path: root/Master/texmf-dist/tex/latex/tikzlings/tikzlings-bats.sty
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'Master/texmf-dist/tex/latex/tikzlings/tikzlings-bats.sty')
1 files changed, 260 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/Master/texmf-dist/tex/latex/tikzlings/tikzlings-bats.sty b/Master/texmf-dist/tex/latex/tikzlings/tikzlings-bats.sty
new file mode 100644
index 00000000000..9e8daeb75d2
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Master/texmf-dist/tex/latex/tikzlings/tikzlings-bats.sty
@@ -0,0 +1,260 @@
+ % !TeX root = ./examples/bat.tex
+%% This package is part of the TikZlings package
+%% A package to bring cute little animals and other beings into tikz
+%% Maintained by samcarter
+%% Project repository and bug tracker:
+%% Released under the LaTeX Project Public License v1.3c or later
+%% See
+\ProvidesPackage{tikzlings-bats}[2021/08/06 version v0.8 Drawing bats in TikZ]
+ \begin{scope}%
+ \tikzset{/bat/.cd,#1}%
+ \bat@draw%
+ \end{scope}%
+ \thing[#1]%
+ % adding hook for users to customise %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
+ \csname bathookforeground\endcsname
+ \csname tikzlinghookforeground\endcsname
+ %
+ %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
+ %
+ % Pass unknown keys on to tikz
+ %
+ %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
+ /bat/.search also={/tikz,/pgf,/thing},
+ /bat/.cd,
+ %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
+ %
+ % body
+ %
+ %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
+ body/.code = \def\bat@body{#1},
+ body = black!75!white,
+ ears/.code = \def\bat@ears{#1},
+ ears = \bat@body,
+ eye/.code = \def\bat@eye{#1},
+ eye = white,
+ pupil/.code = \def\bat@pupil{#1},
+ pupil = black,
+ mouth/.code = \def\bat@mouth{#1},
+ mouth = black,
+ feet/.code = \def\bat@feet{#1},
+ feet = orange,
+ wings/.code = \def\bat@wings{#1},
+ wings = 1,
+ %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
+ %
+ % options
+ %
+ %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
+ teeth/.code = \bat@teethtrue
+ \def\bat@teeth{#1},
+ teeth/.default = white,
+ 3D/.code = \bat@threeDtrue,
+ back/.code = \bat@backtrue,
+ contour/.code = \bat@contourtrue
+ \def\bat@contour{#1}
+ \def\bat@antennas{#1}
+ \def\bat@mouth{#1},
+ contour/.default = black,
+ outline/.forward to = /bat/contour,
+ %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
+ %
+ % minimal bounding box size
+ %
+ %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
+ \path (-0.44,0.0) rectangle (0.44, 2.2);
+ %
+ %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
+ %
+ % store the current scale factor
+ % from
+ %
+ %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
+ \pgfgettransformentries{\tmpscaleA}{\tmpscaleB}{\tmpscaleC}{\tmpscaleD}{\tmp}{\tmp}%
+ \pgfmathsetmacro{\scalingfactor}{sqrt(abs(\tmpscaleA*\tmpscaleD-\tmpscaleB*\tmpscaleC))*sqrt(abs((\pgf@xx/1cm)*(\pgf@yy/1cm)-(\pgf@xy/1cm)*(\pgf@yx/1cm)))}%
+ \pgfmathsetmacro{\xscalefactor}{\tmpscaleA}
+ \pgfmathsetmacro{\yscalefactor}{\tmpscaleD}
+ %
+ %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
+ %
+ % switch between 2D, 3D and contours, from
+ %
+ %
+ %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
+ \ifbat@threeD
+ \def\bat@part@draw[##1]{\shade[ball color=##1]}
+ \else% 3D
+ \ifbat@contour
+ \def\bat@part@draw[##1]{\draw[##1,\bat@contour,fill=white,line width=\scalingfactor*0.4pt]}
+ \else% contour
+ \def\bat@part@draw[##1]{\fill[##1]}
+ \fi% contour
+ \fi% 3D
+ %
+ %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
+ %
+ % Body parts
+ %
+ %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
+ %
+ % adding hook for users to customise %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
+ \csname batshookbackground\endcsname
+ \csname tikzlinghookbackground\endcsname
+ %
+ % Wings %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
+ \bat@part@draw[\bat@body] (-0.4147-\bat@wings*1.8711, 0.6377) .. controls (-0.4147-\bat@wings*2.0410, 1.1512) and (-0.4147-\bat@wings*1.1342, 1.5336) .. (-0.4147-\bat@wings*0.5687, 1.6054) .. controls (-0.4147-\bat@wings*0.3860, 1.4742) and (-0.4147-\bat@wings*0.0711, 1.3009) .. (-0.35, 1.2365) -- (-0.35, 0.5586) .. controls (-0.4147-\bat@wings*0.0890, 0.6892) and (-0.4147-\bat@wings*0.2882, 0.7333) .. (-0.4147-\bat@wings*0.4758, 0.6377) .. controls (-0.4147-\bat@wings*0.6753, 0.841) and (-0.4147-\bat@wings*0.9758, 0.8349) .. (-0.4147-\bat@wings*1.1476, 0.6377) .. controls (-0.4147-\bat@wings*1.2902, 0.8407) and (-0.4147-\bat@wings*1.72, 0.8553) .. (-0.4147-\bat@wings*1.8711, 0.6377) -- cycle;
+ \bat@part@draw[\bat@body] (0.4147+\bat@wings*1.8711, 0.6377) .. controls (0.4147+\bat@wings*2.0410, 1.1512) and (0.4147+\bat@wings*1.1342, 1.5336) .. (0.4147+\bat@wings*0.5687, 1.6054) .. controls (0.4147+\bat@wings*0.3860, 1.4742) and (0.4147+\bat@wings*0.0711, 1.3009) .. (0.35, 1.2365) -- (0.35, 0.5586) .. controls (0.4147+\bat@wings*0.0890, 0.6892) and (0.4147+\bat@wings*0.2882, 0.7333) .. (0.4147+\bat@wings*0.4758, 0.6377) .. controls (0.4147+\bat@wings*0.6753, 0.841) and (0.4147+\bat@wings*0.9758, 0.8349) .. (0.4147+\bat@wings*1.1476, 0.6377) .. controls (0.4147+\bat@wings*1.2902, 0.8407) and (0.4147+\bat@wings*1.72, 0.8553) .. (0.4147+\bat@wings*1.8711, 0.6377) -- cycle;
+ %
+ % Ears %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
+ \bat@part@draw[\bat@ears] (-0.3498, 1.7392) .. controls (-0.3498, 1.7392) and (-0.4724, 1.9226) .. (-0.3896, 2.177) .. controls (-0.2561, 2.2679) and (-0.0953, 1.9447) .. (0.0234, 1.9394) -- cycle;
+ \bat@part@draw[\bat@ears] (0.3498, 1.7392) .. controls (0.3498, 1.7392) and (0.4724, 1.9226) .. (0.3896, 2.177) .. controls (0.2561, 2.2679) and (0.0953, 1.9447) .. (-0.0234, 1.9394) -- cycle;
+ %
+ % Feet %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
+ \ifbat@back
+ \bat@part@draw[\bat@feet] (0.175,0.1) ellipse[x radius=0.03, y radius=0.1];
+ \bat@part@draw[\bat@feet] (0.225,0.11) ellipse[x radius=0.03, y radius=0.1, rotate=20];
+ \bat@part@draw[\bat@feet] (0.275,0.13) ellipse[x radius=0.03, y radius=0.1, rotate=40];
+ \bat@part@draw[\bat@feet] (-0.175,0.1) ellipse[x radius=0.03, y radius=0.1];
+ \bat@part@draw[\bat@feet] (-0.225,0.11) ellipse[x radius=0.03, y radius=0.1, rotate=-20];
+ \bat@part@draw[\bat@feet] (-0.275,0.13) ellipse[x radius=0.03, y radius=0.1, rotate=-40];
+ \fi% back
+ %
+ % Body %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
+ \bat@part@draw[\bat@body] (0,0.8) ellipse [y radius=0.7, x radius=0.45];
+ %
+ % Head %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
+ \bat@part@draw[\bat@body] (0,1.55) circle [radius=0.43];
+ %
+ % adding hook for users to customise %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
+ \csname batshookbelly\endcsname
+ \csname tikzlinghookbelly\endcsname
+ %
+ % Show details only from the front %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
+ \unless\ifbat@back
+ %
+ % Feet %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
+ \bat@part@draw[\bat@feet] (0.175,0.1) ellipse[x radius=0.03, y radius=0.1];
+ \bat@part@draw[\bat@feet] (0.225,0.11) ellipse[x radius=0.03, y radius=0.1, rotate=20];
+ \bat@part@draw[\bat@feet] (0.275,0.13) ellipse[x radius=0.03, y radius=0.1, rotate=40];
+ \bat@part@draw[\bat@feet] (-0.175,0.1) ellipse[x radius=0.03, y radius=0.1];
+ \bat@part@draw[\bat@feet] (-0.225,0.11) ellipse[x radius=0.03, y radius=0.1, rotate=-20];
+ \bat@part@draw[\bat@feet] (-0.275,0.13) ellipse[x radius=0.03, y radius=0.1, rotate=-40];
+ %
+ % Eyes %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
+ \bat@part@draw[\bat@eye] (-0.18,1.66) ellipse[x radius=0.1, y radius=0.15, rotate=10];
+ \bat@part@draw[\bat@pupil] (-0.15,1.645) ellipse[x radius=0.0357, y radius=0.0714, rotate=3];
+ \bat@part@draw[\bat@eye] (0.18,1.66) ellipse[x radius=0.1, y radius=0.15, rotate=-10];
+ \bat@part@draw[\bat@pupil] (0.15,1.645) ellipse[x radius=0.0357, y radius=0.0714, rotate=-3];
+ %
+ % Teeth %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
+ \ifbat@teeth
+ \bat@part@draw[\bat@teeth] (-0.1,1.36) -- (-0.12,1.3) -- (-0.14,1.38) -- cycle;
+ \bat@part@draw[\bat@teeth] (0.1,1.36) -- (0.12,1.3) -- (0.14,1.38) -- cycle;
+ \fi
+ %
+ % Mouth %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
+ \draw[\bat@mouth,line width=\scalingfactor*0.4pt] (0.18, 1.42) arc [start angle=-40, end angle=-140, radius=0.23];
+ %
+ %
+ \fi% back
+ % adding hook for users to customise %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
+ \csname batshookbody\endcsname
+ \csname tikzlinghookbody\endcsname
+ %
+%% Documentation
+%\section[Bat]{Natalie, the bat}
+%\emph{Named after a dear friend from my undergrad studies}
+%\subsection{Package name}
+%\begin{tcolorbox}[lower separated=false, lefthand width=.8\linewidth]
+%\subsection{Basic Usage}
+%The basic bat can be modified by changing its colour:
+%In addition to the colour of the body, the colour of various body parts can be adjusted:
+%The spread of the wings can be adjusted by passing values between 0 and 1 to the \lstinline|wings| option:
+%To turn the bat into a vampire bat, the \lstinline|teeth| option can be used:
+%To view the bat from behind:
+%The key \lstinline|3D| will make the bat 3-dimensional:
+%And finally the \lstinline|contour| key will only draw the outlines: