path: root/Master/texmf-dist/tex/lualatex/uninormalize/unicode-normalization.lua
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Diffstat (limited to 'Master/texmf-dist/tex/lualatex/uninormalize/unicode-normalization.lua')
1 files changed, 351 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/Master/texmf-dist/tex/lualatex/uninormalize/unicode-normalization.lua b/Master/texmf-dist/tex/lualatex/uninormalize/unicode-normalization.lua
new file mode 100644
index 00000000000..b8a58b63bb6
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Master/texmf-dist/tex/lualatex/uninormalize/unicode-normalization.lua
@@ -0,0 +1,351 @@
+-- char-def now contains all necessary fields, no need for a custom file
+if not characters then
+ require "char-def"
+if not unicode then require('unicode') end
+unicode.conformance = unicode.conformance or { }
+unicharacters = unicharacters or {}
+uni = unicode.utf8
+unidata =
+function printf(s, ...) print(string.format(s, ...)) end
+-- function debug(s, ...) io.write("DEBUG: ", string.format(s, ...), "\n") end
+function warn(s, ...) io.write("Warning: ", string.format(s, ...), "\n") end
+function md5sum(any) return md5.hex(md5.sum(any)) end
+-- Rehash the character data
+unicharacters.combinee = { }
+unicharacters.context = unicharacters.context or { }
+local charu = unicode.utf8.char
+function unicharacters.context.rehash2()
+ for ucode, udata in pairs(unidata) -- *not* ipairs :-)
+ do
+ local sp = udata.specials
+ if sp then
+ if sp[1] == 'char' then
+ -- local ucode = udata.unicodeslot
+ local entry = { combinee = sp[2], combining = sp[3], combined = ucode }
+ if not unicharacters.combinee[sp[2]]
+ then unicharacters.combinee[sp[2]] = { } end
+ local n = #unicharacters.combinee[sp[2]]
+ unicharacters.combinee[sp[2]][n+1] = entry
+ end
+ end
+ -- copy context's combining field to combclass field
+ -- this field was in the custom copy of the char-def.lua that we no longer use
+ udata.combclass = udata.combining
+ end
+combdata = unicharacters.combinee
+--[[ function unicode.conformance.is_hangul(ucode)
+ return ucode >= 0xAC00 and ucode <= 0xD7A3
+end ]] -- Make it local for the moment
+local function is_hangul(char)
+ return char >= 0xAC00 and char <= 0xD7A3
+local function is_jamo(char)
+ if char < 0x1100 then return false
+ elseif char < 0x1160 then return 'choseong'
+ elseif char < 0x11A8 then return 'jungseong'
+ elseif char < 0x11FA then return 'jongseong'
+ else return false
+ end
+local function decompose(ucode, compat) -- if compat then compatibility
+ local invbuf = { }
+ local sp = unidata[ucode].specials
+ if not sp
+ then return { ucode } else
+ if compat then compat = (sp[1] == 'compat') else compat = false end
+ while sp[1] == 'char' or compat do
+ head, tail = sp[2], sp[3]
+ if not tail then invbuf[#invbuf + 1] = head break end -- singleton
+ invbuf[#invbuf + 1] = tail
+ sp = unidata[head].specials
+ if not sp then invbuf[#invbuf + 1] = head sp = { } end
+ -- end -- not unidata[head]
+ end -- while sp[1] == 'char' or compat
+ end -- not sp
+ local seq = { }
+ for i = #invbuf, 1, -1
+ do seq[#seq + 1] = invbuf[i]
+ end
+ return seq
+local function canon(seq) -- Canonical reordering
+ if #seq < 3 then return seq end
+ local c1, c2, buf
+ -- I'd never thought I'd implement an actual bubble sort some day ;-)
+ for k = #seq - 1, 1, -1 do
+ for i = 2, k do -- was k - 1! Argh!
+ c1 = unidata[seq[i]].combclass
+ c2 = unidata[seq[i+1]].combclass
+ if c1 and c2 then
+ if c1 > c2 then
+ buf = seq[i]
+ seq[i] = seq[i+1]
+ seq[i+1] = buf
+ end
+ end
+ end
+ end
+ return seq
+if not math.div then -- from l-math.lua
+ function math.div(n, m)
+ return math.floor(n/m)
+ end
+local SBase, LBase, VBase, TBase = 0xAC00, 0x1100, 0x1161, 0x11A7
+local LCount, VCount, TCount = 19, 21, 28
+local NCount = VCount * TCount
+local SCount = TCount * NCount
+local function decompose_hangul(ucode) -- assumes input is really a Hangul
+ local SIndex = ucode - SBase
+ local L = LBase + math.div(SIndex, NCount)
+ local V = VBase + math.div((SIndex % NCount), TCount)
+ local T = TBase + SIndex % TCount
+ if T == TBase then T = nil end
+ return { L, V, T }
+-- To NFK?D.
+function toNF_D_or_KD(unistring, compat)
+ local nfd, seq = { }, { }
+ for uchar in uni.gmatch(unistring, '.') do
+ local ucode = uni.byte(uchar)
+ if is_hangul(ucode) then
+ seq = decompose_hangul(ucode)
+ for _, c in ipairs(seq)
+ do nfd[#nfd + 1] = c
+ end
+ seq = { }
+ elseif not unidata[ucode]
+ then nfd[#nfd + 1] = ucode else
+ local ccc = unidata[ucode].combclass
+ if not ccc or ccc == 0 then
+ seq = canon(seq)
+ for _, c in ipairs(seq) do nfd[#nfd + 1] = c end
+ seq = decompose(ucode, compat)
+ else seq[#seq + 1] = ucode
+ end -- not ccc or ccc == 0
+ end -- if is_hangul(ucode) / elseif not unidata[ucode]
+ end -- for uchar in uni.gmatch(unistring, ".")
+ if #seq > 0 then
+ seq = canon(seq)
+ for _, c in ipairs(seq) do nfd[#nfd + 1] = c end
+ end
+ local nfdstr = ""
+ for _, chr in ipairs(nfd)
+ do nfdstr = string.format("%s%s", nfdstr, uni.char(chr)) end
+ return nfdstr, nfd
+function unicode.conformance.toNFD(unistring)
+ return toNF_D_or_KD(unistring, false)
+function unicode.conformance.toNFKD(unistring)
+ return toNF_D_or_KD(unistring, true)
+local function compose(seq)
+ local base = seq[1]
+ if not combdata[base] then return seq else
+ local i = 2
+ while i <= #seq do -- can I play with 'i' in a for loop?
+ local cbng = seq[i]
+ local cccprev
+ if unidata[seq[i-1]] then cccprev = unidata[seq[i-1]].combclass end
+ if not cccprev then cccprev = -1 end
+ if unidata[cbng].combclass > cccprev then
+ if not combdata[base] then return seq else
+ for _, cbdata in ipairs(combdata[base]) do
+ if cbdata.combining == cbng then
+ seq[1] = cbdata.combined
+ base = seq[1]
+ for k = i, #seq - 1
+ do seq[k] = seq[k+1]
+ end -- for k = i, #seq - 1
+ seq[#seq] = nil
+ i = i - 1
+ end -- if cbdata.combining == cbng
+ end -- for _, cbdata in ipairs(combdata[base])
+ end -- if unidata[cbng.combclass > cccprev
+ end -- if not combdata[base]
+ i = i + 1
+ end -- while i <= #seq
+ end -- if not combdata[base]
+ return seq
+-- To NFC from NFD.
+-- Does not yet take all the composition exclusions in account
+-- (missing types 1 and 2 as defined by UAX #15 X6)
+function unicode.conformance.toNFC_fromNFD(nfd)
+ local nfc = { }
+ local seq = { }
+ for uchar in uni.gmatch(nfd, '.') do
+ local ucode = uni.byte(uchar)
+ if not unidata[ucode]
+ then nfc[#nfc + 1] = ucode else
+ local cb = unidata[ucode].combclass
+ if not cb or (cb == 0) then
+ -- if seq ~= { } then -- Dubious ...
+ if #seq > 0 then
+ seq = compose(seq) -- There was a check for #seq == 1 here
+ for i = 1, #seq do nfc[#nfc + 1] = seq[i] end
+ end -- #seq > 0
+ seq = { ucode }
+ else seq[#seq + 1] = ucode --[[ Maybe check if seq is not empty ... ]]
+ end -- not cb or cb == 0
+ end
+ end
+ seq = compose(seq)
+ for i = 1, #seq do nfc[#nfc + 1] = seq[i] end
+ local nfcstr = ""
+ for _, chr in ipairs(nfc)
+ do nfcstr = string.format("%s%s", nfcstr, uni.char(chr)) end
+ return nfcstr, nfc
+local function cancompose(seq, compat)
+ local dec = { } -- new table to hold the decomposed sequence
+ local shift
+ if #seq >= 2 then -- let's do it the brutal way :-)
+ if is_jamo(seq[1]) == 'choseong' and
+ is_jamo(seq[2]) == 'jungseong' then
+ LIndex = seq[1] - LBase
+ VIndex = seq[2] - VBase
+ if #seq == 2 or is_jamo(seq[3]) ~= 'jongseong' then
+ TIndex = 0
+ shift = 1
+ else
+ TIndex = seq[3] - TBase
+ shift = 2
+ end
+ seq[1] = (LIndex * VCount + VIndex) * TCount + TIndex + SBase
+ for i = 2, #seq -- this shifts and shrinks the table at the same time
+ do seq[i] = seq[i + shift]
+ end
+ end
+ end
+ dec[1] = seq[1]
+ for i = 2, #seq do
+ local u = seq[i]
+ local sp = unidata[u].specials
+ if sp then
+ if compat then compat = (sp[1] == 'compat') else compat = false end
+ if (sp[1] == 'char') or compat then
+ for i = 2, #sp
+ do dec[#dec + 1] = sp[i]
+ end
+ end
+ else dec[#dec + 1] = u
+ end
+ end -- we have the fully decomposed sequence; now sort it
+ for i = #dec - 1, 2, -1 do -- bubble sort!
+ for j = 2, #dec - 1 do
+ local u = dec[j]
+ local ccc1 = unidata[u].combclass
+ local v = dec[j+1]
+ local ccc2 = unidata[v].combclass
+ if ccc1 > ccc2 then -- swap
+ dec[j+1] = u
+ dec[j] = v
+ end
+ end
+ end -- dec sorted; now recursively compose
+ local base, i, n = dec[1], 2, #dec
+ local cbd = combdata[base]
+ local incr_i = true
+ while i <= n do
+ local cbg = dec[i]
+ if cbd then
+ for _, cb in ipairs(cbd) do
+ if cb.combining == cbg then
+ -- NO :-) -- if cbd[cbg] then -- base and cbg combine; compose
+ dec[1] = cb.combined
+ base = dec[1]
+ cbd = combdata[base]
+ for j = i, n-1 -- shift table elements right of i
+ do dec[j] = dec[j+1] end
+ dec[n] = nil
+ n = n-1 -- table has shrunk by 1, and i doesn't grow
+ incr_i = false
+ end
+ end
+ end
+ if incr_i then i = i + 1
+ else incr_i = true end
+ end -- we're finally through! return
+ return dec
+function toNF_C_or_KC(unistring, compat)
+ if unistring == "" then return "" end
+ local nfc, seq = "", { }
+ local start, space = true, ""
+ for uchar in uni.gmatch(unistring, '.') do
+ local ucode = uni.byte(uchar)
+ if start then space = ", " start = true end
+ if not unidata[ucode] then -- unknown to the UCD, will not compose
+ nfc = string.format("%s%s", nfc, uchar)
+ else
+ local ccc = unidata[ucode].combclass
+ if not (ccc or is_jamo(ucode) == 'jongseong'
+ or is_jamo(ucode) == 'jungseong')
+ or ccc == 0 or (is_jamo(ucode) == 'choseong') then
+ -- and is actually good :-) -- Well, yes and no ;-)
+ if #seq == 0 then -- add ucode and go to next item of the loop
+ seq = { ucode }
+ else -- seq contains unicharacters, try and compose them
+ if #seq == 1 then nfc = string.format("%s%s", nfc, uni.char(seq[1]))
+ else dec = cancompose(seq, compat)
+ for _, c in ipairs(dec) -- add the whole sequence to nfc
+ do nfc = string.format("%s%s", nfc, uni.char(c)) end
+ end
+ seq = { ucode } -- don't forget to reinitialize seq with current char
+ end
+ else -- not ccc or ccc == 0 and is_choseong:
+ -- character is combining, add it to seq
+ seq[#seq + 1] = ucode
+ end
+ end
+ end
+ if #seq > 0 then dec = cancompose(seq, compat) end
+ for _, c in ipairs(dec)
+ do nfc = string.format("%s%s", nfc, uni.char(c)) end
+ return nfc
+function unicode.conformance.toNFC(unistring)
+ return toNF_C_or_KC(unistring, false)
+function unicode.conformance.toNFKC(unistring)
+ return toNF_C_or_KC(unistring, true)