path: root/Master/texmf-dist/tex/latex/tikzlings/tikzlings-coatis.sty
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'Master/texmf-dist/tex/latex/tikzlings/tikzlings-coatis.sty')
1 files changed, 235 insertions, 174 deletions
diff --git a/Master/texmf-dist/tex/latex/tikzlings/tikzlings-coatis.sty b/Master/texmf-dist/tex/latex/tikzlings/tikzlings-coatis.sty
index fdeaa641778..3ff1dec9192 100644
--- a/Master/texmf-dist/tex/latex/tikzlings/tikzlings-coatis.sty
+++ b/Master/texmf-dist/tex/latex/tikzlings/tikzlings-coatis.sty
@@ -1,18 +1,18 @@
-% !TeX root = ./examples/coati.tex
+ % !TeX root = ./examples/coati.tex
-% This package is part of the TikZlings package
-% A package to bring cute little animals and other beings into tikz
-% Maintained by samcarter
-% Project repository and bug tracker:
-% Released under the LaTeX Project Public License v1.3c or later
-% See
+%% This package is part of the TikZlings package
+%% A package to bring cute little animals and other beings into tikz
+%% Maintained by samcarter
+%% Project repository and bug tracker:
+%% Released under the LaTeX Project Public License v1.3c or later
+%% See
-\ProvidesPackage{tikzlings-coatis}[2021/04/16 version v0.6 Drawing coatis in TikZ]
+\ProvidesPackage{tikzlings-coatis}[2021/08/06 version v0.8 Drawing coatis in TikZ]
@@ -68,179 +68,240 @@
+ %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
+ %
+ % minimal bounding box size
+ %
+ %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
+ \path (-0.84,0.1) rectangle (1.63,2.26);
+ %
+ %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
+ %
+ % store the current scale factor
+ % from
+ %
+ %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
+ \pgfgettransformentries{\tmpscaleA}{\tmpscaleB}{\tmpscaleC}{\tmpscaleD}{\tmp}{\tmp}%
+ \pgfmathsetmacro{\scalingfactor}{sqrt(abs(\tmpscaleA*\tmpscaleD-\tmpscaleB*\tmpscaleC))*sqrt(abs((\pgf@xx/1cm)*(\pgf@yy/1cm)-(\pgf@xy/1cm)*(\pgf@yx/1cm)))}%
+ \pgfmathsetmacro{\xscalefactor}{\tmpscaleA}
+ \pgfmathsetmacro{\yscalefactor}{\tmpscaleD}
+ %
+ %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
+ %
+ % switch between 2D, 3D and contours, from
+ %
+ %
+ %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
+ \ifcoati@threeD
+ \def\coati@part@draw[##1]{\shade[ball color=##1]}
+ \else% 3D
+ \ifcoati@contour
+ \def\coati@part@draw[##1]{\draw[##1,\coati@contour,fill=white,line width=\scalingfactor*0.4pt]}
+ \else% contour
+ \def\coati@part@draw[##1]{\fill[##1]}
+ \fi% contour
+ \fi% 3D
+ %
+ %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
+ %
+ % Body parts
+ %
+ %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
+ %
+ % adding hook for users to customise %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
+ \csname coatihookbackground\endcsname
+ \csname tikzlinghookbackground\endcsname
+ %
+ % Feet %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
+ \coati@part@draw[\coati@body!80!white] (0.255,0.2) ellipse[x radius=0.23, y radius=0.09];
