path: root/Master/texmf-dist/tex/latex/economic/ajae.cls
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'Master/texmf-dist/tex/latex/economic/ajae.cls')
1 files changed, 255 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/Master/texmf-dist/tex/latex/economic/ajae.cls b/Master/texmf-dist/tex/latex/economic/ajae.cls
new file mode 100644
index 00000000000..bc580f661b1
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Master/texmf-dist/tex/latex/economic/ajae.cls
@@ -0,0 +1,255 @@
+%%% LaTeX class for manuscripts submitted to the
+%%% American Journal of Agricultural Economics (AJAE)
+%%% author: Arne Henningsen
+%%% version: 1.1 (6 October 2006)
+%%% license: LaTeX Project Public License
+%%% Note: This is an unofficial style file that may not fully comply
+%%% with the AJAE Formatting Instructions in every detail.
+%%% Please report any problems to <>.
+%%% Further information is available at
+%%% This document class is based on the "scrartcl" class
+%%% from the KOMA script bundle.
+%%% Following additional packages are required:
+%%% amsmath, babel, bm, courier, endfloat, endnotes, geometry,
+%%% helvet, mathptmx, natbib, setspace, titlesec, url
+%%% The class provides following options:
+%%% noendnotes - don't use endnotes (use footnotes)
+%%% noendfloat - don't move floats to the end of the paper
+%%% author - show name(s) of authors(s)
+%%% date - show date
+%%% preprint - print the 'preprint notice'
+%%% The corresponding BibTeX style file "ajae.bst" should be used
+%%% for the bibliography: \bibliographystyle{ajae}
+%%% This document class provides following new commands:
+%%% \keywords can be use to show keywors below the abstract
+%%% \jelclass can be use to show JEL classifications below the abstract
+%%% \leadingfootnote can be used to add a leading unnumbered footnote
+%%% \affiliation can be used to add affiliation information
+%%% \veclatin should be used for latin symbols that denote vectors
+%%% \matlatin should be used for latin symbols that denote matrices
+%%% \vecgreek should be used for greek symbols that denote vectors
+%%% \matgreek should be used for greek symbols that denote matrices
+%%% If you use footnotes, add following lines before the reference section:
+%%% \clearpage
+%%% \listofendnotes
+\ProvidesClass{ajae}[2006/08/22 LaTeX class for the American Journal of Agricultural Economics]
+% option to use footnotes in place of endnotes
+% option to NOT place floats at the end
+% option to show the authors' names
+% option to print the date
+% option to print the 'preprint notice'
+% pass any options on to the scrartcl class and load this class with some options
+% tablecaptionabove = use \captionabove for tables
+% page format, margins
+\geometry{letterpaper, tmargin=1.0in, bmargin=1.1in, lmargin=1.25in,
+ rmargin=1.25in, headheight=0in, headsep=0in, footskip=0.5in }
+% double spacing
+% spacing around (sub)section headers
+% spacing around formulas
+% spacing around captions and floats
+% font families: times/helvetica/courier
+% font for section headers
+% font for subsection headers
+% fonts for math
+% latin symbols for vectors and matrices
+% greek symbols for vectors and matrices
+% font for URLs
+% citations and bibliography
+% captions of figures and tables
+\renewcommand{\captionformat}{.\ }
+% section and subsections are not numbered
+% leading unnumbered footnote
+% titlepage without author and date
+ \begin{center}
+ \begin{LARGE}
+ \begin{spacing}{1.25}
+ \textbf{\@title}
+ \end{spacing}
+ \end{LARGE}
+ \vspace*{10mm}
+ \ifthenelse{\equal{\theShowAuthor}{1}}{
+ \begin{large}
+ \textbf{\@author}\\
+ \end{large}
+ \ifthenelse{ \isundefined\@affiliation }{}{
+ \vspace*{3mm}
+ \begin{small}
+ \@affiliation\\
+ \end{small}
+ }
+ \vspace*{5mm}
+ }{}
+ \ifthenelse{\equal{\theShowDate}{1}}{
+ \@date\\
+ \vspace*{5mm}
+ }{}
+ \ifthenelse{\equal{\theShowPreprintNote}{1}}{
+ \begin{small}
+ This is a preprint of an Article accepted for publication in
+ American Journal of Agricultural Economics.
+ \copyright{} \the\year ,
+ American Agricultural Economics Association
+ \end{small}
+ \vspace*{5mm}
+ }{}
+ \end{center}
+% abstract, keywords, JEL classification
+\begin{minipage}{0.9 \textwidth}
+\ifthenelse{ \isundefined\@keywords }{
+\ClassWarningNoLine{ajae}{No keywords specified.
+ Please use the command \protect\keywords}
+\smallskip\\ \noindent
+Key words: \@keywords
+\ifthenelse{ \isundefined\@jelclass }{
+\ClassWarningNoLine{ajae}{No JEL classification specified.
+ Please use the command \protect\jelclass}
+\smallskip\\ \noindent
+JEL classification: \@jelclass
+% use babel package and set language to english
+% avoid clubs and widows
+% \displaywidowpenalty=10000
+% increase stretchability of the spaces (avoid overful hboxes)
+% use endnotes in place of footnotes
+ \begingroup
+ \parindent 0pt
+ \parskip 2ex
+ \def\enotesize{\normalsize}
+ \theendnotes
+ \endgroup
+% move floats to the end of the paper
+% for compatibility with erae.cls
+\newcommand{\citetPage}[2]{\citeauthor{#2} (\citeyear{#2}, p.~#1)}
+\newcommand{\citepPage}[2]{\citetext{\citealp{#2}, p.~#1}}