path: root/Master/texmf-dist/tex/latex/tikz-trackschematic/tikzlibrarytrackschematic.topology.code.tex
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'Master/texmf-dist/tex/latex/tikz-trackschematic/tikzlibrarytrackschematic.topology.code.tex')
1 files changed, 127 insertions, 41 deletions
diff --git a/Master/texmf-dist/tex/latex/tikz-trackschematic/tikzlibrarytrackschematic.topology.code.tex b/Master/texmf-dist/tex/latex/tikz-trackschematic/tikzlibrarytrackschematic.topology.code.tex
index 8ca7a669828..368986cce45 100644
--- a/Master/texmf-dist/tex/latex/tikz-trackschematic/tikzlibrarytrackschematic.topology.code.tex
+++ b/Master/texmf-dist/tex/latex/tikz-trackschematic/tikzlibrarytrackschematic.topology.code.tex
@@ -1,6 +1,9 @@
+%!TEX TS-program = pdflatexmk
+%!TEX root = ../test/test.tex
%% symbol library for TikZ track schematics
-% Copyright (c) 2018 - 2020, Martin Scheidt (ISC license)
+% Copyright (c) 2018 - 2021, Martin Scheidt (ISC license)
% Permission to use, copy, modify, and/or distribute this file for any purpose with or without fee is hereby granted, provided that the above copyright notice and this permission notice appear in all copies.
@@ -49,7 +52,6 @@
shift label=(none),% DEFAULT
/tikz/shift label/.forward to=/tikz/trackschematic/shift label,%
/tikz/trackschematic/topology/.is family,%
@@ -66,23 +68,32 @@
points=none,% DEFAULT
/tikz/points/.forward to=/tikz/trackschematic/topology/points,%
-% options
+% options for turnout and slip turnout
% symbol track
-% tracks
+% commands
\newcommand\maintrack{}% just for safety
-\def\maintrack{\path[draw,MainTrack]}% \maintrack (coord1) -- (coord2);
+\def\maintrack{\path[draw=\foreground,MainTrack]}% \maintrack (coord1) -- (coord2);
\newcommand\secondarytrack{}% just for safety
-\def\secondarytrack{\path[draw,SecondaryTrack]}% \secondarytrack (coord1) -- (coord2);
+\def\secondarytrack{\path[draw=\foreground,SecondaryTrack]}% \secondarytrack (coord1) -- (coord2);
\newcommand\sidetrack{}% just for safety
\def\sidetrack{\path[draw,SecondaryTrack]}% alias for \secondarytrack
-\tikzset{MainTrack/.style={line width=2pt,\foreground}}%
-\tikzset{SecondaryTrack/.style={line width=0.7pt,\foreground}}%
+%% symbol definition
+ MainTrack/.style={line width=2pt},%
+ % symbology entry
+ symbology_main_track/.pic = {\maintrack (0,0) -- (6,0);}%
+ SecondaryTrack/.style={line width=0.7pt},%
+ % symbology entry
+ symbology_secondary_track/.pic = {\secondarytrack (0,0) -- (6,0);}%
% symbol track number
@@ -117,7 +128,13 @@
\node at (ts-tl-l) {\labelcontent};%
- }},%
+ }},% END pics/track_label/.style args={#1/#2/#3}
+ %
+ % symbology entry
+ symbology_track_label/.pic = {%
+ \maintrack (0,0) -- (6,0);%
+ \tracklabel at (3,0) label (label);%
+ },%
@@ -156,13 +173,26 @@
}% end \ifdefstring{\face}
%% symbol
- \ifdefstring{\friction}{none}{% friction
- \path[draw=\foreground, line width=1pt] ($\facefactor*(-0.1,0) + (0,0.2)$) -- ++($\facefactor*( 0.1,0)$) -- ++(0,-0.4) -- ++ ($\facefactor*(-0.1,0)$); % bufferstop marker
- }{
- \path[draw=\foreground, line width=1pt] ($\facefactor*(-\friction,0) + \facefactor*( 0.1,0) + (0,0.2)$) -- ++($\facefactor*(-0.1,0)$) -- ++(0,-0.4) -- ++ ($\facefactor*( 0.1,0)$); % bufferstop marker
+ \ifdefstring{\friction}{none}{% none friction
+ \path[draw=\foreground, line width=1pt]%
+ ($\facefactor*(-0.1,0) + (0,0.2)$) -- ++($\facefactor*( 0.1,0)$) -- ++(0,-0.4) -- ++ ($\facefactor*(-0.1,0)$);% bufferstop marker
+ }{% friction
+ \path[draw=\foreground, line width=1pt]%
+ ($\facefactor*(-\friction,0) + \facefactor*(-0.05,0) + (0,0.2)$) -- ++($\facefactor*(0.1,0)$) -- ++(0,-0.4) -- ++ ($\facefactor*(-0.1,0)$);% bufferstop marker
\fill[\foreground] (0,0) circle (0.06);% track closure indicator
- }
- }},%
+ }%
+ }},% END pics/bufferstop/.style args={#1}
+ %
+ % symbology entry
+ symbology_bufferstop/.pic = {%
+ \secondarytrack (0,0) -- (3,0);%
+ \bufferstop[forward] at (3,0);%
+ },%
+ % symbology entry
+ symbology_friction_bufferstop/.pic = {%
+ \maintrack (0,0) -- (3,0);%
+ \bufferstop[forward,friction=.5] at (3,0);%
+ },%
@@ -174,6 +204,7 @@
\def\trackclosure#1(#2){% \trackclosure at (coord);
\pic at (#2) {track_closure={#1}}% symbol
+% symbol definition
pics/track_closure/.style args={#1}{code={%
@@ -182,7 +213,13 @@
\fill[\foreground] (0,0) circle (0.06);% track closure indicator
% \path[fill=\foreground] (0.04,0.02) -- (0.04,-0.02) -- (0.02,-0.04) -- (-0.02,-0.04) -- (-0.04,-0.02) -- (-0.04,0.02) -- (-0.02,0.04) -- (0.02,0.04) -- cycle;% label
- }},% end pics/track_closure/.style args={#1}
+ }},% END pics/track_closure/.style args={#1}
+ %
+ % symbology entry
+ symbology_track_closure/.pic = {%
+ \maintrack (0,0) -- (3,0);%
+ \trackclosure at (3,0);%
+ },%
@@ -304,7 +341,38 @@
}% end \ifdefstring{\points}
- }},% end pics/turnout/.style args={#1/#2/#3}
+ }},% END pics/turnout/.style args={#1/#2/#3}
+ % symbology entry
+ symbology_turnout/.pic = {%
+ \maintrack (0,0) -- (6,0);%
+ \maintrack (3,0) -- ++(0.8,0.8);%
+ \turnout[forward,branch=left] at (3,0) label ();%
+ },%
+ symbology_turnout_fouling/.pic = {%
+ \maintrack (0,0) -- (6,0);%
+ \maintrack (3,0) -- ++(0.8,0.8);%
+ \turnout[forward,branch=left,fouling point] at (3,0) label ();%
+ },%
+ symbology_turnout_manually/.pic = {%
+ \secondarytrack (0,0) -- (6,0);%
+ \secondarytrack (3,0) -- ++(0.8,0.8);%
+ \turnout[forward,branch=left,operation=manual] at (3,0) label ();%
+ },%
+ symbology_turnout_points_right/.pic = {%
+ \maintrack (0,0) -- (6,0);%
+ \maintrack (3,0) -- ++(0.8,0.8);%
+ \turnout[forward,branch=left,points=right] at (3,0) label ();%
+ },%
+ symbology_turnout_points_left/.pic = {%
+ \maintrack (0,0) -- (6,0);%
+ \maintrack (3,0) -- ++(0.8,0.8);%
+ \turnout[forward,branch=left,points=left] at (3,0) label ();%
+ },%
+ symbology_turnout_points_moving/.pic = {%
+ \maintrack (0,0) -- (6,0);%
+ \maintrack (3,0) -- ++(0.8,0.8);%
+ \turnout[forward,branch=left,points=moving] at (3,0) label ();%
+ },%
@@ -369,26 +437,6 @@
- %
- %% label
- \tikzset{every node/.style={text=\foreground}};%
- \ifdefstring{\labelcontentleft}{}{}{% label NOT empty
- \coordinate (ts-sy-l1) at ($(2pt,0) + \branchfactor*(0, 10pt)$);%
- \ifdefstring{\labelcoord}{(none)}{}{% initialize if NOT default
- \gettikzxy{\labelcoord}{\labelcoordX}{\labelcoordY}%
- \coordinate (ts-sy-l1) at ($(ts-sy-l1)+(\labelcoordX,\labelcoordY)$);%
- }%
- \node[left] at (ts-sy-l1) {\footnotesize \labelcontentleft};%
- }%
- \ifdefstring{\labelcontentright}{}{}{% label NOT empty
- \coordinate (ts-sy-l2) at ($(2pt,0) + \branchfactor*(0,-10pt)$);%
- \ifdefstring{\labelcoord}{(none)}{}{% initialize if NOT default
- \gettikzxy{\labelcoord}{\labelcoordX}{\labelcoordY}%
- \coordinate (ts-sy-l2) at ($(ts-sy-l2)-(\labelcoordX,\labelcoordY)$);%
- }%
- \node[right] at (ts-sy-l2) {\footnotesize \labelcontentright};%
- }%
- %
%% fouling point indicator
\path[draw=\foreground] ( 0.7,0) -- ++($\branchfactor*(0, 0.7)$);% fouling point indicator
@@ -471,13 +519,39 @@
- }},% end of pics/slipturnout/.style args={#1/#2/#3/#4}{
+ %% label
+ \tikzset{every node/.style={text=\foreground}};%
+ \ifdefstring{\labelcontentleft}{}{}{% label NOT empty
+ \coordinate (ts-sy-l1) at ($(2pt,0) + \branchfactor*(0, 10pt)$);%
+ \ifdefstring{\labelcoord}{(none)}{}{% initialize if NOT default
+ \gettikzxy{\labelcoord}{\labelcoordX}{\labelcoordY}%
+ \coordinate (ts-sy-l1) at ($(ts-sy-l1)+(\labelcoordX,\labelcoordY)$);%
+ }%
+ \node[left] at (ts-sy-l1) {\footnotesize \labelcontentleft};%
+ }%
+ \ifdefstring{\labelcontentright}{}{}{% label NOT empty
+ \coordinate (ts-sy-l2) at ($(2pt,0) + \branchfactor*(0,-10pt)$);%
+ \ifdefstring{\labelcoord}{(none)}{}{% initialize if NOT default
+ \gettikzxy{\labelcoord}{\labelcoordX}{\labelcoordY}%
+ \coordinate (ts-sy-l2) at ($(ts-sy-l2)-(\labelcoordX,\labelcoordY)$);%
+ }%
+ \node[right] at (ts-sy-l2) {\footnotesize \labelcontentright};%
+ }%
+ %
+ }},% END of pics/slipturnout/.style args={#1/#2/#3/#4}
+ % symbology entry
+ symbology_slip_turnout/.pic = {%
+ \maintrack (0,0) -- (6,0);%
+ \maintrack (3,0) -- ++(0.8,0.8);%
+ \maintrack (3,0) -- ++(-0.8,-0.8);%
+ \slipturnout[branch=left] at (3,0) label ()();%
+ },%
% symbol crossing - using parts of turnout
+% command
\newcommand\crossing{}% just for safety
\def\crossing[#1]#2(#3)#4(#5){% \crossing[options] at (coord) label (name);
\pic[#1] at (#3) {crossing={#2/#4/#5}}% symbol
@@ -523,7 +597,14 @@
\path[draw=\foreground] (-0.7,0) -- ++($\branchfactor*(0,-0.7)$);% fouling point indicator
- }},% end of pics/crossing/.style args={#1/#2/#3}{
+ }},% end of pics/crossing/.style args={#1/#2/#3}
+ % symbology entry
+ symbology_diamond_crossing/.pic = {%
+ \maintrack (0,0) -- (6,0);%
+ \maintrack (3,0) -- ++(0.8,0.8);%
+ \maintrack (3,0) -- ++(-0.8,-0.8);%
+ \crossing[branch=left] at (3,0) label ();%
+ },%
@@ -587,7 +668,12 @@
\node[right] at (ts-dr-l) {\footnotesize \labelcontent};%
- }},%
+ }},% END pics/derailer/.style args={#1/#2/#3}
+ % symbology entry
+ symbology_derailer/.pic = {%
+ \secondarytrack (0,0) -- (6,0);%
+ \derailer[forward,branch=left] at (3,0) label ();%
+ },%