+ \coati@part@draw[\coati@body!80!white] (-0.255,0.2) ellipse[x radius=0.23, y radius=0.09];
+ %
+ % Tail %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
+ \unless\ifcoati@back
+ \coati@part@draw[\coati@body!50!darkgray] (0.2845, 0.5595) .. controls (0.6382, 0.8326) and (0.7302, 1.5138) .. (1.0504, 1.6639) .. controls (1.3206, 1.7840) and (1.7609, 1.3537) .. (1.5608, 1.3437) .. controls (0.9203, 2.0442) and (0.8642, 0.6247) .. (0.5001, 0.3831) .. controls (0.3214, 0.2645) and (-0.1764, 0.1117) .. (-0.1408, 0.3245) .. controls (-0.1082, 0.5191) and (0.0508, 0.3791) .. (0.2845, 0.5595) -- cycle;
+ \begin{scope}
+ \clip (0.2845, 0.5595) .. controls (0.6382, 0.8326) and (0.7302, 1.5138) .. (1.0504, 1.6639) .. controls (1.3206, 1.7840) and (1.7609, 1.3537) .. (1.5608, 1.3437) .. controls (0.9203, 2.0442) and (0.8642, 0.6247) .. (0.5001, 0.3831) .. controls (0.3214, 0.2645) and (-0.1764, 0.1117) .. (-0.1408, 0.3245) .. controls (-0.1082, 0.5191) and (0.0508, 0.3791) .. (0.2845, 0.5595) -- cycle;
+ \coati@part@draw[\coati@body!45!white!95!orange,rotate around={-30:(0.8,1.15)}] (0.6,1.1) rectangle ++(0.4,0.1);
+ \coati@part@draw[\coati@body!45!white!95!orange,rotate around={-30:(0.9,1.35)}] (0.7,1.3) rectangle ++(0.4,0.1);
+ \coati@part@draw[\coati@body!45!white!95!orange,rotate around={-50:(1.0,1.5)}] (0.8,1.45) rectangle ++(0.4,0.1);
+ \coati@part@draw[\coati@body!45!white!95!orange,rotate around={-80:(1.2,1.6)}] (1.0,1.55) rectangle ++(0.4,0.1);
+ \coati@part@draw[\coati@body!45!white!95!orange,rotate around={-130:(1.5,1.5)}] (1.3,1.45) rectangle ++(0.4,0.1);
+ \coati@part@draw[\coati@body!45!white!95!orange,rotate around={-30:(0.55,0.65)}] (0.35,0.6) rectangle ++(0.4,0.1);
+ \coati@part@draw[\coati@body!45!white!95!orange,rotate around={-30:(0.65,0.9)}] (0.45,0.85) rectangle ++(0.4,0.1);
+ \coati@part@draw[\coati@body!45!white!95!orange,rotate around={-40:(0.35,0.45)}] (0.15,0.4) rectangle ++(0.4,0.1);
+ \coati@part@draw[\coati@body!45!white!95!orange,rotate around={-60:(0.05,0.3)}] (-0.15,0.25) rectangle ++(0.4,0.1);
+ \end{scope}
+ \fi% back
+ %
+ % Arms %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
+ \coati@part@draw[\coati@body!80!white] (-0.625,1) ellipse[x radius=0.42, y radius=0.13, rotate=70];
+ \coati@part@draw[\coati@body!80!white] (0.625,1) ellipse[x radius=0.42, y radius=0.13, rotate=-70];
+ %
+ % Body %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
+ \coati@part@draw[\coati@body!50!darkgray] (0.595, 0.92) .. controls (0.595, 0.26) and (0.355, 0.18) .. (0, 0.18) .. controls (-0.355, 0.18) and (-0.595, 0.26) .. (-0.595, 0.92) .. controls (-0.605, 1.58) and (-0.335, 2.11) .. (0, 2.11) .. controls (0.335, 2.11) and (0.605, 1.58) .. (0.595, 0.92) -- cycle;
+ %
+ % adding hook for users to customise %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
+ \csname coatihookbelly\endcsname
+ \csname tikzlinghookbelly\endcsname
+ %
+ % Head %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
+ \begin{scope}[rotate around={\coati@rotatehead:(0,1.68)}]
+ %
+ % Sidewards head %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
+ \ifcoati@sideward
+ %
+ % Left Ear %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
+ \coati@part@draw[\coati@body!45!white!95!orange] (-0.212, 2.135) ellipse[x radius=0.09, y radius=0.12, rotate=-16];
+ \unless\ifcoati@back
+ \coati@part@draw[\coati@body!80!white] (-0.212, 2.135) ellipse[x radius=0.065, y radius=0.09, rotate=-16];
+ \fi% back
+ %
+ % Head %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
+ \ifcoati@back
+ \coati@part@draw[\coati@body!45!white!95!orange] (0.4569, 1.5608) .. controls (0.3680, 1.3594) and (0.0005, 1.2699) .. (-0.1826, 1.3507) .. controls (-0.3657, 1.4315) and (-0.5475, 1.7632) .. (-0.4587, 1.9646) .. controls (-0.1103, 2.3578) and (0.5123, 2.0832) .. (0.4569, 1.5608) -- cycle;
+ \else% back
+ \coati@part@draw[\coati@body!45!white!95!orange] (0.4808, 1.7911) .. controls (0.5682, 1.2837) and (-0.3468, 1.3575) .. (-0.6360, 1.3679) .. controls (-0.7582, 1.4729) and (-0.5198, 1.7911) .. (-0.5198, 1.7911) .. controls (-0.3597, 2.2914) and (0.3207, 2.2914) .. (0.4808, 1.7911) -- cycle;
+ \fi% back
+ %
+ % Cheek %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
+ \unless\ifcoati@back
+ \coati@part@draw[\coati@body!80!white] (0.30, 1.4552) .. controls (0.30, 1.4552) and (0.1016, 1.7565) .. (-0.0005, 1.7581) -- (-0.6360, 1.3679) .. controls (-0.3083, 1.3437) and (0.0283, 1.332) .. (0.30, 1.4552) -- cycle (-0.4166, 1.9824) .. controls (-0.4166, 1.9824) and (-0.2413, 1.9758) .. (-0.2226, 1.9112) -- (-0.6875, 1.4906) .. controls (-0.6875, 1.4906) and (-0.5712, 1.7549) .. (-0.4166, 1.9824) -- cycle;
+ \fi% back
+ %
+ % Nose %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
+ \unless\ifcoati@back
+ \coati@part@draw[\coati@body!50!black] (-0.605, 1.453) circle[radius=0.09];
+ \fi% back
+ %
+ % Eyes %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
+ \unless\ifcoati@back
+ \coati@part@draw[\coati@eye] (0.007, 1.624) ellipse[x radius=0.04, y radius=0.06];
+ \coati@part@draw[\coati@eye] (-0.38, 1.865) ellipse[x radius=0.035, y radius=0.055];
+ \fi% back
+ %
+ % Right Ear %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
+ \coati@part@draw[\coati@body!45!white!95!orange] (0.417, 1.875) ellipse[x radius=0.1, y radius=0.14, rotate=-16];
+ \unless\ifcoati@back
+ \coati@part@draw[\coati@body!80!white] (0.417, 1.875) ellipse[x radius=0.07, y radius=0.10, rotate=-16];
+ \fi% back
+ %
+ % Normal Head %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
+ \else% sidewards
+ %
+ % Head %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
+ \ifcoati@back
+ \coati@part@draw[\coati@body!45!white!95!orange] (0.5, 1.8) .. controls (0.5, 1.58) and (0.2, 1.35) .. (0, 1.35) .. controls (-0.2, 1.35) and (-0.5, 1.58) .. (-0.5, 1.8) .. controls (-0.34, 2.3) and (0.34, 2.3) .. (0.5, 1.8) -- cycle;
+ \else% back
+ \coati@part@draw[\coati@body!45!white!95!orange] (0.5, 1.8) .. controls (0.5, 1.58) and (0.2, 1.25) .. (0, 1.16) .. controls (-0.2, 1.25) and (-0.5, 1.58) .. (-0.5, 1.8) .. controls (-0.34, 2.3) and (0.34, 2.3) .. (0.5, 1.8) -- cycle;
+ \fi% back
+ %
+ % Cheeks %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
+ \unless\ifcoati@back
+ \coati@part@draw[\coati@body!80!white] (-0.4935, 1.7443) .. controls (-0.4935, 1.7443) and (-0.1917, 1.7798) .. (-0.1371, 1.7333) .. controls (-0.07, 1.2) and (-0.07, 1.2) .. (-0.07, 1.2) .. controls (-0.259, 1.3169) and (-0.46, 1.5665) .. (-0.4935, 1.7443) -- cycle (0.4935, 1.7443) .. controls (0.4935, 1.7443) and (0.1917, 1.7798) .. (0.1371, 1.7333) .. controls (0.07, 1.2) and (0.07, 1.2) .. (0.07, 1.2) .. controls (0.259, 1.3169) and (0.46, 1.5665) .. (0.4935, 1.7443) -- cycle;
+ \fi% back
+ %
+ % Nose %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
+ \unless\ifcoati@back
+ \coati@part@draw[\coati@body!50!black] (0, 1.248) circle[radius=0.09];
+ \fi% back
+ %
+ % Eyes %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
+ \unless\ifcoati@back
+ \coati@part@draw[\coati@eye] (0.23, 1.62) circle[radius=0.05];
+ \coati@part@draw[\coati@eye] (-0.23, 1.62) circle[radius=0.05];
+ \fi% back
+ %
+ % Ears %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
+ \coati@part@draw[\coati@body!45!white!95!orange] (0.44, 2.02) circle[radius=0.12];
+ \coati@part@draw[\coati@body!45!white!95!orange] (-0.44, 2.02) circle[radius=0.12];
+ \unless\ifcoati@back
+ \coati@part@draw[\coati@body!80!white] (0.44, 2.02) circle[radius=0.09];
+ \coati@part@draw[\coati@body!80!white] (-0.44, 2.02) circle[radius=0.09];
+ \fi% back
+ %
+ \fi% sidewards
+ \end{scope}
+ %
+ % Tail if back %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
+ \ifcoati@back
+ \coati@part@draw[\coati@body!50!darkgray] (0.2845, 0.5595) .. controls (0.6382, 0.8326) and (0.7302, 1.5138) .. (1.0504, 1.6639) .. controls (1.3206, 1.7840) and (1.7609, 1.3537) .. (1.5608, 1.3437) .. controls (0.9203, 2.0442) and (0.8642, 0.6247) .. (0.5001, 0.3831) .. controls (0.3214, 0.2645) and (-0.1764, 0.1117) .. (-0.1408, 0.3245) .. controls (-0.1082, 0.5191) and (0.0508, 0.3791) .. (0.2845, 0.5595) -- cycle;
+ \begin{scope}
+ \clip (0.2845, 0.5595) .. controls (0.6382, 0.8326) and (0.7302, 1.5138) .. (1.0504, 1.6639) .. controls (1.3206, 1.7840) and (1.7609, 1.3537) .. (1.5608, 1.3437) .. controls (0.9203, 2.0442) and (0.8642, 0.6247) .. (0.5001, 0.3831) .. controls (0.3214, 0.2645) and (-0.1764, 0.1117) .. (-0.1408, 0.3245) .. controls (-0.1082, 0.5191) and (0.0508, 0.3791) .. (0.2845, 0.5595) -- cycle;
+ \coati@part@draw[\coati@body!45!white!95!orange,rotate around={-30:(0.8,1.15)}] (0.6,1.1) rectangle ++(0.4,0.1);
+ \coati@part@draw[\coati@body!45!white!95!orange,rotate around={-30:(0.9,1.35)}] (0.7,1.3) rectangle ++(0.4,0.1);
+ \coati@part@draw[\coati@body!45!white!95!orange,rotate around={-50:(1.0,1.5)}] (0.8,1.45) rectangle ++(0.4,0.1);
+ \coati@part@draw[\coati@body!45!white!95!orange,rotate around={-80:(1.2,1.6)}] (1.0,1.55) rectangle ++(0.4,0.1);
+ \coati@part@draw[\coati@body!45!white!95!orange,rotate around={-130:(1.5,1.5)}] (1.3,1.45) rectangle ++(0.4,0.1);
+ \coati@part@draw[\coati@body!45!white!95!orange,rotate around={-30:(0.55,0.65)}] (0.35,0.6) rectangle ++(0.4,0.1);
+ \coati@part@draw[\coati@body!45!white!95!orange,rotate around={-30:(0.65,0.9)}] (0.45,0.85) rectangle ++(0.4,0.1);
+ \coati@part@draw[\coati@body!45!white!95!orange,rotate around={-40:(0.35,0.45)}] (0.15,0.4) rectangle ++(0.4,0.1);
+ \coati@part@draw[\coati@body!45!white!95!orange,rotate around={-60:(0.05,0.3)}] (-0.15,0.25) rectangle ++(0.4,0.1);
+ \end{scope}
+ \fi% back
+ %
+ % adding hook for users to customise %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
+ \csname coatihookbody\endcsname
+ \csname tikzlinghookbody\endcsname
+ %
-% minimal bounding box size
-\path (-0.84,0.1) rectangle (1.63,2.26);
-% store the current scale factor
-% from
+%% Documentation
+%\section[Coati]{007, the coati}
-% switch between 2D, 3D and contours, from
+%\emph{Named after a coati living in the zoo of M\"onchengladbach}
- \def\coati@part@draw[##1]{\shade[ball color=##1]}
- \ifcoati@contour
- \def\coati@part@draw[##1]{\draw[##1,\coati@contour,fill=white,line width=\scalingfactor*0.4pt]}
- \else
- \def\coati@part@draw[##1]{\fill[##1]}
- \fi
+%\subsection{Package name}
+%\begin{tcolorbox}[lower separated=false, lefthand width=.8\linewidth]
-% Body parts (center: x=0)
+%\subsection{Basic Usage}
-% adding hook for users to customise %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
-\csname coatihookbackground\endcsname
-\csname tikzlinghookbackground\endcsname
-% Feet %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
-\coati@part@draw[\coati@body!80!white] (0.255,0.2) ellipse[x radius=0.23, y radius=0.09];
-\coati@part@draw[\coati@body!80!white] (-0.255,0.2) ellipse[x radius=0.23, y radius=0.09];
-% Tail %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
- \coati@part@draw[\coati@body!50!darkgray] (0.2845, 0.5595) .. controls (0.6382, 0.8326) and (0.7302, 1.5138) .. (1.0504, 1.6639) .. controls (1.3206, 1.7840) and (1.7609, 1.3537) .. (1.5608, 1.3437) .. controls (0.9203, 2.0442) and (0.8642, 0.6247) .. (0.5001, 0.3831) .. controls (0.3214, 0.2645) and (-0.1764, 0.1117) .. (-0.1408, 0.3245) .. controls (-0.1082, 0.5191) and (0.0508, 0.3791) .. (0.2845, 0.5595) -- cycle;
- \begin{scope}
- \clip (0.2845, 0.5595) .. controls (0.6382, 0.8326) and (0.7302, 1.5138) .. (1.0504, 1.6639) .. controls (1.3206, 1.7840) and (1.7609, 1.3537) .. (1.5608, 1.3437) .. controls (0.9203, 2.0442) and (0.8642, 0.6247) .. (0.5001, 0.3831) .. controls (0.3214, 0.2645) and (-0.1764, 0.1117) .. (-0.1408, 0.3245) .. controls (-0.1082, 0.5191) and (0.0508, 0.3791) .. (0.2845, 0.5595) -- cycle;
- \coati@part@draw[\coati@body!45!white!95!orange,rotate around={-30:(0.8,1.15)}] (0.6,1.1) rectangle ++(0.4,0.1);
- \coati@part@draw[\coati@body!45!white!95!orange,rotate around={-30:(0.9,1.35)}] (0.7,1.3) rectangle ++(0.4,0.1);
- \coati@part@draw[\coati@body!45!white!95!orange,rotate around={-50:(1.0,1.5)}] (0.8,1.45) rectangle ++(0.4,0.1);
- \coati@part@draw[\coati@body!45!white!95!orange,rotate around={-80:(1.2,1.6)}] (1.0,1.55) rectangle ++(0.4,0.1);
- \coati@part@draw[\coati@body!45!white!95!orange,rotate around={-130:(1.5,1.5)}] (1.3,1.45) rectangle ++(0.4,0.1);
- \coati@part@draw[\coati@body!45!white!95!orange,rotate around={-30:(0.55,0.65)}] (0.35,0.6) rectangle ++(0.4,0.1);
- \coati@part@draw[\coati@body!45!white!95!orange,rotate around={-30:(0.65,0.9)}] (0.45,0.85) rectangle ++(0.4,0.1);
- \coati@part@draw[\coati@body!45!white!95!orange,rotate around={-40:(0.35,0.45)}] (0.15,0.4) rectangle ++(0.4,0.1);
- \coati@part@draw[\coati@body!45!white!95!orange,rotate around={-60:(0.05,0.3)}] (-0.15,0.25) rectangle ++(0.4,0.1);
- \end{scope}
-% Arms %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
-\coati@part@draw[\coati@body!80!white] (-0.625,1) ellipse[x radius=0.42, y radius=0.13, rotate=70];
-\coati@part@draw[\coati@body!80!white] (0.625,1) ellipse[x radius=0.42, y radius=0.13, rotate=-70];
+%The basic coati can be modified by changing its colour:
-% Body %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
-\coati@part@draw[\coati@body!50!darkgray] (0.595, 0.92) .. controls (0.595, 0.26) and (0.355, 0.18) .. (0, 0.18) .. controls (-0.355, 0.18) and (-0.595, 0.26) .. (-0.595, 0.92) .. controls (-0.605, 1.58) and (-0.335, 2.11) .. (0, 2.11) .. controls (0.335, 2.11) and (0.605, 1.58) .. (0.595, 0.92) -- cycle;
+%In addition to the colour of the body, the colour of the eyes can be adjusted:
-% adding hook for users to customise %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
-\csname coatihookbelly\endcsname
-\csname tikzlinghookbelly\endcsname
-% Head %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
-\begin{scope}[rotate around={\coati@rotatehead:(0,1.68)}]
+%The head of the coati can be rotated, but please don't overdo this, otherwise his neck might break!
-% Sidewards head %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
- %
- % Left Ear %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
- \coati@part@draw[\coati@body!45!white!95!orange] (-0.212, 2.135) ellipse[x radius=0.09, y radius=0.12, rotate=-16];
- \unless\ifcoati@back
- \coati@part@draw[\coati@body!80!white] (-0.212, 2.135) ellipse[x radius=0.065, y radius=0.09, rotate=-16];
- \fi
- %
- % Head %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
- \ifcoati@back
- \coati@part@draw[\coati@body!45!white!95!orange] (0.4569, 1.5608) .. controls (0.3680, 1.3594) and (0.0005, 1.2699) .. (-0.1826, 1.3507) .. controls (-0.3657, 1.4315) and (-0.5475, 1.7632) .. (-0.4587, 1.9646) .. controls (-0.1103, 2.3578) and (0.5123, 2.0832) .. (0.4569, 1.5608) -- cycle;
- \else
- \coati@part@draw[\coati@body!45!white!95!orange] (0.4808, 1.7911) .. controls (0.5682, 1.2837) and (-0.3468, 1.3575) .. (-0.6360, 1.3679) .. controls (-0.7582, 1.4729) and (-0.5198, 1.7911) .. (-0.5198, 1.7911) .. controls (-0.3597, 2.2914) and (0.3207, 2.2914) .. (0.4808, 1.7911) -- cycle;
- \fi
- %
- % Cheek %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
- \unless\ifcoati@back
- \coati@part@draw[\coati@body!80!white] (0.30, 1.4552) .. controls (0.30, 1.4552) and (0.1016, 1.7565) .. (-0.0005, 1.7581) -- (-0.6360, 1.3679) .. controls (-0.3083, 1.3437) and (0.0283, 1.332) .. (0.30, 1.4552) -- cycle (-0.4166, 1.9824) .. controls (-0.4166, 1.9824) and (-0.2413, 1.9758) .. (-0.2226, 1.9112) -- (-0.6875, 1.4906) .. controls (-0.6875, 1.4906) and (-0.5712, 1.7549) .. (-0.4166, 1.9824) -- cycle;
- \fi
- % Nose %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
- \unless\ifcoati@back
- \coati@part@draw[\coati@body!50!black] (-0.605, 1.453) circle[radius=0.09];
- \fi
- %
- % Eyes %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
- \unless\ifcoati@back
- \coati@part@draw[\coati@eye] (0.007, 1.624) ellipse[x radius=0.04, y radius=0.06];
- \coati@part@draw[\coati@eye] (-0.38, 1.865) ellipse[x radius=0.035, y radius=0.055];
- \fi
- %
- % Right Ear %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
- \coati@part@draw[\coati@body!45!white!95!orange] (0.417, 1.875) ellipse[x radius=0.1, y radius=0.14, rotate=-16];
- \unless\ifcoati@back
- \coati@part@draw[\coati@body!80!white] (0.417, 1.875) ellipse[x radius=0.07, y radius=0.10, rotate=-16];
- \fi
+%For the head an alternative sidewards facing head is available. It can be combined with the \lstinline|rotatehead| option.
-% Normal Head %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
- %
- % Head %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
- \ifcoati@back
- \coati@part@draw[\coati@body!45!white!95!orange] (0.5, 1.8) .. controls (0.5, 1.58) and (0.2, 1.35) .. (0, 1.35) .. controls (-0.2, 1.35) and (-0.5, 1.58) .. (-0.5, 1.8) .. controls (-0.34, 2.3) and (0.34, 2.3) .. (0.5, 1.8) -- cycle;
- \else
- \coati@part@draw[\coati@body!45!white!95!orange] (0.5, 1.8) .. controls (0.5, 1.58) and (0.2, 1.25) .. (0, 1.16) .. controls (-0.2, 1.25) and (-0.5, 1.58) .. (-0.5, 1.8) .. controls (-0.34, 2.3) and (0.34, 2.3) .. (0.5, 1.8) -- cycle;
- \fi
- %
- % Cheeks %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
- \unless\ifcoati@back
- \coati@part@draw[\coati@body!80!white] (-0.4935, 1.7443) .. controls (-0.4935, 1.7443) and (-0.1917, 1.7798) .. (-0.1371, 1.7333) .. controls (-0.07, 1.2) and (-0.07, 1.2) .. (-0.07, 1.2) .. controls (-0.259, 1.3169) and (-0.46, 1.5665) .. (-0.4935, 1.7443) -- cycle (0.4935, 1.7443) .. controls (0.4935, 1.7443) and (0.1917, 1.7798) .. (0.1371, 1.7333) .. controls (0.07, 1.2) and (0.07, 1.2) .. (0.07, 1.2) .. controls (0.259, 1.3169) and (0.46, 1.5665) .. (0.4935, 1.7443) -- cycle;
- \fi
- %
- % Nose %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
- \unless\ifcoati@back
- \coati@part@draw[\coati@body!50!black] (0, 1.248) circle[radius=0.09];
- \fi
- %
- % Eyes %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
- \unless\ifcoati@back
- \coati@part@draw[\coati@eye] (0.23, 1.62) circle[radius=0.05];
- \coati@part@draw[\coati@eye] (-0.23, 1.62) circle[radius=0.05];
- \fi
- %
- % Ears %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
- \coati@part@draw[\coati@body!45!white!95!orange] (0.44, 2.02) circle[radius=0.12];
- \coati@part@draw[\coati@body!45!white!95!orange] (-0.44, 2.02) circle[radius=0.12];
- \unless\ifcoati@back
- \coati@part@draw[\coati@body!80!white] (0.44, 2.02) circle[radius=0.09];
- \coati@part@draw[\coati@body!80!white] (-0.44, 2.02) circle[radius=0.09];
- \fi
- %
+%To view the coati from behind:
-% Tail if back %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
- \coati@part@draw[\coati@body!50!darkgray] (0.2845, 0.5595) .. controls (0.6382, 0.8326) and (0.7302, 1.5138) .. (1.0504, 1.6639) .. controls (1.3206, 1.7840) and (1.7609, 1.3537) .. (1.5608, 1.3437) .. controls (0.9203, 2.0442) and (0.8642, 0.6247) .. (0.5001, 0.3831) .. controls (0.3214, 0.2645) and (-0.1764, 0.1117) .. (-0.1408, 0.3245) .. controls (-0.1082, 0.5191) and (0.0508, 0.3791) .. (0.2845, 0.5595) -- cycle;
- \begin{scope}
- \clip (0.2845, 0.5595) .. controls (0.6382, 0.8326) and (0.7302, 1.5138) .. (1.0504, 1.6639) .. controls (1.3206, 1.7840) and (1.7609, 1.3537) .. (1.5608, 1.3437) .. controls (0.9203, 2.0442) and (0.8642, 0.6247) .. (0.5001, 0.3831) .. controls (0.3214, 0.2645) and (-0.1764, 0.1117) .. (-0.1408, 0.3245) .. controls (-0.1082, 0.5191) and (0.0508, 0.3791) .. (0.2845, 0.5595) -- cycle;
- \coati@part@draw[\coati@body!45!white!95!orange,rotate around={-30:(0.8,1.15)}] (0.6,1.1) rectangle ++(0.4,0.1);
- \coati@part@draw[\coati@body!45!white!95!orange,rotate around={-30:(0.9,1.35)}] (0.7,1.3) rectangle ++(0.4,0.1);
- \coati@part@draw[\coati@body!45!white!95!orange,rotate around={-50:(1.0,1.5)}] (0.8,1.45) rectangle ++(0.4,0.1);
- \coati@part@draw[\coati@body!45!white!95!orange,rotate around={-80:(1.2,1.6)}] (1.0,1.55) rectangle ++(0.4,0.1);
- \coati@part@draw[\coati@body!45!white!95!orange,rotate around={-130:(1.5,1.5)}] (1.3,1.45) rectangle ++(0.4,0.1);
- \coati@part@draw[\coati@body!45!white!95!orange,rotate around={-30:(0.55,0.65)}] (0.35,0.6) rectangle ++(0.4,0.1);
- \coati@part@draw[\coati@body!45!white!95!orange,rotate around={-30:(0.65,0.9)}] (0.45,0.85) rectangle ++(0.4,0.1);
- \coati@part@draw[\coati@body!45!white!95!orange,rotate around={-40:(0.35,0.45)}] (0.15,0.4) rectangle ++(0.4,0.1);
- \coati@part@draw[\coati@body!45!white!95!orange,rotate around={-60:(0.05,0.3)}] (-0.15,0.25) rectangle ++(0.4,0.1);
- \end{scope}
+%The key \lstinline|3D| will make the coati 3-dimensional:
-% adding hook for users to customise %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
-\csname coatihookbody\endcsname
-\csname tikzlinghookbody\endcsname
+%And finally the \lstinline|contour| key will only draw the outlines: