path: root/Master/texmf-dist/tex/latex/sshrc-insight/sshrc-insight.cls
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'Master/texmf-dist/tex/latex/sshrc-insight/sshrc-insight.cls')
1 files changed, 190 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/Master/texmf-dist/tex/latex/sshrc-insight/sshrc-insight.cls b/Master/texmf-dist/tex/latex/sshrc-insight/sshrc-insight.cls
new file mode 100644
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+%% This is file `sshrc-insight.cls',
+%% generated with the docstrip utility.
+%% The original source files were:
+%% sshrc-insight.dtx (with options: `class')
+%% This is a generated file.
+%% Copyright 2024 Tristan Miller
+%% Copyright 2021 Steven B. Segletes
+%% This work may be distributed and/or modified under the
+%% conditions of the LaTeX Project Public License, either version 1.3c
+%% of this license or (at your option) any later version.
+%% The latest version of this license is in
+%% and version 1.3c or later is part of all distributions of LaTeX
+%% version 2008 or later.
+[2024-10-17 v2024.0.1 Class for SSHRC Insight Grant proposals]
+%% Conditionals for detecting the typesetting engine
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+%% Compact title for subfiles
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+%% Suppress section numbers in table of contents
+%% Localized (sub)section headings
+ {m}
+ {\section*{\GetTranslation{#1}}}
+ {m}
+ {\subsection*{\GetTranslation{#1}}}
+%% Count characters, adapted from code by Steven B. Segletes at
+%% \tc@defx is like \def, but expands the replacement text once prior
+%% to assignment
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+ \tc@defx\currentcolor{#1}}}
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+ \par(Wordcount=\thewordcount, Lettercount=\thelettercount)}\fi}
+ {\countem #2\endcountem\par\hfill
+ \GetTranslation{Character count:}
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+%% Localizations
+\DeclareTranslation{french}{1. Relevant research contributions over the last six years}{1. Contributions pertinentes à la recherche faites au cours des six dernières années}
+\DeclareTranslation{french}{2. Other research contributions}{2. Autres contributions à la recherche}
+\DeclareTranslation{french}{3. Most significant career research contributions}{3. Plus importantes contributions à la recherche faites au cours d'une carrière}
+\DeclareTranslation{french}{4. Contributions to training}{4. Contributions à la formation}
+\DeclareTranslation{french}{Budget Justification}{Justification du budget}
+\DeclareTranslation{french}{Career Interruptions and Special Circumstances}{Interruptions de carrière et circonstances spéciales}
+\DeclareTranslation{french}{Creative outputs}{Réalisations artistiques}
+\DeclareTranslation{french}{Description of previous and ongoing research results}{Description des résultats de recherche les plus récents ou en cours}
+\DeclareTranslation{french}{Description of proposed student training strategies}{Description des stratégies proposées de formation des étudiants}
+\DeclareTranslation{french}{Description of the research team}{Description de l'équipe de recherche}
+\DeclareTranslation{french}{Detailed Description}{Description détaillée}
+\DeclareTranslation{french}{Exclusion of Potential Reviewers}{Exclusion d'évaluateurs éventuels}
+\DeclareTranslation{french}{Expected Outcomes}{Résultats escomptés}
+\DeclareTranslation{french}{Forthcoming contributions}{Contributions à venir}
+\DeclareTranslation{french}{Knowledge Mobilization Plan}{Plan de mobilisation des connaissances}
+\DeclareTranslation{french}{List of References}{Liste des références}
+\DeclareTranslation{french}{Nonrefereed contributions}{Contributions non soumises à des comités de lecture}
+\DeclareTranslation{french}{Other refereed contributions}{Autres contributions soumises à des comités de lecture}
+\DeclareTranslation{french}{Previous Critiques}{Réponse à des critiques précédentes}
+\DeclareTranslation{french}{Refereed contributions}{Publications soumises à des comités de lecture}
+\DeclareTranslation{french}{Request for Multi/Interdisciplinary Evaluation}{Demande d'évaluation interdisciplinaire ou multidisciplinaire}
+\DeclareTranslation{french}{Research Contributions}{Contributions à la recherche}
+\DeclareTranslation{french}{Research Team, Student Training, Previous Output}{Équipe de recherche, résultats les plus récents et formation des étudiants}
+\DeclareTranslation{french}{Research-creation Support Material}{Documents d'appui liés à la recherche-création}
+\DeclareTranslation{french}{Summary of Proposal}{Résumé de la proposition}
+\DeclareTranslation{french}{Character count:}{Nombre de caractères:}
+%% End of file `sshrc-insight.cls'.