path: root/Master/texmf-dist/tex/latex/stex/stex.tex
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-\def\scsys#1{{{\sc #1}}\index{#1@{\sc #1}}}
-\def\cmathml{Content-{\sc MathML}\index{Content {\sc MathML}}\index{MathML@{\sc MathML}!content}}
-\def\twintoo#1#2{{#1 #2}\twin{#1}{#2}}
-\def\atwin#1#2#3{\index{#1!#2!#3}\index{#3!#2 (#1)}}
-\def\atwintoo#1#2#3{{#1 #2 #3}\atwin{#1}{#2}{#3}}
-% these macros are used in the short descriptions
-\title{{\stex}: Semantic Markup in {\TeX/\LaTeX}}
-\author{Michael Kohlhase\\
- Jacobs University, Bremen\\
- \url{}}
- maction,
- mrow,mo,mi,mn,
- apply,bvar,ci,cn,sep,csymbol,
- condition,domainofapplication,lowlimit,uplimit,degree,
- interval,inverse,lambda,compose,ident,domain,codomain,image,
- piecewise, piece, otherwise,
- quotient,factorial,divide,max,min,minus,plus,power,rem,times, root,gcd,lcm,
- and,or,xor,not,implies,forall,exists,
- abs,conjugate,arg,real,imaginary,floor,ceiling,
- sin,cos,tan,sec,csc,cot,sinh,cosh,tanh,sech,csch,coth,
- arcsin,arccos,arctan,arccosh,arccot,arccoth,arccsc,arccsch,arcsec,arcsech,arcsinh,arctanh,
- eq,neq,gt,lt,geq,leq,equivalent,approx,factorof,
- int,diff,partialdiff,divergence,grad,curl,laplacian,
- set,list,union,intersect,in,notin,subset,prsubset,notsubset,notprsubset,setdiff,card,cartesianproduct,
- sum,product,limit,tendsto,exp,ln,log,mean,sdev,variance,median,mode,moment,momentabout,
- vector,matrix,matrixrow,determinant,transpose,selector,vectorproduct,scalarproduct,outerproduct,
- integers,reals,rationals,naturalnumbers,complexes,primes,
- exponentiale,imaginaryi,notanumber,true,false,emptyset,pi,eulergamma,infinity,
- reln,fn,declare},
- sensitive=true}
- \pagenumbering{roman}
- \maketitle
- We present a collection of {\TeX} macro packages that allow to markup
- {\TeX/\LaTeX} documents semantically without leaving the document format,
- essentially turning {\TeX/\LaTeX} into a document format for mathematical
- knowledge management (MKM).
- \end{abstract}
-The last few years have seen the emergence of various content-oriented {\xml}-based,
-content-oriented markup languages for mathematics on the web, e.g.
-{\openmath}~\cite{BusCapCar:2oms04}, {\cmathml}~\cite{CarIon:MathML03}, or our own
-{\omdoc}~\cite{Kohlhase:omfmd05}. These representation languages for mathematics, that
-make the structure of the mathematical knowledge in a document explicit enough that
-machines can operate on it. Other examples of content-oriented formats for mathematics
-include the various logic-based languages found in automated reasoning tools
-(see~\cite{RobVor:hoar01} for an overview), program specification languages (see
-The promise if these content-oriented approaches is that various tasks involved in ``doing
-mathematics'' (e.g. search, navigation, cross-referencing, quality control, user-adaptive
-presentation, proving, simulation) can be machine-supported, and thus the working
-mathematician is relieved to do what humans can still do infinitely better than machines:
-The creative part of mathematics --- inventing interesting mathematical objects,
-conjecturing about their properties and coming up with creative ideas for proving these
-conjectures. However, before these promises can be delivered upon (there is even a
-conference series~\cite{MKM-IG-Meetings:online} studying ``Mathematical Knowledge
-Management (MKM)''), large bodies of mathematical knowledge have to be converted into
-content form.
-Even though {\mathml} is viewed by most as the coming standard for representing
-mathematics on the web and in scientific publications, it has not not fully taken off in
-practice. One of the reasons for that may be that the technical communities that need
-high-quality methods for publishing mathematics already have an established method which
-yields excellent results: the {\TeX/\LaTeX} system: and a large part of mathematical
-knowledge is prepared in the form of {\TeX}/{\LaTeX} documents.
-{\TeX}~\cite{Knuth:ttb84} is a document presentation format that combines complex
-page-description primitives with a powerful macro-expansion facility, which is utilized in
-{\LaTeX} (essentially a set of {\TeX} macro packages, see~\cite{Lamport:ladps94}) to
-achieve more content-oriented markup that can be adapted to particular tastes via
-specialized document styles. It is safe to say that {\LaTeX} largely restricts content
-markup to the document structure\footnote{supplying macros e.g. for sections, paragraphs,
- theorems, definitions, etc.}, and graphics, leaving the user with the presentational
-{\TeX} primitives for mathematical formulae. Therefore, even though {\LaTeX} goes a great
-step into the direction of an MKM format, it is not, as it lacks infrastructure for
-marking up the functional structure of formulae and mathematical statements, and their
-dependence on and contribution to the mathematical context.
-\subsection{The {\xml} vs. {\TeX/\LaTeX} Formats and Workflows}
-{\mathml} is an {\xml}-based markup format for mathematical formulae, it is standardized
-by the World Wide Web Consortium in {\cite{CarIon:MathML03}}, and is supported by the
-major browsers. The {\mathml} format comes in two integrated components: presentation
-{\mathml}\twin{presentation}{MathML} and content {\mathml}\twin{content}{MathML}. The
-former provides a comprehensive set of layout primitives for presenting the visual
-appearance of mathematical formulae, and the second one the functional/logical structure
-of the conveyed mathematical objects. For all practical concerns, presentation {\mathml}
-is equivalent to the math mode of {\TeX}. The text mode facilitates of {\TeX} (and the
-multitude of {\LaTeX} classes) are relegated to other {\xml} formats, which embed
-The programming language constructs of {\TeX} (i.e. the macro definition
-facilities\footnote{We count the parser manipulation facilities of {\TeX}, e.g. category
- code changes into the programming facilities as well, these are of course impossible for
- {\mathml}, since it is bound to {\xml} syntax.}) are relegated to the {\xml}
-programming languages that can be used to develop language extensions.
-transformation language {\xslt}~\cite{Deach:exls99,Kay:xpr00} or proper {\xml}-enabled
-The {\xml}-based syntax and the separation of the presentational-, functional- and
-programming/extensibility concerns in {\mathml} has some distinct advantages over the
-integrated approach in {\TeX/\LaTeX} on the services side: {\mathml} gives us better
-\item integration with web-based publishing,
-\item accessibility to disabled persons, e.g. (well-written) {\mathml} contains enough
- structural information to supports screen readers.
-\item reusability, searchabiliby and integration with mathematical software systems
- (e.g. copy-and-paste to computer algebra systems), and
-\item validation and plausibility checking.
-On the other hand, {\TeX/\LaTeX}/s adaptable syntax and tightly integrated programming
-features within has distinct advantages on the authoring side:
-\item The {\TeX/\LaTeX} syntax is much more compact than {\mathml} (see the difference in
- Figure~\ref{fig:mathml-sum} and Equation ~\ref{eq:cmathml-sum}), and if needed, the
- community develops {\LaTeX} packages that supply new functionality in with a succinct
- and intuitive syntax.
-\item The user can define ad-hoc abbreviations and bind them to new control sequences to
- structure the source code.
-\item The {\TeX/\LaTeX} community has a vast collection of language extensions and best
- practice examples for every conceivable publication purpose and an established and very
- active developer community that supports these.
-\item There is a host of software systems centered around the {\TeX/\LaTeX} language that
- make authoring content easier: many editors have special modes for {\LaTeX}, there are
- spelling/style/grammar checkers, transformers to other markup formats, etc.
-In other words, the technical community is is heavily invested in the whole
-{\index*{workflow}}, and technical know-how about the format permeates the
-community. Since all of this would need to be re-established for a {\mathml}-based
-workflow, the technical community is slow to take up {\mathml} over {\TeX/\LaTeX}, even in
-light of the advantages detailed above.
-\subsection{A {\LaTeX}-based Workflow for {\xml}-based Mathematical Documents}
-An elegant way of sidestepping most of the problems inherent in transitioning from a
-{\LaTeX}-based to an {\xml}-based workflow is to combine both and take advantage of the
-respective advantages.
-The key ingredient in this approach is a system that can transform {\TeX\LaTeX} documents
-to their corresponding {\xml}-based counterparts. That way, {\xml}-documents can be
-authored and prototyped in the {\LaTeX} workflow, and transformed to {\xml} for
-publication and added-value services, combining the two workflows.
-There are various attempts to solve the {\TeX/\LaTeX} to {\xml} transformation problem; the
-most mature is probably Bruce Miller's {\latexml} system~\cite{Miller:latexml:online}. It
-consists of two parts: a re-implementation of the {\TeX} {\index*{analyzer}} with all of
-it's intricacies, and a extensible {\xml} emitter (the component that assembles the output
-of the parser). Since the {\LaTeX} style files are (ultimately) programmed in {\TeX}, the
-{\TeX} analyzer can handle all {\TeX} extensions, including all of {\LaTeX}. Thus the
-{\latexml} parser can handle all of {\TeX/\LaTeX}, if the emitter is extensible, which is
-guaranteed by the {\latexml} binding language: To transform a {\TeX/\LaTeX} document to a
-given {\xml} format, all {\TeX} extensions\footnote{i.e. all macros, environments, and
- syntax extensions used int the source document} must have ``{\latexml}
-bindings''\index{LaTeXML}{binding}, i.e. a directive to the {\latexml} emitter that
-specifies the target representation in {\xml}.
-\section{The Packages of the \protect\stex Collection}\label{sec:packages}
-In the following, we will shortly preview the packages and classes in the {\stex}
-collection. They all provide part of the solution of representing semantic structure in
-the {\TeX/\LaTeX} workflow. We will group them by the conceptual level they
-address\ednote{come up with a nice overview figure here!}
-\subsection{Content Markup of Mathematical Formulae in {\TeX/\LaTeX}}
-The first two packages are concerned basically with the math mode in {\TeX},
-i.e. mathematical formulae. The underlying problem is that run-of-the-mill {\TeX/\LaTeX}
-only specifies the presentation (i.e. what formulae look like) and not their content
-(their functional structure). Unfortunately, there are no good methods (yet) to infer the
-latter from the former, but there are ways to get presentation from content.
-Consider for instance the following ``standard notations''\footnote{The first one is
- standard e.g. in Germany and the US, and the last one in France} for binomial
-coefficients: $\left(n\atop k\right)$, $_nC^k$, $\mathcal{C}^n_k$ all mean the same thing:
-$n!\over k!(n-k)!$. This shows that we cannot hope to reliably recover the functional
-structure (in our case the fact that the expression is constructed by applying the
-binomial function to the arguments $n$ and $k$) from the presentation alone.
-The solution to this problem is to dump the extra work on the author (after all she knows
-what she is talking about) and give them the chance to specify the intended structure. The
-markup infrastructure supplied by the {\stex} collection lets the author do this without
-changing\footnote{However, semantic annotation will make the author more aware of the
- functional structure of the document and thus may in fact entice the author to use
- presentation in a more consistent way than she would usually have.} the visual
-appearance, so that the {\LaTeX} workflow is not disrupted. . We speak of
-{\twintoo{semantic}{preloading}} for this process and call our collection of macro
-packages {\stex} (Semantic {\TeX}). For instance, we can now write
- \verb|\CSumlLimits{k}1\infty{\Cexp{x}k}| \qquad\hbox{instead of the usual}\qquad
- \verb|\sum_{k=1}^\infty x^k|
-In the first form, we specify that you are applying a function (|CSumLimits| $\hat=$ Sum
-with Limits) to 4 arguments: ({\sl{i}}) the bound variable $k$ (that runs from)
-({\sl{ii}}) the number 1 (to) ({\sl{iii}}) $\infty$ (to infinity summing the terms)
-({\sl{iv}}) \verb|\Cexp{x}k| (i.e. x to the power k). In the second form, we merely specify
-hat {\LaTeX} should draw a capital Sigma character ($\sigma$) with a lower index which is
-an equation $k=1$ and an upper index $\infty$. Then it should place next to it an $x$ with
-an upper index $k$.
-Of course human readers (that understand the math) can infer the content structure from
-this presentation, but the {\latexml} converter (who does not understand the math) cannot,
-but we want to have the content {\mathml} expression in Figure~\ref{fig:mathml-sum}
- <math xmlns="">
- <apply>
- <sum/>
- <bvar><ci>k</ci></bvar>
- <lowlimit><cn>1</cn></lowlimit>
- <uplimit><infinit/></cn></uplimit>
- <apply><exp/><ci>x</ci><ci>k</ci></apply>
- </apply>
- </math>
- \caption{Content {\mathml} Form of $\sum_{k=1}^\infty x^k$}\label{fig:mathml-sum}
-Obviously, a converter can infer this from the first {\LaTeX} structure with the help of
-the curly braces that indicate the argument structure, but not from the second (because it
-does not understand the math). The nice thing about the |cmathml| infrastructure is that
-you can still run {\LaTeX} over the first form and get the same formula in the DVI file
-that you would have gotten from running it over the second form. That means, if the author
-is prepared to write the mathematical formulae a little differently in her {\LaTeX}
-sources, then she can use them in {\xml} and {\LaTeX} at the same time.
-\subsubsection{{\texttt{cmathml}}: Encoding Content {\mathml} in {\TeX/\LaTeX}}
-The {\texttt{cmathml}} package (see~\ctancite{Kohlhase:tbscml}) provides a set of macros that
-correspond to the K-14 fragment of mathematics (Kindergarten to undergraduate college
-level ($\hat=14^{th}$ grade)). We have already seen an example above in equation
-(\ref{eq:cmathml-sum}), where the content markup in {\TeX} corresponds to a content
-{\mathml}-expression (and can actually be translated to this by the {\latexml} system.)
-However, the content {\mathml} vocabulary is fixed in the {\mathml} specification and
-limited to the K-14 fragment; the notation of mathematics of course is much larger and
-extensible on the fly.
-\subsubsection{{\tt{presentation}}: Flexible Presentation for Semantic Macros}
-The {\texttt{presentation}} package (see~\ctancite{Kohlhase:ipsmsl}) supplies an
-infrastructure that allows to specify the presentation of semantic macros, including
-preference-based bracket elision. This allows to markup the functional structure of
-mathematical formulae without having to lose high-quality human-oriented presentation in
-{\LaTeX}. Moreover, the notation definitions can be used by MKM systems for added-value
-services, either directly from the {\sTeX} sources, or after translation.
-\subsection{Mathematical Statements}
-\subsubsection{{\tt{statements}}: Extending Content Macros for Mathematical Notation}
-The \texttt{statements} package (see\ctancite{Kohlhase:smms}) provides semantic markup
-facilities for mathematical statements like Theorems, Lemmata, Axioms, Definitions,
-etc. in {\stex} files. This structure can be used by MKM systems for added-value services,
-either directly from the {\sTeX} sources, or after translation.
-\subsubsection{{\tt{sproof}}: Extending Content Macros for Mathematical Notation}
-The \texttt{sproof} package (see~\ctancite{Kohlhase:smp})supplies macros and environment
-that allow to annotate the structure of mathematical proofs in {\stex} files. This
-structure can be used by MKM systems for added-value services, either directly from the
-{\sTeX} sources, or after translation.
-\subsection{Context Markup for Mathematics}
-\subsubsection{{\tt{modules}}: Extending Content Macros for Mathematical Notation}
-The \texttt{modules} package (see~\ctancite{KohAmb:smmssl}) supplies a definition
-mechanism for semantic macros and a non-standard scoping construct for them, which is
-oriented at the semantic dependency relation rather than the document structure. This
-structure can be used by MKM systems for added-value services, either directly from the
-{\sTeX} sources, or after translation.
-\subsection{Mathematical Document Classes}
-\subsubsection{Connexions Modules}
-{\cnxlatex} (see~\ctancite{Kohlhase:clbscm}) is a collection of {\LaTeX} macros that allow
-to write {\connexions} modules without leaving the {\LaTeX} workflow. Modules are authored
-in {\cnxlatex} using only a text editor, transformed to PDF and proofread as usual. In
-particular, the {\LaTeX} workflow is independent of having access to the {\connexions}
-system, which makes {\cnxlatex} attractive for the initial version of single-author
-For publication, {\cnxlatex} modules are transformed to {\cnxml} via the {\latexml}
-translator and can be uploaded to the {\connexions} system.
-\subsubsection{OMDoc Documents}
-The \texttt{omdoc} package provides an infrastructure that allows to markup {\omdoc}
-documents in {\LaTeX}. It provides \texttt{omdoc.cls}, a class with the and
-The {\stex} collection provides a set of semantic macros that extends the familiar and
-time-tried {\LaTeX} workflow in academics until the last step of Internet publication of
-the material. For instance, a {\connexions} module can be authored and maintained in
-{\LaTeX} using a simple text editor, a process most academics in technical subjects are
-well familiar with. Only in a last publishing step (which is fully automatic) does it get
-transformed into the {\xml} world, which is unfamiliar to most academics.
-Thus, {\stex} can serve as a conceptual interface between the document author and MKM
-systems: Technically, the semantically preloaded {\LaTeX} documents are transformed into
-the (usually {\xml}-based) MKM representation formats, but conceptually, the ability to
-semantically annotate the source document is sufficient.
-The {\stex} macro packages have been validated together with a case
-study~\cite{Kohlhase04:stex}, where we semantically preload the course materials for a
-two-semester course in Computer Science at Jacobs University Bremen and transform them to
-the {\omdoc} MKM format.
-\subsection{Licensing, Download and Setup}\label{sec:setup}
-The {\stex} packages are licensed under the {\LaTeX} Project Public License~\cite{LPPL},
-which basically means that they can be downloaded, used, copied, and even modified by
-anyone under a set of simple conditions (e.g. if you modify you have to distribute under a
-different name).
-The {\stex} packages and classes can be obtained as a self-documenting {\LaTeX} packages:
-To obtain a package {\meta{package}} download the files \meta{package}\texttt{.dtx} and
-\meta{package}\texttt{.ins} from
- {\url{}\meta{package}/}
-To extract the {\LaTeX} package \meta{package}\texttt{.sty} and the {\latexml} bindings in
-\meta{package}\texttt{.ltxml}, run the {\LaTeX} formatter on \texttt{cmathml.ins}, e.g. by typing
-\texttt{latex cmathml.ins} to a shell. To extract the documentation (the version of this document that
-goes with the extracted package) run the {\LaTeX} formatter on \texttt{cmathml.dtx} e.g. by
-typing \texttt{latex }\meta{package}\texttt{.dtx} to a shell.
-Usually, the {\stex} distribution will also have the newest versions of the files
-\meta{package}\texttt{.sty}, \meta{package}\texttt{.ltxml}, and the documentation \meta{package}\texttt{.pdf}
-pre-generated for convenience, so they can be downloaded directly from the URL above.
-To install the package, copy the file \meta{package}\texttt{.sty} somewhere, where
-{\TeX}/{\LaTeX} can find it and rebuild {\TeX}'s file name database. This is done by
-running the command \texttt{texhash} or \texttt{mktexlsr} (they are the same). In \texttt{MikTEX}, there is a
-menu option to do this.
-To simplify dealing with {\stex} documents, we are providing a small collection of command
-line utilities, which we will describe here. For details and downloads go to
-\item[{\tt{msplit}}] splits an {\stex} file into smaller ones (one module per file)
-\item[{\tt{rf}}] computes the ``reuse factor'', i.e. how often {\stex} modules are reused
- over a collection of documents
-\item[{\tt{sgraph}}] visualizes the module graph
-\item[{\tt{sms}}] computes the {\stex} module signatures for a give {\stex} file
-\item[{\tt{bms}}] proposes a sensible module structure for an un-annotated {\stex} file
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