path: root/Master/texmf-dist/tex/latex/tagpdf/tagpdf-roles-code.sty
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'Master/texmf-dist/tex/latex/tagpdf/tagpdf-roles-code.sty')
1 files changed, 0 insertions, 510 deletions
diff --git a/Master/texmf-dist/tex/latex/tagpdf/tagpdf-roles-code.sty b/Master/texmf-dist/tex/latex/tagpdf/tagpdf-roles-code.sty
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--- a/Master/texmf-dist/tex/latex/tagpdf/tagpdf-roles-code.sty
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,510 +0,0 @@
-%% This is file `tagpdf-roles-code.sty',
-%% generated with the docstrip utility.
-%% The original source files were:
-%% tagpdf-roles.dtx (with options: `roles')
-%% Copyright (C) 2019 Ulrike Fischer
-%% It may be distributed and/or modified under the conditions of
-%% the LaTeX Project Public License (LPPL), either version 1.3c of
-%% this license or (at your option) any later version. The latest
-%% version of this license is in the file:
-%% This file is part of the "tagpdf bundle" (The Work in LPPL)
-%% and all files in that bundle must be distributed together.
-%% File: tagpdf-roles.dtx
-\ProvidesExplPackage {tagpdf-roles-code} {2021-06-14} {0.82}
- {part of tagpdf - code related to roles and structure names}
-\__tag_seq_new:N \g__tag_role_tags_seq %to get names (type/NS) from numbers
-\__tag_prop_new:N \g__tag_role_tags_prop %to get numbers from names (type/NS)
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- %RoleMapNS is added in tree
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- {Schema}{#3}
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- \msg_redirect_name:nnn { pdfdict } { empty-value } { warning }
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- { data:,
- \int_to_Hex:n{\int_rand:n {65535}}
- \int_to_Hex:n{\int_rand:n {65535}}
- -
- \int_to_Hex:n{\int_rand:n {65535}}
- -
- \int_to_Hex:n{\int_rand:n {65535}}
- -
- \int_to_Hex:n{\int_rand:n {65535}}
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- {
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- {
- Document, %A complete document. This is the root element of any structure tree containing
- %multiple parts or multiple articles.
- Part, %A large-scale division of a document.
- Sect, %A container for grouping related content elements.
- Div, %A generic block-level element or group of elements
- Caption, %A brief portion of text describing a table or figure.
- Index,
- NonStruct, %probably not needed
- H,
- H1,
- H2,
- H3,
- H4,
- H5,
- H6,
- P,
- L, %list
- LI, %list item (around label and list item body)
- Lbl, %list label
- LBody, %list item body
- Table,
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- TH, %table header cell
- TD, %table data cell
- THead, %table header (n rows)
- TBody, %table rows
- TFoot, %table footer
- Span, %generic inline marker
- Link, %
- Annot,
- Figure,
- Formula,
- Form,
- % ruby warichu etc ..
- Ruby,
- RB,
- RT,
- Warichu,
- WT,
- WP,
- Artifact % only MC-tag ?...
- }
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- {
- Art,%A relatively self-contained body of text constituting a single narrative or exposition
- BlockQuote, %A portion of text consisting of one or more paragraphs attributed to someone other
- %than the author of the surrounding text.
- TOC, %A list made up of table of contents item entries (structure tag TOCI; see below)
- %and/or other nested table of contents entries
- TOCI, %An individual member of a table of contents. This entry's children can be any of
- %the following structure tags:
- %Lbl,Reference,NonStruct,P,TOC
- Index,
- Private,
- Quote, %inline quote
- Note, %footnote, endnote. Lbl can be child
- Reference, %A citation to content elsewhere in the document.
- BibEntry, %bibentry
- Code
- }
-\clist_const:Nn \c__tag_role_sttags_only_pdfII_clist
- {
- DocumentFragment
- ,Aside
- ,H7
- ,H8
- ,H9
- ,H10
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- ,FENote
- ,Sub
- ,Em
- ,Strong
- ,Artifact
- }
-\clist_const:Nn \c__tag_role_sttags_mathml_clist
- {
- abs
- ,and
- ,annotation
- ,apply
- ,approx
- ,arccos
- ,arccosh
- ,arccot
- ,arccoth
- ,arccsc
- ,arccsch
- ,arcsec
- ,arcsech
- ,arcsin
- ,arcsinh
- ,arctan
- ,arctanh
- ,arg
- ,bind
- ,bvar
- ,card
- ,cartesianproduct
- ,cbytes
- ,ceiling
- ,cerror
- ,ci
- ,cn
- ,codomain
- ,complexes
- ,compose
- ,condition
- ,conjugate
- ,cos
- ,cosh
- ,cot
- ,coth
- ,cs
- ,csc
- ,csch
- ,csymbol
- ,curl
- ,declare
- ,degree
- ,determinant
- ,diff
- ,divergence
- ,divide
- ,domain
- ,domainofapplication
- ,emptyset
- ,eq
- ,equivalent
- ,eulergamma
- ,exists
- ,exp
- ,exponentiale
- ,factorial
- ,factorof
- ,false
- ,floor
- ,fn
- ,forall
- ,gcd
- ,geq
- ,grad
- ,gt
- ,ident
- ,image
- ,imaginary
- ,imaginaryi
- ,implies
- ,in
- ,infinity
- ,int
- ,integers
- ,intersect
- ,interval
- ,inverse
- ,lambda
- ,laplacian
- ,lcm
- ,leq
- ,limit
- ,ln
- ,log
- ,logbase
- ,lowlimit
- ,lt
- ,maction
- ,maligngroup
- ,malignmark
- ,math
- ,matrix
- ,matrixrow
- ,max
- ,mean
- ,median
- ,menclose
- ,merror
- ,mfenced
- ,mfrac
- ,mglyph
- ,mi
- ,min
- ,minus
- ,mlabeledtr
- ,mlongdiv
- ,mmultiscripts
- ,mn
- ,mo
- ,mode
- ,moment
- ,momentabout
- ,mover
- ,mpadded
- ,mphantom
- ,mprescripts
- ,mroot
- ,mrow
- ,ms
- ,mscarries
- ,mscarry
- ,msgroup
- ,msline
- ,mspace
- ,msqrt
- ,msrow
- ,mstack
- ,mstyle
- ,msub
- ,msubsup
- ,msup
- ,mtable
- ,mtd
- ,mtext
- ,mtr
- ,munder
- ,munderover
- ,naturalnumbers
- ,neq
- ,none
- ,not
- ,notanumber
- ,notin
- ,notprsubset
- ,notsubset
- ,or
- ,otherwise
- ,outerproduct
- ,partialdiff
- ,pi
- ,piece
- ,piecewise
- ,plus
- ,power
- ,primes
- ,product
- ,prsubset
- ,quotient
- ,rationals
- ,real
- ,reals
- ,reln
- ,rem
- ,root
- ,scalarproduct
- ,sdev
- ,sec
- ,sech
- ,selector
- ,semantics
- ,sep
- ,set
- ,setdiff
- ,share
- ,sin
- ,sinh
- ,subset
- ,sum
- ,tan
- ,tanh
- ,tendsto
- ,times
- ,transpose
- ,true
- ,union
- ,uplimit
- ,variance
- ,vector
- ,vectorproduct
- ,xor
- }
-\prop_const_from_keyval:Nn \c__tag_role_sttags_pdfII_to_pdf_prop
- {
- DocumentFragment = Art,
- Aside = Note,
- Title = H1,
- Sub = Span,
- H7 = H6 ,
- H8 = H6 ,
- H9 = H6 ,
- H10 = H6,
- FENote= Note,
- Em = Span,
- Strong= Span,
- }
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- {
- \msg_info:nnn { tag }{new-tag}{#1}
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- }
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- {#1}
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- {
- \msg_info:nnn { tag }{new-tag}{#1}
- \__tag_seq_gput_right:Nn \g__tag_role_tags_seq { #1 }
- \__tag_prop_gput:Nnx \g__tag_role_tags_prop { #1 }
- {
- \seq_count:N \g__tag_role_tags_seq
- }
- \prop_gput:Nnn \g__tag_role_tags_NS_prop { #1 }{ #2 }
- %\__tag_check_add_tag_role:nn {#1}{#3} %TODO
- \pdfdict_gput:nnx {g__tag_role/RoleMapNS_#2_dict}{#1}
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- \c_space_tl
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-\cs_generate_variant:Nn \__tag_role_add_tag:nnnn {VVVV}
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-\tl_new:N \l__tag_role_tag_namespace_tmpa_tl
-\tl_new:N \l__tag_role_role_tmpa_tl
-\tl_new:N \l__tag_role_role_namespace_tmpa_tl
-\keys_define:nn { __tag / tag-role }
- {
- ,tag .tl_set:N = \l__tag_role_tag_tmpa_tl
- ,tag-namespace .tl_set:N = \l__tag_role_tag_namespace_tmpa_tl
- ,role .tl_set:N = \l__tag_role_role_tmpa_tl
- ,role-namespace .tl_set:N = \l__tag_role_role_namespace_tmpa_tl
- }
-\keys_define:nn { __tag / setup }
- {
- add-new-tag .code:n =
- {
- \keys_set_known:nnnN
- {__tag/tag-role}
- {
- tag-namespace=user,
- role-namespace=, %so that we can test for it.
- #1
- }{__tag/tag-role}\l_tmpa_tl
- \tl_if_empty:NF \l_tmpa_tl
- {
- \exp_args:NNno \seq_set_split:Nnn \l_tmpa_seq { / } {\l_tmpa_tl/}
- \tl_set:Nx \l__tag_role_tag_tmpa_tl { \seq_item:Nn \l_tmpa_seq {1} }
- \tl_set:Nx \l__tag_role_role_tmpa_tl { \seq_item:Nn \l_tmpa_seq {2} }
- }
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- {
- \prop_get:NVNTF
- \g__tag_role_tags_NS_prop
- \l__tag_role_role_tmpa_tl
- \l__tag_role_role_namespace_tmpa_tl
- {
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- {
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- }
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- {
- %TODO add check for emptyness?
- \__tag_role_add_tag:VV
- \l__tag_role_tag_tmpa_tl
- \l__tag_role_role_tmpa_tl
- }
- {
- \__tag_role_add_tag:VVVV
- \l__tag_role_tag_tmpa_tl
- \l__tag_role_tag_namespace_tmpa_tl
- \l__tag_role_role_tmpa_tl
- \l__tag_role_role_namespace_tmpa_tl
- }
- }
- }
-%% End of file `tagpdf-roles-code.sty'.