path: root/Master/texmf-dist/tex/latex
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1 files changed, 190 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/Master/texmf-dist/tex/latex/theoremref/theoremref.sty b/Master/texmf-dist/tex/latex/theoremref/theoremref.sty
new file mode 100644
index 00000000000..aac31ecd9b3
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Master/texmf-dist/tex/latex/theoremref/theoremref.sty
@@ -0,0 +1,190 @@
+% see the bottom of the file for a description and usage notes
+ [2008/05/13 References with automatic theorem names]
+ {\renewcommand\th[1]{\csname th\expandafter\@gobble\string#1\endcsname}}
+%hook in \@thm to get the name
+ \thmref@oldthm{#1}{#2}}
+ \thmref@oldthm{#1}{#2}{#3}}
+ \@ifpackageloaded{amsthm}{\let\@thm\thmref@amsthm}%
+ {\let\@thm\thmref@newthm}}
+%hacked version of \label from the kernel
+ \protected@write\@auxout{}%
+ {\string\newlabel{#1}{{\@currentlabel}{\thmref@currname}}}%
+ \@esphack}
+%\let\thnameref\pageref fails miserably when the ref is undefined
+ {\expandafter\thmref@setref\csname r@#1\endcsname}
+\newif\ifthmref@comma \newif\ifthmref@final \newcount\thmref@num
+\DeclareRobustCommand\thref[1]{\let\thmref@last\empty \let\thmref@stack\empty
+ \let\thmref@head\empty \thmref@commafalse \thmref@finalfalse
+ \thmref@doref#1,,}
+ \ifx,#1,\ifthmref@comma\ifthmref@final,\fi\space and \fi
+ \thmref@commafalse \expandafter\thmref@flush
+ \else\edef\thmref@this{\thnameref{#1}}%
+ \ifx\thmref@this\thmref@last
+ \let\do\relax \edef\thmref@stack{\thmref@stack\do{\thmref@head}}%
+ \else \thmref@flush \let\thmref@last\thmref@this \fi
+ \def\thmref@head{#1}\expandafter\thmref@doref\fi}
+ \ifx\thmref@last\empty\else
+ \ifthmref@comma, \thmref@finaltrue\fi \thmref@commatrue
+ \thmref@last \ifx\thmref@stack\empty\else s\fi \thmref@num 0
+ \let\do\thmref@one \thmref@stack
+ \ifcase\thmref@num\or\space and\else\thmref@finaltrue, and\fi
+ ~$\ref{\thmref@head}$\let\thmref@stack\empty\fi}
+ \space$\ref{#1}$\advance\thmref@num 1\relax}
+package: theoremref
+author: Emil Je\v{r}\'abek <> (replace spam with cas)
+So, you are writting up your math paper or thesis. There is the
+all-important Lemma 3.14 referenced from a dozen places throughout
+the paper, but you have just realized that its proof requires another
+lemma which should go before Lemma 3.14, hence all the references to
+Lemma 3.14 have to shift to Lemma 3.15. Now that's quite simple to do:
+you just insert the new lemma, and LaTeX relabels the references for you
+behind the scenes. Good.
+Then you decide that Lemma 3.15 is, in fact, so important that you
+better call it a Theorem rather than just a Lemma, hence all the
+references to Lemma 3.15 should change to Theorem 3.15. Now that's
+quite simple to do: you just replace the name of the theorem
+environment of 3.15, and LaTeX relabels the references for you behind
+the scenes... uhhh, except that it does not, actually. You have to go
+through the paper and manually change every occurrence of
+``Lemma~\ref{main}'' to ``Theorem~\ref{main}''. Your editor software may
+help with automatic text replacement, but that's no good by itself,
+you unfortunately still have to watch out for cases like ``Lemmas
+\ref{baz-quux} and~\ref{main}''. Needless to say, the whole business
+is rather error-prone, and very annoying, especially if you later
+decide that 3.15 is, after all, a Lemma, with the prospect of changing
+all those references back again.
+The theoremref package is designed to fill this gap in the LaTeX
+automatic reference system. It provides variants of the \label and
+\ref commands which automatically supply the correct theorem
+environment name into a reference, thus avoiding all the hassle
+described above.
+(1) Put ``\usepackage{theoremref}'' anywhere in the document preamble.
+(2) For each theorem which you intend to use in the new system, declare
+ its label by ``\thlabel{foobar}''. For example,
+ \begin{Lem}\thlabel{exact}
+ Every projective formula is exact.
+ \end{Lem}
+(3) There are three commands available for producing references to
+ your theorems: ``\ref{foo}'' gives the number, as usual;
+ ``\thref{foo}'' gives the theorem name followed by number; and
+ ``\thnameref{foo}'' gives just the theorem name. Example:
+ \ref{exact} -> 5.7.7
+ \thref{exact} -> Lemma~5.7.7
+ \thnameref{exact} -> Lemma
+ The \thref command can handle an arbitrary number of arguments,
+ separated by commas:
+ \thref{exact,zorn,main} -> Lemmas 5.7.7 and~2.1.5 and Theorem~6.6.4
+- ``\usepackage[lowercase]{theoremref}'' will set your theorem
+ references in lowercase, e.g., ``lemma 5.7.7''. Note that there is
+ no provision for capitalization at the beginning of a sentence.
+- ``\usepackage[reftex]{theoremref}'' provides an alternative
+ interface to the main commands: you can say ``\th\label{foo}'' and
+ ``\th\ref{foo}'' instead of ``\thlabel{foo}'' and ``\thref{foo}''.
+ The effect is that the labelling and referencing commands are
+ correctly recognized as such by the Emacs reftex package (and,
+ presumably, other similar editing tools).
+- The \thlabel command reuses the slot for page number in the .aux
+ file. This should do no harm, as the latter is generally useless, I've
+ never seen anybody refer to a numbered theorem by its page number. But
+ to be on the safe side, here's an explicit warning: if you declare foo
+ by ``\thlabel{foo}'', you cannot use ``\pageref{foo}'' to get its page
+ number (it will actually give the theorem name). If you absolutely
+ need both, you can declare two labels for the same theorem:
+ ``\label{foo-page}\thlabel{foo-name}''.
+- If ``\thref{bar}'' gives you a cryptic result like ``12 3.15''
+ instead of the theorem name, you probably forgot to use ``\thlabel''
+ instead of ``\label'' (see the previous point for explanation). Note
+ that after you switch from one to the other, you may need to TeX the
+ file twice in order for the change to propagate to the .aux file and
+ back.
+- The new referencing commands only work for theorem environments
+ declared using the ``\newtheorem'' command. You *cannot* use them for
+ e.g. tables, figures, equations, sections, and other environments.
+- The implementation depends on some internals of the theorem
+ typesetting macros. It is compatible with the ``theorem'' and
+ ``amsthm'' packages, as well as the default theorem system in base
+ LaTeX. It may fail for other theorem-like packages.
+The theoremref package is dually licensed under GPL or LPPL at your
+Copyright (C) 2008 Emil Je\v{r}\'abek
+This package may be distributed and/or modified under the
+conditions of the LaTeX Project Public License, either version 1.3
+of this license or (at your option) any later version.
+The latest version of this license is in
+and version 1.3 or later is part of all distributions of LaTeX
+version 2003/12/01 or later.
+This package is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
+it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
+the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
+(at your option) any later version.
+This package is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+GNU General Public License for more details.
+You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
+Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA