path: root/Master/texmf-dist/tex/latex/ut-thesis
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'Master/texmf-dist/tex/latex/ut-thesis')
1 files changed, 153 insertions, 461 deletions
diff --git a/Master/texmf-dist/tex/latex/ut-thesis/ut-thesis.cls b/Master/texmf-dist/tex/latex/ut-thesis/ut-thesis.cls
index f9f83f37383..70cc946f64e 100644
--- a/Master/texmf-dist/tex/latex/ut-thesis/ut-thesis.cls
+++ b/Master/texmf-dist/tex/latex/ut-thesis/ut-thesis.cls
@@ -1,8 +1,19 @@
-%% ut-thesis.cls -- document class for graduate theses at UofT
-%% Copyright (c) 1998-2013 Francois Pitt <>
-%% last updated at 16:18 (EDT) on Wed 25 Sep 2013
+%% This is file `ut-thesis.cls',
+%% generated with the docstrip utility.
+%% The original source files were:
+%% ut-thesis.dtx (with options: `class')
+%% The |ut-thesis| document class implements the formatting requirements of
+%% the University of Toronto School of Graduate Studies (SGS),
+%% as of Fall 2020.
+%% Copyright (c) 1998-2013 Francois Pitt <>,
+%% 2020-2020 Jesse Knight <>
+%% last updated at 10:00 (EST) on Wed 14 Oct 2020
%% This work may be distributed and/or modified under the conditions of
%% the LaTeX Project Public License, either version 1.3c of this license
%% or (at your option) any later version.
@@ -10,488 +21,169 @@
%% and version 1.3c or later is part of all distributions of LaTeX
%% version 2005/12/01 or later.
%% This work has the LPPL maintenance status "maintained".
%% The Current Maintainer of this work is
-%% Francois Pitt <>.
-%% This work consists of the files listed in the accompanying README.
-%% USAGE: \documentclass{ut-thesis}
-%% \documentclass[...options...]{ut-thesis}
-%% The default settings produce a final copy, ready for submission to
-%% the School of Graduate Studies (SGS) at the University of Toronto:
-%% single-sided, "normal" margins (see below), one-and-a-half spaced
-%% with single-spaced notes.
-%% - Any standard option for the LaTeX2e `report' class, including
-%% `10pt', `11pt', `12pt', `oneside', `twoside', etc.
-%% - `narrowmargins', `normalmargins', `widemargins', or
-%% `extrawidemargins': Set the size of the margins, as follows:
-%% . `narrow': 1 1/4" on the left, 3/4" on all other sides,
-%% headers & footers 3/8" from body
-%% (these are the minimum values required by SGS);
-%% . `normal': 1 1/4" on the left, 1" on all other sides,
-%% headers & footers 1/2" from body;
-%% . `wide': 1 1/4" on all sides,
-%% headers & footers 5/8" from body;
-%% . `extrawide': 1 1/2" on all sides,
-%% headers & footers 3/4" from body.
-%% If you have more than just a few marginal notes, it is recommended
-%% that you use at least `wide' margins. For other settings, use the
-%% \geometry command (see the template for details).
-%% - `singlespaced', `oneandahalfspaced', or `doublespaced': Set the
-%% entire document's default line spacing (except for notes, which
-%% are single-spaced by default). For other settings, use the
-%% \setstretch command (see the template for details).
-%% - `singlespacednotes' or `standardspacednotes': Set line spacing
-%% for footnotes and marginal notes: either single-spaced or the same
-%% as the rest of the document.
-%% - `cleardoublepagestyleempty', `cleardoublepagestyleplain', or
-%% `cleardoublepagestylestandard': Set the page style for all
-%% "cleared" pages (empty pages inserted in two-sided documents to
-%% put the next page on the right-hand side) to either `empty',
-%% `plain', or whatever style is in effect when the page is cleared
-%% (the default).
-%% - `draft': Produce a draft copy (double-sided, double-spaced,
-%% normal margins, with the word "DRAFT" printed at all four corners
-%% of every page).
-%% Note that these options can be used to override the default or draft
-%% document settings, so that it is possible, for example, to create a
-%% double-sided final copy, or a 1 1/2-spaced draft copy with wide
-%% margins, etc. You may use standard LaTeX packages to tailor the
-%% layout and formatting in other ways.
-%% Also note that when producing double-sided documents while _not_ in
-%% draft mode, new chapters and preliminary sections will always start
-%% on a right-hand page under the default settings (inserting a blank
-%% page if needed). This can be overridden by using the `openany' or
-%% `openright' options. To achieve this effect for individual sections
-%% or chapters, use \cleardoublepage -- or one of the more specific
-%% \clearemptydoublepage, \clearplaindoublepage, \clearthesisdoublepage,
-%% or \clearstandarddoublepage (see below for details).
-%% * \degree{...}: (preamble only; REQUIRED)
-%% Specify the name of the degree (e.g., "Doctor of Philosophy").
-%% * \department{...}: (preamble only; REQUIRED)
-%% Specify the name of the graduate department.
-%% * \gradyear{...}: (preamble only; REQUIRED)
-%% Specify the year of graduation (defaults to current year).
-%% * \author{...}: (preamble only; REQUIRED)
-%% Specify the name of the author.
-%% * \title{...}: (preamble only; REQUIRED)
-%% Specify the title of the thesis.
-%% - \begin{preliminary}...\end{preliminary}:
-%% Delimit head matter (title page, abstract, table of contents,
-%% lists of tables and figures, etc.): set the page style and
-%% numbering for the preliminary sections and reset them for the main
-%% document.
-%% - \maketitle:
-%% Generate the title page from the information supplied in the
-%% preamble.
-%% - \begin{abstract}...\end{abstract}:
-%% Generate the abstract page, double-sided. (According to SGS
-%% guidelines, this must immediately follow the title page.)
-%% - \begin{dedication}...\end{dedication}:
-%% Generate a dedication section, if needed (just a paragraph
-%% formatted flush right).
-%% - \begin{acknowledgements}...\end{acknowledgements}:
-%% Generate an acknowledgements section, if needed.
-%% Note that neither the `dedication' nor the `acknowledgements' are
-%% put on a separate page by default (use \newpage to do this
-%% explicitly). Also note that the table of contents, list of
-%% tables, and list of figures can be generated using the usual LaTeX
-%% commands.
-%% - \begin{longquote}...\end{longquote}:
-%% Single-spaced version of the `quote' environment.
-%% - \begin{longquotation}...\end{longquotation}:
-%% Single-spaced version of the `quotation' environment.
-%% - \clearemptydoublepage, \clearplaindoublepage,
-%% \clearthesisdoublepage:
-%% Same as \cleardoublepage except that cleared pages have style
-%% `empty', `plain', or `thesis' respectively.
-%% - \clearstandarddoublepage:
-%% Same as the original \cleardoublepage (cleared pages use the style
-%% currently in effect) -- used to override the effects of options
-%% `cleardoublepagestyleempty' or `cleardoublepagestyleplain'.
-%% The companion file `ut-thesis.tex' contains a skeleton illustrating
-%% the use of this class.
-%%%%%%%%%%%% IDENTIFICATION %%%%%%%%%%%%
-\newcommand*{\utthesisversion}{v2.0} % current version number
-\newcommand*{\utthesisupdated}{2012/06/01} % date of last change(s)
-\NeedsTeXFormat{LaTeX2e}[1995/12/01] % robust macros with * form
- graduate theses at the University of Toronto]
-%%%%%%%%%%%% INITIAL CODE %%%%%%%%%%%%
-%% Switch for testing draft mode (toggled by `draft' option).
-%% Switch for testing current page style.
-%% Save original definitions of footnote and marginal note macros and
-%% lengths, to be able to reset them below as needed (when changing
-%% between single-spaced and standard-spaced notes).
- {\setlength\@thesisfootnotesep{\footnotesep}
- \setlength\@thesismarginparpush{\marginparpush}}
-%% Save original definition of \cleardoublepage.
-%% The \singlespacing macro from `setspace' includes some vertical space
-%% (to make it easier to change line spacing within the document).
-%% Unfortunately, this has undesirable side-effects within macros, so we
-%% define our own replacement here for use within the class.
-%%%%%%%%%%%% OPTION DECLARATION %%%%%%%%%%%%
-%% `draft' option: change default document settings.
- \newcommand*{\tlDRAFT}%
- {\raisebox{ 3ex}[0pt][0pt]{\llap{\sffamily\scriptsize DRAFT\ \ }}}
- \newcommand*{\trDRAFT}%
- {\raisebox{ 3ex}[0pt][0pt]{\rlap{\sffamily\scriptsize \ \ DRAFT}}}
- \newcommand*{\blDRAFT}%
- {\raisebox{-3ex}[0pt][0pt]{\llap{\sffamily\scriptsize DRAFT\ \ }}}
- \newcommand*{\brDRAFT}%
- {\raisebox{-3ex}[0pt][0pt]{\rlap{\sffamily\scriptsize \ \ DRAFT}}}
- \ExecuteOptions{doublespaced}
- \PassOptionsToClass{draft,twoside,openany}{report}}
-%% Margin options.
-\DeclareOption{narrowmargins}{\AtEndOfClass % 1 1/4" left, 3/4" others
- {\geometry{margin=.75in,left=1.25in,headsep=.375in-\headheight,
- footskip=.375in,marginparwidth=.5in,marginparsep=.125in}}}
-\DeclareOption{normalmargins}{\AtEndOfClass % 1 1/4" left, 1" others
- {\geometry{margin=1in,left=1.25in,headsep=.5in-\headheight,
- footskip=.5in,marginparwidth=.75in,marginparsep=.125in}}}
-\DeclareOption{widemargins}{\AtEndOfClass % 1 1/4" all around
- {\geometry{margin=1.25in,headsep=.625in-\headheight,
- footskip=.625in,marginparwidth=.75in,marginparsep=.25in}}}
-\DeclareOption{extrawidemargins}{\AtEndOfClass % 1 1/2" all around
- {\geometry{margin=1.5in,headsep=.75in-\headheight,
- footskip=.75in,marginparwidth=1in,marginparsep=.25in}}}
-%% Line Spacing options.
-%% Line spacing for notes.
- {\setlength\footnotesep{\@thesisfootnotesep}
- \setlength\marginparpush{\@thesismarginparpush}
- \renewcommand{\@footnotetext}[1]%
- {\@thesis@footnotetext{#1\singlespacingnoskip}}
- \renewcommand{\@mpfootnotetext}[1]%
- {\@thesis@mpfootnotetext{#1\singlespacingnoskip}}
- \renewcommand*{\@marginparreset}%
- {\@thesis@marginparreset\singlespacingnoskip}}}
- {\setlength\footnotesep{\baselineskip-\@thesisfootnotesep}
- \setlength\marginparpush{\baselineskip-\@thesismarginparpush}
- \let\@footnotetext\@thesis@footnotetext
- \let\@mpfootnotetext\@thesis@mpfootnotetext
- \let\@marginparreset\@thesis@marginparreset}}
-%% Page styles for cleared pages.
- {\AtEndOfClass{\let\cleardoublepage\clearemptydoublepage}}
- {\AtEndOfClass{\let\cleardoublepage\clearplaindoublepage}}
- {\AtEndOfClass{\let\cleardoublepage\clearstandarddoublepage}}
-%% All other options are passed to the base class directly.
-%%%%%%%%%%%% OPTION EXECUTION %%%%%%%%%%%%
-%% Default settings: standard options followed by ut-thesis options.
-%% Process options.
+%% Jesse Knight <>.
