path: root/Master/texmf-dist/tex/latex/cnltx/cnltx-doc.cls
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'Master/texmf-dist/tex/latex/cnltx/cnltx-doc.cls')
1 files changed, 903 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/Master/texmf-dist/tex/latex/cnltx/cnltx-doc.cls b/Master/texmf-dist/tex/latex/cnltx/cnltx-doc.cls
new file mode 100644
index 00000000000..82a826a11da
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Master/texmf-dist/tex/latex/cnltx/cnltx-doc.cls
@@ -0,0 +1,903 @@
+% --------------------------------------------------------------------------
+% the CNLTX bundle
+% LaTeX source code and output
+% --------------------------------------------------------------------------
+% Clemens Niederberger
+% Web:
+% E-Mail:
+% --------------------------------------------------------------------------
+% Copyright 2013 Clemens Niederberger
+% This work may be distributed and/or modified under the
+% conditions of the LaTeX Project Public License, either version 1.3
+% of this license or (at your option) any later version.
+% The latest version of this license is in
+% and version 1.3 or later is part of all distributions of LaTeX
+% version 2005/12/01 or later.
+% This work has the LPPL maintenance status `maintained'.
+% The Current Maintainer of this work is Clemens Niederberger.
+% --------------------------------------------------------------------------
+% If you have any ideas, questions, suggestions or bugs to report, please
+% feel free to contact me.
+% --------------------------------------------------------------------------
+\ProvidesClass{cnltx-doc}[\cnltx@@date\space \cnltx@@version\space
+ \cnltx@@info]
+ cnltx-doc/.cd,
+ scrartcl/.code = \PassOptionsToClass{#1}{scrartcl} ,
+ load-preamble/.is if = cnltx@load@preamble ,
+ add-index/.is if = cnltx@add@index ,
+ add-bib/.is if = cnltx@add@bib ,
+ load-preamble+/.code =
+ \booltrue{cnltx@load@preamble}
+ \booltrue{cnltx@add@index}
+ \booltrue{cnltx@add@bib} ,
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+ cnltx/.cd,
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+ \def\cnltx@index@prologue{#1}
+ \booltrue{cnltx@index@prologue} ,
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+ cnltx/.cd,
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+ {\RequirePackage{fontspec}}
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+ % libertine does not have superior letters:
+ \def\@makefnmark{%
+ \hbox{%
+ \cnltx@ifisnum{\@thefnmark}
+ {\textsu{\hspace*{\superiors@spaced}\@thefnmark}}
+ {\@textsuperscript{\normalfont\@thefnmark}}%
+ }%
+ }
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+ \ifboolexpr
+ {
+ test {\ifcsdef{MT@pr@set@@romansans}} and
+ test {\ifcsdef{MT@ex@set@@romansans}}
+ }
+ {}
+ {
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+ encoding = {*},
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+ }
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+ {}
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+ }
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+ {\setmonofont[Scale=MatchLowercase]{Bitstream Vera Sans Mono}}
