path: root/Master/texmf-dist/tex/latex
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1 files changed, 1696 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/Master/texmf-dist/tex/latex/ribbonproofs/ribbonproofs.sty b/Master/texmf-dist/tex/latex/ribbonproofs/ribbonproofs.sty
new file mode 100644
index 00000000000..e304a97e8c2
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Master/texmf-dist/tex/latex/ribbonproofs/ribbonproofs.sty
@@ -0,0 +1,1696 @@
+%% ribbonproofs.sty
+%% Copyright 2013 John Wickerson
+% This work may be distributed and/or modified under the
+% conditions of the LaTeX Project Public License, either version 1.3
+% of this license or (at your option) any later version.
+% The latest version of this license is in
+% and version 1.3 or later is part of all distributions of LaTeX
+% version 2005/12/01 or later.
+% This work has the LPPL maintenance status `maintained'.
+% The Current Maintainer of this work is John Wickerson.
+% This work consists of the files ribbonproofs.sty,
+% ribbonproofsmanual.tex, and ribbonproofsmanual.pdf.
+% Title: Ribbon Proofs
+% Description: A package for drawing ribbon proofs
+% Author: John Wickerson
+% Creation date: 20-Apr-2013
+% Last modified: 8-Jul-2013
+% ===================================================================
+% * more error detection, e.g. start/fit overlap,
+% finish/fit overlap, repetition within start,
+% fit or finish ribbons.
+% * Consider the case where we have a var label and a
+% rotated main label. Should we write
+% label=p&, rotated label=q
+% or
+% label=p&\rotate{q}
+% ?
+% ===================================================================
+% For colours
+% For drawing stuff
+% For using the `let` construct
+% For drawing shadows
+% For drawing zigzag lines
+% For splitting a string at a given character
+% For expansion control
+% ===================================================================
+% Extension of the ExpandNextTwo command provided by etextools.
+% ExpandNextTwo\foo{arg1}{arg2} fully expands arg1 and arg2
+% and then passes them to the \foo command.
+ \ExpandNext{%
+ \ExpandNext{%
+ \ExpandNext{#1}{#2}%
+ }{#3}%
+ }{#4}%
+% Another extension of the ExpandNextTwo command provided by
+% etextools. ExpandNextThree\foo{arg1}{arg2}{arg3} fully expands
+% arg1, arg2 and arg3 and then passes them to the \foo command.
+ \ExpandNext{%
+ \ExpandNext{%
+ \ExpandNext{%
+ \ExpandNext{#1}{#2}%
+ }{#3}%
+ }{#4}%
+ }{#5}%
+% Append to the beginning of a comma-separated list.
+% If \list={} then \cons{\list}{a} defines \list={a}.
+% If \list={p,e} then \cons{\list{a} defines \list={a,p,e}.
+% The optional argument can be used to change the comma into
+% something else. The element being appended is not
+% expanded, and neither is the list.
+ \ifx#2\@empty
+ \xdef#2{\expandonce{#3}}
+ \else
+ \xdef#2{\expandonce{#3}#1\expandonce{#2}}
+ \fi
+% Append to the end of a comma-separated list. (The name
+% is "cons" backwards.) If \list={} then \snoc{\list}{a} defines
+% \list={a}. If \list={p,e} then \snoc{\list{a} defines \list={p,e,a}.
+% The optional argument can be used to change the comma into
+% something else. The element being appended is not
+% expanded, and neither is the list.
+ \ifx#2\@empty
+ \xdef#2{\expandonce{#3}}
+ \else
+ \xdef#2{\expandonce{#2}#1\expandonce{#3}}
+ \fi
+% Test whether a comma-separated list contains a given element. If
+% element el is in list L, then
+% \@ifListContains{el}{L}{<true code>}{<false code>} will execute
+% <true code>, and if it is not, it will execute <false code>.
+ \gdef\myflag{0}
+ \edef\mylist{\expandonce{#2}}
+ \foreach\j in \mylist {
+ \IfStrEq{#1}{\j}{
+ \gdef\myflag{1}
+ #3
+ \breakforeach
+ }{}
+ }
+ \ifnum\myflag=0\relax
+ #4
+ \fi
+% Test whether a comma-separated list of key-value pairs contains
+% a given key. If key k is in the "domain" of list L, then
+% \@ifPairListContainsKey{k}{L}{<true code>}{<false code>} will
+% execute <true code>, and if it is not, it will execute <false code>.
+ \gdef\myflag{0}
+ \edef\mylist{\expandonce{#2}}
+ \foreach\j/\values in \mylist {
+ \IfStrEq{#1}{\j}{
+ \gdef\myflag{1}
+ #3
+ \breakforeach
+ }{}
+ }
+ \ifnum\myflag=0\relax
+ #4
+ \fi
+% \undefine{foo} makes the command \foo undefined. The effect is
+% that \ifcsname foo\endcsname will henceforth return false.
+ \expandafter\global%
+ \expandafter\let\csname #1\endcsname=\@undefined%
+% A foreach command that iterates over two lists (of the same
+% length) simultaneously, plucking an element from both lists
+% on each iteration. For instance, \foreachtwo\foo{1,2}{a,b}
+% executes \foo{1}{a} and then \foo{2}{b}.
+ #1{#2}{#4}%
+ \@foreachtwo{#1}{#3}{#5}%
+ \ifboolexpr{test{\IfSubStr{#2}{,}} and test{\IfSubStr{#3}{,}}}{%
+ \@@foreachtwo{#1}#2;#3;%
+ }{%
+ \ifboolexpr{test{\notblank{#2}} and test{\notblank{#3}}}{%
+ #1{#2}{#3}%
+ }{}%
+ }%
+ \def\lenI{0}
+ \def\lenII{0}
+ \foreach\x in {#2} {
+ \pgfmathtruncatemacro\lenI{\lenI+1}
+ \global\let\lenI=\lenI
+ }
+ \foreach\x in {#3} {
+ \pgfmathtruncatemacro\lenII{\lenII+1}
+ \global\let\lenII=\lenII
+ }
+ \ifnum\lenI=\lenII \else
+ \errmessage{The lists {#2} (length \lenI) and
+ {#3} (length \lenII) are not the same length}
+ \fi
+ \@foreachtwo{#1}{#2}{#3}
+% ===================================================================
+% background colour of "justification" steps
+% background colour of "command" steps
+% background colour of ribbons
+% background colour of vars-as-res ribbons
+% foreground colour of ribbons
+% foreground colour of boxes
+% foreground colour of "guide" text
+% default step height
+% default row height (includes the step)
+% distance from top of ribbon to its label
+% distance from top of box to its label
+% horizontal adjustment of box label
+% distance from bottom of row to guide text on ribbons
+% radius of rounded corners on block steps
+% radius of rounded corners on boxes
+% thickness of vertical lines delimiting block steps
+% thickness of lines delimiting existential boxes
+% height of the shadows that are drawn when a step
+% passes over a catalyst ribbon
+% size of the jagged edges on "else" steps
+% color of [the darkest point of] a shadow
+% adjust the shape of the ribbon twists (value between 0 and 1)
+% ===================================================================
+ The currently active ribbons are {\@activeRibbons}%
+ The currently active existential boxes are {\@activeBoxes}%
+ Ribbon #1\space is specified as a start ribbon,
+ but is already active. \printActiveRibbons}}
+ Existential box #1\space is specified as a start
+ box, but is already active. \printActiveBoxes}}
+ Ribbon #1\space is specified as a fit ribbon,
+ but is not currently active. \printActiveRibbons}}
+ Ribbon #1\space is specified as a finish ribbon,
+ but is not currently active. \printActiveRibbons}}
+ Existential box #1\space is specified as a fit
+ box, but is not currently active. \printActiveBoxes}}
+ Existential box #1\space is specified as an finish
+ box, but is not currently active. \printActiveBoxes}}
+ Ribbon #1\space is not active, so cannot be moved.
+ \printActiveRibbons}}
+ Existential box #1\space is not active, so cannot be moved.
+ \printActiveBoxes}}
+ Existential box #1\space is not active, so cannot be
+ extended. \printActiveBoxes}}
+% ===================================================================
+% Data is stored in pgf keys, in macros, and in counters.
+% The "execute style" and "execute code" keys are due to
+% Andrew Stacey:
+ .unknown/.code={\errmessage{Unknown key: \pgfkeyscurrentkeyRAW}},
+ left/.estore in= {\ribbons@left},
+ right/.estore in= {\ribbons@right},
+ var width/.estore in= {\ribbons@varwidth},
+ label/.store in= {\ribbons@label},
+ rotated label/.store in= {\ribbons@rotatedlabel},
+ execute style/.style = {#1},
+ execute macro/.style = {execute style/.expand once=#1},
+ .unknown/.code={\errmessage{Unknown key: \pgfkeyscurrentkeyRAW}},
+ left/.estore in= {\ribbons@left},
+ right/.estore in= {\ribbons@right},
+ label/.store in= {\ribbons@label},
+ color/.store in= {\ribbons@boxcolor},
+ vertical offset/.store in= {\ribbons@boxvoffset},
+ horizontal offset/.store in= {\ribbons@boxhoffset},
+ execute style/.style = {#1},
+ execute macro/.style = {execute style/.expand once=#1},
+ .unknown/.code={\errmessage{Unknown key: \pgfkeyscurrentkeyRAW}},
+ pale/.code= {\def\ribbons@color{\jusColor}},
+ height/.store in= {\ribbons@stepheight},
+ extra left/.store in= {\ribbons@extraleft},
+ extra right/.store in= {\ribbons@extraright},
+ finish ribbons/.store in= {\ribbons@finishribbons},
+ start ribbons/.store in= {\ribbons@startribbons},
+ start boxes/.store in= {\ribbons@startboxes},
+ finish boxes/.store in= {\ribbons@finishboxes},
+ text/.store in= {\ribbons@text},
+ .unknown/.code={\errmessage{Unknown key: \pgfkeyscurrentkeyRAW}},
+ height/.store in= {\ribbons@stepheight},
+ extra left/.store in= {\ribbons@extraleft},
+ extra right/.store in= {\ribbons@extraright},
+ finish ribbons/.store in= {\ribbons@finishribbons},
+ start ribbons/.store in= {\ribbons@startribbons},
+ finish boxes/.store in= {\ribbons@finishboxes},
+ start boxes/.store in= {\ribbons@startboxes},
+ fit ribbons/.store in= {\ribbons@fitribbons},
+ fit boxes/.store in= {\ribbons@fitboxes},
+ text/.store in= {\ribbons@text},
+ .unknown/.code={\errmessage{Unknown key: \pgfkeyscurrentkeyRAW}},
+ height/.store in= {\ribbons@stepheight},
+ start ribbons/.store in={\ribbons@startribbons},
+ start boxes/.store in= {\ribbons@startboxes},
+ text/.store in= {\ribbons@text},
+ jagged/.code= {\def\ribbons@jagged{1}},
+ repeat labels/.code= {\def\ribbons@repeatlabels{1}},
+ .unknown/.code={\errmessage{Unknown key: \pgfkeyscurrentkeyRAW}},
+ height/.store in= {\ribbons@stepheight},
+ finish ribbons/.store in={\ribbons@finishribbons},
+ start ribbons/.store in= {\ribbons@startribbons},
+ finish boxes/.store in= {\ribbons@finishboxes},
+ start boxes/.store in= {\ribbons@startboxes},
+ extra left/.store in= {\ribbons@extraleft},
+ extra right/.store in= {\ribbons@extraright},
+ text/.store in= {\ribbons@text},
+ .unknown/.code={\errmessage{Unknown key: \pgfkeyscurrentkeyRAW}},
+ scale/.store in= {\ribbons@scale},
+ extra height/.store in= {\ribbons@extraheight},
+ start boxes/.store in= {\ribbons@startboxes},
+ start ribbons/.store in= {\ribbons@startribbons},
+ draw grid/.code= {%
+ \tikzset{every picture/.append style={%
+ execute at end picture={\@drawNotches},%
+ show grid=all}}
+ \@showidstrue}
+% For tracking the distance from the top of the diagram.
+% Height of the current row.
+% ===================================================================
+% This code is based on Martin Scharrer's showgrid TikZ
+% library, which can be downloaded from his website:
+% I have changed the colour of the grid, provided minor
+% and major grid lines, and added a numeric scale to
+% each of the four edges.
+ every show grid/.style={},
+ show grid/.style={%
+ execute at end picture={\@showgrid{grid=true,#1}}},%
+ show grid/.default={true},
+ show grid/.cd,
+ labels/.style={font={\sffamily\small},help lines,text=red!40},
+ xlabels/.style={},
+ ylabels/.style={},
+ keep bb/.code={%
+ \useasboundingbox (current bounding box.south west)
+ rectangle (current bounding box.north east);},
+ true/.style={left,below},
+ false/.style={left=false,right=false,above=false,
+ below=false,grid=false},
+ none/.style={left=false,right=false,above=false,below=false},
+ all/.style={left=true,right=true,above=true,below=true},
+ grid/.is if=@showgrid@grid,
+ left/.is if=@showgrid@left,
+ right/.is if=@showgrid@right,
+ below/.is if=@showgrid@below,
+ above/.is if=@showgrid@above,
+ false,
+ \begin{scope}[every show grid,show grid/.cd,#1]
+ \if@showgrid@grid
+ \begin{pgfonlayer}{background}
+ \draw [help lines, draw=red!10, step=1mm]
+ let \p1 = (current bounding box.south west),
+ \p2 = (current bounding box.north east)
+ in (\x1-2mm,\y1-2mm) grid (\x2+2mm,\y2+2mm);
+ \draw [help lines, draw=red!20, step=10mm]
+ (current bounding box.south west) grid
+ (current bounding box.north east);
+ \pgfpointxy{1}{1}%
+ \edef\xs{\the\pgf@x}%
+ \edef\ys{\the\pgf@y}%
+ \pgfpointanchor{current bounding box}{south west}
+ \edef\xa{\the\pgf@x}%
+ \edef\ya{\the\pgf@y}%
+ \pgfpointanchor{current bounding box}{north east}
+ \edef\xb{\the\pgf@x}%
+ \edef\yb{\the\pgf@y}%
+ \pgfmathtruncatemacro\xbeg{ceil(\xa/\xs)}
+ \pgfmathtruncatemacro\xend{floor(\xb/\xs)}
+ \if@showgrid@below
+ \foreach \X in {\xbeg,...,\xend} {
+ \pgfmathparse{int(mod(\X,10))}
+ \ifnum\pgfmathresult=0
+ \node [below,show grid/labels,show grid/xlabels]
+ at (\X,\ya) {\X};
+ \else\fi
+ }
+ \fi
+ \if@showgrid@above
+ \foreach \X in {\xbeg,...,\xend} {
+ \pgfmathparse{int(mod(\X,10))}
+ \ifnum\pgfmathresult=0
+ \node [above,show grid/labels,show grid/xlabels]
+ at (\X,\yb) {\X};
+ \else\fi
+ }
+ \fi
+ \pgfmathtruncatemacro\ybeg{ceil(\ya/\ys)}
+ \pgfmathtruncatemacro\yend{floor(\yb/\ys)}
+ \if@showgrid@left
+ \foreach \Y in {\ybeg,...,\yend} {
+ \pgfmathparse{int(mod(\Y,10))}
+ \ifnum\pgfmathresult=0
+ \node [left,show grid/labels,show grid/ylabels]
+ at (\xa,\Y) {\Y};
+ \else\fi
+ }
+ \fi
+ \if@showgrid@right
+ \foreach \Y in {\ybeg,...,\yend} {
+ \pgfmathparse{int(mod(\Y,10))}
+ \ifnum\pgfmathresult=0
+ \node [right,show grid/labels,show grid/ylabels]
+ at (\xb,\Y) {\Y};
+ \else\fi
+ }
+ \fi
+ \end{pgfonlayer}
+ \fi
+ \end{scope}
+% End TikZ showgrid code
+% ===================================================================
+% The expression
+% \@defineRibbon{foo}{34}{57}{10}{x=5}
+% expands to the following definitions
+% \xdef\RIBfooLEFT{34}
+% \xdef\RIBfooRIGHT{57}
+% \xdef\RIBfooVARWIDTH{10}
+% \gdef\RIBfoo@label{x=5}
+% and saves "foo" in the list of defined ribbons.
+ \snoc{\@allDefinedRibbons}{#1}
+ \expandafter\xdef\csname RIB#1LEFT\endcsname{#2}
+ \expandafter\xdef\csname RIB#1RIGHT\endcsname{#3}
+ \expandafter\xdef\csname RIB#1VARWIDTH\endcsname{#4}
+ \expandafter\xdef\csname RIB#1@label\endcsname{\expandonce{#5}}
+% The expression
+% \@defineBox{foo}{34}{57}{green}
+% expands to the following definitions
+% \xdef\BOXfooLEFT{34}
+% \xdef\BOXfooRIGHT{57}
+% \xdef\BOXfoo@color{green}
+% and saves "foo" in the list of defined boxes.
+ \snoc{\@allDefinedBoxes}{#1}
+ \expandafter\xdef\csname BOX#1LEFT\endcsname{#2}
+ \expandafter\xdef\csname BOX#1RIGHT\endcsname{#3}
+ \expandafter\xdef\csname BOX#1@color\endcsname{#4}
+ \expandafter\xdef\csname BOX#1@label\endcsname{#5}
+% In a state where
+% \RIBfooLEFT = 88
+% \RIBfooRIGHT = 99
+% \RIBfooVARWIDTH = 10
+% the expression
+% \@rememberPrevRibbon{foo}
+% expands to the following definitions
+% \xdef\RIBfoo@prevleft{88}
+% \xdef\RIBfoo@prevright{99}
+% \xdef\RIBfoo@prevvarwidth{10}
+ \expandafter\xdef\csname RIB#1@prevleft\endcsname{%
+ \csname RIB#1LEFT\endcsname}
+ \expandafter\xdef\csname RIB#1@prevright\endcsname{%
+ \csname RIB#1RIGHT\endcsname}
+ \expandafter\xdef\csname RIB#1@prevvarwidth\endcsname{%
+ \csname RIB#1VARWIDTH\endcsname}
+% In a state where
+% \BOXfooLEFT = 88
+% \BOXfooRIGHT = 99
+% the expression
+% \@rememberPrevBox{foo}
+% expands to the following definitions
+% \xdef\BOXfoo@prevleft{88}
+% \xdef\BOXfoo@prevright{99}
+ \expandafter\xdef\csname BOX#1@prevleft\endcsname{%
+ \csname BOX#1LEFT\endcsname}
+ \expandafter\xdef\csname BOX#1@prevright\endcsname{%
+ \csname BOX#1RIGHT\endcsname}
+% Various projection functions
+ \csname RIB#1LEFT\endcsname}
+ \csname RIB#1RIGHT\endcsname}
+ \csname RIB#1VARWIDTH\endcsname}
+ \expandafter\expandonce\csname RIB#1@label\endcsname}
+ \csname RIB#1@prevleft\endcsname}
+ \csname RIB#1@prevright\endcsname}
+ \csname RIB#1@prevvarwidth\endcsname}
+ \csname BOX#1LEFT\endcsname}
+ \csname BOX#1RIGHT\endcsname}
+ \csname BOX#1@color\endcsname}
+ \csname BOX#1@label\endcsname}
+ \csname BOX#1@prevleft\endcsname}
+ \csname BOX#1@prevright\endcsname}
+% Add the given identifier to the list of active ribbons.
+ \snoc\@activeRibbons{#1}
+% Add the given identifier to the list of active boxes.
+ \snoc\@activeBoxes{#1}
+% Add the given numbers to the lists of left- and
+% right-positions of blocks.
+ \cons\@blocks@left{#1}
+ \cons\@blocks@right{#2}
+% Return the left-/right-position of the current
+% block step
+ \expandafter\headOfList\@blocks@left
+ \expandafter\headOfList\@blocks@right
+% Remove the given identifier from the list of active ribbons.
+ \@expandtwoargs\@removeelement{#1}\@activeRibbons\@activeRibbons
+ \global\let\@activeRibbons=\@activeRibbons
+% Remove the given identifier from the list of active boxes.
+ \@expandtwoargs\@removeelement{#1}\@activeBoxes\@activeBoxes
+ \global\let\@activeBoxes=\@activeBoxes
+% Split a label into a variable resource and a remainder. For
+% instance:
+% \@splitLabel{foo&bar}{\l}{\r} defines \l=foo and \r=bar.
+% \@splitLabel{foo}{\l}{\r} defines \l={} and \r=foo.
+% \@splitLabel{&foo}{\l}{\r} defines \l={} and \r=foo.
+% \@splitLabel{foo&}{\l}{\r} defines \l=foo and \r={}.
+{ % This brace-group is to protect the ampersand from
+% a possibly-enclosing tabular or array environment.
+ \noexpandarg
+ \IfSubStr{#1}{&}{
+ \StrCut{#1}{&}{#2}{#3}
+ }{
+ \gdef #2{}
+ \gdef #3{#1}
+ }
+% Draw a label on a ribbon
+ {
+ %
+ % \expandarg arranges that each argument to xstring macros
+ % is expanded once, rather than fully or not at all.
+ \expandarg
+ \IfSubStr{\ribbons@label}{&}{
+ \StrCut{\ribbons@label}{&}{\ribbons@varlabel}{\ribbons@label}
+ }{
+ \gdef \ribbons@varlabel{}
+ }
+ \pgfmathsetmacro\@ribbonCentre{%
+ 0.5*(\ribbons@left+\ribbons@varwidth+\ribbons@right)}
+ \pgfmathsetmacro\@ribbonVarCentre{%
+ \ribbons@left+(0.5*\ribbons@varwidth)}
+ \begin{pgfonlayer}{foreground}
+ \node[text=\ribTextColor, anchor=base] at
+ (\@ribbonCentre,\theVCursor+\ribbons@stepheight+\ribTextVOffset)
+ {$\begin{array}[t]{@{}l@{}}\ribbons@label\end{array}$};
+ \node[rotate=-90,text=\ribTextColor, anchor=west] at
+ (\@ribbonCentre,\theVCursor+\ribbons@stepheight)
+ {$\begin{array}[t]{@{}l@{}}\ribbons@rotatedlabel\end{array}$};
+ \node[text=\ribTextColor, anchor=base] at
+ (\@ribbonVarCentre,\theVCursor+\ribbons@stepheight+\ribTextVOffset)
+ {$\begin{array}[t]{@{}l@{}}\ribbons@varlabel\end{array}$};
+ \end{pgfonlayer}
+ }
+% Draw a label on a box
+ \begin{pgfonlayer}{foreground}
+ \node[text=\ribbons@boxcolor, anchor=east,%
+ inner sep=0mm, fill=white] at
+ (\ribbons@left+\boxTextHOffset+\ribbons@boxhoffset,%
+ \theVCursor+\ribbons@stepheight+%
+ \boxTextVOffset+\ribbons@boxvoffset)%
+ {\strut $\ribbons@label$};
+ \end{pgfonlayer}
+% For each ribbon in \ribbons@startribbons, add its identifier to
+% the list of active ribbons, store its horizontal position, and
+% draw a label on it.
+ \foreach \i/\values in \ribbons@startribbons {
+ %
+ % If ribbon \i is already active, raise an error.
+ \@ifListContains{\i}{\@activeRibbons}{\errorI\i}{}
+ %
+ % NB. The space after \i is important, otherwise
+ % the command \iLEFT will be expanded.
+ \ifcsname RIB\i LEFT\endcsname
+ \gdef\defaultLeft{\@getRibbonLeft\i}
+ \gdef\defaultRight{\@getRibbonRight\i}
+ \gdef\defaultVarWidth{\@getRibbonVarWidth\i}
+ \else
+ \gdef\defaultLeft{0}
+ \gdef\defaultRight{0}
+ \gdef\defaultVarWidth{0}
+ \fi
+ \pgfqkeys{/ribbons/ribbon}{%
+ left=\defaultLeft,right=\defaultRight,%
+ label={}, rotated label={},%
+ var width=\defaultVarWidth,%
+ execute macro=\values}
+ \ExpandNextFour\@defineRibbon\i\ribbons@left%
+ \ribbons@right\ribbons@varwidth\ribbons@label
+ \@rememberPrevRibbon\i
+ \ExpandNext\@addToActiveRibbons\i
+ \@drawRibbonLabel
+ }
+% For each box in \ribbons@startboxes, add its identifier to
+% the list of active boxes, store its horizontal position, and
+% draw a label on it.
+ \foreach \i/\values in \ribbons@startboxes {
+ %
+ % If existential box \i is already active, raise an error.
+ \@ifListContains{\i}{\@activeBoxes}{\errorII\i}{}
+ %
+ % NB. The space after \i is important, since otherwise
+ % the command \iLEFT would be expanded.
+ \ifcsname BOX\i LEFT\endcsname
+ \gdef\defaultLeft{\@getBoxLeft\i}
+ \gdef\defaultRight{\@getBoxRight\i}
+ \gdef\defaultColor{\@getBoxColor\i}
+ \else
+ \gdef\defaultLeft{0}
+ \gdef\defaultRight{0}
+ \gdef\defaultColor{black}
+ \fi
+ \pgfqkeys{/ribbons/box}{%
+ left=\defaultLeft,right=\defaultRight,%
+ color=\defaultColor,label={},%
+ vertical offset=0, horizontal offset=0,%
+ execute macro=\values}
+ \ExpandNextThree\@defineBox%
+ \i\ribbons@left\ribbons@right\ribbons@boxcolor\ribbons@label
+ \@rememberPrevBox\i
+ \ExpandNext\@addToActiveBoxes\i
+ \@drawBoxLabel
+ }
+% Draw a rectangle whose northwest and northeast corners are
+% rounded. Usage:
+% \topRoundedRectangle{<left>}{<top>}{<right>}{<bottom>}
+ \fill[\ribbons@color] (#1+\roundingRadius,#2)
+ to[bend right=45] (#1,#2+\roundingRadius)
+ -- (#1,#4) -- (#3,#4) -- (#3,#2+\roundingRadius)
+ to[bend right=45] (#3-\roundingRadius,#2) -- cycle;
+% Draw a rectangle whose southwest and southeast corners are
+% rounded. Usage:
+% \botRoundedRectangle{<left>}{<top>}{<right>}{<bottom>}
+ \fill[\ribbons@color] (#1+\roundingRadius,#4)
+ to[bend left=45] (#1,#4-\roundingRadius)
+ -- (#1,#2) -- (#3,#2) -- (#3,#4-\roundingRadius)
+ to[bend left=45] (#3-\roundingRadius,#4) -- cycle;
+% y .------------'
+% newx oldx
+ \def\radius{#1}
+ \def\y{#2}
+ \def\oldx{#3}
+ \def\newx{#4}
+ \pgfmathsetmacro\oldxsuc{\oldx+1}
+ \pgfmathsetmacro\newxsuc{\newx+1}
+ \ifnum\newx=\oldx
+ \draw(\oldx,\y-\radius) -- (\newx,\y+\radius);
+ \fi
+ \ifnum\oldx>\newx
+ \ifnum\oldx=\newxsuc
+ \draw(\oldx,\y-\radius)
+ to[in=90, out=270] (\newx,\y+\radius);
+ \else
+ \draw(\oldx,\y-\radius)
+ to[bend left=45] (\oldx-\radius,\y)
+ -- (\newx+\radius,\y)
+ to[bend right=45] (\newx,\y+\radius);
+ \fi
+ \fi
+ \ifnum\newx>\oldx
+ \ifnum\newx=\oldxsuc
+ \draw(\oldx,\y-\radius)
+ to[in=90, out=270] (\newx,\y+\radius);
+ \else
+ \draw(\oldx, \y-\radius)
+ to[bend right=45] (\oldx+\radius,\y)
+ -- (\newx-\radius,\y)
+ to[bend left=45] (\newx,\y+\radius);
+ \fi
+ \fi
+% Check that each fit ribbon is currently active. If
+% not, raise an error.
+ \foreach\i in \ribbons@fitribbons {
+ \@ifListContains{\i}{\@activeRibbons}{}{\errorIII\i}
+ }
+% Check that each incoming ribbon is currently active. If
+% not, raise an error.
+ \foreach\i in \ribbons@finishribbons {
+ \@ifListContains{\i}{\@activeRibbons}{}{\errorIV\i}
+ }
+% Check that each fit box is currently active. If
+% not, raise an error.
+ \foreach\i in \ribbons@fitboxes {
+ \@ifListContains{\i}{\@activeBoxes}{}{\errorV\i}
+ }
+% Check that each incoming box is currently active. If
+% not, raise an error.
+ \foreach\i in \ribbons@finishboxes {
+ \@ifListContains{\i}{\@activeBoxes}{}{\errorVI\i}
+ }
+% Draw some notches down the left-hand edge of the picture
+% (only when "draw grid" is enabled).
+ \coordinate (originalbb) at (current bounding box.north west);
+ \foreach \yvalue in \notchPositions {%
+ \draw[\guideTextColor, ultra thick]
+ let \p1 = (originalbb) in
+ (\x1-1mm,\yvalue) -- ++(-3,0);
+ }
+% Draw shadows over "catalyst" ribbons, that is, those
+% ribbons that pass underneath a step without being a
+% precondition of that step.
+ \pgfmathsetmacro\@shadowTop{\theVCursor+\ribbons@stepheight}
+ \foreach\i in \ribbons@catalystribbons {
+ \pgfmathsetmacro\@shadowLeft{\@getRibbonLeft\i}
+ \pgfmathsetmacro\@shadowRight{\@getRibbonRight\i}
+ \fill[\shadowColor, path fading=south]
+ (\@shadowLeft,\@shadowTop) rectangle
+ (\@shadowRight,\@shadowTop+\shadowHeight);
+ }
+% Draw a segment of a box
+ \pgfmathsetmacro\xtopleft{\@getBoxPrevLeft{#1}}
+ \pgfmathsetmacro\xtopright{\@getBoxPrevRight{#1}}
+ \pgfmathsetmacro\xbotleft{\@getBoxLeft{#1}}
+ \pgfmathsetmacro\xbotright{\@getBoxRight{#1}}
+ \def\lineColor{\@getBoxColor{#1}}
+ \def\ytop{#2}
+ \def\ybot{\theVCursor+\theRowHeight}
+ { % a group to hide the &&-operator from a
+ % possibly-enclosing tabular environment.
+ \pgfmathtruncatemacro\isRectangular{%
+ (\xtopleft==\xbotleft)&&(\xtopright==\xbotright)}
+ \begin{scope}[draw=\lineColor,line width=\boxLineWidth]
+ \ifnum\isRectangular=1\relax
+ \draw[xshift=0.5*\boxLineWidth]
+ (\xtopleft,\ytop) -- (\xbotleft,\ybot);
+ \draw[xshift=-0.5*\boxLineWidth]
+ (\xtopright,\ytop) -- (\xbotright,\ybot);
+ \else
+ \def\controlLength{\twistiness*\theRowHeight}
+ \draw[xshift=-0.5*\boxLineWidth]
+ (\xtopright,\ytop)
+ .. controls (\xtopright,\ytop+\controlLength)
+ and (\xbotright,\ybot-\controlLength)
+ .. (\xbotright,\ybot);
+ \draw[xshift=0.5*\boxLineWidth]
+ (\xbotleft,\ybot)
+ .. controls (\xbotleft,\ybot-\controlLength)
+ and (\xtopleft,\ytop+\controlLength)
+ .. (\xtopleft,\ytop);
+ \fi
+ \end{scope}
+ }
+% Draw a segment of a ribbon
+ \pgfmathsetmacro\xtopleft{\@getRibbonPrevLeft{#1}}
+ \pgfmathsetmacro\xtopmid{%
+ \@getRibbonPrevLeft{#1}+\@getRibbonPrevVarWidth{#1}}
+ \pgfmathsetmacro\xtopright{\@getRibbonPrevRight{#1}}
+ \pgfmathsetmacro\xbotleft{\@getRibbonLeft{#1}}
+ \pgfmathsetmacro\xbotmid{%
+ \@getRibbonLeft{#1}+\@getRibbonVarWidth{#1}}
+ \pgfmathsetmacro\xbotright{\@getRibbonRight{#1}}
+ \def\ytop{\theVCursor}
+ \def\ybot{\theVCursor+\theRowHeight}
+ { % a group to hide the &&-operator from a
+ % possibly-enclosing tabular environment.
+ \pgfmathtruncatemacro\isRectangular{%
+ (\xtopleft==\xbotleft)&&%
+ (\xtopmid==\xbotmid)&&%
+ (\xtopright==\xbotright)}
+ \ifnum\isRectangular=1\relax
+ \fill[\varribColor] (\xtopleft,\ytop)
+ rectangle (\xbotmid,\ybot);
+ \fill[\ribColor] (\xtopmid,\ytop)
+ rectangle (\xbotright,\ybot);
+ \else
+ \def\controlLength{\twistiness*\theRowHeight}
+ \def\rightDownwardCurve{(\xtopright,\ytop)
+ .. controls (\xtopright,\ytop+\controlLength)
+ and (\xbotright,\ybot-\controlLength)
+ .. (\xbotright,\ybot)}
+ \def\midDownwardCurve{(\xtopmid,\ytop)
+ .. controls (\xtopmid,\ytop+\controlLength)
+ and (\xbotmid,\ybot-\controlLength)
+ .. (\xbotmid,\ybot)}
+ \def\midUpwardCurve{(\xbotmid,\ybot)
+ .. controls (\xbotmid,\ybot-\controlLength)
+ and (\xtopmid,\ytop+\controlLength)
+ .. (\xtopmid,\ytop)}
+ \def\leftUpwardCurve{(\xbotleft,\ybot)
+ .. controls (\xbotleft,\ybot-\controlLength)
+ and (\xtopleft,\ytop+\controlLength)
+ .. (\xtopleft,\ytop)}
+ \draw[white, line width=0.5mm] \rightDownwardCurve;
+ \draw[white, line width=0.5mm] \leftUpwardCurve;
+ \fill[\ribColor] \rightDownwardCurve
+ -- \midUpwardCurve -- cycle;
+ \fill[\varribColor] \midDownwardCurve
+ -- \leftUpwardCurve -- cycle;
+ \fi
+ }
+ \if@showids
+ \begin{pgfonlayer}{foreground}
+ \def\guideY{\theVCursor+\theRowHeight-\guideTextVOffset}
+ \node[anchor=west,text=\guideTextColor] at
+ (\@getRibbonLeft\i, \guideY) {\strut \i};
+ \end{pgfonlayer}
+ \fi
+% ===================================================================
+% Accessible to the user
+% Finish the current row. A synonym for "\\".
+ \setcounter{RowHeight}{\defaultRowHeight}
+ \addtocounter{RowHeight}{#1}
+ %
+ % For each active ribbon, draw it and its guide text
+ \foreach\i in \@activeRibbons {%
+ \@drawRibbon\i
+ }
+ %
+ % For each active existential box, draw it
+ \foreach\i in \@activeBoxes {%
+ \@drawExistentialBox\i\theVCursor
+ }
+ %
+ % For each block step, draw the side lines that delimit it.
+ \foreach\x in \@blocks@left {%
+ \fill[\comColor] (\x,\theVCursor) rectangle
+ (\x+\blockLineWidth,\theVCursor+\theRowHeight);
+ }
+ \foreach\x in \@blocks@right {%
+ \fill[\comColor] (\x,\theVCursor) rectangle
+ (\x-\blockLineWidth,\theVCursor+\theRowHeight);
+ }
+ %
+ % If there is a block step in "purgatory", i.e. one that
+ % has been added during the current row, then draw in its
+ % side lines, and add it to the list of block steps.
+ \ifx\@blocksPurgatory@left\@empty
+ \else
+ \pgfmathsetmacro\xleft{\@blocksPurgatory@left}
+ \pgfmathsetmacro\xright{\@blocksPurgatory@right}
+ \pgfmathsetmacro\ytop{\theVCursor+\ribbons@stepheight}
+ \pgfmathsetmacro\ybot{\theVCursor+\theRowHeight}
+ \fill[\comColor] (\xleft,\ytop) rectangle
+ (\xleft+\blockLineWidth,\ybot);
+ \fill[\comColor] (\xright,\ytop) rectangle
+ (\xright-\blockLineWidth,\ybot);
+ \@addToBlocks\xleft\xright
+ \xdef\@blocksPurgatory@left{}
+ \xdef\@blocksPurgatory@right{}
+ \fi
+ %
+ % If there are existential boxes in "purgatory", i.e. some
+ % that have been extended during the current row, then draw
+ % them a little lower than normal (to leave vertical space
+ % for the extension operation), take them out of purgatory,
+ % and put them back into the set of active boxes.
+ \foreach \i in \@boxPurgatory {
+ \ExpandNext\@addToActiveBoxes\i
+ \@drawExistentialBox{\i}{\theVCursor+2*\boxRoundingRadius}
+ }
+ \xdef\@boxPurgatory{}
+ %
+ % Update i@prevleft and i@prevright for each active ribbon i
+ \foreach\i in \@activeRibbons {\@rememberPrevRibbon\i}
+ \foreach\i in \@activeBoxes {\@rememberPrevBox\i}
+ %
+ % If the grid is on, draw a little notch to show where
+ % the row ends
+ \snoc\notchPositions{\theVCursor}
+ % \if@showids
+ % \draw[\guideTextColor, ultra thick]
+ % (0,\theVCursor) -- (3,\theVCursor);
+ % \fi
+ %
+ % Advance the vertical cursor by the height of this row
+ \addtocounter{VCursor}{\theRowHeight}%
+ %
+ % Reset the step height to the default value
+ \xdef\ribbons@stepheight{\defaultStepHeight}
+% A command step or a justification step
+ %
+ % Set default values for the step colour and
+ % whether it is the start/end of a block step
+ \def\ribbons@color{\comColor}
+ %
+ % Process keys
+ \pgfqkeys{/ribbons/step}{%
+ extra left=0,extra right=0,text={},%
+ finish ribbons={},start ribbons={},%
+ finish boxes={},start boxes={},%
+ height=\defaultStepHeight,#1,text={#2}}
+ %
+ \@checkFinishRibbons
+ \@checkFinishBoxes
+ %
+ % Build lists of all the left positions and right positions
+ % of the incoming ribbons (we must do this early, because
+ % their positions might get overwritten shortly).
+ \gdef\@leftPositions{}
+ \gdef\@rightPositions{}
+ \foreach\i in \ribbons@finishribbons {
+ \xdef\@leftPositions{\@getRibbonLeft\i,\@leftPositions}
+ \xdef\@rightPositions{\@getRibbonRight\i,\@rightPositions}
+ }
+ \foreach\i in \ribbons@finishboxes {
+ \xdef\@leftPositions{\@getBoxLeft\i,\@leftPositions}
+ \xdef\@rightPositions{\@getBoxRight\i,\@rightPositions}
+ }
+ %
+ % remove the incoming ribbons from the list of active
+ % ribbons.
+ \foreach\i in \ribbons@finishribbons {
+ \ExpandNext\@removeFromActiveRibbons\i
+ }
+ \foreach\i in \ribbons@finishboxes {
+ \ExpandNext\@removeFromActiveBoxes\i
+ }
+ %
+ % Store the data for the outgoing ribbons, draw their labels,
+ % and add them to the list of active ribbons
+ \@processStartRibbons
+ \@processStartBoxes
+ %
+ % Continue the lists of all the left positions and right
+ % positions, by adding the data for the outgoing ribbons
+ \foreach \i/\values in \ribbons@startribbons {
+ \xdef\@leftPositions{\@getRibbonLeft\i,\@leftPositions}
+ \xdef\@rightPositions{\@getRibbonRight\i,\@rightPositions}
+ }
+ \foreach \i/\values in \ribbons@startboxes {
+ \xdef\@leftPositions{\@getBoxLeft\i,\@leftPositions}
+ \xdef\@rightPositions{\@getBoxRight\i,\@rightPositions}
+ }
+ %
+ % Calculate the minimum left position and the maximum
+ % right position
+ \pgfmathsetmacro\@minPosition{min(\@leftPositions)}
+ \pgfmathsetmacro\@maxPosition{max(\@rightPositions)}
+ %
+ % Calculate the size and position of the step
+ \pgfmathsetmacro\@stepLeft{\@minPosition-\ribbons@extraleft}
+ \pgfmathsetmacro\@stepRight{\@maxPosition+\ribbons@extraright}
+ %
+ \pgfmathsetmacro\@stepCentre{\@stepLeft*0.5+\@stepRight*0.5}
+ \pgfmathsetmacro\@stepTop{\theVCursor}
+ \pgfmathsetmacro\@stepMid{\theVCursor+0.5*\ribbons@stepheight}
+ \pgfmathsetmacro\@stepBot{\theVCursor+\ribbons@stepheight}
+ %
+ % Draw the step
+ \begin{pgfonlayer}{foreground}
+ \fill[\ribbons@color] (\@stepLeft,\@stepTop)
+ rectangle (\@stepRight,\@stepBot);
+ %
+ % Draw the text on the step
+ \node[text=white,anchor=west] at (\@stepLeft, \@stepMid)
+ {\begin{tabular}{@{}l@{}}\ribbons@text\end{tabular}};
+ %
+ % Work out which ribbons are the catalysts and draw
+ % shadows over them.
+ \gdef\ribbons@catalystribbons{}
+ \foreach\i in \@activeRibbons {
+ { % a group to hide the &&-operator from a
+ % possibly-enclosing tabular environment.
+ \pgfmathtruncatemacro\isInside{%
+ (\@stepLeft<=(\@getRibbonLeft\i)) &&
+ ((\@getRibbonRight\i)<=\@stepRight)}
+ \ifnum\isInside=1
+ \@ifPairListContainsKey\i\ribbons@startribbons{}{%
+ \cons\ribbons@catalystribbons\i
+ }
+ \fi}
+ }
+ \@drawShadowsOverCatalysts
+ \end{pgfonlayer}
+% A justification step
+ \step[pale,#1]{#2}}
+% A command step
+ \step[#1]{\texttt{#2}}}
+% The start of a block
+\newcommand*\startblock[2][] {%
+ %
+ % Set default value for the step colour
+ \def\ribbons@color{\comColor}
+ %
+ % Process keys
+ \pgfqkeys{/ribbons/startblock}{%
+ extra left=0,extra right=0,text={},%
+ finish ribbons={},start ribbons={},fit ribbons={},%
+ finish boxes={},start boxes={}, fit boxes={},%
+ height=\defaultStepHeight,#1,text={#2}}
+ %
+ \@checkFitRibbons
+ \@checkFinishRibbons
+ \@checkFitBoxes
+ \@checkFinishBoxes
+ %
+ % Build lists of all the left positions and right positions
+ % of the incoming/fit ribbons (we must do this early, because
+ % the positions of the incoming ribbons might get overwritten
+ % shortly).
+ \gdef\@leftPositions{}
+ \gdef\@rightPositions{}
+ \foreach\i in \ribbons@finishribbons {
+ \xdef\@leftPositions{\@getRibbonLeft\i,\@leftPositions}
+ \xdef\@rightPositions{\@getRibbonRight\i,\@rightPositions}
+ }
+ \foreach\i in \ribbons@fitribbons {
+ \xdef\@leftPositions{\@getRibbonLeft\i,\@leftPositions}
+ \xdef\@rightPositions{\@getRibbonRight\i,\@rightPositions}
+ }
+ \foreach\i in \ribbons@finishboxes {
+ \xdef\@leftPositions{\@getBoxLeft\i,\@leftPositions}
+ \xdef\@rightPositions{\@getBoxRight\i,\@rightPositions}
+ }
+ \foreach\i in \ribbons@fitboxes {
+ \xdef\@leftPositions{\@getBoxLeft\i,\@leftPositions}
+ \xdef\@rightPositions{\@getBoxRight\i,\@rightPositions}
+ }
+ %
+ % Remove the incoming ribbons from the list of active
+ % ribbons.
+ \foreach\i in \ribbons@finishribbons {
+ \ExpandNext\@removeFromActiveRibbons\i
+ }
+ \foreach\i in \ribbons@finishboxes {
+ \ExpandNext\@removeFromActiveBoxes\i
+ }
+ %
+ % Store the data for the outgoing ribbons, draw their labels,
+ % and add them to the list of active ribbons
+ \@processStartRibbons
+ \@processStartBoxes
+ %
+ % Continue the lists of all the left positions and right
+ % positions, by adding the data for the outgoing ribbons
+ \foreach \i/\values in \ribbons@startribbons {
+ \xdef\@leftPositions{\@getRibbonLeft\i,\@leftPositions}
+ \xdef\@rightPositions{\@getRibbonRight\i,\@rightPositions}
+ }
+ \foreach \i/\values in \ribbons@startboxes {
+ \xdef\@leftPositions{\@getBoxLeft\i,\@leftPositions}
+ \xdef\@rightPositions{\@getBoxRight\i,\@rightPositions}
+ }
+ %
+ % Calculate the minimum left position and the maximum
+ % right position
+ \pgfmathsetmacro\@minPosition{min(\@leftPositions)}
+ \pgfmathsetmacro\@maxPosition{max(\@rightPositions)}
+ %
+ % Calculate the size and position of the step
+ \pgfmathsetmacro\@stepLeft{\@minPosition-\ribbons@extraleft}
+ \pgfmathsetmacro\@stepRight{\@maxPosition+\ribbons@extraright}
+ %
+ \pgfmathsetmacro\@stepCentre{\@stepLeft*0.5+\@stepRight*0.5}
+ \pgfmathsetmacro\@stepTop{\theVCursor}
+ \pgfmathsetmacro\@stepMid{\theVCursor+0.5*\ribbons@stepheight}
+ \pgfmathsetmacro\@stepBot{\theVCursor+\ribbons@stepheight}
+ %
+ % Draw a top-rounded rectangle, and add it to
+ % purgatory (the list of almost-ready block steps).
+ \begin{pgfonlayer}{foreground}
+ \topRoundedRectangle\@stepLeft\@stepTop\@stepRight\@stepBot
+ \xdef\@blocksPurgatory@left{\@stepLeft}
+ \xdef\@blocksPurgatory@right{\@stepRight}
+ %
+ % Draw the text on the step
+ \node[text=white,anchor=west] at (\@stepLeft, \@stepMid)
+ {\begin{tabular}{@{}l@{}}\texttt{\ribbons@text}\end{tabular}};
+ %
+ % Work out which ribbons and boxes are the catalysts
+ \gdef\ribbons@catalystribbons{}
+ \foreach\i in \@activeRibbons {
+ { % a group to hide the &&-operator from a
+ % possibly-enclosing tabular environment.
+ \pgfmathtruncatemacro\isInside{%
+ (\@stepLeft<=(\@getRibbonLeft\i)) &&
+ ((\@getRibbonRight\i)<=\@stepRight)}
+ \ifnum\isInside=1
+ \@ifPairListContainsKey\i\ribbons@startribbons{}{%
+ \cons\ribbons@catalystribbons\i
+ }
+ \fi}
+ }
+ \gdef\ribbons@catalystboxes{}
+ \foreach\i in \@activeBoxes {
+ { % a group to hide the &&-operator from a
+ % possibly-enclosing tabular environment.
+ \pgfmathtruncatemacro\isInside{%
+ (\@stepLeft<=(\@getBoxLeft\i)) &&
+ ((\@getBoxRight\i)<=\@stepRight)}
+ \ifnum\isInside=1
+ \@ifPairListContainsKey\i\ribbons@startboxes{}{%
+ \cons\ribbons@catalystboxes\i
+ }
+ \fi}
+ }
+ %
+ % Save the position of each catalyst ribbon/box.
+ % These positions will be restored each
+ % time we enter an "else" branch.
+ \def\@savedRibbonPositions{}
+ \foreach\i in \ribbons@catalystribbons {
+ \edef\stuffToSave{%
+ \i/\@getRibbonLeft\i/\@getRibbonRight\i/%
+ {{\@getRibbonLabel\i}}}
+ \snoc\@savedRibbonPositions{\stuffToSave}
+ }
+ \cons[;]\@blocks@state{\@savedRibbonPositions}
+ \def\@savedBoxPositions{}
+ \foreach\i in \ribbons@catalystboxes {
+ \edef\stuffToSave{%
+ \i/\@getBoxLeft\i/\@getBoxRight\i/\@getBoxColor\i/%
+ {{\@getBoxLabel\i}}}
+ \snoc\@savedBoxPositions{\stuffToSave}
+ }
+ \cons[;]\@blocks@boxstate{\@savedBoxPositions}
+ %
+ \@drawShadowsOverCatalysts
+ \end{pgfonlayer}
+% The middle of a block
+ %
+ % Set default value for the step colour
+ \def\ribbons@color{\comColor}
+ %
+ % Set "jagged" flag to 0 (off)
+ \def\ribbons@jagged{0}
+ %
+ % Set "repeat labels" flag to 0 (off)
+ \def\ribbons@repeatlabels{0}
+ %
+ % Process keys
+ \pgfqkeys{/ribbons/continueblock}{%
+ start ribbons={},start boxes={},%
+ height=\defaultStepHeight,#1,text={#2}}
+ %
+ % Add to the set of start ribbons those ribbons that were saved
+ % at the start of this block step, and draw shadows
+ % over them.
+ {\expandarg
+ \StrCut{\@blocks@state}{;}{\@restoredRibbonCatalysts}{\foo}
+ \begin{pgfonlayer}{foreground}
+ \foreach \i/\xleft/\xright/\lab in \@restoredRibbonCatalysts {
+ \ifnum\ribbons@repeatlabels=1
+ \edef\@tmp{%
+ \i/{left=\xleft,right=\xright,label={\expandonce\lab}}}
+ \else
+ \edef\@tmp{\i/{left=\xleft,right=\xright,label={}}}
+ \fi
+ \cons\ribbons@startribbons\@tmp
+ \fill[\shadowColor, path fading=south]
+ (\xleft,\theVCursor+\ribbons@stepheight) rectangle
+ (\xright,\theVCursor+\ribbons@stepheight+\shadowHeight);
+ }
+ \end{pgfonlayer}
+ }
+ {\expandarg
+ \StrCut{\@blocks@boxstate}{;}{\@restoredBoxCatalysts}{\foo}
+ \foreach \i/\xleft/\xright/\color/\lab in \@restoredBoxCatalysts {
+ \ifnum\ribbons@repeatlabels=1
+ \edef\@tmp{\i/{left=\xleft,right=\xright,color=\color,%
+ label={\expandonce\lab}}}
+ \else
+ \edef\@tmp{\i/{left=\xleft,right=\xright,color=\color,%
+ label={}}}
+ \fi
+ \cons\ribbons@startboxes\@tmp
+ }
+ }
+ %
+ % Left and right positions are extracted from the
+ % stack of block left/right positions
+ \StrCut{\@blocks@left}{,}{\@stepLeft}{\foo}
+ \global\let\@stepLeft=\@stepLeft
+ \StrCut{\@blocks@right}{,}{\@stepRight}{\foo}
+ \global\let\@stepRight=\@stepRight
+ %
+ % Obliterate the ribbons/boxes inside the footprint of the
+ % block step.
+ \foreach\i in \@activeRibbons {
+ { % a group to hide the &&-operator from a
+ % possibly-enclosing tabular environment.
+ \pgfmathtruncatemacro\isInside{%
+ (\@stepLeft<=(\@getRibbonLeft\i)) &&
+ ((\@getRibbonRight\i)<=\@stepRight)}
+ \ifnum\isInside=1
+ \ExpandNext\@removeFromActiveRibbons\i
+ \fi}
+ }
+ \foreach\i in \@activeBoxes {
+ { % a group to hide the &&-operator from a
+ % possibly-enclosing tabular environment.
+ \pgfmathtruncatemacro\isInside{%
+ (\@stepLeft<=(\@getBoxLeft\i)) &&
+ ((\@getBoxRight\i)<=\@stepRight)}
+ \ifnum\isInside=1
+ \ExpandNext\@removeFromActiveBoxes\i
+ \fi}
+ }
+ %
+ % Store the data for the outgoing ribbons, draw their labels,
+ % and add them to the list of active ribbons
+ \@processStartRibbons
+ \@processStartBoxes
+ %
+ \pgfmathsetmacro\@stepCentre{\@stepLeft*0.5+\@stepRight*0.5}
+ \pgfmathsetmacro\@stepTop{\theVCursor}
+ \pgfmathsetmacro\@stepMid{\theVCursor+0.5*\ribbons@stepheight}
+ \pgfmathsetmacro\@stepBot{\theVCursor+\ribbons@stepheight}
+ %
+ % Draw a rectangle for this step. If "jagged" is set, then
+ % draw a saw-tooth top to indicate that there is a
+ % discontinuity at this step.
+ \begin{pgfonlayer}{foreground}
+ \ifnum\ribbons@jagged=1
+ \fill[\ribbons@color] (\@stepLeft,\@stepTop)
+ decorate [decoration=saw, segment length=\zigzagLength mm] {
+ -- (\@stepRight,\@stepTop)
+ }
+ -- (\@stepRight,\@stepBot)
+ -- (\@stepLeft,\@stepBot)
+ -- cycle;
+ \else
+ \fill[\ribbons@color] (\@stepLeft,\@stepTop)
+ rectangle (\@stepRight,\@stepBot);
+ \fi
+ %
+ % Draw the text on the step
+ \node[text=white,anchor=west] at (\@stepLeft, \@stepMid)
+ {\begin{tabular}{@{}l@{}}\texttt{\ribbons@text}\end{tabular}};
+ %
+ \end{pgfonlayer}
+% The end of a block
+ %
+ % Set default values for the step colour and
+ % whether it is the start/end of a block step
+ \def\ribbons@color{\comColor}
+ %
+ % Process keys
+ \pgfqkeys{/ribbons/finishblock}{%
+ finish ribbons={},start ribbons={},%
+ finish boxes={},start boxes={},%
+ height=\defaultStepHeight,#1,text={#2}}
+ %
+ \@checkFinishRibbons
+ \@checkFinishBoxes
+ %
+ % Left and right positions are extracted from the
+ % stack of block left/right positions
+ \StrCut{\@blocks@left}{,}{\@stepLeft}{\foo}
+ \StrCut{\@blocks@right}{,}{\@stepRight}{\foo}
+ %
+ % Make the ribbons that are inside the footprint of the
+ % block step, but are not start ribbons, into
+ % catalyst ribbons.
+ \gdef\ribbons@catalystribbons{}
+ \foreach\i in \@activeRibbons {
+ { % a group to hide the &&-operator from a
+ % possibly-enclosing tabular environment.
+ \pgfmathtruncatemacro\isInside{%
+ (\@stepLeft<=(\@getRibbonLeft\i)) &&
+ ((\@getRibbonRight\i)<=\@stepRight)}
+ \ifnum\isInside=1
+ \@ifPairListContainsKey\i\ribbons@startribbons{}{%
+ \cons\ribbons@catalystribbons\i
+ }
+ \fi}
+ }
+ %
+ % Remove the incoming ribbons from the list of active
+ % ribbons.
+ \foreach\i in \ribbons@finishribbons {
+ \ExpandNext\@removeFromActiveRibbons\i
+ }
+ \foreach\i in \ribbons@finishboxes {
+ \ExpandNext\@removeFromActiveBoxes\i
+ }
+ %
+ % Store the data for the outgoing ribbons, draw their labels,
+ % and add them to the list of active ribbons
+ \@processStartRibbons
+ \@processStartBoxes
+ %
+ \pgfmathsetmacro\@stepCentre{\@stepLeft*0.5+\@stepRight*0.5}
+ \pgfmathsetmacro\@stepTop{\theVCursor}
+ \pgfmathsetmacro\@stepMid{\theVCursor+0.5*\ribbons@stepheight}
+ \pgfmathsetmacro\@stepBot{\theVCursor+\ribbons@stepheight}
+ %
+ % Draw a bottom-rounded rectangle, and remove it from the
+ % the stack of block steps.
+ \begin{pgfonlayer}{foreground}
+ \botRoundedRectangle\@stepLeft\@stepTop\@stepRight\@stepBot
+ \StrBehind{\@blocks@left}{,}[\@blocks@left]
+ \global\let\@blocks@left=\@blocks@left
+ \StrBehind{\@blocks@right}{,}[\@blocks@right]
+ \global\let\@blocks@right=\@blocks@right
+ {\expandarg
+ \StrBehind{\@blocks@state}{;}[\@blocks@state]
+ \global\let\@blocks@state=\@blocks@state
+ }
+ %
+ % Draw the text on the step
+ \node[text=white,anchor=west] at (\@stepLeft, \@stepMid)
+ {\begin{tabular}{@{}l@{}}\texttt{\ribbons@text}\end{tabular}};
+ %
+ \@drawShadowsOverCatalysts
+ \end{pgfonlayer}
+% Move ribbons
+ \foreach \i/\values in {#1} {
+ %
+ % If ribbon \i is not already active, raise an error.
+ \@ifListContains{\i}{\@activeRibbons}{}{\errorVII\i}
+ %
+ \pgfqkeys{/ribbons/ribbon}{%
+ left={\@getRibbonLeft\i}, right={\@getRibbonRight\i},%
+ var width={\@getRibbonVarWidth\i},%
+ execute macro=\values}
+ \ExpandNextFour\@defineRibbon\i\ribbons@left%
+ \ribbons@right\ribbons@varwidth{\@getRibbonLabel\i}
+ %
+ % Remove and then re-add ribbon \i. This gives the user control
+ % over the z-order of the ribbons when they are being moved.
+ \ExpandNext\@removeFromActiveRibbons\i
+ \ExpandNext\@addToActiveRibbons\i
+ }
+% Move boxes
+ \foreach \i/\values in {#1} {
+ %
+ % If box \i is not already active, raise an error.
+ \@ifListContains{\i}{\@activeBoxes}{}{\errorVIII\i}
+ %
+ \pgfqkeys{/ribbons/box}{%
+ left={\@getBoxLeft\i},right={\@getBoxRight\i},%
+ color={\@getBoxColor\i},execute macro=\values}
+ \ExpandNextThree\@defineBox%
+ \i\ribbons@left\ribbons@right\ribbons@boxcolor{\@getBoxLabel\i}
+ }
+% Permute ribbons
+ \foreach \i in {#1} {
+ \expandafter\xdef\csname RIB\i @oldleft\endcsname{%
+ \csname RIB\i LEFT\endcsname}
+ \expandafter\xdef\csname RIB\i @oldright\endcsname{%
+ \csname RIB\i RIGHT\endcsname}
+ \expandafter\xdef\csname RIB\i @oldvarwidth\endcsname{%
+ \csname RIB\i VARWIDTH\endcsname}
+ }
+ \def\loopbody##1##2{%
+ \moveribbons{##2/{%
+ left=\csname RIB##1@oldleft\endcsname,%
+ right=\csname RIB##1@oldright\endcsname,%
+ var width=\csname RIB##1@oldvarwidth\endcsname}%
+ }%
+ }
+ \foreachtwo\loopbody{#1}{#2}
+% Move boxes (an alternative to \moveboxes)
+ \foreach \i/\values in {#1} {
+ %
+ % If box \i is not already active, raise an error.
+ \@ifListContains{\i}{\@activeBoxes}{}{\errorIX\i}
+ %
+ \pgfmathtruncatemacro\oldleft{\@getBoxLeft\i}
+ \pgfmathtruncatemacro\oldright{\@getBoxRight\i}
+ \def\boxcolor{\@getBoxColor\i}
+ \pgfqkeys{/ribbons/box}{%
+ left=\oldleft,right=\oldright,%
+ color=\boxcolor,execute macro=\values}
+ \ExpandNextThree\@defineBox%
+ \i\ribbons@left\ribbons@right%
+ \ribbons@boxcolor{\@getBoxLabel\i}
+ \pgfmathtruncatemacro\newleft{\@getBoxLeft\i}
+ \pgfmathtruncatemacro\newright{\@getBoxRight\i}
+ \begin{pgfonlayer}{foreground}
+ \begin{scope}[color=\boxcolor, line width=\boxLineWidth]
+ \begin{scope}[xshift=0.5*\boxLineWidth]
+ \@roundedElbow{\boxRoundingRadius}%
+ {\theVCursor+\boxRoundingRadius}{\oldleft}{\newleft}
+ \end{scope}
+ \begin{scope}[xshift=-0.5*\boxLineWidth]
+ \@roundedElbow{\boxRoundingRadius}%
+ {\theVCursor+\boxRoundingRadius}{\oldright}{\newright}
+ \end{scope}
+ \end{scope}
+ \end{pgfonlayer}
+ %
+ % Update i@prevleft and i@prevright
+ \@rememberPrevBox\i
+ %
+ % Put box i in purgatory, and take it out of the list
+ % of active boxes
+ \ExpandNext\@removeFromActiveBoxes\i
+ \cons\@boxPurgatory{\i}
+ }
+ \end{tikzpicture}
+ \pagebreak
+ % Nudge vertical cursor up a bit. This is a hack to
+ % counteract the fact that the first row does not have
+ % any steps in it. Without this hack, the labels in
+ % the first row would be printed too far down.
+ \addtocounter{VCursor}{-\defaultStepHeight}%
+ \xdef\ribbons@stepheight{\defaultStepHeight}%
+ \begin{tikzpicture}[x=1mm,y=-1mm]
+ %
+ \foreach\i in \@activeRibbons {
+ \edef\ribbons@left{\@getRibbonLeft\i}
+ \edef\ribbons@right{\@getRibbonRight\i}
+ \edef\ribbons@varwidth{\@getRibbonVarWidth\i}
+ \edef\ribbons@label{\@getRibbonLabel\i}
+ \edef\ribbons@rotatedlabel{}
+ \@drawRibbonLabel
+ }
+ \foreach\i in \@activeBoxes {
+ \edef\ribbons@left{\@getBoxLeft\i}
+ \edef\ribbons@right{\@getBoxRight\i}
+ \edef\ribbons@boxcolor{\@getBoxColor\i}
+ \edef\ribbons@label{\@getBoxLabel\i}
+ \edef\ribbons@boxhoffset{0}
+ \edef\ribbons@boxvoffset{0}
+ \@drawBoxLabel
+ }
+ %
+ % Finish this row, making it a shorter row than
+ % usual.
+ \addtocounter{VCursor}{\defaultStepHeight}%
+ \finishrow[\numexpr\ribbons@extraheight-\defaultStepHeight]
+% The main environment
+ %
+ % Create state
+ %
+ % A comma-separated list of active ribbons. Each element is a ribbon
+ % identifier.
+ \gdef\@activeRibbons{}%
+ \gdef\@activeBoxes{}%
+ %
+ % Remember all the ribbons and boxes that we define over
+ % the course of this ribbon proof, so that they can be
+ % undefined at the end.
+ \gdef\@allDefinedRibbons{}%
+ \gdef\@allDefinedBoxes{}%
+ %
+ % Comma-separated lists of the left-positions and right-positions
+ % of block steps
+ \gdef\@blocks@left{}%
+ \gdef\@blocks@right{}%
+ \gdef\@blocks@state{}%
+ \gdef\@blocks@boxstate{}%
+ %
+ % Block steps in purgatory are those that will
+ % be in the proper list from the next row onwards.
+ \gdef\@blocksPurgatory@left{}%
+ \gdef\@blocksPurgatory@right{}%
+ %
+ % Existential boxes in purgatory are those that will
+ % be in the proper list from the next row onwards.
+ \gdef\@boxPurgatory{}%
+ %
+ % List of notches
+ \gdef\notchPositions{}%
+ %
+ % Process keys
+ \pgfqkeys{/ribbons/ribbonproof}{%
+ scale=1,start ribbons={},%
+ extra height=0,start boxes={},#1}%
+ %
+ % Nudge vertical cursor up a bit. This is a hack to
+ % counteract the fact that the first row does not have
+ % any steps in it. Without this hack, the labels in
+ % the first row would be printed too far down.
+ \setcounter{VCursor}{-\defaultStepHeight}%
+ \xdef\ribbons@stepheight{\defaultStepHeight}%
+ %
+ % Make the \\ command a synonym for \finishrow. The
+ % reason for this is mainly to exploit the syntax
+ % highlighting in AucTeX, which emphasises \\ commands.
+ \renewcommand\\{\finishrow}%
+ %
+ % Draw the picture "upside-down", with mm as the units
+ \begin{tikzpicture}[x=1mm,y=-1mm]
+ %
+ % Add the initial ribbons to the list of active
+ % ribbons, and draw their labels
+ \@processStartRibbons
+ \@processStartBoxes
+ %
+ % Prepare the vertical cursor for the first
+ % proper row.
+ \setcounter{VCursor}{0}
+ %
+ % Finish this row, making it a shorter row than
+ % usual.
+ \finishrow[\numexpr\ribbons@extraheight-\defaultStepHeight]
+ \end{tikzpicture}%
+ %
+ % Undefine all the ribbons and boxes that were globally
+ % defined over the course of this picture.
+ \foreach\i in \@allDefinedRibbons{%
+ \undefine{RIB\i LEFT}%
+ \undefine{RIB\i RIGHT}%
+ \undefine{RIB\i VARWIDTH}%
+ }%
+ \foreach\i in \@allDefinedBoxes{%
+ \undefine{BOX\i LEFT}%
+ \undefine{BOX\i RIGHT}%
+ \undefine{BOX\i @color}%
+ }%