path: root/Master/texmf-dist/tex/latex/proflycee/proflycee-tools-analyse.tex
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'Master/texmf-dist/tex/latex/proflycee/proflycee-tools-analyse.tex')
1 files changed, 386 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/Master/texmf-dist/tex/latex/proflycee/proflycee-tools-analyse.tex b/Master/texmf-dist/tex/latex/proflycee/proflycee-tools-analyse.tex
new file mode 100644
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+++ b/Master/texmf-dist/tex/latex/proflycee/proflycee-tools-analyse.tex
@@ -0,0 +1,386 @@
+% proflycee-tools-analyse.tex
+% Copyright 2023 Cédric Pierquet
+% This work may be distributed and/or modified under the
+% conditions of the LaTeX Project Public License, either version 1.3
+% of this license or (at your option) any later version.
+% The latest version of this license is in
+% and version 1.3 or later is part of all distributions of LaTeX
+% version 2005/12/01 or later.
+%%------SimplFrac nouvelle version
+\NewDocumentCommand\ConversionFraction{ s O{} m }{%
+ %*=moins sur le numérateur
+ %2=argument.optionnel[d/t/dec=...]
+ %3=argument mandataire {calcul ou fraction}
+ \def\calculargument{\xintPRaw{\xintIrr{\xinteval{#3}}}}%on calcule et on transforme en A/B
+ \IfSubStr{\calculargument}{/}%on teste si le symbole / apparaît
+ {%si oui := fraction
+ \StrBefore{\calculargument}{/}[\numerateur]%on extrait le numérateur
+ \StrBehind{\calculargument}{/}[\denominateur]%on extrait le dénominateur
+ \ifblank{#2}%
+ {%
+ \IfBooleanTF{#1}%
+ {\ensuremath{\frac{\num{\numerateur}}{\num{\denominateur}}}}%
+ {%
+ \ifthenelse{\numerateur < 0}%
+ {\ensuremath{-\frac{\num{\fpeval{abs(\numerateur)}}}{\num{\denominateur}}}}%
+ {\ensuremath{\frac{\num{\numerateur}}{\num{\denominateur}}}}%
+ }%
+ }%
+ {}%si l'argument optionnel est vide
+ \IfStrEq{#2}{d}%
+ {%
+ \IfBooleanTF{#1}%
+ {\ensuremath{\dfrac{\num{\numerateur}}{\num{\denominateur}}}}%
+ {%
+ \ifthenelse{\numerateur < 0}%
+ {\ensuremath{-\dfrac{\num{\fpeval{abs(\numerateur)}}}{\num{\denominateur}}}}%
+ {\ensuremath{\dfrac{\num{\numerateur}}{\num{\denominateur}}}}%
+ }%
+ }%
+ {}%si l'argument optionnel est vide
+ \IfStrEq{#2}{t}%
+ {%
+ \IfBooleanTF{#1}%
+ {\ensuremath{\tfrac{\num{\numerateur}}{\num{\denominateur}}}}%
+ {%
+ \ifthenelse{\numerateur < 0}%
+ {\ensuremath{-\tfrac{\num{\fpeval{abs(\numerateur)}}}{\num{\denominateur}}}}%
+ {\ensuremath{\tfrac{\num{\numerateur}}{\num{\denominateur}}}}%
+ }%
+ }%
+ {}%si l'argument optionnel est vide
+ \IfStrEq{#2}{n}%
+ {%
+ %\IfBooleanTF{#1}%
+ {\ensuremath{\nicefrac{\num{\numerateur}}{\num{\denominateur}}}}%
+ %{%
+ % \ifthenelse{\numerateur < 0}%
+ % {\ensuremath{-\nicefrac{\num{\fpeval{abs(\numerateur)}}}{\num{\denominateur}}}}%
+ % {\ensuremath{\nicefrac{\num{\numerateur}}{\num{\denominateur}}}}%
+ %}%
+ }%
+ {}%si l'argument optionnel est vide
+ \IfSubStr{#2}{dec}%on veut la forme décimale
+ {%
+ \IfSubStr{#2}{=}%si on rajoute une précision
+ {%
+ \StrBehind{#2}{=}[\precdecimal]%
+ \ensuremath{\num{\xintfloateval{round(#3,\precdecimal)}}}%
+ }%
+ {%
+ \ensuremath{\num{\xintfloateval{#3}}}%
+ }%
+ }%
+ {}%si l'argument optionnel est vide
+ }{%si non := entier
+ \num{\calculargument}%on affiche l'entier, avec le package siunitx
+ }%
+ Code=\def\tdsparam{#1},%
+ Couleur=\def\tdscouleur{#1},%
+ Racines=\def\tdsracine{#1},%
+ Largeur=\def\tdslarg{#1},%
+ Hauteur=\def\tdshaut{#1}
+ Code=da+,
+ Couleur=red,%
+ Largeur=2,%
+ Hauteur=1,%
+ Cadre=true,%
+ Racines=2
+\NewDocumentCommand\schematdsaff{ s m m m m }{%pour les droites (interne)
+ % * = étoilée -> a négatif
+ % #2 = couleur
+ % #3 = largeur
+ % #4 = hauteur
+ % #5 = racine
+ \IfBooleanTF{#1}%si étoile := droite qui descend
+ {%
+ \def\possgnavant{above right}\def\possgnapres{below left}\def\sgnavant{\strut+}\def\sgnapres{\strut-}%
+ \draw[thick,#2] ({-0.5*#3},{0.5*#4})--({0.5*#3},{-0.5*#4});
+ }
+ {%
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+ \draw[thick,#2] ({-0.5*#3},{-0.5*#4})--({0.5*#3},{0.5*#4});
+ }
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+\NewDocumentCommand\schematdsparab{ m m m m m o }{%pour les paraboles (interne)
+ % #1 = signe de a (1 ou -1) ?
+ % #2 = couleur
+ % #3 = largeur
+ % #4 = hauteur
+ % #5 = nb racine
+ % #6 = liste racines (option)
+ \xintifboolexpr{ #1 > 0 'and' #5 == 2 } %a>0 et delta>0
+ {%
+ \saveexpandmode\expandarg
+ \StrCut{#6}{/}{\xun}{\xdeux}
+ \restoreexpandmode
+ \draw[thick,#2] ({-0.375*#3},{0.5*#4}) parabola bend (0,{-0.5*#4}) ({0.375*#3},{0.5*#4}) ;
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+ \filldraw[#2] ({-0.2625*#3},0) circle[radius=2pt] node[below left=1pt,inner sep=0pt,font=\scriptsize] {$\strut\xun$};%
+ }
+ {}
+ \xintifboolexpr{ #1 < 0 'and' #5 == 2 } %a<0 et delta>0
+ {%
+ \saveexpandmode\expandarg
+ \StrCut{#6}{/}{\xun}{\xdeux}
+ \restoreexpandmode
+ \draw[thick,#2] ({-0.375*#3},{-0.5*#4}) parabola bend (0,{0.5*#4}) ({0.375*#3},{-0.5*#4}) ;
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+ \draw[#2] ({0.5*#3},0) node[below left=1pt,inner sep=0pt,font=\scriptsize] {\textcircled{$\strut-$}};
+ \draw[#2] (0,0) node[above=1pt,inner sep=0pt,font=\scriptsize] {\textcircled{$\strut+$}};
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+ \filldraw[#2] ({-0.2625*#3},0) circle[radius=2pt] node[above left=1pt,inner sep=0pt,font=\scriptsize] {$\strut\xun$};%
+ }
+ {}
+ \xintifboolexpr{ #1 > 0 'and' #5 == 1 } %a>0 et delta=0
+ {%
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+ \draw[#2] (0,0) node[above=3pt,inner sep=0pt,font=\scriptsize] {\textcircled{$\strut+$}};
+ }
+ {}
+ \xintifboolexpr{ #1 < 0 'and' #5 == 1 } %a>0 et delta=0
+ {%
+ \draw[thick,#2] ({-0.375*#3},{-0.5*#4}) parabola bend (0,0) ({0.375*#3},{-0.5*#4}) ;
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+ \draw[#2] (0,0) node[below=3pt,inner sep=0pt,font=\scriptsize] {\textcircled{$\strut-$}};
+ }
+ {}
+ \xintifboolexpr{ #1 > 0 'and' #5 == 0 } %a>0 et delta<0
+ {%
+ \draw[thick,#2] ({-0.375*#3},{0.5*#4}) parabola bend (0,{0.075*#4}) ({0.375*#3},{0.5*#4}) ;
+ \draw[#2] (0,{0.075*#4}) node[above=2pt,inner sep=0pt,font=\scriptsize] {\textcircled{$\strut+$}};
+ }
+ {}
+ \xintifboolexpr{ #1 < 0 'and' #5 == 0 } %a>0 et delta<0
+ {%
+ \draw[thick,#2] ({-0.375*#3},{-0.5*#4}) parabola bend (0,{-0.075*#4}) ({0.375*#3},{-0.5*#4}) ;
+ \draw[#2] (0,{-0.075*#4}) node[below=2pt,inner sep=0pt,font=\scriptsize] {\textcircled{$\strut-$}};
+ }
+ {}
+\NewDocumentCommand\MiniSchemaSignes{ s O{} D<>{} }{%
+ \useKVdefault[aidetds]
+ \setKV[aidetds]{#2}
+ %simplification des codes
+ \IfEq{\tdsparam}{da+}{\def\xcode{1}}{}
+ \IfEq{\tdsparam}{da-}{\def\xcode{-1}}{}
+ \IfEq{\tdsparam}{pa+d+}{\def\xcode{12}}{}
+ \IfEq{\tdsparam}{pa-d+}{\def\xcode{-12}}{}
+ \IfEq{\tdsparam}{pa+d0}{\def\xcode{11}}{}
+ \IfEq{\tdsparam}{pa-d0}{\def\xcode{-11}}{}
+ \IfEq{\tdsparam}{pa+d-}{\def\xcode{10}}{}
+ \IfEq{\tdsparam}{pa-d-}{\def\xcode{-10}}{}
+ %si commande étoilée := commande autonome
+ \IfBooleanTF{#1}%
+ {\begin{tikzpicture}[#3]}{}%
+ %cadre si booléen true
+ \ifboolKV[aidetds]{Cadre}
+ {\draw[lightgray] ({-0.5*\tdslarg},{-0.5*\tdshaut}) rectangle ({0.55*\tdslarg},{0.5*\tdshaut}) ;}
+ {}
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+ %axe (Ox)
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+ %1er degré a+ code = 1
+ \ifnum\xcode=1
+ \schematdsaff{\tdscouleur}{\tdslarg}{\tdshaut}{\tdsracine}
+ \fi
+ %1er degré a- code = -1
+ \ifnum\xcode=-1
+ \schematdsaff*{\tdscouleur}{\tdslarg}{\tdshaut}{\tdsracine}
+ \fi
+ %2d degré a+delta+ code = 12
+ \ifnum\xcode=12
+ \schematdsparab{1}{\tdscouleur}{\tdslarg}{\tdshaut}{2}[\tdsracine]
+ \fi
+ %2d degré a-delta+ code = -12
+ \ifnum\xcode=-12
+ \schematdsparab{-1}{\tdscouleur}{\tdslarg}{\tdshaut}{2}[\tdsracine]
+ \fi
+ %2d degré a+delta0 code = 11
+ \ifnum\xcode=11
+ \schematdsparab{1}{\tdscouleur}{\tdslarg}{\tdshaut}{1}[\tdsracine]
+ \fi
+ %2d degré a-delta0 code = -11
+ \ifnum\xcode=-11
+ \schematdsparab{-1}{\tdscouleur}{\tdslarg}{\tdshaut}{1}[\tdsracine]
+ \fi
+ %2d degré a+delta- code = 10
+ \ifnum\xcode=10
+ \schematdsparab{1}{\tdscouleur}{\tdslarg}{\tdshaut}{0}
+ \fi
+ %2d degré a-delta- code = -10
+ \ifnum\xcode=-10
+ \schematdsparab{-1}{\tdscouleur}{\tdslarg}{\tdshaut}{0}
+ \fi
+ \IfBooleanTF{#1}%
+ {\end{tikzpicture}}{}%
+%pour l'interaction avec tkz-tab
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+ Decal=\def\tdstkzoffset{#1}
+ Echelle=1,%
+ Decal=1.25
+\NewDocumentCommand\MiniSchemaSignesTkzTab{ o m O{0.85} O{1.5} }{%
+ %#1 = codeaidetikz
+ %#2 = numligne
+ %#3 = échelle
+ %#4 = décalage
+ %\shorthandoff{:}\shorthandoff{!} %bizzzzzzzzare
+ %\NoAutoSpacing
+ \coordinate (ZZZ) at ($(T2#2)!.5!(T2\the\numexpr#2+1\relax)$) ;
+ %\shorthandon{:}\shorthandon{!}
+ \path (ZZZ.east) + (#4,0) pic[right,scale=#3,every node/.style={scale=#3}] {code={\MiniSchemaSignes[#1]}} ;
+ NomFct=\def\DHTnomfct{#1},%
+ va=\def\DHTva{#1},%
+ vb=\def\DHTvb{#1},%
+ Precision=\def\DHTprec{#1},%
+ NomSol=\def\DHTnomsol{#1},%
+ Stretch=\def\DHTstretch{#1}
+ NomFct=f,%
+ Precision=2,%
+ NomSol=\alpha,%
+ Stretch=1.15,%
+ Balayage=false,%
+ Calculatrice=false,%
+ Majuscule=true
+ \useKVdefault[dichoto]%
+ \setKV[dichoto]{#1}%
+ \xintdeffloatfunc varfct(x) := #2 ;%
+ \ifboolKV[dichoto]{Balayage}{\ifboolKV[dichoto]{Majuscule}{P}{p}ar balayage, on obtient }{}%
+ \ifboolKV[dichoto]{Calculatrice}{\ifboolKV[dichoto]{Majuscule}{P}{p}ar calculatrice, on obtient }{}%
+ \ensuremath{%
+ \left\lbrace \begin{tblr}{stretch=\DHTstretch,colsep=1pt,rll}%
+ {\DHTnomfct}{\left( \num{\DHTva} \right)} &\approx \num[minimum-decimal-digits=\DHTprec]{\xintFloatToDecimal{\xintfloateval{round(varfct(\DHTva),\DHTprec)}}} & \xintifGt{\xintfloateval{varfct(\DHTva)-#3}}{0}{> \num{#3}}{< \num{#3}} \: \\ %
+ {\DHTnomfct}{\left( \num{\DHTvb} \right)} &\approx \num[minimum-decimal-digits=\DHTprec]{\xintFloatToDecimal{\xintfloateval{round(varfct(\DHTvb),\DHTprec)}}} & \xintifGt{\xintfloateval{varfct(\DHTvb)-#3}}{0}{> \num{#3}}{< \num{#3}} \:%
+ \end{tblr}%
+ \right|%
+ \Rightarrow%
+ \num{\DHTva} < \DHTnomsol < \num{\DHTvb}%
+ }%
+\DeclareDocumentCommand\SimplificationRacine{ m }{% argument mandataire {calcul ou fraction}
+ \xdef\calculargument{\xintIrr{\xinteval{#1}}}%
+ \IfEndWith{\calculargument}{/1}%
+ {%si c'est un entier !
+ \xdef\calculargument{\xintiieval{#1}}%
+ \xdef\ExtractRacStop{\xintiFloor{\xintfloateval{sqrt(\calculargument)}}}%
+ \xintFor* ##1 in {\xintSeq{1}{\ExtractRacStop}}\do{%
+ \xintifboolexpr{ \xintiiRem{\calculargument}{\xintiieval{##1*##1}} == 0}%si le carré divise
+ {\xdef\ExtractRacID{##1}}%
+ {}%
+ }%
+ \xdef\ExtracReste{\xintiieval{\calculargument/(\ExtractRacID*\ExtractRacID)}}%
+ \ensuremath{\xintifboolexpr{\ExtractRacID == 1 && \ExtracReste == 1}%
+ {1}%
+ { \xintifboolexpr{\ExtractRacID == 1}{}{\num{\xintiieval{\ExtractRacID}}}%
+ \xintifboolexpr{\ExtracReste == 1}{}{\sqrt{\num{\ExtracReste}}} }}%
+% }%
+ }%
+ {%on va mettre sous forme a\sqrt(d)/b := buggue avec des millièmes...
