path: root/Master/texmf-dist/tex/latex
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'Master/texmf-dist/tex/latex')
2 files changed, 1447 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/Master/texmf-dist/tex/latex/songbook/conditionals.sty b/Master/texmf-dist/tex/latex/songbook/conditionals.sty
new file mode 100644
index 00000000000..5b849e38c72
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Master/texmf-dist/tex/latex/songbook/conditionals.sty
@@ -0,0 +1,84 @@
+% rcsid = @(#)$Id: conditionals.sty,v 1.4 2002/01/17 22:38:45 christopher Exp $
+%==========Conditionals by Donald Arseneau <>===========
+% (as of 2002/01/17)
+% \if\blank{ } --- checks if parameter is blank (Spaces count as blank)
+% \if\given{ } --- checks if parameter is not blank: like \if\blank{}...\else
+% \if\nil{ } --- checks if parameter is null (spaces are NOT null)
+{\catcode`\!=8 % funny catcode so ! will be a delimiter
+ \catcode`\Q=3 % funny catcode so Q will be a delimiter
+\long\gdef\blank#1{88\fi\Ifbl@nk#1QQ..!}% if null or spaces
+\long\gdef\nil#1{\IfN@Ught#1* {#1}!}% if null
+\long\gdef\IfN@Ught#1 #2!{\blank{#2}}
+\long\gdef\Ifbl@nk#1#2Q#3!{\ifx#3}% same as above
+% COMMENTARY: Donald Arseneau's commentary on these macros.
+% There are many ways to check if a field is blank. The clearest is:
+% \long\def\@tempa{#1}\ifx\@tempa\@empty ... \else ... \fi
+% (use \empty for plain TeX)
+% There are a few deficiencies with this approach: it is not "expandable"
+% so it can't be executed in an \edef or a \write; it redefines some
+% command (\@tempa here), and it is unsafe to put the first part in a
+% macro because of the unbalanced \fi. Below are my versions which are
+% expandable and safe. There are % two versions for the syntax:
+% \ifnull{#1}\then... and \if\nil{#1}...
+% [I hear the second syntax comes from DEK]. Choose your favorite.
+% \ifblank --- checks if parameter is blank (Spaces count as blank)
+% \ifgiven --- checks if parameter is not blank: like \ifblank...\else
+% \ifnull --- checks if parameter is null (spaces are NOT null)
+% use \ifgiven{#1}\then ... \else ... \fi etc
+{\catcode`\!=8 % funny catcode so ! will be a delimiter
+ \catcode`\Q=3 % funny catcode so Q will be a delimiter
+\long\gdef\ifgiven#1\then{\Ifbl@nk#1QQQ\empty!}% negative of \ifblank
+\long\gdef\ifblank#1\then{\Ifbl@nk#1QQ..!}% if null or spaces
+\long\gdef\ifnull#1\then{\IfN@LL#1* {#1}!}% if null
+\long\gdef\IfN@LL#1 #2!{\ifblank{#2}\then}
+% Other version: use \if\given{ }, \if\blank{ }, \if\nil{ }
+% (There is no \then).
+{\catcode`\!=8 % funny catcode so ! will be a delimiter
+ \catcode`\Q=3 % funny catcode so Q will be a delimiter
+\long\gdef\blank#1{88\fi\Ifbl@nk#1QQ..!}% if null or spaces
+\long\gdef\nil#1{\IfN@Ught#1* {#1}!}% if null
+\long\gdef\IfN@Ught#1 #2!{\blank{#2}}
+\long\gdef\Ifbl@nk#1#2Q#3!{\ifx#3}% same as above
+% One note of caution: Even though these macros can be nested
+% because they give balanced \if - \fi constructs (\if or \then),
+% nesting is still a danger if the tested parameter text contains
+% an unbalanced \if or \fi. As a general rule, ill-defined parameter
+% text should not be skipped over by \if.
+% The special delimiter above is a funny Q character having the category
+% 3, usually associated with $. If there is some strange application
+% where Q might have catcode 3, then a better delimiter would be needed.
+% The following paranoid definitions use QQ with *different* categories:
+% Q(4)Q(3) as the delimiter.
+{\catcode`\!=8 % funny catcode so ! will be a delimiter
+ \catcode`\Q=3 % funny catcode so Q will be a delimiter
+ \catcode`\R=4 % another funny catcode for Q !
