path: root/Master/texmf-dist/tex/latex/gmutils/gmmw.sty
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'Master/texmf-dist/tex/latex/gmutils/gmmw.sty')
1 files changed, 368 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/Master/texmf-dist/tex/latex/gmutils/gmmw.sty b/Master/texmf-dist/tex/latex/gmutils/gmmw.sty
new file mode 100644
index 00000000000..78adfffac76
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Master/texmf-dist/tex/latex/gmutils/gmmw.sty
@@ -0,0 +1,368 @@
+%% \iffalse ^^A we skip the debug setting
+\IfFileExists{\string~/bin/gen_and_xela}{\errorcontextlines=1000 }{}
+%% \fi
+%% ^^A $Id: TheUltimateMaster.gmd,v 0.250 2010/10/24 14:42:35 natror Exp natror $
+%% This is file “gmmw.sty” generated with the DocStrip utility.
+%% The original source files were:
+%% gmutils/gmutils.gmd (with options: `mw')
+%% Copyright ©
+%% by Grzegorz ‘Natror’ Murzynowski
+%% natror (at) o2 (dot) pl
+%% This program is subject to the LaTeX Project Public License.
+%% See
+%% for the details of that license.
+%% LPPL status: "author-maintained".
+%% For the documentation please refer to the file(s)
+%% gmutils.{gmd,pdf}.
+ [2010/10/24 v0.993 improvements to the MWCLS classes (GM)]
+%% ^^A\typeout{\unexpanded{#4}}%%
+\AtBeginDocument{% because we don't know when exactly \pk{hyperref} is
+ % loaded and maybe after this package.
+ \@ifpackageloaded{hyperref}{\newcounter{NoNumSecs}%
+ \setcounter{NoNumSecs}{617}% to make |\ref|ing to an unnumbered section
+ % visible (and funny?).
+ \def\gmu@hyperrefstepcounter{\refstepcounter{NoNumSecs}}%
+ \pdef\gmu@targetheading#1{%
+ \hypertarget{#1}{#1}}}% end of then
+ {\def\gmu@hyperrefstepcounter{}%
+ \def\gmu@targetheading#1{#1}}% end of else
+}% of |\AtBeginDocument|
+ \if@mainmatter\else \HeadingNumberedfalse \fi}
+ \if@openright\cleardoublepage\else \clearpage\fi}
+ \edef\mw@HeadingLevel{\csname #1@level\endcsname
+ \space}% space delimits level number!
+ \ifHeadingNumbered
+ \ifnum \mw@HeadingLevel>\c@secnumdepth \HeadingNumberedfalse \fi
+ % \nostanza line below is in |\gmu@ifundefined| to make it work in classes
+ % other than \pk{mwbk}\nostanza
+ \gmu@ifundefined{if@mainmatter}{}{\gmu@dontnumbersectionsoutofmainmatter}
+ \fi
+%% \ifHeadingNumbered
+%% \refstepcounter{#1}%
+%% \protected@edef\HeadingNumber{\csname the#1\endcsname\relax}%
+%% \else
+%% \let\HeadingNumber\@empty
+%% \fi
+ \def\HeadingRHeadText{#2}%
+ \def\HeadingTOCText{#3}%
+ \def\HeadingText{#4}%
+ \def\mw@HeadingType{#1}%
+ \if\mw@HeadingBreakBefore
+ \if@specialpage\else\thispagestyle{closing}\fi
+ \gmu@ifundefined{if@openright}{}{\gmu@clearpagesduetoopenright}%
+ \if\mw@HeadingBreakAfter
+ \thispagestyle{blank}\else
+ \thispagestyle{opening}\fi
+ \global\@topnum\z@
+ \fi% of |\if\mw@HeadingBreakBefore|
+ \ifHeadingNumbered
+ \refstepcounter{#1}%
+ \protected@edef\HeadingNumber{\csname the#1\endcsname\relax}%
+ \else
+ \let\HeadingNumber\@empty
+ \gmu@hyperrefstepcounter % we step an auxiliary counter to make a
+ % hyperref's label/target.
+ \fi% of |\ifHeadingNumbered|
+ \if\mw@HeadingRunIn
+ \mw@runinheading
+ \else
+ \if\mw@HeadingWholeWidth
+ \if@twocolumn
+ \if\mw@HeadingBreakAfter
+ \onecolumn
+ \mw@normalheading
+ \pagebreak\relax
+ \if@twoside
+ \null
+ \thispagestyle{blank}%
+ \newpage
+ \fi% of |\if@twoside|
+ \twocolumn
+ \else
+ \@topnewpage[\mw@normalheading]%
+ \fi% of |\if\mw@HeadingBreakAfter|
+ \else
+ \mw@normalheading
+ \if\mw@HeadingBreakAfter\pagebreak\relax\fi
+ \fi% of |\if@twocolumn|
+ \else
+ \mw@normalheading
+ \if\mw@HeadingBreakAfter\pagebreak\relax\fi
+ \fi% of |\if\mw@HeadingWholeWidth|
+ \fi% of |\if\mw@HeadingRunIn|
+ }
+ \ifx\empty#1\relax\else% empty (not |\empty|!) |#1| also launches |\else|.\HideDef
+ \def\mw@HeadingRunIn{10}\def\mw@HeadingBreakBefore{10}%
+ \def\mw@HeadingBreakAfter{10}\def\mw@HeadingWholeWidth{10}%
+ \gmu@ifempty{#1}{}{\mw@processflags#1,\relax}% If |#1| is omitted,
+ % the flags are left unchanged. If |#1| is given, even as [], the
+ % flags are first cleared and then processed again.
+ \fi
+ \gmu@ifundefined{#2}{\@namedef{#2}{\mw@section{#2}}}{}%
+ \mw@secdef{#2}{@preskip} {#3}{2 oblig.}%
+ \mw@secdef{#2}{@head} {#4}{3 oblig.}%
+ \mw@secdef{#2}{@postskip}{#5}{4 oblig.}%
+ \ifx\empty#1\relax
+ \mw@secundef{#2@flags}{1 (optional)}%
+ \else\mw@setflags{#2}% \ResumeDef
+ \fi}
+\def\mw@secdef#1#2#3#4{% ^^B
+ \gmu@ifempty{#3}
+ {\mw@secundef{#1#2}{#4}}
+ {\@namedef{#1#2}{#3}}}
+ \gmu@ifundefined{#1}{%
+ \ClassError{mwcls/gm}{%
+ command \bslash#1 undefined \MessageBreak
+ after \bslash SetSectionFormatting!!!\MessageBreak}{%
+ Provide the #2 argument of \bslash SetSectionFormatting.}}{}}
+ \n@melet{gmu@addtoheading@resa}{#1@head}%
+ \edef\gmu@addtoheading@resa{\unexpanded{#2}\@xa\unexpanded{\gmu@addtoheading@resa}}%
+ \n@melet{#1@head}{gmu@addtoheading@resa}%
+}% of |\@ifnotmw|'s else.
+\@ifnotmw{}{% We proceed only in \acro{MWCLS}.
+ \@nobreaktrue
+ \xdef\gmu@prevsec{\mw@HeadingType}% added now
+ \everypar{%
+ \grelaxen\gmu@prevsec% added now. All the rest is original \LaTeX.
+ \if@nobreak
+ \@nobreakfalse
+ \clubpenalty \@M
+ \if@afterindent \else
+ {\setbox\z@\lastbox}%
+ \fi
+ \else
+ \clubpenalty \@clubpenalty
+ \everypar{}%
+ \fi}}
+ \gmu@ifundefined{gmu@prevsec}{}{%
+ \ifgmu@postsec% an additional switch that is true by default but
+ % may be turned into an \cs{ifdim} in special
+ % cases, see line \ref{gmu@postsec}.
+ {\@xa\mw@getflags\@xa{\gmu@prevsec}%
+ \glet\gmu@checkaftersec@resa\mw@HeadingBreakAfter}% \UnDef
+ \if\mw@HeadingBreakBefore\def\gmu@checkaftersec@resa{11}\fi% if the
+ % current heading inserts page break before itself, all the play
+ % with vskips is irrelevant.
+ \if\gmu@checkaftersec@resa\else
+ \penalty10000\relax
+ \skip\z@=\csname\gmu@prevsec @postskip\endcsname\relax
+ \skip\tw@=\csname\mw@HeadingType @preskip\endcsname\relax
+ \gmu@ifundefined{\mw@HeadingType @twoheadskip}{%
+ \ifdim\skip\z@>\skip\tw@
+ \vskip-\skip\z@% we strip off the post-skip of previous
+ % header if it's bigger than current pre-skip
+ \else
+ \vskip-\skip\tw@% we strip off the current pre-skip otherwise
+ \fi}{% But if the two-header-skip is defined, we put
+ % \emph{it}
+ \penalty10000
+ \vskip-\skip\z@
+ \penalty10000
+ \vskip-\skip\tw@
+ \penalty10000
+ \vskip\csname\mw@HeadingType @twoheadskip\endcsname
+ \relax}%
+ \penalty10000
+ \hrule height\z@\relax% to hide the last (un)skip before subsequent
+ % \incs{addvspace}s. \ilrr
+ \penalty10000
+ \fi
+ \fi
+ }% of |\gmu@ifundefined{gmu@prevsec}| `else'.
+}% of |\def\gmu@checkaftersec|.
+\def\ParanoidPostsec{% \label{gmu@postsec} this version of
+ % \inverb|\ifgmu@postsec| is intended for the special case of
+ % sections may contain no normal text, as while \pk{gmdoc}ing.
+ \def\ifgmu@postsec{% note this macro expands to an open \cs{if}.
+ \skip\z@=\csname\gmu@prevsec @postskip\endcsname\relax
+ \ifdim\lastskip=\skip\z@\relax% we play
+ % with the vskips only if the last skip is the previous
+ % heading's postskip (a~counter-example I~met while
+ % \pk{gmdoc}ing).
+ }}
+ \toks\z@={#1}%
+ \toks\tw@={#2}}
+ \@xa\gmu@getaddvs#1\gmu@getaddvs
+ \edef#1{%
+ \the\toks\z@\@nx\gmu@checkaftersec
+ \@nx\addvspace\the\toks\tw@}}
+}% of |\@ifnotmw|'s else.
+\@ifnotmw{}{% We define this declaration only when in \pk{mwcls}.
+ \SetSectionFormatting[breakbefore,wholewidth]
+ {part}{\z@\@plus1fill}{}{\z@\@plus3fill}%
+ %
+ \IfValueF{#1}{%
+ \gmu@ifundefined{chapter}{}{%
+ \SetSectionFormatting[breakbefore,wholewidth]
+ {chapter}
+ {66\p@}% |{67\p@}|% for Adventor/Schola 0,95.
+ {\FormatHangHeading{\LARGE}}
+ {27\p@\@plus0,2\p@\@minus1\p@}%
+ }%
+ }% of unless |#1|
+ %
+ \SetTwoheadSkip{section}{27\p@\@plus0,5\p@}%
+ \SetSectionFormatting{section}
+ {24\p@\@plus0,5\p@\@minus5\p@}% ^^A {24\p@\@plus5\p@\@minus2\p@}
+ {\FormatHangHeading {\Large}}
+ {10\p@\@plus0,5\p@}% ed.\ Krajewska of ``Wiedza Powszechna'', as
+ % we understand her, wants the skip between a~heading and text
+ % to be rigid.
+ %
+ \SetTwoheadSkip{subsection}{11\p@\@plus0,5\p@\@minus1\p@}%
+ \SetSectionFormatting{subsection}
+ {19\p@\@plus0,4\p@\@minus6\p@}
+ {\FormatHangHeading {\large}}% 12/14 pt
+ {6\p@\@plus0,3\p@}% after-skip 6\,pt due to p.12, not to squeeze
+ % the before-skip too much.
+ %
+ \SetTwoheadSkip{subsubsection}{10\p@\@plus1,75\p@\@minus1\p@}%
+ \SetSectionFormatting{subsubsection}
+ {10\p@\@plus0,2\p@\@minus1\p@}
+ {\FormatHangHeading {\normalsize}}
+ {3\p@\@plus0,1\p@}% those little skips should be smaller than
+ % you calculate out of a~geometric progression, because the
+ % interline skip enlarges them.
+ %
+ \SetSectionFormatting[runin]{paragraph}
+ {7\p@\@plus0,15\p@\@minus1\p@}
+ {\FormatRunInHeading{\normalsize}}
+ {2\p@}%
+ %
+ \SetSectionFormatting[runin]{subparagraph}
+ {4\p@\@plus1\p@\@minus0,5\p@}
+ {\FormatRunInHeading{\normalsize}}
+ {\z@}%
+}% of |\WPheadings|
+}% of |\@ifnotmw|
+\@ifnotmw{% we are not in \pk{mwcls} and want to
+ % handle \pk{mwcls}-like sectionings i.e., those written with two
+ % optionals.
+ \def\gmu@secini{gm@la}%
+ \Store@Macros{%
+ \partmark \chaptermark \sectionmark \subsectionmark
+ \subsubsectionmark \paragraphmark}%
+ % \Define\gmu@secxx
+ \def\gmu@secxx#1#2[#3]#4{%
+ \ifx\gmu@secstar\@empty
+ % \nostanza a~little trick to allow
+ % a~special version of the heading just to the running head.
+ \@namedef{#1mark}##1{% we redefine \cs{\<sec>mark} to gobble its
+ % argument and to launch the stored true marking command on the
+ % appropriate argument.
+ \storedcsname{#1mark}{#2}%
+ \Restore@MacroSt{#1mark}% after we've done what we
+ % wanted we restore original |\#1mark|.\ilrr
+ }%
+ \def\gmu@secstar{[#3]}% if |\gmu@secstar|
+ % is empty, which means the sectioning command was written
+ % starless, we pass the `true' sectioning command |#3| as the
+ % optional argument. Otherwise the sectioning command was written
+ % with star so the `true' s.c.\ takes no optional.
+ \fi
+ \@xa\@xa\csname\gmu@secini#1\endcsname
+ \gmu@secstar{#4}}%
+}{% we are in \pk{mwcls} and want to reverse MW's optionals order
+ % i.e., if there's just one optional, it should go both to toc and to
+ % running head.
+ \def\gmu@secini{gm@mw}%
+ %
+ \let\gmu@secmarkh\@gobble% in \pk{mwcls} there's no need to make
+ % tricks for special version to running headings.
+ % \Define\gmu@secxx
+ \def\gmu@secxx#1#2[#3]#4{%
+ \@xa\@xa\csname\gmu@secini#1\endcsname
+ \gmu@secstar[#2][#3]{#4}}%
+ \@ifnextchar[{\gmu@secxx{#1}{#2}}{\gmu@secxx{#1}{#2}[#2]}}% if
+\def\gmu@straightensec#1{% the parameter is for the command's name.
+ \gmu@ifundefined{#1}{}{% we don't change the ontological status of the
+ % command because someone may test it.
+ \n@melet{\gmu@secini#1}{#1}%
+ \@namedef{#1}{%
+ \gmu@ifstar{\def\gmu@secstar{*}\gmu@sec{#1}}{%
+ \def\gmu@secstar{}\gmu@sec{#1}}}}%
+\@ifnotmw{}{\do{paragraph}}% this `straightening' of
+%%% (For my GNU Emacs:)
+%%% Local Variables:
+%%% mode: doctex
+%%% coding: utf-8
+%%% End:
+%% End of file `gmmw.sty'.