path: root/Master/texmf-dist/tex/lualatex/xindex/xindex-lib.lua
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'Master/texmf-dist/tex/lualatex/xindex/xindex-lib.lua')
1 files changed, 908 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/Master/texmf-dist/tex/lualatex/xindex/xindex-lib.lua b/Master/texmf-dist/tex/lualatex/xindex/xindex-lib.lua
new file mode 100644
index 00000000000..f570771776d
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Master/texmf-dist/tex/lualatex/xindex/xindex-lib.lua
@@ -0,0 +1,908 @@
+-- FILE: xindex-lib.lua
+-- DESCRIPTION: library for xindex.lua
+-- AUTHOR: Herbert Voß
+if not modules then modules = { } end modules ['xindex-lib'] = {
+ version = 0.05,
+ comment = "main library to xindex.lua",
+ author = "Herbert Voss",
+ copyright = "Herbert Voss",
+ license = "LPPL 1.3"
+local escapechar1 = "\""
+local escapechar2 = "\"\""
+local Letters = "ÄÖÜäöüabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzßABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ"
+local Digits = "0123456789"
+-- Looks up the character `character´ in the alphabet and returns its 'normalization' for sorting
+local function get_normalized_char( CharList, character )
+ for i, alphabet_entry in ipairs(CharList) do
+ for _, alphabet_char in ipairs(alphabet_entry) do
+ if character == alphabet_char then
+ return alphabet_entry[1]
+ end
+ end
+ end
+ return character
+function Lower(strOrig) -- return UTF string.lower
+ local str = ""
+ for i=1, utf.len(strOrig) do
+ local c = utf.sub(strOrig,i,i)
+ if c == "Ä" then str = str.."ä"
+ elseif c == "Ö" then str = str.."ö"
+ elseif c == "Ü" then str = str.."ü"
+ else str = str..utf.lower(c)
+ end
+ end
+ return str
+function NormalizedLower(strOrig) -- return normalized UTF string.lower (ä -> a)
+ local str = ""
+ for i=1, utf.len(strOrig) do
+ local c = get_normalized_char(alphabet_lower,utf.sub(strOrig,i,i))
+ str = str..string.lower(c)
+ end
+ return str
+function NormalizedUpper(strOrig) -- return normalized UTF string.upper (ä -> A)
+ local str = ""
+ for i=1, utf.len(strOrig) do
+ local c = get_normalized_char(alphabet_lower,utf.sub(strOrig,i,i))
+ str = str..string.upper(c)
+ end
+ strOrig = str
+ str = ""
+ for i=1, utf.len(strOrig) do
+ local c = get_normalized_char(alphabet_upper,utf.sub(strOrig,i,i))
+ str = str..string.upper(c)
+ end
+ return str
+function checkVert(str) -- get the | part
+ local vert = string.find(str,"|",1,true)
+ if (vert) then
+ vertStr = string.sub(str,vert+1)
+ str = string.sub(str,1,vert-1)
+ return (vertStr)
+ else
+ return ("")
+ end
+function checkEntry(str) -- get the index entry name
+ local at=string.find(str,"@")
+ local excl=string.find(str,"!")
+ if (excl and at) then
+ if (at < excl) then
+ return string.sub(str,1,at-1)
+ else
+ return string.sub(str,1,excl-1)
+ end
+ elseif (excl) then
+ return string.sub(str,1,excl-1)
+ elseif (at) then
+ return string.sub(str,1,at-1)
+ else
+ return (str)
+ end
+function replaceAt(str) -- return "bar" from "foo@bar"
+-- return str:gsub('[^!|@%s]+@', '')
+ return str:gsub('[^!|@]+@', '')
+function dofile(filename)
+ local file = kpse.find_file(filename)
+ local f = assert(loadfile(file))
+ return f()
+-- see if the file exists
+function file_exists(file)
+local f =, "rb")
+if f then f:close() end
+return f ~= nil
+-- get all lines from a file, returns an empty
+-- list/table if the file does not exist
+function read_lines_from(infile)
+ if not file_exists(infile) then return {} end
+ local lines = {}
+ local str
+ local c
+ for line in io.lines(infile) do
+ if line ~= "" then
+ if string.find(line,'\\indexentry',1,true) then
+ str = line:gsub('^\\%a+%s*{','{') -- remove "\\indexentry "
+ writeLog(1,"read_lines: str="..str.." ("..utf.sub(str,2,2)..")\n",2)
+ if getCharType(utf.sub(str,2,2)) == 0 then -- we have a symbol
+ lines[#lines + 1] = str:gsub('^{*','{ ') -- add a space before the symbol
+ else
+ lines[#lines + 1] = str
+ end
+ else
+ lines[#lines + 1] = "\\MACRO<<< "..line -- allow macros between entries
+ end
+ end
+ end
+ return lines
+function array_concat(...)
