path: root/Master/texmf-dist/tex/latex
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Diffstat (limited to 'Master/texmf-dist/tex/latex')
1 files changed, 210 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/Master/texmf-dist/tex/latex/nicefilelist/nicefilelist.sty b/Master/texmf-dist/tex/latex/nicefilelist/nicefilelist.sty
new file mode 100644
index 00000000000..79d3ad0fafd
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Master/texmf-dist/tex/latex/nicefilelist/nicefilelist.sty
@@ -0,0 +1,210 @@
+\ProvidesPackage{nicefilelist}[2012/03/23 v0.1
+ more file list alignment (UL)]
+%% Copyright (C) 2012 Uwe Lueck,
+%% -- author-maintained in the sense of LPPL below --
+%% This file can be redistributed and/or modified under
+%% the terms of the LaTeX Project Public License; either
+%% version 1.3c of the License, or any later version.
+%% The latest version of this license is in
+%% We did our best to help you, but there is NO WARRANTY.
+%% Please report bugs, problems, and suggestions via
+%% === Alignment Settings ===
+%% \label{sec:templates}
+%% We use the \ctanpkgref{monofill} package for alignment of plain text:
+%% See its documentation for details.
+%% We support three alignment ``fields" according to the terminology of \pkg{monofill}.
+%% Their ids are |f-base| for base filenames, |f-ext| for filename extensions,
+%% % |f-date| for the revision date,
+%% and |f-version| for the revision version id of a file %%% ,
+%% % the latter two
+%% as read from `\ProvidesFile', `\ProvidesPackage',
+%% or `\ProvidesClass' command in the file.
+%% Initial settings for them are following.
+%% For modifying them, load 'nicefilelist.sty',
+%% then type your own settings, then issue `\listfiles'
+%% or load 'myfilist.sty'.
+%% We are not supporting version numbers greater than 9 at present---sorry! (TODO)
+%% |\NFLspaceI|, |\NFLspaceII|, and |\NFLspaceIII|
+%% determine the space between the four
+%% columns for names, dates, versions, and ``captions":
+\newcommand*{\NFLspaceI} { \space}
+\newcommand*{\NFLspaceII} { \space}
+\newcommand*{\NFLspaceIII}{ }
+%% === Failure Displays ===
+%% \label{sec:failure}
+%% |\NFLnodate| is displayed in place of a file date if it seems
+%% not to be given (configurable):
+\newcommand*{\NFLnodate}{ -- \space-- --}
+%% |\NFLnoversion| likewise---however, for alignment,
+%% each wanted space must be specified as `\space'
+%% (not just a code blank space).
+%% It may need adjustment (by `\renewcommand') when
+%% `\MFfieldtemplate{f-version}' is modified:
+%% |\NFLnotfound| is for files with wrong or no
+%% \cs{Provides.\empty..} command:
+\newcommand*{\NFLnotfound}{ * NOT FOUND *}
+%% === Redefining \cs{listfiles} ===
+%% Similarly to original \LaTeX, |\listfiles| carries almost everything
+%% that is needed for the file list only:
+ \let\listfiles\relax
+%% ---this clears memory. Now \LaTeX\ requires that `\@listfiles'
+%% is defined, although we don't use it
+%% (TODO use it in place of some `\NFL@'...?):
+ \let\@listfiles\relax
+%% |\@dofilelist| is executed by the standard \LaTeX\ `\enddocument'
+%% macro or by `\ListInfos' from the \ctanpkgref{myfilist} package.
+ \def\@dofilelist{%
+%% ``Title:"
+ \typeout{^^J \space\space
+ \MFrightinfield{*File List*}{f-base}}%
+ \@for\@currname:=\@filelist\do{%
+%% This starts the loop through the list of files
+ \filename@parse\@currname
+ \edef\filename@ext{%
+ \ifx\filename@ext\relax tex\else\filename@ext\fi}%
+ \expandafter\let\expandafter\NFL@ver
+ \csname ver@\filename@base.\filename@ext\endcsname
+%% Some assignments for parsing file info, resembling \LaTeX's
+%% `\GetFileInfo', to make life within `\typout{<?>}' easier:
+ \ifx\NFL@ver\relax \else
+%% We assume that no date is given, until we find it;
+%% likewise for version:
+ \let\NFL@date \NFLnodate
+ \let\NFL@version\NFLnoversion
+ \ifx\NFL@ver\@empty \else
+ \ifx\NFL@ver\space
+% \let\NFL@ver\@empty
+ \else
+%% `\NFL@words' aims to be more careful than \LaTeX's `\GetFileInfo':
+ \expandafter \NFL@words \NFL@ver
+ \@gobble? \@gobble? \@gobble?\@gobble?%
+%% \cs{filedate} is not empty at the present condition,
+%% let's see if it starts with a date:
+ \expandafter\NFL@test@date\filedate
+%% Dummies in case \cs{filedate} has less elements than
+%% \cs{NFL@test@date} tries to read:
+ \@empty\@empty\@empty\@empty\@empty
+ \@empty\@empty\@empty\@empty
+ \@nil
+ \if@tempswa
+ \let\NFL@date\filedate
+%% Is \cs{fileversion} a version id?
+ \ifx\fileversion\@empty \else
+ \expandafter\NFL@test@version\fileversion\@empty\@nil
+ \fi
+%% Otherwise, the first word could be a version number---we
+%% ignore such awkward files in this package version (TODO)
+%% and even assume that no version is indicated.
+% \else
+ \fi
+ \fi
+ \fi
+%% When \cs{filedate} is not a file date, it is considered part of
+%% the file ``caption," likewise for version:
+ \edef\fileinfo{%
+ \ifx\NFL@date\NFLnodate \filedate \space \fi
+ \ifx\NFL@version\NFLnoversion \fileversion \space \fi
+ \fileinfo}%
+ \fi
+ \typeout{%
+%% Now all parsing and checking must be expandable.
+ \NFL@make@macro@arg\MFrightinfield\filename@base{f-base}.%
+ \NFL@make@macro@arg\MFleftinfield \filename@ext {f-ext}%
+ \NFLspaceI
+ \ifx\NFL@ver\relax
+ \NFLnotfound
+ \else
+ \NFL@date
+ \NFLspaceII %% TODO conditionally?
+ \NFL@make@macro@arg\MFleftinfield\NFL@version {f-version}%
+ \NFLspaceIII %% TODO conditionally?
+ \fileinfo
+ \fi
+ }%
+ }%
+%% The line of stars:
+ \typeout{ \space\space\space
+ \MFrightinfield{***********}{f-base}^^J}%
+%% TODO or more stars as with 'longnamefilelist'?
+ }%
+%% This finishes the definition of `\@dofilelist'.
+%% The definitions of macros called from `\@dofilelist' are following.
+%% |\NFL@words| tries to get the first three ``words":
+ \def\NFL@words##1 ##2 ##3\@gobble?{%
+ \edef\filedate{##1}\edef\fileversion{##2}\edef\fileinfo{##3}%
+%% When the result of ```\csname ver@<file>\endcsname'"
+%% contains a single space token only,
+%% \cs{fileinfo} contains the result of expanding ```\@gobble? '",
+%% as opposed to ```\@gobble?"' in other cases. Thus this ``normalization":
+ \ifx\fileinfo\space \let\fileinfo\@empty \fi }%
+%% |\NFL@test@date| checks whether the first ``word" is a date:
+ \def\NFL@test@date##1##2##3##4##5##6##7##8##9{%
+ \@tempswatrue
+%% Are there slashes at the correct positions?
+ \if/##5\else\@tempswafalse\fi
+ \if/##8\else\@tempswafalse\fi
+%% Now we test the eight positions of expected digits:
+ \NFL@test@digits{##1##2##3##4##6##7##9}}%
+ \def\NFL@test@digits##1##2##3\@nil{%
+%% It's not a date if it has more than 10 characters (TODO?).
+%% If it \emph{is} a date, #2 is the last digit,
+%% and #3 contains the dummies, and then?
+ \edef\@tempa{##3}%
+% \typein{##1}%
+ \ifx\@tempa\@empty \NFL@test@digit ##1##2\@nnil
+ \else \@tempswafalse \fi }%
+ \def\NFL@test@digit##1{%
+ \ifx##1\@nnil \else
+ \ifnum`##1<48 \@tempswafalse
+ \else \ifnum`##1>57 \@tempswafalse \fi
+ \fi
+% \typein{code of ##1 is \number`##1.}%
+ \if@tempswa
+ \expandafter\expandafter\expandafter \NFL@test@digit
+ \else
+ \expandafter\expandafter\expandafter\NFL@kill
+ \fi
+ \fi
+ }%
+ \def\NFL@kill##1\@nnil{}%
+%% TODO or use \ctanpkgref{coolstr}?
+%% or there may be \emph{some} package that offers a test
+%% whether something is a date.
+%% \vskip\smallskipamount\noindent
+%% |\NFL@test@version| checks whether the second ``word" is a version id:
+ \def\NFL@test@version##1##2##3\@nil{%
+ \if v##1\NFL@test@digit##2\@nnil \else \@tempswafalse \fi
+ \if@tempswa \let\NFL@version\fileversion \fi
+ }%
+%% |\NFL@make@macro@arg| expands a macro storing a list inside braces
+%% (perhaps 'monofill' should offer such a thing TODO):
+ \def\NFL@make@macro@arg##1##2{\expandafter##1\expandafter{##2}}%
+%% === Leaving the Package File ===
+v0.1 2012/03/20 started
+ 2012/03/22 almost ready
+ 2012/03/23 debugging; \NFLspaceI etc.;
+ documentation completed