=256*byte(left)+byte(right)
- if more>0 then
- now=(more-0xD800)*0x400+(now-0xDC00)+0x10000
- more=0
- r=r+1
- result[r]=utfchar(now)
- elseif now>=0xD800 and now<=0xDBFF then
- more=now
- else
- r=r+1
- result[r]=utfchar(now)
- end
- end
- end
- t[i]=concat(result,"",1,r)
- end
- return t
- end
- utf16_to_utf8_le=function(t)
- if type(t)=="string" then
- t=lpegmatch(utf_16_le_linesplitter,t)
- end
- local result={}
- for i=1,#t do
- local r,more=0,0
- for left,right in gmatch(t[i],"(.)(.)") do
- if right=="\000" then
- r=r+1
- result[r]=utfchar(byte(left))
- elseif right then
- local now=256*byte(right)+byte(left)
- if more>0 then
- now=(more-0xD800)*0x400+(now-0xDC00)+0x10000
- more=0
- r=r+1
- result[r]=utfchar(now)
- elseif now>=0xD800 and now<=0xDBFF then
- more=now
- else
- r=r+1
- result[r]=utfchar(now)
- end
- end
- end
- t[i]=concat(result,"",1,r)
- end
- return t
- end
- utf32_to_utf8_le=function() return {} end
- utf32_to_utf8_be=function() return {} end
-function utf.utf8_to_utf8(t)
- return type(t)=="string" and lpegmatch(utflinesplitter,t) or t
-function utf.utf16_to_utf8(t,endian)
- return endian and utf16_to_utf8_be(t) or utf16_to_utf8_le(t) or t
-function utf.utf32_to_utf8(t,endian)
- return endian and utf32_to_utf8_be(t) or utf32_to_utf8_le(t) or t
-local function little(c)
- local b=byte(c)
- if b<0x10000 then
- return char(b%256,b/256)
- else
- b=b-0x10000
- local b1,b2=b/1024+0xD800,b%1024+0xDC00
- return char(b1%256,b1/256,b2%256,b2/256)
- end
-local function big(c)
- local b=byte(c)
- if b<0x10000 then
- return char(b/256,b%256)
- else
- b=b-0x10000
- local b1,b2=b/1024+0xD800,b%1024+0xDC00
- return char(b1/256,b1%256,b2/256,b2%256)
- end
-local _,l_remap=utf.remapper(little)
-local _,b_remap=utf.remapper(big)
-function utf.utf8_to_utf16_be(str,nobom)
- if nobom then
- return lpegmatch(b_remap,str)
- else
- return char(254,255)..lpegmatch(b_remap,str)
- end
-function utf.utf8_to_utf16_le(str,nobom)
- if nobom then
- return lpegmatch(l_remap,str)
- else
- return char(255,254)..lpegmatch(l_remap,str)
- end
-function utf.utf8_to_utf16(str,littleendian,nobom)
- if littleendian then
- return utf.utf8_to_utf16_le(str,nobom)
- else
- return utf.utf8_to_utf16_be(str,nobom)
- end
-local pattern=Cs (
- (p_utf8byte/function(unicode ) return format("0x%04X",unicode) end)*(p_utf8byte*Carg(1)/function(unicode,separator) return format("%s0x%04X",separator,unicode) end)^0
-function utf.tocodes(str,separator)
- return lpegmatch(pattern,str,1,separator or " ")
-function utf.ustring(s)
- return format("U+%05X",type(s)=="number" and s or utfbyte(s))
-function utf.xstring(s)
- return format("0x%05X",type(s)=="number" and s or utfbyte(s))
-function utf.toeight(str)
- if not str then
- return nil
- end
- local utftype=lpegmatch(p_utfstricttype,str)
- if utftype=="utf-8" then
- return sub(str,4)
- elseif utftype=="utf-16-le" then
- return utf16_to_utf8_le(str)
- elseif utftype=="utf-16-be" then
- return utf16_to_utf8_ne(str)
- else
- return str
- end
-local p_nany=p_utf8char/""
-if utfgmatch then
- function utf.count(str,what)
- if type(what)=="string" then
- local n=0
- for _ in utfgmatch(str,what) do
- n=n+1
- end
- return n
- else
- return #lpegmatch(Cs((P(what)/" "+p_nany)^0),str)
- end
- end
- local cache={}
- function utf.count(str,what)
- if type(what)=="string" then
- local p=cache[what]
- if not p then
- p=Cs((P(what)/" "+p_nany)^0)
- cache[p]=p
- end
- return #lpegmatch(p,str)
- else
- return #lpegmatch(Cs((P(what)/" "+p_nany)^0),str)
- end
- end
-if not utf.characters then
- function utf.characters(str)
- return gmatch(str,".[\128-\191]*")
- end
- string.utfcharacters=utf.characters
-if not utf.values then
- local find=string.find
- local dummy=function()
- end
- function utf.values(str)
- local n=#str
- if n==0 then
- return dummy
- elseif n==1 then
- return function() return utfbyte(str) end
- else
- local p=1
- return function()
- local b,e=find(str,".[\128-\191]*",p)
- if b then
- p=e+1
- return utfbyte(sub(str,b,e))
- end
- end
- end
- end
- string.utfvalues=utf.values
-function utf.chrlen(u)
- return
- (u<0x80 and 1) or
- (u<0xE0 and 2) or
- (u<0xF0 and 3) or
- (u<0xF8 and 4) or
- (u<0xFC and 5) or
- (u<0xFE and 6) or 0
-end -- closure
-do -- begin closure to overcome local limits and interference
-if not modules then modules={} end modules ['l-url']={
- version=1.001,
- comment="companion to luat-lib.mkiv",
- author="Hans Hagen, PRAGMA-ADE, Hasselt NL",
- copyright="PRAGMA ADE / ConTeXt Development Team",
- license="see context related readme files"
-local char,format,byte=string.char,string.format,string.byte
-local concat=table.concat
-local tonumber,type=tonumber,type
-local P,C,R,S,Cs,Cc,Ct,Cf,Cg,V=lpeg.P,lpeg.C,lpeg.R,lpeg.S,lpeg.Cs,lpeg.Cc,lpeg.Ct,lpeg.Cf,lpeg.Cg,lpeg.V
-local lpegmatch,lpegpatterns,replacer=lpeg.match,lpeg.patterns,lpeg.replacer
-url=url or {}
-local url=url
-local tochar=function(s) return char(tonumber(s,16)) end
-local colon=P(":")
-local qmark=P("?")
-local hash=P("#")
-local slash=P("/")
-local percent=P("%")
-local endofstring=P(-1)
-local hexdigit=R("09","AF","af")
-local plus=P("+")
-local nothing=Cc("")
-local escapedchar=(percent*C(hexdigit*hexdigit))/tochar
-local escaped=(plus/" ")+escapedchar
-local noslash=P("/")/""
-local schemestr=Cs((escaped+(1-colon-slash-qmark-hash))^2)
-local authoritystr=Cs((escaped+(1- slash-qmark-hash))^0)
-local pathstr=Cs((escaped+(1- qmark-hash))^0)
-local querystr=Cs(((1- hash))^0)
-local fragmentstr=Cs((escaped+(1- endofstring))^0)
-local scheme=schemestr*colon+nothing
-local authority=slash*slash*authoritystr+nothing
-local path=slash*pathstr+nothing
-local query=qmark*querystr+nothing
-local fragment=hash*fragmentstr+nothing
-local validurl=scheme*authority*path*query*fragment
-local parser=Ct(validurl)
-local escapes={}
-setmetatable(escapes,{ __index=function(t,k)
- local v=format("%%%02X",byte(k))
- t[k]=v
- return v
-end })
-local escaper=Cs((R("09","AZ","az")^1+P(" ")/"%%20"+S("-./_")^1+P(1)/escapes)^0)
-local unescaper=Cs((escapedchar+1)^0)
-local getcleaner=Cs((P("+++")/"%%2B"+P("+")/"%%20"+P(1))^1)
-function url.unescapeget(str)
- return lpegmatch(getcleaner,str)
-local function split(str)
- return (type(str)=="string" and lpegmatch(parser,str)) or str
-local isscheme=schemestr*colon*slash*slash
-local function hasscheme(str)
- if str then
- local scheme=lpegmatch(isscheme,str)
- return scheme~="" and scheme or false
- else
- return false
- end
-local rootletter=R("az","AZ")+S("_-+")
-local separator=P("://")
-local qualified=P(".")^0*P("/")+rootletter*P(":")+rootletter^1*separator+rootletter^1*P("/")
-local rootbased=P("/")+rootletter*P(":")
-local barswapper=replacer("|",":")
-local backslashswapper=replacer("\\","/")
-local equal=P("=")
-local amp=P("&")
-local key=Cs(((escapedchar+1)-equal )^0)
-local value=Cs(((escapedchar+1)-amp -endofstring)^0)
-local splitquery=Cf (Ct("")*P { "sequence",
- sequence=V("pair")*(amp*V("pair"))^0,
- pair=Cg(key*equal*value),
-local function hashed(str)
- if str=="" then
- return {
- scheme="invalid",
- original=str,
- }
- end
- local s=split(str)
- local rawscheme=s[1]
- local rawquery=s[4]
- local somescheme=rawscheme~=""
- local somequery=rawquery~=""
- if not somescheme and not somequery then
- s={
- scheme="file",
- authority="",
- path=str,
- query="",
- fragment="",
- original=str,
- noscheme=true,
- filename=str,
- }
- else
- local authority,path,filename=s[2],s[3]
- if authority=="" then
- filename=path
- elseif path=="" then
- filename=""
- else
- filename=authority.."/"..path
- end
- s={
- scheme=rawscheme,
- authority=authority,
- path=path,
- query=lpegmatch(unescaper,rawquery),
- queries=lpegmatch(splitquery,rawquery),
- fragment=s[5],
- original=str,
- noscheme=false,
- filename=filename,
- }
- end
- return s
-function url.addscheme(str,scheme)
- if hasscheme(str) then
- return str
- elseif not scheme then
- return "file:///"..str
- else
- return scheme..":///"..str
- end
-function url.construct(hash)
- local fullurl,f={},0
- local scheme,authority,path,query,fragment=hash.scheme,hash.authority,hash.path,hash.query,hash.fragment
- if scheme and scheme~="" then
- f=f+1;fullurl[f]=scheme.."://"
- end
- if authority and authority~="" then
- f=f+1;fullurl[f]=authority
- end
- if path and path~="" then
- f=f+1;fullurl[f]="/"..path
- end
- if query and query~="" then
- f=f+1;fullurl[f]="?"..query
- end
- if fragment and fragment~="" then
- f=f+1;fullurl[f]="#"..fragment
- end
- return lpegmatch(escaper,concat(fullurl))
-local pattern=Cs(noslash*R("az","AZ")*(S(":|")/":")*noslash*P(1)^0)
-function url.filename(filename)
- local spec=hashed(filename)
- local path=spec.path
- return (spec.scheme=="file" and path and lpegmatch(pattern,path)) or filename
-local function escapestring(str)
- return lpegmatch(escaper,str)
-function url.query(str)
- if type(str)=="string" then
- return lpegmatch(splitquery,str) or ""
- else
- return str
- end
-function url.toquery(data)
- local td=type(data)
- if td=="string" then
- return #str and escape(data) or nil
- elseif td=="table" then
- if next(data) then
- local t={}
- for k,v in next,data do
- t[#t+1]=format("%s=%s",k,escapestring(v))
- end
- return concat(t,"&")
- end
- else
- end
-local pattern=Cs(noslash^0*(1-noslash*P(-1))^0)
-function url.barepath(path)
- if not path or path=="" then
- return ""
- else
- return lpegmatch(pattern,path)
- end
-end -- closure
-do -- begin closure to overcome local limits and interference
-if not modules then modules={} end modules ['l-set']={
- version=1.001,
- comment="companion to luat-lib.mkiv",
- author="Hans Hagen, PRAGMA-ADE, Hasselt NL",
- copyright="PRAGMA ADE / ConTeXt Development Team",
- license="see context related readme files"
-set=set or {}
-local nums={}
-local tabs={}
-local concat=table.concat
-local next,type=next,type
-function set.tonumber(t)
- if next(t) then
- local s=""
- for k,v in next,t do
- if v then
- s=s.." "..k
- end
- end
- local n=nums[s]
- if not n then
- n=#tabs+1
- tabs[n]=t
- nums[s]=n
- end
- return n
- else
- return 0
- end
-function set.totable(n)
- if n==0 then
- return {}
- else
- return tabs[n] or {}
- end
-function set.tolist(n)
- if n==0 or not tabs[n] then
- return ""
- else
- local t,n={},0
- for k,v in next,tabs[n] do
- if v then
- n=n+1
- t[n]=k
- end
- end
- return concat(t," ")
- end
-function set.contains(n,s)
- if type(n)=="table" then
- return n[s]
- elseif n==0 then
- return false
- else
- local t=tabs[n]
- return t and t[s]
- end
-end -- closure