path: root/Master/texmf-dist/tex/latex/iso/isov2.cls
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'Master/texmf-dist/tex/latex/iso/isov2.cls')
1 files changed, 1313 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/Master/texmf-dist/tex/latex/iso/isov2.cls b/Master/texmf-dist/tex/latex/iso/isov2.cls
new file mode 100644
index 00000000000..824f15df728
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Master/texmf-dist/tex/latex/iso/isov2.cls
@@ -0,0 +1,1313 @@
+%% This is file `isov2.cls',
+%% generated with the docstrip utility.
+%% The original source files were:
+%% isoe.dtx (with options: `iso')
+%% This work has been partially funded by the US government and is
+%% not subject to copyright.
+%% This program is provided under the terms of the
+%% LaTeX Project Public License distributed from CTAN
+%% archives in directory macros/latex/base/lppl.txt.
+%% Author: Peter Wilson (CUA and NIST)
+%% now at:
+\ProvidesClass{isov2}[2002/07/22 v2.4 LaTeX ISO document class]
+\def\isostringsequal #1#2{%
+ TT\fi
+ \edef\@is@str@ngsequali{#1}%
+ \edef\@is@str@ngsequalii{#2}%
+ \ifx\@is@str@ngsequali\@is@str@ngsequalii}
+\def\isoemptystring #1{%
+ TT\fi
+ \if\isostringsequal{#1}{}}
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+ \dr@ftd@cfalse}
+ \dr@ftd@ctrue}
+ \c@pyrighttrue
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+ \input{iso\@ptsize.clo}
+ \newcommand{\captionsize}{\normalsize}
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+ \typeout{*********************************************************}
+ \typeout{* Warning: You have used the letterpage option. *********}
+ \typeout{* This will not be acceptable as ISO camera ready copy. *}
+ \typeout{*********************************************************}
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+\setlength\@dblfpsep{8\p@ \@plus 2fil}
+\setlength\@dblfpbot{0\p@ \@plus 1fil}
+ %%%\mark{{}{}} % Initializes TeX's marks <--- can vanish
+ \newcommand{\@runninghead}{\thestandard}
+ \newcommand{\@runninghead}{\thestandard:\thesyear\theslanguage}
+ {\mbox{\copyright \textsc{\copyrightname} \thesyear{} --- All rights reserved}}
+ \else
+ \mbox{}
+ \fi}
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+ {\bfseries \uppercase{\ISname}}
+%% \mbox{\ifc@pyright\space\copyright {\scshape \copyrightname}\else
+%% \space{\scshape (\copyrightname)}\fi}
+ \hfil {\bfseries \@runninghead}%
+ \vspace{-0.5\baselineskip}\linebreak\fillline}
+ \fillline\vspace{0.1\baselineskip}\linebreak%
+ {\bfseries \@runninghead} \hfil
+ {\bfseries \uppercase{\ISname}}
+%% \mbox{\ifc@pyright\space\copyright {\scshape \copyrightname}\else
+%% \space{\scshape (\copyrightname)}\fi}
+ \vspace{-0.5\baselineskip}\linebreak\fillline}
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+%% \def\@oddfoot{\hfil\thepage}%
+%% \def\@evenfoot{\thepage\hfil}}
+ \def\@oddfoot{\copyrighthead\hfil\thepage}%
+ \def\@evenfoot{\thepage\hfil\copyrighthead}}
+\newcommand{\introelement}[1]{\if\isoemptystring{#1}\else {#1 ---\newline}\fi}
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+ \protect\thispagestyle{isotitlehead}
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+%% \clearpage
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+ \newpage
+ \if@restonecol\twocolumn\fi}
+ \setcounter{note}{0}\setcounter{example}{0}}
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+ \typeout{Clause: \theclause}
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+ {\z@}%
+ {\beforecskip}%
+ {\aftercskip}%
+%% {\raggedright\Cfont\bfseries}}
+ {\raggedright\Cfont}}
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+ {\z@}%
+ {\beforecskip}%
+ {\aftercskip}%
+%% {\raggedright\Cfont\bfseries}}
+ {\raggedright\Cfont}}
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+ {\z@}%
+ {\beforescskip}%
+ {\afterscskip}%