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+ \textcolor{cnltx}{\partname~\thepart\autodot}}
+ \deffootnote{2em}{1em}{\llap{\thefootnotemark. }}%
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+ \setkomafont{captionlabel}{\cnltx@captionlabel@font}
+ \RequirePackage[
+ backend=biber,
+ style=cnltx,
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+ useprefix]{biblatex}
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+ \AtEndDocument{\printbibliography}
+ \AtEndPreamble{%
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+ [\cnltx@makeindex@setup,options={-s \cnltx@index@style}]
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+ \indexprologue
+ [\vspace{\cnltx@index@space}]
+ {\noindent\cnltx@index@prologue}
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+ \printindex
+ }%
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+ }%
+ }%
+% --------------------------------------------------------------------------
+% license information:
+% define those differently:
+ \LaTeX{} Project Public License%
+ \index{LPPL@{\cnltx@acronym@format lppl}}%
+ \GetTranslation{cnltx-license} ``#1.''%
+% CTAN:
+ Comprehensive \TeX\ Archive Network%
+ \index{CTAN@{\cnltx@acronym@format ctan}}%
+% --------------------------------------------------------------------------
+% package information:
+ \def\cnltx@tmpa##1 ##2 ##3\relax##4\relax{%
+ \gdef\cnltx@package@date{##1}%
+ \gdef\cnltx@package@version{##2}%
+ \gdef\cnltx@package@info{##3}}%
+ \edef\cnltx@tmpb{\csname ver@#1.#2\endcsname}%
+ \expandafter\cnltx@tmpa\cnltx@tmpb\relax? ? \relax\relax}
+ \newcommand*#1{\texorpdfstring{\cnltxpackagenameformat{#2}}{#2}}%
+% --------------------------------------------------------------------------
+% authors:
+ \listadd\cnltx@package@author@list
+ {\cnltx@read@name{#1}}%
+ \listadd\cnltx@package@author@pdflist
+ {\cnltx@extract@name{#1}}%
+% writing the names and email addresses:
+ \cnltx@read@name@aux#1[]\q@stop
+ \cnltx@get@first@and@second@name#1 \q@stop
+ \ifblank{#2}{}
+ {\cnltx@write@author@email#2\q@stop}%
+ \ifblank{#1}{}
+ {\footnote{\href{mailto:#1}{#1}}}%
+\protected\def\cnltx@get@first@and@second@name#1 #2\q@stop{%
+ \ifblank{#2}
+ {%
+ \cnltx@name[]{#1}%
+ \listgadd\cnltx@package@author@pdflist{#1}%
+ }
+ {%
+ \cnltx@name[#1]{\trim@spaces{#2}}%
+ \listgadd\cnltx@package@author@pdflist{#1 \trim@spaces{#2}}%
+ }%
+% getting the names for the pdf properties:
+ \cnltx@extract@name@aux#1[]\q@stop
+ #1\ifblank{#2}{}{\cnltx@extract@name@aux@i#2\q@stop}, %
+ \gdef\cnltx@author@sep{\gdef\cnltx@author@sep{\qquad}}%
+ \forlistloop{\cnltx@author@sep}\cnltx@package@author@list
+% --------------------------------------------------------------------------
+% options:
+ cnltx/.cd,
+ package/.code =
+ \ifcsdef{#1}{}{\expandafter\newpackagename\csname#1\endcsname{#1}}
+ \gdef\cnltx@package@name{#1}
+ \@ifpackageloaded{#1}
+ {\cnltx@getfileinfo{#1}{sty}}
+ {\cnltx@doc@warning{Package `#1' is not loaded, yet!}}
+ \booltrue{cnltx@package@name} ,
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+ \ifcsdef{#1}{}{\expandafter\newpackagename\csname#1\endcsname{#1}}
