path: root/Master/texmf-dist/tex/latex/logix
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1 files changed, 2335 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/Master/texmf-dist/tex/latex/logix/logix.sty b/Master/texmf-dist/tex/latex/logix/logix.sty
new file mode 100644
index 00000000000..bd6984eeb03
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Master/texmf-dist/tex/latex/logix/logix.sty
@@ -0,0 +1,2335 @@
+% logix.sty
+% Copyright (c) 2001..2019 by Michael Lee Finney.
+% This work may be distributed and/or modified under the conditions of the
+% LaTeX Project Public License, either version 1.3 of this license or (at your
+% option) any later version. The latest version of this license is in
+% and version 1.3c or later is part of all distributions of LaTeX version
+% 2005/12/01 or later.
+% This work has the LPPL maintenance status `maintained'.
+% The Current Maintainer of this work is Michael Lee Finney.
+% This work consists of the file logix.sty.
+% - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
+% This package provides a font and associated commands which are complementary
+% to the STIX2 OpenType mathematic fonts. Usage in logic is emphasized as
+% opposed to mathematical usage. A large set of stretchy delimiters is provided
+% along with numerous arrows and geometric symbols and Rational Knot drawing
+% symbols. Many other additional symbols are provided.
+ \NeedsTeXFormat{LaTeX2e}
+ \ProvidesPackage{logix}
+ [2019/07/01 v1.00 (Michael Lee Finney) Supplemental logical and mathematical symbols for XeLaTex / LuaLaTeX.]
+ \ProvidesFile{logix.otf}
+ [2019/07/01 v1.00 (Michael Lee Finney) OpenType Unicode font.]
+ \RequirePackage{ifxetex}
+ \RequirePackage{ifluatex}
+ \RequirePackage{unicode-math}
+ \RequirePackage{arydshln}
+% Checks for LuaTex or XeTex as engines.
+ \ifluatex \else \ifxetex \else
+ \PackageError{logix}{LuaLaTeX or XeLaTeX is required.}{Compile using LuaLaTeX or XeLaTeX.}
+ \fi \fi
+% This source file loads the logix font and defines associated commands.
+ \IfFontExistsTF{logix.otf} {}
+ { \PackageError{logix}{logix.otf required}{Make sure that the logix.otf font file is installed} }
+% Load / define logix font.
+ \newfontface \logix {logix.otf}[Scale=1.0,NFSSFamily=logix]
+ \DeclareSymbolFont{Logix}{TU}{logix}{m}{n}
+% - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
+% Environments are defined for logic definitions, logic proofs and building rational
+% knots. There are four environments: KnotGrid, LogixDefn, LogixProof and LogixSeqnt.
+% KnotGrid provides a grid (based on tabular, but the use of ampersand (&) separators
+% is not required between grid cells. Each knot symbol has an exact width and height --
+% most are 1em x 1em, but a few are half or quarter height or width. Every symbol (or
+% symbols) in a grid cell must have the same height as all other knot symbols in the
+% same row and same width as all other knot symbols in the same column. The KnotGrid
+% environment has no options and is used as follows (this example has 3 rows and 5
+% columns):
+% \begin{KnotGrid}
+% \KntLFC \KntTSN \KntHXSOSU \KntTSFN \KntTRSC \\
+% \KntNFSpace \KntHXSUSO \KntNNSpace \KntRQC \KntNQSpace \KntRSN \\
+% \end{KnotGrid}
+% where a grid cell would otheriwse be empty or where padding is required to satisfy
+% the size requirements for a cell, 16 KntxxSpace symbols are provided which are
+% exactly sized both horizontally and vertically to assist. The knot symbosl are
+% typeset in math mode so that spaces are ignored. This allows the grid structure to
+% be explicit, making readability and maintenance easier.
+% LogixDefn provides structured formatting for logic definitions. There is an
+% optional parameter, which must be a horizontal length. If present, all of the
+% definitions must fit within that length. The LogixDefn environment defines the
+% Line macro, which has three parameters if the optional LogixDefn parameter is not
+% present and otherwise four. The optional fourth parameter may not be omitted if
+% the length parameter is present and contains a comment to placed at the end of
+% the line. The basic three parameters for the Line macro are the definition's name,
+% optional number (but the empty argument must be present) and the definition itself,
+% which is typeset in math mode. Two examples of its use are:
+% \begin{LogixDefn}
+% \Line{Special}{}{ \OpnParn \prop{p} \WkEquv \prop{q} \ClsParn \Defn \OpnParn \prop{p} \WkImpl \prop{q} \ClsParn \Nd \OpnParn \prop{q} \WkImpl \prop{p} \ClsParn }
+% \Line{Df} {4}{ \OpnParn \prop{p} \WkEquv \prop{q} \ClsParn \Defn \OpnParn \prop{p} \WkImpl \prop{q} \ClsParn \Nd \OpnParn \prop{q} \WkImpl \prop{p} \ClsParn }
+% \end{LogixDefn}
+% \begin{LogixDefn}[15em]
+% \Line{Df}{1}{ \OpnParn \prop{p} \WkEquv \prop{q} \ClsParn \Defn \OpnParn \prop{p} \WkImpl \prop{q} \ClsParn \Nd \OpnParn \prop{q} \WkImpl \prop{p} \ClsParn } { Some comment }
+% \Line{Df}{2}{ \OpnParn \prop{p} \WkEquv \prop{q} \ClsParn \Defn \OpnParn \prop{p} \WkImpl \prop{q} \ClsParn \Nd \OpnParn \prop{q} \WkImpl \prop{p} \ClsParn } { Yet another }
+% \end{LogixDefn}
+% LogixProof provides structed formatting for logic proofs. There are four
+% arguments with the first one optional. As for LogixDefn the optional argument
+% is a horizontal length argument, and provides a width for each line which is
+% followed by a comment when the length argument is present. The other three
+% arguments are the name (and any associated number) of the theorem, a possibly
+% empty set of postulates which are assumed only for the purpose of the proof
+% (e.g. assuming the Axiom of Choice for a specific theorem when working in ZF
+% instead of ZFC) Thus postulates are distinguished from axioms which are assumed
+% to hold for all theorems in a system. The third parameter is the statement of
+% the proof.
+% The LogixProof environment defines two macros -- Dash and Line, which are
+% identical except that Dash is followed by a dashed line separator and Line is
+% followed by a solid line separator. Each of these macros have four parameters
+% (five when the length argument is present). The first is the line number. It
+% is typeset in math mode so that subscripts may be used (sometimes useful in
+% meta proofs). The second is the justifying axiom or previous theorem. The
+% third is the list of previous lines of the proof used to justify the proof,
+% and the fourth is the expression for the proof line. A list is used for the
+% previous justifying lines since the same line can be used more than once
+% and the order is potentially significant. Both the second and third parameters
+% may be empty, allowing for using the comment for justification (a common style
+% in some textbooks and papers). Here is an example with comments:
+% \begin{LogixProof}[5em] {Th 46} {} {\prop{p}\Comma\prop{q}\Seq\prop{r}}
+% \Dash {1} {Th 41} {} {\prop{r} \Nd \prop{s} \Impl \prop{q}} {Comment for first line}
+% \Dash {2} {Cn 2 } {} {\prop{r}} {Comment for second line}
+% \Dash {3} {Th 38} {2} {\prop{r}} {}
+% \Line {4} {Im 3 } {1,6} {\prop{r}} {Comment for last line}
+% \end{LogixProof}
+% LogixSeqnt is identical to LogixProof execpt that the lines have an extra
+% parameter before the expression, which represents the list of expressions
+% assumed to hold for the expression as a sequent. An example of its use (but
+% without comments and with solid lines) is:
+% \begin{LogixSeqnt} {Th 46} {Dt 1} {\prop{p}\Comma\prop{q}\Seq\prop{r}}
+% \Line {1} {Th 41} {} {\prop{p}\Comma\prop{q}} {\prop{r}}
+% \Line {2} {Cn 2 } {} {\prop{p}\Comma\prop{q}} {\prop{r}}
+% \Line {3} {Th 38} {2} { } {\prop{r}}
+% \end{LogixSeqnt}
+% Note that none of these environments are indented by default. Often,
+% horizontal space is at a premium, so any indentation is left to the user.
+% Environment for drawing knots.
+ \newenvironment{KnotGrid}{%
+ \renewcommand{\arraystretch}{0}
+ \noindent\begin{tabular}{ @{} >{$} c <{$} @{} } }{%
+ \end{tabular} }
+% Enviroment for logic definitions.
+ \newenvironment{LogixDefn}[1][]{%
+ \newcommand \PrfEnd {\rule[-0.375em]{0pt}{1.30em}}
+ \renewcommand{\arraystretch}{0}
+ \ifx&#1&
+ \newcommand \Line[3]{%
+ \ifx&##2&%
+ ##1. \hspace{0.25em} & & ##3 & \PrfEnd \\%
+ \else%
+ ##1 \hspace{0.35em} & ##2. \hspace{0.25em} & ##3 & \PrfEnd \\%
+ \fi%
+ }
+ \else
+ \newcommand \Line[4]{%
+ \ifx&##2&%
+ ##1. \hspace{0.25em} & & \mathmakebox[#1][l]{##3} $##4$ & \PrfEnd \\%
+ \else%
+ ##1 \hspace{0.35em} & ##2. \hspace{0.25em} & \mathmakebox[#1][l]{##3} $##4$ & \PrfEnd \\%
+ \fi%
+ }
+ \fi
+ \noindent\begin{tabular}{ @{} l @{} r @{} >{$} l <{$} @{} c @{} }}{%
+ \end{tabular} }
+% Environment for logic proofs without sequents.
+ \newenvironment{LogixProof}[4][]{%
+ \setlength{\dashlinedash}{2pt}
+ \setlength{\dashlinegap}{2pt}
+ \setlength{\arrayrulewidth}{0.2pt}%
+ \renewcommand{\arraystretch}{0}%
+ \newcommand \PrfEnd {\rule[-0.375em]{0pt}{1.30em}}
+ \ifx&#1&
+ \newcommand \parms {4}
+ \newcommand \Dash[4] { \hspace{0.35em} ##1. & \ifx&##2&\else \hspace{0.25em}##2.\fi & \ifx&##3&\else\hspace{0.25em}{\OpnBrkt}##3{\ClsBrkt}\fi & ##4 & \PrfEnd \\ \hdashline}
+ \newcommand \Line[4] { \hspace{0.35em} ##1. & \ifx&##2&\else \hspace{0.25em}##2.\fi & \ifx&##3&\else\hspace{0.25em}{\OpnBrkt}##3{\ClsBrkt}\fi & ##4 & \PrfEnd \\ \hline}
+ \else
+ \newcommand \parms {5}
+ \newcommand \Dash[5] { \hspace{0.35em} ##1. & \ifx&##2&\else \hspace{0.25em}##2.\fi & \ifx&##3&\else\hspace{0.25em}{\OpnBrkt}##3{\ClsBrkt}\fi & \mathmakebox[#1][l]{##4} $##5$ & \PrfEnd \\ \hdashline}
+ \newcommand \Line[5] { \hspace{0.35em} ##1. & \ifx&##2&\else \hspace{0.25em}##2.\fi & \ifx&##3&\else\hspace{0.25em}{\OpnBrkt}##3{\ClsBrkt}\fi & \mathmakebox[#1][l]{##4} $##5$ & \PrfEnd \\ \hline}
+ \fi
+ \noindent\begin{tabular}{
+ @{} >{$} r <{$} % Line number, aligned right, left padding 0.35em.
+ @{} l % Justification reference, left padding 0.25em.
+ @{} l @{\hspace{0.25em}} | % Justification line numbers, left padding 0.25em, vertical bar, right padding 0.25em.
+ @{} >{\hspace{0.25em}$} l <{$} @{\hspace{0.25em}} % Proposition, right padding 0.25em.
+ @{} c @{} }
+ \multicolumn{\parms}{@{} l}{\noindent\begin{tabular}{ @{} l @{} l @{} @{\hspace{0.25em}} >{$} l <{$} @{} c @{} }
+ #2. & \ifx&#3&\else{\hspace{0.25em}\OpnGrp}#3{\ClsGrp}\fi & #4 & \PrfEnd
+ \end{tabular}} \\\hline%
+ }{%
+ \end{tabular} }
+% Environment for logic proofs with sequents.
+ \newenvironment{LogixSeqnt}[4][]{%
+ \setlength{\dashlinedash}{2pt}
+ \setlength{\dashlinegap}{2pt}
+ \setlength{\arrayrulewidth}{0.2pt}%
+ \renewcommand{\arraystretch}{0}%
+ \newcommand \PrfEnd {\rule[-0.375em]{0pt}{1.30em}}
+ \ifx&#1&
+ \newcommand \parms {5}
+ \newcommand \Dash[5] { \hspace{0.35em} ##1. & \ifx&##2&\else \hspace{0.25em}##2.\fi & \ifx&##3&\else\hspace{0.25em}{\OpnBrkt}##3{\ClsBrkt}\fi & ##4 & ##5 & \PrfEnd \\ \hdashline}
+ \newcommand \Line[5] { \hspace{0.35em} ##1. & \ifx&##2&\else \hspace{0.25em}##2.\fi & \ifx&##3&\else\hspace{0.25em}{\OpnBrkt}##3{\ClsBrkt}\fi & ##4 & ##5 & \PrfEnd \\ \hline}
+ \else
+ \newcommand \parms {6}
+ \newcommand \Dash[6] { \hspace{0.35em} ##1. & \ifx&##2&\else \hspace{0.25em}##2.\fi & \ifx&##3&\else\hspace{0.25em}{\OpnBrkt}##3{\ClsBrkt}\fi & ##4 & \mathmakebox[#1][l]{##5} $##6$ & \PrfEnd \\ \hdashline}
+ \newcommand \Line[6] { \hspace{0.35em} ##1. & \ifx&##2&\else \hspace{0.25em}##2.\fi & \ifx&##3&\else\hspace{0.25em}{\OpnBrkt}##3{\ClsBrkt}\fi & ##4 & \mathmakebox[#1][l]{##5} $##6$ & \PrfEnd \\ \hline}
+ \fi
+ \noindent\begin{tabular}{
+ @{} >{$} r <{$} % Line number, aligned right, left padding 0.35em.
+ @{} l % Justification reference, left padding 0.25em.
+ @{} l @{\hspace{0.25em}} | % Justification line numbers, left padding 0.25em, vertical bar, right padding 0.25em.
+ @{} >{\hspace{0.25em}$} r <{$} % Sequent assumptions, left padding 0.25em.
+ @{} >{$\Seq} l <{$} @{\hspace{0.25em}} % Sequent conclusion, right padding 0.25em.
+ @{} c @{} }
+ \multicolumn{\parms}{@{} l}{\noindent\begin{tabular}{ @{} l @{} l @{} @{\hspace{0.25em}} >{$} l <{$} @{} c @{} }
+ #2. & \ifx&#3&\else{\hspace{0.25em}\OpnGrp}#3{\ClsGrp}\fi & #4 & \PrfEnd
+ \end{tabular}} \\\hline%
+ }{%
+ \end{tabular} }
+% Define the logix math symbols. These symbols have sidebearings defined in the font.
+% Applying the symbol type results in extra white space so they are declared as
+% \mathord. However, some symbols require minor kerning adjustments to work smoothly
+% with LaTeX math layout. That is accomplished using the \mkern command as part of
+% the symbol defintion. The standard symbol types are shown below.
+% Logic expressions, as compared to mathematic expressions do not require
+% additional spacing. The minimum spacing is provided by the sidebearings,
+% so all symbols are defined as type \mathord to prevent elastic glue. Any
+% adjustments, if necessary will either be made here (on a temporary basis)
+% or in the font itself. If normal TeX glue is desired in a specific case,
+% then use one of the following commands.
+% \mathord 0 - Simple / ordinary, e.g. \alpha, no padding space
+% \mathop 1 - Prefix operator, thin space on both sides (3mu)
+% \mathbin 2 - Binary operator, medium space on both sides (4mu)
+% \mathrel 3 - Relation, thick space on both sides (5mu)
+% \mathopen 4 - Open (left) delimiter, may add space on left
+% \mathclose 5 - Close (right) delimiter, may add space on right
+% \mathpunct 6 - Postfix operator / punctuation, thin space on right.
