path: root/Master/texmf-dist/tex/lualatex/luatex-def
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1 files changed, 1248 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/Master/texmf-dist/tex/lualatex/luatex-def/luatex.def b/Master/texmf-dist/tex/lualatex/luatex-def/luatex.def
new file mode 100644
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+++ b/Master/texmf-dist/tex/lualatex/luatex-def/luatex.def
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+\ProvidesFile{luatex.def}[2015/12/30 v0.01a Graphics/color for pdfTeX]
+%% LaTeX Colour and Graphics support for luatex
+%% License
+%% =======
+%% Copyright (C) 2000-2016 LaTeX3 Project and the following authors
+%% David Carlisle, Sebastian Rahtz, Hans Hagen,
+%% Heiko Oberdiek and Martin Schr\"oder
+%% This work may be distributed and/or modified under the
+%% conditions of the LaTeX Project Public License, either version 1.3c
+%% of this license or (at your option) any later version.
+%% The latest version of this license is in
+%% and version 1.3c or later is part of all distributions of LaTeX
+%% version 2005/12/01 or later.
+%% This work has the LPPL maintenance status `maintained'.
+%% The Current Maintainer of this work is David Carlisle
+%% This work consists of the file luatex.def.
+%% Usage
+%% =====
+%% It may be used by specifying the luatex option to any of the
+%% supported packages, for example:
+%% \usepackage[luatex]{graphicx}
+%% * luatex determines the bounding box of the images itself
+%% Therefore the bounding box options should not be used.
+%% In this cases a warning is issued and viewport is used instead.
+%% * Option "page" (graphicx) for selecting a page of a multipage
+%% PDF document.
+%% * \pagecolor is supported. \nopagecolor disables the page color.
+%% * Option "quiet" (graphicx/experimental): log messages are suppressed.
+%% * Option "resolution" (graphicx/experimental): this sets
+%% \pdfvariable imageresolution, see luaTeX documentation.
+%% * Option "print" (graphicx/experimental): specifies an alternate
+%% print image (bitmaps only), see PDF specification.
+%% * luatex.def can be used under plain-TeX with miniltx support.
+%% "Experimental" means that these features can change or vanish
+%% in later versions.
+% History
+% 2015/12/30 Version 0.01 derved from pdftex.def
+% Prefix of internal commands for this file `pdftex.def':
+% \GPT@ (Graphics bundle PdfTex driver, even though this is for luatex)
+% if not luatex, complain,
+% on old luatex, use pdftex.def
+ \PackageError{graphics}{Unexpected luatex driver}{}
+ \ifnum\luatexversion<87\relax
+ \input pdftex.def
+ \expandafter\expandafter\expandafter\endinput
+ \fi
+\protected\edef\GPT@compresslevel {\pdfvariable compresslevel}
+\expandafter\ifx\csname RequirePackage\endcsname\relax
+ \input infwarerr.sty\relax
+ \input ltxcmds.sty\relax
+ \RequirePackage{infwarerr}[2007/09/09]%
+ \RequirePackage{ltxcmds}[2010/12/07]%
+ \def\Gin@log{\message}%
+% Ensure PDF mode
+\ifnum\outputmode<1 %
+ \GPT@error{%
+ PDF mode expected, but DVI mode detected!\MessageBreak
+ If you are using `dvilualatex', then call `lualatex'.\MessageBreak
+ Otherwise check and correct the driver options.\MessageBreak
+ Error recovery by switching to PDF mode%
+ }\@ehc
+ \outputmode=1 %
+ \ltx@IfUndefined{paperwidth}{%
+ }{%
+ \ifdim\paperwidth>0pt\relax
+ \ifdim\paperheight>0pt\relax
+ \pagewidth=\paperwidth
+ \pageheight=\paperheight
+ \fi
+ \fi
+ }%
+ \ifdim\stockwidth>0pt\relax
+ \ifdim\stockheight>0pt\relax
+ \pagewidth=\stockwidth
+ \pageheight=\stockheight
+ \fi
+ \fi
+% Colour Support. The following models may be used.
+% * cmyk supported directly.
+% * rgb supported directly.
+% * RGB converted to rgb by this file.
+% * gray supported directly.
+% * named converted to cmyk by this file.
