path: root/Master/texmf-dist/tex/lualatex/luatodonotes
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'Master/texmf-dist/tex/lualatex/luatodonotes')
5 files changed, 3284 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/Master/texmf-dist/tex/lualatex/luatodonotes/inspect.lua b/Master/texmf-dist/tex/lualatex/luatodonotes/inspect.lua
new file mode 100644
index 00000000000..638a673a708
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Master/texmf-dist/tex/lualatex/luatodonotes/inspect.lua
@@ -0,0 +1,297 @@
+local inspect ={
+ _VERSION = 'inspect.lua 2.0.0',
+ _URL = '',
+ _DESCRIPTION = 'human-readable representations of tables',
+ _LICENSE = [[
+ Copyright (c) 2013 Enrique García Cota
+ Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a
+ copy of this software and associated documentation files (the
+ "Software"), to deal in the Software without restriction, including
+ without limitation the rights to use, copy, modify, merge, publish,
+ distribute, sublicense, and/or sell copies of the Software, and to
+ permit persons to whom the Software is furnished to do so, subject to
+ the following conditions:
+ The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included
+ in all copies or substantial portions of the Software.
+ ]]
+-- Apostrophizes the string if it has quotes, but not aphostrophes
+-- Otherwise, it returns a regular quoted string
+local function smartQuote(str)
+ if str:match('"') and not str:match("'") then
+ return "'" .. str .. "'"
+ end
+ return '"' .. str:gsub('"', '\\"') .. '"'
+local controlCharsTranslation = {
+ ["\a"] = "\\a", ["\b"] = "\\b", ["\f"] = "\\f", ["\n"] = "\\n",
+ ["\r"] = "\\r", ["\t"] = "\\t", ["\v"] = "\\v"
+local function escapeChar(c) return controlCharsTranslation[c] end
+local function escape(str)
+ local result = str:gsub("\\", "\\\\"):gsub("(%c)", escapeChar)
+ return result
+local function isIdentifier(str)
+ return type(str) == 'string' and str:match( "^[_%a][_%a%d]*$" )
+local function isArrayKey(k, length)
+ return type(k) == 'number' and 1 <= k and k <= length
+local function isDictionaryKey(k, length)
+ return not isArrayKey(k, length)
+local defaultTypeOrders = {
+ ['number'] = 1, ['boolean'] = 2, ['string'] = 3, ['table'] = 4,
+ ['function'] = 5, ['userdata'] = 6, ['thread'] = 7
+local function sortKeys(a, b)
+ local ta, tb = type(a), type(b)
+ -- strings and numbers are sorted numerically/alphabetically
+ if ta == tb and (ta == 'string' or ta == 'number') then return a < b end
+ local dta, dtb = defaultTypeOrders[ta], defaultTypeOrders[tb]
+ -- Two default types are compared according to the defaultTypeOrders table
+ if dta and dtb then return defaultTypeOrders[ta] < defaultTypeOrders[tb]
+ elseif dta then return true -- default types before custom ones
+ elseif dtb then return false -- custom types after default ones
+ end
+ -- custom types are sorted out alphabetically
+ return ta < tb
+local function getDictionaryKeys(t)
+ local keys, length = {}, #t
+ for k,_ in pairs(t) do
+ if isDictionaryKey(k, length) then table.insert(keys, k) end
+ end
+ table.sort(keys, sortKeys)
+ return keys
+local function getToStringResultSafely(t, mt)
+ local __tostring = type(mt) == 'table' and rawget(mt, '__tostring')
+ local str, ok
+ if type(__tostring) == 'function' then
+ ok, str = pcall(__tostring, t)
+ str = ok and str or 'error: ' .. tostring(str)
+ end
+ if type(str) == 'string' and #str > 0 then return str end
+local maxIdsMetaTable = {
+ __index = function(self, typeName)
+ rawset(self, typeName, 0)
+ return 0
+ end
+local idsMetaTable = {
+ __index = function (self, typeName)
+ local col = setmetatable({}, {__mode = "kv"})
+ rawset(self, typeName, col)
+ return col
+ end
+local function countTableAppearances(t, tableAppearances)
+ tableAppearances = tableAppearances or setmetatable({}, {__mode = "k"})
+ if type(t) == 'table' then
+ if not tableAppearances[t] then
+ tableAppearances[t] = 1
+ for k,v in pairs(t) do
+ countTableAppearances(k, tableAppearances)
+ countTableAppearances(v, tableAppearances)
+ end
+ countTableAppearances(getmetatable(t), tableAppearances)
+ else
+ tableAppearances[t] = tableAppearances[t] + 1
+ end
+ end
+ return tableAppearances
+local function parse_filter(filter)
+ if type(filter) == 'function' then return filter end
+ -- not a function, so it must be a table or table-like
+ filter = type(filter) == 'table' and filter or {filter}
+ local dictionary = {}
+ for _,v in pairs(filter) do dictionary[v] = true end
+ return function(x) return dictionary[x] end
+local function makePath(path, key)
+ local newPath, len = {}, #path
+ for i=1, len do newPath[i] = path[i] end
+ newPath[len+1] = key
+ return newPath
+function inspect.inspect(rootObject, options)
+ options = options or {}
+ local depth = options.depth or math.huge
+ local filter = parse_filter(options.filter or {})
+ local tableAppearances = countTableAppearances(rootObject)
+ local buffer = {}
+ local maxIds = setmetatable({}, maxIdsMetaTable)
+ local ids = setmetatable({}, idsMetaTable)
+ local level = 0
+ local blen = 0 -- buffer length
+ local function puts(...)
+ local args = {...}
+ for i=1, #args do
+ blen = blen + 1
+ buffer[blen] = tostring(args[i])
+ end
+ end
+ local function down(f)
+ level = level + 1
+ f()
+ level = level - 1
+ end
+ local function tabify()
+ puts("\n", string.rep(" ", level))
+ end
+ local function commaControl(needsComma)
+ if needsComma then puts(',') end
+ return true
+ end
+ local function alreadyVisited(v)
+ return ids[type(v)][v] ~= nil
+ end
+ local function getId(v)
+ local tv = type(v)
+ local id = ids[tv][v]
+ if not id then
+ id = maxIds[tv] + 1
+ maxIds[tv] = id
+ ids[tv][v] = id
+ end
+ return id
+ end
+ local putValue -- forward declaration that needs to go before putTable & putKey
+ local function putKey(k)
+ if isIdentifier(k) then return puts(k) end
+ puts( "[" )
+ putValue(k, {})
+ puts("]")
+ end
+ local function putTable(t, path)
+ if alreadyVisited(t) then
+ puts('<table ', getId(t), '>')
+ elseif level >= depth then
+ puts('{...}')
+ else
+ if tableAppearances[t] > 1 then puts('<', getId(t), '>') end
+ local dictKeys = getDictionaryKeys(t)
+ local length = #t
+ local mt = getmetatable(t)
+ local to_string_result = getToStringResultSafely(t, mt)
+ puts('{')
+ down(function()
+ if to_string_result then
+ puts(' -- ', escape(to_string_result))
+ if length >= 1 then tabify() end -- tabify the array values
+ end
+ local needsComma = false
+ for i=1, length do
+ needsComma = commaControl(needsComma)
+ puts(' ')
+ putValue(t[i], makePath(path, i))
+ end
+ for _,k in ipairs(dictKeys) do
+ needsComma = commaControl(needsComma)
+ tabify()
+ putKey(k)
+ puts(' = ')
+ putValue(t[k], makePath(path, k))
+ end
+ if mt then
+ needsComma = commaControl(needsComma)
+ tabify()
+ puts('<metatable> = ')
+ putValue(mt, makePath(path, '<metatable>'))
+ end
+ end)
+ if #dictKeys > 0 or mt then -- dictionary table. Justify closing }
+ tabify()
+ elseif length > 0 then -- array tables have one extra space before closing }
+ puts(' ')
+ end
+ puts('}')
+ end
+ end
+ -- putvalue is forward-declared before putTable & putKey
+ putValue = function(v, path)
+ if filter(v, path) then
+ puts('<filtered>')
+ else
+ local tv = type(v)
+ if tv == 'string' then
+ puts(smartQuote(escape(v)))
+ elseif tv == 'number' or tv == 'boolean' or tv == 'nil' then
+ puts(tostring(v))
+ elseif tv == 'table' then
+ putTable(v, path)
+ else
+ puts('<',tv,' ',getId(v),'>')
+ end
+ end
+ end
+ putValue(rootObject, {})
+ return table.concat(buffer)
+setmetatable(inspect, { __call = function(_, ...) return inspect.inspect(...) end })
+return inspect
diff --git a/Master/texmf-dist/tex/lualatex/luatodonotes/luatodonotes.lua b/Master/texmf-dist/tex/lualatex/luatodonotes/luatodonotes.lua
new file mode 100644
index 00000000000..61175bbbf68
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Master/texmf-dist/tex/lualatex/luatodonotes/luatodonotes.lua
@@ -0,0 +1,2160 @@
+-- Copyright (C) 2014 by Fabian Lipp <>
+-- -------------------------------------------------------
+-- This file may be distributed and/or modified under the
+-- conditions of the LaTeX Project Public License, either version 1.2
+-- of this license or (at your option) any later version.
+-- The latest version of this license is in:
+-- and version 1.2 or later is part of all distributions of LaTeX
+-- version 1999/12/01 or later.
+local inspect = require('inspect')
+local point = require'path_point'
+local pathLine = require'path_line'
+--local bezier3 = require'path_bezier3'
+-- TODO Funktionen/Variablen in Namespace o. Ä. packen
+-- strings used to switch to standard catcodes for LaTeX packages
+local catcodeStart = "\\makeatletter"
+local catcodeEnd = "\\makeatother"
+local currentPage = 1
+local const1In = string.todimen("1in") -- needed for calculations of page borders
+ -- (used as a constant in TeX)
+-- constants set in sty-file
+-- + noteInnerSep (inner sep used for tikz nodes)
+-- + noteInterSpace (vertical space between notes)
+-- + routingAreaWidth (width of the track routing area for opo-leaders)
+-- + minNoteWidth (width that must be available for labels to consider the left or
+-- right border of the page for placing labels)
+-- + distanceNotesPageBorder (distance from the page borders to the outmost point
+-- of the labels)
+-- + distanceNotesText (horizontal distance between the labels and the text area)
+-- + todonotesDebug (activate debug outputs when true)
+-- stores information about available algorithms
+positioningAlgos = {}
+splittingAlgos = {}
+leaderTypes = {}
+-- stores the notes for the current page
+notesForPage = {}
+-- Fields for each note:
+-- index: numbers notes in whole document
+-- indexOnPage: index of the note in the notesForPage array
+-- textbox: links to a hbox that contains the text, which is displayed inside
+-- the note
+-- origInputX, origInputY: position in which the todo-command was issued
+-- inputX, inputY: position to which the leader should be attached (can have a
+-- certain offset to origInputX/Y)
+-- heightLeft, heightRight: height of the contained text when placed on
+-- left/right side
+-- pageNr: absolute number of page on which site for note is placed
+-- rightSide: true means the note should be placed on the right side;
+-- otherwise left side is meant
+-- fontsize: fontsize used for paragraph in that the note was defined
+-- baselineskip: \baselineskip in the paragraph in that the note was defined
+-- outputX, outputY: position on which the north west anchor of the note should
+-- be placed
+-- lineColor: color of line connecting note to text
+-- backgroundColor: color of background of note
+-- borderColor: color of border of note
+-- leaderWidth: width of leader (used as argument for tikz line width)
+-- Additional fields for text area:
+-- noteType: constant string "area"
+-- origInputEndX, origInputEndY: position at which the todo area ends
+-- pageNrEnd: absolute number of page on which todo area ends
+-- lineCountInArea: highest line index in area
+-- linesInArea: positions of lines in area (to detect page/column break)
+-- stores the areas for the labels on the current page
+-- (calculated in function calcLabelAreaDimensions())
+local labelArea = {}
+-- stores the positions of the text lines on every page
+local linePositions = {}
+-- Fields for every position:
+-- 1: position of baseline
+-- 2: upper bound of line (baseline + height)
+-- 3: lower bound of line (baseline - depth)
+-- variables used for construction of linePositions list when reading the file
+local linePositionsCurPage = {}
+local linePositionsPageNr = 0
+-- *** metatable for note objects ***
+local noteMt = {}
+-- getHeight(): yield heightLeft or heightRight depending on rightSide (implemented by metatable)
+function noteMt:getHeight()
+ if self.rightSide then
+ return self.heightRight
+ else
+ return self.heightLeft
+ end
+function noteMt:getLabelAnchorY()
+ local leaderAnchor = positioning.leaderAnchor
+ local y
+ if leaderAnchor == "north east" then
+ y = self.outputY
+ elseif leaderAnchor == "east" then
+ y = self.outputY - noteInnerSep - self:getHeight() / 2
+ else
+ error("Invalid anchor for algorithm")
+ end
+ if positioning.leaderShift then
+ y = y + self.leaderShiftY
+ end
+ return y
+function noteMt:getInTextAnchorTikz()
+ return "(" .. self.inputX .. "sp," .. self.inputY .. "sp)"
+function noteMt:getLabelAnchorTikz()
+ local leaderAnchor = positioning.leaderAnchor
+ if leaderAnchor == "north east" and self.rightSide then
+ leaderAnchor = "north west"
+ elseif leaderAnchor == "east" and self.rightSide then
+ leaderAnchor = "west"
+ end
+ local shiftStr = ""
+ if positioning.leaderShift then
+ shiftStr = "[shift={(" .. self.leaderShiftX .. "sp," .. self.leaderShiftY .. "sp)}]"
+ end
+ return "(" .. shiftStr .. " @todonotes@" .. self.index .. " note." .. leaderAnchor .. ")"
+function noteMt:boxForNoteText(rightSide)
+ local area = labelArea:getArea(rightSide)
+ local noteWidth
+ if area == nil then
+ noteWidth = minNoteWidth
+ else
+ noteWidth = area.noteWidth - 2*noteInnerSep
+ end
+ local retval = "\\directlua{[\"@todonotes@notetextbox\"] = " ..
+ "node.copy_list(notesForPage[" .. self.indexOnPage .. "].textbox)}"
+ retval = retval .. "\\parbox{" .. noteWidth .. "sp}" ..
+ "{\\raggedright\\unhbox\\@todonotes@notetextbox}"
+ return retval
+function noteMt:getClipPathForTodoArea()
+ -- detext which lines are in same column/page as start of area
+ local lineCount = self.lineCountInArea
+ local maxLine = 1
+ local lines = self.linesInArea
+ local lastY = lines[1]
+ while maxLine < lineCount do
+ if lines[maxLine + 1] < lastY then
+ maxLine = maxLine + 1
+ lastY = lines[maxLine]
+ end
+ end
+ local function nodename(i, corner)
+ return "(@todonotes@" .. self.index .. "@" .. i .. " area" .. corner .. ")"
+ end
+ local path = nodename(1, "NW")
+ local pathLeft = ""
+ if maxLine == 1 then
+ -- only one line
+ path = path .. " -- " .. nodename(1, "NE") ..
+ " -- " .. nodename(1, "SE")
+ else
+ path = path .. " -- " .. nodename(1, "NE") ..
+ " decorate[@todonotes@todoarea] { -- " .. nodename(1, "SE") .. "}"
+ end
+ for i = 2, maxLine do
+ if i == lineCount then
+ -- area does not use the whole line
+ path = path .. " -| " .. nodename(i, "NE") ..
+ " -- " .. nodename(i, "SE")
+ else
+ -- area uses whole line
+ path = path .. " -- " .. nodename(i, "NE") ..
+ " decorate[@todonotes@todoarea] { -- " .. nodename(i, "SE") .. "}"
+ end
+ pathLeft = " -- " .. nodename(i, "SW") ..
+ " decorate[@todonotes@todoarea] { -- " .. nodename(i, "NW") .. "}" ..
+ pathLeft
+ end
+ path = path .. pathLeft .. " -| " .. nodename(1, "SW") .. "-- cycle"
+ return path
+-- *** label areas ***
+-- stores areas for placing labels on current page
+function labelArea:getArea(rightSide)
+ if rightSide then
+ return self.right
+ else
+ return self.left
+ end
+-- yields the x-coordinate of the boundary of the label that is pointing
+-- towards the text
+function labelArea:getXTextSide(rightSide)
+ if rightSide then
+ return self.right.left
+ else
+ return self.left.right
+ end
+function labelArea:isOneSided()
+ if self.right == nil or self.left == nil then
+ return true
+ else
+ return false
+ end
+-- is called by the sty-file when all settings (algorithms etc.) are made
+function initTodonotes()
+ if positioning.needLinePositions then
+ luatexbase.add_to_callback("post_linebreak_filter", callbackOutputLinePositions, "outputLinePositions")
+ tex.print("\\@starttoc{lpo}")
+ tex.print("\\directlua{lpoFileStream = \\the\\tf@lpo}")
+ end
+-- valid values for noteType: nil/"" (for point in text), "area"
+function addNoteToList(index, drawLeader, noteType)
+ local newNote = {}
+ newNote.index = index
+ newNote.textbox = node.copy_list(["@todonotes@notetextbox"])
+ newNote.baselineskip = tex.dimen["@todonotes@baselineskip"]
+ newNote.fontsize = tex.dimen["@todonotes@fontsize"]
+ newNote.lineColor = tex.toks["@todonotes@toks@currentlinecolor"]
+ newNote.backgroundColor = tex.toks["@todonotes@toks@currentbackgroundcolor"]
+ newNote.borderColor = tex.toks["@todonotes@toks@currentbordercolor"]
+ newNote.leaderWidth = tex.toks["@todonotes@toks@currentleaderwidth"]
+ newNote.drawLeader = drawLeader
+ if noteType == "area" then
+ newNote.noteType = "area"
+ newNote.lineCountInArea = 0
+ -- else: newNote.noteType = nil (default value)
+ end
+ setmetatable(newNote, {__index = noteMt})
+ newNote.indexOnPage = #notesForPage + 1
+ notesForPage[newNote.indexOnPage] = newNote
+function clearNotes()
+ -- delete the texts for the notes on this page from memory
+ -- (garbage collection does not work for nodes)
+ for _, v in pairs(notesForPage) do
+ end
+ notesForPage = notesForNextPage
+ -- update indexOnPage for the new notes
+ for k, v in pairs(notesForPage) do
+ v.indexOnPage = k
+ end
+ currentPage = currentPage + 1
+function processLastLineInTodoArea()
+ -- LaTeX counter is accessed as TeX count by prefixing c@
+ ind = tex.count["c@@todonotes@numberoftodonotes"]
+ val = tex.count["c@@todonotes@numberofLinesInArea"]
+ notesForPage[#notesForPage].lineCountInArea = val
+-- *** constructing the linePositions list ***
+function linePositionsNextPage()
+ linePositionsPageNr = linePositionsPageNr + 1
+ linePositionsCurPage = {}
+ linePositions[linePositionsPageNr] = linePositionsCurPage
+function linePositionsAddLine(ycoord, lineheight, linedepth)
+ local baseline = ycoord - tex.pageheight
+ linePositionsCurPage[#linePositionsCurPage + 1] = {baseline, baseline + lineheight, baseline - linedepth}
+function markLines()
+ print("marking lines for page " .. currentPage)
+ if linePositions[currentPage] ~= nil then
+ for _, v in pairs(linePositions[currentPage]) do
+ --local yPos = - (tex.pageheight - v[1])
+ local yPos = v[3]
+ local yTop = v[2]
+ tex.print("\\draw[red] (10cm," .. yPos .."sp) circle(3pt);")
+ tex.print("\\fill[red] (10cm," .. yPos .."sp) circle(1pt);")
+ tex.print("\\draw[green] (2cm," .. yTop .."sp) -- ++(17cm,0);")
+ tex.print("\\draw[blue] (2cm," .. yPos .."sp) -- ++(17cm,0);")
+ end
+ end
+function getInputCoordinatesForNotes()
+ tex.sprint(catcodeStart)
+ for k, v in ipairs(notesForPage) do
+ local nodename = "@todonotes@" .. v.index .. " inText"
+ tex.sprint("\\pgfextractx{\\@todonotes@extractx}{\\pgfpointanchor{" ..
+ nodename .. "}{center}}")
+ tex.sprint("\\pgfextracty{\\@todonotes@extracty}{\\pgfpointanchor{" ..
+ nodename .. "}{center}}")
+ tex.print("\\directlua{notesForPage[" .. k .. "].origInputX = " ..
+ "tex.dimen[\"@todonotes@extractx\"]}")
+ tex.print("\\directlua{notesForPage[" .. k .. "].origInputY = " ..
+ "tex.dimen[\"@todonotes@extracty\"]}")
+ if v.noteType == "area" then
+ nodename = nodename .. "End"
+ tex.sprint("\\pgfextractx{\\@todonotes@extractx}{\\pgfpointanchor{" ..
+ nodename .. "}{center}}")
+ tex.sprint("\\pgfextracty{\\@todonotes@extracty}{\\pgfpointanchor{" ..
+ nodename .. "}{center}}")
+ tex.print("\\directlua{notesForPage[" .. k .. "].origInputEndX = " ..
+ "tex.dimen[\"@todonotes@extractx\"]}")
+ tex.print("\\directlua{notesForPage[" .. k .. "].origInputEndY = " ..
+ "tex.dimen[\"@todonotes@extracty\"]}")
+ notesForPage[k].linesInArea = {}
+ for i = 1, v.lineCountInArea do
+ nodename = "@todonotes@" .. v.index .. "@" .. i .. " areaSW"
+ tex.sprint("\\pgfextracty{\\@todonotes@extracty}{\\pgfpointanchor{" ..
+ nodename .. "}{center}}")
+ tex.print("\\directlua{notesForPage[" .. k .. "].linesInArea[" ..
+ i .. "] = " .. "tex.dimen[\"@todonotes@extracty\"]}")
+ end
+ end
+ end
+ tex.sprint(catcodeEnd)
+function calcLabelAreaDimensions()
+ local routingAreaSpace = 0
+ if leaderType.needRoutingArea then
+ routingAreaSpace = routingAreaWidth
+ end
+ local top = tex.voffset + tex.dimen.topmargin + const1In
+ local bottom = top + tex.dimen.headheight + tex.dimen.headsep + tex.dimen.textheight + tex.dimen.footskip
+ local currentsidemargin = tex.hoffset + tex.dimen["@todonotes@currentsidemargin"] + const1In
+ local left = {}
+ = -top
+ left.bottom = -bottom
+ left.left = distanceNotesPageBorder
+ left.right = currentsidemargin - distanceNotesText - routingAreaSpace
+ if left.right - left.left < minNoteWidth then
+ -- not enough space left of text
+ left = nil
+ else
+ left.noteWidth = left.right - left.left
+ end
+ local right = {}
+ = -top
+ right.bottom = -bottom
+ right.left = currentsidemargin + tex.dimen.textwidth + distanceNotesText + routingAreaSpace
+ right.right = tex.pagewidth - distanceNotesPageBorder
+ if right.right - right.left < minNoteWidth then
+ -- not enough space right of text
+ right = nil
+ else
+ right.noteWidth = right.right - right.left
+ end
+ local text = {}
+ text.left = currentsidemargin
+ text.right = currentsidemargin + tex.dimen.textwidth
+ labelArea.left = left
+ labelArea.right = right
+ labelArea.text = text
+function calcHeightsForNotes()
+ -- function has to be called outside of a tikzpicture-environment
+ tex.sprint(catcodeStart)
+ for k, v in ipairs(notesForPage) do
+ -- store height for note
+ -- (is determined by creating a box with the text and reading its size)
+ -- left side
+ tex.sprint("\\savebox{\\@todonotes@heightcalcbox}" ..
+ "{" .. v:boxForNoteText(false) .. "}")
+ tex.sprint("\\@todonotes@heightcalcboxdepth=\\dp\\@todonotes@heightcalcbox")
+ tex.sprint("\\@todonotes@heightcalcboxheight=\\ht\\@todonotes@heightcalcbox")
+ tex.sprint("\\directlua{notesForPage[" .. k .. "].heightLeft = " ..
+ "tex.dimen[\"@todonotes@heightcalcboxheight\"]" ..
+ " + tex.dimen[\"@todonotes@heightcalcboxdepth\"]}")
+ -- right side
+ tex.sprint("\\savebox{\\@todonotes@heightcalcbox}" ..
+ "{" .. v:boxForNoteText(true) .. "}")
+ tex.sprint("\\@todonotes@heightcalcboxdepth=\\dp\\@todonotes@heightcalcbox")
+ tex.sprint("\\@todonotes@heightcalcboxheight=\\ht\\@todonotes@heightcalcbox")
+ tex.sprint("\\directlua{notesForPage[" .. k .. "].heightRight = " ..
+ "tex.dimen[\"@todonotes@heightcalcboxheight\"]" ..
+ " + tex.dimen[\"@todonotes@heightcalcboxdepth\"]}")
+ -- store pageNr for note
+ -- (is determined as reference to a label)
+ tex.sprint("\\directlua{notesForPage[" .. k .. "].pageNr = " ..
+ "\\zref@extract{@todonotes@" .. v.index .. "}{abspage}}")
+ if v.noteType == "area" then
+ tex.sprint("\\directlua{notesForPage[" .. k .. "].pageNrEnd = " ..
+ "\\zref@extract{@todonotes@" .. v.index .. "@end}{abspage}}")
+ end
+ end
+ tex.sprint(catcodeEnd)
+local inputShiftX = string.todimen("-0.05cm") -- sensible value depends on shape of mark
+function printNotes()
+ print("drawing labels for page " .. currentPage)
+ -- seperate notes that should be placed on another page
+ -- This can occur when note is in a paragraph which doesn't fit on the
+ -- current page and is thus moved to the next one. But the \todo-command is
+ -- still read before the shipout of the current page is done
+ notesForNextPage = {}
+ local k=1
+ while k <= #notesForPage do
+ local v = notesForPage[k]
+ if v.pageNr ~= currentPage then
+ table.insert(notesForNextPage, v)
+ table.remove(notesForPage, k)
+ print("moving " .. k)
+ else
+ -- update index here (needed if a note was deleted before)
+ v.indexOnPage = k
+ k = k + 1
+ end
+ end
+ -- add offset to input coordinates
+ for _, v in pairs(notesForPage) do
+ if v.noteType ~= "area" then
+ v.inputX = v.origInputX + inputShiftX
+ v.inputY = v.origInputY - 1.3 * (v.baselineskip - v.fontsize)
+ else
+ v.inputX = v.origInputX
+ v.inputY = v.origInputY
+ end
+ end
+ splitting.algo()
+ if positioning.twoSided then
+ local notesLeft, notesRight = segmentNotes(notesForPage)
+ if #notesLeft > 0 then
+ positioning.algo(notesLeft, false)
+ end
+ if #notesRight > 0 then
+ positioning.algo(notesRight, true)
+ end
+ else
+ positioning.algo()
+ end
+ for k, v in ipairs(notesForPage) do
+ if todonotesDebug then
+ local function outputWithPoints(val)
+ if val ~= nil then
+ return val .. " (" .. number.topoints(val) .. ")"
+ else
+ return ""
+ end
+ end
+ print("-----------------")
+ print(k .. ": ")
+ print("index: " .. v.index)
+ print("origInputX: " .. v.origInputX)
+ print("origInputY: " .. v.origInputY)
+ if (v.noteType ~= nil) then
+ print("noteType: " .. v.noteType)
+ print("origInputEndX:" .. v.origInputEndX)
+ print("origInputEndY:" .. v.origInputEndY)
+ print("lineCountInArea:" .. v.lineCountInArea)
+ print("linesInArea :" .. inspect(v.linesInArea))
+ else
+ print("noteType: nil")
+ end
+ print("inputX: " .. v.inputX)
+ print("inputY: " .. v.inputY)
+ print("outputX: " .. v.outputX)
+ print("outputY: " .. v.outputY)
+ if (v.rasterSlots ~= nil) then
+ print("rasterSlots: " .. v.rasterSlots)
+ end
+ print("baselineskip: " .. outputWithPoints(v.baselineskip))
+ print("fontsize: " .. outputWithPoints(v.fontsize))
+ print("textbox: " .. inspect(v.textbox))
+ print("height: " .. outputWithPoints(v:getHeight()))
+ print("heightLeft: " .. outputWithPoints(v.heightLeft))
+ print("heightRight: " .. outputWithPoints(v.heightRight))
+ print("rightSide: " .. tostring(v.rightSide))
+ if v.pageNr ~= nil then
+ print("pageNr: " .. v.pageNr)
+ end
+ print("lineColor: " .. v.lineColor)
+ print("backgroundColor:" .. v.backgroundColor)
+ print("borderColor: " .. v.borderColor)
+ print("leaderWidth: " .. v.leaderWidth)
+ print("drawLeader: " .. tostring(v.drawLeader))
+ end
+ -- print note
+ tex.print(catcodeStart)
+ tex.print("\\node[@todonotes@notestyle,anchor=north west," ..
+ "fill=" .. v.backgroundColor .. ",draw=" .. v.borderColor .. "] " ..
+ "(@todonotes@" .. v.index ..
+ " note) at (" .. v.outputX .. "sp," .. v.outputY .. "sp) {" ..
+ v:boxForNoteText(v.rightSide) .. "};")
+ tex.print(catcodeEnd)
+ -- output debugging hints on page
+ if todonotesDebug then
+ tex.print("\\node[anchor=north west,text=blue,fill=white,rectangle] at (@todonotes@" .. v.index .. " inText) {" .. v.index .. "};")
+ tex.print("\\draw[green,fill] (@todonotes@" .. v.index .. " inText) circle(2pt);")
+ tex.print("\\draw[black,fill] (@todonotes@" .. v.index .. " inText) circle(0.2pt);")
+ if v.noteType == "area" then
+ tex.print("\\draw[red,fill] (@todonotes@" .. v.index .. " inTextEnd) circle(2pt);")
+ end
+ if (v.noteType ~= nil) then
+ print(v:getClipPathForTodoArea())
+ tex.print("\\draw[blue] " .. v:getClipPathForTodoArea() .. ";")
+ --for i=1, v.lineCountInArea do
+ --tex.print(" (@todonotes@" .. v.index .. "@" .. i .. " areaSW) -- ")
+ --end
+ --tex.print("cycle;")
+ end
+ end
+ end
+ -- draw leader
+ leaderType.algo()
+ -- draw mark in text
+ for _, v in pairs(notesForPage) do
+ if v.drawLeader ~= false and v.noteType ~= "area" then
+ local shiftStr = "(" .. v.inputX .. "sp," .. v.inputY .. "sp)"
+ tex.print("\\draw[@todonotes@textmark," ..
+ "draw=" .. v.lineColor .. ",fill=" .. v.lineColor .. "," ..
+ "shift={" .. shiftStr .. "}," ..
+ "scale around={0.5:(-0,-0)},shift={(-0.5,-0.1)}]" ..
+ "(1,0) .. controls (0.5,0.2) and (0.65,0.3) .." ..
+ "(0.5,0.7) .. controls (0.35,0.3) and (0.5,0.2) .." ..
+ "(0,0) -- cycle;")
+ end
+ end
+ --- draw label areas when requested
+ if todonotesDebug then
+ local area = labelArea.left
+ if area ~= nil then
+ tex.print("\\draw[blue] (" .. area.left .. "sp," .. .. "sp) rectangle (" ..
+ area.right .. "sp," .. area.bottom .. "sp);")
+ end
+ area = labelArea.right
+ if area ~= nil then
+ tex.print("\\draw[blue] (" .. area.left .. "sp," .. .. "sp) rectangle (" ..
+ area.right .. "sp," .. area.bottom .. "sp);")
+ end
+ end
+-- ********** Helper Functions **********
+-- * comparators for table.sort() *
+-- (yields true if first parameter should be placed before second parameter in
+-- sorted table)
+function compareNoteInputXAsc(note1, note2)
+ if note1.inputX < note2.inputX then
+ return true
+ end
+function compareNoteIndInputXAsc(key1, key2)
+ if notesForPage[key1].inputX < notesForPage[key2].inputX then
+ return true
+ end
+function compareNoteIndInputXDesc(key1, key2)
+ if notesForPage[key1].inputX > notesForPage[key2].inputX then
+ return true
+ end
+function compareNoteIndInputYDesc(key1, key2)
+ local v1 = notesForPage[key1]
+ local v2 = notesForPage[key2]
+ if v1.inputY > v2.inputY then
+ return true
+ elseif v1.inputY == v2.inputY then
+ if v1.inputX < v2.inputX then
+ return true
+ end
+ end
+-- * callbacks for Luatex *
+function appendStrToTokenlist(tokenlist, str)
+ str:gsub(".", function(c)
+ tokenlist[#tokenlist + 1] = {12, c:byte(), 0}
+ end)
+-- writes commands into the node tree that print the absolute position on the
+-- page to the output file (streamId is taken from lpoFileStream) at the
+-- beginning of every line
+-- should be called as post_linebreak_filter
+function callbackOutputLinePositions(head)
+ while head do
+ if == 0 then -- id 0 is a hlist
+ -- check if we are in the main text area (hlists in, e.g.,
+ -- tikz nodes should have other widths)
+ if head.width == tex.dimen.textwidth then
+ -- check if there is a glyph in this hlist
+ -- -> then we consider it a text line
+ local foundGlyph = false
+ local glyphTest = head.head
+ while glyphTest do
+ if == 37 then -- glyph
+ foundGlyph = true
+ break
+ end
+ glyphTest =
+ end
+ if foundGlyph then
+ local w ="whatsit", "write") -- 8/1
+ = lpoFileStream
+ local tokenlist = {
+ {12, 92, 0}, -- \
+ {12, 64, 0}, -- @
+ {12, 116, 0}, -- t
+ {12, 111, 0}, -- o
+ {12, 100, 0}, -- d
+ {12, 111, 0}, -- o
+ {12, 110, 0}, -- n
+ {12, 111, 0}, -- o
+ {12, 116, 0}, -- t
+ {12, 101, 0}, -- e
+ {12, 115, 0}, -- s
+ {12, 64, 0}, -- @
+ {12, 108, 0}, -- l
+ {12, 105, 0}, -- i
+ {12, 110, 0}, -- n
+ {12, 101, 0}, -- e
+ {12, 112, 0}, -- p
+ {12, 111, 0}, -- o
+ {12, 115, 0}, -- s
+ {12, 105, 0}, -- i
+ {12, 116, 0}, -- t
+ {12, 105, 0}, -- i
+ {12, 111, 0}, -- o
+ {12, 110, 0}, -- n
+ {12, 123, 0} -- {
+ }
+ t = token.create("@todonotes@pdflastypos")
+ tokenlist[#tokenlist + 1] = t
+ tokenlist[#tokenlist + 1] = {12, 125, 0}
+ tokenlist[#tokenlist + 1] = {12, 123, 0}
+ appendStrToTokenlist(tokenlist, tostring(head.height))
+ tokenlist[#tokenlist + 1] = {12, 125, 0}
+ tokenlist[#tokenlist + 1] = {12, 123, 0}
+ appendStrToTokenlist(tokenlist, tostring(head.depth))
+ tokenlist[#tokenlist + 1] = {12, 125, 0}
+ = tokenlist
+ head.head = node.insert_before(head.head,head.head,w)
+ local w ="whatsit", "pdf_save_pos") -- 8/23
+ head.head = node.insert_before(head.head,head.head,w)
+ end
+ end
+ end
+ head =
+ end
+ return true
+-- ********** Leader Drawing Algorithms **********
+function drawLeaderPath(note, path)
+ if note.drawLeader == false then
+ return
+ end
+ local clipPath
+ if note.noteType == "area" then
+ clipPath = note:getClipPathForTodoArea()
+ tex.print("\\begin{scope}")
+ tex.print("\\clip (current page.north west) rectangle (current page.south east) ")
+ tex.print(clipPath)
+ tex.print(";")
+ end
+ tex.print("\\draw[@todonotes@leader,draw=" .. note.lineColor ..
+ ",line width=" .. note.leaderWidth .. ",name path=leader] " .. path .. ";")
+ if note.noteType == "area" then
+ tex.print("\\path[name path=clipping] " .. clipPath .. ";")
+ tex.print("\\fill[@todonotes@leader,name intersections={of=leader and clipping, by=x,sort by=leader}] (x) circle(3pt);")
+ tex.print("\\end{scope}")
+ end
+-- ** leader drawing: s-leaders
+function drawSLeaders()
+ for k, v in ipairs(notesForPage) do
+ drawLeaderPath(v, v:getLabelAnchorTikz() ..
+ " -- " .. v:getInTextAnchorTikz())
+ end
+leaderTypes["s"] = {algo = drawSLeaders}
+-- ** leader drawing: opo-leaders
+function drawOpoLeader(v, opoShift, rightSide)
+ if rightSide then
+ opoShift = - opoShift
+ end
+ drawLeaderPath(v, v:getLabelAnchorTikz() .. " -- +(" .. opoShift .. "sp,0) " ..
+ "|- " .. v:getInTextAnchorTikz())
+function drawOpoGroup(group, directionDown, rightSide)
+ if directionDown == nil then
+ for _, v2 in ipairs(group) do
+ drawOpoLeader(notesForPage[v2], 0, rightSide)
+ end
+ else
+ if #group == 1 then
+ -- place p-section of leader in center of routing area
+ local opoShift = distanceNotesText / 2 + routingAreaWidth / 2
+ drawOpoLeader(notesForPage[group[1]], opoShift, rightSide)
+ else
+ local leaderDistance = routingAreaWidth / (#group - 1)
+ -- initialise shift value
+ local nextOpoShift, move
+ if directionDown then
+ nextOpoShift = distanceNotesText / 2 + routingAreaWidth
+ move = -leaderDistance
+ else
+ nextOpoShift = distanceNotesText / 2
+ move = leaderDistance
+ end
+ -- cycle through group
+ for _, v2 in ipairs(group) do
+ drawOpoLeader(notesForPage[v2], nextOpoShift, rightSide)
+ nextOpoShift = nextOpoShift + move
+ end
+ end
+ end
+function drawOpoLeadersSide(notes, rightSide)
+ table.sort(notes, compareNoteIndInputYDesc)
+ local lastDirectionDown = nil
+ local group = {}
+ local prevNote
+ for _, ind in ipairs(notes) do
+ local v = notesForPage[ind]
+ local leaderAnchorY = v:getLabelAnchorY()
+ if leaderAnchorY > v.inputY then
+ newDirectionDown = true
+ elseif leaderAnchorY < v.inputY then
+ newDirectionDown = false
+ else
+ newDirectionDown = nil
+ end
+ if lastDirectionDown == newDirectionDown and
+ prevNote ~= nil and
+ -- following conditions check that leaders would really intersect
+ -- otherwise we can start a new group
+ ((newDirectionDown and leaderAnchorY >= prevNote.inputY) or
+ (not newDirectionDown and v.inputY >= prevNote:getLabelAnchorY())) then
+ -- note belongs to group
+ table.insert(group, ind)
+ else
+ -- draw leaders for group
+ drawOpoGroup(group, lastDirectionDown, rightSide)
+ -- initialise new group with this note
+ lastDirectionDown = newDirectionDown
+ group = {ind}
+ end
+ prevNote = v
+ end
+ drawOpoGroup(group, lastDirectionDown, rightSide)
+function drawOpoLeaders()
+ local notesLeft, notesRight = segmentNotes(notesForPage)
+ if #notesLeft > 0 then
+ drawOpoLeadersSide(notesLeft, false)
+ end
+ if #notesRight > 0 then
+ drawOpoLeadersSide(notesRight, true)
+ end
+leaderTypes["opo"] = {algo = drawOpoLeaders,
+ needRoutingArea = true}
+-- ** leader drawing: po-leaders
+function drawPoLeaders()
+ for _, v in ipairs(notesForPage) do
+ drawLeaderPath(v, v:getLabelAnchorTikz() .. " -| " .. v:getInTextAnchorTikz())
+ end
+leaderTypes["po"] = {algo = drawPoLeaders}
+-- ** leader drawing: os-leaders
+function drawOsLeaders()
+ for _, v in ipairs(notesForPage) do
+ local cornerX
+ if v.rightSide then
+ cornerX = labelArea.right.left - distanceNotesText / 2 - routingAreaWidth
+ else
+ cornerX = labelArea.left.right + distanceNotesText / 2 + routingAreaWidth
+ end
+ drawLeaderPath(v, v:getInTextAnchorTikz() ..
+ " -- (" .. cornerX .. "sp,0 |- 0," .. v.inputY .. "sp) -- " ..
+ v:getLabelAnchorTikz())
+ end
+leaderTypes["os"] = {algo = drawOsLeaders,
+ needRoutingArea = true}
+-- ** leader drawing: s-Bezier-leaders
+-- additional fields for each note:
+-- leaderArmY
+-- movableControlPointX
+-- optimalPositionX
+-- currentForce
+-- forceLimitDec
+-- forceLimitInc
+-- settings for algorithm
+maxIterations = 1000
+factorRepulsiveControlPoint = 1
+factorAttractingControlPoint = 1
+stopCondition = 65536 -- corresponds to 1pt
+function constructCurve(l)
+ local curve = {}
+ -- site
+ curve[1] = {}
+ curve[1].x = l.inputX
+ curve[1].y = l.inputY
+ -- unmovable control point (middle point of site and movable control point)
+ curve[2] = {}
+ curve[2].x = (l.inputX + l.movableControlPointX) / 2
+ curve[2].y = (l.inputY + l.leaderArmY) / 2
+ -- movable control point
+ curve[3] = {}
+ curve[3].x = l.movableControlPointX
+ curve[3].y = l.leaderArmY
+ -- port
+ curve[4] = {}
+ curve[4].x = labelArea:getXTextSide(l.rightSide)
+ curve[4].y = l.leaderArmY
+ return curve
+function computeRepulsiveControlPointForces()
+ for k1, l1 in pairs(notesForPage) do
+ for k2, l2 in pairs(notesForPage) do
+ if k1 ~= k2 then
+ -- curves of the leaders
+ local curve1 = constructCurve(l1)
+ local curve2 = constructCurve(l2)
+ local distance = checkCurveApproximation(curve1, curve2);
+ -- check if R1 has to be increased or decreased to increase the distance of the 2 curves
+ -- if curve1 is bent into the direction of curve2, R1 has to be decreased
+ local actualR = math.abs(labelArea:getXTextSide(l1.rightSide) - l1.movableControlPointX)
+ if ((l1.inputY < l1.leaderArmY and
+ l2.leaderArmY < l1.leaderArmY) or
+ (l1.inputY > l1.leaderArmY and
+ l2.leaderArmY > l1.leaderArmY)) then
+ -- R1 has to be increased
+ local desiredR = math.abs(labelArea:getXTextSide(l1.rightSide) - l1.optimalPositionX)
+ local diff = math.abs(desiredR - actualR)
+ if distance == 0 then
+ distance = 0.01
+ end
+ local force = diff / distance
+ local newForce = force * factorRepulsiveControlPoint
+ l1.currentForce = l1.currentForce + newForce
+ l1.forceLimitDec = math.min(l1.forceLimitDec, distance * 0.45)
+ else
+ -- R1 has to be decreased
+ if distance == 0 then
+ distance = 0.01
+ end
+ local force = actualR / distance
+ local newForce = -force * factorRepulsiveControlPoint
+ l1.currentForce = l1.currentForce + newForce
+ local oldLim = l1.forceLimitInc
+ l1.forceLimitInc = math.min(l1.forceLimitInc, distance * 0.45)
+ --if oldLim ~= l1.forceLimitInc then
+ --print(k1 .. ": Reduced forceLimitInc from " .. oldLim .. " to " .. l1.forceLimitInc .. " because of " .. k2 .. " (distance: " .. distance .. ")")
+ --end
+ end
+ end
+ end
+ end
+function computeAttractingControlPointForces()
+ for _, l in pairs(notesForPage) do
+ local desiredR = math.abs(labelArea:getXTextSide(l.rightSide) - l.optimalPositionX)
+ local actualR = math.abs(labelArea:getXTextSide(l.rightSide) - l.movableControlPointX)
+ local newForce = (desiredR - actualR) * factorAttractingControlPoint
+ l.currentForce = l.currentForce + newForce
+ end
+function getPointOnCurve(t, curve)
+ if #curve ~= 4 then
+ error("4 points needed for a Bezier-curve. Given size was: " .. #curve)
+ end
+ local x = (1 - t) * (1 - t) * (1 - t) * curve[1].x +
+ 3 * t * (1 - t) * (1 - t) * curve[2].x +
+ 3 * t * t * (1 - t) * curve[3].x +
+ t * t * t * curve[4].x
+ local y = (1 - t) * (1 - t) * (1 - t) * curve[1].y +
+ 3 * t * (1 - t) * (1 - t) * curve[2].y +
+ 3 * t * t * (1 - t) * curve[3].y +
+ t * t * t * curve[4].y;
+ return x, y
+function checkCurveApproximation(curve1, curve2)
+ -- these lists will contain the sections of the approximation of the two curves
+ local sectionsCurve1 = {}
+ local sectionsCurve2 = {}
+ -- get line segments of the first curve
+ local numberOfSectionsCurve1 = numberOfCurvePartitions
+ local temp1X, temp1Y = getPointOnCurve(0, curve1)
+ local i = 1
+ while i <= numberOfSectionsCurve1 do
+ local t = i / numberOfSectionsCurve1
+ local temp2X, temp2Y = getPointOnCurve(t, curve1)
+ local line = {}
+ line.x1 = temp1X
+ line.y1 = temp1Y
+ line.x2 = temp2X
+ line.y2 = temp2Y
+ table.insert(sectionsCurve1, line)
+ temp1X, temp1Y = temp2X, temp2Y
+ i = i + 1
+ end
+ -- get line segments of the second curve
+ local numberOfSectionsCurve2 = numberOfCurvePartitions
+ temp1X, temp1Y = getPointOnCurve(0, curve2)
+ i = 1
+ while i <= numberOfSectionsCurve2 do
+ local t = i / numberOfSectionsCurve2
+ local temp2X, temp2Y = getPointOnCurve(t, curve2)
+ local line = {}
+ line.x1 = temp1X
+ line.y1 = temp1Y
+ line.x2 = temp2X
+ line.y2 = temp2Y
+ table.insert(sectionsCurve2, line)
+ temp1X, temp1Y = temp2X, temp2Y
+ i = i + 1
+ end
+ -- get the minimal distance of the 2 curve approximations
+ local minDistance = math.huge
+ for _, line1 in pairs(sectionsCurve1) do
+ for _, line2 in pairs(sectionsCurve2) do
+ local distance = getDistance(line1, line2)
+ if distance <= minDistance then
+ minDistance = distance
+ end
+ end
+ end
+ return minDistance
+function getDistance(line1, line2)
+ local t1, t2 = pathLine.line_line_intersection(line1.x1, line1.y1, line1.x2, line1.y2,
+ line2.x1, line2.y1, line2.x2, line2.y2)
+ if 0 <= t1 and t1 <= 1 and 0 <= t2 and t2 <= 1 then
+ -- the lines do intersect
+ return 0
+ end
+ local d1 = pathLine.hit(line2.x1, line2.y1, line1.x1, line1.y1, line1.x2, line1.y2)
+ local d2 = pathLine.hit(line2.x2, line2.y2, line1.x1, line1.y1, line1.x2, line1.y2)
+ local d3 = pathLine.hit(line1.x1, line1.y1, line2.x1, line2.y1, line2.x2, line2.y2)
+ local d4 = pathLine.hit(line1.x2, line1.y2, line2.x1, line2.y1, line2.x2, line2.y2)
+ return math.sqrt(math.min(d1, d2, d3, d4))
+function applyForces(v)
+ --print("force on note " .. v.index .. ": " .. v.currentForce .. " (limit: +" .. v.forceLimitInc .. ", -" .. v.forceLimitDec .. ")")
+ -- limit the force so the movable control point is between the port and the optimal position
+ local actualR = math.abs(labelArea:getXTextSide(v.rightSide) - v.movableControlPointX)
+ local differenceR = math.abs(labelArea:getXTextSide(v.rightSide) - v.optimalPositionX) - actualR
+ if (v.currentForce < 0 and math.abs(v.currentForce) > actualR) then
+ v.currentForce = (-1) * actualR
+ end
+ if (v.currentForce > 0 and v.currentForce > differenceR) then
+ v.currentForce = differenceR
+ end
+ -- limit the force so 2 curves do not get too close to each other and do not cross
+ if v.currentForce > v.forceLimitInc then
+ v.currentForce = v.forceLimitInc
+ end
+ if v.currentForce < (-1) * v.forceLimitDec then
+ v.currentForce = (-1) * v.forceLimitDec
+ end
+ v.forceLimitDec = math.huge
+ v.forceLimitInc = math.huge
+ if v.rightSide then
+ v.movableControlPointX = v.movableControlPointX - v.currentForce
+ else
+ v.movableControlPointX = v.movableControlPointX + v.currentForce
+ end
+ --print("force on note " .. v.index .. ": " .. v.currentForce)
+ local c = v.currentForce
+ v.currentForce = 0
+ return c
+function getAngle(centerX, centerY, x, y)
+ local vectorX = x - centerX
+ local vectorY = y - centerY
+ local length = math.sqrt((vectorX ^ 2) + (vectorY ^ 2))
+ vectorX = vectorX / length
+ vectorY = vectorY / length
+ local radAngle = math.acos(vectorX)
+ local degAngle = (radAngle * 180) / math.pi
+ if vectorY < 0 then
+ degAngle = 360 - degAngle
+ end
+ return degAngle
+function solveQuadraticEquation(a, b, c)
+ local discr = (b * b) - (4 * a * c)
+ if discr < 0 then
+ error("Fehler bei der Berechnung das optimalen Punktes")
+ end
+ local solution1 = ((-b) + math.sqrt(discr)) / (2 * a)
+ local solution2 = ((-b) - math.sqrt(discr)) / (2 * a)
+ if solution1 < 0 and solution2 < 0 then
+ error("no positive solution")
+ end
+ if solution1 < solution2 then
+ return solution2
+ else
+ return solution1
+ end
+function computeOptimalPosition(v)
+ local distance = point.distance(v.inputX, v.inputY, labelArea:getXTextSide(v.rightSide), v.leaderArmY)
+ -- the angle at the port between the point and the movable control point
+ local tempAngle = getAngle(v.inputX, v.inputY, labelArea:getXTextSide(v.rightSide), v.leaderArmY)
+ local gamma
+ if v.rightSide then
+ if tempAngle < 180 then
+ gamma = tempAngle
+ else
+ gamma = 360 - tempAngle
+ end
+ else
+ if tempAngle < 180 then
+ gamma = 180 - tempAngle
+ else
+ gamma = tempAngle - 180
+ end
+ end
+ -- a quadratic formula has to be solved to get the optimal position
+ local a = 3
+ local b = 2 * distance * math.cos(math.rad(gamma))
+ local c = -(distance * distance)
+ local r = solveQuadraticEquation(a, b, c)
+ if v.rightSide then
+ v.optimalPositionX = labelArea:getXTextSide(v.rightSide) - r
+ else
+ v.optimalPositionX = labelArea:getXTextSide(v.rightSide) + r
+ end
+function drawSBezierLeaders()
+ for _, v in pairs(notesForPage) do
+ -- initialise leader
+ v.leaderArmY = v:getLabelAnchorY()
+ v.movableControlPointX = labelArea:getXTextSide(v.rightSide)
+ v.currentForce = 0
+ v.forceLimitDec = math.huge
+ v.forceLimitInc = math.huge
+ end
+ numberOfCurvePartitions = #notesForPage * 3
+ for _, v in pairs(notesForPage) do
+ computeOptimalPosition(v)
+ end
+ -- main loop
+ local proceed = true
+ local loopCounter = 0
+ while (proceed and loopCounter < maxIterations) do
+ --print("")
+ --print("--------------------------------------------------")
+ print("iteration " .. loopCounter .. ":")
+ -- compute forces
+ computeRepulsiveControlPointForces()
+ computeAttractingControlPointForces()
+ -- apply forces
+ proceed = false
+ for _, l in pairs(notesForPage) do
+ local diff = applyForces(l)
+ if diff > stopCondition then
+ proceed = true
+ end
+ end
+ loopCounter = loopCounter + 1
+ end
+ print("")
+ print("End of Force-directed algo")
+ print("number of iterations: " .. loopCounter)
+ print("")
+ -- draw
+ for _, v in pairs(notesForPage) do
+ local curve = constructCurve(v)
+ local unmovableStr = "(" .. curve[2].x .. "sp," .. curve[2].y .. "sp)"
+ local movableStr = "(" .. curve[3].x .. "sp," .. curve[3].y .. "sp)"
+ drawLeaderPath(v, v:getInTextAnchorTikz() .. " .. controls " ..
+ unmovableStr .. " and " .. movableStr .. " .. " ..
+ v:getLabelAnchorTikz())
+ -- draw control points when requested
+ if todonotesDebug then
+ local optimalStr = "(" .. v.optimalPositionX .. "sp," .. v.leaderArmY .. "sp)"
+ tex.print("\\node[anchor=north west,text=pink,fill=white,rectangle] at " .. optimalStr .. " {" .. v.index .. "};")
+ tex.print("\\node[anchor=north west,text=red,fill=white,rectangle] at " .. movableStr .. " {" .. v.index .. "};")
+ tex.print("\\node[anchor=north west,text=orange,fill=white,rectangle] at " .. unmovableStr .. " {" .. v.index .. "};")
+ tex.print("\\draw[red,fill] " .. movableStr .. " circle(2pt);")
+ tex.print("\\draw[orange,fill] " .. unmovableStr .. " circle(2pt);")
+ tex.print("\\draw[pink,fill] " .. optimalStr .. " circle(1pt);")
+ end
+ end
+leaderTypes["sBezier"] = {algo = drawSBezierLeaders}
+-- ********** Positioning Algorithms **********
+-- ** helper functions
+-- divides notes in two lists (for left and right side)
+-- side must be stored in note.rightSide for every note before using this function
+function segmentNotes(notes)
+ local availableNotesLeft = {}
+ local availableNotesRight = {}
+ for k, v in pairs(notes) do
+ if v.rightSide == true then
+ table.insert(availableNotesRight, k)
+ else
+ table.insert(availableNotesLeft, k)
+ end
+ end
+ return availableNotesLeft, availableNotesRight
+-- finds the index in the list given as parameter with the minimum angle
+-- the function used for computation of the angle is given as second parameter
+-- (the alphaFormula gets the note, to which the angle should be computed, as
+-- the only parameter)
+function findIndexMinAlpha(availableNotesIndex, alphaFormula)
+ local minAlpha = math.huge -- infinity
+ local minIndex = -1
+ for k, v in pairs(availableNotesIndex) do
+ local alpha = alphaFormula(notesForPage[v])
+ if alpha < minAlpha then
+ minAlpha = alpha
+ minIndex = k
+ end
+ end
+ return minIndex
+-- ** partition into stacks
+function getMeanYHeight(stack)
+ -- TODO: Alternative: nicht das arithmetische Mittel verwenden, sondern
+ -- Mittelpunkt zwischen dem obersten und untersten Punkt
+ local sumY = 0
+ local height = 0
+ for _, v in pairs(stack) do
+ sumY = sumY + notesForPage[v].inputY
+ height = height + notesForPage[v]:getHeight() + 2 * noteInnerSep + noteInterSpace
+ end
+ local area = labelArea:getArea(notesForPage[stack[1]].rightSide)
+ local meanY = sumY / #stack
+ local height = height - noteInterSpace
+ if meanY + (height/2) > then
+ meanY = - (height/2)
+ elseif meanY - (height/2) < area.bottom then
+ meanY = area.bottom + (height/2)
+ end
+ return meanY, height
+function stacksIntersect(stackTop, stackBottom)
+ local topMeanY, topHeight = getMeanYHeight(stackTop)
+ local topLower = topMeanY - topHeight/2
+ local bottomMeanY, bottomHeight = getMeanYHeight(stackBottom)
+ local bottomUpper = bottomMeanY + bottomHeight/2
+ if topLower - bottomUpper < noteInterSpace then
+ return true
+ else
+ return false
+ end
+function findStacks(notesOnSide)
+ local notes = table.copy(notesOnSide)
+ table.sort(notes, compareNoteIndInputYDesc)
+ -- list that contains stacks
+ -- is initialized by putting all notes as single stacks ordered by their inputY
+ local stacks = {}
+ for _, v in pairs(notes) do
+ table.insert(stacks, {v})
+ end
+ -- Collapse Stacks where needed
+ local i = 1
+ while i <= #stacks - 1 do
+ if stacksIntersect(stacks[i], stacks[i+1]) then
+ collapsedStacks = true
+ for _, v in pairs(stacks[i+1]) do
+ table.insert(stacks[i], v)
+ end
+ table.remove(stacks,i+1)
+ if i > 1 then
+ -- as stack i has increased in size we look at the previous
+ -- stack again in next iteration
+ i = i - 1
+ end
+ else
+ -- look at next stack in next iteration
+ i = i + 1
+ end
+ end
+ return stacks
+-- ** positioning: inText
+function posInText()
+ -- trivial algorithm
+ -- places notes in text on position where todo-command was issued
+ for k, v in ipairs(notesForPage) do
+ v.outputX = v.inputX
+ v.outputY = v.inputY
+ end
+positioningAlgos["inText"] = {algo = posInText,
+ leaderAnchor = "north west",
+ leaderShift = false,
+ twoSided = false}
+-- ** positioning: inputOrder
+-- start at top and place notes below each other on left/right side
+-- notes are placed in the order induced by their y-coordinates
+function posInputOrder(notes, rightSide)
+ table.sort(notes, compareNoteIndInputYDesc)
+ placeNotesInputOrder(notes, labelArea:getArea(rightSide).top, rightSide)
+positioningAlgos["inputOrder"] = {algo = posInputOrder,
+ leaderAnchor = "east",
+ leaderShift = false,
+ twoSided = true}
+-- ** positioning: inputOrderStacks
+function placeNotesInputOrder(stack, yStart, rightSide)
+ local freeY = yStart
+ for _, k in ipairs(stack) do
+ local v = notesForPage[k]
+ v.outputX = labelArea:getArea(rightSide).left
+ v.outputY = freeY
+ freeY = freeY - v:getHeight() - 2 * noteInnerSep - noteInterSpace
+ end
+function posInputOrderStacks(notesOnSide, rightSide)
+ table.sort(notesOnSide, compareNoteIndInputYDesc)
+ local stacks = findStacks(notesOnSide)
+ -- place stacks
+ for k, stack in pairs(stacks) do
+ local meanY, height = getMeanYHeight(stack)
+ local stackStart = meanY + height / 2
+ placeNotesInputOrder(stack, stackStart, rightSide)
+ end
+positioningAlgos["inputOrderStacks"] = {algo = posInputOrderStacks,
+ leaderAnchor = "east",
+ leaderShift = false,
+ twoSided = true}
+-- ** positioning: sLeaderNorthEast
+function posSLeaderNorthEast(notes, rightSide)
+ local noteY = labelArea:getArea(rightSide).top
+ local alphaFormula
+ local noteX = labelArea:getXTextSide(rightSide)
+ local outputX = labelArea:getArea(rightSide).left
+ if rightSide then
+ alphaFormula = function (note)
+ return (noteY - note.inputY) / (noteX - note.inputX)
+ end
+ else
+ alphaFormula = function (note)
+ return (noteY - note.inputY) / (note.inputX - noteX)
+ end
+ end
+ while #notes > 0 do
+ local minIndex = findIndexMinAlpha(notes, alphaFormula)
+ -- place note identified by minIndex
+ local note = notesForPage[notes[minIndex]]
+ note.outputX = outputX
+ note.outputY = noteY
+ noteY = noteY - note:getHeight() - 2 * noteInnerSep - noteInterSpace
+ table.remove(notes, minIndex)
+ end
+positioningAlgos["sLeaderNorthEast"] = {algo = posSLeaderNorthEast,
+ leaderAnchor = "north east",
+ leaderShift = false,
+ twoSided = true}
+-- ** positioning: sLeaderNorthEastBelow
+function placeNotesNorthEastBelow(stack, yStart, rightSide)
+ -- calculate minimum height of all notes
+ local minHeight = math.huge -- (infinity)
+ for _, v in pairs(stack) do
+ if notesForPage[v]:getHeight() < minHeight then
+ minHeight = notesForPage[v]:getHeight()
+ end
+ end
+ local leaderShiftY = (- minHeight - 2 * noteInnerSep) / 2
+ local noteY = yStart
+ local availableNotes = table.copy(stack)
+ local alphaFormula
+ local noteX = labelArea:getXTextSide(rightSide)
+ local outputX = labelArea:getArea(rightSide).left
+ if rightSide == true then
+ alphaFormula = function (note)
+ return ((noteY + leaderShiftY) - note.inputY) / (noteX - note.inputX)
+ end
+ else
+ alphaFormula = function (note)
+ return ((noteY + leaderShiftY) - note.inputY) / (note.inputX - noteX)
+ end
+ end
+ while #availableNotes > 0 do
+ local minIndex = findIndexMinAlpha(availableNotes, alphaFormula)
+ -- place note identified by minIndex
+ local note = notesForPage[availableNotes[minIndex]]
+ note.outputX = outputX
+ note.outputY = noteY
+ note.leaderShiftX = 0
+ note.leaderShiftY = leaderShiftY
+ noteY = noteY - note:getHeight() - 2 * noteInnerSep - noteInterSpace
+ table.remove(availableNotes, minIndex)
+ end
+function posSLeaderNorthEastBelow(notes, rightSide)
+ placeNotesNorthEastBelow(notes, labelArea:getArea(rightSide).top, rightSide)
+positioningAlgos["sLeaderNorthEastBelow"] = {algo = posSLeaderNorthEastBelow,
+ leaderAnchor = "north east",
+ leaderShift = true,
+ twoSided = true}
+-- ** positioning: sLeaderNorthEastBelowStacks
+function posSLeaderNorthEastBelowStacks(notesOnSide, rightSide)
+ local stacks = findStacks(notesOnSide)
+ -- place stacks
+ for k, stack in pairs(stacks) do
+ local meanY, height = getMeanYHeight(stack)
+ local stackStart = meanY + height / 2
+ placeNotesNorthEastBelow(stack, stackStart, rightSide)
+ end
+positioningAlgos["sLeaderNorthEastBelowStacks"] = {algo = posSLeaderNorthEastBelowStacks,
+ leaderAnchor = "north east",
+ leaderShift = true,
+ twoSided = true}
+-- ** positioning: sLeaderEast
+function posSLeaderEast(notes, rightSide)
+ local leaderPosY
+ local noteY = labelArea:getArea(rightSide).top
+ local alphaFormula
+ local noteX = labelArea:getXTextSide(rightSide)
+ local outputX = labelArea:getArea(rightSide).left
+ if rightSide == true then
+ alphaFormula = function (note)
+ return (leaderPosY - note.inputY) / (noteX - note.inputX)
+ end
+ else
+ alphaFormula = function (note)
+ return (leaderPosY - note.inputY) / (note.inputX - noteX)
+ end
+ end
+ local placedNotes = {}
+ while #notes > 0 do
+ -- build a array with all distinct heights of the notes
+ -- first create a set and then convert to sorted array
+ local heights = {}
+ print(#heights)
+ for _, v in pairs(notes) do
+ heights[notesForPage[v]:getHeight()] = true
+ end
+ heights = table.keys(heights)
+ table.sort(heights)
+ local chosenIndex = -1
+ local chosenH = -1
+ for _, h in pairs(heights) do
+ print("testing height: " .. h) -- DEBUG
+ leaderPosY = noteY - noteInnerSep - h/2
+ -- find point with highest angle
+ local minIndex = findIndexMinAlpha(notes, alphaFormula)
+ -- found a valid note
+ if notesForPage[notes[minIndex]]:getHeight() <= h then
+ chosenIndex = minIndex
+ chosenH = h
+ break
+ end
+ end
+ -- place note identified by chosenIndex
+ local note = notesForPage[notes[chosenIndex]]
+ note.outputX = outputX
+ -- let free space above note if needed (if chosenH ~= note:getHeight())
+ note.outputY = noteY - (chosenH - note:getHeight()) / 2
+ -- no extraordinary free space below note (even if chosenH ~= note:getHeight())
+ noteY = note.outputY - note:getHeight() - 2 * noteInnerSep - noteInterSpace
+ -- DEBUG
+ if chosenH ~= note:getHeight() then
+ print("Creating free space above note " .. note.index)
+ end
+ table.insert(placedNotes, notes[chosenIndex])
+ table.remove(notes, chosenIndex)
+ end
+ -- postprocessing: reduce spaces between notes where possible
+ for ind, noteNr in pairs(placedNotes) do
+ local note = notesForPage[noteNr]
+ local aimedPos
+ if ind == 1 then
+ aimedPos = labelArea:getArea(rightSide).top
+ else
+ local prevNote = notesForPage[placedNotes[ind-1]]
+ aimedPos = prevNote.outputY - prevNote:getHeight() - 2 * noteInnerSep - noteInterSpace
+ end
+ -- DEBUG
+ if aimedPos ~= note.outputY then
+ print("note " .. note.index .. " got moved:")
+ print("aimed: " .. aimedPos)
+ print("real: " .. note.outputY)
+ end
+ local aimedLeaderAnchorY = aimedPos - noteInnerSep - note:getHeight() / 2
+ local realLeaderAnchorY = note.outputY - noteInnerSep - note:getHeight() / 2
+ -- it holds: realLeaderAnchorY < aimedLeaderAnchorY (realLeaderAnchor is lower on page)
+ -- check if there are points in triangle (aimedLeaderAnchor, note.input, realLeaderAnchor)
+ -- we perform this check by calculating the angle of the points referred to note.input
+ local pointsInTriangle = false
+ local denom
+ if rightSide then
+ denom = noteX - note.inputX
+ else
+ denom = note.inputX - noteX
+ end
+ local aimedLeaderAnchorAngle = (aimedLeaderAnchorY - note.inputY) / denom
+ local realLeaderAnchorAngle = (realLeaderAnchorY - note.inputY) / denom
+ local minAngle = math.huge
+ local minAngleIndex = -1 -- takes index of lowest point in triangle
+ for otherInd, otherNote in pairs(notesForPage) do
+ if otherInd ~= noteNr and
+ ((not rightSide and otherNote.inputX < note.inputX) or
+ (rightSide and otherNote.inputX > note.inputX)) then
+ local otherNoteAngle
+ if rightSide then
+ otherNoteAngle = (otherNote.inputY - note.inputY) / (otherNote.inputX - note.inputX)
+ else
+ otherNoteAngle = (otherNote.inputY - note.inputY) / (note.inputX - otherNote.inputX)
+ end
+ if (realLeaderAnchorAngle < otherNoteAngle)
+ and (otherNoteAngle < aimedLeaderAnchorAngle) then
+ pointsInTriangle = true
+ if otherNoteAngle < minAngle then
+ minAngle = otherNoteAngle
+ minAngleIndex = otherInd
+ end
+ print(otherNote.index .. " is in triangle for " .. note.index) -- DEBUG
+ end
+ end
+ end
+ if not pointsInTriangle then
+ -- no points in triangle
+ -- => we can move this note to aimedPos
+ note.outputY = aimedPos
+ else
+ -- move note upwards so that leader touches lowest point in triangle
+ -- new point for leader anchor is determined by the ray from note.input through the lowest point in triangle (otherNote.input)
+ -- TODO: force a certain distance between leader and other points (at the moment a leader can contain endpoints of other leaders)
+ local otherNote = notesForPage[minAngleIndex]
+ local aimedLeaderAnchorY = note.inputY - (note.inputY - otherNote.inputY) * (note.inputX - noteX) / (note.inputX - otherNote.inputX)
+ note.outputY = aimedLeaderAnchorY + noteInnerSep + note:getHeight() / 2
+ end
+ end
+positioningAlgos["sLeaderEast"] = {algo = posSLeaderEast,
+ leaderAnchor = "east",
+ leaderShift = false,
+ twoSided = true}
+-- ** positioning: poLeaders
+function getRasterAbsolute(rasterHeight, top, rasterIndex)
+ return top - (rasterIndex - 1) * rasterHeight
+ -- distance between line and leader that algorithm tries to reach when there is
+ -- no neighbouring line
+local poMinDistLine = string.todimen("4pt")
+function getPosAboveLine(linePositionsCurPage, lineInd)
+ local line = linePositionsCurPage[lineInd]
+ local posAbove
+ if linePositionsCurPage[lineInd - 1] ~= nil then
+ posAbove = (line[2] + linePositionsCurPage[lineInd - 1][3]) / 2
+ end
+ if posAbove == nil or posAbove - line[2] > poMinDistLine then
+ posAbove = line[2] + poMinDistLine
+ end
+ return posAbove
+function getPosBelowLine(linePositionsCurPage, lineInd)
+ local line = linePositionsCurPage[lineInd]
+ local posBelow
+ if linePositionsCurPage[lineInd + 1] ~= nil then
+ posBelow = (line[3] + (linePositionsCurPage[lineInd + 1][2])) / 2
+ end
+ if posBelow == nil or line[3] - posBelow > poMinDistLine then
+ posBelow = line[3] - poMinDistLine
+ end
+ return posBelow
+function posPoLeaders(notes, rightSide, avoidLines)
+ print("rasterHeight: " .. rasterHeight)
+ local linePositionsCurPage
+ if avoidLines then
+ linePositionsCurPage = linePositions[currentPage] or {}
+ end
+ -- number of slots on the whole page
+ local area = labelArea:getArea(rightSide)
+ local totalNumSlots = math.floor(( - area.bottom) / rasterHeight)
+ -- calculate number of raster slots for each note
+ for _, ind in pairs(notes) do
+ local v = notesForPage[ind]
+ local height = v:getHeight() + 2 * noteInnerSep + noteInterSpace
+ v.rasterSlots = math.ceil(height / rasterHeight)
+ end
+ -- sort notes by inputY
+ table.sort(notes, compareNoteIndInputYDesc)
+ -- draw slots
+ if todonotesDebug then
+ for i = 1,totalNumSlots+1 do
+ local pos = - (i-1) * rasterHeight
+ tex.print("\\draw[blue,dashed] (0," .. pos .. "sp) -- +(21cm,0);")
+ end
+ end
+ -- initialise table opt for dynamic program
+ -- opt[topPoint, bottomPoint, topSlot, bottomSlot, numberLabeledSites]
+ -- opt[a][b][c][d][e] describes length-minimal placement of the labels for
+ -- sites from a to b in the raster slots c to d
+ -- the leftmost/rightmost e sites between a and b are selected until there
+ -- are no more free slots
+ local opt = {}
+ for a = 1, #notes do
+ opt[a] = {}
+ for b = a, #notes do
+ opt[a][b] = {}
+ -- TODO: needed label slots are restricted by points
+ -- only create tables for needed slots
+ for i = 1, totalNumSlots do
+ opt[a][b][i] = {}
+ for j = i, totalNumSlots do
+ if i == j then
+ opt[a][b][i][j] = {}
+ opt[a][b][i][j][0] = {}
+ opt[a][b][i][j][0].totalLength = 0
+ opt[a][b][i][j][0].positions = {}
+ opt[a][b][i][j][0].leaderShiftY = {}
+ end
+ end
+ end
+ end
+ end
+ -- constant use an partial solution without labeled points
+ local optEmpty = {}
+ optEmpty.totalLength = 0
+ optEmpty.positions = {}
+ optEmpty.leaderShiftY = {}
+ -- fill table opt for dynamic program
+ -- numberOfPoints is difference between topPoint and bottomPoint when computing opt
+ for numberOfPoints = 1, #notes do
+ for topPoint = 1, (#notes - numberOfPoints + 1) do
+ -- compute opt[topStrip][bottomStrip]
+ local bottomPoint = topPoint + numberOfPoints - 1
+ local pointsBetween = {}
+ for i = topPoint, bottomPoint do
+ table.insert(pointsBetween, notes[i])
+ end
+ if rightSide then
+ table.sort(pointsBetween, compareNoteIndInputXDesc)
+ else
+ table.sort(pointsBetween, compareNoteIndInputXAsc)
+ end
+ -- TODO: Einschränken, nicht alle Kombinationen von Slots notwendig
+ -- (siehe auch oben)
+ -- numberOfSlots is difference between topSlot and bottomSlot when computing opt
+ for numberOfSlots = 1, totalNumSlots do
+ for topSlot = 1, (totalNumSlots - numberOfSlots + 1) do
+ local bottomSlot = topSlot + numberOfSlots - 1
+ -- DEBUG
+ --print("computing opt[" .. topPoint .. "][" .. bottomPoint ..
+ --"][" .. topSlot .. "][" .. bottomSlot .. "]")
+ opt[topPoint][bottomPoint][topSlot][bottomSlot] = {}
+ opt[topPoint][bottomPoint][topSlot][bottomSlot][0] = {}
+ opt[topPoint][bottomPoint][topSlot][bottomSlot][0].totalLength = 0
+ opt[topPoint][bottomPoint][topSlot][bottomSlot][0].positions = {}
+ opt[topPoint][bottomPoint][topSlot][bottomSlot][0].leaderShiftY = {}
+ -- stelle fest, wie viele Punkte gelabelt werden (bestimme also r)
+ local labeledSites = {}
+ local usedSlots = 0
+ for _, v in pairs(pointsBetween) do
+ local note = notesForPage[v]
+ if usedSlots + note.rasterSlots <= numberOfSlots then
+ usedSlots = usedSlots + note.rasterSlots
+ table.insert(labeledSites, v)
+ else
+ break
+ end
+ end
+ -- TODO: Teste, ob bei kleinerer Anzahl an Slots gleiche Punkte gelabelt werden
+ -- -> dann kann Teillösung übernommen werden
+ -- Mögliche Aufteilungen (Positionierung des Labels für r) testen
+ -- und Optimum auswählen
+ if #labeledSites > 0 then
+ for numLabeledSites = 1, #labeledSites do
+ -- we place rightmost point: labeledSites[#labeledSites]
+ local rIndex = labeledSites[numLabeledSites]
+ local r = notesForPage[rIndex]
+ -- slotIndexR is the slot in that the label for r begins (topmost slot)
+ local bestVal = math.huge
+ local bestOpt = {}
+ -- try all label positions for r (leader should enter the label at east-anchor)
+ for slotIndexR = topSlot, (bottomSlot + 1 - r.rasterSlots) do
+ -- calculate position in which leader arm is placed
+ local labelTopR = getRasterAbsolute(rasterHeight,, slotIndexR)
+ local leaderArmR, leaderShiftR
+ if avoidLines then
+ leaderArmR = labelTopR - noteInnerSep - r:getHeight() / 2 -- east anchor
+ -- find first line (from the top) which lower bound is below leaderArmR
+ local lineBelowInd
+ for ind, v in pairs(linePositionsCurPage) do
+ if v[3] <= leaderArmR then
+ lineBelowInd = ind
+ break
+ end
+ end
+ -- choose the desired position for the leader arm
+ -- (later we check if the label is high enough to shift the port to this position)
+ local desiredPos = leaderArmR
+ if lineBelowInd == nil then
+ -- there is no line below the leaderArmR
+ local lowestLine = linePositionsCurPage[#linePositionsCurPage]
+ if lowestLine ~= nil and lowestLine[3] - leaderArmR < poMinDistLine then
+ -- leader is too near to lowest line on page
+ -- -> use the valid position below this line
+ desiredPos = getPosBelowLine(linePositionsCurPage, #linePositionsCurPage)
+ end
+ else
+ local lineBelow = linePositionsCurPage[lineBelowInd]
+ local lineAbove = linePositionsCurPage[lineBelowInd - 1]
+ if lineBelow ~= nil and leaderArmR - lineBelow[2] < poMinDistLine then
+ -- leader is too near (or conflicting) to the line below
+ -- -> move below or above this line (using the position closer to the original one)
+ local posAbove = getPosAboveLine(linePositionsCurPage, lineBelowInd)
+ local posBelow = getPosBelowLine(linePositionsCurPage, lineBelowInd)
+ -- chose position which is closer to east anchor
+ if posAbove - leaderArmR <= leaderArmR - posBelow then
+ desiredPos = posAbove
+ else
+ desiredPos = posBelow
+ end
+ elseif lineAbove ~= nil and lineAbove[3] - leaderArmR < poMinDistLine then
+ -- leader is too near to the line below
+ -- -> use the valid position above this line
+ desiredPos = getPosAboveLine(linePositionsCurPage, lineBelowInd)
+ end
+ end
+ -- check if label is high enough to move leader to desired position
+ if math.abs(desiredPos - leaderArmR) <= r:getHeight() / 2 + noteInnerSep then
+ leaderShiftR = desiredPos - leaderArmR
+ leaderArmR = desiredPos
+ else
+ leaderShiftR = 0
+ end
+ else
+ leaderArmR = labelTopR - noteInnerSep - r:getHeight() / 2
+ end
+ -- determine index of last point above arm
+ local pointAboveArm = 0
+ for k, ind in pairs(notes) do
+ v = notesForPage[ind]
+ if v.inputY >= leaderArmR then
+ pointAboveArm = k
+ else
+ break
+ end
+ end
+ local numPointsAbove = 0
+ local numPointsBelow = 0
+ for _, v in pairs(pointsBetween) do
+ if v == rIndex then
+ break
+ end
+ local note = notesForPage[v]
+ if note.inputY >= leaderArmR then
+ numPointsAbove = numPointsAbove + 1
+ else
+ numPointsBelow = numPointsBelow + 1
+ end
+ end
+ local optAbove, optBelow
+ if pointAboveArm < topPoint then
+ optAbove = optEmpty
+ elseif slotIndexR - 1 < topSlot then
+ optAbove = optEmpty
+ elseif pointAboveArm > bottomPoint then
+ optAbove = opt[topPoint][bottomPoint][topSlot][slotIndexR - 1][numPointsAbove]
+ else
+ optAbove = opt[topPoint][pointAboveArm][topSlot][slotIndexR - 1][numPointsAbove]
+ end
+ if pointAboveArm + 1 > bottomPoint then
+ optBelow = optEmpty
+ elseif slotIndexR + r.rasterSlots > bottomSlot then
+ optBelow = optEmpty
+ elseif pointAboveArm + 1 < topPoint then
+ optBelow = opt[topPoint][bottomPoint][slotIndexR + r.rasterSlots][bottomSlot][numPointsBelow]
+ else
+ optBelow = opt[pointAboveArm + 1][bottomPoint][slotIndexR + r.rasterSlots][bottomSlot][numPointsBelow]
+ end
+ local partitionValid = true
+ if optAbove == nil or optBelow == nil then
+ partitionValid = false
+ else
+ local labeledAboveArm = table.keys(optAbove.positions)
+ local labeledBelowArm = table.keys(optBelow.positions)
+ if #labeledAboveArm + #labeledBelowArm + 1 ~= numLabeledSites then
+ partitionValid = false
+ else
+ -- test if all of labeledNotes are in one of the sets
+ -- last element (= r) must not be tested
+ for testIndex = 1, (numLabeledSites - 1) do
+ if not table.contains(labeledAboveArm, labeledSites[testIndex])
+ and not table.contains(labeledBelowArm, labeledSites[testIndex]) then
+ partitionValid = false
+ end
+ end
+ end
+ end
+ if partitionValid then
+ local newVal = math.abs(r.inputY - leaderArmR) + optAbove.totalLength + optBelow.totalLength
+ if newVal < bestVal then
+ bestVal = newVal
+ bestOpt = {}
+ bestOpt.totalLength = newVal
+ bestOpt.positions = {}
+ for k, v in pairs(optAbove.positions) do
+ bestOpt.positions[k] = v
+ end
+ for k, v in pairs(optBelow.positions) do
+ bestOpt.positions[k] = v
+ end
+ -- DEBUG
+ if bestOpt.positions[rIndex] ~= nil then
+ error("WARNING: Overwriting position of " .. rIndex .. " from " .. bestOpt.positions[rIndex] .. " to " .. slotIndexR)
+ end
+ bestOpt.positions[rIndex] = slotIndexR
+ bestOpt.leaderShiftY = {}
+ if avoidLines then
+ for k, v in pairs(optAbove.leaderShiftY) do
+ bestOpt.leaderShiftY[k] = v
+ end
+ for k, v in pairs(optBelow.leaderShiftY) do
+ bestOpt.leaderShiftY[k] = v
+ end
+ bestOpt.leaderShiftY[rIndex] = leaderShiftR
+ end
+ end
+ end
+ end
+ if next(bestOpt) ~= nil then -- bestOpt is not an empty table
+ --print("setting opt[" .. topPoint .. "][" .. bottomPoint ..
+ --"][" .. topSlot .. "][" .. bottomSlot .. "][" .. numLabeledSites .. "] = " .. inspect(bestOpt))
+ opt[topPoint][bottomPoint][topSlot][bottomSlot][numLabeledSites] = bestOpt
+ else
+ --print ("WARNING: Found no valid position for label in opt[" .. topPoint .. "][" .. bottomPoint ..
+ --"][" .. topSlot .. "][" .. bottomSlot .. "][" .. numLabeledSites .. "] = " .. inspect(bestOpt))
+ opt[topPoint][bottomPoint][topSlot][bottomSlot][numLabeledSites] = nil
+ end
+ end
+ end
+ end
+ end
+ end
+ end
+ if #notes > 0 then
+ local maxPlaced = 0
+ for i = 1,#notes do
+ if opt[1][#notes][1][totalNumSlots][i] ~= nil then
+ maxPlaced = i
+ end
+ end
+ if maxPlaced < #notes then
+ print("WARNING: could not fit all labels on page")
+ end
+ print("Using result: opt[1][" .. #notes ..
+ "][1][" .. totalNumSlots .. "][" .. maxPlaced .. "]")
+ local res = opt[1][#notes][1][totalNumSlots][maxPlaced]
+ local length = res.totalLength
+ local positions = res.positions
+ local leaderShiftY = res.leaderShiftY
+ print("")
+ print("----------------")
+ print("resulting length: " .. length)
+ print("")
+ print("resulting positions:")
+ print(inspect(positions))
+ print("")
+ print("resulting leaderShifts:")
+ print(inspect(leaderShiftY))
+ print("")
+ print("")
+ print("")
+ -- DEBUG on page
+ if todonotesDebug then
+ tex.print("\\node[text=blue,fill=white,rectangle,align=center] at (10.5cm,-27cm) {" ..
+ "total length: " .. number.tocentimeters(length) .. "\\\\ " ..
+ "rasterHeight: " .. number.tocentimeters(rasterHeight) ..
+ "};")
+ end
+ for _, ind in pairs(notes) do
+ local v = notesForPage[ind]
+ v.outputX = area.left
+ v.leaderShiftX = 0
+ if positions[ind] == nil then
+ print("did not define a position for note " .. v.index)
+ v.outputY = 0
+ v.leaderShiftY = 0
+ else
+ v.outputY = getRasterAbsolute(rasterHeight,, positions[ind])
+ if leaderShiftY[ind] ~= nil then
+ v.leaderShiftY = leaderShiftY[ind]
+ end
+ end
+ end
+ end
+positioningAlgos["poLeaders"] = {algo = posPoLeaders,
+ leaderAnchor = "east",
+ leaderShift = false,
+ twoSided = true}
+function posPoLeadersAvoid(notes, rightSide)
+ posPoLeaders(notes, rightSide, true)
+positioningAlgos["poLeadersAvoidLines"] = {algo = posPoLeadersAvoid,
+ leaderAnchor = "east",
+ leaderShift = true,
+ twoSided = true,
+ needLinePositions = true}
+-- ********** Splitting Algorithms **********
+-- ** splittingAlgorithm: none
+-- place all notes on the wider side
+function splitNone()
+ local rightSideSelected = false
+ if labelArea.left == nil and labelArea.right == nil then
+ error("Cannot place labels on any side of text (not enough space). " ..
+ "Consider using the minNoteWidth option of the package to " ..
+ "decrease the minimum width required")
+ elseif labelArea.left == nil then
+ rightSideSelected = true
+ elseif labelArea.right ~= nil and
+ labelArea.right.noteWidth > labelArea.left.noteWidth then
+ rightSideSelected = true
+ end
+ for _, v in pairs(notesForPage) do
+ v.rightSide = rightSideSelected
+ end
+splittingAlgos["none"] = {algo = splitNone}
+-- ** splittingAlgorithm: middle
+-- split on middle of page
+function splitMiddle()
+ if labelArea:isOneSided() then
+ splitNone()
+ else
+ local splitLine = (labelArea.text.right + labelArea.text.left)/2
+ for _, v in pairs(notesForPage) do
+ if v.inputX <= splitLine then
+ v.rightSide = false
+ else
+ v.rightSide = true
+ end
+ end
+ end
+splittingAlgos["middle"] = {algo = splitMiddle}
+-- ** splittingAlgorithm: median
+-- split at median (sites sorted by x-coordinate)
+function splitMedian()
+ if labelArea:isOneSided() then
+ splitNone()
+ else
+ if #notesForPage == 0 then
+ return
+ end
+ -- list that contains notes sorted by their inputX-coordinate
+ local notesSorted = {}
+ for _, v in pairs(notesForPage) do
+ table.insert(notesSorted, v)
+ end
+ table.sort(notesSorted, compareNoteInputXAsc)
+ local maxIndLeft
+ if #notesSorted % 2 == 1 then
+ maxIndLeft = math.ceil(#notesSorted / 2)
+ else
+ maxIndLeft = #notesSorted / 2
+ end
+ for k, v in pairs(notesSorted) do
+ if k <= maxIndLeft then
+ v.rightSide = false
+ else
+ v.rightSide = true
+ end
+ end
+ end
+splittingAlgos["median"] = {algo = splitMedian}
+-- ** splittingAlgorithm: weightedMedian
+-- split at weighted median (sites sorted by x-coordinate)
+-- sum of heights of labels on both sides are similiar to each other
+function splitWeightedMedian()
+ if labelArea:isOneSided() then
+ splitNone()
+ else
+ if #notesForPage == 0 then
+ return
+ end
+ -- list that contains notes sorted by their inputX-coordinate
+ local notesSorted = {}
+ for _, v in pairs(notesForPage) do
+ table.insert(notesSorted, v)
+ end
+ table.sort(notesSorted, compareNoteInputXAsc)
+ local heightLeft = 0
+ local heightRight = 0
+ while #notesSorted > 0 do
+ if heightRight < heightLeft then
+ -- place next note on the right side
+ local note = notesSorted[#notesSorted]
+ note.rightSide = true
+ heightRight = heightRight + note:getHeight() + 2 * noteInnerSep + noteInterSpace
+ table.remove(notesSorted, #notesSorted)
+ else
+ -- place next note on the left side
+ local note = notesSorted[1]
+ note.rightSide = false
+ heightLeft = heightLeft + note:getHeight() + 2 * noteInnerSep + noteInterSpace
+ table.remove(notesSorted, 1)
+ end
+ end
+ end
+splittingAlgos["weightedMedian"] = {algo = splitWeightedMedian}
diff --git a/Master/texmf-dist/tex/lualatex/luatodonotes/luatodonotes.sty b/Master/texmf-dist/tex/lualatex/luatodonotes/luatodonotes.sty
new file mode 100644
index 00000000000..6f7a193ccce
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Master/texmf-dist/tex/lualatex/luatodonotes/luatodonotes.sty
@@ -0,0 +1,634 @@
+%% This is file `luatodonotes.sty',
+%% generated with the docstrip utility.
+%% The original source files were:
+%% luatodonotes.dtx (with options: `package')
+%% This is a generated file.
+%% Copyright (C) 2014 by Fabian Lipp <>
+%% based on the todonotes package by
+%% Henrik Skov Midtiby <>
+%% This file may be distributed and/or modified under the conditions of
+%% the LaTeX Project Public License, either version 1.2 of this license
+%% or (at your option) any later version. The latest version of this
+%% license is in:
+%% and version 1.2 or later is part of all distributions of LaTeX version
+%% 1999/12/01 or later.
+ [2014/08/07 v0.1 luatodonotes source and documentation.]
+\newcommand{\@todonotes@todolistname}{Todo list}
+ {\renewcommand{\@todonotes@todolistname}{#1}}
+ {\renewcommand{\@todonotes@MissingFigureText}{#1}}
+ {\renewcommand{\@todonotes@MissingFigureUp}{#1}}
+ {\renewcommand{\@todonotes@MissingFigureDown}{#1}}
+ \@todonotes@SetTodoListName{Llista de feines pendents}%
+ \@todonotes@SetMissingFigureText{Figura}%
+ \@todonotes@SetMissingFigureUp{Figura}%
+ \@todonotes@SetMissingFigureDown{pendent}%
+ \@todonotes@SetTodoListName{G\o{}rem\aa{}lsliste}%
+ \@todonotes@SetMissingFigureText{Figur}%
+ \@todonotes@SetMissingFigureUp{Manglende}%
+ \@todonotes@SetMissingFigureDown{figur}%
+ \@todonotes@SetTodoListName{Lijst van onafgewerkte taken}%
+ \@todonotes@SetMissingFigureText{Figuur}%
+ \@todonotes@SetMissingFigureUp{Ontbrekende}%
+ \@todonotes@SetMissingFigureDown{figuur}%
+ \@todonotes@SetTodoListName{Todo list}%
+ \@todonotes@SetMissingFigureText{Figure}%
+ \@todonotes@SetMissingFigureUp{Missing}%
+ \@todonotes@SetMissingFigureDown{figure}%
+ \@todonotes@SetTodoListName{Liste des points \`a traiter}%
+ \@todonotes@SetMissingFigureText{Figure}%
+ \@todonotes@SetMissingFigureUp{Figure}%
+ \@todonotes@SetMissingFigureDown{manquante}%
+ \@todonotes@reverseMissingFigureTrianglefalse
+ \@todonotes@SetTodoListName{Liste der noch zu erledigenden Punkte}%
+ \@todonotes@SetMissingFigureText{Abbildung}%
+ \@todonotes@SetMissingFigureUp{Fehlende}%
+ \@todonotes@SetMissingFigureDown{Abbildung}%
+ \@todonotes@SetTodoListName{Elenco delle cose da fare}%
+ \@todonotes@SetMissingFigureText{Figura}%
+ \@todonotes@SetMissingFigureUp{Figura}%
+ \@todonotes@SetMissingFigureDown{mancante}%
+ \@todonotes@SetTodoListName{Liste der noch zu erledigenden Punkte}%
+ \@todonotes@SetMissingFigureText{Abbildung}%
+ \@todonotes@SetMissingFigureUp{Fehlende}%
+ \@todonotes@SetMissingFigureDown{Abbildung}%
+ \@todonotes@SetTodoListName{Lista de tarefas pendentes}%
+ \@todonotes@SetMissingFigureText{Figura}%
+ \@todonotes@SetMissingFigureUp{Figura}%
+ \@todonotes@SetMissingFigureDown{pendente}%
+ \@todonotes@SetTodoListName{Lista de tareas pendientes}%
+ \@todonotes@SetMissingFigureText{Figura}%
+ \@todonotes@SetMissingFigureUp{Figura}%
+ \@todonotes@SetMissingFigureDown{pendiente}%
+ \@todonotes@SetTodoListName{Att g\"{o}ra-lista}%
+ \@todonotes@SetMissingFigureText{Figur}%
+ \@todonotes@SetMissingFigureUp{Figur}%
+ \@todonotes@SetMissingFigureDown{saknas}%
+ {Parameter dvistyle is not supported by luatodonotes.
+ Ignoring this option}}
+ {color}{
+ \renewcommand{\@todonotes@backgroundcolor}{#1}
+ \renewcommand{\@todonotes@linecolor}{#1}}
+ {backgroundcolor}{\renewcommand{\@todonotes@backgroundcolor}{#1}}
+ {linecolor}{\renewcommand{\@todonotes@linecolor}{#1}}
+ {bordercolor}{\renewcommand{\@todonotes@bordercolor}{#1}}
+ {leaderwidth}{\renewcommand{\@todonotes@leaderwidth}{#1}}
+ {textwidth}{\PackageWarningNoLine{luatodonotes}
+ {Parameter textwidth is not supported by luatodonotes}}
+ {textsize}{\renewcommand{\@todonotes@textsize}{\csname #1\endcsname}}
+ {figwidth}{\renewcommand{\@todonotes@figwidth}{#1}}
+ {figheight}{\renewcommand{\@todonotes@figheight}{#1}}
+ {positioning}{\renewcommand{\@todonotes@positioning}{#1}}
+ {splitting}{\renewcommand{\@todonotes@splitting}{#1}}
+ {leadertype}{\renewcommand{\@todonotes@leadertype}{#1}}
+ {interNoteSpace}{\renewcommand{\@todonotes@interNoteSpace}{#1}}
+ {noteInnerSep}{\renewcommand{\@todonotes@noteInnerSep}{#1}}
+ {routingAreaWidth}{\renewcommand{\@todonotes@routingAreaWidth}{#1}}
+ {minNoteWidth}{\renewcommand{\@todonotes@minNoteWidth}{#1}}
+ {distanceNotesPageBorder}%
+ {\renewcommand{\@todonotes@distanceNotesPageBorder}{#1}}
+ {distanceNotesText}{\renewcommand{\@todonotes@distanceNotesText}{#1}}
+ {rasterHeight}{\renewcommand{\@todonotes@rasterHeight}{#1}}
+ \if@todonotes@obeyDraft
+ \@todonotes@disabledtrue
+ \if@todonotes@isDraft
+ \@todonotes@disabledfalse
+ \fi
+ \fi
+ \if@todonotes@obeyFinal
+ \@todonotes@disabledfalse
+ \if@todonotes@isFinal
+ \@todonotes@disabledtrue
+ \fi
+ \fi
+\directlua{noteInnerSep =
+ string.todimen("\luatexluaescapestring{\@todonotes@noteInnerSep}")}
+\directlua{noteInterSpace =
+ string.todimen("\luatexluaescapestring{\@todonotes@interNoteSpace}")}
+\directlua{routingAreaWidth =
+ string.todimen("\luatexluaescapestring{\@todonotes@routingAreaWidth}")}
+\directlua{minNoteWidth =
+ string.todimen("\luatexluaescapestring{\@todonotes@minNoteWidth}")}
+\directlua{distanceNotesPageBorder =
+ string.todimen("\luatexluaescapestring{\@todonotes@distanceNotesPageBorder}")}
+\directlua{distanceNotesText =
+ string.todimen("\luatexluaescapestring{\@todonotes@distanceNotesText}")}
+\directlua{rasterHeight =
+ string.todimen("\luatexluaescapestring{\@todonotes@rasterHeight}")}
+ {inText}{\directlua{positioning = positioningAlgos["inText"]}}%
+ {inputOrder}{\directlua{positioning = positioningAlgos["inputOrder"]}}%
+ {inputOrderStacks}{\directlua{positioning =
+ positioningAlgos["inputOrderStacks"]}}%
+ {sLeaderNorthEast}{\directlua{positioning =
+ positioningAlgos["sLeaderNorthEast"]}}%
+ {sLeaderNorthEastBelow}{\directlua{positioning =
+ positioningAlgos["sLeaderNorthEastBelow"]}}%
+ {sLeaderEast}{\directlua{positioning =
+ positioningAlgos["sLeaderEast"]}}%
+ {poLeaders}{\directlua{positioning = positioningAlgos["poLeaders"]}}%
+ {poLeadersAvoidLines}{\directlua{positioning =
+ positioningAlgos["poLeadersAvoidLines"]}}%
+ {sLeaderNorthEastBelowStacks}{\directlua{positioning =
+ positioningAlgos["sLeaderNorthEastBelowStacks"]}}}%
+ [\directlua{positioning = positioningAlgos["inputOrderStacks"]}
+ \PackageWarningNoLine{luatodonotes}
+ {Invalid value for parameter positioning: \@todonotes@positioning}]
+ {none}{\directlua{splitting = splittingAlgos["none"]}}%
+ {middle}{\directlua{splitting = splittingAlgos["middle"]}}%
+ {median}{\directlua{splitting = splittingAlgos["median"]}}%
+ {weightedMedian}{\directlua{splitting = splittingAlgos["weightedMedian"]}}}%
+ [\directlua{splitting = splittingAlgos["none"]}
+ \PackageWarningNoLine{luatodonotes}
+ {Invalid value for parameter split: \@todonotes@splitting}]
+ {s}{\directlua{leaderType = leaderTypes["s"]}}%
+ {opo}{\directlua{leaderType = leaderTypes["opo"]}}%
+ {po}{\directlua{leaderType = leaderTypes["po"]}}%
+ {sBezier}{\directlua{leaderType = leaderTypes["sBezier"]}}%
+ {os}{\directlua{leaderType = leaderTypes["os"]}}}%
+ [\directlua{leaderType = leaderTypes["opo"]}
+ \PackageWarningNoLine{luatodonotes}
+ {Invalid value for parameter leadertype: \@todonotes@leadertype}]
+ \directlua{linePositionsAddLine(#1,#2,#3)}%
+ \directlua{linePositionsNextPage()}%
+ \ifdefined\tf@lpo%
+ \immediate\write\tf@lpo{\@backslashchar @todonotes@nextpage}%
+ \fi
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+ \newcommand{\@todonotes@AtBeginShipoutUpperLeft}
+ {\AtBeginShipoutUpperLeftForeground}
+ \directlua{todonotesDebug = false}
+ \newcommand{\@todonotes@AtBeginShipoutUpperLeft}
+ {\AtBeginShipoutUpperLeft}
+\soulregister{\ }{0}
+ \setlength\todonotes@textmark@width\ulwidth%
+ \setlength\todonotes@textmark@fontsize{\f@size pt}%
+ \stepcounter{@todonotes@numberofLinesInArea}%
+ \ifulstarttype{0}%
+ {% begin of area
+ \def\todonotes@textmark@decoLeft{}%
+ \def\todonotes@textmark@shift{-2pt}%
+ \addtolength\todonotes@textmark@width{2pt}%
+ \setcounter{@todonotes@numberofLinesInArea}{1}}%
+ {\def\todonotes@textmark@decoLeft{@todonotes@todoarea}%
+ \def\todonotes@textmark@shift{-4pt}%
+ \addtolength\todonotes@textmark@width{4pt}}%
+ \ifulendtype{0}%
+ {% last line of area
+ \def\todonotes@textmark@decoRight{}%
+ \addtolength\todonotes@textmark@width{2pt}%
+ \directlua{processLastLineInTodoArea()}}%
+ {\def\todonotes@textmark@decoRight{@todonotes@todoarea}%
+ \addtolength\todonotes@textmark@width{4pt}}%
+ \newcommand{\@todonotes@nodeNamePrefix}%
+ {@todonotes@\arabic{@todonotes@numberoftodonotes}%
+ @\arabic{@todonotes@numberofLinesInArea} }%
+ \hspace*{\todonotes@textmark@shift}{\smash{%
+ \begin{tikzpicture}[overlay,remember picture,
+ deco/.style={}]%
+ \setlength\todonotes@textmark@linebelow%
+ {-0.95\dimexpr\baselineskip-\f@size pt\relax}%
+ \setlength\todonotes@textmark@lineabove%
+ {\dimexpr\f@size pt+\todonotes@textmark@linebelow\relax}%
+ \coordinate