+ \StrBefore{\calculargument}{/}[\numerateur]%on extrait le numérateur
+ \StrBehind{\calculargument}{/}[\denominateur]%on extrait le dénominateur
+ \xdef\ExtractRacNNum{\xintiieval{\numerateur*\denominateur}}%
+ \xdef\ExtractRacStop{\xintiFloor{\xintfloateval{sqrt(\ExtractRacNNum)}}}%
+ \xintFor* ##1 in {\xintSeq{1}{\ExtractRacStop}}\do{%
+ \xintifboolexpr{ \xintiiRem{\ExtractRacNNum}{\xintiieval{##1*##1}} == 0}%si le carré divise
+ {\xdef\ExtractRacID{##1}}%
+ {}
+ }%
+ \xdef\ExtractRacGCD{\xintiiGCD{\ExtractRacID}{\denominateur}}%
+ \xdef\RacNumSimpl{\xintiieval{\ExtractRacID/\ExtractRacGCD}}%simpl num
+ \xdef\RacDenomSimpl{\xintiieval{\denominateur/\ExtractRacGCD}}%
+ \xdef\RacRacSimpl{\xintiieval{\ExtractRacNNum/(\ExtractRacID*\ExtractRacID)}}%
+ \ensuremath{\frac{%
+ \xintifboolexpr{\RacNumSimpl == 1 && \RacRacSimpl == 1}%
+ {1}%
+ { \xintifboolexpr{\RacNumSimpl == 1}{}{\RacNumSimpl} \xintifboolexpr{\RacRacSimpl == 1}{}{\sqrt{\RacRacSimpl}} }%
+ }%
+ { \RacDenomSimpl }}%
+ }%
+ Precision=\xdef\DICHOTOstep{#1},%
+ Intervalle=\xdef\DICHOTOinterv{#1},%
+ Variable=\xdef\DICHOTOvar{#1}
+ Precision=2,%
+ Variable=x,%
+ Intervalle={0:10}
+\NewDocumentCommand\ResolutionApprochee{ O{} m O{masolution} }{%1=options,2=equation,3=macro
+ \useKVdefault[SolDichoto]%
+ %extraction fonction + valeur
+ \setKV[SolDichoto]{#1}%
+ \IfSubStr{#2}{=}%on coupe mmb gauche / mmb droit
+ {\StrCut{#2}{=}{\SolDiFCT}{\SolDiVal}}%
+ {\xdef\SolDiFCT{#2}\xdef\SolDiVal{0}}%
+ %création des variables temporaires
+ \xintdeffloatfunc dichotovarfct(\DICHOTOvar) := \SolDiFCT ;%
+ \StrCut{\DICHOTOinterv}{:}{\varvala}{\varvalb}%
+ \xdef\varstep{\fpeval{10**(-\DICHOTOstep-1)}}%un chiffre en plus :-)
+ %boucles
+ \whiledo{\xintGt{\xintfloateval{\varvalb-\varvala-\varstep}}{0} = 1}%
+ {%
+ \xdef\varvalm{\xintfloateval{(\varvala+\varvalb)*0.5}}%
+ \xintifboolexpr{\xintGt{\xintfloateval{(dichotovarfct(\varvala)-\SolDiVal)*(dichotovarfct(\varvalm)-\SolDiVal)}}{0}==1}%
+ {\xdef\varvala{\fpeval{\varvalm}}}%
+ {\xdef\varvalb{\fpeval{\varvalm}}}%
+ }%
+ \xdef\varvalm{\xintfloateval{(\varvala+\varvalb)*0.5}}%
+ \xdef\vartmpmd{\fpeval{floor(\varvalm,\DICHOTOstep)}}%
+ \xdef\vartmpme{\fpeval{\vartmpmd+10**(-\DICHOTOstep)}}%
+ %les variables créées
+ \expandafter\def\csname#3d\endcsname{\fpeval{\vartmpmd}}%
+ \expandafter\def\csname#3e\endcsname{\fpeval{\vartmpme}}%
+ %valeur approchée
+ \expandafter\def\csname#3a\endcsname{\fpeval{round(\varvalm,\DICHOTOstep)}}%
+\endinput \ No newline at end of file