path: root/Master/texmf-dist/tex/latex/tools/multicol-2017-04-11.sty
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'Master/texmf-dist/tex/latex/tools/multicol-2017-04-11.sty')
1 files changed, 1048 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/Master/texmf-dist/tex/latex/tools/multicol-2017-04-11.sty b/Master/texmf-dist/tex/latex/tools/multicol-2017-04-11.sty
new file mode 100644
index 00000000000..d76ecc9ad9d
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Master/texmf-dist/tex/latex/tools/multicol-2017-04-11.sty
@@ -0,0 +1,1048 @@
+%% This is an old release of `multicol.sty',
+%% The source is maintained by the LaTeX Project team and bug
+%% reports for it can be opened at
+%% (but please observe conditions on bug reports sent to that address!)
+%% Copyright 1993-2016
+%% The LaTeX3 Project and any individual authors listed elsewhere
+%% in this file.
+%% This file was generated from file(s) of the Standard LaTeX `Tools Bundle'.
+%% --------------------------------------------------------------------------
+%% It may be distributed and/or modified under the
+%% conditions of the LaTeX Project Public License, either version 1.3c
+%% of this license or (at your option) any later version.
+%% The latest version of this license is in
+%% and version 1.3c or later is part of all distributions of LaTeX
+%% version 2005/12/01 or later.
+%% This file may only be distributed together with a copy of the LaTeX
+%% `Tools Bundle'. You may however distribute the LaTeX `Tools Bundle'
+%% without such generated files.
+%% The list of all files belonging to the LaTeX `Tools Bundle' is
+%% given in the file `manifest.txt'.
+%% Package `multicol' to use with LaTeX2e
+%% Copyright 1989-2016 Frank Mittelbach
+%% In addition to the terms of LPPL any distributed version
+%% (unchanged or modified) of multicol has to keep the statement
+%% about the moral obligation for using multicol. In case of major
+%% changes where this would not be appropriate the author of the
+%% changed version should contact the copyright holder.
+%% Moral obligation for using multicol:
+%% ------------------------------------
+%% Users of multicol who wish to include or use multicol or a modified
+%% version in a proprietary and commercially market product are asked
+%% under certain conditions (see below) for the payment of a license
+%% fee. The size of this fee is to be determined, in each instance,
+%% by the commercial user, depending on his/her judgment of the value of
+%% multicol for his/her product.
+%% The conditions for this are as follows:
+%% The producer of a proprietary and commercially market product
+%% that involves typesetting using multicol is asked to determine
+%% the value of a license fee for using multicol if
+%% - the product is a document and the producer has decided to
+%% include multicol to typeset (parts of) the document or has
+%% directed the author of the document to include multicol (for
+%% example, by providing a class file to be used by the author)
+%% - the product is a LaTeX class or package that includes multicol
+%% There is no moral obligation in case
+%% - the product is a document but producer has not directed
+%% the author to include multicol (in that case the moral obligation
+%% lies with the author of the document)
+%% - the product does not involve typesetting, e.g., consists, for
+%% example, of distributing multicol and its documentation.
+%% - the product is not proprietary, i.e., is made available as free
+%% software itself (which doesn't prohibit its commercial marketing)
+%% - multicol is used for non-commercial purposes
+%% Determining a license fee might result in a license fee of zero
+%% (i.e., no payment) in case a producer has determined that the use
+%% of multicol has no enhancing effect on the product. This is a
+%% plausible scenario, i.e., in the above two cases the producer is
+%% only asked to evaluate the value of multicol for the product
+%% not for the payment of a license fee per se (which might or might
+%% not follow from this evaluation).
+%% The license fee, if any, can be payed either to the LaTeX3 fund
+%% (see ltx3info.txt in the base LaTeX distribution) or to the author of
+%% the program who can be contacted at
+ [2017/04/11 v1.8q multicolumn formatting (FMi)]
+ {\PackageWarning{multicol}{May not work
+ with the twocolumn option}}
+ {\c@tracingmulticols\z@}
+ {\c@tracingmulticols\@ne}
+ {\c@tracingmulticols\tw@}
+ {\c@tracingmulticols\thr@@}
+ {\c@tracingmulticols5\relax}
+ \def\mc@col@status@write{%
+ \protected@write\@auxout{}%
+ {\string\mc@col@status
+ {\ifmc@firstcol 1\else 2\fi}}%
+ \mc@firstcolfalse}%
+ \def\mc@lastcol@status@write{%
+ \protected@write\@auxout{}%
+ {\string\mc@col@status{3}}}%
+ \ifnum\col@number<\tw@
+ \PackageWarning{multicol}%
+ {Using `\number\col@number'
+ columns doesn't seem a good idea.^^J
+ I therefore use two columns instead}%
+ \col@number\tw@ \fi
+ \ifnum\col@number>10
+ \PackageError{multicol}%
+ {Too many columns}%
+ {Current implementation doesn't
+ support more than 10 columns.%
+ \MessageBreak
+ I therefore use 10 columns instead}%
+ \col@number10 \fi
+ \ifx\@footnotetext\mult@footnotetext\else
+ \let\orig@footnotetext\@footnotetext
+ \let\@footnotetext\mult@footnotetext
+ \fi
+ \@ifnextchar[\mult@cols{\mult@cols[]}}
+ \columnwidth\textwidth
+ \orig@footnotetext{#1}\endgroup}
+ {\mult@@cols{#1}}%
+ {\mult@@cols{#1}[\premulticols]}}
+ \par
+ \ifinner \@boxedmulticolstrue
+ \else
+ \ifnum \doublecol@number>\z@
+ \@boxedmulticolstrue
+ \fi
+ \fi
+ \mult@info\z@
+ {Starting environment with
+ \the\col@number\space columns%
+ \if@boxedmulticols\MessageBreak
+ (boxed mode)\fi
+ }%
+ \enough@room{#2}%
+ #1\par\addvspace\multicolsep
+ \ifdim \prevdepth = -\@m\p@
+ \else
+ \@tempcnta\prevdepth
+ \@tempcntb\baselineskip
+ \divide\@tempcnta\@tempcntb
+ \advance\@tempcnta\@ne
+ \dimen@\prevdepth
+ \advance\dimen@ -\@tempcnta\baselineskip
+ \advance\dimen@ \topskip
+ \kern-\dimen@
+ \fi
+ \begingroup
+ \prepare@multicols
+ \if@boxedmulticols
+ \setbox\mult@box\vbox\bgroup
+ \color@setgroup
+ \fi
+ \ignorespaces}
+ \if@boxedmulticols\else
+ \par
+ \bgroup\@nobreakfalse\addpenalty\z@\egroup
+ \page@free \pagegoal
+ \advance \page@free -\pagetotal
+ \@tempskipa#1\relax
+ \mult@info\z@
+ {Current page:\MessageBreak
+ height=%
+ \the\pagegoal: used \the\pagetotal
+ \space -> free=\the\page@free
+ \MessageBreak
+ needed \the\@tempskipa
+ \space(for #1)}%
+ \ifdim \page@free <#1\newpage \fi
+ \fi}
+ \multicol@leftmargin\@totalleftmargin
+ \@totalleftmargin\z@
+ \parshape\z@
+ \doublecol@number\col@number
+ \multiply\doublecol@number\tw@
+ \advance\doublecol@number\mult@rightbox
+ \if@boxedmulticols
+ \let\l@kept@firstmark\kept@firstmark
+ \let\l@kept@botmark\kept@botmark
+ \global\let\kept@firstmark\@empty
+ \global\let\kept@botmark\@empty
+ \else
+ \nointerlineskip {\topskip\z@\null}%
+ \output{%
+ \global\setbox\partial@page\vbox
+ {%
+ \ifvoid\partial@page\else
+ \PackageError{multicol}%
+ {Error saving partial page}%
+ {The part of the page before
+ the multicols environment was
+ nearly full with^^Jthe result
+ that starting the environment
+ will produce an overfull
+ page. Some^^Jtext may be lost!
+ Please increase \premulticols
+ either generally or for this%
+ ^^Jenvironment by specifying a
+ suitable value in the second
+ optional argument to^^Jthe
+ multicols environment.}
+ \unvbox\partial@page
+ \box\last@line
+ \fi
+ \unvbox\@cclv
+ \global\setbox\last@line\lastbox
+ }%
+ \prep@keptmarks
+ \global\let\kept@topmark\firstmark
+ }\eject
+ \advance\@colroom-\ht\partial@page
+ \set@mult@vsize\relax
+ \output{\multi@column@out}%
+ \init@mult@footins
+ \reinsert@footnotes
+ \def\clearpage{%
+ \ifx\@deferlist\@empty\else
+ \PackageError{multicol}%
+ {Deferred floats not cleared}%
+ {A \string\clearpage\space inside multicols acts like
+ \string\newpage\space and doesn't clear floats.\MessageBreak
+ Move it before the multicols environment if you need it.}%
+ \fi
+ \newpage}%
+ \fi
+ \vbadness\@Mi \hbadness5000
+ \tolerance\multicoltolerance
+ \pretolerance\multicolpretolerance
+ \setemergencystretch\col@number\hsize
+ \set@floatcmds
+ \advance\baselineskip\multicolbaselineskip
+ \hsize\linewidth \advance\hsize\columnsep
+ \advance\hsize-\col@number\columnsep
+ \divide\hsize\col@number
+ \full@width\linewidth
+ \linewidth\hsize
+ \columnwidth\hsize
+ \multiply\count\footins\col@number
+ \multiply\skip \footins\col@number
+ \vsize\@colroom
+ \@tempdima\baselineskip
+ \advance\@tempdima-\topskip
+ \advance\vsize\@tempdima
+ \vsize\col@number\vsize
+ \advance\vsize-\@tempdima
+ \advance\vsize\col@number\baselineskip
+ #1\advance\vsize
+ \c@collectmore\baselineskip}
+ \if@boxedmulticols
+ \remove@discardable@items\color@endgroup\egroup
+ \balance@columns
+ \return@nonemptymark{first}%
+ \kept@firstmark
+ \return@nonemptymark{bot}%
+ \kept@botmark
+ \page@sofar
+ \global\let\kept@firstmark
+ \l@kept@firstmark
+ \global\let\kept@botmark
+ \l@kept@botmark
+ \mult@info\tw@
+ {Restore kept marks to\MessageBreak
+ first: \meaning\kept@firstmark
+ \MessageBreak bot\space\space:
+ \meaning\kept@botmark }%
+ \else
+ \ifdim\pagegoal=\maxdimen
+ \ifvoid\colbreak@box\else
+ \mult@info\@ne{Re-adding forced
+ break(s) for splitting}%
+ \unvbox\colbreak@box\fi
+ \fi
+ \penalty\z@
+ \output{\balance@columns@out}%
+ \eject
+ \ifvbox\partial@page
+ \unvbox\partial@page\fi
+ \global\let\kept@firstmark\@empty
+ \global\let\kept@botmark\@empty
+ \mult@info\tw@
+ {Make kept marks empty}%
+ \fi
+ \@checkend{multicols}%
+ \endgroup
+ \global\c@unbalance\z@
+ \if@boxedmulticols\else
+ \reinsert@footnotes
+ \ifdim \pagegoal=\maxdimen
+ \global\vsize\@colroom
+ \else
+ \enough@room\postmulticols
+ \fi
+ \fi
+ \addvspace\multicolsep
+ \prevdepth\z@
+ \mult@info\z@
+ {Ending environment
+ \if@boxedmulticols
+ \space(boxed mode)\fi
+ }}
+\c@unbalance = 0
+\c@collectmore = 0
+\multicoltolerance = 9999
+\multicolpretolerance = -1
+\premulticols = 50pt
+\postmulticols= 20pt
+\multicolsep = 12pt plus 4pt minus 3pt
+ \loop
+ #2%
+ \advance\count@\tw@
+ \ifnum\count@<\doublecol@number
+ \repeat}
+ \process@cols\mult@rightbox
+ {\ifvoid\count@
+ \setbox\count@\hbox to\hsize{}%
+ \else
+ \wd\count@\hsize
+ \fi}%
+ \count@\col@number \advance\count@\m@ne
+ \mult@info\z@
+ {Column spec: \the\full@width\space = indent
+ + columns + sep =\MessageBreak
+ \the\multicol@leftmargin\space
+ + \the\col@number\space
+ x \the\hsize\space
+ + \the\count@\space
+ x \the\columnsep
+ }%
+\ifvmode\else\errmessage{Multicol Error}\fi
+ \nointerlineskip
+ \setbox\z@\hbox{p}\global\dimen\tw@\dp\z@
+ \moveright\multicol@leftmargin
+ \hbox to\full@width{%
+ \mc@align@columns
+ \rlap{\phantom p}%
+ }%
+ \prevdepth\z@
+ \kern-\dimen\tw@
+ \ifdim\dimen\tw@ > \mc@gridwarn
+ \PackageWarning{multicol}%
+ {Very deep columns!\MessageBreak
+ Grid alignment might be broken}%
+ \fi
+ \insert\footins{}\fi}
+\def\vfilmaxdepth{\vskip \z@ \@plus .0001fil
+ \@minus \maxdepth}
+ \ifnum\outputpenalty <-\@M
+ \speci@ls \else
+ \ifvoid\colbreak@box\else
+ \mult@info\@ne{Re-adding forced
+ break(s) for splitting}%
+ \setbox\@cclv\vbox{%
+ \unvbox\colbreak@box
+ \penalty-\@Mv
+ \unvbox\@cclv}%
+ \fi
+ \splittopskip\topskip
+ \splitmaxdepth\maxdepth
+ \boxmaxdepth\maxdepth
+ \dimen@\@colroom
+ \divide\skip\footins\col@number
+ \ifvoid\footins \else
+ \leave@mult@footins
+ \fi
+ \let\ifshr@kingsaved\ifshr@king
+ \ifvbox \@kludgeins
+ \advance \dimen@ -\ht\@kludgeins
+ \ifdim \wd\@kludgeins>\z@
+ \shr@nkingtrue
+ \fi
+ \fi
+ \process@cols\mult@gfirstbox{%
+ \setbox\count@
+ \vsplit\@cclv to\dimen@
+ \set@keptmarks
+ \setbox\count@
+ \vbox to\dimen@
+ {\unvbox\count@
+ \ifshr@nking\vfilmaxdepth\fi}%
+ }%
+ \setbox\mult@rightbox
+ \vsplit\@cclv to\dimen@
+ \set@keptmarks
+ \setbox\mult@rightbox\vbox to\dimen@
+ {\unvbox\mult@rightbox
+ \ifshr@nking\vfilmaxdepth\fi}%
+ \let\ifshr@king\ifshr@kingsaved
+ \ifvoid\@cclv \else
+ \unvbox\@cclv
+ \ifnum\outputpenalty=\@M
+ \else
+ \penalty\outputpenalty
+ \fi
+ \ifvoid\footins\else
+ \PackageWarning{multicol}%
+ {I moved some lines to
+ the next page.\MessageBreak
+ Footnotes on page
+ \thepage\space might be wrong}%
+ \fi
+ \ifnum \c@tracingmulticols>\thr@@
+ \hrule\allowbreak \fi
+ \fi
+ \ifx\@empty\kept@firstmark
+ \let\firstmark\kept@topmark
+ \let\botmark\kept@topmark
+ \else
+ \let\firstmark\kept@firstmark
+ \let\botmark\kept@botmark
+ \fi
+ \let\topmark\kept@topmark
+ \mult@info\tw@
+ {Use kept top mark:\MessageBreak
+ \meaning\kept@topmark
+ \MessageBreak
+ Use kept first mark:\MessageBreak
+ \meaning\kept@firstmark
+ \MessageBreak
+ Use kept bot mark:\MessageBreak
+ \meaning\kept@botmark
+ \MessageBreak
+ Produce first mark:\MessageBreak
+ \meaning\firstmark
+ \MessageBreak
+ Produce bot mark:\MessageBreak
+ \meaning\botmark
+ \@gobbletwo}%
+ \boxmaxdepth\maxdimen
+ \setbox\@cclv\vbox{\unvbox\partial@page
+ \page@sofar}%
+ \@makecol\@outputpage
+ \global\let\kept@topmark\botmark
+ \global\let\kept@firstmark\@empty
+ \global\let\kept@botmark\@empty
+ \mult@info\tw@
+ {(Re)Init top mark:\MessageBreak
+ \meaning\kept@topmark
+ \@gobbletwo}%
+ \global\@colroom\@colht
+ \global \@mparbottom \z@
+ \global \@textfloatsheight \z@
+ \process@deferreds
+ \@whilesw\if@fcolmade\fi{\@outputpage
+ \global\@colroom\@colht
+ \process@deferreds}%
+ \mult@info\@ne
+ {Colroom:\MessageBreak
+ \the\@colht\space
+ after float space removed
+ = \the\@colroom \@gobble}%
+ \set@mult@vsize \global
+ \fi}
+ \advance\dimen@-\skip\footins
+ \advance\dimen@-\ht\footins
+ \ifnum\outputpenalty <-\@Mi
+ \ifnum \outputpenalty<-\@MM
+ \PackageError{multicol}{Document end
+ inside multicols environment}\@ehd
+ \@specialoutput
+ \else
+ \ifnum\outputpenalty = -\@Mv
+ \mult@info\@ne{Forced column
+ break seen}%
+ \global\advance\vsize-\pagetotal
+ \global\setbox\colbreak@box
+ \vbox{%
+ \ifvoid\colbreak@box
+ \else
+ \unvbox\colbreak@box
+ \penalty-\@Mv
+ \fi
+ \boxmaxdepth\maxdepth
+ \setbox\@cclv\vbox{%
+ \unvbox\@cclv
+ \remove@discardable@items}%
+ \dimen@\dp\@cclv
+ \unvbox\@cclv
+ \kern-\dimen@
+ }%
+ \reinsert@footnotes
+ \else
+ \PackageWarningNoLine{multicol}%
+ {Floats and marginpars not
+ allowed inside `multicols'
+ environment!}%
+ \unvbox\@cclv\reinsert@footnotes
+ \xdef\@freelist{\@freelist\@currlist}%
+ \gdef\@currlist{}%
+ \fi
+ \fi
+ \else \@doclearpage \fi
+ \@floatplacement
+ \@tryfcolumn\@deferlist
+ \if@fcolmade\else
+ \begingroup
+ \let\@tempb\@deferlist
+ \gdef\@deferlist{}%
+ \let\@elt\@scolelt
+ \@tempb \endgroup
+ \fi}
+ \@bsphack\shr@nkingtrue\@esphack}
+ \@bsphack\shr@nkingfalse\@esphack}
+ \setbox\mult@box\vbox{%
+ \ifvoid\colbreak@box\else
+ \unvbox\colbreak@box
+ \penalty-\@Mv
+ \mult@info\@ne{Re-adding
+ forced break(s) in balancing}%
+ \fi
+ \unvbox\@cclv
+ \remove@discardable@items
+ }%
+ \balance@columns
+ \iftoo@bad
+ \mult@info\@ne
+ {Balancing failed ...
+ cut a normal page}%
+ \setbox\@cclv\vbox
+ {\vskip\topskip
+ \vskip-\splittopskip
+ \unvbox\mult@box}%
+ \multi@column@out
+ \else
+ \global\vsize\@colroom
+ \global\advance\vsize\ht\partial@page
+ \ifvbox\@kludgeins\insert\@kludgeins
+ {\unvbox\@kludgeins}\fi
+ \unvbox\partial@page
+ \return@nonemptymark{first}\kept@firstmark
+ \return@nonemptymark{bot}\kept@botmark
+ \page@sofar
+ \penalty\z@
+ \fi
+ \get@keptmarks\mult@box
+ \setbox\mult@box\vbox{%
+ \penalty-\@M
+ \unvbox\mult@box
+ }%
+ \@tempdima\topskip
+ \splittopskip\@tempdima
+ \@plus\multicolundershoot
+ \@minus\multicolovershoot
+ \splitmaxdepth\maxdepth
+ \boxmaxdepth\maxdepth
+ \setbox\@tempboxa\vsplit\mult@box to\z@
+ \@tempdima\ht\mult@box
+ \advance\@tempdima\dp\mult@box
+ \divide\@tempdima\col@number
+ \count@\@tempdima
+ \divide\count@\baselineskip
+ \dimen@\count@\baselineskip
+ \advance\dimen@\topskip
+ \ifdim \dimen@ >\@tempdima
+ \advance\dimen@-\baselineskip
+ \fi
+ \advance\dimen@\c@unbalance\baselineskip
+ \mult@info\@ne
+ {Balance columns\on@line:
+ \ifnum\c@unbalance=\z@\else
+ (off balance=\number\c@unbalance)\fi
+ \@gobbletwo}%
+ \ifnum\dimen@<\topskip
+ \mult@info\@ne
+ {Start value
+ \the\dimen@ \space ->
+ \the\topskip \space (corrected)}%
+ \dimen@\topskip
+ \fi
+ \vbadness\@M
+ \vfuzz \maxdimen
+ \last@try-\p@
+ \loop
+ {\process@cols\mult@grightbox
+ {\global\setbox\count@
+ \box\voidb@x}}%
+ \global\setbox\mult@grightbox
+ \copy\mult@box
+ \too@badfalse
+ \forcedbreak@leftoverfalse
+ {\process@cols\mult@firstbox{%
+ \global\setbox\count@
+ \vsplit\mult@grightbox to\dimen@
+ \global\setbox\count@
+ \vbox to\dimen@
+ {\unvbox\count@}%
+ \ifnum\c@tracingmulticols>\@ne
+ \@tempcnta\count@
+ \advance\@tempcnta-\mult@grightbox
+ \divide\@tempcnta \tw@
+ \message{^^JColumn
+ \number\@tempcnta\space
+ badness: \the\badness\space}%
+ \fi
+ \ifnum\badness>\c@columnbadness
+ \ifnum\c@tracingmulticols>\@ne
+ \message{too bad
+ (>\the\c@columnbadness)}%
+ \fi
+ \too@badtrue
+ \fi
+ }}%
+ \global\setbox\mult@grightbox
+ \vbox{\unvbox\mult@grightbox}%
+ \setbox\mult@nat@firstbox
+ \vbox{\unvcopy\mult@firstbox}%
+ \ifnum\c@tracingmulticols>\@ne
+ \message{^^JFirst column
+ = \the\dimen@\space
+ (\the\ht\mult@nat@firstbox)}\fi
+ \ifnum\c@tracingmulticols>\@ne
+ \message{<> last column =
+ \the\ht\mult@grightbox^^J}%
+ \fi
+ \ifdim\ht\mult@grightbox >\dimen@
+ \too@badtrue
+ \ifnum\c@tracingmulticols>\@ne
+ \typeout{Rejected: last
+ column too large!}%
+ \fi
+ \else
+ \setbox\@tempboxa
+ \copy\mult@grightbox
+ \setbox\z@\vsplit\@tempboxa to\maxdimen
+ \ifvoid\@tempboxa
+ \global\setbox\mult@grightbox
+ \vbox to\dimen@
+ {\unvbox\mult@grightbox}%
+ \ifnum\c@tracingmulticols>\@ne
+ \message{Final badness:
+ \the\badness}%
+ \fi
+ \ifnum\badness>\c@finalcolumnbadness
+ \global\setbox\mult@grightbox
+ \vbox to\dimen@
+ {\unvbox\mult@grightbox\vfil}%
+ \ifnum\c@tracingmulticols>\@ne
+ \message{ setting natural
+ (> \the\c@finalcolumnbadness)}%
+ \fi
+ \fi
+ \else
+ \@tempdima\@colroom
+ \advance\@tempdima \maxbalancingoverflow
+ \ifdim \dimen@ < \@tempdima
+ \too@badtrue
+ \ifnum\c@tracingmulticols>\@ne
+ \typeout{Rejected: unprocessed
+ forced break(s) in last column!}%
+ \fi
+ \else
+ \forcedbreak@leftovertrue
+ \ifnum\c@tracingmulticols>\@ne
+ \typeout{Failed: columns too large
+ with unprocessed forced break(s)!}%
+ \fi
+ \fi
+ \fi
+ \fi
+ \ifdim\ht\mult@nat@firstbox<\dimen@
+ \ifdim\ht\mult@nat@firstbox>\last@try
+ \too@badtrue
+ \ifnum\c@tracingmulticols>\@ne
+ \typeout{Retry: using natural
+ height of first column!}%
+ \fi
+ \dimen@\ht\mult@nat@firstbox
+ \last@try\dimen@
+ \advance\dimen@-\p@
+ \fi
+ \fi
+ \iftoo@bad
+ \advance\dimen@\p@
+ \repeat
+ \ifforcedbreak@leftover
+ \too@badtrue
+ \else
+ \if@boxedmulticols\else
+ \ifdim\dimen@>\@colroom
+ \dimen@\@colroom
+ \fi
+ \fi
+ \process@cols\mult@rightbox
+ {\@tempcnta\count@
+ \advance\@tempcnta\@ne
+ \vfuzz\z@
+ \setbox\count@\vbox to\dimen@
+ {%
+ \vskip \z@
+ \@plus-\multicolundershoot
+ \@minus-\multicolovershoot
+ \unvbox\@tempcnta
+ \ifshr@nking\vfilmaxdepth\fi
+ }%
+ \ifnum\badness>\@M
+ \vfuzz\maxdimen % no overfull warning
+ \setbox\@tempboxa \vbox to\dimen@
+ {\vskip-\maxbalancingoverflow
+ \unvcopy\count@}%
+ \ifnum\badness>\@M
+ \mult@info\@ne
+ {Balanced column more than
+ \the\maxbalancingoverflow\space
+ too large}%
+ \too@badtrue
+ \else
+ \mult@info\@ne
+ {Balanced column
+ too large, but less than
+ \the\maxbalancingoverflow}%
+ \fi
+ \fi
+ }%
+ \fi
+ {\newdimen\emergencystretch}{}
+ \emergencystretch 4pt
+ \multiply\emergencystretch#1}
+ \let\@dblfloat\@dbflt
+ \def\end@dblfloat{\@endfloatbox
+ \@largefloatcheck
+ \outer@nobreak
+ \ifnum\@floatpenalty<\z@
+ \@cons\@deferlist\@currbox
+ \fi
+ \ifnum\@floatpenalty=-\@Mii
+ \@Esphack
+ \fi}}
+ \ifx#2\@empty
+ \else
+ \mult@info\tw@
+ {Returned #1 mark:\MessageBreak
+ \meaning#2}%
+ \toks@\expandafter{#2}%
+ \mark{\the\toks@}%
+ \nobreak
+ \fi}
+ \begingroup
+ \vbadness\@M
+ \setbox#1\copy#1%
+ \setbox#1\vsplit#1to\maxdimen
+ \set@keptmarks
+ \endgroup
+ \ifx\kept@firstmark\@empty
+ \expandafter\gdef\expandafter
+ \kept@firstmark
+ \expandafter{\splitfirstmark}%
+ \ifx\kept@firstmark\@empty\else
+ \mult@info\tw@
+ {Set kept first mark:\MessageBreak
+ \meaning\kept@firstmark%
+ \@gobbletwo}%
+ \fi
+ \fi
+ \expandafter\def\expandafter\@tempa
+ \expandafter{\splitbotmark}%
+ \ifx\@tempa\@empty\else
+ \global\let\kept@botmark\@tempa
+ \mult@info\tw@
+ {Set kept bot mark:\MessageBreak
+ \meaning\kept@botmark%
+ \@gobbletwo}%
+ \fi}%
+ \if@boxedmulticols \else
+ \get@keptmarks\partial@page
+ \fi}
+ \unpenalty
+ \edef\@tempa{\the\lastskip}%
+ \unskip
+ \ifx\@tempa\the@zero@skip
+ \edef\@tempb{\the\lastskip}%
+ \ifx\@tempb\the@zero@skip
+ \else
+ \unskip
+ \ifnum \lastpenalty=\@M
+ \vskip\@tempb\vskip\@tempa\relax
+ \else
+ \remove@discardable@items
+ \fi
+ \fi
+ \else
+ \remove@discardable@items
+ \fi
+ \ifnum\c@tracingmulticols>#1%
+ \GenericWarning
+ {(multicol)\@spaces\@spaces}%
+ {Package multicol: #2}%
+ \fi
+ \@namedef{multicols*}{%
+ \ifinner
+ \PackageWarning{multicol}%
+ {multicols* inside a box does
+ not make sense.\MessageBreak
+ Going to balance anyway}%
+ \else
+ \let\balance@columns@out
+ \multi@column@out
+ \fi
+ \begin{multicols}
+ \par
+ \ifdim\lastskip>\z@ \vskip-\lastskip \fi
+ \ifdim \prevdepth>\z@
+ \vskip-\ifdim\prevdepth>\boxmaxdepth
+ \boxmaxdepth
+ \else \prevdepth \fi
+ \fi
+ \ifshr@nking\else
+ \vfil
+ \fi
+ \end{multicols}}
+ \ifnum\col@number<\tw@
+ \PackageError{multicol}%
+ {\noexpand\columnbreak outside multicols}%
+ {This command can only be used within
+ a multicols or multicols* environment.}%
+ \else
+ \ifvmode
+ \penalty -\@Mv\relax
+ \else
+ \@bsphack
+ \vadjust{\penalty -\@Mv\relax}%
+ \@esphack
+ \fi
+ \fi}
+ \process@cols\mult@gfirstbox{%
+ \ifdim\dp\count@>\dimen\tw@
+ \global\dimen\tw@\dp\count@ \fi
+ \mc@col@status@write
+ \box\count@
+ \hss{\columnseprulecolor\vrule
+ \@width\columnseprule}\hss}%
+ \ifdim\dp\mult@rightbox>\dimen\tw@
+ \global\dimen\tw@\dp\mult@rightbox \fi
+ \mc@lastcol@status@write
+ \box\mult@rightbox
+ \process@cols\mult@gfirstbox{%
+ \hskip\hsize
+ \hss{\columnseprulecolor\vrule
+ \@width\columnseprule}\hss
+ }%
+ \hskip\hsize
+ \process@cols\mult@gfirstbox{%
+ \ifdim\dp\count@>\dimen\tw@
+ \global\dimen\tw@\dp\count@ \fi
+ \hskip-\hsize
+ \mc@col@status@write
+ \box\count@
+ \hskip-\hsize
+ \hskip-\columnsep
+ }%
+ \ifdim\dp\mult@rightbox>\dimen\tw@
+ \global\dimen\tw@\dp\mult@rightbox \fi
+ \hskip-\hsize
+ \mc@lastcol@status@write
+ \box\mult@rightbox
+ \hskip-\hsize
+ \hskip\full@width
+ }
+ {\let\mc@align@columns
+ \RL@column@boxes}
+ {\let\mc@align@columns
+ \LR@column@boxes}
+ \ifx\mc@col@status@write\relax
+ \PackageError{multicol}%
+ {Option 'colaction' not selected}%
+ {\string\docolaction\space
+ requires the use of the 'colaction'
+ option on the package}%
+ \fi
+ \global\advance\mc@col@check@num\@ne
+ \edef\mc@col@type{\expandafter\ifx
+ \csname mc@col-\the\mc@col@check@num
+ \endcsname\relax
+ 0\else
+ \csname mc@col-\the\mc@col@check@num
+ \endcsname
+ \fi}%
+ \ifcase \mc@col@type\relax
+ \ifcase #1\or #2\or#3\or#4\fi
+ \or
+ #2% % 1 First col
+ \or
+ #3% % 2 any middle col
+ \or
+ #4% % 3 last col
+ \else
+ \fi
+ \edef\next{\write\@auxout
+ {\string\mc@set@col@status
+ {mc@col-\the\mc@col@check@num}%
+ {\mc@col@type}}}%
+ \next
+ \gdef\mc@curr@col@status{#1}}
+ \global\expandafter\let\csname #1\endcsname
+ \mc@curr@col@status}
+ \ifnum #2=\mc@curr@col@status\else
+ \@tempswatrue
+ \fi}%
+%% End of file `multicol.sty'.