path: root/Master/texmf-dist/tex/latex/mh
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'Master/texmf-dist/tex/latex/mh')
8 files changed, 3014 insertions, 498 deletions
diff --git a/Master/texmf-dist/tex/latex/mh/breqn.sty b/Master/texmf-dist/tex/latex/mh/breqn.sty
new file mode 100644
index 00000000000..e69a67473b5
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Master/texmf-dist/tex/latex/mh/breqn.sty
@@ -0,0 +1,2056 @@
+%% This is file `breqn.sty',
+%% generated with the docstrip utility.
+%% The original source files were:
+%% breqn.dtx (with options: `package')
+%% This is a generated file.
+%% Copyright (C) 1997-2003 by Michael J. Downes
+%% Copyright (C) 2007 by Morten Hoegholm <>
+%% This work may be distributed and/or modified under the
+%% conditions of the LaTeX Project Public License, either
+%% version 1.3 of this license or (at your option) any later
+%% version. The latest version of this license is in
+%% and version 1.3 or later is part of all distributions of
+%% LaTeX version 2005/12/01 or later.
+%% This work has the LPPL maintenance status "maintained".
+%% This Current Maintainer of this work is Morten Hoegholm.
+%% This work consists of the main source file breqn.dtx
+%% and the derived files
+%% breqn.sty, breqn.pdf, breqn.ins, breqn.drv.
+\ProvidesPackage{breqn}[2007/12/10 v0.96]
+ \catcode\number`\"=\number\catcode`\"
+ \relax}
+\catcode`\^=7 \catcode`\_=8 \catcode`\"=12 \relax
+ \PassOptionsToPackage{mathstyleoff}{flexisym}%
+ \RequirePackage[cmbase]{flexisym}[2007/12/10]
+ \edef\breqnpopcats{\breqnpopcats
+ \catcode\number`\^=\number\catcode`\^
+ \catcode\number`\_=\number\catcode`\_
+ }%
+ \catcode`\^=7 \catcode`\_=8 \catcode`\"=12 \relax
+ \expandafter\options@a\csname opt@#1.sty\endcsname{#2}%
+ \setkeys{#1}{#2}%
+ \edef\@tempa{\options@b#2,\@empty\@nil}%
+ \ifx#1\relax \let#1\@empty\fi
+ \xdef#1{#1\ifx#1\@empty\@xp\@gobble\@tempa\@empty\else\@tempa \fi}%
+ \options@c#1 \@nil
+ \ifx#2\@empty \else\options@b#2#3\@nil\fi
+\def\options@c#1 #2\@nil{\options@d#1=\@nil}
+\def\options@d#1=#2\@nil{\ifx\@empty #1\@empty\else,\fi#1}
+}{}% end @ifundefined test
+\newcount\inf@bad \inf@bad=1000000
+\newcount\maxint \maxint=2147483647
+ \let\@tempd= #1\def\@tempa{#2}\def\@tempb{#3}%
+ \futurelet\@tempc\@ifnexta
+\def\@ifnexta{\ifx\@tempc\@tempd \let\@tempb\@tempa \fi \@tempb}
+ \let\@tempd*\def\@tempa*{#1}\def\@tempb{#2}%
+ \futurelet\@tempc\@ifnexta
+\def\@Not#1{0\ifcase#11 \or\@xp 1\else \@xp 0\fi}
+\def\@And#1#2{0\ifcase#1#2 \@xp 0\else \@xp 1\fi}
+\def\@Or#1#2{0\ifnum#1#2<101 \@xp 0\else \@xp 1\fi}
+\def\theb@@le#1{\if#1 True\else False\fi}
+\def\z@rule{\vrule\@width\z@}% no \relax ! use with care
+\begingroup \catcode`\&=11
+ \csname &\expandafter\replicate@a\romannumeral\number\number#1 000q\endcsname
+\begingroup \catcode`\&=11
+\long\gdef\&m#1#2{#1\csname &#2\endcsname{#1}}
+\@xp\let\csname\string &q\endcsname\@gobble
+ \let\@symRel\@secondoftwo \let\@symBin\@secondoftwo
+ \let\@symDeL\@secondoftwo \let\@symDeR\@secondoftwo
+ \let\@symDeB\@secondoftwo
+ \begingroup \let\@elt\relax \xdef#1{\@elt{#2}#1}\endgroup
+ \begingroup
+ \edef\@tempa{\string#1}\edef\@tempb{\meaning#1}%
+ \ifx\@tempa\@tempb \global\let#2#1%
+ \else
+ \edef\@tempb{\meaning#2}%
+ \ifx\@tempa\@tempb
+ \else \@saveprimitive@a#1#2%
+ \fi
+ \fi
+ \endgroup
+ \begingroup
+ \def\@tempb##1#1##2{\edef\@tempb{##2}\@car{}}%
+ \@tempb\nullfont{select font nullfont}%
+ \topmark{\string\topmark:}%
+ \firstmark{\string\firstmark:}%
+ \botmark{\string\botmark:}%
+ \splitfirstmark{\string\splitfirstmark:}%
+ \splitbotmark{\string\splitbotmark:}%
+ #1{\string#1}%
+ \edef\@tempa{\expandafter\strip@prefix\meaning\@tempb}%
+ \edef\@tempb{\meaning#1}%
+ \ifx\@tempa\@tempb \global\let#2#1%
+ \else
+ \PackageError{breqn}%
+ {Unable to properly define \string#2; primitive
+ \noexpand#1no longer primitive}\@eha
+ \fi
+ \fi
+ \endgroup
+\begingroup \catcode`\$=\thr@@ % just to make sure
+ \global\let\@@math=$ \gdef\@@display{$$}% $$$
+\def\debugmsg{\message{||= \iffalse}\fi
+ \@xp\@gobble\string
+\def\debugwr#1{\immediate\write\sixt@@n{||= #1}}
+ \batchmode{\showboxbreadth\maxdimen\showboxdepth99\showbox#1}%
+ \errorstopmode
+ \debug@box\EQ@copy
+ \wlog{!! EQ@copy: \the\wd\EQ@copy\space x
+ \the\ht\EQ@copy+\the\dp\EQ@copy
+ }%
+ \debugwr{\hsize\the\hsize, \parfillskip\the\parfillskip}%
+ \debugmsg{\leftskip\the\leftskip, \rightskip\the\rightskip}%
+ \debugmsg{\linepenalty\the\linepenalty, \adjdemerits\the\adjdemerits}%
+ \debugmsg{\pretolerance\the\pretolerance, \tolerance\the\tolerance,
+ \parindent\the\parindent}%
+ \let\debug\relax \let\gubed\relax
+ \let\debugmsg\@gobble \let\debug@lines\relax \let\debug@para\relax
+ \let\debugwr\@gobble
+ \let\debug@box\@gobble \let\debug@push\@gobbletwo
+\def\eqfontsize{} % Inherit from context [NOT USED?]
+\def\eqcolor{black} % Default to black [NOT USED?]
+\newdimen\eqnumsep \eqnumsep=10pt % Min space between equ number and body
+\newdimen\eqmargin \eqmargin=8pt % For `multline' gap emulation
+\def\eqindent{C}% % C or I, centered or indented
+\def\eqnumside{R}% % R or L, right or left
+\def\eqnumplace{M}% % M or T or B, middle top or bottom
+\def\eqnumfont{}% % Null for easier debugging [mjd,1997/09/26]
+\def\eqnumform#1{(#1\@@italiccorr)} % Add parens
+\def\eqnumsize{} % Allow numbers to have different typesize ...
+\def\eqnumcolor{} % ... or color than eq body e.g. \color{blue}
+\newlength\eqlinespacing \eqlinespacing=14pt plus2pt % Base-to-base space between lines
+\newlength\eqlineskip \eqlineskip=3pt plus2pt % Min space if eqlinespacing too small
+\newdimen\eqlineskiplimit \eqlineskiplimit=2pt % Threshold for switching to eqlineskip
+\newmuskip \eqbinoffset \eqbinoffset=15mu minus-3mu % Offset from mathrel alignment pt for mathbins
+\newmuskip\eqdelimoffset \eqdelimoffset=2mu % Additional offset for break inside delims
+\newdimen\eqindentstep \eqindentstep=8pt % Indent used when LHS wd is n/a or too large
+\newtoks\eqstyle % Customization hook
+\newcount\eqbreakdepth \eqbreakdepth=2 % Allow breaks within delimiters to this depth
+\newcount \eqinterlinepenalty \eqinterlinepenalty=10000 % No page breaks between equation lines
+\newcount \intereqpenalty \intereqpenalty=1000 % Pagebreak penalty between equations [BRM: Was \@M]
+\newlength \intereqskip \intereqskip=3pt plus2pt % Additional vert space between equations
+\newcount\prerelpenalty \prerelpenalty=-\@M % Linebreak penalty before mathrel symbols
+\newcount\prebinoppenalty \prebinoppenalty=888 % Linebreak penalty before mathbins
+\newmuskip \Dmedmuskip \Dmedmuskip=4mu minus 3mu % medmuskip in displays
+\newmuskip \Dthickmuskip \Dthickmuskip=5mu minus 2mu % thickmuskip in displays
+\def\eq@number{} % Internal variable
+\newlength\eqleftskip \eqleftskip=\@centering % Space on the left [NOT USED?]
+\newlength\eqrightskip \eqrightskip=\@centering % Space on the right [NOT USED?]
+\newlength\eq@vspan \eq@vspan=\z@skip % Glue used to vcenter the eq number
+\newmuskip\eq@binoffset \eq@binoffset=\eqbinoffset % Roughly, \eqbinoffset + \eqdelimoffset
+\newsavebox\EQ@box % Storage for equation body
+\newsavebox\EQ@copy % For eq body sans vadjust/insert/mark material
+\newsavebox\EQ@numbox % For equation number
+\newdimen\eq@wdNum % width of number + separation [NEW]
+\newsavebox\GRP@numbox % For group number [NEW]
+\newdimen\grp@wdNum % width of number + separation [NEW]
+%%B\EQ@vimbox % Vadjust, insert, or mark material
+%%B\EQ@vimcopy % Spare copy of same
+%%B\eq@impinging % Temporary box for measuring number placement
+\newcount \eq@lines % Internal counter, actual number of lines
+\newcount \eq@curline % Loop counter
+\newcount \eq@badness % Used in testing for overfull lines
+\newcount \EQ@vims % For bookkeeping
+\newdimen\eq@dp % Depth of last line
+\newdimen\eq@wdL % Width of the left-hand-side
+\newdimen\eq@wdT % Total width for framing
+\newdimen\eq@wdMin % Width of narrowest line in equation
+\newdimen\grp@wdL % Max width of LHS's in a group
+\newdimen\grp@wdR % Max RHS of all equations in a group
+\newdimen\eq@firstht % Height of first line
+\newdimen\eq@indentstep % Indent amount when LHS is not present
+\newdimen\eq@linewidth % Width actually used for display
+\newdimen\grp@linewidth % Max eq@linewidth over a group
+ \@ifpackagewith{amsmath}{reqno}{}{\def\eqnumside{L}}%
+ \def\@tempa#1,leqno.clo,#2#3\@nil{%
+ \ifx @#2\relax\else \def\eqnumside{L}\fi
+ }%
+ \@xp\@tempa\@filelist,leqno.clo,@\@nil
+ \if L\eqnumside
+ \else
+ \@ifundefined{iftagsleft@}{}{%
+ \edef\eqnumside{%
+ \if TT\csname fi\endcsname\csname iftagsleft@\endcsname
+ L\else R\fi
+ }%
+ }
+ \fi
+ \def\eqindent{I}%
+ \def\@tempa#1,fleqn.clo,#2#3\@nil{%
+ \ifx @#2\relax\else \def\eqindent{I}\fi
+ }%
+ \@xp\@tempa\@filelist,fleqn.clo,@\@nil
+ \if I\eqindent
+ \else
+ \@ifundefined{if@fleqn}{}{%
+ \edef\eqindent{%
+ \if TT\csname fi\endcsname\csname if@fleqn\endcsname
+ I\else C\fi
+ }%
+ }%
+ \fi
+ \@ifundefined{mathindent}{%
+ \newdimen\mathindent
+ }{%
+ \@ifundefined{@mathmargin}{}{%
+ \mathindent\@mathmargin
+ }%
+ }
+ \ifnum\lr@level<\@ne
+ \let\mark@lhs\relax
+ \global\let\EQ@hasLHS=\@True
+ \global\let\EQ@prebin@space\EQ@prebin@space@a
+ \mark@lhs@a
+ \penalty9999 % instead of normal \rel@break
+ % else no penalty = forbid break
+ \fi
+ \mskip\thickmuskip \@@vadjust{\penalty\tw@}\penalty-\@Mi\@@vadjust{}%
+\def\EQ@prebin@space@a{\mskip-\eq@binoffset \keep@glue \mskip\eq@binoffset}
+ \EQ@prebin@space}
+ \ifnum\abs@num\lastpenalty <\abs@num\prerelpenalty
+ \penalty\prerelpenalty
+ \fi
+\def\d@@Bin{\bin@break \m@@Bin}
+\def\d@@Rel{\mark@lhs \rel@break \m@@Rel}
+\let\m@@symRel\@symRel \def\d@@symRel{\mark@lhs \rel@break \m@@symRel}
+\let\m@@symBin\@symBin \def\d@@symBin{\bin@break \m@@symBin}
+ \medmuskip\Dmedmuskip \thickmuskip\Dthickmuskip
+ \let\m@Bin\d@@Bin \let\m@Rel\d@@Rel
+ \let\@symRel\d@@symRel \let\@symBin\d@@symBin
+ \let\m@DeL\d@@DeL \let\m@DeR\d@@DeR \let\m@DeB\d@@DeB
+ \let\m@DeA\d@@DeA
+ \let\@symDeL\d@@symDeL \let\@symDeR\d@@symDeR
+ \let\@symDeB\d@@symDeB \let\@symDeA\d@@symDeA
+ \let\left\eq@left \let\right\eq@right \global\lr@level\z@
+ \global\eq@wdCond\z@ %BRM: new
+ \everyhbox{\everyhbox\@emptytoks
+ \let\display@setup\relax \textmath@setup \let\textmath@setup\relax
+ }%
+ \everyvbox{\everyvbox\@emptytoks
+ \let\display@setup\relax \textmath@setup \let\textmath@setup\relax
+ }%
+ \medmuskip\Dmedmuskip \thickmuskip\Dthickmuskip
+ \let\m@Bin\d@@Bin
+ \let\@symBin\d@@symBin
+ \let\m@DeL\d@@DeL \let\m@DeR\d@@DeR \let\m@DeB\d@@DeB
+ \let\m@DeA\d@@DeA
+ \let\@symDeL\d@@symDeL \let\@symDeR\d@@symDeR
+ \let\@symDeB\d@@symDeB \let\@symDeA\d@@symDeA
+ \let\left\eq@left \let\right\eq@right \global\lr@level\z@
+ \everyhbox{\everyhbox\@emptytoks
+ \let\display@setup\relax \textmath@setup \let\textmath@setup\relax
+ }%
+ \everyvbox{\everyvbox\@emptytoks
+ \let\display@setup\relax \textmath@setup \let\textmath@setup\relax
+ }%
+ \displaystyle
+ \let\m@Bin\m@@Bin \let\m@Rel\m@@Rel
+ \let\@symRel\m@@symRel \let\@symBin\m@@symBin
+ \let\m@DeL\m@@DeL \let\m@DeR\m@@DeR \let\m@DeB\m@@DeB
+ \let\m@DeA\m@@DeA
+ \let\@symDeL\m@@symDeL \let\@symDeR\m@@symDeR
+ \let\@symDeB\m@@symDeB \let\@symDeA\m@@symDeA
+ \let\left\@@left \let\right\@@right
+ \@xp\newif\csname if@display\endcsname
+ \everydisplay\@xp{\the\everydisplay \@displaytrue}%
+ \let\@currentlabel\eq@number
+ \edef\eq@layout{\@car#1?\@nil}%
+ \addtolength\eqlinespacing{#1}%
+ \addtolength\eqlineskip{#1}%
+ \eqlineskiplimit\eqlineskip
+ \setlength\eq@given@sidespace{#1}%
+\define@key{breqn}{style}{\eqstyle\@xp{\the\eqstyle #1}}
+ \dim@a#1\relax\edef\eq@framewd{\the\dim@a}%
+ \freeze@glue\eqlinespacing \freeze@glue\eqlineskip
+ \freeze@glue\eqlinespacing \freeze@glue\eqlineskip
+\def\eq@frame{F} % no frame
+ \if\eq@frame F\def\eq@frame{T}\fi
+ \dim@a#1\relax \edef\eq@framesep{\the\dim@a}%
+ \freeze@glue\eqlinespacing \freeze@glue\eqlineskip
+ \freeze@glue\eqlinespacing \freeze@glue\eqlineskip
+\let\grp@aligned\@True % default
+ \darray@mkpream#1\@percentchar
+%%BRM: The following incorporates several changes:
+%% 1) modifications supplied by MJD to fix the eaten \cs{paragraph} problem.