+ {\raggedright\SCfont}}
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+ {\z@}%
+ {\beforesscskip}%
+ {\aftersscskip}%
+ {\raggedright\SSCfont}}
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+ {\z@}%
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+ {\raggedright\SSCfont}}
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+ {\aftersscskip}%
+ {\raggedright\SSCfont}}
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+ \ifnum 1=\value{annex}
+ \renewcommand{\clause}{%
+ \ClassWarning{iso}{%
+ \protect\clause\space commands are not allowed after starting Annexes}{%
+ Type \space <return> to proceed and I'll ignore your \protect\clause.}}
+ \renewcommand{\thesclause}{\theannex.\arabic{sclause}}
+ \renewcommand{\thetable}{\theannex.\arabic{table}}
+ \renewcommand{\thefigure}{\theannex.\arabic{figure}}
+ \renewcommand{\theHsclause}{\theHannex.\arabic{sclause}}
+ \ifisohyper
+ \renewcommand{\theHtable}{\theHannex.\arabic{table}}
+ \renewcommand{\theHfigure}{\theHannex.\arabic{figure}}
+ \fi
+ \fi
+ \global\@topnum\z@
+ \@afterindentfalse
+ \begin{center}
+ {{\Cfont \annexname~\theannex}\\\Large #1}
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+ \addcontentsline{toc}{annex}{\ifnum2>\c@secnumdepth \else
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+ \addannextotoc{(\informativename)}{#1}
+ \init@nnex
+ \@infannex{#1}
+ \typeout{Informative annex: #1}
+ \makepreannexhead{(\normativename)}
+ \makeannexhead{#1}
+ \addannextotoc{(\normativename)}{#1}
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+ \typeout{Normative annex: #1}
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+ \makeannexhead{#1}
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+ \typeout{Annex: #1}
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+ \edef\@enumctr{enum\romannumeral\the\@enumdepth}%
+ \expandafter
+ \list
+ \csname label\@enumctr\endcsname
+ {\usecounter\@enumctr\def\makelabel##1{##1\hfill}}%
+ \fi}
+\let\endenumerate =\endlist
+\newcommand{\labelitemi}{{\normalfont\bfseries \textemdash}\hfill}
+ \ifnum \@itemdepth >\thr@@\@toodeep\else
+ \advance\@itemdepth\@ne
+ \edef\@itemitem{labelitem\romannumeral\the\@itemdepth}%
+ \expandafter
+ \list
+ \csname\@itemitem\endcsname
+ {\def\makelabel##1{##1\hfill}}%
+ \fi}
+\let\enditemize =\endlist
+ {\list{}{\labelwidth\z@ \itemindent 0.5em \labelsep 0.5em
+ \let\makelabel\descriptionlabel}}%
+ {\endlist}
+\newcommand*{\descriptionlabel}[1]{\normalfont\bfseries #1:\hfill}
+ {\list{}{\listparindent 1.5em%
+ \itemindent \listparindent
+ \rightmargin \leftmargin
+ \parsep \z@ \@plus\p@}%
+ \item[]}%
+ {\endlist}
+ {\list{}{\rightmargin\leftmargin}%
+ \item[]}%
+ {\endlist}
+ \setlength{\partopsep}{\z@}
+ \setlength{\topsep}{\z@}
+ \setlength{\labelsep}{1em}
+ \setlength{\itemindent}{\labelsep}
+ \setlength{\labelwidth}{\z@}
+ \setlength{\listparindent}{\z@}
+ \setlength{\leftmargin}{\z@} % added in v2.3
+%% \ifinfloat \setlength{\leftmargin}{\z@} \else
+%% \setlength{\leftmargin}{2em} \fi
+ \@setnoteparams}
+ \Nfont\item[\notename]}%
+ \stepcounter{yextra}
+ \ifinfloat
+ \refstepcounter{floatnote}
+ \let\thenote\thefloatnote
+ \else
+ \refstepcounter{note}
+ \fi
+%% \ifinfloat \setlength{\leftmargin}{\z@} \else
+%% \setlength{\leftmargin}{2em} \fi
+ \@setnoteparams}
+ \Nfont\item[\notename~\thenote]}%
+ {\endlist}
+%% \ifinfloat \setlength{\leftmargin}{\z@} \else
+%% \setlength{\leftmargin}{2em} \fi
+ \@setnoteparams}
+ \Nfont\item[\examplename]}{\endlist}
+ \stepcounter{yextra}
+ \refstepcounter{example}
+%% \ifinfloat \setlength{\leftmargin}{\z@} \else
+%% \setlength{\leftmargin}{2em} \fi
+ \@setnoteparams}
+ \Nfont\item[\examplename~\theexample]}%
+ {\endlist}
+ {\leftmargin 0pt \itemindent 0.5em
+ \labelwidth\z@ \labelsep 0.5em
+ \let\makelabel\nreferencelabel}}%
