path: root/Master/texmf-dist/tex/latex/pgfplots/pgfplots.sty
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'Master/texmf-dist/tex/latex/pgfplots/pgfplots.sty')
1 files changed, 6 insertions, 2553 deletions
diff --git a/Master/texmf-dist/tex/latex/pgfplots/pgfplots.sty b/Master/texmf-dist/tex/latex/pgfplots/pgfplots.sty
index 114db197b55..3e63fdfa8b7 100644
--- a/Master/texmf-dist/tex/latex/pgfplots/pgfplots.sty
+++ b/Master/texmf-dist/tex/latex/pgfplots/pgfplots.sty
@@ -23,8 +23,8 @@
% along with this program. If not, see <>.
-\ProvidesPackage{pgfplots}[2008/02/17 Version \pgfplotsversion]
+\ProvidesPackage{pgfplots}[2008/06/07 Version \pgfplotsversion]
% you MAY need one of
@@ -39,2559 +39,12 @@
% 'pdftex' for 'pdflatex'
% -> dvipdfm needs special attention.
-% FIXME: reduce number of variables!
-\def\axisdefaulttickwidth{35}% the maximum space between adjacent ticks (in pt, but don't specify the unit 'pt')
- mark options={fill=gray},mark=*\\%
- mark options={fill=gray},mark=square*\\%
- mark options={fill=gray},mark=otimes*\\%
- mark=star\\%
- mark options={fill=gray},mark=diamond*\\%
- densely dashed,mark options={solid,fill=gray},mark=*\\%
- densely dashed,mark options={solid,fill=gray},mark=square*\\%
- densely dashed,mark options={solid,fill=gray},mark=otimes*\\%
- densely dashed,mark options={solid},mark=star\\%
- densely dashed,mark options={solid,fill=gray},mark=diamond*\\%
- blue,mark options={fill=blue!80!black},mark=*\\%
- red,mark options={fill=red!80!black},mark=square*\\%
- brown!60!black,mark options={fill=brown!80!black},mark=otimes*\\%
- black,mark=star\\%
- blue,mark options={fill=blue!80!black},mark=diamond*\\%
- red,densely dashed,mark options={solid,fill=red!80!black},mark=*\\%
- brown!60!black,densely dashed,mark options={solid,fill=brown!80!black},mark=square*\\%
- black,densely dashed,mark options={solid,fill=gray},mark=otimes*\\%
- blue,densely dashed,mark=star,mark options=solid\\%
- red,densely dashed,mark options={solid,fill=red!80!black},mark=diamond*\\%
-\tikzstyle{every axis}=[]
-\tikzstyle{every axis plot}=[]
-\tikzstyle{every axis label}=[]
-\tikzstyle{every axis x label}=[at={(0.5,0)},below,yshift=-15pt]
-\tikzstyle{every axis y label}=[at={(0,0.5)},xshift=-35pt,rotate=90]
-\tikzstyle{every axis title}=[at={(0.5,1)},above,yshift=6pt]
-\tikzstyle{every tick}=[very thin,gray]
-\tikzstyle{every minor tick}=[]
-\tikzstyle{every major tick}=[]
-\tikzstyle{every axis grid}=[style=help lines]
-\tikzstyle{every minor grid}=[]
-\tikzstyle{every major grid}=[]
-\tikzstyle{every tick label}=[]
-\tikzstyle{every x tick label}=[]
-\tikzstyle{every y tick label}=[]
-% specifies how and where to draw the axis.
-% \tikzstyle{every axis legend}+=[at={(0,0)}]
-% will draw it at the lower left corner of the axis while
-% \tikzstyle{every axis legend}+=[at={(1,1)}]
-% means the upper right corner.
-% The legend is a 'node' so you can use any tikz option which affects
-% nodes. The option 'text width' is set automatically, depending on
-% the \legend[textwidth=...] option.
-% Examples:
-% - \tikzstyle{every axis legend}+=[at={(1.02,1)},anchor=north west]
-% draws the legend OUTSIDE TOP RIGHT.
-% - \tikzstyle{every axis legend}+=[at={(1,0.5)},anchor=east,outer sep=0.5cm]
-% draws the legend INSIDE MIDDLE RIGHT, separated by 0.5cm from the axis.
-\tikzstyle{every axis legend}=[%
- cells={anchor=center},
- inner xsep=3pt,inner ysep=2pt,nodes={inner sep=2pt,text depth=0.15em},
- anchor=north east,%
- shape=rectangle,%
- fill=white,%
- draw=black,
- at={(0.98,0.98)}
- ]
-% at={(1,1)},
-% outer sep=0.1cm]
- xmin,xmax,xticklabel,xtick,xtickten,xlabel,%
- ymin,ymax,yticklabel,ytick,ytickten,ylabel,%
- subtickwidth,tickwidth,%
- xfilter,yfilter,%
- width,height,%
- title,%
- execute at begin plot,%
- execute at end plot,%
- enlargelimits,%
- legend columns,%
- x,y}%
- \listnewempty\axis@TMP
- \begingroup
- \foreach \i in {#1} {%
- \globaldefs=1
- \expandafter\listpushback\i\to\axis@TMP
- \globaldefs=0
- }%
- \endgroup
- \listcopy\axis@TMP\to#2\relax
- \expandafter\axis@foreach@to@list\axis@xticklabels\to\axis@xticklabels
- %\expandafter\listnew\expandafter\axis@xticklabels\expandafter{\axis@xticklabels}%
- \let\axis@xticklabel=\axis@user@ticklabel@list@x
- \expandafter\axis@foreach@to@list\axis@yticklabels\to\axis@yticklabels
- %\expandafter\listnew\expandafter\axis@yticklabels\expandafter{\axis@yticklabels}%
- \let\axis@yticklabel=\axis@user@ticklabel@list@y
-\define@cmdkey[\prefix]{axis}[axis@]{minor tick length}{%
- \expandafter\let\expandafter\axis@subtickwidth\csname axis@minor tick length\endcsname
-\define@cmdkey[\prefix]{axis}[axis@]{major tick length}{%
- \expandafter\let\expandafter\axis@tickwidth\csname axis@major tick length\endcsname
-% sets \axis@tickposnum to
-% left=0
-% right=1
-% both=2
- \axis@tickposnum=\nr\relax
-\define@choicekey[\prefix]{axis}{legend plot pos}[\val\nr]{left,right,none}{%
- \edef\axis@legend@plot@pos{\nr}%
-\define@choicekey[\prefix]{axis}{anchor}[\val\nr]{north,north west,west,south west,south,south east,east,north east,center}{%
- \edef\axis@anchorchoicenum{\nr}%
- \expandafter\ifcase\nr\relax
- \axis@xminorticksfalse
- \axis@yminorticksfalse
- \axis@xmajorticksfalse
- \axis@ymajorticksfalse
- \or
- \axis@xminorticksfalse
- \axis@yminorticksfalse
- \axis@xmajortickstrue
- \axis@ymajortickstrue
- \or
- \axis@xminortickstrue
- \axis@yminortickstrue
- \axis@xmajorticksfalse
- \axis@ymajorticksfalse
- \or
- \axis@xminortickstrue
- \axis@yminortickstrue
- \axis@xmajortickstrue
- \axis@ymajortickstrue
- \fi
- \expandafter\ifcase\nr\relax
- \axis@xminorgridsfalse
- \axis@yminorgridsfalse
- \axis@xmajorgridsfalse
- \axis@ymajorgridsfalse
- \or
- \axis@xminorgridsfalse
- \axis@yminorgridsfalse
- \axis@xmajorgridstrue
- \axis@ymajorgridstrue
- \or
- \axis@xminorgridstrue
- \axis@yminorgridstrue
- \axis@xmajorgridsfalse
- \axis@ymajorgridsfalse
- \or
- \axis@xminorgridstrue
- \axis@yminorgridstrue
- \axis@xmajorgridstrue
- \axis@ymajorgridstrue
- \fi
- xminorticks,%
- xmajorticks,%
- yminorticks,%
- ymajorticks,%
- xminorgrids,%
- xmajorgrids,%
- yminorgrids,%
- ymajorgrids,%
- disablelogfilter,%
- disabledatascaling,%
- hide axis,%
- scale only axis}[true]
-% sets \axis@xmode to
-% normal=0
-% log=1
- \axis@xmode=\nr\relax
-% sets \axis@ymode to
-% normal=0
-% log=1
- \axis@ymode=\nr\relax
- \presetkeys[\prefix]{axis}{#1}{}%
- \errmessage{Sorry, legendpreset is now deprecated, along with the legend options text width and font. Legends are now TikZ-matrizes which provide better alignment and can be placed horizontally. See the manual for details.}%
- xmode=normal,
- xmin=,
- xmax=,
- xlabel=,
- xtick=,
- xtickten=,
- xticklabel=,
- xminorticks=true,
- xmajorticks=true,
- xminorgrids=false,
- xmajorgrids=false,
- ymode=normal,
- ymin=,
- ymax=,
- ylabel=,
- ytick=,
- ytickten=,
- yticklabel=,
- yminorticks=true,
- ymajorticks=true,
- yminorgrids=false,
- ymajorgrids=false,
- grid=none,%
- tickpos=both,
- xfilter=,
- yfilter=,
- title=,
- width=,
- height=,
- anchor=south west,
- subtickwidth=0.1cm,
- tickwidth=0.15cm,
- scale only axis=false,
- hide axis=false,
- legend columns=1,
- legend plot pos=left,
- x=,% is implicitly set by 'width' and/or '\axisdefaultwidth'
- y=,% is implicitly set by 'height' and/or '\axisdefaultheight'
- execute at begin plot=,%
- execute at end plot=,%
- enlargelimits=auto,
- disablelogfilter=false}{}
- \ifcase#1
- \or0
- \or0.693147
- \or1.098612
- \or1.386294
- \or1.60943791
- \or1.7917594
- \or1.94591014
- \or2.07944154
- \or2.197224
- \fi
- \let\ticknum=#1%
- \ifaxis@float@numerics@mode@y
- % this here stores \\tick@S, \\tick@M, \\tick@E
- \axis@inverse@datascaletrafo@y{#2}\to\tick
- % .. and this here provides \tick as fixed point repr:
- \scitofixedsingle\tick\tick
- \else
- \def\tick{#2}%
- \fi
- \axis@yticklabel
-% x-Achsenbeschriftung zum #1.ten Tick:
-% #1: die ticknum
-% #2: der x wert dafuer
- \let\ticknum=#1%
- \ifaxis@float@numerics@mode@x
- % this here stores \\tick@S, \\tick@M, \\tick@E
- \axis@inverse@datascaletrafo@x{#2}\to\tick
- % .. and this here provides \tick as fixed point repr:
- \scitofixedsingle\tick\tick
- \else
- \def\tick{#2}%
- \fi
- \axis@xticklabel
- \listselect\ticknum\of\axis@xticklabels\to\tick
- \tick
- \listselect\ticknum\of\axis@yticklabels\to\tick
- \tick
- $\prettyprintnumber{\tick}$%
- \logtologtentomacro{\tick}{\roundedtick}%
- $10^{\prettyprintnumber{\roundedtick}}$%
- \node
- [style=every axis label,%
- style=every axis x label]
- {\axis@xlabel};
- \node
- [style=every axis label,
- style=every axis y label]
- {\axis@ylabel};
- \node%
- [style=every axis title]
- {\axis@title};
-% Y-Achsen und Achsenbeschriftung LOG:
-% 1: Ticks
- \begingroup
- \newif\ifneedsminorloop
- \axisticknum=0
- \edef\axis@TMP{#1}%
- \ifx\axis@TMP\empty
- \else
- \ifaxis@yminorticks
- \needsminorlooptrue
- \fi
- \ifaxis@yminorgrids
- \needsminorlooptrue
- \fi
- \def\axis@placecomputedtick##1[##2]{%
- \draw[##2]
- \ifcase\axis@tickposnum
- (\axis@xcoordminTEX\axis@leftover, \axis@tmpa)
- -- (\axis@xcoordminTEX+##1, \axis@tmpa)
- \or
- (\axis@xcoordmaxTEX\axis@rightover, \axis@tmpa)
- -- (\axis@xcoordmaxTEX-##1, \axis@tmpa)
- \or
- (\axis@xcoordminTEX\axis@leftover, \axis@tmpa)
- -- (\axis@xcoordminTEX+##1, \axis@tmpa)
- (\axis@xcoordmaxTEX\axis@rightover, \axis@tmpa)
- -- (\axis@xcoordmaxTEX-##1, \axis@tmpa)
- \fi
- ;
- }%
- \def\placecomputedgridline[##1]{%
- \draw[##1]
- (\axis@xcoordminTEX\axis@leftover, \axis@tmpa)
- -- (\axis@xcoordmaxTEX\axis@rightover, \axis@tmpa)
- ;
- }%
- \foreach \y in {#1} {
- \pgfextracty{\axis@tmpa}{\pgfpointxy{0}{\y}}%
- %
- \ifdim\axis@tmpa<\axis@ycoordminTEX
- \else
- \ifdim\axis@tmpa>\axis@ycoordmaxTEX
- \else
- % Achsenbeschriftung:
- \ifnum\axis@tickposnum=1
- \node at
- (\axis@xcoordmaxTEX\axis@leftover,\axis@tmpa)
- [right,style=every tick label,style=every y tick label]
- {\show@yticklabel\axisticknum\y};
- \else
- \node at
- (\axis@xcoordminTEX\axis@leftover,\axis@tmpa)
- [left,style=every tick label,style=every y tick label]
- {\show@yticklabel\axisticknum\y};
- \fi
- \fi
- \fi
- \global\advance\axisticknum by1
- \begin{scope}
- \clip (\axis@xcoordminTEX\axis@leftover, \axis@ycoordminTEX\axis@leftover)
- rectangle (\axis@xcoordmaxTEX\axis@rightover, \axis@ycoordmaxTEX\axis@rightover);
- % Y-ticks left and/or right
- % in log:
- % log( i*10^k ) = log\i + k\log10 -> draw ticks for i=1..9
- \ifneedsminorloop
- \foreach \i in {1,...,9} {
- % this code here is scoped inside of \foreach.
- \pgfextracty{\axis@tmpb}{\pgfpointxy{0}{\logi\i}}%
- \advance\axis@tmpa by\axis@tmpb
- \ifaxis@yminorgrids
- \placecomputedgridline[style=every axis grid,style=every minor grid]%
- \fi
- \ifaxis@yminorticks
- \axis@placecomputedtick\axis@subtickwidth[style=every tick,style=every minor tick]%
- \fi
- }%
- \fi
- \ifaxis@ymajorgrids
- \placecomputedgridline[style=every axis grid,style=every major grid]%
- \fi
- \ifaxis@ymajorticks
- \axis@placecomputedtick\axis@tickwidth[style=every tick,style=every major tick]%
- \fi
- \end{scope}
- }%
- \fi
- \endgroup
-% X-Achsen und Achsenbeschriftung
-% 1: Ticks
- \begingroup
- \axisticknum=0
- \newif\ifneedsminorloop
- \edef\axis@TMP{#1}%
- \ifx\axis@TMP\empty
- \else
- \ifaxis@xminorticks
- \needsminorlooptrue
- \fi
- \ifaxis@xminorgrids
- \needsminorlooptrue
- \fi
- \def\axis@placecomputedtick##1[##2]{%
- \draw[##2]
- \ifcase\axis@tickposnum
- (\axis@tmpa, \axis@ycoordminTEX\axis@leftover)
- -- (\axis@tmpa, \axis@ycoordminTEX+##1)
- \or
- (\axis@tmpa, \axis@ycoordmaxTEX\axis@rightover)
- -- (\axis@tmpa, \axis@ycoordmaxTEX-##1)
- \or
- (\axis@tmpa, \axis@ycoordminTEX\axis@leftover)
- -- (\axis@tmpa, \axis@ycoordminTEX+##1)
- (\axis@tmpa, \axis@ycoordmaxTEX\axis@rightover)
- -- (\axis@tmpa, \axis@ycoordmaxTEX-##1)
- \fi
- ;
- }%
- \def\placecomputedgridline[##1]{%
- \draw[##1]
- (\axis@tmpa, \axis@ycoordminTEX\axis@leftover)
- -- (\axis@tmpa, \axis@ycoordmaxTEX\axis@rightover)
- ;
- }%
- \foreach \x in {#1} {
- \pgfextractx{\axis@tmpa}{\pgfpointxy{\x}{0}}%
- %
- \ifdim\axis@tmpa<\axis@xcoordminTEX
- \else
- \ifdim\axis@tmpa>\axis@xcoordmaxTEX
- \else
- % Achsenbeschriftung:
- \ifnum\axis@tickposnum=1
- \node at
- (\axis@tmpa,\axis@ycoordmaxTEX\axis@leftover)
- [above,style=every tick label,style=every x tick label]
- {\show@xticklabel\axisticknum\x};
- \else
- \node at
- (\axis@tmpa,\axis@ycoordminTEX\axis@leftover)
- [below,style=every tick label,style=every x tick label]
- {\show@xticklabel\axisticknum\x};
- \fi
- \fi
- \fi
- \global\advance\axisticknum by1
- %
- \begin{scope}
- \clip (\axis@xcoordminTEX\axis@leftover, \axis@ycoordminTEX\axis@leftover)
- rectangle (\axis@xcoordmaxTEX\axis@rightover, \axis@ycoordmaxTEX\axis@rightover);
- % X-Axis ticks bottom and top
- % in log:
- % log( i*10^k ) = log\i + k\log10 -> draw ticks for i=1..9
- \ifneedsminorloop
- \foreach \i in {1,...,9} {
- \pgfextractx{\axis@tmpb}{\pgfpointxy{\logi\i}{0}}%
- \advance\axis@tmpa by\axis@tmpb
- \ifaxis@xminorgrids
- \placecomputedgridline[style=every axis grid,style=every minor grid]%
- \fi
- \ifaxis@xminorticks
- \axis@placecomputedtick\axis@subtickwidth[style=every tick,style=every minor tick]%
- \fi
- }%
- \fi
- \ifaxis@xmajorgrids
- \placecomputedgridline[style=every axis grid,style=every major grid]%
- \fi
- \ifaxis@xmajorticks
- \axis@placecomputedtick\axis@tickwidth[style=every tick,style=every major tick]%
- \fi
- \end{scope}
- }%
- \fi
- \endgroup
- \globaldefs=1
- \listpushback#1\to\axis@plotspeclist
- \advance\axis@numplots by1%
-\def\axis@getautoplotspec into#1{%
- \listsize\autoplotspeclist\to\c@pgf@counta
- \ifnum\c@pgf@counta=0
- \let#1=\empty
- \else
- \c@pgf@countb=\axis@numplots
- \loop
- \ifnum\c@pgf@countb<\c@pgf@counta
- \else
- \advance\c@pgf@countb by-\c@pgf@counta
- \repeat
- \listselect\c@pgf@countb\of\autoplotspeclist\to#1
-%\message{pgfplots.sty: using \string\autoplotspeclist\ specification no\#\the\c@pgf@countb (of \the\c@pgf@counta): #1}%
- \fi
-% The main interface to draw a plot into an axis.
-% Usage:
-% \addplot
-% plot coordinates {
-% (0,0)
-% (1,1)
-% };
-% or
-% \addplot[color=blue,mark=*]
-% plot coordinates {
-% (0,0)
-% (1,1)
-% };
-% The first syntax will use the next plot specification in the list
-% \autoplotspeclist
-% and the first will use blue color and * markers.
-% The linespec. will be used in the legend.
- \@ifnextchar+{%
- \axis@getautoplotspec into\nextplotspec
- \axis@addplotimplAPPEND
- }{%
- \@ifnextchar[{%
- \axis@addplotimpl%
- }{%
- \axis@getautoplotspec into\nextplotspec
- % the space after ']' is required here:
- % FIXME:
- % - \addplot[]plot coordinates is NOT allowed!?
- \expandafter\axis@addplotimpl\expandafter[\nextplotspec]
- }%
- }%
- \expandafter\axis@addplotimpl\expandafter[\nextplotspec,
-\long\def\axis@addplotimpl[#1] #2;{%
- % #2 = plot coordinates {...}
- \ifx\csname axis@execute at begin plot\endcsname\empty
- \else
- \csname axis@execute at begin plot\endcsname
- \fi
- \axis@rememberplotspec{[#1]}%
- \ifaxis@filtercoords
- \axis@filtercoords@and@up@limits#2;\newplotcmdto\axis@filteredcoordinateplotcmd
- \def\axis@TMP{\axispath@impl{\draw[style=every axis plot,#1]}}%
- \expandafter\axis@TMP\axis@filteredcoordinateplotcmd%
- \else
- \ifaxis@draw@at@end
- \axis@update@limits{#2;}%
- \fi
- \axispath@impl{\draw[style=every axis plot,#1]}#2;%
- \fi
- \ifx\csname axis@execute at end plot\endcsname\empty
- \else
- \csname axis@execute at end plot\endcsname
- \fi
- \axis@foreach@plot@coord@do%
- \axis@update@limits@for@one@point
- \for
- #1%
- \EOI
-% - 'floating point numerics active'
-% => coordinate filtering is active
-% => #1 and #2 are MACRO names
-% => these macros are encoded with \scisetcomponents
-% - no coordinate filters active
-% => #1 and #2 MAY be macros, but they must be valid TeX
-% length (without unit).
-%\message{Updating limits for (#1,#2) ...}%
- \ifaxis@autocompute@xlim
- \ifaxis@float@numerics@mode@x
-%\message{current limits: xmin=\axis@TMP, xmax=\axis@TMPB}%
- \scigetcomponents#1\axis@tmp@S\axis@tmp@M\axis@tmp@E
- \scigetcomponents\axis@xmin\axis@lim@S\axis@lim@M\axis@lim@E
- \scimathmin%
- \axis@lim@S\axis@lim@M\axis@lim@E
- \and%
- \axis@tmp@S\axis@tmp@M\axis@tmp@E
- \to%
- \axis@lim@S\axis@lim@M\axis@lim@E
- \scisetcomponents\axis@xmin\axis@lim@S\axis@lim@M\axis@lim@E
- %
- \scigetcomponents\axis@xmax\axis@lim@S\axis@lim@M\axis@lim@E
- \scimathmax%
- \axis@lim@S\axis@lim@M\axis@lim@E
- \and%
- \axis@tmp@S\axis@tmp@M\axis@tmp@E
- \to%
- \axis@lim@S\axis@lim@M\axis@lim@E
- \scisetcomponents\axis@xmax\axis@lim@S\axis@lim@M\axis@lim@E
-%\message{updated limits: xmin=\axis@TMP, xmax=\axis@TMPB}%
- \else
- \pgfmathmin{\axis@xmin}{#1}%
- \let\axis@xmin=\pgfmathresult
- \pgfmathmax{\axis@xmax}{#1}%
- \let\axis@xmax=\pgfmathresult
- \fi
- \fi
- \ifaxis@autocompute@ylim
- \ifaxis@float@numerics@mode@y
-%\message{current limits: ymin=\axis@TMP, ymax=\axis@TMPB}%
- \scigetcomponents#2\axis@tmp@S\axis@tmp@M\axis@tmp@E
- \scigetcomponents\axis@ymin\axis@lim@S\axis@lim@M\axis@lim@E
- \scimathmin%
- \axis@lim@S\axis@lim@M\axis@lim@E
- \and%
- \axis@tmp@S\axis@tmp@M\axis@tmp@E
- \to%
- \axis@lim@S\axis@lim@M\axis@lim@E
- \scisetcomponents\axis@ymin\axis@lim@S\axis@lim@M\axis@lim@E
- %
- \scigetcomponents\axis@ymax\axis@lim@S\axis@lim@M\axis@lim@E
- \scimathmax%
- \axis@lim@S\axis@lim@M\axis@lim@E
- \and%
- \axis@tmp@S\axis@tmp@M\axis@tmp@E
- \to%
- \axis@lim@S\axis@lim@M\axis@lim@E
- \scisetcomponents\axis@ymax\axis@lim@S\axis@lim@M\axis@lim@E
-%\message{updated limits: ymin=\axis@TMP, ymax=\axis@TMPB}%
- \else
- \pgfmathmin{\axis@ymin}{#2}%
- \let\axis@ymin=\pgfmathresult
- \pgfmathmax{\axis@ymax}{#2}%
- \let\axis@ymax=\pgfmathresult
- \fi
- \fi
- \axis@limits@are@computedtrue
-% Filters coordinates and writes a new, modified 'plot coordinates'
-% command to macro #2.
- \let#2=\empty
- \let\axis@filter@output=#2
- \axis@foreach@plot@coord@do%
- \axis@filter@one@coord@pair
- \for
- #1%
- \EOI
- \edef#2{plot coordinates {\axis@filter@output};}%
- \ifx\axis@xfilter\empty
- \def\axis@filter@tmp@x{#1}%
- \else
- \let\axis@filter@tmp@x=\empty
- \axis@xfilter#1\to\axis@filter@tmp@x
- \fi
- \ifx\axis@yfilter\empty
- \def\axis@filter@tmp@y{#2}%
- \else
- \let\axis@filter@tmp@y=\empty
- \axis@yfilter#2\to\axis@filter@tmp@y
- \fi
- \ifx\axis@filter@tmp@x\empty
- \message{NOTE: coordinate (#1,#2) has been dropped because of the x-coordinate filter.}%
- \else
- \ifx\axis@filter@tmp@y\empty
- \message{NOTE: coordinate (#1,#2) has been dropped because of the y-coordinate filter.}%
- \else
- \ifaxis@draw@at@end
- % update also axis limits:
- \axis@update@limits@for@one@point{\axis@filter@tmp@x}{\axis@filter@tmp@y}%
- \else
- % apply data transformation directly.
- \ifaxis@float@numerics@mode@x
- \axis@datascaletrafo@x\axis@filter@tmp@x\to\axis@filter@tmp@x
- \fi
- \ifaxis@float@numerics@mode@y
- \axis@datascaletrafo@y\axis@filter@tmp@y\to\axis@filter@tmp@y
- \fi
- \fi
- % remind:
- % \the\tokenregister
- % will yield the contents of the token register, it will
- % NOT expand recursively (like \expandafter)!
- %
- % Employ that here to maintain macros inside of
- % \axis@filter@tmp[xy]
- % (macros inside of those things are used by the floating
- % point numerics to scale input data to TeX-lengths)
- \pgfplots@toka=\expandafter{\axis@filter@output}%
- \TOKL@ta=\expandafter{\axis@filter@tmp@x}%
- \TOKL@tb=\expandafter{\axis@filter@tmp@y}%
- \edef\axis@filter@output{\the\pgfplots@toka (\the\TOKL@ta,\the\TOKL@tb)}%
-%\message{FILTERING: appended \axis@filter@tmp@x,\axis@filter@tmp@y}% -> results in \axis@filter@output}%
- \fi
- \fi
-% A looping command to loop through plot coordinates.
-% For every point, #3{X}{Y} will be invoked.
-% No scoping is used during this operation, so you can access outer
-% variables.
-\long\def\axis@foreach@plot@coord@do#1\for plot coordinates #2;\EOI{%
- \axis@foreach@plot@coord@ITERATE#1\n#2\EOI%
- \@ifnextchar;{%
- \axis@foreach@plot@coord@FINISH@SEMICOLON%
- }{%
- \@ifnextchar\EOI{%
- \axis@foreach@plot@coord@FINISH%
- }{%
- \axis@foreach@plot@coord@NEXT#1\n%
- }%
- }%
- #1{#2}{#3}%
- \axis@foreach@plot@coord@ITERATE#1\n
-% a sequence of points (SMeE,SMeE) (terminated with ';')
-% where S=sign, M=mantisse, E = exponent.
-% Such input is generated in the case axis@float@numerics@modetrue
-% by the coordinate filters.
-% proper sequence of fixed point coordinates which are the result of the
-% data scaling transformation (\axis@datascaletrafo@x).
-% The output will be written into the macro #1.
- \let#2=\empty
- \let\axis@data@scaletrafo@result=\empty
- \axis@foreach@plot@coord@do
- \axis@apply@data@scaletrafo@to@one@point
- \for
- #1%
- \EOI
- \edef#2{plot coordinates {\axis@data@scaletrafo@result};}%
- %\axis@apply@data@scaletrafo@to@plot@data@ITERATE\to#2 #1;%
- \ifaxis@float@numerics@mode@x
- \axis@decode@filtered@float@numerics#1\to\axis@filter@tmp@x
- \axis@datascaletrafo@x\axis@filter@tmp@x\to\axis@filter@tmp@x
- \else
- \def\axis@filter@tmp@x{#1}%
- \fi
- \ifaxis@float@numerics@mode@y
- \axis@decode@filtered@float@numerics#2\to\axis@filter@tmp@y
- \axis@datascaletrafo@y\axis@filter@tmp@y\to\axis@filter@tmp@y
- \else
- \def\axis@filter@tmp@y{#2}%
- \fi
- \edef\axis@data@scaletrafo@result{\axis@data@scaletrafo@result (\axis@filter@tmp@x,\axis@filter@tmp@y)}%
- \scisetcomponents#4{#1}{#2}{#3}%
- \axispath@impl{}#1;
-% low-level \axispath implementation.
-% #1:
-% the command which is responsable for drawing.
-% - If #1 is NOT '\empty', we expect #2 to contain only
-% That's important for postponed floating point arithmetics in #2.
-% - If #1='\empty', we don't make any assumption about #2
-% and process it as-is.
-% #2: see above.
- \ifaxis@draw@at@end
- \listpushback{#1}\to\axis@stored@plot@cmds
- \listpushback{#2;}\to\axis@stored@plot@data
- \else
- #1#2;%
- \fi
-% Assigns a legend.
-% Syntax:
-% \legend{entry 1\\entry2\\entry3}
- {%
- \globaldefs=1% this will ONLY store the options and the legend into global variables
- \def\axis@TMP{#1}%
- \ifx\axis@TMP\empty
- \else
- \errmessage{Sorry, legend are now deprecated. Legends are now TikZ-matrizes which provide better alignment and can be placed horizontally. See the manual for details.}%
- \fi
- \def\axis@TMP{#2}%
- \ifx\axis@TMP\empty
- \else
- \listnew\axis@legend{#2}%
- \fi
- }
- {%
- \globaldefs=1% this will ONLY store the options and the legend into global variables
- \listpushback#1\to\axis@legend
- }%
- \globaldefs=1
- \listcheckempty\axis@plotspeclist
- \iflistempty
- \let\axis@curplotlist=\empty
- \else
- \listpopfront\axis@plotspeclist\to\axis@curplotlist
- \fi
- %
- \listcheckempty\axis@legend
- \iflistempty
- \let\axis@curlegend=\empty
- \else
- \listpopfront\axis@legend\to\axis@curlegend
- \fi
- \advance\axis@numplots by-1
- \draw#1
- [mark repeat=2,mark phase=2]
- plot coordinates {
- (0cm,0cm)
- (0.3cm,0cm)
- (0.6cm,0cm)%
- };%
-% Typesets a legend node.
-% It will either typeset a previously computed legend (which needs to be
-% stored in the macro \axis@already@computed@legend@node)
-% or it creates a legend, stores the commands into the macro named
-% above and typesets it.
- \ifx\axis@already@computed@legend@node\empty
- \listcheckempty\axis@legend
- \iflistempty
- \else
- %
- %
- \begingroup
- % assemble a
- % \matrix {
- % small plot & legend1\\
- % small plot & legend2\\
- % ...
- % };
- % command [and using the 'legend columns' option]
- %
- % \TOKL@ta={
- % small plot & legend1\\
- % small plot & legend2\\
- % ...
- % }
- % ( I have allocated the token register in my simplelist.sty)
- %
- % \global\def\axis@TMP{
- % \matrix {
- % \TOKL@TA
- % };
- % }
- % -> finally, \axis@TMP will contain the complete command.
- \TOKL@ta={}%
- \let\curcolumnNum=\c@pgf@counta
- \let\maxcolumnCount=\c@pgf@countb
- \let\legendplotpos=\c@pgf@countc
- \legendplotpos\expandafter=\axis@legend@plot@pos
- \curcolumnNum=0
- \maxcolumnCount\expandafter=\csname axis@legend columns\endcsname\relax
- %
- \loop
- \ifnum0<\axis@numplots\relax
- \axis@pop@next@legend
- \ifx\axis@curlegend\empty
- \else
- \advance\curcolumnNum by1
- \edef\axis@TMP{%
- \the\TOKL@ta
- \ifcase\legendplotpos
- % legend plot pos=left
- \noexpand\axis@show@small@legendplots{\axis@curplotlist}%
- \noexpand\pgfmatrixnextcell
- \noexpand\node {\axis@curlegend};
- \or
- % legend plot pos=right
- \noexpand\node {\axis@curlegend};
- \noexpand\pgfmatrixnextcell
- \noexpand\axis@show@small@legendplots{\axis@curplotlist}%
- \or
- % legend plot pos=none
- \noexpand\node {\axis@curlegend};
- \fi
- \ifnum\curcolumnNum=\maxcolumnCount
- \noexpand\\
- \else
- \ifnum\axis@numplots=0
- \noexpand\\
- \else
- \noexpand\pgfmatrixnextcell
- \fi
- \fi
- }%
- \ifnum\curcolumnNum=\maxcolumnCount
- \curcolumnNum=0
- \fi
- \expandafter\TOKL@ta\expandafter{\axis@TMP}%
- \fi
- \repeat
- \TOKL@tb={\matrix[style=every axis legend]}%
- \xdef\axis@TMP{%
- \the\TOKL@tb {%
- \the\TOKL@ta
- };%
- }%
- \endgroup
- \let\axis@already@computed@legend@node=\axis@TMP
- \fi
- \fi
- \axis@already@computed@legend@node
-% Checks whether the argument to xtick or ytick is a UNIFORM tick
-% sequence.
-% A uniform tick sequence is 0,...,10 and 3,4,5 and -5,-4,-2 but
-% NOT 0,2,4 or 4,10.
-% Furthermore, any NON-integer tick arguments are also assumed to be
-% NOT uniform.
-% #1: a tick argument (i.e. something which can be put to
-% \foreach \x in {#1})
-% \axis@isuniformticktrue
-% or
-% \axis@isuniformtickfalse
-% depending on the check.
-% This variable will be set globally.
- \begingroup
- \global\axis@isuniformticktrue
- \newif\ifisfirst
- \newif\iftwo@are@equal
- \isfirsttrue
- \foreach \x in {#1}{%
- \pgfmathmultiply@\x\reciproc@logten
- \let\cur=\pgfmathresult
- % check whether
- % \cur - last == 1 (last = \axis@TMPB)
- \ifisfirst
- \global\isfirstfalse
- \else
- \pgfmathsubtract@\cur\axis@TMPB%
- \pgfmathlog@approxequalto@macro\pgfmathresult{1.0}{two@are@equal}%
- \iftwo@are@equal
- \else
- \global\axis@isuniformtickfalse
- \breakforeach
- \fi
- \fi
- \global\let\axis@TMPB=\cur
- }%
- \endgroup
- {%
- \def\axis@TMP{#2}%
- \def\axis@TMPB{0}%
- \ifx\axis@TMP\axis@TMPB
- \global\def\pgfmathresult{#1}%
- \else
- \global\def\pgfmathresult{#1.#2}%
- \fi
- }%
- \pgfmathmultiply@{#1}\reciproc@logten%
- \expandafter\skipsuffixzero\pgfmathresult|%
- \let#2=\pgfmathresult
-% Expands to #1/log(10). It will also skip a suffix '.0'
- \pgfmathmultiply@{#1}\reciproc@logten%
- \expandafter\skipsuffixzero\pgfmathresult|%
- \pgfmathresult
-% helper method which computes log10*\x foreach \x in {#1}.
-% The result will be \xdef'ed into #2.
- \global\let#2=\empty
- \foreach \axis@TMPB in {#1} {%
- \pgfmathmultiply@\axis@TMPB\logten%
- \ifx#2\empty
- \xdef#2{\pgfmathresult}%
- \else
- \xdef#2{#2,\pgfmathresult}%
- \fi
- }%
- \axis@enlargelimits@autofalse
- \axis@enlargelimitsfalse
- \axis@enlargelimits@rel@threshfalse
- \edef\axis@TMP{\axis@enlargelimits}%
- %
- \def\axis@TMPB{true}%
- \ifx\axis@TMP\axis@TMPB
- \axis@enlargelimitstrue
- \else
- \def\axis@TMPB{false}%
- \ifx\axis@TMP\axis@TMPB
- \else
- \def\axis@TMPB{auto}%
- \ifx\axis@TMP\axis@TMPB
- \axis@enlargelimits@autotrue
- \else
- \begingroup
- % try to read it as number:
- \expandafter\pgf@xa\axis@enlargelimits pt\relax
- \endgroup
- \axis@enlargelimitstrue
- \axis@enlargelimits@rel@threshtrue
- \fi
- \fi
- \fi
- \begingroup
- \expandafter\let\expandafter\min\expandafter=\csname axis@#1min\endcsname
- \expandafter\let\expandafter\max\expandafter=\csname axis@#1max\endcsname
- \ifcase\csname axis@#1mode\endcsname
- \ifaxis@enlargelimits@rel@thresh
- \edef\enlargepercent{\axis@enlargelimits}%
- \else
- \def\enlargepercent{0.1}% FIXME : pack 10% as default into option 'enlargelimits' or so
- \fi
- \pgfmathsubtract@\max\min%
- \expandafter\pgf@xa\pgfmathresult pt
- \expandafter\pgf@xb\enlargepercent\pgf@xa
- \ifdim\pgf@xb>0.001pt
- % the case with
- % enlargeabsolute ~= 0
- % means that \min ~= \max.
- % It is handled in another method.
- \edef\enlargeabsolute{\pgf@sys@tonumber{\pgf@xb}}%
- %
- % compute xmin := xmin - enlargeabsolute
- \pgfmathsubtract@\min\enlargeabsolute%
- \let\min=\pgfmathresult
- \pgfmathadd@\max\enlargeabsolute%
- \let\max=\pgfmathresult
- \fi
- \or
- % compute
- % \pgfmathsetmacro{\min}{\min - 0.5*\logten}%
- % \pgfmathsetmacro{\max}{\max + 0.5*\logten}%
- % just a more efficiently (I hope so):
- \expandafter\pgfmath@x\logten pt
- \divide\pgfmath@x by2
- \pgfmathlog@invoke@expanded\pgfmathsubtract@{{\min}{\pgf@sys@tonumber{\pgfmath@x}}}%
- \let\min=\pgfmathresult
- \pgfmathlog@invoke@expanded\pgfmathadd@{{\max}{\pgf@sys@tonumber{\pgfmath@x}}}%
- \let\max=\pgfmathresult
- \fi
- \xdef\axis@TMP{\min}%
- \xdef\axis@TMPB{\max}%
- \endgroup
- \expandafter\let\csname axis@#1min\endcsname=\axis@TMP
- \expandafter\let\csname axis@#1max\endcsname=\axis@TMPB
-% Computes tick positions using the current axis limits.
-% Parameters:
-% \axisdefaulttickwidth
-% Determines the maximum space which is not filled by at least one
-% tick label (approximate, there is some rounding internally)
-% \axisdefaulttryminticks
-% see manual
-% Idea:
-% We want ticks at each
-% { i*H, i in \Z }.
-% Of course, there shouldn't be TOO MUCH ticks.
-% Our heuristics is to set
-% desirednumticks = round(ACTUAL WIDTH / axisdefaulttickwidth)
-% and generate H = (axis range) / desirednumticks.
-% Since not all step sizes H look well, restrict H to a set of allowed
-% step sizes such as
-% { 1, 1/2, 1/5, 1/10 },
-% or, to be more precise:
-% { 1*10^e, 2*10^e, 5*10^e }
-% -> round to the nearest matching number!
-% Then, the resulting tick is
-% where
-% MIN = I*H
-% is chosen such that
-% axis minimum limit = I*H + rest; |rest| < H.
-% - limits are correct
-% - axis width/height is set correctly
-% - Tick for axis #1 is assigned
-% - \ifaxis@needs@check@uniformtick is set
- \begingroup
- % Shortcut-names:
- \expandafter\let\expandafter\ifaxis@is@datascaled\csname ifaxis@float@numerics@mode@#1\endcsname
- \expandafter\let\expandafter\axis@data@scale@trafo\csname axis@datascaletrafo@#1\endcsname
- \expandafter\let\expandafter\axis@data@scale@inverse@trafo\csname axis@inverse@datascaletrafo@#1\endcsname
- %
- \let\desirednumticks=\c@pgf@countd
- \let\Wr=\pgf@xc
- \Wr=\csname axis@#1coordmaxTEX\endcsname
- \advance\Wr by-\csname axis@#1coordminTEX\endcsname
- % r = max place without ticks in pt -> choose desirednumticks >= W/r
- \expandafter\expandafter\divide\Wr\axisdefaulttickwidth
- \pgfmathsetcount{\desirednumticks}{\Wr}%
- \advance\desirednumticks by1
- \expandafter\ifnum\axisdefaulttryminticks>\desirednumticks
- \expandafter\desirednumticks\axisdefaulttryminticks
- \fi
- \ifcase\csname axis@#1mode\endcsname
- % compute tick := MIN,MIN+H,....,MAX
- \let\MINH=\pgf@xa
- \let\H=\pgf@xb
- \let\MAX=\axis@tmpa
- \let\MIN=\axis@tmpb
- % compute step size 'H':
- \expandafter\MAX\csname axis@#1max\endcsname pt
- \advance\MAX by0.001pt% avoid round errors
- %\expandafter\MIN\the\c@pgf@counta pt
- \expandafter\MIN\csname axis@#1min\endcsname pt
- \H=\MAX
- \advance\H by-\MIN
- \c@pgf@counta=\desirednumticks
- \advance\c@pgf@counta by-1
- \divide\H by\c@pgf@counta
-%\message{determining ticks for #1-axis: Wr := (width/max space between ticks) = \the\Wr, desirednumticks=max(\axisdefaulttryminticks, trunc(Wr)) = \the\desirednumticks, H=(axis range/(desirednumticks-1)) = \the\H}%
- %
- %
- \edef\Hmacro{\pgf@sys@tonumber\H}%
- \ifaxis@is@datascaled
- \expandafter\axis@data@scale@inverse@trafo\Hmacro\to\Hmacro
- \else
- \expandafter\sciparsesignsingle\expandafter{\Hmacro}\Hmacro
- \fi
- \scigetcomponents\Hmacro\H@S\H@M\H@E
-%\message{Got T^{-1}(H) = [\H@S] \H@M * 10^\H@E}%
- % modify the mantisse:
- \expandafter\H\H@M pt
- \ifdim\H<2pt
- \ifdim\H<1.5pt
- \def\H@M{1.0}%
- \else
- \def\H@M{2.0}%
- \fi
- \else
- \ifdim\H<4.9999pt
- \ifdim\H<3.5pt
- \def\H@M{2.0}%
- \else
- \def\H@M{5.0}%
- \fi
- \else
- \ifdim\H<7.5pt
- \def\H@M{5.0}%
- \else
- \def\H@M{1.0}%
- \expandafter\c@pgf@counta\H@E
- \advance\c@pgf@counta by1
- \edef\H@E{\the\c@pgf@counta}%
- \fi
- \fi
- \fi
- \scisetcomponents\Hmacro\H@S\H@M\H@E
- \ifaxis@is@datascaled
- \axis@data@scale@trafo\Hmacro\to\Hmacro
- \else
- \scitofixedsingle\Hmacro\Hmacro
- \fi
-%\message{I have computed H=\Hmacro}%
- \expandafter\H\Hmacro pt
-%\message{final H=\the\H}%
- %
- % Now, we want to activate the Tick set {i*H, i in \Z}
- % compute I such that
- % xmin = I * H + rest; |rest| < H
- % -> I = round(xmin/H)
- % -> MIN = I * H
- \pgfmathlog@invoke@expanded\pgfmathdivide@{%
- {\pgf@sys@tonumber\MIN}%
- {\pgf@sys@tonumber\H}%
- }%
- \pgfmathsetcount{\c@pgf@counta}{\pgfmathresult}%
- \ifdim\MIN<0pt
- % the truncation rounds TOWARDS 0 which is not what I want.
- \advance\c@pgf@counta by-1
- \fi
- \MIN=\H
- \multiply\MIN by\c@pgf@counta
- \advance\MINH by\H
- \xdef\axis@TMP{\pgf@sys@tonumber{\MIN},\pgf@sys@tonumber{\MINH},...,\pgf@sys@tonumber{\MAX}}%
- \aftergroup\axis@needs@check@uniformtickfalse
- \or
- \expandafter\ifx\csname axis@#1tickten\endcsname\empty
- % I want ticks at 10^k. So determine k_min and k_max.
- %
- % FIXME: optimize!
- \pgfmathsetcount{\c@pgf@counta}{\csname axis@#1min\endcsname*\reciproc@logten-1}%
- \pgfmathsetmacro{\tmp@min}{\c@pgf@counta*\logten}%
- \pgfmathsetcount{\c@pgf@counta}{\csname axis@#1max\endcsname*\reciproc@logten}%
- \pgfmathsetmacro{\tmp@max}{\c@pgf@counta*\logten}%
- \pgfmathadd\tmp@min\logten%
- \xdef\axis@TMP{\tmp@min,\pgfmathresult,...,\tmp@max}%
- \aftergroup\axis@needs@check@uniformtickfalse
- \else
- \edef\axis@TMP{\csname axis@#1tickten\endcsname}%
- \expandafter\axis@compute@tick@times@logten\axis@TMP\to\axis@TMP
- \aftergroup\axis@needs@check@uniformticktrue
- \fi
- \fi
- \endgroup
- \expandafter\let\csname axis@#1tick\endcsname=\axis@TMP
-%\message{pgfplots.sty: #1tick set to \csname axis@#1tick\endcsname [#1mode=\the\csname axis@#1mode\endcsname, #1min=\csname axis@#1min\endcsname, #1max=\csname axis@#1max\endcsname].}%
-% Helper method for
-% \axis@apply@data@scale@trafo@to@options@for
-% #1: the ticks
-% #2: the trafo macro name (the form taking three args)
-% #3: the output macro name
- \let#3=\empty
- \foreach \axis@TMPB in {#1} {%
- \expandafter\sciparsesign\expandafter{\axis@TMPB}\sci@S\sci@M\sci@E
- #2\sci@S\sci@M\sci@E\to\axis@TMPB
- \ifx#3\empty
- \xdef#3{\axis@TMPB}%
- \else
- \xdef#3{#3,\axis@TMPB}%
- \fi
- }%
- %
-% helper for \axis@apply@data@scale@trafo@to@options@for.
- \edef\axis@TMP{\pgf@sys@tonumber{#1}}%
- \expandafter\sciparsesign\expandafter{\axis@TMP}\S\M\E
- \expandafter#2\E\relax
- \advance#2 by1
-% helper for \axis@apply@data@scale@trafo@to@options@for.
- \scigetcomponents#1\S\M\E
- \expandafter#2\E\relax
- \advance#2 by1
-% Initialises the data scale transformation and applies it to any
-% user specified options.
-% - all axis limits are available in float representation
-% (i.e. with \scisetcomponents)
-% - \axis@set@default@size@options has been called before
-% - the scaling transformation is set up,
-% - all axis limits are transformed,
-% - any user input (like ticks and tick labels)
-% will reflect the changes.
- % initialise data scale transformation
- % T(x) = 10^{q-m} * x
- %
- \begingroup
- \let\data@max@order=\c@pgf@counta
- \let\data@cur@order=\c@pgf@countb
- \let\data@dimen=\pgf@xa
- \let\data@dimen@order=\c@pgf@countc
- %
- % Step 1: compute 'm', the data order
- \expandafter\axis@compute@number@order@for@trafo@isfloat
- \csname axis@#1min\endcsname
- \tocount\data@cur@order
- %
- \data@max@order=\data@cur@order
- %
- \expandafter\axis@compute@number@order@for@trafo@isfloat
- \csname axis@#1max\endcsname
- \tocount\data@cur@order
- %
- \ifnum\data@cur@order>\data@max@order
- \data@max@order=\data@cur@order
- \fi
- %
- % Step 2: compute 'q', the #1-size of the axis.
- \expandafter\ifx\csname axis@#1\endcsname\empty
- % We have 'width' or 'height'.
- %
- % Use the order of these parameters.
- \def\axis@TMP{#1}%
- \def\axis@TMPB{x}%
- \ifx\axis@TMP\axis@TMPB
- \expandafter\data@dimen\axis@width\relax
- \else
- \def\axis@TMPB{y}%
- \ifx\axis@TMP\axis@TMPB
- \expandafter\data@dimen\axis@height\relax
- \fi
- \fi
- \axis@compute@number@order@for@trafo@isdimen
- \data@dimen
- \tocount\data@dimen@order
- % This here is to avoid inaccuracies in the final
- % axis rectangle size, see \axis@initsizes:
- \advance\data@dimen@order by-1
- \else
- % FIXME:
- % we have either the 'x=1cm' or 'y=1cm' option!
- % How should I initialise the trafo!?
- \data@dimen@order=3
- \fi
- %
-%\message{Direction #1: data max order=\the\data@max@order; data dimen order=\the\data@dimen@order. }%
- \advance\data@dimen@order by-\data@max@order
- \xdef\axis@TMP{\the\data@dimen@order}%
- \endgroup
-%\message{Initialising the data scale transformation in direction #1 to \axis@TMP...}%
- \message{WARNING: the automatic scaling of input data has been DISABLED to allow axispath commands [otherwise, axispath commands would not know of the pgfplots scalings - leading to wrong images). DISABLING THE DATA SCALING LIMITS THE DATA RANGE! I hope I can fix this issue as soon as possible. Please take a look at the manual for more information. If you get 'OVERFLOW' or 'UNDERFLOW' errors, you may need to disable the axispath.}%
- \def\axis@TMP{0}%
- \expandafter\let\csname axis@data@scale@trafo@SHIFT@#1\endcsname\axis@TMP
- \else
- \expandafter\let\csname axis@data@scale@trafo@SHIFT@#1\endcsname\axis@TMP
- \fi
- %
- % ... and apply transformation to any user input
- %
- % Transform axis limits:
- \expandafter\expandafter\csname axis@datascaletrafo@#1\endcsname\csname axis@#1min\endcsname\to\axis@TMP
- \expandafter\let\csname axis@#1min\endcsname=\axis@TMP
- %
- \expandafter\expandafter\csname axis@datascaletrafo@#1\endcsname\csname axis@#1max\endcsname\to\axis@TMP
- \expandafter\let\csname axis@#1max\endcsname=\axis@TMP
- %
- % Convert any user-specified ticks:
- \edef\axis@TMP{\csname axis@#1tick\endcsname}%
- % this here should also work with 'xtick=\empty', the "No tick" command.
- \ifx\axis@TMP\empty
- \else
-%\message{Converting #1tick='\csname axis@#1tick\endcsname'}%
- \pgfplots@toka=\expandafter{\csname axis@datascaletrafo@#1@three\endcsname}%
- \edef\axis@TMP{{\csname axis@#1tick\endcsname}\the\pgfplots@toka}%
- \expandafter\axis@apply@data@scale@trafo@to@user@ticks\axis@TMP\to\axis@TMPC
- \expandafter\let\csname axis@#1tick\endcsname=\axis@TMPC
- \fi
- %
- % Transform any explicit axis unit scalings:
- \expandafter\ifx\csname axis@#1\endcsname\empty
- \else
-%\message{Converting #1 unit scale='\csname axis@#1\endcsname' ... }%
- \expandafter\pgfmathparse\expandafter{\csname axis@#1\endcsname}%
- \expandafter\expandafter\csname axis@inverse@datascaletrafo@tofixed@#1\endcsname\pgfmathresult\to\axis@TMP
- \edef\axis@TMP{\axis@TMP pt}%
- \expandafter\edef\csname axis@#1\endcsname{\axis@TMP}%
-%\message{to #1='\csname axis@#1\endcsname'.}%
- \fi
- \ifx\axis@xmin\empty
- \errmessage{Sorry, the argument 'xmin=NUM' is mandatory to draw axes }%
- \def\axis@xmin{0}%
- \fi
- \ifx\axis@xmax\empty
- \errmessage{Sorry, the argument 'xmax=NUM' is mandatory to draw axes }%
- \def\axis@xmax{1}%
- \fi
- \ifx\axis@ymin\empty
- \errmessage{Sorry, the argument 'ymin=NUM' is mandatory to draw axes }%
- \def\axis@ymin{0}%
- \fi
- \ifx\axis@ymax\empty
- \errmessage{Sorry, the argument 'ymax=NUM' is mandatory to draw axes }%
- \def\axis@ymax{1}%
- \fi
- %
- \axis@set@default@size@options
- %
- \ifaxis@float@numerics@mode@x
- \axis@apply@data@scale@trafo@to@options@for x%
- \fi
- \ifaxis@float@numerics@mode@y
- \axis@apply@data@scale@trafo@to@options@for y%
- \fi
- %
- \ifnum\axis@xmode=0
- \axis@xminorticksfalse
- \fi
- \ifnum\axis@ymode=0
- \axis@yminorticksfalse
- \fi
- %
- \axis@init@enlarge@limit@booleans
- \ifaxis@enlargelimits
- % relax the sizes.
- %
- % Idea: if the user chose his xmin,xmax tight to his data,
- % this here will look better.
- \axis@enlarge@limit@for x
- \axis@enlarge@limit@for y
- \else
- \ifaxis@enlargelimits@auto
- \ifaxis@hide
- % there is no axis, so skip this enlargement (unless
- % the user explizitly requests it)
- \else
- % FIXME : this here should be user-configurable!
- \ifaxis@autocompute@xlim
- \axis@enlarge@limit@for x
- \fi
- \ifaxis@autocompute@ylim
- \axis@enlarge@limit@for y
- \fi
- \fi
- \fi
- \fi
- %
- \axis@avoid@empty@axis@range@for x%
- \axis@avoid@empty@axis@range@for y%
- %
- \axis@initsizes
- %
- \newif\ifaxis@xisuniform
- \newif\ifaxis@yisuniform
- \axis@xisuniformtrue
- \axis@yisuniformtrue
- \newif\ifaxis@needs@check@uniformtick
- \axis@needs@check@uniformticktrue
- \ifx\axis@xtick\empty
- \axis@assign@default@tick@foraxis{x}%
- \fi
- \ifaxis@needs@check@uniformtick
- \ifnum\axis@xmode=1
- \expandafter\axis@checkisuniformLOGtick\expandafter{\axis@xtick}%
- \fi
- \ifaxis@isuniformtick
- \axis@xisuniformtrue
- \else
- \axis@xminorticksfalse
- \axis@xisuniformfalse
- \fi
- \fi
- %
- %
- %
- \axis@needs@check@uniformticktrue
- \ifx\axis@ytick\empty
- \axis@assign@default@tick@foraxis{y}%
- \fi
- \ifaxis@needs@check@uniformtick
- \ifnum\axis@ymode=1
- \expandafter\axis@checkisuniformLOGtick\expandafter{\axis@ytick}%
- \fi
- \ifaxis@isuniformtick
- \axis@yisuniformtrue
- \else
- \axis@yminorticksfalse
- \axis@yisuniformfalse
- \fi
- \fi
- \ifx\axis@xticklabel\empty
- \ifcase\axis@xmode
- \def\axis@xticklabel{\axisdefaultticklabel}%
- \or
- \def\axis@xticklabel{\axisdefaultticklabellog}%
- \fi
- \fi
- \ifx\axis@yticklabel\empty
- \ifcase\axis@ymode
- \def\axis@yticklabel{\axisdefaultticklabel}%
- \or
- \def\axis@yticklabel{\axisdefaultticklabellog}%
- %--------------------------------------------------
- % \def\axis@yticklabel{%
- % \pgfmathexp\tick
- % \expandafter\skipsuffixzero\pgfmathresult|%
- % $\pgfmathresult$}%
- %--------------------------------------------------
- \fi
- \fi
-% Helper method for initsizes.
-% It computes a scaling such that \axis@width = SCALE * ACTUAL WIDTH.
-% The actual width is
-% c + x*(xmax-xmin)
-% based on
-% - x*xmax = \axis@xcoordmaxTEX
-% - x*xmin = \axis@xcoordminTEX
-% - c = estimated, a constant for the axis label/tick labels
-% Arguments:
-% #1: the output argument for the SCALE.
- \expandafter\axis@tmpa\axis@width\relax
- % EXPECTED WIDTH = X = \axis@width
- % ACTUAL WIDTH = c + x * (xmax-xmin)
- % where c is a CONSTANT (for the axis labels/tick labels).
- % -> \axis@tmpXscale = (X - c) / (x *(xmax-xmin))
- %
- % \axis@tmpa := X-c:
- \ifaxis@scale@only@axis
- \else
- \advance\axis@tmpa by-45pt% FIXME determine 'c' correctly!
- \fi
- \ifdim\axis@tmpa<0pt
- \errmessage{Error: Plot width `\axis@width' is too small. This can't be realised while maintaining constant width for y-labels. Sorry, label width are only approximate. You will need to adjust your width.}%
- \axis@tmpa=0pt
- \fi
- % \axis@tmpb := x*(xmax-xmin):
- \axis@tmpb=\axis@xcoordmaxTEX
- \advance\axis@tmpb by-\axis@xcoordminTEX
- \pgfmathlog@invoke@expanded\pgfmathdivide@{%
- {\pgf@sys@tonumber\axis@tmpa}%
- {\pgf@sys@tonumber\axis@tmpb}%
- }%
- \let#1=\pgfmathresult
-%\message{pgfplots.sty: Computing 'x' such that 'width = c + x*(xmax-xmin)';
-% c=estimated,
-% width-c =\the\axis@tmpa,
-% x*(xmax[=\the\axis@xcoordmaxTEX] - xmin[=\the\axis@xcoordminTEX)]) = \the\axis@tmpb
-% -> x-scale =#1 }%
-% The same as \axis@initsizes@getXscale, just for the height.
- \expandafter\axis@tmpa\axis@height\relax
- % EXPECTED WIDTH = X = \axis@width
- % ACTUAL WIDTH = c + x * (xmax-xmin)
- % where c is a CONSTANT (for the axis labels/tick labels).
- % -> \axis@tmpXscale = (X - c) / (x *(xmax-xmin))
- %
- % \axis@tmpa := X-c:
- \ifaxis@scale@only@axis
- \else
- \advance\axis@tmpa by-45pt\relax% FIXME determine 'c' correctly!
- \fi
- \ifdim\axis@tmpa<0pt
- \errmessage{Error: Plot height `\axis@height' is too small. This can't be realised while maintaining constant height for x-labels. Sorry, label heights are only approximate. You will need to adjust your height.}%
- \axis@tmpa=0pt
- \fi
- % \axis@tmpb := x*(xmax-xmin):
- \axis@tmpb=\axis@ycoordmaxTEX
- \advance\axis@tmpb by-\axis@ycoordminTEX
- \pgfmathlog@invoke@expanded\pgfmathdivide@{%
- {\pgf@sys@tonumber\axis@tmpa}%
- {\pgf@sys@tonumber\axis@tmpb}%
- }%
- \let#1=\pgfmathresult
-%\message{pgfplots.sty: Computing 'y' such that 'height = c + y*(ymax-ymin)';
-% height=\axis@height,
-% c=estimated,
-% height-c =\the\axis@tmpa,
-% y*(ymax[=\the\axis@ycoordmaxTEX] - ymin[=\the\axis@ycoordminTEX)]) = \the\axis@tmpb
-% -> y-scale =#1 }%
-% Checks whether axis limits in coordinate #1 are approximately equal.
-% If that is the case, force a non-zero width of the range.
- % Check if axis limits are empty:
- \begingroup
- \expandafter\let\expandafter\if@cur@is@scaled\csname ifaxis@float@numerics@mode@#1\endcsname
- \expandafter\let\expandafter\min\csname axis@#1min\endcsname
- \expandafter\let\expandafter\max\csname axis@#1max\endcsname
- \let\min@d=\pgf@xa
- \let\max@d=\pgf@xb
- \let\diff=\pgf@xc
- \newif\ifrange@is@approx@equal
- \expandafter\min@d\min pt
- \expandafter\max@d\max pt
- \diff=\max@d
- \advance\diff by-\min@d
- % FIXME : I need a RELATIVE check here!
- % but: real number point division is expensive
- \if@cur@is@scaled
- % this here should be sufficient because the axis
- % has absolute values of order O( 10^3 ) or so.
- \ifdim\diff<1pt
- \range@is@approx@equaltrue
- \fi
- \else
- % there is no data scaling, so I should be much more defensive
- % with absolute thresholds...
- \ifdim\diff<0.05pt
- \range@is@approx@equaltrue
- \fi
- \fi
- \ifrange@is@approx@equal
-%\message{avoid range is approx equal for coord #1: MODIFYING (\min,\max)...}%
- % the case \min ~= \max
- %
- % enlarge \max and shrink \min:
- \ifdim\max@d<0pt
- \ifdim\max@d<-1pt
- \max@d=0.8\max@d
- \min@d=1.2\min@d
- \else
- \advance\max@d by-1pt
- \advance\min@d by1pt
- \fi
- \else
- \ifdim\max@d>1pt
- \max@d=1.2\max@d
- \min@d=0.8\min@d
- \else
- \ifdim\max@d=0pt
- \if@cur@is@scaled
- % we can't simply add a constant in the
- % transformed range.
- %
- % So: set limits to [-1,1] = [-1.0e0,+1.0e0]
- \def\sci@S{2}%
- \def\sci@M{1.0}%
- \def\sci@E{0}%
- \csname axis@datascaletrafo@#1@three\endcsname\sci@S\sci@M\sci@E\to\min
- \def\sci@S{1}%
- \def\sci@M{1.0}%
- \def\sci@E{0}%
- \csname axis@datascaletrafo@#1@three\endcsname\sci@S\sci@M\sci@E\to\max
-%\message{[trafo shift = \csname axis@data@scale@trafo@SHIFT@#1\endcsname; setting limits -1:1]}%
- \expandafter\min@d\min pt
- \expandafter\max@d\max pt
- \else
- \advance\max@d by1pt
- \advance\min@d by-1pt
- \fi
- \else
- \advance\max@d by1pt
- \advance\min@d by-1pt
- \fi
- \fi
- \fi
- \xdef\axis@TMP{\pgf@sys@tonumber{\min@d}}%
- \xdef\axis@TMPB{\pgf@sys@tonumber{\max@d}}%
-%\message{ -> #1 = \axis@TMP : \axis@TMPB;}%
- \else
- \global\let\axis@TMP=\min%
- \global\let\axis@TMPB=\max%
- \fi
- \endgroup
- \expandafter\let\csname axis@#1min\endcsname=\axis@TMP
- \expandafter\let\csname axis@#1max\endcsname=\axis@TMPB
-% none
-% \axis@default@aspect@ratio is set.
- \expandafter\pgfmath@x\axisdefaultwidth
- \expandafter\pgfmath@y\axisdefaultheight
- \pgfmathlog@invoke@expanded\pgfmathdivide@{%
- {\pgf@sys@tonumber{\pgfmath@x}}%
- {\pgf@sys@tonumber{\pgfmath@y}}%
- }%
- \let\axis@default@aspect@ratio=\pgfmathresult
- % The axes 'x' and 'y' vectors will be scaled such that the total
- % size is (\axisdefaultwidth, \axisdefaultheight).
- %
- % If the user specifies ONE of width OR height,
- % the plot will be resized; keeping the aspect ratio.
- %
- \let\axis@default@aspect@ratio=\empty
- % CASES:
- % hasx := 'x' option non-empty
- % hasy := 'y' option non-empty
- % W := 'width' option non-empty
- % H := 'height' option non-empty
- %
- % hasx = 1 -> width is not interesting; we use 'x' option.
- % hasx = 0 -> determine final width:
- % W H
- % 0 0 -> \axisdefaultwidth
- % 0 1 -> determine width out of H and the default aspect ratio
- % 1 X -> ok, use the user parameter.
- %
- % hasy = 1 -> height is not interesting, we use 'y' option.
- % hasy = 0 -> determine final height:
- % W H
- % 0 0 -> \axisdefaultheight
- % X 1 -> ok, use the user parameter
- % 1 0 -> determine height out of W and the default aspect ratio
- %
- \ifx\axis@x\empty
- \ifx\axis@y\empty
- % hasx=0, hasy=0
- %
- % -> KEEP ASPECT RATIO if just one W, or H is given!
- \ifx\axis@width\empty
- \ifx\axis@height\empty
- % The case hasx=0, hasy=0, W=0 H=0:
- \let\axis@width=\axisdefaultwidth
- \let\axis@height=\axisdefaultheight
- \else
- % The case hasx=0, hasy=0, W=0 H=1:
- \axis@compute@default@aspect@ratio
- \expandafter\pgfmath@y\axis@height
- \pgfmathlog@invoke@expanded\pgfmathmultiply@{%
- {\pgf@sys@tonumber{\pgfmath@y}}%
- {\axis@default@aspect@ratio}%
- }%
- \edef\axis@width{\pgfmathresult pt}%
- \fi
- \else
- \ifx\axis@height\empty
- % The case hasx=0, hasy=0, W=1 H=0:
- \axis@compute@default@aspect@ratio
- \expandafter\pgfmath@x\axis@width
- \pgfmathlog@invoke@expanded\pgfmathdivide@{%
- {\pgf@sys@tonumber{\pgfmath@x}}%
- {\axis@default@aspect@ratio}%
- }%
- \edef\axis@height{\pgfmathresult pt}%
- \else
- % The case hasx=0, hasy=0, W=1 H=1:
- \fi
- \fi
- \else
- % hasx=0, hasy=1, W=0:
- \ifx\axis@width\empty
- \let\axis@width=\axisdefaultwidth
- \fi
- \fi
- \else
- \ifx\axis@y\empty
- % hasx=1, hasy=0, H=0
- \ifx\axis@height\empty
- \let\axis@height=\axisdefaultheight
- \fi
- \fi
- \fi
-% - final axis limits are given in transformed range
-% - \axis@set@default@size@options has been invoked before
-% - the current x- and y unit vectors are changed;
-% - \axis@[xy]coord{min,max}TEX are set
- % INIT.
- %
- %
- \pgfpointxy{\axis@xmin}{\axis@ymin}%
- \axis@xcoordminTEX=\pgf@x
- \axis@ycoordminTEX=\pgf@y
- \pgfpointxy{\axis@xmax}{\axis@ymax}%
- \axis@xcoordmaxTEX=\pgf@x
- \axis@ycoordmaxTEX=\pgf@y
- %
- %
- %-----------------------------------------
- % PROCESS THE 'width' and 'height' options
- %-----------------------------------------
- %
- % FIXME: make these variables LOCAL:
- %
- \let\axis@rectangle@width=\empty
- \let\axis@rectangle@height=\empty
- %
- \ifx\axis@x\empty
- \ifx\axis@width\empty
- \fi
- \axis@initsizes@getXscale\into\axis@tmpXscale
- \ifaxis@scale@only@axis
- \let\axis@rectangle@width=\axis@width
- \fi
- \else
- \def\axis@tmpXscale{1}%
- \fi
- %
- \ifx\axis@y\empty
- \ifx\axis@height\empty
- \fi
- \axis@initsizes@getYscale\into\axis@tmpYscale
- \ifaxis@scale@only@axis
- \let\axis@rectangle@height=\axis@height
- \fi
- \else
- \def\axis@tmpYscale{1}%
- \fi
- %
- %
- % assert( \axis@tmpXscale != \empty && \axis@tmpYscale != \empty )
- %
- % Apply scaling:
- \pgfpointxy{\axis@tmpXscale}{\axis@tmpYscale}%
- \axis@tmpa=\pgf@x
- \axis@tmpb=\pgf@y
- \ifx\axis@x\empty
- \pgfsetxvec{\pgfpoint{\axis@tmpa}{0pt}}%
- \else
- \pgfsetxvec{\pgfpoint{\axis@x}{0pt}}%
- \fi
- \ifx\axis@y\empty
- \pgfsetyvec{\pgfpoint{0pt}{\axis@tmpb}}%
- \else
- \pgfsetyvec{\pgfpoint{0pt}{\axis@y}}%
- \fi
- %
- % Determine final rectangle dimensions.
- % There are the following cases:
- % 1. the user really wants a fixed dimension,
- % i.e. he used 'scale only axis'.
- % Then, we have to work to get the correct dimension!
- %
- % Up to now, the scaling mechanism looses to many significant
- % digits such that the final width/height differs by 1-2 pt.
- %
- % If I am not mistaken, this does ONLY affect the final size,
- % not the relative plot precision.
- %
- % FIXME : really compute the plot precision!
- %
- % 2. The use specified width and/or height, but not 'scale only
- % axis'. Accept inaccurate final widths/heights (see above).
- %
- % 3. The user supplied 'x' and or 'y'. Simply use them, its
- % accurate.
- %
- \pgfpointxy{\axis@xmin}{\axis@ymin}%
- \axis@xcoordminTEX=\pgf@x
- \axis@ycoordminTEX=\pgf@y
- \pgfpointxy{\axis@xmax}{\axis@ymax}%
- \ifx\axis@rectangle@width\empty
- \axis@xcoordmaxTEX=\pgf@x
- \else
- % this 'if' here should only make a difference of about
- % 1-2pt, not more.
- %
- % and I am quite sure that this inaccuracy (and this
- % work-around) only affects the
- % final size, not the relative plot accuracy.
- \axis@xcoordmaxTEX=\axis@xcoordminTEX
- \expandafter\advance\expandafter\axis@xcoordmaxTEX\axis@width
- \fi
- \ifx\axis@rectangle@height\empty
- \axis@ycoordmaxTEX=\pgf@y
- \else
- \axis@ycoordmaxTEX=\axis@ycoordminTEX
- \expandafter\advance\expandafter\axis@ycoordmaxTEX\axis@height
- \fi
-% \begingroup
-% \pgf@x=\axis@xcoordmaxTEX\advance\pgf@x by-\axis@xcoordminTEX
-% \pgf@y=\axis@ycoordmaxTEX\advance\pgf@y by-\axis@ycoordminTEX
-% \message{Axis scaling x=\axis@tmpXscale, y=\axis@tmpYscale\ yields lower-left-corner (\axis@xmin,\axis@ymin) = (\the\axis@xcoordminTEX,\the\axis@ycoordminTEX) and upper right (\axis@xmax,\axis@ymax) = (\the\axis@xcoordmaxTEX,\the\axis@ycoordmaxTEX). Axis dimensions are width=\the\pgf@x, height=\the\pgf@y.}%
-% \endgroup
- \axis@determinedefaultvalues
- % move the anchor to (0,0):
- \expandafter\ifcase\axis@anchorchoicenum
- % north:
- \begin{scope}[
- yshift=-\axis@ycoordmaxTEX,
- xshift=-0.5\axis@xcoordminTEX-0.5\axis@xcoordmaxTEX
- ]
- \or% north west:
- \begin{scope}[
- yshift=-\axis@ycoordmaxTEX,
- xshift=-\axis@xcoordminTEX
- ]
- \or% west:
- \begin{scope}[
- yshift=-0.5\axis@ycoordminTEX-0.5\axis@ycoordmaxTEX,
- xshift=-\axis@xcoordminTEX
- ]
- \or% south west:
- \begin{scope}[
- yshift=-\axis@ycoordminTEX,
- xshift=-\axis@xcoordminTEX
- ]
- \or% south:
- \begin{scope}[
- yshift=-\axis@ycoordminTEX,
- xshift=-0.5\axis@xcoordminTEX-0.5\axis@xcoordmaxTEX
- ]
- \or% south east:
- \begin{scope}[
- yshift=-\axis@ycoordminTEX,
- xshift=-\axis@xcoordmaxTEX
- ]
- \or% east:
- \begin{scope}[
- yshift=-0.5\axis@ycoordminTEX-0.5\axis@ycoordmaxTEX,
- xshift=-\axis@xcoordmaxTEX
- ]
- \or% north east:
- \begin{scope}[
- yshift=-\axis@ycoordmaxTEX,
- xshift=-\axis@xcoordmaxTEX
- ]
- \or% center
- \begin{scope}[
- yshift=-0.5\axis@ycoordminTEX-0.5\axis@ycoordmaxTEX,
- xshift=-0.5\axis@xcoordminTEX-0.5\axis@xcoordmaxTEX
- ]
- \fi
- \begin{scope}
- \ifaxis@hide
- \clip
- (\axis@xcoordminTEX, \axis@ycoordminTEX)
- rectangle (\axis@xcoordmaxTEX, \axis@ycoordmaxTEX);
- \else
- % X-Achsenbeschriftung:
- % LADE DIE \axis@xtick -variable REIN
- \expandafter\axis@drawxaxis\expandafter{\axis@xtick}
- %
- % Y-Achsen und Achsenbeschriftung:
- \expandafter\axis@drawyaxis\expandafter{\axis@ytick}%
- \draw[clip]
- (\axis@xcoordminTEX, \axis@ycoordminTEX)
- rectangle (\axis@xcoordmaxTEX, \axis@ycoordmaxTEX);
- \fi
- \end{scope}%
-% Writes output to \axis@TMP
- \let\axis@TMP=\empty
- \foreach \axis@TMPB in {#1} {%
- \expandafter\pgfmathlog@\expandafter{\axis@TMPB}%
- \ifx\axis@TMP\empty
- \xdef\axis@TMP{\pgfmathresult}%
- \else
- \xdef\axis@TMP{\axis@TMP,\pgfmathresult}%
- \fi
- }%
-% Assigns \pgfmathresult := canvas coordinate (#2) for axis #1.
- \expandafter\let\expandafter\if@datascaled@cur\csname ifaxis@float@numerics@mode@#1\endcsname
- \expandafter\ifcase\csname axis@#1mode\endcsname
- \if@datascaled@cur
- \csname axis@datascaletrafo@fromfixed@#1\endcsname#2\to\pgfmathresult
- \else
- \def\pgfmathresult{#2}%
- \fi
- \or
- \pgfmathlog@{#2}%
- \fi
- \begingroup
- \axis@evalute@tikz@coord@system@interface@for{x}{#1}%
- \let\axis@evaluate@tikz@coord@x=\pgfmathresult
- \axis@evalute@tikz@coord@system@interface@for{y}{#2}%
- \xdef\axis@TMP{\axis@evaluate@tikz@coord@x pt}%
- \xdef\axis@TMPB{\pgfmathresult pt}%
- \endgroup
- \pgfpointxy{\axis@TMP}{\axis@TMPB}%
-% In case of (semi-) logplots, this command will
-% - assign a filter which invokes \pgfmathlog@{} for each coordinate
-% - replace any user-specified coordinate by its log.
-% All subsequent commands will then work with logarithmic coordinates.
-% @see pgfmathlog.sty for details about the implementation of log().
-% - The user input options have been set correctly,
-% - the option processing has not yet begun
-% - any user input for log-axis has been replaced by its log
-% - coordinate filters to compute logs are installed
-% See also:
-% \axis@apply@data@scale@trafo@to@options@for
- \expandafter\ifcase\csname axis@#1mode\endcsname
- \ifaxis@disabledatascaling
- \csname axis@float@numerics@mode@#1false\endcsname
- \axis@float@numerics@modefalse
- \else
- \csname axis@float@numerics@mode@#1true\endcsname
- \axis@float@numerics@modetrue
- \fi
- \ifaxis@float@numerics@mode
- % Install coordinate filters that
- % - read input as normalised floating point numbers,
- % Motivation:
- % 1. we can compute axis limits using such data
- % 2. we can remember the floating point representation for
- % the data scaling transformation.
- % this here is a preprocessing step! You will need to
- % apply the data scaling later!
- % see
- % \axis@apply@data@scaletrafo@to@plot@data
- \expandafter\let\expandafter\axis@TMP\csname axis@#1filter\endcsname
- \ifx\axis@TMP\empty
- \expandafter\def\csname addplot@float@numerics@#1filter\endcsname##1\to##2{%
- \sciparsesign{##1}\axis@tmp@S\axis@tmp@M\axis@tmp@E
- \scisetcomponents{##2}\axis@tmp@S\axis@tmp@M\axis@tmp@E
- \edef##2{\axis@tmp@S\axis@tmp@M e\axis@tmp@E}%
- }%
- \else
- \expandafter\let\csname axis@#1filter@orig\endcsname=\axis@TMP
- \expandafter\def\csname addplot@float@numerics@#1filter\endcsname##1\to##2{%
- \csname axis@#1filter@orig\endcsname##1\to##2\relax
- \ifx##2\empty
- \else
- \expandafter\sciparsesign\expandafter{##2}\axis@tmp@S\axis@tmp@M\axis@tmp@E
- \scisetcomponents{##2}\axis@tmp@S\axis@tmp@M\axis@tmp@E
- \edef##2{\axis@tmp@S\axis@tmp@M e\axis@tmp@E}%
- \fi
- }%
- \fi
- \expandafter\let\expandafter\axis@TMP\csname addplot@float@numerics@#1filter\endcsname
- \expandafter\let\csname axis@#1filter\endcsname\axis@TMP
- %
- % Check for any existing axis limits:
- \expandafter\let\expandafter\axis@TMP\csname axis@#1min\endcsname
- \ifx\axis@TMP\empty
- \else
- \expandafter\sciparsesign\expandafter{\axis@TMP}\axis@tmp@S\axis@tmp@M\axis@tmp@E
- \expandafter\scisetcomponents\csname axis@#1min\endcsname\axis@tmp@S\axis@tmp@M\axis@tmp@E
- \fi
- \expandafter\let\expandafter\axis@TMP\csname axis@#1max\endcsname
- \ifx\axis@TMP\empty
- \else
- \expandafter\sciparsesign\expandafter{\axis@TMP}\axis@tmp@S\axis@tmp@M\axis@tmp@E
- \expandafter\scisetcomponents\csname axis@#1max\endcsname\axis@tmp@S\axis@tmp@M\axis@tmp@E
- \fi
- \fi
- \or
- \ifaxis@disablelogfilter
- \else
- % any user-specified axis limits:
- \expandafter\let\expandafter\axis@TMP\csname axis@#1min\endcsname
- \ifx\axis@TMP\empty
- \else
- \expandafter\pgfmathlog@\expandafter{\axis@TMP}%
- \expandafter\let\csname axis@#1min\endcsname=\pgfmathresult
- \fi
- \expandafter\let\expandafter\axis@TMP\csname axis@#1max\endcsname
- \ifx\axis@TMP\empty
- \else
- \expandafter\pgfmathlog@\expandafter{\axis@TMP}%
- \expandafter\let\csname axis@#1max\endcsname=\pgfmathresult
- \fi
- %
- % any user specified axis ticks:
- \expandafter\let\expandafter\axis@TMP\csname axis@#1tick\endcsname
- \ifx\axis@TMP\empty
- \else
- \expandafter\axis@filter@input@ticks@with@log\expandafter{\axis@TMP}%
- \expandafter\edef\csname axis@#1tick\endcsname{\axis@TMP}%
- \fi
- %
- \expandafter\let\expandafter\axis@TMP\csname axis@#1filter\endcsname
- \ifx\axis@TMP\empty
- \expandafter\def\csname addplot@log@compute@#1filter\endcsname##1\to##2{%
- \pgfmathlog@{##1}%
- \let##2=\pgfmathresult
- }%
- \else
- \expandafter\let\csname axis@#1filter@orig\endcsname=\axis@TMP
- \expandafter\def\csname addplot@log@compute@#1filter\endcsname##1\to##2{%
- \pgfmathlog@{##1}%
- \ifx\pgfmathresult\empty
- \let##2=\empty
- \else
- \expandafter\expandafter\csname axis@#1filter@orig\endcsname\pgfmathresult\to##2\relax
- \fi
- }%
- \fi
- \expandafter\let\expandafter\axis@TMP\csname addplot@log@compute@#1filter\endcsname
- \expandafter\let\csname axis@#1filter\endcsname\axis@TMP
- \fi
- \fi
- \ifaxis@hide
- \else
- \ifx\axis@xlabel\empty
- \else
- \axisshowxlabel
- \fi
- \ifx\axis@ylabel\empty
- \else
- \axisshowylabel
- \fi
- \fi
- \ifx\axis@title\empty
- \else
- \axisshowtitle
- \fi
- \axis@createlegend
-% Input:
-% a number in the original data range, given in **floating** point representation
-% Output:
-% a fixed point number in transformed range
-% @see
-% \axis@datascaletrafo@x@three
-% \axis@datascaletrafo@fromfixed@x
- \scigetcomponents#1\axis@tmp@S\axis@tmp@M\axis@tmp@E
- \axis@datascaletrafo@x@three\axis@tmp@S\axis@tmp@M\axis@tmp@E\to#2
-% Overloaded function.
-% Input:
-% The same as above, but with Sign, Mantisse, Exponent.
-% #1,#2 and #3 are expected to be MACRO NAMES.
- \def\axis@TMP{\scimathshift{#1}{#2}{#3}}%
- \expandafter\axis@TMP\expandafter{\axis@data@scale@trafo@SHIFT@x}%
- \scitofixed{#1}{#2}{#3}{#4}%
-% Overloaded function.
-% Input:
-% a FIXED point number instead of a floating point one.
-% @see \axis@datascaletrafo@x
- \begingroup
- \sciparsesign{#1}\axis@S\axis@M\axis@E
- \axis@datascaletrafo@x@three\axis@S\axis@M\axis@E\to{#2}%
- \global\let\axis@TMP=#2\relax
- \endgroup
- \let#2=\axis@TMP
- \scigetcomponents#1\axis@tmp@S\axis@tmp@M\axis@tmp@E
- \axis@datascaletrafo@y@three\axis@tmp@S\axis@tmp@M\axis@tmp@E\to#2
- \def\axis@TMP{\scimathshift{#1}{#2}{#3}}%
- \expandafter\axis@TMP\expandafter{\axis@data@scale@trafo@SHIFT@y}%
- \scitofixed{#1}{#2}{#3}{#4}%
- \begingroup
- \sciparsesign{#1}\axis@S\axis@M\axis@E
- \axis@datascaletrafo@y@three\axis@S\axis@M\axis@E\to{#2}%
- \global\let\axis@TMP=#2\relax
- \endgroup
- \let#2=\axis@TMP
-% INVERSE transformation x = T^{-1}( X )
-% Input:
-% a fixed point number in transformed domain
-% Output:
-% a number in the data domain, given in floating point
-% representation
- \expandafter\sciparsesignsingle\expandafter{#1}#2
- \edef\axis@TMP{\noexpand#2{-\axis@data@scale@trafo@SHIFT@x}}%
- \expandafter\scimathshiftsingle\axis@TMP
- \expandafter\sciparsesignsingle\expandafter{#1}#2
- \edef\axis@TMP{\noexpand#2{-\axis@data@scale@trafo@SHIFT@y}}%
- \expandafter\scimathshiftsingle\axis@TMP
-% Overloaded function.
-% In contrast to \axis@inverse@datascaletrafo@x, this method
-% returns a number in FIXED point representation.
-% @see \axis@inverse@datascaletrafo@x
- \axis@inverse@datascaletrafo@x#1\to{#2}%
- \scitofixedsingle{#2}{#2}%
- \axis@inverse@datascaletrafo@y#1\to{#2}%
- \scitofixedsingle{#2}{#2}%
- \begingroup
-% \def\axis@setkeys{\setkeys*[\prefix]{axis}}%
-% \message{Der every-axis-style ist gerade \csname tikz@st@every axis\endcsname}%
-% \expandafter\expandafter\expandafter\axis@setkeys
- % \expandafter\expandafter\expandafter{\csname tikz@st@every axis\endcsname}%
- \begin{scope}[style=every axis,%
- x=1pt,y=1pt% see below
- ]
- % The explicit specification of 'x' and 'y' as 1pt is to avoid
- % numeric overflow/underflow during scale computations:
- %
- % The scaling (i.e. proper values for 'x' and 'y') will be
- % determined later-on, dependend on the axis limits. Since axis
- % limits are implicitly in units of 1pt, it is reasonable to use
- % '1pt' here as well.
- %
- %
-% \draw[very thin,color=gray,xstep=1,ystep=\logten]
-% (\xcoordmin\axis@leftover,\ycoordmin)
-% grid (\xcoordmax\axis@rightover,\ycoordmax);
- \setkeys[\prefix]{axis}{#1}%
- %
- % --------------------
- % Allocations:
- % --------------------
- \listnewempty\axis@plotspeclist
- \listnewempty\axis@legend
- \listnewempty\axis@stored@plot@cmds
- \listnewempty\axis@stored@plot@data
- \newif\ifaxis@autocompute@xlim
- \newif\ifaxis@autocompute@ylim
- \newif\ifaxis@filtercoords
- \newif\ifaxis@float@numerics@mode@x
- \newif\ifaxis@float@numerics@mode@y
- \newif\ifaxis@float@numerics@mode
- % rename '\ifaxis@hide axis' to mask the white space:
- \expandafter\let\expandafter\ifaxis@hide\csname ifaxis@hide axis\endcsname
- % the same for other options with white spaces:
- \expandafter\let\expandafter\ifaxis@scale@only@axis\csname ifaxis@scale only axis\endcsname
- \newif\ifaxis@draw@at@end
- \newif\ifaxis@limits@are@computed
- \axis@numplots=0
- \let\axis@already@computed@legend@node=\empty
- %
- % --------------------
- % Option preprocessing
- % --------------------
- \axis@prepare@coord@filtering@for x
- \axis@prepare@coord@filtering@for y
- %
- \ifx\axis@xfilter\empty
- \else
- \axis@filtercoordstrue
- \fi
- \ifx\axis@yfilter\empty
- \else
- \axis@filtercoordstrue
- \fi
- %
- \ifx\axis@xmin\empty
- \axis@autocompute@xlimtrue
- \def\axis@xmin{16300}%
- \ifaxis@float@numerics@mode@x
- \scisetcomponents\axis@xmin{1}{1.0}{324}%
- \fi
- \fi
- \ifx\axis@xmax\empty
- \axis@autocompute@xlimtrue
- \def\axis@xmax{-16300}%
- \ifaxis@float@numerics@mode@x
- \scisetcomponents\axis@xmax{2}{1.0}{324}%
- \fi
- \fi
- \ifx\axis@ymin\empty
- \axis@autocompute@ylimtrue
- \def\axis@ymin{16300}%
- \ifaxis@float@numerics@mode@y
- \scisetcomponents\axis@ymin{1}{1.0}{324}%
- \fi
- \fi
- \ifx\axis@ymax\empty
- \axis@autocompute@ylimtrue
- \def\axis@ymax{-16300}%
- \ifaxis@float@numerics@mode@y
- \scisetcomponents\axis@ymax{2}{1.0}{324}%
- \fi
- \fi
- %
- \ifaxis@autocompute@xlim
- \axis@draw@at@endtrue
- \axis@limits@are@computedfalse
- \else
- \axis@limits@are@computedtrue
- \fi
- \ifaxis@autocompute@ylim
- \axis@draw@at@endtrue
- \axis@limits@are@computedfalse
- \else
- \axis@limits@are@computedtrue
- \fi
- %
- %
- % --------------------
- % Start axis:
- % either postponed to \end or directly.
- % --------------------
- %
- \ifaxis@draw@at@end
- \else
- \axis@BEGIN@init@and@draw@axis
- \fi
- %\end{axis}:
- % --------------------
- % All plotting commands
- % have been done.
- % -> apply postponed drawing commands!
- % --------------------
- \ifaxis@draw@at@end
- \ifaxis@limits@are@computed
- \else
- \def\axis@xmin{0}%
- \def\axis@xmax{1}%
- \def\axis@ymin{0}%
- \def\axis@ymax{1}%
- \fi
- \axis@BEGIN@init@and@draw@axis
- \listforeach\axis@stored@plot@cmds\as\plotcmd{%
- \listpopfront\axis@stored@plot@data\to\plotdata
- \ifaxis@float@numerics@mode
- \ifx\plotcmd\empty
- \plotdata
- \else
- % Apply the data scaling transformation
- \expandafter\axis@apply@data@scaletrafo@to@plot@data\plotdata\to\plotdata
- \expandafter\plotcmd\plotdata
- \fi
- \else
- \expandafter\plotcmd\plotdata
- \fi
- }%
- \fi
- \axis@END@init@and@draw@axis
- %
- \begin{scope}[%
- xshift=+\axis@xcoordminTEX,
- yshift=\axis@ycoordminTEX,
- x={\axis@xcoordmaxTEX-\axis@xcoordminTEX},
- y={\axis@ycoordmaxTEX-\axis@ycoordminTEX}
- ]%
- \axis@create@axis@descriptions
- \end{scope}%
- \end{scope}% this scope starts inside of \axis@BEGIN@init@and@draw@axis
- %
- \end{scope}%
- \endgroup
+\input pgfplots.code.tex
- \begin{axis}[xmode=log,ymode=normal,#1]
- \end{axis}%
- \begin{axis}[xmode=normal,ymode=log,#1]
- \end{axis}%
- \begin{axis}[xmode=log,ymode=log,#1]
- \end{axis}%