+%% 2) Added \cs{display@setup} here, rather than globally.
+ \let\eq@hasNumber\@True \@optarg\@dmath{}}{}
+ \debugmsg{=== DMATH ==================================================}%
+ \everydisplay\expandafter{\the\everydisplay \display@setup}%
+ \if@noskipsec \leavevmode \fi
+ \if@inlabel \leavevmode \global\@inlabelfalse \fi
+ \if\eq@group\else\eq@prelim\fi
+ \setkeys{breqn}{#1}%
+ \the\eqstyle
+ \eq@setnumber
+ \begingroup
+ \eq@setup@a
+ \eq@startup
+ \gdef\EQ@setwdL{}% Occasionally undefined ???
+ \eq@capture
+ \endgroup
+ \EQ@setwdL
+ \eq@measure
+ \if\eq@group \grp@push \else \eq@finish\fi
+ \let\eq@hasNumber\@False \@optarg\@dmath{}%
+ \if@inlabel \indent \par \fi
+ \if@nobreak \global\@nobreakfalse \predisplaypenalty\@M \fi
+ \everypar\@emptytoks
+ \noindent
+ \eq@nulldisplay
+ \par %% \eq@saveparinfo %% needs work
+ \let\intertext\breqn@intertext
+ \PackageWarning{breqn}{%
+ Complex paragraph shape cannot be followed by this equation}%
+ \count@\prevgraf \advance\count@-\thr@@ % for the null display
+ \edef\eq@prevshape{\prevgraf\the\count@\space}%
+ \ifcase\parshape
+ % case 0: no action required
+ \or \edef\eq@prevshape{\eq@prevshape
+ \parshape\@ne\displayindent\displaywidth\relax
+ }%
+ \else
+ \breqn@parshape@warning
+ \fi
+ \eq@wdNum\z@
+ \if\eq@hasNumber
+ \ifx\eq@number\@empty
+ \stepcounter{equation}\let\eq@number\theequation
+ \fi
+ % This sets up numbox, etc, even if unnumbered?????
+ \ifx\eq@number\@empty
+ \else
+ \debugmsg{Number \eq@number}%
+ \set@label{equation}\eq@number
+ \global\sbox\EQ@numbox{%
+ \next@label \global\let\next@label\@empty
+ \eqnumcolor\eqnumsize\eqnumfont{\eqnumform{\eq@number}}%
+ }%
+ \global\eq@wdNum\wd\EQ@numbox\global\advance\eq@wdNum\eqnumsep
+ \fi
+ \fi
+ \begingroup
+ \debugmsg{Formatting equation}%
+ \debug@showmeasurements
+ \if F\eq@frame\else
+ \freeze@glue\eqlinespacing \freeze@glue\eqlineskip
+ \fi
+ \csname eq@\eqindent @setsides\endcsname % Compute \leftskip,\rightskip
+ \adjust@parshape\eq@parshape% Final adjustment of parshape for left|right skips
+ \eq@topspace{\vskip\parskip}% Set top spacing
+ \debug@showformat
+ % Now, invoke the appropriate typesetter according to number placement
+ \if\eq@hasNumber
+ \if\eq@shiftnumber
+ \csname eq@typeset@\eqnumside Shifted\endcsname
+ \else
+ \csname eq@typeset@\eqnumside\eqnumplace\endcsname
+ \fi
+ \else
+ \eq@typeset@Unnumbered
+ \fi
+ \endgroup
+ \eq@botspace
+ \let\peek@b#1\let\peek@space#2\futurelet\@let@token\peek@a
+ \ifx\@let@token\@sptoken \expandafter\peek@space
+ \else \expandafter\peek@b\fi
+\lowercase{\def\peek@skip@space} {\futurelet\@let@token\peek@a}%
+ \edef\@tempa{%
+ \ifx\@let@token\@sptoken\@nx\finish@end
+ \else\ifx\@let@token ,\@nx\check@qed
+ \else\ifx\@let@token .\@nx\check@qed
+ \else\check@punct@b % check the less common possibilities
+ \fi\fi\fi
+ }%
+ \@tempa
+ \ifx\@let@token ;\@nx\check@qed
+ \else\ifx\@let@token ?\@nx\check@qed
+ \else\ifx\@let@token !\@nx\check@qed
+\toks@c{\fi\fi\fi}% matching with \toks@a
+\catcode`\.=\active \catcode`\,=\active \catcode`\;=\active
+\catcode`\?=\active \catcode`\!=\active
+ \else\ifx\@let@token ,\@nx\check@qed
+ \else\ifx\@let@token .\@nx\check@qed
+ \else\ifx\@let@token ;\@nx\check@qed
+ \else\ifx\@let@token ?\@nx\check@qed
+ \else\ifx\@let@token !\@nx\check@qed
+ \fi\fi\fi\fi\fi
+ \the\toks@a\the\toks@b\the\toks@c
+ \gdef\found@punct{#1}%
+ \peek@skipping@spaces\check@qed@a
+ \ifx\end\@let@token \@xp\check@qed@b
+ \else \@xp\finish@end
+ \fi
+ \@ifundefined{#2qed}{}{%
+ \toks@\@xp{\found@punct\csname#2qed\endcsname}%
+ \xdef\found@punct{\the\toks@}%
+ }%
+ \finish@end
+ \end{#2}%
+\def\end#1{\csname end#1\endcsname \latex@end{#1}}%
+ \xdef\found@punct{\@empty}% BRM: punctuation was being remembered past this eqn.
+ \def\finish@end{\csname end@#1\endcsname\latex@end{#1}}%
+ \check@punct
+ \begingroup
+ \global\let\EQ@shortskips\@False
+ \if\@And{\eq@group}{\@Not\GRP@top}%
+ \parskip\intereqskip \penalty\intereqpenalty
+ \else
+ \eq@check@shortskip
+ \if\EQ@shortskips
+ \parskip\abovedisplayshortskip
+ \aftergroup\belowdisplayskip\aftergroup\belowdisplayshortskip
+ \ifdim\predisplaysize>\z@\nointerlineskip\fi
+ \else
+ \parskip\abovedisplayskip
+ \fi
+ \fi
+ \if F\eq@frame
+ \else
+ \addtolength\parskip{\eq@framesep+\eq@framewd}%
+ \fi
+\debugmsg{Topspace: \theb@@le\EQ@shortskips, \parskip=\the\parskip, \predisplaysize=\the\predisplaysize}%
+ #1%
+ \endgroup
+ \global\let\EQ@shortskips\@False
+ \setlength\dim@a{\abovedisplayskip+\ht\EQ@numbox}%
+ \addtolength\leftskip{-2em}% standard TeX value
+ \ifdim\leftskip<\predisplaysize
+ \else\if R\eqnumside \global\let\EQ@shortskips\@True
+ \else\if\eq@shiftnumber
+ \else\if T\eqnumplace
+ \ifdim\dim@a<\eq@firstht
+ \global\let\EQ@shortskips\@True
+ \fi
+ \else
+ \setlength\dim@b{\eq@vspan/2}%
+ \ifdim\dim@a<\dim@b
+ \global\let\EQ@shortskips\@True
+ \fi
+ \fi\fi\fi\fi
+ \penalty\postdisplaypenalty
+ \if F\eq@frame
+ \else
+ \addtolength\belowdisplayskip{\eq@framesep+\eq@framewd}%
+ \fi
+ \vskip\belowdisplayskip
+ \@endpetrue % kill parindent if current paragraph continues
+ \global\@ignoretrue % ignore following spaces
+ \eq@resume@parshape
+ \global\let\EQ@hasLHS\@False
+ \setbox\z@\vbox\bgroup
+ \noindent \@@math \displaystyle
+ \penalty-\@Mi
+ \everymath\everydisplay
+ %\let\@newline\eq@newline % future possibility?
+ \let\\\eq@newline
+ \let\insert\eq@insert \let\mark\eq@mark \let\vadjust\eq@vadjust
+ \hsize\maxdimen \pretolerance\@M
+ \linepenalty\@m
+ \rightskip\z@\@plus\@M\p@ \leftskip\z@skip \parfillskip\z@skip
+ \clubpenalty\@ne \widowpenalty\z@ \interlinepenalty\z@
+ \global\let\EQ@prebin@space\relax
+ \binoppenalty\@M \relpenalty\@M
+ \ifnum\lastpenalty>-\@M \penalty-\@Mi \fi
+ \keep@glue\@@endmath
+ \eq@addpunct
+ \@@par
+ \eq@wdL\z@
+ \setbox\tw@\lastbox
+ \global\setbox\EQ@box\hbox{\unhbox\tw@\unskip\unskip\unpenalty}%
+ \unskip\unpenalty
+ \global\setbox\EQ@copy\copy\EQ@box
+%% \global\setbox\EQ@vimcopy\copy\EQ@vimbox
+ \clubpenalty\z@
+ \eq@wdR\z@%BRM: eq@wdL patch
+ \eq@repack % recursive
+ \setbox\tw@\lastbox
+ \global\setbox\EQ@box\hbox{\unhcopy\tw@\unskip\unpenalty \unhbox\EQ@box}%
+ \global\setbox\EQ@copy\hbox{\unhbox\tw@\unskip\unpenalty \unhbox\EQ@copy}%
+ \ifdim\eq@wdR>\z@% BRM: eq@wdL patch
+ \setlength\dim@a{\wd\EQ@box-\eq@wdR
+ % Apparently missing a \thickmuskip = 5mu = 5/18em=0.27777777777.. ?
+ + 0.2777777777777em}% FUDGE??!?!?!
+ \ifdim\dim@a>\eq@wdL
+ \debugmsg{Correcting LHS from \the\eq@wdL\space to \the\dim@a = \the\wd\EQ@box - \the\eq@wdR}%
+ \eq@wdL\dim@a
+ \xdef\EQ@setwdL{\eq@wdL\the\eq@wdL\relax}%
+ \fi
+ \fi
+ \debugmsg{Capture: total length=\the\wd\EQ@box
+ ^^J||===== has LHS=\theb@@le\EQ@hasLHS, \eq@wdL=\the\eq@wdL, \eq@wdR=\the\eq@wdR,
+ ^^J||===== \eq@wdCond=\the\eq@wdCond}%
+ \egroup % end vbox started earlier
+ \ifx\found@punct\@empty
+ \else \eqpunct{\found@punct}%
+ \fi
+ % BRM: Added; the punctuation kept getting carried to following environs
+ \xdef\found@punct{\@empty}%
+ \EQ@afterspace
+ \ifcase\lastpenalty
+ % case 0: normal case
+ \setbox\tw@\lastbox
+ \eq@repacka\EQ@copy \eq@repacka\EQ@box
+ \unskip
+ \or % case 1: finished recursing
+ \unpenalty
+ \setbox\tw@\lastbox
+ \eq@repacka\EQ@copy \eq@repacka\EQ@box
+ \@xp\@gobble
+ \or % case 2: save box width = LHS width
+ \unpenalty
+ \setbox\tw@\lastbox
+ \setbox\z@\copy\tw@ \setbox\z@\hbox{\unhbox\z@\unskip\unpenalty}%
+ \addtolength\eq@wdL{\wd\z@}
+ \setlength\eq@wdR{\wd\EQ@box}% BRM: eq@wdL patch
+ \xdef\EQ@setwdL{\eq@wdL\the\eq@wdL\relax}%
+ \global\setbox\EQ@copy\hbox{%
+ \hbox{\unhcopy\tw@\unskip\unpenalty\unskip}%
+ \box\EQ@copy
+ }%
+ \global\setbox\EQ@box\hbox{%
+ \hbox{\unhbox\tw@\unskip\unpenalty\unskip}%
+ \box\EQ@box
+ }%
+ \unskip
+ \or % case 3: unpack left-right box
+ \unpenalty
+ \eq@lrunpack
+ \else
+ \breqn@repack@err
+ \fi
+ \eq@repack % RECURSE
+ \PackageError{breqn}{eq@repack penalty neq 0,1,2,3}\relax
+ \global\setbox#1\hbox{\unhcopy\tw@ \unskip
+ \count@-\lastpenalty
+ \ifnum\count@<\@M \else \advance\count@-\@M \fi
+ \unpenalty
+ \ifx\EQ@copy#1\ifnum\count@>\thr@@ \count@\@ne\fi\fi
+ \ifcase\count@
+ % case 0, normal line break
+ \penalty-\@M % put back the linebreak penalty
+ \or % case 1, do nothing (end of equation)
+ \relax
+ \or % case 2, no-op (obsolete case)
+ \or % case 3, transfer vspace and/or penalty
+ \ifx#1\EQ@box \eq@revspace \else \eq@revspaceb \fi
+ \or % case 4, put back an insert
+ \eq@reinsert
+ \or % case 5, put back a mark
+ \eq@remark
+ \or % case 6, put back a vadjust
+ \eq@readjust
+ \else % some other break penalty
+ \penalty-\count@
+ \fi
+ \unhbox#1}%
+ \begingroup \frozen@everydisplay\@emptytoks
+ \@@display
+ \predisplaypenalty\@M \postdisplaypenalty\@M
+ \abovedisplayskip\z@skip \abovedisplayshortskip\z@skip
+ \belowdisplayskip\z@skip \belowdisplayshortskip\z@skip
+ \xdef\EQ@displayinfo{%
+ \prevgraf\the\prevgraf \predisplaysize\the\predisplaysize
+ \displaywidth\the\displaywidth \displayindent\the\displayindent
+ \listwidth\the\linewidth
+ \ifdim\displayindent>\z@
+ \advance\listwidth\the\leftmargin
+ \advance\listwidth\the\rightmargin
+ \fi
+ \relax}%
+ \halign{##\cr}%
+ \@@enddisplay
+ \par
+ \endgroup
+ \EQ@displayinfo
+ \@ifstar{\eq@newlinea\@M}{\eq@newlinea\eqinterlinepenalty}}
+ \@ifnext[{\eq@newlineb{#1}}{\eq@newlineb{#1}[\maxdimen]}}
+ \global\setbox\EQ@vimbox\vbox{\unvbox\EQ@vimbox
+ \unpenalty
+ \global\setbox\@ne\lastbox}%
+ \@@vadjust{\unvbox\@ne}%
+ \penalty-\@M
+ \global\setbox\EQ@vimcopy\vbox{\unvbox\EQ@vimcopy
+ \unpenalty
+ \global\setbox\@ne\lastbox}%
+ \@@vadjust{\unvbox\@ne}%
+ \penalty-\@M
+\def\eq@break#1{\penalty-1000#1 \keep@glue}
+ \ifdim\eq@indentstep=\maxdimen \eq@indentstep\eqindentstep \fi
+ \ifdim\eq@linewidth=\z@ \else \edef\eq@linewidths{{\the\eq@linewidth}}\fi
+ \begingroup \eq@params
+ \leftskip\z@skip
+ \rightskip\z@\@plus\columnwidth\@minus\hfuzz
+ \global\EQ@continue{\eq@trial}%
+ \eq@trial % uses \eq@linewidths
+ \eq@failout % will be a no-op if the trial succeeded
+ \endgroup
+ \EQ@trial
+ \debugmsg{=> \number\eq@lines\space lines}%
+ \debug
+ \def\@elt##1^^J##2{^^J||===== \space\space##1/##2}%
+ \let\@endelt\@empty
+ \debugmsg{=> trial info:\eq@measurements}%
+ \debugmsg{=> bounding box: \the\eq@wdT x\the\eq@vspan, badness=\the\eq@badness}%
+ \let\@elt\relax \let\@endelt\relax
+ \gubed
+ \begingroup
+ \def\@elt##1^^J##2{^^J||===== ##1/##2}%
+ \let\@endelt\@empty
+ \debugmsg{===> Measurements: \number\eq@lines\space lines
+ \eq@measurements
+ ^^J||===== bounding box: \the\eq@wdT x\the\eq@vspan, badness=\the\eq@badness
+ ^^J||===== \leftskip=\the\leftskip, \rightskip=\the\rightskip}%
+ \endgroup
+ \ifx\@empty\eq@linewidths
+ \global\EQ@continue{}%
+ \else
+ \iffalse{\fi \@xp\eq@trial@a \eq@linewidths}%
+ \fi
+ \the\EQ@continue
+ \dim@c#1\relax
+ \if T\eq@frame \eq@frame@adjust\dim@c \fi
+ \ifdim\dim@c>\eq@linewidth
+ \eq@linewidth\dim@c
+ \debugmsg{Choose Shape for width(#1)=\the\eq@linewidth}%
+ \let\eq@trial@b\eq@trial@d
+ \csname eq@try@layout@\eq@layout\endcsname
+ \else
+ \debugmsg{Next width (#1) is shorter; skip it}%
+ \fi
+ \edef\eq@linewidths{\iffalse}\fi
+ \addtolength#1{-2\eq@framewd-2\eq@framesep}%
+ \aftergroup\@gobbletwo % cancel the \EQ@fallback code; see \eq@trial@c (?)
+ \global\EQ@continue{\eq@trial@done}%
+ \debugmsg{End trial: Success!}%
+ \let\eq@failout\relax
+ \endgroup
+ \debugmsg{Nope ... that ain't gonna work.}%
+ \begingroup #1%
+\debugmsg{End trial: failout}%
+ \global\let\EQ@trial\EQ@last@trial
+ \xdef#1{%
+ \eq@linewidth\the\eq@linewidth
+ % save info about the fit
+ \eq@lines\the\eq@lines \eq@badness\the\eq@badness \def\@nx\eq@badline{\eq@badline}%
+ % save size info
+ \eq@wdT\the\eq@wdT \eq@wdMin\the\eq@wdMin
+ \eq@vspan\the\eq@vspan \eq@dp\the\eq@dp \eq@firstht\the\eq@firstht
+ % save info about the LHS
+ \eq@wdL\the\eq@wdL \def\@nx\EQ@hasLHS{\EQ@hasLHS}%
+ % save info about the numbering
+ \def\@nx\eq@hasNumber{\eq@hasNumber}%
+ % save info about the chosen layout
+ \def\@nx\eq@layout{\eq@layout}%
+ \def\@nx\eq@parshape{\@parshape}%
+ \def\@nx\eq@measurements{\eq@measurements}%
+ \def\@nx\adjust@rel@penalty{\adjust@rel@penalty}%
+ \def\@nx\eq@shiftnumber{\eq@shiftnumber}%
+ \def\@nx\eq@isIntertext{\@False}%
+ }%
+ \debugmsg{Trying layout "#1" with^^J||===== parshape\space\@xp\@gobble\@parshape}%
+ \begingroup
+ \eq@trial@init
+ \def\eq@layout{#1}%
+ \setbox\z@\vbox{%
+ \hfuzz\maxdimen
+ \eq@trial@p % run the given parshape
+ \if\@Not{\eq@badline}%
+ \eq@trial@save\EQ@trial
+ \if\eq@hasNumber\eq@retry@with@number\fi
+ \if L\eq@layout \eq@check@density
+ \else
+ \if\@Not{\eq@badline}%
+ \eq@trial@succeed
+ \fi
+ \fi
+ \else
+ \eq@trial@save\EQ@last@trial
+ \fi
+ }%
+ \EQ@fallback{#2}%
+ \endgroup
+ \debugmsg{Checking density for layout L}%
+ \if\@Or{\@Not\EQ@hasLHS}{\eq@shortLHS}%
+ \debugmsg{Density check: No LHS, or is short; OK}%
+ \eq@trial@succeed
+ \else\if\eq@dense@enough
+ \eq@trial@succeed
+ \fi\fi
+\def\eq@shortLHS{\ifdim\eq@wdL>.44\eq@wdT 1\else 0\fi 0}
+ \@parshape %
+ \eq@dump@box\unhcopy\EQ@copy
+ {\@@par}% leave \parshape readable
+ \eq@lines\prevgraf
+ \eq@fix@lastline
+ \let\eq@badline\@False
+ \if i\eq@layout \ifnum\eq@lines>\@ne \let\eq@badline\@True \fi\fi
+ \eq@curline\eq@lines % loop counter for eq@measure@lines
+ \let\eq@measurements\@empty
+ \eq@ml@record@indents
+ \eq@measure@lines
+ \eq@recalc
+ \debug@showmeasurements
+ \setbox\tw@\lastbox \dim@b\wd\tw@
+ \eq@dp\dp\tw@
+ \nointerlineskip\hbox to\dim@b{\unhbox\tw@
+ \skip@c\lastskip \unskip\unskip\hskip\skip@c
+ }%
+ \eq@wdT\z@ \eq@wdMin\maxdimen \eq@vspan\z@skip \eq@badness\z@
+ \let\@elt\eq@recalc@a \eq@measurements \let\@elt\relax
+ \eq@firstht#2\relax
+ \let\@elt\eq@recalc@b
+ \@elt#1x#2+#3\@endelt
+ \setlength\dim@a{#2+#3}%
+ \ifdim\dim@a>\eq@wdT \eq@wdT\dim@a \fi
+ \ifdim\dim@a<\eq@wdMin \eq@wdMin\dim@a \fi
+ \eq@dp#5\relax
+ \addtolength\eq@vspan{#1+#4+#5}%
+ \ifnum#6>\eq@badness \eq@badness#6\relax\fi
+ \let\eq@trial@b\eq@trial@c
+ \edef\@parshape{\parshape 1 0pt \the\eq@linewidth\relax}%
+ \setlength\dim@a{\wd\EQ@copy-2em}% Fudge; can't shrink more than this?
+ % if we're in a numbered group, try hard to fit within the numbers
+ \dim@b\eq@linewidth
+ \if\eq@shiftnumber\else\if\eq@group
+ \if\eq@hasNumber\addtolength\dim@b{-\wd\EQ@numbox-\eqnumsep}%
+ \else\if\grp@hasNumber\addtolength\dim@b{-\wd\GRP@numbox-\eqnumsep}%
+ \fi\fi\fi\fi
+ \ifdim\dim@a<\dim@b% Do we even have a chance of fitting to one line?
+ \debugmsg{Choose Shape: (\the\wd\EQ@copy) may fit in \the\dim@b}%
+ % assuming it might fit, don't push too hard
+ \setlength\dim@b{\columnwidth-\dim@a+\eq@wdCond}%
+ \rightskip\z@\@plus\dim@b\@minus\hfuzz
+ \eq@trial@b{i}{\eq@try@layout@multi}%
+ \else
+ \debugmsg{Choose Shape: Too long (\the\wd\EQ@copy) for one line (free width=\the\dim@b)}%
+ \eq@try@layout@multi
+ \fi
+ \if\EQ@hasLHS
+ \ifdim\eq@wdL>\eq@linewidth
+ \debugmsg{Choose Shape: LHS \the\eq@wdL > linewidth}%
+ \setlength\dim@a{\wd\EQ@copy-\eq@wdL}%
+ \ifdim\dim@a<.25\eq@linewidth \eq@try@layout@S
+ \else \eq@try@layout@l
+ \fi
+ % BRM: Originally .7: Extreme for L since rhs has to wrap within the remaining 30+%!
+ \else\ifdim\eq@wdL>.50\eq@linewidth
+ \debugmsg{Choose Shape: LHS (\the\eq@wdL) > .50 linewidth (linewidth=\the\eq@linewidth)}%
+ \eq@try@layout@D
+ \else
+ \debugmsg{Choose Shape: LHS (\the\eq@wdL) not extraordinarily wide}%
+ \eq@try@layout@L
+ \fi\fi
+ \else
+ \debugmsg{Choose Shape: No LHS here}%
+ \eq@try@layout@S % (already checked case i)
+ \fi
+ \setlength\dim@a{\eq@linewidth -\eq@indentstep}%
+ \edef\@parshape{\parshape 2
+ 0pt \the\eq@wdL\space \the\eq@indentstep\space \the\dim@a\relax
+ }%
+ \def\adjust@rel@penalty{\penalty-99 }%
+ \eq@trial@b{D}{\eq@try@layout@A}%
+ \setlength\dim@b{\eq@linewidth-\eq@wdL}%
+ \edef\@parshape{\parshape 2 0pt \the\eq@linewidth\space
+ \the\eq@wdL\space \the\dim@b\relax
+ }%
+ \eq@trial@b{L}{\eq@try@layout@D}%
+ \setlength\dim@b{\eq@linewidth-2\eqmargin}% \advance\dim@b-1em%
+ \int@a\wd\EQ@copy \divide\int@a\dim@b
+ \addtolength\dim@b{-\int@a\eq@indentstep}%
+ \if\eq@hasNumber
+ \ifdim\dim@b>15em%
+ \addtolength\dim@b{-\eq@wdNum}%
+ \fi
+ \fi
+ \int@b\z@
+ \def\@tempa{\dim}%
+ \edef\@parshape{\parshape 2 0pt \the\dim@b\space
+ \the\eqmargin\space\the\dim@b\relax}%
+ \eq@trial@b{S}{\eq@try@layout@A}%
+ \setlength\dim@a{\eq@linewidth -\eq@indentstep}%
+ \int@a\eq@wdL \divide\int@a\dim@a
+ \advance\int@a\tw@
+ \edef\@parshape{\parshape \number\int@a\space
+ 0pt \the\eq@linewidth
+ }%
+ \advance\int@a-\tw@
+ \setlength\dim@b{2\eq@indentstep}%
+ \setlength\dim@c{\eq@linewidth -\dim@b}%
+ \edef\@parshape{\@parshape
+ \replicate{\int@a}{\space\the\eq@indentstep\space\the\dim@a}%
+ \space\the\dim@b\space\the\dim@c\relax
+ }%
+ \eq@trial@b{l}{\eq@try@layout@A}%
+ \edef\@parshape{\parshape 1 0pt \the\eq@linewidth\relax}%
+ \if\EQ@hasLHS \def\adjust@rel@penalty{\penalty-99 }\fi
+ \eq@trial@b{A}{}%
+ \if\eq@shiftnumber
+ \debugmsg{Place number: Shifted number requested}%
+ \else
+ \ifdim\eq@wdCond>\z@\if R\eqnumside
+ \debugmsg{Place number: Condition w/Right number => Shift number}%
+ \let\eq@shiftnumber\@True
+ \fi\fi
+ \dim@b\eq@wdNum
+ \if L\eqnumside
+ \ifdim\@totalleftmargin>\dim@b\dim@b\@totalleftmargin\fi
+ \else
+ \addtolength\dim@b{\@totalleftmargin}%
+ \fi
+ \setlength\dim@a{\eq@linewidth-\dim@b}%\advance\dim@a1em\relax% Allowance for shrink?
+ \int@a\@ne\if\eq@group\int@a\maxint\fi
+ \if\eq@shiftnumber % Already know we need to shift
+ \else\ifdim\eq@wdT<\dim@a % Fits!
+ \debugmsg{Place number: eqn and number fit together}%
+ \else
+ \setlength\leftskip{\eq@wdNum}%
+ \setlength\rightskip{\z@\@plus\dim@a}%
+ \adjust@parshape\@parshape
+ \debugmsg{Place number: Try with \leftskip=\the\leftskip, \rightskip=\the\rightskip,
+ ^^J||===== parshape\space\@xp\@gobble\@parshape}%
+ \nointerlineskip
+ \edef\eq@prev@lines{\the\eq@lines}%
+ \edef\eq@prev@badness{\the\eq@badness}% BRM
+ \eq@trial@p
+ \int@a\eq@prev@badness\relax\advance\int@a 50\relax%?
+ \int@b\eq@prev@lines \if\eq@group\advance\int@b\@ne\fi% Allow 1 extra line in group
+ \ifnum\eq@lines>\int@b % \eq@prev@lines
+ \debugmsg{Adjustment causes more breaks => Shift number}%
+ \let\eq@shiftnumber\@True
+ \else\if\eq@badline
+ \debugmsg{Adjustment causes bad lines (\the\eq@badness) => Shift}%
+ \let\eq@shiftnumber\@True
+ \else\ifnum\eq@badness>\int@a % BRM: New case
+ \debugmsg{Adjustment is badder than previous (\the\eq@badness >> \eq@prev@badness) => Shift}%
+ \let\eq@shiftnumber\@True
+ \else
+ \debugmsg{Adjustment succeeded}%
+ \fi\fi%\fi
+ \fi\fi\fi
+ \if\eq@shiftnumber
+ \EQ@trial% Restore parshape & other params,
+ \leftskip\z@\let\eq@shiftnumber\@True % But set shift & leftskip
+ \edef\@parshape{\eq@parshape}% And copy saved parshape back to `working copy' !?!?
+ \fi
+ \eq@trial@save\EQ@trial % Either way, save the trial state.
+ \fi
+ \@xp\adjust@parshape@a#1\relax
+ \edef#1{\temp@a}%
+\def\adjust@parshape@a#1 #2\relax{%
+ \setlength\dim@a{\leftskip+\rightskip}%
+ \edef\temp@a{#1}%
+ \adjust@parshape@b#2 @ @ \relax
+\def\adjust@parshape@b#1 #2 {%
+ \ifx @#1\edef\temp@a{\temp@a\relax}%
+ \@xp\@gobble
+ \else
+ \dim@b#1\relax
+ \dim@c#2\relax
+ \addtolength\dim@c{\dim@a+\dim@b}%
+ \ifdim\dim@c>\eq@linewidth\setlength\dim@c{\eq@linewidth}\fi
+ \addtolength\dim@c{-\dim@b}%
+ \edef\temp@a{\temp@a\space\the\dim@b\space\the\dim@c}%
+ \fi
+ \adjust@parshape@b
+ \int@a\z@
+ \def\@tempa{%
+ \advance\int@a\@ne
+ \@xp\edef\csname eq@i\number\int@a\endcsname{\the\dim@a}%
+ \ifnum\int@a<\int@b \afterassignment\@tempb \fi
+ \dim@a
+ }%
+ \def\@tempb{\afterassignment\@tempa \dim@a}%
+ \def\@tempc##1##2 {\int@b##2\afterassignment\@tempa\dim@a}%
+ \@xp\@tempc\@parshape
+ \@elt 4.5pt/5.0pt,66.0ptx6.8pt+2.4pt@27\@endelt
+ ...
+ \let\eq@ml@continue\eq@measure@lines
+ \setbox\tw@\lastbox \dim@b\wd\tw@ % find target width of line
+ \setbox\z@\hbox to\dim@b{\unhbox\tw@}% check for overfull
+ \eq@badness\badness
+ \ifnum\eq@badness<\inf@bad \else \let\eq@badline\@True \fi
+ \eq@ml@a \eq@ml@continue
+ \setbox\tw@\hbox{\unhbox\z@ \unskip}% find natural width
+ \debug\ifnum\eq@badness<\inf@bad\else\debugmsg{!?! Overfull: \the\wd\tw@ >\the\dim@b}\fi\gubed
+ \ifdim\dim@b<\wd\tw@ \setlength\dim@a{\dim@b}% shrunken line
+ \else \setlength\dim@a{\wd\tw@}% OK to use natural width
+ \fi
+ \addtolength\dim@a{-\leftskip}% BRM: Deduct the skip if we're retrying w/number
+ \skip@a\lastskip \unskip \unpenalty
+ \ifdim\skip@a=\z@
+ \let\eq@ml@continue\relax % end the recursion
+ \else
+ % Sum repeated vskips if present
+ \def\@tempa{%
+ \ifdim \lastskip=\z@
+ \else \addtolength\skip@a{\lastskip}\unskip\unpenalty \@xp\@tempa
+ \fi
+ }%
+ \fi
+ \edef\eq@measurements{\@elt
+ \the\skip@a\space^^J% extra space to facilitate extracting only the
+ % dimen part later
+ \csname eq@i%
+ \ifnum\eq@curline<\parshape \number\eq@curline
+ \else\number\parshape
+ \fi
+ \endcsname,\the\dim@a x\the\ht\tw@+\the\dp\tw@ @\the\eq@badness\@endelt
+ \eq@measurements
+ }%
+ \advance\eq@curline\m@ne
+ \ifnum\eq@curline=\z@ \let\eq@ml@continue\relax\fi
+ \global\advance\eq@vspan\lastskip \unskip\unpenalty
+ \ifdim\lastskip=\z@ \else \@xp\eq@ml@vspace \fi
+ \ifnum\eq@lines<\thr@@
+ \debugmsg{Density check: less than 3 lines; OK}%
+ \@True
+ \else
+ \ifdim\eq@wdL >.7\eq@wdT
+ \debugmsg{Density check: LHS too long; NOT OK}%
+ \@False
+ \else \@xp\@xp\@xp\eq@dense@enough@a
+ \fi
+ \fi
+ \@True \fi
+ \ifnum\eq@lines>\sixt@@n
+ \eq@dense@enough@b
+ \else
+ \dim@b\z@ \let\@elt\eq@delt \eq@measurements
+ \dim@c\eq@density@factor\eq@wdT \multiply\dim@c\eq@lines
+ \debugmsg{Density check: black \the\dim@b/\eq@density@factor total \the\dim@c}%
+ \ifdim\dim@b>\dim@c \true@false@true \else \false@false@false \fi
+ \fi
+ \int@b\eq@wdT \divide\int@b\p@
+ \dim@b\eq@wdL \divide\dim@b\int@b
+ \dim@c\eq@lines\p@ \multiply\dim@c\f@ur
+ \int@b\eq@lines \multiply\int@b 9 \advance\int@b -10%
+ \divide\dim@c\int@b
+ \debugmsg{Density check: l/t \the\dim@b\space< \the\dim@c\space 4n/(9n-10)?}%
+ \ifdim\dim@b<\dim@c \true@true@true \else \false@true@false \fi
+ \baselineskip\eqlinespacing
+ \lineskip\eqlineskip \lineskiplimit\eqlineskiplimit
+ \clubpenalty\@M \widowpenalty\@M \interlinepenalty\eqinterlinepenalty
+ \linepenalty199 \exhyphenpenalty5000 % was 9999: make breaks at, eg. \* a bit easier.
+ \ifdim\hfuzz<\p@ \hfuzz\p@ \fi
+ \parfillskip\z@skip
+ \tolerance9999 \pretolerance\m@ne
+ \noindent #1#2\setbox\f@ur\lastbox \setbox\tw@\lastbox
+ \if L\eq@layout \box\tw@ \else\unhbox\tw@\fi
+ \adjust@rel@penalty \unhbox\f@ur
+ \eq@typeset@frame
+ \eq@typeset@equation
+ \addtolength\dim@a{(\eq@vspan+\ht\EQ@numbox-\dp\EQ@numbox)/2}%
+ \eq@typeset@leftnumber
+ \eq@typeset@frame
+ \eq@typeset@equation
+ \dim@a\eq@firstht
+ \eq@typeset@leftnumber
+ \eq@typeset@frame
+ \eq@typeset@equation
+ % place number
+ \copy\EQ@numbox \penalty\@M
+ \dim@a\eqlineskip
+ \if F\eq@frame\else
+ \setlength\dim@a{\eq@framesep+\eq@framewd}%
+ \fi
+ \kern\dim@a
+ \eq@typeset@frame
+ \eq@typeset@equation
+ \setlength\dim@a{(\eq@vspan+\ht\EQ@numbox-\dp\EQ@numbox)/2}
+ \eq@typeset@rightnumber
+ \eq@typeset@frame
+ \eq@typeset@equation
+ % NOTE: is \eq@dp useful here
+ \setlength\dim@a{\eq@vspan-\ht\EQ@numbox-\dp\EQ@numbox}%
+ \eq@typeset@rightnumber
+ \eq@typeset@frame
+ \eq@typeset@equation
+ % place number
+ \eq@typeset@frame
+ \eq@typeset@equation
+ \penalty\@M
+ \dim@a\eqlineskip
+ \if F\eq@frame\else
+ \addtolength\dim@a{\eq@framesep+\eq@framewd}%
+ \fi
+ \parskip\dim@a
+ \hbox to\hsize{\hfil\copy\EQ@numbox}\@@par%
+ \debugmsg{Formatting Layout:\eq@layout\space Center/indent: \eqindent\space Number placement \eqnumside\eqnumplace:
+ ^^J||===== \eq@linewidth=\the\eq@linewidth, \@totalleftmargin=\the\@totalleftmargin,
+ ^^J||===== Centered Lines=\theb@@le\eq@centerlines, Shift Number=\theb@@le\eq@shiftnumber,
+ ^^J||===== \eq@wdT=\the\eq@wdT, \eq@wdMin=\the\eq@wdMin,
+ ^^J||===== LHS=\theb@@le\EQ@hasLHS: \eq@wdL=\the\eq@wdL,
+ ^^J||===== \eq@firstht=\the\eq@firstht, \eq@vspan=\the\eq@vspan
+ ^^J||===== \eq@wdNum=\the\eq@wdNum
+ ^^J||===== \eq@wdCond=\the\eq@wdCond, \conditionsep=\the\conditionsep,
+ ^^J||===== \leftskip=\the\leftskip, \rightskip=\the\rightskip,
+ ^^J||===== \abovedisplayskip=\the\abovedisplayskip,
+ ^^J||===== \belowdisplayskip=\the\belowdisplayskip
+ ^^J||===== parshape=\eq@parshape}%
+ % \dim@c = space for number, if any, and not shifted.
+ \dim@c\z@
+ \if\eq@hasNumber\if\eq@shiftnumber\else
+ \dim@c\eq@wdNum
+ \fi\fi
+ % \dim@e = space for condition(on right), if any and formula is only a single line.(to center nicely)
+ % but only count it as being right-aligned if we're not framing, since the frame must enclose it.
+ \dim@e\z@
+ \if F\eq@frame
+ \ifnum\eq@lines=\@ne\ifdim\eq@wdCond>\z@
+ \setlength\dim@e{\eq@wdCond+\conditionsep}%
+ \fi\fi\fi
+ % \dim@b = minimum needed on left max(totalleftmargin, left number space)
+ \dim@b\z@
+ \if L\eqnumside\ifdim\dim@b<\dim@c
+ \dim@b\dim@c
+ \fi\fi
+ \ifdim\dim@b<\@totalleftmargin
+ \dim@b\z@
+ \else
+ \addtolength\dim@b{-\@totalleftmargin}%
+ \fi
+ % \dim@d = minimum needed on right max(condition, right number space)
+ \dim@d\dim@e
+ \if R\eqnumside\ifdim\dim@d<\dim@c
+ \dim@d\dim@c
+ \fi\fi
+ % \dim@a = left margin; initially half available space
+ % \dim@c = right margin; ditto
+ \setlength\dim@a{(\eq@linewidth-\eq@wdT+\dim@e+\@totalleftmargin)/2}%
+ \dim@c=\dim@a
+ % If too far to the left
+ \ifdim\dim@a<\dim@b
+ \addtolength\dim@c{\dim@a-\dim@b}%
+ \ifdim\dim@c<\z@\dim@c=\z@\fi
+ \dim@a=\dim@b
+ % Or if too far to the right
+ \else\ifdim\dim@c<\dim@d
+ \addtolength\dim@a{\dim@c-\dim@d}%
+ \ifdim\dim@a<\z@\dim@a=\z@\fi
+ \dim@c=\dim@d
+ \fi\fi
+ % Now, \dim@d,\dim@e is the left & right glue to center each line for centerlines
+ \setlength\dim@e{\eq@wdT-\eq@wdMin}\dim@d=\z@
+ \dim@d\z@
+ \if\eq@centerlines
+ \divide\dim@e2\relax\dim@d\dim@e
+ \fi
+ \setlength\leftskip{\dim@a\@plus\dim@d}%
+ \addtolength\dim@e{\dim@c}%
+ \setlength\rightskip{\z@\@plus\dim@e}%\@minus5\p@
+ % Special case: if framing, reduce the stretchiness of the formula (eg. condition)
+ % Or if we have a right number, FORCE space for it
+ \dim@b\z@
+ \if F\eq@frame\else
+ \dim@b\dim@c
+ \fi
+ \if\eq@hasNumber\if\eq@shiftnumber\else\if R\eqnumside
+ \dim@c\eq@wdNum
+ \ifdim\dim@c>\dim@b\dim@b\dim@c\fi
+ \fi\fi\fi
+ % If either of those cases requires hard rightskip, move that part from glue.
+ \ifdim\dim@b>\z@
+ \addtolength\dim@e{-\dim@c}%
+ \rightskip\dim@b\@plus\dim@e%\@minus5\p@
+ \fi
+ % And peculiar further special case: in indented environs, width isn't where it would seem
+ \ifdim\eq@wdCond>\z@
+ \addtolength\rightskip{-\@totalleftmargin}%
+ \fi
+ \parfillskip\z@skip
+ % Leftskip is normally just the requested indentation
+ \leftskip\mathindent
+ % But move left, if shifted number presumably because of clashed w/ number?
+ \if\eq@shiftnumber
+ \setlength\dim@a{\eq@linewidth-\eq@wdT-\mathindent}%
+ \ifdim\dim@a<\z@
+ \leftskip=\z@ % Or something minimal?
+ \fi\fi
+ % Push gently from right.
+ \dim@a=\z@
+ \setlength\dim@b{\eq@linewidth-\leftskip-\eq@wdMin}%
+ % Special case: if framing be much more rigid(?)
+ \if F\eq@frame\else
+ \setlength\dim@a{\eq@linewidth-\leftskip-\eq@wdT}
+ \addtolength\dim@b{-\dim@a}%
+ \fi
+ % Or force the space for right number, if needed
+ \if\eq@hasNumber\if\eq@shiftnumber\else\if R\eqnumside
+ \dim@c=\eq@wdNum
+ \if\dim@c>\dim@a
+ \addtolength\dim@b{-\dim@c}%
+ \dim@a=\dim@c
+ \fi\fi\fi\fi
+ \setlength\rightskip{\dim@a\@plus\dim@b \@minus\hfuzz }%\hfuzz\z@
+ \parfillskip\z@skip
+ \setlength\skip@c{\dim@a-\ht\EQ@numbox}%
+ \vglue\skip@c% NON discardable
+ \copy\EQ@numbox \penalty\@M
+ \kern-\dim@a
+ \setlength\skip@c{\dim@a-\ht\EQ@numbox}%
+ \vglue\skip@c% NON discardable
+ \hbox to \hsize{\hfil\copy\EQ@numbox}\penalty\@M
+ \kern-\dim@a
+ \nobreak
+ \eq@params\eq@parshape
+ \nointerlineskip\noindent
+ \add@grp@label
+ \eq@dump@box\unhbox\EQ@box\@@par
+ \begingroup
+ \fboxrule=\eq@framewd\relax\fboxsep=\eq@framesep\relax
+ \framebox{\z@rule\@height#2\kern#1}%
+ \endgroup
+ \hbox to\z@{%
+ \setlength\dim@a{\eq@framesep+\eq@framewd}%
+ \kern-\dim@a
+ \vbox to\z@{\kern-\dim@a
+ \hbox{\eqframe{\eq@wdT}{\eq@vspan}}%
+ \vss
+ }%
+ \hss
+ }%
+ \if F\eq@frame\else
+ % Tricky: put before \noindent, so it's not affected by glue in \leftskip
+ \nobreak\nointerlineskip
+ \vbox to\eq@firstht{\moveright\leftskip\hbox to\z@{\eq@addframe\hss}\vss}%
+ \kern-\eq@firstht
+ \fi
+ \@ifnext .{\eq@nullleft}{\begingroup \let\delimiter\eq@left@a}%
+ \@ifnext .{\eq@nullright}{\begingroup \let\delimiter\eq@right@a}%
+\def\eq@left@a#1 #2{\endgroup\@@left\delimiter#1 \after@open}
+\def\eq@right@a#1 #2{\endgroup
+ \@@right\delimiter#1 \after@close \ss@scan{#1}%
+ % For paren matching: )
+ \let\after@open\relax \let\after@close\relax
+ \let\left\@@left \let\right\@@right
+\@ifundefined{bBigg@}{% not defined
+ \let\big@size\p@
+ \def\big{\bBigg@{8.5}}\def\Big{\bBigg@{11.5}}%
+ \def\bigg{\bBigg@{14.5}}\def\Bigg{\bBigg@{17.5}}%
+ \def\biggg{\bBigg@{20.5}}\def\Biggg{\bBigg@{23.5}}%
+ {\delim@reset
+ \left#2%
+ \vrule\@height#1\big@size\@width-\nulldelimiterspace
+ \right.
+ }%
+%% No change needed, I think. [mjd,1998/12/04]
+\let\m@@DeL\m@DeL \let\m@@DeR\m@DeR \let\m@@DeB\m@DeB
+ \delimiter"4\@xp\delim@a\csname sd@#1#2#3\endcsname #1#2#3 \after@open
+ \delimiter"5\@xp\delim@a\csname sd@#1#2#3\endcsname #1#2#3 \after@close
+ \delimiter"0\@xp\delim@a\csname sd@#1#2#3\endcsname #1#2#3 \after@bidir
+%%BRM: These weren't defined, but apparently should be.
+\mathchardef\zero@bop=888 \relax
+\mathchardef\bop@incr=4444 \relax
+ \global\advance\lr@level\@ne
+ \prebinoppenalty\bop@incr \multiply\prebinoppenalty\lr@level
+ \advance\prebinoppenalty\zero@bop
+ \ifnum\eqbreakdepth<\lr@level
+ \let\m@Bin\m@@Bin
+ \else
+ \eq@binoffset=\eqbinoffset
+ \advance\eq@binoffset\lr@level\eqdelimoffset plus1fill\relax
+ \def\dt@fill@cancel{\hskip\z@ minus1fill\relax}%
+ \fi
+ \penalty\@M % BRM: discourage break after an open fence?
+ \global\advance\lr@level\m@ne
+ \prebinoppenalty\bop@incr \multiply\prebinoppenalty\lr@level
+ \advance\prebinoppenalty\zero@bop
+ \ifnum\eqbreakdepth<\lr@level
+ \else \let\m@Bin\d@@Bin
+ \fi
+ \ifnum\lr@level<\@ne \eq@binoffset=\eqbinoffset\relax \fi
+ \begingroup
+ \let\delim@a\ss@delim@a \@tempcnta#1\relax
+ \endgroup
+ \subsup@flag\@M \afterassignment\ss@scan@a \let\@let@token=}
+ \ifx\@let@token\sb \advance\subsup@flag\@ne\else
+ \ifx\@let@token\sp \advance\subsup@flag\tw@\else
+ \ss@finish
+ \expandafter\@firstoftwo % gobble \ss@scan@b
+ \fi\fi
+ \ss@scan@b\@let@token
+ \let\m@Bin\m@@Bin \let\m@Rel\m@@Rel
+ #2}\afterassignment\ss@scan@a \let\@let@token=}%
+ \@@vadjust{\penalty\thr@@}%
+ \penalty\right@delim@code \penalty-\subsup@flag \keep@glue
+ \unskip \nointerlineskip
+ \noindent\unhbox\z@ \unskip
+ \subsup@flag-\lastpenalty \unpenalty
+ \xdef\right@delim@code{\number\lastpenalty}%
+ \unpenalty
+ \ifnum\subsup@flag>\@M
+ \advance\subsup@flag-\@M
+ \setbox\tw@\lastbox
+ \else \setbox\tw@\box\voidb@x
+ \fi
+ \setbox\z@\lastbox
+ \ifvoid\tw@ \unhbox\z@
+ \else \lrss@reattach % uses \subsup@flag, box\z@, box\tw@
+ \fi
+ \penalty-\@Mi\z@rule\@@par
+ \setbox\z@\lastbox \unskip\unpenalty
+\dimendef\sub@depth=8 \dimendef\sup@base=6
+\dimendef\prelim@sub@depth=4 \dimendef\prelim@sup@base=2
+ \begingroup
+ % "The TeXbook" Appendix G step 18:
+ \setlength\prelim@sup@base{\ht\z@-\sup@drop}%
+ \setlength\prelim@sub@depth{\dp\z@ +\sub@drop}%
+ \unhbox\z@
+ \ifcase\subsup@flag % case 0: this can't happen
+ \or \lr@subscript % case 1: subscript only
+ \or \lr@superscript % case 2: superscript only
+ \else \lr@subsup % case 3: sub and superscript both
+ \fi
+ \endgroup
+ \sub@depth\sub@base@one
+ \ifdim\prelim@sub@depth>\sub@depth \sub@depth\prelim@sub@depth\fi
+ \setlength\dim@a{\ht\tw@ -.8\sym@xheight}%
+ \ifdim\dim@a>\sub@depth \sub@depth=\dim@a \fi
+ \twang@adjust\sub@depth
+ \lower\sub@depth\box\tw@
+ \sup@base\sup@base@one
+ \ifdim\prelim@sup@base>\sup@base \sup@base\prelim@sup@base\fi
+ \setlength\dim@a{\dp\tw@ -.25\sym@xheight}%
+ \ifdim\dim@a>\sup@base \sup@base\dim@a \fi
+ \twang@adjust\sup@base
+ \raise\sup@base\box\tw@
+ \sub@depth\sub@base@two
+ \ifdim\prelim@sub@depth>\sub@depth \sub@depth\prelim@sub@depth \fi
+ \twang@adjust\sub@depth
+ \lower\sub@depth\box\tw@
+ \begingroup
+ \@ifundefined{twang@\right@delim@code}{}{%
+ \setlength\dim@d{#1-\mathaxis}%
+ % put an upper limit on the adjustment
+ \ifdim\dim@d>1em \dim@d 1em \fi
+ \kern\csname twang@\right@delim@code\endcsname\dim@d
+ }%
+ \endgroup
+ \ifcat.\@nx#1\begingroup
+ \lccode`\~=`#1\lowercase{\endgroup \DeclareTwang{~}}{#2}%
+ \else
+ \@xp\decl@twang#1?\@nil{#2}%
+ \fi
+ \@namedef{twang@\number"#4#5#6}{#8}%
+\newenvironment{dseries}{\let\eq@hasNumber\@True \@optarg\@dseries{}}{}%
+\newenvironment{dseries*}{\let\eq@hasNumber\@False \@optarg\@dseries{}}{}%
+ \let\display@setup\dseries@display@setup
+ % Question: should this be the default for dseries???
+ \global\eq@wdCond\z@
+ \@dmath[layout={M},#1]%
+ \mathsurround\z@\@@math \penalty\@Mi
+ \let\endmath\ends@math
+ \def\premath{%
+ \ifdim\lastskip<.3em \unskip
+ \else\ifnum\lastpenalty<\@M \dquad\fi\fi
+ \def\postmath{\unpenalty\eq@addpunct \penalty\intermath@penalty \dquad \@ignoretrue}%
+ \unskip\unpenalty
+ \@@endmath \mathsurround\z@ \end@dmath
+ \edef\@parshape{\parshape 1 0pt \the\eq@linewidth\relax}%
+ \eq@trial@b{M}{}%
+\newcommand\dquad{\hskip0.6em minus.3em}
+ \leavevmode \premath
+ \ifmmode\@badmath\else\@@math\fi
+ \ifmmode\@@endmath\else\@badmath\fi
+ \ifmmode\@@endmath\else\@badmath\fi
+ \postmath
+ \let\grp@hasNumber\@True\@optarg\@dgroup{}%
+ \end@dgroup
+ \let\grp@hasNumber\@False\@optarg\@dgroup{}%
+ \end@dgroup
+ \debugmsg{=== DGROUP ==================================================}%
+ \let\eq@group\@True \global\let\GRP@top\@True
+ \global\GRP@queue\@emptytoks \global\setbox\GRP@box\box\voidb@x
+ \global\let\GRP@label\@empty
+ \global\grp@wdL\z@\global\grp@wdR\z@\global\grp@wdT\z@
+ \global\grp@linewidth\z@\global\grp@wdNum\z@
+ \global\let\grp@eqs@numbered\@False
+ \global\let\grp@aligned\@True
+ \global\let\grp@shiftnumber\@False
+ \eq@prelim
+ \setkeys{breqn}{#1}%
+ \if\grp@hasNumber \grp@setnumber \fi
+ \EQ@displayinfo \grp@finish
+ \if\grp@hasNumber\grp@resetnumber\fi
+ \ifx\@empty\GRP@label
+ \else \GRP@label \global\let\GRP@label\@empty
+ \fi
+ \global\let\GRP@label\next@label \global\let\next@label\@empty
+ % Trick \eq@setnumber to doing our work for us.
+ \let\eq@hasNumber\@True
+ \eq@setnumber
+ \global\sbox\GRP@numbox{\unhbox\EQ@numbox}%
+ \grp@wdNum\eq@wdNum
+ \let\eq@hasNumber\@False
+ \let\eq@number\@empty
+ \eq@wdNum\z@
+ \protected@edef\theparentequation{\theequation}%
+ \setcounter{parentequation}{\value{equation}}%
+ \setcounter{equation}{0}%
+ \def\theequation{\theparentequation\alph{equation}}%
+ \debugmsg{Group Number \theequation}%
+ \setcounter{equation}{\value{parentequation}}%
+ \global\GRP@queue\@xp\@xp\@xp{\@xp\the\@xp\GRP@queue
+ \@xp\@elt\@xp{\EQ@trial}%
+ }%
+ \global\setbox\GRP@box\vbox{%
+ \hbox{\box\EQ@box\box\EQ@copy\penalty\@ne\copy\EQ@numbox}%
+ \unvbox\GRP@box
+ }%
+ \global\let\GRP@top\@False
+ \EQ@trial
+ \if\eq@isIntertext\else
+ \ifdim\eq@wdL>\grp@wdL \global\grp@wdL\eq@wdL \fi
+ \ifdim\eq@wdT>\grp@wdT \global\grp@wdT\eq@wdT \fi
+ \setlength\dim@a{\eq@wdT-\eq@wdL}%
+ \ifdim\dim@a>\grp@wdR \global\grp@wdR\dim@a \fi
+ \ifdim\eq@linewidth>\grp@linewidth \global\grp@linewidth\eq@linewidth\fi
+ \if\eq@hasNumber
+ \global\let\grp@eqs@numbered\@True
+ \ifdim\eq@wdNum>\grp@wdNum\global\grp@wdNum\eq@wdNum\fi
+ \fi
+ \if\EQ@hasLHS\else\global\let\grp@aligned\@False\fi
+ \if D\eq@layout \global\let\grp@aligned\@False\fi % Layout D (usually) puts rel on 2nd line.
+ \if\eq@shiftnumber\global\let\grp@shiftnumber\@True\fi % One eq shifted forces all.
+ \fi
+ \setlength\dim@a{\grp@wdL+\grp@wdR-4em}% Allowance for shrink?
+ \if\grp@aligned\ifdim\dim@a>\grp@linewidth
+ \global\let\grp@aligned\@False
+ \fi\fi
+ \addtolength\dim@a{\grp@wdNum }% Effective length
+ \if\grp@shiftnumber\else\if\grp@hasNumber\if\grp@eqs@numbered\else\ifdim\dim@a>\grp@linewidth
+ \global\let\grp@shiftnumber\@True
+ \fi\fi\fi\fi
+ \if\grp@aligned
+ \global\grp@wdT\grp@wdL\global\advance\grp@wdT\grp@wdR
+ \fi
+ \debugmsg{======= DGROUP Formatting
+ ^^J||===== \grp@wdL=\the\grp@wdL, \grp@wdR=\the\grp@wdR
+ ^^J||===== Shift Number=\theb@@le\grp@shiftnumber, Eqns. numbered=\theb@@le\grp@eqs@numbered
+ ^^J||===== Aligned=\theb@@le\grp@aligned
+ ^^J||===== \grp@wdNum=\the\grp@wdNum}%
+ \setbox\GRP@wholebox\vbox{%
+ \let\@elt\eqgrp@elt
+ \the\GRP@queue
+ }%
+ \eq@topspace{\vskip\parskip}%
+ \if\grp@hasNumber\if\grp@eqs@numbered\else
+ \if\grp@shiftnumber
+ \copy\GRP@numbox \penalty\@M
+ \kern\eqlineskip
+ \else
+ \setlength\dim@a{%
+ (\ht\GRP@wholebox+\dp\GRP@wholebox+\ht\GRP@numbox-\dp\GRP@numbox)/2}%
+ \setlength\skip@c{\dim@a-\ht\GRP@numbox}%
+ \vglue\skip@c% NON discardable
+ \copy\GRP@numbox \penalty\@M
+\debugmsg{GROUP NUMBER: preskip:\the\skip@c, postkern:\the\dim@a, height:\the\ht\GRP@wholebox,
+ ^^J||===== box height:\the\ht\GRP@numbox, box depth:\the\dp\GRP@numbox}%
+ \kern-\dim@a
+ \kern-\abovedisplayskip % To cancel the topspace above the first eqn.
+ \fi
+ \fi\fi
+ \unvbox\GRP@wholebox
+ \let\@elt\relax
+ \eq@botspace % not needed unless bottom number?
+ \global\setbox\GRP@box\vbox{%
+ \unvbox\GRP@box
+ \setbox\z@\lastbox
+ \setbox\tw@\hbox{\unhbox\z@
+ \ifnum\lastpenalty=\@ne
+ \else
+ \global\setbox\EQ@numbox\lastbox
+ \fi
+ \unpenalty
+ \global\setbox\EQ@copy\lastbox
+ \global\setbox\EQ@box\lastbox
+ }%
+ }%
+ \begingroup \let\eq@botspace\relax
+ #1%
+ \if\eq@isIntertext
+ \vskip\belowdisplayskip
+ \unvbox\EQ@copy
+ \else
+ \grp@override
+ \eq@finish
+ \fi
+ \endgroup
+ \def\eqindent{I}%
+ \setlength\dim@a{(\grp@linewidth-\grp@wdT)/2}%
+ \ifdim\dim@a<\z@\dim@a=\z@\fi
+ \dim@b\if L\eqnumside\grp@wdNum\else\z@\fi
+ \if\grp@shiftnumber\else
+ \ifdim\dim@b>\dim@a\dim@a\dim@b\fi
+ \fi
+ \if\grp@aligned
+ \addtolength\dim@a{\grp@wdL-\eq@wdL}%
+ \fi
+ \mathindent\dim@a
+ \ifdim\dim@b>\dim@a
+ \let\eq@shiftnumber\@True
+ \fi
+\newskip\darraycolsep \darraycolsep 20pt plus1fil minus12pt
+\newcount\cur@row \newcount\cur@col
+ \cur@col#1 \hfil
+ \setbox\z@\hbox{$\displaystyle####\m@th$}\@nx\col@box
+ \tabskip\z@skip
+ &\cur@col#2 \hfil
+ \setbox\z@\hbox{$\displaystyle\mathord{}####\mathord{}\m@th$}\@nx\col@box
+ \hfil
+ &\cur@col#3 \setbox\z@\hbox{$\displaystyle####\m@th$}\@nx\col@box
+ \hfil\tabskip\darraycolsep
+ \@tempa 123&\@tempa 456&\@tempa 789%
+ &\@tempa{10}{11}{12}&\@tempa{13}{14}{15}&\@tempa{16}{17}{18}%
+ \cr
+ \unhbox\z@
+ \debugmsg{=== DARRAY ==================================================}%
+ \if\eq@group\else\eq@prelim\fi
+ \global\let\@preamble\@empty
+ \setkeys{breqn}{#1}%
+ \the\eqstyle \eq@setnumber
+ \ifx\@preamble\@empty \global\let\@preamble\darray@preamble \fi
+ \check@mathfonts
+ % \let\check@mathfonts\relax % tempting, but too risky
+ \@xp\let\csname\string\ \endcsname\darray@cr
+ \setbox\z@\vbox\bgroup
+ \everycr{\noalign{\global\advance\cur@row\@ne}}%
+ \tabskip\z@skip \cur@col\z@
+ \global\cur@row\z@
+ \penalty\@ne % flag for \dar@repack
+ \halign\@xp\bgroup\@preamble
+ \ifvmode\else \eq@addpunct \Mathstrut@\fi\crcr \egroup
+ \dar@capture
+ \egroup
+%% \showboxbreadth\maxdimen\showboxdepth99\showlists
+ \eq@wdL\z@ \eq@wdRmax\z@
+ \dar@repack
+ \unpenalty
+ \setbox\tw@\lastbox
+ \global\setbox\EQ@box\hbox{%
+ \hbox{\unhcopy\tw@\unskip}\penalty-\@M \unhbox\EQ@box}%
+ \global\setbox\EQ@copy\hbox{%
+ \hbox{\unhbox\tw@\unskip}\penalty-\@M \unhbox\EQ@copy}%
+ \unskip
+ \ifcase\lastpenalty \else\@xp\@gobble\fi
+ \dar@repack
+\newskip\conditionsep \conditionsep=10pt minus5pt%
+ \begingroup\@tempswatrue
+ \@ifstar{\@tempswafalse \condition@a}\condition@a
+ \unpenalty\unskip\unpenalty\unskip % BRM Added
+ \hbox{#1}%
+ \penalty -201\relax\hbox{}% Penalty to allow breaks here.
+ \hskip\conditionsep
+ \if@tempswa \@xp\hbox \else \@xp\condition@b\fi
+ {#2}%
+ \endgroup
+ \setbox\z@\if@tempswa\hbox{#2}\else\hbox{\textmath@setup #2}\fi
+ \global\eq@wdCond\wd\z@
+ \let\cond@gobble\@gobble
+ \cond@gobble{\hskip\conditionsep}%
+ \textmath@setup #1%
+ \global\setbox\EQ@box\vbox\bgroup \@parboxrestore
+ \parshape 1 \displayindent \displaywidth\relax
+ \hsize=\columnwidth \noindent\ignorespaces
+ \par\egroup
+ \global\setbox\GRP@box\vbox{%
+ \vbox{\copy\EQ@box\vtop{\unvbox\EQ@box}}%
+ \unvbox\GRP@box
+ }%
+ \global\GRP@queue\@xp{\the\GRP@queue
+ \@elt{\gdef\EQ@trial{}}%
+ }%
+ \global\setbox\EQ@box\vbox\bgroup \@parboxrestore
+ \parshape 1 \displayindent \displaywidth\relax
+ \hsize=\columnwidth \noindent\ignorespaces
+ \par\egroup
+ \global\setbox\GRP@box\vbox{%
+ \hbox{\copy\EQ@box\vtop{\unvbox\EQ@box}}%
+ \unvbox\GRP@box
+ }%
+ \global\GRP@queue\@xp{\the\GRP@queue
+ \@elt{\let\eq@isIntertext\@True}%
+ }%
+ \if@display
+ \setbox\z@\hbox{\mathsurround\z@$\mkern\eq@binoffset$}%
+ \discretionary{}{%
+ \kern\the\wd\z@ \textchar\discretionarytimes
+ }{}%
+ \thinspace
+ \else
+ \discretionary{\thinspace\textchar\discretionarytimes}{}{}%
+ \fi
+\def\nref#1{\@xp\@nref\csname r@#1\endcsname}
+\def\@nref#1#2{\ifx\relax#1??\else \@xp\@firstoftwo#1\fi}
+%% End of file `breqn.sty'.
diff --git a/Master/texmf-dist/tex/latex/mh/empheq.sty b/Master/texmf-dist/tex/latex/mh/empheq.sty
index 94d5f2bf8b9..f2d447b513b 100644
--- a/Master/texmf-dist/tex/latex/mh/empheq.sty
+++ b/Master/texmf-dist/tex/latex/mh/empheq.sty
@@ -4,28 +4,30 @@
%% The original source files were:
-%% empheq.dtx (with options: `empheq')
+%% empheq.dtx (with options: `package')
-%% It may be distributed and/or modified under the
-%% conditions of the LaTeX Project Public License, either version 1.3
-%% of this license or (at your option) any later version.
-%% The latest version of this license is in
-%% and version 1.3 or later is part of all distributions of LaTeX
-%% version 2003/12/01 or later.
+%% This is a generated file.
+%% Copyright (C) 2002-2007 by Morten Hoegholm <>
+%% This work may be distributed and/or modified under the
+%% conditions of the LaTeX Project Public License, either
+%% version 1.3 of this license or (at your option) any later
+%% version. The latest version of this license is in
+%% and version 1.3 or later is part of all distributions of
+%% LaTeX version 2005/12/01 or later.
%% This work has the LPPL maintenance status "maintained".
-%% The Current Maintainer of this work is Morten H\o gholm.
+%% This Current Maintainer of this work is Morten Hoegholm.
-%% This work consists of the files empheq.dtx and empheq.ins and the
-%% derived files empheq.sty and ntheorem.fix
+%% This work consists of the main source file empheq.dtx
+%% and the derived files
+%% empheq.sty, empheq.pdf, empheq.ins, empheq.drv.
- [2004/10/10 v2.11a
- Emphasizing equations (MH)
- ]
+ [2007/12/03 v2.12 Emphasizing equations (MH)]
\MH_new_boolean:n {overload_ams}
@@ -40,7 +42,8 @@
\MH_new_boolean:n {good_mult}
\DeclareOption{oldmultline}{\MH_set_boolean_F:n {good_mult}}
\DeclareOption{newmultline}{\MH_set_boolean_T:n {good_mult}}
@@ -840,6 +843,12 @@
\MH_let:NwN \hyper@refstepcounter\@gobble
+ \g@addto@macro\EQ_typeset_display_hook:{
+ \let\NCC@ignorepar\relax
+ }
+ \g@addto@macro\EQ_typeset_tags_hook:{
+ \let\NCC@ignorepar\relax
+ }
@@ -980,6 +989,382 @@
+ \expandafter\endinput
+ \skip@#1\relax
+ \xdef\raise@tag{\default_raisetag:
+ \vskip\iftagsleft@\else:-\fi:\the\skip@\relax}}
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+ \global\tag@false \global\MH_let:NwN\raise@tag\default_raisetag:
+\def\MT_gobblelabel:w #1{\@ifnextchar[{\EQ_gobbleoptional:w}{}}
+\def\EQ_gobbleoptional:w [#1]{}
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+ \savetaglength@
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+ \global\column@\z@}}%
+ \MH_let:NwN\label\MT_gobblelabel:w
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+ \halign{\span\align@preamble\crcr
+ #1%
+ \math@cr@@@
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+ \add@amps\maxfields@\cr
+ }%
+ }%
+ \restorecounters@
+ \ifodd\maxfields@
+ \global\advance\maxfields@\@ne
+ \fi:
+ \if_num:w \xatlevel@=\tw@
+ \if_num:w \maxfields@<\thr@@
+ \MH_let:NwN\xatlevel@\z@
+ \fi:
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+ \setbox\z@\vbox{%
+ \unvbox\z@ \unpenalty \global\setbox\@ne\lastbox
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+ \begingroup
+ \MH_let:NwN\or:\relax
+ \loop
+ \global\setbox\@ne\hbox{%
+ \unhbox\@ne \unskip \global\setbox\thr@@\lastbox
+ }%
+ \ifhbox\thr@@
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+ \repeat
+ \endgroup
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+ \if_case:w \xatlevel@
+ \global\alignsep@\z@
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+ \if@fleqn
+ \@tempcnta\@ne
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+ \else:
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+ \if@fleqn
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+ \fi:
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+ \global\@tempcnta\@tempcntb
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+ \if@fleqn
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+ \fi:
+ \endgroup
+\def\EQ_multline_labelhack:n #1{%
+ \begingroup\measuring@false\label@in@display{#1}\endgroup}
+\def\EQ_multline_labelhack_opt:nw #1[#2]{%
+ \begingroup\measuring@false\label@in@display{#1}[#2]\endgroup}
+ \Let@
+ \@display@init{\global\advance\row@\@ne \global\dspbrk@lvl\m@ne}%
+ \chardef\dspbrk@context\z@
+ \restore@math@cr
+ \MH_let:NwN\tag\tag@in@align
+ \global\tag@false \global\MH_let:NwN\raise@tag\default_raisetag:
+ \mmeasure@{#1}%
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+ \MH_let:NwN\label\MT_gobblelabel:w
+ \tabskip \if@fleqn \@mathmargin \else: \z@skip \fi:
+ \totwidth@\displaywidth
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+ \fi:
+ \halign\bgroup
+ \hbox to\totwidth@{%
+ \if@fleqn
+ \hskip \@centering \relax
+ \else:
+ \hfil
+ \fi:
+ \strut@
+ $\m@th\displaystyle{}##\endmultline@math%$
+ \hfil
+ }%
+ \crcr
+ \if@fleqn
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+ \def\multline@indent{\hskip\@mathmargin}% put it back
+ \else:
+ \hfilneg
+ \def\multline@indent{\hskip\multlinegap}%
+ \fi:
+ \iftagsleft@
+ \iftag@
+ \begingroup
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+ \normalbaselines
+ \hbox{%
+ \strut@
+ \make@display@tag
+ }%
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+ \fi:
+ \endgroup
+ \else:
+ \multline@indent
+ \fi:
+ \else:
+ \multline@indent
+ \fi:
+ #1%
+ \begingroup
+ \measuring@true
+ \def\label##1{%
+ \@ifnextchar[
+ {\EQ_multline_labelhack_opt:nw {##1}}
+ {\EQ_multline_labelhack:n {##1}}
+ }
+ \def\math@cr@@@{\cr}%
+ \MH_let:NwN\shoveleft\@iden \MH_let:NwN\shoveright\@iden
+ \savecounters@
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+ \setbox\@ne\vbox{%
+ \global\MH_let:NwN\df@tag\@empty
+ \halign{%
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+ \fi:
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+ \fi:
+ \crcr
+ #1%
+ \crcr
+ }%
+ }%
+ \if_meaning:NN
+ \df@tag\@empty
+ \else:
+ \global\tag@true
+ \fi:
+ \if@eqnsw\global\tag@true\fi:
+ \iftag@
+ \setboxz@h{%
+ \if@eqnsw
+ \stepcounter{equation}%
+ \tagform@\theequation
+ \else:
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+ \fi:
+ }%
+ \global\tagwidth@\wdz@
+ \dimen@\totwidth@
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+ \if_dim:w \dimen@>\displaywidth
+ \global\shifttag@true
+ \else:
+ \global\shifttag@false
+ \fi:
+ \fi:
+ \restorecounters@
+ \endgroup
+ \MH_set_boolean_T:n {show_manual_tags}
+ \global\tag@true
+ \iftagsleft@
+ \gdef\df@tag{%
+ \hbox to \displaywidth{%
+ \hss
+ \raisebox{-\normallineskip
+ -\depthof{\EQ_outerbox:{}}
+ -\heightof{\EQ_outerbox:{}}
+ -\dp\EQ_mathdisplay_box
+ -\ht\EQ_mathdisplay_box}
+ [0pt][0pt]{\PotEndMark{\maketag@@@}}}}
+ \else:
+ \gdef\df@tag{%
+ \raisebox{-\dp\EQ_mathdisplay_box
+ -\depthof{\EQ_outerbox:{}}}
+ {\PotEndMark{\maketag@@@}}}%
+ \fi:}
+ \iftagsleft@
+ \gdef\maketag@@@##1{%
+ \hfuzz\displaywidth
+ \makebox[\widthof{##1}][l]{%
+ \hbox to \displaywidth{\m@th\normalfont##1\hss
+ \raisebox{-\dp\EQ_mathdisplay_box
+ -\depthof{\EQ_outerbox:{}}}
+ {\PotEndMark{\hss}}}}}%
+ \else:
+ \gdef\maketag@@@##1{%
+ \hbox{\m@th\normalfont##1\llap{\hss\PotEndMark{%
+ \settoheight{\@tempdima}{\@nameuse{\InTheoType Symbol}}%
+ \MH_addtolength:dn \@tempdima
+ {\g_EQ_bottomtag_depth_dim+\mintagvsep}
+ \setlength{\@tempdimb}
+ {\g_EQ_bottomrow_depth_dim+\depthof{\EQ_outerbox:{}}
+ +\depthof{\EQ_innerbox:{}}}
+ \if_dim:w \@tempdima>\@tempdimb
+ \MH_setlength:dn \@tempdima{-\dp\EQ_mathdisplay_box
+ -\@tempdima+\g_EQ_bottomrow_depth_dim}
+ \addtolength{\@tempdima}{\depthof{\EQ_innerbox:{}}}%
+ \def\EQ_next:{\raisebox{\@tempdima}}%
+ \else:
+ \def\EQ_next:{
+ \raisebox{-\dp\EQ_mathdisplay_box
+ -\depthof{\EQ_outerbox:{}}}}%
+ \fi:\EQ_next:}}}}%
+ \fi:}
+\MH_let:NwN \MT_nonumber: \nonumber
+ \@tempcnta=\row@
+ \if_num:w \l_EQ_equationtype_int=\thr@@
+ \advance\@tempcnta\m@ne
+ \else:
+ \if_num:w \l_EQ_equationtype_int=4\relax
+ \advance\@tempcnta\m@ne
+ \fi:
+ \fi:
+ \if_num:w \g_EQ_latest_nonzerodepth_row_fint=\@tempcnta
+ \else:
+ \global\g_EQ_bottomtag_depth_dim=-\baselineskip
+ \fi:
+ \MT_nonumber:
%% End of file `empheq.sty'.
diff --git a/Master/texmf-dist/tex/latex/mh/empheq07.sty b/Master/texmf-dist/tex/latex/mh/empheq07.sty
index 2ca5134e715..581acf10a6c 100644
--- a/Master/texmf-dist/tex/latex/mh/empheq07.sty
+++ b/Master/texmf-dist/tex/latex/mh/empheq07.sty
@@ -6,24 +6,28 @@
%% empheq07.dtx (with options: `package')
-%% It may be distributed and/or modified under the
-%% conditions of the LaTeX Project Public License, either version 1.3
-%% of this license or (at your option) any later version.
-%% The latest version of this license is in
-%% and version 1.3 or later is part of all distributions of LaTeX
-%% version 2003/12/01 or later.
+%% This is a generated file.
+%% Copyright (C) 2002-2007 by Morten Hoegholm <>
+%% This work may be distributed and/or modified under the
+%% conditions of the LaTeX Project Public License, either
+%% version 1.3 of this license or (at your option) any later
+%% version. The latest version of this license is in
+%% and version 1.3 or later is part of all distributions of
+%% LaTeX version 2005/12/01 or later.
%% This work has the LPPL maintenance status "maintained".
-%% The Current Maintainer of this work is Morten H\o gholm.
+%% This Current Maintainer of this work is Morten Hoegholm.
-%% This work consists of the files empheq07.dtx and empheq07.ins and
-%% the derived file empheq07.sty.
+%% This work consists of the main source file empheq07.dtx
+%% and the derived files
+%% empheq07.sty, empheq07.pdf, empheq07.ins, empheq07.drv.
- [2004/07/27 v0.7d Emphasizing equations (MH)]
+ [2007/12/03 v0.7e Emphasizing equations (MH)]
diff --git a/Master/texmf-dist/tex/latex/mh/flexisym.sty b/Master/texmf-dist/tex/latex/mh/flexisym.sty
new file mode 100644
index 00000000000..6d41ac66367
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Master/texmf-dist/tex/latex/mh/flexisym.sty
@@ -0,0 +1,293 @@
+%% This is file `flexisym.sty',
+%% generated with the docstrip utility.
+%% The original source files were:
+%% flexisym.dtx (with options: `package')
+%% This is a generated file.
+%% Copyright (C) 1997-2003 by Michael J. Downes
+%% Copyright (C) 2007 by Morten Hoegholm <>
+%% This work may be distributed and/or modified under the
+%% conditions of the LaTeX Project Public License, either
+%% version 1.3 of this license or (at your option) any later
+%% version. The latest version of this license is in
+%% and version 1.3 or later is part of all distributions of
+%% LaTeX version 2005/12/01 or later.
+%% This work has the LPPL maintenance status "maintained".
+%% This Current Maintainer of this work is Morten Hoegholm.
+%% This work consists of the main source file flexisym.dtx
+%% and the derived files
+%% flexisym.sty, flexisym.pdf, flexisym.ins, flexisym.drv,
+%% cmbase.sym, mathpazo.sym, mathptmx.sym, msabm.sym.
+\ProvidesPackage{flexisym}[2007/12/10 v0.95]
+\let\@xp\expandafter \let\@nx\noexpand
+ \@nx\AtEndOfPackage{%
+ \catcode\number`\"=\number\catcode`\"
+ \relax
+ }%
+\do \let\do\relax
+ \def\@sym#1{%
+ \ifx\protect\@typeset@protect \else\protect#1\@xp\@gobblefour\fi
+ }%
+\def\mg@bin{2}% binary operators
+\def\mg@rel{2}% relations
+%%\def\mg@nre{B}% negated relations
+\def\mg@del{3}% delimiters
+%%\def\mg@arr{B}% arrows
+\def\mg@acc{0}% accents
+\def\mg@cop{3}% cumulative operators (sum, int)
+\def\mg@latin{1}% (Latin) letters
+\def\mg@greek{1}% (lowercase) Greek
+\def\mg@Greek{0}% (capital) Greek
+%%\def\mg@bflatin{4}% bold upright Latin letters ?
+%%\def\mg@Bbb{B}% blackboard bold
+\def\mg@cal{2}% script/calligraphic
+%%\def\mg@frak{5}% Fraktur letters
+\def\mg@digit{0}% decimal digits % 1 = oldstyle, 0 = capital
+\expandafter\let\csname MathChar \endcsname\mathchar
+\expandafter\let\csname Delimiter \endcsname\delimiter
+\expandafter\let\csname Radical \endcsname\radical
+\edef\MathChar{\csname MathChar \endcsname\noexpand\string}
+\edef\Delimiter{\csname Delimiter \endcsname\noexpand\string}
+\edef\Radical{\csname Radical \endcsname\noexpand\string}
+\edef\m@Ord#1#2#3{\csname MathChar \endcsname"0#1#2#3 }
+\edef\m@Var#1#2#3{\csname MathChar \endcsname"7#1#2#3 }
+\edef\m@Bin#1#2#3{\csname MathChar \endcsname"2#1#2#3 }
+\edef\m@Rel#1#2#3{\csname MathChar \endcsname"3#1#2#3 }
+\edef\m@Pun#1#2#3{\csname MathChar \endcsname"6#1#2#3 }
+\edef\m@COs#1#2#3{\csname MathChar \endcsname"1#1#2#3 \sumlimits}
+\edef\m@COi#1#2#3{\csname MathChar \endcsname"1#1#2#3 \intlimits}
+\def\delim@a#1#2#3#4{\ifx\relax#1#2#3#4\else#1\fi #2#3#4}
+\def\delim@b#1#2#3#4{\ifx\relax#1#2#3#4\else#1\fi }
+ \@nx\@xp\@nx\delim@a\@nx\csname sd@##1##2##3\@nx\endcsname ##1##2##3 }
+\edef\m@DeL#1#2#3{\csname Delimiter \endcsname"4\@tempa}
+\edef\m@DeR#1#2#3{\csname Delimiter \endcsname"5\@tempa}
+\edef\m@DeB#1#2#3{\csname Delimiter \endcsname"0\@tempa}
+\edef\m@DeA#1#2#3{\csname Delimiter \endcsname"3\@tempa}
+\edef\m@Rad#1#2#3{\csname Radical \endcsname"\@tempa}
+\def\do#1#2{\@xp\def\csname sd@#1\endcsname{#2}}
+ \begingroup
+ \edef\@tempb{\@nx\@sym\@nx#1\@xnce{m@#2}\@xnce{mg@#3}#4}%
+ \ifcat\@nx#1\relax
+ \sym@global\let#1\@tempb
+ \else
+ \sym@global\mathcode`#1="8000\relax
+ \lccode`\~=`#1\relax
+ \lowercase{\sym@global\let~\@tempb}%
+ \fi
+ \endgroup
+ \@xp\DeclareRobustCommand\@xp#1\@xp{\csname @sym#2\endcsname#1{#3}}%
+ \sym@global\let#1#1\relax
+ \begingroup
+ \let\@sym\relax % defense against infinite loops
+ \the\text@script@char#3%
+ \afterassignment\text@char@a
+ \chardef\?="%
+ \let\text@script@char#1\let\@sym\text@char@sym
+ \let\@symtype\@secondoftwo \let\OrdSymbol\@firstofone
+ \let\ifmmode\iftrue \everymath{$\@gobble}%$
+ \def\mkern{\muskip\z@}\let\mskip\mkern
+ \ifcat\relax\noexpand#2#2%
+ \else
+ \lccode`\~=\expandafter`\string#2\relax
+ \lowercase{~}%
+ \fi
+ \endgroup
+ \raise.8ex\hbox{\text@char\scriptfont\prime}%
+ \def\resetMathstrut@{%
+ \setbox\z@\hbox{\textchar\vert}%
+ \ht\Mathstrutbox@\ht\z@ \dp\Mathstrutbox@\dp\z@
+ }%
+ \def\rightarrowfill@#1{\m@th\setboxz@h{$#1\relbar$}\ht\z@\z@
+ $#1\copy\z@\mkern-6mu\cleaders
+ \hbox{$#1\mkern-2mu\box\z@\mkern-2mu$}\hfill
+ \mkern-6mu\OrdSymbol{\rightarrow}$}
+ \def\leftarrowfill@#1{\m@th\setboxz@h{$#1\relbar$}\ht\z@\z@
+ $#1\OrdSymbol{\leftarrow}\mkern-6mu\cleaders
+ \hbox{$#1\mkern-2mu\copy\z@\mkern-2mu$}\hfill
+ \mkern-6mu\box\z@$}
+ \def\leftrightarrowfill@#1{\m@th\setboxz@h{$#1\relbar$}\ht\z@\z@
+ $#1\OrdSymbol{\leftarrow}\mkern-6mu\cleaders
+ \hbox{$#1\mkern-2mu\box\z@\mkern-2mu$}\hfill
+ \mkern-6mu\OrdSymbol{\rightarrow}$}
+ \xdef\binrel@@##1{%
+ \ifx\m@Ord#2\@nx\@symOrd
+ \else\ifx\m@Var#2\@nx\@symVar
+ \else\ifx\m@COs#2\@nx\@symCOs
+ \else\ifx\m@COi#2\@nx\@symCOi
+ \else\ifx\m@Bin#2\@nx\@symBin
+ \else\ifx\m@Rel#2\@nx\@symRel
+ \else\ifx\m@Pun#2\@nx\@symPun
+ \else\@nx\@symErr \fi\fi\fi\fi\fi\fi\fi
+ ?{\@nx\OrdSymbol{##1}}}%
+ \def\@symOrd##1##2{\gdef\binrel@@####1{\@symOrd##1{\OrdSymbol{####1}}}}%
+ \def\@symVar##1##2{\gdef\binrel@@####1{\@symVar##1{\OrdSymbol{####1}}}}%
+ \def\@symCOs##1##2{\gdef\binrel@@####1{\@symCOs##1{\OrdSymbol{####1}}}}%
+ \def\@symCOi##1##2{\gdef\binrel@@####1{\@symCOi##1{\OrdSymbol{####1}}}}%
+ \def\@symBin##1##2{\gdef\binrel@@####1{\@symBin##1{\OrdSymbol{####1}}}}%
+ \def\@symRel##1##2{\gdef\binrel@@####1{\@symRel##1{\OrdSymbol{####1}}}}%
+ \def\@symPun##1##2{\gdef\binrel@@####1{\@symPun##1{\OrdSymbol{####1}}}}%
+ \setbox\z@\hbox{$%
+ \let\mathchoice\@gobblethree
+ \let\@sym\binrel@sym \binrel@a
+ #1$}%
+ \@for\@tempb:=#1\do{%
+ \@xp\@onefilewithoptions\@xp{\@tempb}[][]\@symextension
+ }%
+ \begingroup\mathchars@reset#1\endgroup
+\def\mathchars@reset{\let\@sym\@sym@ord \let\@symtype\@symtype@ord
+ \let\OrdSymbol\relax}
+\def\@symtype@ord#1#{}% a strange sort of \@gobble
+\lccode`\.=`\@ \lowercase{\endgroup
+ \csname MathChar \endcsname"0%
+ \if D#2\@xp\delim@b\csname sd@#4#5#6\endcsname#4#5#6
+ \else #4#5#6
+ \fi
+ \begingroup
+ \long\def\next#1\mathchardef\std@minus\mathcode`\-\relax
+ \mathchardef\std@equal\mathcode`\=\relax#2\flexi@stop{%
+ \toks@{#1#2}%
+ \xdef\@begindocumenthook{\the\toks@}%
+ }%
+ \expandafter\next\@begindocumenthook\flexi@stop
+ \endgroup
+ \mathcode `\'39\mathcode `\*42\mathcode `\."613A
+ \ifnum\mathcode`\-=45
+ \else
+ \ifnum\mathcode`\-=32768
+ \else
+ \mathchardef \std@minus \mathcode `\-\relax
+ \fi
+ \fi
+ \mathcode `\-45 \mathcode `\/47\mathcode `\:"603A\relax
+ \RequirePackage[activechars]{mathstyle}\relax
+%% End of file `flexisym.sty'.
diff --git a/Master/texmf-dist/tex/latex/mh/mathstyle.sty b/Master/texmf-dist/tex/latex/mh/mathstyle.sty
new file mode 100644
index 00000000000..f95e9ad2a22
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Master/texmf-dist/tex/latex/mh/mathstyle.sty
@@ -0,0 +1,161 @@
+%% This is file `mathstyle.sty',
+%% generated with the docstrip utility.
+%% The original source files were:
+%% mathstyle.dtx (with options: `package')
+%% This is a generated file.
+%% Copyright (C) 1997-2003 by Michael J. Downes
+%% Copyright (C) 2007 by Morten Hoegholm <>
+%% This work may be distributed and/or modified under the
+%% conditions of the LaTeX Project Public License, either
+%% version 1.3 of this license or (at your option) any later
+%% version. The latest version of this license is in
+%% and version 1.3 or later is part of all distributions of
+%% LaTeX version 2005/12/01 or later.
+%% This work has the LPPL maintenance status "maintained".
+%% This Current Maintainer of this work is Morten Hoegholm.
+%% This work consists of the main source file mathstyle.dtx
+%% and the derived files
+%% mathstyle.sty, mathstyle.pdf, mathstyle.ins, mathstyle.drv.
+\ProvidesPackage{mathstyle}[2007/12/10 v0.83]
+ \begingroup
+ \edef\@tempa{\string#1}\edef\@tempb{\meaning#1}%
+ \ifx\@tempa\@tempb \global\let#2#1%
+ \else
+ \edef\@tempb{\meaning#2}%
+ \ifx\@tempa\@tempb
+ \else \@saveprimitive@a#1#2%
+ \fi
+ \fi
+ \endgroup
+ \begingroup
+ \def\@tempb##1#1##2{\edef\@tempb{##2}\@car{}}%
+ \@tempb\nullfont{select font nullfont}%
+ \topmark{\string\topmark:}%
+ \firstmark{\string\firstmark:}%
+ \botmark{\string\botmark:}%
+ \splitfirstmark{\string\splitfirstmark:}%
+ \splitbotmark{\string\splitbotmark:}%
+ #1{\string#1}%
+ \edef\@tempa{\expandafter\strip@prefix\meaning\@tempb}%
+ \edef\@tempb{\meaning#1}%
+ \ifx\@tempa\@tempb \global\let#2#1%
+ \else
+ \PackageError{mathstyle}%
+ {Unable to properly define \string#2; primitive
+ \noexpand#1no longer primitive}\@eha
+ \fi
+ \fi
+ \endgroup
+ \@@displaystyle \chardef\mathstyle\z@}
+ \@@textstyle \chardef\mathstyle\@ne}
+ \@@scriptstyle \chardef\mathstyle\tw@}
+ \@@scriptscriptstyle \chardef\mathstyle\thr@@}
+\begingroup \catcode`\^=7\relax \catcode`\_=8\relax % just in case
+\let\@@superscript=^ \let\@@subscript=_
+ \ifnum\mathstyle<\tw@ \chardef\mathstyle\tw@
+ \else \chardef\mathstyle\thr@@
+ \fi
+ \relax\ifcase\mathstyle
+ \expandafter\@firstoffour
+ \or
+ \expandafter\@secondoffour
+ \or
+ \expandafter\@thirdoffour
+ \else
+ \expandafter\@fourthoffour
+ \fi
+ {\fracstyle #1%
+ {\begingroup #5\endgroup
+ \csname @@\ifx\maxdimen#4\maxdimen over\else above\fi
+ \if @#2@\else withdelims\fi\endcsname #2#3#4\relax
+ #6}%
+ }%
+ \chardef\mathstyle=\@ne
+ \or
+ \chardef\mathstyle=\tw@
+ \else
+ \chardef\mathstyle=\thr@@
+ \fi
+ \ifcase\mathstyle
+ \@@displaystyle
+ \or
+ \@@textstyle
+ \or
+ \@@scriptstyle
+ \or
+ \@@scriptscripstyle
+ \fi}
+\DeclareOption{activechars}{\catcode`\^=13\relax \catcode`\_=13\relax }
+ \let^=\sp \let_=\sb
+ \mathcode`\^="8000\relax \mathcode`\_="8000\relax
+ \begingroup \catcode`\^=\active \catcode`\_=\active
+ \global\let^=\sp \global\let_=\sb
+ \endgroup
+%% End of file `mathstyle.sty'.
diff --git a/Master/texmf-dist/tex/latex/mh/mathtools.sty b/Master/texmf-dist/tex/latex/mh/mathtools.sty
index e91b6692726..aa4391daa6c 100644
--- a/Master/texmf-dist/tex/latex/mh/mathtools.sty
+++ b/Master/texmf-dist/tex/latex/mh/mathtools.sty
@@ -6,26 +6,30 @@
%% mathtools.dtx (with options: `package')
-%% It may be distributed and/or modified under the
-%% conditions of the LaTeX Project Public License, either version 1.3
-%% of this license or (at your option) any later version.
-%% The latest version of this license is in
-%% and version 1.3 or later is part of all distributions of LaTeX
-%% version 2003/12/01 or later.
+%% This is a generated file.
+%% Copyright (C) 2002-2007 by Morten Hoegholm <>
+%% This work may be distributed and/or modified under the
+%% conditions of the LaTeX Project Public License, either
+%% version 1.3 of this license or (at your option) any later
+%% version. The latest version of this license is in
+%% and version 1.3 or later is part of all distributions of
+%% LaTeX version 2005/12/01 or later.
%% This work has the LPPL maintenance status "maintained".
-%% The Current Maintainer of this work is Morten H\o gholm.
+%% This Current Maintainer of this work is Morten Hoegholm.
-%% This work consists of the files mathtools.dtx and mathtools.ins
-%% and the derived file mathtools.sty.
+%% This work consists of the main source file mathtools.dtx
+%% and the derived files
+%% mathtools.sty, mathtools.pdf, mathtools.ins, mathtools.drv.
- [2004/10/10 v1.01a mathematical typesetting tools (MH)]
+ [2007/12/03 v1.03 mathematical typesetting tools (MH)]
@@ -117,11 +121,11 @@
\def\MT_extended_tagform:n #1{
\MH_set_boolean_F:n {raw_maketag}
\if_meaning:NN \df@label\@empty
- \MH_if_boolean:nT {manual_tag}
- { \MH_if_boolean:nTF {show_manual_tags}
- { \MT_prev_tagform:n {#1} }
- { \stepcounter{equation} }
- }
+ \MH_if_boolean:nTF {manual_tag}% this was \MH_if_boolean:nT before
+ { \MH_if_boolean:nTF {show_manual_tags}
+ { \MT_prev_tagform:n {#1} }
+ { \stepcounter{equation} }
+ }{\kern1sp}% this last {\kern1sp} is new.
\MH_if_boolean:nTF {manual_tag}
{ \MH_if_boolean:nTF {show_manual_tags}
@@ -255,9 +259,9 @@
\kern-\wd0 \lower.22ex\box0}}
- $\ext@arrow 3095\MT_rightharpoonup_fill:{\phantom{#1}}{#2}$}%
+ $\ext@arrow 0359\MT_rightharpoonup_fill:{\phantom{#1}}{#2}$}%
- $\ext@arrow 0359\MT_leftharpoondown_fill:{#1}{\phantom{#2}}$}%
+ $\ext@arrow 3095\MT_leftharpoondown_fill:{#1}{\phantom{#2}}$}%
\kern-\wd0 \lower.22ex\box0}}
\ext@arrow 3095\MT_hookleft_fill:{#1}{#2}}
@@ -376,6 +380,7 @@
+\let \AMS@math@cr@@ \math@cr@@
\MH_new_boolean:n {mult_firstline}
\MH_new_boolean:n {outer_mult}
@@ -511,7 +516,7 @@
\MT_start_mult:N \MT_mult_default_pos:
- {
+ {\MH_group_align_safe_begin:
\MT_test_for_tcb_other:nnnnn {#1}
@@ -525,7 +530,7 @@
- \hfilneg \endaligned
+ \hfilneg \endaligned \MH_group_align_safe_end:
@@ -545,14 +550,15 @@
\def\MT_gobblelabel:w #1{}
- \edef\MT_next: {\MH_cs_to_str:N #1}
- \@namedef{MT_delim_\MT_next: _star:}##1
+ \@namedef{MT_delim_\MH_cs_to_str:N #1 _star:}##1
{\left#2 ##1 \right #3}%
- \@xp\csname MT_delim_\MT_next: _nostar:\endcsname[2][\\@gobble]
- { \edef\MT_next: {\MH_cs_to_str:N ##1}
- \@nameuse {\MT_next: l} #2 ##2 \@nameuse {\MT_next: r} #3}
+ \@xp\csname MT_delim_\MH_cs_to_str:N #1 _nostar:\endcsname
+ [2][\\@gobble]
+ {
+ \mathopen{\@nameuse {\MH_cs_to_str:N ##1 l} #2} ##2
+ \mathclose{\@nameuse {\MH_cs_to_str:N ##1 r} #3}}
{\@nameuse{MT_delim_\MH_cs_to_str:N #1 _star:}}
@@ -560,31 +566,38 @@
-\def\MT_start_cases:nn #1#2{
- \RIfM@\else
- \nonmatherr@{\begin{\@currenvir}}%
- \fi
- \left\lbrace
- \vcenter \bgroup
- \Let@ \chardef\dspbrk@context\@ne \restore@math@cr
- \spread@equation
- \ialign\bgroup
- \strut@$\m@th\displaystyle{##}$\hfil&#1\strut@
- #2
- \crcr
- \newenvironment{#1}
- {\MT_start_cases:nn {#2}{#3}}
- {\endaligned\right.}
- \renewenvironment{#1}
- {\MT_start_cases:nn {#2}{#3}}
- {\endaligned\right.}
+\def\MT_start_cases:nnn #1#2#3{ % #1=sep,#2=preamble,#3=delim
+ \RIfM@\else
+ \nonmatherr@{\begin{\@currenvir}}
+ \fi
+ \MH_group_align_safe_begin:
+ \left#3
+ \vcenter \bgroup
+ \Let@ \chardef\dspbrk@context\@ne \restore@math@cr
+ \let \math@cr@@\AMS@math@cr@@
+ \spread@equation
+ \ialign\bgroup
+ \strut@$\m@th \displaystyle{##}$\hfil &#1\strut@
+ #2
+ \crcr
+ \restorecolumn@
+ \egroup
+ \MH_group_align_safe_end:
+\newcommand*\newcases[5]{% #1=name, #2=sep, #3=preamble, #4=left, #5=right
+ \newenvironment{#1}
+ {\MT_start_cases:nnn {#2}{#3}{#4}}
+ {\MH_end_cases:\right#5}
+ \renewenvironment{#1}
+ {\MT_start_cases:nnn {#2}{#3}{#4}}
+ {\MH_end_cases:\right#5}
\def\MT_matrix_begin:N #1{%
\hskip -\arraycolsep
\MH_let:NwN \@ifnextchar \MH_nospace_ifnextchar:Nnn
diff --git a/Master/texmf-dist/tex/latex/mh/mhsetup.sty b/Master/texmf-dist/tex/latex/mh/mhsetup.sty
index de71af7767c..e85b4b86b3a 100644
--- a/Master/texmf-dist/tex/latex/mh/mhsetup.sty
+++ b/Master/texmf-dist/tex/latex/mh/mhsetup.sty
@@ -6,24 +6,28 @@
%% mhsetup.dtx (with options: `package')
-%% It may be distributed and/or modified under the
-%% conditions of the LaTeX Project Public License, either version 1.3
-%% of this license or (at your option) any later version.
-%% The latest version of this license is in
-%% and version 1.3 or later is part of all distributions of LaTeX
-%% version 2003/12/01 or later.
+%% This is a generated file.
+%% Copyright (C) 2002-2007 by Morten Hoegholm <>
+%% This work may be distributed and/or modified under the
+%% conditions of the LaTeX Project Public License, either
+%% version 1.3 of this license or (at your option) any later
+%% version. The latest version of this license is in
+%% and version 1.3 or later is part of all distributions of
+%% LaTeX version 2005/12/01 or later.
%% This work has the LPPL maintenance status "maintained".
-%% The Current Maintainer of this work is Morten H\o gholm.
+%% This Current Maintainer of this work is Morten Hoegholm.
-%% This work consists of the files mhsetup.dtx and mhsetup.ins and
-%% the derived file mhsetup.sty.
+%% This work consists of the main source file mhsetup.dtx
+%% and the derived files
+%% mhsetup.sty, mhsetup.pdf, mhsetup.ins, mhsetup.drv.
- [2004/10/10 v1.0b programming setup (MH)]
+ [2007/12/03 v1.2 programming setup (MH)]
@@ -161,6 +165,8 @@
\MH_let:NwN \@xargdef \MH_kernel_xargdef:nwwn
+\def \MH_group_align_safe_begin: {\iffalse{\fi\ifnum0=`}\fi}
+\def \MH_group_align_safe_end: {\ifnum0=`{}\fi}
%% End of file `mhsetup.sty'.
diff --git a/Master/texmf-dist/tex/latex/mh/ntheorem.fix b/Master/texmf-dist/tex/latex/mh/ntheorem.fix
deleted file mode 100644
index fb310ef9c57..00000000000
--- a/Master/texmf-dist/tex/latex/mh/ntheorem.fix
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,402 +0,0 @@
-%% This is file `ntheorem.fix',
-%% generated with the docstrip utility.
-%% The original source files were:
-%% empheq.dtx (with options: `ntheorem')
-%% It may be distributed and/or modified under the
-%% conditions of the LaTeX Project Public License, either version 1.3
-%% of this license or (at your option) any later version.
-%% The latest version of this license is in
-%% and version 1.3 or later is part of all distributions of LaTeX
-%% version 2003/12/01 or later.
-%% This work has the LPPL maintenance status "maintained".
-%% The Current Maintainer of this work is Morten H\o gholm.
-%% This work consists of the files empheq.dtx and empheq.ins and the
-%% derived files empheq.sty and ntheorem.fix
- [2004/10/10 v2.11a
- empheq support and fixes for ntheorem (MH)
- ]
- \skip@#1\relax
- \xdef\raise@tag{\default_raisetag:
- \vskip\iftagsleft@\else:-\fi:\the\skip@\relax}}
- \global\column@\z@ \global\dspbrk@lvl\m@ne
- \global\tag@false \global\MH_let:NwN\raise@tag\default_raisetag:
-\def\MT_gobblelabel:w #1{\@ifnextchar[{\EQ_gobbleoptional:w}{}}
-\def\EQ_gobbleoptional:w [#1]{}
- \begingroup
- \measuring@true
- \totwidth@\z@
- \global\MH_let:NwN\tag@lengths\@empty
- \savecounters@
- \setbox\@ne\vbox{%
- \everycr{\noalign{\global\tag@false
- \global\MH_let:NwN\raise@tag\default_raisetag:
- \global\column@\z@}}%
- \MH_let:NwN\label\MT_gobblelabel:w
- \halign{%
- \setboxz@h{$\m@th\displaystyle{##}$}%
- \if_dim:w \wdz@>\totwidth@
- \global\totwidth@\wdz@
- \fi:
- &\setboxz@h{\strut@{##}}%
- \savetaglength@
- \crcr
- #1%
- \math@cr@@@
- }%
- }%
- \restorecounters@
- \if@fleqn
- \global\advance\totwidth@\@mathmargin
- \fi:
- \iftagsleft@
- \if_dim:w \totwidth@>\displaywidth
- \global\MH_let:NwN\gdisplaywidth@\totwidth@
- \else:
- \global\MH_let:NwN\gdisplaywidth@\displaywidth
- \fi:
- \fi:
- \endgroup
- \begingroup
- \measuring@true
- \global\eqnshift@\z@
- \global\alignsep@\z@
- \global\MH_let:NwN\tag@lengths\@empty
- \global\MH_let:NwN\field@lengths\@empty
- \savecounters@
- \global\setbox0\vbox{%
- \MH_let:NwN\math@cr@@@\math@cr@@@align@measure
- \everycr{\noalign{\global\tag@false
- \global\MH_let:NwN\raise@tag\default_raisetag:
- \global\column@\z@}}%
- \MH_let:NwN\label\MT_gobblelabel:w
- \global\row@\z@
- \tabskip\z@
- \halign{\span\align@preamble\crcr
- #1%
- \math@cr@@@
- \global\column@\z@
- \add@amps\maxfields@\cr
- }%
- }%
- \restorecounters@
- \ifodd\maxfields@
- \global\advance\maxfields@\@ne
- \fi:
- \if_num:w \xatlevel@=\tw@
- \if_num:w \maxfields@<\thr@@
- \MH_let:NwN\xatlevel@\z@
- \fi:
- \fi:
- \setbox\z@\vbox{%
- \unvbox\z@ \unpenalty \global\setbox\@ne\lastbox
- }%
- \global\totwidth@\wd\@ne
- \if@fleqn \global\advance\totwidth@\@mathmargin \fi:
- \global\MH_let:NwN\maxcolumn@widths\@empty
- \begingroup
- \MH_let:NwN\or:\relax
- \loop
- \global\setbox\@ne\hbox{%
- \unhbox\@ne \unskip \global\setbox\thr@@\lastbox
- }%
- \ifhbox\thr@@
- \xdef\maxcolumn@widths{ \or: \the\wd\thr@@ \maxcolumn@widths}%
- \repeat
- \endgroup
- \dimen@\displaywidth
- \advance\dimen@-\totwidth@
- \if_case:w \xatlevel@
- \global\alignsep@\z@
- \MH_let:NwN\minalignsep\z@
- \@tempcntb\z@
- \if@fleqn
- \@tempcnta\@ne
- \global\eqnshift@\@mathmargin
- \else:
- \@tempcnta\tw@
- \global\eqnshift@\dimen@
- \global\divide\eqnshift@\@tempcnta
- \fi:
- \or:
- \@tempcntb\maxfields@
- \divide\@tempcntb\tw@
- \@tempcnta\@tempcntb
- \advance\@tempcntb\m@ne
- \if@fleqn
- \global\eqnshift@\@mathmargin
- \global\alignsep@\dimen@
- \global\divide\alignsep@\@tempcnta
- \else:
- \global\advance\@tempcnta\@ne
- \global\eqnshift@\dimen@
- \global\divide\eqnshift@\@tempcnta
- \global\alignsep@\eqnshift@
- \fi:
- \or:
- \@tempcntb\maxfields@
- \divide\@tempcntb\tw@
- \global\advance\@tempcntb\m@ne
- \global\@tempcnta\@tempcntb
- \global\eqnshift@\z@
- \global\alignsep@\dimen@
- \if@fleqn
- \global\advance\alignsep@\@mathmargin\relax
- \fi:
- \global\divide\alignsep@\@tempcntb
- \fi:
- \if_dim:w \alignsep@<\minalignsep\relax
- \global\alignsep@\minalignsep\relax
- \if_dim:w \eqnshift@>\z@
- \if@fleqn\else:
- \global\eqnshift@\displaywidth
- \global\advance\eqnshift@-\totwidth@
- \global\advance\eqnshift@-\@tempcntb\alignsep@
- \global\divide\eqnshift@\tw@
- \fi:
- \fi:
- \fi:
- \if_dim:w \eqnshift@<\z@
- \global\eqnshift@\z@
- \fi:
- \calc@shift@align
- \global\tagshift@\totwidth@
- \global\advance\tagshift@\@tempcntb\alignsep@
- \if@fleqn
- \if_num:w \xatlevel@=\tw@
- \global\advance\tagshift@-\@mathmargin\relax
- \fi:
- \else:
- \global\advance\tagshift@\eqnshift@
- \fi:
- \iftagsleft@ \else:
- \global\advance\tagshift@-\displaywidth
- \fi:
- \dimen@\minalignsep\relax
- \global\advance\totwidth@\@tempcntb\dimen@
- \if_dim:w \totwidth@>\displaywidth
- \global\MH_let:NwN\displaywidth@\totwidth@
- \else:
- \global\MH_let:NwN\displaywidth@\displaywidth
- \fi:
- \endgroup
-\def\EQ_multline_labelhack:n #1{%
- \begingroup\measuring@false\label@in@display{#1}\endgroup}
-\def\EQ_multline_labelhack_opt:nw #1[#2]{%
- \begingroup\measuring@false\label@in@display{#1}[#2]\endgroup}
- \Let@
- \@display@init{\global\advance\row@\@ne \global\dspbrk@lvl\m@ne}%
- \chardef\dspbrk@context\z@
- \restore@math@cr
- \MH_let:NwN\tag\tag@in@align
- \global\tag@false \global\MH_let:NwN\raise@tag\default_raisetag:
- \mmeasure@{#1}%
- \MH_let:NwN\tag\gobble@tag
- \MH_let:NwN\label\MT_gobblelabel:w
- \tabskip \if@fleqn \@mathmargin \else: \z@skip \fi:
- \totwidth@\displaywidth
- \if@fleqn
- \advance\totwidth@-\@mathmargin
- \fi:
- \halign\bgroup
- \hbox to\totwidth@{%
- \if@fleqn
- \hskip \@centering \relax
- \else:
- \hfil
- \fi:
- \strut@
- $\m@th\displaystyle{}##\endmultline@math
- \hfil
- }%
- \crcr
- \if@fleqn
- \hskip-\@mathmargin
- \def\multline@indent{\hskip\@mathmargin}% put it back
- \else:
- \hfilneg
- \def\multline@indent{\hskip\multlinegap}%
- \fi:
- \iftagsleft@
- \iftag@
- \begingroup
- \ifshifttag@
- \rlap{\vbox{%
- \normalbaselines
- \hbox{%
- \strut@
- \make@display@tag
- }%
- \vbox to\lineht@{}%
- \raise@tag
- }}%
- \multline@indent
- \else:
- \setbox\z@\hbox{\make@display@tag}%
- \dimen@\@mathmargin \advance\dimen@-\wd\z@
- \if_dim:w \dimen@<\multlinetaggap
- \dimen@\multlinetaggap
- \fi:
- \box\z@ \hskip\dimen@\relax
- \fi:
- \endgroup
- \else:
- \multline@indent
- \fi:
- \else:
- \multline@indent
- \fi:
- #1%
- \begingroup
- \measuring@true
- \def\label##1{%
- \@ifnextchar[
- {\EQ_multline_labelhack_opt:nw {##1}}
- {\EQ_multline_labelhack:n {##1}}
- }
- \def\math@cr@@@{\cr}%
- \MH_let:NwN\shoveleft\@iden \MH_let:NwN\shoveright\@iden
- \savecounters@
- \global\row@\z@
- \setbox\@ne\vbox{%
- \global\MH_let:NwN\df@tag\@empty
- \halign{%
- \setboxz@h{\@lign$\m@th\displaystyle{}##$}%
- \iftagsleft@
- \if_num:w \row@=\@ne
- \global\totwidth@\wdz@
- \global\lineht@\ht\z@
- \fi:
- \else:
- \global\totwidth@\wdz@
- \global\lineht@\dp\z@
- \fi:
- \crcr
- #1%
- \crcr
- }%
- }%
- \if_meaning:NN
- \df@tag\@empty
- \else:
- \global\tag@true
- \fi:
- \if@eqnsw\global\tag@true\fi:
- \iftag@
- \setboxz@h{%
- \if@eqnsw
- \stepcounter{equation}%
- \tagform@\theequation
- \else:
- \df@tag
- \fi:
- }%
- \global\tagwidth@\wdz@
- \dimen@\totwidth@
- \advance\dimen@\tagwidth@
- \advance\dimen@\multlinetaggap
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- \if@fleqn
- \advance\dimen@\@mathmargin
- \fi:
- \fi:
- \if_dim:w \dimen@>\displaywidth
- \global\shifttag@true
- \else:
- \global\shifttag@false
- \fi:
- \fi:
- \restorecounters@
- \endgroup
- \MH_set_boolean_T:n {show_manual_tags}
- \global\tag@true
- \iftagsleft@
- \gdef\df@tag{%
- \hbox to \displaywidth{%
- \hss
- \raisebox{-\normallineskip
- -\depthof{\EQ_outerbox:{}}
- -\heightof{\EQ_outerbox:{}}
- -\dp\EQ_mathdisplay_box
- -\ht\EQ_mathdisplay_box}
- [0pt][0pt]{\PotEndMark{\maketag@@@}}}}
- \else:
- \gdef\df@tag{%
- \raisebox{-\dp\EQ_mathdisplay_box
- -\depthof{\EQ_outerbox:{}}}
- {\PotEndMark{\maketag@@@}}}%
- \fi:}
- \iftagsleft@
- \gdef\maketag@@@##1{%
- \hfuzz\displaywidth
- \makebox[\widthof{##1}][l]{%
- \hbox to \displaywidth{\m@th\normalfont##1\hss
- \raisebox{-\dp\EQ_mathdisplay_box
- -\depthof{\EQ_outerbox:{}}}
- {\PotEndMark{\hss}}}}}%
- \else:
- \gdef\maketag@@@##1{%
- \hbox{\m@th\normalfont##1\llap{\hss\PotEndMark{%
- \settoheight{\@tempdima}{\@nameuse{\InTheoType Symbol}}%
- \MH_addtolength:dn \@tempdima
- {\g_EQ_bottomtag_depth_dim+\mintagvsep}
- \setlength{\@tempdimb}
- {\g_EQ_bottomrow_depth_dim+\depthof{\EQ_outerbox:{}}
- +\depthof{\EQ_innerbox:{}}}
- \if_dim:w \@tempdima>\@tempdimb
- \MH_setlength:dn \@tempdima{-\dp\EQ_mathdisplay_box
- -\@tempdima+\g_EQ_bottomrow_depth_dim}
- \addtolength{\@tempdima}{\depthof{\EQ_innerbox:{}}}%
- \def\EQ_next:{\raisebox{\@tempdima}}%
- \else:
- \def\EQ_next:{
- \raisebox{-\dp\EQ_mathdisplay_box
- -\depthof{\EQ_outerbox:{}}}}%
- \fi:\EQ_next:}}}}%
- \fi:}
-\MH_let:NwN \MT_nonumber: \nonumber
- \@tempcnta=\row@
- \if_num:w \l_EQ_equationtype_int=\thr@@
- \advance\@tempcnta\m@ne
- \else:
- \if_num:w \l_EQ_equationtype_int=4\relax
- \advance\@tempcnta\m@ne
- \fi:
- \fi:
- \if_num:w \g_EQ_latest_nonzerodepth_row_fint=\@tempcnta
- \else:
- \global\g_EQ_bottomtag_depth_dim=-\baselineskip
- \fi:
- \MT_nonumber:
-%% End of file `ntheorem.fix'.