+ {\endlist}
+\newcommand{\isref}[2]{\item[#1]{\itshape #2}}
+ \ifd@is
+ {\item[#1\protect\@footnotemark]{\itshape #2}}
+ \else
+ \addtocounter{footnote}{1}
+ \xdef\@thefnmark{\thefootnote}
+ \item[#1\protect\@footnotemark]{\itshape #2}%
+ \footnotetext[\value{footnote}]{\tbpname}
+ \d@istrue
+ \fi
+ \endgroup\d@istrue}
+ \leftmargin 0pt \itemindent 0.5em
+ \labelwidth\z@ \labelsep 0.5em}}%
+ {\endlist}
+\newcommand{\reference}[3]{\item {#1} {{\itshape #2}} {#3}}
+ {\begin{itemize}}%
+ {\end{itemize}}
+\newcommand{\olddefinition}[2]{\item #1 #2}
+ \setcounter{cl@level}{6}
+ \ifnum\value{sssssclause}=0 \setcounter{cl@level}{5} \fi
+ \ifnum\value{ssssclause}=0 \setcounter{cl@level}{4} \fi
+ \ifnum\value{sssclause}=0 \setcounter{cl@level}{3} \fi
+ \ifnum\value{ssclause}=0 \setcounter{cl@level}{2} \fi
+ \ifnum\value{sclause}=0 \setcounter{cl@level}{1} \fi
+ \ifnum\value{clause}=0 \setcounter{cl@level}{0} \fi
+ \ifcase\value{cl@level} % 0, NOT YET IN A CLAUSE
+ \ClassWarning{iso}{Definitions started before the initial clause}
+ \renewcommand{\@defcl}[1]{\setcounter{note}{0}\setcounter{example}{0}
+ \par
+ \addvspace{\beforecskip}
+ \@afterindentfalse
+ \refstepcounter{clause}
+ {\raggedright\bfseries \theclause\\ ##1\\}}
+ \or % 1, called in a clause
+ \renewcommand{\@defcl}[1]{\setcounter{note}{0}\setcounter{example}{0}
+ \par
+ \addvspace{\beforescskip}
+ \@afterindentfalse
+ \refstepcounter{sclause}
+ {\raggedright\bfseries \thesclause\\ ##1\\}}
+ \or % 2, called in an sclause
+ \renewcommand{\@defcl}[1]{\setcounter{note}{0}\setcounter{example}{0}
+ \par
+ \addvspace{\beforesscskip}
+ \@afterindentfalse
+ \refstepcounter{ssclause}
+ {\raggedright\bfseries \thessclause\\ ##1\\}}
+ \or % 3, called in an ssclause
+ \renewcommand{\@defcl}[1]{\setcounter{note}{0}\setcounter{example}{0}
+ \par
+ \addvspace{\beforesscskip}
+ \@afterindentfalse
+ \refstepcounter{sssclause}
+ {\raggedright\bfseries \thesssclause\\ ##1\\}}
+ \or % 4, called in an sssclause
+ \renewcommand{\@defcl}[1]{\setcounter{note}{0}\setcounter{example}{0}
+ \par
+ \addvspace{\beforesscskip}
+ \@afterindentfalse
+ \refstepcounter{ssssclause}
+ {\raggedright\bfseries \thessssclause\\ ##1\\}}
+ \or % 5, called in an ssssclause
+ \renewcommand{\@defcl}[1]{\setcounter{note}{0}\setcounter{example}{0}
+ \par
+ \addvspace{\beforesscskip}
+ \@afterindentfalse
+ \refstepcounter{sssssclause}
+ {\raggedright\bfseries \thesssssclause\\ ##1\\}}
+ \else % 5+, called in an sssssclause or lower
+ \ClassWarning{iso}{Definitions too deeply nested}
+ \renewcommand{\@defcl}[1]{
+ \par
+ \addvspace{\beforesscskip}
+ \@afterindentfalse
+ \refstepcounter{sssssclause}
+ {\raggedright\bfseries \thesssssclause\\ ##1\\}}
+ \fi}%
+ {}
+\newcommand{\definition}[2]{\@defcl{#1} #2}
+\newcommand{\symbollabel}[1]{{#1 \hfill}}
+ {\itemindent 0em \leftmargin 8em
+ \labelsep 1em \labelwidth 5em
+ \let\makelabel\symbollabel}}%
+ {\endlist}
+\newcommand{\symboldef}[2]{\item[#1] #2}
+ \inscopename #1:
+ \begin{itemize}}%
+ {\end{itemize}}
+ \outofscopename #1:
+ \begin{itemize}}%
+ {\end{itemize}}
+\skip\@mpfootins = \skip\footins
+ \iffigs\else\figstrue
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+ \string\gdef\string\setfigs{%
+ \string\floatlist{\listfigurename}{lof}}}
+ \fi
+ \fi
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+ \@initisofig
+ \@dblfloat{figure}}%
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+ \string\floatlist{\listtablename}{lot}}}
+ \fi
+ \fi
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+ \@initisotab
+ \@float{table}}%
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+ \@initisotab
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+ {\centering {\captionsize\bfseries #1 -- #2}\par}
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+ \hbox to\hsize{\hfil\box\@tempboxa\hfil}%
+ \fi
+ \vskip\belowcaptionskip}
+ \begingroup
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+ \@makecaption{\csname fnum@#1\endcsname}{\ignorespaces #2}\par
+ \endgroup}
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+\newlength{\tocbaseline} \setlength{\tocbaseline}{20pt}
+ \addtocontents{toc}{\protect\vspace{#1}}}
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+ \ifx\undefined\setfigs\else\setfigs\fi}
+\newcommand{\loftnumberline}[1]{#1 --- }
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+ \leavevmode
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+ \loftfillnum{#2}}
+ {\leaders\hbox{$\m@th\mkern 4.5mu\hbox{.}\mkern 4.5mu$}\hfill}\nobreak
+ \hb@xt@\@pnumwidth{\hfil #1}\par}
+ \ifx\undefined\settabs\else\settabs\fi}
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+ {%
+ \leftskip 0em
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+ \loftfillnum{#2}}
+ \par
+ \addcontentsline{\csname ext@#1\endcsname}{#1}%
+ {\protect\numberline{{\@nameuse{#1name}} {\@nameuse{the#1}} --- }%
+ {\ignorespaces #2}}%
+ \begingroup
+ \@parboxrestore
+ \if@minipage
+ \@setminipage
+ \fi
+ \normalsize
+ \@makecaption{\csname fnum@#1\endcsname}{\ignorespaces #3}\par
+ \endgroup}
+ \@knownclausefalse
+ \if\isostringsequal{#1}{none}
+ \setcounter{#2}{-10}
+ \@knownclausetrue
+ \fi
+ \if\isostringsequal{#1}{clause}
+ \setcounter{#2}{1}
+ \@knownclausetrue
+ \fi
+ \if\isostringsequal{#1}{sclause}
+ \setcounter{#2}{2}
+ \@knownclausetrue
+ \fi
+ \if\isostringsequal{#1}{ssclause}
+ \setcounter{#2}{3}
+ \@knownclausetrue
+ \fi
+ \if\isostringsequal{#1}{sssclause}
+ \setcounter{#2}{4}
+ \@knownclausetrue
+ \fi
+ \if\isostringsequal{#1}{ssssclause}
+ \setcounter{#2}{5}
+ \@knownclausetrue
+ \fi
+ \if\isostringsequal{#1}{sssssclause}
+ \setcounter{#2}{6}
+ \@knownclausetrue
+ \fi
+ \if\isostringsequal{#1}{all}
+ \setcounter{#2}{50}
+ \@knownclausetrue
+ \fi
+ \if@knownclause\else
+ \ClassError{isov2}{%
+ Unknown clause command name (#1)
+ }{%
+ I'll ignore it. Type \space <return> and I'll continue.\MessageBreak
+ If you haven't mistyped the name then use \protect\setcounter\space instead.}
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+ Unknown clause command name (#1)
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+ \typeout{Index}%
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+\newcommand{\indexsee}[1]{\par \hspace*{2em} \emph{see} #1}
+\newcommand{\indexseealso}[1]{\par \hspace*{2em} \emph{see also} #1}
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+ \parindent 1em%
+ \noindent
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+ \fi\fi}
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+ \v@rid{\small\hfill$^{#1}$ED}%
+ {\small ED$^{#1}$\hfill}
+ \fi}
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+ {\small $\Leftarrow^{#2}$\hfill}
+ \emph{#1}
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+ #1
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+ \v@rid{\small\hfill$^{#1}\Leftarrow$}%
+ {\small $\Rightarrow^{#1}$\hfill}
+ \fi}
+ \ifchangemarks
+ \v@rid{\small\hfill$^{#2}\Leftrightarrow$}%
+ {\small $\Leftrightarrow^{#2}$\hfill}
+ \emph{#1}
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+ #1
+ \fi}
+ {\tableofcontents
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+ \listoftables
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+ \typeout{Bibliography}
+ \clearpage
+ \fibicl@use*{\bibname}
+ \tocskip{\tocentryskip}
+ \addcontentsline{toc}{index}{\bibname}
+\copyright\quad \copyrightname\quad \thesyear\newline
+All rights reserved. Unless otherwise specified, no part of
+this publication may be reproduced or utilized in any form or
+by any means, electronic or mechanical, including photocopying
+and microfilm, without permission in writing from %%% the publisher.
+%%%ISO/IEC Copyright Office $\bullet$ Case Postale 56 $\bullet$
+%%%CH-1211 Gen{\`e}ve 20 $\bullet$ Switzerland}
+%%\hspace*{1em} International Organization for Standardization\newline
+%%\hspace*{1em} Case Postale 56 $\bullet$ CH-2111 Gen{\`e}ve 20 $\bullet$ Switzerland
+either ISO at the address below or ISO's member body in the country
+of the requester.
+\noindent ISO copyright office \\
+Case postale 56. CH-1211 Geneva 20 \\
+Tel. +41 22 749 01 11 \\
+Fax +41 22 734 10 79 \\
+E-mail \texttt{} \\
+Web \texttt{}
+%%\ifisst@ndard \ifc@pyright
+%% \vspace{\baselineskip}\newline\noindent
+%% Printed in Switzerland
+%%\ift@chrep \ifc@pyright
+%% \vspace{\baselineskip}\newline\noindent
+%% Printed in Switzerland
+ \ClassError{iso}{The \protect\trfwdpbii\space command has been removed}%
+ {Type <return> to proceed, and change your source file before
+ running LaTeX again.}
+ Attention is drawn to the possibility that some of the elements of this
+document may be the subject of patent rights
+other than those mentioned above.
+ISO [and/or] IEC shall not be held responsible
+for identifying any or all such patent rights.\par}
+ Attention is drawn to the possibility that some of the elements of this
+document may be the subject of patent rights.
+ISO shall not be held responsible
+for identifying any or all such patent rights.\par}
+The following normative documents contain provisions which, through
+reference in this text, constitute provisions of this #1.
+For dated references, subsequent amendments to, or revisions of,
+any of these publications do not apply.
+However, parties
+to agreements based on this #1
+are encouraged to investigate the possibility of applying
+the most recent editions of the normative documents indicated below.
+For undated references, the latest edition of the normative
+document referred to applies.
+Members of ISO and IEC maintain registers of currently
+valid International Standards.
+\newcommand{\defname}{Terms and definitions}
+\newcommand{\defabbname}{Terms, definitions, and abbreviations}
+\newcommand{\defsymname}{Terms, definitions, and symbols}
+\newcommand{\defsymabbname}{Terms, definitions, abbreviations, and symbols}
+\newcommand{\fcandaname}{Fundamental concepts and assumptions}
+\newcommand{\normrefsname}{Normative references}
+\newcommand{\symabbname}{Symbols and abbreviations}
+ %%%\newcommand{\examplesname}{EXAMPLES}
+\newcommand{\inscopename}{The following are within the scope of this }
+\iffdisstandard\renewcommand{\ISname}{FINAL DRAFT INTERNATIONAL STANDARD}\fi
+\ifdisstandard\renewcommand{\ISname}{DRAFT INTERNATIONAL STANDARD}\fi
+\ifcdstandard\renewcommand{\ISname}{COMMITTEE DRAFT}\fi
+\ifwdstandard\renewcommand{\ISname}{WORKING DRAFT}\fi
+\iftechrep\renewcommand{\ISname}{TECHNICAL REPORT}\fi
+\iftechspec\renewcommand{\ISname}{TECHNICAL SPECIFICATION}\fi
+\ifpaspec\renewcommand{\ISname}{PUBLICLY AVAILABLE SPECIFICATION}\fi
+ %%%\newcommand{\notesname}{NOTES}
+\newcommand{\outofscopename}{The following are outside the scope of this }
+\newcommand{\tbpname}{To be published.}
+ January\or February\or March\or April\or May\or June\or
+ July\or August\or September\or October\or November\or December\fi
+ \space\number\day, \number\year}
+ \twocolumn
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+%% End of file `isov2.cls'.