+ \dimen@#1\p@
+ \ifdim\dimen@<\z@\dimen@\maxdimen\fi
+ \ifdim\dimen@>\p@
+ \PackageError{color}{Argument `#1' not in range [0,1]}\@ehd
+ \fi
+ \c@lor@arg{#4}%
+ \c@lor@arg{#1}%
+ \c@lor@arg{#2}%
+ \c@lor@arg{#3}%
+ \edef#5{#1 #2 #3 #4 k #1 #2 #3 #4 K}%
+ \c@lor@arg{#2}%
+ \edef#1{#2 g #2 G}%
+ \c@lor@arg{#1}%
+ \c@lor@arg{#2}%
+ \c@lor@arg{#3}%
+ \edef#4{#1 #2 #3 rg #1 #2 #3 RG}%
+ \c@lor@RGB@rgb{#1}\@tempa
+ \c@lor@RGB@rgb{#2}\@tempb
+ \c@lor@RGB@rgb{#3}\@tempc
+ \c@lor@@rgb\@tempa,\@tempb,\@tempc\@@#4%
+ \dimen@#1\p@
+ \divide\dimen@\@cclv
+ \edef#2{\strip@pt\dimen@}%
+ \ltx@IfUndefined{col@#1}{%
+ \PackageError{color}{Undefined color `#1'}\@ehd
+ }{%
+ \edef#4{\csname col@#1\endcsname}%
+ }%
+ \chardef\main@pdfcolorstack=0 %
+ \ltx@ifundefined{@pdfcolorstack}{%
+ \def\@pdfcolorstack{\main@pdfcolorstack}%
+ }{}%
+ \def\set@color{%
+ \pdfextension colorstack\@pdfcolorstack push{\current@color}%
+ \aftergroup\reset@color
+ }%
+ \def\reset@color{%
+ \pdfextension colorstack\@pdfcolorstack pop\relax
+ }%
+ \expandafter\edef\csname col@#1\endcsname{#2}%
+\def\current@color{0 g 0 G}
+% v0.02t: support for \pagecolor
+% fixed in v0.02p by using a box register, see
+% v0.03r: \nopagecolor/\no@page@color added.
+ \def\nopagecolor{\no@page@color}%
+ \GPT@pagecolorfalse
+ \GPT@pagecolortrue
+ \global\let\current@page@color\current@color
+ \ltx@ifundefined{GPT@outputbox}{%
+ % \newbox is outer in plain
+ \csname newbox\endcsname\GPT@outputbox
+ }{}%
+ \ltx@ifundefined{GPTorg@shipout}{%
+ \global\let\GPTorg@shipout\shipout
+ \gdef\shipout{%
+ \edef\GPT@saved@grouplevel{\number\currentgrouplevel}%
+ \afterassignment\GPT@shipout
+ \global\setbox\GPT@outputbox=%
+ }%
+ \gdef\GPT@shipout{%
+ \ifnum\GPT@saved@grouplevel=\currentgrouplevel
+ \else
+ \expandafter\aftergroup
+ \fi
+ \GPT@@shipout
+ }%
+ \gdef\GPT@@shipout{%
+ \ifvoid\GPT@outputbox\relax
+ \GPT@warn{Ignoring void output box}%
+ \else
+ \setbox\GPT@outputbox=\vbox{%
+ \GPT@pageliteral
+ \box\GPT@outputbox
+ }%
+ \GPTorg@shipout\box\GPT@outputbox\relax
+ \fi
+ }%
+ \gdef\GPT@pageliteral{%
+ \ifGPT@pagecolor
+ \pdfextension literal page{%
+ q % gsave
+ \current@page@color\ltx@space
+ n % newpath
+ 0 0 \strip@pt\pagewidth\ltx@space
+ \strip@pt\pageheight\ltx@space re % rectangle
+ % there is no need to convert to bp
+ f % fill
+ Q% grestore
+ }%
+ \fi
+ }%
+ }{}%
+% Graphic inclusion. Currently supports .png, .jpg, .mps and .pdf inclusion;
+% .mps is MetaPost output.
+% support for
+% * multipage pdf images
+% * alternate print image (bitmaps only)
+% * printed image can be resused, but not the base image,
+% because it's dictionary contains the additional key /Alternates.
+% * not supported by Ghostscript or xpdf.
+% * option quiet
+% * option resetcolor
+% * option xmpfile
+% \GPT@page: page number of pdf image or \ltx@empty otherwise.
+% \GPT@print: file name for alternate image or \ltx@empty otherwise.
+ \ifGPT@ResetColor
+ \ifGPT@IsBitmap
+ \else
+ \begingroup
+ \normalcolor
+ \let\GPT@ResetColorEnd\endgroup
+ \fi
+ \fi
+% \pdfmatch may be emulated in lua
+% (may be better to use lua patterns than bring in full
+% regex, do nothing for now
+ \def\GPT@match#1#2#3#4{}%
+ \def\GPT@pat@real/{}%
+ \toks@{%
+ \define@key{Gin}{resetcolor}[true]{%
+ \csname GPT@ResetColor%
+ \expandafter\ifx\csname iftrue\expandafter\endcsname
+ \csname if#1\endcsname
+ true%
+ \else
+ false%
+ \fi
+ \endcsname
+ }%
+ \define@key{Gin}{page}{%
+ \def\GPT@page{#1}%
+ \ifx\GPT@page\ltx@empty
+ \else
+ \edef\GPT@page{\number\GPT@page}%
+ \fi
+ }%
+ \define@key{Gin}{print}{%
+ \def\GPT@print{#1}%
+ }%
+ % option pagebox
+ \define@key{Gin}{pagebox}{%
+ \expandafter\let\expandafter\GPT@pagebox
+ \csname GPT@pagebox@#1\endcsname
+ \ifx\GPT@pagebox\relax
+ \let\GPT@pagebox\ltx@empty
+ \GPT@warn{%
+ Unknown value `#1' for `pagebox'.\MessageBreak
+ Supported values:\MessageBreak
+ mediabox, cropbox, bleedbox, trimbox, artbox%
+ }%
+ }%
+ \def\GPT@pagebox@mediabox{mediabox}%
+ \let\GPT@pagebox@cropbox\ltx@empty
+ \def\GPT@pagebox@bleedbox{bleedbox}%
+ \def\GPT@pagebox@trimbox{trimbox}%
+ \def\GPT@pagebox@artbox{artbox}%
+ % option interpolate
+ \define@key{Gin}{interpolate}[true]{%
+ \expandafter\let\expandafter\GPT@interpolate
+ \csname GPT@interpolate@#1\endcsname
+ \ifx\GPT@interpolate\relax
+ \let\GPT@interpolate\ltx@empty
+ \GPT@warn{%
+ Unknown value `#1' for `interpolate'.\MessageBreak
+ Supported values: true, false%
+ }%
+ \fi
+ }%
+ \let\GPT@interpolate@false\ltx@empty
+ \def\GPT@interpolate@true{1}% non-empty, value does not matter
+ % option decodearray
+ \define@key{Gin}{decodearray}{%
+ \def\GPT@decodearray{#1}%
+ \ifx\GPT@decodearray\ltx@empty
+ \else
+ \GPT@match\GPT@decodearray{%
+ ((^| )\GPT@pat@real/ \GPT@pat@real/)+$%
+ }{}{%
+ \GPT@warn{%
+ Invalid value (\GPT@decodearray)\MessageBreak
+ for `decodearray' is ignored%
+ }%
+ \let\GPT@decodearray\ltx@empty
+ }%
+ \fi
+ }%
+ % option maskarray
+ \define@key{Gin}{maskarray}{%
+ \def\GPT@mask{#1}%
+ \ifx\GPT@mask\ltx@empty
+ \else
+ \GPT@match\GPT@mask{%
+ ((^| )[0-9]+ [0-9]+)+$%
+ }{}{%
+ \GPT@warn{%
+ Invalid value (\GPT@mask)\MessageBreak
+ for `maskarray' is ignored%
+ }%
+ \let\GPT@mask\ltx@empty
+ }%
+ \ifx\GPT@mask\ltx@empty
+ \else
+ \edef\GPT@mask{[\GPT@mask]}%
+ \fi
+ \fi
+ }%
+ % option intent
+ \define@key{Gin}{intent}{%
+ \def\GPT@intent{#1}%
+ \ifx\GPT@intent\ltx@empty
+ \else
+ \GPT@match\GPT@intent{%
+ ^((Absolute|Relative)Colorimetric|Saturation|Perceptual)$%
+ }{}{%
+ \GPT@match\GPT@intent{%
+ ^[A-Za-z0-9_]+$%
+ }{%
+ \GPT@warn{%
+ Rendering intent `\GPT@intent'\MessageBreak
+ is not a standard name of the PDF specification%
+ }%
+ }{%
+ \GPT@warn{%
+ Ignoring intent `\GPT@intent'\MessageBreak
+ with unusual characters%
+ }%
+ \let\GPT@intent\ltx@empty
+ }%
+ }%
+ \fi
+ }%
+ % option ocobjnum
+ \define@key{Gin}{ocobjnum}{%
+ \edef\GPT@ocobjnum{#1}%
+ \ifx\GPT@ocobjnum\ltx@empty
+ \else
+ \edef\GPT@ocobjnum{\number\GPT@ocobjnum}%
+ \GPT@match\GPT@ocobjnum{^[1-9]+[0-9]*$}{%
+ }{%
+ \GPT@warn{%
+ Invalid value (\GPT@ocobjnum)\MessageBreak
+ for `ocobjnum' is ignored%
+ }%
+ \let\GPT@ocobjnum\ltx@empty
+ }%
+ \ifx\GPT@ocobjnum\ltx@empty
+ \else
+ \edef\GPT@ocobjnum{\number\GPT@ocobjnum}%
+ \fi
+ \fi
+ }%
+ % option ocobjref
+ \define@key{Gin}{ocobjref}{%
+ \edef\GPT@ocobjnum{#1}%
+ \ifx\GPT@ocobjnum\ltx@empty
+ \else
+ \edef\GPT@ocobjnum{%
+ \expandafter\strip@prefix\meaning\GPT@ocobjnum
+ }%
+ \GPT@match\GPT@ocobjnum{^[1-9]+[0-9]* 0 R$}{%
+ }{%
+ \GPT@warn{%
+ Invalid value (\GPT@ocobjnum)\MessageBreak
+ for `ocobjref' is ignored%
+ }%
+ \let\GPT@ocobjnum\ltx@empty
+ }%
+ \ifx\GPT@ocobjnum\ltx@empty
+ \else
+ \begingroup
+ \def\GPT@temp##1 ##2\@nil{\endgroup
+ \def\GPT@ocobjnum{##1}%
+ }%
+ \expandafter\GPT@temp\GPT@ocobjnum\@nil
+ \edef\GPT@ocobjnum{\number\GPT@ocobjnum}%
+ \fi
+ \fi
+ }%
+ \define@key{Gin}{quiet}[]{%
+ \let\Gin@log\ltx@gobble
+ }%
+ \define@key{Gin}{resolution}{%
+ \pdfvariable imageresolution#1\relax
+ }%
+ \define@key{Gin}{xmpfile}[\Gin@base.xmp]{%
+ \def\GPT@xmpfile{#1}%
+ }%
+ }%
+ \ltx@IfUndefined{define@key}{%
+ \edef\x{\endgroup
+ \noexpand\AtBeginDocument{%
+ \noexpand\ltx@IfUndefined{define@key}{}{\the\toks@}%
+ }%
+ }\x
+ }{%
+ \expandafter\endgroup\the\toks@
+ }%
+% redefinitions of some graphicx options:
+ \GPT@warn{%
+ Option `#1' is not supported, use\MessageBreak
+ option `viewport' instead%
+ }%
+ \begingroup\expandafter\expandafter\expandafter\endgroup
+ \expandafter\ifx\csname define@key\endcsname\relax
+ \else
+ \def\KV@Gin@bb{%
+ \GPT@warn{%
+ Option `bb' does not make sense,\MessageBreak
+ using `viewport' instead%
+ }%
+ \KV@Gin@viewport
+ }%
+ \define@key{Gin}{bbllx}{\GPT@disable{bbllx}}%
+ \define@key{Gin}{bblly}{\GPT@disable{bblly}}%
+ \define@key{Gin}{bburx}{\GPT@disable{bburx}}%
+ \define@key{Gin}{bbury}{\GPT@disable{bbury}}%
+ \fi
+% Check for image file existence
+ \def\GPT@IfFileExists#1{%
+ \IfFileExists{#1}%
+ }%
+% Wrapper for \Gread@... that checks image existence first.
+ \GPT@IfFileExists{#2}%
+ {%
+ #1{#2}%
+ }{%
+ \def\Gin@llx{0}%
+ \let\Gin@lly\Gin@llx
+ \def\Gin@urx{72}%
+ \let\Gin@ury\Gin@urx
+ \ifGin@draft
+ \else
+ \GPT@error{File `#2' not found}{%
+ Using draft setting for this image.\MessageBreak
+ \@ehc
+ }%
+ \Gin@drafttrue
+ \fi
+ }%
+% mechanism for re-use of objects also
+% allows us to get the size by deriving it from the initial storage;
+% this works for all graphics types.
+ \csname newcount\endcsname\Gread@gobject
+ \ifx\GPT@print\ltx@empty
+ #1%
+ \else
+ \GPT@print
+ \fi
+\def\GPT@objref{ 0 R}
+ \GPT@read\Gread@@pdftex
+ % Ensure that option `print' works only on bitmap images.
+ \let\GPT@Attr\ltx@empty
+ \let\GPT@AttrShort\ltx@empty
+ \ifx\GPT@ocobjnum\ltx@empty
+ \else
+ \edef\GPT@AttrShort{\GPT@AttrShort
+ :OC\GPT@ocobjnum
+ }%
+ \edef\GPT@Attr{\GPT@Attr
+ /OC \GPT@ocobjnum\GPT@objref
+ }%
+ \fi
+ \ifGPT@IsBitmap
+ \let\GPT@page\ltx@empty
+ \let\GPT@pagebox\ltx@empty
+ \ifx\GPT@xmpfile\ltx@empty
+ \else
+ \ltx@IfUndefined{GPT@XMP@\GPT@xmpfile}{%
+ \GPT@IMfFileExists{\GPT@xmpfile}{%
+ \begingroup
+ \GPT@compresslevel=0 %
+ \immediate\pdfextension obj stream attr{%
+ /Type/Metadata%
+ /Subtype/XML%
+ }file{\GPT@xmpfile}%
+ \expandafter\xdef\csname GPT@XMP@\GPT@xmpfile\endcsname{%
+ \the\numexpr\pdffeedback lastobj\relax
+ }%
+ \endgroup
+ }{%
+ \GPT@warn{Missing XMP file (\GPT@xmpfile)}%
+ }%
+ }{}%
+ \ltx@IfUndefined{GPT@XMP@\GPT@xmpfile}{}{%
+ \edef\GPT@Attr{\GPT@Attr
+ /Metadata \@nameuse{GPT@XMP@\GPT@xmpfile}\GPT@objref
+ }%
+ \edef\GPT@AttrShort{\GPT@AttrShort
+ :MD\@nameuse{GPT@XMP@\GPT@xmpfile}%
+ }%
+ }%
+ \fi
+ \ifx\GPT@interpolate\ltx@empty
+ \else
+ \edef\GPT@Attr{\GPT@Attr
+ /Interpolate true%
+ }%
+ \edef\GPT@AttrShort{\GPT@AttrShort
+ :I%
+ }%
+ \fi
+ \ifx\GPT@decodearray\ltx@empty
+ \else
+ \edef\GPT@Attr{\GPT@Attr
+ /Decode[\GPT@decodearray]%
+ }%
+ \edef\GPT@AttrShort{\GPT@AttrShort
+ :D[\GPT@decodearray]%
+ }%
+ \fi
+ \ifx\GPT@mask\ltx@empty
+ \else
+ \edef\GPT@Attr{\GPT@Attr
+ /Mask\GPT@mask
+ }%
+ \edef\GPT@AttrShort{\GPT@AttrShort
+ :M\GPT@mask
+ }%
+ \fi
+ \ifx\GPT@intent\ltx@empty
+ \else
+ \edef\GPT@AttrShort{\GPT@AttrShort
+ :RI\GPT@intent
+ }%
+ \edef\GPT@intent{\TODOescapename{\GPT@intent}}%
+ \edef\GPT@Attr{\GPT@Attr
+ /Intent/\GPT@intent
+ }%
+ \fi
+ \else
+ \let\GPT@interpolate\ltx@empty
+ \let\GPT@decodearray\ltx@empty
+ \let\GPT@mask\ltx@empty
+ \let\GPT@intent\ltx@empty
+ \ifx\GPT@page\ltx@empty
+ \else
+ \edef\GPT@AttrShort{\GPT@AttrShort
+ :P\GPT@page
+ }%
+ \fi
+ \ifx\GPT@pagebox\ltx@empty
+ \else
+ \edef\GPT@AttrShort{%
+ \GPT@AttrShort
+ :\expandafter\ltx@car\GPT@pagebox{}\@nil b%
+ }%
+ \fi
+ \ifx\GPT@print\ltx@empty
+ \else
+ \GPT@warn{%
+ Option `print' can only be used\MessageBreak
+ for bitmap images%
+ }%
+ \let\GPT@print\ltx@empty
+ \fi
+ \fi
+ % Check if print image exists.
+ \ifx\GPT@print\ltx@empty
+ \else
+ \GPT@IfFileExists{\GPT@print}{%
+ }{%
+ \GPT@error{Print image `\GPT@print' not found}{%
+ The print version of the image is ignored.\MessageBreak
+ \@ehc
+ }%
+ \let\GPT@print\ltx@empty
+ }%
+ \fi
+ % If option `print' is set, the screen image object
+ % will contain an additional /Alternate entry
+ % and will not be reused.
+ \ifx\GPT@print\ltx@empty
+ \else
+ \expandafter\expandafter\expandafter\ltx@firstoftwo\expandafter\ltx@gobbletwo
+ \fi
+ \ltx@ifundefined{#1 image\GPT@AttrShort}{%
+ \ifx\GPT@print\ltx@empty
+ \ifx\GPT@Attr\ltx@empty
+ \let\GPT@RuleAttr\ltx@empty
+ \else
+ \edef\GPT@RuleAttr{attr{\GPT@Attr}}%
+ \fi
+ \else
+ \ltx@ifundefined{\GPT@print\ltx@space image\GPT@AttrShort}{%
+ \immediate\saveimageresource{\GPT@print}%
+ \setbox\@tempboxa=\hbox{\useimageresource\lastsavedimageresourceindex}%
+ \edef\GPT@PrintObj{\the\lastsavedimageresourceindex}%
+ \expandafter\xdef\csname\GPT@print\ltx@space
+ image\GPT@AttrShort\endcsname{%
+ \useimageresource\GPT@PrintObj\relax
+ }%
+ \immediate\pdfextension obj{%
+ [<<%
+ /Image \GPT@PrintObj\GPT@objref
+ /DefaultForPrinting true%
+ >>]%
+ }%
+ \def\GPT@RuleAttr{%
+ width\wd\@tempboxa height\ht\@tempboxa
+ attr{%
+ \GPT@Attr
+ /Alternates \the\numexpr\pdffeedback lastobj\relax\GPT@objref
+ }%
+ }%
+ }{%
+ \edef\GPT@PrintObj{%
+ \expandafter\expandafter\expandafter\ltx@gobble
+ \csname\GPT@print\ltx@space image\GPT@AttrShort\endcsname
+ }%
+ \immediate\pdfextension obj{%
+ [<<%
+ /Image \GPT@PrintObj\GPT@objref
+ /DefaultForPrinting true%
+ >>]%
+ }%
+ \def\GPT@RuleAttr{%
+ width \csname\GPT@print\ltx@space width\GPT@AttrShort\endcsname
+ height \csname\GPT@print\ltx@space height\GPT@AttrShort\endcsname
+ attr{%
+ \GPT@Attr
+ /Alternates \the\numexpr\pdffeedback lastobj\relax\GPT@objref
+ }%
+ }%
+ }%
+ \fi
+ \saveimageresource\GPT@RuleAttr
+ \ifx\GPT@page\ltx@empty
+ \else
+ page \GPT@page
+ \fi
+ \GPT@pagebox
+ {#1}%
+ \setbox\@tempboxa=\hbox{\useimageresource\lastsavedimageresourceindex}%
+ \def\Gin@llx{0}\let\Gin@lly\Gin@llx
+ \Gin@defaultbp\Gin@urx{\wd\@tempboxa}%
+ \Gin@defaultbp\Gin@ury{\ht\@tempboxa}%
+ \expandafter\xdef\csname\GPT@ReusedName{#1} width\GPT@AttrShort\endcsname{%
+ \the\wd\@tempboxa
+ }%
+ \expandafter\xdef\csname\GPT@ReusedName{#1} height\GPT@AttrShort\endcsname{%
+ \the\ht\@tempboxa
+ }%
+ \expandafter\xdef\csname #1 image\GPT@AttrShort
+ \ifx\GPT@print\ltx@empty\else!\fi\endcsname{%
+ \useimageresource\the\lastsavedimageresourceindex
+ }%
+ \Gin@log{%
+ <#1, id=%
+ \the\lastsavedimageresourceindex
+ \ifx\GPT@page\ltx@empty\else , page=\GPT@page\fi
+ \ifx\GPT@pagebox\ltx@empty\else, pagebox=\GPT@pagebox\fi
+ \ifx\GPT@interpolate\ltx@empty\else, interpolate=true\fi
+ \ifx\GPT@print\ltx@empty
+ \else
+ , print=\GPT@print, id=\GPT@PrintObj
+ \fi
+ , \the\wd\@tempboxa\ltx@space x \the\ht\@tempboxa
+ >%
+ }%
+ }{%
+ \def\Gin@llx{0}\let\Gin@lly\Gin@llx
+ \Gin@defaultbp\Gin@urx{\csname#1 width\GPT@AttrShort\endcsname}%
+ \Gin@defaultbp\Gin@ury{\csname#1 height\GPT@AttrShort\endcsname}%
+ }%
+ \def\@tempa{!}%
+ \ifx\Gin@scaley\@tempa
+ \let\Gin@scaley\Gin@scalex
+ \else
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+ \fi
+ \Gin@log{%
+ <use #1%
+ \ifx\GPT@page\ltx@empty\else, page \GPT@page\fi
+ >%
+ }%
+ \GPT@info{%