+% \mathalpha 7 - Alphabetic (e.g. A), no padding space
+ \newcommand \lgx[1] {\ensuremath{\Umathchar "0 \symLogix "#1}}
+ \newcommand \lgl[1] {\ensuremath{\Udelimiter 4 \symLogix "#1}}
+ \newcommand \lgm[1] {\ensuremath{\Udelimiter 0 \symLogix "#1}}
+ \newcommand \lgr[1] {\ensuremath{\Udelimiter 5 \symLogix "#1}}
+ \newcommand \OpnBar {\lgl{E300}} % Open Bar
+ \newcommand \OpnGrp {\lgl{E301}} % Open Group Brace
+ \newcommand \OpnParn {\lgl{E302}} % Open Parenthesis
+ \newcommand \OpnBrac {\lgl{E303}} % Open Curly Brace
+ \newcommand \OpnBrknBrac {\lgl{E304}} % Open Curly Broken Brace
+ \newcommand \OpnCircBrac {\lgl{E305}} % Open Curly Circle Brace
+ \newcommand \OpnArrwBrac {\lgl{E306}} % Open Arrow Brace
+ \newcommand \OpnBrkt {\lgl{E307}} % Open Square Bracket
+ \newcommand \OpnCrlyBrkt {\lgl{E308}} % Open Square Curly Bracket
+ \newcommand \OpnBrknBrkt {\lgl{E309}} % Open Square Broken Bracket
+ \newcommand \OpnCircBrkt {\lgl{E30A}} % Open Square Circle Bracket
+ \newcommand \OpnTortoise {\lgl{E30B}} % Open Tortoise Shell
+ \newcommand \OpnAngl {\lgl{E30C}} % Open Angle Bracket
+ \newcommand \OpnDblBrac {\lgl{E30D}} % Open Double Curly Brace
+ \newcommand \OpnDblAngl {\lgl{E30E}} % Open Double Angle Bracket
+ \newcommand \OpnSqrParn {\lgl{E30F}} % Open Square Parenthesis
+ \newcommand \OpnParnBar {\lgl{E310}} % Open Parenthesis with Bar
+ \newcommand \OpnBracBar {\lgl{E311}} % Open Brace with Bar
+ \newcommand \OpnBrknBracBar {\lgl{E312}} % Open Broken Brace with Bar
+ \newcommand \OpnCircBracBar {\lgl{E313}} % Open Circle Brace with Bar
+ \newcommand \OpnBrktBar {\lgl{E314}} % Open Bracket with Bar
+ \newcommand \OpnCrlyBrktBar {\lgl{E315}} % Open Curly Bracket with Bar
+ \newcommand \OpnBrknBrktBar {\lgl{E316}} % Open Broken Bracket with Bar
+ \newcommand \OpnCircBrktBar {\lgl{E317}} % Open Circle Bracket with Bar
+ \newcommand \OpnTortoiseBar {\lgl{E318}} % Open Tortoise Shell with Bar
+ \newcommand \OpnAnglBar {\lgl{E319}} % Open Angle Bracket with Bar
+ \newcommand \OpnCurvAngl {\lgl{E31A}} % Open Curved Angle Bracket
+ \newcommand \OpnDblParn {\lgl{E31B}} % Open Double Parenthesis
+ \newcommand \OpnCeil {\lgl{E31C}} % Open Ceiling
+ \newcommand \OpnFloor {\lgl{E31D}} % Open Floor
+ \newcommand \OpnTurn {\lgl{E31E}} % Open Turnstile
+ \newcommand \OpnCntx {\lgx{E31F}} % Open Context Quote
+ \newcommand \OpnDblGrp {\lgl{E320}} % Open Double Group Brace
+ \newcommand \ClsBar {\lgr{E340}} % Close Bar
+ \newcommand \ClsGrp {\lgr{E341}} % Close Group Brace
+ \newcommand \ClsParn {\lgr{E342}} % Close Parenthesis
+ \newcommand \ClsBrac {\lgr{E343}} % Close Curly Brace
+ \newcommand \ClsBrknBrac {\lgr{E344}} % Close Curly Broken Brace
+ \newcommand \ClsCircBrac {\lgr{E345}} % Close Curly Circle Brace
+ \newcommand \ClsArrwBrac {\lgr{E346}} % Close Arrow Brace
+ \newcommand \ClsBrkt {\lgr{E347}} % Close Square Bracket
+ \newcommand \ClsCrlyBrkt {\lgr{E348}} % Close Square Curly Bracket
+ \newcommand \ClsBrknBrkt {\lgr{E349}} % Close Square Broken Bracket
+ \newcommand \ClsCircBrkt {\lgr{E34A}} % Close Square Circle Bracket
+ \newcommand \ClsTortoise {\lgr{E34B}} % Close Tortoise Shell
+ \newcommand \ClsAngl {\lgr{E34C}} % Close Angle Bracket
+ \newcommand \ClsDblBrac {\lgr{E34D}} % Close Double Curly Brace
+ \newcommand \ClsDblAngl {\lgr{E34E}} % Close Double Angle Bracket
+ \newcommand \ClsSqrParn {\lgr{E34F}} % Close Square Parenthesis
+ \newcommand \ClsParnBar {\lgr{E350}} % Close Parenthesis with Bar
+ \newcommand \ClsBracBar {\lgr{E351}} % Close Brace with Bar
+ \newcommand \ClsBrknBracBar {\lgr{E352}} % Close Broken Brace with Bar
+ \newcommand \ClsCircBracBar {\lgr{E353}} % Close Circle Brace with Bar
+ \newcommand \ClsBrktBar {\lgr{E354}} % Close Bracket with Bar
+ \newcommand \ClsCrlyBrktBar {\lgr{E355}} % Close Curly Bracket with Bar
+ \newcommand \ClsBrknBrktBar {\lgr{E356}} % Close Broken Bracket with Bar
+ \newcommand \ClsCircBrktBar {\lgr{E357}} % Close Circle Bracket with Bar
+ \newcommand \ClsTortoiseBar {\lgr{E358}} % Close Tortoise Shell with Bar
+ \newcommand \ClsAnglBar {\lgr{E359}} % Close Angle Bracket with Bar
+ \newcommand \ClsCurvAngl {\lgr{E35A}} % Close Curved Angle Bracket
+ \newcommand \ClsDblParn {\lgl{E35B}} % Close Double Parenthesis
+ \newcommand \ClsCeil {\lgr{E35C}} % Close Ceiling
+ \newcommand \ClsFloor {\lgr{E35D}} % Close Floor
+ \newcommand \ClsTurn {\lgr{E35E}} % Close Turnstile
+ \newcommand \ClsCntx {\lgx{E35F}} % Close Context Quote
+ \newcommand \ClsDblGrp {\lgr{E360}} % Close Double Group Brace
+ \newcommand \MapParInMul {\lgx{EAA0}} % Continuous, Partial, Into Multi-Map
+ \newcommand \MapParInSng {\lgx{EAA1}} % Continuous, Partial, Into, Singleton Map
+ \newcommand \MapParInOne {\lgx{EAA2}} % Continuous, Partial, Into, One-To-One Map
+ \newcommand \MapParOnMul {\lgx{EAA8}} % Continuous, Partial, Onto Multi-Map
+ \newcommand \MapParOnSng {\lgx{EAA9}} % Continuous, Partial, Onto, Singleton Map
+ \newcommand \MapParOnOne {\lgx{EAAA}} % Continuous, Partial, Onto, One-To-One Map
+ \newcommand \MapParInGndMul {\lgx{EAB0}} % Continuous, Partial, Into, Grounded Multi-Map
+ \newcommand \MapParInGndSng {\lgx{EAB1}} % Continuous, Partial, Into, Grounded, Singleton Map
+ \newcommand \MapParInGndOne {\lgx{EAB2}} % Continuous, Partial, Into, Grounded, One-To-One Map
+ \newcommand \MapParOnGndMul {\lgx{EAB8}} % Continuous, Partial, Onto, Grounded Multi-Map
+ \newcommand \MapParOnGndSng {\lgx{EAB9}} % Continuous, Partial, Onto, Grounded, Singleton Map
+ \newcommand \MapParOnGndOne {\lgx{EABA}} % Continuous, Partial, Onto, Grounded, One-To-One Map
+ \newcommand \MapTotInMul {\lgx{EA80}} % Continuous, Total, Into Multi-Map
+ \newcommand \MapTotInSng {\lgx{EA81}} % Continuous, Total, Into, Singleton Map
+ \newcommand \MapTotInOne {\lgx{EA82}} % Continuous, Total, Into, One-To-One Map
+ \newcommand \MapTotOnMul {\lgx{EA88}} % Continuous, Total, Onto Multi-Map
+ \newcommand \MapTotOnSng {\lgx{EA89}} % Continuous, Total, Onto, Singleton Map
+ \newcommand \MapTotOnOne {\lgx{EA8A}} % Continuous, Total, Onto, One-To-One Map
+ \newcommand \MapTotInGndMul {\lgx{EA90}} % Continuous, Total, Into, Grounded Multi-Map
+ \newcommand \MapTotInGndSng {\lgx{EA91}} % Continuous, Total, Into, Grounded, Singleton Map
+ \newcommand \MapTotInGndOne {\lgx{EA92}} % Continuous, Total, Into, Grounded, One-To-One Map
+ \newcommand \MapTotOnGndMul {\lgx{EA98}} % Continuous, Total, Onto, Grounded Multi-Map
+ \newcommand \MapTotOnGndSng {\lgx{EA99}} % Continuous, Total, Onto, Grounded, Singleton Map
+ \newcommand \MapTotOnGndOne {\lgx{EA9A}} % Continuous, Total, Onto, Grounded, One-To-One Map
+ \newcommand \FunParInMul {\lgx{EAA4}} % Continuous, Partial, Into Multi-Function
+ \newcommand \FunParInSng {\lgx{EAA5}} % Continuous, Partial, Into, Singleton Function
+ \newcommand \FunParInOne {\lgx{EAA6}} % Continuous, Partial, Into, One-To-One Function
+ \newcommand \FunParOnMul {\lgx{EAAC}} % Continuous, Partial, Onto Multi-Function
+ \newcommand \FunParOnSng {\lgx{EAAD}} % Continuous, Partial, Onto, Singleton Function
+ \newcommand \FunParOnOne {\lgx{EAAE}} % Continuous, Partial, Onto, One-To-One Function
+ \newcommand \FunParInGndMul {\lgx{EAB4}} % Continuous, Partial, Into, Grounded Multi-Function
+ \newcommand \FunParInGndSng {\lgx{EAB5}} % Continuous, Partial, Into, Grounded, Singleton Function
+ \newcommand \FunParInGndOne {\lgx{EAB6}} % Continuous, Partial, Into, Grounded, One-To-One Function
+ \newcommand \FunParOnGndMul {\lgx{EABC}} % Continuous, Partial, Onto, Grounded Multi-Function
+ \newcommand \FunParOnGndSng {\lgx{EABD}} % Continuous, Partial, Onto, Grounded, Singleton Function
+ \newcommand \FunParOnGndOne {\lgx{EABE}} % Continuous, Partial, Onto, Grounded, One-To-One Function
+ \newcommand \FunTotInMul {\lgx{EA84}} % Continuous, Total, Into Multi-Function
+ \newcommand \FunTotInSng {\lgx{EA85}} % Continuous, Total, Into, Singleton Function
+ \newcommand \FunTotInOne {\lgx{EA86}} % Continuous, Total, Into, One-To-One Function
+ \newcommand \FunTotOnMul {\lgx{EA8C}} % Continuous, Total, Onto Multi-Function
+ \newcommand \FunTotOnSng {\lgx{EA8D}} % Continuous, Total, Onto, Singleton Function
+ \newcommand \FunTotOnOne {\lgx{EA8E}} % Continuous, Total, Onto, One-To-One Function
+ \newcommand \FunTotInGndMul {\lgx{EA94}} % Continuous, Total, Into, Grounded Multi-Function
+ \newcommand \FunTotInGndSng {\lgx{EA95}} % Continuous, Total, Into, Grounded, Singleton Function
+ \newcommand \FunTotInGndOne {\lgx{EA96}} % Continuous, Total, Into, Grounded, One-To-One Function
+ \newcommand \FunTotOnGndMul {\lgx{EA9C}} % Continuous, Total, Onto, Grounded Multi-Function
+ \newcommand \FunTotOnGndSng {\lgx{EA9D}} % Continuous, Total, Onto, Grounded, Singleton Function
+ \newcommand \FunTotOnGndOne {\lgx{EA9E}} % Continuous, Total, Onto, Grounded, One-To-One Function
+ \newcommand \MapComp {\lgx{E23C}} % Map Composition
+ \newcommand \FncComp {\lgx{E239}} % Function Composition
+ \newcommand \FncCnvrs {\lgx{E2C3}} % Function Converse
+ \newcommand \SFunc {\lgx{E9DC}} % Short Function
+ \newcommand \Func {\lgx{E9DD}} % Function
+ \newcommand \LFunc {\lgx{E9DE}} % Long Function
+ \newcommand \XFunc {\lgx{E9DF}} % Extra Long Function
+ \newcommand \ClsImpl {\lgx{E79E}} % Classical Implication
+ \newcommand \NotClsImpl {\lgx{E79F}} % Not Classical Implication
+ \newcommand \ClsEquv {\lgx{E666}} % Classical Equivalence
+ \newcommand \NotClsEquv {\lgx{E667}} % Not Classical Equivalence
+ \newcommand \SWkMtImpl {\lgx{E810}} % Short Weak Material Implication
+ \newcommand \NotSWkMtImpl {\lgx{E811}} % Short Not Weak Material Implication
+ \newcommand \SWkMtEquv {\lgx{E812}} % Short Weak Material Equivalence
+ \newcommand \NotSWkMtEquv {\lgx{E813}} % Short Not Weak Material Equivalence
+ \newcommand \WkMtImpl {\lgx{E814}} % Weak Material Implication
+ \newcommand \NotWkMtImpl {\lgx{E815}} % Not Weak Material Implication
+ \newcommand \WkMtEquv {\lgx{E816}} % Weak Material Equivalence
+ \newcommand \NotWkMtEquv {\lgx{E817}} % Not Weak Material Equivalence
+ \newcommand \LWkMtImpl {\lgx{E818}} % Long Weak Material Implication
+ \newcommand \NotLWkMtImpl {\lgx{E819}} % Long Not Weak Material Implication
+ \newcommand \LWkMtEquv {\lgx{E81A}} % Long Weak Material Equivalence
+ \newcommand \NotLWkMtEquv {\lgx{E81B}} % Long Not Weak Material Equivalence
+ \newcommand \XWkMtImpl {\lgx{E81C}} % Extra Long Weak Material Implication
+ \newcommand \NotXWkMtImpl {\lgx{E81D}} % Extra Long Not Weak Material Implication
+ \newcommand \XWkMtEquv {\lgx{E81E}} % Extra Long Weak Material Equivalence
+ \newcommand \NotXWkMtEquv {\lgx{E81F}} % Extra Long Not Weak Material Equivalence
+ \newcommand \SMtImpl {\lgx{E820}} % Short WMaterial Implication
+ \newcommand \NotSMtImpl {\lgx{E821}} % Short NNot Material Implication
+ \newcommand \SMtEquv {\lgx{E822}} % Short WMaterial Equivalence
+ \newcommand \NotSMtEquv {\lgx{E823}} % Short NNot Material Equivalence
+ \newcommand \MtImpl {\lgx{E824}} % Material Implication
+ \newcommand \NotMtImpl {\lgx{E825}} % Not Material Implication
+ \newcommand \MtEquv {\lgx{E826}} % Material Equivalence
+ \newcommand \NotMtEquv {\lgx{E827}} % Not Material Equivalence
+ \newcommand \LMtImpl {\lgx{E828}} % Long Material Implication
+ \newcommand \NotLMtImpl {\lgx{E829}} % Long Not Material Implication
+ \newcommand \LMtEquv {\lgx{E82A}} % Long Material Equivalence
+ \newcommand \NotLMtEquv {\lgx{E82B}} % Long Not Material Equivalence
+ \newcommand \XMtImpl {\lgx{E82C}} % Extra Long Material Implication
+ \newcommand \NotXMtImpl {\lgx{E82D}} % Extra Long Not Material Implication
+ \newcommand \XMtEquv {\lgx{E82E}} % Extra Long Material Equivalence
+ \newcommand \NotXMtEquv {\lgx{E82F}} % Extra Long Not Material Equivalence
+ \newcommand \SInImpl {\lgx{E830}} % Short WIntuitionistic Implication
+ \newcommand \NotSInImpl {\lgx{E831}} % Short NNot Intuitionistic Implication
+ \newcommand \SInEquv {\lgx{E832}} % Short WIntuitionistic Equivalence
+ \newcommand \NotSInEquv {\lgx{E833}} % Short NNot Intuitionistic Equivalence
+ \newcommand \InImpl {\lgx{E834}} % Intuitionistic Implication
+ \newcommand \NotInImpl {\lgx{E835}} % Not Intuitionistic Implication
+ \newcommand \InEquv {\lgx{E836}} % Intuitionistic Equivalence
+ \newcommand \NotInEquv {\lgx{E837}} % Not Intuitionistic Equivalence
+ \newcommand \LInImpl {\lgx{E838}} % Long Intuitionistic Implication
+ \newcommand \NotLInImpl {\lgx{E839}} % Long Not Intuitionistic Implication
+ \newcommand \LInEquv {\lgx{E83A}} % Long Intuitionistic Equivalence
+ \newcommand \NotLInEquv {\lgx{E83B}} % Long Not Intuitionistic Equivalence
+ \newcommand \XInImpl {\lgx{E83C}} % Extra Long Intuitionistic Implication
+ \newcommand \NotXInImpl {\lgx{E83D}} % Extra Long Not Intuitionistic Implication
+ \newcommand \XInEquv {\lgx{E83E}} % Extra Long Intuitionistic Equivalence
+ \newcommand \NotXInEquv {\lgx{E83F}} % Extra Long Not Intuitionistic Equivalence
+ \newcommand \SWkImpl {\lgx{E840}} % Short WWeak Implication
+ \newcommand \NotSWkImpl {\lgx{E841}} % Short NNot Weak Implication
+ \newcommand \SWkEquv {\lgx{E842}} % Short WWeak Implication Equivalence
+ \newcommand \NotSWkEquv {\lgx{E843}} % Short NNot Weak Implication Equivalence
+ \newcommand \WkImpl {\lgx{E844}} % Weak Implication
+ \newcommand \NotWkImpl {\lgx{E845}} % Not Weak Implication
+ \newcommand \WkEquv {\lgx{E846}} % Weak Implication Equivalence
+ \newcommand \NotWkEquv {\lgx{E847}} % Not Weak Implication Equivalence
+ \newcommand \LWkImpl {\lgx{E848}} % Long Weak Implication
+ \newcommand \NotLWkImpl {\lgx{E849}} % Long Not Weak Implication
+ \newcommand \LWkEquv {\lgx{E84A}} % Long Weak Implication Equivalence
+ \newcommand \NotLWkEquv {\lgx{E84B}} % Long Not Weak Implication Equivalence
+ \newcommand \XWkImpl {\lgx{E84C}} % Extra Long Weak Implication
+ \newcommand \NotXWkImpl {\lgx{E84D}} % Extra Long Not Weak Implication
+ \newcommand \XWkEquv {\lgx{E84E}} % Extra Long Weak Implication Equivalence
+ \newcommand \NotXWkEquv {\lgx{E84F}} % Extra Long Not Weak Implication Equivalence
+ \newcommand \SImpl {\lgx{E850}} % Short WImplication
+ \newcommand \NotSImpl {\lgx{E851}} % Short NNot Implication
+ \newcommand \SEquv {\lgx{E852}} % Short WImplication Equivalence
+ \newcommand \NotSEquv {\lgx{E853}} % Short NNot Implication Equivalence
+ \newcommand \Impl {\lgx{E854}} % Implication
+ \newcommand \NotImpl {\lgx{E855}} % Not Implication
+ \newcommand \Equv {\lgx{E856}} % Implication Equivalence
+ \newcommand \NotEquv {\lgx{E857}} % Not Implication Equivalence
+ \newcommand \LImpl {\lgx{E858}} % Long Implication
+ \newcommand \NotLImpl {\lgx{E859}} % Long Not Implication
+ \newcommand \LEquv {\lgx{E85A}} % Long Implication Equivalence
+ \newcommand \NotLEquv {\lgx{E85B}} % Long Not Implication Equivalence
+ \newcommand \XImpl {\lgx{E85C}} % Extra Long Implication
+ \newcommand \NotXImpl {\lgx{E85D}} % Extra Long Not Implication
+ \newcommand \XEquv {\lgx{E85E}} % Extra Long Implication Equivalence
+ \newcommand \NotXEquv {\lgx{E85F}} % Extra Long Not Implication Equivalence
+ \newcommand \SWkEntail {\lgx{E860}} % Short WWeak Entailment
+ \newcommand \NotSWkEntail {\lgx{E861}} % Short NNot Weak Entailment
+ \newcommand \SWkEntailEquv {\lgx{E862}} % Short WWeak Entailment Equivalence
+ \newcommand \NotSWkEntailEquv {\lgx{E863}} % Short NNot Weak Entailment Equivalence
+ \newcommand \WkEntail {\lgx{E864}} % Weak Entailment
+ \newcommand \NotWkEntail {\lgx{E865}} % Not Weak Entailment
+ \newcommand \WkEntailEquv {\lgx{E866}} % Weak Entailment Equivalence
+ \newcommand \NotWkEntailEquv {\lgx{E867}} % Not Weak Entailment Equivalence
+ \newcommand \LWkEntail {\lgx{E868}} % Long Weak Entailment
+ \newcommand \NotLWkEntail {\lgx{E869}} % Long Not Weak Entailment
+ \newcommand \LWkEntailEquv {\lgx{E86A}} % Long Weak Entailment Equivalence
+ \newcommand \NotLWkEntailEquv {\lgx{E86B}} % Long Not Weak Entailment Equivalence
+ \newcommand \XWkEntail {\lgx{E86C}} % Extra Long Weak Entailment
+ \newcommand \NotXWkEntail {\lgx{E86D}} % Extra Long Not Weak Entailment
+ \newcommand \XWkEntailEquv {\lgx{E86E}} % Extra Long Weak Entailment Equivalence
+ \newcommand \NotXWkEntailEquv {\lgx{E86F}} % Extra Long Not Weak Entailment Equivalence
+ \newcommand \SEntail {\lgx{E870}} % Short WEntailment
+ \newcommand \NotSEntail {\lgx{E871}} % Short NNot Entailment
+ \newcommand \SEntailEquv {\lgx{E872}} % Short WEntailment Equivalence
+ \newcommand \NotSEntailEquv {\lgx{E873}} % Short NNot Entailment Equivalence
+ \newcommand \Entail {\lgx{E874}} % Entailment
+ \newcommand \NotEntail {\lgx{E875}} % Not Entailment
+ \newcommand \EntailEquv {\lgx{E876}} % Entailment Equivalence
+ \newcommand \NotEntailEquv {\lgx{E877}} % Not Entailment Equivalence
+ \newcommand \LEntail {\lgx{E878}} % Long Entailment
+ \newcommand \NotLEntail {\lgx{E879}} % Long Not Entailment
+ \newcommand \LEntailEquv {\lgx{E87A}} % Long Entailment Equivalence
+ \newcommand \NotLEntailEquv {\lgx{E87B}} % Long Not Entailment Equivalence
+ \newcommand \XEntail {\lgx{E87C}} % Extra Long Entailment
+ \newcommand \NotXEntail {\lgx{E87D}} % Extra Long Not Entailment
+ \newcommand \XEntailEquv {\lgx{E87E}} % Extra Long Entailment Equivalence
+ \newcommand \NotXEntailEquv {\lgx{E87F}} % Extra Long Not Entailment Equivalence
+ \newcommand \Seq {\lgx{E94C}} % Sequent
+ \newcommand \NotSeq {\lgx{E96C}} % Sequent Denied
+ \newcommand \Rule {\lgx{E940}} % Assertion (Rule)
+ \newcommand \NotRule {\lgx{E960}} % Assertion (Rule) Denied
+ \newcommand \Model {\lgx{E942}} % Model
+ \newcommand \NotModel {\lgx{E962}} % Model Denied
+ \newcommand \Turn {\lgx{E944}} % Turnstile
+ \newcommand \NotTurn {\lgx{E964}} % Turnstile Denied
+ \newcommand \Conseq {\lgx{E946}} % Consequence Relation
+ \newcommand \NotConseq {\lgx{E966}} % Consequence Relation Denied
+ \newcommand \Defn {\lgx{E60A}} % Defines
+ \newcommand \Qed {\lgx{E08F}} % Q.E.D.
+ \newcommand \Nd {\lgx{E6A0}} % Bitwise AND operator / Logical Conjunction
+ \newcommand \Or {\lgx{E6A1}} % Bitwise OR operator / Logical Disjunction
+ \newcommand \Nt {\lgx{E0C0}} % Bitwise NOT operator / Logical Negation
+ \newcommand \Ng {\lgx{E64C}} % Classical Logical Negation
+ \newcommand \Nand {\lgx{E6A2}} % Bitwise NAND operator
+ \newcommand \Nor {\lgx{E6A3}} % Bitwise NOR operator
+ \newcommand \Xor {\lgx{E6A5}} % Bitwise XOR operator
+ \newcommand \LcgCohrnc {\lgx{E068}} % Logical Coherence
+ \newcommand \BncCohrnc {\lgx{E078}} % Bunch Coherence
+ \newcommand \True {\lgx{E012}} % True
+ \newcommand \False {\lgx{E014}} % False
+ \newcommand \Top {\lgx{E017}} % Lattice / type top
+ \newcommand \Bot {\lgx{E016}} % Lattice / type bottom
+ \newcommand \QuantCon {\lgx{E891}} % Quantified Conjunction
+ \newcommand \QuantDis {\lgx{E890}} % Quantified Disjuntion
+ \newcommand \ForAll {\lgx{E8C0}} % Universal Individual Quantifier
+ \newcommand \Exists {\lgx{E8C1}} % Existential Individual Quantifier
+ \newcommand \Unique {\lgx{E8C2}} % Unique Existential Individual Quantifier
+ \newcommand \BnchForAll {\lgx{E8D0}} % Universal Bunch Quantifier
+ \newcommand \BnchExists {\lgx{E8D1}} % Existential Bunch Quantifier
+ \newcommand \BnchUnique {\lgx{E8D2}} % Unique Existential Bunch Quantifier
+ \newcommand \BndMap {\lgx{E030}} % Map Abstraction
+ \newcommand \Dt {\lgx{E098}} % Dot
+ \newcommand \Comma {\lgx{E099}} % Comma
+ \newcommand \Semicln {\lgx{E09A}} % Semicolon
+ \newcommand \Cln {\lgx{E091}} % Colon
+ \newcommand \Thus {\lgx{E092}} % Thus
+ \newcommand \Since {\lgx{E093}} % Since
+ \newcommand \Dts {\lgx{E096}} % Dots (ellipsis)
+ \newcommand \BndDot {\lgx{E090}} % Binding Dot
+ \newcommand \BndBar {\lgm{E380}} % Binding Bar
+ \newcommand \LngVrtBar {\lgx{E0EC}} % Long Vertical Bar
+ \newcommand \Queston {\lgx{E02C}} % Question mark
+ \newcommand \Exclaim {\lgx{E02D}} % Exclamation point
+ \newcommand \Percent {\lgx{E03C}} % Percent sign
+ \newcommand \Ampersand {\lgx{E03D}} % Ampersand
+ \newcommand \Dollar {\lgx{E05F}} % Dollar sign
+ \newcommand \At {\lgx{E03E}} % At sign
+ \newcommand \Circumflex {\lgx{E03F}} % ASCII Circumflex
+ \newcommand \Number {\lgx{E04F}} % Number sign
+ \newcommand \Underscore {\lgx{E09E}} % Underscore
+ \newcommand \Tild {\lgx{007E}} % Tilde E64C
+ \newcommand \SingleQuote {\lgx{E09C}} % Single quote
+ \newcommand \DoubleQuote {\lgx{E09B}} % Double quote
+ \newcommand \BackQuote {\lgx{E09D}} % Back quote (grave)
+ \newcommand \LeftSlash {\lgx{E103}} % Left (back) slash
+ \newcommand \RightSlash {\lgx{E102}} % Right (forward) slash
+ \newcommand \ShftSuper {\lgx{EAC3}} % Shift for superscripts
+ \newcommand \ShftSubscr {\lgx{EAC4}} % Shift for subscripts
+ \newcommand \ShftAccent {\lgx{EAC5}} % Shift for accents
+ \newcommand \RplcAllBndRight {\lgx{E9D4}} % Replace All Bound Variables (right)
+ \newcommand \RplcAllBndLeft {\lgx{E9D5}} % Replace All Bound Variables (left)
+ \newcommand \RplcAllRight {\lgx{E9DA}} % Replace All (right)
+ \newcommand \RplcAllLeft {\lgx{E9DB}} % Replace All (left)
+ \newcommand \RplcFreeRight {\lgx{E9F0}} % Replace Any Free Variables (right)
+ \newcommand \RplcFreeLeft {\lgx{E9F1}} % Replace Any Free Variables (left)
+ \newcommand \RplcEquvRight {\lgx{E9F8}} % Replace Equivalent Expressions (right)
+ \newcommand \RplcEquvLeft {\lgx{E9F9}} % Replace Equivalent Expressions (left)
+ \newcommand \LstFix {\lgx{E031}} % Least Fixed Point
+ \newcommand \GrtFix {\lgx{E032}} % Greatest Fixed Point
+ \newcommand \Choice {\lgx{E033}} % Choice
+ \newcommand \ExLstFix {\lgx{E034}} % Extended Least Fixed Point
+ \newcommand \ExGrtFix {\lgx{E035}} % Extended Greatest Fixed Point
+ \newcommand \FrstOrd {\lgx{E039}} % First Ordinal (omega)
+ \newcommand \LogNec {\lgx{E230}} % Logical Necessity (temporal always or henceforth)
+ \newcommand \LogPos {\lgx{E232}} % Logical Possibility (temporal sometime or eventually)
+ \newcommand \LogNext {\lgx{E233}} % Logical Next (temporal next or nexttime)
+ \newcommand \LogFutr {\lgx{E234}} % Logical Future (temporal in the future)
+ \newcommand \LogPast {\lgx{E235}} % Logical Past (temporal in the past)
+ \newcommand \LogCont {\lgx{E236}} % Logical Contingency
+ \newcommand \LogNonCont {\lgx{E237}} % Logical Non-contingency
+ \newcommand \Nec {\lgx{E270}} % Necessity (temporal always or henceforth)
+ \newcommand \Pos {\lgx{E272}} % Possibility (temporal sometime or eventually)
+ \newcommand \Next {\lgx{E273}} % Next (temporal next or nexttime)
+ \newcommand \Futr {\lgx{E274}} % Future (temporal in the future)
+ \newcommand \Past {\lgx{E275}} % Past (temporal in the past)
+ \newcommand \Cont {\lgx{E276}} % Contingency
+ \newcommand \NonCont {\lgx{E277}} % Non-contingency
+ \newcommand \FacNec {\lgx{E220}} % Factual Necessity (temporal always or henceforth)
+ \newcommand \FacPos {\lgx{E222}} % Factual Possibility (temporal sometime or eventually)
+ \newcommand \FacNext {\lgx{E223}} % Factual Next (temporal next or nexttime)
+ \newcommand \FacFutr {\lgx{E224}} % Factual Future (temporal in the future)
+ \newcommand \FacPast {\lgx{E225}} % Factual Past (temporal in the past)
+ \newcommand \FacCont {\lgx{E226}} % Factual Contingency
+ \newcommand \FacNonCont {\lgx{E227}} % Factual Non-contingency
+ \newcommand \Of {\lgx{E600}} % Bunch Inclusion
+ \newcommand \In {\lgx{E602}} % Set Membership
+ \newcommand \NotIn {\lgx{E603}} % Set Membership Negated
+ \newcommand \EmptyBunch {\lgx{E054}} % Empty Bunch
+ \newcommand \NullSet {\lgx{E053}} % Null Set
+ \newcommand \BnchMeet {\lgx{E710}} % Bunch Meet
+ \newcommand \BnchJoin {\lgx{E711}} % Bunch Join
+ \newcommand \StrctSbnch {\lgx{E718}} % Strict Subbunch
+ \newcommand \NotStrctSbnch {\lgx{E719}} % Strict Subbunch Negated
+ \newcommand \Sbnch {\lgx{E71A}} % Subbunch
+ \newcommand \NotSbnch {\lgx{E71B}} % Subbunch Negated
+ \newcommand \StrctWkSbnch {\lgx{E738}} % Strict Weak Subbunch
+ \newcommand \NotStrctWkSbnch {\lgx{E739}} % Strict Weak Subbunch Negated
+ \newcommand \WkSbnch {\lgx{E73A}} % Weak Subbunch
+ \newcommand \NotWkSbnch {\lgx{E73B}} % Weak Subbunch Negated
+ \newcommand \MapMeet {\lgx{E760}} % Map Meet
+ \newcommand \MapJoin {\lgx{E761}} % Map Join
+ \newcommand \StrctSbmap {\lgx{E768}} % Strict Submap
+ \newcommand \NotStrctSbmap {\lgx{E769}} % Strict Submap Negated
+ \newcommand \Sbmap {\lgx{E76A}} % Submap
+ \newcommand \NotSbmap {\lgx{E76B}} % Submap Negated
+ \newcommand \SetMeet {\lgx{E790}} % Set Intersection
+ \newcommand \SetJoin {\lgx{E791}} % Set Union
+ \newcommand \Normal {\lgx{E2E5}} % Normal Subgroup
+ \newcommand \SetSymDiff {\lgx{E2E7}} % Set Symmetric Difference
+ \newcommand \StrctSbset {\lgx{E798}} % Strict Subset
+ \newcommand \NotStrctSbset {\lgx{E799}} % Strict Subset Negated
+ \newcommand \Sbset {\lgx{E79A}} % Subset
+ \newcommand \NotSbset {\lgx{E79B}} % Subset Negated
+ \newcommand \QuantBnchMeet {\lgx{E895}} % Bunch Meet Quantifier
+ \newcommand \QuantBnchJoin {\lgx{E894}} % Bunch Join Quantifier
+ \newcommand \QuantSetMeet {\lgx{E893}} % Set Intersection Quantifier
+ \newcommand \QuantSetJoin {\lgx{E892}} % Set Union Quantifier
+ \newcommand \Ls {\lgx{E6A8}} % Less Than
+ \newcommand \Lse {\lgx{E6AA}} % Less Than or Equal
+ \newcommand \Eq {\lgx{E656}} % Equal
+ \newcommand \Sm {\lgx{E658}} % Similar
+ \newcommand \Gr {\lgx{E6AE}} % Greater Than
+ \newcommand \Gre {\lgx{E6AC}} % Greater Than or Equal
+ \newcommand \NotLs {\lgx{E6A9}} % Not Less Than
+ \newcommand \NotLse {\lgx{E6AB}} % Not Less Than or Equal
+ \newcommand \NotEq {\lgx{E657}} % Not Equal
+ \newcommand \NotSm {\lgx{E659}} % Not Similar
+ \newcommand \NotGr {\lgx{E6AF}} % Not Greater Than
+ \newcommand \NotGre {\lgx{E6AD}} % Not Greater Than or Equal
+ \newcommand \Pre {\lgx{E6C8}} % Precedes
+ \newcommand \Preq {\lgx{E6CA}} % Precedes or Equal
+ \newcommand \Suc {\lgx{E6CE}} % Succeeds
+ \newcommand \Sucq {\lgx{E6CC}} % Succeeds or Equal
+ \newcommand \NotPre {\lgx{E6C9}} % Not Precedes
+ \newcommand \NotPreq {\lgx{E6CB}} % Not Precedes or Equal
+ \newcommand \NotSuc {\lgx{E6CF}} % Not Succeeds
+ \newcommand \NotSucq {\lgx{E6CD}} % Not Succeeds or Equal
+ \newcommand \Minus {\lgx{E0C7}} % Minus
+ \newcommand \Plus {\lgx{E0C6}} % Plus
+ \newcommand \PlusMinus {\lgx{E0CE}} % Plus / Minus
+ \newcommand \MinusPlus {\lgx{E0CF}} % Minus / Plus
+ \newcommand \Asterick {\lgx{E0C4}} % Asterick
+ \newcommand \Divide {\lgx{E103}} % Divide
+ \newcommand \Times {\lgx{E0C5}} % Times
+ \newcommand \Append {\lgx{E0CB}} % Append
+ \newcommand \Concat {\lgx{E0CD}} % Concatenation
+ \newcommand \CircPlus {\lgx{E12B}} % Large Circled Plus
+ \newcommand \CircTimes {\lgx{E12C}} % Large Circled Times
+ \newcommand \CircStar {\lgx{E11D}} % Circled Star
+ \newcommand \Dagger {\lgx{E05B}} % Single dagger
+ \newcommand \Ddagger {\lgx{E05C}} % Double horizontal dagger
+ \newcommand \Daggerr {\lgx{E05D}} % Double vertical dagger
+ \newcommand \Ddaggerr {\lgx{E05E}} % Double horizontal and vertical dagger
+% - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
+% Define custom \not mappings.
+ \NewNegationCommand {\ClsImpl} {\NotClsImpl}
+ \NewNegationCommand {\SWkMtImpl} {\NotSWkMtImpl}
+ \NewNegationCommand {\SMtImpl} {\NotSMtImpl}
+ \NewNegationCommand {\SInImpl} {\NotSInImpl}
+ \NewNegationCommand {\SWkImpl} {\NotSWkImpl}
+ \NewNegationCommand {\SImpl} {\NotSImpl}
+ \NewNegationCommand {\SWkEntail} {\NotSWkEntail}
+ \NewNegationCommand {\SEntail} {\NotSEntail}
+ \NewNegationCommand {\WkMtImpl} {\NotWkMtImpl}
+ \NewNegationCommand {\MtImpl} {\NotMtImpl}
+ \NewNegationCommand {\InImpl} {\NotInImpl}
+ \NewNegationCommand {\WkImpl} {\NotWkImpl}
+ \NewNegationCommand {\Impl} {\NotImpl}
+ \NewNegationCommand {\WkEntail} {\NotWkEntail}
+ \NewNegationCommand {\Entail} {\NotEntail}
+ \NewNegationCommand {\LWkMtImpl} {\NotLWkMtImpl}
+ \NewNegationCommand {\LMtImpl} {\NotLMtImpl}
+ \NewNegationCommand {\LInImpl} {\NotLInImpl}
+ \NewNegationCommand {\LWkImpl} {\NotLWkImpl}
+ \NewNegationCommand {\LImpl} {\NotLImpl}
+ \NewNegationCommand {\LWkEntail} {\NotLWkEntail}
+ \NewNegationCommand {\LEntail} {\NotLEntail}
+ \NewNegationCommand {\XWkMtImpl} {\NotXWkMtImpl}
+ \NewNegationCommand {\XMtImpl} {\NotXMtImpl}
+ \NewNegationCommand {\XInImpl} {\NotXInImpl}
+ \NewNegationCommand {\XWkImpl} {\NotXWkImpl}
+ \NewNegationCommand {\XImpl} {\NotXImpl}
+ \NewNegationCommand {\XWkEntail} {\NotXWkEntail}
+ \NewNegationCommand {\XEntail} {\NotXEntail}
+ \NewNegationCommand {\CksEquv} {\NotClsEquv}
+ \NewNegationCommand {\SWkMtEquv} {\NotSWkMtEquv}
+ \NewNegationCommand {\SMtEquv} {\NotSMtEquv}
+ \NewNegationCommand {\SInEquv} {\NotSInEquv}
+ \NewNegationCommand {\SWkEquv} {\NotSWkEquv}
+ \NewNegationCommand {\SEquv} {\NotSEquv}
+ \NewNegationCommand {\SWkEntailEquv} {\NotSWkEntailEquv}
+ \NewNegationCommand {\SEntailEquv} {\NotSEntailEquv}
+ \NewNegationCommand {\WkMtEquv} {\NotWkMtEquv}
+ \NewNegationCommand {\MtEquv} {\NotMtEquv}
+ \NewNegationCommand {\InEquv} {\NotInEquv}
+ \NewNegationCommand {\WkEquv} {\NotWkEquv}
+ \NewNegationCommand {\Equv} {\NotEquv}
+ \NewNegationCommand {\WkEntailEquv} {\NotWkEntailEquv}
+ \NewNegationCommand {\EntailEquv} {\NotEntailEquv}
+ \NewNegationCommand {\LWkMtEquv} {\NotLWkMtEquv}
+ \NewNegationCommand {\LMtEquv} {\NotLMtEquv}
+ \NewNegationCommand {\LInEquv} {\NotLInEquv}
+ \NewNegationCommand {\LWkEquv} {\NotLWkEquv}
+ \NewNegationCommand {\LEquv} {\NotLEquv}
+ \NewNegationCommand {\LWkEntailEquv} {\NotLWkEntailEquv}
+ \NewNegationCommand {\LEntailEquv} {\NotLEntailEquv}
+ \NewNegationCommand {\XWkMtEquv} {\NotXWkMtEquv}
+ \NewNegationCommand {\XMtEquv} {\NotXMtEquv}
+ \NewNegationCommand {\XInEquv} {\NotXInEquv}
+ \NewNegationCommand {\XWkEquv} {\NotXWkEquv}
+ \NewNegationCommand {\XEquv} {\NotXEquv}
+ \NewNegationCommand {\XWkEntailEquv} {\NotXWkEntailEquv}
+ \NewNegationCommand {\XEntailEquv} {\NotXEntailEquv}
+ \NewNegationCommand {\Seq} {\NotSeq}
+ \NewNegationCommand {\Rule} {\NotRule}
+ \NewNegationCommand {\Model} {\NotModel}
+ \NewNegationCommand {\Turn} {\NotTurn}
+ \NewNegationCommand {\Conseq} {\NotConseq}
+ \NewNegationCommand {\In} {\NotIn}
+ \NewNegationCommand {\StrctSbnch} {\NotStrctSbnch}
+ \NewNegationCommand {\Sbnch} {\NotSbnch}
+ \NewNegationCommand {\StrctWkSbnch} {\NotStrctWkSbnch}
+ \NewNegationCommand {\WkSbnch} {\NotWkSbnch}
+ \NewNegationCommand {\StrctSbmap} {\NotStrctSbmap}
+ \NewNegationCommand {\Sbmap} {\NotSbmap}
+ \NewNegationCommand {\StrctSbset} {\NotStrctSbset}
+ \NewNegationCommand {\Sbset} {\NotSbset}
+ \NewNegationCommand {\Ls} {\NotLs}
+ \NewNegationCommand {\Lse} {\NotLse}
+ \NewNegationCommand {\Eq} {\NotEq}
+ \NewNegationCommand {\Sm} {\NotSm}
+ \NewNegationCommand {\Gr} {\NotGr}
+ \NewNegationCommand {\Gre} {\NotGre}
+ \NewNegationCommand {\Pre} {\NotPre}
+ \NewNegationCommand {\Preq} {\NotPreq}
+ \NewNegationCommand {\Suc} {\NotSuc}
+ \NewNegationCommand {\Sucq} {\NotSucq}
+% - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
+% Define oversized delimiters and their stretchy parts.
+ \newcommand \defineDelimiter[2] {%
+\expandafter\def\csname #1A\endcsname{\ensuremath{\Umathchar "0 \symLogix \numexpr "#2 + "00}}% Size variant 1
+\expandafter\def\csname #1B\endcsname{\ensuremath{\Umathchar "0 \symLogix \numexpr "#2 + "01}}% Size variant 2
+\expandafter\def\csname #1C\endcsname{\ensuremath{\Umathchar "0 \symLogix \numexpr "#2 + "02}}% Size variant 3
+\expandafter\def\csname #1D\endcsname{\ensuremath{\Umathchar "0 \symLogix \numexpr "#2 + "03}}% Size variant 4
+\expandafter\def\csname #1E\endcsname{\ensuremath{\Umathchar "0 \symLogix \numexpr "#2 + "04}}% Size variant 5
+\expandafter\def\csname #1F\endcsname{\ensuremath{\Umathchar "0 \symLogix \numexpr "#2 + "05}}% Size variant 6
+\expandafter\def\csname #1G\endcsname{\ensuremath{\Umathchar "0 \symLogix \numexpr "#2 + "06}}% Size variant 7
+\expandafter\def\csname #1H\endcsname{\ensuremath{\Umathchar "0 \symLogix \numexpr "#2 + "07}}% Size variant 8
+\expandafter\def\csname #1I\endcsname{\ensuremath{\Umathchar "0 \symLogix \numexpr "#2 + "08}}% Size variant 9
+\expandafter\def\csname #1J\endcsname{\ensuremath{\Umathchar "0 \symLogix \numexpr "#2 + "09}}% Size variant 10
+\expandafter\def\csname #1K\endcsname{\ensuremath{\Umathchar "0 \symLogix \numexpr "#2 + "0A}}% Size variant 11
+\expandafter\def\csname #1L\endcsname{\ensuremath{\Umathchar "0 \symLogix \numexpr "#2 + "0B}}}% Size variant 12
+ \newcommand \defineDelimiterX[2] {%
+\expandafter\def\csname #1M\endcsname{\ensuremath{\Umathchar "0 \symLogix \numexpr "#2 + "0C}}% Size variant 13
+\expandafter\def\csname #1N\endcsname{\ensuremath{\Umathchar "0 \symLogix \numexpr "#2 + "0D}}% Size variant 14
+\expandafter\def\csname #1O\endcsname{\ensuremath{\Umathchar "0 \symLogix \numexpr "#2 + "0E}}% Size variant 15
+\expandafter\def\csname #1P\endcsname{\ensuremath{\Umathchar "0 \symLogix \numexpr "#2 + "0F}}}% Size variant 16
+ \defineDelimiter{OpnGrp} {EBE0}
+ \defineDelimiter{ClsGrp} {EBF0}
+ \defineDelimiter{OpnParn} {EC00}
+ \defineDelimiter{ClsParn} {EC10}
+ \defineDelimiter{OpnBrac} {EC20}
+ \defineDelimiter{ClsBrac} {EC30}
+ \defineDelimiter{OpnBrknBrac} {EC40}
+ \defineDelimiter{ClsBrknBrac} {EC50}
+ \defineDelimiter{OpnCircBrac} {EC60}
+ \defineDelimiter{ClsCircBrac} {EC70}
+ \defineDelimiter{OpnArrwBrac} {EC80}
+ \defineDelimiter{ClsArrwBrac} {EC90}
+ \defineDelimiter{OpnBrkt} {ECA0}
+ \defineDelimiter{ClsBrkt} {ECB0}
+ \defineDelimiter{OpnCrlyBrkt} {ECC0}
+ \defineDelimiter{ClsCrlyBrkt} {ECD0}
+ \defineDelimiter{OpnBrknBrkt} {ECE0}
+ \defineDelimiter{ClsBrknBrkt} {ECF0}
+ \defineDelimiter{OpnCircBrkt} {ED00}
+ \defineDelimiter{ClsCircBrkt} {ED10}
+ \defineDelimiter{OpnTortoise} {ED20}
+ \defineDelimiter{ClsTortoise} {ED30}
+ \defineDelimiter{OpnAngl} {ED40}
+ \defineDelimiterX{OpnAngl} {ED40}
+ \defineDelimiter{ClsAngl} {ED50}
+ \defineDelimiterX{ClsAngl} {ED50}
+ \defineDelimiter{OpnCurvAngl} {ED60}
+ \defineDelimiterX{OpnCurvAngl} {ED60}
+ \defineDelimiter{ClsCurvAngl} {ED70}
+ \defineDelimiterX{ClsCurvAngl} {ED70}
+ \defineDelimiter{OpnDblBrac} {ED80}
+ \defineDelimiter{ClsDblBrac} {ED90}
+ \defineDelimiter{OpnDblAngl} {EDA0}
+ \defineDelimiterX{OpnDblAngl} {EDA0}
+ \defineDelimiter{ClsDblAngl} {EDB0}
+ \defineDelimiterX{ClsDblAngl} {EDB0}
+ \defineDelimiter{OpnSqrParn} {EDC0}
+ \defineDelimiter{ClsSqrParn} {EDD0}
+ \defineDelimiter{OpnParnBar} {EDE0}
+ \defineDelimiter{ClsParnBar} {EDF0}
+ \defineDelimiter{OpnBracBar} {EE00}
+ \defineDelimiter{ClsBracBar} {EE10}
+ \defineDelimiter{OpnBrknBracBar} {EE20}
+ \defineDelimiter{ClsBrknBracBar} {EE30}
+ \defineDelimiter{OpnCircBracBar} {EE40}
+ \defineDelimiter{ClsCircBracBar} {EE50}
+ \defineDelimiter{OpnBrktBar} {EE60}
+ \defineDelimiter{ClsBrktBar} {EE70}
+ \defineDelimiter{OpnCrlyBrktBar} {EE80}
+ \defineDelimiter{ClsCrlyBrktBar} {EE90}
+ \defineDelimiter{OpnBrknBrktBar} {EEA0}
+ \defineDelimiter{ClsBrknBrktBar} {EEB0}
+ \defineDelimiter{OpnCircBrktBar} {EEC0}
+ \defineDelimiter{ClsCircBrktBar} {EED0}
+ \defineDelimiter{OpnCeil} {EEE0}
+ \defineDelimiter{ClsCeil} {EEF0}
+ \defineDelimiter{OpnFloor} {EF00}
+ \defineDelimiter{ClsFloor} {EF10}
+ \defineDelimiter{OpnTurn} {EF20}
+ \defineDelimiter{ClsTurn} {EF30}
+ \defineDelimiter{OpnBar} {EF40}
+ \defineDelimiter{ClsBar} {EF50}
+ \defineDelimiter{BndBar} {EF60}
+ \defineDelimiter{OpnTortoiseBar} {EF70}
+ \defineDelimiter{ClsTortoiseBar} {EF80}
+ \defineDelimiter{OpnAnglBar} {EF90}
+ \defineDelimiterX{OpnAnglBar} {EF90}
+ \defineDelimiter{ClsAnglBar} {EFA0}
+ \defineDelimiterX{ClsAnglBar} {EFA0}
+ \defineDelimiter{OpnDblParn} {F000}
+ \defineDelimiter{ClsDblParn} {F010}
+ \defineDelimiter{OpnDblGrp} {F020}
+ \defineDelimiter{ClsDblGrp} {F080}
+ \newcommand \OpnGrpBtm {\lgx{EBEC}} % OpnGrp bottom
+ \newcommand \OpnGrpExt {\lgx{EBED}} % OpnGrp extender
+ \newcommand \OpnGrpTop {\lgx{EBEE}} % OpnGrp top
+ \newcommand \ClsGrpBtm {\lgx{EBFC}} % ClsGrp bottom
+ \newcommand \ClsGrpExt {\lgx{EBFD}} % ClsGrp extender
+ \newcommand \ClsGrpTop {\lgx{EBFE}} % ClsGrp top
+ \newcommand \OpnParnBtm {\lgx{EC0C}} % OpnParn bottom
+ \newcommand \OpnParnExt {\lgx{EC0D}} % OpnParn extender
+ \newcommand \OpnParnTop {\lgx{EC0E}} % OpnParn top
+ \newcommand \ClsParnBtm {\lgx{EC1C}} % ClsParn bottom
+ \newcommand \ClsParnExt {\lgx{EC1D}} % ClsParn extender
+ \newcommand \ClsParnTop {\lgx{EC1E}} % ClsParn top
+ \newcommand \OpnBracBtm {\lgx{EC2C}} % OpnBrac bottom
+ \newcommand \OpnBracExt {\lgx{EC2D}} % OpnBrac extender
+ \newcommand \OpnBracMid {\lgx{EC2E}} % OpnBrac middle
+ \newcommand \OpnBracTop {\lgx{EC2F}} % OpnBrac top
+ \newcommand \ClsBracBtm {\lgx{EC3C}} % ClsBrac bottom
+ \newcommand \ClsBracExt {\lgx{EC3D}} % ClsBrac extender
+ \newcommand \ClsBracMid {\lgx{EC3E}} % ClsBrac middle
+ \newcommand \ClsBracTop {\lgx{EC3F}} % ClsBrac top
+ \newcommand \OpnBrknBracBtm {\lgx{EC4C}} % OpnBrknBrac bottom
+ \newcommand \OpnBrknBracExt {\lgx{EC4D}} % OpnBrknBrac extender
+ \newcommand \OpnBrknBracMid {\lgx{EC4E}} % OpnBrknBrac middle
+ \newcommand \OpnBrknBracTop {\lgx{EC4F}} % OpnBrknBrac top
+ \newcommand \ClsBrknBracBtm {\lgx{EC5C}} % ClsBrknBrac bottom
+ \newcommand \ClsBrknBracExt {\lgx{EC5D}} % ClsBrknBrac extender
+ \newcommand \ClsBrknBracMid {\lgx{EC5E}} % ClsBrknBrac middle
+ \newcommand \ClsBrknBracTop {\lgx{EC5F}} % ClsBrknBrac top
+ \newcommand \OpnCircBracBtm {\lgx{EC6C}} % OpnCircBrac bottom
+ \newcommand \OpnCircBracExt {\lgx{EC6D}} % OpnCircBrac extender
+ \newcommand \OpnCircBracMid {\lgx{EC6E}} % OpnCircBrac middle
+ \newcommand \OpnCircBracTop {\lgx{EC6F}} % OpnCircBrac top
+ \newcommand \ClsCircBracBtm {\lgx{EC7C}} % ClsCircBrac bottom
+ \newcommand \ClsCircBracExt {\lgx{EC7D}} % ClsCircBrac extender
+ \newcommand \ClsCircBracMid {\lgx{EC7E}} % ClsCircBrac middle
+ \newcommand \ClsCircBracTop {\lgx{EC7F}} % ClsCircBrac top
+ \newcommand \OpnArrwBracBtm {\lgx{EC8C}} % OpnArrwBrac bottom
+ \newcommand \OpnArrwBracExt {\lgx{EC8D}} % OpnArrwBrac extender
+ \newcommand \OpnArrwBracMid {\lgx{EC8E}} % OpnArrwBrac middle
+ \newcommand \OpnArrwBracTop {\lgx{EC8F}} % OpnArrwBrac top
+ \newcommand \ClsArrwBracBtm {\lgx{EC9C}} % ClsArrwBrac bottom
+ \newcommand \ClsArrwBracExt {\lgx{EC9D}} % ClsArrwBrac extender
+ \newcommand \ClsArrwBracMid {\lgx{EC9E}} % ClsArrwBrac middle
+ \newcommand \ClsArrwBracTop {\lgx{EC9F}} % ClsArrwBrac top
+ \newcommand \OpnBrktBtm {\lgx{ECAC}} % OpnBrkt bottom
+ \newcommand \OpnBrktExt {\lgx{ECAD}} % OpnBrkt extender
+ \newcommand \OpnBrktTop {\lgx{ECAE}} % OpnBrkt top
+ \newcommand \ClsBrktBtm {\lgx{ECBC}} % ClsBrkt bottom
+ \newcommand \ClsBrktExt {\lgx{ECBD}} % ClsBrkt extender
+ \newcommand \ClsBrktTop {\lgx{ECBE}} % ClsBrkt top
+ \newcommand \OpnCrlyBrktBtm {\lgx{ECCC}} % OpnCrlyBrkt bottom
+ \newcommand \OpnCrlyBrktExt {\lgx{ECCD}} % OpnCrlyBrkt extender
+ \newcommand \OpnCrlyBrktMid {\lgx{ECCE}} % OpnCrlyBrkt middle
+ \newcommand \OpnCrlyBrktTop {\lgx{ECCF}} % OpnCrlyBrkt top
+ \newcommand \ClsCrlyBrktBtm {\lgx{ECDC}} % ClsCrlyBrkt bottom
+ \newcommand \ClsCrlyBrktExt {\lgx{ECDD}} % ClsCrlyBrkt extender
+ \newcommand \ClsCrlyBrktMid {\lgx{ECDE}} % ClsCrlyBrkt middle
+ \newcommand \ClsCrlyBrktTop {\lgx{ECDF}} % ClsCrlyBrkt top
+ \newcommand \OpnBrknBrktBtm {\lgx{ECEC}} % OpnBrknBrkt bottom
+ \newcommand \OpnBrknBrktExt {\lgx{ECED}} % OpnBrknBrkt extender
+ \newcommand \OpnBrknBrktMid {\lgx{ECEE}} % OpnBrknBrkt middle
+ \newcommand \OpnBrknBrktTop {\lgx{ECEF}} % OpnBrknBrkt top
+ \newcommand \ClsBrknBrktBtm {\lgx{ECFC}} % ClsBrknBrkt bottom
+ \newcommand \ClsBrknBrktExt {\lgx{ECFD}} % ClsBrknBrkt extender
+ \newcommand \ClsBrknBrktMid {\lgx{ECFE}} % ClsBrknBrkt middle
+ \newcommand \ClsBrknBrktTop {\lgx{ECFF}} % ClsBrknBrkt top
+ \newcommand \OpnCircBrktBtm {\lgx{ED0C}} % OpnCircBrkt bottom
+ \newcommand \OpnCircBrktExt {\lgx{ED0D}} % OpnCircBrkt extender
+ \newcommand \OpnCircBrktMid {\lgx{ED0E}} % OpnCircBrkt middle
+ \newcommand \OpnCircBrktTop {\lgx{ED0F}} % OpnCircBrkt top
+ \newcommand \ClsCircBrktBtm {\lgx{ED1C}} % ClsCircBrkt bottom
+ \newcommand \ClsCircBrktExt {\lgx{ED1D}} % ClsCircBrkt extender
+ \newcommand \ClsCircBrktMid {\lgx{ED1E}} % ClsCircBrkt middle
+ \newcommand \ClsCircBrktTop {\lgx{ED1F}} % ClsCircBrkt top
+ \newcommand \OpnTortoiseBtm {\lgx{ED2C}} % OpnTortoise bottom
+ \newcommand \OpnTortoiseExt {\lgx{ED2D}} % OpnTortoise extender
+ \newcommand \OpnTortoiseTop {\lgx{ED2E}} % OpnTortoise top
+ \newcommand \ClsTortoiseBtm {\lgx{ED3C}} % ClsTortoise bottom
+ \newcommand \ClsTortoiseExt {\lgx{ED3D}} % ClsTortoise extender
+ \newcommand \ClsTortoiseTop {\lgx{ED3E}} % ClsTortoise top
+ \newcommand \OpnDblBracBtm {\lgx{ED8C}} % OpnDblBrac bottom
+ \newcommand \OpnDblBracExt {\lgx{ED8D}} % OpnDblBrac extender
+ \newcommand \OpnDblBracMid {\lgx{ED8E}} % OpnDblBrac middle
+ \newcommand \OpnDblBracTop {\lgx{ED8F}} % OpnDblBrac top
+ \newcommand \ClsDblBracBtm {\lgx{ED9C}} % ClsDblBrac bottom
+ \newcommand \ClsDblBracExt {\lgx{ED9D}} % ClsDblBrac extender
+ \newcommand \ClsDblBracMid {\lgx{ED9E}} % ClsDblBrac middle
+ \newcommand \ClsDblBracTop {\lgx{ED9F}} % ClsDblBrac top
+ \newcommand \OpnSqrParnBtm {\lgx{EDCC}} % OpnSqrParn bottom
+ \newcommand \OpnSqrParnExt {\lgx{EDCD}} % OpnSqrParn extender
+ \newcommand \OpnSqrParnTop {\lgx{EDCE}} % OpnSqrParn top
+ \newcommand \ClsSqrParnBtm {\lgx{EDDC}} % ClsSqrParn bottom
+ \newcommand \ClsSqrParnExt {\lgx{EDDD}} % ClsSqrParn extender
+ \newcommand \ClsSqrParnTop {\lgx{EDDE}} % ClsSqrParn top
+ \newcommand \OpnParnBarBtm {\lgx{EDEC}} % OpnParnBar bottom
+ \newcommand \OpnParnBarExt {\lgx{EDED}} % OpnParnBar extender
+ \newcommand \OpnParnBarTop {\lgx{EDEE}} % OpnParnBar top
+ \newcommand \ClsParnBarBtm {\lgx{EDFC}} % ClsParnBar bottom
+ \newcommand \ClsParnBarExt {\lgx{EDFD}} % ClsParnBar extender
+ \newcommand \ClsParnBarTop {\lgx{EDFE}} % ClsParnBar top
+ \newcommand \OpnBracBarBtm {\lgx{EE0C}} % OpnBracBar bottom
+ \newcommand \OpnBracBarExt {\lgx{EE0D}} % OpnBracBar extender
+ \newcommand \OpnBracBarMid {\lgx{EE0E}} % OpnBracBar middle
+ \newcommand \OpnBracBarTop {\lgx{EE0F}} % OpnBracBar top
+ \newcommand \ClsBracBarBtm {\lgx{EE1C}} % ClsBracBar bottom
+ \newcommand \ClsBracBarExt {\lgx{EE1D}} % ClsBracBar extender
+ \newcommand \ClsBracBarMid {\lgx{EE1E}} % ClsBracBar middle
+ \newcommand \ClsBracBarTop {\lgx{EE1F}} % ClsBracBar top
+ \newcommand \OpnBrknBracBarBtm {\lgx{EE2C}} % OpnBrknBracBar bottom
+ \newcommand \OpnBrknBracBarExt {\lgx{EE2D}} % OpnBrknBracBar extender
+ \newcommand \OpnBrknBracBarMid {\lgx{EE2E}} % OpnBrknBracBar middle
+ \newcommand \OpnBrknBracBarTop {\lgx{EE2F}} % OpnBrknBracBar top
+ \newcommand \ClsBrknBracBarBtm {\lgx{EE3C}} % ClsBrknBracBar bottom
+ \newcommand \ClsBrknBracBarExt {\lgx{EE3D}} % ClsBrknBracBar extender
+ \newcommand \ClsBrknBracBarMid {\lgx{EE3E}} % ClsBrknBracBar middle
+ \newcommand \ClsBrknBracBarTop {\lgx{EE3F}} % ClsBrknBracBar top
+ \newcommand \OpnCircBracBarBtm {\lgx{EE4C}} % OpnCircBracBar bottom
+ \newcommand \OpnCircBracBarExt {\lgx{EE4D}} % OpnCircBracBar extender
+ \newcommand \OpnCircBracBarMid {\lgx{EE4E}} % OpnCircBracBar middle
+ \newcommand \OpnCircBracBarTop {\lgx{EE4F}} % OpnCircBracBar top
+ \newcommand \ClsCircBracBarBtm {\lgx{EE5C}} % ClsCircBracBar bottom
+ \newcommand \ClsCircBracBarExt {\lgx{EE5D}} % ClsCircBracBar extender
+ \newcommand \ClsCircBracBarMid {\lgx{EE5E}} % ClsCircBracBar middle
+ \newcommand \ClsCircBracBarTop {\lgx{EE5F}} % ClsCircBracBar top
+ \newcommand \OpnBrktBarBtm {\lgx{EE6C}} % OpnBrktBar bottom
+ \newcommand \OpnBrktBarExt {\lgx{EE6D}} % OpnBrktBar extender
+ \newcommand \OpnBrktBarTop {\lgx{EE6E}} % OpnBrktBar top
+ \newcommand \ClsBrktBarBtm {\lgx{EE7C}} % ClsBrktBar bottom
+ \newcommand \ClsBrktBarExt {\lgx{EE7D}} % ClsBrktBar extender
+ \newcommand \ClsBrktBarTop {\lgx{EE7E}} % ClsBrktBar top
+ \newcommand \OpnCrlyBrktBarBtm {\lgx{EE8C}} % OpnCrlyBrktBar bottom
+ \newcommand \OpnCrlyBrktBarExt {\lgx{EE8D}} % OpnCrlyBrktBar extender
+ \newcommand \OpnCrlyBrktBarMid {\lgx{EE8E}} % OpnCrlyBrktBar middle
+ \newcommand \OpnCrlyBrktBarTop {\lgx{EE8F}} % OpnCrlyBrktBar top
+ \newcommand \ClsCrlyBrktBarBtm {\lgx{EE9C}} % ClsCrlyBrktBar bottom
+ \newcommand \ClsCrlyBrktBarExt {\lgx{EE9D}} % ClsCrlyBrktBar extender
+ \newcommand \ClsCrlyBrktBarMid {\lgx{EE9E}} % ClsCrlyBrktBar middle
+ \newcommand \ClsCrlyBrktBarTop {\lgx{EE9F}} % ClsCrlyBrktBar top
+ \newcommand \OpnBrknBrktBarBtm {\lgx{EEAC}} % OpnBrknBrktBar bottom
+ \newcommand \OpnBrknBrktBarExt {\lgx{EEAD}} % OpnBrknBrktBar extender
+ \newcommand \OpnBrknBrktBarMid {\lgx{EEAE}} % OpnBrknBrktBar middle
+ \newcommand \OpnBrknBrktBarTop {\lgx{EEAF}} % OpnBrknBrktBar top
+ \newcommand \ClsBrknBrktBarBtm {\lgx{EEBC}} % ClsBrknBrktBar bottom
+ \newcommand \ClsBrknBrktBarExt {\lgx{EEBD}} % ClsBrknBrktBar extender
+ \newcommand \ClsBrknBrktBarMid {\lgx{EEBE}} % ClsBrknBrktBar middle
+ \newcommand \ClsBrknBrktBarTop {\lgx{EEBF}} % ClsBrknBrktBar top
+ \newcommand \OpnCircBrktBarBtm {\lgx{EECC}} % OpnCircBrktBar bottom
+ \newcommand \OpnCircBrktBarExt {\lgx{EECD}} % OpnCircBrktBar extender
+ \newcommand \OpnCircBrktBarMid {\lgx{EECE}} % OpnCircBrktBar middle
+ \newcommand \OpnCircBrktBarTop {\lgx{EECF}} % OpnCircBrktBar top
+ \newcommand \ClsCircBrktBarBtm {\lgx{EEDC}} % ClsCircBrktBar bottom
+ \newcommand \ClsCircBrktBarExt {\lgx{EEDD}} % ClsCircBrktBar extender
+ \newcommand \ClsCircBrktBarMid {\lgx{EEDE}} % ClsCircBrktBar middle
+ \newcommand \ClsCircBrktBarTop {\lgx{EEDF}} % ClsCircBrktBar top
+ \newcommand \OpnCeilExt {\lgx{EEEC}} % OpnCeil extender
+ \newcommand \OpnCeilTop {\lgx{EEED}} % OpnCeil top
+ \newcommand \ClsCeilExt {\lgx{EEFC}} % ClsCeil extender
+ \newcommand \ClsCeilTop {\lgx{EEFD}} % ClsCeil top
+ \newcommand \OpnFloorBtm {\lgx{EF0C}} % OpnFloor bottom
+ \newcommand \OpnFloorExt {\lgx{EF0D}} % OpnFloor extender
+ \newcommand \ClsFloorBtm {\lgx{EF1C}} % ClsFloor bottom
+ \newcommand \ClsFloorExt {\lgx{EF1D}} % ClsFloor extender
+ \newcommand \OpnTurnMid {\lgx{EF2C}} % OpnTurn middle
+ \newcommand \OpnTurnExt {\lgx{EF2D}} % OpnTurn extender
+ \newcommand \ClsTurnMid {\lgx{EF3C}} % ClsTurn middle
+ \newcommand \ClsTurnExt {\lgx{EF3D}} % ClsTurn extender
+ \newcommand \OpnBarBtm {\lgx{EF4C}} % OpnBar bottom
+ \newcommand \OpnBarExt {\lgx{EF4D}} % OpnBar extender
+ \newcommand \ClsBarBtm {\lgx{EF5C}} % ClsBar bottom
+ \newcommand \ClsBarExt {\lgx{EF5D}} % ClsBar extender
+ \newcommand \BndBarBtm {\lgx{EF6C}} % BndBar bottom
+ \newcommand \BndBarExt {\lgx{EF6D}} % BndBar extender
+ \newcommand \OpnTortoiseBarBtm {\lgx{EF7C}} % OpnTortoiseBar bottom
+ \newcommand \OpnTortoiseBarExt {\lgx{EF7D}} % OpnTortoiseBar extender
+ \newcommand \OpnTortoiseBarTop {\lgx{EF7E}} % OpnTortoiseBar top
+ \newcommand \ClsTortoiseBarBtm {\lgx{EF8C}} % ClsTortoiseBar bottom
+ \newcommand \ClsTortoiseBarExt {\lgx{EF8D}} % ClsTortoiseBar extender
+ \newcommand \ClsTortoiseBarTop {\lgx{EF8E}} % ClsTortoiseBar top
+ \newcommand \OpnDblParnBtm {\lgx{F00C}} % OpnDblParn bottom
+ \newcommand \OpnDblParnExt {\lgx{F00D}} % OpnDblParn extender
+ \newcommand \OpnDblParnTop {\lgx{F00E}} % OpnDblParn top
+ \newcommand \ClsDblParnBtm {\lgx{F01C}} % ClsDblParn bottom
+ \newcommand \ClsDblParnExt {\lgx{F01D}} % ClsDblParn extender
+ \newcommand \ClsDblParnTop {\lgx{F01E}} % ClsDblParn top
+ \newcommand \OpnDblGrpBtm {\lgx{F02C}} % OpnDblGrp bottom
+ \newcommand \OpnDblGrpExt {\lgx{F02D}} % OpnDblGrp extender
+ \newcommand \OpnDblGrpTop {\lgx{F02E}} % OpnDblGrp top
+ \newcommand \ClsDblGrpBtm {\lgx{F08C}} % ClsDblGrp bottom
+ \newcommand \ClsDblGrpExt {\lgx{F08D}} % ClsDblGrp extender
+ \newcommand \ClsDblGrpTop {\lgx{F08E}} % ClsDblGrp top
+% - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
+% Define symbols which may be used to construct Rational Links, Knots and Tangles.
+% In order to keep names shortish, the following abbreviations are used for Knot symbols
+% A - Arrow
+% B - Bottom
+% C - Cap / Corner
+% D - Dashed / Down
+% E - Three quarter
+% F - halF
+% H - Horizontal
+% J - Join
+% L - Left
+% M - sMoothed
+% N - liNe / Normal
+% O - Over
+% Q - Fourth / Quarter
+% R - Right
+% S - Solid
+% T - Top
+% U - Under / Up
+% V - Vertical
+% X - Cross
+% Z - Zero
+% All symbols starting with Knt have their depth and height set identically
+% so that when aligned on their baselines, TeX sees their dimensions as the
+% same. This allows consistent vertical alignment. The \KntXY struts / spaces
+% are designed so that their depth and height matches that of the corresponding
+% symbols where X is the height and Y is the width (N, E, F, Q, or Z). They can
+% be used for empty cells matching the the width and height of the current row
+% and column and for padding a symbol.
+ \newcommand \lgk[1] {\protect\raisebox{0.0000em}[0.7620em][0.2380em]{\ensuremath{\Umathchar "0 \symLogix "#1}}}
+ \newcommand \lge[1] {\protect\raisebox{0.0000em}[0.5120em][0.2380em]{\ensuremath{\Umathchar "0 \symLogix "#1}}}
+ \newcommand \lgf[1] {\protect\raisebox{0.0000em}[0.2620em][0.2380em]{\ensuremath{\Umathchar "0 \symLogix "#1}}}
+ \newcommand \lgq[1] {\protect\raisebox{0.0000em}[0.0120em][0.2380em]{\ensuremath{\Umathchar "0 \symLogix "#1}}}
+ \newcommand \lgv[1] {\protect\raisebox{0.4330em}[0.7620em][0.2380em]{\ensuremath{\Umathchar "0 \symLogix "#1}}}
+ \newcommand \KntNN {\lgk{E210}} % Full height, full width space.
+ \newcommand \KntNE {\lgk{E211}} % Full height, three quarter width space.
+ \newcommand \KntNF {\lgk{E212}} % Full height, half width space.
+ \newcommand \KntNQ {\lgk{E213}} % Full height, quarter width space.
+ \newcommand \KntNZ {\rule[-0.238em]{0pt}{1.000em}} % Full height, zero width strut.
+ \newcommand \KntEN {\lge{E210}} % Three quarter height, full width space.
+ \newcommand \KntEE {\lge{E211}} % Three quarter height, three quarter width space.
+ \newcommand \KntEF {\lge{E212}} % Three quarter height, half width space.
+ \newcommand \KntEQ {\lge{E213}} % Three quarter height, quarter width space.
+ \newcommand \KntEZ {\rule[-0.238em]{0pt}{0.750em}} % Three quarter height, zero width strut.
+ \newcommand \KntFN {\lgf{E210}} % Half height, full width space.
+ \newcommand \KntFE {\lgf{E211}} % Half height, three quarter width space.
+ \newcommand \KntFF {\lgf{E212}} % Half height, half width space.
+ \newcommand \KntFQ {\lgf{E213}} % Half height, quarter width space.
+ \newcommand \KntFZ {\rule[-0.238em]{0pt}{0.500em}} % Half height, zero width strut.
+ \newcommand \KntQN {\lgq{E210}} % Quarter height, full width space.
+ \newcommand \KntQE {\lgq{E211}} % Quarter height, three quarter width space.
+ \newcommand \KntQF {\lgq{E212}} % Quarter height, half width space.
+ \newcommand \KntQQ {\lgq{E213}} % Quarter height, quarter width space.
+ \newcommand \KntQZ {\rule[-0.238em]{0pt}{0.250em}} % Quarter height, zero width strut.
+ \newcommand \KntZN {\rule[0pt]{1.000em}{0pt}} % Zero height, full width strut.
+ \newcommand \KntZE {\rule[0pt]{0.750em}{0pt}} % Zero height, three quarter width strut.
+ \newcommand \KntZF {\rule[0pt]{0.500em}{0pt}} % Zero height, half width width strut.
+ \newcommand \KntZQ {\rule[0pt]{0.250em}{0pt}} % Zero height, quarter width strut.
+ \newcommand \KntZZ {\rule[0pt]{0.000em}{0pt}} % Zero height, zero width strut.
+ \newcommand \KntHXSOSU {\lgk{E140}} % Horizontal flow, Cross, solid over, solid under
+ \newcommand \KntHXSUSO {\lgk{E141}} % Horizontal flow, Cross, solid under, solid over
+ \newcommand \KntVXSOSU {\lgk{E142}} % Vertical flow, Cross, solid over, solid under
+ \newcommand \KntVXSUSO {\lgk{E143}} % Vertical flow, Cross, solid under, solid over
+ \newcommand \KntHXDOSU {\lgk{E144}} % Horizontal flow, Cross, dashed over, solid under
+ \newcommand \KntHXSUDO {\lgk{E145}} % Horizontal flow, Cross, solid under, dashed over
+ \newcommand \KntVXDOSU {\lgk{E146}} % Vertical flow, Cross, dashed over, solid under
+ \newcommand \KntVXSUDO {\lgk{E147}} % Vertical flow, Cross, solid under, dashed over
+ \newcommand \KntHXSODU {\lgk{E148}} % Horizontal flow, Cross, solid over, dashed under
+ \newcommand \KntHXDUSO {\lgk{E149}} % Horizontal flow, Cross, dashed under, solid over
+ \newcommand \KntVXSODU {\lgk{E14A}} % Vertical flow, Cross, solid over, dashed under
+ \newcommand \KntVXDUSO {\lgk{E14B}} % Vertical flow, Cross, dashed under, solid over
+ \newcommand \KntHXDODU {\lgk{E14C}} % Horizontal flow, Cross, dashed over, dashed under
+ \newcommand \KntHXDUDO {\lgk{E14D}} % Horizontal flow, Cross, dashed under, dashed over
+ \newcommand \KntVXDODU {\lgk{E14E}} % Vertical flow, Cross, dashed over, dashed under
+ \newcommand \KntVXDUDO {\lgk{E14F}} % Vertical flow, Cross, dashed under, dashed over
+ \newcommand \KntHHMSTSB {\lgk{E150}} % Horizontal flow, Horizontal smoothing; solid top, solid bottom
+ \newcommand \KntVVMSLSR {\lgk{E151}} % Vertical flow, Vertical smoothing; solid left, solid right
+ \newcommand \KntHHMDTSB {\lgk{E152}} % Horizontal flow, Horizontal smoothing; dashed top, solid bottom
+ \newcommand \KntVVMSLDR {\lgk{E153}} % Vertical flow, Vertical smoothing; solid left, dashed right
+ \newcommand \KntHHMSTDB {\lgk{E154}} % Horizontal flow, Horizontal smoothing; solid top, dashed bottom
+ \newcommand \KntVVMDLSR {\lgk{E155}} % Vertical flow, Vertical smoothing; dashed left, solid right
+ \newcommand \KntHHMDTDB {\lgk{E156}} % Horizontal flow, Horizontal smoothing; dashed top, dashed bottom
+ \newcommand \KntVVMDLDR {\lgk{E157}} % Vertical flow, Vertical smoothing; dashed left, dashed right
+ \newcommand \KntHVMSLSR {\lgk{E158}} % Horizontal flow, Vertical smoothing, solid left, solid right
+ \newcommand \KntVHMSTSB {\lgk{E159}} % Vertical flow, Horizontal smoothing, solid top, solid bottom
+ \newcommand \KntHVMSLDR {\lgk{E15A}} % Horizontal flow, Vertical smoothing, solid left, dashed right
+ \newcommand \KntVHMSTDB {\lgk{E15B}} % Vertical flow, Horizontal smoothing, solid top, dashed bottom
+ \newcommand \KntHVMDLSR {\lgk{E15C}} % Horizontal flow, Vertical smoothing, dashed left, solid right
+ \newcommand \KntVHMDTSB {\lgk{E15D}} % Vertical flow, Horizontal smoothing, dashed top, solid bottom
+ \newcommand \KntHVMDLDR {\lgk{E15E}} % Horizontal flow, Vertical smoothing, dashed left, dashed right
+ \newcommand \KntVHMDTDB {\lgk{E15F}} % Vertical flow, Horizontal smoothing, dashed top, dashed bottom
+ \newcommand \KntLCS {\lgk{E160}} % Left cap, solid
+ \newcommand \KntTCS {\lgk{E161}} % Top cap, solid
+ \newcommand \KntRCS {\lgk{E162}} % Right cap, solid
+ \newcommand \KntBCS {\lgk{E163}} % Bottom cap, solid
+ \newcommand \KntLCD {\lgk{E164}} % Left cap, dashed
+ \newcommand \KntTCD {\lgk{E165}} % Top cap, dashed
+ \newcommand \KntRCD {\lgk{E166}} % Right cap, dashed
+ \newcommand \KntBCD {\lgk{E167}} % Bottom cap, dashed
+ \newcommand \KntLFC {\lgk{E168}} % Left half width cap
+ \newcommand \KntTFC {\lgf{E169}} % Top half width cap
+ \newcommand \KntRFC {\lgk{E16A}} % Right half width cap
+ \newcommand \KntBFC {\lgf{E16B}} % Bottom half width cap
+ \newcommand \KntLQC {\lgk{E16C}} % Left quarter width cap
+ \newcommand \KntTQC {\lgq{E16D}} % Top quarter width cap
+ \newcommand \KntRQC {\lgk{E16E}} % Right quarter width cap
+ \newcommand \KntBQC {\lgq{E16F}} % Bottom quarter width cap
+ \newcommand \KntSJTLBR {\lgk{E170}} % Solid join, top left to bottom right
+ \newcommand \KntSJBLTR {\lgk{E171}} % Solid join, bottom left to top right
+ \newcommand \KntSJTRBL {\lgk{E172}} % Solid join, top right to bottom left
+ \newcommand \KntSJBRTL {\lgk{E173}} % Solid join, bottom right to top left
+ \newcommand \KntDJTLBR {\lgk{E174}} % Dashed join, top left to bottom right
+ \newcommand \KntDJBLTR {\lgk{E175}} % Dashed join, bottom left to top right
+ \newcommand \KntDJTRBL {\lgk{E176}} % Dashed join, top right to bottom left
+ \newcommand \KntDJBRTL {\lgk{E177}} % Dashed join, bottom right to top left
+ \newcommand \KntSFJTLBR {\lgk{E178}} % Solid half width join, top left to bottom right
+ \newcommand \KntSFJBLTR {\lgk{E179}} % Solid half width join, bottom left to top right
+ \newcommand \KntSFJTRBL {\lgf{E17A}} % Solid half width join, top right to bottom left
+ \newcommand \KntSFJBRTL {\lgf{E17B}} % Solid half width join, bottom right to top left
+ \newcommand \KntDFJTLBR {\lgk{E17C}} % Dashed half width join, top left to bottom right
+ \newcommand \KntDFJBLTR {\lgk{E17D}} % Dashed half width join, bottom left to top right
+ \newcommand \KntDFJTRBL {\lgf{E17E}} % Dashed half width join, top right to bottom left
+ \newcommand \KntDFJBRTL {\lgf{E17F}} % Dashed half width join, bottom right to top left
+ \newcommand \KntLTSC {\lgk{E180}} % Left, top solid corner
+ \newcommand \KntTRSC {\lgk{E181}} % Top, right solid corner
+ \newcommand \KntRBSC {\lgk{E182}} % Right, bottom solid corner
+ \newcommand \KntBLSC {\lgk{E183}} % Bottom, left solid corner
+ \newcommand \KntLTDC {\lgk{E184}} % Left, top dashed corner
+ \newcommand \KntTRDC {\lgk{E185}} % Top, right dashed corner
+ \newcommand \KntRBDC {\lgk{E186}} % Right, bottom dashed corner
+ \newcommand \KntBLDC {\lgk{E187}} % Bottom, left dashed corner
+ \newcommand \KntLTSFC {\lgf{E188}} % Left, top solid half width corner
+ \newcommand \KntTRSFC {\lgf{E189}} % Top, right solid half width corner
+ \newcommand \KntRBSFC {\lgf{E18A}} % Right, bottom solid half width corner
+ \newcommand \KntBLSFC {\lgf{E18B}} % Bottom, left solid half width corner
+ \newcommand \KntLTDFC {\lgf{E18C}} % Left, top dashed half width corner
+ \newcommand \KntTRDFC {\lgf{E18D}} % Top, right dashed half width corner
+ \newcommand \KntRBDFC {\lgf{E18E}} % Right, bottom dashed half width corner
+ \newcommand \KntBLDFC {\lgf{E18F}} % Bottom, left dashed half width corner
+ \newcommand \KntTSN {\lgk{E190}} % Top solid line
+ \newcommand \KntRSN {\lgk{E191}} % Right solid line
+ \newcommand \KntBSN {\lgk{E192}} % Bottom solid line
+ \newcommand \KntLSN {\lgk{E193}} % Left solid line
+ \newcommand \KntTDN {\lgk{E194}} % Top dashed line
+ \newcommand \KntRDN {\lgk{E195}} % Right dashed line
+ \newcommand \KntBDN {\lgk{E196}} % Bottom dashed line
+ \newcommand \KntLDN {\lgk{E197}} % Left dashed line
+ \newcommand \KntTSNBSN {\lgk{E198}} % Top solid line, bottom solid line
+ \newcommand \KntLSNRSN {\lgk{E199}} % Left solid line, right solid line
+ \newcommand \KntTSNBDN {\lgk{E19A}} % Top solid line, bottom dashed line
+ \newcommand \KntLDNRSN {\lgk{E19B}} % Left dashed line, right solid line
+ \newcommand \KntTDNBSN {\lgk{E19C}} % Top dashed line, bottom solid line
+ \newcommand \KntLSNRDN {\lgk{E19D}} % Left solid line, right dashed line
+ \newcommand \KntTDNBDN {\lgk{E19E}} % Top dashed line, bottom dashed line
+ \newcommand \KntLDNRDN {\lgk{E19F}} % Left dashed line, right dashed line
+ \newcommand \KntTSFN {\lgk{E1A0}} % Top solid half line
+ \newcommand \KntRSFN {\lgf{E1A1}} % Right solid half line
+ \newcommand \KntBSFN {\lgk{E1A2}} % Bottom solid half line
+ \newcommand \KntLSFN {\lgf{E1A3}} % Left solid half line
+ \newcommand \KntTSDN {\lgk{E1A4}} % Top dashed half line
+ \newcommand \KntRSDN {\lgf{E1A5}} % Right dashed half line
+ \newcommand \KntBSDN {\lgk{E1A6}} % Bottom dashed half line
+ \newcommand \KntLSDN {\lgf{E1A7}} % Left dashed half line
+ \newcommand \KntTSFNBSFN {\lgk{E1A8}} % Top solid half line, bottom solid half line
+ \newcommand \KntLSFNRSFN {\lgf{E1A9}} % Left solid half line, right solid half line
+ \newcommand \KntTSFNBDFN {\lgk{E1AA}} % Top solid half line, bottom dashed half line
+ \newcommand \KntLDFNRSFN {\lgf{E1AB}} % Left dashed half line, right solid half line
+ \newcommand \KntTDFNBSFN {\lgk{E1AC}} % Top dashed half line, bottom solid half line
+ \newcommand \KntLSFNRDFN {\lgf{E1AD}} % Left solid half line, right dashed half line
+ \newcommand \KntTDFNBDFN {\lgk{E1AE}} % Top dashed half line, bottom dashed half line
+ \newcommand \KntLDFNRDFN {\lgf{E1AF}} % Left dashed half line, right dashed half line
+ \newcommand \KntTSQN {\lgk{E1B0}} % Top solid forth line
+ \newcommand \KntRSQN {\lgq{E1B1}} % Right solid forth line
+ \newcommand \KntBSQN {\lgk{E1B2}} % Bottom solid forth line
+ \newcommand \KntLSQN {\lgq{E1B3}} % Left solid forth line
+ \newcommand \KntTDQN {\lgk{E1B4}} % Top dashed forth line
+ \newcommand \KntRDQN {\lgq{E1B5}} % Right dashed forth line
+ \newcommand \KntBDQN {\lgk{E1B6}} % Bottom dashed forth line
+ \newcommand \KntLDQN {\lgq{E1B7}} % Left dashed forth line
+ \newcommand \KntTSQNBSQN {\lgk{E1B8}} % Top solid forth line, bottom solid forth line
+ \newcommand \KntLSQNRSQN {\lgq{E1B9}} % Left solid forth line, right solid forth line
+ \newcommand \KntTSQNBDQN {\lgk{E1BA}} % Top solid forth line, bottom dashed forth line
+ \newcommand \KntLDQNRSQN {\lgq{E1BB}} % Left dashed forth line, right solid forth line
+ \newcommand \KntBDQNBSQN {\lgk{E1BC}} % Top dashed forth line, bottom solid forth line
+ \newcommand \KntLSQNRDQN {\lgq{E1BD}} % Left solid forth line, right dashed forth line
+ \newcommand \KntTDQNBDQN {\lgk{E1BE}} % Top dashed forth line, bottom dashed forth line
+ \newcommand \KntLDQNRDQN {\lgq{E1BF}} % Left dashed forth line, right dashed forth line
+ \newcommand \KntTSLA {\lgk{E1C0}} % Top solid left arrow
+ \newcommand \KntRSUA {\lgk{E1C1}} % Right solid up arrow
+ \newcommand \KntBSRA {\lgk{E1C2}} % Bottom solid right arrow
+ \newcommand \KntLSDA {\lgk{E1C3}} % Left solid down arrow
+ \newcommand \KntTSRA {\lgk{E1C4}} % Top solid right arrow
+ \newcommand \KntRSDA {\lgk{E1C5}} % Right solid down arrow
+ \newcommand \KntBSLA {\lgk{E1C6}} % Bottom solid left arrow
+ \newcommand \KntLSUA {\lgk{E1C7}} % Left solid up arrow
+ \newcommand \KntTDLA {\lgk{E1C8}} % Top dashed left arrow
+ \newcommand \KntRDUA {\lgk{E1C9}} % Right dashed up arrow
+ \newcommand \KntBDRA {\lgk{E1CA}} % Bottom dashed right arrow
+ \newcommand \KntLDDA {\lgk{E1CB}} % Left dashed down arrow
+ \newcommand \KntTDRA {\lgk{E1CC}} % Top dashed right arrow
+ \newcommand \KntRDDA {\lgk{E1CD}} % Right dashed down arrow
+ \newcommand \KntBDLA {\lgk{E1CE}} % Bottom dashed left arrow
+ \newcommand \KntLDUA {\lgk{E1CF}} % Left dashed up arrow
+ \newcommand \KntTSLABSLA {\lgk{E1D0}} % Top solid left arrow, bottom solid left arrow
+ \newcommand \KntLSUARSUA {\lgk{E1D1}} % Left solid up arrow, right solid up arrow
+ \newcommand \KntTSRABSRA {\lgk{E1D2}} % Top solid right arrow, bottom solid right arrow
+ \newcommand \KntLSDARSDA {\lgk{E1D3}} % Left solid down arrow, right solid down arrow
+ \newcommand \KntTSLABSRA {\lgk{E1D4}} % Top solid left arrow, bottom solid right arrow
+ \newcommand \KntLSDARSUA {\lgk{E1D5}} % Left solid down arrow, right solid up arrow
+ \newcommand \KntTSRABSLA {\lgk{E1D6}} % Top solid right arrow, bottom solid left arrow
+ \newcommand \KntLSUARSDA {\lgk{E1D7}} % Left solid up arrow, right solid down arrow
+ \newcommand \KntTSLABDLA {\lgk{E1D8}} % Top solid left arrow, bottom dashed left arrow
+ \newcommand \KntLDUARSUA {\lgk{E1D9}} % Left dashed up arrow, right solid up arrow
+ \newcommand \KntTDRABSRA {\lgk{E1DA}} % Top dashed right arrow, bottom solid right arrow
+ \newcommand \KntLSDARDDA {\lgk{E1DB}} % Left solid down arrow, right dashed down arrow
+ \newcommand \KntTDLABSLA {\lgk{E1DC}} % Top dashed left arrow, bottom solid left arrow
+ \newcommand \KntLSUARDUA {\lgk{E1DD}} % Left solid up arrow, right dashed up arrow
+ \newcommand \KntTSRABDRA {\lgk{E1DE}} % Top solid right arrow, bottom dashed right arrow
+ \newcommand \KntLDDARSDA {\lgk{E1DF}} % Left dashed down arrow, right solid down arrow
+ \newcommand \KntTSLABDRA {\lgk{E1E0}} % Top solid left arrow, bottom dashed right arrow
+ \newcommand \KntLDDARSUA {\lgk{E1E1}} % Left dashed down arrow, right solid up arrow
+ \newcommand \KntTDLABSRA {\lgk{E1E2}} % Top dashed left arrow, bottom solid right arrow
+ \newcommand \KntLSDARDUA {\lgk{E1E3}} % Left solid down arrow, right dashed up arrow
+ \newcommand \KntTDRABSLA {\lgk{E1E4}} % Top dashed right arrow, bottom solid left arrow
+ \newcommand \KntLSUARDDA {\lgk{E1E5}} % Left solid up arrow, right dashed down arrow
+ \newcommand \KntTSRABDLA {\lgk{E1E6}} % Top solid right arrow, bottom dashed left arrow
+ \newcommand \KntLDUARSDA {\lgk{E1E7}} % Left dashed up arrow, right solid down arrow
+ \newcommand \KntTDLABDLA {\lgk{E1E8}} % Top dashed left arrow, bottom dashed left arrow
+ \newcommand \KntLDUARDUA {\lgk{E1E9}} % Left dashed up arrow, right dashed up arrow
+ \newcommand \KntTDRABDRA {\lgk{E1EA}} % Top dashed right arrow, bottom dashed right arrow
+ \newcommand \KntLDDARDDA {\lgk{E1EB}} % Left dashed down arrow, right dashed down arrow
+ \newcommand \KntTDLABDRA {\lgk{E1EC}} % Top dashed left arrow, bottom dashed right arrow
+ \newcommand \KntLDDARDUA {\lgk{E1ED}} % Left dashed down arrow, right dashed up arrow
+ \newcommand \KntTDRABDLA {\lgk{E1EE}} % Top dashed right arrow, bottom dashed left arrow
+ \newcommand \KntLDUARDDA {\lgk{E1EF}} % Left dashed up arrow, right dashed down arrow
+ \newcommand \KntTSNBSLA {\lgk{E1F0}} % Top solid line, bottom solid left arrow
+ \newcommand \KntLSUARSN {\lgk{E1F1}} % Left solid up arrow, right solid line
+ \newcommand \KntTSRABSN {\lgk{E1F2}} % Top solid right arrow, bottom solid line
+ \newcommand \KntRSNRSDA {\lgk{E1F3}} % Left solid line, right solid down arrow
+ \newcommand \KntTSNBSRA {\lgk{E1F4}} % Top solid line, bottom solid right arrow
+ \newcommand \KntLSDARSN {\lgk{E1F5}} % Left solid down arrow, right solid line
+ \newcommand \KntTSLABSN {\lgk{E1F6}} % Top solid left arrow, bottom solid line
+ \newcommand \KntLSNRSUA {\lgk{E1F7}} % Left solid line, right solid up arrow
+ \newcommand \KntTDNBSLA {\lgk{E1F8}} % Top dashed line, bottom solid left arrow
+ \newcommand \KntLSUARDN {\lgk{E1F9}} % Left solid up arrow, right dashed line
+ \newcommand \KntTSRABDN {\lgk{E1FA}} % Top solid right arrow, bottom dashed line
+ \newcommand \KntRDNRSDA {\lgk{E1FB}} % Left dashed line, right solid down arrow
+ \newcommand \KntTDNBSRA {\lgk{E1FC}} % Top dashed line, bottom solid right arrow
+ \newcommand \KntLDNRSUA {\lgk{E1FD}} % Left dashed line, right solid up arrow
+ \newcommand \KntTSLABDN {\lgk{E1FE}} % Top solid left arrow, bottom dashed line
+ \newcommand \KntLSDARDN {\lgk{E1FF}} % Left solid down arrow, right dashed line
+ \newcommand \KntTSNBDLA {\lgk{E200}} % Top solid line, bottom dashed left arrow
+ \newcommand \KntLDUARSN {\lgk{E201}} % Left dashed up arrow, right solid line
+ \newcommand \KntTDRABSN {\lgk{E202}} % Top dashed right arrow, bottom solid line
+ \newcommand \KntRSNRDDA {\lgk{E203}} % Left solid line, right dashed down arrow
+ \newcommand \KntTSNBDRA {\lgk{E204}} % Top solid line, bottom dashed right arrow
+ \newcommand \KntLSNRDUA {\lgk{E205}} % Left solid line, right dashed up arrow
+ \newcommand \KntTDLABSN {\lgk{E206}} % Top dashed left arrow, bottom solid line
+ \newcommand \KntLDDARSN {\lgk{E207}} % Left dashed down arrow, right solid line
+ \newcommand \KntTDNBDLA {\lgk{E208}} % Top dashed line, bottom dashed left arrow
+ \newcommand \KntLDUARDN {\lgk{E209}} % Left dashed up arrow, right dashed line
+ \newcommand \KntTDRABDN {\lgk{E20A}} % Top dashed right arrow, bottom dashed line
+ \newcommand \KntRDNRDDA {\lgk{E20B}} % Left dashed line, right dashed down arrow
+ \newcommand \KntTDNBDRA {\lgk{E20C}} % Top dashed line, bottom dashed right arrow
+ \newcommand \KntLDNRDUA {\lgk{E20D}} % Left dashed line, right dashed up arrow
+ \newcommand \KntTDLABDN {\lgk{E20E}} % Top dashed left arrow, bottom dashed line
+ \newcommand \KntLDDARDN {\lgk{E20F}} % Left dashed down arrow, right dashed line
+ \newcommand \Kntzero {\lgv{EFB0}} % Monospace raised italic, serif font: digit 0
+ \newcommand \Kntone {\lgv{EFB1}} % Monospace raised italic, serif font: digit 1
+ \newcommand \Knttwo {\lgv{EFB2}} % Monospace raised italic, serif font: digit 2
+ \newcommand \Kntthree {\lgv{EFB3}} % Monospace raised italic, serif font: digit 3
+ \newcommand \Kntfour {\lgv{EFB4}} % Monospace raised italic, serif font: digit 4
+ \newcommand \Kntfive {\lgv{EFB5}} % Monospace raised italic, serif font: digit 5
+ \newcommand \Kntsix {\lgv{EFB6}} % Monospace raised italic, serif font: digit 6
+ \newcommand \Kntseven {\lgv{EFB7}} % Monospace raised italic, serif font: digit 7
+ \newcommand \Knteight {\lgv{EFB8}} % Monospace raised italic, serif font: digit 8
+ \newcommand \Kntnine {\lgv{EFB9}} % Monospace raised italic, serif font: digit 9
+ \newcommand \KntA {\lgv{EFC1}} % Monospace raised italic, serif font: letter A
+ \newcommand \KntB {\lgv{EFC2}} % Monospace raised italic, serif font: letter B
+ \newcommand \KntC {\lgv{EFC3}} % Monospace raised italic, serif font: letter C
+ \newcommand \KntD {\lgv{EFC4}} % Monospace raised italic, serif font: letter D
+ \newcommand \KntE {\lgv{EFC5}} % Monospace raised italic, serif font: letter E
+ \newcommand \KntF {\lgv{EFC6}} % Monospace raised italic, serif font: letter F
+ \newcommand \KntG {\lgv{EFC7}} % Monospace raised italic, serif font: letter G
+ \newcommand \KntH {\lgv{EFC8}} % Monospace raised italic, serif font: letter H
+ \newcommand \KntI {\lgv{EFC9}} % Monospace raised italic, serif font: letter I
+ \newcommand \KntJ {\lgv{EFCA}} % Monospace raised italic, serif font: letter J
+ \newcommand \KntK {\lgv{EFCB}} % Monospace raised italic, serif font: letter K
+ \newcommand \KntL {\lgv{EFCC}} % Monospace raised italic, serif font: letter L
+ \newcommand \KntM {\lgv{EFCD}} % Monospace raised italic, serif font: letter M
+ \newcommand \KntN {\lgv{EFCE}} % Monospace raised italic, serif font: letter N
+ \newcommand \KntO {\lgv{EFCF}} % Monospace raised italic, serif font: letter O
+ \newcommand \KntP {\lgv{EFD0}} % Monospace raised italic, serif font: letter P
+ \newcommand \KntQ {\lgv{EFD1}} % Monospace raised italic, serif font: letter Q
+ \newcommand \KntR {\lgv{EFD2}} % Monospace raised italic, serif font: letter R
+ \newcommand \KntS {\lgv{EFD3}} % Monospace raised italic, serif font: letter S
+ \newcommand \KntT {\lgv{EFD4}} % Monospace raised italic, serif font: letter T
+ \newcommand \KntU {\lgv{EFD5}} % Monospace raised italic, serif font: letter U
+ \newcommand \KntV {\lgv{EFD6}} % Monospace raised italic, serif font: letter V
+ \newcommand \KntW {\lgv{EFD7}} % Monospace raised italic, serif font: letter W
+ \newcommand \KntX {\lgv{EFD8}} % Monospace raised italic, serif font: letter X
+ \newcommand \KntY {\lgv{EFD9}} % Monospace raised italic, serif font: letter Y
+ \newcommand \KntZ {\lgv{EFDA}} % Monospace raised italic, serif font: letter Z
+ \newcommand \Knta {\lgv{EFE1}} % Monospace raised italic, serif font: letter a
+ \newcommand \Kntb {\lgv{EFE2}} % Monospace raised italic, serif font: letter b
+ \newcommand \Kntc {\lgv{EFE3}} % Monospace raised italic, serif font: letter c
+ \newcommand \Kntd {\lgv{EFE4}} % Monospace raised italic, serif font: letter d
+ \newcommand \Knte {\lgv{EFE5}} % Monospace raised italic, serif font: letter e
+ \newcommand \Kntf {\lgv{EFE6}} % Monospace raised italic, serif font: letter f
+ \newcommand \Kntg {\lgv{EFE7}} % Monospace raised italic, serif font: letter g
+ \newcommand \Knth {\lgv{EFE8}} % Monospace raised italic, serif font: letter h
+ \newcommand \Knti {\lgv{EFE9}} % Monospace raised italic, serif font: letter i
+ \newcommand \Kntj {\lgv{EFEA}} % Monospace raised italic, serif font: letter j
+ \newcommand \Kntk {\lgv{EFEB}} % Monospace raised italic, serif font: letter k
+ \newcommand \Kntl {\lgv{EFEC}} % Monospace raised italic, serif font: letter l
+ \newcommand \Kntm {\lgv{EFED}} % Monospace raised italic, serif font: letter m
+ \newcommand \Kntn {\lgv{EFEE}} % Monospace raised italic, serif font: letter n
+ \newcommand \Knto {\lgv{EFEF}} % Monospace raised italic, serif font: letter o
+ \newcommand \Kntp {\lgv{EFF0}} % Monospace raised italic, serif font: letter p
+ \newcommand \Kntq {\lgv{EFF1}} % Monospace raised italic, serif font: letter q
+ \newcommand \Kntr {\lgv{EFF2}} % Monospace raised italic, serif font: letter r
+ \newcommand \Knts {\lgv{EFF3}} % Monospace raised italic, serif font: letter s
+ \newcommand \Kntt {\lgv{EFF4}} % Monospace raised italic, serif font: letter t
+ \newcommand \Kntu {\lgv{EFF5}} % Monospace raised italic, serif font: letter u
+ \newcommand \Kntv {\lgv{EFF6}} % Monospace raised italic, serif font: letter v
+ \newcommand \Kntw {\lgv{EFF7}} % Monospace raised italic, serif font: letter w
+ \newcommand \Kntx {\lgv{EFF8}} % Monospace raised italic, serif font: letter x
+ \newcommand \Knty {\lgv{EFF9}} % Monospace raised italic, serif font: letter y
+ \newcommand \Kntz {\lgv{EFFA}} % Monospace raised italic, serif font: letter z
+% - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
+% Define geometric symbols, some of which are also used for mathematical operators.
+ \newcommand \BlackSquare {\lgx{E220}}
+ \newcommand \BlackSquareRoundCorners {\lgx{E221}}
+ \newcommand \BlackDiamond {\lgx{E222}}
+ \newcommand \BlackCircle {\lgx{E223}}
+ \newcommand \BlackRightTriangle {\lgx{E224}}
+ \newcommand \BlackLeftTriangle {\lgx{E225}}
+ \newcommand \BlackDownTriangle {\lgx{E226}}
+ \newcommand \BlackUpTriangle {\lgx{E227}}
+ \newcommand \BlackSmallCircle {\lgx{E228}}
+ \newcommand \BlackVerySmallCircle {\lgx{E229}}
+ \newcommand \BlackLozenge {\lgx{E22A}}
+ \newcommand \BlackCurvedDiamond {\lgx{E22B}}
+ \newcommand \BlackVerySmallSquare {\lgx{E22C}}
+ \newcommand \BlackLeftArrowHead {\lgx{E22D}}
+ \newcommand \BlackRightArrowHead {\lgx{E22E}}
+ \newcommand \BlackRightCurvedArrowHead {\lgx{E22F}}
+ \newcommand \WhiteSquare {\lgx{E230}}
+ \newcommand \WhiteSquareRoundCorners {\lgx{E231}}
+ \newcommand \WhiteDiamond {\lgx{E232}}
+ \newcommand \WhiteCircle {\lgx{E233}}
+ \newcommand \WhiteRightTriangle {\lgx{E234}}
+ \newcommand \WhiteLeftTriangle {\lgx{E235}}
+ \newcommand \WhiteDownTriangle {\lgx{E236}}
+ \newcommand \WhiteUpTriangle {\lgx{E237}}
+ \newcommand \WhiteSmallCircle {\lgx{E238}}
+ \newcommand \WhiteVerySmallCircle {\lgx{E239}}
+ \newcommand \WhiteLozenge {\lgx{E23A}}
+ \newcommand \WhiteCurvedDiamond {\lgx{E23B}}
+ \newcommand \WhiteVerySmallSquare {\lgx{E23C}}
+ \newcommand \WhiteLeftArrowHead {\lgx{E23D}}
+ \newcommand \WhiteRightArrowHead {\lgx{E23E}}
+ \newcommand \WhiteRightCurvedArrowHead {\lgx{E23F}}
+ \newcommand \OutlineSquare {\lgx{E240}}
+ \newcommand \OutlineSquareRoundCorners {\lgx{E241}}
+ \newcommand \OutlineDiamond {\lgx{E242}}
+ \newcommand \OutlineCircle {\lgx{E243}}
+ \newcommand \OutlineRightTriangle {\lgx{E244}}
+ \newcommand \OutlineLeftTriangle {\lgx{E245}}
+ \newcommand \OutlineDownTriangle {\lgx{E246}}
+ \newcommand \OutlineUpTriangle {\lgx{E247}}
+ \newcommand \OutlineSmallCircle {\lgx{E248}}
+ \newcommand \OutlineVerySmallCircle {\lgx{E249}}
+ \newcommand \OutlineLozenge {\lgx{E24A}}
+ \newcommand \OutlineCurvedDiamond {\lgx{E24B}}
+ \newcommand \OutlineVerySmallSquare {\lgx{E24C}}
+ \newcommand \OutlineLeftArrowHead {\lgx{E24D}}
+ \newcommand \OutlineRightArrowHead {\lgx{E24E}}
+ \newcommand \OutlineRightCurvedArrowHead {\lgx{E24F}}
+ \newcommand \DottedSquare {\lgx{E250}}
+ \newcommand \DottedSquareRoundCorners {\lgx{E251}}
+ \newcommand \DottedDiamond {\lgx{E252}}
+ \newcommand \DottedCircle {\lgx{E253}}
+ \newcommand \DottedRightTriangle {\lgx{E254}}
+ \newcommand \DottedLeftTriangle {\lgx{E255}}
+ \newcommand \DottedDownTriangle {\lgx{E256}}
+ \newcommand \DottedUpTriangle {\lgx{E257}}
+ \newcommand \DottedSmallCircle {\lgx{E258}}
+ \newcommand \DottedVerySmallCircle {\lgx{E259}}
+ \newcommand \DottedLozenge {\lgx{E25A}}
+ \newcommand \DottedCurvedDiamond {\lgx{E25B}}
+ \newcommand \DottedVerySmallSquare {\lgx{E25C}}
+ \newcommand \DottedLeftArrowHead {\lgx{E25D}}
+ \newcommand \DottedRightArrowHead {\lgx{E25E}}
+ \newcommand \DottedRightCurvedArrowHead {\lgx{E25F}}
+ \newcommand \WhiteSquareContainingBlackSquare {\lgx{E260}}
+ \newcommand \WhiteSquareRoundCornersContainingBlackSquare {\lgx{E261}}
+ \newcommand \WhiteDiamondContainingBlackDiamond {\lgx{E262}}
+ \newcommand \WhiteCircleContainingBlackCircle {\lgx{E263}}
+ \newcommand \WhiteRightTriangleContainingBlackRightTriangle {\lgx{E264}}
+ \newcommand \WhiteLeftTriangleContainingBlackLeftTriangle {\lgx{E265}}
+ \newcommand \WhiteDownTriangleContainingBlackDownTriangle {\lgx{E266}}
+ \newcommand \WhiteUpTriangleContainingBlackUpTriangle {\lgx{E267}}
+ \newcommand \WhiteSmallCircleContainingBlackCircle {\lgx{E268}}
+ \newcommand \WhiteVerySmallCircleContainingBlackCircle {\lgx{E269}}
+ \newcommand \WhiteLozengeContainingBlackLozenge {\lgx{E26A}}
+ \newcommand \WhiteCurvedDiamondContainingBlackDiamond {\lgx{E26B}}
+ \newcommand \WhiteVerySmallSquareContainingBlackSquare {\lgx{E26C}}
+ \newcommand \WhiteReallySmallCircle {\lgx{E26D}}
+ \newcommand \WhiteReallySmallSquare {\lgx{E26E}}
+ \newcommand \WhiteReallySmallDiamond {\lgx{E26F}}
+ \newcommand \HorizontallyDividedSquare {\lgx{E270}}
+ \newcommand \HorizontallyDividedSquareRoundCorners {\lgx{E271}}
+ \newcommand \HorizontallyDividedDiamond {\lgx{E272}}
+ \newcommand \HorizontallyDividedCircle {\lgx{E273}}
+ \newcommand \HorizontallyDividedRightTriangle {\lgx{E274}}
+ \newcommand \HorizontallyDividedLeftTriangle {\lgx{E275}}
+ \newcommand \HorizontallyDividedDownTriangle {\lgx{E276}}
+ \newcommand \HorizontallyDividedUpTriangle {\lgx{E277}}
+ \newcommand \HorizontallyDividedSmallCircle {\lgx{E278}}
+ \newcommand \HorizontallyDividedVerySmallCircle {\lgx{E279}}
+ \newcommand \HorizontallyDividedLozenge {\lgx{E27A}}
+ \newcommand \HorizontallyDividedCurvedDiamond {\lgx{E27B}}
+ \newcommand \HorizontallyDividedVerySmallSquare {\lgx{E27C}}
+ \newcommand \BlackReallySmallCircle {\lgx{E27D}}
+ \newcommand \BlackReallySmallSquare {\lgx{E27E}}
+ \newcommand \BlackReallySmallDiamond {\lgx{E27F}}
+ \newcommand \VerticallyDividedSquare {\lgx{E280}}
+ \newcommand \VerticallyDividedSquareRoundCorners {\lgx{E281}}
+ \newcommand \VerticallyDividedDiamond {\lgx{E282}}
+ \newcommand \VerticallyDividedCircle {\lgx{E283}}
+ \newcommand \VerticallyDividedRightTriangle {\lgx{E284}}
+ \newcommand \VerticallyDividedLeftTriangle {\lgx{E285}}
+ \newcommand \VerticallyDividedDownTriangle {\lgx{E286}}
+ \newcommand \VerticallyDividedUpTriangle {\lgx{E287}}
+ \newcommand \VerticallyDividedSmallCircle {\lgx{E288}}
+ \newcommand \VerticallyDividedVerySmallCircle {\lgx{E289}}
+ \newcommand \VerticallyDividedLozenge {\lgx{E28A}}
+ \newcommand \VerticallyDividedCurvedDiamond {\lgx{E28B}}
+ \newcommand \VerticallyDividedVerySmallSquare {\lgx{E28C}}
+ \newcommand \QuarteredSquare {\lgx{E290}}
+ \newcommand \QuarteredSquareRoundCorners {\lgx{E291}}
+ \newcommand \QuarteredDiamond {\lgx{E292}}
+ \newcommand \QuarteredCircle {\lgx{E293}}
+ \newcommand \QuarteredRightTriangle {\lgx{E294}}
+ \newcommand \QuarteredLeftTriangle {\lgx{E295}}
+ \newcommand \QuarteredDownTriangle {\lgx{E296}}
+ \newcommand \QuarteredUpTriangle {\lgx{E297}}
+ \newcommand \QuarteredSmallCircle {\lgx{E298}}
+ \newcommand \QuarteredVerySmallCircle {\lgx{E299}}
+ \newcommand \QuartedLozenge {\lgx{E29A}}
+ \newcommand \QuarteredCurvedDiamond {\lgx{E29B}}
+ \newcommand \QuarteredVerySmallSquare {\lgx{E29C}}
+ \newcommand \DownSlashedSquare {\lgx{E2A0}}
+ \newcommand \DownSlashedSquareRoundCorners {\lgx{E2A1}}
+ \newcommand \DownSlashedDiamond {\lgx{E2A2}}
+ \newcommand \DownSlashedCircle {\lgx{E2A3}}
+ \newcommand \DownSlashedRightTriangle {\lgx{E2A4}}
+ \newcommand \DownSlashedLeftTriangle {\lgx{E2A5}}
+ \newcommand \DownSlashedDownTriangle {\lgx{E2A6}}
+ \newcommand \DownSlashedUpTriangle {\lgx{E2A7}}
+ \newcommand \DownSlashedSmallCircle {\lgx{E2A8}}
+ \newcommand \DownSlashedVerySmallCircle {\lgx{E2A9}}
+ \newcommand \DownSlashedLozenge {\lgx{E2AA}}
+ \newcommand \DownSlashedCurvedDiamond {\lgx{E2AB}}
+ \newcommand \DownSlashedVerySmallSquare {\lgx{E2AC}}
+ \newcommand \UpSlashedSquare {\lgx{E2B0}}
+ \newcommand \UpSlahsedSquareRoundCorners {\lgx{E2B1}}
+ \newcommand \UpSlashedDiamond {\lgx{E2B2}}
+ \newcommand \UpSlashedCircle {\lgx{E2B3}}
+ \newcommand \UpSlashedRightTriangle {\lgx{E2B4}}
+ \newcommand \UpSlashedLeftTriangle {\lgx{E2B5}}
+ \newcommand \UpSlashedDownTriangle {\lgx{E2B6}}
+ \newcommand \UpSlashedUpTriangle {\lgx{E2B7}}
+ \newcommand \UpSlashedSmallCircle {\lgx{E2B8}}
+ \newcommand \UpSlashedVerySmallCircle {\lgx{E2B9}}
+ \newcommand \UpSlashedLozenge {\lgx{E2BA}}
+ \newcommand \UpSlashedCurvedDiamond {\lgx{E2BB}}
+ \newcommand \UpSlashedVerySmallSquare {\lgx{E2BC}}
+ \newcommand \CrossedSquare {\lgx{E2C0}}
+ \newcommand \CrossedSquareRoundCorners {\lgx{E2C1}}
+ \newcommand \CrossedDiamond {\lgx{E2C2}}
+ \newcommand \CrossedCircle {\lgx{E2C3}}
+ \newcommand \CrossedRightTriangle {\lgx{E2C4}}
+ \newcommand \CrossedLeftTriangle {\lgx{E2C5}}
+ \newcommand \CrossedDownTriangle {\lgx{E2C6}}
+ \newcommand \CrossedUpTriangle {\lgx{E2C7}}
+ \newcommand \CrossedSmallCircle {\lgx{E2C8}}
+ \newcommand \CrossedVerySmallCircle {\lgx{E2C9}}
+ \newcommand \CrossedLozenge {\lgx{E2CA}}
+ \newcommand \CrossedCurvedDiamond {\lgx{E2CB}}
+ \newcommand \CrossedVerySmallSquare {\lgx{E2CC}}
+ \newcommand \LBlackSquare {\lgx{E2D0}}
+ \newcommand \LBlackSquareRoundCorners {\lgx{E2D1}}
+ \newcommand \LBlackDiamond {\lgx{E2D2}}
+ \newcommand \LBlackCircle {\lgx{E2D3}}
+ \newcommand \LBlackRightTriangle {\lgx{E2D4}}
+ \newcommand \LBlackLeftTriangle {\lgx{E2D5}}
+ \newcommand \LBlackDownTriangle {\lgx{E2D6}}
+ \newcommand \LBlackUpTriangle {\lgx{E2D7}}
+ \newcommand \LBlackSmallCircle {\lgx{E2D8}}
+ \newcommand \LBlackVerySmallCircle {\lgx{E2D9}}
+ \newcommand \LBlackLozenge {\lgx{E2DA}}
+ \newcommand \LBlackCurvedDiamond {\lgx{E2DB}}
+ \newcommand \LBlackVerySmallSquare {\lgx{E2DC}}
+ \newcommand \LBlackLeftArrowHead {\lgx{E2DD}}
+ \newcommand \LBlackRightArrowHead {\lgx{E2DE}}
+ \newcommand \LBlackRightCurvedArrowHead {\lgx{E2DF}}
+ \newcommand \LWhiteSquare {\lgx{E2E0}}
+ \newcommand \LWhiteSquareRoundCorners {\lgx{E2E1}}
+ \newcommand \LWhiteDiamond {\lgx{E2E2}}
+ \newcommand \LWhiteCircle {\lgx{E2E3}}
+ \newcommand \LWhiteRightTriangle {\lgx{E2E4}}
+ \newcommand \LWhiteLeftTriangle {\lgx{E2E5}}
+ \newcommand \LWhiteDownTriangle {\lgx{E2E6}}
+ \newcommand \LWhiteUpTriangle {\lgx{E2E7}}
+ \newcommand \LWhiteSmallCircle {\lgx{E2E8}}
+ \newcommand \LWhiteVerySmallCircle {\lgx{E2E9}}
+ \newcommand \LWhiteLozenge {\lgx{E2EA}}
+ \newcommand \LWhiteCurvedDiamond {\lgx{E2EB}}
+ \newcommand \LWhiteVerySmallSquare {\lgx{E2EC}}
+ \newcommand \LWhiteLeftArrowHead {\lgx{E2ED}}
+ \newcommand \LWhiteRightArrowHead {\lgx{E2EE}}
+ \newcommand \LWhiteRightCurvedArrowHead {\lgx{E2EF}}
+% - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
+% Define alphanumeric symbols. Twenty scripts are provided. Some of these
+% overlap with the math fonts provided by STIX2 with minor differences. In
+% particular, every Latin script has an associated set of digits, which as
+% far as possible match the font. Unicode does not provide all sets of digits
+% and for some scripts may omit some letters. Additionally, the main three
+% scripts: sans-serif, slab serif and normal serif all are represented as
+% upright, italic/slanted, bold, and bold italic/slanted.
+% Each script is identified by three letters.The first two letters
+% provide the major classification of the font.
+% sa - Sans serif
+% sl - Slab serif
+% sr - Normal serif
+% cl - Calligraphic
+% bl - Blackboard
+% fr - Fraktur
+% mn - Monospace
+% gr - Greek
+% The first letter is upper case for bold scripts and otherwise lower case. The
+% third letter is either 'u' for upright or 'i' for italic / slanted. Except for
+% Sans serif, slab serif and normal serif not all of the four script styles are
+% present.
+% The complete list of scripts is:
+% Sans serif font. sau
+% Sans serif, italic font. sai
+% Sans serif, bold font. Sau
+% Sans serif, bold, oblique font. Sai
+% Slab serif font. slu
+% Slab serif, italic font. sli
+% Slab serif, bold font. Slu
+% Slab serif, bold, oblique font. Sli
+% Normal serif font. sru
+% Normal serif, italic font. sri
+% Normal serif, bold font. Sru
+% Normal serif, bold, italic font. Sri
+% Calligraphic font. cli
+% Blackboard font. blu
+% Fraktur font. fru
+% Fraktur bold font. Fru
+% Monospace slab-serif font. mnu
+% Monospace raised, serif, italic font. mni
+% Greek font. gru
+% Greek, italic font. gri
+% Individual letters are available as xxx<name> where xxx is one of the
+% above and <name> is the letter and for latin scripts is one of: zero, one,
+% two, three, four, five, six, seven, eight, nine, a-z or A-Z. Thus, for
+% example, SluX is a slab serif, bold upper case 'X'. In addition to the
+% scripts listed above, "Knt" is the same as "mni" except that each digit
+% or letter is raised by 0.433em, and is intended for use with the Knt
+% symbols.
+% Each script has a symXxx and mathXxx macro which can be used in math mode
+% where 'Xxx' is the three letters that identify the script. So, the slab serif
+% bold font has the symSlu and mathSlu macros. Unlike the unicode-math package,
+% these scripts do not provide the \partial and \nabla symbols. Also unlike the
+% unicode-math package, the Greek scripts do not change due to context. The symmni
+% and mathmni macros space out adjacent letters unlike the the other macros and
+% are raised by 0.433em to match the Knt symbols.
+% Synonyms for some of the symXxx macros are provided for use in logic.
+% \prop \symsau Upright sans-serif variables.
+% \propi \symsai Italic sans-serif variables.
+% \meta \symSau Bold sans-serif variables.
+% \metai \symSai Bold, italic sans-serif variables.
+% \bnch \symslu Upright slab-serif variables.
+% \bnchi \symsli Italic slab-serif variables.
+% \bnchb \symSlu Bold slab-serif variables.
+% \bnchbi \symSli Bold, italic slab-serif variables.
+% \vrbl \symsru Upright serif variables.
+% \vrbli \symsri Italic serif variables.
+% \vrblb \symSru Bold serif variables.
+% \vrblbi \symSri Bold, italic serif variables.
+% \vrblc \symcli Calligraphic variables.
+% \vrbld \symblu Blackboard / double struck variables
+% \vrblf \symfru Fraktur variables.
+% \vrblF \symFru Bold, Fraktur variables.
+% \mono \symmnu Monospace slab-serif variables.
+ \newcommand \defineLatinScriptMacro[3] {%
+\Umathcode "30 = "#3 \symLogix \numexpr "#1 + "30\relax%
+\Umathcode "31 = "#3 \symLogix \numexpr "#1 + "31\relax%
+\Umathcode "32 = "#3 \symLogix \numexpr "#1 + "32\relax%
+\Umathcode "33 = "#3 \symLogix \numexpr "#1 + "33\relax%
+\Umathcode "34 = "#3 \symLogix \numexpr "#1 + "34\relax%
+\Umathcode "35 = "#3 \symLogix \numexpr "#1 + "35\relax%
+\Umathcode "36 = "#3 \symLogix \numexpr "#1 + "36\relax%
+\Umathcode "37 = "#3 \symLogix \numexpr "#1 + "37\relax%
+\Umathcode "38 = "#3 \symLogix \numexpr "#1 + "38\relax%
+\Umathcode "39 = "#3 \symLogix \numexpr "#1 + "39\relax%
+\Umathcode "41 = "#3 \symLogix \numexpr "#2 + "41\relax%
+\Umathcode "42 = "#3 \symLogix \numexpr "#2 + "42\relax%
+\Umathcode "43 = "#3 \symLogix \numexpr "#2 + "43\relax%
+\Umathcode "44 = "#3 \symLogix \numexpr "#2 + "44\relax%
+\Umathcode "45 = "#3 \symLogix \numexpr "#2 + "45\relax%
+\Umathcode "46 = "#3 \symLogix \numexpr "#2 + "46\relax%
+\Umathcode "47 = "#3 \symLogix \numexpr "#2 + "47\relax%
+\Umathcode "48 = "#3 \symLogix \numexpr "#2 + "48\relax%
+\Umathcode "49 = "#3 \symLogix \numexpr "#2 + "49\relax%
+\Umathcode "4A = "#3 \symLogix \numexpr "#2 + "4A\relax%
+\Umathcode "4B = "#3 \symLogix \numexpr "#2 + "4B\relax%
+\Umathcode "4C = "#3 \symLogix \numexpr "#2 + "4C\relax%
+\Umathcode "4D = "#3 \symLogix \numexpr "#2 + "4D\relax%
+\Umathcode "4E = "#3 \symLogix \numexpr "#2 + "4E\relax%
+\Umathcode "4F = "#3 \symLogix \numexpr "#2 + "4F\relax%
+\Umathcode "50 = "#3 \symLogix \numexpr "#2 + "50\relax%
+\Umathcode "51 = "#3 \symLogix \numexpr "#2 + "51\relax%
+\Umathcode "52 = "#3 \symLogix \numexpr "#2 + "52\relax%
+\Umathcode "53 = "#3 \symLogix \numexpr "#2 + "53\relax%
+\Umathcode "54 = "#3 \symLogix \numexpr "#2 + "54\relax%
+\Umathcode "55 = "#3 \symLogix \numexpr "#2 + "55\relax%
+\Umathcode "56 = "#3 \symLogix \numexpr "#2 + "56\relax%
+\Umathcode "57 = "#3 \symLogix \numexpr "#2 + "57\relax%
+\Umathcode "58 = "#3 \symLogix \numexpr "#2 + "58\relax%
+\Umathcode "59 = "#3 \symLogix \numexpr "#2 + "59\relax%
+\Umathcode "5A = "#3 \symLogix \numexpr "#2 + "5A\relax%
+\Umathcode "61 = "#3 \symLogix \numexpr "#2 + "61\relax%
+\Umathcode "62 = "#3 \symLogix \numexpr "#2 + "62\relax%
+\Umathcode "63 = "#3 \symLogix \numexpr "#2 + "63\relax%
+\Umathcode "64 = "#3 \symLogix \numexpr "#2 + "64\relax%
+\Umathcode "65 = "#3 \symLogix \numexpr "#2 + "65\relax%
+\Umathcode "66 = "#3 \symLogix \numexpr "#2 + "66\relax%
+\Umathcode "67 = "#3 \symLogix \numexpr "#2 + "67\relax%
+\Umathcode "68 = "#3 \symLogix \numexpr "#2 + "68\relax%
+\Umathcode "69 = "#3 \symLogix \numexpr "#2 + "69\relax%
+\Umathcode "6A = "#3 \symLogix \numexpr "#2 + "6A\relax%
+\Umathcode "6B = "#3 \symLogix \numexpr "#2 + "6B\relax%
+\Umathcode "6C = "#3 \symLogix \numexpr "#2 + "6C\relax%
+\Umathcode "6D = "#3 \symLogix \numexpr "#2 + "6D\relax%
+\Umathcode "6E = "#3 \symLogix \numexpr "#2 + "6E\relax%
+\Umathcode "6F = "#3 \symLogix \numexpr "#2 + "6F\relax%
+\Umathcode "70 = "#3 \symLogix \numexpr "#2 + "70\relax%
+\Umathcode "71 = "#3 \symLogix \numexpr "#2 + "71\relax%
+\Umathcode "72 = "#3 \symLogix \numexpr "#2 + "72\relax%
+\Umathcode "73 = "#3 \symLogix \numexpr "#2 + "73\relax%
+\Umathcode "74 = "#3 \symLogix \numexpr "#2 + "74\relax%
+\Umathcode "75 = "#3 \symLogix \numexpr "#2 + "75\relax%
+\Umathcode "76 = "#3 \symLogix \numexpr "#2 + "76\relax%
+\Umathcode "77 = "#3 \symLogix \numexpr "#2 + "77\relax%
+\Umathcode "78 = "#3 \symLogix \numexpr "#2 + "78\relax%
+\Umathcode "79 = "#3 \symLogix \numexpr "#2 + "79\relax%
+\Umathcode "7A = "#3 \symLogix \numexpr "#2 + "7A\relax}
+ \newcommand \defineLatinScript[3] {%
+\expandafter\def\csname #1zero\endcsname{\ensuremath{\Umathchar 7 \symLogix \numexpr "#2 + "30}}% Latin digit 0
+\expandafter\def\csname #1one\endcsname{\ensuremath{\Umathchar 7 \symLogix \numexpr "#2 + "31}}% Latin digit 1
+\expandafter\def\csname #1two\endcsname{\ensuremath{\Umathchar 7 \symLogix \numexpr "#2 + "32}}% Latin digit 2
+\expandafter\def\csname #1three\endcsname{\ensuremath{\Umathchar 7 \symLogix \numexpr "#2 + "33}}% Latin digit 3
+\expandafter\def\csname #1four\endcsname{\ensuremath{\Umathchar 7 \symLogix \numexpr "#2 + "34}}% Latin digit 4
+\expandafter\def\csname #1five\endcsname{\ensuremath{\Umathchar 7 \symLogix \numexpr "#2 + "35}}% Latin digit 5
+\expandafter\def\csname #1six\endcsname{\ensuremath{\Umathchar 7 \symLogix \numexpr "#2 + "36}}% Latin digit 6
+\expandafter\def\csname #1seven\endcsname{\ensuremath{\Umathchar 7 \symLogix \numexpr "#2 + "37}}% Latin digit 7
+\expandafter\def\csname #1eight\endcsname{\ensuremath{\Umathchar 7 \symLogix \numexpr "#2 + "38}}% Latin digit 8
+\expandafter\def\csname #1nine\endcsname{\ensuremath{\Umathchar 7 \symLogix \numexpr "#2 + "39}}% Latin digit 9
+\expandafter\def\csname #1A\endcsname{\ensuremath{\Umathchar 7 \symLogix \numexpr "#3 + "41}}% Latin letter A
+\expandafter\def\csname #1B\endcsname{\ensuremath{\Umathchar 7 \symLogix \numexpr "#3 + "42}}% Latin letter B
+\expandafter\def\csname #1C\endcsname{\ensuremath{\Umathchar 7 \symLogix \numexpr "#3 + "43}}% Latin letter C
+\expandafter\def\csname #1D\endcsname{\ensuremath{\Umathchar 7 \symLogix \numexpr "#3 + "44}}% Latin letter D
+\expandafter\def\csname #1E\endcsname{\ensuremath{\Umathchar 7 \symLogix \numexpr "#3 + "45}}% Latin letter E
+\expandafter\def\csname #1F\endcsname{\ensuremath{\Umathchar 7 \symLogix \numexpr "#3 + "46}}% Latin letter F
+\expandafter\def\csname #1G\endcsname{\ensuremath{\Umathchar 7 \symLogix \numexpr "#3 + "47}}% Latin letter G
+\expandafter\def\csname #1H\endcsname{\ensuremath{\Umathchar 7 \symLogix \numexpr "#3 + "48}}% Latin letter H
+\expandafter\def\csname #1I\endcsname{\ensuremath{\Umathchar 7 \symLogix \numexpr "#3 + "49}}% Latin letter I
+\expandafter\def\csname #1J\endcsname{\ensuremath{\Umathchar 7 \symLogix \numexpr "#3 + "4A}}% Latin letter J
+\expandafter\def\csname #1K\endcsname{\ensuremath{\Umathchar 7 \symLogix \numexpr "#3 + "4B}}% Latin letter K
+\expandafter\def\csname #1L\endcsname{\ensuremath{\Umathchar 7 \symLogix \numexpr "#3 + "4C}}% Latin letter L
+\expandafter\def\csname #1M\endcsname{\ensuremath{\Umathchar 7 \symLogix \numexpr "#3 + "4D}}% Latin letter M
+\expandafter\def\csname #1N\endcsname{\ensuremath{\Umathchar 7 \symLogix \numexpr "#3 + "4E}}% Latin letter N
+\expandafter\def\csname #1O\endcsname{\ensuremath{\Umathchar 7 \symLogix \numexpr "#3 + "4F}}% Latin letter O
+\expandafter\def\csname #1P\endcsname{\ensuremath{\Umathchar 7 \symLogix \numexpr "#3 + "50}}% Latin letter P
+\expandafter\def\csname #1Q\endcsname{\ensuremath{\Umathchar 7 \symLogix \numexpr "#3 + "51}}% Latin letter Q
+\expandafter\def\csname #1R\endcsname{\ensuremath{\Umathchar 7 \symLogix \numexpr "#3 + "52}}% Latin letter R
+\expandafter\def\csname #1S\endcsname{\ensuremath{\Umathchar 7 \symLogix \numexpr "#3 + "53}}% Latin letter S
+\expandafter\def\csname #1T\endcsname{\ensuremath{\Umathchar 7 \symLogix \numexpr "#3 + "54}}% Latin letter T
+\expandafter\def\csname #1U\endcsname{\ensuremath{\Umathchar 7 \symLogix \numexpr "#3 + "55}}% Latin letter U
+\expandafter\def\csname #1V\endcsname{\ensuremath{\Umathchar 7 \symLogix \numexpr "#3 + "56}}% Latin letter V
+\expandafter\def\csname #1W\endcsname{\ensuremath{\Umathchar 7 \symLogix \numexpr "#3 + "57}}% Latin letter W
+\expandafter\def\csname #1X\endcsname{\ensuremath{\Umathchar 7 \symLogix \numexpr "#3 + "58}}% Latin letter X
+\expandafter\def\csname #1Y\endcsname{\ensuremath{\Umathchar 7 \symLogix \numexpr "#3 + "59}}% Latin letter Y
+\expandafter\def\csname #1Z\endcsname{\ensuremath{\Umathchar 7 \symLogix \numexpr "#3 + "5A}}% Latin letter Z
+\expandafter\def\csname #1a\endcsname{\ensuremath{\Umathchar 7 \symLogix \numexpr "#3 + "61}}% Latin letter a
+\expandafter\def\csname #1b\endcsname{\ensuremath{\Umathchar 7 \symLogix \numexpr "#3 + "62}}% Latin letter b
+\expandafter\def\csname #1c\endcsname{\ensuremath{\Umathchar 7 \symLogix \numexpr "#3 + "63}}% Latin letter c
+\expandafter\def\csname #1d\endcsname{\ensuremath{\Umathchar 7 \symLogix \numexpr "#3 + "64}}% Latin letter d
+\expandafter\def\csname #1e\endcsname{\ensuremath{\Umathchar 7 \symLogix \numexpr "#3 + "65}}% Latin letter e
+\expandafter\def\csname #1f\endcsname{\ensuremath{\Umathchar 7 \symLogix \numexpr "#3 + "66}}% Latin letter f
+\expandafter\def\csname #1g\endcsname{\ensuremath{\Umathchar 7 \symLogix \numexpr "#3 + "67}}% Latin letter g
+\expandafter\def\csname #1h\endcsname{\ensuremath{\Umathchar 7 \symLogix \numexpr "#3 + "68}}% Latin letter h
+\expandafter\def\csname #1i\endcsname{\ensuremath{\Umathchar 7 \symLogix \numexpr "#3 + "69}}% Latin letter i
+\expandafter\def\csname #1j\endcsname{\ensuremath{\Umathchar 7 \symLogix \numexpr "#3 + "6A}}% Latin letter j
+\expandafter\def\csname #1k\endcsname{\ensuremath{\Umathchar 7 \symLogix \numexpr "#3 + "6B}}% Latin letter k
+\expandafter\def\csname #1l\endcsname{\ensuremath{\Umathchar 7 \symLogix \numexpr "#3 + "6C}}% Latin letter l
+\expandafter\def\csname #1m\endcsname{\ensuremath{\Umathchar 7 \symLogix \numexpr "#3 + "6D}}% Latin letter m
+\expandafter\def\csname #1n\endcsname{\ensuremath{\Umathchar 7 \symLogix \numexpr "#3 + "6E}}% Latin letter n
+\expandafter\def\csname #1o\endcsname{\ensuremath{\Umathchar 7 \symLogix \numexpr "#3 + "6F}}% Latin letter o
+\expandafter\def\csname #1p\endcsname{\ensuremath{\Umathchar 7 \symLogix \numexpr "#3 + "70}}% Latin letter p
+\expandafter\def\csname #1q\endcsname{\ensuremath{\Umathchar 7 \symLogix \numexpr "#3 + "71}}% Latin letter q
+\expandafter\def\csname #1r\endcsname{\ensuremath{\Umathchar 7 \symLogix \numexpr "#3 + "72}}% Latin letter r
+\expandafter\def\csname #1s\endcsname{\ensuremath{\Umathchar 7 \symLogix \numexpr "#3 + "73}}% Latin letter s
+\expandafter\def\csname #1t\endcsname{\ensuremath{\Umathchar 7 \symLogix \numexpr "#3 + "74}}% Latin letter t
+\expandafter\def\csname #1u\endcsname{\ensuremath{\Umathchar 7 \symLogix \numexpr "#3 + "75}}% Latin letter u
+\expandafter\def\csname #1v\endcsname{\ensuremath{\Umathchar 7 \symLogix \numexpr "#3 + "76}}% Latin letter v
+\expandafter\def\csname #1w\endcsname{\ensuremath{\Umathchar 7 \symLogix \numexpr "#3 + "77}}% Latin letter w
+\expandafter\def\csname #1x\endcsname{\ensuremath{\Umathchar 7 \symLogix \numexpr "#3 + "78}}% Latin letter x
+\expandafter\def\csname #1y\endcsname{\ensuremath{\Umathchar 7 \symLogix \numexpr "#3 + "79}}% Latin letter y
+\expandafter\def\csname #1z\endcsname{\ensuremath{\Umathchar 7 \symLogix \numexpr "#3 + "7A}}}% Latin letter z
+ \newcommand \defineGreekScriptMacro[2] {%
+\Umathcode "391 = "#2 \symLogix \numexpr "#1 + "21\relax% Greek upper case letter Alpha
+\Umathcode "392 = "#2 \symLogix \numexpr "#1 + "22\relax% Greek upper case letter Beta
+\Umathcode "393 = "#2 \symLogix \numexpr "#1 + "23\relax% Greek upper case letter Gamma
+\Umathcode "394 = "#2 \symLogix \numexpr "#1 + "24\relax% Greek upper case letter Delta
+\Umathcode "395 = "#2 \symLogix \numexpr "#1 + "25\relax% Greek upper case letter Epsilon
+\Umathcode "396 = "#2 \symLogix \numexpr "#1 + "26\relax% Greek upper case letter Zeta
+\Umathcode "397 = "#2 \symLogix \numexpr "#1 + "27\relax% Greek upper case letter Eta
+\Umathcode "398 = "#2 \symLogix \numexpr "#1 + "28\relax% Greek upper case letter Theta
+\Umathcode "399 = "#2 \symLogix \numexpr "#1 + "29\relax% Greek upper case letter Iota
+\Umathcode "39A = "#2 \symLogix \numexpr "#1 + "2A\relax% Greek upper case letter Kappa
+\Umathcode "39B = "#2 \symLogix \numexpr "#1 + "2B\relax% Greek upper case letter Lambda
+\Umathcode "39C = "#2 \symLogix \numexpr "#1 + "2C\relax% Greek upper case letter Mu
+\Umathcode "39D = "#2 \symLogix \numexpr "#1 + "2D\relax% Greek upper case letter Nu
+\Umathcode "39E = "#2 \symLogix \numexpr "#1 + "2E\relax% Greek upper case letter Xi
+\Umathcode "39F = "#2 \symLogix \numexpr "#1 + "2F\relax% Greek upper case letter Omicron
+\Umathcode "3A0 = "#2 \symLogix \numexpr "#1 + "30\relax% Greek upper case letter Pi
+\Umathcode "3A1 = "#2 \symLogix \numexpr "#1 + "31\relax% Greek upper case letter Rho
+\Umathcode "3A3 = "#2 \symLogix \numexpr "#1 + "32\relax% Greek upper case letter Sigma
+\Umathcode "3A4 = "#2 \symLogix \numexpr "#1 + "33\relax% Greek upper case letter Tau
+\Umathcode "3A5 = "#2 \symLogix \numexpr "#1 + "34\relax% Greek upper case letter Upsilon
+\Umathcode "3A6 = "#2 \symLogix \numexpr "#1 + "35\relax% Greek upper case letter Phi
+\Umathcode "3A7 = "#2 \symLogix \numexpr "#1 + "36\relax% Greek upper case letter Chi
+\Umathcode "3A8 = "#2 \symLogix \numexpr "#1 + "37\relax% Greek upper case letter Psi
+\Umathcode "3A9 = "#2 \symLogix \numexpr "#1 + "38\relax% Greek upper case letter Omega
+\Umathcode "3B1 = "#2 \symLogix \numexpr "#1 + "41\relax% Greek lower case letter alpha
+\Umathcode "3B2 = "#2 \symLogix \numexpr "#1 + "42\relax% Greek lower case letter beta
+\Umathcode "3B3 = "#2 \symLogix \numexpr "#1 + "43\relax% Greek lower case letter gamma
+\Umathcode "3B4 = "#2 \symLogix \numexpr "#1 + "44\relax% Greek lower case letter delta
+\Umathcode "3F5 = "#2 \symLogix \numexpr "#1 + "45\relax% Greek lower case letter epsilon
+\Umathcode "3B6 = "#2 \symLogix \numexpr "#1 + "46\relax% Greek lower case letter zeta
+\Umathcode "3B7 = "#2 \symLogix \numexpr "#1 + "47\relax% Greek lower case letter eta
+\Umathcode "3B8 = "#2 \symLogix \numexpr "#1 + "48\relax% Greek lower case letter theta
+\Umathcode "3B9 = "#2 \symLogix \numexpr "#1 + "49\relax% Greek lower case letter iota
+\Umathcode "3BA = "#2 \symLogix \numexpr "#1 + "4A\relax% Greek lower case letter kappa
+\Umathcode "3BB = "#2 \symLogix \numexpr "#1 + "4B\relax% Greek lower case letter lambda
+\Umathcode "3BC = "#2 \symLogix \numexpr "#1 + "4C\relax% Greek lower case letter mu
+\Umathcode "3BD = "#2 \symLogix \numexpr "#1 + "4D\relax% Greek lower case letter nu
+\Umathcode "3BE = "#2 \symLogix \numexpr "#1 + "4E\relax% Greek lower case letter xi
+\Umathcode "3BF = "#2 \symLogix \numexpr "#1 + "4F\relax% Greek lower case letter omicron
+\Umathcode "3C0 = "#2 \symLogix \numexpr "#1 + "50\relax% Greek lower case letter pi
+\Umathcode "3C1 = "#2 \symLogix \numexpr "#1 + "51\relax% Greek lower case letter rho
+\Umathcode "3C3 = "#2 \symLogix \numexpr "#1 + "52\relax% Greek lower case letter sigma
+\Umathcode "3C4 = "#2 \symLogix \numexpr "#1 + "53\relax% Greek lower case letter tau
+\Umathcode "3C5 = "#2 \symLogix \numexpr "#1 + "54\relax% Greek lower case letter upsilon
+\Umathcode "3D5 = "#2 \symLogix \numexpr "#1 + "55\relax% Greek lower case letter phi
+\Umathcode "3C7 = "#2 \symLogix \numexpr "#1 + "56\relax% Greek lower case letter chi
+\Umathcode "3C8 = "#2 \symLogix \numexpr "#1 + "57\relax% Greek lower case letter psi
+\Umathcode "3C9 = "#2 \symLogix \numexpr "#1 + "58\relax% Greek lower case letter omega
+\Umathcode "3B5 = "#2 \symLogix \numexpr "#1 + "65\relax% Greek lower case letter variant varepsilon
+\Umathcode "3D1 = "#2 \symLogix \numexpr "#1 + "68\relax% Greek lower case letter variant vartheta
+\Umathcode "3D6 = "#2 \symLogix \numexpr "#1 + "70\relax% Greek lower case letter variant varpi
+\Umathcode "3F1 = "#2 \symLogix \numexpr "#1 + "71\relax% Greek lower case letter variant varrho
+\Umathcode "3C2 = "#2 \symLogix \numexpr "#1 + "72\relax% Greek lower case letter variant varsigma
+\Umathcode "3C6 = "#2 \symLogix \numexpr "#1 + "75\relax}% Greek lower case letter variant varphi
+ \newcommand \defineGreekScript[3] {%
+\expandafter\def\csname #1Alpha\endcsname{\ensuremath{ \Umathchar 7 \symLogix \numexpr "#2 + "21}}% Greek upper case Alpha
+\expandafter\def\csname #1Beta\endcsname{\ensuremath{ \Umathchar 7 \symLogix \numexpr "#2 + "22}}% Greek upper case Beta
+\expandafter\def\csname #1Gamma\endcsname{\ensuremath{ \Umathchar 7 \symLogix \numexpr "#2 + "23}}% Greek upper case Gamma
+\expandafter\def\csname #1Delta\endcsname{\ensuremath{ \Umathchar 7 \symLogix \numexpr "#2 + "24}}% Greek upper case Delta
+\expandafter\def\csname #1Epsilon\endcsname{\ensuremath{ \Umathchar 7 \symLogix \numexpr "#2 + "25}}% Greek upper case Epsilon
+\expandafter\def\csname #1Zeta\endcsname{\ensuremath{ \Umathchar 7 \symLogix \numexpr "#2 + "26}}% Greek upper case Zeta
+\expandafter\def\csname #1Eta\endcsname{\ensuremath{ \Umathchar 7 \symLogix \numexpr "#2 + "27}}% Greek upper case Eta
+\expandafter\def\csname #1Theta\endcsname{\ensuremath{ \Umathchar 7 \symLogix \numexpr "#2 + "28}}% Greek upper case Theta
+\expandafter\def\csname #1Iota\endcsname{\ensuremath{ \Umathchar 7 \symLogix \numexpr "#2 + "29}}% Greek upper case Iota
+\expandafter\def\csname #1Kappa\endcsname{\ensuremath{ \Umathchar 7 \symLogix \numexpr "#2 + "2A}}% Greek upper case Kappa
+\expandafter\def\csname #1Lambda\endcsname{\ensuremath{ \Umathchar 7 \symLogix \numexpr "#2 + "2B}}% Greek upper case Lambda
+\expandafter\def\csname #1Mu\endcsname{\ensuremath{ \Umathchar 7 \symLogix \numexpr "#2 + "2C}}% Greek upper case Mu
+\expandafter\def\csname #1Nu\endcsname{\ensuremath{ \Umathchar 7 \symLogix \numexpr "#2 + "2D}}% Greek upper case Nu
+\expandafter\def\csname #1Xi\endcsname{\ensuremath{ \Umathchar 7 \symLogix \numexpr "#2 + "2E}}% Greek upper case Xi
+\expandafter\def\csname #1Omicron\endcsname{\ensuremath{ \Umathchar 7 \symLogix \numexpr "#2 + "2F}}% Greek upper case Omicron
+\expandafter\def\csname #1Pi\endcsname{\ensuremath{ \Umathchar 7 \symLogix \numexpr "#2 + "30}}% Greek upper case Pi
+\expandafter\def\csname #1Rho\endcsname{\ensuremath{ \Umathchar 7 \symLogix \numexpr "#2 + "31}}% Greek upper case Rho
+\expandafter\def\csname #1Sigma\endcsname{\ensuremath{ \Umathchar 7 \symLogix \numexpr "#2 + "32}}% Greek upper case Sigma
+\expandafter\def\csname #1Tau\endcsname{\ensuremath{ \Umathchar 7 \symLogix \numexpr "#2 + "33}}% Greek upper case Tau
+\expandafter\def\csname #1Upsilon\endcsname{\ensuremath{ \Umathchar 7 \symLogix \numexpr "#2 + "34}}% Greek upper case Upsilon
+\expandafter\def\csname #1Phi\endcsname{\ensuremath{ \Umathchar 7 \symLogix \numexpr "#2 + "35}}% Greek upper case Phi
+\expandafter\def\csname #1Chi\endcsname{\ensuremath{ \Umathchar 7 \symLogix \numexpr "#2 + "36}}% Greek upper case Chi
+\expandafter\def\csname #1Psi\endcsname{\ensuremath{ \Umathchar 7 \symLogix \numexpr "#2 + "37}}% Greek upper case Psi
+\expandafter\def\csname #1Omega\endcsname{\ensuremath{ \Umathchar 7 \symLogix \numexpr "#2 + "38}}% Greek upper case Omega
+\expandafter\def\csname #1alpha\endcsname{\ensuremath{ \Umathchar 7 \symLogix \numexpr "#2 + "41}}% Greek lower case alpha
+\expandafter\def\csname #1beta\endcsname{\ensuremath{ \Umathchar 7 \symLogix \numexpr "#2 + "42}}% Greek lower case beta
+\expandafter\def\csname #1gamma\endcsname{\ensuremath{ \Umathchar 7 \symLogix \numexpr "#2 + "43}}% Greek lower case gamma
+\expandafter\def\csname #1delta\endcsname{\ensuremath{ \Umathchar 7 \symLogix \numexpr "#2 + "44}}% Greek lower case delta
+\expandafter\def\csname #1epsilon\endcsname{\ensuremath{ \Umathchar 7 \symLogix \numexpr "#2 + "45}}% Greek lower case epsilon
+\expandafter\def\csname #1zeta\endcsname{\ensuremath{ \Umathchar 7 \symLogix \numexpr "#2 + "46}}% Greek lower case zeta
+\expandafter\def\csname #1eta\endcsname{\ensuremath{ \Umathchar 7 \symLogix \numexpr "#2 + "47}}% Greek lower case eta
+\expandafter\def\csname #1theta\endcsname{\ensuremath{ \Umathchar 7 \symLogix \numexpr "#2 + "48}}% Greek lower case theta
+\expandafter\def\csname #1iota\endcsname{\ensuremath{ \Umathchar 7 \symLogix \numexpr "#2 + "49}}% Greek lower case iota
+\expandafter\def\csname #1kappa\endcsname{\ensuremath{ \Umathchar 7 \symLogix \numexpr "#2 + "4A}}% Greek lower case kappa
+\expandafter\def\csname #1lambda\endcsname{\ensuremath{ \Umathchar 7 \symLogix \numexpr "#2 + "4B}}% Greek lower case lambda
+\expandafter\def\csname #1mu\endcsname{\ensuremath{ \Umathchar 7 \symLogix \numexpr "#2 + "4C}}% Greek lower case mu
+\expandafter\def\csname #1nu\endcsname{\ensuremath{ \Umathchar 7 \symLogix \numexpr "#2 + "4D}}% Greek lower case nu
+\expandafter\def\csname #1xi\endcsname{\ensuremath{ \Umathchar 7 \symLogix \numexpr "#2 + "4E}}% Greek lower case xi
+\expandafter\def\csname #1omicron\endcsname{\ensuremath{ \Umathchar 7 \symLogix \numexpr "#2 + "4F}}% Greek lower case omicron
+\expandafter\def\csname #1pi\endcsname{\ensuremath{ \Umathchar 7 \symLogix \numexpr "#2 + "50}}% Greek lower case pi
+\expandafter\def\csname #1rho\endcsname{\ensuremath{ \Umathchar 7 \symLogix \numexpr "#2 + "51}}% Greek lower case rho
+\expandafter\def\csname #1sigma\endcsname{\ensuremath{ \Umathchar 7 \symLogix \numexpr "#2 + "52}}% Greek lower case sigma
+\expandafter\def\csname #1tau\endcsname{\ensuremath{ \Umathchar 7 \symLogix \numexpr "#2 + "53}}% Greek lower case tau
+\expandafter\def\csname #1upsilon\endcsname{\ensuremath{ \Umathchar 7 \symLogix \numexpr "#2 + "54}}% Greek lower case upsilon
+\expandafter\def\csname #1phi\endcsname{\ensuremath{ \Umathchar 7 \symLogix \numexpr "#2 + "55}}% Greek lower case phi
+\expandafter\def\csname #1chi\endcsname{\ensuremath{ \Umathchar 7 \symLogix \numexpr "#2 + "56}}% Greek lower case chi
+\expandafter\def\csname #1psi\endcsname{\ensuremath{ \Umathchar 7 \symLogix \numexpr "#2 + "57}}% Greek lower case psi
+\expandafter\def\csname #1omega\endcsname{\ensuremath{ \Umathchar 7 \symLogix \numexpr "#2 + "58}}% Greek lower case omega
+\expandafter\def\csname #1varepsilon\endcsname{\ensuremath{\Umathchar 7 \symLogix \numexpr "#2 + "65}}% Greek lower case variant epsilon
+\expandafter\def\csname #1vartheta\endcsname {\ensuremath{ \Umathchar 7 \symLogix \numexpr "#2 + "68}}% Greek lower case variant theta
+\expandafter\def\csname #1varpi\endcsname {\ensuremath{ \Umathchar 7 \symLogix \numexpr "#2 + "70}}% Greek lower case variant pi
+\expandafter\def\csname #1varrho\endcsname{\ensuremath{ \Umathchar 7 \symLogix \numexpr "#2 + "71}}% Greek lower case variant rho
+\expandafter\def\csname #1varsigma\endcsname{\ensuremath{ \Umathchar 7 \symLogix \numexpr "#2 + "72}}% Greek lower case variant sigma
+\expandafter\def\csname #1varphi\endcsname{\ensuremath{ \Umathchar 7 \symLogix \numexpr "#2 + "75}}}% Greek lower case variant phi
+% Sans serif font.
+ \newcommand \sauNbrBase {0000}
+ \newcommand \sauLtrBase {0000}
+ \defineLatinScript{sau}{\sauNbrBase}{\sauLtrBase}
+ \newcommand \symsau[1] {{\defineLatinScriptMacro{\sauNbrBase}{\sauLtrBase}{0}\ensuremath{#1}}}
+ \newcommand \mathsau[1] {{\defineLatinScriptMacro{\sauNbrBase}{\sauLtrBase}{7}\ensuremath{#1}}}
+ \defineLatinScript{Prop}{\sauNbrBase}{\sauLtrBase}
+ \newcommand \prop[1] {{\defineLatinScriptMacro{\sauNbrBase}{\sauLtrBase}{0}\ensuremath{#1}}}
+% Sans serif, italic font.
+ \newcommand \saiNbrBase {F000}
+ \newcommand \saiLtrBase {F000}
+ \defineLatinScript{sai}{\saiNbrBase}{\saiLtrBase}
+ \newcommand \symsai[1] {{\defineLatinScriptMacro{\saiNbrBase}{\saiLtrBase}{0}\ensuremath{#1}}}
+ \newcommand \mathsai[1] {{\defineLatinScriptMacro{\saiNbrBase}{\saiLtrBase}{7}\ensuremath{#1}}}
+ \defineLatinScript{Propi}{\saiNbrBase}{\saiLtrBase}
+ \newcommand \propi[1] {{\defineLatinScriptMacro{\saiNbrBase}{\saiLtrBase}{0}\ensuremath{#1}}}
+% Sans serif, bold font.
+ \newcommand \SauNbrBase {F080}
+ \newcommand \SauLtrBase {F080}
+ \defineLatinScript{Sau}{\SauNbrBase}{\SauLtrBase}
+ \newcommand \symSau[1] {{\defineLatinScriptMacro{\SauNbrBase}{\SauLtrBase}{0}\ensuremath{#1}}}
+ \newcommand \mathSau[1] {{\defineLatinScriptMacro{\SauNbrBase}{\SauLtrBase}{7}\ensuremath{#1}}}
+ \defineLatinScript{Meta}{\SauNbrBase}{\SauLtrBase}
+ \newcommand \meta[1] {{\defineLatinScriptMacro{\SauNbrBase}{\SauLtrBase}{0}\ensuremath{#1}}}
+% Sans serif, bold, italic font.
+ \newcommand \SaiNbrBase {F100}
+ \newcommand \SaiLtrBase {F100}
+ \defineLatinScript{Sai}{\SaiNbrBase}{\SaiLtrBase}
+ \newcommand \symSai[1] {{\defineLatinScriptMacro{\SaiNbrBase}{\SaiLtrBase}{0}\ensuremath{#1}}}
+ \newcommand \mathSai[1] {{\defineLatinScriptMacro{\SaiNbrBase}{\SaiLtrBase}{7}\ensuremath{#1}}}
+ \defineLatinScript{Metai}{\SaiNbrBase}{\SaiLtrBase}
+ \newcommand \metai[1] {{\defineLatinScriptMacro{\SaiNbrBase}{\SaiLtrBase}{0}\ensuremath{#1}}}
+% Slab serif font.
+ \newcommand \sluNbrBase {F180}
+ \newcommand \sluLtrBase {F180}
+ \defineLatinScript{slu}{\sluNbrBase}{\sluLtrBase}
+ \newcommand \symslu[1] {{\defineLatinScriptMacro{\sluNbrBase}{\sluLtrBase}{0}\ensuremath{#1}}}
+ \newcommand \mathslu[1] {{\defineLatinScriptMacro{\sluNbrBase}{\sluLtrBase}{7}\ensuremath{#1}}}
+ \defineLatinScript{Bnch}{\sluNbrBase}{\sluLtrBase}
+ \newcommand \bnch[1] {{\defineLatinScriptMacro{\sluNbrBase}{\sluLtrBase}{0}\ensuremath{#1}}}
+% Slab serif, italic font.
+ \newcommand \sliNbrBase {F200}
+ \newcommand \sliLtrBase {F200}
+ \defineLatinScript{sli}{\sliNbrBase}{\sliLtrBase}
+ \newcommand \symsli[1] {{\defineLatinScriptMacro{\sliNbrBase}{\sliLtrBase}{0}\ensuremath{#1}}}
+ \newcommand \mathsli[1] {{\defineLatinScriptMacro{\sliNbrBase}{\sliLtrBase}{7}\ensuremath{#1}}}
+ \defineLatinScript{Bnchi}{\sliNbrBase}{\sliLtrBase}
+ \newcommand \bnchi[1] {{\defineLatinScriptMacro{\sliNbrBase}{\sliLtrBase}{0}\ensuremath{#1}}}
+% Slab serif, bold font.
+ \newcommand \SluNbrBase {F280}
+ \newcommand \SluLtrBase {F280}
+ \defineLatinScript{Slu}{\SluNbrBase}{\SluLtrBase}
+ \newcommand \symSlu[1] {{\defineLatinScriptMacro{\SluNbrBase}{\SluLtrBase}{0}\ensuremath{#1}}}
+ \newcommand \mathSlu[1] {{\defineLatinScriptMacro{\SluNbrBase}{\SluLtrBase}{7}\ensuremath{#1}}}
+ \defineLatinScript{Bnchb}{\SluNbrBase}{\SluLtrBase}
+ \newcommand \bnchb[1] {{\defineLatinScriptMacro{\SluNbrBase}{\SluLtrBase}{0}\ensuremath{#1}}}
+% Slab serif, bold, italic font.
+ \newcommand \SliNbrBase {F300}
+ \newcommand \SliLtrBase {F300}
+ \defineLatinScript{Sli}{\SliNbrBase}{\SliLtrBase}
+ \newcommand \symSli[1] {{\defineLatinScriptMacro{\SliNbrBase}{\SliLtrBase}{0}\ensuremath{#1}}}
+ \newcommand \mathSli[1] {{\defineLatinScriptMacro{\SliNbrBase}{\SliLtrBase}{7}\ensuremath{#1}}}
+ \defineLatinScript{Bnchbi}{\SliNbrBase}{\SliLtrBase}
+ \newcommand \bnchbi[1] {{\defineLatinScriptMacro{\SliNbrBase}{\SliLtrBase}{0}\ensuremath{#1}}}
+% Normal serif font.
+ \newcommand \sruNbrBase {F380}
+ \newcommand \sruLtrBase {F380}
+ \defineLatinScript{sru}{\sruNbrBase}{\sruLtrBase}
+ \newcommand \symsru[1] {{\defineLatinScriptMacro{\sruNbrBase}{\sruLtrBase}{0}\ensuremath{#1}}}
+ \newcommand \mathsru[1] {{\defineLatinScriptMacro{\sruNbrBase}{\sruLtrBase}{7}\ensuremath{#1}}}
+ \defineLatinScript{Vrbl}{\sruNbrBase}{\sruLtrBase}
+ \newcommand \vrbl[1] {{\defineLatinScriptMacro{\sruNbrBase}{\sruLtrBase}{0}\ensuremath{#1}}}
+% Normal serif, italic font.
+ \newcommand \sriNbrBase {F400}
+ \newcommand \sriLtrBase {F400}
+ \defineLatinScript{sri}{\sriNbrBase}{\sriLtrBase}
+ \newcommand \symsri[1] {{\defineLatinScriptMacro{\sriNbrBase}{\sriLtrBase}{0}\ensuremath{#1}}}
+ \newcommand \mathsri[1] {{\defineLatinScriptMacro{\sriNbrBase}{\sriLtrBase}{7}\ensuremath{#1}}}
+ \defineLatinScript{Vrbli}{\sriNbrBase}{\sriLtrBase}
+ \newcommand \vrbli[1] {{\defineLatinScriptMacro{\sriNbrBase}{\sriLtrBase}{0}\ensuremath{#1}}}
+% Normal serif, bold font.
+ \newcommand \SruNbrBase {F480}
+ \newcommand \SruLtrBase {F480}
+ \defineLatinScript{Sru}{\SruNbrBase}{\SruLtrBase}
+ \newcommand \symSru[1] {{\defineLatinScriptMacro{\SruNbrBase}{\SruLtrBase}{0}\ensuremath{#1}}}
+ \newcommand \mathSru[1] {{\defineLatinScriptMacro{\SruNbrBase}{\SruLtrBase}{7}\ensuremath{#1}}}
+ \defineLatinScript{Vrblb}{\SruNbrBase}{\SruLtrBase}
+ \newcommand \vrblb[1] {{\defineLatinScriptMacro{\SruNbrBase}{\SruLtrBase}{0}\ensuremath{#1}}}
+% Normal serif, bold, italic font.
+ \newcommand \SriNbrBase {F500}
+ \newcommand \SriLtrBase {F500}
+ \defineLatinScript{Sri}{\SriNbrBase}{\SriLtrBase}
+ \newcommand \symSri[1] {{\defineLatinScriptMacro{\SriNbrBase}{\SriLtrBase}{0}\ensuremath{#1}}}
+ \newcommand \mathSri[1] {{\defineLatinScriptMacro{\SriNbrBase}{\SriLtrBase}{7}\ensuremath{#1}}}
+ \defineLatinScript{Vrblbi}{\SriNbrBase}{\SriLtrBase}
+ \newcommand \vrblbi[1] {{\defineLatinScriptMacro{\SriNbrBase}{\SriLtrBase}{0}\ensuremath{#1}}}
+% Calligraphic font.
+ \newcommand \cliNbrBase {F400}
+ \newcommand \cliLtrBase {F580}
+ \defineLatinScript{cli}{\cliNbrBase}{\cliLtrBase}
+ \newcommand \symcli[1] {{\defineLatinScriptMacro{\cliNbrBase}{\cliLtrBase}{0}\ensuremath{#1}}}
+ \newcommand \mathcli[1] {{\defineLatinScriptMacro{\cliNbrBase}{\cliLtrBase}{7}\ensuremath{#1}}}
+ \defineLatinScript{Vrblc}{\cliNbrBase}{\cliLtrBase}
+ \newcommand \vrblc[1] {{\defineLatinScriptMacro{\cliNbrBase}{\cliLtrBase}{0}\ensuremath{#1}}}
+% Blackboard font.
+ \newcommand \bluNbrBase {F600}
+ \newcommand \bluLtrBase {F600}
+ \defineLatinScript{blu}{\bluNbrBase}{\bluLtrBase}
+ \newcommand \symblu[1] {{\defineLatinScriptMacro{\bluNbrBase}{\bluLtrBase}{0}\ensuremath{#1}}}
+ \newcommand \mathblu[1] {{\defineLatinScriptMacro{\bluNbrBase}{\bluLtrBase}{7}\ensuremath{#1}}}
+ \defineLatinScript{Vrbld}{\bluNbrBase}{\bluLtrBase}
+ \newcommand \vrbld[1] {{\defineLatinScriptMacro{\bluNbrBase}{\bluLtrBase}{0}\ensuremath{#1}}}
+% Fraktur font.
+ \newcommand \fruNbrBase {F380}
+ \newcommand \fruLtrBase {F680}
+ \defineLatinScript{fru}{\fruNbrBase}{\fruLtrBase}
+ \newcommand \symfru[1] {{\defineLatinScriptMacro{\fruNbrBase}{\fruLtrBase}{0}\ensuremath{#1}}}
+ \newcommand \mathfru[1] {{\defineLatinScriptMacro{\fruNbrBase}{\fruLtrBase}{7}\ensuremath{#1}}}
+ \defineLatinScript{Vrblf}{\fruNbrBase}{\fruLtrBase}
+ \newcommand \vrblf[1] {{\defineLatinScriptMacro{\fruNbrBase}{\fruLtrBase}{0}\ensuremath{#1}}}
+% Fraktur bold font.
+ \newcommand \FruNbrBase {F480}
+ \newcommand \FruLtrBase {F700}
+ \defineLatinScript{Fru}{\FruNbrBase}{\FruLtrBase}
+ \newcommand \symFru[1] {{\defineLatinScriptMacro{\FruNbrBase}{\FruLtrBase}{0}\ensuremath{#1}}}
+ \newcommand \mathFru[1] {{\defineLatinScriptMacro{\FruNbrBase}{\FruLtrBase}{7}\ensuremath{#1}}}
+ \defineLatinScript{VrblF}{\FruNbrBase}{\FruLtrBase}
+ \newcommand \vrblF[1] {{\defineLatinScriptMacro{\FruNbrBase}{\FruLtrBase}{0}\ensuremath{#1}}}
+% Monospace slab serif font.
+ \newcommand \mnuNbrBase {F780}
+ \newcommand \mnuLtrBase {F780}
+ \defineLatinScript{mnu}{\mnuNbrBase}{\mnuLtrBase}
+ \newcommand \symmnu[1] {{\defineLatinScriptMacro{\mnuNbrBase}{\mnuLtrBase}{0}\ensuremath{#1}}}
+ \newcommand \mathmnu[1] {{\defineLatinScriptMacro{\mnuNbrBase}{\mnuLtrBase}{7}\ensuremath{#1}}}
+ \defineLatinScript{Mono}{\mnuNbrBase}{\mnuLtrBase}
+ \newcommand \mono[1] {{\defineLatinScriptMacro{\mnuNbrBase}{\mnuLtrBase}{0}\ensuremath{#1}}}
+% Monospace, serif, italic font.
+ \newcommand \mniNbrBase {EF80}
+ \newcommand \mniLtrBase {EF80}
+ \defineLatinScript{mni}{\mniNbrBase}{\mniLtrBase}
+ \newcommand \symmni[1] {{\defineLatinScriptMacro{\mniNbrBase}{\mniLtrBase}{0}\ensuremath{#1}}}
+ \newcommand \mathmni[1] {{\defineLatinScriptMacro{\mniNbrBase}{\mniLtrBase}{7}\ensuremath{#1}}}
+% Greek font.
+ \newcommand \gruLtrBase {F800}
+ \defineGreekScript{gru}{\gruLtrBase}
+ \newcommand \symgru[1] {{\defineGreekScriptMacro{\gruLtrBase}{0}\ensuremath{#1}}}
+ \newcommand \mathgru[1] {{\defineGreekScriptMacro{\gruLtrBase}{7}\ensuremath{#1}}}
+% Greek, italic font.
+ \newcommand \griLtrBase {F880}
+ \defineGreekScript{gri}{\griLtrBase}
+ \newcommand \symgri[1] {{\defineGreekScriptMacro{\griLtrBase}{0}\ensuremath{#1}}}
+ \newcommand \mathgri[1] {{\defineGreekScriptMacro{\griLtrBase}{7}\ensuremath{#1}}}
+% - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
+% End of the package.
+ \endinput
+% - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -