path: root/Master/texmf-dist/tex/latex/cs-techrep/cs-techrep.cls
diff options
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+\ProvidesClass{cs-techrep}[2024/03/20 Technical Reports in Computer Science and Software Engineering v0.1]
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+\DefcstechrepVar{AuthorListBib} % Use *and* as author separator!
+\DefcstechrepVar{Department} % e.g., Department of Electrical Engineering, Media and Computer Science
+\DefcstechrepVar{Institution} % e.g., Ostbayerische Technische Hochschule Amberg-Weiden
+\DefcstechrepVar{Address} % e.g., Amberg, Germany
+\DefcstechrepVar{Series} % e.g., Technical Reports
+\DefcstechrepVar{Year} % e.g., 2023
+\DefcstechrepVar{Month} % e.g., 6 (for June)
+\DefcstechrepVar{Number} % e.g., CL-2023-42
+\DefcstechrepVar{Lang} % e.g., english = en-US (or: ngerman = DE)
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+ {À}{{\`A}}1 {È}{{\'E}}1 {Ì}{{\`I}}1 {Ò}{{\`O}}1 {Ù}{{\`U}}1
+ {ä}{ä}1 {ë}{{\"e}}1 {ï}{{\"i}}1 {ö}{ö}1 {ü}{{\"u}}1
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+ \typeout{cs-techrep class: load flushend package.}
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+%% End of file `cs-techrep.cls'.