+ #1\ifx\GPT@page\ltx@empty\else, page\GPT@page\fi
+ \ltx@space used\on@line.\MessageBreak
+ Requested size: %
+ \the\Gin@req@width\ltx@space x \the\Gin@req@height
+ }%
+ \hbox{%
+ \GPT@ResetColorBegin
+ \Gscale@box{\Gin@scalex}[\Gin@scaley]{%
+ \ltx@IfUndefined{Gin@vllx}{%
+ \GPT@viewportfalse
+ % without viewport/trim clipping does not make sense
+ % for pdfTeX
+ \Gin@clipfalse
+ }{}%
+ \ifGin@clip
+ \if!\Gin@vllx\Gin@vlly\Gin@vurx\Gin@vury!%
+ \else
+ \let\GPT@clipend\GPT@DoClipEnd
+ \setbox\@tempboxa\hbox\bgroup
+ \fi
+ \fi
+ \ifGPT@viewport
+ \ifdim\Gin@vlly\p@=\z@
+ \else
+ \lower\Gin@vlly bp\hbox\bgroup
+ \fi
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+ \else
+ \hskip-\Gin@vllx bp\relax
+ \fi
+ \fi
+ \csname#1 image\GPT@AttrShort
+ \ifx\GPT@print\ltx@empty\else!\fi
+ \endcsname
+ \ifGPT@viewport
+ \ifdim\Gin@vlly\p@=\z@
+ \else
+ \egroup
+ \fi
+ \GPT@clipend
+ \fi
+ }%
+ \GPT@ResetColorEnd
+ }%
+ \egroup
+ \dp\@tempboxa\z@
+ % \Gin@urx and \Gin@ury already contain the correct values,
+ % so both cases viewport and trim can be handled together:
+ \dimen@\Gin@urx\p@
+ % v0.03k \Gin@vllx replaced by \Gin@llx
+ \advance\dimen@ -\Gin@llx\p@
+ \wd\@tempboxa\strip@pt\dimen@ bp\relax
+ \dimen@\Gin@ury\p@
+ % v0.03k \Gin@vlly replaced by \Gin@lly
+ \advance\dimen@ -\Gin@lly\p@
+ \ht\@tempboxa\strip@pt\dimen@ bp\relax
+ \let\GPT@temp\ltx@empty
+ \ifx\GPT@ocobjnum\ltx@empty
+ \fi
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+ \useboxresource\lastsavedboxresourceindex
+ \GPT@IsBitmaptrue
+ \Gread@pdftex{#1}%
+ \GPT@IsBitmapfalse
+ \GPT@read\Gread@@pdf
+ \begingroup
+ \@tempcnta\z@
+ \loop
+ \ifnum\@tempcnta<\@xxxii
+ \catcode\@tempcnta14 %
+ \advance\@tempcnta\@ne
+ \repeat
+ \catcode127=14 %
+ \let\do\@makeother\dospecials\catcode`\ 10 %
+ \catcode\endlinechar5 %
+ \immediate\openin\@inputcheck#1 %
+ \ifeof\@inputcheck
+ \@latex@error{File `#1' not found}\@ehc
+ \else
+ \Gread@true
+ \let\@tempb\Gread@false
+ \loop
+% v0.02e: use \. not \@tempa so the space is preserved before [
+ \read\@inputcheck to\.%
+ \ifeof\@inputcheck
+ \Gread@false
+ \else
+ \expandafter\Gread@find@mbox\. []\\%
+ \fi
+ \ifGread@
+ \repeat
+ \immediate\closein\@inputcheck
+ \fi
+ \ifGin@bbox
+ \else
+ \@latex@error
+ {Cannot determine size of graphic in #1 (no BoundingBox)}%
+ \@ehc
+ \gdef\@gtempa{0 0 72 72 }%
+ \fi
+ \endgroup
+ \expandafter\Gread@parse@bb\@gtempa\\%
+\long\def\Gread@find@mbox#1 [#2]#3\\{% hash-ok
+ \def\@tempa{#1}%
+ \ifx\@tempa\Gread@MBox
+ \gdef\@gtempa{#2 }%
+ \@tempb
+ \Gin@bboxtrue
+ \fi
+ \def\@tempa{!}%
+ \ifx\Gin@scaley\@tempa
+ \let\Gin@scaley\Gin@scalex
+ \else
+ \ifx\Gin@scalex\@tempa\let\Gin@scalex\Gin@scaley\fi
+ \fi
+ \hbox{%
+ \GPT@ResetColorBegin
+ \Gscale@box{\Gin@scalex}[\Gin@scaley]{%
+ \ltx@IfUndefined{Gin@vllx}{%
+ \GPT@viewportfalse
+ % without viewport/trim clipping does not make sense
+ % for pdfTeX
+ \Gin@clipfalse
+ }{}%
+ \ifGin@clip
+ \if!\Gin@vllx\Gin@vlly\Gin@vurx\Gin@vury!%
+ \else
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+ \setbox\@tempboxa\hbox\bgroup
+ \fi
+ \fi
+ \ifGPT@viewport
+ \ifdim\Gin@vlly\p@=\z@
+ \else
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+ \fi
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+ \else
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+ \fi
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+%%%%% \GPT@catcodes{mps}%
+ \convertMPtoPDF{#1}{1}{1}%
+%%%%% \GPT@restore@mps
+ \ifGPT@viewport
+ \ifdim\Gin@vlly\p@=\z@
+ \else
+ \egroup
+ \fi
+ \GPT@clipend
+ \fi
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+ \GPT@ResetColorEnd
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+ \GPT@read\Gread@eps
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+ .png,.pdf,.jpg,.mps,.jpeg,.jbig2,.jb2,%
+ .eps%
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+% Rotation
+% slightly hacky, but set width of box 0 to 0pt otherwise
+% the CTM gets restored in the wrong place.
+\def\GPT@MatrixIdentity{1 0 0 1}
+ \edef#1{#1}%
+ \edef#1{\expandafter\ltx@zapspace\expandafter{#1}}%
+ \edef#1{\expandafter\GPT@ZapPlus#1+\@nil}%
+ \edef#1{\expandafter\GPT@ZapMinusMinus#1--\@nil}%
+ \expandafter\GPT@Split#1..\@nil
+ \ifx\GPT@frac\ltx@empty
+ \else
+ \edef\GPT@frac{%
+ \expandafter\GPT@Reverse\expandafter{\expandafter}\GPT@frac\@nil
+ }%
+ \edef\GPT@frac{%
+ \expandafter\GPT@ZapLeadingZeros\GPT@frac\ltx@empty
+ }%
+ \ifx\GPT@frac\ltx@empty
+ \else
+ \edef\GPT@frac{%
+ \expandafter\GPT@Reverse\expandafter{\expandafter}\GPT@frac\@nil
+ }%
+ \fi
+ \fi
+ \edef\GPT@sign{\expandafter\ltx@car\GPT@int\ltx@empty\@nil}%
+ \ifx\GPT@sign\GPT@Minus
+ \edef\GPT@int{\expandafter\ltx@cdr\GPT@int\@nil}%
+ \else
+ \def\GPT@sign{}%
+ \fi
+ \edef\GPT@int{%
+ \expandafter\GPT@ZapLeadingZeros\GPT@int\ltx@empty
+ }%
+ \edef\GPT@temp{\GPT@int\GPT@frac}%
+ \ifx\GPT@temp\ltx@empty
+ \def#1{0}%
+ \else
+ \edef#1{%
+ \GPT@sign
+ \GPT@int
+ \ifx\GPT@frac\ltx@empty
+ \else
+ .\GPT@frac
+ \fi
+ }%
+ \fi
+ #1%
+ \ifx\ltx@empty#2\ltx@empty
+ \expandafter\ltx@gobble
+ \else
+ \expandafter\@firstofone
+ \fi
+ {%
+ \GPT@ZapPlus#2\@nil
+ }%
+ #1%
+ \ifx\ltx@empty#2\ltx@empty
+ \expandafter\ltx@gobble
+ \else
+ \expandafter\@firstofone
+ \fi
+ {%
+ \GPT@ZapMinusMinus#2\@nil
+ }%
+ \def\GPT@int{#1}%
+ \ifx\ltx@empty#2\ltx@empty
+ \let\GPT@frac\ltx@empty
+ \else
+ \def\GPT@frac{#2}%
+ \fi
+ \ifx\ltx@empty#3\ltx@empty
+ #2#1%
+ \expandafter\ltx@gobble
+ \else
+ \expandafter\ltx@firstofone
+ \fi
+ {%
+ \GPT@Reverse{#2#1}#3\@nil
+ }%
+ \ifx0#1%
+ \expandafter\GPT@ZapLeadingZeros
+ \else
+ #1%
+ \fi
+ \def\Grot@start{%
+ \GPT@NormalizeNumber\Grot@sin
+ \GPT@NormalizeNumber\Grot@cos
+ \edef\GPT@temp{%
+ \Grot@cos\ltx@space\Grot@sin\ltx@space
+ \if-\Grot@sin
+ \else
+ \ifx\Grot@sin\GPT@Zero
+ \GPT@Zero
+ \else
+ -\Grot@sin
+ \fi
+ \fi
+ \ltx@space\Grot@cos
+ }%
+ \ifx\GPT@temp\GPT@MatrixIdentity
+ \def\Grot@end{}%
+ \else
+ \pdfextension save\relax
+ \pdfextension setmatrix{\GPT@temp}%
+ \wd\z@\z@
+ \fi
+ }%
+ \def\Grot@end{\pdfextension restore\relax}%
+ \def\Gscale@start{%
+ \GPT@NormalizeNumber\Gscale@x
+ \GPT@NormalizeNumber\Gscale@y
+ \edef\GPT@temp{%
+ \Gscale@x\ltx@space0 0 \Gscale@y
+ }%
+ \ifx\GPT@temp\GPT@MatrixIdentity
+ \def\Gscale@end{}%
+ \else
+ \pdfextension save\relax
+ \pdfextension setmatrix{\GPT@temp}%
+ \fi
+ }%
+% Trig patching no longer needed (trig.sty updated)
+% MPS conversion
+ \ltx@IfUndefined{convertMPtoPDF}{%
+%%%%% \GPT@catcodes{supp}%
+ \InputIfFileExists{supp-pdf.mkii}{}{%
+ \InputIfFileExists{supp-pdf}{}{}%
+ }%
+%%%%%% \GPT@restore@supp
+ }{%
+ % supp-pdf is probably already loaded.