+ \uccode`\R=`\Q
+ \uppercase{\long\gdef\given#1{11\fi\Ifbl@nk#1RQ11RQ12RQ!}}
+ \uppercase{\long\gdef\blank#1{11\fi\Ifbl@nk#1RQ12RQ11RQ!}}% if null or spaces
+ \long\gdef\nil#1{\IfN@Ught#1* {#1}!}% if null
+ \long\gdef\IfN@Ught#1 #2!{\blank{#2}}
+ \uppercase{\long\gdef\Ifbl@nk#1#2RQ#3RQ#4!{\ifx#3}}% same as above
diff --git a/Master/texmf-dist/tex/latex/songbook/songbook.sty b/Master/texmf-dist/tex/latex/songbook/songbook.sty
new file mode 100644
index 00000000000..208b1df4173
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Master/texmf-dist/tex/latex/songbook/songbook.sty
@@ -0,0 +1,1363 @@
+%% This is file `songbook.sty',
+%% generated with the docstrip utility.
+%% The original source files were:
+%% songbook.dtx (with options: `package')
+%% This is a generated file.
+%% Copyright 1992--2002 Christopher Rath <>
+%% This package is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
+%% modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public
+%% License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either
+%% version 2.1 of the License, or (at your option) any later
+%% version.
+%% This package is distributed in the hope that it will be
+%% useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied
+%% PURPOSE. See the GNU Lesser General Public License for more
+%% details.
+%% The list of all files belonging to the LaTeX Songbook Style is
+%% given in the file `relnotes.txt'.
+%% \CharacterTable
+%% {Upper-case \A\B\C\D\E\F\G\H\I\J\K\L\M\N\O\P\Q\R\S\T\U\V\W\X\Y\Z
+%% Lower-case \a\b\c\d\e\f\g\h\i\j\k\l\m\n\o\p\q\r\s\t\u\v\w\x\y\z
+%% Digits \0\1\2\3\4\5\6\7\8\9
+%% Exclamation \! Double quote \" Hash (number) \#
+%% Dollar \$ Percent \% Ampersand \&
+%% Acute accent \' Left paren \( Right paren \)
+%% Asterisk \* Plus \+ Comma \,
+%% Minus \- Point \. Solidus \/
+%% Colon \: Semicolon \; Less than \<
+%% Equals \= Greater than \> Question mark \?
+%% Commercial at \@ Left bracket \[ Backslash \\
+%% Right bracket \] Circumflex \^ Underscore \_
+%% Grave accent \` Left brace \{ Vertical bar \|
+%% Right brace \} Tilde \~}
+%% %%
+%% I D E N T I F I C A T I O N P A R T %%
+%% %%
+%% rcsid = @(#)$Id: songbook.dtx,v 1.11 2003/09/23 01:18:57 christopher Exp $
+\ProvidesPackage{songbook}[2003/08/31 v4.1a All purpose Songbook style]
+\typeout{Document Subclass: songbook 2003/08/31 v4.1a All purpose Songbook style}
+%% %%
+%% I N I T I A L C O D E P A R T %%
+%% %%
+%% E A R L Y P A C K A G E D E P E N D E N C I E S %
+%% I F C O N S T R U C T S %
+\newif\ifChordBk \ChordBkfalse
+\newif\ifOverhead \Overheadfalse
+\newif\ifWordBk \WordBkfalse
+\newif\ifWordsOnly \WordsOnlyfalse
+\newif\ifNotWordsOnly \NotWordsOnlyfalse
+\newif\ifSBinSongEnv \SBinSongEnvfalse
+\newif\ifExcludeSong \ExcludeSongfalse
+\newif\ifPrintAllSongs \PrintAllSongsfalse
+\newif\ifSamepageMode \SamepageModefalse
+\newif\ifSongEject \SongEjecttrue
+\newif\ifSBpaperAfour \SBpaperAfourfalse
+\newif\ifSBpaperAfive \SBpaperAfivefalse
+\newif\ifSBpaperBfive \SBpaperBfivefalse
+\newif\ifSBpaperLtr \SBpaperLtrfalse
+\newif\ifSBpaperLgl \SBpaperLglfalse
+\newif\ifSBpaperExc \SBpaperExcfalse
+%% F O N T S %
+\newcommand{\ChBassFont}{\normalsize\bf\sf} % = cmss12 at 12.0pt
+ \fontseries{sbc}\fontshape{n}\selectfont} %=cmssbc12 at 14.4pt
+\newcommand{\ChBkFont}{\ChFont\fontseries{m} %
+ \selectfont} % =cmssm12 at 14.4pt
+\newcommand{\CpyRtFont}{\footnotesize} % = cmr10 at 10pt
+\newcommand{\CpyRtInfoFont}{\tiny} % = cmss8 at 8pt
+\newcommand{\STitleFont}{\large\bf\sf} % = cmss12 at 14.4pt
+\newcommand{\STitleKeyFont}{\large} % = cmr12 at 14.4pt
+\font\STNFont=cmtt12 at 20pt
+\newcommand{\STitleNumberFont}{\STNFont} % = cmtt12 at 20pt
+\newcommand{\ScriptRefFont}{\footnotesize} % = cmr10 at 10pt
+\newcommand{\WandMFont}{\footnotesize} % = cmr10 at 10pt
+\newcommand{\SBBracketTagFont}{\small\bf\sf} % = cmss10 at 10.0pt
+\newcommand{\SBBridgeTagFont}{\SBEndTagFont} % = cmss10 at 10.9pt
+\newcommand{\SBChorusTagFont}{\small\bf\sf} % = cmss10 at 10.9pt
+\newcommand{\SBEndTagFont}{\small\bf\sf} % = cmss10 at 10.9pt
+\newcommand{\SBIntroTagFont}{\SBEndTagFont} % = cmss10 at 10.9pt
+\font\SBOBFont=cmss17 at 30pt
+\newcommand{\SBOccursBrktFont}{\SBOBFont} % = cmss17 at 30pt
+\newcommand{\SBOccursTagFont}{\small\bf\sf} % = cmss10 at 10.0pt
+\newcommand{\SBVerseNumberFont}{\small\bf\sf} % = cmss10 at 10.9pt
+\newcommand{\SBSectionNumberFont}{\small\bf\sf} % = cmss10 at 10.9pt
+\newcommand{\SBMargNoteFont}{\scriptsize} % = cmti8 at 8pt
+\newcommand{\SBRefFont}{\SBMargNoteFont} % = cmti8 at 8pt
+ \large} % = cmr12 at 14.4pt
+\newcommand{\SBLyricNoteFont}{\footnotesize\sf} % = cmss10 at 10pt
+\newcommand{\SBOHContTagFont}{\small\bf\sf\itshape} % = cmss10 at 10.9pt
+%% C O N F I G U R A B L E D I M E N S I O N S %
+\newcommand{\HangAmt} {1.5em}
+\newcommand{\LeftMarginSBChorus} {4em}
+\newcommand{\LeftMarginSBVerse} {\LeftMarginSBChorus}
+\newcommand{\SBChordRaise} {2.25ex}
+\newcommand{\SBOldChordRaise} {2.90ex}
+\newcommand{\SBRuleRaiseAmount} {0.57ex}
+\newcommand{\SpaceAboveSTitle} {0.5in}
+\newcommand{\SpaceAfterTitleBlk} {-1.75ex}
+\newcommand{\SpaceAfterChorus} {\vspace{0ex plus0ex minus3ex}}
+\newcommand{\SpaceAfterOpGroup} {\vspace{0ex plus0ex minus3ex}}
+\newcommand{\SpaceAfterSBBracket}{\vspace{2ex plus1ex minus1ex}}
+\newcommand{\SpaceAfterSection} {\vspace{0ex plus0ex minus3ex}}
+\newcommand{\SpaceAfterSong} {\vspace{0ex plus10ex minus3ex}}
+\newcommand{\SpaceAfterVerse} {\vspace{0ex plus0ex minus3ex}}
+\newcommand{\SpaceBeforeSBBracket}{\vspace{1ex plus1ex minus1ex}}
+\newlength{\chSpaceTolerance} \setlength{\chSpaceTolerance}{1.5mm}
+\newlength{\chMiniSpace} \setlength{\chMiniSpace} {0.3mm}
+\newlength{\sbBaselineSkipAmt} \setlength{\sbBaselineSkipAmt}{0pt}
+%% %%
+%% D E C L A R A T I O N O F O P T I O N S %%
+%% %%
+%% P A P E R S I Z E O P T I O N S %
+\DeclareOption{a4paper}{% Paper size: 210mm x 297mm
+ \SBpaperAfourtrue
+ \SBpaperAfivefalse
+ \SBpaperBfivefalse
+ \SBpaperLtrfalse
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+ \SBpaperExcfalse
+\DeclareOption{a5paper}{% Paper size: 148mm x 210mm
+ \SBpaperAfourfalse
+ \SBpaperAfivetrue
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+ \SBpaperLtrfalse
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+\DeclareOption{b5paper}{% Paper size: 176mm x 250mm
+ \SBpaperAfourfalse
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+ \SBpaperBfivetrue
+ \SBpaperLtrfalse
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+\DeclareOption{letterpaper}{% Paper size: 8.5in x 11in
+ \SBpaperAfourfalse
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+ \SBpaperLtrtrue
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+\DeclareOption{legalpaper}{% Paper size: 8.5in x 14in
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+\DeclareOption{executivepaper}{% Paper size: 7.25in x 10.5in
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+ \SBpaperLtrfalse
+ \SBpaperLglfalse
+ \SBpaperExctrue
+%% C O M P A C T S O N G O P T I O N %
+ %%%
+ % Set flag to indicate the user wants compact song mode.
+ \CompactSongModetrue
+%% P R I N T A L L S O N G S O P T I O N %
+ %%%
+ % Set flag to indicate the user wants to print all songs.
+ \PrintAllSongstrue
+%% S O N G B O O K C O R E O P T I O N S %
+ \ChordBktrue
+ \WordBkfalse
+ \Overheadfalse
+ \WordsOnlyfalse
+ \NotWordsOnlytrue
+ \SongEjecttrue
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+ %
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+ \topmargin=6.0mm
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+ %
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+ \renewcommand{\ChBassFont}{\small\bf\sf} % = cmss12 at 11.0pt
+ \renewcommand{\ChFont}{\normalsize\fontfamily{\sfdefault}%
+ \fontseries{sbc}\fontshape{n}\selectfont} %=cmssbc12 at 12.0pt
+ \renewcommand{\ChBkFont}{\ChFont\fontseries{m} %
+ \selectfont} % =cmssm12 at 12.0pt
+ \renewcommand{\SBDefaultFont}{\normalsize} % = cmr12 at 12.0pt
+ \renewcommand{\SBOccursBrktFont}{\large\bf\sf} % = cmss10 at 10.9pt
+ \else\ifSBpaperBfive
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+ %
+ \oddsidemargin=20.0mm
+ \evensidemargin=34.0 mm
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+ \marginparsep=3.68mm
+ \marginparwidth=20.32mm
+ \renewcommand{\ChBassFont}{\small\bf\sf} % = cmss12 at 11.0pt
+ \renewcommand{\ChFont}{\normalsize\fontfamily{\sfdefault}%
+ \fontseries{sbc}\fontshape{n}\selectfont} %=cmssbc12 at 12.0pt
+ \renewcommand{\ChBkFont}{\ChFont\fontseries{m} %
+ \selectfont} % =cmssm12 at 12.0pt
+ \renewcommand{\SBDefaultFont}{\normalsize} % = cmr12 at 12.0pt
+ \renewcommand{\SBOccursBrktFont}{\large\bf\sf} % = cmss10 at 10.9pt
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+ %
+ \oddsidemargin=0.75in
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+ \else\ifSBpaperLgl
+ \topmargin=0.5in
+ \headheight=0.21in
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+ %
+ \oddsidemargin=0.75in
+ \evensidemargin=1.5in
+ \textwidth=6.25in
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+ %
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+ \textwidth=5.5in
+ \marginparsep=0.2in
+ \marginparwidth=0.8in
+ \fi\fi\fi\fi\fi\fi
+ \raggedbottom
+ \ifCompactSongMode
+ \renewcommand{\ChBassFont}{\small\bf\sf} % = cmss12 at 11.0pt
+ \renewcommand{\ChFont}{\normalsize\fontfamily{\sfdefault}%
+ \fontseries{sbc}\fontshape{n}\selectfont} %=cmssbc12 at 12.0pt
+ \renewcommand{\ChBkFont}{\ChFont\fontseries{m} %
+ \selectfont} % =cmssm12 at 12.0pt
+ \renewcommand{\SBDefaultFont}{\normalsize} % = cmr12 at 12.0pt
+ \renewcommand{\SBOccursBrktFont}{\large\bf\sf} % = cmss10 at 10.9pt
+ \setlength{\columnsep}{0.25in}
+ \addtolength{\textwidth} {\marginparsep + \marginparwidth}
+ \addtolength{\evensidemargin}{-\marginparsep - \marginparwidth}
+ \setlength {\marginparsep} {0in}
+ \setlength {\marginparwidth}{0in}
+ \setlength{\chSpaceTolerance}{1.0mm}
+ \renewcommand{\HangAmt} {1.5em}
+ \renewcommand{\LeftMarginSBChorus} {2em}
+ \renewcommand{\LeftMarginSBSection}{\LeftMarginSBChorus}
+ \renewcommand{\LeftMarginSBVerse} {\LeftMarginSBChorus}
+ \fi
+ \ChordBkfalse
+ \WordBktrue
+ \Overheadfalse
+ \WordsOnlytrue
+ \NotWordsOnlyfalse
+ \SongEjectfalse
+ \renewcommand{\SBDefaultFont}{\normalsize}
+ \font\mySTNFont=cmtt12 at 17pt
+ \renewcommand{\STitleNumberFont}{\mySTNFont}
+ \renewcommand{\CpyRtFont}{\scriptsize}
+ \renewcommand{\WandMFont}{\scriptsize}
+ \renewcommand{\ScriptRefFont}{\scriptsize}
+ \renewcommand{\SBOccursBrktFont}{\large\bf\sf}
