path: root/Master/texmf-dist/tex/luatex/chickenize/chickenize.lua
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Diffstat (limited to 'Master/texmf-dist/tex/luatex/chickenize/chickenize.lua')
1 files changed, 335 insertions, 38 deletions
diff --git a/Master/texmf-dist/tex/luatex/chickenize/chickenize.lua b/Master/texmf-dist/tex/luatex/chickenize/chickenize.lua
index c25aa75b75d..7e5a242b07b 100644
--- a/Master/texmf-dist/tex/luatex/chickenize/chickenize.lua
+++ b/Master/texmf-dist/tex/luatex/chickenize/chickenize.lua
@@ -8,7 +8,7 @@
--- This package is copyright © 2017 Arno L. Trautmann. It may be distributed and/or
+-- This package is copyright © 2021 Arno L. Trautmann. It may be distributed and/or
-- modified under the conditions of the LaTeX Project Public License, either version 1.3c
-- of this license or (at your option) any later version. This work has the LPPL mainten-
-- ance status ‘maintained’.
@@ -47,8 +47,8 @@ chicken_pagenumbers = true
chickenstring = {}
chickenstring[1] = "chicken" -- chickenstring is a table, please remeber this!
-chickenizefraction = 0.5
--- set this to a small value to fool somebody, or to see if your text has been read carefully. This is also a great way to lay easter eggs for your own class / package …
+chickenizefraction = 0.5 -- set this to a small value to fool somebody,
+-- or to see if your text has been read carefully. This is also a great way to lay easter eggs for your own class / package …
chicken_substitutions = 0 -- value to count the substituted chickens. Makes sense for testing your proofreaders.
local match = unicode.utf8.match
@@ -234,7 +234,7 @@ printglyphnumber = function()
countwords = function(head)
for glyph in nodetraverseid(GLYPH,head) do
- if ( == 10) then
+ if ( == GLUE) then
wordnumber = wordnumber + 1
@@ -245,7 +245,7 @@ printwordnumber = function()
texiowrite_nl("\nNumber of words in this document: "..wordnumber)
-function detectdoublewords(head)
+detectdoublewords = function(head)
prevlastword = {} -- array of numbers representing the glyphs
prevfirstword = {}
newlastword = {}
@@ -260,9 +260,102 @@ texio.write_nl("nfw:"..#newfirstword)
-function printdoublewords()
+printdoublewords = function()
+francize = function(head)
+ for n in nodetraverseid(GLYPH,head) do
+ if ((n.char > 47) and (n.char < 58)) then
+ n.char = math.random(48,57)
+ end
+ end
+ return head
+function gameofchicken()
+ GOC_lifetab = {}
+ GOC_spawntab = {}
+ GOC_antilifetab = {}
+ GOC_antispawntab = {}
+ -- translate the rules into an easily-manageable table
+ for i=1,#GOCrule_live do; GOC_lifetab[GOCrule_live[i]] = true end
+ for i=1,#GOCrule_spawn do; GOC_spawntab[GOCrule_spawn[i]] = true end
+ for i=1,#GOCrule_antilive do; GOC_antilifetab[GOCrule_antilive[i]] = true end
+ for i=1,#GOCrule_antispawn do; GOC_antispawntab[GOCrule_antispawn[i]] = true end
+-- initialize the arrays
+local life = {}
+local antilife = {}
+local newlife = {}
+local newantilife = {}
+for i = 0, GOCx do life[i] = {}; newlife[i] = {} for j = 0, GOCy do life[i][j] = 0 end end
+for i = 0, GOCx do antilife[i] = {}; newantilife[i] = {} for j = 0, GOCy do antilife[i][j] = 0 end end
+function applyruleslife(neighbors, lifeij, antineighbors, antilifeij)
+ if GOC_spawntab[neighbors] then myret = 1 else -- new cell
+ if GOC_lifetab[neighbors] and (lifeij == 1) then myret = 1 else myret = 0 end end
+ if antineighbors > 1 then myret = 0 end
+ return myret
+function applyrulesantilife(neighbors, lifeij, antineighbors, antilifeij)
+ if (antineighbors == 3) then myret = 1 else -- new cell or keep cell
+ if (((antineighbors > 1) and (antineighbors < 4)) and (lifeij == 1)) then myret = 1 else myret = 0 end end
+ if neighbors > 1 then myret = 0 end
+ return myret
+-- prepare some special patterns as starter
+life[53][26] = 1 life[53][25] = 1 life[54][25] = 1 life[55][25] = 1 life[54][24] = 1
+ print("start");
+ for i = 1,GOCx do
+ for j = 1,GOCy do
+ if (life[i][j]==1) then texio.write("X") else if (antilife[i][j]==1) then texio.write("O") else texio.write("_") end end
+ end
+ texio.write_nl(" ");
+ end
+ os.sleep(GOCsleep)
+ for i = 0, GOCx do
+ for j = 0, GOCy do
+ newlife[i][j] = 0 -- Fill the values from the start settings here
+ newantilife[i][j] = 0 -- Fill the values from the start settings here
+ end
+ end
+ for k = 1,GOCiter do -- iterate over the cycles
+ texio.write_nl(k);
+ for i = 1, GOCx-1 do -- iterate over lines
+ for j = 1, GOCy-1 do -- iterate over columns -- prevent edge effects
+ local neighbors = (life[i-1][j-1] + life[i-1][j] + life[i-1][j+1] + life[i][j-1] + life[i][j+1] + life[i+1][j-1] + life[i+1][j] + life[i+1][j+1])
+ local antineighbors = (antilife[i-1][j-1] + antilife[i-1][j] + antilife[i-1][j+1] + antilife[i][j-1] + antilife[i][j+1] + antilife[i+1][j-1] + antilife[i+1][j] + antilife[i+1][j+1])
+ newlife[i][j] = applyruleslife(neighbors, life[i][j],antineighbors, antilife[i][j])
+ newantilife[i][j] = applyrulesantilife(neighbors,life[i][j], antineighbors,antilife[i][j])
+ end
+ end
+ for i = 1, GOCx do
+ for j = 1, GOCy do
+ life[i][j] = newlife[i][j] -- copy the values
+ antilife[i][j] = newantilife[i][j] -- copy the values
+ end
+ end
+ for i = 1,GOCx do
+ for j = 1,GOCy do
+ if GOC_console then
+ if (life[i][j]==1) then texio.write("X") else if (antilife[i][j]==1) then texio.write("O") else texio.write("_") end end
+ end
+ if GOC_pdf then
+ if (life[i][j]==1) then tex.print("\\placeat("..(i/10)..","..(j/10).."){"..GOCcellcode.."}") end
+ if (antilife[i][j]==1) then tex.print("\\placeat("..(i/10)..","..(j/10).."){"..GOCanticellcode.."}") end
+ end
+ end
+ end
+ tex.print(".\\newpage")
+ os.sleep(GOCsleep)
+ end
+end --end function gameofchicken
+function make_a_gif()
+ os.execute("convert -verbose -dispose previous -background white -alpha remove -alpha off -density "..GOCdensity.." "..tex.jobname ..".pdf " ..tex.jobname..".gif")
+ os.execute("gwenview "..tex.jobname..".gif")
local quotestrings = {
[171] = true, [172] = true,
[8216] = true, [8217] = true, [8218] = true,
@@ -271,7 +364,7 @@ local quotestrings = {
[8248] = true, [8249] = true, [8250] = true,
guttenbergenize_rq = function(head)
- for n in nodetraverseid(nodeid"glyph",head) do
+ for n in nodetraverseid(GLYPH,head) do
local i = n.char
if quotestrings[i] then
@@ -301,6 +394,115 @@ hammertime = function(head)
return head
+italianizefraction = 0.5 --%% gives the amount of italianization
+mynode = nodenew(GLYPH) -- prepare a dummy glyph
+italianize = function(head)
+ -- skip "h/H" randomly
+ for n in node.traverse_id(GLYPH,head) do -- go through all glyphs
+ if ~= GLYPH then -- check if it's a word start
+ if ((n.char == 72) or (n.char == 104)) and (tex.normal_rand() < italianizefraction) then -- if it's h/H, remove randomly
+ =
+ end
+ end
+ end
+ -- add h or H in front of vowels
+ for n in nodetraverseid(GLYPH,head) do
+ if math.random() < italianizefraction then
+ x = n.char
+ if x == 97 or x == 101 or x == 105 or x == 111 or x == 117 or
+ x == 65 or x == 69 or x == 73 or x == 79 or x == 85 then
+ if ( == GLUE) then
+ mynode.font = n.font
+ if x > 90 then -- lower case
+ mynode.char = 104
+ else
+ mynode.char = 72 -- upper case – convert into lower case
+ n.char = x + 32
+ end
+ node.insert_before(head,n,node.copy(mynode))
+ end
+ end
+ end
+ end
+ -- add e after words, but only after consonants
+ for n in node.traverse_id(GLUE,head) do
+ if == GLYPH then
+ x = n.prev.char
+ -- skip vowels and randomize
+ if not(x == 97 or x == 101 or x == 105 or x == 111 or x == 117 or x == 44 or x == 46) and math.random() > 0.2 then
+ mynode.char = 101 -- it's always a lower case e, no?
+ mynode.font = n.prev.font -- adapt the current font
+ node.insert_before(head,n,node.copy(mynode)) -- insert the e in the node list
+ end
+ end
+ end
+ return head
+italianizerandwords = function(head)
+words = {}
+wordnumber = 0
+-- is the very first word. However, let's try to get the first word after the first space correct.
+ for n in nodetraverseid(GLUE,head) do -- let's try to count words by their separators
+ wordnumber = wordnumber + 1
+ if then
+ words[wordnumber] = {}
+ words[wordnumber][1] = node.copy(
+ glyphnumber = 1
+ myglyph =
+ while do
+ node.tail(words[wordnumber][1]).next = node.copy(
+ myglyph =
+ end
+ end
+ print(#words)
+ if #words > 0 then
+ print("lengs is: ")
+ print(#words[#words])
+ end
+ end
+--myinsertnode = -- first letter
+--node.tail(words[1][1]).next = = words[1][1]
+ return head
+italianize_old = function(head)
+ local wordlist = {} -- here we will store the number of words of the sentence.
+ local words = {} -- here we will store the words of the sentence.
+ local wordnumber = 0
+ -- let's first count all words in one sentence, howboutdat?
+ wordlist[wordnumber] = 1 -- let's save the word *length* in here …
+ for n in nodetraverseid(GLYPH,head) do
+ if ( == GLUE) then -- this is a space
+ wordnumber = wordnumber + 1
+ wordlist[wordnumber] = 1
+ words[wordnumber] =
+ end
+ if ( == GLYPH) then -- it's a glyph
+ if ( == 46) then -- this is a full stop.
+ wordnumber = wordnumber + 1
+ texio.write_nl("this sentence had "..wordnumber.."words.")
+ for i=0,wordnumber-1 do
+ texio.write_nl("word "..i.." had " .. wordlist[i] .. "glyphs")
+ end
+ texio.write_nl(" ")
+ wordnumber = -1 -- to compensate the fact that the next node will be a space, this would count one word too much.
+ else
+ wordlist[wordnumber] = wordlist[wordnumber] + 1 -- the current word got 1 glyph longer
+ end
+ end
+ end
+ return head
itsame = function()
local mr = function(a,b) rectangle({a*10,b*-10},10,10) end
color = "1 .6 0"
@@ -396,15 +598,15 @@ leftsideright = function(head)
return head
-local letterspace_glue = nodenew(nodeid"glue")
-local letterspace_pen = nodenew(nodeid"penalty")
+local letterspace_glue = nodenew(GLUE)
+local letterspace_pen = nodenew(PENALTY)
letterspace_glue.width = tex.sp"0pt"
letterspace_glue.stretch = tex.sp"0.5pt"
letterspace_pen.penalty = 10000
letterspaceadjust = function(head)
- for glyph in nodetraverseid(nodeid"glyph", head) do
- if glyph.prev and ( == nodeid"glyph" or == nodeid"disc" or == nodeid"kern") then
+ for glyph in nodetraverseid(GLYPH, head) do
+ if glyph.prev and ( == GLYPH or == DISC or == KERN) then
local g = nodecopy(letterspace_glue)
nodeinsertbefore(head, glyph, g)
nodeinsertbefore(head, g, nodecopy(letterspace_pen))
@@ -413,9 +615,9 @@ letterspaceadjust = function(head)
return head
textletterspaceadjust = function(head)
- for glyph in nodetraverseid(nodeid"glyph", head) do
+ for glyph in nodetraverseid(GLYPH, head) do
if node.has_attribute(glyph,luatexbase.attributes.letterspaceadjustattr) then
- if glyph.prev and ( =="glyph" or =="disc" or == nodeid"kern") then
+ if glyph.prev and ( =="glyph" or =="disc" or == KERN) then
local g = node.copy(letterspace_glue)
nodeinsertbefore(head, glyph, g)
nodeinsertbefore(head, g, nodecopy(letterspace_pen))
@@ -427,8 +629,8 @@ textletterspaceadjust = function(head)
matrixize = function(head)
x = {}
- s = nodenew(nodeid"disc")
- for n in nodetraverseid(nodeid"glyph",head) do
+ s = nodenew(DISC)
+ for n in nodetraverseid(GLYPH,head) do
j = n.char
for m = 0,7 do -- stay ASCII for now
x[7-m] = nodecopy(n) -- to get the same font etc.
@@ -602,6 +804,59 @@ randomcolor = function(head)
return head
+ sailheight = 12
+ mastheight = 4
+ hullheight = 5
+ relnumber = 402
+function relationship()
+--%% check if there's a problem with any character in the current font
+ f = font.getfont(font.current())
+ fullfont = 1
+ for i = 8756,8842 do
+ if not(f.characters[i]) then texio.write_nl((i).." not available") fullfont = 0 end
+ end
+--%% store the result of the check for later, then go on to construct the ship:
+ shipheight = sailheight + mastheight + hullheight
+ tex.print("\\parshape "..(shipheight)) --%% prepare the paragraph shape ...
+ for i =1,sailheight do
+ tex.print(" "..(4.5-i/3.8).."cm "..((i-0.5)/2.5).."cm ")
+ end
+ for i =1,mastheight do
+ tex.print(" "..(3.2).."cm "..(1).."cm ")
+ end
+ for i =1,hullheight do
+ tex.print(" "..((i-1)/2).."cm "..(10-i).."cm ")
+ end
+ tex.print("\\noindent") --%% ... up to here, then insert relations
+ for i=1,relnumber do
+ tex.print("\\ \\char"..math.random(8756,8842))
+ end
+ tex.print("\\break")
+function cutparagraph(head)
+ local parsum = 0
+ for n in nodetraverseid(HLIST,head) do
+ parsum = parsum + 1
+ if parsum > shipheight then
+ node.remove(head,n)
+ end
+ end
+ return head
+function missingcharstext()
+ if (fullfont == 0) then
+ local separator = string.rep("=", 28)
+local texiowrite_nl = texio.write_nl
+ texiowrite_nl("Output written on "..tex.jobname..".pdf ("..status.total_pages.." chicken,".." eggs).")
+ texiowrite_nl(" ")
+ texiowrite_nl(separator)
+ texiowrite_nl("CAREFUL!!")
+ texiowrite_nl("\\relationship needs special characters (unicode points 8756 to 8842)")
+ texiowrite_nl("Your font does not support all of them!")
+ texiowrite_nl("consider using another one, e.g. the XITS font supplied with TeXlive.")
+ texiowrite_nl(separator .. "\n")
+ end
substitutewords_strings = {}
addtosubstitutions = function(input,output)
@@ -631,9 +886,9 @@ end
tabularasa_onlytext = false
tabularasa = function(head)
- local s = nodenew(nodeid"kern")
- for line in nodetraverseid(nodeid"hlist",head) do
- for n in nodetraverseid(nodeid"glyph",line.head) do
+ local s = nodenew(KERN)
+ for line in nodetraverseid(HLIST,head) do
+ for n in nodetraverseid(GLYPH,line.head) do
if not(tabularasa_onlytext) or node.has_attribute(n,luatexbase.attributes.tabularasaattr) then
s.kern = n.width
@@ -644,7 +899,7 @@ tabularasa = function(head)
return head
tanjanize = function(head)
- local s = nodenew(nodeid"kern")
+ local s = nodenew(KERN)
local m = nodenew(GLYPH,1)
local use_letter_i = true
scale = nodenew(WHAT,PDF_LITERAL)
@@ -652,8 +907,8 @@ tanjanize = function(head) = "0.5 0 0 0.5 0 0 cm" = "2 0 0 2 0 0 cm"
- for line in nodetraverseid(nodeid"hlist",head) do
- for n in nodetraverseid(nodeid"glyph",line.head) do
+ for line in nodetraverseid(HLIST,head) do
+ for n in nodetraverseid(GLYPH,line.head) do
mimicount = 0
tmpwidth = 0
while (( == GLYPH) or ( == 11) or ( == 7) or ( == 0)) do --find end of a word
@@ -731,11 +986,18 @@ colorstretch = function (head)
local rule_bad = nodenew(RULE)
if colorexpansion then -- if also the font expansion should be shown
+--%% here use first_glyph function!!
local g = line.head
+n = node.first_glyph(
while not( == GLYPH) and ( do g = end -- find first glyph on line. If line is empty, no glyph:
if ( == GLYPH) then -- read width only if g is a glyph!
- exp_factor = g.width / f[g.char].width
- exp_color = colorstretch_coloroffset + (1-exp_factor)*10 .. " g"
+ exp_factor = g.expansion_factor/10000 --%% neato, luatex now directly gives me this!!
+ exp_color = colorstretch_coloroffset + (exp_factor*0.1) .. " g"
rule_bad.width = 0.5*line.width -- we need two rules on each line!
@@ -823,10 +1085,10 @@ substlist[1512] = 64295
substlist[1514] = 64296
function variantjustification(head)
- for line in nodetraverseid(nodeid"hhead",head) do
+ for line in nodetraverseid(Hhead,head) do
if (line.glue_sign == 1 and line.glue_order == 0) then -- exclude the last line!
substitutions_wide = {} -- we store all “expandable” letters of each line
- for n in nodetraverseid(nodeid"glyph",line.head) do
+ for n in nodetraverseid(GLYPH,line.head) do
if (substlist[n.char]) then
substitutions_wide[#substitutions_wide+1] = n
@@ -854,12 +1116,12 @@ zebracolorarray_bg[1] = "0.9 g"
zebracolorarray_bg[2] = "0.1 g"
function zebranize(head)
zebracolor = 1
- for line in nodetraverseid(nodeid"hhead",head) do
+ for line in nodetraverseid(Hhead,head) do
if zebracolor == #zebracolorarray then zebracolor = 0 end
zebracolor = zebracolor + 1 = zebracolorarray[zebracolor]
line.head = nodeinsertbefore(line.head,line.head,nodecopy(color_push))
- for n in nodetraverseid(nodeid"glyph",line.head) do
+ for n in nodetraverseid(GLYPH,line.head) do
if then else
@@ -889,24 +1151,39 @@ function pdf_print (...)
-function move (p)
- pdf_print(p[1],p[2],"m")
+function move (p1,p2)
+ if (p2) then
+ pdf_print(p1,p2,"m")
+ else
+ pdf_print(p1[1],p1[2],"m")
+ end
-function line (p)
- pdf_print(p[1],p[2],"l")
+function line(p1,p2)
+ if (p2) then
+ pdf_print(p1,p2,"l")
+ else
+ pdf_print(p1[1],p1[2],"l")
+ end
-function curve(p1,p2,p3)
+function curve(p11,p12,p21,p22,p31,p32)
+ if (p22) then
+ p1,p2,p3 = {p11,p12},{p21,p22},{p31,p32}
+ else
+ p1,p2,p3 = p11,p12,p21
+ end
pdf_print(p1[1], p1[2],
- p2[1], p2[2],
- p3[1], p3[2], "c")
+ p2[1], p2[2],
+ p3[1], p3[2], "c")
function close ()
+drawwidth = 1
function linewidth (w)
@@ -930,9 +1207,12 @@ function strictcircle(center,radius)
+sloppynessh = 5
+sloppynessv = 5
function disturb_point(point)
- return {point[1] + math.random()*5 - 2.5,
- point[2] + math.random()*5 - 2.5}
+ return {point[1] + (math.random() - 1/2)*sloppynessh,
+ point[2] + (math.random() - 1/2)*sloppynessv}
function sloppycircle(center,radius)
@@ -948,7 +1228,24 @@ function sloppycircle(center,radius)
move (right)
curve (rightbot, leftbot, left)
curve (lefttop, righttop, right_end)
- linewidth(math.random()+0.5)
+ linewidth(drawwidth*(math.random()+0.5))
+ stroke()
+function sloppyellipsis(center,radiusx,radiusy)
+ local left = disturb_point({center[1] - radiusx, center[2]})
+ local lefttop = disturb_point({left[1], left[2] + 1.45*radiusy})
+ local leftbot = {lefttop[1], lefttop[2] - 2.9*radiusy}
+ local right = disturb_point({center[1] + radiusx, center[2]})
+ local righttop = disturb_point({right[1], right[2] + 1.45*radiusy})
+ local rightbot = disturb_point({right[1], right[2] - 1.45*radiusy})
+ local right_end = disturb_point(right)
+ move (right)
+ curve (rightbot, leftbot, left)
+ curve (lefttop, righttop, right_end)
+ linewidth(drawwidth*(math.random()+0.5))
@@ -958,7 +1255,7 @@ function sloppyline(start,stop)
start = disturb_point(start)
stop = disturb_point(stop)
move(start) curve(start_line,stop_line,stop)
- linewidth(math.random()+0.5)
+ linewidth(drawwidth*(math.random()+0.5))