+ (\@todonotes@nodeNamePrefix areaSW)
+ at (0,\todonotes@textmark@linebelow);
+ \coordinate
+ (\@todonotes@nodeNamePrefix areaSE)
+ at (\todonotes@textmark@width, \todonotes@textmark@linebelow);
+ \coordinate
+ (\@todonotes@nodeNamePrefix areaNE)
+ at (\todonotes@textmark@width,\todonotes@textmark@lineabove);
+ \coordinate
+ (\@todonotes@nodeNamePrefix areaNW)
+ at (0,\todonotes@textmark@lineabove);
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+ (\@todonotes@nodeNamePrefix areaSW)
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+ -- (\@todonotes@nodeNamePrefix areaNW)
+ }
+ -- (\@todonotes@nodeNamePrefix areaNE)
+ decorate[\todonotes@textmark@decoRight] {
+ -- (\@todonotes@nodeNamePrefix areaSE)
+ }
+ -- cycle;
+ \end{tikzpicture}%
+ }}%
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+ \renewcommand{\@todonotes@currentbordercolor}{#1}}%
+ \renewcommand{\@todonotes@currentleaderwidth}{#1}}%
+ {Parameter fancyline is not supported by luatodonotes}}%
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+ nocaption,%
+ noauthor,%
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+ figheight=\@todonotes@figheight,%
+ line, list, size=\@todonotes@textsize}{}%
+ \newcommand{\listoftodos}[1][]{}
+ \newcommand{\@todo}[2][]{}
+ \newcommand{\@todoarea}[3][]{}
+ \newcommand{\missingfigure}[2][]{}
+\else % \if@todonotes@disabled
+ {\@ifundefined{chapter}{\section*{#1}}{\chapter*{#1}} \@starttoc{tdo}}
+ {\@dottedtocline{1}{0em}{2.3em}}
+ decoration={snake,amplitude=3.5pt,segment length=5pt}}}
+ line width=0.5pt,
+ inner sep = \@todonotes@noteInnerSep,
+ rounded corners=4pt}}
+ \tikzset{@todonotes@notestyle/.style={@todonotes@notestyleraw,
+ general shadow={shadow xshift=.5ex, shadow yshift=-.5ex,
+ opacity=1,fill=black!50}}}
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+ fill=\@todonotes@currentbackgroundcolor,
+ text width=\linewidth - 1.6 ex - 1 pt}}
+ \phantomsection%
+ \if@todonotes@captiongiven%
+ \else%
+ \renewcommand{\@todonotes@caption}{#2}%
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+ \@todonotes@addElementToListOfTodos%
+ \if@todonotes@prependcaption%
+ \renewcommand{\@todonotes@text}{\@todonotes@caption: #2}%
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+ \@todonotes@drawInlineNote%
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+ \begin{tikzpicture}[remember picture, overlay]%
+ \node [coordinate] (@todonotes@\arabic{@todonotes@numberoftodonotes} %
+ inTextEnd) {};%
+ \end{tikzpicture}%
+ \zref@label{@todonotes@\arabic{@todonotes@numberoftodonotes}@end}%
+ \begin{tikzpicture}[remember picture, overlay]%
+ \node [coordinate] (@todonotes@\arabic{@todonotes@numberoftodonotes} %
+ inText) {};%
+ \end{tikzpicture}%
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+ \@todonotes@fontsize=\f@size pt%
+ \zref@label{@todonotes@\arabic{@todonotes@numberoftodonotes}}%
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+ \renewcommand{\@todonotes@text}{\@todonotes@author: \@todonotes@text@old}%
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+ \def\@todonotes@param@drawLeader{true}%
+ \else%
+ \def\@todonotes@param@drawLeader{false}%
+ \fi%
+ \if@todonotes@areaselected%
+ \def\@todonotes@param@noteType{area}%
+ \else%
+ \def\@todonotes@param@noteType{}%
+ \fi%
+ \directlua{addNoteToList(\arabic{@todonotes@numberoftodonotes},%
+ \@todonotes@param@drawLeader,\luastringO{\@todonotes@param@noteType})}%
+ \if@todonotes@colorinlistoftodos%
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+ {\@todonotes@currentbackgroundcolor}%
+ {\textcolor{\@todonotes@currentbackgroundcolor}{o}}%
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+ \addcontentsline{tdo}{todo}{\@todonotes@caption}%
+ \fi}%
+ {\par\noindent\begin{tikzpicture}[remember picture]%
+ \draw node[@todonotes@inlinenote,font=\@todonotes@sizecommand]{%
+ \if@todonotes@authorgiven%
+ {\noindent \@todonotes@sizecommand %
+ \@todonotes@author:\,\@todonotes@text}%
+ \else%
+ {\noindent \@todonotes@sizecommand \@todonotes@text}%
+ \fi};%
+ \end{tikzpicture}\par}%
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+\addcontentsline{tdo}{todo}{\@todonotes@MissingFigureText: #2}%
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+ (-2, -2.5) rectangle +(\@todonotes@currentfigwidth, \@todonotes@currentfigheight);
+\draw (2, -0.3) node[right, text
+ width=\@todonotes@currentfigwidth-4.5cm] {#2};
+\draw[red, fill=white, rounded corners = 5pt, line width=10pt]
+ (30:2cm) -- (150:2cm) -- (270:2cm) -- cycle;
+\draw (0, 0.3) node {\@todonotes@MissingFigureUp};
+\draw (0, -0.3) node {\@todonotes@MissingFigureDown};
+}% Ending \missingfigure command
+\fi % Ending \@todonotes@ifdisabled
+ \if@todonotes@disabled
+ \else
+ \addcontentsline{toc}{\@ifundefined{chapter}{section}{chapter}}{\@todonotes@todolistname}
+ \fi
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+ \@todonotes@writeNextpageToLpo
+ \checkoddpage%
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+ \directlua{calcHeightsForNotes()}% has to be outside of tikzpicture
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+%% End of file `luatodonotes.sty'.
diff --git a/Master/texmf-dist/tex/lualatex/luatodonotes/path_line.lua b/Master/texmf-dist/tex/lualatex/luatodonotes/path_line.lua
new file mode 100644
index 00000000000..e365a36bf48
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Master/texmf-dist/tex/lualatex/luatodonotes/path_line.lua
@@ -0,0 +1,120 @@
+-- Taken from (Public domain)
+--math for 2D line segments defined as (x1, y1, x2, y2).
+local abs, min, max = math.abs, math.min, math.max
+local distance = require'path_point'.distance
+local distance2 = require'path_point'.distance2
+--evaluate a line at time t using linear interpolation.
+--the time between 0..1 covers the segment interval.
+local function point(t, x1, y1, x2, y2)
+ return x1 + t * (x2 - x1), y1 + t * (y2 - y1)
+--length of line at time t.
+local function length(t, x1, y1, x2, y2)
+ return t * distance(x1, y1, x2, y2)
+--bounding box of line in (x,y,w,h) form.
+local function bounding_box(x1, y1, x2, y2)
+ if x1 > x2 then x1, x2 = x2, x1 end
+ if y1 > y2 then y1, y2 = y2, y1 end
+ return x1, y1, x2-x1, y2-y1
+--split line segment into two line segments at time t (t is capped between 0..1).
+local function split(t, x1, y1, x3, y3)
+ t = min(max(t,0),1)
+ local x2, y2 = point(t, x1, y1, x3, y3)
+ return
+ x1, y1, x2, y2, --first segment
+ x2, y2, x3, y3 --second segment
+--intersect infinite line with its perpendicular from point (x, y); return the intersection point.
+local function point_line_intersection(x, y, x1, y1, x2, y2)
+ local dx = x2 - x1
+ local dy = y2 - y1
+ local k = dx^2 + dy^2
+ if k == 0 then return x1, y1 end --line has no length
+ local k = ((x - x1) * dy - (y - y1) * dx) / k
+ return x - k * dy, y + k * dx
+--return shortest distance-squared from point (x0, y0) to line, plus the touch point, and the time in the line
+--where the touch point splits the line.
+local function hit(x0, y0, x1, y1, x2, y2)
+ local x, y = point_line_intersection(x0, y0, x1, y1, x2, y2)
+ local tx = x2 == x1 and 0 or (x - x1) / (x2 - x1)
+ local ty = y2 == y1 and 0 or (y - y1) / (y2 - y1)
+ if tx < 0 or ty < 0 then --intersection occurs outside the segment, closer to the first endpoint
+ return distance2(x0, y0, x1, y1), x1, y1, 0
+ elseif tx > 1 or ty > 1 then --intersection occurs outside the segment, closer to the second endpoint
+ return distance2(x0, y0, x2, y2), x2, y2, 1
+ end
+ return distance2(x0, y0, x, y), x, y, max(tx, ty)
+--intersect line segment (x1, y1, x2, y2) with line segment (x3, y3, x4, y4).
+--returns the time on the first line and the time on the second line where intersection occurs.
+--if the intersection occurs outside the segments themselves, then t1 and t2 are outside the 0..1 range.
+--if the lines are parallel or coincidental then t1 and t2 are infinite.
+local function line_line_intersection(x1, y1, x2, y2, x3, y3, x4, y4)
+ local d = (y4 - y3) * (x2 - x1) - (x4 - x3) * (y2 - y1)
+ if d == 0 then return 1/0, 1/0 end --lines are parallel or coincidental
+ return
+ ((x4 - x3) * (y1 - y3) - (y4 - y3) * (x1 - x3)) / d,
+ ((x2 - x1) * (y1 - y3) - (y2 - y1) * (x1 - x3)) / d
+--transform to a quad bezier that advances linearly i.e. the point on the line at t
+--best matches the point on the curve at t.
+local function to_bezier2(x1, y1, x2, y2)
+ return
+ x1, y1,
+ (x1 + x2) / 2,
+ (y1 + y2) / 2,
+ x2, y2
+--transform to a cubic bezier that advances linearly i.e. the point on the line at t
+--best matches the point on the curve at t.
+local function to_bezier3(x1, y1, x2, y2)
+ return
+ x1, y1,
+ (2 * x1 + x2) / 3,
+ (2 * y1 + y2) / 3,
+ (x1 + 2 * x2) / 3,
+ (y1 + 2 * y2) / 3,
+ x2, y2
+--parallel line segment at a distance on the right side of a segment.
+--use a negative distance for the left side, or reflect the returned points against their respective initial points
+local function offset(d, x1, y1, x2, y2)
+ local dx, dy = -(y2-y1), x2-x1 --normal vector of the same length as original segment
+ local k = d / distance(x1, y1, x2, y2) --normal vector scale factor
+ return --normal vector scaled and translated to (x1,y1) and (x2,y2)
+ x1 + dx * k, y1 + dy * k,
+ x2 + dx * k, y2 + dy * k
+if not ... then require'path_line_demo' end
+return {
+ point_line_intersection = point_line_intersection,
+ line_line_intersection = line_line_intersection,
+ to_bezier2 = to_bezier2,
+ to_bezier3 = to_bezier3,
+ offset = offset,
+ --path API
+ bounding_box = bounding_box,
+ point = point,
+ length = length,
+ split = split,
+ hit = hit,
diff --git a/Master/texmf-dist/tex/lualatex/luatodonotes/path_point.lua b/Master/texmf-dist/tex/lualatex/luatodonotes/path_point.lua
new file mode 100644
index 00000000000..1144e6de093
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Master/texmf-dist/tex/lualatex/luatodonotes/path_point.lua
@@ -0,0 +1,73 @@
+-- Taken from (Public domain)
+--basic math for the cartesian plane.
+--angles are expressed in degrees, not radians.
+local sqrt, abs, min, max, sin, cos, radians, degrees, atan2 =
+ math.sqrt, math.abs, math.min, math.max, math.sin, math.cos, math.rad, math.deg, math.atan2
+--hypotenuse function: computes sqrt(a^2 + b^2) without underflow / overflow problems.
+local function hypot(a, b)
+ if a == 0 and b == 0 then return 0 end
+ a, b = abs(a), abs(b)
+ a, b = max(a,b), min(a,b)
+ return a * sqrt(1 + (b / a)^2)
+--distance between two points. avoids underflow and overflow.
+local function distance(x1, y1, x2, y2)
+ return hypot(x2-x1, y2-y1)
+--distance between two points squared.
+local function distance2(x1, y1, x2, y2)
+ return (x2-x1)^2 + (y2-y1)^2
+--point at a specified angle on a circle.
+local function point_around(cx, cy, r, angle)
+ angle = radians(angle)
+ return
+ cx + cos(angle) * r,
+ cy + sin(angle) * r
+--rotate point (x,y) around origin (cx,cy) by angle.
+local function rotate_point(x, y, cx, cy, angle)
+ if angle == 0 then return x, y end
+ angle = radians(angle)
+ x, y = x-cx, y-cy
+ local c, s = cos(angle), sin(angle)
+ return cx + x*c - y*s, cy + y*c + x*s
+--angle between two points in -360..360 degree range.
+local function point_angle(x, y, cx, cy)
+ return degrees(atan2(y - cy, x - cx))
+--reflect point through origin (i.e. rotate point 180deg around another point).
+local function reflect_point(x, y, cx, cy)
+ return 2 * cx - x, 2 * cy - y
+--reflect point through origin at a specified distance.
+local function reflect_point_distance(x, y, cx, cy, length)
+ local d = distance(x, y, cx, cy)
+ if d == 0 then return cx, cy end
+ local scale = length / d
+ return
+ cx + (cx - x) * scale,
+ cy + (cy - y) * scale
+return {
+ hypot = hypot,
+ distance = distance,
+ distance2 = distance2,
+ point_around = point_around,
+ rotate_point = rotate_point,
+ point_angle = point_angle,
+ reflect_point = reflect_point,
+ reflect_point_distance = reflect_point_distance,