+ local t = {}
+ for n = 1,select("#",...) do
+ local arg = select(n,...)
+ if type(arg)=="table" then
+ for _,v in ipairs(arg) do
+ t[#t+1] = v
+ end
+ else
+ t[#t+1] = arg
+ end
+ end
+ return t
+function findSequences(a) -- look for 1,2,3,4, ...
+ local b = {}
+ local firstPage = a[1] -- first page in the sequence
+ for i=2,#a do -- next page until end of page list
+ if a[i]-a[i-1] > 1 then -- not next page
+ lastPage = a[i-1] -- new start for a sequence search
+ if lastPage - firstPage >= minCompress then -- sequence found
+ b[#b+1]= tostring(firstPage).."--"..tostring(lastPage)
+ else
+ b[#b+1]= firstPage
+ if (firstPage ~= lastPage) then b[#b+1]= lastPage end
+ end
+ firstPage=a[i]
+ end
+ end
+ if a[#a] - firstPage > 2 then -- test file end
+ b[#b+1]= tostring(firstPage).."--"..tostring(a[#a])
+ else
+ b[#b+1]= firstPage
+ if (firstPage ~= a[#a]) then b[#b+1]= a[#a] end
+ end
+ return (b)
+function deleteOpenClose(v) -- remove |( and/or |)
+ res, _ = string.gsub(v:gsub('\\[()]%s*$', ''), '\\[()]%s*', ' \\')
+ return res
+-- "\) " -> ""
+-- "\)foo" -> \foo
+function checkParenthesis(Entries) -- search for |( ... |) entries
+ local paraOpen
+ local paraClose
+ local firstPage = 0
+ local lastPage
+ local newEntries = {}
+ for k,v in pairs(Entries) do
+ if (k % 50) == 0 then writeLog(1,".",1) end
+ if v["Entry"] then
+ v["Entry"] = replaceAt(v["Entry"]) -- foo@bar!baz@foobar -> bar!foobar
+ CurrentEntry = v["Entry"]
+ paraOpen = v["pages"][1]["special"]:find("\\(",1,true)
+ paraClose = v["pages"][1]["special"]:find("\\)",1,true)
+ if paraOpen then
+ firstPage = v["pages"][1]["number"]
+ elseif paraClose then
+ lastPage = v["pages"][1]["number"]
+ newEntries[#newEntries+1] = { Entry = v["Entry"],
+ pages = {{ number = firstPage.."--"..lastPage,
+ special = deleteOpenClose(v["pages"][1]["special"])}},
+ sortChar= v["sortChar"],
+ Macro = v["Macro"]
+ }
+ firstPage = 0
+ elseif ((firstPage == 0) and not paraClose) then
+ newEntries[#newEntries+1] = v -- same Entry with greater page or new entry
+ end
+ end
+ end
+ return newEntries
+function replaceVerticalChar(v)
+-- res, _ = string.gsub(v:gsub('|[()]$', ''), '|[()]?', ' \\')
+-- return res
+ if not v:match('|') then
+ return v,""
+ else
+ return v:gsub('|.*',''), v:match('|.*'):gsub('|','\\'):gsub("%s+", "") -- part before, part after | without spaces
+ end
+function getEntryAndPage(w, nextW, EntryList)
+-- \indexentry{Aachen, Johann von}{VII/1-215}
+-- \indexentry {Document@\idxtextClasses !IEEEtran@{\sfffffamily IEEEtran}}{185}
+-- if indexEntry(w) then
+ local macro = nil
+ if string.find(nextW,"\\MACRO<<< ") then
+ macro = string.gsub(nextW,'\\MACRO<<<','')
+ end
+ local entry, pageNo = w:match('{(.*)}%s*{(.*)}')
+-- if numericPage then
+-- if tonumber(pageNo) then -- check for roman numbering
+-- pageNo = tonumber(pageNo)
+-- end
+-- end
+ local IndexString, Special = replaceVerticalChar(entry)
+ EntryList[#EntryList+1] = {
+ Entry = IndexString, -- the index item foo@bar
+ pages = {{
+ number = pageNo,
+ special = Special }}, -- the page number(s) and the part after |
+ sortChar= NormalizedUpper(utf.sub(IndexString,1,1)), -- :byte(), -- Initial for later output
+ Macro = macro
+ }
+ if args_v then
+ if Special == "" then Special = "-" end
+ writeLog(1,"getEntryAndPage: "..tostring(IndexString,pageNo,Special,utf.sub(IndexString,1,1),macro).."\n",2)
+ end
+ return EntryList
+function compressEntryList(EntryList)
+-- require 'xindex-pretty'.dump(EntryList) -- only for internal dump
+ local newList = {}
+ newList[1] = EntryList[1] -- at least one entry
+ local nPages = 1
+ for k=2,#EntryList do
+ if EntryList[k] then -- exists?
+ local vEntry = EntryList[k]["Entry"]
+ local last = EntryList[k-1] -- complete data
+ if (getSortString(last["Entry"]) == getSortString(vEntry)) then -- Entry exists -> add page
+-- require 'xindex-pretty'.dump(EntryList) -- only for internal dump
+-- require 'xindex-pretty'.dump(newList) -- only for internal dump
+ if (newList[#newList]["pages"][nPages]["number"] ~= EntryList[k]["pages"][1]["number"]) -- different pages or special?
+ or (newList[#newList]["pages"][nPages]["special"] ~= EntryList[k]["pages"][1]["special"]) then
+ newList[#newList]["pages"][nPages+1] = EntryList[k]["pages"][1]
+ nPages = nPages + 1
+-- require 'xindex-pretty'.dump(newList) -- only for internal dump
+ else
+ -- gleiche Entries, gleiche Seiten, gleiche specials -> nichts tun
+ end
+ else -- not the same entry
+-- require 'xindex-pretty'.dump(newList) -- only for internal dump
+ newList[#newList]["pages"] = deletePageDups(newList[#newList]["pages"])
+ newList[#newList+1] = EntryList[k]
+ nPages = 1
+ end
+ end
+ end
+ -- last data line
+ newList[#newList]["pages"] = deletePageDups(newList[#newList]["pages"])
+-- require 'xindex-pretty'.dump(newList) -- only for internal dump
+ return newList
+--[[ example entry
+EntryList[2] = {
+ Entry = "Johann", -- the index item foo@bar
+ pages = { -- the page number(s) and the part after |
+ { number = 111,
+ special = '\\emph' },
+ { number = 11,
+ special = "\\textit"}
+ },
+ sortChar= "", -- Initial for later output
+ Macro = ""
+function deletePageDups(pages)
+ if #pages == 1 then return pages end
+ local newPages = {pages[1]}
+ local notfound
+ for i=2,#pages do
+ notfound = true
+ for j=1,#newPages do
+ if (pages[i]["number"] == newPages[j]["number"]) and (pages[i]["special"] == newPages[j]["special"]) then
+ notfound = false
+ break
+ end
+ end
+ if notfound then
+ newPages[#newPages+1] = pages[i]
+ end
+ end
+ return newPages
+function compressPageList(pages) -- called with (v["pages"])
+ writeLog(1,"compressPageList: we have "..#pages.." pages for this entry",2)
+-- require 'xindex-pretty'.dump(pages) -- only for internal dump
+ pages = deletePageDups(pages) -- delete duplicate page numners with same special
+ local str
+ if #pages == 1 then -- only one pageno
+ return pages
+ end -- only one pageno
+ if #pages == 2 then -- only two pages
+ if tonumber(pages[1]["number"]) and tonumber(pages[2]["number"]) then
+ if ((tonumber(pages[2]["number"]) - tonumber(pages[1]["number"])) == 1) and
+ (pages[1]["special"] == pages[2]["special"]) then
+ pages[1]["number"] = pages[1]["number"].."f"
+ pages[2] = nil
+-- elseif (pages[1]["number"] == pages[2]["number"]) and
+-- (pages[1]["special"] == pages[2]["special"]) then
+-- pages[2] = nil
+ end
+ end
+ return pages
+ end
+ -- we have at least three pages
+ pages[#pages+1] = {number = 9999999, special = ""} -- dummy to sort the last real page number correct
+ local startIndex
+ local newPages = {} -- { pages[1], pages[2], ... }
+ local series = {} -- { pages[1], pages[2], ... }
+ if tonumber(pages[1]["number"]) then -- if a number we start with seconf page
+ newPages = {}
+ series = {pages[1]}
+ startIndex = 2
+ else -- if not a number we start with third page
+ newPages = {pages[1]}
+ series = {pages[2]}
+ startIndex = 3
+ end
+if args_v then print ("compressPageList: more than two pages for the entry") end
+ for i=startIndex,#pages do
+ if tonumber(pages[i-1]["number"]) and tonumber(pages[i]["number"]) then -- de we have something like 17--31 in the current list
+ if ((tonumber(pages[i]["number"])-tonumber(pages[i-1]["number"])) == 1) and
+ (pages[i]["special"] == pages[i-1]["special"]) then -- something like 12, 13 with identical |\special
+ series[#series+1] = pages[i]-- page difference is 1, add page to series
+ elseif (#series == 1) then -- no -f page -> only one page -> output
+ newPages[#newPages+1] = series[1]
+ series = {pages[i]}
+ elseif (#series > minCompress) then -- we found series od f pages like 11, 12, 13, 14
+ -- the sequenz gets the special from the first page
+ newPages[#newPages+1] = { number = series[1]["number"].."--"..series[#series]["number"], special = series[1]["special"]} -- first..last
+ series = {pages[i]}
+ else -- series < minCompress
+ if fCompress then
+ if #series == 2 then -- two pages -> 3f
+ writeLog(1,"compressPageList: Two consecutive pages for this entry",2)
+ if series[1]["special"] == series[2]["special"] then
+ newPages[#newPages+1] = { number = series[1]["number"]..page_folium[1], special = series[1]["special"] }
+ else
+ newPages[#newPages+1] = series[1] -- different |\special -> no compress to -f
+ newPages[#newPages+1] = series[2]
+ end
+ else -- must be #series=3
+ if (series[1]["special"] == series[2]["special"]) and (series[2]["special"] == series[3]["special"]) then
+ newPages[#newPages+1] = { number = series[1]["number"]..page_folium[2], special = series[1]["special"] } -- three pages
+ elseif (series[1]["special"] == series[2]["special"]) then
+ newPages[#newPages+1] = { number = series[1]["number"]..page_folium[1], special = series[1]["special"] } -- three pages
+ newPages[#newPages+1] = series[3]
+ elseif (series[2]["special"] == series[3]["special"]) then
+ newPages[#newPages+1] = series[1]
+ newPages[#newPages+1] = { number = series[2]["number"]..page_folium[1], special = series[2]["special"] } -- three pages
+ else -- all different specials
+ newPages[#newPages+1] = series[1]
+ newPages[#newPages+1] = series[2]
+ newPages[#newPages+1] = series[3]
+ end
+ end
+ else
+ for i=1,#series do
+ newPages[#newPages+1] = series[i]
+ end
+ end
+ series = {pages[i]}
+ end
+ else -- current or forgoing page is not a number, we simply add it
+ if tonumber(pages[i]["number"]) then -- p[i-1] is non numeric p[i] is ok and not last no
+ series = {pages[i]}
+ else -- current page is non numeric
+ if (#series > minCompress) then -- we found a page series
+ newPages[#newPages+1] = { number = series[1]["number"].."--"..series[#series]["number"], -- first..last
+ special =series[1]["special"] }
+ series = {pages[i]}
+ else -- series < minCompress
+ for i=1,#series do
+ newPages[#newPages+1] = series[i]
+ end
+ series = {pages[i]}
+ end
+ end
+ end
+ end
+-- require 'xindex-pretty'.dump(newPages)
+ return newPages
+-- 2 letter
+-- 1 digit
+-- 0 symbol
+UTFdatafile = kpse.find_file("unicode-category.lua")
+local category_data = dofile(UTFdatafile)
+local floor = math.floor
+local function binary_range_search(code_point, ranges)
+ local low, mid, high
+ low, high = 1, #ranges
+ while low <= high do
+ mid = floor((low + high) / 2)
+ local range = ranges[mid]
+ if code_point < range[1] then
+ high = mid - 1
+ elseif code_point <= range[2] then
+ return range, mid
+ else
+ low = mid + 1
+ end
+ end
+ return nil, mid
+function get_category(code_point)
+ if[code_point] then
+ return[code_point]
+ else
+ local range = binary_range_search(code_point, category_data.ranges)
+ return range and range[3] or "Cn"
+ end
+function getCharType(c)
+-- print ("getCharType c="..c..": codepoint="..utf8.codepoint(c))
+ local category = get_category(utf8.codepoint(c))
+-- print ("getCharType: "..category)
+ if category == "Nd" then return 1
+ elseif category:sub(1, 1) == "L" then return 2
+ else return 0
+ end
+function getCharTypeOld(c) -- in case of Lua < 5.3 (has no utf support)
+ if utf.find(Letters,c,1,true) then return 2
+ elseif utf.find(Digits,c,1,true) then return 1
+ else return 0
+ end
+-- string.gsub('{Entry}{page}', '{[^{}]*}$', '') -> {Entry}
+-- str = "\indexentry {foo}{bar}"
