path: root/Master/texmf-dist/tex/latex/profcollege/PfCPatronPaves.tex
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'Master/texmf-dist/tex/latex/profcollege/PfCPatronPaves.tex')
1 files changed, 479 insertions, 26 deletions
diff --git a/Master/texmf-dist/tex/latex/profcollege/PfCPatronPaves.tex b/Master/texmf-dist/tex/latex/profcollege/PfCPatronPaves.tex
index dfbd3a5d233..904f272411a 100644
--- a/Master/texmf-dist/tex/latex/profcollege/PfCPatronPaves.tex
+++ b/Master/texmf-dist/tex/latex/profcollege/PfCPatronPaves.tex
@@ -1,7 +1,13 @@
% Patrons de pavés droits et cubes
+\message{-- \filedatePatronspaves\space v\fileversionPatronspaves}%
+%EcartColorier est en nombre de parts pour le cube, en mm pour le pavé.
@@ -30,7 +36,7 @@
@@ -78,7 +84,7 @@
- {poho,loho,poho,lphp},%
+ {poho,loho,poho,lphp},%20
@@ -88,17 +94,17 @@
- {polo,holo,polo,hplp},%
+ {polo,holo,polo,hplp},%30
- {lopo,hopo,lhoh,pooh},%
+ {lopo,hopo,lhph,pooh},%
- {lpho,poho,lohp,hoop},%
+ {lpho,poho,lohp,hoop},%40
@@ -108,23 +114,23 @@
- {lpo,hpo,lph,poh,loh},%
- {pho,plo,phl,hol,pol},%
+ {lpo,hpo,lph,poh,loh},%50
+ {pho,lho,phl,hol,pol},%
- {phoo,lhpo,hopl,pool}
+ {phoo,lhpo,hopl,pool}%
- {Orange,Crimson,Orange,LightGreen,Crimson,LightGreen},
- {Orange,Crimson,LightGreen,Orange,Crimson,LightGreen},
- {Orange,Crimson,LightGreen,Crimson,Orange,LightGreen},
- {Orange,Crimson,LightGreen,Crimson,LightGreen,Orange},
- {Crimson,Orange,LightGreen,Orange,Crimson,LightGreen},
- {Crimson,Orange,LightGreen,Crimson,Orange,LightGreen},
- {Crimson,Orange,LightGreen,Crimson,LightGreen,Orange},
- {Crimson,LightGreen,Orange,Crimson,Orange,LightGreen},
- {Crimson,LightGreen,Orange,Crimson,LightGreen,Orange},
+ {Orange,Crimson,Orange,LightGreen,Crimson,LightGreen},%
+ {Orange,Crimson,LightGreen,Orange,Crimson,LightGreen},%
+ {Orange,Crimson,LightGreen,Crimson,Orange,LightGreen},%
+ {Orange,Crimson,LightGreen,Crimson,LightGreen,Orange},%
+ {Crimson,Orange,LightGreen,Orange,Crimson,LightGreen},%
+ {Crimson,Orange,LightGreen,Crimson,Orange,LightGreen},%
+ {Crimson,Orange,LightGreen,Crimson,LightGreen,Orange},%
+ {Crimson,LightGreen,Orange,Crimson,Orange,LightGreen},%
+ {Crimson,LightGreen,Orange,Crimson,LightGreen,Orange},%
@@ -169,9 +175,277 @@
- {Crimson,Orange,LightGreen,Crimson,Orange,LightGreen}%
+ {Crimson,Orange,LightGreen,Crimson,Orange,LightGreen}%
+ Largeur=\useKV[ClesPatron]{Largeur};
+ Hauteur=\useKV[ClesPatron]{Hauteur};
+ Profondeur=\useKV[ClesPatron]{Profondeur};
+ %
+ pair C[],M[],N[],O[],P[];
+ %
+ color Col[],CoulDefaut;
+ CoulDefaut=white;
+ %
+ boolean Codes,Allume[][],AColorier;
+ Codes=\useKV[ClesPatron]{Codes};
+ AColorier=\useKV[ClesPatron]{AColorier};
+ if AColorier:
+ EcartColorier=\useKV[ClesPatron]{EcartColorier}*1mm;
+ fi;
+ %
+ numeric DecalCol[];
+ %
