path: root/Master/texmf-dist/tex/latex/udesoftec/udesoftec-biblatex.sty
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'Master/texmf-dist/tex/latex/udesoftec/udesoftec-biblatex.sty')
1 files changed, 576 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/Master/texmf-dist/tex/latex/udesoftec/udesoftec-biblatex.sty b/Master/texmf-dist/tex/latex/udesoftec/udesoftec-biblatex.sty
new file mode 100644
index 00000000000..27301a49ce9
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Master/texmf-dist/tex/latex/udesoftec/udesoftec-biblatex.sty
@@ -0,0 +1,576 @@
+% !Mode:: "TeX:UTF-8"
+%% udesoftec-biblatex.sty
+%% Copyright 2015 J. Peter M. Schuler
+%% 2015/08/27 v1.5.1 udesoftec
+% This work may be distributed and/or modified under the
+% conditions of the LaTeX Project Public License, either version 1.3
+% of this license or (at your option) any later version.
+% The latest version of this license is in
+% and version 1.3 or later is part of all distributions of LaTeX
+% version 2005/12/01 or later.
+% This work has the LPPL maintenance status `author-maintained'.
+% The current maintainer of this work is J. Peter M. Schuler
+% This work consists of the files
+% * udesoftec.cls
+% * udesoftec.bst
+% * udesoftec-bibcommon.sty
+% * udesoftec-biblatex.sty
+% * udesoftec-bst.sty
+% * udesoftec-extra.sty
+% As this work is based on years of mostly undocumented improvement,
+% it includes parts, for which sources can't be identified anymore. Public postings
+% in the LaTeX community were used as an input and if source is known, it is
+% mentioned below. If anybody identifies parts of his/her own code,
+% feel free to contact the maintainer in order to get listed.
+% Special thanks to all contributors and for the help of the tex-live team,
+% e.g. Axel K.; Norbert P.; Petra R.; Rainer S.; Reinhard K.; Robin F.
+% For further information refer to:
+% and
+\ProvidesPackage{udesoftec-biblatex}[2015/08/27 v1.5.1 udesoftec-biblatex.sty udesoftec bibstyle configuration for biblatex]%
+% \newif\ifprimaryDocumentLanguageGerman
+% \DeclareOption{de} {\primaryDocumentLanguageGermantrue}
+% \DeclareOption{en} {\primaryDocumentLanguageGermanfalse}
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+% Change order to last name then first name abbreviate without a full stop at the end. This should be at the end!
+%@Jörg You could use the starred version \DeclareFieldFormat* to clear
+% type-specific formats. But IMO it's more consistent to format @incollection titles like @article titles. I've edited my example accordingly.
+\renewcommand*{\finalnamedelim}{ \bblFontAuthorInText{\bblAuthorsSepInText}}
+% \renewcommand*{\revsdnamedelim}{CCCCCCCCCCCC}
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+\DeclareNameAlias{sortname}{last-first} %alle Autoren in der Biblografie gleich
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+ andothers = {\bblFontAuthorInText{\bbletal}}, % we don't use et al in bbl
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+% page = {{Seite}{S\adddot}},
+% pages = {{Seiten}{S\adddot}},
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+ urlseen = {\bbllastaccesswas}%
+% page = {{Seite}{S\adddot}},
+% pages = {{Seiten}{S\adddot}},
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+% \DeclareSourcemap{
+% \maps[datatype = bibtex]{
+% \map{%% 2. Abbreviate an entry such as Adam J[ohn] Smith to Smith, Adam J.
+% \step[fieldsource = doi,
+% match = \regexp{\[[\_]]+\]},
+% replace = .]
+% }
+% }
+% }
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+ \usebibmacro{url+urldate}
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+ {
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+ {}
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+ {}
+ {\printtext[parens]{%
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+ {}
+ {\printdate}}%
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+ and
+ test {\iffieldundef{month}}
+ }
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+ \setunit*{\addspace}%
+ \printdate}}%
+ \newunit}}
+% merge year-only date with year-only date label
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+ {\printtext[parens]{%
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+ \renewbibmacro*{date}{%
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+ test {\iffieldundef{month}}
+ and
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+ }
+ {}
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+ }
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+% don't merge date/issue with date label
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+% n.b. the default datelabel=year overrides merging of months and days
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+ test \ifuseauthor
+ and
+ not test {\ifnameundef{author}}
+ }
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+ \iffieldundef{authortype}
+ {}
+ {\usebibmacro{authorstrg}%
+ \setunit{\addspace}}}}%
+ {\global\undef\bbx@lasthash
+ \usebibmacro{labeltitle}%
+ \setunit*{\addspace}}%
+ \usebibmacro{bbx:editor}{editorstrg}}
+ \usebibmacro{bbx:editor}{editor+othersstrg}}
+%remove punctuation before (eds) and make bold
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+ and
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+ }
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+% location ohne schnickscnack
+%Todo: Bundesland/Land entfernen
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+ {}%
+ {%
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+ }
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+ and
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+ {\printfield{isbn}}
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+ {}%
+ \usebibmacro{finentry}}
+ \usebibmacro{bibindex}%
+ \usebibmacro{begentry}%
+ \usebibmacro{author/translator+others}%
+ \setunit{\labelnamepunct}\newblock
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+ \newunit\newblock
+ \usebibmacro{byauthor}%
+ \newunit\newblock
+ \usebibmacro{in:}%
+ \usebibmacro{byeditor+suffix}%
+ \usebibmacro{maintitle+booktitle}%
+ \newunit\newblock
+ \usebibmacro{event+venue+date}%
+ \newunit\newblock
+ \newunit\newblock
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+ {\printfield{volume}%
+ \printfield{part}}
+ {}%
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+ \usebibmacro{series+number}%
+ \newunit\newblock
+ \printfield{note}%
+ \newunit\newblock
+% \printlist{organization}%
+% \newunit
+ \usebibmacro{publisher+location+date}%
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+ \newunit\newblock
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+ {\printfield{isbn}}
+ {}%
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+ \iftoggle{bbx:related}
+ {\usebibmacro{related:init}%
+ \usebibmacro{related}}
+ {}%
+ \usebibmacro{finentry}}
+% link whole cite including name
+ \DeclareFieldAlias{bibhyperref}{noformat}% Avoid nested links
+ \bibhyperref{#1}}
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+ #1%
+ \ifbool{cbx:parens}
+ {\bibcloseparen\global\boolfalse{cbx:parens}}
+ {}}}
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+ \usebibmacro{cite}}}
+ \ifboolexpr{
+ ( not test {\iffieldundef{prenote}} and
+ test {\ifnumequal{\value{citecount}}{1}} )
+ or
+ ( not test {\iffieldundef{postnote}} and
+ test {\ifnumequal{\value{citecount}}{\value{citetotal}}} )
+ }
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+ {}%
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+ \usebibmacro{textcite}}}
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