+-- first, second = str:match('{([^}]*)}%s*{([^}]*)}') -> foo, bar
+function UTFCompare(a,b)
+-- a, b are something like \indexentry{foo}{bar}
+ writeLog(1,"UTFCompare: "..a["Entry"]..", "..a["pages"][1]["number"].." - "..b["Entry"]..", "..b["pages"][1]["number"],2)
+ k = k + 1
+ if (k % 50) == 0 then writeLog(1,".",1) end
+ local A,B,Apage,Bpage
+ if numericPage then
+ if tonumber(a["pages"][1]["number"]) then
+ Apage = string.format("%09d",a["pages"][1]["number"])
+ else
+ Apage = string.format("%09d",romanToNumber(a["pages"][1]["number"]))
+ end
+ if tonumber(b["pages"][1]["number"]) then
+ Bpage = string.format("%09d",b["pages"][1]["number"])
+ else
+ Bpage = string.format("%09d",romanToNumber(b["pages"][1]["number"]))
+ end
+ else
+ Apage = string.format("%09s",a["pages"][1]["number"])
+ Bpage = string.format("%09s",b["pages"][1]["number"])
+ end
+ A = NormalizedUpper(getSortString(a["Entry"].." "..Apage..a["pages"][1]["special"]):gsub('!',' '))
+ B = NormalizedUpper(getSortString(b["Entry"].." "..Bpage..b["pages"][1]["special"]):gsub('!',' '))
+-- print(A,B)
+ if A == B then -- same entry, use also page number
+ Apage = string.format("%09s",a["pages"][1]["number"])
+ Bpage = string.format("%09s",b["pages"][1]["number"])
+ A = string.format("%-90s",A)..Apage
+ B = string.format("%-90s",B)..Bpage
+ end
+ if numericPage then
+ if tonumber(a["pages"][1]["number"]) then
+ Apage = string.format("%09d",a["pages"][1]["number"])
+ else
+ Apage = string.format("%09d",romanToNumber(a["pages"][1]["number"]))
+ end
+ if tonumber(b["pages"][1]["number"]) then
+ Bpage = string.format("%09d",b["pages"][1]["number"])
+ else
+ Bpage = string.format("%09d",romanToNumber(b["pages"][1]["number"]))
+ end
+ else
+ Apage = string.format("%09s",a["pages"][1]["number"])
+ Bpage = string.format("%09s",b["pages"][1]["number"])
+ end
+ A = string.format("%-90s",A)..Apage
+ B = string.format("%-90s",B)..Bpage
+ return A < B
+function pageCompare(a,b) -- a = {{number=...,special=..},{...,...}}
+-- a["number"], b["number"] are something like "3" or "VI-17" or "9--31"
+ writeLog(1,"pageCompare: "..a["number"].." "..b["number"].."\n",2)
+ if (a["number"] == nil) or (b["number"] == nil) then return true end -- should be no nil here
+ local a0 = a["number"] -- can be numeric or alphanumeric
+ local b0 = b["number"]
+-- if pageNoPrefixDel ~= "" then ---- not active
+-- A = (a0:gsub(pageNoPrefixPattern,''))
+-- B = (b0:gsub(pageNoPrefixPattern,''))
+-- a0 = tonumber(A) or romanToNumber(A)
+-- b0 = tonumber(B) or romanToNumber(B)
+-- else
+ if numericPage then
+ if (type(a0) == "number") and (type(b0) == "number") then return a0 < b0 end
+ if romanToNumber(a0) and (type(b0) == "number") then return true end -- ii < 2
+ if (type(a0) == "number") and romanToNumber(b0) then return false end -- ii > 2
+ if romanToNumber(a0) and romanToNumber(b0) then return a0 < b0 end -- ii < iii
+ -- now we have some special page numbers
+ A = tostring(a0)
+ B = tostring(b0)
+ A1 = A:find("--",1,true) or A:find("f",1,true) -- sequence or folio pages
+ B1 = B:find("--",1,true) or B:find("f",1,true)
+ if A1 then a0 = tonumber(A:sub(1,A1-1)) end
+ if B1 then b0 = tonumber(B:sub(1,B1-1)) end
+ return tonumber(a0) < tonumber(b0) -- numeric
+ else
+ return a0 < b0 -- alphanumeric (strings)
+ end
+function checkFF(p)
+ if not p then return p end
+ local P = tostring(p)
+ if P:find("ff") then
+ return P:gsub('%a+','').."\\nohyperpage{"..page_folium[2].."}"
+ elseif P:find("f") then
+ return P:gsub('%a+','').."\\nohyperpage{"..page_folium[1].."}"
+ else
+ return P
+ end
+function getRawPages(v)
+ writeLog(1,"getRawPages, Entry: "..v["Entry"]..", page: "..tostring(v["pages"][1]["number"]),2)
+ if v then
+ local str = tostring(v["pages"][1]["number"]).."("..tostring(v["pages"][1]["special"])..")"
+ for i=2,#v["pages"] do
+ if v["pages"] then
+ str = str..", "..tostring(v["pages"][i]["number"]).."("..tostring(v["pages"][i]["special"])..")"
+ end
+ end
+ return str
+ else
+ return "v->nil"
+ end
+function getRawPagesP(p) -- does the same but uses table pages
+ if p then
+ local str = tostring(p[1]["number"]).."("..tostring(p[1]["special"])..")"
+ for i=2,#p do
+ if p then
+ str = str..", "..tostring(p[i]["number"]).."("..tostring(p[i]["special"])..")"
+ end
+ end
+ return str
+ else
+ return "pages->nil"
+ end
+function getPageList(v,hyperpage)
+ if specialGetPageList then
+ local pageNo = specialGetPageList(v,hyperpage)
+ return pageNo
+ end
+ local Pages = {}
+ if v["pages"] then
+ table.sort(v["pages"],pageCompare)-- nur nötig, da User manuell eine Zeile einfügen kann
+ if specialCompressPageList then
+ Pages = specialCompressPageList(v["pages"])
+ else
+ Pages = compressPageList(v["pages"])
+ end
+-- require 'xindex-pretty'.dump(Pages) -- only for internal dump
+ local pageNo
+-> \item Auto, \hyperindexformat{\textbf}{1}
+ add for example \hyperpage{5\nohyperpage{f}} , same for ff
+ \item foo, \hyperpage{1\nohyperpage{f}},
+ \hyperpage{4\nohyperpage{ff}}, \hyperpage{8}
+ if hyperpage then
+ if string.find(v["pages"][1]["special"],"hyperindexformat") then
+ pageNo = v["pages"][1]["special"].."{"..checkFF(Pages[1]["number"].."}")
+ else
+ pageNo = "\\hyperpage{"..checkFF(Pages[1]["number"]).."}"
+ end
+ for i=2,#Pages do
+ if string.find(v["pages"][i]["special"],"hyperindexformat") then
+ pageNo = pageNo..", "..v["pages"][i]["special"].."{"..checkFF(Pages[i]["number"].."}")
+ else
+ pageNo = pageNo..", \\hyperpage{"..checkFF(Pages[i]["number"]).."}"
+ end
+-- Pages[i] = nil
+ end
+ else
+ writeLog(1,"getPageList: "..tostring(Pages[1]["special"]).."{"..tostring(Pages[1]["number"]).."}\n",2)
+ if (Pages[1]["special"] == nil) or (Pages[1]["number"] == nil) then return "" end
+ pageNo = Pages[1]["special"].."{"..Pages[1]["number"].."}"
+ for i=2,#Pages do
+ if Pages[i]["number"] then
+ pageNo = pageNo..", "..Pages[i]["special"].."{"..Pages[i]["number"].."}"
+ Pages[i] = {}
+ end
+ end
+ end
+ return pageNo
+ else
+ return ""
+ end
+function getPathFileExt(str)
+ local filepath = str:match("(.*[/\\])")
+ local filename = str:match("^.+/(.+)$")
+ local fileext = str:match("^.+(%..+)$")
+ return filepath,filename,fileext
+function printList(Index,level)
+ for k,v in pairs(Index) do
+ if v["Entry"] then
+ local sortChar = v["sortChar"]
+ if v["Entry"] and v["Macro"] then
+ writeLog(1,"Entry: "..v["Entry"].."; Pages: "..getRawPages(v).."Special: "..v["pages"][1]["special"].."; Type: "..sortChar.."; Macro: "..v["Macro"].."\n",level)
+ else
+ writeLog(1,"Entry: "..v["Entry"].."; Pages: "..getRawPages(v).."Special: "..v["pages"][1]["special"].."; Type: "..sortChar.."; Macro: nil".."\n",level)
+ end
+ end
+ end
+function getItem(str,n)
+ if n >= 0 then
+ local item = (str:gsub("!.*", "%0!")
+ :gsub("[^!]*!", "", n)
+ :match("^([^!]*)!") )
+ writeLog(1,"getItem ("..str..", "..n..") = "..item.."\n",2)
+ return item
+ end
+local romanMap = {
+ I = 1,
+ V = 5,
+ X = 10,
+ L = 50,
+ C = 100,
+ D = 500,
+ M = 1000,
+local numbers = { 1, 5, 10, 50, 100, 500, 1000 }
+local romanchars = { "I", "V", "X", "L", "C", "D", "M" }
+local RomanNumerals = { }
+function numberToRoman(s)
+ --s = tostring(s)
+ s = tonumber(s)
+ if not s or s ~= s then error"Unable to convert to number" end
+ if s == math.huge then error"Unable to convert infinity" end
+ s = math.floor(s)
+ if s <= 0 then return s end
+ local ret = ""
+ for i = #numbers, 1, -1 do
+ local num = numbers[i]
+ while s - num >= 0 and s > 0 do
+ ret = ret .. romanchars[i]
+ s = s - num
+ end
+ for j = 1, i - 1 do
+ local n2 = numbers[j]
+ if s - (num - n2) >= 0 and s < num and s > 0 and num - n2 ~= n2 then
+ ret = ret .. romanchars[j] .. romanchars[i]
+ s = s - (num - n2)
+ break
+ end
+ end
+ end
+ return ret
+function romanToNumber(s)
+-- if args_v then print("romanToNumber: "..tostring(s)) end
+-- if not s then return end
+ s = s:upper()
+ local ret = 0
+ local i = 1
+ while i <= s:len() do
+ local c = s:sub(i, i)
+ if c ~= " " then -- allow spaces
+ local m = romanMap[c]
+ if not m then return nil end --error("Unknown Roman Numeral '" .. c .. "'")
+ local next = s:sub(i + 1, i + 1)
+ local nextm = romanMap[next]
+ if next and nextm then
+ if nextm > m then
+ ret = ret + (nextm - m)
+ i = i + 1
+ else
+ ret = ret + m
+ end
+ else
+ ret = ret + m
+ end
+ end
+ i = i + 1
+ end
+ return ret
+function commandEntry(line)
+ return string.find(line,"\\MACRO<<<",1,true)
+function checkHyperpage(lines)
+ local hyperpage = false
+ for i=1,#lines do
+ if string.find(lines[i],'hyperpage}') then
+ hyperpage = true
+ break
+ end
+ end
+ if hyperpage then
+ for i=1,#lines do
+ lines[i] = string.gsub(lines[i],'|?hyperpage}{','}{')
+ end
+ return true, lines
+ else
+ return false, lines
+ end
+ return
+function itemOutput(last, v, hyperpage)
+ local lastItems = last
+ local currentItems = {}
+ local Entry = v["Entry"]
+-- require 'xindex-pretty'.dump(v) -- only for internal dump
+ local str
+ local excl = select(2,string.gsub(Entry,"!","!")) -- Number of !
+ writeLog(1,"itemOutput(): We have entry "..Entry.."\n",2)
+ writeLog(1,"itemOutput(): The entry has "..excl.." Exclamation characters\n",2)
+ if excl == 0 then
+ str = " \\item "..Entry..itemPageDelimiter.." "..getPageList(v,hyperpage).."\n"
+ for i, str0 in ipairs(escape_chars) do -- undo the escape char setting
+ str = str:gsub(str0[2],str0[3])
+ end
+ outFile:write(str)
+-- lastItems[1] = Entry
+ else
+ for i = 1,excl+1 do
+ currentItems[i] = getItem(Entry,i-1) -- 0 ! 1 ! 2 ! ...
+ local item = "item"
+ if (currentItems[i] ~= lastItems[i]) then
+ writeLog(1,"itemOutput: currentItems[i]: "..tostring(currentItems[i]).."~= lastItems[i]: "..tostring(lastItems[i]).."\n",2)
+ local space = " "
+ for j = 2,i do
+ item = "sub"..item -- get the sub...subitem
+ space = space.." "
+ end
+ if not sublabels[i] then sublabels[i] = "---" end -- only three levels are predefined
+ writeLog(1,"itemOutput: currentItems[i]: "..currentItems[i].."; item: "..item.."\n",2)
+ if (i == 1) and (item == "item") then
+ str = space.."\\"..item.." "..sublabels[i]..currentItems[i].."\n"
+ else
+ str = space.."\\"..item.." "..sublabels[i]..currentItems[i]..itemPageDelimiter.." "..getPageList(v,hyperpage).."\n"
+ end
+ for i, str0 in ipairs(escape_chars) do -- undo the escape char setting
+ str = string.gsub(str,str0[2],str0[3])
+ end
+ outFile:write(str)
+ lastItems[i] = currentItems[i]
+ else
+ writeLog(1,"itemOutput: currentItems[i]: "..currentItems[i].."= lastItems[i]: "..lastItems[i].."\n",2)
+ end
+ end
+ end
+ return lastItems
+-- \item Bugenhagen, {VII/1-16}, {166}, {17}, {215}, {222f}, {226}, {237f}, {248}, {258f}, {263}, {269}, {316f}, {321}, {361}, {365f}, {368}, {385}, {431}, {57}, {65}, {68}, {71}, {714}, {728}, {73f}, {748}, {75}, {79}, {81}, {85}, {90f}, {VII/2/1-1013}, {1015}, {1049}, {1085}, {1088}, {1097--1100}, {1110}, {1114}, {1120}, {1126}, {1148}, {1175}, {1234}, {1236ff}, {761}, {782}, {785}, {799}, {803--811}, {813f}, {818}, {822f}, {829}, {832--835}, {839f}, {848f}, {851}, {857--862}, {864f}, {867--871}, {873}, {875}, {877}, {880}, {882}, {884}, {961}, {973}, {IX-277}
+-- \subitem -\,Johannes, {VII/1-16}, {166}, {17}, {215}, {222f}, {226}, {237f}, {248}, {258f}, {263}, {269}, {316f}, {321}, {361}, {365f}, {368}, {385}, {431}, {57}, {65}, {68}, {71}, {714}, {728}, {73f}, {748}, {75}, {79}, {81}, {85}, {90f}, {VII/2/1-1013}, {1015}, {1049}, {1085}, {1088}, {1097--1100}, {1110}, {1114}, {1120}, {1126}, {1148}, {1175}, {1234}, {1236ff}, {761}, {782}, {785}, {799}, {803--811}, {813f}, {818}, {822f}, {829}, {832--835}, {839f}, {848f}, {851}, {857--862}, {864f}, {867--871}, {873}, {875}, {877}, {880}, {882}, {884}, {961}, {973}, {IX-277}
+local match = function(expr)
+ local C, Ct, S = lpeg.C, lpeg.Ct, lpeg.S
+ local sep = S("@!|")
+ local str = C((1 - sep)^0)
+ local prefix = function(prefix)
+ return function(match)
+ return prefix .. match
+ end
+ end
+ local idx = str * ( "@" * str / prefix("@")
+ + "!" * str / prefix("!")
+ + "|" * str / prefix("|"))^0
+ return Ct(idx):match(expr)
+function getSortString(Entry)
+ local t = match(Entry)
+-- require 'xindex-pretty'.dump(t) -- only for internal dump
+ local data = t[1]
+ local c = utf.sub(data,1,1)
+ if getCharType(c) == 0 then
+ data = " "
+ end
+ for i = 2,#t do
+ if not (t[i]:sub(1,1) == "@") then -- and not (t[i]:sub(1,1) == "|") then
+ data = data..t[i]
+ end
+ end
+ return data
+function writeLog(i, str, level) -- mode i 0->console; 1->logfile: 2->both
+ if not_quiet then
+ if level <= vlevel then
+ if (i ~= 1) or (i < 0) then io.write(tostring(str)) end
+ if i > 0 then logFile:write(tostring(str)) end
+ end
+ else
+ if level < 0 then
+ io.write(tostring(str))
+ elseif level == 0 then
+ logFile:write(tostring(str))
+ end
+ end
+function string:split()
+ local sep, fields = " ", {}
+ local pattern = string.format("([^%s]+)", sep)
+ self:gsub(pattern, function(c) fields[#fields+1] = c end)
+ return fields
+\indexentry {Schrift!Höhe}{64}
+\indexentry {Schrift!Breite}{64}
+\indexentry {Schrift!Tiefe}{64}
+]] \ No newline at end of file