path: root/Master/texmf-dist/tex/latex/pkuthss/pkuthss-extra.sty
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'Master/texmf-dist/tex/latex/pkuthss/pkuthss-extra.sty')
1 files changed, 0 insertions, 182 deletions
diff --git a/Master/texmf-dist/tex/latex/pkuthss/pkuthss-extra.sty b/Master/texmf-dist/tex/latex/pkuthss/pkuthss-extra.sty
deleted file mode 100644
index 51a785b405a..00000000000
--- a/Master/texmf-dist/tex/latex/pkuthss/pkuthss-extra.sty
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,182 +0,0 @@
-% vim:ft=tex:ts=2:sw=2
-% Peking University dissertation document class
-% Copyright (c) 2008-2009 solvethis
-% Copyright (c) 2010-2015 Casper Ti. Vector
-% This work may be distributed and/or modified under the conditions of the
-% LaTeX Project Public License, either version 1.3 of this license or (at
-% your option) any later version.
-% The latest version of this license is in
-% and version 1.3 or later is part of all distributions of LaTeX version
-% 2005/12/01 or later.
-% This work has the LPPL maintenance status `maintained'.
-% The current maintainer of this work is Casper Ti. Vector.
-% This work consists of the following files:
-% pkuthss.cls
-% pkuthss-gbk.def
-% pkuthss-utf8.def
-% pkuthss-extra.sty
-% pkulogo.eps
-% pkuword.eps
- [2015/06/30 v1.6.3 Common extra settings for the pkuthss document class]
-% Check the dependency of pkuthss.
- \PackageError{pkuthss-extra}%
- {The pkuthss document class is not loaded}%
- {The pkuthss-extra package depends on the pkuthss document class.}
-% eg. `\pkuthssextra@int@boolopt{spacing}{true}' will expand to:
-% \newif\ifpkuthssextra@opt@spacing \pkuthssextra@opt@spacingtrue
-% \DeclareOption{spacing}{\pkuthssextra@opt@spacingtrue}
-% \DeclareOption{nospacing}{\pkuthssextra@opt@spacingfalse}
- \expandafter\newif\csname ifpkuthssextra@opt@#1\endcsname
- \@nameuse{pkuthssextra@opt@#1#2}
- \DeclareOption{#1}{\@nameuse{pkuthssextra@opt@#1true}}
- \DeclareOption{no#1}{\@nameuse{pkuthssextra@opt@#1false}}
-% Whethet to modify footnote format.
-% Whethet to modify spacing according to school regulation.
-% Whethet to use some common settings for adjusting spacing.
-% Add PDF bookmark for table of contents.
-% Whether to enable the `\spacialchap' command.
-% Whether to automatically set up properties for generated PDF from user
-% defined document information (author, title, etc.).
-% Whether to use coloured hyperlinks in generated PDF.
-% Process all class options now.
- % Handle the `Unparsed material' issue with latex/dvipdfmx compilation.
- \unless\ifxetex\unless\ifpdf
- \newcommand*\pgfsysdriver{pgfsys-dvipdfm.def}
- \fi\fi
- % Circled text, cf. <>.
- \RequirePackage{tikz}
- \newcommand*\pkuthssextra@int@circled[1]{%
- \scalebox{0.8}{\tikz[baseline = (char.base)]{
- \node[
- shape = circle, draw = black, minimum size = 1.25em, inner sep = 0pt
- ] (char) {#1};
- }}%
- }
- % Use circled numbers as footnote symbols. Does not affect title page, but
- % footnote is rarely used in dissertation covers ;)
- \renewcommand\thefootnote%
- {\protect\pkuthssextra@int@circled{\arabic{footnote}}}
- % Provides utility to modify footnote spacing.
- % Option used to make sure it does not render interleaf pages totally blank.
- \RequirePackage[cleardoublepage = current]{scrextend}
- % Set up footnote spacing: symbol indent 2 ccwd, paragraph indent 3.5 ccwd,
- % 0.75 ccwd between symbol and paragraph.
- \deffootnote{2\ccwd}{3.5\ccwd}{\thefootnotemark\hspace{0.75\ccwd}}
- % lineskip / baselineskip = 20 bp / (12 bp * (6 / 5)).
- \linespread{1.39}\selectfont
- % Quite harmless and frequently used package. Loaded together with `tocloft'
- % plus a compatibility option to avoid package clash.
- \RequirePackage{subfig}
- % Provides utilities for setting TOC format; `titles' applied to avoid
- % interfering with LaTeX's own title mechanism.
- \RequirePackage[subfigure, titles]{tocloft}
- \setlength{\cftbeforechapskip}{6bp plus 1bp}
- \setlength{\cftsecindent}{\ccwd}
- \setlength{\cftsubsecindent}{2\ccwd}
- % Modify font size and separator of captions.
- \RequirePackage{caption}
- \DeclareCaptionFont{cfive}{\zihao{5}}
- \DeclareCaptionLabelSeparator{quad}{\quad}
- \captionsetup{font = cfive, labelsep = quad}
- % Automatically ignore spaces between CJK characters, or otherwise preserve
- % spaces. XeCJK itself will handle this issue, therefore we do not use
- % `CJKspace' when using XeLaTeX.
- \unless\ifxetex\RequirePackage{CJKspace}\fi
- % Make spacing nicer in some situations (eg. footnotes and verbatims).
- \RequirePackage{setspace}
- % Lists often appear to be too sparse when items are just one or two lines
- % long. Here we cancel the extra vertical spacing between list items.
- \RequirePackage{enumitem}
- \setlist{nolistsep}
- % Add PDF bookmark for table of contents.
- \let\pkuthssextra@tmp@tableofcontents\tableofcontents
- \renewcommand{\tableofcontents}{%
- \pkuthss@int@pdfmark{\contentsname}{contents}
- \pkuthssextra@tmp@tableofcontents%
- }
- % This command is used to start a chapter without numbering, and correctly set
- % up the headers and footers in the chapter.
- \newcommand\specialchap[1]{%
- \chapter*{#1}\addcontentsline{toc}{chapter}{#1}
- \markboth{#1}{}\phantomsection%
- }
- \ifpkuthssextra@opt@pkuspace
- % Kludge for `tocloft' used with `ctex'.
- % <>.
- \renewcommand{\numberline}[1]{%
- \settowidth\@tempdimb{#1\hspace{0.5em}}%
- \ifdim\@tempdima<\@tempdimb%
- \@tempdima=\@tempdimb%
- \fi%
- \hb@xt@\@tempdima{\@cftbsnum #1\@cftasnum\hfil}\@cftasnumb%
- }%
- \fi
- \ifpkuthssextra@opt@pdfprop
- % Automatically generate properties for generated PDF.
- % Use English properties to avoid problems with character encodings.
- \newcommand*{\setpdfproperties}{%
- \hypersetup{
- pdfauthor = {\@eauthor}, pdftitle = {\@etitle},
- pdfsubject = {\euniversity\ \ethesisname}, pdfkeywords = {\@ekeywords}
- }%
- }
- % Set up the properties when generating the title page because the document
- % information should have been all defined before this.
- \let\pkuthssextra@tmp@maketitle\maketitle
- % NOTE: `\hypersetup' must appear before `\maketitle', otherwise it might not
- % act as wished.
- \renewcommand\maketitle{\setpdfproperties\pkuthssextra@tmp@maketitle}
- \fi
- \ifpkuthssextra@opt@colorlinks
- % Use coloured hyperlinks in generated PDF.
- \hypersetup{colorlinks = true, allcolors = blue}
- \else
- % Set hyperlink colour to black in order to prevent hyperlinks from being
- % too hard-to-recognise in printed thesis.
- \hypersetup{hidelinks}
- \fi