path: root/Master/texmf-dist/tex/latex/principia
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'Master/texmf-dist/tex/latex/principia')
1 files changed, 231 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/Master/texmf-dist/tex/latex/principia/principia.sty b/Master/texmf-dist/tex/latex/principia/principia.sty
new file mode 100644
index 00000000000..3a1fd3b2714
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Master/texmf-dist/tex/latex/principia/principia.sty
@@ -0,0 +1,231 @@
+%This is the principia package is for representing notations in Whitehead and Russell's ``Principia Mathematica" close to their appearance in the original.
+%Copyright (C) 2020 by Landon D. C. Elkind (
+%This program is free software. It may be redistributed and/or modified under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation, Version 3 or any later version.
+%Package Identification
+\ProvidesPackage{principia}[2020/10/20 principia package version 1.0] %Covers typesetting of notation through Volume I
+%Principia package requirements
+\RequirePackage{graphicx} %This loads commands that flip iota for definite descriptions, Lambda for the universal class, and so on. The (superseded) graphics package should also work here, but is not recommended.
+\RequirePackage{marvosym} %This loads the male and female symbol.
+\RequirePackage{pifont} %This loads the symbols such as the eight-pointed asterisk.
+%Meta-logical symbols
+\newcommand{\pmdem}{\textit{Dem}.} %This notation begins a proof.
+\newcommand{\pmsub}[2]{\bigg \lbrack \small \begin{array}{c} #1 \\ \hline #2 \end{array} \bigg \rbrack} %This is the substitution command.
+\newcommand{\pmSub}[3]{\bigg \lbrack \normalsize #1 \text{ } \small \begin{array}{c} #2 \\ \hline #3 \end{array} \bigg \rbrack} %This is the substitution command.
+\newcommand{\pmsubb}[4]{\bigg \lbrack \small \begin{array}{c c} #1, & #3 \\ \hline #2, & #4 \end{array} \bigg \rbrack} %This is the substitution command.
+\newcommand{\pmSubb}[5]{\bigg \lbrack \normalsize #1 \text{ } \small \begin{array}{c c} #2, & #4 \\ \hline #3, & #5 \end{array} \bigg \rbrack} %This is the substitution command.
+\newcommand{\pmsubbb}[6]{\bigg \lbrack \small \begin{array}{c c c} #1, & #3, & #5 \\ \hline #2, & #4, & #6 \end{array} \bigg \rbrack} %This is the substitution command.
+\newcommand{\pmSubbb}[7]{\bigg \lbrack \normalsize #1 \text{ } \small \begin{array}{c c c} #2, & #4, & #6 \\ \hline #3, & #5, & #7 \end{array} \bigg \rbrack} %This is the substitution command.
+\newcommand{\pmsubbbb}[8]{\bigg \lbrack \small \begin{array}{c c c c} #1, & #3, & #5, & #7 \\ \hline #2, & #4, & #6, & #8 \end{array} \bigg \rbrack} %This is the substitution command.
+\newcommand{\pmSubbbb}[9]{\bigg \lbrack \normalsize #1 \text{ } \small \begin{array}{c c c c} #1, & #3, & #5, & #7 \\ \hline #2, & #4, & #6, & #8 \end{array} \bigg \rbrack} %This is the substitution command.
+\newcommand{\pmthm}{\text{\scalebox{.5}[1]{$\boldsymbol\vdash$}}} %This is the theorem sign.
+\newcommand{\pmast}{\text{\resizebox{!}{.75\height}{\ding{107}}}} %This is the sign introducing a theorem number.
+\newcommand{\pmcdot}{\text{\raisebox{.05cm}{$\boldsymbol\cdot$}}} %This is a sign introducing a theorem sub-number.
+%Square dots for scope, defined for up to six dots
+\newcommand{\pmdottt}{\pmdott \pmdot}
+%Logical connectives
+%Additional defined logic signs
+\newcommand{\pmpf}[2]{#1#2} %for propositional functions of one variable
+\newcommand{\pmpff}[3]{#1(#2, #3)} %for propositional functions of two variables
+\newcommand{\pmpfff}[4]{#1(#2, #3, #4)} %for propositional functions of three variables
+\newcommand{\pmshr}{\textbf{!}} %*12.1 and *12.11, used for predicative propositional functions
+\newcommand{\pmpred}[2]{#1\pmshr#2} %for predicates (``predicative functions'') of one variable
+\newcommand{\pmpredd}[3]{#1\pmshr(#2, #3)} %for predicates (``predicative functions'') of two variables
+\newcommand{\pmpreddd}[4]{#1\pmshr(#2, #3, #4)} %for predicates (``predicative functions'') of three variables
+\newcommand{\pmnid}{\mathrel{\ooalign{$=$\cr\hidewidth\footnotesize\rotatebox[origin=c]{210}{\textbf{/}}\hidewidth\cr}}} %*13.01
+\newcommand{\pmiota}{\rotatebox[origin=c]{180}{$\iota$}} %the rotated Greek iota used in definite descriptions
+\newcommand{\pmdsc}[1]{(\pmiota#1)} %*14.01
+\newcommand{\pmDsc}{\pmiota} %*14.01
+\newcommand{\pmexists}{\text{E}\pmshr} %*14.02
+%Class signs
+\newcommand{\pmccup}{\mathop{\scalebox{1.3}[1.75]{$\put(3, 2.5){\oval(4,4)[b]}\phantom{\circ}$}}}
+\newcommand{\pmccap}{\mathop{\scalebox{1.3}[1.75]{$\put(3, 2){\oval(4,1)[t]}\phantom{\circ}$}}}
+%Relation signs
+\newcommand{\pmrele}[5]{#1\{\pmhat{#2}\pmhat{#3}#4(#2, #3)\}#5}
+\newcommand{\pmrld}[2]{#1 \boldsymbol{\upharpoonleft} #2}
+\newcommand{\pmrlcd}[2]{#1 \boldsymbol{\upharpoonright} #2}
+\newcommand{\pmrlf}[3]{#1 \boldsymbol{\upharpoonleft} #2 \boldsymbol{\upharpoonright} #3}
+\newcommand{\pmrl}[2]{#1 \boldsymbol{\uparrow} #2}
+\newcommand{\pmrlF}[2]{#1 \mathbin{\ooalign{$\upharpoonright$\cr\hidewidth\rotatebox[origin=c]{180}{\text{$\upharpoonleft$}}\hidewidth\cr}} #2}
+\newcommand{\pmopc}[2]{#1 \mathop{\underset{\textbf{''}}{\text{\Female}}} #2}
+%Products and sums of classes of classes or relations
+%Identity and Diversity
+%Cardinal numbers
+%Ordinal numbers
+\newcommand{\pmoc}[2]{#1 \boldsymbol{\downarrow} #2}
+%Subclasses and subrelations
+\newcommand{\pmscle}[1]{\text{Cl ex}\textbf{`}#1}
+\newcommand{\pmsCle}{\text{Cl ex}}
+\newcommand{\pmsrle}[1]{\text{Rl ex}\textbf{`}#1}
+\newcommand{\pmsRle}{\text{Rl ex}}
+%Relative type symbols
+\newcommand{\pmrtrci}[3]{t_{#1}^{\text{ }#2}\textbf{`}#3}
+%Similarity relation signs
+\newcommand{\pmexc}{\text{Cls}^2 \mathop{\text{excl}}}
+\newcommand{\pmexcc}[1]{\text{Cl} \mathop{\text{excl}}\textbf{`}#1}
+\newcommand{\pmexcn}{\text{Cls} \mathop{\text{ex}}^2 \mathop{\text{excl}}}
+\newcommand{\pmselc}[2]{#1 \mathrel{\rotatebox[origin=c]{270}{$\boldsymbol{\mapsto}$}} #2}
+\newcommand{\pmmultr}{\mathop{\text{Rel}} \mathop{\text{Mult}}}
+\newcommand{\pmmultc}{\mathop{\text{Cls}^2} \mathop{\text{Mult}}}
+\newcommand{\pmmultax}{\mathop{\text{Mult}} \mathop{\text{ax}}}
+%Inductive relations
+\newcommand{\pmNoc}{\text{N}_0\text{c}} \ No newline at end of file