+ }%
+ % If supp-pdf is not available, \convertMPtoPDF generates
+ % an error message. \providecommand inside the third argument
+ % of \InputIfFileExists will not work:
+ % * \InputIfFileExists has problems with parameters (#1).
+ % * Implementation of \providecommand is insufficient in miniltx.tex
+ \ltx@ifundefined{convertMPtoPDF}{%
+ \newcommand*{\convertMPtoPDF}[3]{%
+ \GPT@error{%
+ Cannot convert ##1 from MPS to PDF.\MessageBreak
+ The support file `supp-pdf.mkii' (supp-pdf.tex) is missing%
+ }{%
+ The graphics driver for pdfTeX needs `supp-pdf.mkii'\MessageBreak
+ (or `supp-pdf.tex' and/or `supp-mis.tex')\MessageBreak
+ to convert MetaPost output files to PDF.\MessageBreak
+ These files are part of ConTeXt and can also be found here:%
+ \MessageBreak
+ \ltx@space\ltx@space CTAN:macros/pdftex/graphics/\MessageBreak
+ You'll get more errors if you'll continue now.%
+ }%
+ }%
+ }{}%
+ \let\GPT@LoadSuppPdf\relax
+ \GPT@LoadSuppPdf
+% Adds support for extended MetaPost features (transparency)
+% \GPT@catcodes removed
+% should replace with luatex catcodetable support, TODO
+ \AtBeginDocument{%
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+%%%% \GPT@catcodes{mpe}%
+ \let\GPT@found=N%
+ \IfFileExists{supp-pdf.mkii}{\let\GPT@found=Y}{%
+ \IfFileExists{supp-pdf}{\let\GPT@found=Y}{}%
+ }%
+ \ifx Y\GPT@found
+ \InputIfFileExists{supp-mis.mkii}{}{%
+ \InputIfFileExists{supp-mis}{}{\let\GPT@found=N}%
+ }%
+ \ifx Y\GPT@found
+ \InputIfFileExists{supp-mpe.mkii}{}{%
+ \InputIfFileExists{supp-mpe}{}{\let\GPT@found=N}%
+ }%
+ \ifx Y\GPT@found
+ \MPcmykcolorstrue
+ \MPspotcolorstrue
+ \chardef\makeMPintoPDFobject=1 %
+ \else
+ \GPT@warn{%
+ Cannot enable MetaPost Special Extensions,\MessageBreak
+ because `supp-mpe.mkii' (or `supp-mpe.tex')\MessageBreak
+ is missing%
+ }%
+ \fi
+ \else
+ \GPT@warn{%
+ Cannot enable MetaPost Special Extensions,\MessageBreak
+ because `supp-mis.mkii' (or `supp-mis.tex')\MessageBreak
+ is missing%
+ }%
+ \fi
+ \else
+ \GPT@warn{%
+ Cannot enable support for MetaPost images,\MessageBreak
+ because `supp-pdf.mkii' (or `supp-pdf.tex')\MessageBreak
+ is missing%
+ }%
+ \fi
+%%% \GPT@restore@mpe
+ }{}%
+ }%
+ \let\LoadMetaPostSpecialExtensions\relax
+ \@onlypreamble\LoadMetaPostSpecialExtensions
+% EPS to PDF conversion
+% delay to begin document to check graphics is loaded (shared
+% config with color) if \DoNotLoadEpstopdf is defined (to anything)
+% skip this.
+ \AtBeginDocument{%
+ \ifx\includegraphics\@undefined\else
+ \def\Gin@driver{pdftex.def}%
+ \RequirePackage{epstopdf-base}%
+ \def\Gin@driver{luatex.def}%
+ \fi
+ }
+\fi \ No newline at end of file