+ \gdef\cnltx@package@name{#1}
+ \@ifclassloaded{#1}
+ {\cnltx@getfileinfo{#1}{cls}}
+ {\cnltx@doc@warning{Class `#1' is not loaded, yet!}}
+ \booltrue{cnltx@package@name} ,
+ name/.code =
+ \ifcsdef{#1}{}{\expandafter\newpackagename\csname#1\endcsname{#1}}
+ \gdef\cnltx@package@name{#1}
+ \booltrue{cnltx@package@name} ,
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+ \gdef\cnltx@package@title{#1}
+ \booltrue{cnltx@package@title} ,
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+ \def\cnltx@title@format{#1} ,
+ build-title/.is if = cnltx@package@title ,
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+ \gdef\cnltx@package@subtitle{#1}
+ \booltrue{cnltx@package@subtitle} ,
+ authors/.code =
+ \gdef\cnltx@package@author@list{}
+ \forcsvlist{\cnltx@new@author}{#1} ,
+ date/.code = \gdef\cnltx@package@date{#1} ,
+ version/.code = \gdef\cnltx@package@version{#1} ,
+ info/.code = \gdef\cnltx@package@info{#1} ,
+ url/.code =
+ \gdef\cnltx@package@url{#1}
+ \booltrue{cnltx@package@url} ,
+ email/.code =
+ \gdef\cnltx@package@email{#1}
+ \booltrue{cnltx@package@email} ,
+ abstract/.code =
+ \gdef\cnltx@package@abstract{%
+ \parbox{\cnltx@package@abstract@width}{%
+ \cnltx@package@abstract@format
+ #1%
+ }%
+ }
+ \booltrue{cnltx@package@abstract} ,
+ abstract-width/.code =
+ \setlength\cnltx@package@abstract@width{#1} ,
+ abstract-format/.code =
+ \def\cnltx@package@abstract@format{#1}
+% --------------------------------------------------------------------------
+% command descriptions:
+ \@ifstar
+ {\cnltx@command@star}
+ {\cnltx@command@nostar}%
+ \@ifnextchar[
+ {\cnltx@command@star@opt{#1}}
+ {\cnltx@command@star@opt{#1}[]}%
+ \@ifnextchar[
+ {\cnltx@command@nostar@opt{#1}}
+ {\cnltx@command@nostar@opt{#1}[]}%
+ \ifblank{#2}
+ {\item\cs*{#1}}
+ {\item\cs*{#1}#2}%
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+ \ifblank{#2}
+ {\item\cs{#1}}
+ {\item\cs{#1}#2}%
+ \cnltx@checkdefault{\hfill\newline}%
+ \@ifnextchar\Module
+ {}
+ {%
+ \@ifnextchar\Default
+ {}
+ {%
+ \@ifnextchar\default
+ {}
+ {#1}%
+ }%
+ }%
+ \leftmargin=0pt
+ \labelwidth=2em
+ \labelsep=0pt
+ \itemindent=-1em
+ cnltx/.cd,
+ list-setup/.code = \def\cmltx@list@setup{#1}
+ {\list{}{\cmltx@list@setup}}
+ {\endlist}
+ {%
+ \let\command\cnltx@command
+ \cnltxlist
+ }
+ {\endcnltxlist}
+% --------------------------------------------------------------------------
+% option descriptions:
+ \@ifstar
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+ {\@cnltx@option@item@aux@nostar{#1}}%
+ \cnltx@ifdash
+ {\@cnltx@option@item@aux{#1}*-}
+ {\@cnltx@option@item@aux{#1}*{}}%
+ \cnltx@ifdash
+ {\@cnltx@option@item@aux{#1}{}-}
+ {\@cnltx@option@item@aux{#1}{}{}}%
+ \@ifnextchar\bgroup
+ {\@cnltx@option@two{#1#2#3}{#4}}
+ {\@cnltx@option@one{#1#2#3}{#4}}%
+ \item#1{#2}%
+ \cnltx@checkdefault{\hfill\newline}%
+ \item#1{#2}{#3}%
+ \cnltx@checkdefault{\hfill\newline}%
+ {%
+ \def\opt{\@cnltx@option@item\option}%
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+ \def\keylit{\@cnltx@option@item\keyis}%
+ \def\keychoice{\@cnltx@option@item\choicekey}%
+ \def\keybool{\@cnltx@option@item\boolkey}%
+ \cnltxlist
+ }
+ {\endcnltxlist}
+% --------------------------------------------------------------------------
+% environment descriptions:
+ \@ifstar
+ {\cnltx@environment@star}
+ {\cnltx@environment@nostar}%
+ \@ifnextchar[
+ {\cnltx@environment@star@opt{#1}}
+ {\cnltx@environment@star@opt{#1}[]}%
+ \@ifnextchar[
+ {\cnltx@environment@nostar@opt{#1}}
+ {\cnltx@environment@nostar@opt{#1}[]}%
+ \ifblank{#2}
+ {\item\beginenv*\code{\{}\env*{#1}\code{\}}}
+ {\item\beginenv*\code{\{}\env*{#1}\code{\}}#2}%
+ \cnltx@checkdefault{\hfill\newline}%
+ \ifblank{#2}
+ {\item\beginenv*\code{\{}\env{#1}\code{\}}}
+ {\item\beginenv*\code{\{}\env{#1}\code{\}}#2}%
+ \cnltx@checkdefault{\hfill\newline}%
+ {%
+ \let\environment\cnltx@environment
+ \cnltxlist
+ }
+ {\endcnltxlist}
+% --------------------------------------------------------------------------
+% default values:
+ \null\hfill
+ \@ifnextchar\bgroup
+ {\cnltx@Default@initial{#1}}
+ {%
+ \cnltx@ifbang
+ {\cnltx@Default@required{#1}}
+ {\cnltx@Default@empty{#1}}%
+ }%
+ \llap{\GetTranslation{cnltx-default}: \code{#2}}%
+ \ifblank{#1}{\newline}{}%
+ \llap{(\GetTranslation{cnltx-required})}%
+ \ifblank{#1}{\newline}{}%
+ \llap{(\GetTranslation{cnltx-empty})}%
+ \ifblank{#1}{\newline}{}%
+ \@ifstar
+ {\cnltx@Default{*}}
+ {\cnltx@Default{}}%
+ \let\cnltx@item\item
+ \def\item{\cnltx@item#1\let\item\cnltx@item}%
+ \begingroup
+ \reversemarginpar
+ \marginnote{\hfill#1\space}%
+ \endgroup
+ \cnltx@expandable@note{%
+ \textcolor{expandable}{\expandablesign}%
+ }%
+ \cnltx@expandable@note{%
+ \textcolor{unexpandable}{\expandablesign}%
+ }%
+ cnltx/.cd,
+ expandable-sign/.code = \def\expandablesign{#1}
+% --------------------------------------------------------------------------
+% modules:
+ cnltx/.cd,
+ module-sep/.code = \def\cnltx@module@sep{#1}
+ \cnltx@ifbang
+ {\cnltx@write@module{#1}{}}
+ {\cnltx@write@module{#1}{*}}%
+ \cnltx@module@text{#2}{#3}%
+ \ifblank{#1}{\cnltx@checkdefault{\hfill\newline}}{}%
+ \begingroup
+ \reversemarginpar
+ \marginnote{\hfill\module#1{#2}\cnltx@module@sep}%
+ \endgroup
+ \@ifstar
+ {\cnltx@module{*}}
+ {\cnltx@module{}}%
+% --------------------------------------------------------------------------
+% a environment for block quotes
+ cnltx/.cd ,
+ quote-format/.code = \def\cnltx@quote@format{#1} ,
+ quote-author-format/.code = \def\cnltx@quote@author@format{#1}
+ {%
+ \def\cnltx@quote@option{#1}%
+ \quote
+ \cnltx@quote@format
+ }
+ {%
+ \ifdefempty\cnltx@quote@option
+ {}
+ {%
+ \unskip\nobreak\hfil\penalty50
+ \hskip2em\hbox{}\nobreak\hfil
+ {\normalfont\cnltx@quote@author@format\cnltx@quote@option}%
+ \parfillskip0pt \finalhyphendemerits=0
+ \par
+ }%
+ \endquote
+ }
+% --------------------------------------------------------------------------
+% document title:
+ \newrobustcmd*\cnltx@tableofcontents{%
+ \begingroup
+ \let\tocbasic@listhead\@gobble
+ \tableofcontents
+ \endgroup
+ }%
+ \RequirePackage{multicol}
+ \AtBeginDocument{%
+ \ifbool{cnltx@package@name}
+ {\cnltx@title@information}
+ {%
+ \cnltx@doc@warning{%
+ No package/class name given. Hence I won't create an
+ automatic title%
+ }%
+ }%
+ }%
+ \thispagestyle{plain}
+ \begin{center}
+ \ifbool{cnltx@load@preamble}{}
+ {\renewcommand\thefootnote{\@fnsymbol\c@footnote}}%
+ \Huge
+ \scalebox{1.5}{%
+ \color{cnltx}%
+ \cnltx@title@format
+ \ifbool{cnltx@package@title}
+ {\cnltx@package@title}
+ {\cnltx@package@name}%
+ }%
+ \par\vskip.5cm\relax
+ \large
+ \ifbool{cnltx@package@subtitle}
+ {\cnltx@package@subtitle\par\vskip.5cm\relax}
+ {}%
+ \Large \cnltx@package@version \qquad \cnltx@package@date
+ \par\vskip.5cm\relax
+ \large
+ \cnltx@package@info
+ \par\vskip.5cm\relax
+ \large
+ \cnltx@package@authors
+ \normalsize
+ \ifbool{cnltx@package@url}
+ {%
+ \par\vskip.5cm\relax
+ \url{\cnltx@package@url}%
+ }{}%
+ \ifbool{cnltx@package@email}
+ {%
+ \par\vskip.5cm\relax
+ \href{mailto:\cnltx@package@email}{\cnltx@package@email}%
+ }{}%
+ \ifbool{cnltx@package@abstract}
+ {%
+ \par\vskip.5cm\relax
+ \cnltx@package@abstract
+ }{}%
+ \end{center}
+ \begin{multicols}{2}[\section*{\GetTranslation{cnltx-toc}}]
+ \cnltx@tableofcontents
+ \end{multicols}%
+% --------------------------------------------------------------------------
+% versioning:
+ cnltx/.cd,
+ version-note-format/.code = \renewcommand*\versionnoteformat{#1} ,
+ \@bsphack
+ \begingroup
+ \reversemarginpar
+ \marginnote
+ {%
+ \versionnoteformat
+ \textcolor{versionnote}{#1}%
+ }%
+ \endgroup
+ \@esphack
+ \@ifstar
+ {\cnltx@newnote@aux{*}}
+ {\cnltx@newnote@aux{}}%
+ \@ifnextchar[%]
+ {\cnltx@newnote@aux@i{#1}{#2}}
+ {\cnltx@newnote@aux@i{#1}{#2}[0]}%
+ \@ifnextchar[%]
+ {\cnltx@newnote@aux@ii{#1}{#2}{#3}}
+ {\cnltx@newnote@aux@iii{#1}{#2}{#3}}%
+ \ifblank{#1}
+ {\newrobustcmd#2[#3][#4]{\cnltx@version@note{#5}}}
+ {\newrobustcmd*#2[#3][#4]{\cnltx@version@note{#5}}}%
+ \ifblank{#1}
+ {\newrobustcmd#2[#3]{\cnltx@version@note{#4}}}
+ {\newrobustcmd*#2[#3]{\cnltx@version@note{#4}}}%
+% --------------------------------------------------------------------------
+% hyperlinks:
+ on \ctan\ as \code{#2}: \url{}%
+ \pkg{#2}\footnote{\CTANurl[#1]{#2}}%
+ \cls{#2}\footnote{\CTANurl[#1]{#2}}%
+ \RequirePackage{hyperref}%
+ \pdfstringdefDisableCommands{%
+ \def\cnltx@name[#1]#2{#1 #2, }%
+ \def\cnltxpackagenameformat#1{#1}%
+ }%
+ \hypersetup
+ {
+ colorlinks = true,
+ allcolors = link ,
+ plainpages = false,
+ bookmarksopen = true,
+ bookmarksopenlevel = 1,
+ bookmarksnumbered = true,
+ pdfauthor = {\forlistloop{}\cnltx@package@author@pdflist},
+ pdftitle =
+ {\cnltx@package@name\space\cnltx@package@version\space Manual},
+ pdfsubject = {\cnltx@package@info},
+ pdfstartview = FitH
+ }%
+% --------------------------------------------------------------------------
+% localization strings:
+\DeclareTranslationFallback{cnltx-empty}{initially empty}
+\DeclareTranslation{English}{cnltx-empty}{initially empty}
+\DeclareTranslation{German}{cnltx-empty}{zun\"achst leer}
+\DeclareTranslationFallback{cnltx-toc}{Table of Contents}
+\DeclareTranslation{English}{cnltx-toc}{Table of Contents}
+ Permission is granted to copy, distribute and/or modify this software under
+ the terms of the \LPPL\ (\lppl), version 1.3 or later
