path: root/Master/texmf-dist/tex/latex
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'Master/texmf-dist/tex/latex')
1 files changed, 408 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/Master/texmf-dist/tex/latex/causets/causets.sty b/Master/texmf-dist/tex/latex/causets/causets.sty
new file mode 100644
index 00000000000..778c0784e3a
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Master/texmf-dist/tex/latex/causets/causets.sty
@@ -0,0 +1,408 @@
+\ProvidesPackage{causets}[2020/10/25 Package to draw causal set diagrams]
+%% Copyright 2020 by C. Minz
+% This work may be distributed and/or modified under the
+% conditions of the LaTeX Project Public License, either version 1.3
+% of this license or (at your option) any later version.
+% The latest version of this license is in
+% This work has the LPPL maintenance status "maintained".
+% The Current Maintainer of this work is C. Minz.
+% This work consists of the files causets.sty, causets.tex,
+% causets.pdf, causet_tikz_example1.tex, causet_tikz_example1.pdf,
+% causet_tikz_example2.tex, causet_tikz_example2.pdf
+%% size options:
+%% color options:
+ \colorlet{causetRegionColor}{black}%
+ \colorlet{causetGridColor}{black}%
+ \colorlet{causetTileColor}{white}%
+ \colorlet{causetEventColor}{black}%
+ \colorlet{causetLabelColor}{black}%
+ \colorlet{causetLinkColor}{black}%
+ \colorlet{causetSeparationColor}{black}%
+ \colorlet{causetULabelColor}{black}%
+ \colorlet{causetVLabelColor}{black}%
+ \colorlet{causetRegionColor}{black!75}%
+ \colorlet{causetGridColor}{black!25}%
+ \colorlet{causetTileColor}{black!10!white}%
+ \colorlet{causetEventColor}{black}%
+ \colorlet{causetLabelColor}{black}%
+ \colorlet{causetLinkColor}{black!65!white}%
+ \colorlet{causetSeparationColor}{black!50!white}%
+ \colorlet{causetULabelColor}{black!65!white}%
+ \colorlet{causetVLabelColor}{black!65!white}%
+ \colorlet{causetRegionColor}{black!75}%
+ \colorlet{causetGridColor}{black!25}%
+ \colorlet{causetTileColor}{yellow!75!black!50!white}%
+ \colorlet{causetEventColor}{blue!50!black}%
+ \colorlet{causetLabelColor}{blue!50!black}%
+ \colorlet{causetLinkColor}{cyan!75!black}%
+ \colorlet{causetSeparationColor}{red!65!black}%
+ \colorlet{causetULabelColor}{black!50}%
+ \colorlet{causetVLabelColor}{black!50}%
+ \colorlet{causetRegionColor}{black}%
+ \colorlet{causetGridColor}{green}%
+ \colorlet{causetTileColor}{yellow}%
+ \colorlet{causetEventColor}{blue}%
+ \colorlet{causetLabelColor}{blue}%
+ \colorlet{causetLinkColor}{cyan}%
+ \colorlet{causetSeparationColor}{red}%
+ \colorlet{causetULabelColor}{magenta}%
+ \colorlet{causetVLabelColor}{magenta}%
+%% switches:
+%% delare and execute options:
+\DeclareOption*{\PackageWarning{causets}{The package causets does not support the option: \CurrentOption}}
+%% TikZ styles:
+\tikzset{causetRegionStyle/.style={causetRegionColor, line width=\causetRegionLine, causetRegion}}
+\tikzset{causetGridStyle/.style={causetGridColor, line width=\causetGridLine, step=\causetTileSize, causetGrid}}
+\tikzset{causetTilesStyle/.style={causetTileColor, line width=\causetGridLine, fill, causetTiles}}
+\tikzset{causetEventsStyle/.style={causetEventColor, circle, fill, inner sep=0pt, minimum size=\causetEventSize, causetEvents}}
+\tikzset{causetLabelsStyle/.style={causetLabelColor, below left, text opacity=1.0, inner sep=0pt, scale=\causetTextScale, causetLabels}}
+\tikzset{causetLinksStyle/.style={causetLinkColor, line width=\causetLinkWidth, arrows=-, causetLinks}}
+\tikzset{causetSeparationsStyle/.style={causetSeparationColor, line width=\causetLinkWidth, dashed, causetSeparations}}
+\tikzset{causetULabelsStyle/.style={causetULabelColor, right=-\causetTextScale*0.5ex, scale=\causetTextScale, rotate=-45, align=left, causetULabels}}
+\tikzset{causetVLabelsStyle/.style={causetVLabelColor, left=-\causetTextScale*0.5ex, scale=\causetTextScale, rotate=45, align=right, causetVLabels}}
+%% functions:
+% variables:
+% count the number of events:
+\foreach \causet@p in {#1}{%
+ \stepcounter{causet@i}%
+% define and draw events as (E#):
+\foreach \causet@p in {#1}{%
+ \stepcounter{causet@i}
+ \pgfmathsetmacro\causet@e@U{\causet@p - 1.0}
+ \pgfmathsetmacro\causet@e@V{\value{causet@i} - 1.0}
+ \ifcausetsDrawPermutation
+ \path[causetTilesStyle] ( \causet@e@U * \causetTileSize, \causet@e@V * \causetTileSize )
+ rectangle +( \causetTileSize, \causetTileSize );
+ \fi
+ \pgfmathsetmacro\causet@e@U{\causet@p - 0.5}
+ \pgfmathsetmacro\causet@e@V{\value{causet@i} - 0.5}
+ \node[causetEventsStyle] (E\causet@p)
+ at ( \causet@e@U * \causetTileSize, \causet@e@V * \causetTileSize )
+ {};
+% draw the permutation and the null coordinate labels:
+ \draw[causetGridStyle] ( 0, 0 )
+ grid ( \causet@N * \causetTileSize, \causet@N * \causetTileSize );
+ \draw[causetRegionStyle] ( 0, 0 )
+ rectangle ( \causet@N * \causetTileSize, \causet@N * \causetTileSize );
+ \setcounter{causet@i}{0}
+ \foreach \causet@p in {#1}{%
+ \stepcounter{causet@i}
+ \node[causetULabelsStyle] (EUL\causet@p)
+ at ( \value{causet@i} * \causetTileSize - 0.5 * \causetTileSize, 0 )
+ {\thecauset@i};
+ \node[causetVLabelsStyle] (EVL\causet@p)
+ at ( 0, \value{causet@i} * \causetTileSize - 0.5 * \causetTileSize )
+ {\causet@p};
+ }
+% draw event labels:
+ \foreach \causet@p in {#1}{%
+ \node[causetLabelsStyle] (EL\causet@p)
+ at (E\causet@p.south west) {\causet@p};
+ }
+% draw a causet from a permutation:
+ \begin{scope}[xshift=-\causet@N * \causetTileSize / 2,
+ yshift=-\causet@N * \causetTileSize / 2]
+ \causets@drawEvents{#1}
+ \causets@drawPermutation{#1}
+ \ifcausetsDrawLinks
+ \setcounter{causet@i}{0}
+ \foreach \causet@p in {#1}{%
+ \stepcounter{causet@i}
+ \pgfmathsetmacro\causet@qBound{int(\causet@N + 1)}
+ \setcounter{causet@j}{0}
+ \foreach \causet@q in {#1}{%
+ \stepcounter{causet@j}
+ \ifnum\value{causet@j}>\value{causet@i}
+ \ifnum\causet@q<\causet@qBound
+ \ifnum\causet@p<\causet@q
+ \draw[causetLinksStyle] (E\causet@p) -- (E\causet@q);
+ \xdef\causet@qBound{\causet@q}
+ \fi
+ \fi
+ \fi
+ }
+ }
+ \fi
+ \ifcausetsDrawSeparations
+ \setcounter{causet@i}{0}
+ \foreach \causet@p in {#1}{%
+ \stepcounter{causet@i}
+ \edef\causet@qBound{0}
+ \setcounter{causet@j}{0}
+ \foreach \causet@q in {#1}{%
+ \stepcounter{causet@j}
+ \ifnum\value{causet@j}>\value{causet@i}
+ \ifnum\causet@q>\causet@qBound
+ \ifnum\causet@p>\causet@q
+ \draw[causetSeparationsStyle] (E\causet@q) -- (E\causet@p);
+ \xdef\causet@qBound{\causet@q}
+ \fi
+ \fi
+ \fi
+ }
+ }
+ \fi
+ \causets@drawEventLabels{#1}
+ \end{scope}
+% draw a causet from a permutation and a link-pair list:
+ \begin{scope}[xshift=-\causet@N * \causetTileSize / 2,
+ yshift=-\causet@N * \causetTileSize / 2]
+ \causets@drawEvents{#1}
+ \causets@drawPermutation{#1}
+ \ifcausetsDrawLinks
+ \foreach \causet@From/\causet@To in {#2}{%
+ \draw[causetLinksStyle] (E\causet@From) -- (E\causet@To);
+ }
+ \fi
+ \causets@drawEventLabels{#1}
+ \end{scope}
+% draw a causet from a permutation removes links given in a link-pair list:
+ \begin{scope}[xshift=-\causet@N * \causetTileSize / 2,
+ yshift=-\causet@N * \causetTileSize / 2]
+ \causets@drawEvents{#1}
+ \causets@drawPermutation{#1}
+ \ifcausetsDrawLinks
+ \setcounter{causet@i}{0}
+ \foreach \causet@p in {#1}{%
+ \stepcounter{causet@i}
+ \pgfmathsetmacro\causet@qBound{int(\causet@N + 1)}
+ \setcounter{causet@j}{0}
+ \foreach \causet@q in {#1}{
+ \stepcounter{causet@j}
+ \ifnum\value{causet@j}>\value{causet@i}
+ \ifnum\causet@q<\causet@qBound
+ \ifnum\causet@p<\causet@q
+ \global\causet@ItemFoundInListfalse
+ \foreach \causet@From/\causet@To in {#2}{%
+ \pgfmathparse{and( equal( int(\causet@From), int(\causet@p) ), equal( int(\causet@To), int(\causet@q) ) )}
+ \ifnum\pgfmathresult=1
+ \global\causet@ItemFoundInListtrue
+ \fi
+ }
+ \ifcauset@ItemFoundInList
+ % skip link
+ \else
+ \draw[causetLinksStyle] (E\causet@p) -- (E\causet@q);
+ \fi
+ \xdef\causet@qBound{\causet@q}
+ \fi
+ \fi
+ \fi
+ }
+ }
+ \fi
+ \causets@drawEventLabels{#1}
+ \end{scope}
+% insert a TikZ picture with a causet from a permutation:
+% insert a TikZ picture with a causet from a permutation and a link-pair list:
+% insert a TikZ picture with a causet from a permutation removes links given
+% in a link-pair list:
+%% short-hand functions:
+%% some standard causets: