path: root/Master/texmf-dist/tex/latex/lwarp/lwarp.sty
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'Master/texmf-dist/tex/latex/lwarp/lwarp.sty')
1 files changed, 345 insertions, 154 deletions
diff --git a/Master/texmf-dist/tex/latex/lwarp/lwarp.sty b/Master/texmf-dist/tex/latex/lwarp/lwarp.sty
index fc765c159b5..a204cb86a25 100644
--- a/Master/texmf-dist/tex/latex/lwarp/lwarp.sty
+++ b/Master/texmf-dist/tex/latex/lwarp/lwarp.sty
@@ -17,7 +17,7 @@
%% version 2005/12/01 or later.
- [2020/05/01 v0.85 Allows LaTeX to directly produce HTML5 output.]
+ [2020/05/12 v0.86 Allows LaTeX to directly produce HTML5 output.]
@@ -4182,114 +4182,259 @@ page_compositor "."
- mathjax-users/jUtewUcE2bY -->
-<script type="text/x-mathjax-config">
-MathJax.Hub.Register.StartupHook("TeX AMSmath Ready",function () {
- var seteqsectionDefault = {name: "", num: 0};
- var seteqsections = {}, seteqsection = seteqsectionDefault;
- var TEX = MathJax.InputJax.TeX, PARSE = TEX.Parse;
- var AMS = MathJax.Extension["TeX/AMSmath"];
- TEX.Definitions.Add({
- macros: {
- seteqsection: "mySection",
- seteqnumber: "mySetEqNumber"
- }
- });
- PARSE.Augment({
- mySection: function (name) {
- seteqsection.num = AMS.number;
- var n = this.GetArgument(name);
- if (n === "") {
- seteqsection = seteqsectionDefault;
- } else {
- if (!seteqsections["_"+n])
- seteqsections["_"+n] = {name:n, num:0};
- seteqsection = seteqsections["_"+n];
+// Lwarp MathJax emulation code
+// Based on code by Davide P. Cervone.
+// Original code:
+// Modified by Brian Dunn to adjust equation numbering, add subequations,
+// and add starred macros.
+// Equation numbering:
+// Starred macros:
+// LaTeX can use \seteqnumber{subequations?}{section}{number} before each equation.
+// subequations? is 0 usually, 1 if inside subequations.
+// section is a string printed as-is, or empty.
+// number is auto-incremented by MathJax between equations.
+MathJax = {
+ subequations: "0",
+ section: "",
+ loader: {
+ load: ['[tex]/tagFormat']
+ },
+ startup: {
+ ready() {
+ //
+ // These would be replaced by import commands if you wanted to make
+ // a proper extension.
+ //
+ const Configuration = MathJax._.input.tex.Configuration.Configuration;
+ const CommandMap = MathJax._.input.tex.SymbolMap.CommandMap;
+ const Macro = MathJax._.input.tex.Symbol.Macro;
+ const TexError = MathJax._.input.tex.TexError.default;
+ const ParseUtil = MathJax._.input.tex.ParseUtil.default;
+ const expandable = MathJax._.util.Options.expandable;
+ //
+ // These are the names of the command maps:
+ //
+ const SETEQNUMBERMAP = 'seteqnumberCoreMap' ;
+ //
+ // These functions implement the macros:
+ //
+ const seteqnumberFunction = (parser, name) => {
+ // Get the macro parameters
+ const star = parser.GetStar(); // true if there is a *
+ const optBrackets = parser.GetBrackets(name); // contents of optional brackets
+ const newsubequations = parser.GetArgument(name); // the subequations argument
+ const neweqsection = parser.GetArgument(name); // the eq section argument
+ const neweqnumber = parser.GetArgument(name); // the eq number argument
+ MathJax.config.subequations=newsubequations ; // a string with boolean meaning
+ MathJax.config.section=neweqsection ; // a string with numeric meaning
+ parser.tags.counter = parser.tags.allCounter = neweqnumber ;
+ };
+ //
+ // This is the configuration for the seteqnumberFunctionConfig TeX extension.
+ //
+ const seteqnumberFunctionConfig = Configuration.create('seteqnumberCore', {
+ //
+ // Initialize the extension by creating the command map,
+ // then append the command map to the given configuration as a macro handler.
+ //
+ init(config) {
+ const map = new CommandMap(SETEQNUMBERMAP,{},{});
+ config.append(
+ Configuration.create(
+ 'seteqnumberDefs',
+ {handler: {macro: [SETEQNUMBERMAP]}}
+ )
+ );
+ },
+ //
+ // Add options (from the
+ // seteqnumberCore configuration object in the document's
+ // option list, if any).
+ //
+ config(config, jax) {
+ const map = jax.parseOptions.handlers.retrieve(SETEQNUMBERMAP);
+ const options = jax.parseOptions.options.seteqnumberCore;
+ for (const cs of Object.keys(options)) {
+ map.add(cs, new Macro(cs, seteqnumberFunction, options[cs]));
+ }
+ },
+ options: {
+ seteqnumberCore: expandable({})
- AMS.number = seteqsection.num;
- },
- mySetEqNumber: function (name) {
- var n = this.GetArgument(name);
- if (!n || !n.match(/^ *[0-9]+ *$/))
- n = "";
- else
- n = parseInt(n)-1;
- <!-- $ syntax highlighting -->
- if (n === "" || n < 1)
- TEX.Error
- ("Argument to "+name+" should be a positive integer");
- AMS.number = n;
- }
- });
- MathJax.Hub.Config({
- TeX: {
- equationNumbers: {
- formatTag: function (n) {
- <!-- if not numeric, don't include the chapter -->
- if (!n.match(/^ *[0-9]+ *$/ ))
- <!-- $ syntax highlighting -->
- return "("+(n).replace(/^\./,"")+")" ;
- else
- return "("+("."+n).replace(/^\./,"")+")" ;
- },
- formatID: function (n) {
- n = ('.'+n).replace
- (/[:"'<>&]/g,"").replace(/^\./,"");
- return 'mjx-eqn-' + n;
+ }
+ );
+ const IFSTARMAP = 'ifstarMap';
+ //
+ // This function implements an ifstar macro.
+ //
+ const IfstarFunction = (parser, name, resultstar, resultnostar) => {
+ //
+ // Get the macro parameters
+ //
+ const star = parser.GetStar(); // true if there is a *
+ //
+ // Construct the replacement string for the macro
+ //
+ const macro = [(star ? resultstar : resultnostar)].join('');
+ //
+ // Insert the replacement string into the TeX string, and check
+ // that there haven't been too many maxro substitutions (prevents
+ // infinite loops).
+ //
+ parser.string = ParseUtil.addArgs(parser, macro, parser.string.slice(parser.i));
+ parser.i = 0;
+ if (++parser.macroCount > parser.configuration.options.maxMacros) {
+ throw new TexError('MaxMacroSub1',
+ 'MathJax maximum macro substitution count exceeded; ' +
+ 'is there a recursive macro call?');
+ }
+ };
+ //
+ // This is the configuration for the IfstarConfiguration TeX extension.
+ //
+ const IfstarConfiguration = Configuration.create('Ifstar', {
+ //
+ // Initialize the extension by creating the command map for the
+ // macros defined by \DeclareIfstar, and add the
+ // \DeclareIfstar macro itself. Then append the
+ // command map to the given configuration as a macro handler
+ //
+ init(config) {
+ const map = new CommandMap(IFSTARMAP, {
+ DeclareIfstar: ['Declare_Ifstar']
+ }, {
+ //
+ // Implements \DeclareIfstar control sequence.
+ //
+ Declare_Ifstar(parser, name) {
+ //
+ // Get the control sequence to define and the starred and
+ // non-starred macros to use.
+ //
+ let cs = ParseUtil.trimSpaces(parser.GetArgument(name));
+ const resultstar = parser.GetArgument(name);
+ const resultnostar = parser.GetArgument(name);
+ //
+ // Check that the control sequence name is valid
+ //
+ if (cs.charAt(0) === '\\') cs = cs.substr(1);
+ if (!cs.match(/^(.|[a-z]+)$/i)) { //$ syntax highlighting
+ throw new TexError(
+ 'IllegalControlSequenceName',
+ 'Illegal control sequence name for %1',
+ name
+ );
+ }
+ //
+ // Look up the command map and add the new macro to it using
+ // IfstarFunction as the function and passing it the
+ // given starred and non-starred macros.
+ //
+ const map = parser.configuration.handlers.retrieve(IFSTARMAP);
+ map.add(cs, new Macro(cs, IfstarFunction, [resultstar, resultnostar]));
+ });
+ config.append(
+ Configuration.create('IfstarDefs', {handler: {macro: [IFSTARMAP]}})
+ );
+ },
+ //
+ // Add any user-defined starred/non-starred macros (from the
+ // Ifstar configuration object in the document's
+ // option list), if any.
+ //
+ config(config, jax) {
+ const map = jax.parseOptions.handlers.retrieve(IFSTARMAP);
+ const starmacros = jax.parseOptions.options.Ifstar;
+ for (const cs of Object.keys(starmacros)) {
+ map.add(cs, new Macro(cs, IfstarFunction, starmacros[cs]));
+ }
+ },
+ //
+ // Indicate that Ifstar is a valid option, and can have
+ // any number of definitions. The format is
+ //
+ // name: [starred, non-starred]
+ //
+ // where 'name' is the macro name, and starred and non-starred are the
+ // macros to use for the \name macro. You can include
+ // pre-defined macros here, which will be available without
+ // further configuration.
+ //
+ options: {
+ Ifstar: expandable({})
- }
- });
+ });
-<!-- -->
-<script type="text/x-mathjax-config">
- MathJax.Ajax.config.path["Contrib"] =
- "";
+ MathJax.startup.defaultReady();
-<script type="text/x-mathjax-config">
- TeX: {
- extensions: ["autoload-all.js"] ,
- equationNumbers: {
- autoNumber: "AMS"
+ // For forward references:
+ MathJax.startup.input[0].preFilters.add(({math}) => {
+ if (math.inputData.recompile){
+ MathJax.config.subequations = math.inputData.recompile.subequations;
+ MathJax.config.section = math.inputData.recompile.section;
- }
-<!-- Alternative CDN provider: -->
-<script type="text/javascript" async
+ });
+ MathJax.startup.input[0].postFilters.add(({math}) => {
+ if (math.inputData.recompile){
+ math.inputData.recompile.subequations = MathJax.config.subequations;
+ math.inputData.recompile.section = MathJax.config.section;
+ }
+ });
+ } // ready
+ }, // startup
+ tex: {
+ packages: {'[+]': ['seteqnumberCore', 'tagFormat', 'Ifstar']},
+ seteqnumberCore: {
+ seteqnumber: [] // a user-defined macro
+ },
+ tags: "ams",
+ tagFormat: {
+ number: function (n) {
+ if(MathJax.config.subequations==0)
+ return(MathJax.config.section + n);
+ else
+ return(MathJax.config.section + String.fromCharCode(96+n));
+ },
+ },
+ }
-<!-- No longer supported after April 30, 2017: -->
- src="">
+ id="MathJax-script"
+ src=""
#!/usr/bin/env texlua
-- Copyright 2016-2020 Brian Dunn
-printversion = "v0.85"
+printversion = "v0.86"
requiredconfversion = "2" -- also at *lwarpmk.conf
function printhelp ()
@@ -6527,11 +6672,14 @@ end -- not --version
\LWR@traceinfo{LWR@filenamenoblanks edef: !\LWR@thisnewfilename!}%
\LWR@simplifyname*{ }
@@ -6769,6 +6917,7 @@ end -- not --version
@@ -7340,7 +7489,17 @@ end -- not --version
- \verbatiminput{\LWR@mathjaxfilename}%
+ \IfFileExists{\LWR@mathjaxfilename}%
+ {\verbatiminput{\LWR@mathjaxfilename}}%
+ {%
+ \PackageError{lwarp}%
+ {%
+ \protect\MathJaxFilename\space specified the file\MessageBreak
+ \space\space\LWR@mathjaxfilename\MessageBreak
+ which does not exist%
+ }%
+ {Specify an existing file, or remove \protect\MathJaxFilename.}%
+ }%
@@ -7383,8 +7542,6 @@ end -- not --version
@@ -9905,30 +10062,53 @@ end -- not --version
+ \LWR@htmltag{a \LWR@print@mbox{id="\LWR@sanitized"}}%
+ \LWR@htmltag{/a}%
+ \ifboolexpr{bool{mathjax} or ( bool{FormatWP} and bool{WPMarkMath} ) }%
+ {%
+ \mbox{%
+ \ifdef{\totwidth@}{\ifbool{LWR@amsmultline}{}{\hspace*{\totwidth@}}}{}%
+ \LWR@htmlclosecomment%
+ \LWR@label@subcreatetag%
+ \LWR@htmlopencomment%
+ }% mbox
+ }% mathjax
+ {%
+ \LWR@label@subcreatetag%
+ }%
\LWR@traceinfo{LWR@label@createtag !#1!}%
{% not lateximage
- \ifbool{LWR@doingstartpars}%
- {% pars allowed
- \ifbool{LWR@doingapar}%
- {% par started
- \LWR@htmltag{a \LWR@print@mbox{id="\LWR@sanitized"}}%
- \LWR@htmltag{/a}%
- }% par started
- {% par not started
- \LWR@stoppars%
- \LWR@htmltag{a \LWR@print@mbox{id="\LWR@sanitized"}}%
- \LWR@htmltag{/a}%
- \LWR@startpars%
- }% par not started
- }% pars allowed
- {% pars not allowed
- \LWR@htmltag{a \LWR@print@mbox{id="\LWR@sanitized"}}%
- \LWR@htmltag{/a}%
- }% pars not allowed
+ \ifbool{LWR@insidemathcomment}%
+ {% inside HTML math comment
+ \LWR@label@inmathcomment%
+ }% inside HTML math comment
+ {% not inside HTML math comment
+ \ifbool{LWR@doingstartpars}%
+ {% pars allowed
+ \ifbool{LWR@doingapar}%
+ {% par started
+ \LWR@label@subcreatetag%
+ }% par started
+ {% par not started
+ \LWR@stoppars%
+ \LWR@label@subcreatetag%
+ \LWR@startpars%
+ }% par not started
+ }% pars allowed
+ {% pars not allowed
+ \LWR@label@subcreatetag%
+ }% pars not allowed
+ }% not inside HTML math comment
}% not lateximage
@@ -9977,7 +10157,7 @@ end -- not --version
- \LWR@ImagesName\LWR@lateximagenumberref{#1}%
+ lateximage-\BaseJobname-\LWR@lateximagenumberref{#1}%
\LWR@traceinfo{LWR@startref D3}%
@@ -10088,7 +10268,7 @@ end -- not --version
@@ -10102,7 +10282,7 @@ end -- not --version
@@ -10112,11 +10292,11 @@ end -- not --version
- \href{\LWR@templink}{\LWR@templink}%
+ \LWR@href{\LWR@templink}{\LWR@templink}%
@@ -10974,6 +11154,9 @@ end -- not --version
@@ -11384,29 +11567,53 @@ end -- not --version
- \ifcsdef{thechapter}{
- \LWR@stoppars%
- \InlineClass{hidden}{
- \textbackslash(
- \textbackslash{}seteqsection \{\thechapter\}
- \textbackslash)
+ {\ifnum \c@chapter>\z@ \thechapter.\fi \@arabic\c@equation}
+ % default per article class:
+ \newcommand*{\theMathJaxsubequations}{0}
+ \newcommand*{\theMathJaxsection}{}
+ \newcommand*{\theMathJaxequation}{\arabic{equation}}
+ \ifdefstrequal{\theequation}{\LWR@article@theequation}
+ {}{
+ \ifdefstrequal{\theequation}{\LWR@book@theequation}{
+ \renewcommand*{\theMathJaxsection}{\ifnum \c@chapter>\z@ \thechapter.\fi}
+ }{
+ \ifdefstrequal{\theequation}{\LWR@subsection@thequation}{
+ \renewcommand*{\theMathJaxsection}{\thesubsection{}.}
+ }{
+ \ifdefstrequal{\theequation}{\LWR@section@thequation}{
+ \renewcommand*{\theMathJaxsection}{\thesection{}.}
+ }{
+ \ifdefstrequal{\theequation}{\LWR@chapter@theequation}{
+ \renewcommand*{\theMathJaxsection}{\thechapter{}.}
+ }{% unknown format
+ \PackageWarningNoLine{lwarp}
+ {%
+ Unknown equation tag format for \protect\theequation.\MessageBreak
+ Article-style equation numbering will be used%
- \LWR@startpars%
- }
- {}% not using chapters
- \ifthenelse{\cnttest{\value{equation}}>0}
- {
- \setcounter{LWR@nextequation}{\value{equation}}
- \addtocounter{LWR@nextequation}{1}
+ }}}}}
- \textbackslash(
- \textbackslash{}seteqnumber \{\arabic{LWR@nextequation}\}
- \textbackslash)
+ \textbackslash(%
+ \textbackslash{}seteqnumber%
+ \{\theMathJaxsubequations\}%
+ \{\theMathJaxsection\}%
+ \{\theMathJaxequation\}%
+ \textbackslash)%
- }{}% not eq > 0
\NewDocumentCommand{\LWR@hidelatexequation}{m +m}{%
@@ -11415,11 +11622,13 @@ end -- not --version
+ \booltrue{LWR@insidemathcomment}
+ \boolfalse{LWR@insidemathcomment}
@@ -11576,22 +11785,6 @@ end -- not --version
- \LWR@traceinfo{LWR@htmlmathlabelb #1}%
- \ifboolexpr{bool{mathjax} or ( bool{FormatWP} and bool{WPMarkMath} ) }%
- {%
- \text{%
- \ifbool{LWR@amsmultline}{}{\hspace*{\totwidth@}}%
- \LWR@htmlclosecomment%
- \LWR@origltx@label{#1}%
- \LWR@htmlopencomment%
- }% text
- }% mathjax
- {%
- \LWR@origltx@label{#1}%
- }%
@@ -11599,12 +11792,14 @@ end -- not --version
+ \booltrue{LWR@insidemathcomment}
+ \boolfalse{LWR@insidemathcomment}
@@ -13193,8 +13388,7 @@ color:\LWR@origpound\LWR@tempcolor%
@@ -13535,9 +13729,6 @@ color:\LWR@origpound\LWR@tempcolor%
environments to force SVG output}
- \LWR@mathjaxwarn{mathtools}
- {Avoid starred macros.\MessageBreak
- See the Lwarp manual for other limitations}
{Multirow works as expected in text mode, but\MessageBreak
limited emulation is provided for MathJax math.\MessageBreak
@@ -13547,8 +13738,8 @@ color:\LWR@origpound\LWR@tempcolor%
{Enclose its uses inside lateximage environments\MessageBreak
to force SVG output}
- {The third-party extension is not yet used.\MessageBreak
- Avoid starred macros and automatic delimiters.\MessageBreak
+ {The third-party extension is not used.\MessageBreak
+ Avoid automatic delimiters.\MessageBreak
Use all mandatory arguments, adding empty as needed.\MessageBreak
See the Lwarp manual for details}