+ vardef Allumage(text t)=
+ nblignes:=0;
+ for p_=t:
+ Long:=length p_;
+ nblignes:=nblignes+1;
+ for k=0 upto Long-1:
+ Allume[nblignes][k]=false;
+ endfor;
+ endfor;
+ enddef;
+ %
+ vardef LectureLargeur(text t)=
+ for p_=t:
+ Long:=length p_;
+ endfor;
+ for k=1 upto Long-1:
+ for p_=t:
+ if substring(k,k+1) of p_="o":
+ if k=1:
+ if (substring(0,1) of p_="h") and (substring(1,2) of p_="p"):
+ DecalCol[k]:=Largeur;
+ fi;
+ if (substring(0,1) of p_="h") and (substring(1,2) of p_="l"):
+ DecalCol[k]:=Profondeur;
+ fi;
+ if (substring(0,1) of p_="p") and (substring(1,2) of p_="h"):
+ DecalCol[k]:=Largeur;
+ fi;
+ if (substring(0,1) of p_="p") and (substring(1,2) of p_="l"):
+ DecalCol[k]:=Hauteur;
+ fi;
+ if (substring(0,1) of p_="l") and (substring(1,2) of p_="h"):
+ DecalCol[k]:=Profondeur;
+ fi;
+ if (substring(0,1) of p_="l") and (substring(1,2) of p_="p"):
+ DecalCol[k]:=Hauteur;
+ fi;
+ fi;
+ elseif substring(k,k+1) of p_="l":
+ DecalCol[k]:=Largeur;
+ elseif substring(k,k+1) of p_="h":
+ DecalCol[k]:=Hauteur;
+ elseif substring(k,k+1) of p_="p":
+ DecalCol[k]:=Profondeur;
+ fi;
+ endfor;
+ endfor;
+ enddef;
+ %
+ vardef Patron(text t)=
+ path PathPave;
+ nblignes:=-1;
+ NBLignes:=0;
+ nbcol:=0;
+ nbfaces:=0;
+ for p_=t:
+ Long:=length p_;
+ nbcolonnes:=0;
+ NBColonnes:=0;
+ if substring(0,1) of p_="h":
+ YEchelle:=Hauteur;
+ elseif substring(0,1) of p_="l":
+ YEchelle:=Largeur;
+ elseif substring(0,1) of p_="p":
+ YEchelle:=Profondeur;
+ fi;
+ nblignes:=nblignes-YEchelle;
+ NBLignes:=NBLignes+1;
+ for k=1 upto Long-1:
+ if substring(k,k+1) of p_="o":
+ if k=1:
+ PathPave:=(unitsquare scaled 0) shifted ((0,-1));
+ fi;
+ elseif substring(k,k+1) of p_="l":
+ nbcol:=nbcol+1;
+ PathPave:=(unitsquare xscaled Largeur yscaled YEchelle) shifted ((nbcolonnes,nblignes));
+ Allume[NBLignes][NBColonnes]:=true;
+ nbfaces:=nbfaces+1;
+ C[nbfaces]=center PathPave;
+ M[nbfaces]=point(0) of PathPave;
+ N[nbfaces]=point(1) of PathPave;
+ O[nbfaces]=point(2) of PathPave;
+ P[nbfaces]=point(3) of PathPave;
+ elseif substring(k,k+1) of p_="h":
+ nbcol:=nbcol+1;
+ PathPave:=(unitsquare xscaled Hauteur yscaled YEchelle) shifted ((nbcolonnes,nblignes));
+ Allume[NBLignes][NBColonnes]:=true;
+ nbfaces:=nbfaces+1;
+ C[nbfaces]=center PathPave;
+ M[nbfaces]=point(0) of PathPave;
+ N[nbfaces]=point(1) of PathPave;
+ O[nbfaces]=point(2) of PathPave;
+ P[nbfaces]=point(3) of PathPave;
+ elseif substring(k,k+1) of p_="p":
+ nbcol:=nbcol+1;
+ PathPave:=(unitsquare xscaled Profondeur yscaled YEchelle) shifted ((nbcolonnes,nblignes));
+ Allume[NBLignes][NBColonnes]:=true;
+ nbfaces:=nbfaces+1;
+ C[nbfaces]=center PathPave;
+ M[nbfaces]=point(0) of PathPave;
+ N[nbfaces]=point(1) of PathPave;
+ O[nbfaces]=point(2) of PathPave;
+ P[nbfaces]=point(3) of PathPave;
+ fi;
+ if (unknown Col[nbcol]):
+ else:
+ if Col[nbcol]=white:
+ else:
+ if AColorier=false:
+ fill PathPave withcolor Col[nbcol];
+ fi;
+ fi;
+ fi;
+ if nbfaces>0:
+ trace M[nbfaces]--P[nbfaces];
+ trace N[nbfaces]--O[nbfaces];
+ trace P[nbfaces]--O[nbfaces];
+ trace M[nbfaces]--N[nbfaces];
+ fi;
+ nbcolonnes:=nbcolonnes+DecalCol[k];
+ NBColonnes:=NBColonnes+1;
+ endfor;
+ endfor;
+ enddef;
+ %
+ vardef EffectuerTraces=
+ if Codes:
+ \useKV[ClesPatron]{Traces};
+ fi;
+ enddef;
+ \ifluatex
+ \mplibforcehmode
+ \begin{mplibcode}
+ \MPPatronPaveCode
+ n:=0;
+ for p_=#2:
+ n:=n+1;
+ if color p_:
+ Col[n]=p_;
+ else:
+ Col[n]=CoulDefaut;
+ fi;
+ endfor;
+ %
+ LectureLargeur(#1);
+ Allumage(#1);
+ if AColorier:
+ drawoptions(dashed evenly);
+ fi;
+ Patron(#1);
+ if AColorier:
+ drawoptions();
+ toto:=0;
+ for l=1 upto NBLignes:
+ for k=0 upto NBColonnes-1:
+ if Allume[l][k]:
+ toto:=toto+1;
+ % trait vertical gauche
+ if k=0:
+% trace M[toto]--P[toto];
+ tpoints:=floor(abs(M[toto]-P[toto])/EcartColorier);
+ for t=1 upto tpoints-1:
+ trace ((t/tpoints)[M[toto],P[toto]])--((t/tpoints)[M[toto],P[toto]]+(2*unitvector(P[toto]-M[toto])) rotated -90);
+ endfor;
+ else:
+ if Allume[l][k-1]=false:
+ % trace M[toto]--P[toto] dashed evenly;
+ tpoints:=floor(abs(M[toto]-P[toto])/EcartColorier);
+ for t=1 upto tpoints-1:
+ trace ((t/tpoints)[M[toto],P[toto]])--((t/tpoints)[M[toto],P[toto]]+(2*unitvector(P[toto]-M[toto])) rotated -90);
+ endfor;
+ fi;
+ fi;
+% % trait vertical droit
+ if k=Long-1:
+ % trace N[toto]--O[toto] dashed evenly;
+ tpoints:=floor(abs(N[toto]-O[toto])/EcartColorier);
+ for t=1 upto tpoints-1:
+ trace ((t/tpoints)[N[toto],O[toto]])--((t/tpoints)[N[toto],O[toto]]+(2*unitvector(O[toto]-N[toto])) rotated 90);
+ endfor;
+ else:
+ if Allume[l][k+1]=false:
+ %% trace N[toto]--O[toto] dashed evenly;
+ tpoints:=floor(abs(N[toto]-O[toto])/EcartColorier);
+ for t=1 upto tpoints-1:
+ trace ((t/tpoints)[N[toto],O[toto]])--((t/tpoints)[N[toto],O[toto]]+(2*unitvector(O[toto]-N[toto])) rotated 90);
+ endfor;
+ fi;
+ fi;
+% % trait horizontal haut
+ if l=1:
+ % trace P[toto]--O[toto] dashed evenly;
+ tpoints:=floor(abs(P[toto]-O[toto])/EcartColorier);
+ for t=1 upto tpoints-1:
+ trace ((t/tpoints)[P[toto],O[toto]])--((t/tpoints)[P[toto],O[toto]]+(2*unitvector(O[toto]-P[toto])) rotated -90);
+ endfor;
+ else:
+ if Allume[l-1][k]=false:
+ % trace P[toto]--O[toto] dashed evenly;
+ tpoints:=floor(abs(P[toto]-O[toto])/EcartColorier);
+ for t=1 upto tpoints-1:
+ trace ((t/tpoints)[P[toto],O[toto]])--((t/tpoints)[P[toto],O[toto]]+(2*unitvector(O[toto]-P[toto])) rotated -90);
+ endfor;
+ fi;
+ fi;
+% % trait horizontal bas
+ if l=NBLignes:
+ %% trace M[toto]--N[toto] dashed evenly;
+ tpoints:=floor(abs(M[toto]-N[toto])/EcartColorier);
+ for t=1 upto tpoints-1:
+ trace ((t/tpoints)[M[toto],N[toto]])--((t/tpoints)[M[toto],N[toto]]+(2*unitvector(M[toto]-N[toto])) rotated -90);
+ endfor;
+ else:
+ if Allume[l+1][k]=false:
+ %% trace M[toto]--N[toto] dashed evenly;
+ tpoints:=floor(abs(M[toto]-N[toto])/EcartColorier);
+ for t=1 upto tpoints-1:
+ trace ((t/tpoints)[M[toto],N[toto]])--((t/tpoints)[M[toto],N[toto]]+(2*unitvector(M[toto]-N[toto])) rotated -90);
+ endfor;
+ fi;
+ fi;
+ fi;
+ endfor;
+ endfor;
+ fi;
+ EffectuerTraces;
+ \end{mplibcode}
+ \else
+ \begin{mpost}[mpsettings={\MPPatronPaveCode;}]
+ n:=0;
+ for p_=#2:
+ n:=n+1;
+ if color p_:
+ Col[n]=p_;
+ else:
+ Col[n]=CoulDefaut;
+ fi;
+ endfor;
+ %
+ LectureLargeur(#1);
+ Patron(#1);
+ EffectuerTraces;
+ \end{mpost}
+ \fi
@@ -181,6 +455,185 @@
color Col[],CoulDefaut;
+ boolean Codes,Allume[][],AColorier;
+ Codes=\useKV[ClesPatron]{Codes};
+ AColorier=\useKV[ClesPatron]{AColorier};
+ if AColorier:
+ EcartColorier=\useKV[ClesPatron]{EcartColorier};
+ fi;
+ %
+ vardef Allumage(text t)=
+ nblignes:=-1;
+ for p_=t:
+ Long:=length p_;
+ nblignes:=nblignes+1;
+ for k=0 upto Long-1:
+ Allume[nblignes][k]=false;
+ endfor;
+ endfor;
+ enddef;
+ %
+ vardef Patron(text t)=
+ nblignes:=-1;
+ nbcol:=0;
+ nbfaces:=0;
+ for p_=t:
+ Long:=length p_;
+ nblignes:=nblignes+1;
+ nbcolonnes:=0;
+ for k=0 upto Long-1:
+ nbcolonnes:=nbcolonnes+1;
+ if substring(k,k+1) of p_="x":
+ Allume[nblignes][k]:=true;
+ nbfaces:=nbfaces+1;
+ nbcol:=nbcol+1;
+ if (unknown Col[nbcol]):
+ else:
+ if Col[nbcol]=white:
+ else:
+ if AColorier=false:
+ fill ((unitsquare scaled Arete) shifted (Arete*(nbcolonnes,-nblignes))) withcolor Col[nbcol];
+ fi;
+ fi;
+ fi;
+ C[nbfaces]=(center unitsquare scaled Arete) shifted (Arete*(nbcolonnes,-nblignes));
+ M[nbfaces]=point(0) of ((unitsquare scaled Arete) shifted (Arete*(nbcolonnes,-nblignes)));
+ N[nbfaces]=point(1) of ((unitsquare scaled Arete) shifted (Arete*(nbcolonnes,-nblignes)));
+ O[nbfaces]=point(2) of ((unitsquare scaled Arete) shifted (Arete*(nbcolonnes,-nblignes)));
+ P[nbfaces]=point(3) of ((unitsquare scaled Arete) shifted (Arete*(nbcolonnes,-nblignes)));
+ trace M[nbfaces]--P[nbfaces];
+ trace N[nbfaces]--O[nbfaces];
+ trace P[nbfaces]--O[nbfaces];
+ trace M[nbfaces]--N[nbfaces];
+ fi;
+ endfor;
+ endfor;
+ enddef;
+ %
+ vardef EffectuerTraces=
+ if Codes:
+ \useKV[ClesPatron]{Traces};
+ fi;
+ enddef;
+ \ifluatex
+ \mplibforcehmode
+ \begin{mplibcode}
+ \MPPatronCubeCode
+ %
+ n:=0;
+ for p_=#2:
+ n:=n+1;
+ if color p_:
+ Col[n]=p_;
+ else:
+ Col[n]=CoulDefaut;
+ fi;
+ endfor;
+ %
+ Allumage(#1);
+ if AColorier:
+ drawoptions(dashed withdots scaled 0.5);
+ fi;
+ Patron(#1);
+ if AColorier:
+ drawoptions();
+ toto:=0;
+ for l=0 upto nblignes:
+ for k=0 upto Long-1:
+ if Allume[l][k]:
+ toto:=toto+1;
+ % trait vertical gauche
+ if k=0:
+% trace M[toto]--P[toto] dashed evenly;
+ for t=1 upto EcartColorier-1:
+ trace ((t/EcartColorier)[M[toto],P[toto]])--((t/EcartColorier)[M[toto],P[toto]]+(2*unitvector(P[toto]-M[toto])) rotated -90);
+ endfor;
+ else:
+ if Allume[l][k-1]=false:
+% trace M[toto]--P[toto] dashed evenly;
+ for t=1 upto EcartColorier-1:
+ trace ((t/EcartColorier)[M[toto],P[toto]])--((t/EcartColorier)[M[toto],P[toto]]+(2*unitvector(P[toto]-M[toto])) rotated -90);
+ endfor;
+ fi;
+ fi;
+ % trait vertical droit
+ if k=Long-1:
+ % trace N[toto]--O[toto] dashed evenly;
+ for t=1 upto EcartColorier-1:
+ trace ((t/EcartColorier)[N[toto],O[toto]])--((t/EcartColorier)[N[toto],O[toto]]+(2*unitvector(O[toto]-N[toto])) rotated 90);
+ endfor;
+ else:
+ if Allume[l][k+1]=false:
+% trace N[toto]--O[toto] dashed evenly;
+ for t=1 upto EcartColorier-1:
+ trace ((t/EcartColorier)[N[toto],O[toto]])--((t/EcartColorier)[N[toto],O[toto]]+(2*unitvector(O[toto]-N[toto])) rotated 90);
+ endfor;
+ fi;
+ fi;
+ % trait horizontal haut
+ if l=0:
+% trace P[toto]--O[toto] dashed evenly;
+ for t=1 upto EcartColorier-1:
+ trace ((t/EcartColorier)[P[toto],O[toto]])--((t/EcartColorier)[P[toto],O[toto]]+(2*unitvector(O[toto]-P[toto])) rotated -90);
+ endfor;
+ else:
+ if Allume[l-1][k]=false:
+% trace P[toto]--O[toto] dashed evenly;
+ for t=1 upto EcartColorier-1:
+ trace ((t/EcartColorier)[P[toto],O[toto]])--((t/EcartColorier)[P[toto],O[toto]]+(2*unitvector(O[toto]-P[toto])) rotated -90);
+ endfor;
+ fi;
+ fi;
+ % trait horizontal bas
+ if l=nblignes:
+% trace M[toto]--N[toto] dashed evenly;
+ for t=1 upto EcartColorier-1:
+ trace ((t/EcartColorier)[M[toto],N[toto]])--((t/EcartColorier)[M[toto],N[toto]]+(2*unitvector(M[toto]-N[toto])) rotated -90);
+ endfor;
+ else:
+ if Allume[l+1][k]=false:
+% trace M[toto]--N[toto] dashed evenly;
+ for t=1 upto EcartColorier-1:
+ trace ((t/EcartColorier)[M[toto],N[toto]])--((t/EcartColorier)[M[toto],N[toto]]+(2*unitvector(M[toto]-N[toto])) rotated -90);
+ endfor;
+ fi;
+ fi;
+ fi;
+ endfor;
+ endfor;
+ fi;
+ EffectuerTraces;
+ \end{mplibcode}
+ \else
+ \begin{mpost}[mpsettings={\MPPatronCubeCode;}]
+ %
+ n:=0;
+ for p_=#2:
+ n:=n+1;
+ if color p_:
+ Col[n]=p_;
+ else:
+ Col[n]=CoulDefaut;
+ fi;
+ endfor;
+ %
+ Patron(#1);
+ EffectuerTraces;
+ \end{mpost}
+ \fi
+ Arete=\useKV[ClesPatron]{Arete};
+ %
+ pair C[],M[],N[],O[],P[];
+ %
+ color Col[],CoulDefaut;
+ CoulDefaut=white;
+ %
boolean Codes;
vardef Patron(text t)=
@@ -221,7 +674,7 @@
@@ -259,7 +712,7 @@
@@ -330,7 +783,7 @@
for k=1 upto Long-1:
if substring(k,k+1) of p_="o":
if k=1:
- PathPave:=(unitsquare scaled 0);
+ PathPave:=(unitsquare scaled 0) shifted ((0,-1));
elseif substring(k,k+1) of p_="l":
@@ -380,7 +833,7 @@
@@ -397,7 +850,7 @@
- EffectuerTraces;
+ %EffectuerTraces;