+%% This work consists of the files:
+%% - README
+%% - ut-thesis.dtx
+%% - ut-thesis.ins
+%% - ut-thesis.pdf (derived user manual)
+%% - ut-thesis.cls (derived class file)
+[2020/11/19 v3.0.0a University of Toronto thesis class]
+ \PassOptionsToClass{\CurrentOption}{book}
+ \AtEndOfClass{
+ \AtBeginShipout{\AtBeginShipoutUpperLeft{%
+ \draftmarkstyle
+ \put(+0.125in, -0.125in-\f@size pt ){\rlap{DRAFT}}
+ \put(-0.125in+\paperwidth,-0.125in-\f@size pt ){\llap{DRAFT}}
+ \put(+0.125in, +0.125in-\paperheight){\rlap{DRAFT}}
+ \put(-0.125in+\paperwidth,+0.125in-\paperheight){\llap{DRAFT}}
+ \put(+0.5\paperwidth,+0.125in-\paperheight)%
+ {\makebox[0in][c]{\today}}
+\DeclareOption{narrowmargins} {\setlength{\margin@v}{0.75in}}
+\DeclareOption{normalmargins} {\setlength{\margin@v}{1.00in}}
+\DeclareOption{widemargins} {\setlength{\margin@v}{1.25in}}
+ {\setlength{\margin@xho}{0.5\margin@xhi}
+ \setlength{\margin@xhi}{0.5\margin@xhi}}
+ \setlength{\leftmargin}{\dimexpr\margin@v+\margin@xhi}
+ \setlength{\rightmargin}{\dimexpr\margin@v+\margin@xho}
+ \geometry{
+ top = \margin@v,
+ bottom = \margin@v,
+ inner = \leftmargin,
+ outer = \rightmargin,
+ headsep = \dimexpr 0.5\margin@v - \headheight,
+ footskip = \dimexpr 0.5\margin@v,
+ marginparwidth = \dimexpr \rightmargin - 0.25in,
+ marginparsep = 0.125in,
+ \AtEndOfClass{\doublespacing}
+ \AtEndOfClass{\onehalfspacing}
+ \AtEndOfClass{\singlespacing}
+\ExecuteOptions{letterpaper} % book
+\ExecuteOptions{normalmargins,onehalfspacing,chapterhead} % ut-thesis
-%%%%%%%%%%%% PACKAGE LOADING %%%%%%%%%%%%
-%% Load base class using current setting for basic options.
-%% To set/change page layout.
-%% To set/change line spacing.
-%%%%%%%%%%%% MAIN CODE %%%%%%%%%%%%
-%%%%%% Parameters
-%% The following five commands set the respective field values so we can
-%% generate the title page and abstract page automatically.
- {\ifx\empty#1\empty\else\gdef\@degree{#1}\fi}
- {\ifx\empty#1\empty\else\gdef\@department{#1}\fi}
- {\ifx\empty#1\empty\else\gdef\@gradyear{#1}\fi}
- {\ifx\empty#1\empty\else\gdef\@author{#1}\fi}
- {\ifx\empty#1\empty\else\gdef\@title{#1}\fi}
-%% Default values for the required fields.
-\gradyear{\emph{(year of graduation)}}
-%%%%%% New formatting environments and commands.
-%% \begin{preliminary} sets the pagestyle and page numbering for the
-%% preliminary sections; \end{preliminary} resets the page numbering.
-%% The default page style is used outside of the preliminary block.
- {\pagestyle{plain}\pagenumbering{roman}}%
- {\cleardoublepage\pagenumbering{arabic}}
-%% Change \maketitle to follow SGS guidelines.
+\RequirePackage{picture} % for draft mode
+\RequirePackage{atbegshi} % for draft mode
+\RequirePackage{geometry} % for margins etc.
+\RequirePackage{setspace} % for line spacing
+\renewcommand*{\author} [1]{\gdef\@author{#1}}
+\renewcommand*{\title} [1]{\gdef\@title{#1}}
+\newcommand*{\degree} [1]{\gdef\@degree{#1}}
+\newcommand*{\gradyear} [1]{\gdef\@gradyear{#1}}
+\author {(author)}
+\title {(title)}
+\degree {(degree)}
+\gradyear {(gradyear)}
+\g@addto@macro\mainmatter {\pagenumbering{arabic}\pagestyle{headings}}
- {\begin{titlepage}
- \large\singlespacingnoskip
+ {\thispagestyle{empty}
+ \large
- \mbox{}
+ \singlespacing
+ \null
- \textsc{\@title}\\
+ \textsc{\@title}
- by \\
+ by
- {\@author}\\
+ {\@author}
A thesis submitted in conformity with the requirements\\
- for the degree of {\@degree}\\
+ for the degree of {\@degree}\\[1ex]
Graduate Department of {\@department}\\
University of Toronto\\
- {\copyright} Copyright {\@gradyear} by {\@author}\\
- \vspace{.01\textheight}
- \mbox{}
- \end{center}
- \setcounter{page}{1}
- \end{titlepage}
- \setcounter{page}{2}}
-%% Change \begin{abstract}...\end{abstract} to follow SGS guidelines.
- {\begin{center}
- \section*{Abstract}
+ {\copyright} Copyright {\@gradyear} by {\@author}
+ {{\pagestyle{empty}\ocleardoublepage}}
+ }
+ {\thispagestyle{plain}
+ \singlespacing
- {\@degree}\\
+ {\@degree}\\[1ex]
Graduate Department of {\@department}\\
University of Toronto\\
+ \section*{Abstract}
- %% Adjust line spacing: if it was less than 2, increase it to 2;
- %% otherwise, leave it as is.
- \ifdim \baselinestretch pt < 1.6pt \doublespacing\fi}%
- {\par\endgroup\newpage}
-%% \begin{dedication}...\end{dedication} formats a dedication section
-%% (*not* on a separate page -- just a paragraph formatted flush right).
+ \doublespacing}%
+ {\endgroup\cleardoublepage}
- {\begin{flushright}}%
- {\end{flushright}}
-%% \begin{acknowledgements}...\end{acknowledgements} formats an
-%% acknowledgements section (*not* on a separate page).
+ {\thispagestyle{plain}
+ \null
+ \vfill
+ \begin{flushright}}%
+ {\end{flushright}
+ \vfill
+ \vfill
+ \clearpage}
- {\begin{center}
- \section*{Acknowledgements}
+ {\thispagestyle{plain}
+ \begin{center}
+ \section*{Acknowledgments}
- \begingroup\noindent}%
- {\par\endgroup}
-%% Redefine `thebibliography' environment so that it generates headers
-%% in the same style as the rest of the document.
- \if@thesispagestyle\@mkboth{\textsc{\bibname}}{\textsc{\bibname}}\fi}
-%% Variations of \cleardoublepage that explicitly set the pagestyle of
-%% any inserted blank page.
- {{\pagestyle{empty}\clearstandarddoublepage}}
- {{\pagestyle{plain}\clearstandarddoublepage}}
- {{\pagestyle{thesis}\clearstandarddoublepage}}
-%% Single-spaced quotes and quotations.
- {\begin{quote}\singlespacingnoskip}{\end{quote}}
- {\begin{quotation}\singlespacingnoskip}{\end{quotation}}
-%%%%%% Page Styles
-%% Redefine all four standard page styles (empty, plain, headings,
-%% myheadings), based on the definitions in `report', so that they
-%% conform to the SGS guidelines (and include draft information if
-%% applicable). Then, define a new pagestyle `thesis'.
-%% TODO: Get rid of copy-pasted definitions for pagestyles?
-%% Pagestyle `empty'.
- {\@thesispagestylefalse
- \let\@mkboth\@gobbletwo
- \def\@oddfoot{\if@draft\blDRAFT\hfil
- {\slshape\small\today}\hfil\brDRAFT\fi}%
- \let\@evenfoot\@oddfoot
- \def\@oddhead{\if@draft\tlDRAFT\hfil
- {\slshape\small\today}\hfil\trDRAFT\fi}%
- \let\@evenhead\@oddhead}
-%% Pagestyle `plain'.
- {\@thesispagestylefalse
- \let\@mkboth\@gobbletwo
- \def\@oddfoot{\if@draft\blDRAFT\fi\hfil
- \thepage\hfil\if@draft\brDRAFT\fi}%
- \let\@evenfoot\@oddfoot
- \def\@oddhead{\if@draft\tlDRAFT\hfil
- {\slshape\small\today}\hfil\trDRAFT\fi}%
- \let\@evenhead\@oddhead}
-%% Pagestyle `headings'.
-\if@twoside % two-sided printing
+ \begingroup}%
+ {\endgroup\clearpage}
- {\@thesispagestylefalse
- \let\@mkboth\markboth
- \def\@oddfoot{\if@draft\blDRAFT\hfil
- {\slshape\small\today}\hfil\brDRAFT\fi}%
- \let\@evenfoot\@oddfoot
- \def\@oddhead{\if@draft\tlDRAFT\fi{\slshape\rightmark}\hfil
- \thepage\if@draft\trDRAFT\fi}%
- \def\@evenhead{\if@draft\tlDRAFT\fi\thepage\hfil
- {\slshape\leftmark}\if@draft\trDRAFT\fi}%
- \def\chaptermark##1{\markboth
- {\MakeUppercase{\ifnum \c@secnumdepth >\m@ne
- \@chapapp\ \thechapter. \ \fi ##1}}{}}%
- \def\sectionmark##1{\markright
- {\MakeUppercase{\ifnum \c@secnumdepth >\z@
- \thesection. \ \fi ##1}}}}
-\else % one-sided printing
+ {\let\@mkboth\markboth
+ \let\@oddfoot\@empty
+ \let\@evenfoot\@empty
+ \def\@oddhead{\headerstyle{\rightmark\hfil\thepage}}%
+ \def\@evenhead{\headerstyle{\thepage\hfil\leftmark}}%
+ \def\chaptermark##1{\markboth{%
+ \if@mainmatter\headerstyle{\@chapapp\ \thechapter.\ ##1}\fi}{}}
+ \def\sectionmark##1{\markright{%
+ \if@mainmatter\headerstyle{\thesection.\ ##1}\fi}}}
- {\@thesispagestylefalse
- \let\@mkboth\markboth
- \def\@oddfoot{\if@draft\blDRAFT\hfil
- {\slshape\small\today}\hfil\brDRAFT\fi}%
- \def\@oddhead{\if@draft\tlDRAFT\fi{\slshape\rightmark}\hfil
- \thepage\if@draft\trDRAFT\fi}%
- \def\chaptermark##1{\markright
- {\MakeUppercase{\ifnum \c@secnumdepth >\m@ne
- \@chapapp\ \thechapter. \ \fi ##1}}}}
-%% Pagestyle `myheadings'.
- {\@thesispagestylefalse
- \let\@mkboth\@gobbletwo
- \def\@oddfoot{\if@draft\blDRAFT\hfil
- {\slshape\small\today}\hfil\brDRAFT\fi}%
- \let\@evenfoot\@oddfoot
- \def\@oddhead{\if@draft\tlDRAFT\fi{\slshape\rightmark}\hfil
- \thepage\if@draft\trDRAFT\fi}%
- \def\@evenhead{\if@draft\tlDRAFT\fi\thepage\hfil
- {\slshape\leftmark}\if@draft\trDRAFT\fi}%
- \let\chaptermark\@gobble\let\sectionmark\@gobble}
-%% Pagestyle `thesis' (based on `headings').
-\if@twoside % two-sided printing
- {\@thesispagestyletrue
- \let\@mkboth\markboth
- \def\@oddfoot{\if@draft\blDRAFT\hfil
- {\slshape\small\today}\hfil\brDRAFT\fi}%
- \let\@evenfoot\@oddfoot
- \def\@oddhead{\if@draft\tlDRAFT\fi{\slshape\rightmark}\hfil
- \thepage\if@draft\trDRAFT\fi}%
- \def\@evenhead{\if@draft\tlDRAFT\fi\thepage\hfil
- {\slshape\leftmark}\if@draft\trDRAFT\fi}%
- \def\chaptermark##1{\markboth
- {\textsc{\ifnum \c@secnumdepth >\m@ne
- \@chapapp\ \thechapter. \ \fi ##1}}{}}%
- \def\sectionmark##1{\markright
- {\textsc{\ifnum \c@secnumdepth >\z@
- \thesection. \ \fi ##1}}}}
-\else % one-sided printing
- {\@thesispagestyletrue
- \let\@mkboth\markboth
- \def\@oddfoot{\if@draft\blDRAFT\hfil
- {\slshape\small\today}\hfil\brDRAFT\fi}%
- \def\@oddhead{\if@draft\tlDRAFT\fi{\slshape\rightmark}\hfil
- \thepage\if@draft\trDRAFT\fi}%
- \def\chaptermark##1{\markright
- {\textsc{\ifnum \c@secnumdepth >\m@ne
- \@chapapp\ \thechapter. \ \fi ##1}}}}
-%% Default page style.
+ {\let\@mkboth\markboth
+ \let\@oddfoot\@empty
+ \let\@evenfoot\@empty
+ \def\@oddhead{\headerstyle{\rightmark\hfil\thepage}}%
+ \def\chaptermark##1{\markright{%
+ \if@mainmatter\headerstyle{\@chapapp\ \thechapter.\ ##1}\fi}}}
+%% End of file `ut-thesis.cls'.