+ \renewcommand{\SpaceAboveSTitle} {0.25in}
+ \renewcommand{\LeftMarginSBChorus} {1.5em}
+ \renewcommand{\LeftMarginSBSection}{\LeftMarginSBChorus}
+ \renewcommand{\LeftMarginSBVerse} {\LeftMarginSBChorus}
+ \voffset=-1.00in
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+ %
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+ \evensidemargin=0.4in
+ \textwidth=7.25in
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+ \marginparwidth=0.0in
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+ %
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+ %
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+ %
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+ %
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+ %
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+ \textwidth=6.5in
+ \marginparsep=0.0in
+ \marginparwidth=0.0in
+ \fi\fi\fi\fi\fi\fi
+ \raggedright
+ \ifCompactSongMode
+ \typeout{``compactsong'' mode not implemented for Wordbk mode.}
+ \CompactSongModefalse
+ \fi
+ \ChordBkfalse
+ \WordBkfalse
+ \Overheadtrue
+ \WordsOnlytrue
+ \NotWordsOnlyfalse
+ \SongEjecttrue
+ \def\@mss{cmssdc10}
+ \renewcommand{\SBDefaultFont}{\LARGE\bf\sf}
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+ \renewcommand{\ScriptRefFont}{\normalsize\rm}
+ \renewcommand{\SBLyricNoteFont}{\normalsize\rm}
+ \renewcommand{\SBChorusTagFont}{\Large\sf}
+ \renewcommand{\SBVerseNumberFont}{\Large\sf}
+ \renewcommand{\SBSectionNumberFont}{\Large\sf}
+ \renewcommand{\SBOccursTagFont}{\Large\sf}
+ \renewcommand{\SBOccursBrktFont}{\huge\sf}
+ \renewcommand{\SBBracketTagFont}{\Large\sf}
+ \renewcommand{\SBOHContTagFont}{\Large\sf\itshape}
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+ \renewcommand{\LeftMarginSBBracket}{2.25em}
+ \renewcommand{\LeftMarginSBChorus} {1.5em}
+ \renewcommand{\LeftMarginSBSection}{\LeftMarginSBChorus}
+ \renewcommand{\LeftMarginSBVerse} {\LeftMarginSBChorus}
+ \renewcommand{\baselinestretch}{.9}
+ \voffset=-1.00in
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+ \ifSBpaperAfour
+ \topmargin=0.25in
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+ \headsep=0.0in
+ \textheight=10.3in
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+ %
+ \oddsidemargin=1.134in
+ \evensidemargin=1.134in
+ \textwidth=6.0in
+ \marginparsep=0.0in
+ \marginparwidth=0.0in
+ \else\ifSBpaperAfive
+ \topmargin=0.0mm
+ \headheight=5.334mm
+ \headsep=0.0mm
+ \textheight=193.666mm
+ \footskip=4.826mm
+ %
+ \oddsidemargin=9.0mm
+ \evensidemargin=9.0mm
+ \textwidth=130.0mm
+ \marginparsep=0.0mm
+ \marginparwidth=0.0mm
+ \else\ifSBpaperBfive
+ \topmargin=0.666mm
+ \headheight=5.334mm
+ \headsep=0.0mm
+ \textheight=229.0mm
+ \footskip=4.826mm
+ %
+ \oddsidemargin=15.0mm
+ \evensidemargin=15.0mm
+ \textwidth=146.0mm
+ \marginparsep=0.0mm
+ \marginparwidth=0.0mm
+ \else\ifSBpaperLtr
+ \topmargin=0.25in
+ \headheight=0.25in
+ \headsep=0.0in
+ \textheight=9.75in
+ \footskip=0.2in
+ %
+ \oddsidemargin=1.25in
+ \evensidemargin=1.25in
+ \textwidth=6.0in
+ \marginparsep=0.0in
+ \marginparwidth=0.0in
+ \else\ifSBpaperLgl
+ \topmargin=0.25in
+ \headheight=0.25in
+ \headsep=0.0in
+ \textheight=12.8in
+ \footskip=0.2in
+ %
+ \oddsidemargin=1.25in
+ \evensidemargin=1.25in
+ \textwidth=6.0in
+ \marginparsep=0.0in
+ \marginparwidth=0.0in
+ \else\ifSBpaperExc
+ \topmargin=0.25in
+ \headheight=0.21in
+ \headsep=0.0in
+ \textheight=9.6in
+ \footskip=0.19in
+ %
+ \oddsidemargin=0.625in
+ \evensidemargin=0.625in
+ \textwidth=6.0in
+ \marginparsep=0.0in
+ \marginparwidth=0.0in
+ \fi\fi\fi\fi\fi\fi
+ \raggedright
+ \raggedbottom
+ \ifCompactSongMode
+ \typeout{``compactsong'' mode not implemented for Overhead mode.}
+ \CompactSongModefalse
+ \fi
+%% %%
+%% E X E C U T I O N O F O P T I O N S %%
+%% %%
+%% %%
+%% P A C K A G E L O A D I N G P A R T %%
+%% %%
+ \RequirePackage{multicol}[1999/05/25]
+%% %%
+%% M A I N C O D E P A R T %%
+%% %%
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+ %
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+ \ifWordBk\setbox0=\hbox{1}\fi
+ \ifOverhead\setbox0=\hbox{1}\fi
+ %
+ \ifthenelse{\wd0 = 0}
+ {\errmessage{No songbook option (i.e., type) specified.
+ Specify a songbook mode in your usepackage
+ statement; one of: [chordbk], [wordbk], or [overhead]}}
+ {\relax}
+ \SBDefaultFont
+%% C O N S T A N T S & V A R I A B L E S %
+\newcommand{\OHContPgFtrTag} {continued on next page\ldots}
+\newcommand{\OHContPgHdrTag} {\theSBSongCnt\ --- \theSongTitle, continued\ldots}
+\newcommand{\SBBridgeTag} {Bridge:}
+\newcommand{\SBChorusTag} {Ch:}
+\newcommand{\SBContinueTag} {cont\ldots}
+\newcommand{\SBEndTag} {End:}
+\newcommand{\SBIntroTag} {Intro:}
+\newcommand{\SBPubDom} {Public Domain}
+\newcommand{\SBUnknownTag} {Unknown}
+\newcommand{\SBWAndMTag} {W\&M:}
+\newcommand{\Songbook} {\textrm{Song$\flat$ook}}
+\newcommand{\theSongComposer}{the Composer}
+\newcommand{\theSongCopyRt}{the Copyright}
+\newcommand{\theSongKey}{the Key}
+\newcommand{\theSongLicense}{the License}
+\newcommand{\theSongScriptRef}{the Scripture}
+\newcommand{\theSongTitle}{the Title}
+\newcommand{\theXlatnBy}{the Translator}
+\newcommand{\theXlatnPerm}{the Permission}
+\newcommand{\theXlatnTitle}{the Translation Title}
+%% S P E C I A L C H A R A C T E R S %
+ \setbox0=\hbox{\rightmark}
+ \ifthenelse{\lengthtest{\wd0 = 0pt}}
+ {\relax}%
+ {\SBContinueTag}%
+ }
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+ \relax%
+ \fi}
+%% T A B L E O F C O N T E N T S %
+%% %
+%% A N D I N D I C E S %
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+ \@wrTitleIndex}\typeout
+ {Writing index file \jobname.tIdx }\fi}
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+ \indexentry{#1}{#2}}}\endgroup\@gtempa
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+ \@wrTitleContents}\typeout
+ {Writing table of contents file \jobname.toc }\fi}
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+ {Writing table of contents (skipped) file \jobname.tocS }\fi}
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+%% S O M E O T H E R H O O K S %
+%% M I S C E L L A N E O U S M A C R O S %
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+ }{%else
+ {\CpyRtFont\copyright #2 \CpyRtInfoFont #3}%
+ }%fi
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+ \else%
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+ \fi%
+%% P R I M A R Y S O N G B O O K M A C R O S %
+ \setcounter{SBVerseCnt}{0}%
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+ \else\keyIndex{{\protect\sbChord#3\protect\relax} -- #2}{\theSBSongCnt}\fi%
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+ {\STitleNumberFont\theSBSongCnt}{\STitleFont\ --- #2}%
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+ \if#1Y\end{center}\fi
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+ }
+\newenvironment{song}[7][Y]{ % Comment markers to negate
+ \if#1Y\ExcludeSongfalse\else\ExcludeSongtrue\fi% the newline.
+ \ifPrintAllSongs\ExcludeSongfalse\fi %
+ \SongMarkboth{\relax}{\relax} %
+ \SBinSongEnvtrue %
+ \renewcommand{\SBinSongEnv}{\True} %
+ \ifWordsOnly %
+ \setlength{\parindent}{0pt} %
+ \fi %
+ \renewcommand{\theSongComposer}{#5} %
+ \renewcommand{\theSongCopyRt}{#4} %
+ \renewcommand{\theSongKey}{#3} %
+ \renewcommand{\theSongLicense}{#7} %
+ \renewcommand{\theSongScriptRef}{#6} %
+ \renewcommand{\theSongTitle}{#2} %
+ \renewcommand{\theXlatnBy}{} %
+ \renewcommand{\theXlatnPerm}{} %
+ \renewcommand{\theXlatnTitle}{} %
+ %
+ \addtocounter{SBSongCnt}{1} %
+ %
+ \ifExcludeSong %
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+ \WAndM[N]{#5}\\
+ \if\given{#6}%
+ \vspace{-.75ex}
+ \ScriptRef[N]{\theSongScriptRef}\\
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+\newcommand{\OHExcl}{\ifOverhead N\else Y\fi}
+\newcommand{\WBExcl}{\ifWordBk N\else Y\fi}
+\newcommand{\WOExcl}{\ifWordsOnly N\else Y\fi}
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+ \renewcommand{\theXlatnPerm}{#2}%
+ \renewcommand{\theXlatnTitle}{#1}%
+ %
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+ %
+ \begin{center}
+ \STitle[N]{\theXlatnTitle}{\theSongKey}\\
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+ \else%
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+ \fi
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+ \else%
+ \vspace{-.5ex}
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+ %
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+ \else%
+ \ifx#1##% double sharp because we're inside a \def
+ $\sharp$%
+ \else%
+ \ifx#1b%
+ $\flat$%
+ \else%
+ \ifx#1/%
+ \ChBassFont /%
+ \else%
+ \ifx#1[%
+ \bgroup\ChBkFont [\egroup%
+ \else%
+ \ifx#1]%
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+ #1%
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+ \fi%
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+ #2%
+ \fi}}
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+ \else%
+ #2%
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+ \else%
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+ \else%
+ #2%
+ \fi}%
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+ \else%
+ \marginpar{{\begin{flushleft}\SBRefFont{#1}\end{flushleft}}}%
+ \fi\fi\fi}
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+ \else\ifWordsOnly%
+ \relax%
+ \else\ifCompactSongMode%
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+ \else%
+ \marginpar{{\begin{flushleft}\SBRefFont{\em #1}, {#2}.\end{flushleft}}}%
+ \fi\fi\fi}
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+ \item}
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+ \item #1
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+ \item #2
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+ \setlength{\labelwidth} {0pt}% % above and then
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+ \item%
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+{{\SBOccursBrktFont ]}}
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+%% O B S O L E T E M A C R O S %
+%% D E P R E C A T E D M A C R O S %
+%% End of file `songbook.sty'.