+ (\url{}). The software has the status%
+ Permission is granted to copy, distribute and/or modify this software under
+ the terms of the \LPPL\ (\lppl), version 1.3 or later
+ (\url{}). The software has the status%
+ Es ist erlaubt, diese Software unter den Bedingungen der \LPPL\ (\lppl),
+ Version 1.3 oder sp\"ater, zu kopieren und zu verteilen
+ (\url{}). Sie hat den Status%
+\DeclareTranslationFallback{cnltx-introduced}{Introduced in version}
+\DeclareTranslation{English}{cnltx-introduced}{Introduced in version}
+\DeclareTranslation{German}{cnltx-introduced}{Eingef\"uhrt in Version}
+\DeclareTranslationFallback{cnltx-changed}{Changed in version}
+\DeclareTranslation{English}{cnltx-changed}{Changed in version}
+\DeclareTranslation{German}{cnltx-changed}{Ge\"andert in Version}
+\DeclareTranslationFallback{cnltx-maintainer}{current maintainer}
+\DeclareTranslation{English}{cnltx-maintainer}{current maintainer}
+\DeclareTranslation{German}{cnltx-maintainer}{aktueller Maintainer}
+\DeclareTranslationFallback{cnltx-maintainers}{current maintainers}
+\DeclareTranslation{English}{cnltx-maintainers}{current maintainers}
+\DeclareTranslation{German}{cnltx-maintainers}{aktuelle Maintainer}
+% --------------------------------------------------------------------------
+2013/09/08 v0.1 - first working version
+2013/09/10 v0.2 - added optional argument to \license
+ - \newname got moved to `cnltx-tools'
+ - added possibility for internationalization
+ - new macros \needpackage and \needclass
+ - option for formatting the document title
+2013/09/12 v0.3 - new class options `add-index', `load-preamble+' and
+ `scrartcl'
+ - new options `index-prologue' and `index-space'
+ - new file `'
+ - added \Module
+ - added optional ! to the \Default command
+ - add safety net: provide necessary commands in the aux-file
+ if they're not defined at begin document
+2013/09/12 v0.3a - automatic preamble detects xelatex and lualatex and selects
+ the fonts accordingly
+2013/09/15 v0.4 - possiblity to add an email address for each author, written
+ as footnote; they get symbols if the `load-preamble'
+ options is not used
+ - fixed bug in index setup mechanism
+ - added biblatex entry type `package' and biblatex style
+ `cnltx'
+2013/09/20 v0.5 - new commands \expandable and \unexpandable
+ - new environment `cnltxquote', formatting via options
+ `quote-format' and `quote-author-format'
+ - changed scaling of `beramono' from `.83' to `.81' -- seems
+ a better fit in relation to Linux Libertine
+2013/09/24 v0.6 - workaround for footnotes in minipages => libertine does not
+ have superior letters
+ - new options `abstract-format' and `abstract-width'
+2013/09/30 v0.7 - added better microtype settings to the predefined preamble
+ - replaced \def's with \newcommand or \newrobustcmd
+2013/10/04 v0.7a - renamed \cnltx@package@name@format into
+ \cnltxpackagenameformat
+ - added \cnltxpackagenameformat to the disabled pdfstring
+ commands
+ - added possibility to define a opitonal argument with
+ \newnote
+% --------------------------------------------------------------------------