path: root/Master/texmf-dist/tex/latex
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'Master/texmf-dist/tex/latex')
1 files changed, 189 insertions, 150 deletions
diff --git a/Master/texmf-dist/tex/latex/fnspe/fnspe.sty b/Master/texmf-dist/tex/latex/fnspe/fnspe.sty
index 1a394e1c927..409e1d11624 100644
--- a/Master/texmf-dist/tex/latex/fnspe/fnspe.sty
+++ b/Master/texmf-dist/tex/latex/fnspe/fnspe.sty
@@ -1,150 +1,189 @@
-\ProvidesPackage{fnspe}[2017/02/27 Package for FNSPE CTU in Prague made by Michal Zeman]
- \@isointervaltrue
- \@isoointervaltrue
- \@fnspeintervaltrue
- \@isotensortrue
- \@undertensortrue
- \@arrowtensortrue
- \@oldcomplextrue
- \@isocomplextrue
- language=[LaTeX]TeX,
- breaklines=true,
- basicstyle=\tt\scriptsize,
- morekeywords = [28]{ci,oi,lci,rci,rest,dif, hlf, degree, hem, htem, oover, realn, inte, ratin, compn, natun, impem, rot, dive, grad, lapl, varun, unit, expv, norm, abs, pder, tder,mat,curl,laplacian,divisionsymbol},
- keywordstyle=\color{blue},
- identifierstyle=\color{magenta},
-%\newcommand_[1]{\IfSubStr{#1}{!}{\sb{\mathrm{\StrBehind{#1}{!}}}}{\sb{#1}} }
-\gdef_#1{\IfSubStr{#1}{!}{\sb{\mathrm{\StrBehind{#1}{!}}}}{\sb{#1}} }
-\renewcommand{\vec}[1]{\ensuremath{\if@undertensor \underline{#1} \else \bm{\mathrm{\MakeLowercase{#1}}} \fi}}
-\newcommand{\mat}[1]{\ensuremath{\if@undertensor \underline{\underline{#1}} \else \if@arrowtensor \overset{\leftrightarrow}{#1} \else \bm{\mathrm{\MakeUppercase{#1}}} \fi \fi}}
-%\newcommand{\pder}[3][]{\ensuremath{\frac{\partial^#1 #2}{\partial #3^#1}}} \pdv
-\newcommand*{\tder}[3][]{\dv[#1]{#2}{#3}} %\dv
-\newcommand{\oi}[2]{\ensuremath{\if@fnspeinterval \left( #1 , #2 \right) \else \if@isoointerval \left( #1 , #2 \right) \else \left] #1 , #2 \right[ \fi \fi}}
-\newcommand{\ci}[2]{\ensuremath{\if@fnspeinterval \left< #1 , #2 \right> \else \left[ #1 , #2 \right] \fi}}
-\newcommand{\rci}[2]{\ensuremath{\if@fnspeinterval \left( #1 , #2 \right> \else \if@isoointerval \left( #1 , #2 \right] \else \left] #1 , #2 \right] \fi \fi}}
-\newcommand{\lci}[2]{\ensuremath{\if@fnspeinterval \left< #1 , #2 \right) \else \if@isoointerval \left[ #1 , #2 \right) \else \left[ #1 , #2 \right[ \fi \fi}}
-\newcommand{\dif}[1]{\ensuremath{\mathrm d #1}}
-\newcommand{\impem}{\ensuremath{\hem \Rightarrow \hem}}
-%\newcommand{\dive}{\ensuremath{\nabla \cdot}}
-\newcommand{\lapl}{\ensuremath{\Delta}} %\laplacian
+% fnspe 1.1b
+% This material is subject to the LaTeX Project Public License.
+% See for the details of that license.
+% Useful commands for FNSPE students
+% Created by Michal Zeman
+% Updated on February 28, 2017
+% Uploaded on February 28, 2017
+\ProvidesPackage{fnspe}[2017/02/27 Package for FNSPE CTU in Prague made by Michal Zeman]
+\RequirePackage{tikz} % For arrow and dots in \xvec
+ \@isointervaltrue
+ \@isoointervaltrue
+ \@fnspeintervaltrue
+ \@isotensortrue
+ \@undertensortrue
+ \@arrowtensortrue
+ \@oldcomplextrue
+ \@isocomplextrue
+ \ifmmode%
+ \settoheight{\xvec@height}{$#1$}%
+ \settodepth{\xvec@depth}{$#1$}%
+ \settowidth{\xvec@width}{$#1$}%
+ \else%
+ \settoheight{\xvec@height}{#1}%
+ \settodepth{\xvec@depth}{#1}%
+ \settowidth{\xvec@width}{#1}%
+ \fi%
+ \raisebox{.2ex}{\raisebox{\xvec@height}{\rlap{%
+ \kern.05em% (Because left edge of drawing is at .05em)
+ \begin{tikzpicture}[scale=1]
+ \pgfsetroundcap
+ \draw (.05em,.01)--(\xvec@width-.05em,0.01);
+ \draw (\xvec@width-.05em,0.01)--(\xvec@width-.2em, .155em);
+ \draw (\xvec@width-.05em,0.01)--(\xvec@width-.2em,-.125em);
+ %
+ \end{tikzpicture}%
+ }}}%
+ #1%
+ language=[LaTeX]TeX,
+ breaklines=true,
+ basicstyle=\tt\scriptsize,
+ morekeywords = [28]{ci,oi,lci,rci,rest,dif, hlf, degree, hem, htem, oover, realn, inte, ratin, compn, natun, impem, rot, dive, grad, lapl, varun, unit, expv, norm, abs, pder, tder,mat,curl,laplacian,divisionsymbol},
+ keywordstyle=\color{blue},
+ identifierstyle=\color{magenta},
+%\newcommand_[1]{\IfSubStr{#1}{!}{\sb{\mathrm{\StrBehind{#1}{!}}}}{\sb{#1}} }
+\gdef_#1{\IfSubStr{#1}{!}{\sb{\mathrm{\StrBehind{#1}{!}}}}{\sb{#1}} }
+\renewcommand{\vec}[1]{\ensuremath{\if@undertensor \underline{#1} \else \bm{\mathrm{\MakeLowercase{#1}}} \fi}}
+\newcommand{\mat}[1]{\ensuremath{\if@undertensor \underline{\underline{#1}} \else \if@arrowtensor \overset{\leftrightarrow}{#1} \else \bm{\mathrm{\MakeUppercase{#1}}} \fi \fi}}
+%\newcommand{\pder}[3][]{\ensuremath{\frac{\partial^#1 #2}{\partial #3^#1}}} \pdv
+\newcommand*{\tder}[3][]{\dv[#1]{#2}{#3}} %\dv
+\newcommand{\oi}[2]{\ensuremath{\if@fnspeinterval \left( #1 , #2 \right) \else \if@isoointerval \left( #1 , #2 \right) \else \left] #1 , #2 \right[ \fi \fi}}
+\newcommand{\ci}[2]{\ensuremath{\if@fnspeinterval \left< #1 , #2 \right> \else \left[ #1 , #2 \right] \fi}}
+\newcommand{\rci}[2]{\ensuremath{\if@fnspeinterval \left( #1 , #2 \right> \else \if@isoointerval \left( #1 , #2 \right] \else \left] #1 , #2 \right] \fi \fi}}
+\newcommand{\lci}[2]{\ensuremath{\if@fnspeinterval \left< #1 , #2 \right) \else \if@isoointerval \left[ #1 , #2 \right) \else \left[ #1 , #2 \right[ \fi \fi}}
+\newcommand{\dif}[1]{\mathrm d #1}
+\newcommand{\impem}{\hem \Rightarrow \hem}
+%\newcommand{\dive}{\ensuremath{\nabla \cdot}}
+\newcommand{\lapl}{\Delta} %\laplacian